Seroquel and benadryl

Seroquel (Quetiapine)

2010.02.05 02:54 shrinkly Seroquel (Quetiapine)

Welcome to Seroquel! This community is dedicated to discussing all aspects of the medication Seroquel (quetiapine), including its uses, side effects, dosage, experiences, and general information. Please read over the rules for the best experience: In the app, tap on "see more" first. On desktop, check the sidebar first.

2014.11.21 15:06 tinocallis GOTHEFTOSLEEP. Seriously.

For parents of babies who missed the memo on how to sleep.

2024.05.14 23:30 Direct-Network-1365 getting off seroquel

does anyone know if i can get off 125mg seroquel ? its not working and everything says i need to taper. i wanna try benadryl next, can i just switch over ?
submitted by Direct-Network-1365 to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:03 kikaysikat RELAPSE

I was able to quit caffeine for 3 whole months.. and then one time there was a luncheon and everyone had coffee, and thought hey, a decaf wouldnt hurt so I had decaf. I was able to sleep well even when drinking decaf.
Then yesterday, I told myself, hey a glass of iced mocha wouldnt be so bad. It tasted and felt SO GOOD.
Then come night time. I felt "droozy" by 11PM, tried to sleep, but woke up at 1145.. and then tried to sleep again but sleep wouldnt come.. then it turned to 2AM, my bladder failed me and I kept peeing. I had sleep anxiety already. By 3AM I was still wide awake, feeling intense regret of what I have done.
I was desperate for sleep so I took a capsule of benadryl, 10mg of Valium, and anoteher 25mg of Seroquel. I closed my eyes and was able to get that much needed sleep.
It's not worth it. The coffee, the caffeine.. is never worth it. Day 1 starts again today.
submitted by kikaysikat to decaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:00 Imaginary-Cap-1164 I think my insomnia is hopeless... I've tried so many things... what else is there?

I've had chronic insomnia for many years now, most of my life. Some things have worked temporarily in the past, but this past year has been hell and nothing is working. I've done sleep studies, practiced good sleep hygiene, sleep meditations, exercise, bath before bed, everything else that is usually recommended. I have pretty severe PTSD, and the past few years have been the most traumatic and I'm sure that's a big part of it. I recently did SGB and it the benefits only seemed to last about a week. I've tried EMDR also. Been in therapy 25+ years. It usually takes at least 5 hours for me to fall asleep, sometimes longer, and even after I've finally fallen asleep I usually wake up at least once an hour and then it takes a while to fall back asleep again. Here's some of the meds I've tried (with all of these I've tried up to the highest dose possible, even sometimes tried doubling and have also tried various combinations of many of these):
Seroquel: used to work years ago but now doesn't seem to have any effect
Benadryl (even up to 200mg): no effect
Unisom: no effect
Ambien: no effect
Lunesta: no effect
Melatonin: no effect
Ativan: no effect
Clonazepam: no effect
Vistaril: no effect
Doxepin, no effect
DSIP: no effect
Phenibut: no effect
Trazadone: no effect
Gabapentin: no effect
Promethazine: no effect
Belsomra: no effect
Remeron: no effect
Risperdal: no effect
Geodon: no effect
Sonata: no effect
Restoril: no effect
Clonidine: no effect
Propranolol: no effect
Selank: no effect
CBD and CBN: no effect
Many herbal supplements (ashwaghanda, magnesium, passionflower, 5-htp, etc.): no effect
There's probably more I just can't think of at the moment, but basically it seems like medications just don't work for me for some reason. The only combinations that have had minimal effect (I fall asleep within 2 hours instead of 5) are not sustainable because of tolerance build up or risk of addiction or things like that. Many of these aren't supposed to be taken together but when I'm super desperate for sleep I'll try anything. For example, when I take these all together it only takes about 2 hours to fall asleep instead of 5 or more: 300mg seroquel, 200mg trazadone, 12.5mg Ambien, 1mg klonopin, 250mg phenibut, 10mg melatonin and 20mg propranolol. When I take that combination I barely feel anything and it does take a while to fall asleep still, but I'll take anything I can get. I've been trying to function on an average of 2-3 hours of sleep a night, some nights I end up getting zero sleep, and I'm just not functional in the world.
I've literally gone to the emergency room a handful of times in tears begging for something that actually helps, but they usually just tell me to take melatonin or something and send me away.
oh also, cannabis, along with a few of the meds mentioned above is usually helpful, but I end up having horrible hangovers with cannabis and am barely functional the next day... although I'm barely functional as it is bc of my sleep issues.
Does anyone else suffer from insomnia to this high of a degree? Have you found anything sustainable that works for insomnia this severe?
submitted by Imaginary-Cap-1164 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 08:13 numbmyself Need Serious Help!

Trigger Warning ⚠️
Quick back story. I'm 38 M, been self employed online since 2018. Not married, no kids. I started doing really well with my work in 2017 - 2022, and built a substantial amount of net worth. I started traveling solo for months at a time, while working online. Here's where life went downhill.
I met a woman in Europe just as a friend at first but things quickly became romantic. We ended up in a semi-relationship. When back in North America winter 2022, I fell into a deep depression and turned to drinking. To the point that doctors prescribed me Diazepam 5 mg and large doses of Gabapentin 2400 mg. Still I couldn't quit drinking. It went on until summer 2023 when I ended up in the hospital detox ward. After 10 days there, I was off the alcohol, and went to a kind of rehab for 4 weeks after. There I managed to taper my Gabapentin down to 600 mg per day, and my diazepam to 3 mg per day. I got out. Was feeling good.
Traveled again while working online. Again came back to North America winter 2023. Fell straight into drinking again but this time quickly got into hospital detox cause now I knew the process. Got out in January but this time left the hospital on 8 mg diazepam and 600 mg Gabapentin.
January and February were steadily getting better. Then right at the beginning of March 2024, I had a severe emotional trauma due to my semi-relationship. It was so bad (in my mind), I completely lost it. I started drinking yet again. But only 1 day. The next day I took Benadryl Diphenhydramine to calm down. Just 50 mg. But I noticed it worked well. No high, just calmed me down. Day after day I took it. 50 mg became 75 mg and several times a day. Usually 3x a day. I basically just slept a lot.
But... I didn't realize I was still working online at the same time. And in 1 month I destroyed everything I had made and saved financially since 2017. I mean a lot. Enough that I could have retired on, and I started from nothing. Finally when I got ahold of my doctor the first thing he said was "do not work online while taking Benadryl!", but it was 1 month too late.
I immediately quit the Benadryl cold turkey and started drinking hard to stop the withdrawal. Ended up a 3rd time in the hospital detox. This time only 7 days. I left there on 10 mg diazepam, 600 mg Gabapentin.
However they gave me a prescription for Quetiapine Seroquel 25 mg up to 75 mg a day as needed. I didn't touch it as I was petrified of Tardive Dyskinesia. This was only approx 2 weeks ago.
I tried focusing on eating healthy, going for walks, etc. But I kept getting panic attacks realizing how badly I messed up. The relationship thing doesn't even bother me anymore. What I cannot get over is the stupidity of how I blew everything I worked for because of working while on Benadryl higher doses. The doctor said I had lost all inhibition and rational thinking. Otherwise I never would have done those things.
Now the Emergency. I'm currently on Escitalopram 20 mg, Diazepam 10 mg, Gabapentin 600 mg, and I'm still super panicky. To the point, I tremble, shake, dry heave in the sink, lost all appetite, often feel numb all over my body, developed agoraphobia, am afraid to speak to friends or family, get confused a lot, anhedonia nothing that used to bring me joy does anymore. I see no point in the future. I have no energy or will to live. On top of this I have very bad Tinnitus (noise induced), and I know tapering these medications could take years.
Finally, a few days back I completely snapped. Couldn't sleep all night, was shaking in bed, re-living how I destroyed my life over and over, how I can't find a way to fix it or just rewind back to February. I literally wanted to just die. But instead of calling an ambulance, I took 50 mg of Seroquel and laid down. I don't even remember falling asleep, but it knocked me out cold.
Now I'm taking that too. It worked for it's purpose. But I've just added another medication that will be hell to get off. So basically my life has just become, sedate myself as hard as possible to not be awake or think. I've tried weed cannabis before and it just spikes my anxiety even more in my current state.
I honestly feel there's no point in anything. I'm tired of living in constant panic, fear, shame, embarrassment. I've been googling ways to end it but everyway I've found just scares me more because if I'm not successful I'll be left with really bad injuries for life. I used to think ppl who did that were selfish and not thinking of their families/friends. But now I realize that the mental pain can be so bad, that it can overrule that. I would write a letter explaining it was nobody's fault but my own, and that I'm in a better place now, that I couldn't live like this anymore. I've tried therapy, detox, rehab, exercise, seeing my doctor over and over. Nothing works.
Warning: I just want to go to sleep and never wake up. The only way I've found, is a very high dose of a certain drug which I won't name here. Painless, and everything just goes black. If I dose high enough, and am alone, it's almost 99.99%. Especially since I've never tried it before, I'll have zero tolerance.
This is not me. Just back in February I was struggling but getting better. But back then I atleast had my financial nest egg. Now that I've ruined that too, I just cannot become homeless and battle all this on top. There's no way I can work in my current state. And for some reason my doctor says I don't qualify for government assistance. Since I'm physically able, and still young.
I want my life back. But it's too far out of reach. The only thing keeping me here now is that at night I take my Escitalopram, Diazepam, Gabapentin, and now since a few days Seroquel 50 mg. It all knocks me out so I can't think, and can atleast sleep. But once I wake up, I'm thrust back into my daily hell. I can't do it anymore. I need help, badly. But I have no idea what can help me anymore. Where I live, I cannot just call up a psychiatrist. I need a referral from my doctor, which I just got, but he said it can take months. And even when I've seen one in the past, they listen to me for half an hour and give me another prescription. It's all useless. I'll end up on 10 medications, unable to work, and just be a zombie all day, a burden to all around me. What kind of a life is that? Just to grow old and pass on from a terminal illness all alone. I wish I could just go to the hospital and get humane Euthanasia.
submitted by numbmyself to PanicAttack [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:44 TheCutLosses Medical Mystery / possibly neurological?

I am in dire need of some help. If by some miracle I can get answers after a decade, beyond saving my life I will find a way to repay you. Here’s my story and as much of the facts as I can provide:
-Since birth, I’ve always had tremors that come and go, but when anxious, they become very strong comparable to shivering when you’re cold.
-I’m late 20s now, when I was 17, I got a decent concussion on the left side of my head. Weeks later, I got another concussion. I believe this is called Second Impact Syndrome. This immediately cause permanent visions issues on my left eye, as well as mood changes, and coordination issues.
-The doctors advice was to take a plethora of psych meds- Lexapro, Seroquel, Abilify, Amitriptyline, Clonazepam all at the same time. I did this for about 2 years and then the prescribing doctor died and I cold turkey-ed all the meds. I had gained about 75lbs on the meds, and lost the weight within 2 months of stopping the meds.
-A year after that, I began having numbness around my face and forehead, and it felt like I could feel my skin, but the bones and tissue underneath were numb. I started getting coordination issues, and major pain and spasm on the right side of my body.
-As this progressed, I’m faced with the following issues I’ve had for the last decade of my life:
-nearly fainting/instant unavoidable drowsiness around 7pm followed by insomnia from 12am-6am -grogginess & unrefreshing sleep -burning electrical nerve pain all around (mainly neck and upper back) -muscles feel like they’re made of cement & constant spasm -coordination issues -periodic movement issues (fingers, toes) -weakness/numbness on the right side of my body & scalp/forehead -periodic bed wetting -no bladder control -left & right side of my body and brain feels seperated -anxiety & panic -unable to exert myself -uncontrollable extreme moods (crying and laughing) -IBS -heart arrhythmia & palpitations -VERY sensitive to caffeine -dizziness -noticeable nerve and facial differences (wrinkle patterns and muscle movements) -tunnel visions & visual distortions/floaters on left side -hypersensitivity right side of my body -nausea & no holding back my gag reflex -vertigo -short term memory issues -cold sweat on and off -chronic joint pain -concentration issues and disassociation
Ruled out/tests: Multiple MRI- no legions & not MS/ALS
Bloodwork - at one point had positive ANA & ENA for mixed connective tissue disease but now negative - not autoimmune?
-no TSH issues
-No arthritis
-Sleep study EEG normal
-nerve conduction test normal
-caffeine amplifies all the symptoms
-marijuana amplifies all the symptoms
-gabapentin somewhat helps 30%
-alcohol helps but high tolerance now
-VERY sensitive to antihistamines like Benadryl (makes me super sick and almost like a seizure)
-sleeping pills / amitriptyline don’t work
-working out & exertion amplify symptoms
-massage & chiropractors hurt a lot and make it worse
-pain killers / codeine do nothing
-muscle relaxants do nothing
So there you have it. I can provide more info as needed, but I haven’t been able to find any answers and an entire team of doctors is at a loss. Please help me.
submitted by TheCutLosses to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:23 onmycouchnow Getting an iron infusion now and have a long rash on arm

[44F] on Lamictal, Seroquel and Depakote for bipolar. Benadryl for MCAS. 260 mg iron supplements. Anemic so getting an infusion right now and have developed a rash. Adding labs in case that’s helpful.
During the premedication period I received 50 mg of Benadryl and within minutes got a rash. It goes from wrist to elbow, red and itchy, and it stings. It went away so they thought it was a fluke. I’m not allergic and take Benadryl every day for MCAS. They flushed and then did dexamethasone. A couple of minutes later the rash was back. I did not react to saline. They don’t know why my skin is flushing and rashy but since it seems everything else is fine, they aren’t concerned. Now doing the test dose.
What could be a cause? I’m not worried since they aren’t but I am curious.
ETA: spouse just reminded me it happened about ten years ago with Zofran and funny enough they gave me IV Benadryl.
submitted by onmycouchnow to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 20:40 assholeprober99 Withdrawal after 5 years of use

Hi everyone. It’s been a rough 15 days. For info, I am 19 now. I started taking seroquel at 14 for insomnia, about 5 years ago from now. I went from 25mg, up to 200mg, paired with trazodone, (I don’t remember the dosage) and a lot of other meds. I basically started antidepressants at 11 and had been in a cocktail of meds from then, ranging from benzos to antipsychotics etc. I had a difficult upbringing, but should have NEVER been on anything, I was misdiagnosed, and was just in a broken home.
I gradually stopped coming off off my medicine 2 years ago, and eventually seroquel was my last medicine to stop taking. I can feel the weight of the med on my body every single day. I worry that it and the other medications have affected me neurologically, and that I won’t ever be the same. After tapering down to 25mg, I stopped taking it 15 days ago and have substituted it with melatonin and Benadryl as needed.
The past 15 days have been hell. I have had awful mood swings, painful anxiety, been itchy all over, and have hardly slept. I have been sticking to a regular gym routine the past month, and it definitely helps on the days that I go. (3-4 days light cardio + strength training with active rest) However, even on the days I do go, I still struggle with sleep. If I don’t go, I don’t sleep.
Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? I worry that I’ll never be the same. I just want to know everyone’s stories and have a little hope. Thank you.
submitted by assholeprober99 to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 15:13 ilikesnails420 Treating PMDD insomnia like jet lag

The insomnia I deal with during luteal is by far one of the worst symptoms I haven't been able to improve. I've tried a number of sleep meds, most of which made me feel hungover next day (seroquel, hydroxyzine, benadryl, klonazapam). I take melatonin regularly at night, 5mg right before bed, which helps me maintain a regular sleep cycle despite my adhd (brain hates turning off). I have good sleep hygiene otherwise and do not struggle to sleep except for certain periods of the luteal phase. During luteal, I struggle with delayed sleep onset and waking after sleep onset.
I came across a dissertation that proposes mechanisms all involving disrupted circadian rhythms. This got me thinking. I'd read a lot about circadian cycle disruption/setting because I also struggle with seasonal depression, which I treat with bright light therapy (a lot of overlapping literature between SAD and circadian rhythm), and consequently use bright light therapy to regulate my circadian rhythm-- bright lights in the morning and my melatonin evening dose. But resetting a circadian rhythm requires different strategies than simply maintaining. I also recently learned that melatonin to regulate CR requires different dosing and timing than what I use regularly to fall asleep.
Apparently, only in the luteal phase, women with pmdd exhibit delayed circadian rhythms meaning you can't go to sleep until later.
There are a lot of known, simple ways to do this. Low dose melatonin several hours before bedtime is a proven strategy. Bright morning light therapy is also effective on its own and combined with melatonin.
I tried the low dose melatonin (0.5 g) 5 hrs before my usual bedtime for the last few nights. And, I'm pretty regular now. The other night I got SO sleepy right at 730pm (bedtime at 8pm). It could be a fluke-- my insomnia waxes and wanes within luteal. I'm gonna keep trying it and will post an update after I've tried it for a few months. I'm also going to continue to pair it with morning bright light therapy-- this was tough for me to stick to this month due to the particular timing needs for that and my schedule.
Sources: -Dysregulated circadian rhythm in women with pmdd
-can't find the dissertation rn.. sorry.
-exposure to morning light for circadian rhythm delay
-protocols for phase shifting circ rhythm in high school students involving blt
Note: Melatonin is otc where I live, but as with all things, work with your doctor on this stuff. I am well-supported by my amazing psychiatrist who knows I take melatonin and use bright light therapy. This is not medical advice, just personal success that may help others find solutions with their docs.
submitted by ilikesnails420 to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 18:08 annthurium it CAN get better (the post I never thought I'd write!)

I struggled with chronic insomnia of sleep maintenance and initiation since I was a child, and I'm almost 40. I told myself I'd actually come back here and write a post about it, if I ever managed to improve the situation. Good news! It's not perfect but I'm getting 6-6.5 hours a night on average which is a vast improvement over 3-5.
tl;dr - it is possible to improve. The combination of factors that works for you might be very individual, or run against commonly accepted principles that work for others. Especially if you're some flavor of non-neurotypical.
Edited to add: I'm not asking for advice!

what worked

Things that didn't work

medications / supplements that didn't work

submitted by annthurium to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 16:09 Time-Rise-3386 Coming off, will I be okay?

Hello, so I've been on seroquel for 3 years and 4 months, my highest was 100mg and for the last 7 months I've tapered down from 100mg to 3mg without any problems and now I'm planning on jumping off completely this weekend. Im taking 2 weeks off of work, I'm stocked up on benadryl, klonopin, melatonin and THC/CBN in case.
It's worth noting that I also believe I've built up some tolerance to this drug a while ago, as in munchies completley disappeared and it doesnt knock me out anymore, like last night i took it at 8:45 and fell asleep at 10:20, anyways will I be okay?
submitted by Time-Rise-3386 to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 18:28 SoftwareNo7508 Trazadone stopped working, nothing else works either

Like the title says, I take Trazadone for sleep but it's not working anymore. Tried upping my dosage to no effect. I've always had a hard time staying asleep. I was on Seroquel for a while but when it stopped working I switched to Trazadon. Long story short, nothing helps me stay asleep. I've tried just about every OTC supplement you can think of. Hell, even NyQuil and Benadryl haven't seemed to work. It's been about a month now of not being able to stay asleep for more than 2 hours. All my dreams are stress dreams. I've developed an intense brain fog and a constant moderate headache. I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this. I'll take any suggestions y'all have and I'll gladly try anything I haven't tried yet. I just need to recharge my body so bad.
submitted by SoftwareNo7508 to sleephackers [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 03:18 FluorescentSedation Adding Seroquel to medications - weight gain/loss/neutral?

Hello. I’ve been on Lamotrigine for months now (around 5 months - currently taking 200mg ER), but have recently had a bout of work/stress induced insomnia. My psych NP wants me to take 50 mg of ER Seroquel at night to help me actually get some sleep; she said this wouldn’t be a forever medication, but will help to get me over this no-sleep hump. Now… I am terrified of gaining weight; my mental health suffers greatly when I’m overweight. I have to work so hard to lose any weight at all (recently lost 15 lbs over 2 months after gaining 80+ after the pandemic/depression… I’m trying really hard). My question is, because I’m taking Lamotrigine will the common weight gain associated with seroquel be cancelled out? And I’ll remain status quo and continue on my weight loss journey? I am so scared to start but desperately need sleep. Thanks in advance!
(I’ve tried hydroxizyne, Benadryl, unisom, etc for sleep already)
submitted by FluorescentSedation to Seroquel [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 04:26 chickpea69420 I have some concerns/questions regarding my psychiatrist’s prescription: Seroquel and Clonopin together. Is this safe?

20F, 125 lbs, 5’5”
Psych diagnoses: Bipolar (I believe type 2, nobody has ever clarified, but I have never been psychotic, had full blown mania, or been hospitalized), ADHD.
Other diagnoses: GERD, chronic sleep issues (dX with delayed sleep phase syndrome at 14, had a sleep study last year but it didn’t yield helpful results.)
Medications: Famotidine 20mg, Adderall 5mg (as needed, max taken is 1x day), minipill birth control, quetiapine fumerarte 100mg nightly.
New prescriptions (haven’t started yet): Klonopin 1mg and 200 mg Carbamazepine ER 200mg.
Hi, so I recently started with a new psychiatrist after going over a year without one. My last psychiatrist had me on Seroquel as a sedative to try and help my sleep issues. I had also tried hydroxizine, melatonin, and Benadryl but they had 0 effect. It worked well at first but after 2 years I started having negative side effects so I scheduled an appointment with a new psych to discuss changing medications.
My new psych decided that the Seroquel wasn’t going anything for me (agreed) and that he wanted to switch my meds, great! He then prescribed me Klonopin to take nightly instead of the Seroquel.
One of my concerns was withdrawals, as whenever I had gone over 24 hours without Seroquel I’d get nasty withdrawals (tachycardia, nausea, tremors, chills, sweating, mixing up words, etc). I felt like Klonopin and Seroquel would interact, so I assumed I’d start the Klonopin after I had tapered off of the Seroquel. Nope! He told me to cut my Seroquel in half and take it with the Klonopin. When I brought up withdrawals, he said the Klonopin would help because I’d sleep, but that doesn’t make sense.
I’m tapering the Seroquel more slowly over a period of 3-4 weeks than the 1 week period he suggested to try and avoid the withdrawals.
Anyways, my main concern is, is it safe to take 75mg of quetiapine fumerate along with 1mg Klonopin? My pharmacist said NO, and I’m inclined to trust the pharmacist more when concerning medications lol. The new psych said it was fine though, but I just don’t feel safe taking them together.
My second concern is, as a young adult, isn’t it a bad idea to start taking a benzodiazepine daily? My main gripe with the Seroquel was that it gave me withdrawals and I didn’t want to deal with that, aren’t benzodiazepine withdrawals way more serious (and potentially life threatening?) I’m currently under the impression it’s alright to take a benzodiazepine 2-3x a week MAX before you start getting into dangerous dependency territory. He wants me to take it every night.
I’m going to seek a new psychiatrist for a second opinion (on some other issues besides this one), but in the meantime, could somebody clarify if this med combination is ok to take?
submitted by chickpea69420 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 06:12 r3i_b0n3z Tapering Off Is Hell

Hi, I've been on Seroquel for two years now. Seroquel has been a miracle drug for me until recently. It has been awfully sedating and even if I switch to different miligrams, it's okay for a bit, then I get unbearably tired and can't function. Is also causing memory loss for me. Doc put me on 100mg IR and now I've successfully made it to 50mg, but it has been hell trying to taper down further. Every single day is hell. Burning headaches and nausea (benadryl doesn't help anymore). It sucks, I tried to taper to 25mg, wasn't ready, went back to 50mg and still suffering. This sucks. I just want to feel like myself again without constant sickness.
submitted by r3i_b0n3z to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 12:34 Zorro4563 France : PSSD and MAOIs

Hey everyone…
Suffering of PSSD (Paxil) /MDD/GAD/OCD since years (no libido, genital numbness, emotional numbness, anhedonie and erectile dysfunction and muted orgasms), I went to the road of MAOIs thinking it would be safer. But after 1 year on Parnate (40 mg/day actually) my genital sensations went from 20% to 0%, also my anhedonia ans flatness get worse (even ability to cry). I don’t know what med/supplements/drugs could have got me there. So I have many questions :
  1. What is the most probable culprit that coil have killed the little sexuality I had 1 year ago (3/4 times cocaine, alcohol, propranolol up to 40mg, gabapentin up to 800mg, l-tryptophan 500mg, pregabaline up to 200mg max, benzos, Moclobemide 300mg max, l-theanine, 2 times Mirtazapine 7,5mg, hydroxyzine, dayvigo 5mg, Parnate 0 => 40mg, psylocybin light quantity and I suspect often this one because things went wrong after but sceptikal about it knowing it is quite safe about PSSD, phenibut up to 1g, chronic and heavy stress, doxylamine, Benadryl, no sport and bad routines, melatonin, Saffron, heavy consommation of cigarets, vitamin D 2000UI/day, magnesium glycinate, valerian and passflore, seroquel up to 50mg).
  2. I’m thinking about starting TRT, HCG or the combo, what is the utility to do both or one alone ? Quite ignorant about these.
  3. I also think about supplementation/medicines to regain at least sensitivity, what do you think about pramipexole, tribulus, shilajit, maca, tongkat ali etc.. any brand or suggestions ?
Really sad because Parnate get me out from severe depression and constant suicidal thoughts and crying. But did nothing regarding anhedonia, emotional nuimbness and sexuality. Thinking about upping dosage because seems to tolerate it nicely. French and living in France (near Paris), I could get my hands on Marplan, Emsam and Nardil.
With my compassion for all sufferers,
Sad and asexual Zorro
submitted by Zorro4563 to PSSD [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 12:33 Zorro4563 France : PSSD and MAOIs

Hey everyone…
Suffering of PSSD (Paxil) /MDD/GAD/OCD since years (no libido, genital numbness, emotional numbness, anhedonie and erectile dysfunction and muted orgasms), I went to the road of MAOIs thinking it would be safer. But after 1 year on Parnate (40 mg/day actually) my genital sensations went from 20% to 0%, also my anhedonia ans flatness get worse (even ability to cry). I don’t know what med/supplements/drugs could have got me there. So I have many questions :
  1. What is the most probable culprit that coil have killed the little sexuality I had 1 year ago (3/4 times cocaine, alcohol, propranolol up to 40mg, gabapentin up to 800mg, l-tryptophan 500mg, pregabaline up to 200mg max, benzos, Moclobemide 300mg max, l-theanine, 2 times Mirtazapine 7,5mg, hydroxyzine, dayvigo 5mg, Parnate 0 => 40mg, psylocybin light quantity and I suspect often this one because things went wrong after but sceptikal about it knowing it is quite safe about PSSD, phenibut up to 1g, chronic and heavy stress, doxylamine, Benadryl, no sport and bad routines, melatonin, Saffron, heavy consommation of cigarets, vitamin D 2000UI/day, magnesium glycinate, valerian and passflore, seroquel up to 50mg).
  2. I’m thinking about starting TRT, HCG or the combo, what is the utility to do both or one alone ? Quite ignorant about these.
  3. I also think about supplementation/medicines to regain at least sensitivity, what do you think about pramipexole, tribulus, shilajit, maca, tongkat ali etc.. any brand or suggestions ?
Really sad because Parnate get me out from severe depression and constant suicidal thoughts and crying. But did nothing regarding anhedonia, emotional nuimbness and sexuality. Thinking about upping dosage because seems to tolerate it nicely. French and living in France (near Paris), I could get my hands on Marplan, Emsam and Nardil.
With my compassion for all sufferers,
Sad and asexual Zorro
submitted by Zorro4563 to sexualanhedonia [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 12:32 Zorro4563 France : PSSD and MAOIs

Hey everyone…
Suffering of PSSD (Paxil) /MDD/GAD/OCD since years (no libido, genital numbness, emotional numbness, anhedonie and erectile dysfunction and muted orgasms), I went to the road of MAOIs thinking it would be safer. But after 1 year on Parnate (40 mg/day actually) my genital sensations went from 20% to 0%, also my anhedonia ans flatness get worse (even ability to cry). I don’t know what med/supplements/drugs could have got me there. So I have many questions :
  1. What is the most probable culprit that coil have killed the little sexuality I had 1 year ago (3/4 times cocaine, alcohol, propranolol up to 40mg, gabapentin up to 800mg, l-tryptophan 500mg, pregabaline up to 200mg max, benzos, Moclobemide 300mg max, l-theanine, 2 times Mirtazapine 7,5mg, hydroxyzine, dayvigo 5mg, Parnate 0 => 40mg, psylocybin light quantity and I suspect often this one because things went wrong after but sceptikal about it knowing it is quite safe about PSSD, phenibut up to 1g, chronic and heavy stress, doxylamine, Benadryl, no sport and bad routines, melatonin, Saffron, heavy consommation of cigarets, vitamin D 2000UI/day, magnesium glycinate, valerian and passflore, seroquel up to 50mg).
  2. I’m thinking about starting TRT, HCG or the combo, what is the utility to do both or one alone ? Quite ignorant about these.
  3. I also think about supplementation/medicines to regain at least sensitivity, what do you think about pramipexole, tribulus, shilajit, maca, tongkat ali etc.. any brand or suggestions ?
Really sad because Parnate get me out from severe depression and constant suicidal thoughts and crying. But did nothing regarding anhedonia, emotional nuimbness and sexuality. Thinking about upping dosage because seems to tolerate it nicely. French and living in France (near Paris), I could get my hands on Marplan, Emsam and Nardil.
With my compassion for all sufferers,
Sad and asexual Zorro
submitted by Zorro4563 to anhedonia [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 12:28 Zorro4563 France : PSSD and MAOIs

Hey everyone…
Suffering of PSSD (Paxil) /MDD/GAD/OCD since years (no libido, genital numbness, emotional numbness, anhedonie and erectile dysfunction and muted orgasms), I went to the road of MAOIs thinking it would be safer. But after 1 year on Parnate (40 mg/day actually) my genital sensations went from 20% to 0%, also my anhedonia ans flatness get worse (even ability to cry). I don’t know what med/supplements/drugs could have got me there. So I have many questions :
  1. What is the most probable culprit that coil have killed the little sexuality I had 1 year ago (3/4 times cocaine, alcohol, propranolol up to 40mg, gabapentin up to 800mg, l-tryptophan 500mg, pregabaline up to 200mg max, benzos, Moclobemide 300mg max, l-theanine, 2 times Mirtazapine 7,5mg, hydroxyzine, dayvigo 5mg, Parnate 0 => 40mg, psylocybin light quantity and I suspect often this one because things went wrong after but sceptikal about it knowing it is quite safe about PSSD, phenibut up to 1g, chronic and heavy stress, doxylamine, Benadryl, no sport and bad routines, melatonin, Saffron, heavy consommation of cigarets, vitamin D 2000UI/day, magnesium glycinate, valerian and passflore, seroquel up to 50mg).
  2. I’m thinking about starting TRT, HCG or the combo, what is the utility to do both or one alone ? Quite ignorant about these.
  3. I also think about supplementation/medicines to regain at least sensitivity, what do you think about pramipexole, tribulus, shilajit, maca, tongkat ali etc.. any brand or suggestions ?
Really sad because Parnate get me out from severe depression and constant suicidal thoughts and crying. But did nothing regarding anhedonia, emotional nuimbness and sexuality. Thinking about upping dosage because seems to tolerate it nicely. French and living in France (near Paris), I could get my hands on Marplan, Emsam and Nardil.
With my compassion for all sufferers,
Sad and asexual Zorro
submitted by Zorro4563 to MAOIs [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 17:40 Quiet-Ad203 What medication would cause the least amount of side effects?

I know everyone’s different but I need some help right now. I’m EXTREMELY sensitive to medications (due to CFS) Even at micro doses. I’ve tried hydroxyzine, Benadryl, Oxazepam, Ativan, Seroquel & mirtazpine. They all knock me out but make me soooo hung over and out of it the next day. I’m in the midst of getting TMS done and my insomnia is super up and down right now so I’m still needing some type of sleep aid. My insomnia is anxiety driven and I have onset insomnia so it takes hours to fall asleep and sometimes I don’t sleep at all. Do you guys have any recommendations? Preferably something with a short half life. I just want sleep without feeling drugged up all day.
Edit: I’ve also tried multiple natural remedies: melatonin, THC, CBD, CBN, Chinese herbs, teas, homeopathic tabs, magnesium, meditation, self hypnosis, baths, reading, sleep hygiene, cbt-i, and even Daniel Erichen’s sleep coach program (which helped me understand what’s going on but my body still won’t respond).
submitted by Quiet-Ad203 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 02:11 Unusual_Alarm_8776 Would this be a smart idea?

So I quit seroquel about 11 months ago and I’m still having problems staying asleep, I opened a business and Im worried not being able to sleep enough will be a problem. I never had any sleeping problems before I started seroquel (I know I’m stupid at the time listened to a friend and just wanted to sleep faster)
What if I were to take Benadryl or ambien for about a year then slowly cut down on those? Since the mechanisms of action are different my body can recover from the seroquel withdrawal and it will be easier to come off Benadryl or ambien?
submitted by Unusual_Alarm_8776 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 00:17 OkElderberry8652 Is 7 weeks too late to reinstate a med? I am so sleep deprived I don’t know what to do 😞

I stopped seroquel 6 weeks ago (sorry for the mistake in the title) and akathisia has gotten even worse and I’ve been using Benadryl for sleep for the past month. Without Benadryl I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep but the sleep is so horrific with nightmares and the quality is terrible. I’m not sure if that’s normal. I tried melatonin too and that worked a few times but then nothing. Magnesium and all sorts of herbs too but no relief. If something doesn’t “knock me out” I won’t fall asleep mainly because of the restlnesness. I feel so unhinged but I don’t want to feel defeated by going back on Seroquel. I guess if I knew things would lighten up soon I’d keep pushing but right now I don’t know what to do.
submitted by OkElderberry8652 to Akathisia [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 04:41 jcg_1105 Feeling worried

Have tried 9 medications for insomnia trazodone Benadryl melotonin amitriptilyne hydroxzine unisom seroquel zyprexa. Ativan. The only ones that help are Ativan and melotonin.but Ativan 1mg stoped working. My doctor told me she’s uncomfortable treating me. And refuses to prescribe anything else or give a higher dose of Ativan what should I do feeling worried:( only been sleeping three hour s everyday. Need advice hard to find therapy where I’m from
submitted by jcg_1105 to insomnia [link] [comments]