Sherry torok san die4go

My new Spanish Genetic Group

2024.05.30 03:19 JAVelaNL05 My new Spanish Genetic Group

My new Spanish Genetic Group submitted by JAVelaNL05 to 23andme [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:22 gordonf23 Nine Bar - Chicago

Nine Bar - Chicago submitted by gordonf23 to cocktailmenus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:00 tinboil [S] TPDNE Survivor Season 2: Thailand

"Last season, we took 20 strangers to survive in Jordan. This time, we're taking our contestants to the breathtaking landscapes of Thailand. From lush jungles to pristine beaches, this exotic location will test our castaways like never before. It is the ultimate challenge, as for the next 39 days, they will be abandoned, left to fend for themselves in the scorching heat, torrential rains, and the constant battle for survival. In the end, only one will win the million dollar prize. 39 days, 20 people, ONE survivor!" -Jeff Probst
Season link:

The cast:

--- Pagu Tribe ---
Benjamin Chase - Retail Sales Associate - Detroit, MI
Carter Rhodes - Retired Police Officer - Wichita, KS
Ethan Montgomery - Attorney - San Diego, CA
John Steele - Firefighter - Orlando, FL
Lindsey Sanchez - Communications Manager - Chicago, IL
Lucas Barrett - Wildlife Photographer - Los Angeles, CA
Mia Caldwell - Botanist - Houston, TX
Sarah Sinclair - Student - Providence, RI
Sherry Monroe - Wildlife Rescue Specialist - Boulder, CO
Sophia Delaney - Pediatric Nurse - Burlington, VM
--- Vivana Tribe ---
Aiden Walker - Musician and Sound Engineer - Brooklyn, NY
Alex Wells - IT Specialist - Indianapolis, IN
Amelia Valencia - Janitor - Los Angeles, CA
Charlotte Rivera - Marketing Manager - Honolulu, HI
Evelyn Pierce - Veterinarian - Asheville, NC
Isabella Tate - Art Therapist - Sedona, AZ
Katie Winters - Environmental Activist - Portland, OR
Liam Donovan - Financial Analyst - San Francisco, CA
Noah Emerson - Chef - Salt Lake City, UT
Tyler Jensen - Parkour Instructor - Minneapolis, MN
And that's it for the second season! Let me know what you think
submitted by tinboil to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:22 Whiskyrookie66 Kilchoman Sanaig review #5

Kilchoman Sanaig review #5
Kilchoman Sanaig 46%, non chill filtered, natural colour, NAS, bottling date SAN 15.09.21 21/173
Kilchoman is a younger distillery on Islay which has gained a ton of love, praise, and admiration. I have noticed since around 2019 they have been picking up lots of steam and attraction from online whisky reviews to magazines to your above average informed whisky enthusiast. This is a NAS but upon research it seems ages of the Sanaig range anywhere from 4-7years give or take. It says on the bottle that 70% of this is aged in oloroso while the other 30% is aged in bourbon casks. I bought this bottle for 100cdn in 2022 ( it was bottled in 2021 see above bottling date code) it’s been opened for roughly 2 years and as you can see I have maybe 3-4 drams left. I generally like my sherry and peat combo to be sweet and peat but this one takes things into a slightly different more umami peat level. 100 dollars for a NAS whisky usually has not ended well and historically leaves me with buyers regret ( Glenfiddich project XX, Nikka from the Barrel, Glenlivet Founders reserve- just to name a few NAS disappointments I’ve regretted spending my money on over the last few years…. Hey the founders reserve was a gift but one I legitimately hated ). This is not to say that NAS whisky can’t be good, because frankly Sanaig is good whisky, but I’d say it’s just that, good, not great. Anyway here goes my notes as followed.
Notes- cherry, farmy barnyard funk, peat, decaying green vegetation, rotten green peppers, bitter dark chocolate, unlit cigar, young unrefined cask forward malt ( not necessarily bad), cooked mushrooms in teriyaki or hoisin sauce, a very umami unique experience, sweetness from the sherry, generic red berries, slightly medicinal sherry, damp grass, industrial dirty engine oil, Much better with water.
Score- 79
So…. First off this is a very unique experience and I respect that. I understand this distillery and both loch gorm ( which I’ve yet to try, and the Sanaig are relatively loved within this community). My interpretation is that this is what it is… which is, young, heavily cask driven spirit bottled with integrity but it can only live up to a realistic expectation of what young whisky is. It’s ok if your somebody who loves distillate distillery forward character in the whisky they drink, and like there whisky young in your face, brash and cask driven. I don’t necessarily dislike those characteristics seeing as I just gave the highland park cask strength batch 4 a glowing review. I truly think in general I am just not a fan of young peated malt, I very much dislike Ardbeg wee bestie, Lagavulin 8, and Bruichladdie classic laddie, maybe I’ll get criticism for that but it’s my opinion and I know what I like. I simultaneously understand what quality is and rate this whisky to be of good quality but also recognize my own preferences, biases etc. I’m not going to pander to the majority just because that is the favourable, easy, and non confrontational thing to do. I will always give my take for better or worse. I realize people like Ralfy and Roy amongst others have rated this incredibly high. I just don’t care. Because as I admire and respect them greatly for what they have managed to accomplish within the malt community, I can also recognize I have been on my own malt journey over the past 10 years. And to do a callback yes I realize the HP is a cask strength whisky so hard to compare both but I’d much rather spend 170cdn on that bottle than the 115cdn they are charging for this bottle as of today where I am. This is good whisky, it’s not necessarily for me, and is not what I am looking for on a regular basis, especially seeing as 115 is not cheap for scotch. When I can plug that money into another bottle or multiple bottles your mind starts playing tricks with you. I’ve yet to have the bourbon forward release Machir bay, or the other full oloroso release Loch Gorm, and I’d be interested in trying both, but I will be trying them at a bar in single ounce pours so I don’t have to put out another 100+ dollars to find out what Kilchoman is all about in different casks. Again, this is good whisky, perhaps even very good, quite uniquely complex too, it’s just not my favourite bottle of peated sherry aged whisky. What’s your thoughts on Kilchoman? Anyone have the same bottling date as me, how has batch variation been as I hear it’s gotten darker over the years. Overrated, under appreciated, new light of Islay? Let me know!
Whisky that rates as the best I have ever tried thus far in my journey or have yet to try95-99/100
Whisky that is verging on some of the best alcohol that I have even tried, a must have, standout, uniquely special, wonderful 90-94/100
Whisky that is excellent, something I would take 30 minutes to 1 hour to finish, I make a point to try and buy more than 1 bottle when possible 85-89/100
Whisky that is great, always a pleasure to have a glass of this, would re buy without much hesitation and would take 20-30 minutes to enjoy the glass 80-84/100
Whisky that I would say is very good and would have no problem drinking, mostly neat, would only re buy on very few occasions 75-79/100
Whisky that is good, but nothing exceptional or uniquely different, usually neat 70-74/100
Whisky that I would start experimenting in drinking over ice or occasionally neat 65-69/100
Whisky that I would mostly still mix 60-64/100
This is certainly only mixing whisky- 55-59/100
I’d begrudgingly say yes to be polite- 50-54/100
I think I’d refuse a glass of this politely and ask for some water- 49 and below/100
submitted by Whiskyrookie66 to Scotch [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 04:44 Leather_Focus_6535 The currently 98 offenders executed by the state of Missouri since the 1970s and their crimes (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk) [part 1, cases 1 to 49]

Here is my list for Missouri's post Furman execution roster that I wrote for my personal death penalty project. I'll probably release Florida next, and I'm currently working on completing my list for Texas.
As always, the dates given are a time frame of the offender's earliest known criminal activities to their execution. Many of cases described here are extremely depraved in nature, so please read at your own risk. Missouri has also scheduled David Hosier for execution on June 11, and is filling death warrants for Christopher Collings and Marcellus Williams. If these future executions are carried out as planned, then I might update this post with their information.
Due to it exceeding the character count limitations that reddit allows for submissions, I had to divide this list into two separate posts. For the link to part 2, please click here.
The currently executed 98 offenders, cases 1 to 49:
1. George Mercer (~1960s-1989, lethal injection): Mercer was the president of the Missing Links MC motorcycle gang, a title he inherited after his predecessor was killed in a bar fight. Under his leadership, the gang involved itself heavily with organized crime, and had a well earned reputation for extreme violence. The gang harassed and assaulted what they deemed to be "political undesirables" such as left leaning hippies and prohibitionists, and terrorized those aligned with rival motorcycle gangs. They were also predatory towards teenage girls and young women. In one incident, Mercer beat a Vietnam veteran unconscious when the man tried to stop him from sexually harassing underaged girls at a concert, and gang-raped a kidnapped 17 year old girl with some associates in another. One of his followers lured Karen Keeton, a 22 year old tavern waitress, to Mercer's home as a "birthday present" for him. Mercer raped Keeton in his bedroom, and manually strangled her to death. Mercer and his gang members were also speculated to be involved in the murder of 15 year old David Eyman by some webslueths due to his ties with them, but credible evidence is currently lacking.
2. Gerald Smith (1983-1990, lethal injection): Smith beat his girlfriend, 22 year old Karen Roberts, to death with a metal pipe out of fear of her having a venereal disease. While awaiting execution, he stabbed a few death row inmate, 35 year old Robert Baker, with the help of another death row inmate, Frank Guinan. Baker was originally sentenced to death when he shot and killed a detective in a robbery.
3. Winford Stokes (~1969-1990, lethal injection): In 1969, Stokes and his accomplices shot and killed 60 year old Ignatius DiManuele while robbing his tavern. The trio were arrested weeks after the murder. During the trial, they made an escape attempt, but were all recaptured. Stokes was released from prison in 1977, and assaulted a 71 year old man with a claw hammer during a burglary a month later. He fatally shot 73 year old Marie Montgomery and stole her watch in one home invasion, and strangled and stabbed 33 year old Pamela Benda to death in another. Stokes seized Benda's jewelry after rummaging through her drawers.
4. Leonard Laws (1980-1990, lethal injection): Laws and his girlfriend's brothers (one of which was George Gilmore) decided to that the easiest way to earn money for their families was to rob and murder the elderly. He acted as a lookout while the Gilmore murdered and robbed the victims. They were responsible for a total of 5 killings.
5. George Gilmore (1980-1990, lethal injection): Gilmore, his brother, and their sister's boyfriend, the above mentioned Leonard Laws, targeted the elderly in a string of robberies. Their victims, 83 year old Elizabeth Roderique, 83 year old Mary Watters, 65 year old Woodrow Elliott, 83 year old Clarence Williams, and his 81 year old wife Lottie, were shot, stabbed, or strangled to death. After the gang sacked everything of value, they lit the homes on fire. The trio were also suspected in the strangulation murder of 75 year old Edna Winter, but the prosecution weren't able to convict them of it in court.
6. Maurice Byrd (1980-1991, lethal injection): Byrd stormed the Pope’s Cafeteria, a restaurant in a Des Peres mall, and shot 4 employees dead. He stole a total of $9,000 in the robbery. The victims include the manager, 51 year old James Woods, and cooks, 68 year old Edna Ince, and 51 year old Carolyn Turner, and 37 year old Judy Cazaco.
7. Ricky Grubbs (1984-1991, lethal injection): Grubbs and his brother tied 46 year old Jerry Thornton up with neck ties, and stabbed him to death in his trailer. The brothers stole an undisclosed amount of money and food stamps, and burned down the trailer to destroy any evidence of their crime.
8. Martsay Bolder (1973-1993, lethal injection): In 1973, a then teenage Bolder shot and killed 69 year old Louis Donovan in a robbery, and given a life sentence for it. While incarcerated, Bolder feuded with a fellow inmate, 24 year old Theron King. He stabbed King to death for allegedly yelling sexual obscenities at him, and received a death sentence for the killing. King was serving a life sentence for robbery at the time of his murder.
9. Walter Blair Jr. (~1979-1993, lethal injection): Blair allegedly shot and killed 16 year old Sandy Shannon in a robbery, but he wasn't convicted due to the apparent witnesses refusing to testify at the trail. After Blair was cleared of Shannon's murder, he was hired to kill 21 year old Katherine Allen by a man she accused of rape. Blair kidnapped Allen from her apartment, robbed her boyfriend, and shot her to death. His case received notoriety due to the number of his family members that were also convicted for unrelated high profile crimes. One of Blair’s brothers, Terry, was a serial killer that raped and murdered a minimum of 7 sex workers. Another brother, Clifford, abducted and sodomized a woman during a robbery. His sister Warnetta and her husband killed a man together in a robbery and murdered her boyfriend for trying to cut off her drug supply. One of her sons, Nolla IV, later murdered her husband as well. Two more of Warnetta’s, sons, Diamond and William had several robbery convictions. Last but not least, Blair’s mother Janice shot her children's stepfather to death during an argument.
10. Frederick Lashley (1981-1993, lethal injection): Lashley fatally stabbed his foster mother, 55 year old Janie Tracy, during an ambush in their home and stole $15 from her. Tracey had been raising Lashley since he was 2 years old, and had several infirmities, including heart diseases, diabetes and a neuromuscular disorder, at the time of her death.
11. Frank Guinan (~1964-1993, lethal injection): While serving a 40 year sentence for armed robbery, Guinan and another inmate, Richard Zeitvogel, stabbed a fellow prisoner, 30 year old John McBroom (who was incarcerated for drug dealing), to death. Gunian received the death penalty for Pugh's murder. On death row, Gunian assisted the previously mentioned Gerald Smith in the killing of Robert Baker. Guinan had a troubled youth, and was involved with several burglaries and a high speed car chase with police. He had also gotten into several fights with other inmates, and badly injured his cellmate, 38 year old Thomas Pugh (who was also serving a prison sentence for robbery), in one of his incidents.
12. Emmitt Foster (1983-1995, lethal injection): Foster and his accomplice forced themselves into the house that their acquaintance, 26 year old Travis Walker, shared with his girlfriend at gunpoint. The pair shot the couple, killing Walker and injuring his girlfriend. She survived by playing dead. They then sacked the home of any valuables and left. After Foster and his accomplice departed from the scene, Walker's girlfriend wrote down the attackers' names and ran out of the home for help.
13. Larry Griffin (1980-1995, lethal injection): According to prosecutors, Griffin shot and killed 19 year old Quinton Moss while was dealing drugs in a drive by shooting. As Moss was allegedly involved in the murder of Griffin's brother, the investigators believed that it was a revenge killing. His death sentence and execution was controversial, as Griffin's supporters and attorneys alleged that police misconduct occurred during the investigation. However, a posthumous review of his case in 2005 concluded Griffin's guilt.
14. Robert Murray (1985-1995, lethal injection): Murray and his brother held up two men, 27 year old Jeffrey Jackson and 26 year old Craig Stewart, and two women at gunpoint in an apartment. The brothers tied all four of them up, and raped both of the women. They extorted an undisclosed amount of money from their hostages with beatings and shot Stewart and Jackson in the head. The female captives on the other hand managed to jump out of windows to safety.
15. Robert Sidebottom (1985-1995, lethal injection): Sidebottom was upset by how little inheritance that his grandmother, 74 year old May, gave him and decided to grab more money by force in the form of collecting a life insurance policy from her. He broke into May's home and beat her unconscious with chair. As she was incapacitated from the beating, Sidebottom set the house on fire. Although the firefighters were able to put out the flames before she was seriously harmed by them, May died of the injuries she received in the assault.
16. Anthony LaRette (1976-1995, lethal injection): LaRette raped and murdered a minimum of 16 women between the ages of 18-60, but he might have been responsible for a total of 31 murders. All of his known victims were killed in stabbing attacks in their own homes and apartments. While awaiting trial, LaRette was also convicted of conspiring to murder a county jail guard with his father.
17. Robert O'Neal (1979-1995, lethal injection): O'Neal and an accomplice broke into a house that was owned by a prominent doctor, and encountered Ralph Sharick, the homeowner's 78 year old father in law. The pair bound Sharick, locked him in a closet, and shot him to death. They stole several musical instruments and guns in the robbery. O'Neal was captured a few days later and given a life sentence for the murder. During his time in prison, he joined the Aryan Brotherhood, and fatally stabbed a black inmate, 33 year old Arthur Dade, on the behalf on the local leadership. The motives for Dade's killing vary greatly on the source. Some claimed that he was murdered out of racism, while others asserted that it was over a drug trafficking related dispute.
18. Jeffrey Sloan (1985-1996, lethal injection): Sloan entered the bedroom of his parents, 41 year old Paul and 38 year old Judith, and shot them to death while they were in bed. He turned his attention towards his brothers, 18 year old Timothy and 9 year old Jason, and shot them dead in their rooms as well.
19. Doyle Williams (~1967-1996, lethal injection): In 1980, Williams and his partner shot and stabbed A. H. Domann, a 68 year old physician, while breaking into his office, and stole several prescription drugs. His partner's roommate, 28 year old Kerry Bummett, found the stolen drugs baring Domann's name, and the pair abducted her to eliminate a loose end. She was bound with handcuffs that Williams borrowed from a friend in the police force, taken to the Missouri river, and pistol whipped. Bummett jumped into the river in an attempt to escape, but ended up drowning in the process. William had several previous convictions for stealing cars and boats.
20. Emmett Nave (~1958-1996, lethal injection): In 1983, Nave shot his landlady, 53 year old Geneva Roling, dead after he knocked on her door. He then abducted his wife and forced her to drive him to a hospital. On arrival, Nave took 6 nurses hostage, and forced them to inject Demoral and Valium into his body. The kidnapped nurses were then taken to a house and raped. Most of them managed to escape, but Nave forced the remaining captive to administer more Demoral and Valium into him. Nave went unconscious from an overdose and was hospitalized after he was apprehended. He had a criminal record dating back to 1958, and many of his previous arrests include armed robbery, burglary, sexual assault, soliciting prostitutes, and joyriding.
21. Thomas Battle (~1979-1996, lethal injection): Battle and his brother-in-law's brother invaded the home of 80 year old Birdie Johnson and raped her. She was beaten and stabbed to death with a butcher knife. A year before Johnson's murder, Battle was fined for filing a false police report.
22. Richard Oxford (~1968-1996, lethal injection): Oxford and his cellmate escaped from the Conner Correctional Center in 1986, and kidnapped a married couple, 63 year old Harold and 57 year old Melba Wample, from their farm. The Wamples were missing for two months until the discovery of their bodies in a motel parking lot. Both of them had been bound and shot in the head. At the time of his escape and the murders, Oxford was serving a 85 year sentence for a rape and robbery spree, and had several previous convictions of burglary and theft that started when he was 11 years old.
23. Richard Zeitvogel (~1974-1996, lethal injection): While serving a combined total of 20 years in prison for rape and armed robbery, Zeitvogel assisted the above mentioned Guinan in killing John McBroom. He was given a life sentence for his part in the murder. A few years later, he fatally strangled his cellmate, 24 year old Gary Dew (who was also convicted of armed robbery), in their cell and was given the death penalty for it. Allegedly, Guinan and Zeitvogel were in a sexual relationship, and prosecutors believed that he murdered Dew to be placed on death row in a bid to be reunited with him.
24. Eric Schneider (1985-1997, lethal injection): Schneider and two accomplices broke into a home that two school teachers, 53 year old Richard Schwendemann and 55 year old Ronald Thompson, shared together. The homeowners were both bound with rope, wire, chains, and Christmas lights. Schwendemann was choked with a dog leash tied around his neck and shot twice in the head. Thompson suffered from 17 stab wounds in his neck, back, side, and head. A total of $1,800 in cash was stolen from their safe and car.
25. Ralph Feltrop (1987-1997, lethal injection): Feltrop got into an argument with his girlfriend, 27 year old Barbara Roam, in their home and stabbed her to death. He then cut off her head, hands, and legs from her body, and a foot from her one of her already dismembered legs, and tossed them into several garbage bags. In an attempt to dispose of Roam's remains, Feltrop dumped them into nearby ponds.
26. Donald Reese (1986-1997, lethal injection): Reese fatally shot four men, 38 year old Christopher Griffith, 54 year old James Watson, 57 year old John Burford, and Burford's 64 year old brother-in-law Donald Vanderlinden, at a shooting range. He took a total of $1,200 and all the victims' wallets from the scene.
27. Andrew Six (1984-1997, lethal injection): In Iowa, Six beat 41 year old Sarah Link, her 20 year son Justin Hook, and Hook's 19 year old fiance Tina Lade, to death with an unknown blunt instrument in their trailer. A few years later, Six and his uncle stormed a trailer that a pregnant 17 year old girl lived in with her family to rape her. They bound the target and her parents, and sexually assaulted her. The pair then abducted Kathy Allen, the target's cognitively disabled 13 year old sister, and slit their mother's throat in a failed attempt to kill her as they left. Allen was taken to Missouri, where she was repeatedly raped. Her throat was slit and and she was dumped in a ditch. Although Six was captured and sentenced to death for Allen's murder, the triple killings of Link, Hook, and Lade went unsolved until a DNA test in 2014, some 30 years after the murders and 16 years after Six's execution.
28. Samuel McDonald Jr. (~1960s-1997, lethal injection): McDonald held up 46 year old Robert Jordan at gunpoint while he was shopping with his 11 year old daughter. When Jordan pulled out his wallet, McDonald realized that he was a police officer, and shot him. Although he killed Jordan in the shooting, McDonald was wounded by his return fire. McDonald was captured after he was taken to the hospital by a friend. According a blogger that allegedly corresponded with McDonald on death row, he had killed an elderly woman and an infant in a village sweep during the Vietnam War, and lived as a petty criminal with several robbery convictions after his discharge from service.
29. Alan Bannister (~1980s-1997, lethal injection): Bannister accepted an offer for $4,000 by a man to kill 43 year old Darrell Ruetsman. The client wanted Ruetsman dead for running off with his wife. With the help of a piece of paper with Ruetsman's address, Bannister tracked his target to his trailer and shot him dead at his front door. At the time of the murder, Bannister was on parole for rape and armed robbery convictions.
30. Reginald Powell (1986-1998, lethal injection): Powell and his friends beat and stabbed two brothers, 39 year old Freddie and 29 year old Lee Miller, to death during a party. A total of $3 and a pack of cigarettes was stolen in the attack. Earlier that day, the Miller brothers had both refused to buy Powell and his friends (who were then below drinking age) alcohol for them. Powell had a conviction for receiving stolen property at the time of the murders.
31. Milton Griffin-El (1986-1998, lethal injection): Griffin-El went to an apartment to burglarize it. He tied up the residents, 22 year old Jerome Redden and his 19 year old girlfriend Loretta Trotter, and assaulted them in front of their 4 month old son. Trotter was fatally stabbed and Redden was bludgeoned to death with a wrench. Several electronics, including a stereo set and a television set, was stolen in the robbery.
32. Glennon Sweet (~1976-1998, lethal injection): In 1987, Sweet was pulled over by Russell Harper, a 45 year old officer, for speeding. Sweet opened fire on the officers as he climbed out of his truck, and killed Harper. He had several felonies and misdemeanors on his record, which included several charges of disturbing the peace, public intoxication, assault, drug possession, and theft.
33. Kelvin Malone (~1979-1999, lethal injection): Malone kidnapped at least 4 men and women, 62 year old William Parr, 55 year old Myrtle Benham, 51 year old Minnie White, and 39 year old James Rankin, in several robberies across California and Missouri. Most of his victims were shot in the head, but Benham was raped and beaten to death with a pipe. Belongings such as cars and credit cards were taken in the attacks. He was given a death sentence in both states, but chose to be incarcerated in California's San Quentin. Marlone was deported to Missouri when governor Mel Carnahan signed his death warrant. Beyond his murders, he was involved in several non fatal robbery abductions and robbed a judge at gunpoint in the man's own home.
34. James Rodden Jr. (1983-1999, lethal injection): Rodden got into a fight with his ex girlfriend on the phone, and threatened to have sex with Terry Trunnel, a 23 year old women he picked up from a bar, in an apparent attempt to make her jealous. After shouting more threats at his ex girlfriend, Rodden stabbed Trunnel and his roommate, 40 year old Joseph Arnold, to death. He then tried to burn their bodies in an attempt to destroy them.
35. Roy Roberts (~1970s-1999, lethal injection): In 1983, while serving an 18 year sentence for robbery, Roberts allegedly assisted in the stabbing death of Tom Jackson, a 62 year old correctional officer during a prison riot. His death sentence and execution was controversial due to wildly contradicting accounts from eyewitness testimonies. Some of the witnesses claimed to have seen him partaking in Jackson's murder, while others swore that they encountered Roberts in a different prison wing at the time of the murder. Roberts had other previous convictions such as theft and witness tampering at the time of the murder.
36. Roy Ramsey Jr. (1986-1999, lethal injection): Ramsay, his brother, and his brother's girlfriend held a couple, 65 year old Garrett and 63 year old Betty Ledford, at gunpoint after they opened their front door for them. The trio stole a combined total of $7,500 in cash, jewelry, silver coins, and guns, and shot both of the Ledfords dead. Ramsay had several previous robbery convictions, and sodomized a man during one of those incidents.
37. Ralph Davis (1986-1999, lethal injection): Davis shot his estranged wife, 35 year old Susan, to death in their car. Despite the fact that her body was never found, traces of Susan's blood and bone fragments were discovered in the vehicle. Furthermore, shotgun pellets were also recovered from the seats, and they matched to Davis' shotgun. He had a history of domestic abuse before the murder, and Susan's friends reported that Davis threatened to kill her when she filed for divorce.
38. Jessie Wise (1971-1999): In 1971, Wise ambushed 39 year old Ralph Gianino, and beat him to death with a pipe wrench. He then stole $26 from Gianino's wallet, and took his car on a joyride with the body still in the backseat. After Wise's capture, he was given a life sentence, but was paroled in 1983. A few years after his release, Wise went to the apartment of 49 year old Geraldine McDonald to discuss a job relating to washing her car. They got into an argument over money, and he beat her to death with a pipe wrench. Wise stole McDonald's credit cards, jewelry, and undisclosed amount of money. Some of the stolen jewelry was bartered for cocaine and the rest was given to his wife.
39. Bruce Kilgore (1979-1999, lethal injection): One of Kilgore's friends was fired from a restaurant after a coworker, 54 year old Marilyn Wilkins, reported him stealing food. Kilgore, the friend, and his friend then conspired a revenge scheme against Wilkins together. They accosted Wilkins in the restaurant's parking lot and dragged her into their car. During the abduction, Kilgore and his accomplices snatched her rings, slit her throat, and sold two of the stolen rings to a pawn shop. Kilgore had several robbery convictions prior to Wilkins' murder.
40. Robert Walls (1984-1999, lethal injection): Walls and two accomplices forced themselves inside the home of 88 year old Fred Hampton. They attacked Hampton, and broke several of his ribs and fractured his skull in a beating. Hampton was then stuffed alive in a freezer, and he succumbed to a combination of suffocation, hypothermia, and his injuries. The trio stole $100 and Hampton's car in the robbery. Walls had several robbery convictions prior to the murder.
41. David Leisure (~1980s-1999, lethal injection): Leisure, a Syrian immigrant, operated as an enforcer for the Leisure gang, a criminal syndicate under the rule of his cousins. During a gang war over the control of a labor union, he assassinated 75 year old James Michael Sr., a rival crime boss, with a car bomb.
42. James Hampton (~1950s-2000, lethal injection): Hampton abducted 58 year old Frances Keaton and her fiance Allen Mulholland in their own home. He bound them both and demanded $30,000 at gunpoint. After he detected the presence of arriving police officers with a police scanner, Hampton dragged Keaton to his car, and left Mulholland tied up alone in the house. Not wanting to be encumbered with a hostage while on the run, he beat Keaton to death with a hammer, buried her body, and burned her belongings. Hampton fled to New Jersey, and shot and killed 48 year old Christine Schurman during a botched kidnapping. He had spent most of his life in and out of prison for various crimes such as robbery, assault, and drug trafficking, and was first arrested at the age of 11.
43. Bert Hunter (~1963-2000, lethal injection): In 1968, Hunter shot and killed 64 year old John Lyle while robbing his tavern. He was given a life sentence for the murder, but was able to leave prison on parole in the 70s. After his release, Hunter partnered up with another ex convict, Tomas Ervin, for several robbery schemes. They invaded the home that 75 year old Mildred Hodges shared with her 49 year old son Richard. Hunter and Ervin bound the mother and son with duct tape, and ransacked the house for money. Despite their captives' desperate pleas for their lives, the pair suffocated them both with plastic bags. The pair then stole the Hodges' car and burned it in a motel parking lot. Hunter had several burglary arrests as a teenager.
44. Gary Roll (1992-2000, lethal injection): Roll and two other robbers tricked 47 year old Sherry Scheper into letting them inside her home by posing as police officers. They forced Sherry and her 17 year old son Randy to lie on the ground at gunpoint. After he shot Randy in the head, Roll beat Sherry to death with the butt of his gun. The trio also encountered Sherry's older son, 22 year old Curtis, and they fatally stabbed him during a scuffle. A total of $215 and some bags of marijuana were stolen in the robbery.
45. George Harris (~1982-2000, lethal injection): Harris entrusted his illegal submachine guns that he won in a crabs game to a friend for safe keeping. The friend then tasked his younger brothers with hiding the firearms, which they hid in the home of 20 year old Stanley Willoughby without telling him. When Harris returned to retrieve his guns, the friend redirected him to Willoughby's house. However, Willoughby had no clue of what Harris was talking about when he asked for his guns back. It quickly turned into a heated argument, and Harris shot and killed Willoughby out of anger. Years before he murdered Willoughby, Harris was arrested and convicted for armed robbery. He was also captured weeks after the killing while committing another armed robbery.
46. James Chambers (~1971-2000, lethal injection): Chambers struck 33 year old Jerry Oestricker in the head with his pistol and shot and killed him during a bar fight. He also had previous convictions of fraud, burglary, and attempted murder. The attempted murder conviction was for an incident involving him shooting a man in another bar fight.
47. Stanley Lingar (1985-2001, lethal injection): After Lingar lured 16 year old Thomas Allen into his jeep, he tried to force him to masturbate at gunpoint. When Allen was too terrified to obey, Lingar shot him. Allen survived the initial shooting, but he was finished off by a beating with a tire iron and Lingar running him over with the jeep. His execution was a source of minor controversy, as Lingar claimed that he was condemned solely for his sexuality.
48. Tomas Ervin (~1967-2001, lethal injection): In 1967, Ervin stabbed Robert Berry, a 36 year old cab driver, to death in a robbery, and was given a life sentence. After he was paroled in the 80s, he linked up with the above mentioned Bert Hunter, and assisted him in the robbery murders of Mildred and Richard Hodges.
49. Mose Young Jr. (1975-2001, lethal injection): Young fatally shot 3 pawn shop employees, 80 year old Sol Marks, 33 year old James Scneider, and 22 year old Kent Bicknese, after they refused to buy stolen jewelry from him. A fourth employee, who was also Mark's grandson, was injured in the shooting. He had a long criminal history, which included convictions for drug possession and first degree assault.
submitted by Leather_Focus_6535 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 16:32 Ok_Pay6836 Sefirat HaOmer - Day 11

Brad Ausmus wore #11 for most of his career: 1993-96 (Padres), 1997-98 (Astros) and 2001-08 (Astros). He is currently the bench coach for the Yankees, after an 18-year playing career for the Padres, Tigers, Astros and Dodgers. He managed the Tigers for 4 years (2014-17) and the Angels in 2019; guiding the 2014 Tigers to the playoffs before being swept by the Orioles. And, no, he was not the only Jewish manager. Based on information from, here is a list of Jewish managers:
Harold “Lefty” Phillips became the Los Angeles Angels’ second manager in 1969. After an 11-18 start under Bill Rigney in 1969, Phillips took over as manager and led the team to two third-place finishes. The team won only 76 games in 1971, and Phillips was fired with a 222-225 record in 2 1/2 seasons. He continued with the Angels as a scout, but died in the middle of the 1972 season.
Benjamin Fine was the second of three St. Louis Cardinals managers who led the team to a last-place finish in 1885.
Jacob Morse, a baseball journalist in New York and Boston, managed Boston of the Union League for part of the 1884 season. In 1908 he founded Baseball Magazine, the first monthly periodical devoted strictly to baseball.
Louis Heilbroner — A business manager for the new St. Louis Cardinals in 1900, the 4-foot-6 Heilbroner took over as manager at the end of the season, moving the team up two spots into a tie for fifth place. ISee individual player biographies for the following:
Gabe Kapler (Philadelphia Phillies, 2018-19; San Francisco Giants, 2020-23)
Jeff Newman (Oakland Athletics, 1986 — 10 games)
Norm Sherry (California Angels, 1976-77)
Andy Cohen (Philadelphia Phillies, 1960 — 1 game)
Lipman Pike (Troy Haymakers, 1871; Hartford Dark Blues, 1874; Cincinnati Reds, 1877)
Ausmus also managed the Israel national baseball team in the qualifying round of the 2013 WBC and was a coach for Team Israel, under manager Ian Kinsler, when it competed in the 2023 World Baseball Classic.
Other Jewish players to wear #11: Garrett Stubbs (Astros 2019-21); Rowdy Tellez (Brewers 2021-23); David Newhan (Orioles 2004-06); Kevin Pillar for the Blue Jays (2014-19), Rockies (2020) and Mets (2021); and Adam Stern for the Brewers in 2010.
submitted by Ok_Pay6836 to jewishbaseball [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 08:22 RodeoBoss66 Resistol Rookie Roundup presented by The Cowboy Channel: Recap, Highlights and Payouts

Resistol Rookie Roundup presented by The Cowboy Channel: Recap, Highlights and Payouts

The third annual Resistol Rookie Roundup gave young cowboys and cowgirls a chance for their share of $100,000

April 29, 2024 02:23 PM
by Brett Nierengarten
The third annual Resistol Rookie Roundup brought the top young talent in ProRodeo to Fort Worth’s Cowtown Coliseum with the winners taking home at least $2,500 toward the Resistol Rookie Standings.
In bareback riding, the No. 1 rookie entering the weekend left the champion as Weston Timberman rode Pickett Pro Rodeo Company’s Night Star for 85 points in the Finals. That was the highest marked ride of the rodeo and it came on a horse that Timberman would have had a shot at the San Angelo Cinch Chute Out had he not had to turn out for a college rodeo.
In steer wrestling, Parker Sandstrom got just a little bit better on each run stopping the clock at 5.0 seconds in the Long Round, 4.9 in the Shootout and 4.8 in the Finals. He was the only bulldogger with three straight runs of five flat or faster.
Team roping was won by Ben Jordan/Scott Lauaki, who had the only qualified time in the Finals. However, it was well earned as their 4.5-second run was the fastest of the rodeo by four tenths of a second.
In saddle bronc riding, Carter Sandberg became the Rookie Roundup’s first ever Canadian champion (Oceane Veileux would later join him) with 79 points on Pete Carr’s Dirty Jacket. It was a true David v. Goliath in the bronc riding as the rookie conquered a two-time PRCA Saddle Bronc Horse of the Year.
In breakaway roping, the only qualified time in the Finals belonged to Alabama’s Nikayla Brill, an experienced cowgirl who entered the weekend with more professional rodeos under her belt than any other breakaway roper.
Tie-down roping saw Chance Rodriguez win both rounds on Saturday times of 9.5 and 7.7 seconds, the latter being the second fastest in Rookie Roundup history. In barrel racing, Quebec’s Oceane Veileux got it done in Cowtown by making the fastest run of the Finals (and the rodeo) by two tenths of a second.
And lastly in bull riding, Brandon Ballard was named the champion for his 80.5-point Shootout ride because no one made the whistle in the Finals.


First Round: 1. Mason Stuller, 83 points on Pete Carr Pro Rodeo’s Pink Smoke, $1,329; 2. Kade Berry, 82.5, $1,156; 3. Colt Eck, 82, $982; 4. Ty Owens, 78, $809; 5. Weston Timberman, 77, $636; 6. Drake Amundson, 74, $462; 7. Ethan Mazurenko, 70, $289; 8. Brayze Schill, 69, $116.
Finals: 1. Weston Timberman, 85 points on Pickett Pro Rodeo Co’s Night Star, $2,500; 2. Colt Eck, 83.5, $1,500; 3. Mason Stuller, 79, $1,000; 4. Kade Berry, 0, $500.


First Round: 1. Joshua Ellison, 4.7 seconds, $1,329; 2. Ty Cochrane, 4.8, $1,156; 3. Parker Sandstrom, 5.0, $982; 4. (tie) Taylor Pavlovsky and Cole Walker, 5.7, $722 each; 6. Ty Bauerle, 5.8, $462; 7. Boyd Sawyer, 5.9, $289; 8. Tucker Ravenscroft, 6.2, $116.
Finals: 1. Parker Sandstrom, 4.8 seconds, $2,500; 2. Boyd Sawyer, 5.3, $1,500; 3. Taylor Pavlovsky, 5.7, $1,000; 4. Cole Walker, 0.0, $500.


First Round: 1. Zane Kilgus/Levi Pettigrew, 6.1 seconds, $1,329 each; 2. Koby Sanchez/Chase Graves, 6.3, $1,156; 3. (tie) Erik Becenti/Shawn Murphy and McCray Profili/Colton Johnson, 6.5, $896 each; 5. Ben Jordan/Scott Lauaki, 7.0, $636; 6. Cash Fretwell/Cole Walker, 8.0, $462; 7. Wyatt Allen/Colton Allen, 10.8, $289; 8. Doyle Yazzie/Hiyo Yazzie, 11.6, $116.
Finals: 1. Ben Jordan/Scott Lauaki, 4.5 seconds, $2,500 each; 2. Cash Fretwell/Cole Walker, 0.0, $1,500; 3. Koby Sanchez/Chase Graves, 0.0, $1,000; 4. Zane Kilgus/Levi Pettigrew, 0.0, $500.


First Round: 1. Zachary Dallas, 78.5 points on United Pro Rodeo’s Brushy Creek Aussie’s Major Moves, $1,329; 2. (tie) Tyler Pruitt, Walker Rezzonico and Carter Sandberg, 77, $982 each; 5. Cauy Masters, 76, $636; 6. Mick Knight, 75.5, $462; 7. Caleb Newell, 74, $289; 8. (tie) Nick Joyce and Darcy Radel, 73, $58 each.
Finals: 1. Carter Sandberg, 79 points on Pete Carr Pro Rodeo’s Dirty Jacket, $2,500; 2. Tyler Pruitt, 78, $1,500; 3. Zachary Dallas, 77, $1,000; 4. Cauy Masters, 0, $500.


First Round: 1. Ariana Varischetti, 2.4 seconds, $1,329; 2. Shiloh Napp, 2.6, $1,156; 3. Jayden Gould, 2.8, $982; 4. Nikayla Brill, 3.3, $809; 5. (tie) Taylor Raupe and Sierra Spratt, 3.7, $549 each; 7. Kassidy Albright, 4.3, $289; 8. KC-Gail Churchill, 12.6, $116.
Finals: 1. Nikayla Brill, 2.9 seconds, $2,500; no other qualified runs.


First Round: 1. Gio Piloto, 7.2 seconds, $1,329; 2. Chance Rodriguez, 8.7, $1,156; 3. Savion Elias, 10.0, $982; 4. Nick Achille, 10.9, $809; 5. Rio Nutter, 11.7, $636; 6. Ty Moser, 12.2, $462; 7. Matt Gutierrez, 12.8, $289; 8. Chisum Allen, 13.0, $116.
Finals: 1. Chance Rodriguez, 7.7 seconds, $2,500; 2. Nick Achille, 8.6, $1,500; 3. Savion Elias, 0.0, $1,000; 4. Rio Nutter, 0.0, $500.


First Round: 1. (tie) Alyssa MacDonald and Julie Plourde, 13.55 seconds, $1,242 each; 3. Kalgary Johns, 13.82, $982; 4. Sadie Miller, 14.04, $809; 5. Natalie Hammond, 14.66, $636; 6. Sherri Reagan, 18.42, $462; 7. Oceane Veilleux, 18.59, $289; 8. Tiffany Lujan, 18.64, $116.
Finals: 1. Oceane Veilleux, 13.19 seconds, $2,500; 2. Julie Plourde, 13.39, $1,500; 3. Sadie Miller, 18.23, $1,000; 4. Tiffany Lujan, 18.29, $500.


*First round: 1. Rawley Johnson, 87 points on Pete Carr Pro Rodeo’s Piggly Wiggly, $5,778; no other qualified rides.
*Finals: 1. Brandon Ballard, 0 points on Pete Carr Pro Rodeo’s Smokey, $3,250; 2. Vinell Mariano, 0, $2,250; no other qualified rides.
*(all totals include ground money).
submitted by RodeoBoss66 to prorodeo [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 16:24 deeptechsharing Beatport Weekend Picks 17 (2024)

Title: Beatport Weekend Picks 17 (2024) Genre: House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Trance (Main Floor), Hard Dance / Hardcore / Neo Rave, Breaks / Breakbeat / UK Bass, Tech House, Deep House, Psy-Trance, Minimal / Deep Tech, Progressive House, Dubstep, Indie Dance, Trap / Wave, Dance / Electro Pop, Nu Disco / Disco, Funky House, Bass / Club, UK Garage / Bassline, Afro House, Melodic House & Techno, Bass House, Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), Organic House / Downtempo, Electro (Classic / Detroit / Modern), Mainstage, Jackin House, Amapiano, Trance (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), Drum & Bass, Hard Techno, Electronica Release Date: 2024-04-26
DOWNLOAD in 320kbps:
Tracklist: 1. AG Swifty – Games (Original Mix) (6:33) 2. Da Africa Deep, Miči – Me And You feat. Miči (Extended Mix) (7:34) 3. Spencer Brown – San te Crüs (Original Mix) (6:16) 4. Layton Giordani – New Generation (Space 92 Remix) (5:41) 5. Stereo Express, Anunnakis – Abidos (Original Mix) (5:56) 6. Push – Infini (Extended Mix) (6:07) 7. Murphy’s Law (UK) – Every Day, All Day (Extended) (5:56) 8. Easttown – Chaos (Original Mix) (5:58) 9. Mark Hawkins – Lopez (Original Mix) (6:52) 10. Basti Grub – To My Babe (Original Mix) (4:23) 11. Deas – Basel (Original Mix) (5:20) 12. Simula – Venator (Original Mix) (4:26) 13. Mr Pilato, Ego Slimflow, DJ Maphorisa, Sje Konka, T.M.A Rsa – Ke Rata Byala (feat. SJE Konka & T.M.A Rsa) (6:43) 14. DJ MARIA. – The Light (Original) (7:58) 15. Total Science – Kingpin (FD Remix) (4:08) 16. Le Croque – Mujer (Original Mix) (6:58) 17. skantia – 2Drill VIP (Original Mix) (3:29) 18. Deophonik – When The Beats Go Down (Original Mix) (5:30) 19. Mauro Masi – Moonlit Bloom (Extended Mix) (8:27) 20. Jwalker – What U Put Me Through (Original Mix) (5:18) 21. Nathan Barato – Catch A Feelin (Original Mix) (5:48) 22. Nathan Barato, MizBee – Sunrise (Original Mix) (8:15) 23. Maccari – Ashes (Original Mix) (4:51) 24. Ridney – The Inside (Capri Extended Remix) (6:46) 25. Mark Sherry, Bixx – Other Worlds (Extended Mix) (6:47) 26. Toñaco – Disurbia (Original Mix) (8:19) 27. Soldera, Cazt, Dandara Manoela – Minha Prece Remix (Extended Mix) (5:48) 28. Lace Atone – Zonal Decline (Original Mix) (4:55) 29. Jean Pierre, Ambrxse – I Wanna Know (Original Mix) (5:26) 30. Nicolas Rada – The Wind Phone (Original Mix) (8:24) 31. Ede, Deckert – Hold This Down (Original Mix) (4:36) 32. MPH – Stop Dawdling (Original Mix) (4:00) 33. Alessandro Diruggiero, Tomi & Kesh – Bine Bine (Original Mix) (6:16) 34. The Neighbors – Unicorns (Jaykill Remix) (6:58) 35. Lex (Athens), Locke – Libre De Amor (feat. Locke) (Original Mix) (5:29) 36. Oliver Dollar & Austin Ato – Portamento Track (Original Mix) (6:14) 37. Uncertain – Difference (Original Mix) (5:17) 38. LEON (Italy) – Beautiful Girl (Original Mix) (5:46) 39. Malone, Ky William – Rhythm Guide (Original Mix) (5:33) 40. Ghoulish – Arc Flash (Original Mix) (5:22) 41. Starving Yet Full, MP3 (DE) – Komeza (Extended Mix) (5:31) 42. Shabi – Disco Party (Original Mix) (6:20) 43. Jean-Jerome – Gifts (Original Mix) (4:48) 44. Oscar L – Love Me (Extended Mix) (6:33) 45. Dharma – Clear Glass (Original Mix) (6:44) 46. Samer Soltan – Hurricane (Original Mix) (5:04) 47. UMEK – Shanti (Original Mix) (5:53) 48. Adriatique & Eynka – Beyond Us (Extended Hatshepsut Version, Alex Wann remix) (6:04) 49. Zigan Aldi – Ahget (Umami Remix) (6:36) 50. Eriiog – Final Loop (Original Mix) (5:03) 51. Luuk Van Dijk – Doin’ It (Original Mix) (6:10) 52. Stepco – Lovin’ It (Original Mix) (6:07) 53. Arodes, Josh Gigante – Illusion (Original Mix) (5:39) 54. Kaspar (DE) – The Awakening (Original Mix) (6:38) 55. Sandro Muré – Abyss (Original Mix) (5:47) 56. Nathan Katz – Parallax (Original Mix) (7:14) 57. Drone – Slingshot (Original Mix) (4:47) 58. JohnnieDarko & Anais – Bullet In The Dance (Crossy Remix) (3:25) 59. Joku – Atlas (Original Mix) (6:00) 60. Sole Dosi – My Friend Is On Air (Original Mix) (5:56) 61. M.j, Ceeka RSA, Tyler ICU – Masupa (feat. Tyler ICU, Ceeka RSA) (Original Mix) (6:56) 62. Cyfred, LeeMckrazy, Sayfar, Tumelo za – Saka Malume (feat. Tumelo za, Sayfar) (Original Mix) (5:28) 63. Mishell & Kinna Mone – Lightweight feat. Kinna Mone (Original Mix) (5:53) 64. Koven, A.M.C – Hooked (Original Mix) (2:46) 65. Costas – Ring Mod (Gunnter Remix) (6:24) 66. Alienatic, Ital – Flying Saucers (Original Mix) (8:28) 67. Artento Divini x Melvin Warning pres. Divini & Warning – Bring That Beat Back (Extended Mix) (4:44) 68. Siân Owen – Don’t Mean A Thing (Original Mix) (2:56) 69. Harddope, Maikubi, Mc Pôneis – TOMA PIKA NA XERECA (Original Mix) (1:34) 70. Francis De Simone – Crazy Time (Original Mix) (6:42) 71. Porat – Undipresia (Original Mix) (7:17) 72. Novah – Lost In Bliss (Original Mix) (5:28) 73. Lemna – Lapis Lazuli (Original Mix) (5:26) 74. Hermann Bravo – Everybody is Dancing (Original Mix) (5:30) 75. Cerrone, Purple Disco Machine – Summer Lovin’ (Edit) (3:09) 76. Dylan-S, Simila – Sa Lana (Extended Mix) (7:19) 77. Dompe – Golden Lemons (Original Mix) (5:18) 78. Calcium – Dome Shot (Original Mix) (3:16) 79. Jessica Brankka – The Blue Point (Original Mix) (4:38) 80. Duniz – Degree (Original Mix) (5:51) 81. Roman Flügel – Hotel Karthago (Original Mix) (5:44) 82. Ash Brown (UK) – Cantankerous (Original Mix) (4:20) 83. RUZE – FUTUR (Original Mix) (6:48) 84. Nael (IL), Gidoco – Horizon 303 (Original Mix) (5:57) 85. Odd Mob, OMNOM, HYPERBEAM – All Day, All Night (Original Mix) (3:44) 86. Berllioz – Kokoloko (Original Mix) (5:18) 87. Jackers Revenge – The Time of My Life (Original Mix) (4:57) 88. Bruno Furlan – Better Days (Original Mix) (5:45) 89. Sanchez (UK) – Sweet (Original Mix) (6:34)
submitted by deeptechsharing to deeptech_house [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 21:48 newmusicrls Beatport Weekend Picks 17 (April 2024)
  1. AG Swifty – Games (Original Mix) 06:33 127bpm 8B
  2. Da Africa Deep, Miči – Me And You feat. Miči (Extended Mix) 07:34 120bpm 4A
  3. Spencer Brown – San te Crüs (Original Mix) 06:16 125bpm 4A
  4. Layton Giordani – New Generation (Space 92 Remix) 05:41 135bpm 12B
  5. Stereo Express, Anunnakis – Abidos (Original Mix) 05:56 124bpm 8B
  6. Push – Infini (Extended Mix) 06:07 136bpm 12B
  7. Murphy’s Law (UK) – Every Day, All Day (Original Mix) 05:56 130bpm 12A
  8. Easttown – Chaos (Original Mix) 05:58 130bpm 2A
  9. Mark Hawkins – Lopez (Original Mix) 06:52 136bpm 7A
  10. Basti Grub – To My Babe (Original Mix) 04:23 124bpm 9B
  11. Deas – Basel (Original Mix) 05:20 141bpm 9B
  12. Simula – Venator (Original Mix) 04:26 88bpm 9A
  13. DJ Maphorisa, T.M.A_Rsa, Mr Pilato, SJE Konka, Ego Slimflow – Ke Rata Byala (Original Mix) 06:43 113bpm 1A
  14. DJ MARIA. – The Light (Original) 07:58 134bpm 11B
  15. Total Science – Kingpin (FD Remix) 04:08 107bpm 7B
  16. Le Croque – Mujer (Original Mix) 06:58 120bpm 9B
  17. Introversion – Echoes (Original Mix) 05:22 68bpm 10A
  18. skantia – 2Drill VIP (Original Mix) 03:29 86bpm 10B
  19. Deophonik – When The Beats Go Down (Original Mix) 05:30 128bpm 1A
  20. Mauro Masi – Moonlit Bloom (Extended Mix) 08:27 121bpm 8B
  21. Jwalker – What U Put Me Through (Original Mix) 05:18 128bpm 6A
  22. Nathan Barato – Catch A Feelin (Original Mix) 05:48 128bpm 3B
  23. Nathan Barato, Mizbee – Sunrise (Original Mix) 08:15 126bpm 12A
  24. Maccari – Ashes (Original Mix) 04:51 140bpm 4A
  25. Ridney – The Inside (Capri Extended Remix) 06:46 124bpm 9A
  26. Mark Sherry, BiXX – Other Worlds (Extended Mix) 06:47 140bpm 12B
  27. Tonaco – Disurbia (Original Mix) 08:19 121bpm 7B
  28. Soldera, Cazt, Dandara Manoela – Minha Prece Remix (Extended Mix) 05:48 122bpm 6A
  29. Creasol – Cave Shaker (Original Mix) 05:05 134bpm 9B
  30. Lace Atone – Zonal Decline (Original Mix) 04:55 130bpm 9A
  31. Jean Pierre, Ambrxse – I Wanna Know (Original Mix) 05:26 131bpm 3A
  32. Nicolas Rada – The Wind Phone (Original Mix) 08:24 123bpm 9B
  33. Ede, Deckert – Hold This Down (Original Mix) 04:36 140bpm 7A
  34. MPH – Stop Dawdling (Original Mix) 04:00 128bpm 2A
  35. Alessandro Diruggiero, Tomi & Kesh – Bine Bine (Original Mix) 06:16 128bpm 11B
  36. The Neighbors – Unicorns (Jaykill Remix) 06:58 120bpm 10B
  37. Locke, Lex (Athens) – Libre De Amor (Original Mix) 05:29 116bpm 5A
  38. Oliver Dollar, Austin Ato – Portamento Track (Original Mix) 06:14 126bpm 7A
  39. Uncertain – Difference (Original Mix) 05:17 141bpm 4B
  40. Leon (Italy) – Beautiful Girl (Original Mix) 05:46 128bpm 6B
  41. Malone, Ky William – Rhythm Guide (Original Mix) 05:34 128bpm 8A
  42. Ghoulish – Arc Flash (Original Mix) 05:22 134bpm 6A
  43. Starving Yet Full, MP3 (DE) – Komeza (Extended Mix) 05:31 122bpm 9A
  44. Shabi – Disco Party (Original Mix) 06:20 123bpm 10A
  45. Jean-Jerome – Gifts (Original Mix) 04:48 123bpm 10A
  46. Oscar L – Love Me (Extended Mix) 06:33 131bpm 4B
  47. Dharma – Clear Glass (Original Mix) 06:44 117bpm 8A
  48. Deekline, AIRGLO – Not Alone (Original Mix) 04:21 88bpm 6B
  49. Samer Soltan – Hurricane (Original Mix) 05:04 125bpm 2A
  50. UMEK – Shanti (Original Mix) 05:53 138bpm 7B
  51. Adriatique, Eynka – Beyond Us (Extended Hatshepsut Version, Alex Wann remix) 06:03 122bpm 4A
  52. Zigan Aldi – Ahget (Umami Remix) 06:36 119bpm 7A
  53. Eriiog – Final Loop (Original Mix) 05:03 130bpm 7A
  54. Luuk Van Dijk – Doin’ It (Original Mix) 06:10 132bpm 6A
  55. Stepco – Lovin’ It (Original Mix) 06:07 127bpm 6B
  56. Arodes, Josh Gigante – Illusion (Original Mix) 05:39 123bpm 5A
  57. Kaspar (DE) – The Awakening (Original Mix) 06:38 139bpm 6A
  58. Sandro Mure – Abyss (Original Mix) 05:47 152bpm 12A
  59. Nathan Katz – Parallax (Original Mix) 07:14 122bpm 8A
  60. Drone – Slingshot (Original Mix) 04:47 120bpm 5A
  61. Anais, Crossy, JohnnieDarko – Bullet In The Dance feat. Anaïs (Crossy Remix) 03:46 109bpm 9A
  62. Joku – Atlas (Original Mix) 06:00 140bpm 8A
  63. Sole Dosi – My Friend Is On Air (Original Mix) 05:56 140bpm 6B
  64. M.J, Tyler ICU, Ceeka RSA – Masupa (feat. Tyler ICU, Ceeka RSA) (Original Mix) 06:56 113bpm 9B
  65. Sayfar, LeeMcKrazy, Cyfred, Tumelo_za – Saka Malume (feat. Tumelo_za, Sayfar) (Original Mix) 05:28 112bpm 4A
  66. CANCEL – Pump it (Original Mix) 04:28 155bpm 4B
  67. Mishell, Kinna Mone – Lightweight (feat. Kinna Mone) (Original Mix) 05:53 124bpm 1A
  68. A.M.C, Koven – Hooked (Original Mix) 02:46 87bpm 4A
  69. Costas – Ring Mod (Gunnter Remix) 06:24 128bpm 10B
  70. Ital, Alienatic – Flying Saucers (Original Mix) 08:29 145bpm 12B
  71. Melvin Warning, Artento Divini, Divini & Warning – Bring That Beat Back (Extended Mix) 04:44 136bpm 12B
  72. Siân Owen – Don’t Mean A Thing (Extended Mix) 04:00 128bpm 5A
  73. Francis De Simone – Crazy Time (Original Mix) 06:42 130bpm 6A
  74. Porat – Undipresia (Original Mix) 07:17 141bpm 9A
  75. NOVAH (BE) – Lost In Bliss (Original Mix) 05:28 155bpm 7B
  76. Lemna – Lapis Lazuli (Original Mix) 05:26 127bpm 5A
  77. Hermann Bravo – Everybody is Dancing (Original Mix) 05:30 128bpm 10B
  78. Cerrone, Purple Disco Machine – Summer Lovin’ (Edit) 03:09 124bpm 7A
  79. Dylan-S – Sa Lana feat. Simila (Extended Mix) 07:19 118bpm 10B
  80. Dompe – Golden Lemons (Original Mix) 05:18 127bpm 5B
  81. Calcium – Dome Shot (Original Mix) 03:16 150bpm 7A
  82. Jessica Brankka – The Blue Point (Original Mix) 04:38 124bpm 1A
  83. Lenny Dee, Malke – This Is A Classic (Original Mix) 05:52 150bpm 8A
  84. Duniz – Degree (Original Mix) 05:51 87bpm 8B
  85. Roman Flügel – Hotel Karthago (Original Mix) 05:44 136bpm 8A
  86. Ash Brown (UK) – Cantankerous (Original Mix) 04:20 134bpm 9A
  87. RUZE – FUTUR (Original Mix) 06:48 127bpm 9A
  88. Nael (IL), Gidoco – Horizon 303 (Original Mix) 05:57 124bpm 8A
  89. Odd Mob, OMNOM, HYPERBEAM – All Day, All Night (Original Mix) 03:44 128bpm 4A
  90. Berllioz – Kokoloko (Original Mix) 05:18 121bpm 6A
  91. Jackers Revenge – The Time Of My Life (Original Mix) 04:57 124bpm 12B
  92. Bruno Furlan – Better Days (Original Mix) 05:45 129bpm 1B
  93. Sanchez (UK) – Sweet (Original Mix) 06:34 127bpm 9A
submitted by newmusicrls to HypeTracks [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 23:34 mullyzoo Cachaca Negroni riff

Cachaca Negroni riff
Had this drink made for me at Young Blood, here in San Diego, based on my request for a negroni-esque drink with cynar. The bartender came back with this, which I assume was equal parts:
  • Cachaca
  • Cynar
  • Spanish sherry
It was superb and thought I'd share.
submitted by mullyzoo to cocktails [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 13:42 KingNickyThe1st WTF Is Coming Out Friday? April 26th Edition

Alex Kunnari & Jennifer Rene - Always Be My Friend (AK Statement Remix)
Armin van Buuren and D.O.D. - By Now
AVAO - Bang
Beats by Luca, Lotus - Discoteque
Bennett - Lullaby
Bessey & Tita Lau - To L.A
Blinders & Skidope - VAMP
Breathe Carolina x STVW - Long Night
Bruno Furlan - Not For Everyone EP
Chris Lake & Sammy Virji & Nathan Nicholson - Summertime Blues
Chris Lake , Sammy Virji - Summertime Blues
Cold Blue - The Great Awakening
Darren Styles ft. MERYLL - So High
Da Tweekaz x Djane HouseKat - La Di Da
Davey Asprey - Let Me Dream
David Puentez x Bonn - I Want You
Delta Heavy - Bad Decisions
Devin Wild - I Wont Let You Down
Dillon Nathaniel - Push Ya Body
Draxx (ITA) - Get Ur Freak On
EHJ & FREEWILL - I Wanna Lose Control
Eximinds & Norni - Alliance
Giuseppe Ottaviani & Gareth Emery & Sarah de Warren - Carry on
Greg Downey - Feel
Helvetic Nerds - Monument
Issey Cross - Energy in my town
Jauz - Chains
Justice - Hyperdrama (album)
Koven, A.M.C. - Hooked
Kruelty - REVELATION_13
Kryder - Piece Of Art (Darren Porter Remix)
Last Heroes, sød ven - Wide Awake
Little Foot featuring ALLKNIGHT - Survivor
Mark Sherry & BiXx - Other Worlds
Mesto, Vluarr - Over Soon
Mhammed El Alami, Ericsson & EGGSTA - Emotion
Mike Williams - The Alarm
Noizu & Joshwa - Get Rockin'
Odd Mob & OMNOM: HYPERBEAM - The Unexplained EP
Orjan Nilsen & Mark Sixma - Gone
Pet Shop Boys - Nonetheless
Richard Durand - Feels Good
Robbie Mendez - Be There
San Pacho & Buitano & Fatboi - Afloja
Showtek - Dream (Adrenalize Remix)
Solarstone & Evan Henzi - Revelation
Steve Brian - The Observer
Swedish House Mafia & Niki & The Dove - Lioness
The Chainsmokers, Fridayy - Friday
Tiesto & Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike & Gabry Ponte - Mockingbird
Tony Romera & Crusy - The Unknown
Topic x A7S - Out My Head
TOYZZ - The Fire
Twin Scream - Feel My Body
William Black & Slander ft. Jordan Shaw - Keep U Warm
ZOYA & Dennis Sheperd - Purple Skies
submitted by KingNickyThe1st to EDM [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 04:51 VegetableHousing139 Best longform profiles of the week

Hey guys,
I'm back with some of the best longform profiles I've found this week. You can also subscribe here if you want to get the weekly newsletter in your inbox. Any feedback or suggestions, please let me know!
🎭 Michael Imperioli Knows Art Can’t Save Us
Zach Helfand // The New Yorker
Art can help. But if we don’t make big changes in terms of how we’re affecting the climate, everything else is going to be a luxury. When we’re constantly underwater or on fire, every issue is going to become secondary to that, which may very well happen. Unless things start to change, we’re seriously fucked. Let’s be honest.
💔 Sophie Grégoire Trudeau on Her New Memoir, Her Separation, and Making Her Own Way
Mattie Kahn // Vogue
She felt trapped. Grégoire Trudeau had had to give up her career when Trudeau became prime minister. Her cousin still bristles at the warped expectations. Justin Trudeau had been heralded as a champion of working women. When his own wife wanted to contribute, she was pilloried. His ascent cost her her profession. “She was put in an impossible position,” a Canadian journalist tells me. “She was just stuck.”
🍤 The Whistleblower
Ian Urbina, Maya Martin, Jake Conley, Joe Galvin, Susan Ryan, Austin Brush // The Outlaw Ocean Project
At the plant in India, he would find himself covering up overcrowding on the site by making plans to hide workers when inspectors came around. He found himself misleading customers about the provenance and quality of their shrimp, including its certification status or farm origin, and he said he was told to send off consignments of tainted shrimp to America. Managers who worked for Choice Canning could be frustratingly evasive, he added, but, at times, they could also be startlingly candid. He captured his dealings with them in secret recordings, screenshots and thousands of pages of documents.
🪖 Life as a Russian soldier in Ukraine — what the British insider saw (🔒 paywall link)
Sean Langan // The Sunday Times
When we finally enter the forest, the bodies of dead Ukrainian soldiers lie slumped like sacks of grain, empty water bottles by their side. Figures stand up and emerge from the tree stumps. I didn’t notice them at first but the forest is full of Russian soldiers, hiding in the same bunkers and trenches the Ukrainians recently abandoned. A young man climbs out of his foxhole and fist-bumps me.
🚀 Inside Y Combinator’s ‘Boom Loop’: The Startup Factory Goes Brasher, Leaner And Meaner (🔒 paywall link)
Alex Konrad // Forbes
In the year-plus since, Tan has worked to win them over by reshaping YC in a “return to roots,” as he describes it. That has meant reconfiguring its batches, from admissions to groupings and social activities, to restore its status as a mecca for earliest-stage, technical (mostly nerdy) founders to learn the basics of company-building over three months. From a new headquarters in San Francisco’s Dogpatch neighborhood, Tan is projecting YC’s influence within the city like never before — alongside his own — through a push for more public content and events, interspersed with Tan’s own local political activism.
📚 The Chaos Inside Diddy’s Charter School
Sangeeta Singh-Kurtz // New York Magazine
Fourteen people, including parents, students, and former employees, describe an extremely dysfunctional school environment marked by high teacher turnover and frequent violence. Without a full teaching staff, students could go months without being taught some subjects and instead be found sitting in the lunch room for hours at a time.
🏀 The Legend of Caitlin Clark: How the Superstar is Writing the Next Chapter in Iowa Women’s Basketball History
Deyscha Smith // SLAM
Could Clark, or anyone who knew her during those early days, have ever imagined that she’d become the greatest college basketball player Iowa has ever seen? Or, arguably, the greatest in the college game today, man or woman? What about the way she’s transcended the sport—not just women’s basketball, but the game entirely.
🏭 An Empire Divided (🔒 paywall link)
Brooke Sutherland, Ryan Beene // Bloomberg
In one sense, Culp is restoring GE to its original identity as a maker of stuff. But he’s also the guy dismantling a monument to American capitalism. From its inception as an outlet for Thomas Edison to commercialize the lightbulb through the era of rapid globalization embodied by Jack Welch, GE practically swallowed entire industries. It loaned planes to companies and money to real estate developers; for a time it even owned a large chunk of Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream. Most of that is gone now.
🕰️ The Hotel Guest Who Wouldn’t Leave (🔒 paywall link)
Matthew Haag // The New York Times
The story of how Mr. Barreto, a California transplant with a taste for wild conspiracy theories and a sometimes tenuous grip on reality, gained and then lost the rights to Room 2565 might sound implausible — another tale from a man who claims without evidence to be the first cousin, 11 times removed, of Christopher Columbus’s oldest son.
🌈 Alan Cumming Wants Us All to Let Go
Rachel Syme // The New Yorker
I’ve always felt like New York’s not really America. I do wonder when the time will come when I feel too uncomfortable to live here, to be queer and to be also an immigrant. Being queer in any way is going to get more and more difficult. I’m going to Texas tomorrow with my show. When I go out on the road like that, it’s so heartening, because you go to these places where the government or the legislature is doing such heinous things—just awful, angry stuff. But not everyone’s like that.
🖖 93 Years of Shatner
Kevin Mims // Quillette
Had Shatner been born in 1962 rather than in 1932, he would have been reaching his prime just as the so-called “second golden age of television” arrived with the debut of The Sopranos in 1999. His approach to television would almost certainly have been very different than it was back in the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s. He might have taken his place among actors like James Gandolfini (born in ’61), Bryan Cranston (’56), Bob Odenkirk (’62), and Jon Hamm (’71), all of whom embodied iconic characters of the era. Instead, Shatner is often unfairly written off as a second-rater.
🗣️ On Fox News, Steve Doocy has become the unexpected voice of dissent (🔒 paywall link)
Jeremy Barr // The Washington Post
Doocy lately seems to enjoy sparking hot-button on-screen debate at a time of day when television viewers are accustomed to light banter and soft segments. And he’s doing so in an era when Fox’s sway over the direction of the Republican Party has never been greater. With most other Fox hosts now rallying behind Trump’s 2024 campaign, Doocy’s presence suggests hidden pockets of pushback at the network.
👠 She Was Born to Be a Supermodel. She Wants to Build a Literary Empire, Too. (🔒 paywall link)
Josh Duboff // The Wall Street Journal
Gerber is aware of the benefits of being a nepo baby. “I don’t think it’s a topic that will go away, so I’ve clearly reached a point of acceptance,” she says. “I personally am very aware of all the wonderful things it has done for me, and I would never, ever say anything negative about it, because that is my truth about it.”
📺 Why Dick Wolf Wants To Make Hit TV Shows Until He Is 100 (🔒 paywall link)
Matt Craig // Forbes
For now, Wolf believes “the imminent death of broadcast television is overstated,” as it remains the best place to reach 10 million people in a single night. He wants to add even more network shows, and truly become TV’s “last man standing.” Still, he’s a realist. “Once it’s gone it’s gone,” he says. “I think there's another 10-12 years of broadcast before it's basically all streaming.”
🎸 ‘When I was younger I was arrogant’: Vampire Weekend’s Ezra Koenig on fatherhood and growing up
Shaad D'Souza // The Guardian
“When the band was starting, I was obsessed with getting [second album] Contra out in 2010 – I thought it was important that we released albums back to back – it was so rushed. There was a real feeling of: ‘This is a rare opportunity,’” he recalls. “To continue at that pace and with that level of agitation would send anybody to burnout. And then you get into these existential things: if all you’re doing is making music, what’s the music about?”
👨‍👩‍👧 Dr. Becky and the Professionalization of Parenthood
Kathryn Jezer-Morton // The Cut
Kennedy says her conviction that something was wrong with modern parenting came before she could articulate much more of what would become the Good Inside philosophy. She often repeats that children are born with the entire range of human emotion and none of the skills required to cope with it. In the world of GI, a parent’s job is to teach those skills not through instruction but by modeling them. Parents are invited to experience parenting as a personal transformation. In the argot of our times, it’s parenting as emotional upskilling.
👜 Will She Make the Next Birkin?
Marisa Meltzer // The New York Times
“I was looking at a book that was talking about pockets in the 19th century, how men had about seven pockets in their jackets, pockets in their little vests and pockets in their pants, and women could have only one pocket that they had to hide under their skirt. And that was kind of the beginning of emancipation of women. When skirts became smaller and tighter to the body, they just took the pocket up from under the skirt and put it outside.”
🐶 Miranda's Last Gift (🔒 paywall link)
David Frum // The Atlantic
But Ringo intuited that something unusual was happening in his world. This dog that normally put the high in high-maintenance abruptly reinvented himself as a wholly different animal. He quietly accompanied Miranda through every frightening minute. He attended all of her preoperative appointments, right up until the final seconds before she went in for surgery.
🌟 Anne Hathaway on Tuning Out the Haters and Embracing Her True Self
Julie Miller // Vanity Fair
Even though she had won an Oscar, she says, “a lot of people wouldn’t give me roles because they were so concerned about how toxic my identity had become online. I had an angel in Christopher Nolan, who did not care about that and gave me one of the most beautiful roles I’ve had in one of the best films that I’ve been a part of.”
👵 My Mother Was the Keeper of Our Memories. Then She Got Dementia. (🔒 paywall link)
Sherry Mendelson // The Wall Street Journal
Complete silence as she looked me over. And then, the loss hit me as it registered that my mother didn’t know me. I had to let go and come to terms with the reality that my mother—the woman who knew me longer and better than anybody—was no longer there. Her memory, which held a unique part of me, had vanished. I was becoming a different person—floating and undefined, unmoored, motherless though she was there in front of me.
Longform Profiles: Depth over distraction. Cutting through the noise with weekly longform profiles that matter. Subscribe here.
submitted by VegetableHousing139 to longform [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 06:47 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Saturday April 13th (Lots of Live music today!)

Live Music

2024 St. Augustine PoetFest

Day 3 — Saturday, April 13

Day three will see another day full of diverse and engaging sessions. Starting at 10:00 a.m. and concluding around 7:00 p.m., the final day of the festival will take place in various buildings on the Flagler College campus. The festival will conclude in the evening with an awards ceremony and reception.

Flagler College Campus —

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
PoetFest Alive! Outside of Ringhaver Student CenterPoetFest brochures and schedules available. The St. Johns County Library system's Book Mobile will also be onsite.
Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Typewriter Poets and Indie Market Pop-Up Back Paver Patio of Ringhaver Student Center Located between Markland Place and the Ringhaver Student Center, this space will host a pop-up market space with local crafts and goods. Poets will also compose improvisational poems on their typewriters.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Jay's Place — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Registration, Book Bazaar, & Festival Contact Center Publications, author recordings, and local student literary magazines for sale.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Gamache-Kroger Theater — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
Student Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.
Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Faculty Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.
Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.
Dramatic Play Reading - "The Poet's Masque" Presented by Amy Goldin and A Classic Theatre.
Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.
Storytelling Showcas ePresented by Margaret Kaler and the Tale Tellers of St. Augustine.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Virginia Room — 2nd Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
"Kerouac's Last Two Years - St. Petersburg, Florida" Larry Jaffe, Poet in Residence at the Jack Kerouac House, disusses and reads the works of the infamous writer, who lived with his wife and sister in St. Petersburg, Florida from 1967 until his death in 1969.
Saturday, April 13 11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
**"From Bookstaplers to Substack - Publishing 101"**Dustin Brookshire (Limp Wrist Magazine) and Johnny Masiulewicz (Happy Tapir Press) examine the process of self-publishing.
Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.
**"Music and the Muse"**Featuring poet Claire Conroy (Maine) performing to improvisational music by singer songwriter Taylor Teachout followed by a Q&A discussion on how music can take your poetry to the next level.
Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.
**"Florida is Haunted: Poetic Ghosts in the Sunshine State"**Featuring Ma Bones, Nick Dunkenstein, Keri Foster, Damon Thomas, enjoy an hour of poetry inspired by hauntings and the haunted. As Jacques Derrida said — "It is the question of ghosts."
Saturday, April 13 2:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
**"The Antinomian Outsider aspect of The Beat Generation"**Presented by Outlaw poet Ron Whitehead, who hails from Tennessee.
Saturday, April 13 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.Closing Event
Saturday, April 13 5:00 p.m.
Celebratory ReceptionFinale celebration — poets and guests all invited!

Amphitheatre Farmers Market

Arts & Crafts Festival at the Pier

Earth Adventures at Trailmark

Festival of Chariots 2024

Historical Timeline Saunter

Saint Augustine Sisterhood: Book Launch

Bad Dog Mama Playing at Saint Augustine Race Week

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm @ Municipal Marina 111 Avenida Menendez Saint Augustine, FL 32084

For future events please visit the Discord.

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustine [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 06:46 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Saturday April 13th (Lots of Live music today!)

Live Music

2024 St. Augustine PoetFest

Day 3 — Saturday, April 13

Day three will see another day full of diverse and engaging sessions. Starting at 10:00 a.m. and concluding around 7:00 p.m., the final day of the festival will take place in various buildings on the Flagler College campus. The festival will conclude in the evening with an awards ceremony and reception.

Flagler College Campus —

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.PoetFest Alive! Outside of Ringhaver Student CenterPoetFest brochures and schedules available. The St. Johns County Library system's Book Mobile will also be onsite.
Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.Typewriter Poets and Indie Market Pop-Up Back Paver Patio of Ringhaver Student Center Located between Markland Place and the Ringhaver Student Center, this space will host a pop-up market space with local crafts and goods. Poets will also compose improvisational poems on their typewriters.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Jay's Place — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.Registration, Book Bazaar, & Festival Contact Center Publications, author recordings, and local student literary magazines for sale.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Gamache-Kroger Theater — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.Student Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.
Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.Faculty Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.
Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.Dramatic Play Reading - "The Poet's Masque" Presented by Amy Goldin and A Classic Theatre.
Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.Storytelling Showcas ePresented by Margaret Kaler and the Tale Tellers of St. Augustine.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Virginia Room — 2nd Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m."Kerouac's Last Two Years - St. Petersburg, Florida" Larry Jaffe, Poet in Residence at the Jack Kerouac House, disusses and reads the works of the infamous writer, who lived with his wife and sister in St. Petersburg, Florida from 1967 until his death in 1969.
Saturday, April 13 11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.**"From Bookstaplers to Substack - Publishing 101"**Dustin Brookshire (Limp Wrist Magazine) and Johnny Masiulewicz (Happy Tapir Press) examine the process of self-publishing.
Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.**"Music and the Muse"**Featuring poet Claire Conroy (Maine) performing to improvisational music by singer songwriter Taylor Teachout followed by a Q&A discussion on how music can take your poetry to the next level.
Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.**"Florida is Haunted: Poetic Ghosts in the Sunshine State"**Featuring Ma Bones, Nick Dunkenstein, Keri Foster, Damon Thomas, enjoy an hour of poetry inspired by hauntings and the haunted. As Jacques Derrida said — "It is the question of ghosts."
Saturday, April 13 2:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.**"The Antinomian Outsider aspect of The Beat Generation"**Presented by Outlaw poet Ron Whitehead, who hails from Tennessee.
Saturday, April 13 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.Closing Event
Saturday, April 13 5:00 p.m.Celebratory ReceptionFinale celebration — poets and guests all invited!

Amphitheatre Farmers Market

Arts & Crafts Festival at the Pier

Earth Adventures at Trailmark

Festival of Chariots 2024

Historical Timeline Saunter

Saint Augustine Sisterhood: Book Launch

Bad Dog Mama Playing at Saint Augustine Race Week

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm @ Municipal Marina 111 Avenida Menendez Saint Augustine, FL 32084

For future events please visit the Discord.
submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustineBeach [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 06:00 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events On / Starting on Thursday April 11th

Live Music for this Thursday

2024 St. Augustine PoetFest

Day 1 — Thursday, April 11

Day 2 — Friday, April 12

Day two includes a variety of events throughout the city from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. During the day, performances, lectures, author discussions, and workshops will be held on the Flagler College campus. An open mic event will follow in the evening at Relampago Coffee Lab.

Flagler College Campus

Friday, April 1210:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Book BazaarOutside Ringhaver Student CenterPoetFest brochures and schedules available. Books and recordings from local authors and featured poets will be for sale.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Friday, April 12 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.Blending Poetry and Comedy The Virginia Room, 2nd FloorNew Jersey Poet Sam Rubenstein shares a series of comedic poetry performances.Friday, April 12 11:00 a.m. - 12:20 a.m. Women in Writing: Spotlight on Women Who Inspire The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor With presentations by Shannon E. Stephen, Eleanor Tremayne, Cynthia Atkins, and Victoria Nations, this segment will discuss how representing women's voices can bring balance to creative and social spaces.Friday, April 12 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.San Diego Scene Spotlight The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Presented by Chris Vannoy (New Generation Beat Poet Laureate) and Christophver R., two members of The Mightier P.E.N.S. (Poetic Expeditionary Nation of Semanticists).Friday, April 12 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.Improv Comedy Spotlight The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Presented by Amy Angelilli and The Adventure Project/Third Space Improv.Friday, April 12 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.Menorcan Heritage in Poetry The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Historical and cultural presentation by Ann Masters, Poet Laureate of the Menorcan Cultural Society.Friday, April 124:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Keynote Presentation The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Given by George Wallace, a New York poet & writer in residence at the Walt Whitman Birthplace.

Relampago Coffee Lab — 74 Spanish Street

Open Mic Night, hosted by the Flagler College English Dept.

After a full Friday of poetry and spoken word events, the Flagler English Department students and faculty invite locals and visitors to join them in an evening of creative performances. Tucked away in the back garden of Relampago, this regular open mic night event will include poetry and musical performances. Sign-up starts at 6:00 p.m., with the first reader beginning at 6:30 p.m.Admission: Free and open to the publicWhen: Friday, April 12 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.Where: Relampago Coffee Lab, 74 Spanish Street, St. Augustine, Florida 32084(No parking available onsite. Paid lots nearby.)

Day 3 — Saturday, April 13

Day three will see another day full of diverse and engaging sessions. Starting at 10:00 a.m. and concluding around 7:00 p.m., the final day of the festival will take place in various buildings on the Flagler College campus. The festival will conclude in the evening with an awards ceremony and reception.

Flagler College Campus —

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.PoetFest Alive! Outside of Ringhaver Student CenterPoetFest brochures and schedules available. The St. Johns County Library system's Book Mobile will also be onsite.Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.Typewriter Poets and Indie Market Pop-Up Back Paver Patio of Ringhaver Student Center Located between Markland Place and the Ringhaver Student Center, this space will host a pop-up market space with local crafts and goods. Poets will also compose improvisational poems on their typewriters.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Jay's Place — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.Registration, Book Bazaar, & Festival Contact Center Publications, author recordings, and local student literary magazines for sale.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Gamache-Kroger Theater — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.Student Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.Faculty Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.Dramatic Play Reading - "The Poet's Masque" Presented by Amy Goldin and A Classic Theatre.Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.Storytelling Showcas ePresented by Margaret Kaler and the Tale Tellers of St. Augustine.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Virginia Room — 2nd Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m."Kerouac's Last Two Years - St. Petersburg, Florida" Larry Jaffe, Poet in Residence at the Jack Kerouac House, disusses and reads the works of the infamous writer, who lived with his wife and sister in St. Petersburg, Florida from 1967 until his death in 1969.Saturday, April 13 11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m."From Bookstaplers to Substack - Publishing 101"Dustin Brookshire (Limp Wrist Magazine) and Johnny Masiulewicz (Happy Tapir Press) examine the process of self-publishing.Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m."Music and the Muse"Featuring poet Claire Conroy (Maine) performing to improvisational music by singer songwriter Taylor Teachout followed by a Q&A discussion on how music can take your poetry to the next level.Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m."Florida is Haunted: Poetic Ghosts in the Sunshine State"Featuring Ma Bones, Nick Dunkenstein, Keri Foster, Damon Thomas, enjoy an hour of poetry inspired by hauntings and the haunted. As Jacques Derrida said — "It is the question of ghosts."Saturday, April 13 2:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m."The Antinomian Outsider aspect of The Beat Generation"Presented by Outlaw poet Ron Whitehead, who hails from Tennessee.Saturday, April 13 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.Closing Event
Saturday, April 13 5:00 p.m.Celebratory ReceptionFinale celebration — poets and guests all invited!

Boozin' on the Boulevard

Indigo Sol Yoga Retreat

Lee Rainie: "A. I. & U."

Milano Comedy Room: Mike Palma

Flagler College Theatre Arts Dept: If/Then

Coco Montoya at Cafe Eleven

For future events please visit the Discord.
submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustineBeach [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 06:00 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events On / Starting on Thursday April 11th

Live Music for this Thursday

2024 St. Augustine PoetFest

Day 1 — Thursday, April 11

Day 2 — Friday, April 12

Day two includes a variety of events throughout the city from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. During the day, performances, lectures, author discussions, and workshops will be held on the Flagler College campus. An open mic event will follow in the evening at Relampago Coffee Lab.

Flagler College Campus

Friday, April 1210:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Book BazaarOutside Ringhaver Student CenterPoetFest brochures and schedules available. Books and recordings from local authors and featured poets will be for sale.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Friday, April 12 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
Blending Poetry and Comedy The Virginia Room, 2nd FloorNew Jersey Poet Sam Rubenstein shares a series of comedic poetry performances.
Friday, April 12 11:00 a.m. - 12:20 a.m.
Women in Writing: Spotlight on Women Who Inspire The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor With presentations by Shannon E. Stephen, Eleanor Tremayne, Cynthia Atkins, and Victoria Nations, this segment will discuss how representing women's voices can bring balance to creative and social spaces.
Friday, April 12 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
San Diego Scene Spotlight The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Presented by Chris Vannoy (New Generation Beat Poet Laureate) and Christophver R., two members of The Mightier P.E.N.S. (Poetic Expeditionary Nation of Semanticists).
Friday, April 12 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Improv Comedy Spotlight The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Presented by Amy Angelilli and The Adventure Project/Third Space Improv.
Friday, April 12 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Menorcan Heritage in Poetry The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Historical and cultural presentation by Ann Masters, Poet Laureate of the Menorcan Cultural Society.
Friday, April 12
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Keynote Presentation The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Given by George Wallace, a New York poet & writer in residence at the Walt Whitman Birthplace.

Relampago Coffee Lab — 74 Spanish Street

Open Mic Night, hosted by the Flagler College English Dept.

After a full Friday of poetry and spoken word events, the Flagler English Department students and faculty invite locals and visitors to join them in an evening of creative performances. Tucked away in the back garden of Relampago, this regular open mic night event will include poetry and musical performances. Sign-up starts at 6:00 p.m., with the first reader beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Admission: Free and open to the public
When: Friday, April 12 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Where: Relampago Coffee Lab, 74 Spanish Street, St. Augustine, Florida 32084
(No parking available onsite. Paid lots nearby.)

Day 3 — Saturday, April 13

Day three will see another day full of diverse and engaging sessions. Starting at 10:00 a.m. and concluding around 7:00 p.m., the final day of the festival will take place in various buildings on the Flagler College campus. The festival will conclude in the evening with an awards ceremony and reception.

Flagler College Campus —

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
PoetFest Alive! Outside of Ringhaver Student CenterPoetFest brochures and schedules available. The St. Johns County Library system's Book Mobile will also be onsite.
Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Typewriter Poets and Indie Market Pop-Up Back Paver Patio of Ringhaver Student Center Located between Markland Place and the Ringhaver Student Center, this space will host a pop-up market space with local crafts and goods. Poets will also compose improvisational poems on their typewriters.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Jay's Place — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Registration, Book Bazaar, & Festival Contact Center Publications, author recordings, and local student literary magazines for sale.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Gamache-Kroger Theater — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
Student Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.
Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Faculty Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.
Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.
Dramatic Play Reading - "The Poet's Masque" Presented by Amy Goldin and A Classic Theatre.
Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.
Storytelling Showcas ePresented by Margaret Kaler and the Tale Tellers of St. Augustine.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Virginia Room — 2nd Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
"Kerouac's Last Two Years - St. Petersburg, Florida" Larry Jaffe, Poet in Residence at the Jack Kerouac House, disusses and reads the works of the infamous writer, who lived with his wife and sister in St. Petersburg, Florida from 1967 until his death in 1969.
Saturday, April 13 11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
"From Bookstaplers to Substack - Publishing 101"Dustin Brookshire (Limp Wrist Magazine) and Johnny Masiulewicz (Happy Tapir Press) examine the process of self-publishing.
Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.
"Music and the Muse"Featuring poet Claire Conroy (Maine) performing to improvisational music by singer songwriter Taylor Teachout followed by a Q&A discussion on how music can take your poetry to the next level.
Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.
"Florida is Haunted: Poetic Ghosts in the Sunshine State"Featuring Ma Bones, Nick Dunkenstein, Keri Foster, Damon Thomas, enjoy an hour of poetry inspired by hauntings and the haunted. As Jacques Derrida said — "It is the question of ghosts."
Saturday, April 13 2:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
"The Antinomian Outsider aspect of The Beat Generation"Presented by Outlaw poet Ron Whitehead, who hails from Tennessee.
Saturday, April 13 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.Closing Event
Saturday, April 13 5:00 p.m.
Celebratory ReceptionFinale celebration — poets and guests all invited!

Boozin' on the Boulevard

Indigo Sol Yoga Retreat

Lee Rainie: "A. I. & U."

Milano Comedy Room: Mike Palma

Flagler College Theatre Arts Dept: If/Then

Coco Montoya at Cafe Eleven

For future events please visit the Discord.
submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustine [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 23:04 Mullhousen Foursquare Master Series Edition 3.

Foursquare Master Series Edition 3.
I went to TW (San Antonio, TX - The Rim location) yesterday and found this on the shelf. Price was 129.99. This is my first OB from Foursquare. I normally buy IB from them. I am glad I bought this. To say it is rich is an understatement. Heavy on the vanilla, brown sugar, dark chocolate, leather. I get the sherry sweetness on the back end. Stewed rich red fruits peek through in the finish. The finish on this lasts forever in the best way possible. I almost wish there was more sherry in the blend but I am nit picking. I am still partial to cask strength tropically aged Jamaicans (Worthy Park and Hampden fanboy), but this “plays” just like the nose in Oceans 13. Cheers everybody. There were still about 12 left on the shelf after my bottle. 🥃
submitted by Mullhousen to rum [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 22:43 Visible-Golf-8213 Chicken (Or turkey) Tetrazzini

I found the history of this dish fascinating! I hope you enjoy reading about it, and tasting it as much as I did! I did not include almonds.
What is Tetrazzini? Tetrazzini is a dish traditionally made with either chopped chicken or turkey in a cream sauce that has been combined with spaghetti. It is then placed in a casserole dish and topped with bread crumbs and baked. Usually, sherry (or white wine), parmesan cheese, mushrooms, garlic, and onions are added to the cream sauce. Some versions even call for finely chopped almonds to be added.

It was created in honor of the Italian coloratura soprano Luisa Tetrazzini. Luisa Tetrazzini was a popular opera singer that toured America in the early 1900s.

All food historians agree on one thing: this dish is not Italian, it is an American concoction named after the Italian opera star Luisa Tetrazzini. It is said to have been invented for her in 1908-1910 by chef Ernest Arbogast at The Palace Hotel in San Francisco, CA, where it is said she was either a regular guest or a long-time resident of the hotel. I can find no specific documentation to say the dish prepared for her was made with poultry, as seafood, which is common to San Francisco, would make more sense. A follow-up to this story is: Luisa then gave the recipe for Spaghetti Tetrazzini to Louis Paquet, chef de cuisine at The McAlpin Hotel on Harold Square in NYC (the largest hotel in the world when it opened in 1912), who made famous a chicken-based version. To muddle the dish's history up a bit, in October of 1908, Good Housekeeping magazine made references to Tetrazzini being served "in a restaurant on 42nd street" -- The Knickerbocker Hotel in NYC, located on the corner of Broadway and 42nd Street claims the rights to the recipe as well.

• Servings: 6 to 8
• Time: 1 hour
• Difficulty: easy
A favorite mid-century casserole.
• 1 16 oz box of spaghetti
• 6 tablespoons of butter, divided
• 4 tablespoons bread crumbs
• 1 cup grated parmesan, divided
• 2 cups sliced mushrooms
• 1 small onion (or half of a large one), chopped
• 3 cloves for garlic finely chopped (about 3 teaspoons)
• 3 tablespoons flour
• 2 cups chicken broth
• 1 cup milk or heavy cream
• 1/2 teaspoon of salt
• 1/2 teaspoon of pepper
• 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
• 4 cups chopped chicken or turkey
• Preheat oven to 350 and lightly grease a 13 x 9 baking dish.
• Cook spaghetti according to the directions of the package, drain and set aside.
• Melt 2 tablespoons of butter and mix with the breadcrumbs and 1/4 cup grated parmesan.
• Over medium heat in a large skillet, melt 1 tablespoons of butter and cook the mushrooms until they have started to brown (about 5 to 10 minutes). Remove from pan and set aside.
• In the same pan over medium heat, melt 3 tablespoons of butter. Sautee the onions until they start to soften. Add the garlic and cook, while stirring, for a minute.
• Sprinkle the onion/garlic mixture with the flour and stir for another minute.
• Add the chicken broth, milk, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning and stir until thickened and it coats the back of a spoon.
• Stir in the rest of the parmesan, chicken, mushrooms, and spaghetti (use a large mixing bowl if your pan is not large enough).
• Pour into the casserole and top with the breadcrumb mixture.
• Bake for 30 minutes.
submitted by Visible-Golf-8213 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 02:30 FurBear Kirkland Lowland

Kirkland Lowland
Found the Kirkland Lowland at the Morena Costco in San Diego. It's a strange drink that I don't really like. Maybe it's the sherry finish but it is a very strong woody taste. I find it astringent and it slightly drys/numbs my mouth.
At $26.99, I am still a bit disappointed.
submitted by FurBear to Costco_alcohol [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 22:29 adlucem33 I recently came across this sherry and couldn't find much available information on it. Would anyone happen to know anything about this bottle?

I recently came across this sherry and couldn't find much available information on it. Would anyone happen to know anything about this bottle? submitted by adlucem33 to sherry [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 11:44 AhbarjietMalta M

L-ewwel konfront
Sadanittant, it-truppi ta’ quddiem ta’ l-armata kienu għaddew lil hinn minn Żejtun u kienu qed ikeċċu l-post li jmiss fuq ir-rotta tagħhom, l-irħul ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar. Lil hinn minn Ħaż-Żabbar ma kien hemm xejn għajr art għerija u mimli sas-swar tal-Birgu u l-Isla, mil biss bogħod.
La Valette temm it-tħejjijiet tiegħu filwaqt li Mustapha- u l-Ammirall Piali kkonferew dwar l-aħjar approċċ tagħhom. Il-ħażniet u l-munizzjon tal-Jast kienu diġà ntbagħtu lejn Sant'Iermu, iż-żewġ gwarniżjonijiet peninsulari kienu lesti għall-azzjoni, u l-istandard ta' San Ġwann infetaħ fuq is-swar ta' Sant' Anġlu. Ħlief għal numru żgħir, essenzjali għall-għassa fis-swar, is-suldati kollha disponibbli ġew ordnati jinżlu mill-Imdina biex isaħħu l-gwarniġġjon fil-Birgu. Valette diġà kellha idea tajba tan-numru ta’ rġiel li kienu jimmarċjaw kontrih. Żewġ rinnegati mill-armata Torka kienu ġabulu informazzjoni dwar id-daqs u l-intenzjonijiet tagħha. L-istejjer tagħhom ikkonfermaw it-twemmin tiegħu li Mustapha kellu l-ħsieb li jattakka lill-Kavallieri fil-punti sodi tagħhom, u mhux jokkupa t-tramuntana tal-gżira bħala preliminari.
Mustapha Pasha kien ukoll jifraħ lilu nnifsu talli kiseb xi informazzjoni utli. Chevalier de la-Rivière u sieħbu Faraone kienu għajjat ​​taħt it-tortura li l-iktar punt dgħajjef fid-difiżi kien il-post ta’ Kastilja. Huwa ddeċieda li jagħmel attentat fuqha l-għada. Hekk kif resqet l-armata Torka, kien hemm ieħor
azzjoni tal-kavallerija b’diżgrazzji pjuttost kbar fuq iż-żewġ naħat, il-Marixxall Copier ġie mġiegħel jirtira t-truppi tiegħu taħt il-kopertura tal-kanuni tal-Birgu u l-Isla. Grupp ta’ kavallerija li niżlet fuqhom mill-għoljiet tal-Imdina ntlaqtet minn grupp ta’ kavallerija li kien qed jagħraf il-Marsa bil-ħsieb li tisqija. Dawn il-ġlied bikrija taw liż-żewġ naħat iċ-ċans li jittestjaw il-ħila ta 'l-ghadu, u li jidraw it-tattiċi u l-armi tiegħu. It-Torok indunaw mill-ewwel li din ma kinitx se tkun rebħa faċli. Il-Kavallieri u t-truppi tagħhom iltaqgħu-ħafna minnhom għall-ewwel darba l-fanatiżmu ħruq tal-Islam. Minbarra dawn il-ġlied bejn truppi mmuntati, l-armata Torka nfirxet bla oppożizzjoni fin-nofsinhar kollu tal-gżira.
submitted by AhbarjietMalta to ahbarjietmaltanews [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 17:03 AhbarjietMalta M

Invażjoni Imminenti
barra x-xhur tas-sajf. Kien jaf, iżda, li ankraġġ preferibbli kien Marsamuscetto, eżatt fit-tramuntana ta’ Sta Iermu. Jista’ jkun mistenni li l-ammiral Tork jipprova jdawwal f’din id-daħla sigura – speċjalment fid-dawl tal-fatt li Dragut u kursari oħra Torok kienu fil-passat drawwa jużaw Marsamuscetto. Kien possibbli li Sant Iermu - dak il-forti ġdid u mhux ippruvat - seta' jkollu jġorr l-ewwel onslaught. Kemm jekk il-fileet Tork ipprova Port il-Kbir jew Marsamuscetto, kien Sant Iermu li l-ewwel barralhom triqithom. L-għażla tal-gwarniġġjon tagħha kienet tal-akbar importanza..
Luigi Broglia, Kavallier Piemontese, veteran ta’ aktar minn 70 sena, kien il-Gvernatur ta’ din il-kariga ewlenija. Minkejja r-rispett tiegħu lejn il-kuraġġ magħruf ta’ Broglia, Valette ħass li għandu jkun assistit minn raġel iżgħar. Huwa ħatar Kavallier Spanjol, Juan de Guaras, bħala t-tieni fil-kmand jew 'Kaptan tas-Succours'. Il-gwarniġġjon normali tal-forti kien biss sitt Kavallieri u 60o irġiel. Valette saħħithom b'200 infantry Spanjol oħra, taħt il-kmand ta' Don Juan de la Cerda. (Dawn it-truppi Spanjoli kienu waslu minn Sqallija fit-13 ta’ Mejju u kienu dak kollu li s’issa nġabru mill-1,00o imwiegħed mill-Viċire.) Sitta u erbgħin Kavallieri oħra, voluntiera minn kull waħda mis-seba’ Lingwi, intbagħtu wkoll lil St. Elmo biex isaħħaħ il-gwarniġjon.
Rigward l-Imdina u ċ-ċittadella ta’ Għawdex, il-Gran Mastru saħħaħhom sa fejn seta’, u bagħat l-Imdina ħafna miż-żwiemel u l-kavallieri tal-Ordni. Għalkemm fil-Kunsill kien ġie ssuġġerit li dawn iż-żewġ pożizzjonijiet għandhom jiġu abbandunati, u l-forzi kollha kkonċentrati fil-punti ewlenin madwar il-Port il-Kbir, Valette insistiet li t-tnejn ikunu ta’ min jinżammu għall-valur ta’ inkonvenjent tagħhom. Bit-tama li t-Torok jagħmlu l-bażi tagħhom fin-Nofsinhar ta’ Malta, Valette ra kemm ikun importanti li jżomm il-komunikazzjoni tiegħu mat-tramuntana tal-gżira, ma’ Għawdex, u, għalhekk, ma’ Sqallija.
F’nofs Mejju, meta l-invażjoni dehret imminenti kull siegħa, it-48 Gran Mastru tal-Ordni Nobbli tal-Kavallieri ta’ San Ġwann ta’ Ġerusalemm sejjaħ flimkien lil Ħuti kollha. Kienet l-aħħar opportunità li kien ikollu jkellimhom fiha
submitted by AhbarjietMalta to ahbarjietmaltanews [link] [comments]