Hgh dopa

A comprehensive look into Top 13 natural HGH boosting supplements/ingredients/secretagogues

2023.10.25 14:42 Fragrant_Tutor8631 A comprehensive look into Top 13 natural HGH boosting supplements/ingredients/secretagogues

I’m here to share something that has been a significant part of my fitness journey - exploring natural ingredients that boost Human Growth Hormone (HGH). My curiosity led me down a rabbit hole of extensive research, trying to find what works best and what doesn’t.
As a bodybuilder, biohacker & a fitness enthusiast, I’ve sifted through a ton of information, tried few of these products and now, I want to make it easier for you by sharing what I’ve learned.
This post aims to be your go-to guide for understanding the natural ingredients that can enhance your HGH levels, making you feel more vibrant, energetic and possibly experience a range of health benefits associated with more optimal HGH levels.

Best HGH boosting ingredients: A comprehensive review & breakdown

Based on my experiences, Here’s a breakdown of different consumer types seeking HGH supplements and the ingredients that might be best suited for their specific needs or circumstances:

1. Fitness Enthusiasts and Bodybuilders

2. Individuals Seeking HGH benefits in Cognitive and Mood Enhancement

3. Anti-Aging Enthusiasts & Those seeking overall anti-aging & wellness benefits of HGH enhancement

4. Individuals Focused on HGH benefits on Sleep and Reducing Stress

5. Individuals Seeking HGH benefits on Immune System

6. If you are seeking optimization of Overall Hormonal Profile

· Amino Acids
· Mucuna Pruriens
· Chromium
· Colostrum

7. If you are seeking Legal Steroids Alternatives, Biohacking, and PEDs

· Deer Antler Velvet
· Alpha GPC
· Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
· Amino Acids

If you are looking for an HGH boosting ingredient or supplement, there is good chance that you have specific goals. In any case, it’s better to have some Health benefits goal in your mind, before opting for a natural ingredient.
Each consumer type has unique needs, and the ingredients listed here are tailored to meet those specific objectives, ensuring that you can make informed decisions based on your goals and preferences when choosing HGH supplements.

Things to consider before choosing HGH ingredients/supplements

· Focus on Overall Hormonal Profile

· Legal Steroids Alternatives, Biohacking, and PEDs
If your goal is to explore legal alternatives to steroids, biohacking strategies, or performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), ensure that the HGH supplements you choose align with these objectives. Look for products that are compliant with legal standards and that are known to safely enhance physical performance and body composition. This approach will help you to achieve your performance goals while adhering to ethical and legal considerations, ensuring that your health and reputation remain protected.
For example, Deer antler velvet is a great supplement to get HGH benefits from, and WADA removed deer antler velvet from its list of banned substances in early 2013, WADA now states that while deer antler velvet is not specifically prohibited, athletes should exercise caution because it might contain IGF-1, which could lead to a positive test.

HGH boosting ingredients list

Each person has unique needs, and the ingredients listed here should be tailored to meet those specific objectives that you seek with HGH enhancement to make a better informed decision on choosing an HGH supplement/ingredient.
I’ve tried to include some clinical references regarding these ingredients-

1. Amino Acids

Let’s dive right in, starting with amino acids. Amino acids are like the building blocks of proteins in our bodies, and they play a crucial role in boosting HGH levels. Some key players are L-arginine, L-lysine, L-tyrosine, and L-glutamine. These amino acids are pretty much the unsung heroes in the HGH game.
When you consume these amino acids, it’s like telling your body, "Hey, let’s ramp up the HGH production!" They help in stimulating muscle proteins, which is great news for those looking to enhance muscle growth and recovery.
So, including amino acids in your routine can be a game-changer, helping your body get the right signals to produce more HGH naturally.

2. Deer Antler Velvet

Next up, let’s talk about deer antler velvet. Now, this might sound a bit exotic, but it’s a powerhouse when it comes to natural sources of goodies like collagen, IGF-1, chondroitin, and glucosamine. These components are like the dream team for supporting new muscle growth and boosting overall health.
Deer antler velvet acts as a natural supporter, encouraging your body to feel more youthful and vigorous. It’s like giving your body the tools it needs to build and repair, promoting better muscle and tissue growth.
So, considering deer antler velvet in your regimen could be a fantastic way to harness some natural support for boosting your HGH levels.

3. Phosphatidyl Choline

This ingredient might not be the star of the show, but it sure does play a crucial supporting role in boosting HGH. Think of it as a behind-the-scenes maestro. It acts as an emulsifier, but what’s cool is that it helps enhance HGH naturally by putting a check on somatostatin, (also known as Growth Hormone inhibiting hormone), which usually plays the villain by limiting HGH release.
But there’s more – phosphatidyl choline also steps up when it comes to brain health. It helps sharpen your memory and can be a real ally in reducing those gloomy, depressive moods. So, it’s not just about physical well-being; it’s also giving your mental health and cognitive function a boost, while enhancing HGH levels naturally.

4. Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)

Moving on to GABA, it’s a bit of a multitasker. As a neurotransmitter, GABA has a say in how messages travel in our brain, playing a role in managing stress and anxiety. It’s like a peacekeeper, helping maintain harmony and balance, which, in turn, has a positive impact on HGH production.
GABA also has a say in how we manage our work-life balance. It helps ensure that our bodies are in sync with the natural rhythms of activity and rest, which is essential for optimal HGH production.
So, GABA is not just working overtime in your brain; it’s also helping create a more HGH-friendly environment in your body.

5. Alpha GPC

This ingredient, just like Phosphatidyl choline is like a friend who’s always there to give you a mental boost. It helps improve cognitive function, making things a bit clearer upstairs. It also facilitates the release of dopamine, that feel-good hormone that keeps our spirits up.
Particularly helpful to those into bodybuilding and when it comes to HGH, Alpha GPC shows up during your workouts. It plays a role in enhancing HGH release when you’re sweating it out, making your exercise routines more fruitful. So, it’s like having a gym buddy that helps you get the most out of your workouts, supporting your body’s natural HGH production.

6. Chromium

Let’s kick things off with chromium. This might seem like a minor detail in the grand scheme of HGH, but it’s actually a key player. Chromium is like a regulator; it helps manage your glucose levels and energy.
It’s like having a good manager in a team, making sure everything runs smoothly. This, in turn, has a positive impact on HGH production, ensuring that your body’s energy and glucose levels are in check, allowing for optimal HGH production.
Studies suggest that chromium might help in improving insulin sensitivity, which is crucial for the regulation of blood glucose levels and could indirectly influence HGH levels. By improving insulin sensitivity and resistance, chromium could indirectly play a role in hormonal balance and metabolism, which could influence the levels and effectiveness of various hormones, including HGH.
One study also suggests that GH treatment, in conjunction with diet restriction, can lead to a decrease in visceral fat and an increase in muscle mass, which subsequently improves insulin resistance. GH treatment appears to modulate the body’s response to insulin, enhancing the effectiveness of insulin in regulating blood glucose levels. In essence, the study indicates an inverse relationship between GH and insulin, where an increase in GH levels, through supplementation, can improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin, thereby optimizing its function in glucose regulation.

7. Colostrum

Next on the list is colostrum. This ingredient is like a powerhouse of benefits when it comes to HGH supplements. It brings a lot to the table, like helping increase muscle mass and improving bone density. It’s like having a strong support system that enhances your body’s natural abilities.
Colostrum is also rich in IGF-1 (like Deer antler velvet), which is closely linked to HGH. It’s like having an ingredient that’s naturally aligned with the goals of boosting your HGH levels, making it a valuable addition to your regimen.

8. Mucuna Pruriens

This ingredient is a natural dopamine enhancer as well as a brain booster. It steps up to enhance cognitive functions, helping clear the fog and improve focus. It plays a role in increasing dopamine levels, contributing to better mood and overall well-being.
Having Mucuna Pruriens in the mix is like having an ally that not only supports your brain but also aligns with the goal of enhancing HGH production in the body.
I’ve used L-Dopa (as precursor to dopamine & as single ingredient HGH booster) in the past with moderate effects. It’s also a good supplement for better sexual performance.
Mucuna Pruriens is kind of natural alternative to dopamine boosters and DOPA (also called Levodopa or L-DOPA) is extracted from Mucuna pruriens or velvet bean seeds. It’s no surprise there are some HGH products in the market based on this single ingredient like Dopa 400.

9. Niacin (Vitamin B3) and Vitamin B6, B12

Let’s dive into B vitamins. These vitamins are like the unsung heroes in the neurotransmitter world. They are involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, ensuring that messages within the brain are transmitted effectively.
Their role is essential because it helps create a conducive environment for HGH production. It’s like setting the stage right, ensuring that everything is in place for the body to produce HGH effectively and efficiently.

10. Tryptophan-rich Foods

Let’s start with something we all love - food! Specifically, foods rich in tryptophan like eggs, milk, beans, and meat. These aren’t just delicious choices; they’re also pretty essential for HGH production.
Tryptophan is like a secret ingredient that helps in the natural production of HGH, while also aiding in better sleep quality and making these foods a must-add to your diet if you’re looking to boost those HGH levels.

11. Astragalus

This ingredient is like a guardian for your immune system. It helps in boosting your immunity, ensuring that your body is resilient and strong. But that’s not all; Astragalus also plays a role in enhancing HGH.
It’s like a two-in-one benefit, supporting your overall health while also contributing to the natural enhancement of HGH levels in your body.

12. Huperzine A

Moving on to Huperzine A, this ingredient is a brain enhancer. It steps in to improve cognitive functions, helping you think clearer and focus better. But it doesn’t stop there; it also has a positive impact on HGH production.
Including Huperzine A in your routine could be like giving your brain and your HGH levels a beneficial boost.

13. Ginkgo Biloba

This ingredient is known for improving blood flow, ensuring that your body’s systems run smoothly. Improved blood flow is also beneficial for HGH production, making Ginkgo Biloba a valuable addition to your regimen.
It’s like supporting the overall flow and function of your body, which, in turn, helps in the natural production of HGH.
submitted by Fragrant_Tutor8631 to HealthTrendz [link] [comments]

2023.10.01 15:24 resurgeusa Resurge Reviews : Safe Ingredients? Read My HONEST Results & Feedback!

Resurge Reviews : Safe Ingredients? Read My HONEST Results & Feedback!
➢Product Name — Resurge
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Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now
Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now
What is Resurge Supplement?
Resurge is a non-GMO and vegetarian dietary supplement designed to promote deep sleep and induce fat burning naturally which can also help delay aging and repair your body.
It is essential to remember that taking this Resurge supplement won't treat any particular medical issue you could have. Rather it provides individuals to “switch on” the body’s metabolism to shed excess fat and rejuvenate the entire system.
The Resurge formula is a one-of-a-kind formulation made up of a mixture of all-natural substances that are combined in the appropriate proportions to target various factors that may contribute to weight loss and burning fat.
The individual will also experience other benefits in addition to weight loss, such as an increase in their metabolic rate, an improvement in their immune system, an improvement in their blood flow, a deep therapeutic sleep, and relief from detrimental stress.
Resurge is a well-wound supplement that claims to work independently of whether the individual alters their diet or exercise regimen. It is intended to make weight loss simpler for the individual using it.
How Does Resurge Work?
The formula of Resurge supplements contains only natural ingredients to provide you with benefits. These ingredients have been proven to support weight loss and fat-burning in your body.
The Resurge supplement is deep sleep and human growth hormone support advanced formula that can help you tackle poor quality sleep and insomnia. This supplement improves your metabolic rate and offers high energy levels so that you can enjoy enhanced general health.
If you take Resurge pills daily, it can improve blood flow in your body. This can help you maintain normal blood pressure levels.
This supplement can also correct your sleep patterns so that you enjoy deep sleep and stay away from stress and anxiety. It can boost your mental clarity so that you can stay focused on your work.
When you get sufficient sleep, you are able to burn fat easily in your body and achieve healthy weight loss. Your body functions well when you get quality sleep every night. Resurge can help you fall asleep easily and improve your nighttime metabolism as well.
Resurge can also support the health of your immune system using high-quality ingredients. Once your immunity is strengthened, you remain energetic all day long, and you are able to lose fat by performing high-intensity workouts.
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Resurge Ingredient List :
Magnesium is one of the essential nutrients for the body to carry out its functions correctly. According to studies, it is utilized in treating glucose and insulin resistance, particularly in persons who are overweight.
While the body does not have an adequate amount of this nutrient, natural fat burning is adversely affected. As a consequence, we have a harder time losing weight when we are in this state.
Zinc is yet another vital ingredient that is included in this dietary supplement. Zinc helps to stimulate the natural process of weight loss and eliminate obesity at its core. This is the most important benefit of zinc.
In addition, we can't ignore the benefits of zinc in curbing unneeded hunger, which significantly contributes to putting on extra weight.
Melatonin is a unique and extremely important nutrient for the body since it is required to properly operate various systems.
A lack of melatonin can therefore cause various health problems, the most important of which is that it disrupts healthy sleep patterns and the body's ability to maintain energy levels.
The herb known as ashwagandha is widely considered among the healthiest that can be found anywhere in the world. Asia is the most common location for its occurrence.
It has a long history of application in treating metabolic diseases, inflammation, and, most significantly, hormonal disbalances.
Hydroxytryptophan is among the essential ingredients that go into the production of Resurge. In general, it is a necessary nutrient to reduce weight healthily.
Notably, this nutrient has been included in this weight-reduction plan to alleviate the intense yearnings for additional food and the accompanying hunger pains.
The consumption of L-theanine has been shown in clinical studies to have no negative side effects, making it the most secure and beneficial nutrient.
In addition, it has been widely utilized in numerous weight loss programs to prevent the accumulation of more fat. In addition, it is used to increase the rate at which the metabolic process occurs.
L-Arginine is a wonderful amino acid that gives great help in reducing calories and eliminating harmful toxins. Arginine also provides excellent support to eliminate hazardous toxins. In addition to that, it has been utilized in the treatment of inflammation that occurs around the important organs of the body.
Lysine is an exceptional amino acid and vitamin. In most cases, it has been utilized to control high levels of blood sugar and cholesterol. In addition, the vitamin helps to increase lipid metabolism and boost the body's natural process for burning fat, contributing to weight loss.
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What Are The Health Benefits Of Resurge?
Every Resurge pill you take carries many health benefits for your body. Resurge's formula contains eight effective ingredients to bring a significant change in your health. The formula of this supplement uses quality ingredients like melatonin, L-lysine, L-theanine, L-arginine, Ashwagandha, zinc, and many others to improve your well-being.
Promotes Deep Sleep
The Resurge supplement uses sleep-inducing ingredients in its formula to improve your sleep cycle. If you have been unable to sleep because of stress or anxiety, you can take Resurge to attain deep sleep every night.
Resurge pills can stimulate the production of human growth hormone which can improve your sleep quality and allow your body to perform functions like repair and fat-burning at night.
Helps Tackle Weight Gain
The formula of this supplement is designed to promote weight loss in your body. It can cause your body to burn more calories than normal. This way, your body stores less fat.
This supplement helps you in burning fat by inducing deep sleep so that you lose weight easily. It can block fat accumulation and target the root cause of weight gain in your body.
Boosts Metabolism
If you take four pills of this supplement daily, you can boost your body's metabolism significantly. Resurge supplements can facilitate fat-burning in your body by increasing your metabolic rate.
The Resurge formula can improve your metabolism when you sleep so that you can exercise regularly to achieve successful weight loss results. These supplements can also boost energy levels so that you get through your weight loss journey without any difficulty.
Promotes The Health Of The Immune System
Once your metabolism improves, you can witness an improvement in your immune system. The formula of this non-GMO supplement uses powerful natural ingredients and amino acids to strengthen your immune system. This reduces stress and anxiety and helps you sleep better at night.
These supplements promote immune system balance to give you the energy to optimize your overall weight.
Improves Cognitive Function
Another important benefit of the Resurge supplement is that it improves brain function by boosting blood flow in daily users. Resurge pills can reduce your stress and anxiety with the help of sleep-boosting ingredients so that you gain better focus and mental clarity.
When your brain functions well, you can remain focused during your weight loss journey.
Regulates Blood Pressure Levels
All the natural ingredients in these supplements work together to reduce your stress and anxiety to optimize your blood pressure levels. This helps you to enjoy your weight loss journey.
Supports Overall Health
Resurge's formula is designed to help you sleep better during your weight loss journey. These supplements have the power to correct your sleep patterns and improve your metabolic rate without causing any harmful effects.
supplements like Resurge are necessary for people who wish to lose weight, enhance their sleep quality, and improve their health and fitness.
What is the price of the Resurge supplement?
Resurge is the only anti-aging formula that works for both men and women. The formula is currently available at discounted rates and is super affordable. You can choose from any of the three packs that the Resurge supplement is available in.
Here is what the pricing for Resurge looks like
1x bottle, that is, 30 day supply of Resurge, is available at just $49 + a small shipping fee.
3x bottles, that is, 90 day's supply of Resurge, is available at just $102 + a small shipping fee
6x bottles, that is, 180 days supply of Resurge, is available at just $174 + a small shipping fee.
These packs are all made available at discounted rates. These limited-time offers may get over anytime soon. Hence, individuals must take advantage of this special pricing while the offers last.
To make sure that your investment in the product is protected, every purchase of Resurge is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee.
Final Words on Resurge Supplement :
Individuals who use the Resurge, a dietary supplement that promotes deep sleep and HGH support, may have a wide range of positive effects on their health.
Resurge is the only product in the world that makes use of eight unique nutrients in the ideal proportions to increase sleep, metabolic regeneration, and fat burning.
All of these things have also been demonstrated through scientific research. Dietary supplements like Resurge are necessary for people who wish to lose weight, enhance their sleep quality, and improve their health and fitness.
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submitted by resurgeusa to u/resurgeusa [link] [comments]

2023.02.11 12:51 johnsonshannon Drachen Reviews SCAM EXPOSED Must You Need To Know

The natural and perfect ingredients in Drachen discard inflammation from the entire body. Plus, it helps to restore a youthful appearance whether you are in the bedroom or gym.
What is All About Drachen? Generally, Drachen is a most popular and natural supplement designed for human beings. It is an ideal solution that takes care of the overall health of the human beings. Usually, this formula includes several amino acids that help to make every Human beings feel younger. It also makes you stronger with lots of stamina and energy.
The natural and perfect ingredients in Drachen discard inflammation from the entire body. Plus, it helps to restore a youthful appearance whether you are in the bedroom or gym.
It also helps to enhance stamina which leads to long-lasting experiences without any fear of low performance. Compared to the other products, this supplement might help those who want to get a young feeling while performing. SPECIAL OFFER ORDER Drachen FOR AN UN-BELIEVABLE LOW PRICE TODAY
Additionally, it helps to strengthen muscles and enhance blood circulation. By improving the level of energy, users can get incredible outcomes in performance. We all know that there are numerous hormones available in the body.
Some of them help to improve Human beings power and that’s why; it becomes important to enhance those hormones. Drachen is a most valuable and natural product that can deal with numerous health problems in Human beingss.
It mainly improves the production of specific hormones that can boost energy and stamina. Generally, Drachen is also known as a Human beings growth activator that also increases confidence level. Because of several natural ingredients and amino acids, the combination has been proven very effective for all human beings.
It is one of the latest formulas that allows active growth effectively and amazingly. Usually, Drachen can’t be obtained in the form of pills or tablets. But, you can get it in spray form that delivers extraordinary outcomes for the users.
Only users have to spray Drachen on the tip of their tongues. As per the official website, this product should be used at least 3 times a day. Make sure to utilize this product for at least 3 to 4 months for better outcomes. Honestly, this supplement is very effective for all Human beingss who consume it regularly. It comes with a great good taste that makes you more satisfied.

How Does Drachen Activator Work Easily?

As we know that Drachen comes with several amino acids that are also called “the building blocks of life”. After digesting amino acids, it helps to encourage muscle growth and repair tissue. There are many tasks performed by the amino acids in the body. Hence, it is clear that we all depend on these amino acids for performing daily routine work.
Honestly, these amino acids are wonderful and the best sources of energy. As per a recent study, your body can’t function efficiently without amino acids. Some of the acids are naturally present in the body while some have to be obtained from supplements like Drachen.
It is a perfect Human beings growth activator that supplies extra amino acids in the entire body and will help in obtaining several health advantages. Additionally, this product also helps to improve the production of the essential hormone in the body.
In this way, it stimulates strength, muscle mass, and performance every night. Also, it can encourage the production of red blood cells which leads to resolving several health problems.
Furthermore, Drachen is also known as a hormone booster that helps to promote human growth hormone production. That’s why; several HGH stimulators are added to this formula.

What Benefits Can You Get With Drachen Reviews?

Well, Drachen is a natural Human beings growth activator that helps in enhancing several functions of your body. If you are new to this page, you should see the list of awesome benefits like:
• It is the latest formula that comes in the form of a spray that activates the hormone related to Human beings growth.
• It may enhance blood circulation, especially to the Human beings reproductive organs.
• It can enhance muscle growth and eliminate excess fat from the body.
• Drachen also helps to decline excess weight in the meantime.
• It also helps to enhance energy and boost strength.
• It may help to increase stamina after enhancing performance.
• This spray is unique to enhance performance and mental clarity.
• It improves the red blood cells throughout the body.
• Because of amino acids, this formula helps to boost the growth process.
• It helps to maintain healthy inflammation and discard chronic issues.
• It contains natural ingredients that maintain both blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
• It also increases the production of healthy hormones that can keep you longer while performing.
• It helps to stimulate sleeping patterns to revitalize the entire health.
• It prevents the immune system and delivers instant outcomes.
• It helps to boost metabolism and the digestive system.
• It helps every Human beings perform better in the bedroom by boosting confidence level.
• It decreases hair fall problems and boosts hair regrowth by boosting hormones.
• It can also shrink the size of the prostate to deal with further problems.

Which Types of Ingredients are Included in Drachen?

Generally, Drachen is a natural formula that contains several nutrients and amino acids. As per the official website, you will not get any negative impacts by utilizing this formula. Have a look at some potent natural components as follow:
1) Growth Factor Complex:
• Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid – It is a kind of neurotransmitter that helps to enhance sleep. Usually, sound sleep is so important for muscle growth and GABA helps to improve the body’s development. This development can do wonders for every household.
• Alpha Glyceryl-Phosphoryl Choline – It also helps to enhance human performance and also assists in the interaction of neuromuscular. As per the Drachen reviews, this component plays an important role in several functions related to learning and memory.
• Moomiyo – It is derived from Northern Siberia and is an essential adaptogen that delivers anabolic protection naturally. Plus, it helps to discard inflammation and improve the production of hormones.
• L-Dopa Bean – It is another powerful amino acid that increases the production of dopamine in the brain. In this way, this ingredient makes the transmission of essential hormones easy.
2) HGH Stimulators
HGH refers to Human Growth Hormone which is responsible for several health benefits. It regulates cell regeneration, cell production, and growth. These HGH stimulators can solve several age-related problems, especially for middle-aged men. Here are some HGH stimulators included in this formula:
• Ornithine Alpha Ketoglutarate – It is mainly used for enhancing muscle strength and healing wounds. Plus, it can treat burns and ulcers by increasing growth hormone production.
• L-Arginine – It is another amino acid that helps men in creating several proteins. Plus, Drachen helps to enhance the flow of blood, especially to the reproductive organs. Through this natural component, users can obtain long-lasting and firmer performance.
• L-Glutamine – When it comes to getting lots of protein, this ingredient comes into existence. It works as a catalyst for your reproductive and digestive systems. And, this leads to the growth of tissues and protection of these systems from dangerous toxins. Although, these toxins can cause inflammation.
• L-Valine – It delivers your body with an excess amount of glucose for the production of energy. Plus, it prevents muscles from breaking down and other damage. It stimulates blood sugar levels, and healing processes, and supports growth.
• L-Lysine – In reality, this is the perfect ingredient for carnitine production. Carnitine is a natural nutrient that converts fatty acids into lots of energy. In this way, it decreases cholesterol and stress levels.
• L-Tyrosine – It is well known for its anxiolytic and antidepressant properties. By decreasing oxidative stress and enhancing better sleep, this component can help individuals in several ways.
• Others – Glycine and L-Isoleucine both are other ingredients that play an important role in enhancing Human beings power. It helps with metabolism, transportation, growth, immunity, fatty acid metabolism, etc.
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What are the Pros and Cons of Drachen?

• It is a user-friendly and budget-friendly formula.
• It is available in the form of a spray that increases bioavailability.
• It comes with a money-back guarantee.
• It is safe and natural.
• It may work for adult men.
• It is very easy to use.
• It provides effective outcomes within a few working days.
• It comes with natural ingredients that do not have any side effects.
• It may not work for every Human beings.
• It can be purchased online through the official website.
• It is important to discuss this with your physician or doctor before utilizing this product.

Where to Purchase Drachen?

Are you ready to boost your performance in front of your partner? If yes then you should visit the official website for buying Drachen. This product can’t be obtained through other sources. Visit the official website by clicking any link on the page. It will redirect you to the site and deliver your favorite product to your doorstep.

Conclusion- Drachen Reviews!

Drachen is the only product that contains lots of amino acids to level up the game of every Human being. It can make you a perfect king or Human beings of the night. If you are feeling low these days and want to enhance your sleeping patterns, this supplement is best. It contains the goodness of several nutrients to enhance sleep levels. Along with this, you can get numerous advantages by utilizing this incredible product.
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submitted by johnsonshannon to u/johnsonshannon [link] [comments]

2021.09.04 19:18 newbieheightgains My height journey

I am looking to increase my height as much as possible over the next few months. I am going to be taking multiple peptides and supplements to increase my growth(that im going to include). I am 15 and currently stand 5' 11" im looking to gain at least 6 in.
I am going to be on a 3500-4000 calorie diet along with a exercise program. I am going to be getting Hexarelin, Mk-0677, l dopa, BCP-157. All of which i ama going to be taking at the recommend dosage.
What im taking Right now:
Melatonin 5g Creatine 5g Multivitamin Magnesium 200g Collagen 2000mg Glycine 2-3g L-Glutamine 2g
What im going to take: Hexarelin via nasal sprays:300mcg Mk-0677:30mg Thyme and rosemary oil BCP-157: 100mcg L dopa: 500 mg
I was planning on taking the majority of supplements before to get the HGH increase while i sleep. I was also be getting either 12 or 11 hours of sleep a day
submitted by newbieheightgains to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2021.02.07 19:43 Artistic_Team_3066 Strange chronic inflammation, depression, brain fog illness

Hi everyone, been dealing with a really strange ailment the past 3 years. Symptoms are on and off and change frequently. Main complaints are: Extreme Brain fog sometimes after eating(most notably after 1st meal of the day), on and off indigestion/stomach pain(GI diagnosed me with functional dyspepsia, symptoms are mostly under control with diet and supplements these days), and worst of all moderate anhedonic depression with the worst part being loss of romantic and sexual desire. I hate the last part especially and will literally do anything to be able to enjoy relationships and sex again, because that is a lot of what makes life worth living for me.
Background: Male, 6 ft 225 lbs, 25, extreme elite fitness athlete, chronic overtrainer. Past history of huge amount of anabolic steroid, hgh, and research chemical abuse(currently on TRT 200mg/week the last 2 years). Extreme cutting/bulking dieting in the past that has caused me an addiction to food(I'm currently taking a break from fitness, working out twice a week to stay in shape but consume well over maintenance around 5000 kcal daily, all healthy food, paleo, AIP diet, spread over 6 ish meals) I have given up trying to portion control as I just end up hungry and suffering and eventually give in and binge 10-15 calories in a day. 3 years ago went through traumatic breakup(concurrent with huge doses of steroids, tren, T3, hgh, etc), and stress binge eating 10,000 calories of junk for weeks on end, which is when my symptoms started, and I got a bleeding stomach ulcer at that time. I broke up with my girlfriend because I suddenly lost interest for her and any other girls out of nowhere and suddenly started getting annoyed at everything she did when my brain fog and stomach issues started. This was traumatic for me because I truly loved her and broke my promise to her that I would never break her heart, but I was going psychotic from how annoyed I was with her all the time. Fast forward 3 years of intense training fighting through my health condition to try to be a world level athlete, I have finally stopped training and focused all efforts of my life at getting myself better. Additional minor symptoms besides major complaints include: flushed, hot skin during flare ups, joint pain/bone spurs in my joints, worsening pre existing scoliosis, constant mild ringing in ears, previous candida in unpleasant areas that diet and fluconazole knocked out. All symptoms are day to day, week to week. One week things will be fine, my body will be symptom free besides maybe a little minor brain fog, life will start to lighten up a bit, romantic/sexual desire will to start to come back until it is floored again by brain fog and I become emotionless.

Current thoughts/theories on illness: Adrenal burnout/severe overtraining is a possibility(I got rhabdomyolysis a few months ago), Blood tests all come back normal except on and off tests flagging for Lyme disease, which i Just started antibiotics for. GI doctor says functional dyspepsia and supplements for that do help. chronic toxin overload/total systemic stress overload is a thought, autoimmune reaction to the testosterone enanthate I'm taking is a thought. possible mold in home maybe? leaky gut/leaky blood brain barrier? MCAS? My addiction to overeating being too much for my stomach to handle even though its chicken, veggies, fruit and coconut milk? Also I don't think they are but not completely ruling out that my symptoms are psychosomatic and being caused by some sort of neurotransmitter imbalance. My life is amazing and low stress objectively I just can't feel positive emotions often and have this brain fog after meals that causes me a lot of angestress.

Supplements/medications I'm taking(and yes I have tried a supplement free lifestyle, most of the supplements I'm taking do help and I do worse when I'm not on them.) :
Adderall extended release 10 mg/day
testosterone enanthate 200mg/week
welbutrin 150mg/day
trazodone for sleep
vit d
multivitamin high in B vits
Fish oil
N acetyl Cysteine
Alpha lipoic acid
Quercetin and flavonoid complex
Alpha GPC, lions mane, Bacopa complex
Mucuna Pruriens(L dopa velvet bean)
L tyrosine
Pregnenolone, DHEA and progesterone cream(profound improvement in mood and romantic/sexual desire after taking these)
betaine HCL with meals
Digestive enzymes with meals
digestive bitters and ginger before meals
peppermint oil
Activated charcoal
Doxycycline for possible Lyme
Adding in st Johns worst today
May have forgotten a thing or two, also a couple extra things to note heavy weed and kratom user in the past but have been abstaining for 6 months. If anyone has any opinions on lifestyle, diet, or supplements to try to help the brain fog after meals and lack of sexual and romantic desire, please let me know! I am desperate and will try anything to get better. Thank you :)
submitted by Artistic_Team_3066 to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2020.05.25 14:27 Miller-Blogs Groeihormoon voordelen

Er is veel gedocumenteerde informatie over weigering Groeihormoon (HGH) -niveaus in ons lichaam naarmate we ouder worden in vergelijking met de adolescentie. Sommige experts zijn van mening dat deze afname van de HGH-niveaus ervoor zorgt dat ons lichaam de effecten van veroudering voelt. De afscheiding van dit hormoon begint af te nemen op het moment dat we 30 jaar oud zijn en we blijven ouder worden. De hypofyse produceert steeds minder van dit belangrijke hormoon.
De symptomen zijn als volgt:
? Verminderd zicht
? Gewrichtsproblemen
? Fijne lijntjes en rimpels
? Droge huid
? Verzwakt immuunsysteem
? Gewichtstoename
? Slechte slaapkwaliteit
? Erectiestoornissen en impotentie
? Voor vrouwen, vaginale droogheid
? Laag seksueel verlangen
? Regelmatige vermoeidheid
Samenvattend hebben veel onderzoekers een verband gelegd tussen veroudering en verminderde HGH in het lichaam (er is nog steeds controverse over). Dus om de effecten van veroudering om te keren, moeten we de hoeveelheden HGH in onze systemen vervangen, inname van HGH is een van de beste wetenschappelijke opties die worden aangeboden.
Groeihormoon (HGH) komt ten goede aan de volgende voorwaarden:
? HGH wordt gebruikt voor het AIDS-verspillingssyndroom en cachexie
? HGH wordt gebruikt voor het Turner-syndroom
? HGH wordt gebruikt voor het Prader-Willi-syndroom
? HGH wordt gebruikt voor groeiproblemen veroorzaakt door het korte-lussyndroom
? HGH wordt gebruikt voor de ongepaste groei van kinderen met een nieraandoening
? HGH wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van kinderen met reumatoide artritis
? HGH wordt gebruikt voor osteoporosebehandelingen
? HGH wordt gebruikt als een medicijn om de bodybuilding-lichaamsbouw te verbeteren
? HGH wordt gebruikt als behandeling voor gewichtsverlies bij obesitas
? HGH wordt gebruikt om de effecten van veroudering bij ouderen tegen te gaan
? HGH wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van fibromyalgie
? HGH wordt gebruikt voor de ziekte van Crohn en colitis ulcerosa
? HGH wordt gebruikt voor idiopathische behandeling met een korte gestalte
? HGH kan goed zijn voor sociale angst
Andere effecten van groeihormoon (HGH):
? Verhoogt de cardiale output (HGH kan een geweldig anti-verouderingssupplement zijn voor uw hart)
? Herstel spiermassa
? Verminder lichaamsvet
? Slaap verbeteren
? Rimpels verminderen (HGH stimuleert de groei van elastine en collageen)
? Verloren haar groeit terug
? Herstel haarkleur
? Verhoog de energie
? Lagere cholesterol
? Herstel de grootte van de lever, alvleesklier en hart
? Verbetert het gezichtsvermogen
? Verbetert het geheugen
? Verbetert de stemming
? Verhoog de weerstand
? Verhoogt de immuniteit
? Verhoogt seksueel verlangen (hgh-niveaus en penisgroei kunnen gerelateerd zijn)
? Bestrijd osteoporose (HGH stimuleert de groei van botten en kraakbeen, de dosering is erg belangrijk om bijwerkingen te voorkomen)
Er zijn verschillende methoden om groeihormoon in uw lichaam te vergroten. Laat me uitleggen hoe deze methoden werken
  1. HGH-injecties - HGH injecties zijn synthetische stoffen die in uw lichaam worden geinjecteerd en die twee tot drie keer per dag moeten worden geinjecteerd en die erg duur zijn. Een simpele injectie kost maar liefst $ 25,00. Je zou uiteindelijk wel $ 75,00 per dag kunnen betalen, dus als je dit 30 dagen gebruikt, kost het $ 2000,00 per maand. Daarnaast zijn het geen recepten die je buiten het receptenboek of in een gondel in de apotheek kunt kopen. De ziektekostenverzekering dekt de kosten van deze medicijnen of medicijnen niet. Dus omdat ik in een laboratorium ben dat deze HGH-injecties met synthetische producten produceert, hoef ik u niet te vertellen welke schadelijke gezondheidseffecten daarmee samenhangen, gemaakt met synthetische producten.Zo duur en kan schadelijk zijn voor de gezondheid als het verkeerd wordt beheerd (moet worden toegediend door een endocriene en op recept), dit maakt dit geen haalbaar alternatief.
  2. HGH-supplementen bevatten niet het werkelijke menselijke groeihormoon, ze gebruik maken van het gebruik van homeopathische geneesmiddelen en de hypofyse stimuleren om groeihormoon te produceren , de toename ervan is in het bloed (een groot verschil zal over het algemeen binnen een maand of twee maanden worden opgemerkt). Deze HGH-stimulerende middelen zijn wat we recept-aminozuur-secretagogasuppletie noemen. Deze verbindingen stimuleren de hypofyse en moedigen deze aan om meer HGH in de bloedbaan af te scheiden, daarom zullen de voordelen tegen veroudering een direct gevolg zijn van verhoogde HGH in het lichaam. Studies hebben aangetoond dat aminozuren zoals Arginine , Glutamine, Ornithine en Lysine kan de HGH-productie aanzienlijk verhogen. Het lastige is dat veel van deze aminozuurverbindingen kunnen worden vernietigd door spijsverteringszuren in de maag, waardoor elk supplement van HGH-augmentatie nutteloos wordt. Als u een HGH-supplement in pilvorm gaat overwegen, moet u er zeker van zijn dat er een technologie is die wordt gebruikt om aminozuren te bedekken of te beschermen tegen het vernietigen van uw maagzuren.
Probeer een argininesupplement
Wat arginine betreft, wanneer het alleen wordt ingenomen, kan het de HGH verhogen.
Hoewel de meeste mensen de neiging hebben om aminozuren zoals arginine te gebruiken in combinatie met lichaamsbeweging, tonen verschillende onderzoeken weinig of geen toename van de HGH-niveaus (1, 2, 3).
Wanneer arginine echter alleen werd ingenomen, zonder enige inspanning, was er een significante toename van dit hormoon (2, 3).
Andere bewegingsvrije onderzoeken ondersteunen ook het gebruik van arginine om de HGH te verhogen.
Een studie onderzocht de effecten van het nemen van 45 of 114 mg arginine per pond (100 of 250 mg per kg) lichaamsgewicht, of ongeveer 6 tot 10 of 15 tot 20 gram per dag.
Ze vonden geen effect voor de laagste dosis, maar deelnemers die de hoogste dosis namen, zagen een toename van 60% van de HGH-waarden tijdens de slaap (4).
Hogere doses arginine kunnen de productie van groeihormoon verbeteren, maar niet wanneer het samen met lichaamsbeweging wordt ingenomen.
Neem een ??GABA-supplement
GABA is een niet-proteine aminozuur dat werkt als een neurotransmitter en signalen door je hersenen stuurt.
Als bekend kalmerend middel voor de hersenen en het centrale zenuwstelsel wordt het vaak gebruikt om te helpen slapen. Interessant is dat het ook kan helpen om je HGH-waarden te verhogen (5).
Een studie toonde aan dat het nemen van een GABA-supplement leidde tot een toename van 400% in rustende HGH en een toename van 200% na inspanning (6).
GABA kan ook de HGH-spiegel verhogen door uw slaap te verbeteren, aangezien de afgifte van groeihormoon 's nachts verband houdt met de kwaliteit en de diepte van de slaap (7, 8).
De meeste van deze verhogingen waren echter van korte duur en de langetermijnvoordelen van GABA voor groeihormoonspiegels blijven onduidelijk (5, 6).
GABA-supplementen kunnen de HGH-productie helpen verhogen, hoewel deze toename van korte duur lijkt te zijn.
Probeer deze andere natuurlijke supplementen
Verschillende andere supplementen kunnen de productie van menselijk groeihormoon verbeteren, waaronder:
? Glutamine: Een enkele dosis van 2 gram kan op korte termijn de spiegels tot 78% verhogen (9).
? Creatine: Een dosis van 20 gram creatine verhoogde de HGH-waarden gedurende 2 tot 6 uur aanzienlijk (10).
? Ornithine: een studie gaf deelnemers ornithine 30 minuten na het sporten en vond een hogere piek in HGH-niveaus (13).
? L-dopa: Bij patienten met de ziekte van Parkinson verhoogde 500 mg L-dopa de HGH-spiegel met maximaal twee uur (11).
? Glycine: Studies hebben aangetoond dat glycine de prestaties van sportscholen kan verbeteren en kortdurende pieken in HGH kan opleveren (12).
In onze online winkel hebben we een speciale sectie voor supplementen die het groeihormoon helpen verhogen, naarmate de wetenschap vordert en supplementen veranderen, veranderen we ook producten, verwijderen en plaatsen, klik hier om de categorie supplementen voor hormoonverhoging te bezoeken
Concluderend, als u op zoek bent naar een natuurlijke verhoging van de groeihormoonspiegels, raden we aan voedingssupplementen te gebruiken, die op de juiste manier en in de juiste dosis zeer effectief zijn om ze te verhogen, als u al een medische aandoening of ziekte heeft, moet een specialist raadplegen en een medische behandeling met groeihormoon ondergaan.
Hoe lang moet ik HGH gebruiken?
Om alle voordelen te krijgen of om zeker te weten of een HGH-product de beloofde effecten zal vervullen, moet een persoon de producten 6 maanden proberen. Een gemiddeld persoon mag de volgende effecten van menselijk groeihormoon verwachten:
  1. EERSTE MAAND van hoog verbruik: meer energie, betere rust en een betere levenshouding.
  2. TWEEDE MAAND van hgh gebruik: betere spierspanning, gezondere seksuele functie, betere nagelgroei, lichtere huidskleur en gewichtsverlies.
  3. DERDE MAAND van hgh gebruik: verbeterde denkkracht, grotere spieren, minder vet, haargroei, beter humeur, meer flexibiliteit en sterker seksueel verlangen.
  4. VIERDE MAAND van hgh gebruik: verbeterde denkkracht, grotere spieren, minder vet, haargroei, beter humeur, meer flexibiliteit en sterker seksueel verlangen. (Vergelijkbaar met de derde maand).
  5. VIJFDE MAAND van hoog gebruik: aanzienlijk gewichtsverlies en een lichaam met meer tonus en minder vet, een beter uiterlijk en een meer elastische huid en uiterlijk, minder rimpels en gezonder haar.
  6. ZESDE MAAND van het gebruik van hgh: de meeste veranderingen gebeuren in dit stadium! Het lichaam heeft een betere contour en minder cellulitis, het immuunsysteem verbetert, chronische pijn kan verdwijnen, het gezichtsvermogen kan verbeteren, de bloeddruk kan verbeteren en het cholesterolgehalte kan dalen.
submitted by Miller-Blogs to u/Miller-Blogs [link] [comments]

2019.08.20 00:15 red-iron-man Convinced wife to train for a fitness competition. Now I need to up my fitness game.

My wife is a stunning and beautiful woman with very low self esteem.
As a child she grew up fat and was severely teased and bullied. As a result, she never felt beautiful and put herself down a lot. Originally I took this as a comfort test, so whenever she said bad things about herself I’d give her positive feedback. However after years of the same shit I finally told her that I find it unattractive when she constantly puts herself down. The last thing any guy wants to hear while he’s fucking his wife is listening to her point out her physical flaws over and over when he’s trying to climax. She pretty much stopped after I said this.
As a captain and leader I want to help her and encourage her to become more confident in herself. This way she has something that excites her and keeps her mind occupied on a healthy goal. This also gives me time to focus on my mission without having to deal with shit or comfort tests. When she has too much time on her hands she sometimes becomes a pain in the ass.
So luckily my wife is also into working out and strength training. She teaches spin class and kick boxing at the local gym. It’s always been her dream to compete in a fitness contest, so last month I pushed her into doing it despite the cost and commitment.
She has 9 months to train for the show. 5 months of bulking and gaining muscle, and 4 months of cutting down to her bikini competition weight. I think this will be very good for her because if she’s competing in the best shape of her life, I’m hoping her confidence level will go up.
So 2 weeks ago she started training and diet and she’s kicking ass. I told her I’m proud of her because for the first time in her life she has her own goals that she is striving for that’s giving her adrenaline. Her mood has been very positive and the shit and comfort tests have been reduced. She still has a problem with jealousy of other women I work with or see at the gym, however I’m able to handle it with A&A and fogging.
If she succeeds, I’m seriously going to have a 9+ in the bedroom. Her face has always been stunning, however if she’s competition ready she’ll have a body to match.
Currently I’m an above average looking guy who is fit and very successful in my career and mission. Ever since I’ve been lurking on RP forums, working the side bar and soaking it all in our sex life has been great. She’s very submissive and she seems to get off just pleasing me. As I said before she also gets very jealous.
I realize this competition could be both a blessing and a curse. So I’m finding myself very motivated and driven to up my physical game as well.
* * *
46 years old. 5’11 height. 193 weight. BF: 14% using Navy Method. Mesomorph.
Married 20 years. Together 26 years.
Sidebar: Read NMMNG, MMSLP, The Rational Male (vol 1-3), Practical Female Phycology.
Going to start participating in OYS soon.
Lifting Progress
Deadlift: 305 lbs x 8
Bench Press: 205 lbs x 10
Squat: Was 265 x 8. Resetting to correct form (ass to grass)
Overhead Press: 130 x 8
Bent-Over Row: 165 x 8
Started lifting 6 months ago. Overall made great progress. Doubled strength in my lifts and lost 30 lbs of fat. Achieved minimal weight to achieve Proficiency Level in strength.
At this point I’ve had 2 significant injuries that I’m currently overcoming.
Injury 1 happened 6 weeks ago and was caused by me being a dumbass and trying to curl too much weight. I now have bicep tendonitis that seems to be going away after I stopped performing exercises that triggered pain (pull ups and curling). This week I will try to start off with light weight and high reps and work myself back up. I will continue as normal only incrementing weight by 5 lbs once I can do 15-20 reps.
Injury 2 happened yesterday because I was a dumbass again trying to deadlift in the 4-8 rep range. I don’t think this injury is as serious as the first. The pain seems to be in my upper rear-side calve just below the knee. Well see…
My goal is to build muscle size.
Starting today I’m going to go into high rep range with lower weight. Each exercise I’ll try to perform 10-15 reps before I progressively add weight.
I think this approach will also help me achieve my goal of gaining muscle size verses just focusing on strength. I want to look more like a body builder, not a power lifter.
While my injuries finish healing, I’m going to focus on reducing my body fat from 14% down to 10%. Right now my waist measured at naval is 34 inches, so I’m targeting a 32 inch waist in order to achieve 10%. Once I’m at 10% I’ll start light clean bulking at 300 calorie surplus.
I don’t want to bulk while I’m at 14% bf because I did this many years ago and I just looked bulky and fat. My goal is to gain as much muscle possible while maintaining a low BF.
I’m going to stop taking Creatine HCL to eliminate the water retention so I can get a clear idea of my current BF. I also began taking L-Dopa in order to increase my HGH levels.
Can anyone offer me any advice on whether or not my approach is wrong? Specifically, reducing BF at the beginning and focusing more on high rep sets vs low rep.
I already know I’m still a faggot in some ways so that goes without saying…
Edit: When I say 9+, I'm saying relative to being a 46 year old women. Not across women of all ages.
Edit #2:
Interesting feedback from everyone. ohneyapocalypse is most useful. Everyone hit the mark when they say I need to improve my lifting. I shouldn’t be getting injured like this. When I try to lift too heavy my form goes to shit and I need to work on this. However that's about it.
In a short time I compiled what I needed to learn from MRP and I’m in a place where I I am the prize. My mission is going great, I thought my lifting was going great however I’ve been corrected on that and I thank you all for this. My wife is submissive and looks up to me.
However many of the posters are wrong when it comes to their impression of my situation with my wife. I feel great, I feel like a high value man. The one thing I’m not 100% satisfied is my wife’s issue with self esteem. I found a way to lead her and influence her to grow out of this and I’m pleased with the result so far. As a high value man I refuse to be with a woman who believes she is low value (especially if I'm married to her and she's helping to raise my children). So I can either do 1 of 3 things. 1.) I can sit and complain about it. 2.) I can leave her. 3.) I can influence her into improving herself. I choose 3.
So now that I’ve upped her game, I need to up my game as well. How many times have we read in the RP material that having a lower SMV than your wife is not a good thing? And that we should do something about it? At the end of the day am I worried she’s going to leave me if she gets too hot? Of course not. However improving my SMV only puts me into a better situation if she did leave me for some Chad down the road.
So I have my life and relationship exactly where I want it to be. I have her going down a path I want her to go. Had I just focused on myself as many of you keep saying, my life wouldn’t be as great as it is today (because she’d still be an insecure mess who is clinging to me). I have the ability to fix the situation and I did. However many of you don't like it because it doesn't fit into your one dimensional belief that improving yourself only is the way to go because raising other people up with you is considered weak? This goes completely against what I read in the way of the superior man.
submitted by red-iron-man to askMRP [link] [comments]

2016.10.02 15:05 Fake_Email_Bandit The Science Behind the Astartes Creation Process: Explained at Last

The Astartes Creation Process. It’s relevance to the lore cannot be denied, and in fact, much has been written about the individual organs surrounding it. However, this information is often apocryphal, and has led to numerous debates about the actual function of the process, and what the implications of this are. This piqued my curiosity, so I went digging to find if I could glean out a scientific explanation for each, using the science of today.
Second Heart – The simplest of the Gene-Seed organs to explain, the second heart is just what it says on the box: a second heart, grafted into the circulatory system. Operating on the same principle as all other muscles, the second hear must also include either a connection to the hearts pulse-regulating nerves, or its own artificial version.
The Ossmodula – The Ossmodula is, in many respects, the most important gene-seed organ, as it lays the basis for all that come after. Implanted next to, or grafted onto the pituitary gland, the Ossmodula takes its cues from the action of that gland, and at the time when the body enters puberty and the growth hormones and sex-specific hormones begin to be released, begins its own action. On activation, the Ossmodula produces its own modified growth hormone, loosely based off of HGH for compatibility, which over-rides the natural growth hormones of the body, including HGH and Testosterone. At this point, the body begins to react to the new hormones, with the actions of osteoblasts being the most prominently altered, leading to increased bone mineralisation and a changed skeletal structure, including the fused chest plate. Additionally, this implant grows specific receptors in the digestive tract, to allow the ceramic component of the Neophytes Diet to be absorbed, leading to a change in bone composition.
The Biscopea – The Forge of Strength. Humorously, the action of this organ is not actually that of an enhancer, but of an inhibitor. To explain, it is essential that one understands the two roles of the Biscopea. First and foremost, its role is to regulate the hormones produced by the Ossmodula and ensure that they grow along the correct lines, most notably in regards to skeletal muscle. This means that its action is as an inhibitor, rather than an enhancer. The second role of the Biscopea is to increase muscle growth and density. This occurs, in the Astartes, both through the inhibition and guidance of the Ossmodula-produced hormones, and the restriction of the body’s muscle-inhibiting hormones, called myostatins. For a real-world example on the effects of myostatin suppression, look at the Belgian Blue breed of cow.
Haemastamen – In normal humans, one of the major influencial factors on athletic performance is the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. This fact is why blood doping (the procedure where one injects themselves with a solution composed of collected and stored red blood cells) is so prevalent: it increases performance without leaving urinary traces. The Haemastamen works off of a similar concept: increasing the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. However, where blood doping increases the number of blood cells, the Haemastamen alters the makeup of those already there. Placed in a major artery, the Haemastamens action is somewhat akin to carbon-monoxide poisoning: attaching to the receptive section of the Haemoglobin molecule within red blood cells, it alters the action of that Haemoglobin. In the case of carbon monoxide poisoning, this stops the molecule from accepting and transporting oxygen. In the case of the Haemastamen, it creates a new molecule with multiple oxygen receptors, increasing the oxygen capacity of the blood, and altering its colour.
Larramans Organ – The action of this is actually explained in lore. When a major trauma occurs, the cells produced by the Larramans Organ (Larraman Cells), bond to the bodies white blood cells and are transmitted to the wound, where they, alongside the bodies normal platelets, form a scar layer almost immediately. This is one of the main sources of a Space Marines resistance to wounds.
Catalespan Node – This organ, implanted in the Brain, can let Marines go without sleep for up to 300 hours in extreme cases. It does so by allowing sections of the brain to shut down, whilst others remain at full capacity. In the lore, this was borrowed from ancient theories relating to bottlenosed dolphins, so to determine the scientific action of this node, let’s look at that first. The bottlenosed dolphin, along with multiple other species, does not enter into a state of complete sleep. Rather, it enters into Unihemispheric Slow-Wave Sleep, or USWS. In this state, it puts one of the hemispheres of its brain into a deep sleep, whilst the other operates at maximum alertness. This is caused by a variety of ‘neurotransmitter’ chemicals within the brain, which regulate wakefulness and sleep. Thus, it can be determined that the method of action of the catalespan node relates to the introduction of the correct neurotransmitters into different sections of the brain to allow for some form of Asymetric Sleep Pattern, such as USWS.
The Preomnor – This organ functions as a preliminary stomach, in which consumed objects are analysed by biological systems before being either allowed through into the main stomach or disposed of. The make-up of this stomach is likely open to the oesophagus, with a surface coated with receptors similar to taste-buds, that can determine the presence of toxicity, and allow for analysis if need be. The Preomnor ends in a sphincter leading to the main stomach.
The Omophagea – The organ that most defies scientific study, the Omophagea’s function is to allow the absorption of memories through the analysis of RNA and DNA relating to memory. Whilst there is little to no scientific basis for an individual’s declarative memory being encoded into their genetic sequence (genetic memory is something very different), there is the potential for an organ such as this one, properly supported, to be able to analyse any whole DNA protein strands that came into contact with specific receptors. That being said, it is a stretch to apply any form of scientific method to this particular implant/
The Multi-Lung – A lung on steroids, this organ is added to the two standard human lungs to increase the lung capacity and, as a result, oxygen absorption of a Neophyte. In this, the lung’s function is normal. However, the multi-lung can also react to stimuli and shut off the other two lungs if needs be. In order to do that, it must therefore have receptors throughout its chambers that capture and identify toxic substances or water, thus causing the automatic closing of the other lungs. These receptors are also the key to its ability to process toxins. Likely chemical in nature, the receptors in question are attached to a nervous lattice within the multi-lung that regulates their excretion, and monitors the levels on the cells. When a receptor comes into contact with its specific toxin, it detaches from the associated nerve, leading to a signal being sent. If enough signals are sent at once, the other lungs close, and the multi-lung starts producing the receptors that are being triggered in large quantities. These then further bind to the toxins, thus filtering the air. The marine will later have this receptor detritus cleared from his lungs, or allow them to enter his bloodstream to be cleansed, and the non-toxic materials recycled.
The Occulobe – From the descriptions given in lore, the occulobe does not actually influence the growth of the eye itself. Rather, the occulobes function is to produce the correct peptides within the visual cortex, eye-stalks, and eye. These peptides then release hormones that, when combined with optic treatments in the apothecarion, increase the range of eye-sight. This is difficult to investigate further, as the utility of hormonal treatment in improving eyesight is not yet known. That being said, the main areas improved seem to be the elasticity of the lens, allowing for more focused and long-ranging vision, and an increase in light-sensitive cells within the retina.
The Lymans Ear – A complete replacement for the Human Ear, the Lymans Ear offers both superior hearing, and the ability to consciously filter out and enhance certain sounds. Most likely, the latter ability is not actually operational within the ear, but is a skill acquired through necessity due to the superior hearing they have been gifted with. Some likely changes include a much more elastic, durable tympanic membrane, and more sturdy/better structured inner ear bones.
The Sus’an Membrane – Ah, the Sus’an membrane, the saviour of many a marine. In lore, the Sus’an membrane binds with the brain of a Marine, and will, under certain circumstances, activate to place him in a state of suspended animation, yet still reachable by hypno-suggestion. How it does this is unclear, however the most likely explanation is that the organ acts as an additional lobe to the brain. During its action, it floods the marines brain with metabolic depressants, which then slow down the metabolism of the marine, retaining only the minimal actions required for life. In this state, the Marine is only pumping blood at a high enough rate to prevent death or serious brain damage, with the membrane, via the brain stem, monitoring his biology, and actively controlling usually autonomic nervous function. Additionally, the sus’an membrane retains access to some consciousness; specifically, the sections required to process sensory data, so that the hypno-suggestive waking procedures may be affective.
The Melanochrome – Another hormonal implant, the Melanochrome increases melanin levels within the skin of the Astartes in response to harsh light. Interestingly, this is relatively easy to explain. The melanochrome is attached to the human lymphatic system, and in response to dangerous levels of sunlight, artificially causes the bio-synthesisation of Melanin through the release of the associated proteins (most importantly tyrosine and DOPA). These proteins, via biosynthesis, eventually form the correct form of melanin, resulting in a darkening. In the opposite direction, the correct chemical, if introduced to the melanocytes and melanosomes of the skin, would cause the disassociation of melanin, and subsequent depigmentation. The same action could also explain the nature of the Raven Guards gene-seed mutation: they are stuck with biochemistry that inhibits the darkening of skin through the biosynthesizing of melanin.
The Oolotic Kidney – As the name suggest, the Oolotic kidney is similar to a kidney. In fact, in many ways, it is simpler, as its sole function is filtration, whereas the normal human kidney needs to also maintain blood pH and electrolyte levels. The kidney, we will assume, operates much the same as a human kidney. First, the toxic substance is introduced via blood-flow, and filtered out into a specialised membrane, which will eventually lead to a secretory organ. The ‘cleaned’ blood is then released back into the bloodstream, with vital nutrients reabsorbed, before the secretion of yet more toxins and proteins. In the Oolotic Kidney, we will assume this happens at a higher speed, and that the process repeats. This organ is capable of dealing with the most dangerous of toxins, however this comes with the caveat that, in order to purge, the Marine will become incapacitated, or lost consciousness, likely due either to toxic shock, or simply to the energy expenditure such a process would require.
The Neuroglottis – An addition that replaces the upper nasal cavity, the Neuroglottis vastly improves the Space Marines sense of smell, an ability that is more important to some chapters then it is to others. This is also a relatively simple implant to explain. Smell is essentially governed by the surface area and density of smell-receptor cells. In humans, this number is about 10cm2, whilst some dogs have about 17x that amount, with the cells more tightly bunched. To compensate, the Neuroglottis both extends the area in which smell receptors are located, but also massively increases their density, thus raising a marine’s sense of smell several levels. This, in turn, would cause changes in the olfactory centre of the brain to accommodate the increased data.
The Mucranoid – The mucranoid gland, in the correct environment, activates to produce a waxy substance all across the skin of the Marine, better preparing them for dangerous environments. It must be activated by an outside source. And it is something that many animals, including humans, already do. The sebaceous glands of the skin are found in most mammals, and act by releasing a waxy substance referred to as sebum. This substance provides lubrication, waterproofing, and some thermoregulation. Therefore, the most likely mechanism of action for the mucranoid is as a partner or addition to the sebaceous glands, triggered by an outside source to force the sebaceous glands to release an altered form of sebum which we will refer to as mucrum. This substance acts similarly to sebum, in that it forms a layer over the skin, however its abilities, most notably in sealing and thermoregulation, are much more powerful.
The Betchers Gland – Straight up venom glands. These glands produce a highly corrosive venom which the Marine can use in a variety of ways, from chewing through prison bars to burning his enemies face. The glands themselves likely have a high mucus production rate to prevent the released venom from harming the Astartes hosting them. In action, the glands likely release protective mucus into the mouth before ejecting the acid, with the flow controllable and presenting as anything from a slow drool to a flying arrow of acid.
The Progenoids – One of the most mysterious glands, the progenoids actually act similarly to the testes in men, taking the genetic information of the host and consolidating it. In-Vivo, the progenoids send out a hormonal signal that causes the other organs to release a genetic sample, which will then be used to copy the genetics of all implanted organs, consolidate them, and replicate them as germ cells, which can then be harvested and used to grow new organs in controlled conditions. Unless you’re a Space Wolf. Or a Blood Angel.
The Black Carapace – The only non-biological impant (unless you are an Iron Hands Astartes) involved in the creation process, the Black Carapace serves as an artificial extension of your nervous system, attaching to all relevant neurons, and then further linking to power armour with specialised access ports. Through these ports, and the Black Carapace, the Space Marine can use power armour as a second skin, whilst the power armour can monitor his vital signs more effectively. Similar technology is currently being experimented with, however the contextual nature of a lot of CNS cues is creating difficulty in developing that technology further.
And there you have it; my best guess as to how these organs work. Feel free to debate me, disagree with me, or offer suggestions; I’m open to improvement.
submitted by Fake_Email_Bandit to 40kLore [link] [comments]
