Dog antibiotic steroid cream

My princess passed away unexpectedly

2024.06.01 13:33 OkListenListen My princess passed away unexpectedly

My princess passed away unexpectedly
My beautiful siamese lady passed away today. She was only 9. I woke up and she was dead. Nothing feels real. She loved me, she trusted me, she was incredibly smart, incredibly well behaved and loving to the extreme.
Full story: At the beginning of the year we took out a small benign skin tumor from her neck. All the studies previous to the surgery said she was in impecable health and the tumor was benign.
A month ago, she started smelling bad, and slightly limping. And I mean BAD. We took her to the vet of course, he found she had what appeared to be mastitis, even though it's rare for a cat that's neutered and is not lactating. He also found out the smell was coming from an infection under a nail in her back foot. She was on antibiotics for 10 days, but neither condition was getting better. She had a lump under a nipple that wasn't looking great, so we decided to take it out since she had a high risk of cancer (her previous owner had given her anti conception pills when she was young). During that surgery they also removed a small piece of the infected toe to clear out the infection. The week following the surgery was fine. She wasn't eating as much, but she was eating and drinking. She stayed on antibiotics, but they were really starting to mess up with her digestive system so she stopped once her stitches were out. Up until then, the finger seemed to be doing better. Then it started getting worse and worse again, to the point where it looked like flesh eating bacteria. Back on antibiotics and staph creams to try to save the finger, with a growing suspicion that it might be skin cancer, specifically a squamous cell carcinoma, because of the fast rate at which it was advancing, and this type of carcinoma apparently is super aggressive and malignant. The finger started getting hard, smelling like rotten flesh, nothing was working so the only option was once again putting her through surgery (3 weeks had passed already) to amputate the finger, there was even a risk of gangrene. The amputation went swimmingly, the surgeon did a spectacular job, her foot ended up looking like she was just born with 3 fingers. She must have smashed her face against the cage coming out of anesthesia, because she got a small bald spot on her nose and a light nosebleed. The nosebleed went away after the first day post op, she was doing so much better it was unbelievable, her mood was back to how she'd act before this all started, etc. The second day post op, she had a very light nosebleed in the morning and she saw the vet the same day, it was a superficial blood loss just mixed with some water. He cleaned his operated paw, it was healing perfectly. Today, the third day post op, I woke up and she was dead. I understand so little of what just happened I'm just constantly either disociating or crying. I noticed she was feeling down yesterday, but I figured her leg was just hurting and I didn't force her to sleep with me because she had been choosing to sleep by herself most days and I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I came down the stairs, knew something was wrong immediately when she didn't come to my call, and found her dead inside the wardrobe. Again, she was only nine and this all feels surreal, how did we go from a bad smell to death? We can only make up theories of what happened. She had no blood on her nose or signs of external hemorrhaging, our biggest suspect is just a blood clot, or sepsis from such a resisting bacteria, which can also result in a blood clot anyway. We'll know a bit more in a couple of weeks when the studies on her finger are back, but we'll never know for sure if what made her tiny little body shut down so unexpectedly. If you've read this far, thank you. I have a partner who was her second human parent and we're both gutted, but I still can't help mourning the special connection I had with her and the time I feel she was robbed. She was doing so, so much better after getting rid of that pesky finger. She deserved so much better. I blame myself for anything I can think of, and I have a very active imagination.
I miss her every second.
I'm gonna wait some time before adopting my next cat, but to be honest I can't help but still be in love with siamese cats. Would that be a horrible idea? Has anyone adopted the same breed for their second baby, does it only make you miss them more? Nothing can even replace my baby, I'm biased towards that breed.
submitted by OkListenListen to Siamesecats [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:09 Important_Pumpkin253 I was right, it turned out to be a very very early stage of AA. What now? Suspected triggers.

I was right, it turned out to be a very very early stage of AA. What now? Suspected triggers.
To start with: I know this is far from severe but I want to make sure it stays like that.
Couple of days ago I posted a photo of a small circular patch that no one could notice and asked if it was AA. But I have health anxiety so I was in the derm office 2 days later anyways. Unfortunately, I was right. The derm perscribed 0.1% steroid cream (Advantan) and Biotrade SeboMax HR Stimulating gel. I have a follow-up in 3 months to see if/how it grows. The derm checked the rest of my scalp and said no more patches for now. My derm is lovely and tbh I feel way better after the appointment in comparison with the 3-day break down beforehand.
I also have hairloss overall. I had super thick hair and for the past 6+ months it's been shedding and thinning and I lost at least half of it, even if it doesn't look like it.
I have leaky gut..I have a severe form of leaky gut and I already don't eat dairy and gluten almost at all. I've been doing tons of holistic approaches for the past 6 months in order to heal my terrible acne. And so far it's working wonders for it, however the alopecia diagnosis shocked me.
Suspected triggers:
•leaky gut •mysterious illness 2 month ago - felt like shit, funcy CBP, swollen lymph nodes but not any viral symptoms. Maybe COVID? Idk •stress •mold (I live in a college dorm so I don't have an option to move out)
Supplements: •Turmeric •Vit D 5000 IU •Omega 3 •Berberine (gut + because of PCOS) •metformin (for 2 years for PCOS IR) •Seeking Health - Gut nutrients / Optimal GI for leaky gut
submitted by Important_Pumpkin253 to alopecia_areata [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 BadweeBitch 14yr old cat is pacing, caterwauling, and peed on my laundry

14yr old cat is pacing, caterwauling, and peed on my laundry
I know the first advice is always to go to a vet, please know we’re less than 2 weeks out from her last appointment - it’s also a holiday weekend so we won’t be able to get to the vet until Tuesday (we’re about an hour away from the nearest). We recently moved and she got a head cold and the they gave her antibiotics/steroid injection. Said if she got any worse over the next 2 weeks they could give her a second dose. The head cold is cleared up. Also this was less than a month after a clear check from her regular vet before the move!
About a week after the injection, Bigfoot came into our room around 1am and vomited up everything. It was about 4-5hrs after her dinner and happened again the next night. There were no lingering effects nor any other symptoms. I changed the feedings to equal portions so less in the evening and this hasn’t occurred again the last few nights since the adjustment. The cats are fed 3x a day, weighed portions(I was feeding a bit more at night to try and get sleep until 7am, it only sort of worked anyway so now all 3 feeds are the same size).
She has been adjusting to the new apartment so pacing and yowling isn’t that out of place, but yesterday it ramped up to near constant - when I went to bed she was crying a little bit I hoped she would settle with me or go back to the couch with my husband. Instead, about ten minutes after I turned the lights out she peed on my laundry! It’s on the floor because the basket had been soiled last week while she was sick, but very little moisture I could just smell it. I also have 2 cats so wasn’t 100% sure she did it the first time (like 90% tho, she’s done this in the past and our kitten is pretty fastidious haha).
There have also been a couple of very small spots of mild urine(hardly even a smell, just stained) on her favourite chair since the injection, I thought maybe because of the steroid and her advanced age that she just had an accident because she’s sleeping in that chair in the sun for the better part of most days and never wants to leave while the sun is shining… But the peeing paired with the new assholery is worrying me.
My husband just thinks she’s acting up. The cat who cries wolf, because every time she acts up and we go to the vet they find very little wrong with her (she has had maybe 2 uti’s in her life, and they think she might have mild arthritis in her back legs/hips but she’s still a VERY active/playful/social cat so they aren’t concerned with that much).
She hates our 10mos old kitten, and he does harass her a bit but she’s mean even if he’s just trying to check in with her or nuzzle her - he really wants her to love him but he’s also a playful giant menace sometimes.
The litterboxes are clean and easily accessible, they have a cat fountain and drink regularly, and the food & feeding routine although newish(it’s actually mostly wet food now which she wouldn’t even eat until about 2yrs ago) has been actually really good for the last month. Her coat is shinier and she stopped overgrooming so there is no longer a bald spot above her tail!
All this to say I’m kind of at my wits end and don’t know what else to do. I’m including a pic of them cuddling that SHE actually initiated a couple of days ago - but she’s still absolutely horrible to him most of the time.
submitted by BadweeBitch to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:42 quesadilla_queef Chronic cough for months—spirometry test seems abnormal but GP doesn’t seem to take it seriously. Said I must have been sick and they will see me in a month. Meanwhile I am coughing nonstop. Results say “restriction probable”

33F, 5’4”, 200lb… chronic cough for months. Initially provider thought cough was caused by heartburn but heartburn medication has not been helping. Cough produces white and yellow phlegm (mostly cleawhite—yellow in the morning). Friends, family, coworkers have all noticed my cough for months and wonder what is wrong. I finally decided to get looked at but it feels like my symptoms are being minimized.
Chest X-ray was normal.
Prescribed albuterol inhaler (by urgent care, not GP) and told to take mucinex DM by GP. Also taking Zoloft, Famotidine.
Symptoms: wheezing, shortness of breath, constant cough that isn’t helped with cough drops or suppressants, anxiety, depression, fatigue
Photo of spirometry results in comments. Do they look normal, as suggested by my doctor? Nurse had hinted at the time that they were below normal. Should I be seeking a second opinion?
I do occasionally smoke cannabis and have a high amount of allergies. Recently adopted a new dog as well and dogs are one of my top allergies. I take a daily Claritin.
Just really worried my symptoms are being minimized by GP. Of if I am sick, im worried I could have an infection or something that requires a steroid or antibiotic.
submitted by quesadilla_queef to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:34 Important_Till_7419 [Acne] Staph Acne and Many Closed Comedones

[Acne] Staph Acne and Many Closed Comedones
Staphylococcus aureus + hormonal acne. I was diagnosed with staphylococcus aureus and was prescribed 7 days of oral antibiotic amoxacillin with clavulanic acid (augumentin), and another antibiotic - gentamicin in the form of a cream that I apply in the evening. There are 2 problems: 1. I have many closed comedones and I wanted to go to the doctor to do an extraction, but I was told that until I get rid of the staphylococcus, I cannot do this procedure. This is true? 2. Many pigment spots My routine is as follows: In the morning: I wash with water, that's all. I should also use moisturizer and SPF, but I feel like I'm putting too much pressure on my skin and making it worse. Can this impression be true? In the evening: I wash with cleansing gel and take the antibiotic gentamicin. Questions: 1. How long do you think it will take to get rid of staphylococcus aureus? Will more cycles of oral antibiotics be needed? 2. Apart from extraction, can I get rid of closed comedones in another way? 3. Should I switch to isotret? I am attaching pictures to see what my acne looks like. Give me some advices please. Thank you!
submitted by Important_Till_7419 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:26 Important_Till_7419 Staph Acne and Closed Comendones

Staph Acne and Closed Comendones
Staphylococcus aureus + hormonal acne. I was diagnosed with staphylococcus aureus and was prescribed 7 days of oral antibiotic amoxacillin with clavulanic acid (augumentin), and another antibiotic - gentamicin in the form of a cream that I apply in the evening. There are 2 problems: 1. I have many closed comedones and I wanted to go to the doctor to do an extraction, but I was told that until I get rid of the staphylococcus, I cannot do this procedure. This is true? 2. Many pigment spots My routine is as follows: In the morning: I wash with water, that's all. I should also use moisturizer and SPF, but I feel like I'm putting too much pressure on my skin and making it worse. Can this impression be true? In the evening: I wash with cleansing gel and take the antibiotic gentamicin. Questions: 1. How long do you think it will take to get rid of staphylococcus aureus? Will more cycles of oral antibiotics be needed? 2. Apart from extraction, can I get rid of closed comedones in another way? 3. Should I switch to isotret? I am attaching pictures to see what my acne looks like. Thank you!
submitted by Important_Till_7419 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:15 eartheo I was bitten during a dog fight - should I report?

My mother, my two dogs (both around 45 lbs), and I were on a walk on a quiet local trail that is familiar to us. I keep both leashed and when trail walking, harnessed with back grips to help them up rocks or grab them securely if needed. They can be great or they can be jerks; they’re both rescues and we’re working on it. I always move off trail with them to let people pass. Off leash dogs are my nightmare.
While walking, a dog (spitz-type about the same size as my dogs, maybe slightly larger) came running towards us from the other direction. I yelled for the owner to get their dog and tried to kick the dog away. My initial thought was the dog did not look like it was coming to say hi, but charging, which is why I yelled and kicked.
I pulled my male dog behind me with the leash, again trying to keep the dogs apart. Well, it didn’t work, I ended up between them as the other dog dove at mine. I did end up pulling my dog away using the harness, and when I did, the other dog bit the back of my calf, just below my knee. I don’t believe the dog intended to bite me, but was aiming for my dog. My dog seems fine. The dog was going for his neck and back/belly, which were protected by his harness.
Side note: I didn’t see this, but apparently the dog charged at my other dog after I pulled them apart, and she gave him a growl that had him go full reverse. She has now been dubbed “baddest bitch.” The owner grabbed him at that point.
As it turns out, the dog was off leash because the owner had twisted her ankle and was looking for a stick to help her walk. She didn’t realize anyone else was on this not-often-used trail. I suspect the dog was protecting her, as there were two unknown dogs coming up on its hurt owner. It’s also why it took her a minute to get to us.
The dog is vaccinated, I’ve gone to urgent care and am on two courses of antibiotics, probiotics, etc., all of which she’s offered to pay for. I had jeans on and still managed puncture wounds and a very pretty bruise. It’s sore but I’ll be good in a few days. I haven’t found anything on my dog, the harness protected him.
I don’t think this dog is vicious. It was a bad series of circumstances, she made some errors in judgement, and is trying to make it right.
I don’t want this dog put down nor do I want to sue or go to court. I’m fine with being reimbursed for my costs. I made the choice to not let the dogs fight it out or wait for her to help wheelbarrow them.
There is no leash law, but you are expected to have your dog under control. Reading the RSAs (state laws) I’m not sure if this dog would need to be removed/quarantined or if the owner would get a laughable fine. One seems extreme, the other a joke. I just want her to leash her dog in the future, and I suspect after this she will.
If this were you in this situation, would you report the bite to the pd? - if it matters, I’m in NH, USA
submitted by eartheo to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:09 RowPsychological8680 Are optometrists in India allowed to prescribe medicines ??

So in India optometrists are also allowed to examine eyes. Also many optometrists prescribe medicines like antibiotics, steroid eye drops etc. As far as I know only mbbs doctors are allowed to prescribe and perform surgeries. So are these optometrists doing illegal work ?? I have met optometrists who also remove foreign body from eye. Optometrists are only taught about glasses. So how are they allowed to do these things ?? And even the doctor bodies are not taking it seriously. Many optometrists especially in West Bengal assam and even in places like UP bihar write eye specialist in front of their shops. But only doctors are eye specialists. So they are duping the people lying them so that these people will come to their shops. So why isn't anybody taking action about it ?? I also checked in net about laws. I wasn't able to find a clear cut answer.
submitted by RowPsychological8680 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:57 Sagittarius-A_Star Got bit by a dog and stupid people are escalating the situation 😤

So I got bit by a friend’s (more like acquaintance’s) dog last week. We were playing fetch with our dogs in the backyard and his dog clamped onto my wrist once while I was reaching for the ball. It wasn’t that major but it broke skin and was fairly deep so it bled quite a bit. I asked the guy if the dog is vaccinated, he said yes. Then I asked if this had happened before and he said no, definitively. He said sorry and told me he’d cover any expenses. I walked home and then went to the ER (I have state insurance so it’s free) and got a tetanus shot and antibiotics. Part of the ER visit involved an animal bite form. I didn’t want to throw his dog under the bus so I was intentionally vague providing only a first name and phone number on the form. A couple days later I was contacted by animal services saying they’d like to take a look at the dog and make sure that it wasn’t showing any signs of rabies while explicitly saying this was not about reporting the dog or taking him away. The dog owner was apparently then contacted by animal services where he volunteered his address for them to come and see the dog. After this he sent a series of very stern, and somewhat threatening, text messages demanding pictures of my wound “for his records.” I was taken aback by his insistence, therefore refused to provide the photos.
Fast forward to now. I ran into said dog owner’s roommate at the restaurant where he works. He seemed clearly unhappy to see me and even though he doesn’t like me anyway, this was more so than usual. Before I left I went to talk to him, and make sure everything was alright between us, but he was obviously still angry about the situation surrounding me going to the ER and the visit from animal services, including a $100 fine for something that was left unexplained. We started to argue about the severity of the bite and the necessity for medical attention and it got so intense that I lost my temper and he actually punched me in the face! I subsequently called the police and I will probably make a formal report.
Before this I wasn’t mad at the dog owner or the dog, had no medical expenses to speak of, so no lawsuits or anything. The situation could have been done with, but because of these stupid people it’s been turned into a major ordeal. Very frustrating.
Edit: Also, since the incident I’ve found out that this dog has actually bit a number of people and is generally problematic.
submitted by Sagittarius-A_Star to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:55 ZoorVahlok Is this eczema?

Is this eczema?
I got sick a few months ago and was treated with antibiotics. They injected 36 antibiotics in 14 days. Since then, I had minor itching, but in the last month, it has become unbearable. I have itching all over my hands, feet, groin, butt, penis, and some parts of me are injured due to itching. It happened, I went to the doctor and my blood test showed that my IgE level was 142 (normal should not be higher than 100). My doctor said it was something allergic and prescribed food supplements and cream, but my condition is still the same.
submitted by ZoorVahlok to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:49 Anxious-Way9012 Chilblains? Covid Toes?

I 34F came down with extreme chills and dizziness/fever 2 days ago. This is the third time I’ve been sick since March (similar cold/flu symptoms). I’ve tried testing for Covid and have been negative this round and previous round (not sure about March infection, I was on vacation)
Yesterday I was trying to combat my chills by overheating myself with a blanket cocoon, hoping to sweat it out. Afterwards, I noticed what I thought was eczema-looking blisters.
My family has history of eczema and I think I have it too, but haven’t had it looked at or treated as they were self-resolving.
Then overnight, things changed when my feet started to itch, in which I tried to run my feet through some cold water. After doing that twice over 1-2 hours, I slept a little and woke up to my feet being super inflamed.
It’s not super painful unless I’m putting pressure on my feet (standing/walking). I just feel it super inflamed and very uncomfortable when I’m resting.
It has also spread to my elbows and my hands, and around my nose area.
So I decided to go to the nearest emergency to get it checked out since I couldn’t get an appointment with my family doctor.
The doctor says that they think it’s chilblains, and that there’s nothing they can do other than for me to eat Advil/tylenol. He was unconcerned that I still feel chills even today, and he did not want to prescribe a steroid cream to help in case this needed dermatologist intervention.
Nothing was prescribed to me at this time and I feel like my condition has gotten worse.
Should I visit a bigger emergency? Or do I have to just ride it out.
And is there something I can do to mitigate it? Ice it? Keep it warm?
At my wits end here
submitted by Anxious-Way9012 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:22 BatmanSasha Just brought a kitten at home need some advice with my dog!

Hello! My dog loves cats and all, but she s too energetic. I just got a tiny kitten that I rescued from an attic, my dog loves him already but she s too rough to him and wants to lick him like an ice cream ol so I’m keeping them separate. Dog was too fixated on the playpen and wanting to play with the cat, so I put the kitten inside a playpen in my bedroom and I’m hanging out in the living room with the dog. The kitten is not crying, I saw he ate some food I left for him, and is now sleeping in my room. I’m in the living room with my dog and she calmed down too, she’s having a chew treat. I’m not sure what to do tonight, I’m thinking sleep in the living room with the dog and let the kitten relax in my bedroom. But is bad to leave him alone,? I don’t want to make the dog jealous. Am I doing anything wrong? Will the dog tone it down eventually once they get used to each other presence? Let me know any suggestions, I would appreciate any input as I’m familiar with cars but never owned one.
submitted by BatmanSasha to CatTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:41 WildPractice7228 Quoted 7k for keloid removal with exomes and amniotic graft, does that sound correct? (Pic attached)

So I am a firm believer in good plastic surgery isn’t cheap and cheap plastic surgery isn’t good. I understand that the surgeons are well trained and deserved t be compensated. But I also know some do over charge.
I suffered from a dog bit about a year ago that didn’t heal well. I have been working with a surgeon at the big university hospital in the state and they seem great and competent. We have been doing a series of steroid injections which have been helpful. My only issue is that I’ve only read good reviews on the hospital website, with only one or two discussing an actual procedure, and never seen their work. I also had a consultation with another surgeon, recommended by a friend who is a surgeon, at a private practice with someone who is 100% the real deal. I’m seen dog bite and keloid revisions that are extremely good. I know for a fact that I would be weak taken care here. The issue is that this is my first plastic surgery and I just want to make sure I’m making the right choice and the difference in cost i large, and I haven’t found anyone inbetween yet.
They both just want to remove the bottom scar.
submitted by WildPractice7228 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:21 Maburushi My princess just passed unexpectedly

My princess just passed unexpectedly
My beautiful siamese lady passed away today. She was only 9. I woke up and she was dead. Nothing feels real. She loved me, she trusted me, she was incredibly smart, incredibly well behaved and loving to the extreme.
Full story: At the beginning of the year we took out a small benign skin tumor from her neck. All the studies previous to the surgery said she was in impecable health and the tumor was benign.
A month ago, she started smelling bad, and slightly limping. And I mean BAD. We took her to the vet of course, he found she had what appeared to be mastitis, even though it's rare for a cat that's neutered and is not lactating. He also found out the smell was coming from an infection under a nail in her back foot. She was on antibiotics for 10 days, but neither condition was getting better. She had a lump under a nipple that wasn't looking great, so we decided to take it out since she had a high risk of cancer (her previous owner had given her anti conception pills when she was young). During that surgery they also removed a small piece of the infected toe to clear out the infection. The week following the surgery was fine. She wasn't eating as much, but she was eating and drinking. She stayed on antibiotics, but they were really starting to mess up with her digestive system so she stopped once her stitches were out. Up until then, the finger seemed to be doing better. Then it started getting worse and worse again, to the point where it looked like flesh eating bacteria. Back on antibiotics and staph creams to try to save the finger, with a growing suspicion that it might be skin cancer, specifically a squamous cell carcinoma, because of the fast rate at which it was advancing, and this type of carcinoma apparently is super aggressive and malignant. The finger started getting hard, smelling like rotten flesh, nothing was working so the only option was once again putting her through surgery (3 weeks had passed already) to amputate the finger, there was even a risk of gangrene. The amputation went swimmingly, the surgeon did a spectacular job, her foot ended up looking like she was just born with 3 fingers. She must have smashed her face against the cage coming out of anesthesia, because she got a small bald spot on her nose and a light nosebleed. The nosebleed went away after the first day post op, she was doing so much better it was unbelievable, her mood was back to how she'd act before this all started, etc. The second day post op, she had a very light nosebleed in the morning and she saw the vet the same day, it was a superficial blood loss just mixed with some water. He cleaned his operated paw, it was healing perfectly. Today, the third day post op, I woke up and she was dead. I understand so little of what just happened I'm just constantly either disociating or crying. I noticed she was feeling down yesterday, but I figured her leg was just hurting and I didn't force her to sleep with me because she had been choosing to sleep by herself most days and I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I came down the stairs, knew something was wrong immediately when she didn't come to my call, and found her dead inside the wardrobe. Again, she was only nine and this all feels surreal, how did we go from a bad smell to death? We can only make up theories of what happened. She had no blood on her nose or signs of external hemorrhaging, our biggest suspect is just a blood clot, or sepsis from such a resisting bacteria, which can also result in a blood clot anyway. We'll know a bit more in a couple of weeks when the studies on her finger are back, but we'll never know for sure if what made her tiny little body shut down so unexpectedly. If you've read this far, thank you. I have a partner who was her second human parent and we're both gutted, but I still can't help mourning the special connection I had with her and the time I feel she was robbed. She was doing so, so much better after getting rid of that pesky finger. She deserved so much better. I blame myself for anything I can think of, and I have a very active imagination.
I miss her every second.
I'm gonna wait some time before adopting my next cat, but to be honest I can't help but still be in love with siamese cats. Would that be a horrible idea? Has anyone adopted the same breed for their second baby, does it only make you miss them more? Nothing can even replace my baby, I'm biased towards that breed.
submitted by Maburushi to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:17 carriedaway2 Can a dog rupture their ear drum from rolling on ground too hard? Dog bleeding ear

So earlier this afternoon I was playing with the water hose outside with my toddler and dog. I was just spraying it up in the air and they both were chasing it and having fun. Didn’t think much of it. My dog likes playing with water but hates being wet so she starts “seasoning herself” as I call it. Basically just rubbing herself on the ground to dry off. We come back inside I decide to give her a bath because she’s all dirty now. After getting out of the bath I notice she whined when I started drying her head. She had an issue a few weeks ago with a fox tail that caused an abscess on her neck. It’s healing well after finishing all meds so I thought maybe I just nicked it or something. Later on I went to check on her because I wanted to make she had no foxtails or goatheads on her. I check her ear and notice it’s bleeding quite a bit. It’s not bleeding anymore but there is a bunch of dried blood so I can’t really tell what’s going on in there. She won’t really let me take a good look in there so I can’t tell if it’s just a cut like maybe she scratched it or if it’s coming from her ear drum/deeper inside. We have some leftover pain meds from the abscess situation so I gave her some and am planning to take her to the vet first thing in the morning. Just feeling super confused and stressed. She literally just finished her antibiotics and started acting more playful again. 😩 Is it possible to roll so hard that you rupture an ear dream? I really don’t think the water pressure was that hard that it would damage her ear and I wasn’t spraying directly at her either. Anyone experience this before?
submitted by carriedaway2 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:41 Typical_Artist_5748 Earache that won't go away

38F 5'5", 150 lbs, non smoker, United States. Duration one day.
This morning I woke with a stuffy right ear, after fighting what I think was a light case of flu (I'm vaccinated) this week. I did not have any congestion really, just a sore throat, dry cough, chills and fatigue. I also had some conjunctivitis in my right eye that seems to have been viral and not responsive to antibiotics.
So all of that was going away and getting better until this morning. I am not congested except for my ear. Over the course of the day it got worse. I took Mucinex, Sudafed, Aleve and Flonase in an attempt to get it unclogged, but it just got worse. I used swimmer's ear drops as the pain grew even worse. Finally around noon it got bad enough I did a telehralth appointment. They said nothing they can do without looking (why was earache on your menu then 🙄), so I make an appointment at a Minute Clinic. By this time it is abaolutely excruciating pain.
When I get examined at 3:30, my ear canal is so swollen she couldn't see my ear drum. To be safe, she gave me antibiotic drops and pills, and told me to take both Tylenol and Advil. I do all four ASAP and after a short nap felt a little better. My ear started crackling, which seemed like a good aign. Got my kids to bed and started feeling bad again so I took more Advil and another dose of the antibiotics. Been lying awake with tinnitus and pain until midnight, took more Tylenol.
I am still wake ful and ouchy. I may be panicking at this point but my other ear feels like it might be starting to clog.
Is this some kind of virus? Do I need steroids? I am a working mom and I have not gotten as much rest this week as I would like, never do. I am sure my immune system is run down.
I just want this tinnitus to stop and a clear ear so I can take care of my kids this weekend. They are so mad at me for being to sick to go to the pool all week. :(
submitted by Typical_Artist_5748 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:31 Robocob0 (Positive) SMILE post op MI-USA

I’m 34 male with fairly healthy habits and have been considering corrective surgery for two years. Due to the cost, I put it off for a long Time but I finally made my consult this past April and had surgery this past Thursday 5/30 at 10am
To my knowledge there is only one SMILE provider in Michigan at the laser eye institute and this is who I saw.
The consult was free, extremely comprehensive and went over things such as topography, eye dryness, corneal thickness, autorefractor, medical history and then a physical exam of my eye by the surgeon. The main purpose of the consultation was to verify if I was a candidate or not. Due to having hobbies such as BJJ and mountain biking as well as rubbing my eyes they did recommend smile. However, seeing as they’re the only clinic who does smile in Michigan, why would they recommend anything else.
I had fully gone into the consult ready for surgery, I already had been pre approved for care credit and my total for surgery came to about $4100
I scheduled the surgery and had a work up in the next 2 weeks
At that appointment they repeated the above then, took a robust calculation of my rx using digital and analog methods, Dialated my pupils, measured their max diameter as well as checked my retinal health. My pupils measured 7mm and 6.5 and I was told the surgical area was 7.5mm. I did have some nasal inferior scarring on my right cornea but due to it being out of the surgical zone the surgeon was confident I would be fine.
I have a history of health related anxiety and the vocal negative outcomes online combined with the intense releases really freaked me out and I postponed my surgery until the end of June. I emailed my concerns many times to the clinic and each time (3 total) the doctor called me and took the time to speak to me which felt in my best interest I never felt pressured to move forward on a specific date and it always came down to if it’s not time then I can always walk away.
After much deliberation I put myself on the waitlist and got a call that I could come in a week!
I started my antibiotics and steroids two days before.
Surgery day was a breeze. I arrived at 9am. Took my Valium, sat in a massage chair and was taken to the OR. Everyone was kind and calming. I was given a weighted blanket and a stress ball and to be honest, I was extremely comfortable. Contact lenses were placed on my eyes and I was instructed to remove them before bed. I was told it would help day 1 irritation. In 10 minutes I was out of the OR and into post op where the doctor examined my eyes and said I was good to go.
I went home, took a 5 hour nap and woke up and could already see 90% better. There was a TINY halation around bright high contrast things and a little light sensitivity but I could see!
The next morning I expected to have some stickiness or pain but I woke up truthfully seeing better than I think I ever have. I applied my drops, drove to my pre op and was documented as 20/15 in each eye. Mild swelling in both but I’m still extremely satisfied.
TLDR: had smile. Went extremely well and I have no side effects and no regrets. No loss of close vision and i thoroughly impressed with Dr. Haddad and his team.
submitted by Robocob0 to lasik [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:28 sami_slays Durian ice cream from Polly Ann Ice Cream in San Francisco 😍 (plus a dog for scale)

Durian ice cream from Polly Ann Ice Cream in San Francisco 😍 (plus a dog for scale)
It was excellent and very strong, they kept it in a freezer separate from the other ice creams. Also putting durian in ice cream form for some reason really brings out the oniony notes 😋 but I loved it.
submitted by sami_slays to Durian [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:02 PersonalityOk3174 Should I use antifungal cream while taking antibiotics despite having vulvar dermatitis?? Tough decisions, would love advice.

24F, vaginal dermatitis from over medications a yeast infection a month ago (antifungal cream, boric acid and oral antifungal pill)
A bit of context here – about a month ago I was sick with the flu and got a yeast infection at the same time. I attempted to treat it with antifungal cream, which didn’t work. Then I use boric acid. This unknowingly caused irritation, making me think my yeast infection hadn’t gone away. This lead me to take oral antifungal pills from the pharmacy.
This caused vuvlar dermatitis which I am waiting for a specialist appointment as it is still something I’m dealing with.
Yesterday I went back to the doctor because I had strep throat. I was so hesitant to take antibiotics because my vagina has already been through a lot and is not fully recovered and I did not want to induce another yeast infection. I took the antibiotics because the strep throat was getting really bad.
I am wondering if I use the antifungal cream I have to prevent any kind of infection from StArting. But I also don’t wanna irritate the dermatitis anymore with additional medication even if it’s just a Cream. Because that is how it caused the problem. I also don’t wanna have another full on infection either and have to treat that. What is the best thing to do? Should I just wait it out or should I use antifungal cream in the meantime?
I’m currently just using coconut oil on my vagina as I have been using it for the dermatitis and it gives me relief and was okayed by my doctor. I am also taking probiotics and eating a lot of yoghurt while taking these antibiotics.
submitted by PersonalityOk3174 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:05 bnpuppys Tips to deal with a rash

I have this really irritating rash that pops up whenever I'm not wearing a pad, even when I'm not on my period. It's right under my bikini line on my thighs and I'm slowly losing it. I've been given antibiotic creams, I've used Vaseline, I've kept everything as dry as possible but it keeps popping back up. Any ideas or am I just doomed to always wear a pad 🥲
submitted by bnpuppys to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:44 FantasticCookie2121 Burning when using diaper cream?

I’ve been struggling with BV the last month and I just finished a second round of antibiotics so I used some diaper cream in my outer folds since my doctor said it was red/irritated. However, it burned slightly when applying. It’s fine after a few seconds but is that a normal initial reaction? Is the skin there just extremely irritated?
My doctor prescribed me Lotrisone before and told me to apply in my vulva area earlier in the month. It was fine at first but then started to burn so I stopped. Does this have anything to do with it?
submitted by FantasticCookie2121 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:31 Warped_princess Just feeling discouraged!

Thanks in advance for reading, I really appreciate you all in this group. After 10+ years Of struggling with pap-pustular rosacea, A dermatologist finally uttered the word "acutane" to me. I just did 3 months of Rosiver (ivermectin cream) - yes, the $250CAD "miracle cream," and it did less than nothing. I know it was expected for there to be purges while using the cream but with the flare ups being so frequent, and the healing be so truly non-existent, how could I continue? And why try yet another round of oral antibiotics (by whatever name), only for it to put my digestive system into a state? And for the rosacea to come back ten fold within a month of finishing "treatment." I am starting to feel completely doomed. I've always suspected that my case was quite extreme, but if acutane is truly my last option, then I know it's true! sigh maybe it will help. And perhaps in the fashion of a double-whammy, seeing as I do have cystic acne on my back and chest - which I seem to not even CARE about as compared to the never ending drama caused by the rosacea on my face. I know reviews are mixed for acutane. I think I have no choice but to try. Anyone else been here? Ugh! It sucks.
submitted by Warped_princess to Rosacea [link] [comments]