Type of haircuts for poodle


2013.10.02 08:38 DiamondVision oddlyterrifying

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2012.10.01 20:42 vexator TypeScript

TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.

2008.05.07 04:18 Typography

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2024.06.01 10:46 Survitron118 NEED ADVICE on hairline

NEED ADVICE on hairline
Is my hairline receding I'm almost 17 and had my last haircut in march and ever since I've trying to grow out my hair(3-4 inches now). But I've noticed a very significant loss in hair on a daily basis, like according to avg 50-100 strands is okay, but I've never had that type of hairfall untill months ago. Some people say it's because my hair is too long and the type of hair loss natural for long hair(which I can't believe)
Like the last haircut was a bit messed up around the corners of the hairline so idk.
I shampoo and use conditioner on my hair once a week.
But the hairfall is very significant and annoying, not only while showering but even normally?
Would appreciate all kinds of advice.
submitted by Survitron118 to malehairadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:41 HurricaneK8 Having intense guilt over something I shouldn't, need advice

TW in advance for mentions of pet death, parental death, a huge wall of text because I'm bad at oversharing and heavy grief.
I lost my dog Lucy last September. If it's possible to have an animal soulmate, she was mine. I got her when I was 13, a little less than a year after my dad's death, and she was the only rock I had during an extremely turbulent time. I internalized my grief along with masking all of my autism struggles after I lost my dad, and having Lucy throughout that helped me so much. I'm still a mess, I'm a bigger mess without her, but she was everything to me.
My aunt knows this, and that we've always wanted to train a service dog to help me with my sensory meltdowns, anxiety episodes and PTSD. Lucy was originally adopted with that in mind, because the local place wouldn't help us since we already had a dog, but it didn't work out. My aunt knows a breeder that raises and trains poodle mixes specifically for use as service dogs (we checked, breeder's legit), and has offered to to help us get a dog from her. My anxiety is going haywire because:
1: I've never wanted a dog from a breeder and was raised to be a firm believer in "adopt, don't shop". My relationship with Lucy only solidified that. She was exactly who I needed when I desperately needed her, and I'd love to give another dog that chance.
2: My aunt has really changed the past couple of years, but in the past she's had a habit of being... overbearing. I really don't think she'd be able to have any strings attached to the dog if she turned out to still be like that, because my mother and I will REFUSE to have any names on any paperwork but ours, but I'd hate to have our relationship ruined after she's turned over such a leaf.
3: I love my immediate family to death, but we're flakes. We struggle with following through on things we start, and it only got worse after my dad died. It's been 8 months, and we have made NO progress towards getting another dog. I've been terrified that the way we are, we're just going to flake, and we'll never get another dog. I've never been without a dog in my entire life until these past 8 months. I can't do it. I cannot do it.
I want to take the offer. My brother and I had clashing meltdowns and I ended up spending an hour in the barn sobbing at 11pm because my mom had to manage my brother and I just felt so alone without Lucy to ground me. It hurts so much and I can't keep going like this. My aunt's the type that if you get the ball rolling there's no stopping her, so if we tell her yes she's going to jump on it and it's a certain thing, but I feel like an awful person. I feel like if I do say yes to the breeder, I'm cheating a dog that might be another Lucy out of the life it's supposed to have. Everyone's told me it's okay and that's not what's happening, but I'm just... stuck.
Can you guys give me an outside perspective on this? I go from feeling like it's the right decision one moment to feeling like the worst person on Earth the next. My face hurts from crying over this, and I've reached a breaking point. I just don't know what to do. It's nearly 5am and I've been crying all night.
submitted by HurricaneK8 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:19 nilabilla How u can improve how u look before college

First of all let's get to mindset part of it
See if u do something just to get women u will soon be lost ur true self and worst case scenario that hobby will be your only personality . But if u do it to improve and to reach your genetic potential u will be happy
Most important 3 things Diet Exercise Water
Fix these
so let's start with face
Lean maxxing the law
1 So reducing body fat
2 removing bloating by drinking loads of water and reducing sodium
3 using Gua sha , facial exercises for lymphatic drainage
4 there are some exercises u can find for hyoid bone i will link it later
This will make ur facial structure come out u never knew existed
And let's go to skin
Find ur skin type and for beginners start using
Edit : check Indiaskincareaddicts for product recommendations
According to your skin type
And drink lots of fking water 🌊💦
If u have any specific issue like acne pls get it treated if it's a lot cz acne scars don't go the gaddhe
-For acne
1Don't touch your face
2Change bed sheets, pillow case frequently
3 avoid chocolate
Check ur face type and hair type and find in Pinterest it does help but don't always blame ur barber cz khud ke Baal and face PR depend karta kya theek dikhega u should try a bunch of haircut to know what suits u . And it's about ur face too
Hair fall
1Check if ur family has history of male pattern baldness if there is then pls go to doc and get it treated
If u don't have this then
2Pls check if u don't have any kind of deficiency
3And vegetarians a lot of time have b12 ki kami so u can check that
4And it can be caused due to hard water so yeah u have to get a filter for it if ur location has very high tds
4And u can shift to rosemary oil it's good
This is very specific thing but on a good physique and frame all of clothes look good . But u can learn about it try finding some influencer whom u like i will link some below . And u can use Pinterest too
For teeth u can start with a floss and tongue cleaner as a extra step
Whiting strips are also there if u have them yellow
And if ur teeth are crooked then u should try getting it fixed by doc
Umm yeah it does matter but u can't change it so hard pill to swallow
But u have to accept it
But u can do some things to make u appear look taller
1 Rule of thirds
2 Wearing same colour top and bottom so u look like a straight line
3 And heels yeah shoes with a Lil thicker sole
People who don't belong to this post 1 people who do virtue signalling 2 people who think personality is what matters 2 people who come here to say nah it's over, mog . etc new gens . Just tell full form of psl if u know that much
For mods
Bhai main ek jagah comment kiya tha and then dm aaye the khub se so i thought making a post of it . And i kinda wanted to help and i did had some info on it so i shared it . Why not in Indian teenager cz idk i don't like them . Sorry again
Hyoid bone -https://youtu.be/lMPjZCK_88Y?si=688XjERroavkMOnM
Gua sha -https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz6Z3ZnLYCk/?igsh=MTU1aGc4MDN3MjJibQ==
submitted by nilabilla to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:48 Amalekii Drake the type of Quirky Quinton to ask for checks with poodles on them.

submitted by Amalekii to DrakeTheType [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:57 real_nice_guy Has anyone had any success modifying a 3M N95 Aura to create ear loops for things like haircuts?

Talking about this type of modification.
I have it on and it feels like as tight and snug of a fit as with the straps being normal. I need to get a haircut and can't get it done with the straps the normal way but I don't feel comfortable wearing any other type of mask.
Has anyone else done this for things like haircuts etc and it's been fine?
I've watched this video already so was just looking for anecdotal stories.
submitted by real_nice_guy to Masks4All [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:03 333cupid my dad doesn't care about me but i just can't stop getting angry

(SPELLING ERRORS AHEAD AND ALSO NO PUNCTUATION SORRY IN ADVANCE) i (17m) am just so angry at my dad cuz he makes promises and doesn't go through with them like he'll say oh let's go do something then he'll just stop responding. i just don't feel like caring about it but feelings just don't disappear like that ill give examples of how he'll just not do anything and just forget about me or cancel plans he said he was going to pick me up and take me to a family Christmas thing the whole month of November hyping me up about it then nothing. he also said he was going to give me something Christmas but i hit him up Christmas day told him merry Christmas also i sent him my Cash app then nothing radio silence then i sent again once the 26th and 27th of December nothing. i let that go. i cried about it all night while my mom held me and it wasn't about not getting anything it was the fact i never got a text back or even get acknowledged like he posted a picture on Facebook of him and his other 2 sons ( not my mom's kids ) and captioned merry Christmas from my children and didn't even give us a merry Christmas or nothing i just feel like I'm not cared about or I'm not even a thought in his head. i just graduated maybe 1 week ago and 2 weeks before that he said he wanted to go and my mom told him the time and the day of graduation it got moved up 2 hours and my mom sent him a text notifying him 2 hours before and then his brother sent him and text too so i didn't worry about it. and then later on when graduation ends and everyone gets on the field what do i see not my dad. and not even a congratulation text or a drop by my house afterwards nothing not even a good job text nothing. but that day i had a feeling about him not showing up so i didn't really feel anything about it but the sad fact about that is the fact my sister's fiance's mom showed up only meeting me 2 times and gave me a card with writing telling me I'm going to do great things which is so sweet of her. but he never gives me anything heartfelt or anything. and the crazy thing is i don't want much i just want to be loved and just treated like a son i just want a hug or even a I'm proud of you that would genuinely make me so happy or even a text every 2 months checking on me anything. and from what i know he spends a lot of time with my other 2 brothers i went to Facebook its so many pictures with them and everything but none of me. i just want to cry and curl up into a ball. i forgot to mention i texted him the day after graduation cuz he told me he was going to give me something the day i graduated and i wanted to know if i was going to get it cuz i was starting college soon but now i really am not in the right head space to go cuz I'm not stable enough but back to it i sent text saying this verbatim " hey i know u weren't at graduation the least u can do is as a gift give me 500 cause I'm starting college soon" i know it sounds insensitive as flip but after 10 years of someone not being an active father what do u expect and also he told me if i needed anything to text him and the fact I'm dealing with this at 7 and up should grant me the reason to speak to him any way i want pretty much. and then he called me and i didn't answer cuz my phone was on do not disturb then i called him back to him yelling at me telling me not to talk to him like that. i was in the car with my mom when this happened so i just put him on speaker phone he was saying things like " DONT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT UR BLOCKING UR BLESSING AND JUST DONT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT" and i was like i understand a lil bit then he gave me a bullshit excuse of "oh i never have my phone on me that's why i didn't notice." then he told me he had something for me to get. so that brings me to today 5/31 1 week after graduation and i text him "when do u want me to come pick it up?" (whatever he had for me) and no response and so i give him 1 hour while I'm getting a haircut and other things then i pull up to his restaurant and go in and try to talk to him but it was busy so eh. then i ask him again at 7 cuz what if he's not busy cuz he's closed and no response then i get off work and i go to the store and see his car then he sees me and doesn't talk and i just walk away cuz I'm hurt and i just bac in my moms car and I'm sad and mad then i get home and start writing this not going to lie all i wanna do is cry cuz why do i get treated like this. i guess what makes me sad is the fact he wasn't always like this after his mom died/my grandma he started acting like this but that was 10 years ago and the sad fact is she would not have stood for him treating me like this and i know that has a big impact on people but i am also his son what makes me so bad and worse than the other sons cuz he always spends time with them and also i forgot to mention I'm gay but it isn't a issue for him i hope but if that's the case he hasn't make a big deal out of it but he said he doesn't care and supports me but i don't know that's his issue but i have a loving family already i just want to let him go I've wrote in my google docs 2 letters i want to give him but yea. sorry for rambling and no type of periods or anything ion feel like editing thank you for listening or even responding
submitted by 333cupid to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:02 Ryoisthicc Either i chop it all off or I lock in (Please help)

Either i chop it all off or I lock in (Please help)
As you can see my hair is pretty clapped. This is a week after I washed it so it's to be expected and I was touching it with my hands a lot, but here are the main questions and issues I have.
  1. I don't really have a haircut. It's just grown out all over the place. I was thinking about cutting it pretty short and getting an actual haircut and then having the top part hang over the sides. is that an undercut? I've seen dudes post their curly hair and they lift up the sides and it's all faded up and clean.
  2. I rinse my hair with water every morning in the shower. The reason as to why I do this, is because when I wake up my hair is all smashed. I tried to sleep with a satin bonnet the night I washed it and it did not do shit.
  3. Why does my hair front the front look so much wider and poofed out than it does from the side? This is very strange and annoying and I want to get a haircut so I can fix this issue as well.
  4. My ultimate goal in mind is to have fairly long curly hair that covers my forehead but not as long as it is now. It's summer now and having long curly hair makes it annoying and hot at times. Additionally detangling my hair can be annoying at times. There are always microtangles in singular strands of hair even after I detangle my hair. Like this here. It's not mine and I don't even know if it's real but it looks like that but the knot is slightly smaller.
  1. Just some insight on what I do for when I wash my hair, I rinse it in the shower thoroughly, shampoo my scalp deeply (i use a camille rose one) and use a scalp massager to get deeper in the roots, I rinse it out, apply lots of conditioner, detangle with a widetooth comb rinse deeply, then while my hair is still soaked I apply a leave in conditioner from mielle throughout my hair and then I use a camille rose gel kind of thing, then I scrunch/rub with a microfiber towl. I do not deep condition my hair and I wash my hair once a week.
  2. How do I "refresh" my hair? I don't think it's really effective with mine given the fact I don't have a set haircut. I believe my hair type is 3b with some 3c? Maybe only 3b, not sure. Just imagine buzzing your hair, letting it all grow out, and have some parts be poorly uneven because you tried to trim some parts yourself (thats what i did).
  3. What about finger coiling? I saw this dude on tiktok who would finger cil his hair like 6 months ago with the most beautiful, majestic, curly hair that I would love to achieve. It sucks because I can't find the video, but just in case anyone has it saved somehow, it had like 600k likes at the time, he was looking off into the sunset. Dudes brazilian as well and promoted skala i think
  4. For a deeper look on my ultimate goals with my hair - I want to be able to keep it long, but shorter than it is now. I don't want to be rinsing my hair with water every morning and I want to only have to refresh it 2-3x a week while it still looking nice. I want to be able to detangle my hair in only 3-4 minutes of just easy, smooth combing.
I appreciate any help.
submitted by Ryoisthicc to curlyhair [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:39 Ecstatic-Return-8019 The animal abuse is driving me crazy and making me see exactly how I've been treated my entire life

We welcomed my high energy dog into the family in 2021 February at about 6 weeks I think he was. Since then, my parents have isolated him to the point where he's never played with another dog, never gone on a walk around the neighborhood, never gone to the park, never seen anything outside the house or the backyard, or the vet. He gained a habit of jumping up and looking out the front window, I'm assuming because he's so dying to see something else. He runs in anxious unhealthy circles for hours and hours a day not drinking water, barking and snapping at his tail. He won't respond to you when he's out there. He won't even play with you, like with a toy. He'll take something he knows he's not supposed to like dirty clothes out of a basket to get attention. It's sad to watch him do this.
I trained my dog, taught him all the tricks he knows and bought him 98% of his toys. He's a german shepherd poodle mix. He's ridiculously smart and catches on so fast and has his own little personality. The dog will be playing with a toy and shortly after my dad will snatch it off the floor. His excuse why the dog can't play with toys is because of - take a guess: his big flat screen TV. He's scared the dog will hit the TV with a stuffed chew toy.
He yells and starts arguments over vacuuming the dog's hair, and even makes a huge deal about water on the floor being dripped off the dog's chin after he drinks or ice on the floor. Hours long yelling matches with my mother who doesn't even feed the dog or give him water to begin with. So it fucking feels like he's yelling at me through her and he's too much of a coward to say something to me.
He calls the dog names constantly: asshole, dummy, 'our dog's an idiot' '*insert previous dog's name* was 10x smarter than you' just talking crazy like this isn't a living being. 'motherf*cker', 'you're not part of this family'... let me explain why this is more personal than just having to witness animal abuse when I love dogs and hate and want to murder people who don't treat animals well.
I've heard my dad calling me the same names behind my back, namely an asshole. Bitch, ingrate, ungrateful, on and on. I've told the story previously, but he had a whole phase where he liked to lock me out on the back porch like he 'forgot' I was in the house or did it 'by accident'. Like he closes the door on our dog and locks it without a second thought while he goes to do his anxiety behaviors.
Also told this story about how he compared me to a dog at my brother's and his girlfriend's place when we visited. Saying that after he had locked me out of the house for the last fucking time I could take and I broke a window that, "It wouldn't have happened if I'd had her on a leash." her as in ME. Comparing me to their large great dane puppy who was outside on his leash attached to a peg using the bathroom.
Let's not forget the time I came home from work to see my dog limping in the backyard, not stopping his circles once. I ran outside and down in the yard to look at him. I came in the house and told my parents he was limping. My dad's like, "he's still limping? he was limping hours ago." I was furious and I got the dog to stop limping circles and come up into the house with barely any help from my dad to grab a bag of ice, inspect his hurt paw and leg to see if I could see an object stuck or anything and rest the ice on his leg. I was looking up why a dog would limp like that, if there was any health cause or if he just fell up the stairs to the deck or something outside. And my dad's like: "He's just a dog." Like what are you doing all that for? "He'll be fine." The same type of treatment I got when I was visibly ill, distressed, or showed anything negative was going on with me.
It just pisses me off. There have been so many times where I felt sorry for our dog and wanted to open the gate and push him loose. And many times I thought about called the animal people to take him away and put him up for adoption somewhere. I feel powerless to defend myself, and powerless to defend an innocent animal selfishly brought into this mess.
The isolation, the name-calling, the locked out and forgot about, the nonchalant attitude about visible injury, the running in circles anxiety behaviors... I'm exactly like my dog. And I can see the clear effect of this type of abuse playing out on another living being and it destroys me daily.
submitted by Ecstatic-Return-8019 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:49 Deer-Diary My[30f] husband[31m] became good-looking and confident last year and now I feel insecure/jealous for the first time. How do I stop this?

My husband always told me that before we were dating, he never really got any attention from girls and was always the silent, introverted nerd guy in the room. He wasn't dressing particularly well, he didn't pay attention to his hair and overall style, it didn't bother him. He just knew he is not the type to attract girls cause he is not hot. On the contrary, I was the hot girl in every friend group we were in, and was getting a lot of attention from everyone. After we got married he told me he is very happy that he could "win" me. I was laughing those comments off, just not acknowledging that I was "that kind of huge thing" to "win". Anyway we both love each other madly and I spent years(6years or marriage) to constantly reassuring him that he is a gem, everyone would be lucky to know him, trying raising his self esteem as if it was my 2rd part time job. I never had a lack of attention in any group and I was constantly trying to bring him in to new friend groups to socialize more. He just didn't believe he can be interesting to anyone and vice versa, didn't even like the idea of meeting new people.
Until last year. He lost weight, did a corrective vision surgery, removed glasses. Made a new haircut and finally took my advice on wearing suits on many occasions - or smart casual, after seeing my reaction on the men in films who were dressed well. Since then he began to like himself in his new style, he never looked like the nerdy introvert guy anymore. He began to actively socialize with people. I was over the moon!!!
Right now for over a year we are close friends with 2 couples, the girl in one is my best friend from school( let's call he Amy). Since he changed, she pays a lot of attention to him(before he was invisible to her), when we are together in our friend group, she forgets that I also exist, all the jokes, themes, discussions evolve around him. And he is so sweet and nice to her as he is to everyone. I smile seeing him blossom in relationships, but I recently started feeling insecure in our closest friend groups. Being all my life in the center of attention in every place, and being basically invisible now is a very new thing for me and I hate myself that I'm even feeling this now, because I wanted him to be like this sooo much. And now I don't even know what I'm more sad/upset about - feeling like I lost the role of the main entertainer or seeing that other girls are basically FLIRTING with him and he cherishes the feeling of being liked(although does nothing wrong towards me, doesn't answer with flirting)?
I'm lost and I see every day how he likes being very active on group chats, entertain people and even sometimes choose to spend time in their company together with me as opposed to chilling with me at home(which he totally preferred for 6 and more years). After 2 or 3 incidents, where Amy basically snatched him from me during our double dates by being flirty/touchy, spending the whole evening talking with him while me and her husband we sitting like we weren't there, we had some conversations at home where I told my husband that I didn't like Amy's behaviour and reassured that he didn't do anything wrong. He assured me he didnt notice anything strange which I believed. Then those long talks about my feelings ended up leaving some marks and he tried to tell me he gets this uneasy feeling when meeting with them after what I said. Last night we had a fight when we were watching a movie at home and he was typing on the group chat half of the time. When I confronted him he told me I'm trying to be a controlling wife, and he does not like that. I am the girl that never experienced jealousy/envy and hates controlling people.
What do I do to understand my feeling and not build anger against Amy and not ruin our friendship? And not to fight with my husband. I'm desperate and I don't even know if this post makes sense as I'm typing it in the middle of the night, slightly drunk.Every comment is appreciated.
TLDR; my husband was the average geek with no attention from opposite sex and now he changed and gets all the attention + flirting from my friend groups while I get none(it used to be visa versa) we love each other, I adore new him, but I feel insecure, what do I do?
submitted by Deer-Diary to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:27 sieyak1 Not getting booked- what am I doing wrong? LA-based

I’m fairly new to the acting world and I’m not entirely sure how to navigate it.
I started December of last year and am on Casting Networks, Central Casting, and Extras!
I get about two days a month from Extras!, once in a blue moon I’ll get something from Casting Networks, and Central Casting I’ve gotten so many availability checks but still haven’t been booked once! I’ve been feeling pretty down about all of this and have been thinking about giving up and doing a non creative job so I can afford to live.
I feel weird saying this, but I know I’m a good looking woman with a nice figure and when I show up to a job, I know exactly how to style myself for any character. I own a very nice, high-end modern wardrobe and many vintage pieces to do pretty much any decade. I really take care to look my very best and most authentic which can take hours to prep. When I get onto set, I feel like I’m trying too hard because I see that others often do not put the effort I put in (appearance, professionalism, and skill) but they’re seemingly getting booked much more often than I am. I’m always hearing about everyone’s many jobs and auditions. I’m trying so hard but why am I not getting the same?
Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s any way for my efforts to be noticed in order to get more work. People don’t get cast by their resumes or recommendations or their effort on set. There’s no way to show my dedication on Casting Networks. It might be that landing work is only dependent on my photos.
I have a DSLR but no lighting equipment- I plan to learn about lighting so I can take better shots of myself but I need money to buy umbrellas and backdrops and all of that. It has been difficult for me because I have no natural light in my living space and only one white space to take photos against outside, but it’s at an angle away from the sun, so the lighting is always abnormally unflattering and too shaded.
And then there’s the issue of wardrobe. I have so, so many options and can do pretty much any look requested. But it takes a LOT of time and effort to shoot and look perfect on the daily. And there’s so many possibilities- I’m a girl with RANGE. Should I only be posting one type of look? Or would that be selling myself short?
Should I only be doing very minimalist basic casual, everyday person sort of looks or should I show off some style? What kind of style is most appealing to casting?
Do I need to only be posting one casual, one business, one cocktail and nothing else? What do they mean by cocktail anyway? A lot of the times cocktail can mean a club dress according to costumes.
Should they be trendy or more basic?
Do I need to take down all of my other wardrobe shots because I got a haircut?
Would finding an agent be a wise decision in getting more work? Or is that too expensive?
Everyone keeps asking for an IG link but mine is a personal account I recently made public and I haven’t posted in several years. Are they asking to see my personal style or does that mean they’re hiring influencers only?
I’m not on the casting side of things so I have no idea what everyone else is uploading or doing but I feel like I’m doing it all wrong
Also- I signed up for Central Casting four months ago and haven’t gotten any work. I booked the earliest time and did not know they would be taking photos, so I don’t look great and it’s not representative of how I usually appear in public. I haven’t been able to book another time to redo them. Is casting on central casting is dependent on the in-office photos or am I just not the right fit for any projects?
submitted by sieyak1 to acting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:52 DegenerateStoner710 39 [M4F] #NewJersey looking for something longterm and serious

Hello , short version, only interested in something serious and longterm. USA strongly preferred.
Absolutely no : History of abuse, history Addiction, mens haircuts, Colored hair ( blue, pink etc) heavy drinkers, single moms, cigarette smokers , NEW ACCOUNTS, no activists on any level, NO Black woman, must be an actual female from birth, im sure there is more but mind is blank at the moment.
I am looking for someone who is willing to actually put 50/50 effort into this. If you have zero desire to talk, check messages, respond in a timely manner etc we have absolutely ZERO to be talking about. I am very much over these types of interactions, I honestly dont get it haha. Communication is very key.
\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\Brief info about me : Enjoy all things true crime related ( podcasts, documentaries etc), I listen to all types of music to the point its just easier for me to say if I like it, ill listen to it period. If you saw me in person and then saw my Spotify it would probably shock you, not in a bad way though haha. I like to cook and BBQ when weather permits although I have been slacking on the bbq aspect lately. I use to compete with my exes father and it was a ton of fun. learned alot of things and made some amazing ribs and chicken. I love to try new foods when possible, id love to travel more, I do enjoy cruises, im pretty laid back type of person in the sense im open to whatever as long as it isnt lame.Please be 420 friendlyIts really pointless to write a lot here considering most messages are fake accounts / bots. Please send your basic info when you message instead of just "hi". Name, Location, age please thanks. Also be ready to exchange photos, if as an adult you "cant" do that, please dont message me lol.
submitted by DegenerateStoner710 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:49 TwentyCharacters_Max First age and gender, then read description lol

Link is for I think about 5 pictures, background is censored and in some there are color filters, but no other filters that alter my shape or features in any way. No make up in any of them either.
I assume by now you've seen them and probably thought of an age and gender for me, so type that out first if possible.
OKAAAY now I can say it. I'm 19, FtM, trans dude, 5'4 or 162cm and stopped growing a while ago. I don't know what to improve upon to help pass better. I'm closeted in public so my hair is long, and I tuck it under a beanie when in private/with friends or partner, so sorryzz, can't take it off. Considering this, what haircut do you suggest for my face shape, for when I can finally cut it off in a few months? I think something too short will make my face too round, and long hair is, well, long hair. Any suggestion is welcome!
I'm pre-T and pre-top surgery. Do you guys think either of those will help? Do I have any chance or is my body/face too feminine to ever pass even with medical transition? Is it over for me or nah?
My voice passes well, many many people who never seen me personally "mistake" me for a boy (euphoria!).
My body just sucks though. I'm a 26D (which the binder doesn't make flat) and a very small waist, and huuuuuge hips. Believe me or not, losing weight won't help much because I'm on the borderline between underweight and healthy weight, I've been thinner and my body was still hourglassy. I can literally feel and see my hips so my bones are just fucked up. I also tend to have thick thighs due to a genetic thing so yay I'm always losing haha (fml).
I gain muscle quite quickly, I'm just dysphoric to go to the gym because my mom insists to make the personal trainers only train my legs which... needless to say I don't need them to be any thicker. I'll definitely work out when I start T tho.
submitted by TwentyCharacters_Max to transpassing [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:51 biagia888 Can you guys help me with my curl type? Curlier on top/wavy-straight underneath. Looking to try new products as well. Thanks!

Can you guys help me with my curl type? Curlier on top/wavy-straight underneath. Looking to try new products as well. Thanks!
My hair is about medium thickness and I think medium porosity. I wash/diffuse once a week, sleep with a bonnet and on a silk pillowcase. Have used DevaCurl products for years and I really don’t like them anymore, I’m noticing a lot of frizz. I’m not looking for haircut advice - only products and help with curl type!
submitted by biagia888 to curlyhair [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:11 FocusInevitable1504 [Breeds] Looking for recommendations for my next dog. I’ve worked with and loved many breeds and I’m curious which breeds others would be ideal for my lifestyle

1) Will this be your first dog? If not, what experience do you have owning/training dogs? I had a Brittany for 13 years and I currently have a 7 year old bc mix and a golden retriever puppy. I’ve also owned a pet sitter company for 7 years 2) Do you have a preference for rescuing a dog vs. going through a [reputable breeder]? If I rescue, I don’t care as much about the breed so this is specifically for an ethically bred dog. 3) Describe your ideal dog. very trainable, can hike and jump without significant limitations 4) What breeds or types of dogs are you interested in and why? *I’m only going to include breeds I’ve worked with: GSD - beautiful, trainable, focused, one of my favorite breeds to train Greyhound - quiet, relaxed, beautiful, love to watch them run (nervous for my cat) Samoyed - beautiful, soft, intelligent, generally good temperament Golden - soft, intelligent, easy to socialize Brittany - soft, intelligent, easy to socialize Pom - fun sized, beautiful, generally good temperament, intelligent Poodle - intelligent, one of my favorite dogs to train, low shedding (unfortunately I don’t like the way they look because I think they’re otherwise an op breed for me) Pembroke Corgi - beautiful, trainable, soft (their fragile back removes them from being a contender for me) Aussie - beautiful, intelligent, trainable (perhaps too intensely energetic) BC - same as aussie
5) What sorts of things would you like to train your dog to do? depends on the dog but always basic training and then I love doing tricks, agility, off-leash training 6) Do you want to compete with your dog in a sport (e.g. agility, obedience, rally) or use your dog for a form of work (e.g. hunting, herding, livestock guarding)? If so, how much experience do you have with this work/sport? I love agility but I could also do rally or no sport at all **Care Commitments*\* 7) How long do you want to devote to training, playing with, or otherwise interacting with your dog each day? A comfortable normal day for me would be 1 long walk a day and 30-minutes of play/training plus a puzzle along with a hike or beach session once a week. We’re home with the dogs 14-20 hours/day 8) How long can you exercise your dog each day, on average? What sorts of exercise are you planning to give your dog regularly and does that include using a dog park? see 7^ 9) How much regular brushing are you willing to do? Are you open to trimming hair, cleaning ears, or doing other grooming at home? If not, would you be willing to pay a professional to do it regularly? my personal grooming max would be brush once a day or an occasional ear clean but I could book grooming sessions as often as necessary **Personal Preferences*\* 10) What size dog are you looking for? any but prefer not XL breeds because of short life span :( 11) How much shedding, barking, and slobber can you handle? medium barking is fine, pretty low slobber tolerance, and low shedding would definitely be a plus but I’m used to high shedding and all of my favorite breeds are high shedders 12) How important is being able to let your dog off-leash in an unfenced area? It would be super ideal. At the very least, not a breed that is notoriously a runner **Dog Personality and Behavior*\* 13) Do you want a snuggly dog or one that prefers some personal space? I love cuddling but at least not super aloof 14) Would you prefer a dog that wants to do its own thing or one that’s more eager-to-please? definitely leaning towards eager to please or good training drive 15) How would you prefer your dog to respond to someone knocking on the door or entering your yard? How would you prefer your dog to greet strangers or visitors? anything but attack on sight. Barking is fine 16) Are you willing to manage a dog that is aggressive to other dogs? I wouldn’t prefer it and would socialize early but if something traumatic happens then I’m equipped to take care of an aggressive dog’s needs 17) Are there any other behaviors you can’t deal with or want to avoid? taking off, heavy barking even once trained and walked, extreme stubbornness **Lifestyle*\* 18) How often and how long will the dog be left alone? up to 8 hours consecutively and never more than 10/day 19) What are the dog-related preferences of other people in the house and what will be their involvement in caring for the dog? my boyfriend - heavily involved in walking, care, and constantly trying to get better at following my training instructions: same preferences as me
20) Do you have other pets or are you planning on having other pets? What breed or type of animal are they? I also have a cat 21) Will the dog be interacting with children regularly? sometimes 22) Do you rent or plan to rent in the future? If applicable, what breed or weight restrictions are on your current lease? no restrictions 23) What city or country do you live in and are you aware of any laws banning certain breeds? Florida, USA no restrictions 24) What is the average temperature of a typical summer and winter day where you live? summer average 85° and winter average 65° although we plan on moving to Colorado in a few years
submitted by FocusInevitable1504 to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:09 0_T_A_C_0_N Unhoused-ness: A Phenomenology

Any alcoholic worth their salt has a drink of preference, and such a drink is the culmination of three important characteristics. It ought to be discreet, because One doesn’t want the neighbors to catch on. It shouldn’t make One violently ill, there is much to recommend the scientific method there, and it always comes with a story. The sum is a wholly experiential connection between the alcoholic and their medicine.
0_T_A_C_0_N’s Skinny Bitch recipe: Water Bottle - Vodka – Sparkling Water – Ice (optional)
Some people will tell you that a Skinny Bitch goes well with lime, those people are part-timers. What really makes the difference is Ones choice of Sparkling Water, I suggest a lime Bubbly as a middle ground. The origin of the term, I gather, has to do with the drink’s procurement at clubs from young women looking after their weight. Nobody has ever gotten fat drinking water, and of course – the mild hangover is a perk.
I discovered the benefits of this admixture during the Summer of 2018 – it was during that season that my life as I knew it would change, first with a divorce, then financial ruin, and later – a suicide.
There are all sorts of reasons why someone might drop out of society, and in fact – that simply means not playing the game. Our makeshifts are nothing more than productive creativity which we take back into ourselves. That same creativity is otherwise spent fantasizing that we’re elsewhere, and rationalizing why we cant be there. Chief among the reasons that society hates a homeless person, it’s often told, is that they’re lazy. The irony here - they may hate this person for being lazy but they love to have an easy target.
I think that the truth of my situation was somewhere between the alcohol compounding my troubles and those troubles complicating my drinking. In any case, I spent that Summer and then the Fall riding the train with my Skinny Bitch. It wasn’t more than an hour toward the city before another homeless man called me a faggot because I wouldn’t let him use my phone, and I really felt like a faggot at that moment. I knew my way around the city park, and I progressed to sleeping there. It was adjacent to a really nice science center, which offered a free entry – so I’d use the bathroom there and nap during the IMAX documentaries.
With my funds depleting as I carved a trail in the woods between the liquor store and the Mcdonalds, I naturally grew more disheveled and my interactions with the common citizen became more confrontational. The park cops were the worst, on their stupid little golf carts. Then the other folks that lived in the park, bunch of assholes. I didn’t mind the helper-types because they typically brought sandwiches and wet-wipes. The catch, for them, was that I needed to make a change and find my way back into society – I needed an address, then I could get a job and a haircut.
In reorienting itself toward the unhoused, society would argue that such a person does indeed have a home, that they belong – but that until they’re housed, they aren’t welcome in public. Actually, they aren’t welcome anywhere. See, it’s just the sight of you. There are very few spaces where they could exist without accruing grievance. The problem then, is that all of the good hiding spaces have been taken.
Besides, the homeless are often housed, and the housed can certainly be homeless. Look no further than any refugee from any country on Earth and it’s clear that there is a difference between house and home. A house is a house if One is fortunate, but perhaps more commonly an apartment – and from there anyplace which does not directly expose One to the weather, will do. A home is a place of relational-belonging. One makes their home where they might, with who they might, and One doesn’t require housing as-such to participate in a home.
More recently, on a trip to SoCal I was witness to a homeless-encampment-removal-march. It sounds like a tongue twister but it was more like the hand of God reaching down with a broom and just sort of pushing them, yeah, right there, around the corner where… - perfect, pack them a bit tighter and – perfect. It was honest work for the State, at least things stood in the open. Now, rather than having a camp at the park, there would be a camp in the adjacent parking lot while workers clean the mess.
The Anti-Homeless Architecture Industry is a complex beast. Designed, not by intention, but at the pleasure of society – to capture all manner of natural transgression and put it under a spotlight. Living as a transient invites speculation that One isn’t well, or at least not well-adjusted. Whichever is worse depends on who’s casting the judgement. Society tends to lean more empathetically on the unwell – it’s not their fault that they can’t find a place to fit themselves, because anyone who could do that would do that. Not to be confused, those who aren’t well-adjusted might as well be criminals.
Homelessness as it stands under the present condition has been removed from it’s problem-solution function and given over to a buried tension between such an unhoused individual and the citizen. Ceteris paribus, it shouldn’t matter much whether One decides to sleep outside at night, it seems that the need for rest is met. It’s also not a complex matter for an intelligent being to muster privacy, protection and warmth - but these essential purposes in establishing a base-camp aren’t what the citizen considers in their homelessness-calculation. To be homeless means that One doesn’t have their paperwork in order, and without the proper paperwork the citizen can be sure that there is a dearth of productivity. Besides, actually being homeless is something that One can and will adjust to – but imagining what it must be like is among the most terrifying thoughts that can cross Ones mind.
It’s very much the case that having a residence where the State can reach One and deliver them mail is an essential aspect of belonging in society. The citizen cares for nothing more than to reintegrate this person into the group, to get them a job and create efficiency. One could hardly be blamed for viewing that as an improvement where the alternative is to be ridiculed, assaulted and imprisoned by those same citizens for a refusal. When every step that One takes is onto another piece of land that’s under contract, then what ought to be a simple and life-affirming act in creating a homestead has become a permission to be sought sweetly as One gently draws a circle in the dirt with their foot – hat in hand. If One needs to ask permission to be - they are homeless, indeed.
The crisis has little to do with homelessness, it’s only the product of a society where no-one has ever had experience in establishing their Own place of belonging that the most intelligent creature to ever walk the earth is suddenly incapable of creating a barrier between themselves and the cold, we see such constructions in every homeless encampment – they are not complicated, they are illegal. What’s more, the shoddy construction therein is only a manifestation of the anticipation with which they’ll be removed by the society. I’m confident that we’ve yet to see the untethered ingenuity of what One could accomplish in this place without society.
It’s a phenomenology of housing that we need to get at. What does that mean here, in the United States? It’s a conditional transaction to participate in society. Rent and taxes provide a cover for One to exist within the walls of their dwelling without the prying eyes. One doesn’t wonder what’s going on inside that apartment building so often as they question the tarp by the river. In the former, they’ve earned respect – the latter induces paranoia. The only difference between them is that whichever is under contract has been granted their permission to exist – and it comes with benefits.
There is no problem with living outside of society, except for that society weighing on the decision. It owns all of the land, even the land that this citizen might claim to own. The Egoist understands this dichotomy, there is nothing that can be given by the State which cannot be taken back through greater force. It’s especially true that the State won’t allow One to live rent free, in addition to the impossibility of constructing a rent-free dwelling, One cannot get lost at the State park, either. Between State law and local ordinances which are so broad that they encompass a ban on anything beside coming-from or going-to another place (a problem for someone with nowhere to be), there are places right now which would ban sleeping in public entirely.
It would be in accordance with gear-like nature of a citizen in a functioning society that we cannot even go back to where we came from, the outside. It’s inside where One belongs, where One goes to be forgotten, where One ceases to exist for society, and from where One emerges again to sacrifice their existence to productivity at work. We can run but we can’t escape the outside. So long as it’s only conceived of as the intermediary between work and home, and a third place if One is really lucky – then we’re imprisoned as beings which exist in such transit. Though, we’re not allowed transit in-itself, that’s a subversive concept, it implies that we have other business to attend to – and mind you, no right to attend that business without clearance.
submitted by 0_T_A_C_0_N to AUnionofEgoists [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:42 Sweet-Count2557 14 Drop in Indoor Play Spaces for Philly Area Kids

14 Drop in Indoor Play Spaces for Philly Area Kids
14 Drop in Indoor Play Spaces for Philly Area Kids In a city filled with possibilities, finding the perfect indoor play spaces for our little ones can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But fear not, fellow parents! We've done the legwork and gathered a list of 14 drop-in play spaces that are sure to keep your kids entertained and engaged.From zip-lines to trampolines, and rock walls to roller coasters, these play spaces offer a wide range of activities and attractions. But that's not all - they also provide enrichment programs and cost-effective membership options.So, whether you're looking for a place to host a birthday party or simply let your kids burn off some energy, we've got you covered. Stay tuned as we unveil these hidden gems that will surely make your little ones jump for joy.Key TakeawaysPhiladelphia offers a variety of indoor play spaces for kids, including Kids At Play in East Falls and We Rock the Spectrum in Northeast Philadelphia.These play spaces provide a range of attractions and activities, such as zip-lines, roller coasters, ball pits, trampolines, rock walls, and imaginary play areas.Some play spaces, like PlayArts in Fishtown and Philly InMovement in Queen Village, also offer arts and enrichment programs, including dance, music, theater, and art classes.Membership options are available at PlayArts and NEST, offering cost-effective access to unlimited play space, as well as additional perks like discounted parking, free coffee, and Wi-Fi.Kids At Play - East FallsKids At Play - East Falls offers an exciting and interactive indoor play space for children in the Philadelphia area. Located in East Falls, Philadelphia, this indoor playground provides a fun and safe environment for kids to explore and play. With a variety of attractions, including a zip-line, roller coaster car, and ball pit, children of all ages can engage in imaginative and active play.One of the main benefits of Kids At Play - East Falls is that it allows children to engage in physical activity regardless of the weather. Whether it's raining or snowing outside, this indoor play space provides a climate-controlled environment where kids can run, jump, and play to their heart's content. Additionally, the play space offers classes and space for birthday parties, making it a convenient option for families looking to celebrate a special occasion.To maximize playtime at Kids At Play - East Falls, it's important to come prepared. Be sure to dress your child in comfortable clothing and shoes that are suitable for physical activity. It's also a good idea to bring along snacks and water to keep your child hydrated and energized during playtime. Additionally, be mindful of the age restrictions for certain attractions to ensure your child's safety.We Rock the Spectrum - Northeast PhiladelphiaLocated in Northeast Philadelphia, We Rock the Spectrum is an inclusive and dynamic indoor play space for children ages 12 and under. At We Rock the Spectrum, we provide a safe and welcoming environment for children of all abilities to play, explore, and socialize. Our mission is to promote sensory integration therapy and support children in developing their physical, emotional, and cognitive skills.One of the highlights of We Rock the Spectrum is our trampoline and rock wall. These exciting features not only provide endless fun for kids but also help improve their coordination, balance, and strength. Children can bounce on the trampoline or challenge themselves to climb our rock wall, boosting their confidence and building their gross motor skills.In addition to the trampoline and rock wall, We Rock the Spectrum offers a variety of play areas that encourage imaginative play. From a pretend grocery store to a dress-up corner, children can let their creativity run wild and engage in pretend play. This type of play is essential for their cognitive development as it helps them learn problem-solving, communication, and social skills.At We Rock the Spectrum, we understand that every child is unique and has different needs. That's why our play space is designed to accommodate children with varying abilities. We provide sensory-friendly equipment and activities that promote sensory integration therapy, helping children regulate their sensory experiences and develop self-regulation skills.Whether your child is seeking a thrilling adventure on the trampoline, a challenging climb on the rock wall, or a stimulating imaginative play experience, We Rock the Spectrum is the perfect place for them to have fun and grow. Visit us today and watch your child thrive in our inclusive and dynamic indoor play space.PlayArts - FishtownPlayArts in Fishtown offers a vibrant and enriching play space for children of all ages to explore their creativity and engage in imaginative play. With a 4,500 square foot facility, PlayArts provides ample room for infants, toddlers, and older kids to let their imaginations run wild.What sets PlayArts apart is its focus on integrating play and arts, offering a variety of classes including dance, music, theater, and art. By combining these two elements, children are able to express themselves and develop their artistic skills while having fun.One of the membership benefits at PlayArts is the option to choose between annual or quarterly memberships. This flexibility allows families to decide what works best for them and their budget. Whether you want to commit to a full year of enriching experiences or prefer a shorter-term commitment, PlayArts has you covered.In addition to the arts-focused classes, PlayArts also offers a Chinese Learning Lab class, providing children with an opportunity to explore another culture through language and play. This unique offering adds another dimension to the already diverse range of activities available at PlayArts.PlayArts understands the importance of providing a space where children can freely express themselves and indulge in imaginative play. By integrating play and arts, they create an environment that fosters creativity, self-expression, and personal growth. Whether your child is dancing, painting, or acting on stage, PlayArts encourages them to explore their passions and develop new skills.PlayArts in Fishtown isn't just a play space; it's a place where children can unleash their creativity and embark on a journey of self-discovery. With its focus on integrating play and arts, PlayArts provides an enriching experience that allows children to freely explore their interests and talents. So why not join PlayArts and let your child's imagination soar?Philly InMovement - Queen VillageAfter exploring the vibrant and enriching play space at PlayArts in Fishtown, it's time to discover the exciting world of Philly InMovement in Queen Village. Philly InMovement offers a wide range of gymnastics classes and movement education programs for children of all ages. Here are four reasons why Philly InMovement is a must-visit play space for kids in Philadelphia:Gymnastics Classes: Philly InMovement provides top-notch gymnastics classes that are designed to promote physical fitness, strength, flexibility, and coordination. From beginners to advanced gymnasts, there are classes available for every skill level. The experienced instructors at Philly InMovement create a supportive and encouraging environment where kids can learn and grow.Movement Education: In addition to gymnastics, Philly InMovement offers movement education programs that focus on developing fundamental movement skills. Through fun and engaging activities, children are encouraged to explore their physical capabilities and improve their overall movement abilities. These programs help kids become more confident and competent in their physical abilities.Open Gym: Philly InMovement offers open gym sessions where kids can freely explore the play space and engage in a variety of physical activities. From jumping on trampolines to swinging on bars, there are endless opportunities for kids to have fun and get active. Open gym is a great way for children to burn off energy and socialize with other kids.Enrichment Summer Camp and Adult Programming: Philly InMovement goes beyond just offering programs for kids. They also provide enrichment summer camp for children, which combines gymnastics, arts, and outdoor play. Additionally, Philly InMovement offers adult programming, including fitness classes and workshops. This allows parents and adults to stay active while their kids are having fun.Philly InMovement in Queen Village isn't just a play space, but a place where kids can learn, grow, and have fun through gymnastics and movement education. It's a space that promotes freedom of movement and encourages children to explore their physical abilities in a supportive and engaging environment.NEST - Center City and Chestnut HillNEST - Center City and Chestnut Hill offers a unique and enriching play space for children of all ages. With a nature-themed indoor playground that includes a treehouse, costumes, and a toy market, kids can explore and immerse themselves in imaginative play. NEST also provides a variety of age-appropriate activities such as art and music classes, haircuts, and birthday parties.One of the standout features of NEST is its membership benefits. By becoming a monthly member, families can enjoy discounted parking, unlimited access to the play space, and even free coffee and wifi. This allows parents to relax and connect while their children engage in play and exploration.To further enhance the experience, NEST also offers a snack cafe for parents. This provides a convenient and enjoyable space for adults to unwind and recharge while their little ones have a blast.To give you a clearer picture of the membership benefits at NEST, here is a table summarizing the perks:Membership BenefitsDiscounted parkingUnlimited play space accessFree coffee and wifiSnack cafe for parentsCost-effective Play SpacesLooking for affordable options for indoor play spaces in Philadelphia? We understand the importance of finding cost-effective memberships and affordable play options for your little ones. Here are some recommendations that won't break the bank:We Rock the Spectrum - Northeast Philadelphia: This play space offers cost-effective memberships, allowing you to enjoy two hours of play or an all-day pass at a reasonable price. It's a great option for families looking for budget-friendly fun.PlayArts - Fishtown: With annual or quarterly membership options, PlayArts provides a range of affordable play opportunities. From dance and music classes to theater and art programs, your child can explore their creativity without straining your wallet.NEST - Center City and Chestnut Hill: NEST offers a monthly membership that includes discounted parking, unlimited play space access, and even free coffee and wifi for parents. This comprehensive package ensures that both you and your child can enjoy the play space without worrying about additional costs.Kids At Play - East Falls: While Kids At Play doesn't specifically offer memberships, they provide a licensed therapy and sensory gym, making it a unique and valuable play space option. It's worth considering for families who may benefit from these additional services.Children's Enrichment Centers With Play SpacesAs we explore affordable indoor play spaces in Philadelphia, let's now shift our focus to the exciting world of Children's Enrichment Centers with Play Spaces. These centers offer a unique combination of indoor play spaces and educational programs, providing children with a fun and enriching experience.One of the key features of these centers is the incorporation of sensory play. Sensory play is an important aspect of early childhood development as it stimulates the senses and encourages exploration. Children can engage in activities such as playing with sand, water, or even experimenting with different textures. These experiences not only provide entertainment but also help with cognitive development and fine motor skills.Children's Enrichment Centers with Play Spaces also offer a wide range of educational programs. From art and music classes to dance and theater, these centers provide opportunities for children to explore their creative side. By engaging in these activities, children can develop their imagination, self-expression, and confidence.In addition to the play spaces and educational programs, many of these centers offer other services such as birthday parties, haircuts, and even snack cafes for parents. This creates a welcoming and inclusive environment where families can come together and enjoy quality time.Indoor Play Spaces With Arts and Enrichment ProgramsLet's dive into the exciting world of indoor play spaces that also offer arts and enrichment programs, creating a dynamic and educational environment for children in Philadelphia. These play spaces not only provide a fun and safe space for kids to play, but also offer a range of arts and crafts classes and theater workshops.Here are four indoor play spaces in Philadelphia that prioritize creativity and enrichment:PlayArts - Located in Fishtown, PlayArts is a 4,500 square foot facility that offers a variety of arts classes including dance, music, theater, and art. With annual or quarterly membership options, children can explore their creative side through different mediums while also enjoying the play space. PlayArts also incorporates a unique Chinese Learning Lab class, providing children with an opportunity to learn Chinese language and culture.Philly InMovement - Situated in Queen Village, Philly InMovement goes beyond just gymnastics and movement education classes. They also offer theater workshops for children, allowing them to explore their dramatic abilities and build confidence on stage. Additionally, Philly InMovement provides enrichment summer camps and even adult programming, catering to a wide range of interests and ages.Kids At Play - Located in East Falls, Kids At Play not only offers an indoor, multi-sensory playground for children but also provides arts and crafts classes. Children can engage in creative activities such as painting, drawing, and sculpting, allowing them to express themselves and develop their artistic skills.NEST - With locations in Center City and Chestnut Hill, NEST is a children's enrichment center that features a nature-themed indoor playground. In addition to their play space, NEST offers art classes where children can explore different art techniques and materials. Parents can also enjoy a snack cafe while their children engage in creative activities.These indoor play spaces with arts and enrichment programs provide children with the opportunity to explore their creativity, develop new skills, and have fun in a safe and engaging environment. So why not let your child's imagination soar while they play and learn at these amazing places in Philadelphia?Additional Features and ServicesHere are some exciting additional features and services offered by these indoor play spaces in Philadelphia.These play spaces go above and beyond just providing a fun and safe environment for children to play. They also offer licensed therapy and services that cater to children of all abilities.Kids At Play - East Falls not only has an indoor, multi-sensory playground with attractions like a zip-line, roller coaster car, and ball pit, but it also offers licensed therapy and a sensory gym. This means that children with special needs can benefit from therapeutic play in a supportive and inclusive environment.We Rock the Spectrum - Northeast Philadelphia is another play space that's suitable for children with varying abilities. With features like trampolines, a zip line, rock wall, and imaginary play area, children of all abilities can engage in play and have a great time. They also offer cost-effective memberships, allowing families to enjoy unlimited play at a reasonable price.Philly InMovement - Queen Village not only provides gymnastics and movement education classes, but they also offer enrichment summer camps and adult programming. This means that parents can also participate in activities and classes while their children have fun.NEST - Center City and Chestnut Hill offers a range of services beyond the play space itself. They've a snack cafe available for parents, as well as haircuts and birthday party options. Additionally, their monthly membership includes discounted parking, unlimited play space access, and free coffee and wifi.These additional features and services make these indoor play spaces in Philadelphia stand out.Whether it's licensed therapy, inclusivity for all abilities, or extra amenities for parents, these play spaces go the extra mile to create a memorable and enjoyable experience for children and their families.Membership OptionsMembership options at these indoor play spaces in Philadelphia provide families with flexibility and cost-effective ways to enjoy unlimited playtime and additional perks. Here are four reasons why becoming a member at an indoor play space is a great choice:Benefits and Pricing:Membership options offer a range of benefits, such as unlimited access to the play space, discounted rates for additional services, and priority registration for classes and events. The pricing is designed to fit different budgets, with options for monthly, quarterly, or annual memberships. By becoming a member, families can save money while enjoying all the fun and excitement these play spaces have to offer.Exclusive Member Events:Being a member comes with the added bonus of exclusive member events. These events are a chance for families to connect with other members and enjoy special activities and experiences. From themed parties to character meet and greets, these events provide a unique and memorable playtime experience for members.Perks and Rewards:Membership also comes with various perks and rewards. Members may receive discounts on merchandise, food, and beverages, making the overall experience even more enjoyable. Additionally, members may have access to special amenities like complimentary WiFi, free coffee, and even discounted parking. These perks enhance the play space experience and make every visit feel like a VIP experience.Flexibility and Convenience:Becoming a member of an indoor play space offers the convenience of unlimited playtime whenever it suits your schedule. With no need to worry about daily admission fees, families can come and go as they please, making spontaneous playdates or last-minute outings a breeze. Membership also provides flexibility in terms of choosing the duration of the membership, allowing families to select the option that best fits their needs.Kids At Play - Therapy and Sensory GymAfter exploring the various membership options available at indoor play spaces in Philadelphia, let's now turn our attention to Kids At Play, a unique facility that not only provides a fun and engaging play space for children, but also offers a licensed therapy and sensory gym.At Kids At Play, we understand that every child is unique and may have different sensory and developmental needs. That's why we have created a dedicated therapy and sensory gym within our facility. Our licensed therapists are trained to work with children of all abilities, providing individualized therapy sessions that focus on sensory integration, motor skills development, and overall well-being.In our therapy and sensory gym, children have the opportunity to engage in various activities that stimulate their senses and promote their physical and cognitive development. From swinging and climbing to jumping and balancing, our gym is designed to provide a safe and supportive environment where children can explore and learn at their own pace.To highlight the range of activities and benefits offered in our therapy and sensory gym, here's a table that showcases some of the key features:ActivitiesBenefitsSwingingEnhances balance and coordinationClimbingBuilds strength and motor skillsJumpingDevelops gross motor skillsBalancingImproves focus and concentrationOur licensed therapists are dedicated to helping children reach their full potential by providing them with the tools and support they need. Whether your child has sensory processing issues, developmental delays, or simply wants to engage in therapeutic play, our therapy and sensory gym at Kids At Play is here to meet their unique needs.We Rock the Spectrum - Suitable for All AbilitiesWe Rock the Spectrum in Northeast Philadelphia is an inclusive indoor play space that caters to children of all abilities. At We Rock the Spectrum, we understand the importance of creating an environment where every child feels welcome and can fully participate in play. Here are four reasons why We Rock the Spectrum is suitable for all abilities:Inclusive Play: We Rock the Spectrum provides a safe and inclusive space where children of all abilities can play together. Our play equipment is designed to accommodate children with sensory sensitivities, motor challenges, and other special needs. We believe in fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance for every child who walks through our doors.Sensory Friendly Activities: We offer a variety of sensory-friendly activities that cater to the unique needs of children with sensory sensitivities. From our calming room to our sensory swings and trampolines, we provide a range of activities that promote sensory exploration and regulation. Our trained staff is also available to provide support and guidance to ensure that every child can fully enjoy their play experience.Cost-effective Memberships: We understand that access to inclusive play spaces should be affordable for all families. That's why we offer cost-effective membership options that allow families to visit We Rock the Spectrum regularly without breaking the bank. Our memberships provide unlimited access to our play space, ensuring that children can benefit from the inclusive environment on a regular basis.Engaging and Informative: Our play space isn't just a place for children to have fun, but also a space for learning and growth. We offer a range of engaging and informative programs, such as art classes and music therapy, that promote development and exploration. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to learn and grow, and we strive to provide those opportunities at We Rock the Spectrum.At We Rock the Spectrum, we're committed to creating a world where every child can play, learn, and thrive. We invite families of all abilities to join us and experience the joy of inclusive play.Philly InMovement - Enrichment Summer Camp and Adult ProgrammingPhilly InMovement offers a variety of enriching summer camp programs and engaging adult programming to foster growth and development in individuals of all ages. Whether you're looking for a fun and educational experience for your child or seeking opportunities to challenge yourself and learn something new, Philly InMovement has something for everyone.Check out the table below for a glimpse of the exciting enrichment summer camp programs and adult programming offered by Philly InMovement:Enrichment Summer CampAdult ProgrammingGymnastics CampStrength and ConditioningNinja Warrior CampYogaCircus Arts CampDance ClassesFor children, Philly InMovement's enrichment summer camps provide a unique opportunity to explore and develop their physical abilities while having a blast. From gymnastics and ninja warrior training to circus arts, children can discover new talents and build confidence in a safe and supportive environment.Adults can also get in on the action with Philly InMovement's engaging adult programming. Whether you're interested in strength and conditioning, yoga, or dance classes, there's something for everyone to enjoy and improve their fitness level.At Philly InMovement, we believe that learning and growth should be a lifelong journey. That's why we offer enrichment summer camps and adult programming that cater to individuals of all ages and skill levels. So whether you're a parent looking for a fun summer activity for your child or an adult seeking to challenge yourself and try something new, Philly InMovement has you covered. Join us and embark on a journey of growth and discovery today!NEST - Haircuts, Birthday Parties, and Snack CafeNEST offers more than just a play space for children - it also provides haircut services, birthday parties, and a snack cafe for parents. This unique combination of offerings sets NEST apart from other indoor play spaces in the Philadelphia area.Here are four reasons why NEST is the ultimate destination for families:Haircut Services: NEST understands that getting a child's haircut can be a stressful experience. That's why they offer professional haircut services right on-site. Parents can relax knowing that their little one is in good hands, while kids can enjoy a fun and comfortable haircut experience.Party Packages: NEST takes birthday parties to the next level with their customizable party packages. From themed decorations to interactive games and activities, NEST ensures that every party is a memorable and stress-free experience for both kids and parents. With a variety of options to choose from, parents can find the perfect package to suit their child's interests and preferences.Snack Cafe: Parents need a place to recharge while their children play, and NEST's snack cafe is the ideal spot. With a selection of delicious snacks and beverages, parents can relax and enjoy a moment of tranquility while their little ones explore and have fun. The cafe also offers free wifi, allowing parents to stay connected and catch up on work or social media.Family-Friendly Environment: NEST is designed with families in mind. The play space is thoughtfully laid out, providing a safe and engaging environment for children to learn and play. The staff at NEST are friendly and attentive, ensuring that both kids and parents feel welcomed and cared for.NEST truly goes above and beyond to cater to the needs of families. Whether it's getting a haircut, celebrating a birthday, or simply enjoying a snack, NEST offers a range of services that make it a one-stop destination for both kids and parents.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Outdoor Play Spaces Available for Kids in the Philly Area?Outdoor play spaces provide numerous benefits for children. They promote physical activity, creativity, and social interaction. They offer a refreshing break from indoor play, allowing kids to explore nature and develop their motor skills.In the Philly area, there are several outdoor play spaces available for kids to enjoy. These spaces offer a variety of activities, including playgrounds, sports fields, and nature trails. Engaging in outdoor play not only enhances children's physical and mental well-being but also fosters a sense of freedom and adventure.Can Adults Also Participate in the Activities Offered at These Indoor Play Spaces?Yes, adults can also participate in the activities offered at these indoor play spaces. There are adult-only activities available, which can be a great way for parents to engage with their children and have fun together.Participating in these activities not only strengthens the bond between adults and children but also provides a chance for adults to release stress, improve their physical fitness, and tap into their inner child.It's a win-win situation for everyone involved!Are There Any Age Restrictions for the Indoor Play Spaces?Age restrictions and safety guidelines vary among the indoor play spaces in Philadelphia. Each facility has specific guidelines to ensure the safety of all participants.While some spaces cater to toddlers and older children, others welcome newborns to 12-year-olds. It's important to check the age restrictions of each play space before visiting.Additionally, these play spaces prioritize safety by implementing measures such as licensed therapy and sensory gyms, suitable facilities for children with varying abilities, and dedicated staff to oversee the activities.Can Parents Drop off Their Kids at These Play Spaces or Do They Need to Stay With Them?At the indoor play spaces in Philly, parents have the option to drop off their kids or stay with them. The supervision requirements vary depending on the specific play space. Some places may require parents to stay with their children, while others offer a drop off option for parents who desire freedom.It's important to check with each play space to understand their specific policies and guidelines.Are There Any Discounts or Special Offers Available for Frequent Visitors of These Indoor Play Spaces?Yes, there are discounts and special offers available for frequent visitors of these indoor play spaces. Some places offer cost-effective memberships, such as We Rock the Spectrum and PlayArts.NEST offers a monthly membership that includes discounted parking, unlimited play space access, and even free coffee and wifi.These loyalty programs provide great value and perks for families who love to visit these play spaces regularly. So, you can enjoy the fun and savings at the same time!ConclusionIn conclusion, the Philadelphia area is home to a variety of exciting and educational drop-in play spaces for kids. From Kids At Play in East Falls to We Rock the Spectrum in Northeast Philadelphia, there's a play space conveniently located near you.With activities like zip-lines, trampolines, and art classes, these play spaces offer something for everyone. Plus, with cost-effective membership options, families can enjoy unlimited access to these indoor playgrounds.So, don't wait any longer - let your kids unleash their energy and creativity at these amazing play spaces!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:32 cbsbeautysupply The Best Hair Clippers For Haircuts On All Types Of Hair

The Best Hair Clippers For Haircuts On All Types Of Hair
Many go to their barber for the sharpest haircut attainable, particularly earlier than an important day like a marriage or household reunion. However in case you’d quite save on frequent barbershop visits, the most effective hair clippers are designed that will help you obtain a contemporary, smooth look—and make you’re feeling assured taking issues into your individual fingers. (We selected the Andis Master MLC Cordless Lithium-Ion Clipper #12470 as our prime decide for its energy and flexibility.)
submitted by cbsbeautysupply to u/cbsbeautysupply [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:07 yahidominicanhair Dominican salon Brooklyn yahi-dominican-hairsalon.com

Dominican salon Brooklyn yahi-dominican-hairsalon.com
Yahi Dominican Hair Salon: The Premier Hair Salon in Brooklyn
Located at 1924 Fulton St, Brooklyn, NY 11233, Yahi Dominican Hair Salon has been a cornerstone of exceptional hair care in Brooklyn since 2000. Specializing in Dominican hair care, our salon offers an extensive range of services to cater to all your hair needs. Whether you're looking for a classic Dominican style or the latest hair trends, our skilled stylists are here to provide you with the perfect look.
Top Dominican Hair Salon in Brooklyn
At Yahi Dominican Hair Salon, we pride ourselves on being the top choice for Dominican hair care in Brooklyn. Our experienced team is dedicated to delivering high-quality services that leave you looking and feeling your best. From haircuts and styling to advanced treatments, we have everything you need to achieve your desired hairstyle.
Keratin Treatment Dominican Hair Salon Brooklyn
Our keratin treatments are among the most sought-after services at Yahi Dominican Hair Salon. Designed to smooth and strengthen your hair, our keratin treatments will leave your hair looking silky and shiny. If you're searching for a "keratin treatment Dominican hair salon in Brooklyn," look no further than Yahi Dominican Hair Salon.
Affordable Dominican Hair Salon in Brooklyn
We believe that everyone deserves to look and feel their best without breaking the bank. That's why Yahi Dominican Hair Salon offers affordable pricing on all our services. Whether you're getting a simple haircut or a full balayage treatment, you'll find our prices competitive and our service unparalleled.
Balayage Dominican Hair Salon Brooklyn
Balayage is a popular hair coloring technique that gives your hair a natural, sun-kissed look. At Yahi Dominican Hair Salon, our experts specialize in creating stunning balayage looks tailored to your hair type and personal style. For the "best balayage services in Brooklyn," visit us today.
Dominican Brazilian Blowout Hair Salon Brooklyn
Experience the transformative power of a Brazilian blowout at Yahi Dominican Hair Salon. This treatment will leave your hair smooth, frizz-free, and effortlessly manageable. Our salon is renowned for offering top-notch Dominican Brazilian blowouts in Brooklyn.
Dominican Hair Extension Salon Brooklyn
Enhance your natural beauty with our premium hair extensions. We offer 100% human hair extensions that blend seamlessly with your natural hair, adding length and volume. If you're looking for a "Dominican hair extension salon in Brooklyn," Yahi Dominican Hair Salon is your go-to destination.
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Our professional hair stylists are experts in hair coloring, offering a wide range of services from simple touch-ups to complete color transformations. We use high-quality products to ensure vibrant, long-lasting results. If you're seeking the "best hair coloring in Brooklyn," Yahi Dominican Hair Salon has you covered.
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At Yahi Dominican Hair Salon, we celebrate natural hair and offer a variety of services to keep your natural hair healthy and beautiful. Our stylists are experienced in working with all hair types and textures, providing personalized care that meets your unique needs.
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Our team of professional hair stylists is dedicated to providing you with exceptional service and results. Whether you're looking for a new style, a fresh color, or expert hair care advice, our stylists are here to help. For the "best professional hair stylist in Brooklyn," visit Yahi Dominican Hair Salon.
Book Your Appointment Today
Yahi Dominican Hair Salon is your one-stop destination for all your hair care needs in Brooklyn. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we strive to provide the best services at affordable prices. Book your appointment today and experience the Yahi Dominican Hair Salon difference.
submitted by yahidominicanhair to u/yahidominicanhair [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:41 BigGuyDustMan Pt 3 of the clone performance list

I have set out to watch the entirety of the clone wars and the bad batch and while doing so add and subtract points from literary every single named clone on screen. Also occasionally an unnamed will get or lose a point if they do something cool enough. This is to find the objective best and worst clone in the republic. (I have watched up to season 3 episode 5 and have not watched the movie.)
Clone performance chart
Lieutenant Thire total: +1 Used his head like a smart clone +1
Jek Total: neutral
Rys Total: neutral
Commander Wolffe Total: neutral
Boost Total: +2 Certified electrician +1 Space daredevil:+1
Sergeant Sinker Total: +1 Up and coming comedian +1
Marshal Commander Cody Total: +3 In Palapatines contacts+1 Pulled a fast one on Slick then put him to bed in one punch. Inhuman strength +1 Dog piled Grievous +1
Captain Rex total: +3 High insight +1 A poor chiropractor +1 Part of the clone trio with the most aura: +1 Insane number against those farmers on the show planet +1 Slick was a lil too slippery -1
Matchstick total: -1 "I'm okay" -1
Broadside total: neutral
Tag total: -1 Low Perception -1
Hevy total: +2 "Didn't say please" +1 Went out like a G +1
Fives total: +1 In a state of quantum superposition with Echo +1
Echo total: +1 Bomber +1
Cutup total: -1 Quit Monster Hunter a little too early -1
Sergeant O'niner total:-1 Got up and bodied -1
Droidbait total: -1 "DROIDS!" -1
Nub total: -1 Who are you? -1
Sentry(?) total: -1 To be fair those droids were fast -1
Denal total: +2 Part of the clone trio with the most aura: +1 Came closer to killing Cad Bane than nearly everyone +1
Clone who pilots the Twilight total:+1 Part of the clone trio with the most aura: +1
Commander Gree total: -2 Why even have a holster? -2
Green Company total:-1 Genuinely the worst marksmanship I have seen -1
Commander Fil total: -1 Couldn't beat Margit -1
Niner total: Neutral
Bel total:Neutral
Commander Stone total: +3 Mounted combatant +1 Good evaluater of character +1 Bonus point for pulling off one of the highest profile rescues in the war +1
Mac total: +1 Despite dying he put up with Jar Jar so he deserves commendation
Marshal Commander Bly total: +1 Amazing cardio +1
Clone pilot in Jedi Crash total: +1 Actual crazy dexterity +1
Cameron Lucky and Flash: -1 The three stooges but negative aura -1
Lieutenant Hawk total: Neutral
Clone who stole tactical droid head total:+1 Expert theif +1
Sergeant Slick total: +2 Plan mostly worked +1 Beat the brakes off of Rex +1
Sketch total: Neutral
Chopper total: +1 Columbo mode +1
Axe total: -1 Bro got Axed -1
Slammer total: -1 Got Slammed frfr -1
Swoop total: -1 Got pretty much offscreened -1
Kickback total: Neutral
Tucker total: Neutral
Boil total: +2 Rapid fire clone +1 Also ran through artillery +1
Waxer total: +2 Big heart +1 Bro just ran through artillery without question +1
Cody's mysterious right hand man total: +3 Pure aura +1 I'm honestly shocked he has too much aura +1 Hit grievous in the face +1
Commander Ponds total: -1 Meet types on keyboard man - 1
Stak total: +1 Brawler +1
Razor total: Neutral
Commander Fox total: Neutral
Warthog total: Neutral
Commander Jet total: -1 Meet relays information man
Trapper total: Neutral
Buzz total: -1 Needed a flyswatter -1
Draa total: Neutral
Gearshift total: -1 The opps got him -1
Lieutenant Trap total:
Pulsar total: Neutral
Scythe total: -1 Should have laid off the nyquil -1
Ox total: Neutral
Edge total: Neutral
Havoc total: Neutral
Captain Locke total: Neutral
Clone who stood in front of the door total: -1 Do not stand there -1
Jessie total: +1 Real command material +1
Harcase total: Neutral
Kix total: Neutral
Crys total: -1 Stupid haircut -1
Cut total: +1 Bro won life +1
Clone who made a Callout to tank 2 total: +1 Ultra Instinct +1
Tank 2 Gunner total: +1 Great Shot! +1
Mixer total: Neutral
Redeye total: -1 You think he could see something with red eyes -1
Spark total: Neutral
Commander Blackout total: Neutral
Goji total: neutral
Cosmos total: neutral
Crasher total: Neutral
Comet total: Neutral
99 total: +1 Knowledgeable +1
ARC Commander Colt total:
ARC Commander Havoc total: -1 Locked out -1
ARC Commander Blitz total: +1 He just looks so cool let me have this +1
ARC Coammder Hammer total: +1 Dark and mysterious aura Clone who caught the DNA total: +1 Locked in +1
Captian Keeli total: -1 Poor mechanical and tactical skill -1
submitted by BigGuyDustMan to TheCloneWars [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:47 SeranaSaturniid [Breed]Looking for second opinion on breed choice and possible alternatives

Hello, we moved into a one bedroom apartment back in October that allows dogs and I am getting serious with my research as I've been wanting a dog of my own for years now! We don't plan on getting the dog until my elderly childhood cat passes, and we came into some money troubles so finding a breeder has been put on hold for the moment. While I'm kinda set on a breed, I like to do as much research as possible(maybe too much) and wanna get second opinions from people who know a little more about dogs than me ^^ While I've fallen for the breed I'm open to other options and want a dog that will fit our life style!
1)Will this be your first dog? If not, what experience do you have owning/training dogs?
* No I grew up with a shepherd/lab mix and more recently co-cared for my brothers dachshund/yorkie mix and did most of the puppy training till my brother was in his teens. I still walked the dog 1-2 times a day for 15-20 minutes and played with her.
2)Do you have a preference for rescuing a dog vs. going through a [reputable breeder]( http://ownresponsibly.blogspot.com/2011/07/identifying-reputable-breeder.html)?
* I'm mostly looking for a breeder as I want a predictable personality, health, and to make a good first impression on my gf who has never owned a dog. I'm not opposed to rescues if we can find the right dog, but most dogs in my area are banned and if not, too high of an energy like cattle dogs.
3)Describe your ideal dog.
* A small-ish(15lbs+) to medium dog(under 45lbs) that is adaptable, playful, and smart. I enjoy making my dog use their brains, and while I enjoy going out for leisurely walks I want a dog I'm able to play with indoors, especially since I don't drive and there's no where within walking distance I can take my dog to play fetch on a long lead or off lead. While I know looks arent important I also like a dog with a medium or long coat. I just enjoy maintaining a pretty coat and I miss having a long haired dog.
4)What breeds or types of dogs are you interested in and why?
*I'm very interested in the keeshonden. They seem to be everything I'm looking for, eager to please, friendly, adaptable. From what I've seen from others they are just energetic enough for my needs, can go on long hikes but also lounge when they need too. I always wanted a spitz breed and kees seem like a good beginner sptiz, and breed in general. Only thing I'm worried about is the barking, they can be real barkers from what I hear. I don't mind alert barking as long as the dog can be calmed down after a few woofs, but I'm unsure how easy it is to calm a kees down after alerting. I also had an interest in pomeranians but they seem more fragile which is how I found out about the keeshond.
5)What sorts of things would you like to train your dog to do?
* The basics sit, stay, come, etc. I'm very interested in trick training as well(not the sport, just for fun). I enjoy having dogs use their brains!
6) Do you want to compete with your dog in a sport (e.g. agility, obedience, rally) or use your dog for a form of work (e.g. hunting, herding, livestock guarding)? If so, how much experience do you have with this work/sport?
* just a companion for the moment
**Care Commitments**
7) How long do you want to devote to training, playing with, or otherwise interacting with your dog each day?
* around 2 hours at the least. I work from home, and the dog will be the only animal I can actually cuddle for a while after my cat passes. My life will kinda revolve around my dog so I intend on spending a lot of time with it.
8) How long can you exercise your dog each day, on average? What sorts of exercise are you planning to give your dog regularly and does that include using a dog park?
* between 1-2 hours, I was use to walking my brothers dog about 15-20 every 4-6 hours and planned on picking up a similar schedule but longer outings. thinking 20-30 minutes. I don't have the best physical health and we live on the third floor with no elevator so may have shorter walks on my off days. I'm happy playing indoors and want to check out a couple local dog parks for of leash play! I hope to go out for longer walks/play at the minimum once a week.
9)How much regular brushing are you willing to do? Are you open to trimming hair, cleaning ears, or doing other grooming at home? If not, would you be willing to pay a professional to do it regularly?
* I'm happy to do regular grooming and take it in to professionals when needed. I also like learning new skills and have some unused/still in the box shavers I'd like to learn how to use if I get a dog with hair!
**Personal Preferences**
10)What size dog are you looking for?
* a small-ish to medium size, think over 15lbs and no larger than 50lbs. I personally don't want them too small as I worry about them being too fragile for what I wanna do with the dog.
11) How much shedding, barking, and slobber can you handle?
* I grew up with a double coated dog and live/ed with fluffy heavy shedding cats. I'm fine with lots of shedding! Barking I can handle to a point. I don't like dogs that bark for hours nonstop, but alert barking with the ability to calm down is fine and I like talky animals(live with a very talky cat atm) just don't want them to be ear piercing loud. I can't handle drooling at all though.
12) How important is being able to let your dog off-leash in an unfenced area?
* While I want to bring the dog to off leash parks and play in my parents yard, its not important to me. I'm fine if the dog can only be on leash.
**Dog Personality and Behavior**
13) Do you want a snuggly dog or one that prefers some personal space?
* More snuggly, don't mind a dog that wants some personal space but I like cuddling on the couch or in bed.
14) Would you prefer a dog that wants to do its own thing or one that’s more eager-to-please?
* Closer to eager to please, I'm fine with some independence though.
15) How would you prefer your dog to respond to someone knocking on the door or entering your yard? How would you prefer your dog to greet strangers or visitors?
* Give me some alert woofs, let me know there's people here but is calm and friendly once it knows its safe/ I give it the okay.
16) Are you willing to manage a dog that is aggressive to other dogs?
* no, I already had to deal with one. I rather not again, especially as I wanna bring this dog out.
17) Are there any other behaviors you can’t deal with or want to avoid?
* not much I can think of that aren't trainable like other than high prey drive to the point of lunging on a lead, but that may be a training issue too.
18) How often and how long will the dog be left alone?
* at most a couple hours every couple weeks for grocery shopping, the most would be when I'm out with family but I wouldnt leave the dog alone for more than an hour or 2 as a puppy. I work from home and a major homebody, I more worry about separation anxiety.
19) What are the dog-related preferences of other people in the house and what will be their involvement in caring for the dog?
* My partner will share in the work, do at least one walk before and after work. She has no experience with dogs though so she the only requests she has is good on a lead, able to take it out with us, aka trainable and she doesn't want a dog with a wiry coat due to texture issues, doesn't want a poodle or anything with a tight curly coat for same reason.
20) Do you have other pets or are you planning on having other pets? What breed or type of animal are they?
* I have exotics, mostly invertebrates with plans on getting a leopard gecko in the future. We'd like to get another cat in the future as well so its important to me to have a low prey drive so that rules out greyhounds.
21) Will the dog be interacting with children regularly?
* no
22) Do you rent or plan to rent in the future? If applicable, what breed or weight restrictions are on your current lease?
* We rent an apartment and plan to for awhile, has breed restrictions for most bully and mastiff breeds, gsd, huskies, malamutes, chows and akitas so that rules out a vast majority of rescues. Weight limit is 75lbs.
23) What city or country do you live in and are you aware of any laws banning certain breeds?
* I live in Michigan, my city doesn't have any last I looked.
24) What is the average temperature of a typical summer and winter day where you live?
* winter is typically between 15F-25F with summer being around 80F, with 90s at the peak over the last few years. I pretty much live with the AC on in the summer though.
**Additional Information and Questions**
25) Please provide any additional information you feel may be relevant.
* I'm gonna be real, I'm not the most active person and have gotten lazier since moving now that I don't have a dog to walk. I'm hoping for a dog to get me out more and help with my confidence like our last one. I'm a short young women with an anxiety disorder so naturally anxious about going out alone, without my partner. Its something I'm actively working on for health reasons, and hope to have somewhat fixed by the time we get the dog(or the puppy is old enough) But something to keep in mind cause I wanna be realistic about this.
Feel free to ask me any questions ^^
submitted by SeranaSaturniid to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:08 ConsequenceHefty8110 loneliness but don't want to socialize

can you relate to that?
i've kind of stopped contact with everyone but like 2 friends, who i talk to every other day, and my grandma whom i talk to everyday.
the reason i stopped talking to a bunch of people (more than 15 over the past year) is because i grew out of them or i can't tolerate them anymore for various reasons.
however, the thing is that even when i like a person a lot, it feels like i get consumed by them. so i actually stopped looking for relationships as well, i have no fantasies of getting into a relationship anymore.
i am afraid to start talking to new people everyday because if i get attached to them they will be in my thoughts more and more, and i won't be able to focus on the things i want to accomplish, which i already have trouble doing. also, of course i fear that i might get betrayed or be too vulnerable and get hurt, because it happened too many times now and i am tired of that.
but it gets lonely sometimes when i want to share things to someone, or go somewhere together, just do things together.
but even aside from the attachment stuff, i am not in a good place mentally (depression) to keep up talking to people. like i may be craving socializing right at this moment but thinking of someone texting me or being next to me kind of fills me with dread. it feels like when you wabt to play a video game but you jusy can't because you don't feel mentally ready.
i feel like i do good at getting people to like me on a surface level, but on a deeper level it gets really hard to relate to anyone or connect. i really think it has to do with depression because i don't really feel excited for anything, even when i am out shopping i dont feel happy that i can afford something because most of the time i don't want it. instead i wish i had someone to gift it to since i love giving gifts.
i feel like i live through other people's happiness, i don't have much happiness of my own. i bought my friend an expensive gift she was really grateful for, it's the same kind of gift i would've loved to get back then but i was too broke then. i can get it for myself now but i don't see a point since i will not feel much about it now. so i just get gifts for others to live through them.
i am the type of person that donates to needy and helps people but also wants to be seen as 'nothing' and be invisible. like if i have people make fun of me i don't feel contempt towards them and i don't feel sadness. i am at a point where i want to not be noticed because i have a fear of if someone likes me too much and knows too much about me but in a creepy way not a friend way. so i try to look really ugly (bad haircut, bad clothes) on purpose so people don't care about me in public. im at a point where i don't feel insecure just because i really do fear getting any type of good expectations put on me. i just want to do what i want to do while being invisible.
submitted by ConsequenceHefty8110 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:08 bootypastry I've blocked her on everything and she still won't leave me alone

I haven't spoken to my mother in just over a year. I was diagnosed with CPTSD and she would not accept that she was a cause of it. This made her angry enough to hit and try to spit on me, among other things, and I told her to never talk to me again.
Ofc she said the same thing. Never speak to her blah blah blah. I blocked her number. Few weeks later, she tried contacting me through Facebook, blocked her. Same with snapchat. Then she sent me emails. "I miss you. Let's do therapy" type shit and I just ignored them. Then she sent one that said "I'm sorry you feel like I gave you ptsd" and I finally blocked her on everything.
Few months ago, my front door buzzed. She was there, dropping off gifts. "It's your mother!" I yelled "NO", hung up, unblocked her number and texted her that she has 2 minutes to leave before I call the police, then blocked her again.
I live above the place I get my haircut. My mom introduced me to the guy and he's good. I went in today, and when I sat down, he told me "Your haircut was taken care of today." with a big smile. He told me that my mom was there the day before and he mentioned I was coming. So she bought my haircut because it was her "birthday".
I kinda just needed a second to process it. Then I asked him to please not mention me around her anymore. He was understanding, so no worries there. I ended up telling him that I still want to pay for my own haircut. He said he would return her money, and I told him he can do whatever he wants with the money.
I just broke up with my gf and I don't really have any friends to voice how frustrated this makes me. I literally just want to be left alone, but every few months I get some kind of "message" from her. I just wanna forget about her, ya know? My life has improved exponentially without her in it.
submitted by bootypastry to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]
