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2024.06.01 14:59 Minsun20 Newly Qualified Nurse Struggling with First RN Job – Seeking Advice

Hey everyone, this is my first post on this community page. I've been a newly qualified nurse in the NHS for 6 months, and I'm contemplating leaving my first RN position. My parents don’t speak English, so I help them with daily responsibilities, which can be very stressful. I worry about them while at work in case of an emergency. My sister and I have sought help from the council and social services, but their support is limited, so we handle most of it ourselves.
I work in the ophthalmology outpatient department, which has a high patient flow. We see about 250-300 patients a day across various clinics. While I love my supportive team, the management is problematic. Four months in, I was put on call after a long day, totaling 15 hours, with another long shift the following day. I was reassured I wouldn’t be on call until I felt confident and that it was unlikely to get called out at night, but that wasn't reassuring. By that stage, I wasn’t confident. When I told my line manager this, she said I’d be fine. I don’t understand how they allow on-call for nurses who do long days and may need to stay late, then get called anytime at night. It’s inhumane hours. I understand night shifts on wards as you know what hours you’ll do.
Another problem is that staff have raised issues about clinics numerous times to management, but they seem to shrug it off and not sort things out. During my supernumerary period, I initially received support, but after getting some things signed off, I was left to work on my own. Although I have a preceptor, I rarely get to work with her now. Initially, I loved this job, but after 4 months, it’s overwhelming due to the high patient volume. I feel deskilled as my tasks are limited to checking visual acuity, intra-ocular pressure, blood pressure, blood glucose, and instilling eye drops. I've had to take time off work due to stress at home and work, and I have recurring gastrointestinal issues under investigation by my doctor.
I loved community nursing and the minor injuries unit in my third year student nurse placement. I was offered a community post but declined it for this current job due to worrying about car wear. I now regret it because community nursing offers a lot in terms of skills, learning opportunities, and career progression. I’ve realized I want a nursing job with transferable skills and a variety of clinical tasks, which ophthalmology doesn’t offer. I'm constantly looking for other job opportunities, including community and practice nursing, though practice nursing is very competitive and I was declined.
I’ve just been put on bank/locum to potentially do extra shifts in the department, but they also said I can do shifts around the hospital. I'm terrified because I don’t give medications besides eye drops, do IVs, bloods, or catheterizations, which some places need. I’ll likely just be doing healthcare jobs which I’m fine with but areas may want a nurse with those skills.
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
submitted by Minsun20 to NursingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:58 Ok_Crazy1535 Secondary Imflammatory Response or something to be concerned about?

Hello, I am a 26 y/o F with a connective tissue disorder called hypermobile Ehler's-Danlos. It is a genetic condition that causes a plethora of complications (hernias included). On April 18th, I received laparoscopic surgery for bilateral inguinal hernia repair with mesh, and they also found out I have stage 2 Endometriosis (they excised the endo lesions).
It is now June 1st and recovery has been going extremely well. I just got a new job and felt better than I ever had. However, just a couple days ago after doing some squats I became sore in the general area of where my hernia was on my right side. At first I thought it was my period, but I am on birthcontrol and there is no indication of spotting. There is soreness/pain is in my groin area, hip, buttox, lower back, inner thigh, and close to my belly button. It comes in cramps and waves, but it is bearable.
My surgeon told me it was common for a "secondary inflammatory response" to occur weeks or months after surgery. I am just terrified I ruined something about my hernia mesh, or if it's something to do with scar tissue. I have done squats in the past with no issue after recovery, so why is it bothering me now? I'm terrified I will have to have surgery again.
Anyone else experience this a couple months after surgery?
submitted by Ok_Crazy1535 to Hernia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:57 reallysmallgiant12 From everything that happened this year, I'm tired

Where to begin, I really this year to be a year I become something for myself so I wanted to go back and finish off my studying, only problem is that I live in a different country to where I am a citizen in so I tried to apply for a citizenship but when I was applying for it I didn't have the required proof that I was currently staying at the country I am living now so I was kinda devastated that I wouldn't be able to get my citizenship on time before university started. Because of that mental health got worse, I was getting depressed, I was jobless and it felt like no matter what I tried to make things better for myself and wanting to go somewhere with my artwork, nothing good happened, I just got so overwhelmed with everything that I became really tired of just doing anything. Then the worse thing for me could happen, my fiance of 4 years broke up with me without any warning, I guess in my own words she said I wasn't doing enough even though I tried to do more where I can, it just wasn't enough. My world just felt like it turned upside down from that point on, before then I would've done anything for her to now knowing her as the person who left me high and dry when I was at a low point without any form of warning, the worst part, she told me that if I tried and sorted myself out that she would consider getting back with me so I did, one of my best friends/ sister in law who witnessed the whole thing told me about a free therapist for under 25s so I went to therapy, sorted my art portfolio out, applied for jobs seeing that freelance art was no longer a viable option, anything to be self sufficient. When she found out I was doing all of this what was her response? "Why didn't you do any of this earlier?" It honestly crushed me when I heard those words from her like no matter what I do, it was never enough.
Now to mention all the other stuff that's been happening during those 4 months after the breakup:
.I applied to all the studios that I wanted to get into, even though I've been told by people and professionals that my art is good, I got rejected from all of them.
. My ex Fiance was still using my bank account, she was putting money in there to buy her own things but didn't even ask me to use my account and there were still subscriptions that were going into my account for stuff she used and I didn't, so I had to cancel my card.
. I am still jobless, even though I've been applying anywhere I am able to that I have experience in, and still had no response from anywhere I applied for.
. I've lost contact with most of my friends, whether it be from me being radio silent after the break up or some of my friends cutting contact with me because my ex got to them first
. A family member passed away
. I found that all of the things I've do or been feeling is because I have autism and that I might have high risk psychosis (I already knew I was austitic for a while now, I don't think I do have hrp, still that's not really something that you wanna find out through a study that you're involved in)
. My birthday recently passed, but I wasn't able to do anything because I was sick and almost all of mine and my ex's friends are on her side and haven't talked to me after the break up
. My ex broke into my place to get her stuff even though she agreed to do it when I'm home, twice.
. My mother, brother and sister in law are helping me wherever they can (brother and sister in law live in the same place as me) and I can't ever thank them enough, but at the same time I always feel like a burden.
. Tried other methods of getting new clients for freelance or find other ways to get into the industry even for something entry level or as a first step into getting in, but nothing was available.
. Applied for the required documents for my citizenship so that maybe I'll have a chance to go to uni next year, got rejected.
It just feels like no matter how much I try to make my life better or turn things around for myself something always have to get in the way and it's becoming too much now, doing art feels like a chore like no matter what I do I still won't get in, I don't feel safe in my own house because my ex has a key and I don't want to talk to her for a while after what she has been doing, I feel useless because it's been 4 months and I haven't been able to get a job, I can't even apologise for how much of a burden I've been to my mother, brother and sister in law, and overall no matter what I do to try and make things right for myself, something is always there to stop it. I wanted 2024 to be the year that I make something for myself, and now it's just become the worst year I've lived through recently. Maybe I deserve it, maybe I don't, either way I'm tired and I want to give up on everything.
submitted by reallysmallgiant12 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:55 felix2530 USPS revenue stream revenue

USPS revenue stream revenue submitted by felix2530 to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:55 RunZealousideal8674 Is it worth it for me (46F) to end my marriage to my husband (69M) for a maybe-chance at sexual or romantic love?

Hi. I (46F) got married to my husband (69M) almost 20 years ago. At the time, I'd never been in a sexual or romantic relationship with anyone else. I'd been deeply in love with an older man from my hometown, but he was unavailable and nothing ever happened. I'd always believed no man would ever like me. I was a little overweight, unathletic, unfeminine, and an all-around dork. My parents sort of made me feel like this. For example, when I was in high school I was on Accutane for acne. Because Accutane would harm a fetus, every pill packaging had a "no" symbol on the front, with a pregnant woman crossed out. My dad would joke about it: "No wait, ARE you supposed to get pregnant while on Accutane?!" The joke was that someone like me would NEVER get pregnant, NEVER have a boyfriend even.
Then, when I was 18, I fell in love with that older man. But I couldn't have him. I spent a lot of my college years in love with him from afar. I never had a boyfriend in college. One guy liked me, but I didn't know how to handle it or really what to do. When I was 24, I met my now-husband at work. He was older, which I was comfortable with, and he was very nice and helpful. I'd gone out with a couple other men in my new town. They'd kissed me and caressed me on the dance floor, and I didn't know how to handle it. My now-husband never made any "moves" like that. So I was comfortable.
We got married when I was 26, and he was 49. I didn't know anything about anything. Our sex life was fine. I didn't like it at first, but then I grew to like it a lot. We had two children, a boy and a girl, 22 months apart. Life went on pretty well for many years.
Then, when I was 39, I went out for coffee with a male friend. And he told me some very intimate stuff about his own life. After a one-hour coffee, I knew more about him than I knew about my husband. Plus, I was attracted to this man. He was about my age, and we had a lot in common. It was a new experience for me: emotional intimacy and physical attraction. I'd never had either with my husband. But I was so inexperienced, I didn't know what I'd been missing.
Later that summer I decided to go to the gym. Since then, I've lost 40 pounds and kept it off. I am now very physically fit. I do yoga daily, lift weights, do cardio, and I just started taking tennis lessons. Never, ever did I think I could do anything physical. But I've realized I can. My mantra is: I am feminine. I am sexy. I am strong. And now I've discovered I am. I love doing athletic things. I love feeling strong and fit and capable.
In 2020, I posted for the first time on Reddit. On Normal Nudes. And I had an overwhelmingly positive response. It's hard to overstate that--before--I never felt attractive or feminine. Now I had men telling me I had the best breasts they'd ever seen. That I'm a beautiful woman. I really could not believe it. I started posting on GoneWild, and was very successful there too. And an OnlyFans model reached out to me and said: "I think you'd be very successful on OnlyFans." All this time, I never thought I was attractive. So this was absolutely amazing to me.
Meanwhile, I'd tried to get my husband interested in all this. I'd discovered intimacy and sexuality. And I wanted emotional intimacy and sexual connection with him. I tried for two years. But it never worked. He hated talking about sex. He said he did it with me: "Because you like it." I tried to show him the beautiful nude photographs I'd been taking. And he didn't want to see them. One time he cringed and turned away. I cried so much over this. I wanted him to desire me. But he never did. He'd told me several years earlier that I wasn't physically his type. He just didn't find me attractive. But he loved me because I'm a good mom. He'd been married once before, and they didn't have kids. When it finally occurred to me to ask, he told me that he and his first wife had sex about three times a year. One time I asked him, "Do you like men?" He said, "I don't like anybody." He's 69, like I said. If he were younger he'd probably identify as "asexual." But he doesn't care about identity or anything like that. He just doesn't like sex.
In 2021, I had my first extramarital encounter. I'd gotten a lot of confidence from Reddit. Since then, I've slept with seven men outside my marriage. They've all been younger than I am. All but one have been in their 30s. They're all attractive, interesting men. It is still shocking to me--although less shocking than it used to be--that men find me attractive. But they do. And, honestly, I am attractive now. I put a lot of work into my body, and I have a very feminine style. I always say, "I'm in my body with the zeal of a convert." Because for so long I never knew I could be like this. It is a true miracle for me. I "became a woman" in my 40s.
But I'm still with my husband. And I don't know what to do. My pride and joy are my children, ages 16 and 18. My husband and I have put a ton of care and love into raising them. I don't want to tear our family apart. I feel like I have a nice life. Throughout our marriage, my husband and I have always done our own thing. Even when our kids were little, my sister said: "You and X live like you're divorced." We spend a lot of time apart, and we're both okay with it. We live together like amiable roommates. He doesn't care at all about my sex life. He used to tell me: "Do what you need to do." We haven't slept together in almost three years.
Sometimes I think about leaving him and trying to find true love. I've never had that. What I'd love is "sex and conversation." My husband and I don't really have much in common. He has the mind of an engineer. He loves to build things, and he's a spatial thinker. I love nuance and spirituality and literature. My husband has always loved my "cheerful attitude." But he doesn't care about my body or femininity or all my ideas on spirituality and personal growth. We mostly talk about our kids, of course. And our cats. We do really well managing the kids' activities and taking care of them in our different ways. I've always lived like this with him. Separate emotional lives. And I've developed a very independent spirit.
Sometimes I yearn to be part of a couple. But I've never had that. And I don't know if it would be "worth it." Our kids are happy. I'm reasonably happy. I have my Reddit career and sexual partners if I want them. Sometimes I think I'm asking for too much. I have two beautiful children who I'm close to. And a nice, peaceful life. I don't know what to do.
submitted by RunZealousideal8674 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:54 anon176284 Which writing sample to use?

Hey everyone! I’m a first year in a transactional practice and I’m trying to transition to public interest litigation. I recently started the job application process and need to pick a writing sample to submit with my applications. Since I primarily took transactional classes in law school, I only have a couple brief or memo writing samples: a brief from a 1L legal writing class and a memo from a doctrinal course exam I took during 2L, for which I received a high grade. I have written memos analyzing case law for work and pro bono matters but am not able to use any of those as they are confidential and cannot be appropriately redacted. I’m leaning towards cleaning up and using the 2L memo since it is more recent but wanted to see if others had different recommendations. I am new to the practice of law and know very few lawyers, so I would appreciate any advice! Thank you in advance!
submitted by anon176284 to biglaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:53 aja_ramirez Did I mess up opportunity by following up? Should I care?

Had the final interview for a position a week from yesterday (5/24). I thought the interview went very well but there was one line of questioning that gave me cause for concern. I’m making a slight downward move because my current job is toxic and I want to regain control of my life.
So there were several questions that suggested they thought I was overqualified. They wanted to me to know that I would be doing the work. Truth is, the work is what I enjoy. I didn’t bad mouth anyone or anything and thought I handled the questions well.
Anyway, the final interview was with the president. I thought the vibes were really good aside from the above, and he mentioned that they would be deciding by the end of this week. He invited me to call his assistant for a status update at the end of the week if I didn’t hear anything. So I did.
I called the assistant yesterday and since there was no answer, I left a gentle message identifying myself and asking whether there was any update and reaffirmed my interest in the position. I got a call back about 10 mins later, which I wasn’t expecting. Apparently the assistant did not hear my message so I just restated what I said on the message. Was as nice as possible, not demanding.
I could tell I made her nervous so I started working my way off the call by thanking her and letting her know that I would await official word. But before I could hang up, she said that she would get some information and call me back in 20 mins. She didn’t call me back.
I don’t actually think I messed anything up but who knows. Seems more likely that they had decided not to hire me and she didn’t want to say it. Not calling me back is probably the nail in the coffin. But who knows, I may never really know. In the end, I called because the president invited me to.
submitted by aja_ramirez to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:50 TwoIdiosyncraticCats Prismatic Pants

I wanted to dress up for my wedding to Maru, so I spun some cloth and decided to "spend" one of my prismatic shards for the new clothes. Now I have this AMAZING pair of pants that glows with colors that shift through the spectrum. I only wish I had a pair like this irl.
submitted by TwoIdiosyncraticCats to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:50 Throgmortenstars Wish Forest released trees more regularly!

Been using the app for 5 years now. I really love it. However, I've found that I've bought all the trees in the store that I want to grow in my forest, and it seems like they very rarely release new trees. I'm curious about why they don't release trees more often, honestly--seems like you wouldn't have to pay an artist very much to design a new tree, as it's a pretty small job. And from a business perspective, releasing trees more regularly would be an easy way to drum up user engagement. Anyone else have thoughts on this? Would just love more variety in my forest, and I like having a new tree to work towards getting!
submitted by Throgmortenstars to forestapp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:49 StagecoachCoffeeSux How feasible is it to start a union without outside support?

I'm interested in creating a local union focused on hospitality workers. I live in a tourist town and a primary part of our economy is tourism that occurs during a very limited window of time in the summer months. This creates a huge demand for seasonal workers, but we live in a very rural county with a low population and we are not located on the path to anywhere. Basically if you aren't coming here for the tourist season, you aren't coming here at all. This leads to a lot of exploited workers, people who are often part of federally protected classes but still vulnerable to predatory employer practices. The season is short, as little as 13 weeks, and even at $20 hour that only comes out to $10,000 a year. That's not enough when rent here is $1,500-$2,000 a month. So the only people who can take these jobs are vulnerable employees; Highschool and College kids on summer break, disabled workers who receive disability payments and need a few more thousand dollars a year to survive, J-1 visa are also common employees here, they're students on break from university in their country and they come here for work. While it may be good money back home, they're still being exploited while they're here.
This over reliance on tourism also leads to a mindset that it needs to be protected, sometimes at an unreasonable cost. This manifests itself as insufficient government oversight and enforcement of safety and health codes. There's only a handful of people in the whole county that enforce codes, and there's thousands of businesses. The county cannot even fill empty positions in it's government services, close to half the positions that are required for a functional government remain unfilled, and the yearly turnover rate for the positions that do hire is about 125%. Ultimately what this leads to is public officials who are susceptible to bribes, and a big issue that I want to fight against.
Specifically, I want to target one employer and use his labor violations as reasons to persuade his employees to join the union. I was previously employed there and was fired for multiple reasons that can be summed up as me complaining about unsafe/illegal workplace practices and reporting them. I reported these violations to multiple local and state agencies who refuse to enforce labor laws or safety codes. Ultimately i made a complaint with the NLRB who brought a charge against my employer for violating me and my coworkers right for concerted workplace activity. So i have the support of the federal government already.
I intend on setting up an information booth about this union on public property near the business. I spoke with local government officials and police about this, and nobody there knows if I need a permit to do it. I told them I will be excercising my federal rights, and a lot of it will be protesting local government corruption, so I believe they cannot legally stop me, and I told them as much. The targeted business operates an underground kitchen that has not been approved or passed any application process. Basically they opened a restaurant 30 years ago, and then 10-15 year ago decided to expand into the basement. But the basement does not and never will meet codes, it's a colonial era building. So they openly bribe the inspector to allow them to operate.
My goal is to entice these employees to form/join a union and use their collective power to walkout until these safety issues are repaired. I've already complained to the officials who are tasked with enforcement and they won't do their job. I've talked to county code enforcement, State labor board, State Fire code enforcement, and my local representative in the state legislature. None of them will help or do their job. I have made complaints to OSHA and the NLRB, both agencies responded and subsequently enforced my workplace rights. But federal rights are limited and I need State and County enforcement. And until they step up and do their job I believe an employee union threatening to walkout in the middle of the limited tourist season is the only way to force the employer to follow the law.
submitted by StagecoachCoffeeSux to union [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:49 CarryUnlucky5784 Getting married and prepping for the seemingly inevitable

I've lived in Louisiana for 2 years now, but I'm from California.
To make a long story short, through some bad accidents and freak happenings, my family had to spend quite a bit of money to save my life. In addition to that, I had a car breakdown almost immediately and in a panic, I had to roll over a ton of negative equity for a different one (I now know that was a terrible decision, but the area I live is not walkable at all and given the nature of the new work I found, I was driving 400+ miles per week sometimes).
My family is asking I begin to pay them back, which I've started doing, but I also had to take out a personal loan in addition to my auto loan. My obligations all coming together are close to what I make, with food and household bills sometimes causing me to go over.
I'm feeling quite hopeless with the car and personal loan but had no other way as I now have obligations keeping me here with caring for family members. I also made a ton more in California, but my industry has suffered greatly and I struggle finding a role paying enough to justify moving back. That same industry is almost non-existent in Louisiana.
My girlfriend and I have both expressed interest in marriage and I spoke with an attorney who stated that we could keep my individual bankruptcy separate from her if I wished to and marriage would still help the means test greatly given that my girlfriend doesn't make much.
She's understanding of my situation and we both want to get married greatly with no need for a fancy wedding, only the bond itself.
I was offered the ability to settle on my car for 22k and personal loan for 12k. The payments on those are 750 and 480 respectively.
Settling in these would necessitate I completely clean house of the antiques and heirlooms owned by my grandparents, obliterate my savings, and possibly have take out more debt. Additionally, I'd only be able to settle on one if it's possible to settle.
I'm completely unsure of any other options, but I'd like to know how best to soften the landing if bankruptcy proves to be the only option. I'd also love to know what the community would do in my situation.
Tl:Dr My credit balance is rising higher and higher from my obligations due to emergencies a while ago, I make less than half of what I made years ago, my girlfriend wants to get married and doesn't mind my situation, my attorney says marriage is a good idea as it will help with the means test given what we both make and I can still be the only one to go bankrupt, I can settle my car OR personal loan to ease my budget for more than what I currently have saved.
submitted by CarryUnlucky5784 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:49 chadministrator SATAP - Irestine (Wiz Hum Fem Cha) - NAO_3.6.7

I was having a particularly lucky run and decided to try a stupid ascension trick, nested bags of holding. I'm pleased to say it worked out! There were no explosions, and I was able to ascend to become a demigoddess. Full dumplog
Wizard #73 finally put me over the top. This was the first one to successfully complete Sokoban and the Gnomish Mines, which felt like a huge milestone already. Nothing particularly notable happened between then and the castle. I found a robe and decided to trade that for my cloak of magic resistance to improve spell casting. I think I found a magic lamp in Minetown and wished for GDSM to go with my amulet of reflection from Soko. All of those would be swapped before heading to the planes. They were good in the moment but ultimately not ideal for this wizard.
A lot of time (probably too much time) was spent dithering before Gehennom. It was the farthest I had ever gotten with a wizard, not to mention the farthest I usually get most games, and I definitely overthought things. The Valley of the Dead was cleared out before I used my first wish which ended up being for a blessed spell book of polymorph to polypile some of the other junk I had.
At some point before or during Gehennom I decided to swap GDSM for SDSM as well as an amulet of life saving. I also accidentally woke up Rodney, and in my haste, killed him instead of running away. It was ascension time whether I was ready or not. Back to the stash, more dithering to get ready. Back down to grab the amulet of Yendor, get all the way back to the Valley of the Dead and realize I don't have it or the Eye of the Aethiopica. Balls. Back to the stash again to get ready once more (why wasn't I ready the first time?), wished for a blessed spellbook of finger of death, got myself crowned, and got Stormbringer. I also spent two wishes on two blessed greased fixed oilskin sacks. I already had an extra bag of holding along with four plain sacks. Any other time this would probably be two wasted wishes, but I had a pretty good kit and stash and didn't feel like compromising my spell casting with gauntlets of power to bring everything with me. I had already compromised it a little by switching back to my cloak of magic resistance, and I had already ascended with Str:25, so it was time for something new. To be honest, it was kind of underwhelming. Maybe I had too much stuff; maybe it's not that good of a trick... I don't know, but I'm glad I tried it out.
Back down, grabbed my stuff from Rodney, all the way back to the top of the dungeon. The elemental planes were cake, and I just happened to guess correctly on the astral plane to get my altar the first time. I quaffed 10+ potions of gain level and discovered that while experience points can go higher, experience levels max out at 30. Nice. Since I still had them I also quaffed 10+ potions of full healing as I stood on the altar to raise my max HP just for the heck of it.
It was exciting to finally ascend with a wizard. Now it's time to pick a new role. Probably samurai because 1) I haven't ascended with that one yet, and 2) I want something a little easier to increase my changes of ascending during Junethack. If you've made it this far in my ramblings, thank you for reading, and happy hacking!
submitted by chadministrator to nethack [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:47 como365 Lake of the Woods pool opens for the first time in years as ARC pool closes for summer

Lake of the Woods pool opens for the first time in years as ARC pool closes for summer
Columbia Parks and Recreation opened the Lake of the Woods pool this week for the first time since 2020, when it was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The aquatic center at the Activity and Recreation Center (ARC) will remain closed this summer for renovations.
Lake of the Woods and Douglass Family Aquatic Center will have their outdoor pools open until Aug. 4. Albert-Oakland Family Aquatic Center will have its outdoor pool open until Labor Day. The only indoor public pool open in Columbia this summer is the pool at Hickman High School.
Cavelle Cole-Neal is the recreation services and community programs superintendent for the ARC.
Since Parks and Recreation is down to only one indoor pool this summer, he said people can use their ARC pass to get into all three outdoor pools.
"All you have to do is swipe your ARC card the same way you would to get into the ARC itself and that will get you into these outdoor pools," Cole-Neal said.
He explained Parks and Recreation is moving many programs that used to take place at the ARC to the outdoor pools to try to encourage families to make the switch this summer.
"I'm hoping to see them make that change," Cole-Neal said. "I'm pretty positive they will. We have done a lot of work to move some of our programming to our outdoor pools as well. So, we have some lap swimming, some water aerobics, some of those things out at our outdoor pools. And we've extended some of the hours to have some evening hours at our outdoor pools."
The Columbia City Council will hold a public hearing on proposed renovations to the Lake of the Woods pool at its meeting on Monday.
On a cloudy Friday afternoon, there were only two people at Lake of the Woods pool, despite there being three workers there. Amber Clark was one of the two people visiting the pool.
"I was a little surprised when we were the only ones here," Clark said. said she believes renovations to the pool, which include a new double-waterslide and permanent awnings, will probably help attract more people to the pool.
The total budget is projected to be $1.1 million, and construction is planned to begin this fall and finished by May of 2025
submitted by como365 to columbiamo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:47 Sydneypoopmanager 1 Month to prove myself before restructure. What would you do?

My team is being restructured where my position assistant project manager (bottom of the rung) is being elminated in 1 month. I currently manage 8 x projects by necessity which my manager has already identified as 'too much for any PM'. There is a strong likelyhood (but not 100% certainty) that I will be either be promoted to mid tier PM or PE (project engineer).
What things can I do to make it a certainty that I will be promoted?
What other things should I be doing to cover my risk of financial loss?
Things i'm already doing:
I will be:
submitted by Sydneypoopmanager to auscorp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:46 TimeCow4547 Couldn't connect to server.

Got banned twice due connection error on server this week. It is not consistant issue but only happens on german server. There is no problem with game file integrity. All successfully validated . I believe you certainly ban some of the ip blocks for any reason. I shared console output for investigation. In same match room also other players yelling for same issue. I don't think this is because of my fault. Do you guys faced to same problem ? Also impossible to get any support from faceit support. It automatically by pass afk tickets.
Room: /cs2/room/1-2d1dc3c2-9f69-4168-9903-fd047823273c Username: Codekysnn
[HostStateManager] CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Remote Connect (, 8 )
[HostStateManager] HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_GAME): loop(remoteconnect) id(8) addons() desc(Remote Connect (
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop remoteconnect requested: id [8] addons []
[Client] CL: IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL: } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Client] CL: Disconnecting from server: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to loopback:1, handle #519085317 (2055 NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #519085317 (userdata 1)
[NetSteamConn] Disassociating NetChan server @ (unknown) from Steam Net Connection handle #519085317 (userdata 1)
[SteamNetSockets] [#519085317 pipe 'server'] closed by app, linger requested but not needed (2055) NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[SteamNetSockets] [#2245036554 pipe 'Codekysnn'] closed by peer (2055): NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for loopback:1, handle #519085317
[Networking] Closing 'client' poll group
[Server] SV: IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: Server shutting down: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE (55)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_active -> ss_dead)
[Server] SV: Disconnect client 'Codekysnn' from server(1): NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN
[SignonState] Client 0 'Codekysnn' signon state SIGNONSTATE_FULL -> SIGNONSTATE_NONE
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'server' to loopback:0, handle #2245036554 (1001 NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #2245036554 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Disassociating NetChan Codekysnn @ (unknown) from Steam Net Connection handle #2245036554 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for loopback:0, handle #2245036554
[Server] CSource2Server::GameServerSteamAPIDeactivated()
[Networking] Closing 'server' poll group
[stringtables] SV: CNetworkStringTableContainer::RemoveAllTables: removing 12 tables
[stringtables] CL: CNetworkStringTableContainer::RemoveAllTables: removing 12 tables
[Client] CL: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameShutdown uninstalled game rules
[Client] CL: CGameRules::CGameRules destructed
WriteSteamRemoteStorageFileAsync( "voice_ban.dt" ) -> at 119.552
[Server] SV: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameShutdown uninstalled game rules
[Server] SV: CGameRules::CGameRules destructed
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( remoteconnect : success )
CAsyncWriteInProgress::OnComplete( "voice_ban.dt" ) -> Success at 119.552
[NetSteamConn] Steam Net connection #2245036554 pipe 'Codekysnn' closed by peer, reason 2055: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #2245036554 (userdata -1)
[NetSteamConn] Opened Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to, connection #2388495989 UDP invalid@
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'client'
[Developer] Success.
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 21 iterations without a present event.
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 22 iterations without a present event.
[SteamNetSockets] [#2388495989 UDP invalid@] problem detected locally (5003): Timed out attempting to connect
[NetSteamConn] Steam Net connection #2388495989 UDP invalid@ problem detected locally, reason 5003: Timed out attempting to connect
[Client] Failed to connect to Reason code 5003. Timed out attempting to connect
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to, handle #2388495989 (1000 CloseSocket)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #2388495989 (userdata -1)
[Networking] Summary of connection [#2388495989 UDP invalid@]:
[Networking] End-to-end connection: closed due to problem detected locally, reason code 5003. (Timed out attempting to connect)
[Networking] Current rates:
[Networking] Sent: 0.0 pkts/sec 0.0 K/sec
[Networking] Recv: 0.0 pkts/sec 0.0 K/sec
[Networking] Est avail bandwidth: 256.0KB/s
[Networking] Bytes buffered: 0
[Networking] Lifetime stats:
[Networking] Totals
[Networking] Sent: 21 pkts 10,752 bytes
[Networking] Recv: 0 pkts 0 bytes
[Networking] No ping distribution available. (0 samples)
[Networking] No connection quality distribution available. (0 measurement intervals)
[Networking] Latency variance histogram not available
[Networking] No rate stats received from remote host
[Networking] No lifetime stats received from remote host
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for, handle #2388495989
[Networking] Closing 'client' poll group
[HostStateManager] CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Idle (levelload), 9 )
[HostStateManager] Discarding pending request 'Remote Connect (, 8'
[HostStateManager] HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_IDLE): loop(levelload) id(9) addons() desc(Idle (levelload))
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [9] addons []
[Console] Unknown command 'single_player_pause'!
[HostStateManager] Host activate: Idle (levelload)
[Client] CL: CLoopModeLevelLoad::MaybeSwitchToGameLoop switching to "game" loopmode with addons ()
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop game requested: id [9] addons []
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_dead -> ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest)
[Server] SV: maxplayers set to 1
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Server] SV: Executing server defaults
[Server] SV: Executing listen server config file
[Developer] GameTypes: could not find matching game mode value of "" in any game type.
[Server] SV: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
[InputService] execing gamemode_competitive.cfg
[Console] Unknown command 'mp_weapons_glow_on_ground'!
[InputService] execing gamemode_competitive_offline.cfg
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/gamemode_competitive_server.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/skill1.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] execing server_default.cfg
[Server] SV: Spawn Server:
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest -> ss_loading)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_loading -> ss_active)
[Client] CL: CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite done waiting for server
[Client] CL: CCreateGameClientJob creating client connection to 'loopback'
[SteamNetSockets] [#279036504 pipe] connected
[SteamNetSockets] [#2434778158 pipe] connected
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'client'
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'server'
[Networking] Connected loopback client=10a1c258@loopback:1 <-> server=911fc42e@loopback:0
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan Codekysnn @ loopback:0 (loopback:0) with Steam Net Connection handle #2434778158 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan server @ loopback:1 (loopback:1) with Steam Net Connection handle #279036504 (userdata 1)
[Client] CL: Connected to 'loopback:1'
ClientPutInServer create new player controller [Codekysnn]
[Server] Client 0 'Codekysnn' setting rate to 786432
[Client] Game: "Counter-Strike 2"
[Client] Map: ""
[Client] Players: 1 (0 bots) / 1 humans
[Client] Build: 10072 (revision 8940079)
[Client] Server Number: 5
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Client] CL: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000436 seconds
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CMoverPathNode
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CPathMover
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CTriggerTripWire
[Client] CNetworkGameClientBase::LinkClasses took 11.613 msec
[Client] CL: CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
[Server] SV: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: 1 player server started
[Client] CL: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
[Server] SV: Sending full update to client Codekysnn (reason: initial update)
[Client] Receiving 0.5K non-incremental update from server
Codekysnn connected
[Networking] server @ loopback:1: NetChan Setting Timeout to 30.00 seconds
[Client] CL: Signon traffic "server": incoming 11.925 KB [10 pkts], outgoing 1.011 KB [14 pkts]
[Networking] Codekysnn @ loopback:0: NetChan Setting Timeout to 20.00 seconds
submitted by TimeCow4547 to FACEITcom [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:45 Skye_Lumitar A very curious case with a GTX 980 ti

Long story, got a "broken" GTX 970 ti for less than $50, being the card that I've always wanted when I didn't have the money to get it, I said why not, at best it'll work at worse it'll be a nice display piece.
The seller told me that the card had artifacts leading to crashes, classic faulty VRAM, reflow old GPU right? Well...
The first day I installed it on my computer shows me the said artifacts on the boot screen (TUF logo still visible, the artifacts are around the logo), then a low-res screen 800x600, the DVI is connected to the card, I can navigate and stuff, after 10 mins the screen blinks and "turns on" the proper resolution, I install drivers, everything goes alright, I restart and no visible artifacts! They're gone like magic, I click "debug mode" just in case and I try some games, everything works flawlessly, temps go as low as 20c and to 50c while gaming (Arkham Knight, Fortnite, Lol, all on max)
I said "fuck yes" and I turned my PC off, next day I turn it on and everything's alright too, no artifacts not even while booting, I game all day, turn it off in the night, but here's the thing the next day I take off the card from my PC to replace the pads (pad, the Strix 980 ti only comes with one)
I replace it and I put it on my PC again, then the artifacts are back again, and the Windows logo appears, it completely crashes, I install my RX 570 again to uninstall the drivers with DDU, then I put the 980 ti and the low res screen is back, but now after 30 mins it doesn't do the magical "blink" that it did before, the screen stays in that low resolution and if I try to install drivers, the screen is filled with artifacts and it crashes, error 43 appears when I put my RX back again to see what happened
Maybe AMD drivers are causing a conflict? I uninstall everything, nothing changes.
Then I took it to some tech repair service, they connect the card to two PSUs because they don't have a 500/600w (Idk how to use two PSUs for one PC but heh)
No artifacts while booting, it goes to Windows in the proper resolution (no low-res home screen) Sadly they wanted to charge me over $100 for a proper testing/troubleshooting
Coming back home I put it on my PC, artifacts again, I left it for two days until I said let's do again, why not, boom, the card turns on flawlessly, same deal as before, check the temps, all ok, game again, it crashes.
So here's what happens, after plug and remove dozens of times randomly the card will boot and everything will work alright if I turn on "debug mode" if I don't, the card despite running and installing drivers will crash, but also the card will show artifacts and will refuse to even start windows randomly, or so I thought...
Because I tried to NOT remove the card from the Motherboard, and instead fiddle with the PSU cables (pigtail cable with 2x 8 pins)
Guess what, changing positions/plugging/removing will give different results, sometimes it'll show artifacts, or will run great, or it'll show "half" artifacts, or it'll not even boot
So what's going on with this card? right now it's working, and I can even turn the PSU off and when I turn it on the card works normally, but if I disconnect the PSU cables/remove the card from the Motherboard, EVEN if I turn the PSU off for hours it somehow will trigger the random artifacting/crashes, even if I don't swap places of the PSU cables
How it is possible? How the card "knows" when I remove it from the PC even when I completely turn it off? And what is causing the random artifacting? because it is working perfectly now, not a single dot in the screen, and all temps are great, and when I went to the tech repair it showed no artifacting even when he plugged in and out may times? It is my PSU causing this? Because I've read everywhere that artifacting is 100% a GPU's problem and a PSU can't cause artifacting, yet it appears/dissapears when I randomly plug in/out the PSU cables, (PSU: EVGA 500W bronze, working flawlessly with my RX 570 for years, but the RX only uses a single 8pin connector, the 980 ti uses two)
I'm really curious about how the card detects that I removed it from the PC even without any kind of electricity on the PC or the card even unplugging the power cable, like the card knows that I took it off.
(For the record, I'm not in the States, prices are astronomically different here, 4x more even in used hardware, an used 980 ti costs $200 not kidding, a 1050 ti costs $180, the lowest RTX costs $450, virtually no difference between used or new hardware for how expensive it is. Buying online isn't an option due to absurd taxes from a corrupt government, be thankful for every day that you spend living in the US of A)
submitted by Skye_Lumitar to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:45 jeffreyepsteinswife need advice

so my husband goes out of town for work for around 2 months at a time then comes back home for a week in between at his current job. he will be back home again by the time im 26/27 weeks and i want him to stay untill i give birth since if he leaves again he will be gone untill im 36 weeks and could potentially miss the birth if i went in to premature labor and i just want him here so i can enjoy my third trimester with him and not be alone. anyways, the issue is that he cant tell his boss that im pregnant so he can stay and work locally because his boss is really good friends with my husbands parents and we dont want to tell them about this pregnancy/baby untill months after the delivery because his family is super toxic. should i just let him go out of town untill im 36 weeks or should he find a new job or should we just suck it up and tell them and deal with them harrassing us again? or any other options because i really dont know
submitted by jeffreyepsteinswife to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:44 OkPreparation710 Solana Whales and Memecoin Whales

After all the new FCA regulations, I was reviewing the FCA handbook, when I came across this:
Factors to be taken into account: abusive squeezes MAR 1.6.11E01/04/2013 RP In the opinion of the FCA , the following factors are to be taken into account when determining whether a person has engaged in an abusive squeeze:
(1) the extent to which a person is willing to relax his control or other influence in order to help maintain an orderly market, and the price at which he is willing to do so; for example, behaviour is less likely to amount to an abusive squeeze if a person is willing to lend the investment in question; (2) the extent to which the person's activity causes, or risks causing, settlement default by other market users on a multilateral basis and not just a bilateral basis. The more widespread the risk of multilateral settlement default, the more likely that an abusive squeeze has been effected; (3) the extent to which prices under the delivery mechanisms of the market diverge from the prices for delivery of the investment or its equivalent outside those mechanisms. The greater the divergence beyond that to be reasonably expected, the more likely that an abusive squeeze has been effected; and (4) the extent to which the spot or immediate market compared to the forward market is unusually expensive or inexpensive or the extent to which borrowing rates are unusually expensive or inexpensive. MAR 1.6.12G01/07/2005 RP Squeezes occur relatively frequently when the proper interaction of supply and demand leads to market tightness, but this is not of itself abusive. In addition, having a significant influence over the supply of, or demand for, or delivery mechanisms for an investment, for example, through ownership, borrowing or reserving the investment in question, is not of itself abusive.
MAR 1.6.13G01/07/2005 RP The effects of an abusive squeeze are likely to be influenced by the extent to which other market users have failed to protect their own interests or fulfil their obligations in a manner consistent with the standards of behaviour to be expected of them in that market. Market users can be expected to settle their obligations and not to put themselves in a position where, to do so, they have to rely on holders of long positions lending when they may not be inclined to do so and may be under no obligation to do so.
I know this is outdated, but isn't it similar to what crypto whales do on low market cap coins? They buy, push up price and sell 10 minutes later. How is it legal then (in the UK)?
Source: https://www.handbook.fca.org.uk/handbook/MA1/6.html?date=2016-03-07 (MAR 1.6.11)
submitted by OkPreparation710 to solana [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:44 Greedy_Boysenberry16 To move or not to move? Advice needed.

Hi All,
I have been given an opportunity of a potential payout to leave my existing job (which would be sufificient to support me if i didn't find a job for 2+ years).
On paper i am fairly qualified - being a qualified accountant (10+ years) with a masters degree and an MBA.
However, from an experience perspective it's basically one company (large ftse 100 company - in which i have been there for 15 years) that i have worked from a junior member to a senior leader. I slightly worry that i am missing essentialy experience from workign at a range of companies. However, when i review all senior FP&A job specs online i appear to be doing pritty much all of what is quoted (missing some ERP system stuff).
I like my job, i like the company, but there is relatively new leadership which comes with risk. Though have often thought i am limiting myself too much to one single industry (which is relative niche).
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
submitted by Greedy_Boysenberry16 to FPandA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:43 Minsun20 Contemplating Leaving My First RN Job - Need Advice

Hey everyone, this is my first post on this community page. I've been a newly qualified nurse in the NHS for 6 months, and I'm contemplating leaving my first RN position. My parents don’t speak English, so I help them with daily responsibilities, which can be very stressful. I worry about them while at work in case of an emergency. My sister and I have sought help from the council and social services, but their support is limited, so we handle most of it ourselves.
I work in the ophthalmology outpatient department, which has a high patient flow. We see about 250-300 patients a day across various clinics. While I love my supportive team, the management is problematic. 4 months in, I was put on call after a long day, totaling 15 hours, with another long shift the following day. I was reassured I wouldn’t be on call until I felt confident and that it was unlikely to get called out at night, but that wasn't reassuring as my colleagues on call have been called out. By that stage, I wasn’t confident as I’ was still new. When I told my line manager this, she said I’d be fine. I don’t understand how they allow on-call for nurses who do long days and may need to stay late, then get called anytime at night. It’s inhumane hours. I understand night shifts on wards as you know what hours you’ll do.
Another problem is that staff have raised issues about clinics numerous times to management, but they seem to shrug it off and not sort things out. During my supernumerary period, I initially received support, but after getting some things signed off, I was left to work on my own. Although I have a preceptor, I rarely get to work with her now. Initially, I loved this job, but after 4 months, it’s overwhelming due to the high patient volume. I feel deskilled as my tasks are limited to checking visual acuity, intra-ocular pressure, blood pressure, blood glucose, and instilling eye drops. I've had to take time off work due to stress at home and work, and I have recurring gastrointestinal issues under investigation by my doctor.
I loved community nursing and the minor injuries unit in my third year student nurse placement. I was offered a community post but declined it for this current job due to worrying about car wear. I now regret it because community nursing offers a lot in terms of skills, learning opportunities, and career progression. I’ve realized I want a nursing job with transferable skills and a variety of clinical tasks, which ophthalmology doesn’t offer. I'm constantly looking for other job opportunities, including community and practice nursing, though practice nursing is very competitive and I was declined.
I’ve just been put on bank/locum to potentially do extra shifts in the department, but they also said I can do shifts around the hospital. I'm terrified because I don’t give medications besides eye drops, do IVs, bloods, or catheterizations, which some places need. I’ll likely just be doing healthcare jobs which I’m fine with but areas may want a nurse with those skills.
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Minsun20 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:43 InitialLandscape Summoned by the VDAB Controledienst over ONE missed appointment... But i already have work now.

I had completely forgotten about this ONE appointment because i was in the middle of moving. The VDAB office of the region to where i had moved had already called me to ask about my search for work, and to set up an appointment with THEM not too long after i registered at the gemeentehuis.
Turns out that the appointment (from the old office) that i missed was one day after the new office called me. (Found out by checking my past appointments after getting the letter from the controledienst)
I assumed that these different offices have smooth communication, and that the old appointment probably got cancelled after the other office had planned a new one in my actual region (the other one would have been a 1hr drive). But who was i kidding by assuming that?
The hearing is on a friggin sunday. And I'm already working now. I can either go alone, with a representative, don't go but write a letter explaining why i missed the appointment, or not go and no letter, in which case they'll just judge me purely by my casefile.
I'm seriously considering the last one. I do know that I'll lose unemployment payouts for a certain amount of time if they find me in the wrong, but i mean... I HAVE A JOB NOW?! And i DID stick to past appointments AND sent out solicitations from their website, one of those being for the company I'm currently working for.
There are some real sleazebags out there that know exactly how to cheat the system and keep the VDAB off their backs, and it feels like I'm paying for their shit.
Any advice?
submitted by InitialLandscape to belgium [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:43 RaptorsAreUnderrated Video Interview problems

For the past three days, I have been trying to do my Video Interview questions. Every time I finish my first recording, it literally just stays on the “Saving your response” screen for however many minutes until I decide to just refresh and try again or try a new browser, which does the same thing. It can’t be my internet because everything else works fast. I’m trying to get this job so I can work here during college but it is literally impossible for me to do these questions. Any help?
submitted by RaptorsAreUnderrated to Bestbuy [link] [comments]
