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2013.02.20 08:50 UnholyDemigod Reddit's most historical posts and comments

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2009.02.09 04:17 Let's Hang Out

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2010.12.11 18:02 As If History Matters

Welcome to EconomicHistory! Economic history is the study of economic phenomena in the past. This is a subreddit for any journal articles, news articles, discussions, questions, or other media pertaining to this discipline. If you are looking to become more familiar with key topics in economic history, please consider reviewing our Reading List!

2024.05.20 08:10 PCLoadPLA Want to improve my git workflow

I'm a hobby programmer and I use git for personal use. My cases are very simple...I have a repository for each project, and I commit my code frequently and push to github every so often. I very rarely branch anything because tbh I don't know how. In the past I've created some feature branches before, but for the little stuff I work on, I don't need to. I'm that noob.
I've got myself into compiling custom configurations of Marlin firmware for 3D printers. Marlin is hosted on github in two repositories: "Marlin" and "Configurations". The first is all the source, and the second is masses of example header and and configuration files for the hundreds of embedded boards that you can put Marlin on. To actually compile Marlin, you need to copy the correct configuration files into the Marlin source directory and compile from there using platformio (I've got that all figured out).
My question is about the proper git workflow, including best practices and etiquette. I'm compiling firmwares for many different machines and I would like to use git properly to make my life easier and also, every configuration I compile is potentially a pre-compiled firmware that somebody in the world can use and save a lot of work, and I would like to host that output somewhere for the community and myself.
  1. To get started, I cloned the whole Marlin and Configuration repositories to my Linux machine. git log shows all the developer commit history and all.
  2. Versions are a big deal since bugs appear and are fixed frequently according to release versions. It appears the Marlin community make one branch for each release version. When I first cloned the repository, it was on the latest bugfix/testing branch. So I checked out a branch called "2.1.1 LTS", and I assume when I compile this, I'm compiling "version 2.1.1 LTS", but I'm struggling for a way to confirm that. Maybe this is obvious to users of git, but there's nothing visible that changed after I checked out 2.1.1 branch. It was kind of anticlimatic. There are no comments in the header files that says they are "for version 2.1.1" or anything; my only evidence is that git branch shows I'm on a branch called 2.1.1; is that all I need to know to know I'm compiling 2.1.1?
  3. Can I break anything? I assume as long as I never push, I'm not going to like, mess up anything for the Marlin project. And I don't think I can push anyway, I would have to submit a pull request for any changes I would make to the source, and although I've already tweaked the source, it's unlikely I will make any useful code changes.
  4. I'm creating tons of firmware configurations and binaries and testing them repeatedly. I want to use git myself, for my own purposes, to track my work. But I'm ALREADY working in a git repository....the Marlin one. Should I start committing to this repository, even with no intent ever to push my changes back to the Marlin project? I actually have a top-level "3D printing" repository that I use to track my 3D modeling and designs, and normally "firmware" is just a subfolder in my 3D printing repository. Without thinking about it, when I cloned Marline I cloned it into my "firmware" directory, so now the whole Marline repository is living underneath my 3D printing repository. For the moment I just added the whole directory to my .gitignore, but I'm in desperate need of using git to track my firware compilations, I just don't know whether to start committing to the Marlin repository, or somehow just add the Marlin .git to my top-level .gitignore and start commiting to my normal git repository, or something completely different, please help

submitted by PCLoadPLA to git [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:10 aweirdonamedsock How Would You "Fix" Villagers?

So, many people agree the villagers in NH were too samey and they needed more dialogue. And, obviously when a new game comes out the hope is that they improve this. But tbh, I think Nintendo could do so much more with villagers. Imagine for a moment, you are in the design room, what do you think would make villagers notably better than they are currently that's reasonably achievable?
Here's my hot take, even if the villagers had 100 extra lines of dialogue there's still a problem, at least 2 of my villagers are exactly the same. There's 10 villagers and 8 personalities, which means no matter what you have minimum 2 repeated personalities (and let's be real, most people have more repeats than that) which contributes massively to the dialogue feeling stale.
Is the solution more personality types? No! Because the second thing everyone complains about is wanting more villagers, so we would just run into the problem again.
So whats my solution? Giving villagers more dialog "pools" to draw from. A villagers personality would set their base dialogue (sidebar: I would like at least 2 personalities to be standoffish if not outright mean so it's more rewarding to befriend them, ur girl loves a project), then they would have 2-3 other traits/interests that they could "grab" dialogue from instead.
Depending on how in depth they wanted to go, this could functionally replace hobbies. Here are some example traits/interests, with some "hobby" style reactions to go with them:
So for example Sherb could be [Lazy, Goat, Snowy], and Biskit could be [Lazy, Dog, Stargazer]. Even just one extra "trait" would help these villagers feel like different characters with similar personalities rather than 1 guy wearing different hats, and it would mean if the dialogue got stale there would be a reason to let your villager move out for someone else with different interests, even if their personality is the same.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, remember Nintendo is one of the biggest game companies in the world and it is not unreasonable to hold them to higher standards, tip ur waitress, etc, etc.
submitted by aweirdonamedsock to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:05 Scruffnug Strong trauma bond to my Ex-boyfriend

For years I wanted to get away, a few times I had but he would reach back out and pull me back in. I was so angry and hurry the last six months we were together. At the same time it did kind of seem like he was trying to be better. I'm not sure if that's the trauma bond taking or if he really was trying.
He got arrested for throwing something at me hard enough to leave a mark and threatening my dogs. This wasn't the first time he got physical with me.
I was scared it would escalate if I stayed. When he called me from jail I didn't know if I could believe anything he told me. He asked me to help get him out but I couldn't bring myself to do it even if I appreciated him calling me.
The first month was extremely difficult, I was not emotionally stable or sane. I got myself three therapist so I could have a session every other day because of how bad it was. After the first month one therapist told me I was beyond her skill set and knowledge to help but she felt for me. I such with my other two for another two months with therapy twice a week. I'm down to once because the other kept asking "what can I help you with", but he did help in the beginning we just got past the point where I needed knowledge not emotional support anymore. My remaining therapist is wonderful and I try to see him twice a week but I have a long way to go to break the trauma bond.
I'm not angry or scared anymore, I'm just left with an intense longing for my ex. I miss him every day and it sucks he is just off my rout to work. I look at that street every day, twice a day, and think about how close he is and how I wish I could see him. This is also an area I'm in often to see friends or eat. Then there is where he works at an auto shop, which is also just off the highways I take often. I never imagine having him arrested and charged would have been so painful. I regret it so much and I wish I had insisted the police leave instead of letting them talk to him. I would take all the abuse again just so I don't have to deal with this pain, I don't even want to live anymore (my friend is keeping me safe). I've never had a issue cutting people off so I don't understand why I'm so strongly attached to him after all the abuse. Even when I recount all the horrible things he did and said to me or watch the videos, I want him back. I keep wanting to reach out but he blocked me for ruining his life.
It's affected my work, memory, information processing, self-care, and checking. I have piles of laundry everywhere and no clothes for work that's clean. I didn't shower often anymore or brush my teeth. I read the some sentences a few times over and still don't understand. I can hardly remember anything from the day before most days. I'm just going to turn in my affidavit so I can walk away from all of this.
I hate what he did to me. I regret letting the cops come in. I hate that I feel like I ruined his life - I never wanted to be responsible for ruining someone's life. I had no idea this was going to negatively affect me this much, I regret it. I miss him.... I hate that I miss him, he was horrible to me.... I wish he would talk to me or hug me. It doesn't have to be now but I want him back.
submitted by Scruffnug to domesticviolence [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 75976345 A repost by request:

The mods of ProRevenge exercised their judgement that, fair enough, my childhood story did not constitute revenge. I respect the decision. Apparently it was crossposted to another sub first, though, but the thing was too dang long and ended up cut off. I will provide the full post here and give full permission for anyone who is able to, to post the second half on the reddit it was crossposted to, but I would only like to say first:
I only use reddit to troubleshoot tech issues since Google is down the drain now, and read BoRU posts on occasion. In general, I like to keep a very low social media footprint. So please understand that this will be my final word on this post. :)
This happened decades ago now, back in primary school. I only remembered it because I was recently catching up with old friends from back then, and we got to laughing over old stories and then someone mentioned, "The wildest was when you organised that whole protest against our teacher."
"The time I did what?"
The consensus was I did, indeed, organise the entire class to rebel against our teacher that resulted in her being deposed and our class getting a "substitute" for the rest of the year. I almost fell out of my chair hearing this story from their mouths. It wasn't that I didn't remember it, of course I did--that year was awful. It was just that it existed very differently in my memory.
Two important pieces of background knowledge to understand here:
I went to a very very small, very very rural school. How small? Each classroom was composed of the entire year level, and the largest had at most 30 kids in them. My class/year level was on the smallest in the entire school, with a piddling 14 kids in it altogether. While we still had our cliques and factions, our small size caused our class to be very tight knit and protective of each other. How rural? The school building itself was incredibly small, but one thing we were not short on was gigantic empty fields surrounding us on all sides. Great for sports, great for (it turns out) student protests.
I was, at the time, undiagnosed autistic. I mean I still am autistic, I'm just formally diagnosed now. But back then I was just seen as being a very quirky kid. One of the ways this quirkiness manifested was that I really had trouble adapting to the rules and structure of grade school and how it differed from what I was used to. At home if I wanted to pee, I just went to the toilet. Now I have to put my hand up? Now I have to ask permission to piss? Then I went home and put my hand up to ask my mom for permission to pee and she told me I didn't need to! Madness! Chaos! I don't care what the rules are, please just be consistent!
But one of the main parts of my brain and the way it works is that sometimes my brain, separate from my will, would just make a decision about a course of action and I would very calmly commit to it come hell or high water. Like, it is vitally important that I stay true to this course of action. I can't explain it. It's like I set a rule for myself and if something disrupts that, I just shut down and stop functioning.
So when the school said, "Okay, when this bell rings during recess/lunch, that means you have to leave the playground and go back to class", I was a confused child already struggling with all these completely nonsensical limitations and guidelines imposed on me. So when that bell rang, I got that calm little voice in my head that said, "Hmm, no, I'm good out here actually. I don't think I will go back into class." So I would just continue to sit out on the playground, playing with my plastic spider toys or sitting on the swing. Teachers would realise what was going on and come out to get me and tell me I have to go back to class, and I would just very calmly hear them out and then smile at them and politely as possible tell them, "No thank you, I want to stay out here."
They really didn't know what to do with me. I wasn't getting upset, I wasn't throwing a tantrum, I wasn't yelling, I wasn't being rude in any way. I was incredibly docile and would let them explain things to me with endless patience and then just politely refute them and go back to what I was doing, like this was just a very normal and reasonable negotiation between two equal parties. I have memories of sitting on the swing while three very confused and flustered adult staff huddled around me trying to bribe me with candy to go back to class. It would take a whole lesson block to lure me back to the classroom, and then at lunch the whole thing would start over again. It took me three years at school to finally accept the status quo thanks to a religious nutter I got for a teacher, and finally went back to class when the bell rang (was never happy about it though).
I eventually settled into school life. Excelled at subjects I liked, at least passed subjects I didn't, followed the rules, was seen as intelligent and obedient and was often liked by my teachers. Until my final year, when we got the teacher I can only rudely monniker Mrs Bigmouth.
Mrs Bigmouth should not have been a teacher. She had a trigger temper and would explode into long, verbally abusive tirades against us if we ever did anything she felt was disrespectful behaviour. What was disrespectful behaviour? Damned if I know. It changed day by day, depending on mood. You could disrespect her to her face one day and she'd laugh and say you have such razor wit, and politely ask a question the next and she'd scream at you for ten nonstop minutes then give you a week of DT for talking back. The absolute peak moment of her boiling temper came when she threw a dictionary at a girl's head because she was whispering to me in class. When I tell you it missed her by half an inch...
But believe it or not, this wasn't what made her such an awful teacher. It was so hard to get teachers at rural schools back then, there was almost nothing you could do to get fired, so we had experience with teachers with nightmare tempers. What made her such an issue was her big mouth. She used us, her trapped audience, as free therapy. She would infodump, traumadump, about her very personal, very private life to us. All day. She'd be two words into a spelling list and launch into an extended story session about her marital issues with her husband. We'd be heads down doing fractions and, unprompted, she'd declare to the class that her adult daughter no longer talks to her and then diatribe to us about it until the bell rang. She had money issues, a contentious relationship with her parents, her marriage was on the rocks. She once pulled me aside after school and spoke with me, at length, about how she was thinking of having another child to try to repair her marriage. I was like, okay lady, I'm 11, about to miss my bus, and my house is a 4 hour walk on foot from here.
We weren't learning. We'd hadn't had a complete lesson since the first week of the school year. We were behind on the cirriculum and frustrated. One kid had brought a stopwatch into school and would time lessons vs her monologues and kept detailed lists, and we would come to school each morning and do betting pools on them. What subject would she interrupt, what would she talk about, and how long would it go.
But all that still wasn't the breaking point if you can believe it. No! Still not! The problem was it wasn't just her own private life she couldn't keep her mouth shut about. It was everyone else's. Because parents would make the reasonable assumption that she should be told things as our class teacher that would be important to know, and that she would understand these things were said in confidence. Instead she would veer randomly off in the middle of talking to us about her horrible weekend to let us know whatever private or traumatic thing was going on in a classmate's life that she had been made aware of. That was awful. That was what made that year hell. It wasn't even about when my secrets were shared with the entire class against my consent. It was watching the faces of my small, lovely, supportive class of 11 year old children go pale and scrunch up with held-back tears as things they never wanted to share were announced like morning news. God we hated her.
Then one day that voice came. The one I hadn't heard in years. The bell ring to go back into class and that voice said, "But I don't want to be in that classroom. I'm not even being taught there." So I just... didn't. I didn't go back to class. I just sat in the playground in a daze eating grass (don't eat grass, it's not good for your teeth). Despite how small my class was, I don't think Mrs Bigmouth even noticed I wasn't there. Others did though. Come lunch and everyone came out, my friends asked me where I was and I said, "Oh, I didn't go back to class."
"Why didn't you go back to class?"
"Why would I go back to class?"
Lightbulb moment for my schoolmates. Yeah, why would they go back to class? What was the point? From a practical standpoint, they weren't learning. From an emotional standpoint, it was horrible to be there. A friend who had had her family's dirty laundry aired to the entire class just last week, things even she didn't know because her parents tried to keep it from her, asked if she could sit with me rather than go back to class. I just stared at her, vacant and confused.
"Sure? I mean, I'm just eating grass though."
Over the next few days, two kids turned into four, turned into ten, turned into the whole class. The whole class was doing a sit-out protest on the field rather than go back to class. Of course Mrs Bigmouth tried to do something about it. She'd come out, screaming at us and threatening us with DT and internal suspension, but six months of that behaviour had totally vaccinated us against her. I'd become the de facto leader and spokesperson of the protest by merit of being the first to sit out and also because I was well known to not give a shit (autistic brain: I actually just frequently had trouble reading and reacting with the correct social behaviour but it gave me a cool and aloof bad boy mystique I guess). I gave her the exact same treatment from back in grade one. I would let her scream, let her holler, let her threaten, let her spittle rain down on me, and then I would give her a sweet and innocent smile and nod in acknowledgement and say, "No thank you, we're going to remain out here." And thirteen pairs of eyes would stare at her in total silence. No one, not even the most gobbermouthed little shite in the class, would volunteer a word. The unspoken agreement was all negotiations were my responsibility.
The thing about angry people is that they feed off conflict. They get you angry so they can respond with even more anger and it nourishes them. She had no absolutely no plan of action on how to deal with me patiently hearing her out then refuting her in the gentlest of terms.
Another thing that ended up helping down the line is that we made an attempt to conduct our own classes. I mean, they sucked and we didn't learn much because we were kids with no supervision, but it was really cute in retrospect. We'd have groups of people assigned to subjects, with some people bringing in words they found in a dictionary for spelling lists and others bringing in old 6th grade homework from older siblings. The heart was there and it served a purpose, if not educational.
"Okay, but how did no one else notice this was happening? Surely people would notice 14 kids sitting on the lawn, not in class?"
Rural school. Big. Empty. Fields. Even screaming at us, the most other classrooms would hear would be muffled voices, and everyone was used to hearing her yelling at us or taking us out onto the field abruptly to make us do laps as group punishment. Plus the way the school buildings were arranged was that it was actually all in one straight line of adjacent rooms, and ours happened to be at the very end of the building. No windows faced the field we all sat in except that of our own classroom. It was just a very lucky arrangement of coincidences and preconceived notions, at least for a couple weeks. I couldn't tell you the exact number, this was so long ago and as a kid I definitely had a more stretched idea of time. Minutes felt like hours, especially during that year. But there was definitely at least two weekends that passed by since the "sit-out protest" started.
Eventually someone cottoned on to what was happening, or maybe Mrs Bigmouth humbled herself and finally confessed to her boss that she had lost control of a bunch of 11-year-olds, so we were called into the principal's office to sort this out. As the representative of our class, I was of course chosen to attend the meeting, flanked by the girl who'd had the dictionary thrown at her head and my friend who was the first to sit out with me. Since I understood that this meeting was one where we were probably going to be yelled at for doing the wrong thing, a thing I had ample experience of, I felt like the easiest way to mitigate things (especially since I felt guilty for being the instigator) was to explain in a very rational and logical way the series of events that led up to our bad behaviour. As well, for my entire life my mother had always taught me that it was no good complaining about things unless you were also willing to think of solutions. "I'm hungry!" - "Well, what's a solution to that problem?" - "Uh, make myself a sandwich?" - "Great! Let's do that together!"
So what did I do? Of course, to make things as clean and concise as possible, I interviewed my class one by one to hear each individual story of why they didn't feel comfortable going to class anymore, itemised them under categories (Verbal Aggression; Interruptions of Lessons; Oversharing Student Life) for easier discussion because my little quirky brain loved itemising things, and then as a kind of olive branch came up with solutions (we wanted to finish lessons unhindered, we wanted our personal privacy to be respected, we wanted to be able to catch our bus on time rather than being held back with unfair DT or long "chats"). So many things sort of came together in this beautiful, wholly accidental way. We had months of records of timed rants and monologues, noted down to the millisecond thanks to that kid's stopwatch. We had records of us trying to teach ourselves during the protests, showing this wasn't us just not wanting to go to class but due to us feeling as though we did not have a class to go to. When the principal heard all this, her jaw it the floor. A lot of it was stuff she knew, peripherally, but things had just never been laid out so neatly before. Some of it was stuff we'd complained to parents about, but it was one kid coming home and telling one parent one time, weeks ago. There was no real sense, up until now, the sheer scope of her behaviour. She didn't even answer us. She just said, "Okay, I need to call your parents."
We got the rest of the week off school. That weekend, every parent of every student came to a meeting between them, Mrs Bigmouth, and the principal. Stories were swapped. My exercise book with my tidy little lists and the records of the betting pool and monologue times were confiscated and brought into the meeting. I don't know what went down, but when my mother came home she just told me that Mrs Bigmouth would not be our problem for the rest of the school year, and more importantly, that she was incredibly proud of me and that I did the right thing. Rarely in my childhood had my inability to integrate into normal society led me to doing the right thing, so I just remember crying and hugging and feeling vindicated about, I don't know, just existing or something.
So yeah. From the outside perspective here is what it looked like: I, the ringleader with a history of dismissing school rules, organised a sit-out strike amongst my class. I kept the protest peaceful and non-disruptive to other classes. When negotiations with the principal were finally arranged, as the representative I compiled a clear list of greivances, with evidence, and a list of reasonable demands. I mean, holy crap, yes, yes I clearly organised a student protest.
The actual results of it are mixed. We got a revolving door of substitute teachers of varying quality for the rest of the school year, occasionally being bundled into other classrooms entirely when they couldn't find someone. It wasn't a great learning environment and we continued to struggle a lot, but it was better than before. Mrs Bigmouth was not actually fired but put on leave for the rest of the school year, then returned and was put in charge of a different year level (which happened to be the class of the younger sister of a guy in my class: according to him, she was quiet as a church mouse that entire year so I hope at least she learned her lesson, or at least finally got divorced and went to actual therapy). The entire ordeal caused our already small and close class to become really really supportive and like family to each other and we all remain in touch until this day. And we became fierce about standing up for ourselves.
I kind of learned to parse the difference between when it was appropriate to go along with set societal rules even if I don't understand them, and when those rules were just straight up unreasonable and nobody should be required to follow them. I did, years alter, lead an actual (very small) strike at work but intentionally that time. My mother was proud of me then too. :)
Actually, this is my final word on this post:
I am sending much love from across the internet to every neurodivergent person who saw themselves in this story and a possibility of how being out of the ordinary can also mean being extraordinary. You are fantastic! You are fantastic! You are fantastic! I will say it three times so you understand the importance of it!
submitted by 75976345 to u/75976345 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 submissivekitty2828 PSA: We have far more concrete dates than people let on.

At one point I was thinking about the timeline of FNaF, and decided to write out every concrete date we have. The dates we know for certain are:
And doing this made me realize something. With the number of dates we have, a lot of people are just guessing instead of working around them. Most notably, the reuse of certain weekdays/months can help us understand dates that aren't confirmed. For example:
Now that we've covered every possible point from the Clickteam games, let's take this information and form a timeline. Please note that not all of the specifics will be agreed upon, but I believe the general dates are correct.
And that's it. This post took me all day writing out and double-checking to make sure I didn't get anything incorrect, but I'm sure there are a few typos or inconsistencies and that there are pieces of information I've missed. After all, no one knows all the answers about FNaF except Scott himself, and even Scott makes mistakes. But I feel confident in this and hope that it leaves some sort of impact.
submitted by submissivekitty2828 to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:00 muaddict071537 Why does House not use his cane correctly?

This is one thing that’s always bugged me. The correct way to use a cane is to have it on the opposite side of the injured leg, but House uses it on the same side as his bad leg. You’d think that as a doctor, he’d know the proper way to use a cane and use it correctly.
They even mention on the show that he uses it on the wrong side. He injures the shoulder on his cane side, and the woman checking it out says, “Maybe you could use your cane correctly for once.” In that episode, he gets a different cane and uses it on the correct side due to his shoulder, only to go right back to using it the incorrect way.
Is there any reason for this? Since it’s mentioned on the show that he uses it incorrectly, I’m assuming it’s not an oversight. But why does he do it like that?
submitted by muaddict071537 to HouseMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:59 Any_Community5308 She has more body count than me, and I feel taken advantage

I'm a 25(M), I won't go to too much detail, but my girlfriend of 3 months said she had a body cout of 10 or more, and just a month before we become official she said may sexual partner siya nun and very active, and had frequent sexual partners before. Recently lang we had sex, and during sex doon lumalabas yung parang history nya with other guys(if you know what I mean), when I asked her about sa history nya sa other guys, ang reason nya lang is she's sexualy frustrated(note: she used to do it raw)and I get that, but as for me, I had only one sexual partner before her which is years ago and really serious one, and only broke up due to our parents at the time.
I really do love her, she's sweet, cute, and most of all magaling magmahal, and not only that legal kame, meaning both sides ng fam alam na partners kame. It's just that her body count really bothers me, I feel like at any moment she could be taken away from me by some other guy, and that shes easy to get. Pag pumapasok sa utak ko yung ginawa nya with her previous partners, I feel sick and don't know what to think anymore. What should I do?
hindi pa nakakatulong yung mga friends nya na cheater din, plus hindi kami lagi nag kikita due to her busy sched. Gusto ko ito bring up sa kanya pero baka isipin nya, masado naman akong childish. Any tips would be helpful on what to do.
submitted by Any_Community5308 to AskPhilippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:59 7coaching If You Want to Turn YouTube into a Business, Please Read [advice]

Hey dude I'm going to keep this introduction short and to the point.
This is what I learned for youTube success.
These strategies work, no BS, they work, they work very well.
And I write this as I know you may be like I was some time ago (wanting to turn content into a long term business).

I’ve tested these methods on new & existing channels both big and small and even with channels that do not have English as their native language.

These can really make a huge, huge, huge difference in your YouTube success.

1. Audience Understanding Leads To Steering Success.

You hear a loud noise coming from the crew on the deck of your ship.



You make your way to the deck to address the noise.

“Calm down, you blubbering seadogs! What’s the problem?”

“I’m sorry, Captain, but we have a dangerous situation. We’ve entered deep seas, and there’s no land in sight. Just miles and miles of ocean in every direction. We can’t see anything. We urgently need navigation but we don’t have a compass onboard”

If you find yourself as a captain of a ship without a compass, you’re in a very dangerous situation. ~Similarly~, growing a YouTube channel without a deep understanding of your audience is like trying to sail the seas without a clear direction.

Your audience holds a treasure chest full of desires, fears, wants, and needs.

Just like a real treasure chest full of gold, this theoretical chest provides everything you need to reach success, whether that’s financial wealth or success on the platform.

I’m not joking; this is far more important than most people realize.

Why is this so crucial?

If you don’t know your audience, you don’t know what they truly desire. Those who can deliver on those desires will reap the rewards. During my time auditing and coaching, I found that most creators DID NOT deeply understand their audience.

BUT this information tells you nearly everything you need to know.

Here’s an example: before writing this post, I did extra research on YouTube creators.

I looked at Reddit, YouTube comments, and YouTube growth books on Amazon to see what the comments were saying. Here are the fears I found most YouTubers face:

And this… is my treasure chest that allows me to help more people, reach a larger audience, and tailor my content to what people really care about.

What I’m saying is, you can do the same for your audience. This will give you countless new ideas, directions, products, services, and bring true value to the market.

But without knowing these, you’re trying to sail the sea without a compass, hoping to find land.

2. If You Have A Channel, You Need A Brand.

Running a YouTube channel without a brand is like serving a Big Mac without any lettuce, onions or pickles… sure it will fill you up but it's nothing to write home about.

Don’t allow your channel to be the plain Big Mac

In terms of YouTube, a brand is a channel that is known to have a certain style or cover topics within the niche which the audience enjoys time & again.

*Short Question*

If we lined up 100 people who watch your videos as well as other creators in your niche, how would they define YOU and YOUR channel?

Would they say …

"Love how concise the channel is—straight to the point!"
"The depth of content is great—I could watch them for hours!"
"It's alright, but I wish they would cut to the chase."
"Incredible! I've always wanted to learn this, and the videos made it so simple."
"It dragged on a bit—lost my interest partway through."

There are many ways you can create a brand, such as personality, delivery of content but whatever direction you go into, a unique brand on YouTube is essential because it helps your channel **STAND OUT*\* by creating a distinctive ~look~ and feel.

This attracts viewers and keeps them coming back for more & more. Think about some of the reasons why you love your favourite Youtubers, (the way they speak, the content, the feel, the pacing, the humour, etc) chances are because they have built a solid brand.

3. Entertainment Comes First.

Have you ever come across a YouTuber who's got a big audience and is doing extremely well and you have no idea why?

Yeah, me too! … & does it annoy you? Yes, me too.

Why is it frustrating?

Because there are channels out there that are giving CRAP content and yet succeeding.

You know the ones… I’m not saying anything here, but you know.

In fact, I would guess and say you likely have better content than some other creators in your niche and yet they are raking in the numbers.

But this is not only on YouTube this is also in business, it's not about the best product or having the best information.

It’s a big ~pill~ to swallow.

But instead, let's look at this logically…

Why are many channels succeeding that do not have the best content? (the best is subjective but here we will just focus on * the best* = most helpful, most accurate, most information, etc)

Most of the time when you break it down you will find that it's because they are able to entertain, and the simple truth is this.

Entertainment = value

In our modern world more entertainment = more value, which can lead to more viewers even if the content itself is not the best.

So whatever kind of content you are producing (even educational) the fundamentals needs to be around entertainment.

But through thousands of experiments, Its clear to see that entertainment is not always quick clips, funny sound effects and so on…

Entertainment can be as simple as a storyline that you can follow from the beginning to the end that resonates with your key audience.

4. Most Success On YouTube Is a Slow Burn.

You most likely have heard a bunch of successful stories and advice from people who have become successful relatively quickly.

Here are a few videos I found on YouTube.

· How I Got 1 Million Subscribers in 9 Months
· I grew from ZERO TO 100K SUBSCRIBERS in 3 MONTHS (& how you can too)
· My Life Story and How I Got 10 Million Followers in 1 Year
· Making $613,960 My First Year On YouTube

Now these are great videos, but they are also extremely rare cases.

This success can sometimes give youtubers the wrong understanding of success on YouTube.

Last year I hit one of my personal milestones which was $7000 (USD) within 28 days on AdSense alone.

This was accomplished over several years of building content making mistakes and implementing changes.

18 months before that, I was struggling to get 1000 views on a video, 2 months ago I had a few videos that have over 1 million views and Last month? Well, I sold the channel. But hey that’s a new story for a new day ha-ha.

But my point is that success is often over a long period of time...

AND THEREFORE, it’s wise to take a step back to reflect on things especially if you feel that you're working too hard or getting too stressed because for many of you who will be successful, it will be a long process over several months or years rather than an instant change.

5. Rabit Hole Content Can Perform Extremely Well.

In my desk next to my bed, I have a big red book of YouTube trade secrets & experiments I conducted.

The rabbit hole content is one of those.

Rabbit hole content is basically content that is made and after somebody watches the video, they go into a rabbit hole of content.

Examples of this include conspiracy. (UFO, ALIENS, ASSASSINATIONS, ETC)

Another example is if there is a series or a very engaging video that has been split into several parts.

What I've noticed more than anything especially speaking to other youtubers is that rabbit hole content seems to perform incredibly well. Almost like YouTube knows that *THIS VIDEO* will lead to people watching 10 more videos… well I guess they do know that.

With every other point on this list, I have solid data, experiments, and proof. But I aim to always be transparent, and I must confess I don’t have all the numbers yet to back this up fully compared to the rest.

Nevertheless - It has worked for many people, and I have not yet seen it not work. But because I don’t have the numbers to show (unlike all the others) I believe it’s important to mention.

6. Trend Jacking Can Lead To Crazy Numbers.

A moment ago, I mentioned that most success on YouTube is not linear and instead drawn out over a long period of time.


For those who do not fall into this category and have had success relatively quickly they often find their success by taking advantage of trend jacking.

Trend Jacking is a clever tactic that you can use to grow new audiences relatively quickly based on a trending topic, situation, or person.

This could be a trend that is happening within your niche or a trend that is happening globally. Here are some examples that were big stories over the last 24 months.

· Johnny Depp Vs Amber Heard
· Tucker Carson Departs From Fox News
· Ireland Offer $92,000 If You Move & Settle On Their Coastal Island
· Japan Giving Away Homes For Free
· World’s Largest Wildlife Crossing Is Going Up So Animals Can Walk Safely
· Airlines To Give Refunds For Cancelled Or Delayed Flights And Late Baggage

OK so these ideas are pretty out-of-the-box and are not niche specific.

But let’s make it a challenge! (I’m regretting this already)

What about if we had a YouTube channel talking about ~how to live cheaper?~

Here are some video ideas we could create.

· Depp Vs. Heard: Calculating The True Cost Of Lawsuits!
· After Tuckers Exit, How Media Changes Impact Your Wallet?
· Moving To Ireland For $92K Is It A Dream Deal Or Costly Fantasy?"
· Free Homes In Japan: What’s The Catch?
· Saving Wildlife & Your Taxes!
· How To Get Every Penny Back From Airlines [*year*]

Okay these are not the best type of content for the niche but after typing out about1500 words, my mind is a little fuzzy XD - Please note that these are not the titles but an example of a type of content based on the trend.

But how about niche trends? (~often much easier)~

Jumping on specific trends related to your niche can be really effective. For example, I advised a travel content creator who capitalized on the "passport bros" trend. This trend is where men move overseas to find wives.

This trend was gaining traction on TikTok and other platforms, and by tapping into it, he was able to reach multiple new audiences. His content sparked reactions and discussions, which pushed his growth to a new level.
P.s - As an added point, if you are in the UK, check out *baby reindeer* which is currently trending.

7. Don’t Steal, Rebuild.

Pablo Picasso – “Good artists copy, great artists steal

As a creator you are also an artist, it just happens to be that your art is electronic.

The saying highlights the key idea that true innovative artists (aka creators) don't just copy other people (even though I know some do – naughty naughty)

But instead, they mimic the work of others and transform it / rebuild it into something better.

Perhaps it is a type of content that you've seen very popular in other niches but is not covered in your niche.

Or it could be a topic that other creators have discussed, and you have seen that it has performed very well but it could be improved upon.

One Youtuber I have always found inspirational is Mr Beast. Not because of Jimmy's content but simply because he has worked for many years to perfect his art.

Here’s the thing…

There are so many Mr beast clones.

These creators literally copy his entire format.

This is not good as eventually people see the truth, and this will leave a very sour taste in viewer’s mouths.

So, what can you do?

You can rebuild but in your own image and in your own way instead of stealing.

Look in your niche, the style, content, delivery of content, time, pace and think of ways you can rebuild this content to offer you audience something even better.
Hope this helps you out =]
submitted by 7coaching to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:58 Aromatic_Hurry_9882 I 18m have been told I was groomed by my gf 21f into a toxic relationship, how do I leave?

TA because I regularly use Reddit. I 18m have been told by my friends that my gf 21f groomed me into a toxic relationship, I have been having a hard time making my mind up about what to do or what to think, to start off I’ll give some backstory. Me and my gf met in school, she was in the same year as my sister 21f and they were friends, not really close but they hung around each other a lot because of their friendship groups.
My sister had a small friendship group throughout secondary school, they would come around to our house a lot Because my mum was at work week days till 8 pm so our house would be the hang out spot after school. My dad was not really in the picture, although he did provide for us he was never their physically so I never had an older male figure in my life, my sister looked after me all throughout my child hood and she was like my mum. My bio mum was still their and loved us and took care of us but because she was working all the time we rarely saw her during the week, she would get home around 9pm and go to sleep to be out by 6am the next day, during the week ends we would spend time together but because of this it was my sister that would take me to school, cook , care for me when I was sick. when she got into secondary school my mum drop all of her motherly duties like parents teacher meetings, doctor appointments things like that.
When my sister went into year 12 and I in year 9 ( the same school) her friendship group expanded as new people joined, one of these new people is my now gf Emma (fake name), she joined our school with a couple of her friends which then added on to my sister group and became one big group of about 8, these girls would often come to my house after school on Thursdays and Fridays, there would be about 4-5 of them over (rarely the full group) however this meant I hung around with them a lot because I was close to my sister. On Thursdays I would have football after school so I would come home at about 6 and they would all be sitting in the living room so I would see them and talk to them before showering and eating. And Friday I would walk home with them. Emma was not overly close with my sister so a lot of the time she would only go if her best friend went so I didn’t really see her much during that year. However the year after an issue happened and her best friend’s was kick out of the group, after that Emma became a lot close to one of the girls who was apart of my sister’s original group. She then started coming regularly to my house.
As a young teen boy I had a crush on a lot of my sisters friends and they use to tease me about it a lot, they all use to say that if I was a bit older the would love to date me. One day I was talking to my sister and confessed I had a big crush on Emma, and as my sister did she teased me about it in front of her friends including Emma they all laughed and joke about it and this time I don’t know why but it made me upset and I excused my self and went to my room I guess they saw I was upset and my sister came to check on me, she apologised and said that they were just joking and didn’t mean to upset me, I told her I was fine and that it was getting a bit annoying as they always did it, and it made me feel insecure. I know I was overthinking but I was young and still developing, I wasn’t ugly or anything in fact I think I was quite good looking, I was quite popular but never really wanted to date as I focused more on my football and friends, I had a fair bit of female attention for girls in my year and had lots of female friends so I don’t know why I was so upset about being teased. Anyway my sister went back down to her friends and I guess told them what I said as a I got a knock on my door a few minutes later, I said come in and Emma walked through the door she looked a bit guilty, she said she wanted to apologise as she felt like she shouldn’t have made fun of my feelings I said it was ok and knew it was just light joking. She then said that I was very handsome and fit, I of course blushed and she noticed and smiled, she came over to my desk where I was sitting and ask what I was doing, I was doing some math homework and she said that she was really good at math and could tutor me. I remember my sister saying that Emma was really smart and did maths, further maths and physics for her a-levels. I was not very good at maths and had GCSEs coming up next year so I ask her if she could help me prepare for them. She told me she would next year but she needs to prepare for her a-levels this year. She left shortly after helping with a few questions. She continued to come to my house throughout that year and we had conversations often nothing flirty or sexual in any nature, just boring topics like school and football (I am 15 she is 18)
During that summer my sister and her group booked a holiday before they all went off to uni. A couple of days before they left 3 girls came over (including Emma) after they had been shopping, they were in my sisters room most of the time and they were also trying clothes in shared bathroom. After playing on my game I need the toilet, I looked and saw the light was on and the door was slightly opened thinking no one was in there I opened to see Emma in a bikini looking in the mirror she noticed me and jumped. I apologised and went back to my room. I later heard a knock on my door and Emma walked in she was wearing a tracksuit but after seeing her in a bikini all I could do was in-vision that, I stared at the floor because I was embarrassed, she giggled and said that I shouldn’t of been peaking on her, I jumped up and said I wasn’t and that it was an accident. She said that she didn’t mind and that boys like to look at her. She was very pretty and had nice curves, and very popular with boys but never really date from what I heard. She then started to undress I asked what she was doing, she said she wanted a boy input and since I already saw her in her bikini it’s fine. She stood there posing in her bikini before asking how she look and of course I said she looks great, she smiled and said that she was happy I liked it. I was very embarrassed as I wasn’t in this situation a lot, after she put her clothes back on she left my room and I went back to playing. I didn’t see her for the rest of that summer but the memory popped up in my head a lot. That next year she attend the same uni as my sister as they both didn’t want to leave home so they became closer and shes at my house a lot but acted as though it never happened gradually I did to.
around November I got a gf this wasn’t my first experience with a girl but it was my first relationship and I relied on my sister a lot to help me through it. She obviously told Emma and she helped me as-well giving advise on what girls like, she also kept true on my promise and tutored me in math for my GCSEs we would do 2 hour lessons every Wednesday and Sunday, we became quite close and bonded really well. On Wednesday she would come to my house and Sundays I would go to hers she would also come and see my sister through out the week and I started seeing her as like a second sister. This is where things take a turn in April (I am 16 now) me and my gf broke up and I was devastated as this was my first relationship and I really tried. A day or two after the break up Emma came round to see my sister, after a couple of hours she came to my room to say hello, she saw I was quite sad and asked me what was wrong and I told her about my brake up. She hugged me and said that it was normal to be sad and said if there was anything she could do to make it better to just asked her, I said jokingly get me a new gf, she laughs and said I would happy to be your gf if you want. I laughed and said that would be perfect. She then said that I was a great guy and any girl would be happy to be with me, she kissed me on the cheek and left I didn’t think anything of it, as I said I saw her like a sister and that’s something my sister would do, that was until I told my best friend (d), D 18m and I have been best friends since the start of secondary and he knows everything that’s happened with Emma, he’s also met her a couple of time at my house. After explaining what happened I was laughing and he wasn’t he looked at me and told me that she wants me, I thought he was joking and laughed again but he was still straight faced. After that I went home and thought about it and I decided that d was just being stupid.
The next time Emma and I did tutoring lessons I notice she was being a lot more flirty, I started to think d was right. His opinion solidified when one Sunday at her house, we were finishing up our last session as my exams were in a week she told me how proud she was and that I had gotten much better and that I will do really well on my exam, she then said that she had a reward for me. I was surprised because she never said that I would get a reward for doing well, I accepted anyway and ask what it was she said it was a secret and I should sit on the bed, she left the room and I sat on her bed. after a few minutes she came back in wearing the bikini she had gotten last summer I was shock and looked away, she said that it was okay and that this was my reward, I was uncomfortable and didn’t know what to say. She came closer and sat next to me on the bed she told me that when she was comforting me when I broke up with my gf she was happy that I said that I would want her to be my gf, she said that the boys that were interested in her never wanted a relationship and just want her body, this explains her not dating, I said that I thought we were just joking, she looked upset and I said that I would love if she was my gf but it would be weird as she’s my sister friend, she then said that she’s just rewarding me and didn’t actually want to date me, just saying that I made her happy with my comment, this confused me as she look sad when I said I didn’t want her to be my gf. She then hugged me pulling me into her half bare chest saying that for now to treat her as my gf, I didn’t know what to do I was really confused. Does she want to be my gf? What does she want me to do? I pulled away from her and said we should watch a movie or something as this situation was making me uncomfortable. She said that’s a great Idea. We got set up and put on a film we were lying on her bed when she turns and said, I told you to treat me as your gf and started to cuddle me, as the movie went on she was making more moves and started to rub my legs and arms. I got really turn on and as she rubbed my leg she brushed over my **** and said if I wanted to she wouldn’t mind helping me out. I was flustered and apologised saying she didn’t need to, she said it was ok and started rubbing it, we ended up having sex and I went home. When I got home my sister was sitting in the living room with her at the time bf, she asked me how my session went and I said good and ran up stairs. I instantly called d and told him what happened he was laughing and said I told you so, he ask how it felt and I told him that I wasn’t very comfortable doing it with her but in the moment she kinda just lead me to do it so I followed. He ask if I wanted to and I said of course hypothetically but I didn’t feel comfortable that it was actually happening. I said that I really only did it because she was telling me it was ok. He said that I should let Emma know how I was feeling so that it didn’t happen again. I messaged her on ig and told her what I told d, she replied saying that I should come over so I could explain better.
The next day I went over after school, her parents went home and she doesn’t have siblings normally I wouldn’t think about this when going over to do lessons but now it felt different, I went in and sat on the sofa she got me a drink and sat next to me, she then ask how I was feeling I explained my emotions and how I felt during and after, she listen intently and after apologised for making me feel like that. She then said that I was probably feeling guilty as she’s my sisters friend, I agreed as when I saw my sister after I couldn’t look her in the eye, she said that it was normal and ok to feel that way, she then asked if I enjoyed the sex, I replied yes, she asked if it was better then my ex which it was as we were each other first and didn’t really know what we were doing, I replied yes again, she then asked if I would want to do it again, I said idk, she said that it might make me feel better if we do it again as sometimes people are not sure how they feel after doing it just once, I hesitantly agreed, so we started to make out on the sofa, after 5-10 minutes I started to feel better and less guilty as it was a nice feeling, she stopped and said we should go to her room, I agreed we had sex again a couple of times before he parents got home. I left and went home I was felt a lot better this time so I thought Emma was right and that it was just a overwhelming emotions that make me feel that way the first time, when I got home I was able to speak to my sister normally but didn’t tell her what happened as I didn’t know how she would react. I continued going the Emma’s house every week, it was like this until the end of my exams. During summer we started properly dating, I ended up telling my sister and she was angry at first but forgave us pretty quick, during the time we was dating Emma would tell me how I need to act and what I needed to do to be a good bf, I believed her as I thought she was more experienced, she would tell me that I shouldn’t have female friends as they are temptations that could effect our relationship, and that she should be prioritised above my friends, I started hanging with Emma more and friends less the only friend I talked to and saw regularly was d. At around the end of summer (August) I asked her to be my gf officially she said yes, but being my gf comes with more rules, she said we need to spend time together 2/3 times a week minimum and that she needs my location, access to my socials I agreed to these as I thought it was normal the only thing I didn’t agree to was to stop talking to d as often, she said I was prioritising him over her and that she doesn’t feel like I actually love her, and that if I did I would agree, I said that she was stupid if she thought that and told her I would not be agreeing to go lc with d, she got upset and ghosted me for 3 days I ended up apologising and agreed to stop talking and seeing d as much, he went to a different sixth form to me so I couldn’t see him in school anymore, this made me sad as he was my best friend and we would see each other all the time, yet I agreed as I thought it’s was normal in relationship, this has been the way our relationship was for the past 9 months, I have been happy with her and loved her, we have our arguments but it usually ends up as her airing me and then me eventually apologising and then going back to normal. We spent a lot of time together and have sex regularly I genuinely thought I was happy unit now.
Last week I went out with some friends for leavers as school is finished and exam period is coming up, we had our last day and Friday we decided to go out, I was with d and other friends from our group when 2 hours in I get a call from Emma asking where I was i told her I was out with friends for leavers, she was upset and said that I was supposed to be with her today, I told her that I haven’t gone out in a long time and that I’ll see her later. She said that I needed to leave and get to her within an hour and hung up. I apologised to my friends and got ready to leave, they all had shocked faces, I asked what was wrong and they said that they herd the way she was speaking to me and that wasn’t right, d then said that he had been wanting to speak to me about it for a long time, I asked what he meant and he said that he had been thinking about my relationship with Emma and said that he thinks I was groomed into a toxic relationship with her. He then went on to explain everything to our friends who didn’t previously know how we started dating (only d knew everything) they were all shocked and my female friends were asking if I was ok and saying they would never treat their bfs like that I was confused as I thought this was normal in a relationship, we had a long discussion about my relationship with Emma and i started to realise that I am in a toxic relationship. I ended up leaving after an hour and went to see Emma I apologised for being late and she was a bit annoyed but forgave me. I didn’t confront her then because I was still confused about my emotions and d said that she might manipulate me and turn it onto me so I took his advice and stayed quite about it and just observe her behaviour. D was previously in a toxic relationship and knew how they acted and how they manipulated people into believing that their not in the wrong, I told her about how nice it was to see all of my friends again and told her what we were doing, she started asking me about who was there. I told her my friendship group and some old female friends and just like d said she started making me out to be a bad person for hanging around other females, I didn’t say anything and just carried on as normal apologising and comforting her. We moved on and I stayed then night, the next day I went home and spoke to d and told him what happened, he said I need to leave now before it’s to late and I will be too attached to her to leave.
That’s why I am here I am asking for advice on what I should do next, I am sure I need to leave but I don’t know how to, I love her and I feel like she could possibly manipulate me into staying. How do I get out of this toxic relationship.
submitted by Aromatic_Hurry_9882 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:57 Just-Smile-2326 Do the Windows ISO files from GPD website contain bloatware?

Had been really excited about getting my first GPD device (or to be exact, my first handheld pc) and was at first doing research here and there on what I should/need first do, but all those delays to the Win Mini 2024 kinda diminished all the enthusiasm I had.
Anyway, now that I'm finally going to get my device, guess the first thing I need to be checking on is whether I should/need to be reinstalling Windows, as I had seen some suggest.
Thing that I'm wondering though is whether the Windows ISO files from the GPD Website contain bloatware (assuming there are some in the device that's shipped) since if the files are GPD, wouldn't it be the same as what's installed already? Or do you guys who reinstall Windows use your own copy of Windows that ain't from GPD?
Oh by the way, I suppose the Win Mini 2024 comes with Windows 11? Seeing as there's a Windows 10 image on the GPD website, could we use that instead? I kinda prefer 10 to 11 actually, given that that stupid auto-restart issue I have on my laptop seems to be Windows 11-related.
submitted by Just-Smile-2326 to gpdwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:57 Significant-Tower146 Best Chanel Earmuffs

Best Chanel Earmuffs
Get ready to dive into the world of luxury with our Chanel Earmuffs roundup! In this article, we've handpicked some of the most stylish and comfortable earmuffs available today, all infused with the iconic Chanel touch. From sleek leather designs to bold, statement-making colors, our selection is sure to impress even the most discerning fashion enthusiasts. Come explore the perfect blend of warmth, style, and sophistication that Chanel Earmuffs have to offer.

The Top 9 Best Chanel Earmuffs

  1. Luxurious Coach Shearling Earmuffs - Raccoon Color - Experience warmth and style with these authentic Coach New York Raccoonbear Winter Earmuffs in Black/White, featuring 100% Merino wool and off-white leather trim.
  2. Luxurious Leather Earmuffs - Brown Shearling - Experience ultimate warmth and style with Surell Accessories' luxurious 100% lamb shearling earmuffs, the perfect fashionable accessory for your daily life.
  3. Comfy Chanel-inspired Faux Fur Earmuffs - Attractive, comfortable, and durable, the Surell Surrell Rex Rabbit Faux Fur Earmuff in black offers a great fit and quality craftsmanship, perfect for fashion-conscious individuals seeking stylish warmth.
  4. Black Tonal Shearling Earmuffs by Burberry - Experience ultimate comfort and style with the Burberry Tonal Shearling Earmuffs, featuring a sleek black design and made from premium sheepskin and shearling, perfectly fitting your ears with an adjustable strap and effortless slip-on function.
  5. Burberry Kids' Check Fleece Earmuffs with Teddy Fleece Comfort - Burberry's Archive kids' earmuffs deliver both comfort and style, sporting a cozy teddy fleece design with a signature Vintage check pattern, ensuring a snug and secure fit for children.
  6. Fashionable CC Sherpa Fur Earmuffs in Ivory - Stay chic and cozy with CC's earmuffs, featuring luxurious faux fur and a perfect fit for all ages.
  7. Warm Ear Chenille Earmuffs in Eye-catching Wine by Inc - Experience ultimate coziness with the Inc International Concepts Chenille Earmuffs, featuring one-size-fits-most design and a soft, polyester chenille filling that will surely become your go-to earmuffs this winter!
  8. Stylish Cable Knit Earmuffs for Warmth and Comfort - Keep your ears warm and stylish with these Chanel-inspired CC Cable Knit Earmuffs, featuring authentic branding, cozy sherpa lining, and an adjustable fit for both kids and adults.
  9. Sanrio Hello Kitty Foldable Cosplay Earmuffs for a Whimsical Touch - Bring the adorable world of Hello Kitty into your daily life with the Bioworld Sanrio Hello Kitty Foldable Cosplay Earmuff, featuring soft microfiber and cute Hello Kitty details.
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🔗Luxurious Coach Shearling Earmuffs - Raccoon Color
I recently got my hands on these stylish earmuffs and let me tell you, they did not disappoint. The Coach raccoon earmuffs in black and white are made of high-quality sheep shearling fur and are perfect for those chilly winter days.
One size fits all, making them a convenient purchase for people of all ages. The off-white leather trim on the silver balls adds a touch of luxury, giving them an overall premium look. The earmuffs measure 4 inches in diameter or 12 inches in circumference, providing a comfy fit for everyone.
The most impressive part is the soft 100% Merino wool body, which not only looks great but also feels incredibly cozy. They come with the original Coach box and are in excellent condition with no flaws or issues.
Overall, these earmuffs are a perfect blend of style and warmth, making them a must-have accessory for your winter wardrobe. I paid $140 after tax for mine, but I'd happily recommend them to anyone looking for a high-quality earmuff.

🔗Luxurious Leather Earmuffs - Brown Shearling
I recently tried the Surell earmuffs, and let me tell you, they've become a staple in my daily life. Made of rich, genuine 100% lamb shearling, these earmuffs not only kept my ears warm during the cold winter months but also added a touch of style to my outfits.
Plus, their dry clean-only feature makes them perfect for those who value simplicity when it comes to taking care of their belongings. Despite the high price tag, I believe these earmuffs are worth every penny – a perfect luxury accessory for the fashion-focused individual.

🔗Comfy Chanel-inspired Faux Fur Earmuffs
In my quest for stylish and comfortable earmuffs, I stumbled upon the Surell Surrell Rex Rabbit Faux Fur Earmuff - Black. I was instantly drawn to their sleek design and the thought of cozying up with a touch of luxury. The earmuffs are crafted from fluffy faux beaver fur, making them not only attractive but also warm and comfortable.
One of the features that stood out to me was the well-thought-out construction. The headband is sturdy and solid, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit, and it doesn't dig into my head. The acrylic and polyester blend used in the fur provides the perfect balance of softness and warmth, keeping my ears toasty even on biting cold days.
However, there is one downside - the sizing can be a bit tricky. Some customers reported that the fit was a little too tight, leading to discomfort. But overall, the Surell Surrell Rex Rabbit Faux Fur Earmuffs are a practical and chic choice for anyone looking for a touch of luxury in their winter wardrobe.

🔗Black Tonal Shearling Earmuffs by Burberry
The Burberry Tonal Shearling Earmuffs in Black might just be the perfect addition to your winter wardrobe. I've been using them for the past few weeks, and I must say, they've become my go-to accessory.
The first thing that struck me about them was the quality of the materials. The earmuffs are made from a blend of sheepskin and shearling, which not only look great, but also feel incredibly cozy and warm on your ears. This high-quality combination ensures they're perfect for those chilly winter days.
One of the features I appreciate the most is the adjustable fit. They come with a slider, which allows you to easily customize the size to fit your head comfortably. It's a small detail, but it makes a huge difference when you're trying to stay warm and comfortable outside.
However, there have been a couple of minor drawbacks. The earmuffs can be a bit tricky to slip on and off due to the adjustable fit mechanism. It might take a little getting used to, but once you've got it down, it shouldn't be an issue.
Overall, the Burberry Tonal Shearling Earmuffs in Black are a fantastic choice for anyone looking for a stylish and practical way to keep their ears toasty this winter. Despite the minor inconvenience of slipping them on and off, the quality and warmth they offer make up for it.

🔗Burberry Kids' Check Fleece Earmuffs with Teddy Fleece Comfort
I have been an avid fan of Burberry for years, and when I saw their iconic check pattern on these Burberry Kid's Check Fleece Earmuffs, I knew I had to try them out. These earmuffs provided the perfect balance of style and comfort for my kids.
The quality of the earmuffs had me sold right away, as they are lined with soft fleece that feels fantastic against their little ears. I also love how versatile they are; they can be worn by both boys and girls, making them suitable for the whole family.
The flexible headband is a game-changer, as it ensures a perfect fit without feeling constricting or uncomfortable. My kids never complain about wearing these earmuffs, which is a definite bonus.
However, one drawback I noticed was that the earmuffs do not come in many different colors, limiting the range of options for discerning customers. But overall, these Burberry Earmuffs are a great addition to our winter wardrobe, offering both fashion and protection from the cold.

🔗Fashionable CC Sherpa Fur Earmuffs in Ivory
I recently had the chance to try out the CC Beanie Sherpa Fur Earmuffs in Ivory color, and I must say, they're an essential addition to my winter wardrobe. The earmuffs are incredibly cozy, thanks to their luxuriously soft faux fur lining that feels like a warm embrace in these chilly months.
What really stood out for me was how adjustable they are for a perfect fit, making them suitable for both adults and kids alike. I appreciate the fact that they're versatile - I've been wearing them when running errands, at playdates, and even when just lounging around the house.
However, there are a couple of things I noticed. Firstly, because they're hand-dyed, the color might vary slightly from one pair to another. Secondly, the dimensions might differ slightly due to the manual measurement process, so it's worth bearing these things in mind when you're purchasing them.
All in all, the CC Beanie Sherpa Fur Earmuffs provide fantastic warmth and style combined. You can rest assured knowing they're made from authentic CC brand quality and are relatively easy to care for – just remember to hand wash and lay flat to dry.

🔗Warm Ear Chenille Earmuffs in Eye-catching Wine by Inc
My first impression of the Inc International Concepts Chenille Earmuffs in Wine was the softness of the material. The faux fur and shell were comfortable on my ears, and I loved the filling made of polyester that added to the warmth.
I appreciated how these chenille earmuffs could fit most people, making them a great investment for anyone who wants to stay toasty. Using them has been a cozy experience, and I don't mind at all that they're named after the prestigious fashion house Chanel. Overall, the comfort they provide and the warmth they bring make them an excellent choice for keeping ears warm during colder days.

🔗Stylish Cable Knit Earmuffs for Warmth and Comfort
When I first tried the CC Cable Knit Earmuffs, I was struck by the softness of the Sherpa lining and the coziness it provided. The adjustable fit made it easy to wear, and the flattering design meant I felt good while wearing them. However, I did notice that the color variation between screens could alter the appearance of the product.
Nonetheless, these earmuffs are perfect for keeping your ears warm and comfortable, making them a great gift option.

🔗Sanrio Hello Kitty Foldable Cosplay Earmuffs for a Whimsical Touch
Ever since I started using the Sanrio Hello Kitty Foldable Cosplay Earmuff, my daily life has been filled with joy and a touch of sweetness! The super soft microfiber base and comfy, foldable earmuffs make these the perfect accessory for any rave festival or day out. Not only do they look absolutely adorable with cute Hello Kitty ears and red bow detailing, but they also provide excellent noise-cancellation.
One of my favorite features is the adjustable band, which ensures a perfect fit for every user. The earmuffs are made of 100% polyester, making them a versatile choice for a year-round fabric construction. However, some users may find the lack of lining and unlined feature slightly bothersome for prolonged use. Overall, the Sanrio Hello Kitty Foldable Cosplay Earmuff adds a unique and fun touch to any outfit while providing practical noise-cancellation, making it a perfect accessory for any Hello Kitty adventure!

Buyer's Guide

Chanel, a well-known luxury brand, has expanded its product line to include earmuffs. These fashionable accessories provide both style and functionality, making them an attractive choice for those seeking both comfort and chic appeal. In this buyer's guide, we'll discuss some of the essential features and considerations when purchasing Chanel earmuffs, helping you make an informed decision.

Warmth and Insulation
When considering Chanel earmuffs, it's crucial to look into the warmth and insulation they provide. Chanel earmuffs often feature thick foam or similar materials that provide excellent insulation against cold temperatures. Make sure to check the manufacturer's specifications or the product description to guarantee that the earmuffs will protect you from the elements.

Sound Quality

If sound quality is a priority, ensure that the earmuffs you choose are designed to reduce noise and not amplify it. Consider earmuffs with noise-cancelling technology or those engineered to minimize sound leakage, providing a more quiet and comfortable experience.

Design and Style

Chanel is known for its sophisticated and elegant designs. Look for earmuffs made with high-quality materials and featuring the signature Chanel quilting and logo elements. Remember that investing in Chanel earmuffs means you are not only buying warmth and protection but also a fashion statement.


Earmuffs should be comfortable, and adjustability can help ensure the best fit for your needs. Look for options that allow you to customize the earmuff's fit around the ears and head to achieve maximum comfort.

Maintenance and Care

Chanel earmuffs, like any other luxury accessory, require proper care to maintain their quality. Make sure to understand the care instructions provided by the manufacturer, which will often include cleaning and storage guidelines. Proper care will help your earmuffs maintain their appearance and functionality for years to come.

Protect your investment with a warranty, if available. A warranty will provide peace of mind and ensure that any defects in materials or workmanship are covered. Check with the manufacturer for warranty terms and conditions.
When purchasing Chanel earmuffs, consider the warmth and insulation provided, sound quality, design and style, adjustability, maintenance, and warranty. By focusing on these aspects, you'll be more likely to choose the right earmuffs to fit both your personal needs and your sense of style.


What are Chanel Earmuffs?

Chanel Earmuffs are a popular fashion accessory designed by the luxury brand Chanel. They are available in various styles, colors, and materials, making them suitable for different occasions and preferences.

Who can wear Chanel Earmuffs?

Chanel Earmuffs are designed for both men and women who appreciate luxury fashion and want to add a touch of sophistication to their outfits. They can be worn with various types of clothing, such as coats, jackets, and sweaters, and are suitable for different occasions, including casual outings, office wear, and formal events.

What types of Chanel Earmuffs are available?

Chanel offers a variety of earmuff styles, including:
  • Classic Earmuffs: These feature the iconic Chanel double C logo and come in a range of colors.
  • Fur-lined Earmuffs: These are available in different fur types, such as sheepskin and rabbit fur, and are known for their warmth and luxury.
  • Leather Earmuffs: These are made from high-quality leather and come in a variety of colors, including black, brown, and red.
  • Quilted Earmuffs: These are designed with the brand's signature quilted pattern and are available in different colors, with some featuring the iconic Chanel double C logo.

How do I care for my Chanel Earmuffs?

To maintain the quality and appearance of your Chanel Earmuffs, follow these care instructions:
  1. Store your earmuffs in a dry, cool place when not in use, either in their original packaging or on a shelf or in a drawer.
  2. Gently brush any dirt or debris off the surface using a soft-bristled brush or your fingers.
  3. If your earmuffs are made from fur, you can use a lint roller or a soft-bristled brush to remove any lint or pet hair.
  4. If necessary, clean your earmuffs using a soft, damp cloth. Do not use harsh cleaning agents or water, as this may damage the material.
  5. Periodically inspect your earmuffs for signs of wear and tear and repair or replace them as needed.

What is the price range of Chanel Earmuffs?

The price range of Chanel Earmuffs can vary depending on the style, material, and design. Generally, they can cost anywhere from $500 to $3,000 or more. It's best to check Chanel's official website or visit an authorized retailer for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Where can I buy Chanel Earmuffs?

Chanel Earmuffs can be purchased through the brand's official website, as well as at authorized retailers, such as department stores and specialty boutiques. Make sure to check the authenticity of the product before making a purchase to ensure that you are getting a genuine Chanel accessory.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:56 Mary_HazeltineR Found Equity Total Return Swap (ETRS) involving GameStop, JPM & Nationwide Insurance.

Sup jaw. Started coding a program this weekend to pull down all NPORT-P filings so I and other apes could start to further track fuckery through ETFs (lending stats specifically), and almost instantly found something that doesn't show up on whalewisdom or fintel, making me think these 'swap' filings (like the one I'll be showing you) invovling GameStop maybe have slipped through the cracks of most websites all this time.
Okay, you may be very confused at this point. NPORT-P is the filing used by ETFs and mutual funds to report their portfolio to the SEC which includes things like how much of certain securities are in their holdings, how much of their portfolio they're lending out, return numbers, etc.. NPORT-P filings are how whalewisdom and fintel are able to provide you stats on ETFs and mutual funds.
Aight. So here's the filing both whalewisdom and fintel are currently missing that was filed on Friday 08-20-21: image of important filing header and holding in question, and the link to filing (will crash browser if not on above average PC).
If you look back at the screenshots of whalewisdom or fintel, you can see it's missing.
But why would it be missing? It's because Nationwide is marking the holding as an 'ETRS' with the unique identifier being an 'Inhouse Asset ID'. That's usually where you would see GameStop and GameStop's CUSIP, respectively, thus these are getting missed by programs.
In the image, the places I've underlined in black, those are the spots which make this holding unusual compared to all other holdings of GME in NPORT filings I've manually looked through over the months (the whole derivatives section is never there, this is the first time I've seen it actually filled out).
The places I've highlighted in yellow are just showing the important ties between GME and this filing.
Can anyone make sense of this and explain exactly what's going on here?
The maturity date is just a year out from this filing: 06-30-22 (even though it was filed 08-20-21, it's reporting for 06-30-21). But, there's also options that expire in mid-June 2022.
For reference, if you look at this filing you can see the two different ways which GameStop positions are typically reported in NPORT-P filings (one way is the holding for shares, the other way is the holding for options, just using CTRL+F 'GameStop' to find).
If no one cares to help, I'll report back once I've had time to digest everything but I'm really hoping for some teamwork here so I can continue coding. I'm rushing this post out so eyes can get on this shit, let me know if I need to elaborate on some of the shit I've said (or didn't say for that matter).
Thanks apes <3
edit: fixed whalewisdom image
edit2: damn y'all hopped on this quick. thanks for your attention. this can be considered 'figured out' or 'solved'.
turns out I only found the same thing u/Purple-Artichoke-687 found here 2 days ago: but rather than having found the compiled report, I found the report for the single fund which the compiled report references indirectly. The one piece of information missing from the compiled report that is in the NPORT-P is this under the 'Upfront payments or receipts' portion: iv. Notional amount = $6,601,722. Aside from that, just know these swap agreements aren't showing up on the popular sites we use to check holdings.
read FlacidPasta 's comment below for more info into what this all means:
If you read through all this and feel cheated or baited. Here's something no one else has mentioned: Invesco has lent out more GME than it has twice in the past year. XSVM's NPORT reporting for 2021-04-30: $18,748,554.09 out of $18,121,928.05. XSVM's NPORT reporting for 2020-07-31: $536743.30 out of $530,266.36. Also, here's the borrowers of XSVM's GME shares from 04-30-21: Citi = $3,249,824.55 BofA = $7,985,283.18 UBS = $4,282,474.14 Mizuho = $3,069,758.37 Janney Montgomery Scott = $161,213.85
Thanks everyone <3
edit3: thanks for all the help, info, nice words and awards. apes ain't left huh? they just needed something new to fucks with.
anyways, wanted to give an update for some findings I found today. Invesco is a bag of shit. Look at those percentages of overlending below, specifically the one reported January 31st 2021. Oof. Think I hit the nail on the head with that one. By the way, Invesco is located in the douchiest of suburbs of Chicago... Downer's Grove. Anyone from around there can attest to that.
Invesco PureBetaSM MSCI USA Small Cap ETF (S000058747): 2020-05-31 GameStop: 186.76000000 USD (46.00000000 shares) Lending: 502.28000000 / 186.76000000 (268.94%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
Invesco BuyBack AchieversTM ETF (S000013111): 2021-01-31 GameStop: 80600.00000000 USD (248.00000000 shares) Lending: 935281.60000000 / 80600.00000000 (1,160.40%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral there's only 3 I found back to the filing date of 07-01-2020, one of them being the one I posted here today, another being the same fund from 3 months ago, then some putnam panagora. LOOK AT THE TERMINATION DATE OF THE PUTNAM SWAP (2025-01-28, exactly 4 years out from the day RH stole the buy button).
Putnam PanAgora Market Neutral Fund (S000058312): 2021-02-28 SWP - MORGAN STANLEY AND CO. INTERNATIONAL Instrument Name: GAMESTOP CORP-CLASS A, Instrument Title: COMMON STOCK Receipts: Floating, index FEDERAL FUNDS EFFECTIVE RATE US, spread -1.77, amount -17.03 USD Rate Tenor is 1 Month, Reset every 1 Month Pay: Floating, index GAMESTOP CORP, spread 0, amount 0 USD Rate Tenor is 1 Month, Reset every 1 Month Termination Date: 2025-01-28 Upfront Payment: 0 USD Upfront Receipts: 0 USD Notational Amount: 3301.56 USD Appreciation/Depreciation: -378.11 USD
NVIT U.S. 130/30 Equity Fund (S000067312): 2021-03-31 SWP - JPMorgan Chase Bank Instrument Name: GameStop Corp., Class A, Instrument Title: GameStop Corp., Class A Receipts: Floating, index Federal Funds, spread -4.07000000, amount 0.00000000 USD Rate Tenor is 1 Month, Reset every 1 Month Pay: Floating, index N/A, spread 0.00000000, amount 0.00000000 USD Rate Tenor is 0 Month, Reset every 0 Month Termination Date: 2022-03-31 Upfront Payment: 0.00000000 USD Upfront Receipts: 0.00000000 USD Notational Amount: 5851961.00000000 USD Appreciation/Depreciation: -262663.08000000 USD
NVIT U.S. 130/30 Equity Fund (S000067312): 2021-06-30 SWP - JPMorgan Chase Bank Instrument Name: GameStop Corp., Class A, Instrument Title: GameStop Corp., Class A Receipts: Floating, index Federal Funds, spread -0.92500000, amount 0.00000000 USD Rate Tenor is 1 Month, Reset every 1 Month Pay: Floating, index N/A, spread 0.00000000, amount 0.00000000 USD Rate Tenor is 0 Month, Reset every 0 Month Termination Date: 2022-06-30 Upfront Payment: 0.00000000 USD Upfront Receipts: 0.00000000 USD Notational Amount: 6601722.00000000 USD Appreciation/Depreciation: -27437.81000000 USD here's the full list: It has all the funds that were overlending if their NPORT was filed from 07-01-2020 to 08-22-2021, as well as any fund that wrote/purchased contracts as well as those few swaps.
will being making it more digestible in the future. also will start looking using more identifier's like the cusip and shiz to see if I find anything more. for instance, here's a filing that doesn't even have a readable XML available (which is how I'm digesting the data), so will need to see what's happening there.
was hoping to find more swaps. but I'll be searching more and will keep you updated, apes.
edit 4: last edit for the night. there were a handful of filings that still had something in them that I wasn't sure what they were... turns out they are the corporate debt/bonds for GameStop. Anyways, while there's a good amount of these holdings reported since 07-01-2020, only a handful were lending these out... they're below:
Invesco BulletShares 2021 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (S000060832): 2020-05-31 GameStop: 5151357.23000000 USD (6753000.00000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75000000, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 3205235.49000000 / 5151357.23000000 (62.22%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
PIMCO 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond Index Exchange-Traded Fund (S000028996): 2020-09-30 GameStop: 2924055.000000 USD (3231000.000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 10, Maturity Date: 2023-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 1936700.000000 / 2924055.000000 (66.23%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
PIMCO 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond Index Exchange-Traded Fund (S000028996): 2020-06-30 GameStop: 2350478.130000 USD (2945000.000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 176385.630000 / 2350478.130000 (7.50%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
iShares 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (S000042353): 2020-07-31 GameStop: 2815905.00000000 USD (3246000.00000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75000000, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 141402.50000000 / 2815905.00000000 (5.02%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
iShares 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (S000042353): 2020-10-31 GameStop: 2992255.00000000 USD (2996000.00000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75000000, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 1359298.75000000 / 2992255.00000000 (45.43%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
iShares 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (S000042353): 2021-01-31 GameStop: 1098618.08000000 USD (1097000.00000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75000000, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 261384.97500000 / 1098618.08000000 (23.79%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
SPDR Bloomberg Barclays Short Term High Yield Bond ETF (S000036414): 2020-06-30 GameStop: 1618457.22000000 USD (2021000.00000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75000000, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 1246471.11000000 / 1618457.22000000 (77.02%) with NON-Rei
submitted by Mary_HazeltineR to DDintoGME [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:55 Some_Guy_From_Sweden Recently played and completed Demon's Souls for the first time. Here are my thoughts!

First off, I'm not new to From Software's games. I've played and beaten DS1, DS2, Bloodborne, DS3 and Elden Ring. I just never got around to playing Demon's Souls until the opportunity presented itself recently. Also, if it's of any interest, I played the remake version.
Combat This felt really good! Attack and dodge animations were smooth and felt really responsive. Hitting enemies was always satisfying due to most of them staggering easily from a simple combo. The fact that you can stagger some bosses is also great!
Enemy design was also interesting and fit the themes of each world pretty well. Finding a new enemy type and figuring out how they work and how to fight them was always fun and intriguing. And as always, you have a wide and fun variety of weapons to pick and choose from, to tailor your combat experience to your liking.
I personally went with the Royalty starter class and focused mainly on spellcasting, and I think Demon's Souls did great in the way that it didn't shower you with a variety of different spells, since that can easily become overwhelming and cause confusion. You got your bread and butter Soul Arrow, a fire version with the Flame Toss, some buffs/debuffs and a few stronger versions of what you've already grown accustomed to. You've got more options when it comes to melee weapons, sure, but if you know which type of weapon you're going for, it doesn't feel overwhelming at all. And with early access to Stonefang Tunnel you can easily farm for upgrade material.
Level design For the most part, this was amazing! The first area, the Boletarian Palace, is so good and the fact that you're prompted to leave after the second boss and explore the other archstones was a good way of letting the player know that it's okay to do things "out of order" in this game.
The other worlds were also interesting and fun to explore, with a notable exception for 5-1. I don't think I ever enjoyed my time in that particular area. But the rest of the game really made up for it. I enjoyed the mines, the prison and the island to such an extent that I can almost forgive the pitch black, poisonous, mob-infested cesspool that is the Valley of Defilement. Even so, each and every area has their own unique feel and atmosphere that really evoke certain emotions simply by being there. And with that in mind, I can appreciate the Valley of Defilement for what it is, both aesthetically and in lore.
Also. The runbacks to some bosses were brutal. Flamelurker and Old Hero in particular. I don't know if I missed some super secret shortcut, but having to essentially do the entire level all over again really throws you off and kills your momentum.
Bosses Now this! This is where From Soft shines the most and Demon's Souls certainly delivered! While some areas of the game may have been less fun to traverse or explore, I cannot say the same for the bosses. Each one brought something new and interesting to the table, with some of them doubling down as a puzzle with hidden mechanics on how to beat them more easily. You also got the more gimmick-y bosses like the Dragon God or the Storm King, but those were such on-the-edge-of-your-seat spectacles that I never thought it diminished the experience.
I also appreciate that just because a boss is at the end of their respective worlds, it doesn't mean that they are an insanely difficult skill check gate keeper. Dragon God is a test of patience and timing, Storm King is a gimmick and Old Monk and Maiden Astraea are essentially PvP encounters. Even the final boss that the game has been leading you towards - Allant - wasn't that difficult.
All in all, I think they balanced gameplay and cinematic experience really well when it came to the bosses, and no fight felt like it dragged on for too long (Unless you died a lot, of course).
Overall experience I had so much fun playing through this game! Level design is phenomenal, as are the boss fights. Combat feels smooth and good. The lore is esoteric enough to still entice you to look for more, but never too difficult to understand as a whole. All-in-all, it's clear why so many hold this game in such high regards, and why many think it's From Software's best souls-game to date. If not for my own personal preferences, this could easily have been my favourite as well.
Well done, From Software! And thank you!
submitted by Some_Guy_From_Sweden to demonssouls [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:52 Jcbwyrd Swollen mammaries in 2 year old spayed female cat

2 year old American shorthair black female cat, spayed at a very early age. I remember the shelter telling me she was spayed at around 1 month old. Has history of acute kidney injury possibly in utero and pancreatitis, as noted by high SDMA and abdominal ultrasound when she was one year old. The ultrasound report didn’t mention about ovaries but also I don’t think they checked that. She has extra molars. She has gained a lot of weight over the last year and is around 13.5 lbs. Six months ago her labs were all normal except for very mildly elevated ALT and AST. SDMA was normal. She lives with four other cats - two spayed senior cats, and two neutered young cats. I adopted her as a pair with one of the neutered cats. She doesn’t go outside. She has never displayed signs of being in heat, at least I don’t think she has.
Her two mammary glands closest to her genitals have become noticeably swollen over the last month. They are enlarged and firm and her nipples are brown/red in color. A third mammary also appears to be a little swollen and red. She has been eating food to fast. She has been vomiting multiple times a week. She has been getting hairballs and was recently shaved to help with that. She seems alert and doesn’t show signs of being in pain. She has been playful and asking for belly rubs.
She has a dental cleaning on Tuesday under anesthesia, with a new vet. I will ask about running labs to test her hormones. She will be getting comp metabolic panel and CBC also.
Here are my questions: How can you tell if a spay is incomplete? Does the age a cat is when they get spayed affect the chance of a spay being incomplete? What hormones should be tested? Is it reasonable to ask about a biopsy or an ultrasound? Would it be reasonable to ask about a pregnancy test, even though she shouldn’t be pregnant since she shouldn’t have a uterus?
submitted by Jcbwyrd to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:50 CrinkleDink House Renart, Part 2: The Death of the Fox, and the Birth of the Dragon

House Renart, Part 2: The Death of the Fox, and the Birth of the Dragon
Part 1:
King Oldrik, King of Poland and Pomerania, had a long and successful reign. With his defeat of the northern pagans, House Renart believed it could conquer the world. However, it would be internal strife that would nearly lead the House to destruction...

King Wielslaw, King of Poland

To every dynasty, there is always a weak link. King Oldrik chose his heir poorly.
King Wielslaw (March 31st, 1139 - 25 of August, 1181) was King of Poland from 1177 until his death in 1181. He had barely any children, as his father’s inbreeding led him to having infertile loins, having very few children.
In life, he was a stubborn, arrogant man, but was oddly compassionate in his ways. He was known to be handsome in life and was fairly intelligent. He was skilled in theology and the matters of law and land, as well as history. However, he had a heavy drinking problem which would evidently lead to his demise, as well as disease.
As a prince Wielslaw, the youngest of his brothers, was granted the Duchy of Veletia in 1153 as his father was preparing him for rule. There he ruled for some time until his father Oldrick I died. He would ascend to the throne of Poland in 1177 while his brother Wielslaw became King of Pomerania, splitting the realms into two.
The same year, King Wielslaw went to war against Queen Darya of Volhynia, taking the southern provinces. The war lasted for two years, with the queen being defeated in March of 1179.
In 1180, King Wielslaw went around the country to enact justice and enforce taxes on his vassals. This proved to make him unpopular with the people. However, it did allow him to draft a
Wielslaw came to King Mieszko's defense against Stammesherzog Dethard's attempted de jure war of Duchy of Anhalt in 1181. This would lead to a swift victory. However, as he was fighting in Anhalt, a great disease of Bloody Flux spread throughout the land. King Wielslaw, while leading his troops in the camp, caught the disease and grew very ill. He began to drink during this time, and while drunk, he named his younger son, Oldrick, his new heir, while his eldest son, Sulistryj, was disinherited, due to murdering a man during a duel. He died on the 25th of August, 1181. A courier went out to Krakow to declare the young prince Oldrick as the new King of Poland, which shocked the court.

King Oldrick II, King of Poland

Tragedy befell this scaly yet innocent young king! From the drunken lips of his foolish father his fate was unfortunately sealed.
Oldrick II (May 6th, 1177 - January 3rd, 1186) was the King of Poland from 1181 to his death in 1186. A mere child who came upon the throne due to his father’s drunken final will, Oldrick saw a great civil war overtake his lands. His uncle, King Miezko of Pomerania, though having an alliance, schemed against him, and would ultimately take his life.
Throughout his reign he dealt with a civil war for his throne, led by his vassal Duke Uściech Lewiki in 1182. He had little power, though his most significant act was restoring his brother Sulistryj’s inheritance to become next in line for the crown of Poland. This hurt the plans of King Miezko, who was feigning his loyalty to the boy when fighting the civil war.
However, Oldrick II would be assassinated by King Miezko through poisoned candy, leading to his brother, Sulistryj, to take over the throne.

Sulistryj I ‘the Beautiful’, King of Poland and Pomerania

Vengeance to a brother's honor, and with a tongue as sweet as honey, his reign was unfortunately cut short by the thread of fate.
Sulistryj I (July 20th, 1156 - October 13th, 1214) was the King of Poland in 1186, and King of Pomerania in 1188, until his death in 1214. The eldest son of King Wielslaw, he saw support for his tenure on the throne of Poland after the death of his younger brother and proved to be a very capable diplomat.
Sulistryj would be the last member of the pure House of Renart. When he did, his uncle Dobromir Renart-Glogow would usurp power in the family. In life, he was rumored to be an atheist, and he had murdered a man in a duel. However, he was also known for being a very handsome man and intelligent, and well read and practiced in matters of diplomacy.
Sulistryj, before he was king, was notable for defeating Duke Usciech. During the civil war, he commanded a battle against the duke at the Battle of Gniezno on the 19th of April, 1183. The duke would surrender to King Oldrick II, and would then be beheaded and his lands stripped, delivered to Sulistryj who regained his right to inheritance.
Three years later, in 1186, his brother Oldrick II would die mysteriously. Sulistryj had suspected his uncle Miezko was vying for the throne of Poland and had him killed. And indeed, Miezko had sent a delegation to declare his rivalry with Sulistryj at the beginning of the summer, declaring his claim to Poland was truer. Sulistryj knew what was coming: an invasion.
To act quicker, Sulistryj quickly rallied his hosts and vassals outside the borders of Pomerania, and on the 5th of July, 1186, he declared himself the rightful King of Pomerania just as Miezko was on pilgrimage towards Rome. King Miezko quickly returned, not expecting such a bold decision from his nephew. A series of engagements would take place in the province of Nordmark, leading to a few staggering defeats for Sulistryj, including at the Battle of Ukkria. However, though the Pomeranians won the battle, King Miezko was severely injured. His son, Oldrick, would take over the front of battle.
And yet, from the south, King Otakar of Bohemia, seeing a moment of opportunity, invaded the next summer on the 4th of June, 1187, trying to take the lands of Lubben against King Sulistryj.
King Sulistryj grew nervous of the Bohemian invasion. However, come December, as his troops were making camp in the winter, he received news from a courier: King Miezko was dead. He had died from injuries sustained at the Battle of Ukkria.
The Battle of Strassburg (April 10th, 1188) would be the final engagement between the two kingdoms. King Sulistryj confronted King Oldrick II of Pomerania at the battle. By this point, Pomerania had grown exhausted and morale was terrible, and they were outnumbered. With Oldrick II’s rule being unfavored, the armies of Pomerania found themselves quickly overrun by the Poles. King Oldrick was defeated, and gave his crown over to Sulistryj.
The following year, in January, however, Oldrick II rebelled against, declaring his sister Princess Luitgard of Osterland was the proper queen of Pomerania. A quick skirmish took place in February of that year, leading to a white peace between the rebellious Oldrick and the king. He then began a claim war for the crown of Pomerania once again, the following year in 1190. He was once again defeated, and because of his constant rebellion, had his titles over Pomerania stripped and was beheaded.
In August of 1201, a Grand Tournament was held in Poland, the first of its kind in the land, under King Sulistryj. Here, the king himself won the Melee and Archery contests.
In 1209, Duke Krystyn of Veletia became a rival of King Sulistryj and declared him an illegitimate ruler. In December of that year, he began a rebellion of dethronement against the king. A year of small skirmishes and chasing took place, until the duke was defeated at the Battle of Gottingen on the 18th of December, 1210. The Duke would be imprisoned, his titles revoked, and executed. The king gave his second eldest son Sulistryj the title.
Then, in 1213, King Sulistryj decided to go on pilgrimage to the city of Cologne with his eldest son Oldrick. They began their journey in January of that year. However, a great plague overcame the city of Consumption. When Sulistryj arrived, he and his son grew ill. They finished their pilgrimage at the church of Cologne, and were quickly delivered home by their servants. However, when they arrived in October, the king, nor his son, was recovering from their sickness. King Sulistryj grew worse, and would pass away, leaving his eldest son Otger to inherit the throne of Poland, while his son Sulistryj became King of Pomerania.

King Otger II ‘the Sickly’

Alas, many tried to save his reign but it would be the woes of plague that did him in. And thus the House of Renart would die with him.
Otger II (October 25th, 1204 - June 2nd, 1217) was the King of Poland from 1214 until his death from consumption in 1217. His reign saw a great era of instability within the land. Historically, Otger II was the last king of the proper Renart dynasty.
When he became king, the sudden death of his father caused opportunistic vassals to favor his great-uncle and grandfather, Duke Drobomir of Silesia. Though Duke Drobomir swore loyalty to the line of Sulistryj (his nephew) he secretly schemed to take over the throne. Duke Drobomir conspired the vassals of Poland to turn against the young king.
In the second year of Otger’s reign, Count Janusz Halicki of Kalisz led the dukes and counts of Poland in rebellion against Otger, declaring that Duke Drobomir the true King of Poland. They marched out in April, heading toward the capitol. Count Janusz went ahead of the army. Meanwhile, King Otger’s brother, Sulistryj, rounded his armies in support of his brother, as well as the armies of England.
On the 21st of October, Count Janusz entered Krakow and went past the guards. He made an attempt on the life of King Otger, but the loyal and brave Duke Powel of Rzepin saved the life of the king. Janusz was captured from his attempt just as the Polish armies defeated his army outside of the city. Thus the count was captured, and the rebels defeated. The civil war ended there, but things were still growing unstable in the realm.
Alas, the king grew ill further through the winter, his Consumption worsening. His condition grew dire, and his physician was unable to cure him, only ease his woes. Duke Drobomir was expecting to be in line for the throne. Instead, as his last act, Otger declared his brother Sulistryj would become king in his place. Duke Drobomir was insulted by this act, and as the king was dying, he quickly made himself the head of House Renart with his own cadet branch, the House of Glogow.
King Otger died in June of 1217, at the age of 13. Meanwhile, Drobomir began a new faction to install himself as King of Poland…

Emperor Sulistryj ‘the Wend’ of West-Slavia

Though the fox dies, rising from the ashes will be a mighty dragon of the east.
Sulistryj II (June 5th, 1206 - September 10th, 1283), known as “the Young”, the “Confessor”, but most notably “the Wend”, was the King of Poland and Pomerania from 1217, and the eventual Emperor of the West Slavs in 1255, until his death in 1283. Inheriting the throne from his older brother at the age of 11, Sulistryj ruled from an astounding 66 years, in which he united the west slavic kingdoms of Pomerania and Bohemia and unified the West Slavs into a single Wendish empire.
He inherited the throne of Poland after the death of his brother Otger. He was beforehand ruling as Duke of Veletia and the King of Pomerania. When he became King of Poland, he had little power over his kingdom, for his uncle, Duke Dobromir ‘the Handsome’ of Silesia, became his regent. The Duke had expected to take over the throne from his nephews, but instead, Sulistryj was crowned king, leading to a damper in his schemes.
Duke Dobromir, as the grandfather of the king, became the head of the household and quickly began to take more powers from the king, ruling in his place and becoming head of the House of Renart. With Otger II dead, and Sulistryj’s mother being Dobromir’s daughter, and the remaining Renarts dead, Dobromir declared the house of Renart extinct.
The Renarts are dead. Long live the House of Glogow!
This went against the will of Sulistryj, who stripped Dobromir of much of his regnal powers. Dobromir threatened rebellion in 1221, seeking to claim the crown of Poland for himself. He schemed to kill his grandson, hoping to put his own direct son, also named Dobromir, onto the throne.
Dobromir proceeded to try and kill the young king when he was studying at the University of Krakow. The attempt was quickly discovered and thwarted by Duke Powel of Rzepin, once again loyal to the king as spymaster and bodyguard.
The following year, Sulistryj was finally coronated as he reached the age of 16. There, King Sulistryj II announced himself as the “first of the House of Glogow” in spite of his grandfather. He took over the Renart dynasty and disinherited his grandfather, destroying his son’s claims to the Kingdom of Poland. But still he schemed, as he knew it could be restored if he took the throne.
A house divided against itself shall not stand!
To ensure confidence in his rule, Sulistryj pressed his bassal Czcibor’s claim to the Duchy of Ostfalen in 1222, and then married Maria of Norway. He would win the duchy, taking it from the Emperor of Germany at the time.
However, not all were confident in the rule of King Sulistryj, as Duke Dobromir continued to plot against his grandson. Count Alexander Kujawski rebelled against the king in 1229, but he was swiftly defeated and executed for his crimes. King Sulistryj proved to his grandfather that he was not willing to mess around. Dobromir tried to flee as the remaining rebellious counts were imprisoned, but he was captured.
Dobromir was imprisoned, and by coercion was forced to give up his claims to Poland, and then was disinherited and dethroned from Silesia. Out of compassion, Sulistryj spared his grandfather, as the chronicler wrote in “The History of the Wends” the following:
“King Sulistryj declared, ‘The Renarts have died, but the blood of Glogow will not be severed. You shall have a place in my house, until the end of your days. As it is, I rule as a son under your blood.’”
Thus Dobromir would remain in Krakow as a servant of his grandson, until the end of his days in 1232, where he died from drinking. Thus his legacy, despite his reportedly loving nature (despite his treachery, he did care for his grandsons as they grew up fatherless) he was still viewed as a traitor and usurper. Thus he has become a figure of plays and songs in the West-Slavic culture. His most prominent appearance, and basis of much fiction, was in the “Song of Renart” in which he was portrayed as a scheming traitor.
During this time, legend spread that King Sulistryj had slain a dragon. He gave into the story, proclaiming himself a mighty dragon slayer and that he, too, would slay the enemies of the Poles. This brought him great praise throughout the land.
The following year, 1232, Queen Maria would die in childbirth as she gave birth to her daughter Jadwiga. She had three children with Sulistryj. King Sulistryj held a funeral for both her and his grandfather, mourning their loss. The same year, King Sulistryj would remarry Rognfrithr of Denmark. She would birth his eldest son Dalimir in 1234, and Dobrogost in 1237.
Now King Sulistryj was well read in the histories of Poland. Though he knew was of German descent, he began to read of the Wendish tribes of Germany many centuries prior. He remembered that once his family had held titles in Northern Germany. He began to see himself as a great unifier of his house’s ancestral claims, and the claims of the west slavs. He also believed the Holy Roman Emperor was a threat to his power over the region. Therefore, Sulistryj grew a vision of a Wendish Empire, of German and Pole, to secure his realm.
You were useful, Teutonic Knights. However, I have a mighty need to unite the West Slavs!
He declared war against the Teutonic Order in 1240 as he recaptured the Duchy of Pomerania. The Grandmaster was defeated at the Battle of Szczytno in 1241, and King Sulistryj II saw victory a few months later in January of 1242. The same year, King Sulistryj invaded Anhalt and captured it, fighting Kaiser George’s for the duchy and ultimately defeating him on November 6th of 1245.
Two years would pass, as Sulistryj began building castles and fortresses across Poland and in particular Krakow. Then in 1247 he invaded the duchy of Pomeralia, held by the Teutonic Knights. He would capture Grandmaster Ekbert’s son Warren at the Battle of Gydnia and lead the Teutons to once again losing land to the Poles. The Teutons were driven completely out of the Pomeranian lands.
King Sulistryj would claim himself as the proper Duke of Bohemia and Moravia, as they were once West Slavic holdings, as well as Duke of Meissen. He made an alliance with the King of Hungary, the Emperor of Francia, and the King of England, to take on the much larger and vast Holy Roman Emperor. Kaizer George had conducted diplomacy with King Sulistryj II prior, and so felt betrayed by the king as he invaded central Germany and Bohemia in 1250. King Venceslav of Croatia came to the assistance of the Kaizer. This began what chroniclers called the War of the Wend.
Hopefully the Pope doesn't bother to check the actual historical claims over this... He doesn't need to know what the King may or may not have made up. ;)
Sulistryj led the Polish armies by himself and first attacked northern Bohemia while the emperor tried to attack Francia. The English and Polish armies raided throughout Bohemia. They would be confronted by King Venceslav at Unicov on May 4th of 1252, who attacked the English armies, but the Poles came to the defense of the English and defeated the Croatians, who fled.
Prague was overtaken by the Poles and English as Kaiser George finished defeating a rebellion near his capitol. The German forces marched into central Bohemia, with their army being led by the Kaizer himself. On the 24th of July in 1254, the Germans and Croatians faced the French, Polish, and English forces at the First Battle of Prerov, leading to a very close battle. King Peter IV of England managed to change the fate of the battle with his longbowmen routing the Germany cavalry, allowing the Polish cavalry to break through the German ranks.
There would be a few losses. The Poles lost a battle to the Croatians at Brno, and the English and French lost engagements at Leipzig in the same year.
A second full engagement happened outside of Stribro on the 3rd of November. The Polish forces used the Mze River to fortify their position, routing the Germans once again. The Polish armies wintered there, while the French and English wintered southward of the city. During this time, the Livonian Knights came to the assistance of the German emperor. They moved through the winter towards Prerov to try and retake the city. The defenders fell, and the Livonians moved into the castle.
In February the Polish forces came to the defenses of city of Prerov. initiating the Second Battle of Prerov. They would find themselves suddenly ambushed by a hidden German force, led by the Kaizer, who attacked the outnumbered Poles. However, the French and English troops arrived a week later as the Polish forces held their ground in the castle. With their defense, King Sulistryj managed to push back the Livonians and Germans, forcing them to route, leading to a Polish victory on the 16th of February.
A final battle took place outside of Prague as the Polish forces began besieging the city. The allied forces of Germany, Croatia, and Livonia faced off against the Polish, the French, and the English. The Battle of Prague was close, with King Sulistryj II being injured in the battle. However, as he recovered, he learned that the Germans routed, and that the city of Prague surrendered to his forces. The Polish had won.
And so, a dragon rises from the ashes of the fox.
The Treaty of Prague (July 24th, 1255) led Kaizer George to concede the lands of Bohemia and Messien to King Sulistryj II, and that he would be recognized as the king of those lands. Pope Honorius II came to the city in August to crown King Sulistryj as the Emperor of the Wends.
Peace was not long, as the Emperor went to defeat the King of Galicia-Volhynia in the same year and made him swear fealty to his power as King.
For his act of uniting the Western Slavic kingdoms, Sulistryj began to be known as “The Wend”, and legends spread of his great victory. This followed him south toward Jerusalem during the 5th crusade as the Polish armies fought the Ayyubids, but ultimately saw defeat in the crusade.
In 1272, to consolidate his realm, Emperor Sulistryj subjugated Grandmaster Klukis ‘the Leper’ of the Teutonic Order and forced him to become a vassal.
The emperor in his old age.
The rest of Emperor Sulistryj’s reign was relatively peaceful. He was known for his pious works and had his chroniclers write “The History of the Wends” to solidify his dynasty’s power over the region. He also built many castles and hosted a grand tournament. The Duke of Frisia did try to kill the Emperor, as he once was the King of Bohemia before it was invaded. However, this was thwarted. His second eldest son, Dobrogost, would die of Smallpox in 1283. However, with the usage of primogeniture law (put into effect by decree of the emperor), succession remained safe.
Emperor Sulistryj would die in his sleep on the 10th of September, 1283. He had a long and successful reign, and would forever be immortalized as the Wendish King who reclaimed the ancestral lands of the Poles from the Germans.
And so, West-Slavia is born.
We end our chapter with a new house. The Renarts saw their last ruler in Otger II, leaving the dynasty in shambles. And though the new House of Glogow was born in the same treachery of the Fox of Renart, it would find itself becoming ferocious and noble through the reign of Emperor Sulistryj!
Emperor Sulistryj's rebranded CoA: \"As cunning as a fox, as fearsome as a dragon.\"
End of Part 2. The Renart dynasty currently holds many duchies within the HRE, but lost Zaphoriza. It remains it's most powerful in the West-Slavic Empire.
submitted by CrinkleDink to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:47 GuiltlessMaple Best Chanel 9 Perfume

Best Chanel 9 Perfume
Indulge in the luxurious world of Chanel 9 Perfume with our exclusive roundup of the latest scents that are sure to captivate your senses. Whether you're a die-hard Chanel fan or just discovering the brand, this comprehensive guide will guide you through a collection of beautiful fragrances that are perfect for any occasion. So, sit back, take a deep breath, and let's explore the fabulous world of Chanel 9 Perfume together.
In this article, we'll provide you with detailed information about each Chanel 9 Perfume, including their key notes, longevity, and sillage. We'll also share user reviews and expert opinions to help you decide which fragrance aligns with your personal style and preferences. Stay tuned as we dive into the exquisite world of Chanel 9 Perfume, where opulence and elegance meet in a harmonious blend of scents. Enjoy the journey!

The Top 8 Best Chanel 9 Perfume

  1. CHanel Chance Eau Tendre Travel Set - Experience the delicate and radiant charm of Chanel's Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Toilette travel set, complete with a full-size bottle and refillable twist-and-spray atomizer, perfect for on-the-go scent indulgence.
  2. Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum Set for Classic Everyday Scents - Experience the magic of the Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum with this full-size and travel-sized set, boasting a pleasant and long-lasting scent, perfect for a radiant, feminine aroma anytime, anywhere.
  3. Vintage Chanel No. 19 Parfum 1980s Sealed W/Box - Experience the iconic, glorious vintage Chanel No 19 Parfum in an astonishingly potent 1970s Pure Parfum, featuring exquisite notes of rose, jasmine, galbanum, and more, all in a nearly mint condition box and bottle.
  4. Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set - Introducing the Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set: a limited edition featuring a versatile twist-and-spray atomizer and an enchanting scent, perfect for the bold and spirited woman.
  5. Coco Mademoiselle Intense: A Captivating Fragrance for Women - Experience the captivating allure of Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense, an invigorating blend of jasmine, bergamot, and mandarin orange that leaves a lasting, woody impression with its powerful scent strength.
  6. Ladies' Chanel No. 19 Eau de Toilette 100ml - Experience the iconic and daring Chanel EDT No. 19, a floral-woody-green scent that captures the essence of Mademoiselle in a 100ml spray bottle with optional bath and body rituals for an unforgettable fragrance journey.
  7. Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum Spray for Men - Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum Spray is an enchanting blend of light and dark notes, perfect for all seasons and moods — a sensually vibrant scent that transcends boundaries while embracing individuality, all packaged in Chanel's signature elegant style.
  8. Coco Mademoiselle Parfum Spray Trio Set - Enhance your personal style with Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray, an Oriental fragrance perfect for every occasion, boasting an inviting scent that lasts throughout the day.
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🔗CHanel Chance Eau Tendre Travel Set
I was excited to give CHANEL's Chance Eau Tendre eau de toilette a try after hearing good things about it. The first thing that impressed me was the packaging. It came in a beautiful box that perfectly encapsulated the elegance I associated with the brand.
The scent itself is a delightful mix of fresh and fruity notes. It's mostly dominated by grapefruit and quince, with hints of jasmine and white musk in the background. I found it to be very pleasant – light enough for daily use but also unique enough to stand out from other fragrances I've tried.
One feature that stood out to me was the twist-and-spray atomizer. It made applying the perfume super easy and convenient, especially when I was on the go. However, I did wish the scent lingered a bit longer. On some days, I felt I had to reapply after 3-4 hours because it wore off.
Despite this minor issue, I absolutely loved this product. The combination of its fresh scent and ease of application made it a must-have in my beauty routine. Plus, the twist-and-spray atomizer ensured that I could take it anywhere without worrying about spills or leaks.
In conclusion, whether you're buying it for yourself or as a gift, CHANEL's Chance Eau Tendre eau de toilette is definitely worth considering. Its radiant scent and user-friendly design make it stand out from other perfumes on the market.

🔗Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum Set for Classic Everyday Scents
Chance Chanel is my go-to perfume for any occasion. From the moment I spritzed it on, I was transported to a world of elegance and sophistication. The delicate floral scent, with its hints of jasmine and rose, is simply divine. What's even better is that this perfume has great longevity, lasting all day without being overpowering. Not only do I get countless compliments when I wear it, but it also makes me feel confident and radiant. The packaging is nothing short of stunning – a sleek glass bottle adorned with the iconic double-C logo, a true symbol of timeless beauty and elegance. If you're looking for a perfume that embodies femininity with a touch of Chanel's signature sophistication, Chance Chanel Eau Tendre is definitely worth a try. "
Its standout feature is the beautiful blend of floral and fruity notes, which creates a scent that is both fresh and romantic. The top notes of grapefruit and quince are zesty and uplifting, while the heart of the fragrance is dominated by delicate jasmine and hyacinth. The base notes add a warm and comforting touch with their hints of musk, amber, and cedarwood. The packaging is equally impressive – a simple yet elegant design with the iconic Chanel logo.
However, I must admit that I had a slightly disappointing experience with one particular purchase of this perfume. The scent of the new bottle was nothing like the product I had been using for years, which was a real let-down. Fortunately, the customer service team at Sephora were quick to replace the faulty bottle, but it's something to be aware of if you decide to purchase this perfume.
Overall, though, Chance Chanel Eau Tendre is a beautiful fragrance that is perfect for anyone who loves a soft and romantic scent. Its longevity is impressive, and the packaging is classic and timeless. If you're looking for a delicate and feminine perfume that will make you feel confident and radiant, then this one is definitely worth trying.

🔗Vintage Chanel No. 19 Parfum 1980s Sealed W/Box
I recently got my hands on a vintage bottle of Chanel No. 19 Parfum. Upon opening it, I was instantly transported back to the era of classic perfumes. This fragrance is unlike any modern interpretation of No. 19 that I've come across in recent years.
The top notes are dominated by aldehydes, bergamot, galbanum, neroli, and hyacinth, giving it an uplifting and fresh scent. The heart notes reveal a harmonious blend of jasmine, rose de mai, lily of the valley, orris, and Nossi-Be ylang ylang, which adds a beautiful floral touch.
What sets this apart is the base notes: oakmoss, vetiver, sandalwood, leather, and musk. They create a rich, warm, and sensual aroma that lasts on your skin for hours. This old-school formula is practically impossible to find today, as it has been replaced by lighter and more commercially acceptable versions of No. 19.
The bottle itself is a visual treat, with its hand-sealed wax seal and near mint condition box. Although this particular bottle is no longer sealed due to an unfortunate shattering of the wax seal, the fragrance within remains as potent as ever.
One downside is the mottled stickers on the inner box and bottle. This age-related discoloration is common in many 1970s perfumes, but it might not appeal to everyone's taste. However, this small flaw does not affect the quality or potency of the fragrance itself.
In summary, the Vintage Chanel No. 19 Parfum evokes a sense of nostalgia and glamour with its complex, rich, and timeless scent. While the packaging may show some signs of age, the enchanting aroma that envelops you upon application more than compensates for it.

🔗Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set
My experience with the Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set has been quite pleasant. The elegant and chic design of the bottle, along with the twist and spray atomizer, makes it convenient and sophisticated enough to carry around in my purse.
The scent is not overpowering, but it's noticeable and lasts throughout the day. It's the perfect combination of sweet floral notes and deep earthy undertones. I find myself getting compliments from others whenever I wear it, which is always a nice bonus.
One of the highlights of this set is the refillable twist-and-spray atomizer. Not only does it save on packaging and reduce waste, but it also allows me to take my favorite fragrance with me wherever I go.
However, there have been a few instances where the scent didn't last as long as I'd hoped. It seems to vary depending on the weather, with the fragrance not lasting as long in hot or humid conditions.
Overall, I would recommend this product to anyone looking for a high-quality, long-lasting, and versatile fragrance. The twist and spray atomizer adds an extra level of convenience and portability, making it perfect for travel or on-the-go application.

🔗Coco Mademoiselle Intense: A Captivating Fragrance for Women
I recently stumbled upon the Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense by Chanel and added it to my daily routine. From the moment I spritzed it on, I knew it was something special. Featuring top notes of bergamot and mandarin orange, it offers an invigorating aroma right off the bat. The middle notes of jasmine and Turkish rose give it a pleasant fragrance that lingers throughout the day, while the base notes of vanilla and patchouli add a sense of depth and elegance.
One thing I truly appreciate about this EDP is its longevity. With just a few sprays, the fragrance lasts for hours, gradually releasing its alluring scent. I remember attending a formal event where I received multiple compliments on how captivating my scent was - and it was all thanks to the Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense!
Another highlight is the packaging. The sleek bottle design, with its timeless black label, perfectly captures the essence of the Coco Chanel brand. It's a beautiful addition to any perfume collection or a perfect gift for that special someone in your life.
However, I must note that fragrances are subjective. Some might not find this scent to their liking due to its unique blend of notes. My advice? Test it out on your skin or try a sample first before making a purchase.
In conclusion, the Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense by Chanel has become a staple in my daily routine, providing me with an invigorating aroma and a timeless sense of elegance. It's definitely worth a try if you're looking for an exquisite scent that stands the test of time.

🔗Ladies' Chanel No. 19 Eau de Toilette 100ml
As I dabbed on a few spritzes of this captivating scent, I couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of confidence and allure. The Chanel EDT No 19 is definitely a daring, distinctive fragrance that leaves a lasting impression. The floral-woody-green notes strike the perfect balance, making it an uncompromising composition, much like its wearer.
One aspect that I absolutely loved was the easy and fluent application. The eau de toilette in a spray format made it so convenient to lightly mist on my skin or even inside my clothing. Plus, the bath and body product range added an extra layer of enchantment to my daily perfuming ritual.
However, on the downside, some users might find the scent a bit strong for everyday use. It's more suitable for those who prefer bold, statement-making fragrances. Overall, the Chanel EDT No 19 is a powerful, captivating perfume that's perfect for those who aren't afraid to turn heads with their scent.

🔗Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum Spray for Men
Bleu de Chanel by Chanel is a bold and alluring scent that captures the essence of adventure and sophistication. I had the pleasure of trying out this Eau de Parfum Spray, and it quickly became a staple in my daily routine. As soon as I spritzed it on, I was transported to a world of fresh citrus and warm spices. The grapefruit note adds a refreshing zing, while the ginger and incense give it a mysterious depth.
One thing that stood out to me was the superb longevity of this fragrance. Even after a long day at work, the scent lingered on my skin, leaving me feeling confident and stylish. Additionally, the sleek and elegant design of the bottle made it a welcome addition to my vanity.
However, there are a couple of downsides worth mentioning. Firstly, the price point may be a bit steep for some consumers, but I believe the quality and performance of the product justify the cost. Secondly, while the fragrance is not overwhelmingly powerful, it does have a certain presence that may not be suitable for all occasions.
In conclusion, Bleu de Chanel by Chanel is a phenomenal Eau de Parfum Spray that truly deserves its high rating. Its unique blend of citrus, spice, and woody notes creates a captivating and timeless scent that is perfect for any season. If you're in search of a luxurious, long-lasting fragrance that turns heads and leaves a lasting impression, look no further than Bleu de Chanel.

🔗Coco Mademoiselle Parfum Spray Trio Set
Alright, let me tell you about this beautiful Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray 3 x 0.7 oz. Imagine getting ready in the morning and spritzing yourself with a divine scent that will stay with you all day, even when you're sipping cocktails at a rooftop bar? Yeah, that's the magic of this lovely perfume.
The first whiff you get will be bright and fruity, like a fresh burst of orange. Then, as the day progresses, it'll turn into a lovely combination of jasmine blossom and rose. The best part? The deep, earthy notes of patchouli that keep you smelling fresh and confident throughout the day.
However, like any product, there are some cons to consider. It's a bit on the pricey side, but hey, it's Chanel! If you're not used to strong scents, this might not be your cup of tea. And remember, a little goes a long way, so don't overdo it.
But overall, I absolutely adore this product. The packaging is luxurious and elegant, and it's perfect for travel. It's definitely worth the investment, and anyone who tries it will fall in love with it, just like I did. So go ahead, treat yourself to this divine concoction and prepare to be showered with compliments all day long!

Buyer's Guide



What are the top Chanel perfumes available in the market?

Chanel offers an array of beautiful and elegant perfumes. Some of the most popular ones are Chanel N°5, Chanel N°5 L'Eau, Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, Chanel Chance, and Chanel Allure.

How do I choose the right Chanel perfume for me?

Choosing the right Chanel perfume depends on your personal preference. It's best to try a few samples and see which one resonates with you most. Pay attention to the notes and scent families (floral, fruity, oriental etc. ) as that will help you narrow down your choices.

Can I purchase Chanel perfumes online?

Yes, you can purchase Chanel perfumes online from authorized sellers such as Chanel's official website or other reputable retailers. Be sure to verify the authenticity of the product before making a purchase.

What are some popular notes in Chanel perfumes?

Chanel is known for its unique and innovative blends of notes. Some popular ones include jasmine, rose, vanilla, iris, and citrus scents.

How long do Chanel perfumes last?

The longevity of a perfume depends on several factors, such as your skin's natural chemistry and how much you apply. However, Chanel perfumes are typically known for their excellent sillage (projection) and lasting power, with some lasting up to 8 hours or more.

How should I store my Chanel perfume?

To maintain the quality of your Chanel perfume, store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Keep the cap on when not in use, and avoid shaking the bottle excessively.

Do Chanel perfumes have any allergen warnings?

Chanel perfumes are subject to the EU allergens labeling requirement. This means that certain perfumes may contain ingredients that could cause allergies or irritation. Check the product label or the Chanel website for a list of allergen ingredients.

How can I tell if my Chanel perfume is authentic?

To ensure you're purchasing an authentic Chanel perfume, buy from authorized sellers, and verify the packaging and labeling. Authentic Chanel perfumes have specific details such as a holographic foil on the box, an embossed Chanel insignia on the cap, and a solid color on the bottom of the bottle.

What is the difference between Eau de Parfum (EDP) and Eau de Toilette (EDT) in Chanel perfumes?

Eau de Parfum (EDP) generally contains a higher concentration of fragrance oil compared to Eau de Toilette (EDT), resulting in a stronger and longer-lasting scent. EDT is usually lighter and less intense than EDP.

How should I apply Chanel perfume to get the best results?

For ideal application, spray your Chanel perfume on pulse points such as your wrists, behind your ears, and the crook of your elbow. This will help the scent to radiate and last longer. Avoid rubbing the perfume into your skin, as it can alter the scent.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:45 ronlynne Strays Episode 5 - "Shaa-a-ren"

If you'd like to listen to me read this story click here.
“From Lieutenant Bren, UEF Shepherd
“To Captain Sassen, KCS Victory
“Captain, I continue to learn many things about the humans. Again, their sense of community is their strength. Their Shaa is strong, although they do not have a similar word and concept in their language, as I learned recently. I would like to continue this assignment beyond the previous estimated time. Please consider an extension, send to the council if necessary. I would also like to ask the council to review the request I have submitted to share some aspects of faster than light technology. Their current methodology is primitive, unstable, and, to a certain extent, dangerous. They are very close to discovering standard spacetime warping, and for that reason I don’t believe it will violate our technology sharing guidelines. Further details are in the formal request I submitted.
Bren paused, he knew protocols were against this request, but the humans were so close, he hoped the council would consider it. The council could make exceptions if he could show them that the humans demonstrated a non aggressive attitude. He remembered one more thing to add to his letter.
“Klaan philosophy regarding the deceased is an important part of our culture. While many are matter of fact about it, the rituals and sacraments have allowed us to function more efficiently as a society. I have learned about some human rituals, and their essence of Shaa. Two days ago we came across our thirteenth ship…”
Two Days ago
“Captain, the ship is on course, and seems to be functioning properly. However, the radiation emanating from the ship is at lethal levels. It’s highly unlikely anyone survived.” Captain Gardner looked at Commander Klein, taking a deep breath before speaking.
“Commander, prepare to scuttle the ship. Full honors. We don’t want to send a dirty bomb across space.” Commander Klein acknowledged the Captain, calling Bren over to his workstation.
“Bren, can you come look through this information?” Bren approached Klein’s station and looked over his shoulder. Klein pointed at the screen. “These readings, that seems to be the deceased passengers, correct?” Bren nodded then pointed at another reading. Klein agreed curiously. “That’s the one I don’t get. It looks like the life sign of a hibernating human, but it’s distorted.”
Gardner turned to Klein. “Is there a problem?”
Klein looked at Bren, then back to Gardner, “Sir, I think we’ll need to investigate, I can’t confirm that everyone is deceased.”
“How many people Mr. Klein?”
Klein and Bren conferred and Bren answered. “That’s the problem sir, we read 36 pods, most of which are non functioning.” Klein finished the thought.
“Most of the pods appear to be unused. The others are not allowing clear readings. Possibly due to the radiation?” They had encountered several ships with various levels of radiation exposure, likely due to a nearby nuclear blast. This one was the heaviest they had encountered. Klein continued. “This ship had to have gone right through an active explosion. The radiation is still intense.”
Gardner grimaced, while they had protections against radiation poisoning, it was tedious. Any items retrieved required scrubbing with radiation protocols. Patients needed extra medication beyond the standard inoculations, which protected against various types of radiation, mostly radiation found in space. But, they had to be sure. “OK commander, only you and one other, make it quick.” Bren volunteered himself.
“Captain, I am better protected against this type of radiation, I could join the Commander.”
Gardner thought a moment. “OK, just the two of you. Take every precaution.”
Markings on the side identified the ship as North Korean. That explained the radiation as a still unknown saboteur had detonated all of North Korea’s nuclear weapons at once. Sadly, the entire country was reduced to rubble. Although humanity had created effective radiation treatments, cleaning North Korea was taking longer, due to the massive amount of radiation released all at once. Some Koreans had survived, but North Korea, as a country, no longer existed. South Korea was now just Korea, having taken on refugees and stewardship over the cleanup. The reunification of Korea was a Pyrrhic resolution.
Bren and Klein entered the ship. Although it looked shoddily built, it was one of the few ships they had encountered that was fully functional. As they moved to the cargo area the problem became obvious. Crew members littered the area, some partially in their pods. The radiation had knocked them out before they could enter the pods. Bren scanned the area. “They are dead sir, it looks like 33 humans.”
Klein looked at them, some on the floor, some climbing into pods. He recalled the anomalous readings. “So there are three more pods?” Bren continued scanning, stepping carefully over the bodies.
“Commander, the readings on these hibernation pods is unusual, there appear to be several different metals in use, there is no consistency.” As they made their way into the depths of the cargo area they found three pods, hidden away behind stacks of cargo, still functioning. Bren approached them. He scanned, then turned to Klein excitedly.
“Sir, these three are alive, they are quite sick, but the pods appear to have shielded them enough to survive the radiation.” Klein stumbled into the area, looking at Bren’s scanner.
“If we wake them they won’t survive long.” Bren agreed. Klein pushed a button on the arm of his protective suit and called Gardner. “Sir, we have three survivors, They won’t survive long once they are brought out. We will need shielded gurneys to move them directly to the medical bay. Please send three patient pods and four rescue team members to facilitate the rescue.”
Bren and Klein checked their exposure time as they waited for the others to arrive.
Once the rescue team had arrived they cleared out the three crew members quickly, heading straight to the medical bay. Klein and Bren were ordered to undergo more extensive medical tests and spent the night there.
Early in the morning, Bren was explaining Klaan humor to Klein. Klein was not impressed. “So, simple mistakes are funny?”
Bren smiled, “Yes, inverting variables in a navigational equation can be quite satisfying.” Klein looked unsure as Bren added, “But the real humor comes in absurd endeavors, which can take several days or weeks to develop. The payoff is substantial.” Klein was about to speak when they were surprised to see one of the Koreans stir. He looked around, confused, and then startled to see Klein and an alien. Bren had accessed the Korean language program and spoke to him in perfect Korean.
“Do not be afraid. You are on an Earth ship, The Shepherd. Earth is a different world than when you left. I assure you, you are safe here.” The Korean calmed a bit, looking for his comrades. Bren continued, “I am sorry to tell you that only the three of you survived. You have extreme radiation sickness but medical advances have created effective treatments and you are all expected to recover.”
The Korean asked, “What happened?”
Bren turned to Klein, “He wants to know what happened.” They were interrupted by the arrival of Captain Gardner and an Ensign.
“Bren, this is Ensign Choi, she speaks Korean and will be the liaison for these men.” Choi immediately went to the Korean man and began talking. Bren watched as the man apparently learned that his country was gone. The look on his face touched Bren deeply. He appeared to be in physical pain upon hearing the news.
Gardner turned to Klein and Bren, “Are you cleared to resume duties?” Klein nodded and Gardner continued. “I had hoped to avoid a conflict but you may recall the previous rescue of the ship Justice 4.”
Klein grimaced. Just a day before finding the Korean ship they had rescued a ship that was clearly affiliated with the Justice Party. Although it was never confirmed, the Justice Party claimed responsibility for the three nuclear warheads that decimated Los Angeles to start the war.
The Freedom Party quickly formed in response, but since there were no geographical divides the initial stages of the war were particularly gruesome. Political strongholds of each party were destroyed by nuclear weapons, killing members of both parties, as well as the undeclared; more than half of the country that claimed no connection to either party. The complication was certainly due to the fact that a Freedom Party ship’s passengers were already on board. Gardner confirmed Klein’s assumption.
“We assigned quarters to the passengers of the ship, Justice 4, and initially there was no problem, until someone saw an insignia on someone’s shirt. The Justice group refused to be quartered on the same floor.”
Klein grimaced. “The Freedom passengers were on level three, right? Just move the Justice to two?” Gardner smiled.
“The Freedom passengers decided that they wanted to be above them, so they refused to stay on three if the Justice moved to two.”
Klein scoffed, “We’re in space, there is no above and below, we may be sideways now for all we know.” Gardner agreed and as the three men entered the passenger common area, the leaders of each group swarmed them.
As multiple men chattered and made demands at once Gardner raised his hand and finally got them to calm down. “We came across a heavily irradiated ship and we want to allow the surviving crew to be involved in the Honor ceremony when we scuttle the ship. They are in the medical bay. We could be here for a few days depending on their recovery time. That means you all can’t stay here in this room. You will need to accept room assignments.”
The men all began shouting again when Bren stepped forward, raising both hands which, somehow, stopped everyone immediately. Bren spoke.
“Captain, I may have a solution.” Gardner looked hopeful.
“Go ahead Lieutenant.”
Bren lowered his hands. “My people have a method for solving disputes that goes back several thousand years. It is specifically designed for this sort of post war dispute.”
Everyone was rapt as Bren continued. He smiled and stuck his arms out to the side, palms up. He spoke loudly in a commanding voice, “Feats of Strength!” As he said ‘strength’ he raised his arms over his head and clasped his hands together. Shaking them with a determined grimace. The men pumped up their chests and murmured agreement. Gardner looked at Bren curiously. “Feats of Strength?”
Bren nodded, “Yes, although that is rarely the form it takes. We stopped fighting to the death centuries ago.” The men seemed a little less enthused.
Gardner asked, “What does this entail?”
Bren smiled, “We choose a contest, and since it is a test of strength, we add,” he paused, searching for the correct word, “complications, as we go.” He looked around, and sensing no objections, continued. “I would suggest… bowling!”
Gardner and Klein stifled laughs as Bren looked each group straight on and asked, “Are you prepared to compete for your pride?” Hesitantly each group agreed. Bren went on, “I will administer the contest, the rules are simple, I can add any difficulties I choose.”
The leader of one group looked at Bren, confused, “Difficulty?”
Bren nodded, “For example, we could start by bowling with the non dominant hand. Perhaps with eyes closed, or while… singing.” As the men started to take Bren less seriously he puffed up and seemed to get taller. “You have accepted the challenge, do you agree to go forward?” The men looked at each other, unsure, but finally nodded and started to get excited.
Bren stated one more rule, “The final outcome is that the winners will be allowed to choose their quarters,” the men nodded and mumbled until Bren cut them off, “But the winners must also host the defeated team to a feast in their home.” He looked around and felt he had everyone’s attention. “There is no human term for this, but the Klaan call it Shaa. It is the knowledge that everyone on the planet is connected. In our case, on this ship. We are all part of one physical organism, collectively called the Shaa-a-ren.”
The men looked around, slightly less excited but committed to the contest. Bren stood straight, and addressed the room. “Each team will choose four champions. The contest will start in sixteen hours. Spread the word, in the original Feats of Strength great crowds cheered on their warriors.”
With that the groups of passengers separated into huddles, deciding on their champions. Gardner turned to Bren. “Feats of Strength? Shaa-a-ren?” Bren looked at Klein and the Captain.
“Yes sir, the rules are adaptable, but Shaa is a sacred concept to the Klaan. I assure you, this method of conflict resolution has an excellent record on Klaan.” Klein and Gardner shared a curious look, when Bren noted excitedly, “We will need to prepare the bowling lanes for an audience. The crowd is a critical part of this event! Captain?”
Gardner shrugged, “Commander Klein, let the crew know that they are invited to a Klaan Feats of Strength event.” Klein shook his head as he walked toward the bridge to deliver the invitation.
In the medical bay Gardner, Klein, and Choi spoke to the three Korean men. Gardner had offered them several option for disposal of the irradiated ship. Choi translated for the Captain. “They said they are not overly concerned with the ship’s disposal. They only ask to be able to watch as it’s done.” One man, who identified himself as Colonel Han spoke. “Captain, we do believe you when you say things are different. We also hope you understand that the official stance of our country,” he paused, as the country no longer existed, “The stance is one of no religion. However, there is a thread of Buddhism among us, and a prayer service to commemorate the men who did not survive is kindly requested before the ship is scuttled.”
Gardner nodded and asked Choi if she could make arrangements. Colonel Han spoke again. “Captain, is it possible to finish in time for the contest? Your Mr. Bren extended a personal invitation.”
Gardner was surprised, but agreed.
The next day Choi, Han, Gardner and the other Korean men stood on the bridge, watching a large monitor. The Shepherd had shut down the ship’s engines and shined lights on the ship. Choi had arranged the prayer ceremony, and the three men seemed at peace with the situation. Gardner looked at Colonel Han, who looked at his companions and nodded to the Captain.
“Commander Klein, you may proceed.” Klein stood, as did the rest of the crew. Captain Gardner spoke. “It is with great respect that we send these 33 passengers and their ship to space. This ship served them well, and now all will be committed to the great expanse.”
Klein blew a military whistle and launched two missiles. The missiles flew directly to their target, detonating and turning the ship to dust, to scatter among the backdrop of the stars. Gardner spoke again.
“Your lives will be remembered as your final destination has been reached. Godspeed.” He saluted and the crew followed his salute. The Korean men somberly saluted. The crew held their salute until Choi had ushered the Koreans off the bridge. The crew resumed their duties silently for a moment until Gardner spoke once again.
“If you have arranged to go to the Feats of Strength event, you are relieved, once the skeleton crew is in place.” A few crew members entered to man the bridge as several others headed to Bren’s event.
Bren quieted the crowd. Klein was surprised at the turnout. The crew of both ships sat intermingled with Shepherd crew. Choi ushered in the Koreans, stoic, but seemingly looking forward to the distraction the contest would provide. Chairs, benches, and cargo containers had been constructed into makeshift bleachers, and they were packed. Food and beverages had been prepared and in general, it was a festive atmosphere. Bren entered the center of the space and raised his hands, facing his palms out, and turning in a circle.
“My friends, you have accepted me into your ship and crew and I am grateful. It is with that gratitude that I happily share the Klaan tradition of… FEATS OF STRENGTH!” The crowd cheered and Gardner looked around, wondering if he should have assigned security for the event.
Bren lowered his hands and the crowd silenced. He spoke again in a low voice. “Shaa is a Klaan belief that we are all connected. That the people assembled here are all part of one single living organism. We are all a part of Shaa-a-ren. We are each other. We are one. We are Shaa.”
He smiled and waited as the crowd seemingly held its breath. Then he clasped his hands over his head and shouted, “LET THE GAMES BEGIN!” The crowd roared as the eight men prepared to bowl. Bren explained the rules. “The standard rules of bowling and scoring apply. The automated system will keep score. I will add rules as we go. The first additional rule is that all bowlers are required to throw the ball with both hands. Team Justice won the random generated decision to go first. Proceed.”
As expected, bowling with both hands was awkward, and the bowlers threw gutterballs and generally left a lot of pins standing. No one was bowling well, but the men were laughing at each other anyway. After two frames Bren stood and spoke. “Time for a new rule! You must bowl with your non-dominant hand!” The bowlers grunted and grimaced. Bren was excited, the concept of a dominant hand was new to him. Human brains fascinated him and when he learned of right or left handedness he had spent hours asking people to use their non-dominant hand for daily tasks.
The teams bowled slightly better than before, but neither team was lighting up the scoreboards. Only one strike had been thrown, and truthfully, it was a mistake. Something went wonky with the magnetic system and changed the ball’s trajectory.
The crowd was cheering when a bowler knocked down three or four pins, and the teams were getting irritated, so Bren changed it up again. “Starting now, you must do two complete turns before throwing the ball.”
As the bowlers made themselves dizzy, the crowd’s excitement escalated. The bowlers had begun cheering each other on, regardless of which team they were on. The difficulties Bren was introducing made the two teams bond over the challenges. The crowd was eating it up. Even the Korean men were enjoying the show. Finally they reached the final round. Team Justice was up by seven points, it was anybody’s game.
Bren stood and called for quiet. “I would like to thank you all for joining us tonight. I hope you have felt the Shaa. You are all part of the Shaa-a-ren here on the Shepherd. Even as you go on to other ships or planets, this connection is now a part of you all.” Bren looked at the Koreans and bowed deeply, speaking in Korean. “You have lost much, your crew, your country, perhaps family. However, today you have gained Shaa and we are happy to have you here in this Shaa-a-ren.” He bowed again and the Korean men bowed deeply back to him. Bren turned to the crowd.
“For the final round, we have the ultimate test. Each team will switch lanes and complete the other team’s final score. However! A gutterball counts as a strike, so you cannot intentionally throw the game. You can choose to bowl with both hands, or your non-dominant hand.”
The teams switched lanes and began, with Team Justice putting up several points for Team Freedom. By the time they reached the last ball the game was tied. The men looked at each other, then conferred. They nodded and each stepped up to the lane, carefully throwing simultaneous - and very intentional - gutterballs. Bren raised his hands, quite pleased with himself.
“The game has ended in a tie!” He called the teams to him. “It seems that the outcome has not solved our problem. How would you like to choose the winning team?” Bren smiled, fairly certain he knew the answer.
The captain of Team Justice spoke. “We will both stay on deck three.”
The captain of Team Freedom joined him. “And we would like to host all of you for a feast on deck three tomorrow!”
The crowd erupted in cheers. Captain Gardner spied Bren speaking with the Korean men, they seemed to be thanking him. Choi moved to the Captain. “Bren knew exactly what to say to them. This Shaa business really made a difference.” Gardner smiled and watched as the men walked to the food and beverage stations and joined in the celebration. Gardner went to Bren, who was now talking to Klein.
“Lieutenant Bren, I must commend you. Your Feats of Strength and Shaa-a-ren was an unqualified success.”
Bren smiled. “Captain, Shaa is a very trusted solution to many problems.” He held his hands out, palms up and fingers sticking up. “We are all digits on the same hand. Once the men started to bond over their shared experience they began to feel the depth of connection. Shaa-a-ren connects us all, sometimes you just need to reach out and feel it.” Klein nodded, holding out his hands as Bren had done. Bren smiled again. “Commander, you have now experienced Klaan humor, in its long form. How often did you laugh as the men dizzied themselves and fell, or threw bad balls, left difficult splits, or danced with their opponents?”
Klein looked at Bren curiously. “You did this all just to…” He looked at the Captain in shock and finished the thought. “… To tell me a joke?”
Bren smiled, “It was a happy coincidence. Shaa-a-ren is very real, as is Klaan humor.” He hummed a tune as he walked away. Klein and Gardner looked at each other, questioning what had actually taken place tonight. Gardner shook his head as he patted Klein on the back, blending into the celebration.
“It doesn’t matter Mr. Klein, it worked.”
submitted by ronlynne to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:42 harriskeith29 Darth Vader and the importance of self-forgiveness (fan analysis)

TLDR- The love & forgiveness of others alone wasn't enough for Anakin Skywalker to overcome Darth Vader & the Dark Side. The only way to let go of his hate, return to the Light Side, and finally find peace was by forgiving himself.
Star Wars: Darth Vader #5 by Greg Pak (2020)
From the moment he was first "consumed by Darth Vader", as Yoda put it, the greatest fundamental challenge for Anakin to return to the Light was never being forgiven by others. It wouldn't make enough difference if everyone he'd ever hurt or killed sincerely told him "I forgive you", if his mom appeared in a vision to console him, if Padme herself died still believing there was good in him, or even if his own son was willing to die believing there was good in him. Whatever they said or did wouldn't change his heart.
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command #5 by W. Haden Blackman (2011)
The core of Vader's hatred and pain was never about needing or wanting others' forgiveness or remorse, which is a major reason why he stayed a devout Sith for so long. Because the Sith's strength in the Force comes from their emotions, that way of life became an outlet for him to continue living in the personal Hell that, deep down, he thought he deserved (since all he had left for so long were self-imposed negative emotions). He was his own worst judge & critic. It wouldn't matter how much he did to atone for his crimes (except perhaps to the victims & their loved ones) if he still held himself in nothing but contempt.
\"A Tear in the Dark\" by Luca Merli
In the Sith Lord's mind, even with all this power + the Empire's armies at his disposal, he felt like a failure who deserved his suffering. At every opportunity to repent, he chose to stay on the Sith's path because he didn't believe any other path was left to him. Quoting a review of the Star Wars: Darth Vader comics:
"The kyber crystal he’s trying to force into a Sith crystal, to crush its will beneath his own, fights back with throwing at him what Anakin Skywalker still wants to do, the right thing to do, saying that it’s still possible. It shows him that it’s still possible. But Vader refuses it. That path is no longer possible, it would go against everything he’s sacrificed to get where he is, his betrayal of the Jedi, his killing Padme (so he thinks), his turning his back on the Republic, the murders he’s committed, the monster he’s made himself, it would all have been for nothing if he turned back now. All he would have on that path is nothing, Vader thinks.
Never mind that he would have the right thing, never mind that Obi-Wan would see him as Anakin again and would have forgiven him, would have taken him back, never mind that he could have saved the galaxy from Sidious’ cruelty and horrors. Vader still forces himself to believe that all of that would be nothing. He has to keep moving forward, the sacrifices he made, the things he did and will do, have to be worth it, and that won’t happen on that other path. This new life is his only choice now. The only way out is through. This is all there is."
Star Wars: Darth Vader #25 by Kieron Gillen (2015)
Vader was dead set on forcing this path to be worth everything he'd lost. He didn't believe he deserved any better after all he'd done. He convinced himself Anakin symbolized weakness from a failed past, but one could also interpret that he believed (even if he wouldn't admit it to himself) he was unworthy of the name.
Star Wars: Darth Vader #24 by Kieron Gillen (2015)
Vader told Luke "There is no conflict. That name no longer has any meaning for me.", but the anger in his voice during this dialogue suggested otherwise. The name Anakin Skywalker simultaneously served as: A) A reminder of his failure to save those closest to him. B) A reminder of when he had family, friends, and so much in his life to be grateful for (in spite of hardships & losses) that he took for granted. Self-loathing was all he understood anymore, and it was that hate that helped give him so much power even with his injuries.
\"Lord Vader's Persuasion of the Outer Rim Planets to Join the Empire\" by Dave Dorman
The only way Anakin could find his way back to the Light, even for just one final self-sacrificial act, was to receive forgiveness from the most important person, the one at the root of his decades of hatred... HIMSELF. As long as that self-hatred continued fueling his immersion in the Dark Side, nobody could reach him regardless of who they were or how they approached the situation. Even when his inner conflict started to emerge thanks to Luke's influence, he still believed it was "too late" for him to turn back or be anything else. Becoming Vader was a Hell of his own making and a prison he'd always had the means to leave. He just wasn't willing to pay the price for unlocking the cell.
Star Wars: Darth Vader #1 by Charles Soule (2017)
He couldn't bear the thought of going back to the path of the Light when his most defining memory of being on it was when he betrayed everything/everyone that life had given him. For all these years, he adamantly believed he could have saved everyone if only he'd been stronger. If only he hadn't allowed the Jedi's dogma to hold him back from his full potential. That ambition led to him losing Padme. He may have even believed in some warped way that turning Luke (and/or Leia) to the Dark would allow them to be a family again.
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Even if Luke killed Vader to take his place at Palpatine's side, they'd still be connected in that they'd be links in the chain of Sith history + legacy. It was only in the moment of seeing Luke about to be killed that Anakin finally broke through, screaming in the man's mind "ENOUGH! It's time to LET GO! Let go of the past, let go of your hate (echoing Luke)! Your family needs you! Your son needs you! He is the best of you and his mother! You're RIGHT HERE! You can make a different choice this time. It's NOT too late! You can still SAVE HIM! SAVE HIM!!!!!"
\"Padme's Faith Rewarded\" by Jokerisdaking
And so, at the cost of his life, he did. When Luke said "I'll not leave you here. I've got to save you." and his father replied "You already have. You were right about me.", Anakin was implying that Luke was right about letting go of hate. That would only be possible to do if Anakin forgave himself. THAT'S how he was able to die, ascend, and reemerge as a Force Ghost. THAT was the most vital step from the start to his redemption.
By accepting everything that had happened on his journey, acknowledging that the direction he went was wrong, realizing it was ultimately his own choice even when accounting for Palpatine's influence, and no longer letting his negative feelings hold him down, he'd finally achieved peace with himself and the Force.
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)
Edit: Vader may have already been planning to betray the Emperor, but it's WHY he did it that makes his redemption important. A Sith would kill his master for power, dominance, and succession. Anakin did it only to save his child. If he'd killed Palpatine while still consumed by Vader, Luke may have been saved but Anakin would still be gone. It would have been a victory for the Rebellion but a failure to save Anakin's soul.
submitted by harriskeith29 to StarWarsCantina [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:38 Xzyrvex Progress Check

Okay, I recently was scrolling on tiktok and found this guy: He does food reviews around CDMX and his content seems really good but INSANELY FAST. I was wondering how many of you could understand this without the captions and what hour are you? I can get like 50-60% so I'll definitely be using this to check my progress as I keep on going. Thank you!
submitted by Xzyrvex to dreamingspanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:32 ramzar266 Played the Japanime Tactics Gran Starter Set, initial thoughts

There is almost no information, discussion or videos about this game at all. I know it only recently got shipped out but I was surprised I couldn't even find unboxing pictures or videos of the product.
I had no idea it existed until I saw a tweet about people's copies shipping out after a lot of silence from the company about the game. My partner and I are into board games and Granblue enough so we decided to give it a go.

Price of Entry

So there are two separate starter sets, the Gran set comes with Gran, Lyria, Rackam & Noa. The Djeeta set comes with Djeeta, Katalina, Vira and Io. Either one is about $40 before shipping which actually isn't that bad for what we thought would be the base game. (more on this later)
There's also the full 12 character expansion set for around $70, the super deluxe complete set that comes with both starters, the 12 character expansion set AND 4 more characters unique to this bundle (Meteon?? The Lowain bros, Another Katalina?? and Elmott) for $150. If neither of those seem appealing there was confusingly enough individual character expansion packs for $6 which are completely random on what character you get out of the 12 in the expansion.

The Rules

No way to get around it, the rulebook flows terribly. It could really use some reorganizing in how it delivers the rules to you and maybe some more in-play examples of actions or turns playing out. It has some neat ideas that in execution makes the game seem simple but has potential for interesting strategy. Things like, once the 1st turn player is decided upon, they will continue to go first each round unless another player takes a specific action during the current round to take it from them. The chaining system, normally after you take an action with one of your characters, priority passes to the opponent and they take an action with one of their characters. If you use cards with matching colors together you can create a "chain" and act multiple times with different characters before the opponent can act. This sounds really strong but like a lot of other things in the game has it's own opportunity cost and other things to manage with it but it is fun to play around with and could make deckbuilding more interesting with more character options. It also vaguely frames that the first-setup game it has you play will be using some alternate rules, which a lot of games do to ease in players. What it does not tell you until the end of the book is that The game is normally played with 4 characters per team, which suddenly makes things like the chaining system the game has make more sense.

The Marketing

This realization at the end of the rule book that games are normally played with 4 Characters per team, with a few rule changes makes you double take at that $40 entry price on the Starter set. Because now you have essentially half of a full game, meaning you cannot experience the game the way rules were designed for without either buying the 2nd Starter set, the expansion set or 4 of the random chance character packs. I don't see much reason to buy the random packs, if you like the game or system enough to get more it would make much more sense to just get the guaranteed set of 12 instead of gambling on a few extra characters that may or may not be the ones you'd want to play. It just felt really weird once it clicked how designed the system is around it's chaining system and action economy when the Starter set barely gives you the tools to play with it.

Production Value

Overall pretty pleased with the physical aspects of the game, the board is nice and has some pretty basic terrain for elevation and some 3D trees which is far more than some other games of this type would give you. The punch out tokens and other things like the round counter all do their job well enough and having a Gold Brick as the "Control the Point" piece for the map is funny enough. Oh yeah each character uses a pretty decent quality acrylic art stand to represent themselves on the board which is a huge step up from having card board punch outs or something, really nice touch. I have one gripe and that is how boring the card art is. The main stat card for each character is fine it's 3/4th body shots of their art from the game which is nice. Their actual ability cards that are supposed to represent their attacks and skills from the game are all just their in-game sprite poses with no extra art or flair to any of them! As someone who likes a good mix of mechanics & art to their games, this part really disappointed me. Gran's cards all have the exact same sprite in the exact same pose pasted 5 times with one other card having a different sprite pose and that's it.


Sorry if some of this turned into more of a ramble but I wanted to get my thoughts out on the game after giving it a good round of plays as I haven't seen anyone really saying anything about it. We grabbed the 12 character expansion ourselves to try out full games and that might change my feelings on some things.
Overall I think the game and it's rules are nice and snappy with some hit or miss production value to it. I don't think it uses the Granblue IP in a meaningful way but I swear I remember reading an off-hand comment that "Japanime Tactics" was supposed to be a game that was going to expand with multiple IPs included. I'd need a fact-check on that but it would explain things about the rules and marketing for the game.
If anyone else has some thoughts about the game too I'd love to read them or if anyone is willing to post pictures of the expansion character cards I really want to read and see what they do!!
submitted by ramzar266 to Granblue_en [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:28 WindyJenner Vanderbilt vs UIUC for CS or premed

Hi Guys! I was recently admitted to UIUC for CS and had originally committed there, but also got off the Vandy waitlist and have to decide in a couple of days. The only reason I ask this question is because Ive recently taken an interest in premed.
I could be making so many assumptions here, so lmk what u guys think as well and help keep my perspective in check. I have shadowed docs and volunteered in highschool, so I do want to help people, just not 100% set on doing premed.
Maybe you guys have a pov? Tysm!!
submitted by WindyJenner to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:25 JustinTHuntAuthor My Indigo Park Discoveries and Theories

SPOILERS for Indigo Park Chapter one! You are warned!!
My Indigo Park discoveries.
1st: upon entering the first section where we meet Rambley, we’re given two bits of info. 1st is that according to the computer, the date is Saturday 7th 20XX (mysteriously left vague) and that the staff need to give the correct coupon/discount for that day. However, Rambley Raccoon the AI mentions at least twice that it’s actually a Tuesday, and he says it's been exactly 8 years (2920 days) since the last person visited Indigo park.
2nd: Something else to note is that, if we go by the very beginning visual recording we saw of Isaac Indigo, and listen to Finley’s chat when we first meet Finley, we discover that The Park, or at least the animated characters/ mascots have existed for 100 years. If we look at a calender to see what fits with these two bits of information, we can come to the very plausible conclusion that Indigo Park started officially back in 1925, and that the CURRENT DATE , the date WE as the main character go in by, is actually Tuesday 7th 2025, meaning that it was 2017 when the last person logged on for Indigo park, which would actually fit with what we’re told.
Solid fact: COMPUTER says sat oct 7th 20xx (doesn’t give proper date). AI RAMBLEY says Tuesday is the day we’re there, at least twice. RAMBLEY claims it’s been exactly 2920 days, 8 years, since the last person came to the park. Therefore in order for the date to make any sense at all, and align with the info we’re given so far, Indigo Park has to have been created back in 1925, the bad event happened around 2017, and we’re going into the park 8 years later in 2025.
3rd discovery: When we first see the Mascot characters checking in on us, the first and most consistent one we see is Molly Macaw the bird. What’s interesting is we find a wrecked and discarded version of an old mascot costume for her in the very first ride. The second most interesting fact we have is that the molly that pursues us, along with the lion as well, are far too real to be people in costumes, and move too fluidly to be AI controlling costumes. This gives me the belief/ theory that perhaps these are actually CREATURES, possibly scientific experiments, that have taken on some of the traits of the mascots we see in the park. This idea is further solidified by the fact that, later in the game, we actually end up decapitating Molly *spoilers*, and real blood comes from her. The same thing could be said for Lloyd when we get jumpscared by him in the theater. He reacts negatively to a noise the critter cuff makes and runs off. At first I thought maybe it was the AI telling him off, saying ‘hey don’t kill that person, they’re a guest’ or something, but knowing now that these creatures are actually flesh and blood makes me wonder if perhaps these were indeed wild animals that somehow became the mascots for the park at some point, and along the way something went wrong. It would sort of make sense, given that later on near the end of the game, if you manage to collect a mascot mask during the molly chase, you’re given some lore from a recording about new mascots arriving at Indigo park. These new mascots were concerning the old workers in this recording, as they worried the new mascots would ‘take their jobs’. Meaning that at some point new mascots came in and the old mascot performers weren't too happy about it. Perhaps one of these disgruntled workers did something to cause the new mascots to go wild, and that caused all the events that led to the evacuation of the park. Which brings me to THAT point.
4th discovery: The Evacuation of Indigo Park, and abandonment of it.
Something I noticed during the entire game was just how ruined everything was. Like, it is completely wrecked, even more so then I would honestly believe for a place that’s been abandoned for 8 years. Some things are still running, and some buildings are still in tact for sure, but there are ENTIRE buildings and walls just… absolutely wrecked, like a wrecking ball smashed through some of them. I’m not an expert on how long buildings take to get to the extent of disarray Indigo park is in when we go there, but it’s just ABSOLUTELY wrecked. Even when we go through a tunnel at one point, there is a collapse that closes the entrance behind us at that point. Sure, its game play to stop us from returning, but from a story standpoint, if you were to look at that tunnel entrance just before going in, it looks perfectly fine. The least you would expect to see is some dust crumbling down, cracks in the wall, stuff like that, as it prepares to give way. But that doesn't happen. No, instead, I suspect that it was actually the new mascots, specifically a character like Finley who has been labeled as rather large and strong, that caused the majority of the damage in the park. My evidence so far comes from two examples. First example is when we first almost get attacked by Lloyd in the theater, and he gets almost flattened by crates. You could make the argument that he was pretty weak, especially since he kinda just gives up and disappears only to try and get us as we leave and then gets scared by the critter cuff. But if you notice, the crate that lands on him is fairly wide and fairly large, and does NOT look light in the slightest. And since he’s meant to be a lion, he should be fairly strong. So, that crate that flattened him but didn't kill him? It SHOULD have killed him or knocked him out had he been a normal human in a costume.
My second evidence to this idea is Molly. We’re talking about a bird that has feathers for hands/fingers. That shouldn't make her strong by any means. And yet, when we get chased by her, the door she comes through to get to us gets pulled open by force by her. Watch that scene again carefully and you’ll see what I mean. True, the door is slowly starting to open, but it STOPS, and then she forces it open with absolute ease! And that was a solid steel door!
And third factor (I know I said two factors but I wanted to point this out a lil too) is the existence of Finley’s real sea-dragon body, seen RIGHT at the end of the chapter. There is no way that is a real human, and definitely no way that's an animatronic either. That thing is real, and its definitely strong.
My guess? These guys are what actually caused the majority of the damage we see in the park. It would explain why the place got evacuated at all, and why police wanted to keep people away from the place so badly.
5th discovery: little things to note.
So in chapter one there’s a few little things of note which might not be huge to the lore, but I wanted to talk about for sure cus they fascinate me.
1st lil note: On the train ride in, if you turn around upon seeing conductor Rambley enter the train, there’s a picture of Rambley and LLoyd shaking one anothers’ paws. I haven’t been able to get a closer look, but I believe there’s also some kind of letter or note in the picture too. I have no idea what this implies, but I found it interesting given that, for the rest of the game, Rambley basically hates Lloyd and resents how much attention the lion gets (despite the fact that rambley is most definitely the one character that gets the most attention.)
2nd lil note: if you pay close enough attention throughout the chapter (after you officially enter, and before you see her in the Landing Pad room) Molly Macaw actually appears a few times. Sometimes physically, sometimes saying things. I think the first time you can officially see her is in the cue for the train ride as she goes around a corner. You can spot her a few times during the train ride as well, and can even hear her saying something after Finley has his little ‘come visit me’ speech. I don’t know exactly how many times she pops up along the ride, but that is very interesting. I also believe she pops up in the theater, both physically and for a brief moment you can hear her too, just before you see Lloyd in the backstage area.
Collectables. Like with FNAF security breach, this game has collectables that reveal a lil more lore, but unlike FNAF, you can only find out info about the items once you reach an info kiosk. For the most part, the info you get if you scan the items seem to be about your character’s backstory, which honestly isn’t… much? But there could be more in the future, who knows. But if you click on them, you can learn more about the items from Rambley, which is where you also get to learn about the secret recording regarding that one mascot mask. They’re part of the game, but I don't think you have to get them? At least, I don't think they unlock anything special if you do get them all. I know nothing changed when I got them all.
Our character's height/age/info. So, when we are first introduced to the character we play as in the beginning opening intro, it's pretty obvious that we’re playing someone who’s either a teenager, or a fully grown adult. They’ve been known for exploring abandoned places before, if we pay attention to the messages they share with an internet friend, and in the game, our arms are quite muscular, meaning we are known for being fairly strong ourselves, and more than capable of running for long distances (which makes sense later on with the molly chase).
However, a couple of things I wanted to note: If this is true, then why are some things in indigo park different heights to us then what they should be? For instance, a normal upstanding bin, with nothing keeping it above ground or adding to its height, is only just below our chin basically. Another example is that some of the desks in cafes or kiosks are higher than us. Yet it's made pretty clear we’re not playing as a kid. I suppose it is entirely possible we could be playing an adult of short stature, but I’m not entirely sure. It is also possible that this was done as part of the game’s physics, to avoid players jumping over things. Story wise, it is a bit inconsistent and I thought that was a little strange. Could be nothing, but could be something.
My current Theory:
So here’s my running theory. I want to point out that this is a theory and not absolute fact, and if you have theories of your own I’d love to hear them. I’m just theorizing according to the evidence I’ve picked up. Here goes.
Sometimes back in the late 2010s perhaps, Indigo park decided they wanted to take things in an exciting new direction. Their ideal thought was always to try and bring dreams to life, of course, and perhaps Isaac Indigo felt that the current Mascots weren’t doing the best job at that. He brings in some scientists and discusses with them a revolutionary idea: turning ACTUAL animals into the mascots for Indigo park. Perhaps he reasons with them by saying things like ‘hey, people want to see and feel the realness of these mascots they’ve come to love, what better way to do it then to give them REAL animals.’
Unfortunately, this means some scientific experimentation. A scientist, we’ll call them Richard for now, gathers up the actual animals that represent the mascots (perhaps getting a lion cub from a circus to avoid being killed by lions in the wildlife)), and starts to run experiments on them by giving them potions that slowly, over time, start to ‘transform’ them into the mascots for Indigo park. However, he gets to the one for Salem the skunk, and since Salem is supposed to be the evil, tricky, clever one, her transformation goes awry, and they break free, enabling the other animals to break free as well. Causing the chaos of the park to ensue, and the eventual evacuation of the park. They decide they want to keep Indigo Park as their home, because they know that the outside world would probably kill them on the spot, and slowly over time become more animal like, but still hold onto some of the old traits they were injected with. The AI known as Rambley was confined to the front desk, most likely because that would be one of the last areas staff went to before fully evacuating. Meaning he was stuck there until we came along. Now he wants to bring the park back to life, because that’s what he’s programmed to want, and to do, but he needs human clearance, which is where we come in. But the animal mascots will probably not like that, because that means we’re bringing back to life the place that condemned them to start with. So they will try to stop us any way they can. Is this right? Again, not sure. It’s just a theory right now. But I’ll be interested to find out what happens in chapter two.
Was there anything I missed? What did YOU think of Indigo park? Got any theories? Let me know and let’s discuss Indigo Park!!

submitted by JustinTHuntAuthor to GameTheorists [link] [comments]