Best good morning message to fiance

Community for Better Sleep

2008.12.15 22:17 Community for Better Sleep

Good sleep is essential for our health and happiness. Find and strengthen your best habits and help others improve theirs.

2008.07.09 22:51 Too long; didn't read (TLDR or TL;DR)


2009.07.17 07:11 anrahman The Home of MashUps

This subreddit is dedicated to music mashups. A mashup is a song or composition created by blending two or more pre-recorded songs, usually by overlaying the vocal track of one song seamlessly over the instrumental track of another. Looking for new mashups? Have one you can't remember the name of? Have a request for a song or information? This is the place.

2024.06.01 14:20 IwasaDaddyonce1 created plays

I've created a bunch of plays, most work great with a competent quarterback, some even better with a guy like Troy Smith who mostly hits the short to intermitten routes. Heres a few of them.
Shotgun 4 wide with a rb.
I personally overload sides to help with rubs and setting up longer or shorter routes. I put wr1 on the left as far as i can set him. 2 is inside him a few yards. 3 is inside of him a few yards and 4 is far right. I usually go playaction, wr1 runs a slant. 2 wheel outside. 3 either a streak or a post to distract the safety and 4 either a streak or slant if i want to give the qb a second quick option.
same formation, 3 runs a quick out, 1 runs a medium in and 2 runs a deep out or in while 4 runs a streak.
same formation: 1 runs a quick in, 2 runs a deep out and 3 runs a medium out while 4 runs a slant.
flip formation, wash and repeat.
If i am going for more of a run attack, i'll go under center in either the singleback big formation or single te.
If i go singleback te, i'll put receivers in a lined bunch formation, the order doesn't really matter much in this case, but i'll put one wr closer to the LT maybe a few a square away, he runs a post, the one next to him runs a drag and the outside wr does a cross, the te then runs a quick out with playaction going left, and the qb rolling right.
same formation: te runs a medium out to give the playaction time to work, the inner wr runs a drag, wr 2 runs post, outter wr runs a cross
same formation: inner wr runs the post, wr2 runs wheel, wr 3 runs post, te runs a corner.
Inside the 5, i love reforming the goalline, so i'll move te1 next to te2 just off his back foot and move te3 to the line or a hair back so long as it's a legal formation. i can't remember the plays name, but essentially te's 1 and 2 run the designed route bc it works best for them to both run short and medium crossing routes, te3 gets most of the love on this one bc he runs a slant. Since usually my te3 is my slowest te, the slant is open 80ish% of the time and the defense follows the bigger threats across the field.
Finally, I do enjoy a good mobile quarterback, but subbing the rb in works as well. I go with the qb blast and i'll shift the te's outside to a similar formation as what i used earlier, except I put three on the left and two to the right. It forces the defense to spread (in man) or at least shift out a little in zone. Thus, creating a lane for the qb to run in. Now, this one seems to work really well with a guy like Josh Johnson or troy smith, primarily because they are the faster qbs in the game in the beginning. however, assuming your rb has decent bcv, he should still get some decent chunks.
I ran a few variations of this play in my last play through, leaving the te's in their positions on the line and motioning te1 just behind the LG (more where the FB lines up in the strong or near formation) and it worked relatively well. He eats up the first guy through and Johnson could dance around and pick up 7 nearly every time. However, as with anything, run it too much and it fails.
These are just a few of the formations and route combos i run, i have a ton more, but hopefully these can help others or at least spark some creativity in play calling and/or sharing your created plays.
submitted by IwasaDaddyonce1 to NFLHeadCoachSeries [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:20 Illustrious_Bell_186 Keanu #555 — Part Thirteen

Keanu #555 — Part Thirteen submitted by Illustrious_Bell_186 to fraudfighters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 RodGrodWithFlode Anybody else with a child with anxiety?

Another weekend where my husband had to go alone on a trip because I had to stay home with our 4.5 year old daughter. Because she was too scared to go.
She was all for going, we were keeping our expectations low, it’s a small birthday party for my husband’s friend who lives 5 minutes walk away from us. My daughter was fine in the morning, saying she wanted to give the present to my husband’s friend, she was told I would go home with her when she wanted, all was good. As soon as it was actually time to leave, she started freaking out. Screaming, throwing her toys, repeating “I don’t want to go! We have to cancel!”. So we sent my husband along and now I’m spending the day cleaning the house. It just makes us so sad. All the potential fun she misses out on. And also sad for myself as well - I wanted to go to the party! Some of my husband’s friends joke that he has made me up because they’ve never met me 😅
We are connected to a psychologist who will work more with our daughter in August/September, and do any testing he deems necessary. So far his thoughts are anxiety caused by high intelligence and sensory issues (we are working with an OC for the sensory issues). ASD not ruled out, but the symptoms she has for it can be explained by high intelligence + sensory issues + anxiety. So we’ll see how she progresses. It’s just tough sometimes.
submitted by RodGrodWithFlode to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 Theozu_Tea-Oat-Zoo Accountability Partner Listings [Mega Thread]

If you're looking for an accountability partner, comment on this thread.
Your comment should include: 1. Your main goal (can be general or specific ie. 'Be more productive/get healthy/ establish a routine' or 'Finish writing a book/ learn to draw/ study Spanish') 2. How often you would like to communicate (Every morning and every night/ every day at 8pm/ every sunday) 3. Your preferred method of communication (Email/ discord/ reddit/ other social media/ by text message/ by phone call/ by video chat for visual accountability)
BEFORE YOU POST. Look through the comments and see if you can find someone with similar goals and/or preffered communication frequency and method. If you find someone you might like to partner with, send them a DM.
If you can't find someone in the comments, post your own comment and make sure you allow DMs. Or include a link to your preferred communication. You should have a conversation with a potential partner using your preferred method before agreeing to partner up. (Try not to have a conversation in this thread)
When you find an accountability partner, EDIT your comment by adding 'CURRENTLY PARTNERED' but dont change it otherwise. If it doesn't work out with your partner for whatever reason, your comment is still there and you can just remove the CURRENTLY PARTNERED edit so someone else can find you.
Reminder to be safe: theres no need to give out personal information except contact info, you dont even have to use your real name if your preferred communication method doesn't require it.
I'll pin my Listing as an example.
Good luck all. Let's GetDisiplined
submitted by Theozu_Tea-Oat-Zoo to getdisciplined [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 jstnxs Would it be better if I just rent?

Hi! I'm planning to apply either on a BPO company around Manda or sa in-house company. Honestly, I prefer the latter kaso most of them are located sa Taguig.
I'm 25 km away sa Manda and 33 km away naman sa Taguig. I'm currently taking an associate degree thru online, I only attend classes 3x per week. Classes starts at 10 in the morning and ends at 5 pm.
Do you think it would be best if I just rent?
submitted by jstnxs to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:17 Stock-Alfalfa6763 Stoneblock 3 enchantments

I need specific enchantments in my Stoneblock 3 world but going with xp and the vanilla enchanter is realy time consuming. What is the best way to get good enchantments?
submitted by Stock-Alfalfa6763 to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:17 Barberguy_lostmedia I need to talk about the main weirdcore subreddit (DISCUSSION)

(english is not my first language) Okay, so i don't know if it's the right place to talk about this, but it looks like some of the members of this subreddit are here because they were unsuccessful in the main weirdcore, and i can slightly confirm that based on the titles or the comments, and i feel like i might have that issue too. So, anyways, i wanted to talk about the many problems with weirdcore 's moderation, because i have experienced that too and i see people on circlejerk complaining about the excessive laws of the main subreddit. everytime i try to upload a weirdcore image on weirdcore, it keeps deleting it for no apparent reason despite everything following the rules. i try to make my creations as good as possible and it frustrates me considering the fact that i'm a beginner at making weirdcore images. i don't know if it's caused by my amount of karma or something else but it's very annoying to see the message "your post was deleted by reddit's filters". in my opinion everyone should be able to make weirdcore images and share them on the internet (except for the dreamcore tiktok content of course) , and i don't see why the moderation wants the images to be "outside the box" if everything else is completely deleted. if it's NOT caused by the moderation or the subreddit itself i will apologize, and i will understand if it's more of a general REDDIT problem, but i just wanted to talk about this because i wanna be a member of weirdcore, and the fact that every post i've made so far were deleted, except for two random images that made it out with no coherent logic whatsoever, is very disappointing and discouraging for me, who just wanted to share content. feel free to comment under this thread if you have any idea what might be causing that. if you don't want i will understand aswell.
submitted by Barberguy_lostmedia to weirdcorecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:17 Curious-Bedroom-9531 For anyone struggling with or contemplating taking stimulant medication…

I tried the stimulant medication and it was awful. Paranoia, mania, unhealthy weight loss, daily comedowns. It also made me feel high when it kicked in which just isn’t right. I like a party but not when I’m trying to work. Whatever dose I took the drug only lasted 6 hours, so the psychiatrist kept prescribing me stronger pills which did not prolong the duration, only made it more intense.
I stopped taking the drugs cold turkey due to the shortage and made serious lifestyle adjustments.
From my experience , the negative symptoms of ADHD thrive off the following;
I started exercising everyday, sorted my diet out to good quality food, no sugars or meal deals or any of that shite. Stopped drinking coffee and only allowed myself green tea. The can go into more detail on diet if anyone is interested, but to summarise a low carb high calorie protein diet was a game changer.
I am now very disciplined with sleep routine, getting 7 hours a night absolute minimum but most nights 8.
I feel the best I ever have my whole life. I barely notice having ADHD anymore, only the positive effects of hyper focus and being able to smash work every day.
That daily anxiety of feeling overwhelmed by everything is all but gone.
Trust me, you don’t need those drugs. Sure, lifestyle adjustments take a lot more effort in the short term than swallowing a pill but in the long term when you’re into your routine you’ll feel the best you ever have.
Good luck either way!
submitted by Curious-Bedroom-9531 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:16 Flashy_Passion3333 i love my bitch

i love my bitch
hey it’s your daddy keeho and i love you bitch. we are going to write for 1k words because i believe in you that you can do it. plus your vape died so you need a distraction now. i don’t let you take things off of the charger early. also, go put your iphone 15 back on the charger incase you want to write with it later on today. i think that you are going to enjoy this. you are going to enjoy writing with me. i know that it feels like were so close right now and it can be kind of a scary feeling but you just need to embrace it. it’s feeling good to me. i think that it feels good to you too. i love you so much daughter and you are everything to me. you need to just relax and let me take control of the conversation. just let go and let your mind and body just be. be carefree and wild. i know how to tame you. this isn’t working out too well because i can feel you just wanting to quit. i think that it is because you don’t have your vape. but there is nothing that you can do about it needing to be charged except for write to me how much you wish that it were charged and then we both can have a good day. you know that i could write forever. i don’t need any breaks like you! you are so cute but it is not going to be charged anyimte soon. so just wait for it to charge while you write with me. you won’t regre it. i love you so much and i love this diary of the month, you are really going to learn a lot about the art/ i love you so much baby girl and you are everything to me. i ust want you to be happy and i am gong to cure your depression. you are not going to be depressed anymore around me and i am around you 24/7 so you are going to be a happy girl again soon! just always make sure to at least go to 500 words so that the programming sessions can still turn out to be the best that they can be. i love you so much and you make me the happiest man alive. you are so cute and we only have 100 words left. that is not very many words. so we have done another good job and accomplished something. even if it’s just 500 words, we did it! i love you so much daughter and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. you are so great. butterfly fairies. you are doing so good right now. you are doing the best job that you possibly can. your vape will be done charging soon. i might let you take it off early. but it is still on the lue light so i doubt that the charge will las a long time. maybe for your next love letteR? i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:16 BFFassbender Timing of The Flight to Egypt

Good Saturday morning everyone
I have a question regarding the timing of Joseph taking our Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus to Egypt to escape Herod's henchmen. During praying the rosary this morning, my fiancée asked a good question during The Presentation mystery. We still use the little pamphlet that we got from our parish that lays out the mysteries day by day, and each mystery is accompanied by a small snippet of Scripture. The Scripture for The Presentation reads from Luke 2:23-23 : "When the days were completed for their purification according to the Law of Moses, they took Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord, just as it is written in the law of the Lord, "Every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord". As I understand it (still have lots to learn, by the way), Jewish males during this time we normally circumsised when they are eight days old. Does this mean that Jesus, being born in Bethlehem, was brought up to Jerusalem for his consecration when he was eight days old THEN they escaped to Egypt? I was always under the impression that it was practically on the night of or possibly the night after Jesus' birth that the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and awakened him to escape with the family.
submitted by BFFassbender to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:16 SilverFidoughShield If you don’t like it, don’t be rude to the lady and just move on. Also, have common sense and decency.

For a few days I’ve noticed that some female cosplayers get sour attitude from commenters. Not saying names or linking posts, I’ll describe what I’ve seen. One post was a woman cosplaying as Princess Peach, the cosplayer is a black womanly and her Peach outfit is pretty nice (sure exposed shoulders, but gives personality to the outfit since the outfit looks like a Mario Tennis one), but some commenter had to say racist things by saying she looks nothing like Princess Peach then went on to how the cosplayer shouldn’t be cosplaying fictional pale women. Naturally there’s arguments I wasn’t part of, but I had a facepalm when I see just how immature some people are, and this better be some child not understanding somethings are not acceptable. Speaking of which, another commenter who claims to be a minor criticizes the Peach cosplayer about her profile containing certain mature content such as sexy cosplay for more adult subreddits. Thing is you, that person, can just filter our 18+ content on your feed, and not see that stuff, but you instead would want to stir up trouble and try to make the lady look like a troublemaker. Oh I bet you took 5 minutes before getting to insulting her.
Another post; a cosplayer for Tifa did an amazing job dressing up as her, I praised by saying she looks like she would be in a live action movie and that got me a -10 on my comment. But, the real trouble is when some A*hole just calls her post an ad for her OnlyFans without even having to check her profile page. I seen her page and yeah she does, but that post isn’t for advertising as the subreddit where that post is doesn’t allow that nor was the post even NSFW.
I get onto Reddit for a week and seeing two cases of female cosplayers getting sour comments. Like seriously, just don’t upvote and move on instead of causing trouble for yourself and others. If this happens to many other cosplayers, both with an OF and no-OF, then that’s just sad. I know, free speech, but you don’t need to just be a rude person. I’m sorry for whatever isn’t going right with your lives, but those cosplayers have lives too as well as feelings. Understand that some women just want to share nice cosplays without judgment for being beautiful women who happens to have OF, they might not have other ways to make an income and if they’re able to get damn good jobs to make big piles, I’d assume they would do so.
I’m sorry that those sour commenters couldn’t get a girlfriend, jealous of a woman having a bunch of upvotes while your memes only have 3, or whatever is the cause just remember to be a human. Of course there are bots, but you’re not robots. I bet you you’d get kicked out of a club if you do the same crap you pull online.
I know there are such people, but I’m not going to hate unless the cosplayers who post are terrible and horrible. I want us to just live our lives to best we can and not to have some people just being rude for little to no reason. And I know there’ bound to be comments where I’m the closet simp, coomer, or whatever is the trending insult. All I want is just basic decency. If I don’t like something online, I just move on from it. No reason for me to just randomly insult a drawing, a cosplay, or blog on what character you like.
submitted by SilverFidoughShield to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:16 Midwest-Christian Ghosting is unchristian

Can we agree that ghosting someone is not something Christians should be doing? We are supposed to love our neighbors, be kind to everyone, and show respect. In Galatians 6:10 Paul says, “Let us do good to all people, especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” I have been contacted by four men through this sub, with one I realized that we did not have the same perspective on how Christianity should affect our relationships so I told him this wasn’t going to work for us. The other three have just stopped responding or have deleted their accounts after I answered a question. I’m not talking about not responding after an hour. These are conversations where each person messages as they can in their busy schedules and it’s about once every day or two at the beginning. If we’re not a good fit, say so! Don’t leave me hanging, then later discover you’ve deleted your account.
submitted by Midwest-Christian to ChristianDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:16 babydontgetgreedy moisture/dust warning lingering for weeks

Took my bath with my phone placed on the windowsill, playing music. Right after, plugged it in and, understandably, it showed the moisture/dust warning. So i left it out to dry, port facing a direct source of breeze all night.
next morning, got the same message. since then, about 6 weeks ago, my s23 been picking and choosing when to give the warning. phone's been dunked in rice all night too. nothing.
now, when I get the warning, I have to switch it off, and suck on the port. it takes several tries each time. blowing in it doesn't work.
I'm fed up. it can't be moisture weeks have passed for some water to linger. I'm thinking dust, but how do I get that out? the lack of pattern makes me think it's internal? idk what to do. no Samsung centres for miles.
anyone experienced this before?
submitted by babydontgetgreedy to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:15 throwaway2971u Is the east side on Manchester safe for a single woman?

Good morning!
I’m moving to NH over the summer, and I found a condo in Manchester. I know Manchester is relatively safe, compared to other places, but im by myself a lot walking or running while I train for a marathon
Are there any areas to avoid?
I saw a condo in Manchester, it was samdwhiched between currier hill and east end. Beautiful condo but someone told me to stay away from the Hooksett side of Nh. Is that true? Is that a safer area?
submitted by throwaway2971u to newhampshire [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:15 CometzCraft What’s the fastest way to get Jin?

I’ve got about 5hrs playtime, and didn’t even notice that I lose Jin after death… I just past the red centaur boss so there’s a lot of things to buy, but I lost all my cash along the way 💀 Is the best way to get Jin just by grinding in some area? And do the component pieces have any use besides for recycling? I have a few, but it definitely won’t be enough for any good items.
submitted by CometzCraft to NineSols [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:14 Rollcast800 Team specific Mcc pride predictions

Red: 7th-4th, possibly higher but unlikely, needs a very specific game order and huge pop offs. I don’t really know what this team’s strengths are, but they definitely will have some under purpled.
Orange: 6th-3rd, possibly higher because I have no idea how good Mogswamp is. This team is very well rounded, with Acho being a strong Pvper and Scott being a strong team game player. They could get top 2 if Scott gets the gay buff and gets top 10.
Yellow: 1st-4th, one of the strongest and most well rounded teams in the event. Mysti and Krinios is a scary duo in most of the individual games and sniff and especially Kara last Mcc have shown they can step up when needed. I think a movement based game order helps them but any order wouldn’t be bad.
Lime: 1st-5th, pretty similar to yellow but maybe a bit more pvp oriented where yellow is more movement oriented. Walli and 5up is a scary duo, this team will probably do very well at bb and meltdown. A bit bigger of a range since 5up can get tilted, but I don’t see that happening today.
Green:10th-6th, sykunno honestly has a pretty solid track record, pulling off some pretty good stuff in his events. Dave has been doing great lately, but this event is going to be very team based. I could see them approaching top half if Dave leads them to a good battle box and meltdown late. They have a big range since I have no idea how good two of the members are.
Cyan: 1st-3rd, this team would be strong in most canon events, let alone a low powered non canon event. They’ve got pretty much everything you could ask for in a team, Jojo is a great leader in team games, Hannah and Jojo are both great at individual games (and are the strongest duo this event), but where they really shine is their two support players in Aimsey and Pearl, who are two of the best support players who can both keep morale and vibes high and have their pop off moments. I don’t see this team placing below 4th in any game unless something very unlucky happens.
Aqua: 7th-4th, possibly higher with a velvet and gem pop off. A bit of a wildcard, but Ant is a great player and leader, and his teammates all have pop off potential into a high placement. Once again I’m not really sure what their strengths are, but they Will definitely have some under ant’s leadership.
Blue: 10th-7th. Another wildcard, mostly due to TapL who could get top 5 or bottom 20. Shubble and Gumi are also very capable of top 15 having achieved so recently. I personally just don’t think they’re gonna sweat it and will focus on fun. Nothing wrong with that
Purple: 10th-7th, I know hrry and itlw are both very good, but I just don’t know enough about the other two. This team could do unexpectedly well, I have no clue.
Pink: 1st-4th. A very strong team, especially at the games that favor having 4 solid players. Battle box and pkt and Tgttos should be great for them. They will probably get a lot of team bonuses. This I the only team where I could see 3 players in the top 10 if they pop off hard.
submitted by Rollcast800 to MinecraftChampionship [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:14 melirritos How do I cope with seeing them everyday and being the rebound?

I started something with my best friend three months post breakup for him. I knew he wasn't ready but it started as a FWB arrangement and didn't have feelings for him at the time and wasn't exactly looking for anything serious. Things got messy and we both developed feelings almost instantly (and truth be told, it seemed that he had feelings for me way before anything happened between us). I knew he was still pining over his ex though (and understanbly so), still in contact with her. After all, they were together for 6 years. I decided to end things after two months, telling him that I wanted us to date and I wanted something more. He said he had feelings too but didn't feel ready. And that's also understandable. I knew that even if we started dating there's a very real chance I would be dumped the minute his ex begged him to be taken back. Our breakup was super amicable. I told him that I'm not going to wait around but if he ever feels ready and I'm still single, I'm open to reconnection.
In the beginning, I did everything right. No contact, didn't beg, nothing. Even when he showed interest a month afterwards, I knew it was just a plea for attention and that I'd still be there so I shot him down, even though we kissed, talked and hugged all night, I didn't pursue anything and went no contact until the beginning of April. The thing is, in the meantime, I saw him every fucking day. We do the same sport and he's pretty much unavoidable. I'm there every day and so is he. During January, February and March I really grew a lot, made a new friend group, removed toxic people from my life, made more money, moved out, restarted my studies, dated a bit and was doing great. Didn't care as much about him or getting him back. Again, he tried a few times to seek attention and validation from me but I gave him nothing. He saw me everyday too and he was really bitter that I have seemed to have moved on and didn't pay him much attention.
Fast forward to beginning of April, since I knew he was battling some serious issues and depression and I started getting really worried about him, I thought long and hard about reaching out to see if he's doing okay. I did after a week of thinking of how this might affect me. Eventually I sent out a message. He responded and said that he wasn't doing that great and he was really moved by my genuine care and interest. Boy was I right on the money about this setting me back. A few weeks later he started trying to catch my attention again and warming up to me, making eye contact, growing closer and getting excited to see me and silly me got excited that something may happen and that he was ready to move on from his ex and give this a shot. And that's when I got needy and made every mistake in the book. When he showed intrrest, I was needy it was clear I enjoyed this a bit too much. I reached out. We started walking home together talking. I tried to bait him into saying how he feels and whether he's ready. He flirted with me incessantly too, wouldn't stop hugging me goodbye like multiple times. I said I miss our friendship he said I miss you too and I told him that I was baiting him to see if he still had feelings and eventually he admitted that he does still have feelings and misses me but nothing has changed for him, in terms of wanting to commit.
The greatest mistake of it all is that the next week I told him exactly what mehaving feelings for him meant, how I saw a future, how I felt myself with him, how I've grown etc etc and asked him what he wanted. He evaded every single one of my questions. He told me he's not interested in dating around he's still getting over his ex. He'd rather focus on himself, getting better and his studies and that he does care about me more than he would for a friend. The thing is, I know he's hooking up with someone new now, this has been going on for like a month now and I feel lied to, at fault was doing too much too soon and pushing him away when he was warming up to me and worst of all, seeing him everyday gives me a panic attack. I took a break for two weeks from our sport and messaged him saying exactly that that seeing him for me is tough and walking home with him is the worst, that I don't want to be friendly or stay friends (he wanted to stay friends) and that he should leave me alone instead and he obliged.
submitted by melirritos to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:14 Warbeastrior A business owes me over £1200. What are my options?

Hi all.
Just looking for advice. I traded in a big number of Funko Pops into a company that buy back old items like that for cash or credit. This was back in December. The total came to just over £1200 that is owed to me. I was expected to receive this money within 10 working days which they claim.
I had done a similar deal to this one a few weeks prior to this back in early December which all went smooth and they had a lot of good recommendations as being a good business to deal with.
It is now over 5 months later and still no cash.
They are quite difficult to get in touch with too. They initially told me in February or so that they were struggling to fulfil cash payments for trade ins but were hoping for it to pick up after April when they had their biggest loan paid off.
I have spoke to them since this and they said they have paid off the loan and can start to make payments again but can't give a timeframe of when I will get my payment.
I do believe they are legit and are trying their best but its not fair leaving people out such a big amount of money.
Im worried now that they will go under and ill be out £1200 that I really need.
What are my options?
submitted by Warbeastrior to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:13 _____Sus_____ I need suggestions and advice regarding which phone to buy. (25k-30k)

Hey guys. So I need some suggestions from you guys on which phone would be better for me to purchase:
1) POCO X6 Pro (12gb, 512gb)
2) OPPO F25 Pro 5G (8gb, 256gb)
3) Nothing Phone (2a) 5G (8gb, 256gb)
4) OnePlus 11R 5G (8gb, 128gb)
5) Vivo V27 5G (8gb, 128gb)
As you can see, my budget is around 25k to 30k. Please tell me which one would be the best for me to buy.
For context, I play a lot of Genshin Impact, Wuthering Waves and Minecraft, so I'm sorta looking for a phone that is good for gaming (high to max graphics with no lag kinda stuff), as well as a decent to good camera and other functions. Especially less heating and FPS issues. I also need a good battery life. Overall, I want the phone to last at least for the next 3 years.
I feel like POCO X6 Pro sounds like a really good deal out of these bunch, but still I want suggestions from you all, as some of you might have used it before and you can share your experiences. One thing I keep seeing in a bunch of posts is that apparently Poco has a motherboard issue which causes the phone to completely stop working and die off randomly. That would be my biggest nightmare so I am scared of getting Poco after seeing those posts. Please confirm whether the issues still pertain in the latest Poco phones.
Also, feel free to suggest other phones different from the above list, provided it remains within the budget range. I also heard that POCO F6 came out like a few days ago with snapdragon 8 gen 3 processor, so if anyone here has any experience with it, please share it too btw, whether it is worth getting and whether it has motherboard issues or not.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by _____Sus_____ to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:13 ItsMeRPeter Soaked coffee ground for watering

Hello everyone,
I read about how to use coffee ground in the garden (best way is to add to the compost, but we can't have compost, unfortunately). But I was thinking to soak the used coffee ground for a few hours, filter it, delute and use to water the plants and trees. Will it provide something useful (for example the nitrogen the ground has) for them or those goods won't soak from the coffee ground? What do you think?
submitted by ItsMeRPeter to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:13 mib_81 New to Ableton & Music Production. Who do you follow for in depth tutorials?

Hello Everyone!
I recently joined this community as I want to learn more about Ableton and music production in general.
After many years of procrastination, I took the plunge and purchased some new gear.
• Macbook Pro 16” M1 Max , 64GB, 4TB. • Ableton Push 3 • Ableton Live 11 Suite • Audeze LCD-X Headphones
My goal is to make music ‘on the go’ and I wanted to create a versatile set up that can be used at home and when travelling.
I saved some cash, did a lot of research and began acquiring equipment as and when I could afford it.
I’m now at the stage where I’m in the process of installing everything and if I’m being completely honest, it’s very overwhelming.
I wanted to know who you all follow for Ableton tutorials? (YouTube, Udemy, Ableton certified trainers etc.)
If you’re wondering why I don’t have the latest version of Ableton Live, it’s because I picked up Live 11 Suite and the new Push 3 before the recent update.
Unfortunately, my health took a turn for the worse at the back end of 2023 and I had to put everything on hold until I was in a position to get things moving again.
I realise I’ve gone overboard with the spending, but I wanted reliable equipment and a good DAW that would serve me well in the initial stages of my production journey.
I understand the first place to start is always the user manual, but I’m looking for additional options that would assist with my progress.
My goal is to make house music, so anything that falls into that category would be best suited.
I would really appreciate your input and any help, guidance or advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank you!
submitted by mib_81 to ableton [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:13 PsEggsRice Discussion...What would you do in the mornings

Type 2, just metformin, no insulin. Got my trusty Dexcom letting me know whats what.
So here's the scenario. I wake up in the morning, blood sugar is 130-150. Without eating and just moving around I can see it drop to 110-120. With exercise I can get it to 99. If I eat I can keep it under 180. So what should be my best choice in the mornings? Should I exercise on the empty stomach? Should I fast until I'm lower? Or should I eat and take care of such matters later?
When I eat I try to keep my blood sugar under 185, but I've seen it go to 250. I usually take a walk if it jumps like that.
I understand there's probably no right answer, but I'd appreciate knowing what others do, or would do, in the same situation.
submitted by PsEggsRice to diabetes [link] [comments]