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My changes to the Tests of the Frostmaiden (and the rest of Solstice/Aurils Abode)

2022.10.01 16:26 Youbutalittleworse My changes to the Tests of the Frostmaiden (and the rest of Solstice/Aurils Abode)

Ages ago I proposed These changes here so now that my party finally made it there, I thought I'd give an update on what I actually ended up doing and it was quite vastly different and far more fleshed out.
Below I've included the main part, but I thought I'd also include Google Doc with more changes to the rest of Aurils Abode chapter I've included credits where I've used material or inspiration from other sources, but let me know if there's anything I missed.
For now: onto the Tests.
Encircling the central Ice Rink area are four ornate doors, depicting elements of Aurils history. Can be in any order, but recommended order clockwise from top right: Endurance, Cruelty, Preservation, Isolation, as they follow aurils journey better (as depicted on the accompanying doors, detailed with the trials below - Pictures referenced are in the google doc)
Beyond these doors is Soulsbourne like fog door, that once passed through will take the players to a demiplane containing the trial. If they want to quit the trial and any time they only have to walk back through the fog (Will be held in a limbo state until all participants have finished or abandoned trial) Once all participants have either left or completed the trial, everyone will appear before the fog door once more, and their victory marked by the eyes of the respective totem animal glowing. Once trials are completed (or if the players slay/repel Auril) all 4 sets of eyes glow and they way will be open. If the players accept Aurils mission after the trials, they’ll be granted a blessing/boon (or an IOU for one if one doesn’t come to mind), as well as access to the Codicil of White, and will hold off her spell of eternal night so long as they are on the path. Those that perform exceptionally well in the challenges can be granted additional boons.
Boon examples/ideas: * A bonus feat * Bonus level (if you (really wanna get wild. Probably save only for special cases of those who want to be tied to Auril as a class deity/patron etc) * Rare items/equipment * Learning a new spell * Having someone killed
Each of the tests are detailed below along with optional description and image of the accompanying door, and associated Reghed tribe symbol for the Codicil Door.
Endurance “Exist as long as you can, by whatever means you can. Only by enduring can you outlast your enemies.”
(Images composited from Ragnarok artworks) depicts the deities of Faerun at war, tossling for power before the Tablets of Ao are set. Success in this trial will cause the Elk’s eyes to glow on the Codicil door
As they walk into the fog door, read the following. "You walk into a barren 80x80ft chamber, #10 alcoves along the far wall are lit with a blue flaming torch. Before you, 5 Spirits appear, 4 Reghed tribes folk, one with a giant sabre tooth tiger at their side, all ready to attack. ROLL INITIATIVE!"
(Change number of alcoves to match number of participants in the challenge plus the Reghed tribe leaders (And Grava if you need to round out numbers))
DC 14 history check to recognise these as Reghed tribal leaders Bear Gunvald Halraggson, Elk Jarund Elkhardt, Wolf Issar Kronenstrom, and Tiger Bjornhild Solvigsdottir with Grava. These spirits attack the PCs to the “death”. When a creature dies, they are turned into snow or ice (Similar to Chwinga death, players are unharmed and just teleported back to main room) and a flame on the wall goes out. The scenario will not be “complete” until one person is left standing. SURPRISE PVP! Rank all competitors in order of 1st to last death, with the last person standing getting most points (Inspired by scoring of Rumble in the Dungeon). You can also award bonus points for things like critical hits and finishing blows for extra competitiveness. Manually extinguishing a flame, or otherwise leaving the trial, will score the player in the same position as a ‘death’. Note: For this challenge best to give the PC’s a full rest as they enter and leave, lest arguments about ‘readiness’ ensue either for the PVP fight, or for potential combat back outside.
Cruelty “Compassion makes you vulnerable. Let cruelty be the knife that keeps your enemies at bay.”
As they walk into the fog door, read the following. "You appear in the centre of a snowy village. A hooded figure stands behind a table with a ballot box. An unsettling similarity to the sacrificial ballots some of you know too well. #5 tall (tiki) torches blaze behind the figure, who gestures to a pile of parchment and charcoal beside the ballot box." (Number of torches correlates to number of participants)
Each round, get the participants to secretly send you 1 person to vote out. Players will receive 1 point for every round they survive, 1 bonus point If they voted for the person who gets eliminated, and 1 bonus point if they make it through with zero votes against themselves. When someone is Eliminated the hooded figure will douse their touch like a survivor, and that person is turned into snow. (Safely appears in the main room after rounds done) Note: When it’s down to the final competitors, can have an ‘audience vote’ as tiebreakers (dont forget to give travelling companions like Brotherhood members a vote too)
Preservation "All things change, only ice and death are preserved from the passage of time." ((Custom text))
This door depicts an owl fleeing in a terrible storm. This represents Auril (the owl) fleeing from the furies that banded together to hunt her. Umberlee - the rough sea, Talos - the stormy sky, and Malar - the beatial claw over the moon. Success in this trial will cause the Bear’s eyes to glow on the Codicil door
As they walk into the fog door, read the following. "You walk through the fog, and feel water lapping at your feet, along the back wall are three platform-like steps. One below the water, one barely breaching the surface, and one safely above the waterline. Across the middle row are a series of ice figurines, each showing signs of wear from the lapping waves. To move one above the water, another must be moved below where once taken by the waves, cannot be moved again. Figures are Deer, Wolf, Child, Adult, Elderly, Beggar, Thief, Craftsman, Banker, Soldier, Priest, King." (Add more similar choices for larger groups, should have at least 2x the number of participants)
Inspired by the Moral Machine smart car tests, players have to decide who will die, and who they will spare, or a room with at least 2xparticipants options, from a bad fate. To save 1, they must kill 1. Once a player has made their choice, they vanish from the room. Those that make a choice, regardless of which, gain a point. (option for extra points for choices that feel in line with Auril’s vibes?)
Note: This challenge as prepped had the right vibe, but it became quickly apparent it didn't push far enough with urgency and impact. Definitely needs a time limit, and actual apparitions for the beasts and humanoids, and more clear cause/effect. Eg: a line of cages containing the ‘subjects’ with green, orange, and red lights/sigils. The sigils are all on orange (which is producing something that slowly harms the subject), but to change one to green (frees subject) need to change another to red (instantly destroys subject)
Isolation “In solitude you can understand and harness your full potential. Depending on others makes you weak.”
This door depicts the snowflake emblem of Auril (copied from the back cover of the alternate art book). Meant to represent the isle of Solstice with the skull at the centre, indicative of her current state of isolation whilst she is in hiding. Success in this trial will cause the Tiger’s eyes to glow on the Codicil door
Have each player be taken aside privately, and read them the text highlighted below, followed by describing the two visions that lay before them through each door. They should be custom curated to the characters, whether it's friends vs family, personal gain vs ending winter. Things that make them face their fears, and question their goals, morals, and priorities. This one is pretty free-form in the points department, but can award points to players who making the choices that favour helping oneself over others I’ve provided examples of what I presented to my players (and vellynne) after the opening description, and marked in bold which option was rewarded with a point. (funnily enough, everyone chose the right hand side) Note: One player misinterpreted and thought that they were actual portals that would lead somewhere, and ‘accidentally’ chose (but knowing the character, what i expected them to choose anyway) so worth changing the text to be a bit more clear?
"Walking into the wall of fog, it feels both instantaneous, and an agonisingly slow march before your vision begins to clear and you find yourself in a wide, flat expanse of seemingly endless nothingness save for two distinguishing features. Ahead, to your left and right sides, lie two doorways or portals.."
Vellynne: emerges with some tears in her eyes. (will not disclose unless forced): high mage of the Arcane Brotherhood, or a family of her own. She chose the brotherhood.
((Other examples are on the google doc, as this post is thicc AF already))
Anyway, let me know what y'all think!
(Editted some classic phone format tomfoolery, but if anything else looks odd, check the google doc, it's formatted loads nicer)
submitted by Youbutalittleworse to rimeofthefrostmaiden [link] [comments]

2018.11.30 21:25 Towns-a-Million I have trouble with the doubt. But not anymore.

I always doubt my perception of my parents being narcissists and totally shallow. Then I remember. They think I'm unhappy and poor and wallowing in my own mistakes and decisions in life. I have initiated NC since they insulted me and have refused to apologize for quite some time. But they keep finding ways to contact me. They just don't get it. I don't want them in my life and I've told them that. I've called them out on all their bullshit and they just ignore it all. I got a text a while back my mom sent that said "can yall (my husband and me) just let this go?" BAH! she's the one who started the whole mess by calling me names and accusing me of beatiality and pedophilia after I came out as bisexual.
Still. Sometimes I doubt and wonder if I'm the one in the wrong.
Yesterday I realized I have been right this whole time. And I don't think I can go back on it after this. I got a Christmas card from them. No letter. No long winded condemnation or some distracting small talk like usual. Nothing personal. Just a card with a weird Christmas poem in it. I didn't read it but I imagine it said something about Jesus saving my soul or something stupid and subtly insulting. And also a big, fat, slimy, tainted, dirty, insulting $check$. Remember. They think I'm poor and live in a hovel. They tell people that. They gossip about me in that way. (And what's funny is that I don't. My husband and I are just simple-living kind of people.) And they sent me a check for a lot of money. To humiliate me? To have power over me? To get their jollies? Idk and I don't care. But I know I can't be bought out because I burned it. Without a thought. I realized deep deep down that I know the truth. I don't actually doubt myself subconsciously. And that really helped drive the nail in the coffin on that matter. My husband asked if I wanted to send something back to really show em that I don't want their blood money. I said no. And without a thought.
I think I might finally be free of the mental oppression they had over me for so long. They can't live in my head anymore.
submitted by Towns-a-Million to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]