Stomp curb


2011.06.28 22:08 Pudie r/SquaredCircle

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2010.06.21 15:10 manata Gears of War Subreddit

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2011.12.23 20:21 Kiel297 /r/WWEGames

The unofficial hub for discussion of the WWE2K series and any other pro wrestling game out there!

2024.06.01 09:43 Thuglifevol3 Daylyt - Sit your troll Azz down (Liar)

I left this sub but am going to return for all the folks who are actually concerned with allegations made in a Rap Beef. Not Class A misdemeanor's like sex w/dogs. IDGF about that. 1) Davon, I know you. You actin like you don't care suddenly. K then, take your clown ass tweetin and deletin and move on. You know less than I do...apparently? Or you are a liar? You definitely a coward. So yeah, **** off bruh. * * Now to the crowd, the folks who spend a lot of time trying to do a lotta good. AGAIN, the folks who wanted to see dogs banging people....i ain't talkin to ya'll Class A misdemeanor That's a public image issue not a case the feds care about. Now stuff you may not know to be true but...they are, and since Davon is bowing out, here ya go...
Everything facing Drake was not born outta Kendricks battle. The loathing of the human is all real though. The disses and lyrics are mostly real, not all. K assumed or made some shit up. * Drakes real and now troubles began weeks after Takeoffs Murder The scrutiny by law enforcement ramped up in December 2022 * Ramped up from what? in 2019 an investigation was made into Houstons ties to XXX's murder. A person in Houston requested immunity in exchange for information related to XXX's murder. FDLE would not oblige (C.I. was a suspect in an open homicide case in Texas). Someone in FDLE informed Houston LE as to the info and alias of the C.I. * In December of 2019 another person with information without the baggage, went to feds directly in Georgia. The full statement was taken and the info sans the identity of witness was forwarded to FDLE. Now this was running in parallel to a Homicide investigation by different detectives. It is the building of a conspiracy case related to the initiation, conspiracy and funding of XXX's murder. Funded by Houston. Not Toronto...(conducted for the benefit of person or persons affiliated w/suspect) stated to be Aubrey Graham. That investigation was merged into another. THAT investigation began on a federal level within days of Takeoffs murder. ** Now here's where Drake's problems truly began** December 2022, ATL/FDLE and Houston began a joint investigation related to drug traff/ money laundering/murdeextortion and racketeering (R.I.C.O) One might assume that the silence from J Prince/Mobb Ties/Rap a Lot is inentional and per counsels advice...and that would be a good assumption. * A LOT of people based in Atlanta and people close to Takeoffs camp have been exceptionally helpful. When and if all the facts come out, the critical event that took Houston from a corrupt insulated haven for J Prince to a files open multi agency event was the murder of Takeoff. * Now that we shook the I ain't readin all that crew The mole was not OVO. It was in Houston. And one of them is actually next to you That person would have to leave after K outted him, very uncool and dangerous unless the actually was Drakes phone...and all he accesses, messages, virtual storage etc. were being peeled back layer by layer app by app while Drake snitched on himself. The ease that your whole life can get cloned and watched live is crazy. Drake is a pretty street dumb/tech foolish guy according to what was found. Kendrick knows net rumors, 2nd hand stories and perhaps some media (vids/images) were obtained and given to him. Drake was extremely under secured for a guy with his budget. But none of the info obtained via Feds is in Kendricks possession. As of 3/2024 Drake is in some serious trouble. J Prince as an asset to LE was dumped in 2022 but one of his sons is absolutely NOT going to sit in a cell. Kendrick made no mention of Houston ...?? That woulda been too easy for Drake and we never would have had the self written fiasco that is THP6. DJ AK was also subject to a compromise, as one of his work stations was session hijacked. All of his Social media coulda been deleted in minutes but then he would know he was compromised. His mails and other media were given to LE but they cannot use it. That guy is going to have to be a witness or quietly cooperate. His situation came from a family of a victim who paid a P.I./ white hat to gather evidence (a video). In summary * Davon is a pussy * Drakes issues are born outta ATL/FL/HOU * Kendrick used knowledge( of not from) a probe and help from an army of online peeps to curb stomp a person he loathes. * Diddy news is NOT a distraction from Drakes. I do not know but speculate that info from both sides is being used to hurt each other. None of it is needed though. The work you do The focus on Drakes kids is a detriment to the community. I know for a fact that a gender switch was used to protect the real child but the mothers occupation was left as a real hint. Trust, that it is a real thing but leave kids alone. It hurts the credibilty of people who want justice. Don't diminish yourselves. Some posts about LLC's and other shell companies are part of the picture and LE is aware. This Reddit growing did coincide with some cleanup done by Drake which means he had no idea feds were watching but knew that ya'll were. That's kinda wild. Don't click on links and open files in those links even if they look like a simple file form you are familiar with. This is a great place for people to get excited, throw common sense out the window and ....get compromised. Don't be like Drake...or AK. Happy hunting. People are looking at some of the same stuff you are. Nobody is ignoring criminal activity
submitted by Thuglifevol3 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:24 IntelligenceTechGuy AR Advice or Strat?

So I have fallen in love with Hollow Knight. I have beaten nearly every boss on radiant beaten every pantheon with all bindings except 5. For some reason, I can't beat AR reliably and when I do feel like I beat AR it feels like the ability rng was just not that bad.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how to make this less...seemingly hopeless. Sometimes I can go into phase 2 with never being touched but others I feel like I get curb stomped by this mothra lookalike into next week. Phase two feels like I have to be luckily in his positioning and ability combo choices to get good hits in. Phase 3 feels luckily sometimes also if the orb happens to impact the platform or just go through it.
submitted by IntelligenceTechGuy to HollowKnight [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:59 Halfeatenbreadd I’m starting to get it!

I’m actually starting to understand combat and how to play! I starting using a style that fit best for me and I’m putting up a good fight where I would normally get curb stomped. Don’t get me wrong I still die a lot in fights but I can see why I’m dying and adjust to it now instead of just getting annoyed. Thanks for all the advice!
submitted by Halfeatenbreadd to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:17 DanDanTheDonutMan On a video of a woman non fatally assaulting a little boy with a knife

On a video of a woman non fatally assaulting a little boy with a knife submitted by DanDanTheDonutMan to iamverybadass [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:27 Doot_revenant666 Any tips on 3P Retro Boss Rush from EBF5 on Epic difficulty?

I am aiming to achieve all of the medals in the he but I am dreading the 3P Boss Rush
I have done the 2P Retro Rush woth ease by abusing the Virus strat , but the Arcade one almost ruined my psyche and I was laughing for almost 10 minutes after winning it. And I am very scared of most of the enemies , especially Protector since it can easily get 100 MA boost from itself charging up a very powerful attack that is guarenteed yo OHKO if you don't have things to counter it , and is basically immune to every fucking status.
I tried with messy set of a Tank Matt , Glass Canon NoLegs and Utility/Status Anna but got almost got curb stomped by Jack , so I could use some suggestions for sets to deal with P3 Retro Boss Rush
submitted by Doot_revenant666 to ebf [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:18 No-Cat-3422 I asked my dad for money once and he stole mine

K so I just posted a current boomer story but it reminded me of this one from a long time ago LOL here we go!
So I’m a full time university student living on my own downtown in a cheap neighbourhood where I legit saw a guy get curb stomped outside my window, but it’s cheap. I work three part time gigs at my university as a lab tutor, curator, etc. My rent for a bachelor suite was 400 bucks then (that street was our city’s “murder row”) and I’m already 15k deep in student loans but I’m making it work.
One month I can’t work much, I’ve got too many exams, I try to get away with not paying rent for two weeks til another paycheque comes in… well about day 8 I get an eviction notice on my door. I panic.
I am 25 and I figure well, I guess I will ask my dad for money for the first time in my life. I call. I tell him I’m gonna get evicted soon. I ask for money.
He says, well I guess come visit, we’ll talk. Meet me at your grandma’s place. That’s his mom. This tiny, blind, poor, lonely old woman who just cries all the time wishing to die. I do my best to cheer her, bring food, bring flowers, we have a nice visit. Towards the end he tells her I need money. I wanna die. I am mortified. I do not want her money, he has a union job and his car and house are paid off. I asked HIM for money.
She says “oh I don’t have much David, but go in my drawer and take that cash it’s all I got.”
He rifles through her stuff and comes out with 80 bucks. I hug her, say thanks, we leave.
We are standing outside and I’m like, well I gotta go catch the bus back downtown.
He takes out the 80 bucks, SPLITS IT TO FORTY EACH, pockets his half and says “now don’t go spending that on pizza.”
submitted by No-Cat-3422 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:30 General_Writing6086 Most hated enemies…

What enemy do you hate the most? And why? I cannot stand the saurians! They’re so many of them and it feels like no matter what weapon you use their defense is so high you have to spend so much time hacking at them.
I’d rather fight more Garm and Warg. But damned Saurians are around every corner!
I also cannot stand golems. You chip away at them and then they hide their weak spot and then run over to you and literally curb stomp you while your pawns desperately try to cut off their arm.
-.- ugh.
submitted by General_Writing6086 to DragonsDogma2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:43 pythonkatie Petty chair dispute turns violent

Petty story! I (39F) and my husband (38M) used to live in an apartment complex with a roommate (40M). This was 14 years ago so we were all in our 20s. We all were smokers, but didn't want to stink up the apartment so we would go out back by the parking lot and smoke. The middle aged couple above us were also smokers, so we befriended them and would often chat with them when they were in town (they were snow birds). They kept plastic patio chairs out by their spot and gave us permission to use them whenever we wanted. The woman directly across the hall also smoked, though inside, and she'd chat through the window. I'll call her Laura. She'd come out occasionally and was very friendly, but 6 months after we moved in, a man moved in with her and we rarely saw her anymore.
We saw him though; he had a very nice looking but not well working car that was incredibly loud. And as is always the case with someone with a loud car, he worked very early in the morning and would usually sit there revving his engine for about 10 minutes. It was summer so it wasn't just him warming it up or anything. He would also work on it most weekends, which was completely fine, he was in that apartment's parking spot, but he insisted on having his music cranked up. It was obnoxious, but we didn't care too much. I was just concerned that he would come flying into the parking lot at full speed, but thankfully our building didn't have kids. He never said much, but wasn't rude or anything.
One day while the snowbirds were gone, we were sitting in the chairs, puffing away at our cancer sticks under a tree, just under our sets of windows, when suddenly Laura's window slammed shut. We figured we were being too loud, as my husband has a very very deep voice that carries more than he realizes. So we think nothing of it but agree to try to remember to be more quiet in the future.
The next day, we come out to find the chairs have been stacked together and placed in the hall. Assuming the snowbirds must've come back, we instead go and stand outside our windows to smoke. There's a large middle area by the doors between our and Laura's halves of the building, but I don't like to be in the way in case someone comes out and I prefer the shade, so I always stay under the tree, a good 25 feet from her window. Once again, Laura's window slams shut. No one came out and said anything though.
The chairs were still stacked in the hall for the next week, so we texted the snowbirds and found out that no, they were still gone and they told us to go right ahead and put them back, they weren't sure why they were moved. Maybe by the company that mowed the lawn. So we bring them back out and resume our cancerous ways, outside of our window.
The next day, the chairs have been thrown across the lawn. Once again, we put them back thinking it was a kid. That night, we come home to find them in the dumpster. We put them back. About an hour later, I hear loud noises coming from outside. It was Laura's bf, furiously mumbling under his breath about "the stupid mother f**king a**holes, no god d**n consideration, not going to be sitting out here no f**king more if you ain't got chairs" while he proceeded to stomp on and crack the chairs into pieces and chucked them into the dumpster. He then peeled out of the lot and took off.
At that point I got pissed because he had never bothered to say anything to us about us doing anything wrong, and he was breaking the property of people who weren't even involved in this. So I yanked out the biggest and sharpest piece of chair from the dumpster and put it up against the curb of his parking spot. Partially to\ let him know that we knew now who it was that was doing it, and also in the hope that he might finally slow down in the small parking lot. I fully acknowledge it was very stupid and passive aggressive and a bit hypocritical to be upset that they never told us about a problem and now we were retaliating without telling them it was a problem. My only argument is that we were 20 years younger than they were, but we still should've known better.
Well not even 15 minutes later we hear his car come barreling into the lot, the brakes screeching to a halt and a car door being opened and slammed shut. Accompanying the stomping of boots, I could hear, "OH YOU MOTHERF**KERS HAVE GONE AND DONE IT NOW YOU MOTHER F**KER GET THE F**K OUT HERE SO I CAN KICK YOUR A**!" and he chucked the chair at our living room windows. They didn't break through, so he picked the chair piece up and started slamming it against the window. My husband and roommate start telling him to calm the hell down before he breaks something. Yeah that had no effect. So I got scared and called the cops.
I didn't have the guts to open our door while the police were trying to talk to him, but you could hear everything going on in the hallway. He was yelling that we needed to be evicted because there was no way we could all be on the lease so we're there illegally and we were trying to destroy his car etc, then he refused to provide his information or give ID and he was still REALLY mad so he ended up getting arrested.
The next day, the 4 of us all get called to the complex manager's office. He catches us as we're leaving and again is telling us how he's going to get us evicted, we're chickens**t for not coming out and being our a**es, he's going to sue, it just went on and on until we reached the office. We tell our side of the story, then he tells his. In his story, Laura, who smoked cigarettes with us before he came along, is allergic to nicotine and we were purposely puffing it into her window to try to kill her. Then he again brings up that we can't all be living there legally, to which she explains that yes, we have a 2 bedroom with 3 people and 2 cats ALL on the lease. But funny thing, HE wasn't on Laura's lease. He had moved in and neither of them ever bothered to alert management.
She did scold us for letting it go so far, after all I certainly wasn't innocent in this when I put the piece of chair in the parking spot, but we didn't get into any trouble. I don't know what ever happened with them, but his car was soon never to be seen again and she moved out shortly afterwards.
submitted by pythonkatie to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:23 Wojtug I like it when the enemy counter swaps, and so should you.

I know this may sound insane but hear me out, it's good when someone counter swaps against you. First of all, it usually means you are performing very well, to the point where the enemy swaps out of desperation (or simply out of anger, we love ruining people's days) Second of all, it makes you simply better. The more 1v1s you fail to win, the more you will be forced to adapt to win. If you're constantly playing an unfavourable matchup, you'll have to learn to overcome it, and you eventually will, thus, shaping you into a better player overtime. Third of all, I think we all LOVE getting the absolute rush of dopamine when we curb stomp on our counters, don't even get me started on a team full of them.
And last but not least, everyone has their go-to hero in overwatch. If you manage to get them off that hero, chances are, they'll perform much worse, especially if they have no idea how to actually counter a ball. Hey sombra counterswapers, hack ball does NOT equal win.
Besides, there's an addictive irony in predicting a counterswap, I can't be the only one who finds it funny, right?
submitted by Wojtug to WreckingBallMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:37 Cozy_Burrito CURB STOMP STRAIGHT OUTTA HELL!

CURB STOMP STRAIGHT OUTTA HELL! submitted by Cozy_Burrito to WWEMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:34 TypeAtryingtoB Suggestions on how to manage anger triggered by feeling out of control and triggered by my dog.

I have a 2-year-old and since before he was born my attitude towards my dog started to change because there were behaviors that started to bother me and that were hard to control such as jumping up on people, growling, destruction in the house, peeing in the house (pee is a BITCH to clean out of carpet. Enzyme cleaners help a little). Once my son was born he began to destroy books, jumping up on the table or counters for food.. etc. Once my son was born, my anger and tolerance for it reduced dramatically and I just actually resorted to having to physically use force to get him to get away from my son, but then that escalated into me using force by default to push him a way from my son when he is trying to snatch food from him and him snatching food is an exreme trigger for me because 1. Food is expensive and I buy higher quality snacks for my son 2. It's just extremely upsetting that he quite literally goes up to your hand and takes food and runs away. He knows it's not right and never used to do this. I think he's definitely seen how easy it is with my son and now thinks it's okay for some reason to do it even with adults.
I've been working on the leave it command, but until then, I literally want to curb stomp him when he does this or jumps up and gets any sort of food. Destroying things and taking food are my two biggest triggers and it's because it's lack of control and the upset about items costing money and being ruined or consumed. We've put so much blood sweat and tears into this shelter dog for 5 years and he is a good dog, other than these behaviors. We have busy mind toys for him, walks now happen after work and not before because I cannot walk my dog at 5 am with my toddler. We gate off every room besides the living room so that we don't have to lock him in his cage for 8 hours.
I know he isn't doing it on purpose and has separation anxiety, but the food snatching pisses me off because it's right infront of us or even does it to us. Not FUDGING cool. Sometimes I'm fine and can calmly tell myself it's our fault for creating an easy food snatching situations, but others times I get so angry because I'm overwhelmed and the gate was left open by accident and he has now jumped up to my son in the 5 seconds my back was turned. I feel like I'm so anxious every time I leave a room because I'm nervous I didn't shut the gate and he will follow us to get my son's snacks and I'll get angry.
But I don't want my son to see this kind of aggression towards anything or anyone and need to do better for him and also the dog...
Edit: my dog is house trained. He usually tells us when he needs to go out or needs water / a treat. This began over the last year. I also watched physical aggression towards people growing up as a way to take out anger. So, it scares and triggers me that this is what makes me feel uncontrollable anger. I don't get mad at many things like I used to, but this sets me off so intensely. Definitely a topic for therapy.
I'm going to discuss with my husband to see if he can walk him at 4 am when he gets up for work, because I cannot walk him before work like I used to because I have my toddler.
submitted by TypeAtryingtoB to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:03 Vidal_The_King "Dance emote bad!!!" Mfs when they curb stomp the rep 0

Devs please give me this paired emote
submitted by Vidal_The_King to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:01 CommunicationOk3589 I’m highly optimistic for a squeeze, I wouldn’t be surprised if….

I wouldn’t be surprised if the hedges tripled down and tried to curb stomp us as hard as they did on the drop. Just know it’s manipulation if shit goes crazy tomorrow. We holding.
submitted by CommunicationOk3589 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:50 cgstories Odd Pete (part 3-final)

Previous Part
I finally managed to get something to eat. A cold, disgusting tuna sandwich from 7-11. This would be enough for me to keep going, if it weren’t for the fact that I got the shit beaten on the way back home. This is what happened. After I bought the sandwich, I came across a kid playing with a windup toy on the sidewalk. It was a miniature clown that would take four wobbly steps, stop, and then giggle. The boy, probably no more than eight years old, was entranced by the toy. And he’d wind it up again and watched it as it wobbled away. Its laughter echoed through the street.
All the fear and terror from that night at Pete’s house came rushing in, and I just tensed up. I asked the kid where he got the toy. He said a boy gave it to him. What boy? I asked. I looked around but saw no other boy but him. He then described a boy that exactly matched Pete’s. It had to be a sign, like a cryptic message for me. Pete and his family still watched me. I’m sure they were hiding somewhere near enough, laughing as they teased me with this repulsive little trinket.
I told the kid that he shouldn’t play with toys from strangers. Then I stomped on the clown and broke it into fucking pieces. The kid teared up and started shrieking. It was at that moment that I felt something as hard as a brick smashing into my face. The kid’s teen brother swooped in and swung his fist at me. My nose was bloodied and swollen, but not broken. At least I don’t think it is. I’m not one to usually fight back. I just took it.
Thank God the bleeding has stopped. I guess I am ready now. Finally, I can finish this story.
Andy and I went from room to room. We kept on moving when the lights flicked on and hid in the darkness—under a bed, in a closet, behind marble statues of Greek gods. We heard the screams of the others as they came face to face with the Catchers. We had no idea what time it was, and we had no way of knowing whether or not the night was almost over.
The antique clocks weren’t any help; they all pointed to various times. And the windows showed nothing but pitch darkness, not a single star in the sky nor a shed of moonlight. We were trapped in an alternate dimension.
We decided to try to find our way back to the living room on the first floor. Andy remembered seeing a cordless phone on a table. If we could get to it, we’d call the police. It sounded like a solid plan, but the tricky part was finding our way through the maze-like mansion.
We came across what appeared to be George’s toy workshop. Wooden bodies and blocks of wood molded into the shapes of children’s heads were scattered about the shelves. Wooden figures stared at me from every corner: a gathering of rocking horses, snakes, elephants with wheels for legs, and disembodied heads and limbs seemed to beckon us to come closer.
At a workbench, George chiseled away at a block of wood, shaping it into the perfect shape of a child’s head. He set his tools down and swerved around.
“Ah, you’ve found my workshop,” he said. “Don’t worry, I’m not a Catcher. In fact, you’re safe here.”
“I want to call my mom,” I demanded.
“We want to go home!” Andy cried.
George frowned. “Are you not enjoying yourselves, boys?”
“This game has gone on for too long,” I said. “We’re really tired. Let us go home.”
“Oh, but Pete’s having such a ball! It’s his first birthday, you know.”
“You mean, you don’t usually throw birthday parties for him?”
“No, it’s been exactly one year since I created him. I never thought of becoming a father, but being alone in this world for so long, you do get a bit bored from time to time. So, I thought—Why not? Why not create a perfect family of my own? First was Pete. But a boy needs a mother, right? Then came Wendy.”
He turned his attention back to the wooden head he was chiseling and sanding down with sandpaper. “I’m thinking of making a sister for Pete,” he continued as painted two green eyes, small pink lips, and rosy cheeks. “I want her to have the heart of an angel and an innocent nature. Like you, boys.”
He screwed the head onto the wooden body of a young girl. Then, with the snap of his fingers, the doll jolted to life. As she hopped off the workbench, she fell forward on her face, before clumsily getting back onto her feet. With arms outstretched, she stumbled forward to me and clasped her hands around my throat.
Surprisingly, I felt no pain. My muscles relaxed. The more I drifted into peace and tranquility, the more vibrant she became—rosier cheeks, glossier eyes, and warmer and softer hands. But something sharp sliced through the air and splintered her wooden head. She staggered backward and slumped against the wall, lifeless.
Holding an axe in his hands, Andy stood between me and George, who chuckled and clapped his hands. At once, every wooden toy and doll in the shop stirred to life! Andy swung the axe, hacking them into pieces. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door. My legs were like jelly, and I struggled to keep up with his pace.
The lights blinked.
We hurried into a room which turned out to be the banquet hall. Pete was at the head of the long table with Wendy standing by his side, beaming proudly at her boy as he admired the three-tier cake before him. The Catchers were decked out in elaborate costumes—clowns, jesters, mimes, bunnies, lions, and bears. They stood in rows behind their mummified children, who sat eerily still in decadent wooden chairs. The Catchers all clapped and hummed “Happy Birthday” in unison.
But what churned our stomachs and jolted our nerves the most was the sight of our withered classmates, posed delicately around the long table. Among them, I could barely make out the faded resemblance to Mark’s face, grey and withered like raisins, and pleading with eyeless despair.
“Oh, you made it in time for the cake!” Pete exclaimed. “I’m a real boy now! I couldn’t have done it without the help of my friends.” He grabbed a fistful of cake and stuffed it into his mouth, moaning with delight.
“Put that axe down, son,” Wendy piped up, suddenly. “It’s not a toy.”
“Join us!”
“Don’t be stubborn, boys!”
With a nod from Wendy, the Catchers turned to us and slowly inched forward. Tearfully, Andy struck a Bear in the arm with the axe. He was about to strike again when a Clown threw a handful of jacks pinning him onto the wall. Dropping the axe, he tried to wrench himself free, but the more he struggled, the deeper the jacks went into his flesh. The Catchers were closing in.
“Don’t leave me!” Andy screamed.
“I-I’m sorry!” I bolted out of the room with axe in hand.
They were right on my heels. I swerved around and swung it through the chest of the Clown. When I swung the axe again, it struck right into the jester’s hip.
I screamed in despair as I came to the dead end of a hallway. And the lights went out. With eyes shut and adrenaline coursing through my veins, I waved the weapon around me, feeling it collide with flesh and blood that spattered across my face. When the lights switched back on, a mound of bodies lay before me.
Pete picked up the jester’s cap ‘n’ bells and put it atop his head. He swiped the red nose of the Clown and placed it on his nose. Singing “Happy Birthday”, he danced atop the bodies. He jumped into puddles of blood, kicking and stomping like he was dancing in the rain.
Then, he stopped and stared me right in the eye. “I guess you won the game,” he said, pointing to something behind me.
A comforting and soothing warmth touched the back of my neck. As I turned to see the sun rising, I collapsed from absolute exhaustion.
Mom had called the cops when I hadn’t come home. They found me wrapped up in a blanket sleeping on the floor in the foyer. No one believed me about what happened at Pete’s birthday party. The cops tested the blood that soaked my clothes, and they came back laughing with the results in hand.
Cherry-flavored wine.
They said there was no record of Pete at the school. As for the house, it had always been abandoned. But no one could explain why more than twenty kids and their parents were missing. And I was the only student left from Ms. Bryant’s 5th grade class. Since then, I dreamt about the house and its labyrinthine hallways. Sometimes I can still hear my friends crying. I can hear Andy’s last words ‘Don’t leave me!’ I’d wake up drenched in sweat, with my blanket soaked in piss.
Finding even so much as a fragment of peace hasn’t been easy. It took decades. What do you do when everyone around you—your friends and family and authorities— tells you that what you experienced never happened? The older I got, the more I realized that I didn’t need to convince people that I was right.
No one needs to believe me because I believe in myself. I’m the one who’ll never escape those memories. The freedom to forget this nightmare is a far-fetched dream. Pete reminded me of that tonight. As I got ready for bed, I found the jester’s mask with streaks of dried-up bloodstains on my pillow.
I don’t know how long I stared at the mask. My body just seized up. I was afraid to touch it. Then, I heard the ringing of the cap ‘n’ bells outside my door. When I went to check, always expecting the worst, I found a small blue box with a yellow ribbon on the doormat. Something jingled inside when I picked it up. I untied the ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a golden bell.
I looked around to see if the person who left the box was still around. Then, I saw it. Parked by the curb across from my house was the black Lincoln. Its front lights turned on illuminating three familiar figures inside—George, Wendy, and Pete.
Without taking my eyes off them, I carefully stepped back into the house as they drove off into the night.
submitted by cgstories to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:19 IgnorantBanshee Patrice o Neal taught me how to verbally defend myself

Edit: Read and enjoy my story
I'm a big Patrice fan. I just love his comedy. One thing you got to understand is that Patrice can make people from different backgrounds laugh and connect with him. Very logical with his humor and super straight forward. A verbal beast of nature.
I'm someone who is a singer. Natural talent for it. I sing whether it's an open mic, street or karaoke bar. At this karaoke bar that I've gone to, for two years, decided to kick me out with the new security they had going for them. These guys were gangster. Looking for a reason to mess you up. What they didn't know was that this was just a f'n karaoke bar. They told me I'm ban, and can't come back. Please let me tell you how mad I was about the fact that some punks telling me I'm not welcomed at a place where I'm welcomed at.
As someone who goes there on the regular, I called the manager who runs the place, and despite what security did, he said he'll let them know that I'm not ban. Good.
I show up on a Sunday, and out the three security thugs who kicked me out, one of them didn't get the memo that I'm not ban. When I show up on Sunday he screamed at me to leave the premises. I punch him in the face. I PUNCH him in the face! I got slammed on the ground with two other guards on me, following his lead beating on me.
Let me tell you where the Patrice factor kicked in. While I was one the ground, I had a sense of myself while being beaten on to keep a steady head. I had a guy 300 pounds on me and another guy standing up beating on any part of me that they could. I screamed for help. They backed off once people in the bar, who knew me, backed off. I was able to verbally abuse these security guards like no one's business. A crowd formed in the area once I screamed. Because these guys were plowing at my head. The one security guard in particular thought he was better than me because he thought I was some bum, saying that he out to spit on me for sucker punching him. Saying he should curb stomp me. Whatever. long story short I was able to berate this guy even after the short ass whipping they gave me because of the confidence I found thru Patrice o Neal. I accuse this guy of doing meth. I called him a punk multiple time. I accused him of living on the worst side of town I said I'd kick his ass the way his mama should have done. I even told him he looked like a gopher, and all his security buddys looked like circus clowns. All while I'm on the ground with a 300 pound man on me choking my lungs in. I was able to keep a clear head in a scary ass situation had not I had someone who ive been listening in my ear having my back with street knowledge to carry me. People at the bar came to my rescue to stop them from attacking me, but I didn't back down mentally and I had the steam to even embarrass the guy even while they had an upper hand on me.
They called the cops on me. I was nervous knowing I'm going to jail. You know what happened? Bar manager decided to show up on his day off exactly while they were kicking my ass. He told them to get off me. He even found the insults I gave them hilarious. As he told the security to get off my body, the security guard who barked orders to leave the property decided to get himself ready to fight, thinking once im free I'll charge him. Watching him prepare himself to fight was so funny because he was backing himself to a wall, while bar attendees he had no connection too were beside him. I stood up with devil dripping inside me ready to see what he was gonna do, but ready to fight, staring a hole in this punk. He ended up not doing anything. Realizing he made a mistake not knowing I have some importance as a singer at this 7 day a week karaoke bar.
To end this, he was so embarrassed when the bar manager took me across the street to drink with him in his car. No jail. I was ban from going there for a week, while that security guard was so embarrassed as if he could really kicky ass, and to all the insults I hurlled at him.
I thought I was gonna go to jail. God saved me from going to jail that night. But Patrice inspired me to sling abuse at him and not back down. Hours of Patrice kicked in at that moment.
I hope this entertained on some level. Rest in peace the God Comedian.
submitted by IgnorantBanshee to patriceoneal [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:57 Kupo773 We did it!

We did it!
We finally defeated Dracula after getting curb stomped for four days straight 🙌. I ask my friends do you want to try brutal mode one of them uninstalled the game 😅
submitted by Kupo773 to vrising [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:00 AtlasHatch Mario is the leader of the voidbringers.

Buckle up, grab some 1UP mushroom stew, and put on your aluminum tinfoil hats cause it’s about to get crazy. Letsago! Perchance.
So I (Bowser,) the koopas, most of my minions, all my relatives, and even the Yoshis all have shells protect us from the high storms, naturally. It’s almost like we belong in the mushroom kingdom and have a claim to the land after being here for millennia. All the sudden these no-shell, wet-noodle, whimpy, suspenders wearing sacs of flesh enter the mushroom kingdom with supernatural abilities that they gain after speaking the words (Here we go!) The idea from their god (which controls their every move) is that they have always belonged there, and the entire planet is theirs!
Before you know it, they are targeting hard working spikey dragon looking chasmfiends for no good reason, jumping on their heads and driving us to extinction! From an outside observer it may appear obvious these world-hopping, steroid-mushroom-eating, rekd-by-the-wind weasels don’t belong here…and they’d be right. The Mario fella is the leader of the bunch, trailing a void of destruction in his wake, one Ya-Hoo! at a time.
This ends here, the true voidbringers must be put to an end! All shell people must unite and fight for the greater good! It’s true, many turts will be crushed; countless goombas will be curb stomped…but that’s a sacrifice you will have to be willing to make!
submitted by AtlasHatch to cremposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:00 Biculus Rewatched Falcon and the Winter Soldier

This series was good, could’ve been great if the villains had been less sympathetic. You always should make your villains more powerful than your heroes, either situationally, power-wise or both. A lot of the show is great precisely because it’s mostly Sam and Bucky going it alone against opponents with more information or authority. And the two leads do a fantastic job. The show’s pretty great, until the finale. Don’t get me wrong, Sam’s action scenes as Cap are phenomenal, and I wish the show had more. But by the finale of the show, Sam has two expert military super-soldiers, one of whom is a cyborg, a drone, and the backing of the US government on his side; the Flag Smashers have four super-soldiers with less training, are led by a teenager, and use a community app. If you’re gonna have that big of a power imbalance, the villains have to be so unlikable that watching them get trounced is fun. That’s why the scene where Bucky and Sam take out Walker is genuinely fun. The Flag-Smashers are both sympathetic and underpowered, so watching them lose just feels sad. It feels like such a missed opportunity. They could’ve gone with an alternate serum that makes you stronger, but more violent (which is usually the route taken in the comics, as in Walker’s case); could’ve given the Smashers more explicit military experience, more extremist rhetoric, target actually vulnerable people instead of frankly unlikable bureaucrats - it might’ve been a good opportunity to explore how initially good movements can be hijacked by power-hungry individuals. Instead it’s a lot of good episodes exploring the complexities of the whole “Flag Hero”, but a final episode that ends with Sam, Bucky and Walker as basic government Flag Heroes with police backing, curb-stomping idealistic young revolutionaries. Sam is a great character, and a great hero. I really love his relationship with Bucky, and his complex relationship to the role of Cap. I really hope New World Order does a better job giving him
submitted by Biculus to CaptainAmerica [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:29 Calm-Syrup-5677 Hinata would have absolutely bodied Sakura or Ino during the chunin exams.

Hinata would have absolutely bodied Sakura or Ino during the chunin exams.
Bitch singlehandedly went against hype-beast Neji hyuga, aka him, aka the mother fucker that made Lee feel like a side character before knowing who Naruto was. She held her own for a decent amount of time showing hella-heart, when it was near enough stopped by Neji, she still stood. There is not a shadow of a doubt Hinata would have fucking curb stomped Sakura if she deemed it fit, probably been training for that very reason; also not even with the byakugan, like what would Sakura do she had no hands at the time; if Tsunade would have trained Hinata instead of wasting her time with Sakura we would have found that Hinata would be a straight fucking savage. 8 trigrams, 64 fists to your mouth; Ino would have been rocked clean, like what would Ino do to her say some shit like "ughhhg remember the time we were friends..." she would get smacked in the mouth. Naruto's support for Sakura would only piss her off even more, I honestly think that if paired with Sakura Naruto's cheering and years of self loathing would make her snap, giving Sakura a face transformation-jutsu permanently, ending shit with walk off and a cold line like "not so pretty now are you". Also nobody gives her enough credit with her endurance, like shes been in quite alot of scraps but never been knocked out EVER, exceptions being in the Naruto proximity and fighting PAIN till guess what he stabs her in the heart, rookie mistake on his part, she can keep going even without one, and DOES unlike her Cousin it really went full circle on him huh. Seriously Hinata needed more moments to shine cause she would have.
submitted by Calm-Syrup-5677 to dankruto [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:08 dea_ton How powerful of a boss do I need to fight 10-15 players?

Basically title. I'm getting a bunch of friends together for my birthday and want to do a huge short one shot. I'd like to have them fight a lich/mage of some kind, but even Vecna might get curb stomped by 12 lvl. 12s. I still don't understand CR much, so I'm trying to figure out how powerful of a monster I need to make a challenging but possible fight. I'm looking at level 12-15 for the players. Does one even exist or will I need to homebrew something?
Obviously I know this is a ridiculous amount of player characters and will make combat a long, drawn out 30-minutes-per-round drag. I get that. But that's kind of the point for me. I just want to get all my friends together and have fun and throw a massive boss fight at them.
submitted by dea_ton to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:23 Mikeyharp123 Solo Player Lobby

There needs to be solo player lobbies. The amount of curb stomping that happens from duo, trio, and four person teams has been an issue since year 1. Regardless of player population it needs to happen, and it needs to happen sooner than later. There also needs to be a surrender option for team modes when entire teams of solo players leave because of queueing into fights against teams. Breach is especially in need of a surrender option. Any other ideas? Thoughts? Maybe something that could ease the pain points?
submitted by Mikeyharp123 to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:16 TheParadoxIsReal515 Level of your unit really doesn't matter anymore huh?*

Level of your unit really doesn't matter anymore huh?*
What the actual fuck, they curb stomped my team once.*
submitted by TheParadoxIsReal515 to DeadAhead [link] [comments]