Lowest prise ritalin

Safran et Ritaline

2024.05.16 13:15 synchromystique Safran et Ritaline

J'avais écrit une publication mais ça a été effacé, j'ai la flemme de tout réécrire en détails donc je vais juste formuler mes questionnements plus sobrement :
-des avis sur les effets du safran sur le TDAH/anxiété/dépression ?
-en gélules ? En poudre à doser soit même ?
-j'ai parfois l'impression que le traitement me fait un effet trop calmant voir dépressif (je prends 50mg /jour en deux prises de Ritaline LP) est ce que ça vous fait ça parfois? -est ce que je peux prendre 2×50mg de safran/jour en même temps que mon dosage habituel de Ritaline LP ou est ce que c'est mieux que baisser mon dosage?
-est ce qu'il y a des personnes diagnostiqué TDAH et TSA qui ont l'impression que le traitement marche pas si bien à cause des intérêts spécifiques ? Moi j'ai l'impression que mes intérêts spécifiques sont trop "obsessionnels" pour que le traitement arrive à me faire correctement "décrocher" pour faire des choses nécessaires mais que je trouve pas intéressantes. J'ai l'impression que le monotropisme est beaucoup plus marqué chez les TSA que chez les personnes qui sont des "pur" TDAH sans TSA. Qu'est ce que vous en pensez ? Des partages d'expériences seraient super appréciable, je me pose pas mal de questions. Car je pensais que le traitement m'aiderait plus que ça.
submitted by synchromystique to TDAHFrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:10 Artemisya_Art Prise de ritaline au milieu de la nuit par accident, sommeil catastrophique x)

Prise de ritaline au milieu de la nuit par accident, sommeil catastrophique x)
Bonjour tout le monde,
Juste un poste pour partager ma bourde d'inattention du jour, pas sans conséquence cette fois 🤡 :
En effet en plein milieu de la nuit je me suis réveillée, un peu de mal à respirer, pour prendre mon médicaments pour l'asthme et boire de l'eau (important de se rincer la bouche après avoir pris ce genre de médoc).
Et je sais pas... J'ai dû prendre entre ces deux étapes ma ritaline qui était dans un pilulier à côté de mon coussin. Pilulier servant normalement à prendre mon traitement dès que mon réveil.
C'est ainsi que j'ai passé une nuit horrible à pas réussir à fermé l'oeil pendant des heures comme en témoigne ma montre 🥹
SVP, faites pas cette betise.
(Voilà c'était juste un petit poste comme ça pour partager cette stupide mésaventure)
submitted by Artemisya_Art to TDAHFrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:17 the_practicerLALA Update Vyvanse finally worked for me after a quick dose change talk with my doctor. **Trigger warning** a very high dose

Note this is my experience just starting vyvanse not after developing tolerance. I was struggling extremely because Vyvanse was not making me feel anything, not even negative side effects. I became extremely distressed because while I have horrible adhd my main reason for wanting Vyvanse was for my severe binge eating disorder. Vyvanse is the only FDA approved drug for BED and after struggling with my BED for so long I hoped so much for Vyvanse and was extremely distressed when it did not help. I wasn't ready to accept tbh that Vyvanse doesn't work for me because I couldn't risk possible appetite increase with adderall or ritalin.
I talked to my doctor who was honestly not helpful at all but luckily amazing people on reddit gave me answers I read a comment here saying high levels of progesterone can block Vyvanse effects (loose terminology here).
I checked my period tracker app I'm currently in my luteal phase. I have pcos and am basically a slave to my menstrual cycle. Every single month without fail I feel like complete shit during my luteal phase and have 0 motivation 0 willpower 0 anything my insulin levels are also fucked and my body is basically a wreck. Then I remembered to when I first started Vyvanse I checked I was in my follicular phase and 30mg actually kinda helped.
In retrospect I thought that was a fluke because currently I was taking 90mg Vyvanse and feeling nothing. But NO, it was my goddammit PERIOD. OFCOURSE 30mg was doing nothing for me because during this stage of my period I am at the absolute lowest.
So I talked to my doctor and asked them about this and they were like uhhh okay try a higher dose like 90mg and I was like uhhhhh I have a hunch that might not work xD so they were like after like a shit done of huffing and puffing fine take 150mg.
I took it hour 1 felt nothing. Hour 2 felt nothing. Hour 3 I thought okay I'll go to the mall with friends. I was walking around a mall and then I realized holy shit.
I wasn't thinking about food. I walked by a pretzel place. I didn't ask my friends to stop. I walked by a fucking Krispy Kreme and my body did FUCKING NOTHING. I realized in that moment it was happening, the obsession, the constantly thinking, the fixation, the need the want the desire was all the constant ringing sound in my head that banged eat eat eat eat sugar wasn't there anymore. I was like holy fucking shit. For the first time in 10 years since I developed my binge eating disorder, I felt normal, the food noise was gone.
I was still scared that this was all a fluke but decided to test the waters so I went to a Cafe with my friends and ordered a latte while she ordered a pastry or something. We sat down and she ate and I realized, holy shit. The food noise is actually gone. I wasn't constantly looking at what she eating, I wasn't having the urge to ask for a bite or get one myself, I wasn't salivating. I was just sitting there normally drinking a coffee. I felt so...normal.
Honestly at that moment I really just wanted to cry. I couldn't describe what it felt like. I felt normal like a normal person with a normal reaction to food.
This is the day after and I'm just pondering what to do now. I really do not think my doctor will write me 150mg dose, he insisted that I try it and won't be an everyday thing. He might at max write 90mg. During my follicular phase though 30mg was good enough for me, so I'm thinking 90mg might be more than enough. But for my luteal phase I know I will need the 150mg again. I'm just mentally preparing for my proper doctor's appointment and how to get him to give me a high dose.
Now yesterday I did feel my heart beating a lot and some jitters and anxiety but it was honestly not that bad. Like for my binge eating disorder ruining my life I would gladly trade that. I'm thinking once I've reached my goal weight and am with a good place with my BED I will probably switch meds. Eventually when I start getting tolerant of 150mg I will probably take Ozempic. The reason I don't take ozempic now is because it's not for binge eating disorder and I feel like I will still be fucked if I lose weight but still have the adhd with food.
Tldr; if Vyvanse is not working it could be your period. Start tracking your period and learn how your body behaves according to it so you can pinpoint when you need higher doses. Reason I've not wanted to try other meds was Vyvanse being the only one approved for binge eating.
submitted by the_practicerLALA to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 05:05 iloveFjords Fresco way busier than I have ever seen it (except maybe during the pandemic)

Fresco way busier than I have ever seen it (except maybe during the pandemic)
I at most would see 3 people in line at the typical 2 cashiers. At this time of the morning (9:30 am) they often have only one cashier. They were operating with 5. This store has no self checkout. Faces pixelated for privacy.
submitted by iloveFjords to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:34 reddituser1283773 I don’t know what to do right now.

Hello, this is going to be a long story/recall of my life and I’d like to share in with users of Reddit to hopefully gain some advice and/or help someone going through the same thing.
I am 19 years old and a female. My life for the last 3 years and frankly beyond that has been miserable. I’ve made bad decisions pretty much my whole life and they’ve all caught up to me at this point.
About a month ago me and my boyfriend broke up. We were together for a 1 1/2 years, not a lot of time but enough to hurt. I really thought he was the one. This was devastating to me as I was extremely co dependent on him and had pretty much no life outside of him. Before him I jumped from relationship to relationship and if I didn’t do that I was hooking up with strangers on tinder. I’d like to say I hate him, that he’s a terrible person and I regret everything and I probably did when it first happened, but now a month later I can look at it with a little more clarity. We were just kids, he wasn’t ready to commit to a long term relationship and I’m discovering everyday that maybe I wasn’t either. We tried the best we could ultimately. The mess after though was unpleasant, I contacted him several times, made desperate attempts to see him and I was successful a couple times but it ended up hurting me way more. He had already moved on to hooking up with girls at work, one has a boyfriend, and overall just diving right back into how he used to live. That was painful but in all honesty, not my problem anymore.
See, I’ve always struggled with being alone. The thought of it scares me, and since our breakup I’ve pretty much dropped everyone but my close family and 2 friends I can trust. So I’m alone a lot now. I did this because I want to tackle my issue head on. There are bad days and good days. This is ironic considering my lowest point in time was when I was 14 and I hit rock bottom with my depression and didn’t want to see anybody. I wanted to be alone. Now it’s taken a complete u-turn and I hate being alone.
While I was with my ex though, I dropped out of my trade school, lost most of my friends, gained weight, developed a lot of acne, and my relationship with my family was declining. Right before we broke up I had gotten a new job I was really excited about and then a couple weeks after the break up I got fired for reasons I still don’t know.
I have a nicotine addiction, and a slight weed addiction. I recently started taking Ritalin, and Wellbutrin and while it’s only been about a week I’ve dropped a ton of weight. This is cool, I guess, because I was getting chubby, but not cool because the rate at which I’m losing weight is concerning. I think the combined, break up, nicotine, and new medication is just giving me no appetite.
I’m taking it one day at a time right now, but sometimes I feel really lonely. I resent my ex for having fun while I’m sitting at home reflecting on our relationship. My family is great and all, but they also suffer with their own issues. My dad is an alcoholic, my mom has terrible depression, and my brother is out with his friends most nights.
Point is, I’m tired of my life. I want to be better, live better, and feel better. I want a decent paying job, I want to go back to school, I want a good amount of friends, I want to get into the gym, I want to find the love of my life. It feels like everyday is a battle, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. I’m just lost, I don’t where to start, and I know it’ll take a long time to see these results. So if anyone out there is struggling like me, I’d love to hear your story, if anyone has advice on how to navigate my 20s the right away, please let me know.
submitted by reddituser1283773 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 17:09 CrossroadsCtrl Nardil + Buproprion for breakthrough depression?

Long post here. Thought some background on my situation would help find other folks with similar experience to offer insight…
Suffered much of my 50 year life with severe anxiety, panic attacks, major depression, and periods of social anhedonia. Various meds helped for a few months to a few years before pooping out. Then the search for the next med. Been on pretty much every SSRI, SNRI, TCA plus various combos and augmenters. I’m sure this cycle is quite familiar to many folks here.
Late 2022 my depression and anxiety reached new levels of hell. My depression responded well to Ketamine infusions. Did 15 (approx, kind of lost track, though could count up from credit card!) over three months and one booster since. Frustratingly, anxiety got worse. Ketamine doc said this wasn’t unusual.
Started Nardil 9 months ago and it’s worked wonders for my anxiety and chronic panic attacks. Though other meds had helped manage it in the past, nothing comes close to my experience with Nardil. At start, worked up to 60mg over 6 weeks, backed down to 45 and very stable. Recently, been feeling on edge, fatigued, periods of mild depression, and struggle to focus on work or important tasks. All of my historical warning signs that something is not working and I may be headed downhill. Tried going up to 60mg of Nardil and couldn’t deal with insomnia and other side effects coming back that had finally settled down. I’ve also been on various ADD meds for years to help with focus and fatigue. Currently 20mg Ritalin LA (methylphenidate.)
Met with doc recently and they suggested Buproprion to augment Nardil. Though contraindicated on package, my doc is very experienced with MAOI (a Gilman fan) and has other patients responding well to this combo. I’ve had no blood pressure or other interactions with Nardil, so doc feels very confident that it’s safe for me. I know Buproprion can take 4 weeks for full effect and I’m on lowest dose for a few more days, but thought I’d feel at least some benefit after 10 days. If anything, I’m feeling a bit worse with occasional suicidal thoughts.
Anyone else been down this road with Nardil (or other MAOI) and Buproprion? Might it work if I stick it out a bit longer? Any other meds I should ask my doc about to supplement Nardil for the depression breaking through?
Thanks for reading this long post!
submitted by CrossroadsCtrl to MAOIs [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 21:25 Crazy-Sir5935 Help needed to optimize supplement approach with regard to my genetic profile (a lot of info included!)

Help needed to optimize supplement approach with regard to my genetic profile (a lot of info included!)
Key question for my fellow Reddit users (in hope Tawinn reads my post):
  1. What are your thoughts on my "6 Changes to my supplement approach/plan"? Would this be the way to go? Did i overlook something?
  2. In his book "Dirty Genes" Ben lynch calls the "Choline shortcut" a temporary solution on which one can't rely permanently. He says that in contrast your primary methylation cycle supports all organs and tissues including your brain (while the choline shortcut would only be there to protect the liver and kidneys). This is kind of confusing to me as on this forum and Chris Masterjohn don't seem to see this as a temporary fix?
Table of contents:
  1. Symptoms
  2. Lab testresults
  3. Current supplementlist
  4. Family conditions
  5. Whole background story
  6. Changes to my suppplement approach/plan taking into account my mthfgene profile
My background (38Y/male):
  • Experienced a lot of traumatic life events especially during childhood.
  • Got diagnosed ADD (inattentive form of ADHD) and get presribed ritalin since 15 years.
  • Experienced a lot of stress and had a partial burnout a couple of years ago.
Since the summer of 2022 (after having corona) i started having weird symptoms like:
  • Brain fog (literally asking the same question within 30 min, not remembering names and even the names of my wife's friends and neighbors, sometimes it felt like a little door was locked and after 3 minutes i could finally call their names). The brain fog does seem to be like 50% less than a year ago tough.
  • Raynauld’s disease
  • Chilblains and feet (extreme, even getting cuts in my hands, even during summer months). My fingers typically become like a bit swollen red.
  • Problems tolerating temperature changes (I even got red finger tips in summer and have trouble tolerating hot weather as well).
  • Tinnitus
  • Anxiety, depression, and mood swings
  • Concentration issues (my mind is like a pinball machine)
  • Motivation problems (procrastination etc.)
  • Seborrheic eczema (got shampoo from the doc)
  • Insomnia (although i can manage it somehow by focusing not to think about anything)
  • Going to the toilet multiple times at night (feel like I’m 80 instead of 38)
  • Fatigue all day
  • Hair loss, basically lost more in the last 3 years than the prior 10. I also got my first grey hairs in my beard.
  • Had 2 low grade dental infections of which 1 is already treated in March (by extraction) and 1 is going to be treated tomorrow, had the both of them for a minimum of 3 years.
No patience with the kids (i hate this), I feel so exhausted that around 10 every morning my energytank for the day is kind of depleted. As I work behind a computer the energy issues is not really needed for work but I hate it in family life (I just want to be able to play ball with my kids).
~Personal most important symptoms I wish to tackle (if I was a magician):~ ADD(motivation/concentration) + Fatigue all day
Homocysteine 12,7 umol/l
I have slight dysbiosis, most notable are the high TMAO and fatmalabsorption. I have trouble eating fat foods (proteins and nuts and tend to keep farting afterwards, seems related to low stomach acid).
Vitamin B12 356 pmol/l
Foliumzuur 35 nmol/l
Vitamin B1 152 nmol/L
Vitamin B6 109 nmol/L
Sodium 139 mmol/L
Potassium 4.4 mmol/L
Creatinine 90 µmol/L
eGFR (CKD-EPI) >90 mL/min/1.73m2
Bilirubin 12 µmol/L
Alkaline Phosphatase (AF) 95 u/L
GGT 18 u/L
WING 27 u/L
Glucose 5.3 mmol/L
Night glucose 4.4 mmol/L
CRP <1 mg/L
IgA 2.0 g/L
Sedimentation (BSE) 2 mm/hour
Hemoglobin 9.5 mmol/L
Hematocrit 0.45 L/L
Erythrocytes 4.89 x10^12/L
MCV Tone 91 fL
Platelets 187 x10^9/L
Leucocytes 5.2 x10^9/L
TSH 1.94 mU/L
anti-tTG IgA <1 u/mL
Elastase >500 µg/g
Calprotectine 38 µg/g
I have a hair mineral test being done in about 3 months (my hair has to grow for it and i'm normally bald).
Basically my thyroids, stomach and bloodlevels are checked by a doctohospital and nothing weird seems to be going on for them.
1) A Multivitamin supplement containing:
Vitamin A (retinyl acetate) 300 mcg
Beta-carotene (from natural blend)
(converted: 250 mcg RAE* provitamin A) 3 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine HCL) 3.2 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin-5-phosphate) 3.6 mg
Vitamin B3 (niacinamide) 28 mg
Vitamin B5 (calcium d-panthotenate) 17 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 3.2 mg
Biotin (d-biotin) 80 mcg
Folate (5-MTHF glucosamine salt, Quatrefolic®) 400 mcg
Vitamin B12 (Adenosyl-/Methylcobalamin 2:1) 30 mcg
Choline (bitartrate, Vitacholine®) 120 mg
Vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid) 200 mg
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 40 mcg
Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) 30 mg-TE
Vitamin K2 (VitaMK7®) 100 mcg
Calcium (carbonate, Lithothamnium, Aquamin®) 200 mg
Magnesium (citrate/Aquamin® 6:1 100 mg
Silicon (bamboo extract) 10 mg
Zinc (bisglycinate, TRAACS®) 8 mg
Iron (bisglycinate, Ferrochel®) 8 mg
Manganese (bisglycinate, TRAACS®) 1.2 mg
Boron (sodium borate) 500 mcg
Copper (bisglycinate, TRAACS®) 500 mcg
Iodine (potassium iodate) 150 mcg
Selenium (selenomethionine) 90 mcg
Molybdenum (sodium molybdate) 40 mcg
Chromium (picolinate) 36 mcg
Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) 40 mg
NADH (nicotinamide dinucleotide) 2 mg
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane, OptiMSM®) 100mg
Chlorella vulgaris 100 mg
Bilberry (25% anthocyanins) 40 mg
Citrus flavonoid complex (60% hesperidin) 30 mg
Lutein (Mexican marigold, Lutemax®) 8 mg
Zeaxanthin (Mexican marigold) 1.6 mg
The B12 seems to reduce the effect of the Ritalin I take (have to increase my dose, don’t like it).
2) Magnesium Glycine -1 capsule a day – 450 mg Glycine + 200mg Magnesiumbisglycinaat
3) Magnesium Citrate - 1 capsule a day – 300mg
4) Omega 3 + Vitamin D3 - 1 capsule a day – Fish oil 1000 mg of which omega-3 345 mg of which EPA 180 mg
of which DHA 120 mg Vitamin D3 25 µg (500%)*
Less relevant supplements I take for my slight dysbiosis **(**Resveratol, NAC, Lypazyme, Probiotics and prebiotics)
4.FAMILY CONDITIONS (might be related):
Both blood lines have/had vein related problems (plague in the arteries). My granddad even got severe dementia from it.
One blood line (mothers side) has also severe mental problems (bipolaADD/depression) in multiple/every generation, my great grandfather committed suicide.
I became extremely worried since September 2022. Before that time i had been fighting motivation, procastination and concentration issues all my life (as a typical ADD guy) I was thinking about really bad conditions like a brain tumor, Multiple Sclerosis etc. I got my blood checked and even got brain and neck scanned with an MRI and everything seemed to be fine except for T2 flair hyperintense signal abnormalities (vein related. Still, my symptoms got worse.
Besides this i was doing a neurofeedback course under supervision of a neuropsychologist. He did a EEG in June of 2022 and also did one in the beginning of may 2023. After reading the results of the EEG from may he was shocked, my EEG levels were way worse than they were a year before. He asked me if i was depressed or had an underlying condition. He said i needed to be checked for systematic conditions.
In February of 2023 i went to a Wim Hof workshop (cold bath) and somebody there talked about water fasting that would trigger autogaphy. Being as desperate as i was/am after the last EEG results i decided to do a 7 day water fast in may (having two children of 2 and 4 this is not something you'll decide overnight).
After the water fast i felt tired but in a way "in control". My ritalin usage was reduced in a year from 35 mg a day to 12,5mg a day but that might be due to placebo as well. As i was reading the book "Super Gut" (by Dr. William Davis) i decided to try some herbal antibiotics for SIBO/SIFO, following his prescribed protocol of taking Antibactin-AR and Antibactin-BR twice a day. Besides that i was eating a very strict diet focusing on low glycemic index foods, no gluten and no lactose (as I was suffering from bloating as well and in the end dysbiosis was confirmed by a functional doctor).
Within a couple of days my mind felt much more clear, i could concentrate and the brain fog almost disappeared. From then on i went tot about 7,5mg a day of ritalin (practically nothing). I even cancelled my appointment with a neurologist as i was so confident that it had nothing to do with my brain anymore but rather with my belly!
But time seemed to catch up with me. I was basically eating a low carb diet and eating less just seemed to improve my symptoms. I went into a clinical path of finding out if I had coeliac disease (they did a endoscopy). For that i had to eat gluten again for about 5 months and that raised my ritalin again to about 25mg/day but I found out I haven’t got coeliac disease (more non-celiac gluten sensitivity based on a stool test of my functional doc).
In December 2023 I decided to do a full range stool analysis via my functional doc (at a lab in Germany) and the results basically stated I had slight form of dysbiosis, problems with fat absorption, relatively low stomach acid and a relatively high TMAO (that’s the summary). I’ve been on a diet not eating any gluten/lactose since January and have had pre- and probiotics with it. I feel I can’t eat healthier than this and even feel somewhat down sometimes as my “extravert” side kind of left since not eating any sugars (I do watch my calorie intake to be enough).
Over the past years I’ve read about 12 books that focus on the microbiome and how to fix it but somehow I keep being sensitive to fatty foods and I don’t seem to fully be able to fix my gut. Based on that (and the book Dirty Genes of Ben Lynch) I kind of wandered off into the realm of genes (as looking more to other factors contributing to my gut/mental issues). I did a whole genome sequence in November 2023 and just got the results in. Believe it or not, this is basically 10% of the story, there's a lot more to it in that i could probably write a book about it but i don't want to be a burden on anyone's time here. I really hope there's somebody here that has a clue what's going on (i've heared mast cell activation syndrome might be it).
All based on the post and recommendations made in this post:
MTHFR: A Supplement Stack Approach :
MTHFR, COMT and MAO-A: A Symptom Triumvirate :
Phase 1 – B12
Not B12 deficiency, might switch to hydroxocobalamin instead of methylcobalamin.
Phase 2 – B2
Target = B2 10-100mg/day,
Current = B2 (riboflavin-5-phosphate) 3.6 mg,
Action = Take >6,4 mg extra of B2.
Phase 3 – Methyl-Buffering System
Target = Glycine 3-10g/day
Current = 450mg/day
Action = Tale >2,5g extra of Glycine
Iron/Vitamin A I get via the multisupplement
Phase 4 – Reduce creatine demand on methylation
Target = 3-5g/day
Current = 3,5g/day (since 1 week)
Action = None (might focus on glycine as I do have to pee multiple times a night)
Phase 5 – Support alternate methylation pathway and reduce phosphatidylcholine demand on methylation
Target = 1000-1200mg/day (need 8 eggs a day via the Choline calculator)
Current = 120mg/day (via multisupplement)
Action =
50% via TMG and thus 600mg/day (powdecapsules)
Phosphatidyl Choline 2g/day
CDP Choline 1,5g/day
I prefer choline versions that don’t have a risk/lowest risk in increasing TMAO because of my high TMAO and genetic disposition to have artery plague/problems.
Phase 6 – Folate intake
It’s in my multivitamin supplement but not necessary, I guess.
Thank you for reading this long post.
submitted by Crazy-Sir5935 to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:58 chiliketchup i tried Ritalin and Elvanse and both failed. i feel like a burdeon and i just cant...

I (M30) have ADHD. Got diagnosed at the age of 25 and am currently working at a protected workplace. I work 4 hours a day 4 days a week and its just too much. After burning out for the 4th time in my Life i wanted to try some meds. Its a challenge for me as i have trauma related to medication. But i did it and i tried to keep my anxiety under control which i did amazing in.
Ritalin was horrible. Blurred Vision, weird feeling head, agression and my hyperactivity got a lot worse. Had suicidal thought and heavy depression while the medication was working. I was literally unable to do anything Good thing is my brain was calm and i didn't need any outside stimulants like my Phone or TV.
So i tried Elvanse (20mg) my psychiatrist said its the lowest dose After an Hour i noticed that it starts to push which i guess its normal. But i wasn't prepeared for the heavy headache i got for the rest of the day. And that how its always been. heavy headache everytime i took it. Any my vision got terrible bad. My pupils opened and closed and i had trouble focusing my eyes.
In the evening when it started to wear of i have horrible muskle spasms. And i feel really jittery.
I hate all of this. Watched so many tiktoks of people literally crying because they finally feel normal. And here i am having such bad side effects that i literally cant function.
It triggers my trauma and my psychiatrist hase 0Tollerance for that. He doesnt take me seriously.
i just wanna take medication and be able to go to work.
What do i do? anyone else the same experience?
submitted by chiliketchup to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 06:40 EssayIndependent3978 Options for anti-anxiety PRNs other than hydroxyzine, as someone who takes ADHD medication?

I'm considering asking my psychiatrist about trying a PRN to help me get through a dental check-up I need to schedule, but I'm wondering if I'm even going to have any options around that.
I (F28) tried hydroxyzine in college, but even at the lowest dose, it made me so tired that within 20-30 minutes I could barely even keep my eyes open. Even if I plan to get a ride, I'm going to need to be alert enough to understand what the dentist says about the results of the check-up...
In case this changes any of the options, my anxiety comes primarily from my PTSD. I'd rather not go into details, but having things in my mouth is a trigger.
I take Ritalin LA for my ADHD. I know that other than hydroxyzine, benzodiazepines are common for anti-anxiety PRNs, but I feel like combining one of those with my ADHD medication seems... questionable. Hence why I'm not sure if I have any options other than hydroxyzine.
submitted by EssayIndependent3978 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 07:41 Ozinuka TDAH, trouble anxieux, traumas, mauvaises habitudes, qu'en est il ?

(TL;DR dispo en bas maintenant que j'ai constaté que j'ai été bien trop long)
Bonjour à tous,
Je viens de trouver ce sub, et bien que je sois pleinement conscient de l'incapacité du sub à répondre précisément et à la nécessité de parler avec le corps médical de ces soucis pour avoir mes réponses, j'aimerais partager ma situation pour peut être pouvoir échanger avec des personnes qui ont eu un "parcours" similaire (et peut être aussi m'aider à passer, enfin, le pas d'une consultation psy).
Ca fait quasiment 2 ans maintenant que j'ai atteint dans ma réflexion perso une quasi-conviction d'être atteint d'une forme de neurodivergence. Je pensais initialement plutôt à une condition HPI (facilités à l'école depuis toujours, hyper précoce, hyper mature jeune, toujours épaté des adultes par mes capacités, encore aujourd'hui dans mon métier - consultant dans un gros cabinet à La Défense - j'excelle intellectuellement sans trop d'efforts même sur des sujets que je ne maitrise pas un brin) mais, petit à petit, je me suis de plus en plus rapproché d'un autodiag TDAH (voire même TSA) car au-delà de ces facilités, j'ai aussi eu un parcours un peu chaotique. J'explique (en essayant au max de rester bref) : fin de primaire / début collège, les choses ont commencé à se compliquer. Incompréhensions avec des amis, difficultés sociales, collège compliqué où être un bon élève est plutôt mal vu et sentiment global d'ennui - agitation - inattentions - classiques bulletins "gâche son talent" et full avertissements/blâme conduite.
Heureusement je surnage quand même, et vais en seconde générale. Je continue sur ma lancée, toujours dissipé, mais toujours plutôt du côté des "brillants". Petit aparté, à aucun moment j'ai acquis au primaire/collège une rigueur de travail - j'ai toujours tout fait à la bourre, copié les DM le matin même devant le collège, réviser la veille/sur le chemin les interros, bref de la procrastination++++ couplée à la découverte de l'internet avec un laptop perso à 13 piges (ce qui a été génial pour pleins de trucs - horrible pour d'autres, comme on peut s'en douter). Je vais en 1ère S (l'époque) assez facilement, puis redouble lamentablement après 10jrs de cours manqués en Novembre que je n'ai jamais réussi à rattraper. Je me suis maintenu à flots, mais en gros largué dans les trois matières scientifiques pour 10 pauvres jours de cours non-rattrapés où j'ai procrastiné, pas réussi à me mettre au taf, et à aucun moment j'ai réussi à réellement travailler pour combler le retard. Le redoublement se passe hyper simplement, hormis les 10jrs que j'avais raté, j'avais déjà tout entendu une fois, le cerveau fait le reste des connexions et j'ai pas eu besoin de bosser de l'année. Terminale, sur ma lancée, je surnage mais suis à la limite du décrochage scolaire en terminale suite à un décès dans ma famille où je me mets à fumer des cigarettes magiques quotidiennement le soir pour réussir à encaisser le choc (vous comprendrez que les psys, dans la famille, c'est pas trop un réflexe ^^'), abandonne petit à petit les cours (alors que je cumulais déjà bcp bcp bcp d'absences), mais grâce à un bon entourage je me mets un coup de pied au cul à 3 semaines du BAC, bosse ça fort et je sors une des meilleures notes de ma classe - big success et félicitations de la daronne, qui elle s'était arrêtée au BEP et pour qui le BAC (surtout S, c'est elle qui m'a forcé la main) représentait déjà un step fort.
Pourquoi je raconte tout ça ? Pour donner un peu de contexte - et parce que je me suis un peu perdu en route j'avoue - mais surtout car voilà, aujourd'hui, 10 ans après, j'ai fait 2 ans d'études sup (DUT TC) - où la première personne avec qui je sympathise est un gars diagnostiqué TDAH dès l'enfance avec qui on match à 2000% lol - puis 4 ans d'école de commerce (dont 1 année de césure 2x6mois de stage), où j'ai surnagé en 1ère année sur les acquis du DUT, puis réussi à m'accrocher en 2ème année grâce à un entourage solide (et, de façon très ironique, à une prise de ritaline sauvage filée par un pote libanais parce que "tu vas voir mec ça va t'aider de fou à te concentrer" - et en effet, j'ai torché le programme de Finance d'entreprise en genre une aprèm alors que c'était vraiment un sujet que je trouvais totalement inintéressant, complexe et donc sur lequel je n'arrivais pas à me concentrer), puis une année de césure giga cool full à l'étranger où je rencontre plein de gens, m'épanouis à fond, et suis le plus heureux que je n'ai jamais été (6 mois US, 6 mois Prague), puis une dernière année d'école en alternance sous fond de Covid, puis une entrée dans la vie active avec un premier taf trop cool, mais qui au bout d'1 an et demi m'a saoulé, et aujourd'hui je suis dans un gros cabinet de conseil.
Et c'est là que le bat blesse - encore aujourd'hui, malgré quasi 4 ans d'XP pro (sans compter 1 an de stages + 1 an d'alternance), je me retrouve dans des situations de fatigué. Là par exemple, il est 7h17, je suis sur une nuit blanche (petite anxiété liée au taf - mais rien de si fou) car j'ai pas réussi à m'endormir, mon cerveau étant bien trop actif au moment de fermer les yeux et partant dans tous les sens (pensées en arborescence qui ping-pong indéfiniment, même en essayant mes exos de respirations classiques ça partait pas, puis je me suis résigné à faire nuit blanche, et j'ai terminé sur ce sub). Mon dernier projet, je l'ai torché en une nuit blanche de 6h après avoir procrastiné 2 semaines en expliquant à mon manager que ça avançait pas trop pour des raisons diverses et variées, puis quand la deadline arriva bam, une grosse nuit blanche, une semaine horrible derrière pour finaliser, et finalement tout le monde est très content et j'aurais pu bosser juste à un rythme hyper OK et ça se serait bien passé ( (::::::: ).
Au delà de ce "parcours", j'ai un background familiale assez chaotique aussi (mère seule (mais père présent, avec qui j'ai un lien fort, malgré une période de haine profonde absolument injustifiée à l'adolescence que j'ai dépassé depuis), 3 beau-père de l'an 0 à l'an 18 disons, précaire - HLM - quelques bâts, pas la giga cité horrible - et jobs ouvriers pour mes figures familiales, mais sans jamais manquer de rien matériellement, toujours eu de quoi manger, une play, un téléphone, un ordi, on voulait pas avoir "la honte" donc le matériel était là). Je pense être assez en paix avec tout ça, j'ai eu bcp de choses à gérer, bcp de hauts et bas, de grosses périodes de "dépression" en étant adolescent (genre à ne pas sortir sauf si mes potes venaient me chercher chez moi et jetaient des cailloux sur ma fenêtre pdnt 1h).
J'ai à taton entamé un parcours médical - faut savoir que je n'ai plus de médecin traitant depuis quasi 10 ans, et vais très rarement consulter, sauf si vraiment ça ne va pas auquel cas je vais voir un toubib random à qui j'explique mes pbs. J'ai commencé à parler de TDAH à un doc, plutôt cool, qui m'a fait une lettre d'adressage pour un diag TDAH et m'a recommandé un hopital. Parcours du combattant de dingue, pour l'instant j'ai toujours pas de RDV (GHU Paris) mais j'attends patiemment. Mais justement, en attendant, je me pose pleins de questions :
Bon, je voulais m'efforcer d'être bref, et finalement j'ai quand même fait un roman. Et encore, j'ai pas parlé de certains pans type sports abandonnés, description de symptomes très parlant (genre dès que je rate une routine c'est fini ça existe plus), ou autres anecdotes... ENFIN BREF, si certains ont le courage d'aller jusque là, déjà merci. Je ne sais pas trop ce que je cherche avec ce post et je vois que je me suis (beaucoup) égaré en l'écrivant... Peut être un dialogue, peut être d'autres personnes qui se posaient ces questions, peut être du soutien aussi, mais je prendrais avec grand plaisir tous vos commentaires / retours / questions pour approfondir ma situation.
TL;DR: Enfance chaotique mais "réussie" d'un pdv académique, aujourd'hui 28 ans cadre sup dans des bureaux, mais complètement désordonné et souffrant de nombreux symptômes s'apparentant au TDAH, je me demande si c'est ça, si c'est autre chose, si ça peut n'être qu'autre chose, et comment procéder pour avancer. Toute réaction / commentaire / questions sur moi qui pourraient m'aider à avancer sont les bienvenues.
submitted by Ozinuka to TDAHFrance [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 23:55 N-T-KYS What are some possible causes for my frequent headaches?

26M , Caucasian, 1.82 80kgs.
Medication: Concerta/Ritalin, lowest dose 3-5/week for the last 8 months.
Medical issues: Blood work and pressure are normal. I used to have sinusitis and otitis regularly as a kid.
Lifestyle: I vape daily, smoke a ridiculously small amount of cannabis(less than a gram) twice/month and I consume 5-6 units of alcohol/week.
I suffer from headaches, since I was 12. It is always the same kind of headache. I googled images of skulls, so I hope I can name the parts right.
Location: It starts from my occipital bone with low intensity and then spreads to the area where the sphenoid bone is(or the overlapping area with the temporal, not exactly sure) and sometimes my molars. In the case of my molars and sphenoid, sometimes it feels like I can feel my heartbeat through them. Sphenoid also sometimes feel more like pressure accompanied with pain. I have never experienced pain anywhere else in my head, I don't even know how pain in the frontal part of the head feels like. Pain feels internal. The occipital bone area hurts more.
Timeline: Onset usually begins during midday/afternoon and sometimes after waking up in the morning, although this is less common. The frequency is one headache/7-10 days. I have not gone more than 3 weeks without one. Rarely, I might have a headache even more frequently, with 3 consecutive days per week at max, which has happened twice in my life.
Pain scale:/feeling: On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being almost no pain and 10 praying to whatever deity may exist to end me so I can stop being in pain, it is usually 5-6, although I have experienced pain that feels like a 9 three times in my life, two of which caused me a panic attack because I couldn't handle it.
After taking any painkiller(paracetamol or ibuprofen) the pain stops within an hour. However, regular paracetamol pills don't seem to work, only effervescent ones do, although I have no idea why. If I don't take painkillers, the pain can reach a 7-8. Also, sometimes when I take paracetamol, the pain may return latter, especially if it started in the morning. If I rest my head on a folded pillow while resting on my back, it feels like the pain intensity is reduced by 1-2.
Any idea what might be going on? There is only one neurologist in my area so the waiting list is really long.
submitted by N-T-KYS to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 21:53 GonnaNeedAHammer It’s PT Cruiser mod day, apparently

It’s PT Cruiser mod day, apparently
Struggled to get a shot but hopefully you get the idea, this was hilarious
submitted by GonnaNeedAHammer to Shitty_Car_Mods [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 02:49 super_sxc shorter term prescription

when finding out what dose works for u, did u get a shorter term prescription? instead of being prescribed concerta/focalin/ritalin etc. meds for 30 days, what about 3-7 days to find out what dose works for u? like being prescribed the lowest dose of meds and then ur doctor telling u to take 2 pills to see if it works for u?
what im asking is i dont want to be prescribed for a full 30 days and then finding out the medication doesnt work or is either too strong and gets u wired and have to wait another 30 FULL DAYS to get a dosage that will work... have u done this?
NOT asking for advice, asking about ur medication prescription duration!
submitted by super_sxc to Concerta [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 03:50 Natural_Way2569 What's better: Dextroamphetamine-Amphetamine (Vyvanse / Elvanse / Adderall / Dexedrine) or Methylphenidate (Ritalin / Concerta / Focalin) for ADHD

I have been prescribed medication for ADHD for almost 20 years now. Here's my review of both families of medications:
- It works great for keeping you engaged in the things you do. If the kind of the ADHD you have is primarily sensorial / this medication can heighten your senses while calming down your mind.
- It can keep the anxiety that comes from oppressed inner restlessness under control and allow you to redirect your energy into your focal point meaning = "anything that you pay attention to becomes rewarding". This particularly can become problematic if you have an addictive personality and constantly shift your focal point on addictions rooted in behaviour. What do you mean by that? Sex addiction / Gambling / can get out of control with amphetamine. "Anything you pay attention becomes rewarding remember?"... Well with already rewarding behaviours amphetamine is a DISASTER. If you have any kind of addictive behaviour / specially a sex addiction / STAY AWAY FROM THIS MEDICINE. IT WILL SIMPLY DESTROY YOU. (I ended up in a sex club house for 2 days after taking my first Adderall XR 5mg)... Yup - 5mg of Adderall XR was enough to make me extremely uncontrollably hyper-sexual for 2 days. It was the beginning of a really bad Amphetamine addiction that stole like 10 years of my life.
- IF "Pleasure = Adderall + Sex" becomes a pattern... Stop using the medication as soon as possible before your brain makes the connection. (You want your brain to not make these associations ever if you want to protect your very delicate Mesolimbic Reward System operating normally). Once this system is out of whack - everything will go down like the Titanic. You are WARNED.
- Keep the dosage as low as you can and only titrate up every 6 months. Start with 10 mg Vyvanse / 5mg Addearll XR. Allow yourself to feel the medication and get used to it... There is no RUSH to titrate up neither should you be asking your doctor every month to do it. I KNOW THE MEDICATION BUILDS UP A TOLERANCE QUITE FAST. (I was on 2 x 30mg Adderall XR at one point and not feeling the beneficial effects).
- Your base dopamine levels may be higher than you think and only needs a slight balance readjustment. Again / can't emphasize enough the "lowest dosage possible"... And only for needed periods of time. IF you are on vacations or a break from school - consider taking a break. After all / CBT and DBT is much more effective than medication for ADHD so maybe it's time to start learning some behaviour techniques... Or do you want to be 80 years old taking your Adderall? highly doubt it.
- Make sure that you supplement your day with a lot of fluids and taking Magnesium Glycinate / Selenium / Zinc / Vitamin B's and Fish Oils. If you have ADHD / you are probably deficient in these nutrients so adding them to your diet will potentiate everything you take for your mind.
- Aromatherapy has organic compounds called "Terpenes". Terpenes activate neural pathways in our central nervous system that control attention / pain / stress and sleep. Having difficulty concentrating? Limonene from lemons or Pinene from Pines may clear that brain fog and pair well with that cup of coffee. Can't sleep? Linalool from Lavender will surely get you cozy. Pair this with a cup of tea? A complete mood shifter.! Do NOT take for granted Ancestral knowledge. After all / this has worked for hundreds of years... Why won't it work for another 100?
- DO NOT - UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE - PULL AN ALL NIGHTER ON ADHD MEDS. Your attention and mood need sleep. Meds may make you believe you can do anything if you take more. DO NOT EVER THINK THIS IS TRUE EVEN IF THE MEDS MAKE YOU BELIEVE OTHERWISE. You are warned. If you do begin pulling all nighters taking ADHD medication / you need to stop taking it and reassess your priorities.
- They tell you Adderall XR lasts 10 hours and Vyvanse lasts 14 hrs. That's simply not true. The truth is that everyone's metabolism is different. It may last 14 hours for Juanito when for Juanita it lasts 7 hours for a 30 mg Vyvanse. Make a journal and log everything so that you can assess if you need a booster dosage in the afternoon. Do not take more of the medication if the medication is not lasting what is expected to last. HUGE MISTAKE AND ONE I FELL IN FOR YEARS. Rather than escalating dosage / keep the primary ADHD at the lowest dosage and ask for an IR booster in the evenings. THE BOOSTER SHOULD ALSO BE THE LOWEST DOSAGE POSSIBLE. I know I've nagged a lot on the "lowest dosage possible" and trust me on this one. You do not want your ADHD medication to be the Gateway Drug to illegal stimulants as it happened to me.

Methylphenidate based medications aka. Ritalin - Concerta:
- Ritalin based stimulants are very effective at treating ADHD. I would say even more so that Amphetamine based medications / but it needs to be tuned to the right dose. DO NOT LOOK AT EQUIVALENT TABLES FROM AMPHETAMINE TO METHYLPHENIDATE. Dosage is extremely subjective and sensitivities to medications are not taken into account when making an equivalent dosage. For example = 36 mg of Concerta was enough for me / whereas 60 mg of Adderall was never enough. Technically the Adderall is stronger - BUT the effect I needed was on a lower dosage of Ritalin. After all = they are different molecules. TREAT THEM WITH THE RESPECT THEY DESERVE.
- Concerta is the best Ritalin XR medication out there. Give it a chance at the lowest dosage possible.


YUP I KEEP SAYING "IT WILL DESTROY YOU". If this resonates with you = Time to get out of the drug and find a way to control the beast yourself. . . It is very difficult to do so. Taming a beast after all is not an easy feast! But who said it would be easy?


submitted by Natural_Way2569 to u/Natural_Way2569 [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 22:45 KokoTerzata WHY THE GAME IS SO FUKING EXPENISVE

40 euro is nothing for the countries in Central Europe, with 2000 euro lowest salary, but in my poor ahh country it is 450 euro. I barely afford rent , food, water and electricity. The only way to actually buy the game is either by starving or by stealing. Is there going to be regional prising or at least a sale ?
submitted by KokoTerzata to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 19:34 nikkiCrisps Passage de Ritaline LI à Ritaline LP et perte d'efficacité

Bonjour à tous,

J’ai été diagnostiqué TDA depuis un peu plus d’un mois.
Le premier mois, on m’a prescrit de la Ritaline LI (a liberation immediate) :
20 mg le matin, et 10 mg à 17h00. Mais en réalité, après quelques tests la première semaine, j’ai commencé à prendre la seconde dose de 10 mg environ 4 heures (parfois moins) après la première prise, car les effets s'estompent au bout d’environ 3 heures chez moi.
Quoi qu’il en soit, j’ai été plutôt satisfait de ma prescription le premier mois en LI. Le principal problème, c'est que ça me durait environ 5 à 6 heures grand max. Ce qui pour moi n'est pas suffisant car je travaille entre 8 à 10 heures par jour.
A la fin du premier mois lors du renouvellement avec mon psychiatre, il m’a prescrit de la Ritaline LP cette fois-ci :
30 mg le matin + 10 mg environ 4 heures après. Le hic, c’est que cette combinaison ne marche plus du tout chez moi, et ce même si je prends 40 mg le matin d’une seule prise.
Du coup je ne comprends pas trop, à dose équivalente (30 mg), ça ne fonctionne pas, et ça ne marche pas non plus à 40 mg.
Quelqu’un a-t-il eu un problème similaire ? Est-ce lié au fait que je suis passé à la formule LP ? Est-ce parce que parce que mon corps s’est habitué et que la dose est trop faible ?
Pour info : je prends de la Ritaline environ 4 à 5 fois par semaine (parfois 3, mais jamais plus de 5 afin de justement ne pas être trop dépendant). Aussi autre précision, la Ritaline ne me procure aucun effet secondaire, sauf très rarement une migraine dû à la déshydratation, ce qui est normal et reste très rare.
Je vais bien évidemment revoir mon psy et en discuter avec lui, mais j’aurais aimé quelques retours d'expérience en attendant (car je ne le revois pas avant 1 mois et demi).

Je vous remercie de m’avoir lu, bonne soirée à tous :)
submitted by nikkiCrisps to TDAHFrance [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 22:09 Aggressive_Bar_9720 Mon premier amour me recontacte, je fais quoi ?

Voilà hier j'étais posé dans mon appart, tout en dégustant un peu aprés mon extraction des dents de sagesse, donc repos et calme.
Et là je reçois un message d'une américaine avec qui je suis resté en Italie pendant 3 mois dans une famille dans le Nord.
Ça m'a fais plaisir d'avoir de ses nouvelles et elle me demande comment je vais, sachant qu'au moment de notre rencontre ça n'allez pas du tout. On continue un peu mais tranquille. Je me dis que ça fais déjà 3 ans que je suis parti en voyage solo pendant 7 mois, le temps passe vite.
Et puis là un peu aprés je reçois une demande sur instagram, la pluspart du temps c'est toujours un bot de cul ou un spam pour acheter des cryptos ou je sais pas quoi.
Là je vois un prénom féminin plus que familier, c'est ma première copine avec un message "Ça alors le [mon prénom] qui détestait les réseaux sociaux. Que faites vous ici ?" [ Paradoxalement j'avais plus de réseaux sociaux à l'époque et ça fait au moins 4 ans que j'ai Instagram elle a dû tomber sur mon insta bien avant] Pour le contexte c'est ma première copine et on s'est rencontrée en seconde on s'est mit en couple quand j'avais 19 ans et elle en avait 17 si je me trompe pas, au début on était ami mais aprés ça elle m'a friendzoné [😂] et aprés 3-4 mois sans se parler du tout on a fini par se reparler, piuis on s'est mit en couple.
C'était trés fusionnel et trés instable comme relation. C'étais ma première copine donc c'était compliqué pour moi et honnêtement j'étais incertain de ma situation à l'époque (études, logement,aspect financier...) et je freinais un peu des quatres fer pour qu'on s'installe ensemble mais même si j'essayais de jouer le détachement j'étais trés amoureux et elle aussi.
Au final la Fac nous a séparé, la relation me plaisait plus, elle avait pas confiance en elle et elle était incapable de mettre un stop à tout les mecs qui la draguait et j'étais déja en souffrance, je venais de comprendre que j'allais louper ma première année de Fac et j'étais dépassé (mon trouble de l'attention jouait pas mal sur mon humeur, ma concentration...) et j'ai commencé à faire une grosse dépression.
Au final j'ai arrêté de lui donner de l'attention et elle est partit assez vite avec un gars plus agé aprés m'avoir bloquer de tout les réseaux. Le type était ingénieur, il gagnait peut être 3k ou 4k je pouvais pas trop rivaliser, elle a fait avec lui tout ce qu'elle revait de faire avec moi mais que je pouvais pas lui offrir.
Elle passait avec ce type pile devant l'entrée de ma faculté toutes les semaines pour me narguer, je la voyais passer tout les jours, elle avait balancé des objets ou des bouquins que je lui avais acheté avec le peu d'argent que j'avais. Cette épisode m'a marqué, et si ça m'a aidé à être un homme et ça a forgé qui je suis en contrepartie ça a bousillé mon rapport avec les femmes durablement, ça m'a traumatisé.
Des années et des années sont passé, j'ai arrête la fac aprés plusieurs anées d'echecs, j'ai fais des boulots de merde à la pelle, je me suit prit la tête avec mes parents qui pouvait plus se supporter, j'ai fais une énorme dépression, j'ai pété les plombs nerveusement.
Quand le covid est arrivé j'ai fais du contre intuitif je me suis cassé en voyage, j'ai fais une énorme dépression je me suis senti trés seul, je me suis cassé de chez mes parents en revenant 7 mois aprés , j'ai changé de ville, j'ai dormi sur des clics clacs, je suis allez voir une floppé de psy entre séance de discution stérile et prise de Ritaline, j'ai bossé pour des patrons peu scrupuleux...
Maintenant ça va, je suis seul mais mon mental est pas le même, j'ai un travail qui me convient qui me permet d'avoir mon chez moi aprés tant de temps à attendre et d'avoir une vie comfortable.
Mais les relations je pense que ça mettra du temps à revenir, je suis devenu solitaire et plus égocentré me mettre avec une femme ça me dit pas du tout, j'aime tout décider et j'aime tout faire moi même ça laisse pas trop la place pour quiconque.
Mais bref j'ai plusieurs réaction à ce message et honnêtement j'hésite.
-La première est de ne jamais lui répondre, c'est le passé aprés tout, j'ai jamais regardé en arrière et ça me réussit pas trop mal. C'est peut être pour savoir ce que je suis devenu et comparer sa vie à la mienne, elle a peut être encore un souvenir fort...mais honnêtement moi ça m'apporte rien .
-Je lui répond je reste polis, je lui dis que son message me fais plaisir mais que je prefère pas qu'on renoue le contact.
-Je lui répond, je suis cool je fais comme si de rien n'etais et je répond le minimum syndical.
(Je voulais demander à ma mère mais ma maman elle est soit trés blanc soit trés noir, ça sera soit je lui parle comme si on étais pote soit je l'envoi chier [😅] )
Et j'ai ni envie de me montrer en connard suprême ni lui laissait une ouverture sur quoi que ce soit qui lui trotterai dans la tête.
Vous vous feriez quoi ? Pourquoi une meuf ferait ça 7 ans aprés ?
(J'ai déjà posé la question sur Askmec)
submitted by Aggressive_Bar_9720 to AskMeuf [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 14:21 Aggressive_Bar_9720 Mon premier amour me contacte

Voilà hier j'étais posé dans mon appart, tout en dégustant un peu aprés mon extraction des dents de sagesse, donc repos et calme.
Et là je reçois un message d'une américaine avec qui je suis resté en Italie pendant 3 mois dans une famille dans le Nord.
Ça m'a fais plaisir d'avoir de ses nouvelles et elle me demande comment je vais, sachant qu'au moment de notre rencontre ça n'allez pas du tout. On continue un peu mais tranquille. Je me dis que ça fais déjà 3 ans que je suis parti en voyage solo pendant 7 mois, le temps passe vite.
Et puis là un peu aprés je reçois une demande sur instagram, la pluspart du temps c'est toujours un bot de cul ou un spam pour acheter des cryptos ou je sais pas quoi.
Là je vois un prénom féminin plus que familier, c'est ma première copine avec un message "Ça alors le [mon prénom] qui détestait les réseaux sociaux. Que faites vous ici ?" [ Paradoxalement j'avais plus de réseaux sociaux à l'époque et ça fait au moins 4 ans que j'ai Instagram elle a dû tomber sur mon insta bien avant] Pour le contexte c'est ma première copine et on s'est rencontrée en seconde on s'est mit en couple quand j'avais 19 ans et elle en avait 17 si je me trompe pas, au début on était ami mais aprés ça elle m'a friendzoné [😂] et aprés 3-4 mois sans se parler du tout on a fini par se reparler, piuis on s'est mit en couple.
C'était trés fusionnel et trés instable comme relation. C'étais ma première copine donc c'était compliqué pour moi et honnêtement j'étais incertain de ma situation à l'époque (études, logement,aspect financier...) et je freinais un peu des quatres fer pour qu'on s'installe ensemble mais même si j'essayais de jouer le détachement j'étais trés amoureux et elle aussi.
Au final la Fac nous a séparé, la relation me plaisait plus, elle avait pas confiance en elle et elle était incapable de mettre un stop à tout les mecs qui la draguait et j'étais déja en souffrance, je venais de comprendre que j'allais louper ma première année de Fac et j'étais dépassé (mon trouble de l'attention jouait pas mal sur mon humeur, ma concentration...) et j'ai commencé à faire une grosse dépression.
Au final j'ai arrêté de lui donner de l'attention et elle est partit assez vite avec un gars plus agé aprés m'avoir bloquer de tout les réseaux. Le type était ingénieur, il gagnait peut être 3k ou 4k je pouvais pas trop rivaliser, elle a fait avec lui tout ce qu'elle revait de faire avec moi mais que je pouvais pas lui offrir.
Elle passait avec ce type pile devant l'entrée de ma faculté toutes les semaines pour me narguer, je la voyais passer tout les jours, elle avait balancé des objets ou des bouquins que je lui avais acheté avec le peu d'argent que j'avais. Cette épisode m'a marqué, et si ça m'a aidé à être un homme et ça a forgé qui je suis en contrepartie ça a bousillé mon rapport avec les femmes durablement, ça m'a traumatisé.
Des années et des années sont passé, j'ai arrête la fac aprés plusieurs anées d'echecs, j'ai fais des boulots de merde à la pelle, je me suit prit la tête avec mes parents qui pouvait plus se supporter, j'ai fais une énorme dépression, j'ai pété les plombs nerveusement.
Quand le covid est arrivé j'ai fais du contre intuitif je me suis cassé en voyage, j'ai fais une énorme dépression je me suis senti trés seul, je me suis cassé de chez mes parents en revenant 7 mois aprés , j'ai changé de ville, j'ai dormi sur des clics clacs, je suis allez voir une floppé de psy entre séance de discution stérile et prise de Ritaline, j'ai bossé pour des patrons peu scrupuleux...
Maintenant ça va, je suis seul mais mon mental est pas le même, j'ai un travail qui me convient qui me permet d'avoir mon chez moi aprés tant de temps à attendre et d'avoir une vie comfortable.
Mais les relations je pense que ça mettra du temps à revenir, je suis devenu solitaire et plus égocentré me mettre avec une femme ça me dit pas du tout, j'aime tout décider et j'aime tout faire moi même ça laisse pas trop la place pour quiconque.
Mais bref j'ai plusieurs réaction à ce message et honnêtement j'hésite.
-La première est de ne jamais lui répondre, c'est le passé aprés tout, j'ai jamais regardé en arrière et ça me réussit pas trop mal. C'est peut être pour savoir ce que je suis devenu et comparer sa vie à la mienne, elle a peut être encore un souvenir fort...mais honnêtement moi ça m'apporte rien .
-Je lui répond je reste polis, je lui dis que son message me fais plaisir mais que je prefère pas qu'on renoue le contact.
-Je lui répond, je suis cool je fais comme si de rien n'etais et je répond le minimum syndical.
(Je voulais demander à ma mère mais ma maman elle est soit trés blanc soit trés noir, ça sera soit je lui parle comme si on étais pote soit je l'envoi chier [😅] )
Et j'ai ni envie de me montrer en connard suprême ni lui laissait une ouverture sur quoi que ce soit qui lui trotterai dans la tête.
Vous vous feriez quoi ?
submitted by Aggressive_Bar_9720 to AskMec [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 13:39 NoWeb5428 Que pensez-vous du Concerta 36mg matin 7h et 14h 36mg pour le reste de la journée jusqu’à minuit les effets voir 1h du matin pour la seconde prise (posologie maximale mais beaucoup moins forte)

Bonjour tout le monde, que pensez-vous du Concerta 36mg matin et après-midi vers 14H histoire d’avoir une convurture pas trop puissante pour éviter comme avec la ritaline 80mg en 2 prises de 40 un excès de tension et d’anxiété? Est-ce que le concerta est bien si on souhaite avoir sur 8h à 12h une couverture nette et stable de methylphenidate et pas trop forte en 36mg sur toute la journée ? Merci ..
submitted by NoWeb5428 to TDAHFrance [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 01:14 midlifecrisisat22 ADHD? Anxiety? Planning on dropping out close to the finish? Please read this.

This is a reply that I posted to someone else's post, it's near finals and I wish I had read something like this before I dropped out last year. So, I decided to post this because I think it can help some people out. This is what I learned and did to deal with my severe ADHD/ severe anxiety.

TLDR: Best case - Take another break and explore more. Next best thing: Finish the degree, a bachelor's degree in anything opens so many doors. Don't: Drop out without a backup plan or a lot of money.
This is a long post, but I just want to share what worked for me and what didn't.
Hello, I'm a 23 year old who left UIUC after 5.5 years with no degree to my name. This was due in large part to my ADHD crippling my ability to do HW and my anxiety hindering me from finding what I liked. I switched from General division to architecture to construction to agriculture, I was all over the place. I left last spring semester (2023) due to my 1.9 GPA and lack of interest in doing what I liked, so I have a very similar situation to you. This spring semester I have an A in Biology 1 and an A- in Chemistry 2 at my community college, and am juggling work, research, family life, and have WIP plans to go to UIC for pre-med/bio-chem (Fingers crossed!).
The gap year after leaving was amazing for me: I got on ADHD medication and focused on seeing my therapist regularly for my conditions. It was very important for me to figure out what dosages worked best and what didn't. I tried a couple of different ones and ultimately landed on [brand] Concerta. I do take a small Ritalin [generic] booster in the afternoons to get me through afternoons. I also sip coffee thru the day, I notice that I'm able to function and do the "boring things" like studying and turning in HW with these tools. *Note: I've been seeing my therapist for 5 years now but even a month of regular contact and being open book (allowing them to help) can make a difference.
The gap year also allowed me to find what I liked and what I wanted to pursue. My year was spent working (am still here) at a pharmacy as a technician, this allowed me to find out that I love helping people and being in the healthcare industry. Along with this, I got to speak to my pharmacist and learn a lot about her day-to-day life post-college. I didn't like the life of a pharmacist, but I learned what she did with her degree and how she got there which is the key here. I spoke to a lot of adults in my life. I asked them what they like about their jobs, what they value, and how they found their way. My uncle talked to me about his life as a doctor and that information paved the way for me to become interested and delve into a healthcare career. I also learned that many people end up in careers not related to their major.
Finding something interesting to you is integral to success. I have many days where I'm overwhelmed, but my love for chemistry, biology, research, healthcare, and my want for a fulfilling life (for me) is what gets me through the studying and gets me up in the mornings.
I learned about the importance of having any bachelor's degree. A degree is not just proof of information you learned, its proof to employers that you can finish what you started. Getting a job after dropping out was hard, a lot of people asked me about the 5-year educational gap with no degree to show for. Most jobs (not service) on Indeed wanted any bachelors, they didn't care what for (and only a little care for the GPA), they just wanted the paper. Not having a degree really hampered my ability to apply for places that were not dead-end fast-food/service jobs and made me much less competitive during interviews. I didn't need it for my current job, but many ppl passed me up because of no degree.
Push yourself, the ADHD will make it hard, but it is doable. No one thought I would amount to anything last year due to my setbacks. I put a lot of effort into learning what I liked and working with my ADHD to build habits and to get used to non-stimulating work. I spent a lot of time (and effort): talking to people, listening to podcasts (The 'ologies' podcast was awesome for helping me explore different fields), figuring out my medications, configuring my phone alarms, setting up homework calendars, spending time building study habits, keeping some time for recreation, keeping my room and car clean, finding research opportunities, spending time at office hours, leaving early to get to places on time, going on walks/runs when I can...
Life is work but know that everyone pushes themselves to get through it, it just takes a bit more effort for us :) . There is no timeline for finishing, do what works best for you!
I am restarting school myself, I work part time and am using my gen-eds (the ones that arent F's lol) that I took to make this possible. I don't really recommend this, I expect to take out private loans because I burned out my FAFSA limits. But this is something I know I want to do and I have a strong passion and a strong support system behind me. Plus, my dreams of being in research/ medical school do require that I do this. Again, I don't recommend this path, but its an option and its what I'm doing so I'm just putting that out there. It requires a lot of work/sacrifice to start over. :P
I'm an open book, just ask if you want any more advice/ tips on what I did.
submitted by midlifecrisisat22 to UIUC [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 23:08 PinkFaline Has anyone tried a mid day boost with tea?


So, for background, I am an ADHD medication veteran. I've researched the fork out of everything and taken everything that exists, both stimulant and non, for ADHD except for Concerta and Vyvanse.

I have a very sensitive body chemistry and often need the lowest possible dose and sometimes half it because of it. The most success I had was on Ritalin until I had a baby almost 2 years ago and now my body does not like Ritalin for god only knows why. Every other medication has caused too many significant crashes, mood disruption, and sleep disturbances for me to continue. But I've been desperate for relief lately so I decided to finally try Vyvanse (generic, grrr) as I've seen a lot of people singing its praises lately.

So anyway, I am currently on day 3 of 10mg's/day. I take it at either 8am or 9am. It makes me sleepy at first, even when taken on an empty stomach (full stomach is even worse) but after the hump I'm okay. It's suuuuuper subtle as far as benefits go (sadly, does not fix my ear worm problem like Ritalin used to, les sigh) but so far I don't seem to have any of the really bad side effects I'd have on other stimmies. However, it seems to wear off around 1pm - 2pm and I get IMMENSELY sleepy but still oddly functional. I pound water and make sure to eat on time but it doesn't seem to help. I don't get along with caffeine but tea seems to be mild enough that I tolerate it better than coffee.

So my very drawn out question is: does anyone take caffeinated tea (I currently have Jasmine tea) mid day as a pick me up/boost and is it effective and do you experience side effects? I know people will take a second dose of Vyvanse but given my ultra sensitivity, I'd really like not to have to go up in dose if I can help it since that's when it starts to get dicey for me.

Thank you in advance!
submitted by PinkFaline to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 22:34 Afraid_Ad1194 Dizzy from stimulant medication

I recently tried Ritalin and Vyvanse but both are causing extreme dizziness, even at the lowest dose. I haven’t been able to stick it out for longer than 10 days due to the dizziness being so bad and lasting all day. I am watching my food and water intake and cut down on caffeine.
Has anyone experienced this starting out and will it pass? Or should I just stop taking the medication?
It really helps my focus and energy levels so it’s a bummer that it might not work out…
submitted by Afraid_Ad1194 to ADHD [link] [comments]
