Food and mental health

Mental Health

2008.06.12 20:45 Mental Health

The mental health subreddit is the central forum to discuss, vent, support and share information about mental health, illness and wellness.

2015.01.12 20:19 antwerpbanana Mental Health Support & Azal

A haven of understanding, empathy, and encouragement. This is a place for anyone seeking advice, support, or simply a community that understands the ups and downs of mental health. Remember, it’s okay not to be okay, and you’re not alone on this journey.

2006.10.18 15:54 spez Reddit Science

This community is a place to share and discuss new scientific research. Read about the latest advances in astronomy, biology, medicine, physics, social science, and more. Find and submit new publications and popular science coverage of current research.

2024.06.01 14:59 Calm-Success-5942 Using the rain for LI engagement

Using the rain for LI engagement submitted by Calm-Success-5942 to LinkedInLunatics [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:59 hhttvj i’m scared of my ex

Hi so around a week ago we decided to take a break from each other, but he’s been acting very strange since then. he deleted me from everything and started ignoring me. he was acting distant for a month already, that’s why we decided to have a break.
But now i’m finding out about some really “weird stuff” and i feel like i have dodged a bullet with him. My friend yesterday found out from his buddy that my ex has a yubo now, he’s flirting with some girls and INSULTING them? like what? he was almost insulting me 2 weeks ago when we fought for the first time too.
But that’s not all. he stalked my twitter and liked a tweet where i posted “i need to kill myself” in jokes plus a screenshot of a game, and my friend pointed out that he specifically liked this tweet. I told him i am suicidal and this really triggered me because why would he do such a thing?
i needed to take some pills to calm down because im actually scared of what he’s able to do, i know it’s not much right now but he’s been always a sweet guy, and now he messes with my head.
He knows i have mental health problems and he purposely does thing to mess with me and this scares me to be honest.
I feel like the way he’s doing all this, in such an “innocent” way, only implying things makes things worse if he were to text me to kill myself. i blocked him on twitter because i don’t feel okay with him seeing my tweets. i don’t know maybe i’m overreacting a little bit but i genuinely feel a bit scared
submitted by hhttvj to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:57 reallysmallgiant12 From everything that happened this year, I'm tired

Where to begin, I really this year to be a year I become something for myself so I wanted to go back and finish off my studying, only problem is that I live in a different country to where I am a citizen in so I tried to apply for a citizenship but when I was applying for it I didn't have the required proof that I was currently staying at the country I am living now so I was kinda devastated that I wouldn't be able to get my citizenship on time before university started. Because of that mental health got worse, I was getting depressed, I was jobless and it felt like no matter what I tried to make things better for myself and wanting to go somewhere with my artwork, nothing good happened, I just got so overwhelmed with everything that I became really tired of just doing anything. Then the worse thing for me could happen, my fiance of 4 years broke up with me without any warning, I guess in my own words she said I wasn't doing enough even though I tried to do more where I can, it just wasn't enough. My world just felt like it turned upside down from that point on, before then I would've done anything for her to now knowing her as the person who left me high and dry when I was at a low point without any form of warning, the worst part, she told me that if I tried and sorted myself out that she would consider getting back with me so I did, one of my best friends/ sister in law who witnessed the whole thing told me about a free therapist for under 25s so I went to therapy, sorted my art portfolio out, applied for jobs seeing that freelance art was no longer a viable option, anything to be self sufficient. When she found out I was doing all of this what was her response? "Why didn't you do any of this earlier?" It honestly crushed me when I heard those words from her like no matter what I do, it was never enough.
Now to mention all the other stuff that's been happening during those 4 months after the breakup:
.I applied to all the studios that I wanted to get into, even though I've been told by people and professionals that my art is good, I got rejected from all of them.
. My ex Fiance was still using my bank account, she was putting money in there to buy her own things but didn't even ask me to use my account and there were still subscriptions that were going into my account for stuff she used and I didn't, so I had to cancel my card.
. I am still jobless, even though I've been applying anywhere I am able to that I have experience in, and still had no response from anywhere I applied for.
. I've lost contact with most of my friends, whether it be from me being radio silent after the break up or some of my friends cutting contact with me because my ex got to them first
. A family member passed away
. I found that all of the things I've do or been feeling is because I have autism and that I might have high risk psychosis (I already knew I was austitic for a while now, I don't think I do have hrp, still that's not really something that you wanna find out through a study that you're involved in)
. My birthday recently passed, but I wasn't able to do anything because I was sick and almost all of mine and my ex's friends are on her side and haven't talked to me after the break up
. My ex broke into my place to get her stuff even though she agreed to do it when I'm home, twice.
. My mother, brother and sister in law are helping me wherever they can (brother and sister in law live in the same place as me) and I can't ever thank them enough, but at the same time I always feel like a burden.
. Tried other methods of getting new clients for freelance or find other ways to get into the industry even for something entry level or as a first step into getting in, but nothing was available.
. Applied for the required documents for my citizenship so that maybe I'll have a chance to go to uni next year, got rejected.
It just feels like no matter how much I try to make my life better or turn things around for myself something always have to get in the way and it's becoming too much now, doing art feels like a chore like no matter what I do I still won't get in, I don't feel safe in my own house because my ex has a key and I don't want to talk to her for a while after what she has been doing, I feel useless because it's been 4 months and I haven't been able to get a job, I can't even apologise for how much of a burden I've been to my mother, brother and sister in law, and overall no matter what I do to try and make things right for myself, something is always there to stop it. I wanted 2024 to be the year that I make something for myself, and now it's just become the worst year I've lived through recently. Maybe I deserve it, maybe I don't, either way I'm tired and I want to give up on everything.
submitted by reallysmallgiant12 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:57 zisnotabird I’ve been a caregiver most of my life and I just want to escape.

My (29f) brother (23) is physically disabled. He was coddled and sheltered his whole life because our mother felt guilty about his life circumstances. I’ve been taking care of him since I was 10. I remember being left alone with him and my little sister (27) as young as 8. I’ve always had to be strong, be flexible, be mature, be the bigger person and I’m tired of it all. My brother is a spoiled brat, and I hate that I’ve grown to hate him so much. He’ll act like a helpless little kid to get what he wants then turn around and talk down to me because he thinks he’s better and smarter than me. He’s got awful disgusting beliefs.
My mom foisted him off on to me with the promise of financial help, government assistance. She pays half the rent, but we haven’t gotten any assistance. I do all the caretaking, I buy the groceries and pay the bills while paying off my student loans. She acts like she’s doing me this favor but I’m exhausted all the time. I work full time and have a 45 minute commute one way. I’ve nearly gotten into accidents from almost falling asleep on the way to or from work.
I think the worst part is I have my own health issues. I have severe mental health issues, and some physical health issues of my own. I’m having surgery soon and while I’m excited to have an issue fixed, I’m also dreading the fact that I’ll still be expected to keep going while recovering.
I just want it all to stop. I want to live my own life or, god forbid, be taken care of for once.
Sorry for the rambling post. I’m in some pain this morning and have a lot to do. Thank you for letting me vent.
submitted by zisnotabird to CaregiverSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:56 BananaMilkshakeButt A list of things I'd like adding/changing to the game (feel free to add your own)

These are just some fun ideas I have for the game/mainly for the lobby. I feel it'll add a bit more "depth" to the lobby and the game than just having it as a waiting area and makes it a little more complex. It gives the lobby a proper "use" as well as giving us a reason to spend coins etc.
Changes to the health system: 1) No more auto-heal when leaving therapy. - If you finish a therapy with 3 bars of health, that's what you have in the lobby and that's what you have in the next match. - If you die in a therapy you will then have 1 bar of health in the lobby and going into the next match. - If you permanently lose health bars in a therapy, you will leave that match with the reduced amount. IE You go in with 4 bars, you lose 1 bar, you leave with 3 bars and will be stuck like that. I think this only happened in toxic shock, if it did then they'd need to add a way you can lose health bars in matches lol.
2) Turn the cook into an interactive NPC. - You can use the coins you earn from therapies to buy food from this NPC, with the food you have to take it to a table to eat. - Food will heal back to full health
3) Open up the medical area: - If you die in a therapy, instead of going through the evaluation, this is where you will wake up and have to walk out of. - It doesn't cost if you wake up here but you will need to buy food to heal. - If you have lost health bars you will need to visit the NPC here to "mend" you back to full bars again.
4) Add an "anxiety" meter. - As you play matches/rounds/games your stress and anxiety will go up. - As this increases you are more prone to making noises and giving your location away - You're also quicker to exhaust - You can reduce your anxiety outside of therapies but playing games or reading - With reading you just have to open up a document for your anxiety to drop - With playing games you have to play one round to have your anxiety reduced by one bar - Eating food can also reduce your anxiety bar
Additions to the lobby: 1) Add more seating. - With the changes and "eating" requirements above, I suggest adding more seating. Maybe put in one more table downstairs.
2) Add card games. - In therapies, you can now collect playing cards. These are your usual playing cards. - Once you have all cards you can unlock a deck of cards for your room - You can play solitaire and pairs with these decks
3) A small library - This can be a place you can sit and read all the files and documents you have found in the game - You can also read a couple of books and comics you can find in therapies
4) Player swap shop - Add some unique clothing and room items - Each player will have access to a randomized amount of these items (example if there are 10 items, a player will have access to 2 of them and will be locked out of 8 of them) - A player "swap shop" will allow players to trade their clothing items, room items, tokens and coins with other players in the same lobby. - The only way to access the unique items you are locked out from is via trading with other players - Add it so that when you trade an item to someone else, you can then rebuy that said item so you don't lose access to it
5) Add a godman toilet - I have no idea why there aren't any toilets in the lobby? Do we just shit in the toilets we find in therapies? Are we just crapping ourselves? - GIVE US A GOD DAMN TOILET
Changes to the game: 1) Make it "harder" to upgrade rigs etc: - When you first start you will have access to one rig only (stun) and none of the others - Once you have gone through one "rebirth" you earn a single token, this token allows you to unlock another rig of your choice - After 5 rebirths you will earn your second token - After 10 rebirths you will earn your last token and can unlock your last rig
submitted by BananaMilkshakeButt to OutlastTrials [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:56 okrestaurant9999 Leaving Big Tech

My husband has been working for a big tech company for ~2 years. Before moving to the big tech company he used to work for a "small" publicly traded tech company for ~5 years. He realized doesn't like the politics and bureaucracy at big tech and was considering looking into other opportunities. He was invited to interview at a late series B start up by one of his former coworkers from the small tech company who moved to the start up. The series B has a few former coworkers there. His old company also reached out to see if he would like to come back (as my husband left them on good terms and he was a valued employee there). He ended up getting an offer from both the start up and his old company.
Currently, he's a senior software engineer (fully remote) at the big tech company with a TC of ~$350k with a $200k base.
Offer from late series B (~400 employees) Fully remote staff engineer $275k base (the range indicated on the job posting is 200-300k for the role) No annual bonus $1 mil in grant units vested evenly over 4 years (not a percentage, just an absolute amount) No 401k matching Health insurance has a high deductible and very high out of pocket cost. Unlimited PTO
Offer from old company ( ~1,500 employees): Fully remote staff engineer $230k base 10% annual bonus $30k sign on bonus $140k stock vested evenly over 4 years (and he'd get $140k refresher the following 3 years) 50% 401k match Health insurance has lower deductible and out of pocket cost. 25 days PTO
My husband is pretty really torn but he seems to lean towards the series B because he thinks he can learn more from there as well as being able to play a more influential role setting the technical foundation. From his interviews and what he could see, he thinks he has the exact skill set, knowledge, and experience they're looking for. He's highly regarded by the former coworkers who are currently at the series B.
I think if he decides to go for the series B, he should at least try to negotiate once to get closer to $300k because from what we've read, it's better to not bank on the "equity" part of the offer for a start up. But my husband just hates negotiating and part of him is afraid the company is going to rescind the offer if he negotiates. He's thinking of just accepting the offer without negotiating. My mentality is that we're still only trying to negotiate within the stated pay range and not asking for anything out of this world. We would appreciate any feed back especially if he should negotiate with the series B for higher base pay or just accept as is?
submitted by okrestaurant9999 to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:56 Confident_Monk_8864 TESDA schools in QUEZON CITY, Metro manila

Hello, I would like to ask if you guys have any knowledge about TESDA schools here in QC? Because I just finished high school and my parents want me to do schooling at TESDA because we will go to Canada soon. I would also like to know about the requirements to apply for this school? I've been having a really hard time finding any TESDA related schools and I don't want to do online learning because it's really bad for my mental health
submitted by Confident_Monk_8864 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:56 okrestaurant9999 Leaving Big Tech

My husband has been working for a big tech company for ~2 years. Before moving to the big tech company he used to work for a "small" publicly traded tech company for ~5 years. He realized doesn't like the politics and bureaucracy at big tech and was considering looking into other opportunities. He was invited to interview at a late series B start up by one of his former coworkers from the small tech company who moved to the start up. The series B has a few former coworkers there. His old company also reached out to see if he would like to come back (as my husband left them on good terms and he was a valued employee there). He ended up getting an offer from both the start up and his old company.
Currently, he's a senior software engineer (fully remote) at the big tech company with a TC of ~$350k with a $200k base.
Offer from late series B (~400 employees) Fully remote staff engineer $275k base (the range indicated on the job posting is 200-300k for the role) No annual bonus $1 mil in grant units vested evenly over 4 years (not a percentage, just an absolute amount) No 401k matching Health insurance has a high deductible and very high out of pocket cost. Unlimited PTO
Offer from old company ( ~1,500 employees): Fully remote staff engineer $230k base 10% annual bonus $30k sign on bonus $140k stock vested evenly over 4 years (and he'd get $140k refresher the following 3 years) 50% 401k match Health insurance has lower deductible and out of pocket cost. 25 days PTO
My husband is pretty really torn but he seems to lean towards the series B because he thinks he can learn more from there as well as being able to play a more influential role setting the technical foundation. From his interviews and what he could see, he thinks he has the exact skill set, knowledge, and experience they're looking for. He's highly regarded by the former coworkers who are currently at the series B.
I think if he decides to go for the series B, he should at least try to negotiate once to get closer to $300k because from what we've read, it's better to not bank on the "equity" part of the offer for a start up. But my husband just hates negotiating and part of him is afraid the company is going to rescind the offer if he negotiates. He's thinking of just accepting the offer without negotiating. My mentality is that we're still only trying to negotiate within the stated pay range and not asking for anything out of this world. We would appreciate any feed back especially if he should negotiate with the series B for higher base pay or just accept as is?
submitted by okrestaurant9999 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:55 whoopsIdiditagain19 Problems with a friend at church.

Hi everyone. This is a new account, but I've actually been on reddit in one guise or another for years. I'm a 54F, and currently life is a real struggle, mainly due to physical illness. I have bowel disease and a stoma bag, and am currently awaiting an op to repair a fistula which keeps getting infected. I am permanently exhausted, and can't work at present, but I do try and keep myself occupied with writing groups and book groups. I only mention this because it gives people a bit of background.
I have problems with co-dependency and often end up in situations or relationships (not romantic - I've given up on that!) which are unhealthy and then I have to extricate myself from. I was in a high-demand, high-control religious group for years and had to fight my way out of that - I'm out now, thank God, but it was extremely stressful.
I am a member of the local church although I haven't been going much lately. I have a friend there, who is considerably older than me. I don't have many friends, so I like to hang onto those I do have. However, lately I've been finding her a bit difficult. She is very kind, but says really hurtful things sometimes. I'm not the only person to have had trouble with this. Sometimes the digs are subtle and you think, "Did she just say what I think she said, or am I imagining it?" For example, I had an appointment with the local mental health team last week, and told her about it. She expressed surprise that it was an in-person appointment when surely that kind of thing could be dealt with on the telephone, especially when doctors are treating people over the phone they should actually be seeing in person? She then went on a rant about snowflake young people with "fake mental health problems" - she added that she wasn't making a point and didn't mean me!
I'm also gay and she is quite suspicious of gay people, saying that they should keep it to themselves. I've kept it to myself for 50 years - much good that did me!
We went out yesterday for coffee. I have to take a special cushion everywhere I go and carrying it is exhausting, but I do try. The entire time she just ranted about how awful and weak young people were nowadays. She then got very huffy when I asked politely if she could drive me to an ATM. She did take me, but obviously didn't want to.
The friendship started off so well but I find her aggression and opinionated behaviour quite difficult. What do I do? Maybe I am one of those snowflake youngsters she seems to despise so much, but I can't help my health problems!
She's meant to be taking me to church tomorrow but I just don't feel like it, as I know she'll make me walk to her house afterwards, carrying my blasted cushion. I'm exhausted and have had enough. But whether it's me taking my frustrations out on other people, I just don't know. I just don't seem to be very good at relationships of any kind. Thanks for reading!
submitted by whoopsIdiditagain19 to Codependency [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:53 Standard_Jellyfish51 Opinions please

I have a cleaning business and I have worked for this couple for a 4 years every week and they have been great.
About a month ago they referred me to a close friend of theirs who I had met on numerous occasions. They were great and they wanted me weekly for 7 hours so I left a job further away 10.5 to do theirs as it was closer and easier to pick up my children. 2 weekls later she got rid of me because her other cleaner could come back.
I have been struggling badly lately and was even referred to the acute mental health team. Which they knew about and offered to support me how they could This couple were overseas and I asked them to pay me before the clean as it was pushed out due to sickness in the house and have to pay rent. Then I knew that the husband heading off overseas so I sent the invoice in advance I usually do 20 hours a week because there is a delay in payment due to being overseas. I asked if they wanted me to do extra cleaning this weekend as I needed more work the husband was going away this weekend so I sent through the invoice.
I then got a message back saying he wasn’t going to pay me for this weekend as it was still during the week and hadn’t finished the cleaning this week this was Thursday he made me feel like a thief.
They also know I have adhd and my daughter as well as I helped them with their daughter and advice on getting her assessed.
Now they won’t talk to me and watch me like a hawk . I’m 47 not 15 and when I went today they wouldn’t let me into the room to clean as I only had too do 2 rooms they made me wait an hour and I left and yesterday they made me go and pick up somethings for them took nearly 2 hours which I won’t get paid for.
I made the decision to resign as it making my mental health worse. Thoughts anyone. I’m a single mother with no help so I rely on the money.
submitted by Standard_Jellyfish51 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:53 Cherelle_Vanek Mushrooms can send you to psychiatry if you freak out . Remember lionsmane is potent and clinically mind altering substance that's why we're trying to warn you about it. LIONSMANE IS A HARD DRUG NOT A CIGARETTE, WEED. YOUR WHOLE WORLD CAN GET ROCKED. Mushrooms in general are nothing to play with.

Mushrooms can send you to psychiatry if you freak out . Remember lionsmane is potent and clinically mind altering substance that's why we're trying to warn you about it. LIONSMANE IS A HARD DRUG NOT A CIGARETTE, WEED. YOUR WHOLE WORLD CAN GET ROCKED. Mushrooms in general are nothing to play with.
JUST DON'T FREAK OUT AND TAKE SLEEP MEDS YOU WILL RECOVER. Lionsmane is not cubensis. You Doctors won't understand that you've been struggling for two weeks or longer and conclude you had a drug induced psychosis and can force medication on you. Antipsyhotics . Involuntary admission to a mental hospital that's if you were suicidal which this can make you. Strobing light etc while you sleep can scare you and make you make rash decisions. Really bizarre I expect this shit to be on sublingually due to direct absorption to the brain via that route (second fastet way to get drugs in your brain other than the needle). But no pills are also causing problems too. Everyone be safe. If you're going through it right now recovery is a year or maybe 6 months or something like that. Just don't freak out, you don't want antipsyhotics. Hospital workers don't know shit about lionsmane and just think it's like the other mushrooms where like after a week if you aren't fine then you're psychotic. I know in the UK you can get sectioned and forced on antipsychotics easily due to the mental health act. Antipsyhotics are extremely dangerous medication and are respected as the worst on antipsychiatry, thorazine an anti-psychotic was called "the chemical lobotomy".
submitted by Cherelle_Vanek to LionsManeRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:52 Gossip-Luv2 Member opinion on how OG gossip should be shared on this Sub

As you know, members who post OG gossip, face issues. There is dragging of post history of members, Abuse DMs, Reporting, Doxxing, Mental health help sent. A lot of this is beyond Mod control
We never allowed OG gossip on the Sub till Alia pregnancy news was posted here. When that gossip turned out to be true, we started allowing members to share gossip they heard from source, under Exaggerated Claims Flair.
We have seen lot of OG tea shared and it makes to media as well.
But, OP harassment has become a huge issue due to its popularity
A mod post was made about this issue - Link to Mod post and there was mixed feelings about change of rule
A few good suggestions were given. We are listing everything for members to vote
If you have any other suggestion, post it in comments
This poll is to see mood of currently active members. Mods will eventually take a call, after looking at results and discussions with OG gossip posters
View Poll
submitted by Gossip-Luv2 to BollyBlindsNGossip [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:52 Odd_Cardiologist_752 Seeking Help: Looking for a Mental Rehabilitation Center for My 33 y old Sister

I'm a 23M from Mumbai, and I need advice on finding a rehabilitation center for my eldest sister, who has serious mental health issues.
Since childhood, she has had intense anger issues and often behaves recklessly. She once almost harmed my other sister. She dropped out of school in 9th grade, refusing to study and torturing us by throwing plates and food.
Eventually, she got TB from not eating, and my parents never forced her to take her 10th class exams. Instead of punishing her, they apologize to calm her down.When she's normal, she behaves well, but any small trigger makes her reckless.
After my dad passed away, her behavior worsened. She watches black and white Tamil movies all day, collects garbage under her bed, and beats my mom if she tries to stop her.In 2020, she broke her leg and now has a rod in it. Her eating habits are terrible; she drinks Tang, eats vada pav, chips, and biscuits despite my warnings. She watches TV from 8 am until 2-3 am daily.I'm worried about her health and mental state. Can anyone recommend a good rehabilitation center near Mumbai?Thanks for your help
submitted by Odd_Cardiologist_752 to india [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:51 Comfortable-Object31 Alprazolam vs Clonazepam

hi all! wondering if anyone has switched from alp to clon for situational use? I have been prescribed xanax for about 2 years and take it as needed (which has been 1-2x a week). I've noticed I get really bad vacation anxiety (likely cause my safe space is my home lol) and tend to take it more when I am away from home. Ive been researching because I want something that will last longer and not need to be taken more than once a day in situations like this when I'm away from home for an extended period of time.
Have you noticed any difference between the two? Side-affect wise or other? Pros/Cons? Any advice welcome! I have a bit of anxiety surrounding trying a new drug too so.... LOL oh gotta love mental health!
submitted by Comfortable-Object31 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:51 ChexMix8989 Am I going to be ok?

I neglected brushing well for a few years. I didn't exactly NOT brush, but I didn't brush well either. I really have no excuses.. I am not sure why I chose to neglect myself in this manner, but I did.
I went to the dentist recently and discovered that I had four cavities, but I was very happy to hear my gum health is good and my teeth otherwise are OK. However, they have thinned out a lot in certain areas (between my two front teeth, translucency on bottom teeth and bottom incisors), appear more yellow, and I have wear on my molars from a combination of acid/grinding/not great hygiene. (I believe these are wear facets. No dentin showing, looking like mild little dents.)
I am only 34 and I feel like I have the rest of my life to live with these teeth, and I've f*ed em up. Aesthetic issues are bugging me, too, and I just can't seem to get over it and stop wondering/ thinking about my teeth. I now have a good routine and can't even imagine why I didn't before, and as my husband says, I could have made a lot bigger of a mistake than this, but it just seems so preventable.
I realize this is maybe more a mental health issue but just looking for some words of encouragement/advice from dentists who maybe have seen patients turn it around. Thank you.
submitted by ChexMix8989 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:51 Guilty_Ambition_3732 Who notices that their period cramps gets better with a better diet?

Two months ago i was focusing my diet on home cooked meals, very low carbs and also intermittent fasting. I noticed a big difference in so many aspects notably the little pimples i used to get on my forehead cleared and my energy was so much better. But my period cramps were waaay less than when i had a lot of food bought from outside. I didnt grab painkillers and was generally comfortable in the first few days of my period. Sadly, im no longer cooking my own meals currently and im eating a lot of sugary shit, and while im okay with myself going through this period and just being nicer to myself, i find that my cramps are much worse. I had to take painkillers on the first night of my period to be able to sleep. This is just me venting i guess and for anyone suffering with painful cramps please look into ur diet it could make or break the way you experience almost everything regarding ur health. Obviously commitment is a big part of it, but its worth the try.
submitted by Guilty_Ambition_3732 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:50 Feisty-Houseman 7 Natural Gut Health Hacks From a Lubbock, TX Gastroenterologist

Have you ever wondered what you can do to get rid of that pesky stomach ache or bloated feeling?
If so, you’re in luck. Today, we’re highlighting some helpful tips that can treat common digestive problems.

7 Natural Gut Health Hacks:

1) Drink Water in the Morning

Drinking water in the morning, especially before eating, can improve your digestion. Water helps break down the food you eat, which allows your body to absorb key nutrients. Drinking water also softens stools and can prevent constipation.
What’s more, drinking water before meals can help you feel fuller and avoid overeating.
Don’t limit your water consumption to one part of the day, though! Sipping water throughout the day can keep you hydrated and support optimal digestion.

2) Chew Your Food Slowly

Chewing your food is the first part of the digestive process. Chewing slowly promotes the breakdown of food into tiny particles. This makes it easier for your body to absorb the nutrients in food.
The production of saliva during chewing also signals the upper muscle in your stomach to relax. This allows food to enter your stomach more easily.
Interestingly, one study found that chewing your food slowly can satisfy hunger cravings and reduce food consumption between meals.
But that’s not all. Chewing your food slowly can also prevent you from swallowing excess air. This is a common cause of bloating.

3) Drink Herbal Teas

Peppermint oil is a natural treatment for:
Peppermint oil relaxes the smooth muscle in the gastrointestinal tract, reduces visceral pain, inhibits the growth of pathogens, and prevents gut inflammation.
Chamomile can treat symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In fact, combining chamomile with myrrh and coffee charcoal can extend the remission phase in people with ulcerative colitis. Research shows this herbal blend is just as effective as the drug mesalamines.
Ginger is a popular treatment for:
Incredibly, ginger has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties that may also reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancers. Studies show that ginger prevents the growth and spread of cancer cells in liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, and gastric cancer.

4) Consume Fruit by Itself

Consuming fruit by itself at least an hour before or after a meal can aid digestion and provide your body with a quick source of energy and nutrients. This is because fruit is the fastest digesting food.
Eating fruit with slow-digesting foods such as starches and proteins can slow down the digestive process. This can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, and flatulence.
However, you can still enjoy fruit with other foods on occasion. Green leafy vegetables also digest more quickly and can be eaten with fruit without any side effects. Being mindful of your food combination choices may help alleviate digestive problems.

5) Eat Fiber-Rich Foods

Eating fiber-rich foods can naturally boost your gut health. Fiber is the indigestible plant material found in fruit, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds.
Fiber bulks up stools and makes them easier to pass. This can normalize bowel movements and prevent both constipation and diarrhea. Adding more fiber-rich foods to your diet can also reduce your risk of the following:
submitted by Feisty-Houseman to TipsorHacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:50 Ok_Zebra9569 Madness and the Family (Part One): The History and Research of Family Dynamics and Psychosis
“There are very few things considered more taboo in the world of mental health than the suggestion that problematic family dynamics can lead to a child developing a psychotic disorder.”
submitted by Ok_Zebra9569 to AntipsychUncensored [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:48 Negative_Kangaroo678 Guys am I characterless if I speak to boys online at 15?

Just to be clear I DONT speak to guys looking for anything, I just went to girls school, I now simply wanted to talk to boys online, to see how they are, they are human too, I shouldn't have an image in my mind as if they are alien. Now, I am from India, I spoke to a guy online, he was 20, this almost last year, October if I remember correctly, I spoke with him about problems in my house, how my 10th was going, this is so common in every household, atleast so do I believe, I just shared my feelings, ntg too personal, it was on discord, my brother read the chats, scolded me a lot, I felt very ashamed, but at the same time I spoke to another boy, on snapchat, he was 17, I chatted with him a bit, sent him a selfie, with a sticker on my face, idk why I did that, but ik he initiated it and pursued me. My brother didn't directly look through the chats with both these dudes, he saw the chats on whatsapp with my best friend, she's a school friend, my parents hate her too, I have almost no social life, it's depressing. But anyways he went to discord, read all those texts, then prolly tried to look for snapchat but I had already Uninstalled in because the guy was getting creepy, I even deactivated the account, permanently. He scolded me a lot, like I cried a lot about it. But then I was preparing for board exams and too distracted, so I forgot about it eventually. A month or so ago I started to speak with a dude on an app, it's an app for teens to chat, I do not know how safe it is, I found a guy, I spoke with him a lot, then I told him if we could speak on instagram because that app wasn't good, like the chatting, messages delaying, etc. When I moved to instagram, we spoke a lot, he was a year younger, which I found out 3 to 4 days ago from now, so he read my insta chats from my mother's phone, got to know and got angry, I didn't speak anything, ntg with that guy, that was personal, it was mostly about how I wanted to become vegetarian when I get out of the house, he did get very personal one time talking about how his sister was a slot, elder sister that is, how she spoke with many dudes online and even sent them her selfies, she is 18, so I didn't care and told him, he too speaks with so many girls online, it's kind of hypocritic of him to be, he then just changed the topic. So now, today morning, my brother comes and says who's that guy, I said I just spoke to him, he called awaari(characterless) and diwani(mental or an idiot), I wouldn't be hurt if I had done something wrong, I don't think I have done anything wrong, why did he have to say that I am stupid and have no sense, saying we gave u phone, now u will do this. I don't know honestly, I have no one to talk about it, I did try messaging my best friend, she's never available almost, it's not her fault, I am just boring so she turns off her notifications prolly, she's a loner too, she talks about her problems, you know what her biggest problem is? That she is ugly, no girl you are beautiful, I am not tired of suggesting solutions and her sitting in her room and talking about world problems, saying life is useless, I know she's depressed, but as she speaks that, my energy has gone over the years, I am so negative, I don't know when I started to self harm, I don't want to but crying doesn't help because there is no private place to cry in this house, it's so painful,when she talks about suicide, and I am feeling like I will kill myself everytime. I know I am not a great or even good friend, daughter, sister, student, classmate, nothing, but there are people worse who are somehow happier, at this point I am just venting, but please if there are any adults who can give me advice on how to continue to focus on studies, not hate myself, not feel so useless, it's hurting me a lot, but I am a pussy, I am scared of killing myself because I don't want people to call me mad, somehow I still care about what others think, I belong to a muslim household, so it's worse somehow and no, he didnt inform about any of this to my parents, he's so egoistic, I hate him, he always abuses me when my parents are not around, makes fun of anything I do, when beats me, ut isn't play fight, it feels like he has rage against me, I have done nothing to him my whole life, I am still a child, he's 18, I know not much older but just because he's studying engineering, he tries to show it off to my face all the time, I hate him,even my parents don't care anymore, if reply I am bad, I don't understand anything, I can't even question anything, I genuinely need help because I feel like my mental health is getting worse and worse as I think about this, my hair fall has increased, I don't want to eat, I sometimes throw out the remaining food when no one is looking, please help, I beg🙏 yes I posting this wherever I can because I am desperate
submitted by Negative_Kangaroo678 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:47 Melita482 21F looking for friends to chat with

Hello, I'm a girl with multiple hobbies! I'm a Formula 1 fan (no, not a DTS fan, and I know what DRS does - nothing wrong with discovering F1 through Netflix imo though!), I speak a few languages (obviously English, then Italian, Latin, basics of Spanish and Portuguese, learning Dutch), I'm a university student, my major is classical studies (hence the Latin and Italian), I've started writing my first original book a few weeks ago (been a fanfic writer for years now), but I also play video games like The Sims, GTA, recently tried a bit of RDR, aaaand lastly I'm interested in mental health, but also in spirituality, manifesting (which for some people can't go together).
What am I looking for? Well, that's in the title. Looking for friends, nothing more. I've had my shot at online/long distance dating and it's just not my thing. I used to treat this stuff super seriously, but now it's just not for me, not interested in online dating anymore. I guess I'm not interested in searching for a partner in general, my astrology says my soulmate will find me when I go abroad. Also it mentioned something about self love. I love myself now, so all I need to do now is manifesting moving to Monaco or something lmao
Anyways feel free to shoot me a message, that's what this post is for!!
submitted by Melita482 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:43 Content-Opportunity5 Dropped out

Thought I might want to share my story and ask for some advice. Maybe there are some folks out there who had similar problems in the past and overcame them and are happy now.
I dropped out of medschool after 3 years because of the toll it took on my mental health and my inability and hesitancy to memorize all the material needed to pass. Actually it was my decision to dropout after retaking second year and still being miserable. Each year I struggled with the courses and had no passion in learning what I had to read, most of which in my eyes were irrelevant facts, not useful in your daily practice. During those three years I had 0 contact with patients in university, that’s how the courses are arranged. I felt as if I was studying to become a research scientist in the medical field, not a practitioner, I always told myself that I should stick around until the clinical part of my studies but the thought of me spending yet another year in this preclinical setting and hardly passing each course made me opt for the decision to get out.
1st year was hard but I managed through
2nd year my gf with whom i had been in a relationship for several years cheated on me which added fuel to my hate towards the world, basically I was depressed and started abusing substances, thought all of my problems with school were because of this when in reality I was escaping and avoiding, not admitting to myself I do not enjoy what I do and it’s hard for me to learn.
3rd year I understood that this isn’t for me, kept getting paralyzed, anxious and stressed at the very thought of opening my books which I realised was the cause of my escapism - using substances in the past. Even if I planned to study the day before I couldn’t get myself to study waking up with this gut-wrenching feeling, in this freeze response or executive dysfunction state. I dry heaved almost every morning before classes. One day it struck me that everyday I felt as if I had been turned into a cockroach, my life resembled Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Knowing the ending of the book I decided to drop out and felt ultimate relief for 15 minutes until I realised I’m almost 22, feeling lost, no skills, no work experience, and not knowing if I’m fed up with becoming a doctor or the whole medical field. The positive thing is that I am no longer stressed out, I’m clean, eager to try therapy once again and I’m looking forward to what’s coming next. Life is like a river and I will flow with the stream.
Any help choosing a career path? I’m eager and looking towards reading your stories.
submitted by Content-Opportunity5 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:42 Junior_Procedure_744 Good news after previous post

I last posted on here about day 5 and being in complete hell. So much pain, meds stopped working after 2 hours no matter what I took and I just felt awful, mentally and physically.
Day 6 I called my GP asking about alternative meds and they prescribed liquid morphine. I'd previously had dihydrocodeine in tablet form which I hated as it made me feel so sick. I started taking the liquid morphine every 4 hours, then when this wore off, I took liquid ibuprofen and liquid paracetamol. Finally got a good night's sleep that night (woke up once, took meds and fell back to sleep) after 5 days of barely any sleep due to the pain.
Day 7 to now (day 10) and I've just been getting better and better. I didn't believe it but honestly, what they say about turning corners is so true. I've had more discomfort than pain the last few days (throat still feels a bit swollen), which has been eased by taking ibuprofen (still liquid following day 5 tablet getting stuck horror) and I'm feeling pretty great.
Also the horrible taste in my mouth (tasted like rotten cheese despite brushing my teeth daily) went around day 6. I had it from day 1 (surgery was day 0) so it going was bloody amazing.
The reason I'm posting is to say - it gets better I promise. So many people told me it would but I didn't believe it as it was so bad at the time. But it does get better.
My advice - eat what you can, drink as much water as possible (I found gulps easier than sips!) and do whatever you can to help your mental health. Also reach out to your doctor for alternative meds if it's not helping. I'd recommend liquid alternatives if possible.
It's a rough ride but you will get through it :)
submitted by Junior_Procedure_744 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]