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Wattpad: Where stories live.

2011.10.27 05:55 Rae_Starr Wattpad: Where stories live.

Wattpad is a website and app for readers and writers to publish user-generated stories in different genres. Wattpad is meant for users to come talk with others, share their or other's works, and more!

2014.01.01 21:46 Hire a Writer

Welcome to the writer's corner! Please make sure you read the rules before posting and commenting.

2011.12.05 03:17 KeepingTrack Freelance Writing


2024.06.01 14:12 nana6ee back again >///<

back again >///<
hi everyone,
last time i was here i was typed a deep autumn/winter by the most of the comments, which i felt was right. i feel like i’m in between autumn & winter because i have warm & cold aspects. i feel like my skin looks different in each type of lightning and am mostly pale looking in real life. whenever i take pictures, i look - through my pov - a lot warmer than i am in real life and tbh it makes me kinda insecure because i don’t know how other people perceive me. i actually came here to ask what you guys think the color of my hair is, but i ended up writing something ‘deep in my feels’-stuff lol, sorry. my hair looks typical brown to me, sometimes a bit more ashy brown, but then sometimes a bit more warm brown. what do you all think? (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
(this is my natural hair color and pictures without any makeup/concealer. i have black eyebrows and eyelashes.)
submitted by nana6ee to coloranalysis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:12 Crystlazar Post flairs are here!

Hello, Community!
A little over a month ago we released a poll asking whether you’d be interested in having post flairs on the subreddit. The results were very clear: You supported post flairs, but they had to be optional.
Having optional flairs means that it’s up to you to decide whether you want to use them. We encourage everyone to do so but rest assured that you will not be reprimanded for not using them. The flairs are simply to make it easier for people to filter through the content they want to see.

Post flairs on Skyrim

We have introduced the following post flairs:


If you have any feedback on post flairs, feel free to comment below or write us through Modmail! We’re open to ideas (or criticism, should you have any). We'll make sure to do our part in monitoring the use of flairs and conversations about them.
Have a nice weekend, everyone!
submitted by Crystlazar to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:11 Ok_Pangolin_20 [For Hire] Copywriter, Article Writer

I'm looking for orders. I can write an article for your business (a social media blog or site) for a cheap price. Due to saturated competition in any freelance market, I couldn't launch a career in freelance writing. I'm specialized in a science niche like physiology or mental health, but I can work in any other field, such as fine art, business, finances, etc.
Your article can be in both short (300–500 word count) and long form (1000–5000 word count), depending on your needs.
Price:$7 per 100 words Payment per PayPal
Aretha Gaievenko
submitted by Ok_Pangolin_20 to ForHireFreelance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:11 Dangerout Project X Reborn - A Review.

Project X Reborn - A Review.
I got really bored, so now I'm reviewing revivals. This is the first review I'm doing. And probably the last because this scene is just that dry lmao
I'll only look at revivals that have piqued my interest in one way or another. And I'm quite picky when it comes to revivals, so don't expect another review from me for a while.
Also, this is a long one. If you want my final thoughts, just scroll down to the Final verdict. You'll see it.
I'm looking at Project X Reborn, as I've heard people say good things about it. Also plenty of bad, but from what I can tell, that's just pointless drama brought on by two ex-staff. I don't care about that, what matters is what I can actually tell about the revival itself. Future me talking: I had no idea what I was getting into here. I regret EVERYTHING.
I'll be judging revivals on three factors: The client(s), the website and the community.


After checking everything else out about this revival, I've decided to not even bother messing with their clients. Wasn't planning to skip this part, but after I show you everything else, you'll see why I did. WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN WITH THE FIRST REVIVAL I CHOOSE DUDE LIKE SERIOUSLY WHY


This is not a very good website. A lot of stuff on here is just nonfunctional. I'm almost convinced that it's using shoddily put-together code from another revival. And considering this is an ECS-based revival... yeah, makes sense.
Genre search on the Catalog just doesn't work at all.
Literally everything on the bottom of the site leads to a 404.
Nobody can help you now.
The "Upgrade Now" button leads you to a completely different part of the website, specifically the part that only shows up when you're logged out.
Bootleg 2016 website...
Suddenly it's different?
Oh yeah, the site looks totally different when logged out for some reason. It's like you're transported to a completely different site. That's not a classic Roblox thing, that's a MODERN Roblox thing! so much for the retro experience smh my head /s
In terms of positives... it loads fast? I'm not giving any points for looking like the old website, as it's mimicking an era of Roblox where the site looked pretty bad. But that's just my opinion, others will probably feel differently about it, I dunno.
I could ignore these flaws if the community could pick up the slack. But about that...


From what I've seen in the very brief time I spent in their server, this community is RIDICULOUSLY UNHINGED. Forget Project X, they should've named this revival Aphrodisiac.
Some of the images I've seen in this server I'm scared to send here as I think it could risk me getting banned from the sub. I could mark this post as NSFW, but I think just posting a few examples should get my point across all the same.
how is this funny
i genuinely worry for this person's wellbeing
this message got pinned. bruh.
the fact that most of these were from a small timespan yesterday goodness
Seriously keep in mind that this isn't even the worst of it that I'm aware of. Heck, as I was writing this, there were people posting worse than this. Here's what one of shika's friends had to say to that:
The message I replied to was deleted. I guarantee that if I didn't mention it, it would've gone unmoderated. And vein deleted their message as shika threatened to remove their friend role.
I can't stress this enough, good revivals have stuff like strict moderation and zero tolerance for degenerate behavior for a reason. These are places typically populated by people under the age of 18. And when the line between memes and actual degeneracy begins to get gray in communities like this, it only leads to bad things happening.
These are not servers for "The Boys™" to hang out and post things unfiltered, they're Roblox revivals. In any other revival I've been in, most of what I've seen on this server would get you permabanned. Here however, your messages get put on the starboard and even pinned. I can not find any justifications for this.
When even the owner constantly complains about the degeneracy surrounding their community, all I must ask is this: Why not actually do something about it?
This was pinned in #english-chat.
Seriously, when THIS needs to be clarified, that's when you know SOMETHING is wrong.
After just looking around, I can say that I am not surprised that rumors are going out against shika. Not because they actually did anything (I don't think they did), but because of what's been allowed to exist under their ownership. Something really needs to change here before things get bad.

Final verdict: I can not recommend this revival whatsoever.

I was going into this expecting the community to be bad, that's par for the course with these sorts of revivals. But this was a whole other level of terrible that I just refuse to give it any sort of chance. Shame, I wanted a nice 2016 revival to make stupid games on. Hard ask, apparently.
I know that I didn't put much time into investigating this revival, but from all I've seen, I really don't want to. I could've just come in at a wrong time. Definitely possible, considering a lot of the screenshots I've shown were from such a small timeframe. But first impressions mean a lot, and the impression that I got was that this revival's favorite color is off-white.
Don't get things twisted - I do not want this to be a hate post or witch hunt or whatever. I truly believe that it's not too late to change things here. Syntax was in a similar position once, but it managed to improve significantly in its later months. It's not too late for Project X to do the same. I don't think it is, anyway.
That's all I've got for now. I may come back in like a month or so to see if things have changed or not. If it stays up that long, that is. You never know about revivals anymore.
Anyways I hope the next revival I decide to write about is passable enough for me to actually want to download the client. Thank you all for coming to my TED talk.
submitted by Dangerout to oldrobloxrevivals [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:11 adulting4kids Prompt Poetry

  1. Imagery: Prompt: Choose a setting (real or imaginary) and describe it using detailed sensory imagery. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, and textures to create a vivid scene, just like a painter with words.
  2. Metaphor: Prompt: Compare a personal experience to an everyday object or phenomenon in an unexpected way. For example, "My heart is a compass that always points to the north of your laughter."
  3. Simile: Prompt: Write a series of similes to express intense emotions. For instance, "As brave as a lion facing the storm, as fragile as a petal in the wind."
  4. Rhyme: Prompt: Craft a short poem or lyrics with a consistent rhyme scheme. Experiment with different rhyme patterns (ABAB, AABB, etc.) to enhance the musicality of your writing.
  5. Meter: Prompt: Compose a poem with a specific meter, such as iambic pentameter. Pay attention to the syllabic beats in each line to create a rhythmic flow.
  6. Alliteration: Prompt: Create a tongue-twisting line using alliteration. Focus on the repetition of initial consonant sounds to add a playful or musical quality to your writing.
  7. Assonance: Prompt: Write a passage where the vowel sounds within words echo each other. Experiment with different vowel combinations to create a melodic effect.
  8. Personification: Prompt: Choose an inanimate object and personify it. Describe its actions, thoughts, and emotions as if it were a living being.
  9. Symbolism: Prompt: Select an object or element and explore its symbolic meaning. Connect it to broader themes or emotions in your writing.
  10. Enjambment: Prompt: Write a poem where the thoughts flow continuously from one line to the next without a pause. Explore how this technique can create a sense of movement or urgency.
  11. Repetition: Prompt: Repeat a word or phrase throughout a poem for emphasis. Consider how repetition can enhance the overall impact and meaning of your writing.
  12. Free Verse: Prompt: Embrace the freedom of expression by writing a poem without adhering to rhyme or meter. Allow your thoughts to flow organically, exploring the beauty of formless verse.
  13. Stanza: Prompt: Divide your writing into stanzas to create distinct sections with varying themes or tones. Explore how the organization of lines contributes to the overall structure of your work.
  14. Theme: Prompt: Choose a universal theme (love, loss, freedom, etc.) and explore it through your lyrics. Delve into the nuances and perspectives associated with the chosen theme.
  15. Tone: Prompt: Write a poem that conveys contrasting tones. Explore how shifts in tone can evoke different emotions and responses from the reader.
  16. Connotation: Prompt: Select a word with strong connotations and use it in a poem. Explore the emotional baggage and cultural associations tied to the word within the context of your writing.
  17. Irony: Prompt: Craft a poem with elements of irony. Create situations or lines that convey a meaning opposite to the literal interpretation, adding layers of complexity to your writing.
  18. Allusion: Prompt: Reference a well-known song, book, or historical event in your lyrics. Explore how the use of allusion can enrich the depth and meaning of your writing.
  19. Syntax: Prompt: Experiment with sentence structure to create different effects. Play with word order, sentence length, and punctuation to convey specific emotions or rhythms in your writing.
  20. Diction: Prompt: Choose a specific mood or atmosphere you want to convey and carefully select words that evoke that feeling. Pay attention to the impact of your word choices on the overall tone of your writing.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:11 ATradingHorse Expo alternative

I‘ve already worked a lot with react native but thought about writing a new app. I now saw that react native suggests that I use expo. Is there any alternative to expo (not cli)?
submitted by ATradingHorse to reactnative [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:10 Aromatic_Routine_945 hire me to do your tasks! (for my tuition fee)

If you're in search of budget-friendly yet quality outputs, please feel free to DM me.
About me: - 1.1* GWA - Psychology student - Worked as an office staff during the past 3 summers - Officer in our school’s editorial organization
Services (SFW): - Arts/Graphics - Basic video editing - Write ups - Transes/Reviewer - Basic encoding - Cat sitting - Baby sitting - Teaching assistant - etc.
Upvotes are also appreciated, thank you!!
submitted by Aromatic_Routine_945 to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:10 mcm8279 [Lower Decks Reactions] Ed Whitfield on S.4: "Mike McMahan’s long-gestating ambition to occupy and colonise Star Trek canon. Nick Locarno? If you didn’t have a single original thought in your head, and you were minded to asset strip Trek of old, it’s the kind of ending you might have come up with"

"That’s the reason you should never be given control of a Star Trek show and why Mike McMahan’s appointment is as self-destructive and ruinous for the franchise as the Genesis effect.
After four seasons, you really have to pinch yourself that a man whose qualification for writing Star Trek was running a Twitter account for an imaginary TNG Season 8, which imagined plots like Worf’s testicles inflating to the size of a moon and producing their own gravity, and Picard’s head tipping into a time hole and rejuvenating his scalp to the point where new hair threatened to fill the ship and suffocate all on board, is now in a position where the choices he makes about legacy characters may actually become Star Trek canon. "
Ed Whitfield (Opinionoid, Critic's Log)
"Another year, another season of Lower Decks – the animated Star Trek encyclopedia, with its continuing mission to remind you that there was once such a thing as Star Trek, and it was good, and produced television and movies brimming with vivid moments and iconography that one day, in the creatively inert future, would become a reference library for shallow hacks who’d raid it for ideas, as they sought to continue the adventure without an original thought.
It’s hard to believe such an, er, enterprise could be sanctioned as official canon, or be a standard bearer for the brand , but season four of the show Beckett Mariner would call “the decks”, introduced a new threat to the Star Trek universe. No, not, and I can hardly believe I’m typing these words – Nicholas Locarno’s Nova Fleet, but Mike McMahan’s long-gestating ambition to occupy and colonise Star Trek canon.
In reviews of past seasons, we speculated that inevitably, McMahan, like any frustrated fan fic writer, would start to worry less about the jokes (which is a bad idea in a show that desperately needs some) and more about his show’s place in the celestial firmament. After all, one wouldn’t want to be a Star Trek showrunner and have a series that’s entirely inconsequential and has no life independent of those stories whose vitality it parasitically sucks away at to tell its own tall tales.
No, someone in the Lower Decks writers room wants to be part of those beloved TNG, Voyager and DS9 stories, and so, in this latest batch of what Beckett Mariner would call “eps”, this animated non-entity got busy sequelising.
There were weak comic follow-ups to Voyager’s “Tuvix” (the premise being the joke, this was like Scary Movie following Scream), a DS9 follow-up featuring Rom and Leeta, and an egregious and silly sequel to TNG’s “The First Duty” and, in an act of furious masturbation, “Lower Decks”, in which Nicolas Locarno’s story was picked up with all the care and attention of a late-transformed Seth Brundle trying to groom his pet gibbon.
Locarno’s story had, effectively, been told – he became Tom Paris due to the idiotic notion that Locarno couldn’t be redeemed (why not, you might ask?) – and his redemption arc played out in the Delta Quadrant over seven years. But the decision of Voyager’s producers not to literally pick up the character, had the unforeseen and terrible consequence that he was still an exploitable TNG reference, and so we get the Lower Decks version, in which the character has curiously morphed into a megalomaniac, incited mutinies on a dozen ships, and formed a fleet of mavericks who’ve requisitioned a Genesis device (because apparently they’re been mass produced by 2380) for leverage over the Federation.
This ends in a re—run of Wrath of Khan’s nebula battle, and Locarno becoming part of a new planet which is named in his dishonour. I’ll bet you 5000 bars of latinum that you didn’t envision that end for the character when you last saw him in 1992.
If you didn’t have a single original thought in your head, and you were minded to asset strip Trek of old, it’s the kind of ending you might have come up with. That’s the reason you should never be given control of a Star Trek show and why Mike McMahan’s appointment is as self-destructive and ruinous for the franchise as the Genesis effect.
After four seasons, you really have to pinch yourself that a man whose qualification for writing Star Trek was running a Twitter account for an imaginary TNG Season 8, which imagined plots like Worf’s testicles inflating to the size of a moon and producing their own gravity, and Picard’s head tipping into a time hole and rejuvenating his scalp to the point where new hair threatened to fill the ship and suffocate all on board, is now in a position where the choices he makes about legacy characters may actually become Star Trek canon.
Lower Decks seemed so harmless, if pointless, when the worst it could do was feature some Binars, or reference “Time’s Arrow” with a Mark Twain holodeck simulation, or re-run a 40-year old Monty Python gag about a cute little creature being a ravenous killer. But this is a show that’s fast realising it’s the only TNG-era show in town, so has cart blanche to keep raiding the archive to sate its own, self-eating, franchise-weakening tendency. Season 5 is in production, and fuck only knows what horrors this writers’ room of clueless geeks have in store in the episodes bought and paid for. Tom Riker living on a planet with a cloned Deanna Troi? An aged but very much alive Tasha Yar, enjoying the good life on Romulus until a liberated Armus holidays there? Reginald Barclay’s drumhead trial for sex crimes?
Don’t imagine it can’t happen. Lower Decks has a taste for it now. Fans who can tell the difference between pastiche and the real thing will hope and pray that Star Trek: Legacy or something like it gets the green light. Not because Cobra Kai in space is a good idea either, but if the world of ‘90’s Trek is going to continue, let it at least be with some pretensions to dramatic integrity. If not, it’s clear who and what will step in to fill the void.
The show’s one good move this year was Vulcan T’Lyn becoming a regular. The only character who could plausibly transfer to live action Trek, her deadpan undercutting of the hysteria around her has been a tonic and perhaps an acknowledgment that the mania, unchecked, was exhausting for the audience as well as mirthless."
Ed Whitfield (Opinionoid, Critic's Log)
submitted by mcm8279 to trektalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:10 tvkyle My wife is planning something for me for Father's Day, and I don't know how to feel about it.

Not quite sure how to flair this. Also for context, I am very bad at accepting praise and gifts.
My wife is up to something for Father's Day. I just don't know what it is. We were talking about activities for the kids this summer. I mentioned that I think we should go to this place or that place around mid-June. She nodded in an over-the-top way and said "You should really plan those for the couple of days after Father's Day. Like, REALLY plan them."
I originally requested off from work both days of the weekend, but had to give them back after realizing that I went overboard with my PTO requests and had none left in the bank. I'd rather save them for the Holiday season. So, I have to work on Sunday, basically all day.
Back around Mother's Day, I tried to book a hotel so my wife and I could have a couple of days of peace and quiet, but our live-in babysitter (MIL) got called into work and that squashed that. (My wife also doesn't like going places on her own, so I couldn't just send her to a hotel alone and say "Go relax." Yes, I know...) So we just stayed home and lounged around for the day.
Part of me wants to say "Thank you for whatever you're planning, but it's not necessary. I don't deserve this." Which is true: I yell way too much, I'm too selfish, I don't do enough around the house, and I'm always forgetting things and letting my family down. I don't feel like I've earned any kind of getaway or whatever. I also felt this way for my birthday, when my wife booked a 2-night getaway for our family. That trip turned out okay, but I was unhappy for parts of it for the reasons above.
The other part of me is saying "Just accept this and have fun." But that's hard for me. We didn't have a lot of money growing up, so our vacations were short road trips. My mother always did her best to have fun, but we stayed in a lot of rough motels. Now that I'm the adult, and my family is in a better financial situation, we have done trips that I never dreamed of. So I know my wife will think of something fabulous.
But... I don't know. I guess I just needed to put this in writing. If you feel like I wasted your time, I'm sorry.
submitted by tvkyle to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:10 Aromatic_Routine_945 hire me to do your tasks! (for my tuition fee)

If you're in search of budget-friendly yet quality outputs, please feel free to DM me.
About me: - 1.1* GWA - Psychology student - Worked as an office staff during the past 3 summers - Officer in our school’s editorial organization
Services (SFW): - Arts/Graphics - Basic video editing - Write ups - Transes/Reviewer - Basic encoding - Cat sitting - Baby sitting - Teaching assistant - etc.
Upvotes are also appreciated, thank you!!
submitted by Aromatic_Routine_945 to onlineservicesPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:10 AshLyn32 [Spoilers All][OC]Time To Be Storytellers: The Dragon Age Weekly Writing Prompts- Catch Up Week

Good morning everyone! Welcome to the writing prompt thread for the Dragon Age series. I hope everyone has fun and lets their muses fly free and they have an excellent weekend!
Submit Writing Prompts Here
Hey everyone. Welcome to the writing thread that is now seven years old.
Below are some general guidelines for the thread. Also please don’t hesitate to add prompts to the linked doc just above. This helps me out greatly when choosing prompts. Whether it’s a specific pov, or a line of a dialogue, or a theme choice, or whatever strikes your interest. Label the type of prompt you want it to be (Examples: bard style, villain pov, Modern Day AU, What If?, 100 Word Drabble Dialogue Only, etc) and then whatever phrase or idea for the prompt itself. Anyways, guidelines below, and also the prompts!
  1. Constructive Criticism and interaction is always welcomed and encouraged on the thread. What is not welcomed nor encouraged: Making people feel unwelcomed, whether through unneeded negative comments or downvoting, copying others work and trying to pass it off as your own, or trying to bring in unnecessary fandom feuds/wanks. Please keep any and all negativity off this thread, and continue making it a welcoming place for sharing stories, writing and ideas. This is a place to share our works and encourage creativity in the community.
  2. Word limit is between 1500-1800. You are welcome to respond to multiple prompts, butPLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR WRITING IN MULTIPLE POSTS. It makes the thread hard to read. Instead, link to AO3, google docs, etc if you go past the reddit post limit. Please keep all visible content SFW. ANY CONTENT THAT CAN BE CONSIDERED NSFW MUST BE PLACED IN GDOC OR ON A WEBSITE AND LINKED-This Thread is To Be SFW If you are unsure about something, then put it in a doc and link it, just to be on the safe side.
  3. The writing thread will be going back down to 4 prompts- 3 plus freeform.. Every now and then there will be Challenges, or Themes. Every 5 to 6 weeks will be Catch Up Weeks. If you are interested in a specific prompt, challenge, or theme to appear, please don't hesitate to PM me on Reddit or Discord. Also, the prompts are for any character set in the Dragon Age Universe, in any form of media. Ranging from Original Characters, to an NPC in the game or comic, or anything that happened in the books.
  4. MOST IMPORTANT: PLEASE HAVE FUN! Make us cry, laugh, growl in frustration, cover our faces in secondhand embarrassment, snicker, or awwww at the disgustingly cute fluff. And I want to continue to thank everyone for their part in making this an awesome place to indulge our creativity.
Addition: If you are indeed posting, but the post is not showing up, please message the moderators of the subreddit to let them know that there is a glitch.
** Welcome to Catch Up Week! Below are the last five weeks of the weekly threads, where you can dive into the old prompts! **
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
submitted by AshLyn32 to dragonage [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:10 Aromatic_Routine_945 hire me to do your tasks! (for my tuition fee)

If you're in search of budget-friendly yet quality outputs, please feel free to DM me.
About me: - 1.1* GWA - Psychology student - Worked as an office staff during the past 3 summers - Officer in our school’s editorial organization
Services (SFW): - Arts/Graphics - Basic video editing - Write ups - Transes/Reviewer - Basic encoding - Cat sitting - Baby sitting - Teaching assistant - etc.
Upvotes are also appreciated, thank you!!
submitted by Aromatic_Routine_945 to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:09 Greedy_Homework_6838 The end of ojamajo doremi

Where do you see the end of the story? watching the anime, it seemed that its ending was really the end-the heroines achieved what they wanted and went their separate ways. However, we were told in the anime itself that they don't say goodbye. and so we got the ranobe series of 10 books. however, unlike the anime, ranobe is built on the principle of slice of life, and the ending of the last book does not seem like that at all. in principle, the genre itself allows you to write history endlessly, and theoretically we can see ojamajo doremi 25th, 30th and so on. however, this will mean a loss of quality and sucking ideas out of your finger, which fundamentally does not correspond to the overall quality and mood of the story. however, as I said, the finale of the last volume does not look like the end of the story at all. this is rather the middle, that is, there is something else that can be said, but at the same time not turn everything into a pipeline. there is another ending option-the death of all the main characters and the beginning of the story of femi. however, this will loop the story. but I can guess what might be the true end of Doremi's story. and to do that, we'll have to jump a little further into the future. even beyond Femi's potential story. The true end of Ojamajo Doremi will be the reunion of the world of humans, magicians and witches. the fact that from the very first season, a long thread ran through the entire story of Doremi and her friends. of all the heroines, only one failed to achieve her original goal. And this is Hana. Only after she does this can we truly say that the story of Ojamajo doremi has met its end.
submitted by Greedy_Homework_6838 to ojamajodoremi [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:09 Equivalent-Item-3365 Average jee aspirant story

Starts 11th with full motivation to get it Bombay cs seat goes 5 months into course and lowers expectation to 5k rank then meters 12th with 11th backlog and continues 12th without completing backlog then jee comes and fucks them then he writes vitee exam or some other tier 2 or 3 entrance exam and goes into the college.in some cases some people take drop year too and nothing happens
submitted by Equivalent-Item-3365 to JEE [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:09 Arrence175 AI

AI, what a wonderful invention, you can chat with it, play with it, get information out of it and copy their works to do homeworks- wait that doesn't sound right. When I was a kid at primary school, I wasn't good at English, but after about 12 yes old, I begin to develop writing strategies from reading books, especially fiction with action in them, I also like adding blood gore in them sometimes (proud to say I learn how to write animals dying from WC satire) so when the 2nd term writing was about cats and with action, I was pretty thrilled and over the clouds when it was announced. I prepared for it A LOT, like thinking of the plot and even write a draft of the action scenes. And the day comes where we started writing, the teacher gave us permission to use iPad and said for "research" and "learning" and trust us to not do anything else. I actually sympathise the teacher as after that my classmates used some AI to do their work. I don't have perfect grammar, my grammar test IS the one that pull my marks down. And your telling me that people just copy and paste and I have to be extra careful? And the app is self installed by the iPad itself. Good thing? I wrote 900 words (the word count is 250 above, most people wrote 4-500) and given the honour of having my teacher re-read the writing. Bad thing? I nearly have a mental breakdown because of the story while my classmates were laughing. And I don't even know my marks yet, it's either lower or higher than them, and I damp want to drag them from hell to back. So I'm just telling y'all, good luck out there and hope you don't rely on AI too much as most AI generated things are copied from other people.
submitted by Arrence175 to studentproblems [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:08 NameThisNot Looking for two AoT fics by Rosalindax

Hi. I'm new to Reddit. So I hope I'm doing this right. So I'm looking for two AoT fan fics by Rosalindax on AO3.
One worth the other
Dear World
I really liked A Deal with the Devil and I wanted to check out their other works, but the account is gone. Their writing style was really good and I hope they come back in some form, because I could really feel how much love they poured into their work.
I saw on a different thread that someone was able to get A Deal with the Devil using a website, but it requires a link to the fic. Unfortunately I didn't save that in time.
submitted by NameThisNot to aotfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:08 traagomills Is this a regular thing? (no personal info)

Is this a regular thing? (no personal info)
I bought a vinyl and it was shipped without a single piece of cardboard to help prevent damage. Simply wrapped in a Aldi plastic bag, taped up… the sleeve was damaged and creased but the record was surprisingly perfect… I suppose at least they wrote fragile in the smallest writing possible😂
submitted by traagomills to vinted [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:08 reddithoggscripts Questions about making a FaaS web app

Firstly, I am sorry for my ignorance on these topics but I really need some help and direction.
I’m currently working on a web app for meal planning as a school project. It features a React frontend and a .NET backend, all deployed on cloud services (probably Google Cloud, but I’m open to suggestions). I also plan to use Function as a Service (FaaS) and integrate Google Calendar and Google Keep for updating meal plans and shopping lists.
I have some questions about the backend setup and implementation, and I would appreciate any guidance you can provide. Here’s what I’m struggling with:
  1. User Authentication: I want users to log in using their Google account as the only authentication needed to access the site. My plan is to use the token provided by Google to persist user data in my own database. Is this possible? I understand that Google sends a token to the backend, but I’m unsure how to use this token to register users in my database as IdentityUsers. How can I make the login process seamless and ensure users are simultaneously registered? Is this enough security ultimately or should I be doing more (JWT tokens, user account passwords, etc.)?
  2. Function as a Service (FaaS): I have a theoretical understanding of FaaS but no practical experience. My current understanding is that you write a stateless function with a single responsibility, deploy it to a cloud service, and the service creates an API gateway to access that function. How do I start coding this? I’ve only worked with traditional codebases and full deployments to the cloud. Are there any resources or tutorials that can help me understand how to create and deploy FaaS functions?
  3. API Integration and Data Aggregation: I’m planning to use several public APIs related to meals and ingredients. I need to create a search mechanism that allows users to add ingredients (searched through these public APIs) to a list, display nutritional information, and filter meals based on selected ingredients. How can I call multiple APIs and aggregate the data effectively? Any strategies or best practices for this?
Any advice, resources, or suggestions you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by reddithoggscripts to dotnet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:07 r0ckSt8r-em 4teen F need friends

hi i'm emily im bored and i need friends i like swimming and writing hmu
submitted by r0ckSt8r-em to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:07 Stefanpkh 32 [M4F] Europe - Supportive and Loving Man from Iceland Looking for a wife

Gamer Boy 🤝 Book Girl
Hello there,
I’m a nearly 32-year-old man from Iceland, living with a physical disability that means I use a wheelchair most of the time, though I can walk indoors. I'm writing this post from the heart, hoping to find a meaningful connection.
I've tried both local and international dating sites with little success, so perhaps Reddit can be my last hope. For a long time, I felt undeserving of love because of my disability, but I've come to realize that love transcends physical limitations. I’m a hopeless romantic who cherishes staying awake with my partner until they drift off to sleep.
Here’s what brings me joy:
Who am I? I am loyal, patient, passionate about my interests, and eager to share yours. I consider myself caring, nice, and humorous—but you'll have to be the judge of that.
While I'm content on my own, life feels more fulfilling with someone special. It’s not just about living, but living meaningfully and sharing that with someone. I want to explore the world and cherish those experiences with a loved one.
About you: Ideally aged 24-38, you should value kindness, understanding, and a good sense of humor. A penchant for dark humor is a plus. Physical traits aren’t my main focus, but I do find a soft voice and a shorter stature charming. (Lines up well with the height of the wheelchair)
Ultimately, I’m searching for someone who can laugh at life and themselves. Looks matter, but personality resonates more deeply with me.
I'm still defining my ideal partner; maybe it’s you. If you want a glimpse of me, just ask. I prefer chatting on platforms like Discord, given Reddit’s clunky messaging.
If you’ve read this far, thank you—you’re already a hero in my eyes. Let’s see where this could go?
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful evening! I’m curious to see what this post might bring.
submitted by Stefanpkh to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:07 Stefanpkh 32 [M4F] Europe - Supportive and Loving Man from Iceland Looking for a partner

Gamer Boy 🤝 Book Girl
Hello there,
I’m a nearly 32-year-old man from Iceland, living with a physical disability that means I use a wheelchair most of the time, though I can walk indoors. I'm writing this post from the heart, hoping to find a meaningful connection.
I've tried both local and international dating sites with little success, so perhaps Reddit can be my last hope. For a long time, I felt undeserving of love because of my disability, but I've come to realize that love transcends physical limitations. I’m a hopeless romantic who cherishes staying awake with my partner until they drift off to sleep.
Here’s what brings me joy:
Who am I? I am loyal, patient, passionate about my interests, and eager to share yours. I consider myself caring, nice, and humorous—but you'll have to be the judge of that.
While I'm content on my own, life feels more fulfilling with someone special. It’s not just about living, but living meaningfully and sharing that with someone. I want to explore the world and cherish those experiences with a loved one.
About you: Ideally aged 24-38, you should value kindness, understanding, and a good sense of humor. A penchant for dark humor is a plus. Physical traits aren’t my main focus, but I do find a soft voice and a shorter stature charming. (Lines up well with the height of the wheelchair)
Ultimately, I’m searching for someone who can laugh at life and themselves. Looks matter, but personality resonates more deeply with me.
I'm still defining my ideal partner; maybe it’s you. If you want a glimpse of me, just ask. I prefer chatting on platforms like Discord, given Reddit’s clunky messaging.
If you’ve read this far, thank you—you’re already a hero in my eyes. Let’s see where this could go?
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful evening! I’m curious to see what this post might bring.
submitted by Stefanpkh to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:07 Stefanpkh 32 [M4F] Europe - Supportive and Loving Man from Iceland Looking for a wife

Gamer Boy 🤝 Book Girl
Hello there,
I’m a nearly 32-year-old man from Iceland, living with a physical disability that means I use a wheelchair most of the time, though I can walk indoors. I'm writing this post from the heart, hoping to find a meaningful connection.
I've tried both local and international dating sites with little success, so perhaps Reddit can be my last hope. For a long time, I felt undeserving of love because of my disability, but I've come to realize that love transcends physical limitations. I’m a hopeless romantic who cherishes staying awake with my partner until they drift off to sleep.
Here’s what brings me joy:
Who am I? I am loyal, patient, passionate about my interests, and eager to share yours. I consider myself caring, nice, and humorous—but you'll have to be the judge of that.
While I'm content on my own, life feels more fulfilling with someone special. It’s not just about living, but living meaningfully and sharing that with someone. I want to explore the world and cherish those experiences with a loved one.
About you: Ideally aged 24-38, you should value kindness, understanding, and a good sense of humor. A penchant for dark humor is a plus. Physical traits aren’t my main focus, but I do find a soft voice and a shorter stature charming. (Lines up well with the height of the wheelchair)
Ultimately, I’m searching for someone who can laugh at life and themselves. Looks matter, but personality resonates more deeply with me.
I'm still defining my ideal partner; maybe it’s you. If you want a glimpse of me, just ask. I prefer chatting on platforms like Discord, given Reddit’s clunky messaging.
If you’ve read this far, thank you—you’re already a hero in my eyes. Let’s see where this could go?
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful evening! I’m curious to see what this post might bring.
submitted by Stefanpkh to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]
