Videos in fraganti

Dashcam videos in Gif form!

2013.10.04 15:07 shittyartist Dashcam videos in Gif form!

The craziest crashes in gif format. Gif'd content from a dashcam, rear dashcam, a cell phone, helmet cam, or go pro that was taken in any vehicle. Reddit has a gif checkbox if you want to upload your content that way. But MP4's with no sound are accepted. NOTHING LONGER THAN 40 SECONDS.

2023.10.28 04:52 TiktokGirlBooty ButtInJeansVideos


2017.08.02 19:30 orangeredFTW Videos that suddenly end in chaos, often hilariously

Videos that suddenly end in chaos, often hilariously.

2024.01.03 07:33 apocalypse_then Hi han més articles avui -01/03/2024. Aqui estan tots els titulars que he trobat...

Cada dia recullo molts titulars, pero publico pocs. Aqui va un recull de tot per els que volen veure una mica més.
Trànsit dens a les dues fronteres per sortir d'Andorra
L'IPC del 2023 se situa en el 4,5% i baixa respecte el passat novembre
Espot reconeix l'augment de la inflació viscut en el darrer any
Andorra es prepara per rebre els Reis Mags d'Orient
Vivim en un país segur, però on també hi ha robatoris
'Gener Sec', una campanya per no beure alcohol durant aquest mes
Les 'torres Villar Mir' es mostren sobre el paper i busquen interessats
L'IPC del 2023 queda situat en el 4,5%
El nombre de residents argentins s'ha més que doblat els últims 12 anys
Les imatges del 2023
2024, un any de reptes
Cadena Ser Andorra:
Detingut "in fraganti" un lladre de pisos turístics buscat des del 2018
L'IPC avançat del desembre se situa en el 4,5%
Mortés no veu desgast en el projecte de Demòcrates però admet que les problemàtiques nacionals han perjudicat alguns comuns
Andorra la Vella i Escaldes es preparen per rebre als Reis Mags d'Orient
Detingut en plena acció un home recercat per furts amb força a domicilis des del 2018
L'IPC del 2023 serà del 4,5%
(Vídeo) La policia recupera part del botí del presumpte lladre de domicilis
Reunió entre el sindicat dels Bombers i Molné per millorar els salaris
El Congrés mundial de turisme de neu i muntanya se celebrarà a Encamp a finals de març
A l'espera de solucionar la revisió salarial
Xarxa de suport per a infants amb dificultats en el desenvolupament
Poble Andorrà:
L'IPC del 2023 quedarà fixat en un 4,5%
El vídeo de la policia que mostra la part del botí recuperada al lladre de domicilis
Vuit nous agents se sumen al període de formació de la policia
Els Bombers es reuniran amb Molné per negociar la demanda salarial
El vídeo del discurs de cap d'any del Cap de Govern
(FOTONOTÍCIA) Retencions a Canillo provoquen cues fins al Tarter
submitted by apocalypse_then to andorra [link] [comments]

2023.09.03 01:52 galgoman Los pacos no hacen nada porque no pueden o porque no quieren cuando....

Bueno, está semana e visto más de una vez a pelotudos al volante haciendo maniobras completamente arriesgadas justo delante de una patrulla o de Paco durmiendo el tránsito etc.... Ayer ví a un tipo saltarse un rojo, casi chocar con un vehículo que iba con verde adelante mío, y quedó atravesado en medio del bandejon central, con una patrulla de pacos mirando, el Paco paso por su lado y lo dejo ahí, bloqueando el tránsito como si nada.
Continuando el titulo, muchas veces los pacos veen acciones derechamente ilegales frente a ellos, porque no los paran in fraganti y multan o por último les dan un tirón de orejas? No pueden? No tienen las atribuciones? No quieren? Les da paja? Pregunto desde cierta ignorancia. En comparación a miles de videos de reddit de otros países donde veen a alguien haciendo algo imprudente y los paran de inmediato.
submitted by galgoman to chile [link] [comments]

2023.08.10 07:33 apocalypse_then Hi han més articles avui -08/10/2023. Aqui estan tots els titulars que he trobat...

Cada dia recullo molts titulars, pero publico pocs. Aqui va un recull de tot per els que volen veure una mica més.
Talls de trànsit per la Vuelta Ciclista
Finalitza la restauració del Pont d'Engordany
L'associació GosSOS rep una donació de 1.600 euros
Avís per altes temperatures i per risc d'incendi forestal
La Vuelta Ciclista tornarà a passar per Andorra
Campanya per facilitar l'aprenentatge del català
Mobilització d'equips de seguretat i emergència per la desaparició 'inquietant' d'una jove
El PS trasllada a Marsol la necessitat de pròrrogues més llargues dels contractes de lloguer
Els Mossos detenen a la Seu un lladre que va ser enxampat 'in fraganti' quan robava a un pis
Ensurt per la mossegada d'un gos a un nen als jardins de Juberri
Temps per desconnectar
Cadena Ser Andorra:
El Govern concedeix 1.111 ajuts ocasionals en el primer trimestre per un import superior al milió i mig d'euros
El Govern destina 6.000 euros als punts lila de la Creu Roja
El pas de la Vuelta alterarà significativament el trànsit
Afectacions al trànsit el 28 i 29 d'agost pel pas de la Vuelta ciclista a Espanya
Transfronterers: viure a un costat de la frontera i treballar a l'altre
El pic de calor durarà fins al divendres
Turisme d'Andorra la Vella es disculpa amb la turista que va reclamar per una guia en català
S'acaben les obres de restauració del pont d'Engordany
Els episodis d'altes temperatures continuaran els pròxims mesos
La reforma del pont de París costarà més de 40.000 euros
Andorra la Vella estrena la via ferrada del roc de Senders, la segona de la parròquia
Mortés, sobre el creixement del país: "Si no hi ha suficients habitatges per poder acollir la mà d'obra, s'hauran de buscar altres solucions"
Poble Andorrà:
El vídeo viral d'un treballador peruà treballant sense la seguretat correcta a Andorra
La cadena 8TV on es va qualificar tots els andorrans de narcotraficants i que va intentar pervertir les eleccions va a la fallida
'Amb 8TV en fallida, a qui es reclama per les injúries durant la campanya?'
El comú d'Escaldes aprovarà dues torres més de 20 metres d'altura
L'streamer' resident Krissi recapta 1.600 euros per a GosSOS
Les matrícules d'Andorra passen de la P a la R saltant-se la Q
submitted by apocalypse_then to andorra [link] [comments]

2022.10.27 03:05 guerra84 México: Ladrón es sorprendido in fraganti intentando extraer una batería de auto en San Luis Potosí (+Video)

México: Ladrón es sorprendido in fraganti intentando extraer una batería de auto en San Luis Potosí (+Video) submitted by guerra84 to carrosusadosynuevos [link] [comments]

2022.10.18 19:34 guerra84 Periodista vio in fraganti a unos encapuchados cometiendo un acto “repugnante” (VIDEO)

Periodista vio in fraganti a unos encapuchados cometiendo un acto “repugnante” (VIDEO) submitted by guerra84 to FaranduladeVenezuela [link] [comments]

2021.01.10 19:43 guillepaez Noticias Importantes de la semana en Argentina (Numero 20)

Hola, y bienvenidos al Resumen Semanal de noticias Número 20, correspondiente a la primera semana de enero de 2021.
TL;DR: Volvieron los videos.
Cerramos el resumen con los números de la pandemia:
Si les ha gustado este resumen les agradecemos por sus comentarios y compartidas. Como ya lo hemos dicho no hacemos esto con fines de lucro, pero si alguno quiere hacernos una donación por cafecitos será más que bienvenida. Muchas gracias por todo.
submitted by guillepaez to argentina [link] [comments]

2019.03.28 18:09 Cronicaweb #VIDEO Robaron moto, fueron captados por las cámaras y los detuvieron #PersecuciónEnCaseros #LosAgarraronInFraganti #ConLasManosEnLaMoto #LosPolisReaccionaronRápido #MiráLasImágenes

#VIDEO Robaron moto, fueron captados por las cámaras y los detuvieron #PersecuciónEnCaseros #LosAgarraronInFraganti #ConLasManosEnLaMoto #LosPolisReaccionaronRápido #MiráLasImágenes submitted by Cronicaweb to CronicaNoticias [link] [comments]

2018.09.07 23:15 HelloLurkerHere "Impunity" - Los Galindos Massacre (Part 3 - Final)

Hi all! Here's the third and last writeup about Los Galindos' case. Sorry for the long delay, but a series of problems (among the worst, the illness of a close relative. Fortunately, things have turned out OK in the end) have prevented me to find the time and energy to write. Hopefully I'm concluding this writeup as interestingly as I've started it.
I would also like to credit and thank u/Troubador222 for helping me finding out the right term in English for the weapon used to kill Parrilla; a 16-gauge buckshot shotgun.
Without further ado, there goes the ending;
Los Galindos' case in popular media

As the controversy and debate around Los Galindos developed throught the following years more and more people expressed their interest on it, beyond investigators or sleuthers. The case was just too hot, and at this point many voices among the public opinion were already talking about "a hand in the shadows". With or without the Marquis as a suspect, people across Spain had a reasonable doubt about the investigation.

It's possible that those popular ideas were what inspired Sevillian author Alfonso Grosso to write his novel "Los Invitados" ("The Guests") and publish it in 1978. Such novel, Grosso claimed, was "just an interpretation and possible theory about the incidents that took place at Los Galindos, which may or not be accurate". According to Grosso, good part of the information he had gathered came from rumours that he had acknowledged in New York City during his stay there in early 1977. Such rumours, he specified, spreaded around certain Sicilian groups based in NYC.

The novel was basically a fictionalized description of what could have had happened at Los Galindos. Written in a style that reminded heavily of Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood", the novel offered a rather reasonable explanation of the events, at least to a certain degree and always as long as one remembers that there's no solid evidence to support those claims. Grosso proposed that the motivation for the murders was the desire for revenge towards the Marquis from a Morocco-based criminal organization that profited from distributing marijuana across the whole Iberian Peninsula. In the novel, Los Galindos was one of its many sources of material; marijuana would have been produced there. Zapata, as the Marquis' close friend, was aware of the businness and got his share from it. Then, for some reason, there was a disagreement between Zapata and the organization -regardless of the Marquis' take on the issue. Tensions escalated, resulting in a car with several Moroccan hitmen visiting the farmhouse on that afternoon to make the Marquis and Zapata pay for their deed. The rest of the dead would happen to be those among the farmhands that were aware of the fishy deals.

Authorities considered the idea; it wasn't too far-fetched after all, and it could shed some light on some of the case's apparently dead ends. For example, it accounted for a reason to murder both women (both would have been aware of the drug issue through their husbands). It also offered a possible explanation of one of the most insidious mysteries of the case; why González came back to pick Asunción up. He may have been told that both him and his wife were required for a 'businness meeting'. And finally, it would also explain the sheer brutality of the murders, so typical from organized crime groups; it was a message sent to other associates who could have been having second thoughts about the businness.

The lands were searched thoroughly by the Guardia Civil, looking for any trace or clue of marijuana growth. Nothing of that sort was ever found, although they always kept in mind that any trace could have just vanished after such a long time.

In 1987, "Los Invitados" got its film version, starring Lola Flores as the foreman's wife. The film received overwhelmingly bad critics... especially at Paradas, where locals complained about the unfair way in which their friends and loved ones had been depicted.

A new angle
In January of 1981 the young Heriberto Asencio had just been assigned to be Marchenas' judge. Since Paradas was a very small town all the legal and judicial issues were competence of the larger Marchenas' courthouse. He hadn't really followed the development of the case during his formative years, and now he had access to the official documents. But there was it, the summary 20/1975, filed in the 'pending cases' section.

A few words about the court paradigm that surrounded Los Galindos' case; Asencio would become the fourth judge assigned to the case. Judge Víctor Fuentes -who would later become a judge for the Spanish Supreme Court- would have been the judge to take up the case originally. But at the moment of the murders he was away on holidays, so the responsibility shifted to Écija's judge Andrés Márquez Aranda. Aranda, who had heard the crime report from Cpl. Fernández personally at the crime scene, was initially reluctant to take care of the case. He had argued that the crime had happened outside his area of competence, so therefore someone else had to deal with it. Nevertheless, he proceeded diligently for the week that passed until Judge Fuentes came back from his holidays. Fuentes was the judge who signed the summary regarding González as the murderer. However, let's remember that the case was never closed during this time period. It's here when the third judge, Antonio Moreno Andrade, steps up in charge of it in April of 1976. The reason for this change lied in the fact that Fuentes' summary had been revoked, although Andrade himself says nowadays that he can't remember where those changes came from. 'Either from the district attorney, or the private prosecution, I don't know. Either way, there I was", he later would declare.

Andrade, then 29-years old, was very enthusiastic about working in the case, his first of such a magnitude. He was aware of all the irregularities and the mala praxis that had taken place during the months leading to this point, for which he demanded a full re-examination of all the evidence available. However, and for reasons that are not completely clear, Andrade would close again the case in 1978, having reached -apparently- the same conclussions that Fuentes did. Once again, González was deemed guilty.

Asencio was just 25-years old when he took up the case, and was absorbed by it, taking endless notes and working on it day and night. After 600 pages he had a very clear idea; all this time, Los Galindos' case had been marred by hands in the shadows, personal interests and a set of convenient accidents, as well as unexplainable lack of action. Plenty of information and potential leads had not been followed for no apparent reason;

First, the Marquis. No one was unaware at this point of his more than suspicious behavior on the day of the murders. But what no one seemed to know -and it didn't seem to be investigated- was the fact that in early 1976 the Marquis divorced his wife and had never been seen at Paradas again ever since. Let's remember that the Marquis had adquired the farm through his marriage, as by himself he was rather unable to make money or properties last.

Second, Asencio found notes and reports in which diverse inquires were carried on Antonio Fenet, the first farmhand to arrive to Los Galindos on that tragic day. Those reports stated that Fenet had always assured that he didn't see anyone nor anything there when he arrived to the farm. Just the smoke and the fire. Yet, the Guardia Civil found out that someone had transferred 500,000 pesetas (approximately some 40,000 current USD) into his bank account just a few days after the murders, for which Fenet never offered a convincing explanation. He said that he had inherited that money first, just to change later his statement for a story about a businness -a restaurant- that his brother was planning to start at Paradas and eventually explaining that those were just his savings. Whatever the true reason was, Asencio was baffled to see that somehow no one had investigated this lead further. When later questioned again, Fenet would insists that he didn't see anyone at the farm, although during an interview with a journalist he said that a Lieutenant from the Guardia Civil forbade him to talk about what he had seen that day.

Third, the Marquis had given a considerable amount of money to González and Asunción after their wedding, apparently by request of Zapata. He had never done anything similar for any other of the farmhands at Los Galindos. This was never explained.

Fourth, and what was probably the most striking untold aspect of the investigation; two years into his investigation, Asencio found that the then Major of Paradas had received in 1976 an anonymous letter. It had been sent from Zaragoza (some 600 km/380 mi northeast from Sevilla) in February of that year. The author of the letter referred to himself as Juan (John), and assured that "for what I've done I deserve the noose". The repentant author had attached a 1975 train ticket (to Zaragoza) along with the letter, stating that "he had had to leave". "Juan" claimed that he had been a hitman responsible for the murder of Juana Martín under the command of a third party. He had also been ordered to kill Zapata, but he couldn't get himself to do it, so the aforementioned third party did it. According to "Juan", after a brief dispute, this man killed Zapata himself, stating that "no one would ever suspect of me" once the foreman was dead. Then he had seen Parrilla -who, according to him, was killed just because coming back earlier than expected- approaching the farm and shot him. González and Asunción had been the last ones to die, by the hand of that inductor. But "Juan" claimed in his letter that González and Asunción had been shot, not bludgeoned. Regarding González's return, the letter explained that he had been convinced by that mysterious man that "he'd better do it or things would get even worse".

"Juan" elaborated further; Zapata was apparently the main target. The other three -Juana, González and Asunción- had to die just because of the high possibility that they were aware of what Zapata was into. However, what were those matters is something not explained in the letter. The amount of details provided by the letter -most of them hadn't been disclosed to the public in early 1976- gave it fairly high credibility at the eyes of Asencio. The young judge traced the letter's whereabouts; he corroborated that Paradas' Major José Gómez Salvago had handed the letter to the Guardia Civil. But that was all he could trace; whatever happen to the letter -which was retrieved by the prosecution- it had never reached the hands of the previous three judges.

The Frontela report

Finally, a cold morning on January 27th, 1983, the five bodies were exhumed for a new forensic examination. Asencio had assigned Dr. Luis Frontela as the head of the new study. Frontela, who would become famous ten years later for being the main disident voice among the foresincs involved in the sadly well-known Alcásser Girls' case, has always had a reputation of being some sort of a media-man, always looking to be in the media's spotlight. He is however an accomplished foresinc doctor, having completed his formation in UK under the Scotland Yard and, for a brief time, also in the US learning from the FBI.

I took Frontela and his team four days to perform the examination and nine months elaborate a 250 pages report with the conclussions of the new forensic study. It was, by the way, at some point during that time when Asencio received the anonymous letter we just talked about. On October 16th, 1983, at the hearing held at Sevilla's courthouse, Frontela highlighted the main points of his conclussions;

  1. José González was NOT the killer and he was another victim. He had died by blunt force trauma to the back of his skull and, contrary to what the anonymous letter suggested, he hadn't been shot. His charred remains showed the total amputation of a leg and partial amputation of the rest of his limbs.

  1. Two people, at least, acting in planned coordination were responsible for the murders. Based on the blood traces and other evidence one of the perpetrators was a physically large man capable of significant strength feats.

  1. Manuel Zapata was indeed the first victim. He was attacked from behind by someone who was larger and taller than him at the place where he was found. This attacker struck him with considerable force, above what an average man -physically speaking- could deliver.

  1. Juana Martín was killed by a physically weaker assailant at the living room, where her body dropped after being struck in the head. This smaller assailant tried to drag the body all the way to the bedroom. Then, the larger assailant that had killed Zapata helped him. Both assailants then held Juana by her ankles and armpits and carried her at some 50 cm (20 inch) from the ground. The trail and and shape of the droplets in the corridor led to Frontela to believe that the physically weaker assailant had a rather hard time carrying his share of Juana's weight, and he did so stumbling slightly through the corridor.

  1. Two different knotters had been the murder weapons in Zapata's and Juana's deaths. The one that appeared at the bedroom along with Juana's body was the one used to kill Zapata. The one used to kill Juana appeared at another place inside the house.

  1. The overkill in Juana's murder could be explained by the fact that this physically weaker assailant wasn't capable of delivering the same amount of force than his larger partner in crime. Therefore he struck the foreman's wife so many times in order to make sure she'd die.

  1. Asunción was struck -and likely killed in the act- at the bedroom, while kneeling down, possibly in front of Juana's body. The blood that appeared on the other bed belonged to her. This could be corroborated by comparing the blood on the bed with the agglutinin present in her charred remains, a technique that had been used to determine blood type in Egyptian mummies.

  1. Parrilla was shot right after he walked into the workshop, by someone standing some distance away from his left. The shooter was way taller than him, and did so holding the shotgun on his right side. Parrilla, with his foreams badly injuried after trying to protect himself from the shot, ran towards Zapata's house, which led the team to refute the idea that Zapata could have been the shooter. Finding the door locked (Juana's dead body was already inside) he tried to run away from the farm through the driveway. The shooter chased him until he collapsed and fell to the ground. The shooter placed the barrel on his chest and shot him for a second time point blank, killing him.

  1. Parrilla was not initially a targeted victim. He just came back earlier than expected, thus the killers murdered him to leave no witnesses. His murder showed little planning or premeditation, in contrast with the other four.

Frontela provided as well his reconstruction of the chain of events, based on his conclussions and the evidence found along with the -let's face it- rather scarce witnessing reports;

Zapata was the first one to be killed, at approximatedly noon. He had been followed and attacked from behind with the knotter. Once dead, the assailant had used the pitchfork to drag his body some meters away to the point where he was found, covering it with hay. The pictures taken of the ground right below Zapata's body show a collection of blood and other fluids resulting from body decomposition indicating that Zapata's body was never moved from this spot until it was found. Zapata's death could have happened even before González sent Fenet and Parrilla away. It's unclear if González was aware of the foreman's death at this point.

Juana Martín was the following victim, maybe shortly after Fenet's and Parrilla's departure, but could have also happened as much as three hours later. Her dead body lied on the same spot were she was killed for several minutes before being dragged -and later carried- to the bedroom where she would be found later.

Parrilla could have been the third victim, but there's no way to confirm that, and he could have been the last one to die as well. Frontela however stated that he was very likely the last one to die; González and Asunción arrived at los Galindos at around 15:30. For some reason it seems that Asunción had walked into the Zapata's house, very likely following the trail of blood. The fact that she made it to the bedroom indicates that neither the outer door nor the bedroom's were locked, which probably places her death before Parrilla's. González may have entered into the house, but there's no evidence of him being killed there. He was probably killed outside. By the time Parrilla came back the killers were mutilating González's and Asunción's bodies with a saw to make them burn faster.

Andrade was the judge in charge of this hearing, as Asencio had recently been given the position he had requested in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria before he had been temporarily in charge of Marchenas' courthouse. In spite of the careful and meticulous work of Frontela and his team, Andrade deemed it insufficent to start a new investigative process, as according to him "it didn't bring any new evidence, just another reasonable, however not verifiable, hypothesis of what could have happened at Los Galindos. Moreover, there's still a lack of a solid suspect for this case". With this statement, he closed Los Galindos' case.
The exhumation and second forensic study (NSFW, kind of);
Drawings from the Frontela report, depicting the way each victim possibly died;


Irregularities and bad police work aside, Los Galindos's case is frustrating mainly because of two reasons. One; the lack of suspects (no one has ever been arrested for this crime) and two; the apparent lack of motive.

Summarizing so far; Zapata could not have been the killer, since he died first.

Neither could have been González. He was physically too weak to carry out the whole thing, and the accusations over him were always questionable to say the least and outright absurd in the opinion of many.

The Marquis's theory, while reasonable, had a single, but devastating hole on it; all the Legion soldiers were back in Ceuta the day of the murders. Therefore they could not have commited the crime.

The drug angle never produced any evidence that supported this hypothesis either.

There were also talks in Paradas about Los Galindos being a meeting point for some of the Estate's highest powers, where they'd discuss the future of the nation after the imminent death of Francisco Franco (his health was already deterioration at the time of the crime, dying in November of that same year). However, this seemed unlikely.

Why then?

Judges, police officers and attorneys that have been involved in the case agree on something; except Parrilla, all the victims were aware that something was going on at the farm. Something fishy. While no one dares to describe the nature of those deeds, the most accepted unofficial theory is that Los Galindos didn't report its whole production to the SENPA (Spanish National Agricultural Production Service) in order to avoid taxes, selling the rest of its production illegaly. It's believed that Zapata was aware of this although not happy with the deal -be it because of moral reasons or because he was not happy with his share. Juana was aware of this because of being Zapata's wife. Asunción had spent a lot of time with the Marquis during his brief periods of work there, but also with Juana, so it was possible that she had heard or seen something. Which of course means that sooner or later González would have been aware of the issue. The fact that the new married couple got a generous amount of money from the Marquis seems to reinforce this hypothesis. Did Zapata convince the Marquis that it'd be a good idea to keep González and Asunción in good terms?

At some point the Marquis and Zapata would have had a confrontation, as Zapata, for one reason or another was not fine with the deal. Maybe the Marquis tried to get him a better deal with the shaddy intermediaries involved only to get a negative in return. After further insistence they may have decide to sent a couple of hitmen to deal with the four victims -and Parrilla as an inconvenient witness- and put the Marquis o a dirne situation to 'teach him a lesson'. In fact, Los Galindos's accounting books were never found.

The hole in this theory is that agricultural fraud wasn't and still isn't an uncommon occurrence in Spain, and no other crime of this nature has ever taken place in the country because of disagreements or changes in the deals. This doesn't mean that the hypothesis is impossible, but just unlikely. This is, however, the strongest theory agreed by those who have been involved in the case. Other than that, the murders seem random and senseless.


Los Galindos's case was officially declared a closed case in 1988 and after twenty years it expired on July 22nd, 1995 because of statute of limitation. There's not much to tell at this point. By 1990 the public didn't talk about it anymore, and the media pressure vanished.

In 1986, two years before Judge Andrade closed the case for good he found out about a woman from Marchena had declared to the Guardia Civil that her recently deceased husband had confessed something to her in his deathbed. He had seen something strange at Los Galindos the day of the murders.

This man was the foreman of a smaller, nearby farmhouse. According to her, he told her that that day he had been 'patrolling' in hopes to catch in fraganti some illegal hunters that had been operating around Los Galindos and his farm when he spotted someone known to him running away from Los Galindos. This man, known in Marchena, was dressed in camouflage clothes that were stained with blood, and carried a large rollof banknotes. He could hear him mumbling the following sentence; "so much blood, so much death... only for this?".

This lead was investigated, and the man in question was identified. However, he had a solid alibi (at the time of the murders he was away completing his mandatory military service) and Andrade could not find anything incriminating on him.

No one has ever been an official suspect nor arrested, and now, 43 years later, Los Galindos is still an unsolved crime. Judge Asencio, however, managed to do something good for one of the victims; after the Frontela report was shared to the media Jose González's obituary was changed from "died" to "was murdered". He was now without a doubt Los Galindos's fifth victim, thus his name was cleaned.

Thank you so much, dear reader, for your interest. And also thank you so much for helping this case to be known outside our country's borders. Hopefully one day the truth will be found so Manuel Zapata, Juana Martín, José González, Asunción Peralta and Ramón Parrilla can get their deserved justice that is already forty-three years overdue.

I will finish by sharing with you a drawing I stumbled upon on the net while doing my research for the writeups. I could not find the author, but I'll credit them if I ever manage to find their name. It depicts the horror of that day at Los Galindos. The smoke, the blood and the only two witnesses. Two pairs of eyes that probably saw all the evil perpetrated that day, but without a voice to shed light into the overwhelming darkness that surrounds this case.
The drawing;


Some dead people never rest, and one only needs to look at the ID pictures of Los Galindos' five. Black and white pictures. The men, well-ironed white shirts, gray laborer suits and their rugged, rural skin. The women, with their short dark hairs puffed with hairspray and hairdryer. All them are looking aside and all them display a half-smile that, after forty years of an unsolved crime, has turned inquisitive.

They know that the killer is back, and won't let them rest. The killer that hurt them the most, named Impunity, returns every year in July to kill them all once again. And when It leaves, with bloodied hands, at Los Galindos only the singing of the cicadas and the oppressive heat of the Andalusian fields remains.

Javier Caraballo, Spanish journalist
Sources (Spanish)
El Crimen de Los Galindos - book co-authored by Francisco Gil and Ramón Reig
Documentary -
Video reportage from Spain's state-owned TV channel (TVE) about the crime, from 1981; "Los Invitados" novel, by Alfonso Grosso, in Amazon;
"Los Invitados", IMDB page;
submitted by HelloLurkerHere to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2017.06.30 06:56 HexaBlast I'm loving NSane Trilogy so far, but the Timetwister messages glitch is still there.

Pretty much title, everything is simply perfect, the graphics look a lot better in person, it plays perfectly fine and the soundtrack is awesome, the load times also feel a lot shorter "in fraganti" than while watching a video and the Spanish dub is absolutely horrendous, just like the originals (Seriously, even if you don't understand Spanish go and watch some videos, it's ridiculous).
However, the glitch of the Timetwister messages is still there, for a fraction of a second the blue warp disappears and you can see the skybox, not a deal breaker tho.
submitted by HexaBlast to crashbandicoot [link] [comments]

2015.07.17 18:24 jasonmolina Videos en los que Antonio miguel Carmona queda totalmente desenmascarado, para hablar sobre la ''Web de Carmena''. Maxima difusión.

Antonio Miguel Carmona fue pillado in fraganti en la agrupación socialista de Chamberí mientras hacia unas ''sorprendentes'' declaraciones, sobre como colocaban a gente en los medios de comunicación y daban ordenes a sus consejeros en Bankia, Aquí el primer video. Aquí el segundo. Pero casi lo mas grave de todo es que Carmona quiso censurar esos videos a toda costa incluso amenazo de muerte al periodista que le grabo aquí su comunicado. ''LO QUE ALGUNOS MEDIOS NO QUIEREN QUE SEPAS SOBRE LA FAMOSA PILLADA DE ANTONIO MIGUEL CARMONA Cansado y muy harto de la manipulación y la desinformación de los periodistas Ana Rosa Quintana en “El Programa de Ana Rosa”, Jordi González en “El Gran Debate” y Antonio García Ferreras en “Al Rojo Vivo” en las informaciones sobre la famosa pillada de Antonio Miguel Carmona, y de las mentiras, engaños y falsedades del propio Carmona y de algunos socialistas madrileños, Manuel Moriel Cambres, autor del vídeo de la pillada, ha decidido poner los puntos sobre las íes y contar a la opinión pública toda la verdad en una entrevista que no tiene desperdicio de principio a fin, y que a buen seguro hará temblar los cimientos del Partido Socialista de Madrid, de algunos medios de comunicación y de millones de conciencias. Manuel Moriel es un periodista muy valiente y se atreve con todo. En esta entrevista realizada por Kike Reyes adelanta varias primicias y exclusivas, desvela que uno de los asistentes de la reunión de la Agrupación Socialista de Chamberí donde se grabó la pillada es un comisario de la policía al servicio de Carmona, y explica la amenaza de Carmona a Manuel Moriel cuando el periodista fue atropellado por la policía de la comisaría de Chamberí. Antonio Miguel Carmona le dijo a Manuel Moriel que si denunciada a esos policías corruptos que le habían dado una paliza, le habían roto todas las cámaras y que se inventaron lesiones según el informe del forense para imputarle un delito de atentado a la autoridad, que si atrevía a dar el paso, a ejercer un derecho ciudadano y a poner en conocimiento de la justicia hechos delictivos protagonizados por funcionarios públicos, eso le iba a suponer la muerte. Al final Manuel Moriel no puso la denuncia porque si lo hace le matan, y ya se sabe que el reportero muerto no es un reportero''
Aquí la entrevista y el video completo. enlace
submitted by jasonmolina to podemos [link] [comments]

2015.06.18 12:10 jasonmolina Si estais escandalizados con el tema de los tweets del impresentable Antonio Miguel Carmona, esto es todavía mas GORDO.

Antonio Miguel Carmona fue pillado in fraganti en la agrupación socialista de Chamberí mientras hacia unas ''sorprendentes'' declaraciones, sobre como colocaban a gente en los medios de comunicación y daban ordenes a sus consejeros en Bankia, Aquí el primer video.
Aquí el segundo.
Pero casi lo mas grave de todo es que Carmona quiso censurar esos videos a toda costa incluso amenazo de muerte al periodista que le grabo aquí su comunicado. ''LO QUE ALGUNOS MEDIOS NO QUIEREN QUE SEPAS SOBRE LA FAMOSA PILLADA DE ANTONIO MIGUEL CARMONA Cansado y muy harto de la manipulación y la desinformación de los periodistas Ana Rosa Quintana en “El Programa de Ana Rosa”, Jordi González en “El Gran Debate” y Antonio García Ferreras en “Al Rojo Vivo” en las informaciones sobre la famosa pillada de Antonio Miguel Carmona, y de las mentiras, engaños y falsedades del propio Carmona y de algunos socialistas madrileños, Manuel Moriel Cambres, autor del vídeo de la pillada, ha decidido poner los puntos sobre las íes y contar a la opinión pública toda la verdad en una entrevista que no tiene desperdicio de principio a fin, y que a buen seguro hará temblar los cimientos del Partido Socialista de Madrid, de algunos medios de comunicación y de millones de conciencias. Manuel Moriel es un periodista muy valiente y se atreve con todo. En esta entrevista realizada por Kike Reyes adelanta varias primicias y exclusivas, desvela que uno de los asistentes de la reunión de la Agrupación Socialista de Chamberí donde se grabó la pillada es un comisario de la policía al servicio de Carmona, y explica la amenaza de Carmona a Manuel Moriel cuando el periodista fue atropellado por la policía de la comisaría de Chamberí. Antonio Miguel Carmona le dijo a Manuel Moriel que si denunciada a esos policías corruptos que le habían dado una paliza, le habían roto todas las cámaras y que se inventaron lesiones según el informe del forense para imputarle un delito de atentado a la autoridad, que si atrevía a dar el paso, a ejercer un derecho ciudadano y a poner en conocimiento de la justicia hechos delictivos protagonizados por funcionarios públicos, eso le iba a suponer la muerte. Al final Manuel Moriel no puso la denuncia porque si lo hace le matan, y ya se sabe que el reportero muerto no es un reportero''
submitted by jasonmolina to podemos [link] [comments]


Esta es la primera pillada de Carmona, en la agrupacion socialista de Chamberí.
En la segunda Carmona reconoce dirigir el voto y dar ordenes a los consejeros del PSOE en Bankia.
Pero lo mas grave es que el periodista que saco los videos fue amenazado de muerte por el propio Carmona si denunciaba ante las autoridades el ''accidente'' que sufrio cuando le dieron un ''aviso'' al mas puro estilo de la mafia Calabresa.
submitted by jasonmolina to podemos [link] [comments]

2015.04.20 07:32 Vargolas URGENTE !!! Si no hacemos nada robarán las elecciones del 24-M

Vota flecha arriba para que Podemos exija oficialmente la presencia de observadores internacionales en las próximas elecciones generales y para que sus caras mas conocidas denuncien públicamente en TV esta situación tanto para que todo el mundo esté informado de lo acontecido como para que el partido se ponga al servicio y se posicione como portavoz del oprimido pueblo español también en esta cuestión asi como se lleva a cabo en tantas y tantas otras cuestiones tal como es la lucha activa contra el TTIP. Ademas por supuesto, denunciar judicialmente cuantas anomalias e irregularidades se produzcan ante cuantos organismos garantes corresponda con la tesis de que todas estas acciones que están teniendo lugar, sumadas se traducen en una intervención para una desviación calculada de los resultados electorales en estas elecciones autonómicas y municipales de manera intolerable. Solicitamos que Podemos garantice luz y taquígrafos, en la medida de sus posibilidades, tanto como para esta como para las sucesivas citas electorales en adelante creando un organo de transparencia y garantia democrática estatal estando este compuesto por un grupo de trabajo exclusivamente dedicado a estas cuestiones, velando por y para los ciudadanos de este pais con el fin de establecer en España una democrácia sin peros ni sombras, es decir, una democracia real garantizada. Queremos que Podemos estudie y proponga oficialmente un endurecimiento de las penas relaccionadas con el fraude electoral para que deje de salir gratis robar la democrácia en este pais por y para siempre, necesitamos la reacción de la directiva del partido para que impugnen y/o exijan auditorías de los resultados en base a las pruebas de fraude cometido por terceras formaciones. Asi pues pedimos como es lógico y natural que Podemos supervise y promueva que se haga justicia con la legislación vigente en todas y cada una de las irregularidades electorales cometidas en la busqueda de la pertinente depuración de responsabilidades ya que según nuestra legislación, con la que hoy contamos, se tratarían de delitos no menores con penas de prisión en muchos casos y no pueden quedar en la impunidad por una cuestión de salud democrática.

Firma para que hayan observadores internacionales para las elecciones Generales

183 municipios investigados por el crecimiento inusual de su censo electoral
Cospedal consuma su pucherazo electoral (El pucherazo es tan brutal que se podría dar el absurdo de que el PP sea la segunda fuerza en número de votos, pero consiga una mayoría absoluta en escaños incluso si logra apenas el 35% de las papeletas.)
Las maniobras del PP para quedarse con los votos de los ancianos ingresados en geriátricos
La odisea del voto rogado: se incrementan las dificultades para votar desde el extranjero
Españoles emigrados denuncian las trabas que se encuentran a la hora de votar en el extranjero para las elecciones del 24-M
El Gobierno ha utilizado una espesa burocracia en la elaboración del censo con la supuesta intención de dificultar que los extranjeros que residen en España puedan ejercer su derecho al voto en los comicios del 24-M
Trampas burocráticas para que los inmigrantes no voten en las elecciones municipales de mayo
La última maniobra del gobierno dejará sin votar a miles de personas en las próximas elecciones del 24 de mayo
Aberchán acusa al PP de comprar votos a través de “mercenarios y empresarios”
El PP quiere retirar las urnas de un barrio de Ibiza donde nunca le votan
Elecciones Andaluzas: Más de 200.000 andaluces se quedaron sin votar desde el extranjero
Pillan a un interventor del PP rellenando sobres con votos en Málaga
AUDIO: Compra de votos para el PP en San Juan del Puerto (Huelva) a cambio de bolsas de comida
Twitter arde por el presunto robo de papeletas de Podemos en las elecciones de Andalucía
Militantes del PP, cogidos in fraganti al depositar 30 votos en una oficina de correos de Melilla
Concejales del PP de Mérida pillados registrando en Correos decenas de votos de internos del psiquiátrico
El PP, denunciado por "acarrear" ancianos "con demencia" para votar por correo en un pueblo de Lugo
"A mi madre la han intentado engañar y le han coaccionado su derecho a ir a las urnas", señala Ramón Ledo
Nuevo fraude electoral en Lanjarón. Pruebas y evidencias.
El PSPV de Gandia denuncia que el PP pide el voto a cambio de bonos para un parque acuático que promete construir
La alcaldesa de Guijo de Coria imputada por ofrecer trabajo a cambio de votos
Grabado un alto cargo de la Junta andaluza: "Si el PSOE no gana, os quedáis sin trabajo"
Cazados en directo en la oficina de correos y después en la calle
Alfonso Rus regala contratos de 400 euros a 62 parados de Xátiva a 3 días de las elecciones
«Todo el pueblo sabe que ofrecen 100 euros por voto» Ciudadanos retiró la lista en un pueblo de Toledo tras dos imputaciones por cuestiones administrativas, pero en el pueblo denuncian prácticas caciquiles
Almería estalla en denuncias contra el PP por compra de voto por correo
Obligan a tres ancianas a votar a "la derecha" sin saber "ni su propio nombre"
Elecciones Municipales y Autonómicas 2015: cómo reclamar tu Voto Robado
24M MANIFESTACIÓN GLOBAL contra el ‪#‎VotoRogadoVotoRobado‬
submitted by Vargolas to podemos [link] [comments]