Infected hangnail remedies


2008.11.14 15:12 piercing

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2020.02.18 00:20 Reccognize Free & open discussion of COVID-19, the novel Wuhan coronavirus. The COVID19 pandemic is here.

Discussion of the 2019 strain of coronavirus, COVID-19 that originated in Wuhan, China. We discuss virus prevention, prepping, social distancing, self-sufficiency, and coping strategies for this deadly pandemic. This is a free and open forum. All are welcome!

2024.06.01 09:56 omglifeisnotokay Nothing is working to get rid of this odor on my scalp!

Throughout my life I’ve had dandruff issues and hairloss. Things took a turn for the worse when I noticed it got really bad when I turned 26. I developed a horrible odor to my scalp and extremely oily scalp and hairloss. Last year I was in the hospital for an ear infection and they pumped me full of antibiotics and anti fungal pill. Wiped out the smell completely and my scalp was doing well. For some reason almost a year later the smell has come back. I’ve tried everything including prescription shampoos and natural remedies and it just makes it worse. I did get diagnosed with PCOS and SIBO but the doctor keeps telling me it seb derm. Should I try another anti fungal pill? I can’t continue on with this smelly scalp issue it’s really embarrassing and it’s making me sick having to smell it everyday!
submitted by omglifeisnotokay to SebDerm [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:13 HollowedHivemind I have strep that won't go away

I'm 18, afab, mixed (mostly black) and about 5'4, 108lbs I don't have any medical issues though I've always been underweight. I smoke weed occasionally, nothing more than once a week (and I have a med card)
I've had strep for 2 months now, it won't go away on its own (I've tried all the home remedies) and I genuinely can't take the antibiotics because it gives me horrid yeast infections. I can't go about my day to day life with a yeast infection that bad and I can't keep going with strep. I've already explained the situation to my parents and they essentially said "tough it out", they won't take me to a doctor for different meds and I need a legal guardian to get them for me as I'm on their insurance.
Is there anything I can do or am I just stuck like this until my scheduled checkup in a few months?
submitted by HollowedHivemind to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:20 micheal_pippen Court records detail how police caught 2 men who allegedly helped scam an Ionia Co. woman out of $45,000

Court records detail how police caught 2 men who allegedly helped scam an Ionia Co. woman out of $45,000
Another case of mothefuckas getting away with the play the first time but because they are too gotdamn greedy they have to double dip and try it again.
Well, these two idiots pictured above could have had a nice little payday but just had to go back for more and got arrested, GOOD!!!
Reading through the article I see that they were running the locked computer method where a victim is infected with some type of malware and their computer is basically frozen. From that point a pop up appears on their screen urging them to call a number. When they call they are told some silly shit that leads to them having to give up some money to remedy the situation. Sadly, tons of folks fall for this bullshit all the time.
Y'all go ahead and read the article and let us know what you think about these idiots. Spoiler of them snitches (of course) can you tell which one does?
IONIA COUNTY, Mich. — Court records are providing new details into how two men allegedly helped in scamming an elderly Ionia County woman out of $45,000.
The two men have been identified as Jainav Sanjaykumar Patel, 25, of Carbondale, IL and Alonzo Lee Waheed Jr, 27, of Marion, Illinois. They were both charged with Conspiracy to Commit False Pretenses in the amount of $20,000 or more but less than $50,000, or fraud.
The victim was identified as 72-year-old Linda Richards of Eaton Township.
Detective Phillip Hesche from the Ionia County Sheriff's Office (ICSO) detailed the timeline of the scam in his testimony at the probable cause conference for Patel and Waheed.
Hesche's testimony claims the scam occurred over the course of about a week in May, beginning when Richards' iPad froze and displayed a number to call for help.
"When she called that number, she was told by a man, with a foreign accent, that her identity had been compromised. He said he was with the Federal Trade Commission and he wanted to help her protect her money by having her turn cash over to federal agents for her safety," Hesche testified.
The testimony goes on to say that Richards went to her bank and withdrew $45,000. She took the money home, put it in a shoebox, wrapped it in Christmas wrapping paper and then gave it to a man who met her at the end of her driveway in a car.
Hesche said that after the money was taken, Richards received more calls from the scammers, asking to withdraw more money.
That's when Richards told her family about the incident and they contacted the Ionia County Sheriff's Department.
Hesche said he worked to set up a sting to catch the scammers when they came back to pick up the additional money.
Richards set up a time for the scammers to arrive at her home on May 16 to pick up the next package of money. Police were inside as well as surveilling Richards' home when the pickup of the package was supposed to happen but when the scammers arrived by car, they only slowed down near Richards' home and did not stop.
Another detective in the home with Richards reported that the scammer on the phone with her told her that they drove off because they did not see her at the end of the driveway and also saw a van parked that they weren't expecting.
Hesche then testified that they determined that the scammer on the phone with Richards was not one of the scammers in the car, and instead, the information was being relayed to them by the scammer on the phone.
Since the initial pickup of the second round of money didn't work out, the scammers set up a time the following day to return for the package, Hesche testified.
A fake package was put together that did not contain money and the sting was attempted again.
This time, on May 17, the scammers again asked Richards to walk to the end of the driveway and deliver the package to a specific car.
Richards was on the phone with one of the scammers as they tried to convince her to walk to the end of the driveway with her package, but she refused, telling them she was old and her legs hurt.
Another argument ensued when the scammer told Richards that they couldn't complete the package transfer because there was local police in the area, Hesche said.
Eventually, Hesche ordered the vehicle occupied by the alleged scammers be stopped and detained based on the probably cause that criminal activity was occurring. Inside the vehicle were Patel and Waheed.
Hesche interviewed both men and Patel eventually confessed to being involved in a larger fraud ring and that he had committed a similar crime in West Virginia on May 16.
Waheed denied his involvement in the scam and claimed he had no knowledge of any scams. Patel told police that Waheed had willingly worked within the larger fraud ring.
Patel said he met the scammer on the phone, who called himself "Michael," through a friend and that he had received his instructions through a messaging app. Patel told Hesche that he was being paid between $400 and $500 to pick up the package.
Hesche said that this specific fraud case will be shared with other law enforcement organizations to look at the larger scope of the fraud ring.
"This information will be shared with the partners at the FBI to look at the larger scope of their involvement in what is really a multinational scheme at this point. Following this exact mode of operation, this scam involves people believing that their identity is compromised, that the banks aren't safe, and that the Federal Trade Commission is going to send agents to pickup large amounts of cash to keep it safe for these victims so that they're not scammed out of their money through the banks," Hesche testified.
Magistrate David J. Wirth of the 64A Judicial District Court found that probable cause did exist and Patel and Waheed will go to trial
The two were arraigned on May 20 and a bond was set at $25,000 each.
The investigation into the fraud ring is ongoing with hopes of recovering the money stolen from the victims. ICSO said additional charges are likely as they continue to investigate and search electronics for other persons who were targeted in the scheme.
ICSO said that in cases like this, it's very difficult to locate the stolen money after it exchanges hands since it is handed over in cash, unlike other wire frauds.
Deputies said their early investigation shows that the person who was on the phone with the victim was based overseas and used various anonymity apps to hide their identity and call spoofing to make it seem like the calls really came from the FTC.
If you or someone you know has been the victim of this type of scam, you are encouraged to contact your local police department, sheriff’s office, or Michigan State Police depending on where you live.
No government agents, be it federal, state, or local will ever ask you for large amounts of cash for “safekeeping."

submitted by micheal_pippen to Learn_How_To_Scam_Now [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:49 Life-Professional190 Alternative urinary diet/care for one cat (multi-cat house)?

TL;DR: MN cat on a urinary care diet, 2 FN kittens on a normal diet, having issues keeping the cat with urinary issues away from the kittens' food, looking for any advice on alternative urinary treatment/crystal prevention or how to manage feeding 2 different diets and providing adequate access to dry food.
Hi! My cat Whisky has been on a full urinary diet for about 3-4 years after two instances of a blocked bladder - one when he was about 2 y/o and on a normal, good quality balanced diet, and another at around 4 y/o when we had switched his dry food to urinary, bought him a water fountain, but kept his original wet food, just adding water to it (following the advice of our vet at the time). After the 2nd instance, we put him on a full urinary diet with absolutely no non-urinary food (even his treats are urinary), and there has been no reoccurrence.
The problem we're having now is that we recently fostered and then adopted two kittens, and it's been complicated keeping them apart from each others' food. It's been several months so we've been slowly adjusting to a feeding routine, but it's far from ideal and the problem cat Whisky has now started to react to the kittens' automatic feeder going off, and march over to help himself, where before he wasn't interested in it or their dry food, so it had been long enough where we thought it was all safe.
Whisky's diet is Purina Pro Plan Urinary Care - the "ocean fish" dry food and the salmon wet food. Unfortunately he's a fussy little guy who hates chicken and it tends to make him sick anyway, so we have to splurge on the fish flavours. He also has AVA urinary care treats - approx. 3 a day at most. He turned his nose up at all the other urinary treats we could find.
The kittens are on a high-quality, grain-free diet (I didn't specifically pick grain-free, it just happens to be). Their dry food is 75% meat and their wet food is 60% meat, with very little other stuff added. Of course, this means it's super tasty and tempting...
We feed all 3 cats wet food at breakfast and dinner, and shut them in separate rooms to eat. This is fairly straightforward, though they often don't finish their meals in one go and that means we have to keep them apart for a couple of hours at a time. The problem is mainly the dry food - the kittens have an automatic feeder that dispenses a small, calculated amount of food for them 4x a day. This was the best way to ensure they ate the food when it was dispensed, as they tend to just graze on it if I do larger portions over fewer feeds. They mostly eat it when it's dispensed, but sometimes if they're out playing in the garden they're not too interested in it and may leave it for a while. It's not app-controlled, so I can't easily adapt it day-to-day.
Whisky was ignoring the dispenser until very recently, when he now reacts to it as if it's for him, and will casually stroll up to the machine when it goes off, and eat the biscuits alongside the kittens. We tell him off whenever we catch him at it (he definitely understands the word "no" and knows what is and isn't his), and remove him from the area, but we can't be there 24/7 to stop him and we hate having to keep them apart for long periods of time, as they get on very well and enjoy each others' company.
We can't leave Whisky's dry food out for him or use a dispenser because the kittens gobble his biscuits up immediately if they see them. Whisky is naturally a very nervous and suspicious cat and really doesn't react well to technology (absolutely will not use the cat flap even though we've had it a year and he watches the kittens use it 100x a day), so we don't believe that an RFID/microchip feeder would work for him, and he also likes to step aside and share his food with the kittens if they're not shut apart from him! This means we have to keep his food out of reach, and give him his dry food whenever he asks for it... it's just not practical to do this at all and I'm about to start a new job and won't be home all day to keep putting down food for him and shutting doors.
So - is there anything I can give to Whisky, where he could then share the kittens' diet? He takes medication very well, I know of a product called "Cystease" which is readily available, but I'm not sure if that's an appropriate or effective remedy. I could look into this myself (I am a 3rd year vet student), but I'd really like to hear from qualified professionals with experience in urinary treatment and nutrition. Our own vet doesn't really seem to know enough about nutrition to advise us. Even if we could compromise, with him still on his urinary wet food, but sharing their dry food, that would go a long way to uncomplicate things.
Alternatively, is it safe to put the kittens onto the same urinary dry food as Whisky? My partner keeps suggesting this but I don't believe it would be healthy for them and their development, and I also like the diet they're currently on as it is really good quality and they have beautiful sleek fur etc to prove it. The kittens also completely gorge themselves if they get access to the urinary food, so I'd also be worried about them overeating or leaving none for Whisky! They quite happily graze on their current food so it's much more shareable.
MN DLH, 7 years old, approx. 4.7kg, history of bladder blockage x2 (I think struvite but not sure), also history of unexplained feveinfection which was most likely a UTI, cleared up with treatment. He also has mild asthma and HCM with grade II heart murmur for which he does not yet need medication (monitored regularly at referral hospital).
Diet: Purina Pro Plan Urinary Care wet and dry, AVA urinary care treats
Kittens (2 sisters):
FN DSH, nearly 10mo old, approx 3.2-3.5kg, one has had a mild UTI once which cleared up within 3d with treatment, the other has perfect health
Diet: Scrumbles kitten kibble (switching to Scrumbles adult kibble very soon), Scrumbles salmon and chicken in jelly (switching brands due to issues with quality - any recommendations welcome!)
Location: UK
Thanks so much for any advice!

submitted by Life-Professional190 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:29 Far-Impression-1519 Help! I don’t know what this is

Help! I don’t know what this is
I need some help!
Hi for a week or so I have been feeling this outrageous pain in the back of my teeth. I’m traveling on Saturday for 9 days. I went to the doctor TWICE and he told me approved the traveling cause it doesn’t look like an infection or something dangerous and the best is go wait until it recovers.
I have diabetes type 1, my levels have been pretty good 80-102 , and my A1C is 6.8 also I had a kidney transplant a year ago
I’m mainly afraid that it could get infected and something like sepsis could happen.
For the pain he gave me tramadol which I take barely I really take it when the pain is just insufferable. He told me to do a lot of warm gurgles with salt, which have helped me a lot!! I’m eating soft foods and drinking just temperature drinks (I won’t say it’s warm but it just doesn’t hurt.
My dentist told me when I come back we can do an xray and really see the problem. Yesterday I got a super deep cleaning and they had to put local anesthesia for the pain.
I do think this problem is just something that was going to happen since I wasn’t the best at keeping my diabetes controlled when I was younger
If y guys can recommend any home remedies I would appreciate it
I have been brushing 4 times a day and there’s barely any blood. Since I haven’t been moving my jaw too much lately I feel it a bit clogged too
It’s like some stringy tissue. I haven’t felt any pus coming from it. It just hurts when I touch it or eat something hard
submitted by Far-Impression-1519 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:55 Herbal_Mind Combating Whooping Cough Resurgence: The Power of Integrating Herbal Wisdom with Modern Medicine

Combating Whooping Cough Resurgence: The Power of Integrating Herbal Wisdom with Modern Medicine
In recent years, whooping cough (pertussis) has seen a concerning resurgence globally, affecting not only children but adults as well. This resurgence highlights the need for a multifaceted approach to prevention, symptom management, and treatment. From the clinical herbalist’s viewpoint, integrating herbal medicine with conventional treatments offers a promising path to not only managing whooping cough but also enhancing overall respiratory and immune system health.
Rise in Whooping Cough by DALL-E

The Rise of Whooping Cough: A Call for Integrated Solutions

Whooping cough, characterized by severe coughing fits followed by a distinctive “whooping” sound, poses a significant public health challenge. Despite the availability of vaccines, the incidence of whooping cough has been on the rise, prompting a search for additional preventive and therapeutic measures. Herbal medicine, with its holistic focus on enhancing the body’s natural defenses, presents a valuable complement to modern medical interventions.

Prevention and Immune Support: The First Line of Defense

The foundation of combating whooping cough lies in prevention and the strengthening of the immune system. *Echinacea purpurea*, revered for its immune-boosting properties, is at the forefront of herbal prevention strategies. Regular supplementation with Echinacea can enhance the body’s resistance to infections, potentially reducing the risk of whooping cough.
Equally important is *Astragalus membranaceus*, known for its antiviral and immune-enhancing effects. Astragalus serves as a powerful ally in fortifying the body’s defenses against respiratory infections, including whooping cough.

Navigating Symptoms with Herbal Remedies

Managing the symptoms of whooping cough, particularly the severe coughing fits, is crucial for patient comfort and recovery. *Thymus vulgaris (Thyme)*, with its expectorant properties, aids in relieving congestion and facilitating mucus expulsion. This makes Thyme an invaluable herb in the symptomatic treatment of whooping cough.
Another herb, *Althaea officinalis (Marshmallow Root)*, offers soothing relief for the throat irritation and coughing bouts associated with whooping cough. The mucilaginous properties of Marshmallow Root coat the throat, easing the discomfort and reducing the frequency of coughing fits.

Supporting Recovery: Herbal Treatments to Shorten the Course

The journey to recovery from whooping cough can be expedited with the help of certain herbs. *Sambucus nigra (Elderberry)*, celebrated for its antiviral and immunomodulatory properties, can support the body’s recovery process. Elderberry’s ability to combat viral infections and enhance immune function makes it a key player in the treatment of respiratory infections.
*Pelargonium sidoides (Umckaloabo)*, a herb with roots in traditional South African medicine, has shown promise in reducing the severity and duration of cough episodes. Its efficacy in treating acute bronchitis suggests a potential role in managing whooping cough symptoms, offering patients a quicker path to recovery.

Embracing a Holistic Approach: Beyond Herbs

Incorporating herbal remedies into the treatment plan for whooping cough should be done with a holistic perspective in mind. This includes considering the individual’s overall health, potential allergies, and any current medications. Moreover, lifestyle factors such as a nutritious diet, adequate hydration, and good hygiene practices play a crucial role in supporting the body’s defenses against infections.

The Road Ahead: Integrating Herbal Medicine into Whooping Cough Management

The resurgence of whooping cough underscores the need for integrated solutions that combine the best of conventional medicine and herbal wisdom. The clinical herbalist’s approach, focusing on prevention, symptom management, and recovery, offers a comprehensive strategy that not only addresses whooping cough but also enhances overall well-being.
In conclusion, the integration of herbal medicine into the prevention, management, and treatment of whooping cough represents a promising complementary approach. By emphasizing the importance of a strong immune system and employing specific herbal remedies, we can aid in alleviating symptoms and potentially reduce the duration of this challenging illness. As we move forward, it is imperative that these interventions form part of a broader health strategy, undertaken in consultation with healthcare professionals, to safeguard against the resurgence of whooping cough and protect public health.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Signs and Symptoms. [online] Available at:
  2. Bone, K., & Mills, S. (2013). Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  3. Hoffmann, D. (2003). Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. Healing Arts Press.
  4. Li, R., Ma, T., Gu, J., Liang, X., & Li, S. (2020). A Review of the Role of Astragalus membranaceus in Immune System Regulation. Journal of Immunology Research, 2020, 1–11.
  5. Tiralongo, E., Wee, S. S., & Lea, R. A. (2016). Elderberry Supplementation Reduces Cold Duration and Symptoms in Air-Travellers: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Nutrients, 8(4), 182.
submitted by Herbal_Mind to HerbalBloom [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:08 ianbell78 Cranberry Extract Market Growth, Analysis, Industry Size, Share, Report and Forecast 2024-2032

Cranberry Extract Market Growth, Analysis, Industry Size, Share, Report and Forecast 2024-2032
Cranberry Extract Market
According to the report by Expert Market Research (EMR), the global cranberry extract market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.7% between 2024 and 2032. Aided by the increasing awareness about the health benefits of cranberry extract and its diversified applications across multiple sectors, the market is expected to grow significantly by 2032.
Cranberry extract, derived from the fruit of the cranberry plant, is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. This extract is widely used in dietary supplements, functional foods, beverages, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals due to its purported health benefits, which include urinary tract health, cardiovascular health, and anti-inflammatory properties. The growing consumer inclination towards natural and organic products has been instrumental in the cranberry extract market growth.

Market Drivers

Rising Health Awareness
One of the primary drivers of the cranberry extract market is the increasing awareness about health and wellness among consumers globally. As more people seek natural and effective remedies for various health issues, cranberry extract has gained popularity for its high antioxidant content and potential health benefits. This rising awareness is fueling demand for cranberry extract in both dietary supplements and functional foods.
Expanding Application in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
The expanding application of cranberry extract in nutraceuticals and functional foods is another significant driver for the market. Manufacturers are increasingly incorporating cranberry extract into their products to cater to health-conscious consumers. Functional foods and beverages infused with cranberry extract are becoming popular as they offer a convenient way to consume the health benefits associated with cranberries.
Growth in the Cosmetics Industry
The cosmetics industry is also contributing to the growth of the cranberry extract market. Cranberry extract is valued for its antioxidant properties, which help in reducing signs of aging and protecting the skin from environmental damage. The rising demand for natural and organic ingredients in skincare and cosmetic products has led to increased usage of cranberry extract in this sector.
Increasing Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infections
The rising prevalence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) has significantly boosted the demand for cranberry extract. Cranberry extract is commonly used in supplements aimed at preventing and treating UTIs, owing to its ability to prevent bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract walls. This application is particularly popular among women, who are more prone to UTIs.
Get a Free Sample Report with a Table of Contents:

Market Segmentation

The market can be divided based on type, application, distribution channel, and region.
Market Breakup by Type
  • Liquid
  • Powder
  • Tablets and Capsules
Market Breakup by Application
  • Dietary Supplements
  • Functional Foods and Beverages
  • Cosmetics and Personal Care
  • Pharmaceuticals
Market Breakup by Distribution Channel
  • Online Retail
  • Offline Retail
Market Breakup by Region
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East and Africa
Read Full Report with Table of Contents:

Competitive Landscape

The EMR report looks into the market shares, capacities, investments, and mergers and acquisitions, among other major developments, of the leading companies operating in the global cranberry extract market. Some of the major players explored in the report by Expert Market Research are as follows:
  • Naturex (Givaudan)
  • Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
  • NOW Foods
  • JIAHERB Inc.
  • Fruit d'Or Nutraceuticals
  • Natrol LLC
  • Herbalife Nutrition Ltd.
  • Swanson Health Products
  • The Green Labs LLC
  • Indena S.p.A
  • Others
Market Breakup by Region
North America
North America holds a significant share of the global cranberry extract market, driven by high consumer awareness and the widespread prevalence of UTIs. The presence of key market players and a robust dietary supplement industry further propels the market in this region.
Europe is another prominent market for cranberry extract, with countries like Germany, France, and the UK leading the demand. The increasing focus on natural and organic products, coupled with a growing aging population seeking preventive healthcare solutions, supports market growth in this region.
Asia Pacific
The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness substantial growth during the forecast period. Rising health consciousness, increasing disposable incomes, and a growing middle-class population are key factors driving the market in this region. Countries like China, India, and Japan are expected to be major contributors to the market growth.
Latin America
Latin America is also emerging as a potential market for cranberry extract, driven by a growing awareness of its health benefits and an expanding nutraceutical industry. Brazil and Mexico are leading markets in this region.
Middle East and Africa
The Middle East and Africa region is anticipated to experience moderate growth in the cranberry extract market. The increasing adoption of dietary supplements and functional foods, along with a growing awareness of cranberry extract’s health benefits, supports market expansion in this region.

Market Outlook and Future Trends

Innovation and Product Development
The cranberry extract market is poised for significant growth, driven by continuous innovation and product development. Manufacturers are focusing on developing new and improved products that offer enhanced health benefits and cater to specific consumer needs. For instance, the development of cranberry extract-based products aimed at improving gut health or boosting immunity is gaining traction.
Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing
Sustainability and ethical sourcing are becoming increasingly important in the cranberry extract market. Consumers are demanding transparency and sustainability in the products they purchase. Companies are responding by adopting sustainable sourcing practices and highlighting their commitment to environmental and social responsibility.
Increasing Use in Pharmaceutical Applications
The use of cranberry extract in pharmaceutical applications is expected to increase, driven by ongoing research and clinical studies supporting its health benefits. Cranberry extract is being explored for its potential in preventing and managing various health conditions, including UTIs, cardiovascular diseases, and inflammatory disorders.
Expansion into Emerging Markets
Expanding into emerging markets presents significant growth opportunities for the cranberry extract market. Regions such as Asia Pacific, Latin America, and parts of Africa are witnessing rising health awareness and increasing disposable incomes, making them attractive markets for cranberry extract products.
Strategic Collaborations and Partnerships
Strategic collaborations and partnerships are likely to play a crucial role in the growth of the cranberry extract market. Companies are collaborating with research institutions, ingredient suppliers, and distribution partners to enhance their product offerings, expand their market reach, and strengthen their competitive position.
The global cranberry extract market is set to experience robust growth between 2024 and 2032, driven by rising health awareness, expanding applications in various sectors, and increasing demand for natural and organic products. Key market players are focusing on innovation, sustainability, and strategic collaborations to capitalize on emerging opportunities and cater to evolving consumer preferences. With a promising outlook, the cranberry extract market is poised for significant advancements and growth in the coming years.
submitted by ianbell78 to u/ianbell78 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:21 Ill-Pipe8884 4 reasons why honey is essential to your monsoon diet

A daily consumption of nutrient-dense honey may provide a number of health benefits. Its utilization will contribute to the preservation of both your physical well-being and complexion. The benefits of honey are widely recognized. Ayurveda has been recognized and employed for its therapeutic properties since ancient times. Furthermore, in regard to home remedies, have the potential to serve as a panacea for a multitude of problems. On the contrary, numerous data points and scientific investigations have now corroborated the benefits attributed to honey. Raw Honey A daily consumption of nutrient-dense honey may provide a number of health benefits. Its utilization will contribute to the preservation of both your physical well-being and complexion. The benefits of honey are widely recognized. Ayurveda has been recognized and employed for its therapeutic properties since ancient times. Furthermore, in regard to home remedies, have the potential to serve as a panacea for a multitude of problems. On the contrary, numerous data points and scientific investigations have now corroborated the benefits attributed to honey. Raw Honey is a delightful ingredient that imparts sweetness to an assortment of dishes. Users must, nevertheless, consistently verify its authenticity prior to employing it. Substituting counterfeit honey for genuine honey can frequently result in adverse health effects. Honey consumption is frequently advised as a daily component of one’s diet. However, do you ever doubt the reason? If not, let’s discuss the nutritional impact of honey on human health and the health benefits it provides.

"Honey: A natural immune-booster and throat-soother''

is a delightful ingredient that imparts sweetness to an assortment of dishes. Users must, nevertheless, consistently verify its authenticity prior to employing it. Substituting counterfeit honey for genuine honey can frequently result in adverse health effects. Honey consumption is frequently advised as a daily component of one’s diet. However, do you ever doubt the reason? If not, let’s discuss the nutritional impact of honey on human health and the health benefits it provides.

"Honey: A natural immune-booster and throat-soother''



Honey is crucial for your monsoon diet due to four main reasons.:

  1. Immune Boost: Honey contains antioxidants and antibacterial properties that can help strengthen the immune system, crucial during the monsoon when infections are common.
  2. Soothing Agent: Its natural soothing properties can provide relief for sore throats and coughs, which are prevalent during the damp monsoon weather.
  3. Energy Source: Honey is a natural energy booster, providing a quick source of carbohydrates that can help combat fatigue often experienced during the rainy season.
  4. Digestive Aid: It aids digestion and can help alleviate digestive issues that might arise due to consuming contaminated food or water, a common occurrence in the monsoon season.
Monsoon season is here, and we all love it. Nothing can substitute the feeling of watching it rain with a hot cup of tea or coffee. However, experiencing the blend of rain and heat all day long sometimes makes people sick, and you can expect general viral infections. That’s why our elders advise us to be more careful about what we eat during the monsoon season. You should stick with foods that enhance your immunity and also have restorative properties. Pure natural honey is one such magnificent food that comes packed with various health benefits. Here in this blog, we will discuss why we should include pure raw honey into our daily diet
submitted by Ill-Pipe8884 to u/Ill-Pipe8884 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:14 psocretes What medical expertise should we learn! Here are some topics.

Preparing for a SHTF scenario involves learning essential medical skills and acquiring knowledge that could be critical when professional medical help is not available. Here are some key areas to focus on:
Basic First Aid
  1. **CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)**:
    • Learn how to perform CPR on adults, children, and infants.
    • Understand the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs).
  2. **Wound Care**:
    • Learn how to clean, disinfect, and dress wounds.
    • Understand how to manage severe bleeding using techniques like applying pressure, using tourniquets, and packing wounds.
  3. **Burn Treatment**:
    • Learn the different degrees of burns and appropriate treatments for each.
    • Understand how to prevent infection and promote healing.
  4. **Fracture and Sprain Management**:
    • Learn how to identify fractures and sprains.
    • Understand how to immobilize injuries using splints and bandages.
Advanced First Aid
  1. **Trauma Care**:
    • Learn how to manage traumatic injuries, such as gunshot wounds, deep lacerations, and blunt force injuries.
    • Understand the principles of shock management and stabilization.
  2. **Infection Control**:
    • Learn about different types of infections and their treatments.
    • Understand how to use antibiotics and antiseptics.
  3. **Basic Suturing**:
    • Learn how to suture wounds if necessary, including the materials and techniques required.
    • Understand when suturing is appropriate versus using other methods like Steri-Strips or staples.
Preventative Medicine
  1. **Hygiene and Sanitation**:
    • Understand the importance of hygiene to prevent disease.
    • Learn how to purify water and maintain clean living conditions.
  2. **Nutrition and Hydration**:
    • Learn about basic nutritional needs and how to create balanced meals from limited resources.
    • Understand the signs of dehydration and how to treat it.
  3. **Disease Prevention**:
    • Learn about common diseases and their symptoms, especially those likely to spread in survival situations.
    • Understand vaccination principles and how to create a sterile environment to prevent the spread of illness.

Long-term Health Management

  1. **Chronic Conditions**:
    • Learn how to manage chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and asthma without regular access to medications.
    • Understand alternative treatments and natural remedies.
  2. **Mental Health**:
    • Learn basic psychological first aid to support those experiencing stress, anxiety, or trauma.
    • Understand the importance of maintaining mental health and strategies for coping with prolonged stress.
Practical Skills
  1. **Building a First Aid Kit**:
    • Know what supplies to include in a comprehensive first aid kit tailored to your needs and environment.
    • Regularly check and replenish your kit.
  2. **Medical Knowledge and Resources**:
    • Study basic anatomy and physiology to understand how the body works.
    • Keep a library of medical reference books and guides.
Training and Practice
Recommended Resources
  1. **Books**:
  2. **Online Resources**:
By focusing on these areas, you can develop a comprehensive understanding of essential medical care for SHTF scenarios, increasing your preparedness and ability to handle emergencies effectively.
submitted by psocretes to UKPreppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:24 OtherPick1746 Unlocking the Power of Danthapala: An Ancient Herb for Skin Health

Unlocking the Power of Danthapala: An Ancient Herb for Skin Health
For centuries, the world of Ayurveda has looked to nature for powerful solutions to various ailments. Among these natural wonders, Danthapala, a unique herb, stands out for its remarkable benefits for skin health.
What is Danthapala?
Danthapala, also known as Barberry, is a small shrub native to India and Southeast Asia. Its leaves and bark have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to treat various skin conditions.
Benefits of Danthapala for Skin:
Danthapala boasts a range of properties that make it a valuable ally in your skincare routine:
  • Anti-inflammatory: Danthapala possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe irritation, redness, and itching associated with conditions like psoriasis and eczema.
  • Antimicrobial: This herb's natural antimicrobial properties help combat bacteria and fungi that can contribute to skin infections and acne.
  • Skin Lightening: Danthapala has mild skin lightening properties, making it a helpful ingredient for addressing hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone.
  • Wound Healing: Danthapala promotes wound healing by accelerating the skin's natural repair process.
  • Hydrating: This herb helps prevent water loss from the skin, keeping it hydrated and supple.
Unlocking the Power of Rajasurya Oil:
Rajasurya oil, a potent Ayurvedic remedy, harnesses the incredible properties of Danthapala alongside Neem leaves and coconut oil. This unique blend offers a powerful solution for various skin concerns, including psoriasis, dandruff, and dry skin.
Where to Find Rajasurya Oil:
Discover the transformative power of Rajasurya oil at Ayurvedic Mall:
A Gentle Reminder:
While Danthapala offers a natural solution for various skin concerns, it's always advisable to consult a physician or dermatologist before using any new product, especially if you have sensitive skin or pre-existing medical conditions.
Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda and unlock the power of Danthapala for radiant and healthy skin!
submitted by OtherPick1746 to u/OtherPick1746 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:02 mmorgan_ Has anyone had CSF?

On April 24th I got an epidural for my herniated disc. Everything was fine but a week later I had a sinus infection with muscle spasms and a headache. The doctor gave me antibiotics and I was fine a few days after. Then a week later I got a super bad migraine with muscle spasms, went to the hospital, they didn’t test for anything and sent me home. After playing basketball last Friday (contact) I’ve had a sore throat, a terrible migraine and muscles spasms.
The symptoms except the sore throat haven’t gone away and aren’t remedied with any of the migraine meds that usually work. My neck hurts and my head hurts all the time but gets a little better when laying down. I see the doctor that did the epidural on Monday but I’m scared that this is life threatening as my head hasn’t hurt this constantly before. It’s not covid, strep, or mono as I’ve been tested for all of them. Please help or ask details as needed! I’m not sure what to do.
Edit: I should probably add that I had a root canal around the same time of the epidural that I just needed a revision for today. After getting it done the endodontist said the migraines should not be because of the root canal, and if I was getting them the revision should help but I’m still in a lot of pain today as well.
submitted by mmorgan_ to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:01 mmorgan_ Scary headache 27 female

On April 24th I got an epidural for my herniated disc. Everything was fine but a week later I had a sinus infection with muscle spasms and a headache. The doctor gave me antibiotics and I was fine a few days after. Then a week later I got a super bad migraine with muscle spasms, went to the hospital, they didn’t test for anything and sent me home. After playing basketball last Friday (contact) I’ve had a sore throat, a terrible migraine and muscles spasms.
The symptoms except the sore throat haven’t gone away and aren’t remedied with any of the migraine meds that usually work. My neck hurts and my head hurts all the time but gets a little better when laying down. I see the doctor that did the epidural on Monday but I’m scared that this is life threatening as my head hasn’t hurt this constantly before. It’s not covid, strep, or mono as I’ve been tested for all of them. Please help or ask details as needed! I’m not sure what to do.
Edit: I should probably add that I had a root canal around the same time of the epidural that I just needed a revision for today. After getting it done the endodontist said the migraines should not be because of the root canal, and if I was getting them the revision should help but I’m still in a lot of pain today as well.
submitted by mmorgan_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:16 Far-Impression-1519 I need some help!

I need some help!
Hi for a week or so I have been feeling this outrageous pain in the back of my teeth. I’m traveling on Saturday for 9 days. I went to the doctor TWICE and he told me approved the traveling cause it doesn’t look like an infection or something dangerous and the best is go wait until it recovers.
I have diabetes type 1, my levels have been pretty good 80-102 , and my A1C is 6.8 also I had a kidney transplant a year ago
I’m mainly afraid that it could get infected and something like sepsis could happen.
For the pain he gave me tramadol which I take barely I really take it when the pain is just insufferable. He told me to do a lot of warm gurgles with salt, which have helped me a lot!! I’m eating soft foods and drinking just temperature drinks (I won’t say it’s warm but it just doesn’t hurt.
My dentist told me when I come back we can do an xray and really see the problem. Yesterday I got a super deep cleaning and they had to put local anesthesia for the pain.
I do think this problem is just something that was going to happen since I wasn’t the best at keeping my diabetes controlled when I was younger
If y guys can recommend any home remedies I would appreciate it
I have been brushing 4 times a day and there’s barely any blood but there’s is a bit of yellow ish liquid
submitted by Far-Impression-1519 to PeriodontalDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:13 mmorgan_ 27 y/o female with possible CSF leak

On April 24th I got an epidural for my herniated disc. Everything was fine but a week later I had a sinus infection with muscle spasms and a headache. The doctor gave me antibiotics and I was fine a few days after. Then a week later I got a super bad migraine with muscle spasms, went to the hospital, they didn’t test for anything and sent me home. After playing basketball last Friday (contact) I’ve had a sore throat, a terrible migraine and muscles spasms.
The symptoms except the sore throat haven’t gone away and aren’t remedied with any of the migraine meds that usually work. My neck hurts and my head hurts all the time but gets a little better when laying down. I see the doctor that did the epidural on Monday but I’m scared that this is life threatening as my head hasn’t hurt this constantly before. It’s not covid, strep, or mono as I’ve been tested for all of them. Please help or ask details as needed! I’m not sure what to do.
Edit: I should probably add that I had a root canal around the same time of the epidural that I just needed a revision for today. After getting it done the endodontist said the migraines should not be because of the root canal, and if I was getting them the revision should help but I’m still in a lot of pain today as well.
submitted by mmorgan_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:57 Lost-Inevitable-9644 Should I go to the doctors and get antibiotics?

Hi guys, so I have a bartholin cyst that got so massive the other day I finally decided to try the home remedies. I put a warm compress on it and when I woke up it had burst in the night. That was two days ago and ever since then it has been draining, just blood and liquid on the first day but now i’m noticing pus.
The problem is I was taking antibiotics yesterday but I just ran out today. I am a bit concerned about the pus and worried about getting an infection. I have to take specific antibiotics too because I also have IBD and am taking a lot of medication for that. Do you think it’s worth going to the doctor tomorrow and seeing if I should get some more antibiotics? Or do you think if I take care of it for the next few days I shouldn’t be at too much of a risk for anything major? And probably wont get an infection if i look after it?
Really appreciate the help! xxx
submitted by Lost-Inevitable-9644 to BartholinCyst [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:53 RealisticFlower2640 Home remedies for yeast infection

I just got treated for a UTI and got my period as i was treating my UTI so i’m assuming that made my PH way off. Im experiencing tenderness around my vulva and redness so I think it’s a yeast infection but my doctors appointment isn’t till next week so is there any way I could treat this at home?
submitted by RealisticFlower2640 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:12 Prestigious-Chef3338 Need advice on 6 week old kitten care

I work at an elementary school and we found a kitten in our school garden. I offered to take it home, but stopped at the vet first just to check his overall health. Vet says he is about 6 weeks, male, about 1 1/2 lbs, and has upper respiratory infection, so we have him on a 10-day course of antibiotics. Otherwise, the vet didn't express any concerns.
His current set up is in our guest bathroom (out of reach of our other 2 cats), with wet food and water, a litter box, blankets, and toys. He's been home with us for about 24 hours and here are some of our noticings:
He won't eat or drink water
He hasn't gone to the bathroom, litter box or anywhere else
He is very playful and sweet, so his overall energy level seems okay
What are some suggestions for eating and drinking? Should we try milk replacement in a bottle just to get him to eat? When should we be concerned about the bathroom? Any at home remedies to encourage poop and pee? Once 10 days of antibiotics are over, does anyone have some suggestions for socializing with our other cats? One is 8 and one is 2 (he still has a lot of kitten energy).
Thanks so much!
submitted by Prestigious-Chef3338 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:36 cam9329 What was your treatment for Lyme or other tick borne illness?

Looking to learn more about what everyone’s treatment for Lyme disease/co infections was like! I know everyone will respond differently to treatment but just curious to learn about other individuals experience with this.
  1. What medication(s) and duration were you prescribed?
  2. When did you notice symptoms start to resolve (if they did) during treatment.. half way through, after treatment completion or are you still trying to relieve symptoms?
  3. What other remedies have you tried for your symptoms that are not prescription medication that helped you (ie. sauna therapy, epsom salt bath, etc) ?
submitted by cam9329 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:08 Fakestares HELP/ swollen

Is there any way to reduce a swollen helix with home remedies.
My double helix got infected 4 days ago with a lot of swelling, I did daily salt soaks and the pain and irritation got less, now it’s just swollen. Is there anything I can do?
submitted by Fakestares to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:41 Adept_Living_209 "Quick and Effective Wound Care Solutions for Dubai Homes"

In the fast-paced lifestyle of Dubai, having quick and efficient solutions for Wound Care at Home in Dubai is essential. Whether it's a minor scrape or a more significant injury, knowing how to properly treat wounds can make a significant difference in preventing infections and promoting faster healing. This article provides practical and effective wound care tips specifically tailored for Dubai homes, ensuring residents can handle common injuries with confidence and ease.

Rapid Response to Wounds

When dealing with wounds, time is of the essence. Following these quick and effective steps can help mitigate risks and promote optimal healing:

1. Cleanse the Wound Immediately

Upon sustaining a wound, the first step is to cleanse it thoroughly with lukewarm water and mild soap. Remove any dirt or debris from the affected area to minimize the risk of infection.

2. Apply an Antiseptic Solution

After cleaning, apply an antiseptic solution such as hydrogen peroxide or iodine to the wound. These solutions help disinfect the area and prevent bacterial growth, reducing the likelihood of complications.

3. Cover with a Sterile Bandage

Once the wound is clean and dry, cover it with a sterile bandage or adhesive strip to protect it from further injury and contamination. Change the bandage regularly to maintain cleanliness and promote healing.

Tailored Wound Care for Dubai's Environment

Dubai's unique climate and environment present specific challenges for wound care. Consider the following factors when treating wounds at home:

1. Moisture Management

In Dubai's hot and humid climate, excessive moisture around the wound can impede healing and increase the risk of infection. Use breathable dressings and avoid occlusive materials that trap moisture.

2. Sun Protection

Protect the wound from direct sunlight and extreme heat, as prolonged exposure can delay healing and cause discomfort. Cover the wound with clothing or a bandage and seek shade whenever possible.

3. Hydration

Ensure adequate hydration to support the body's natural healing processes. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration, which can slow down wound healing.

Effective Wound Healing Remedies

In addition to conventional wound care practices, certain natural remedies and home remedies can aid in the healing process:

1. Manuka Honey

Known for its antibacterial properties, Manuka honey can be applied topically to wounds to promote healing and prevent infections. Choose medical-grade Manuka honey for optimal results.

2. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent option for treating minor wounds and burns. Apply pure Aloe Vera gel to the affected area for relief and faster healing.

3. Turmeric Paste

Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound with potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Mix turmeric powder with water to form a paste and apply it to the wound to aid in healing and reduce inflammation.

When to Seek Medical Attention

While many wounds can be effectively treated at home, certain situations require prompt medical attention:

1. Deep or Large Wounds

Deep or large wounds may require stitches or medical intervention to ensure proper healing and prevent complications.

2. Signs of Infection

If the wound shows signs of infection such as increasing redness, swelling, warmth, or drainage, seek medical attention immediately.

3. Wounds in High-Risk Areas

Wounds located near joints, on the face, or those sustained from animal bites may require specialized care to prevent complications and promote optimal healing.


Having quick and effective wound care solutions at home is essential for residents of Dubai, where injuries can occur in the blink of an eye. By following the practical tips outlined in this article and being mindful of Dubai's unique environmental factors, residents can confidently manage common wounds and promote faster healing while minimizing the risk of complications.
submitted by Adept_Living_209 to u/Adept_Living_209 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:57 NaturalBournBuilder Hacking AI

Hacking AI
Just for the record, I'm not a doom and gloomer. I don't get the feeling that AI is going to kill most of us and put a leash on the rest, I am more concerned about the practical means of safely distributing the most disruptive and socioeconomically altering technology that any of us has ever seen while making it immensely hard for bad actors to manipulate, weaponize, and deploy AI against the rest of us who just want to sit in awe and appreciate the pure genius of it.
I made a prediction at the beginning of this year that AI would become more difficult to hack in 2024. We are almost halfway through the year and I don't see many signs of progress in this area unfortunately. I am posting this here because I am hoping this reaches as many people as possible. Maybe someone out there can see a path to AI safety more clearly than I do.
Please note: the photos attached are NOT from ChatGPT.
submitted by NaturalBournBuilder to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:46 Valkress My First Project!

My First Project!
Hi guys! First-time poster, first-time creator. I have released my little brainchild finally because I thought it would be unfair to keep such a neat idea to myself. So I'll give a quick description, with a link, and the never-before told story of how I came up with it.
So this little supplemental piece is a body-horror fantasy disease that ultimately results in loss of humanity or death. It also has color-based variants. Imagine Weredragon meets Necromorph. ewwww. I put some other slippery lore tidbits in there, like a short-term remedy or it's connection to chromatic and metallic dragons and Dragonborn. Dracophagea
le cover
So there's that. Here's the tea on it's creation however. I have a friend who DMs a lot. I love him, but most of his ideas are uninspired and repetitive. In the last campaign, everyone would die and have to make a pact with some deity to come back to life, gaining new powers in the process. He wanted to start the new campaign the same way.
I asked if he wanted some creative help for the upcoming campaign, hoping it would make the game more enjoyable. I had been so frustrated with the lack of danger and constant item giveaways in his campaigns that I was trying to kill my character off towards the end. He often misunderstood or ignored characters’ personalities and backstories, like gifting a warforged who wanted to feel human the power to become a machine god.
After the last campaign ended, he accepted my offer for creative help. He was excited to brainstorm with me. However, he stated he wanted everyone to start the new campaign by, yet again, dying and having to form a pact. I suggested alternatives to avoid stripping players of their choices. For instance, a cleric or a good-aligned character would likely choose to die rather than make a pact with an evil entity. I proposed powerful creatures or demon lords that could perform rituals or cause curses, cults or royal families imposing their will on the players—anything but the “you die and make a deal to come back” scenario.
He then proposed this scenario: "The party is in a tavern as the sun sets over Neverwinter. Suddenly, alarm bells chime, and they step outside. A Great Wyrm destroys the city and kills the party. Now they have to be mercenaries for Tiamat."
I told him I liked a lot about the setup but had a different idea that could catch the party off guard. He said, "Cool, let's hear it."
Here’s my scenario: "The party is together at sunset in the tavern when the alarm bells go off, just as you said. They run outside with the crowd and see a huge dragon approaching in the sky. It comes in for a landing but fumbles it. It stands up and begins decimating nearby structures. At this distance, the party can see that something is wrong with the dragon. Hot liquid drool drips from its mouth, its skin sags like a sheet draped over bones, its color is less saturated, and its eyes are sunken in. Something is very wrong. The dragon spots them and stumbles forward on its unwieldy legs. Have the players roll initiative. Give them a good scare. In the middle of the dragon’s turn, before it can harm a party member, it collapses to the ground, dead. There’s a brief moment of confusion before it starts rapidly decaying, as if the natural process is on fast forward, and a noxious gas begins to spread. The party is now infected."
his response was simple: "Nah , I prefer if the big dragon comes and fuck's shit up."
So that was the end of me playing dnd, and the beginning of me running it.
Part of the process of making my campaign meant that I could flesh out ( lol ) this disease and really make it my own. In my personal campaign, The cult of dragons has released a special form of this rare disease that require one of each chromatic variant of infection, when the infected progress to the final stage, their fleshy amalgams of bodies will converge and form a new body for Tiamat, on the material plane. The way I plan to implement this leaves rooms for choice. They can pursue development of a cure, pursue a bargain with Tiamat, pursue help from Bahamut, perhaps find a way to yet again seal Tiamat and her influence even further away. This is keeping it simple in case I can learn how to turn such a campaign into a setting.
submitted by Valkress to dmsguild [link] [comments]