Birthday mms greetings sound

AUDIO POST! *Voice actor totally grabs your attention...* Maybe?

2024.06.04 19:20 MaDMaXvHD AUDIO POST! *Voice actor totally grabs your attention...* Maybe?

Hey there Stranger!
We are all rather familiar with the basics of a text post here on Reddit, or hell- The internet in general.
While I certainly believe some people do an outstanding job at projecting their personality via text.. I am definitely not one of those people!
Therefore, I greet you with a uhh-.. Totally unique and definitely never done before idea (It's sarcasm, shh)
A voice post! Take a listen and see if I sound like someone you would particularly be inclined to wanna chat with. If not? No harm! I completely understand.
Everyone has a flavor they prefer~
submitted by MaDMaXvHD to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:20 meep1004 Are these the basic premises of JW?

Hi, I am just a fellow ex-cult Mormon members and curious about your cult
I ask AI and these seem to be the basic premise of your religion:
You guys sound like a fun religion to be part of though
submitted by meep1004 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:11 Zestyclose_Street562 Do I cut off my “best friend”?

About 3 years ago I reconnected with an old friend from high school, and we became extremely close. We started hanging out all the time, and became each other’s best friend. At some point I lost some friends so she was pretty much my only friend, and even though she had a couple other friends, she would just hang out with me. As time passed I could start noticing how different we actually were, and I questioned many times if we were actually best friends or if I was just scared to be alone. Also let me mention that 85% of our plans were to get drunk, and if we were doing any type of activity we would always find a way to involve alcohol and get shit faced. She was always a very good friend to me, she was really caring, and was there for anything/everything, to the point that my mom started to acknowledge how unconditional she was with me. About some months ago, maybe 8-10, I don’t really remember she started getting closer to an old friend of hers (she said her friendship with that friend was really complicated because her friend would always leave her), when she started hanging out with this friend she distanced herself from me, but after some time they got into a fight and she came back to me, this happened like 2 more times, until she said she was actually done with that friend, and everything was normal again between us, but all of a sudden she sees that friend at a party, and comes back telling me that they talked and everything is okay, and that she’s going back to church (I forgot to mention her friend is EXTREMELY catholic). She started distancing herself again, and a week later comes and tells me she’s converting into a full on catholic and needed time to “re-evaluate” all the people in her life and that basically she had to question our friendship (i’m not a religious person) which really hurt me but we moved on from that. Since she started to devote herself to God and the church, our friendship changed a lot, because our plans before were to drink and sometimes go partying but I didn’t wanna seem like a bad influence in her life. To make the story short, we kept distancing, but at the same time have conversations where we would tell each other how much we appreciated the friendship, she would tell me she missed me, and that i was her best friend. Throughout this time she said a bunch of little things that would hurt me, like one day we were hanging out with 2 of my friends that moved to my city and she said something along the lines of “i lost my best friend” referring to her other friend because they had gotten into a fight again. We stopped hanging out because she had a lot of activities at church and would hang out with her church friends after but we would still talk through the phone. To me the cherry on top was my birthday, I had planned a trip to new york with my other 2 friends so she took me out to dinner to a fancy restaurant the day before i left, while we were having dinner and talking, she would grab her phone every two minutes to text her friends back and she would even laugh at her phone while i was talking to her, i felt disrespected, hurt and just confused on why she would spend money and time taking me out for my birthday if she couldn’t even be present, i didn’t say anything that day and just went on my trip. When I arrived at NY we were texting but I stopped replying and kinda didn’t talk to her because i was busy with the activities my friends had planned. When i got back she expressed to me that she was hurt because i ignored her throughout my trip and i apologized and explained to her that i was busy and my friend had my phone most of the time because he didn’t want it to get stolen. She supposedly had planned a birthday weekend for me and had booked a hotel for us to go on a little road trip after i got back from ny but she didn’t mention anything after the trip so i tried to bring up maybe doing something on the weekend and she completely ignored that and started telling me how her friends dog was sick. Talking to her started to make me feel anxious and hurt, so one day she called me i kinda told her we had to be realistic, that our friendship wasn’t what we thought it was, that we didn’t hang out or were as close. 3 weeks went by and we didn’t speak at all, i saw she went to ny with her friend (the one i had mentioned) and i think other friends as well, in those 3 weeks i felt at peace, and realized that some of the things she would tell me kinda sounded manipulative, like if she wanted to make me feel as if i was so important in her life to just keep me there in case something would go wrong with her other friends. After no talking for 3 weeks she reaches out and i tell her that in my eyes the friendship was over, that the decision i’m making it’s what’s best for my mental health, but she refuses to accept it, just keeps telling me that she doesn’t wanna lose me, and that the reason why she reached out 3 weeks later is because her and her other friend are not friends anymore and she didn’t want me to think that she was just coming back because her friend left her again. she keeps insisting in us seeing each other, in me giving her another chance, and saying i’m being unfair, and that the only reason why she’d distance herself was because she was trying to figure herself out and not because of other people (in different ocasiona she’d tell me “how are you still here after so many times i’ve fucked up?” “how do you keep forgiving me?”) but part of me feels like she’s just scared to be alone (this past weekend i saw her location was just at her house) and she just keeps telling me to not leave, and refuses to accept my decision. I don’t know if I’m being too dramatic with my decision or if i’m right
submitted by Zestyclose_Street562 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:52 Superb-Intern-2706 It all started from Sleep Paralysis

Before I tell, I hope there is someone out there could help me and tell what type of shit I'm experiencing or how will I escaped this hell..sorry for the grammar. Please help me out..
Greetings, I am here to tell my experience about my sleep paralysis turn into worse called lucid nightmares (?idk if this is the word to put on). I'm experiencing sleep paralysis since 8th grade, I'm incoming 2nd year college student. Okay, I will tell how my sleep paralysis get worse
(1) A SHADOW HUMAN FORM STANDING BESIDE A HOLE It was started when I moved into my auntie’s house. That night, I slept late around 2am. Suddenly, I feel in my dream I can’t move, the place is same with my aunt’s room. I tried to speak but I couldn’t. I screamed. I moved my body as I can but nothing happened. There was a heavy presence and starts panicking me out. While experiencing that, I saw a hole beside me (left). There was a human form standing with hole. No face, just human covered with pure black. What I felt there is the hole trying to grab me that makes me more panicked. I only escaped through moving my toes that once my Mom told me that if I can’t move in a dream, I should do that. I thought it was just nightmares, but I found out it’s called Sleep Paralysis. I was fool when I think I won’t experience anymore. It got worse and worse to the point I just slept and it's already attacking me. What worse is, there are many episodes happens in just one night.
(2) A LITTLE GIRL CRYING A month passed, sleep paralysis didn't haunt me not until one night. I slept around 4am because I studied for my final exam. It haunt me again but this time it was different. The hole and the black human thing gone. It's a little girl beside my right, sobbing too much. When I'm in the middle of escaping, the cry from the little girl changing into laugh. I was scared again and I was grateful that time that I got escaped.
(3) MANY PEOPLE'S VOICE SHOUTING This time, I was dreaming I'm in my room playing games but then my ear suddenly hurt and I could hear people's voice shouting that I don't know where it come from. I was in the middle of the dream but I'm sure I can't move, nor move my fingers. Suddenly, I'm in my room, laying down, facing the ceiling, but still I can't move so I know I'm having sleep paralysis.
(4) STILL SLEEPING I don't know what to caption because I don't know what called of it. It's like I experienced sleep paralysis in a dream. I escaped it but Im still stuck in dream. I'm still sleeping. I didn't woke up yet. It's like even I escaped sleep paralysis, I still not waking up in reality. Luckily, I escaped it when my dog jumping in my stomach.
(5) LUCID NIGHTMARE This is currently I'm experiencing. Sleep paralysis background area is same with the area you slept with. But now, I'm experiencing sleep paralysis when I'm having a dream. Sometimes when I'm having a dream, I suddenly know I'm dreaming then it starts having this heavy pressure and stop me from moving or what. I'll give one situation that happened, I dreamed of me walking in a road then I realized I'm dreaming and the cloud started going red and the people starts looking at me and walking at my spot. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know that I can tell I'm in a dream. But I escaped thinking positive scene i want in that dream. Then boom, I woke up.
Now, I don't know what to called. Am I going crazy? Or something happening to me? Sometimes it's just normal sleep paralysis but sometimes it's worse. There were times I really don't know how to escape anymore and when I started to give up, there's like a sound that hurts my ear. It's like the sound on the hospital when the person is dying. Please help me..Please..I beg of you, guys. Sorry if I can't explain it.
submitted by Superb-Intern-2706 to LucidDreaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:47 mizunekko Pokemon Go Plus + Songs

Hello! Has anyone else had their Go Plus + not make sounds very much or when it's supposed to? I've set alarms and my birthday and it hasn't been going off at the right time and very sadly didn't sing happy birthday to me today. 😅 I'm wondering if there's som extra step I'm missing somehow.
submitted by mizunekko to PokemonSleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:46 CKheCKer5 Missed Miscarriage - Dads View

This is our second pregnancy, I came home from work on our first childs second birthday to him wearing an oversized t-shirt that had a controller and the words level up on it and my wife had added "Big Brother" in vynil to it. We were so excided to grow our little family. Fast forward to yesterday, we went in for the first prenatal appointment at the 9 week mark, the ultra sound tech was talking and then finally asked how sure are you about your last period? You may not be as far along as you think. My wife responded with 99% positive, the measurments and what she was seeing was more in-line with a 6 week pregnancy however there was no sign of our baby anywhere only the sac and yolk. After talking with the midwife she was fairly confident that this is a missed miscarriage. They took blood to confirm for sure but they are pretty confident. My wife is supposed to get a phone call today from a group doing a study on drug to help pass the misscarraiage at some point today where she will participate in a trial study for this drug to try and get FDA Approval, apparently its something that has been used for decades and has lots of possitive information behind it and is said to be more successful than the current FDA approved medications.
Right now I know i feel sick with grief of the possability of our little one and the sibling bond that would develop for our first born. For months now we have had family asking about when we will have another child and we had not told them that we were currently pregnant, now I fear for when someone brings it up again since I dont feel like either of us are going to be ready to say anything to anyone in the near future. As of now the only person that i know of that knows is her mother since she told her the truth about why we needed her to watch our son yesterday afternoon and that the appointment was not the results we had expected. We were originally planning on telling our families about the pregnancy on Father's Day.
I have no idea how to process any of this and more importantly how to help my wife through everything that she is going through and what may lie ahead.
Just got a call from my wife. She has an appointment today for an appointment for this trial where she will have 3 appointments over the next 7 days. This one today will be 3 hours long, and I am stuck at work unable to be there for her. What are some things I can do to help her through all of this? I know that I will never fully understand her experience through this emotional and decvistating time but I want to understand the best I can to be able to support her to the best of my abilities.
Note about this study: There are two groups, one that is put on the medication and one that is monitored for a week without medications. I do not currently know what group she will be placed in.
submitted by CKheCKer5 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:44 Temporary_Type_5290 Not really revenge… JUST INSANE.My ex was living a double life….I exposed him and now he acts like it’s my fault everything happened.

I was with my ex for 9 years. yes, 9. We met in highschool when I was 14 and he was 16. Everything went pretty well, into the 8th year he bought be a car for my 21st birthday and would frequently send me large sums of money (like $1000 at a time). After that I had a few deaths in the family that hit me really hard and I was also in nursing school at the same time so def struggling. Anyways the problems started when he had problems with me grieving. I remember I was crying and he told me “your uncle died 3 months ago, how long are you going to act like this.” Anyways we moved past that and then went into the summer. I would occasionally hang out with friends and go to the lake or out to eat. (All my friends were girls and we were long distance by like 2 hours). But one night I went to a wing place with my friend and he kept INCESSANTLY calling me, making me FaceTime him my booth and prove no men were there and he spent the entire time accusing me of cheating on him. (I should’ve left then). Anyways I forgave him and we moved on and a few months later I had a friends wedding to attend. He kindof wined a lot and would get super man if things weren’t his way so I told him he didn’t have to come if he didn’t want to and that I planned to stay late. At the wedding he tries to get me to leave early constantly, and he started getting upset with me. Towards the end of the night he asks for gum, but I don’t have any so I told him I would ask one of the bridesmaids, she took me into the brides room and gave me a peice of gum (keep in mind he was literally with me just standing like 3 feet behind me). Anyways I give him the gum and we leave the wedding. On the way to the hotel we park and this man slowly turns his head to look at me and he says “are you fucking braindead when you drink?” And then proceeds to accuse me of cheating on him and says that anything could’ve happened in the brides room EVEN THO HE WAS 3 feet BEHIND ME. so we fight and make up again. About a month later he was visiting in my town and while he showered he asked me to sit in the bathroom with him and hangout so I agree. While he’s in the bathroom he gets a FaceTime call and I see a blonde bitmoji as the contact photo. At first I just ignore it thinking like yeah maybe he just has a friend or coworker who is a girl and they’re just gonna catch up. He tells me to let it go to voicemail. Right after that call he gets 2 snapchats from the same person(same name as contact & blonde Snapchat emoji). Then she calls again. So at this point I’m Suspish. so when he goes to work I go on his following on insta and try to find the girl and I request to follow her. I then call him because it was literally eating away at me and I was freaking out. So I basically say somthing along the lines of “I don’t want to accuse you but I have a really bad gut feeling… and I continue to basically say that if it were me and the roles were reversed he would be pissed”. He responded by saying she was a coworker and old friend and that nothing was going on and he can understand why I’d be upset but he offered to let me read their messages once he came home. (Bc he could’ve deleted them) anyways, I decline because I trusted him enough I guess. But I had told a friend about it so she requested to follow the girls account. The girl denied my request. About a week passed and I was in my nursing school clinical and my friend texted me asking to call her which was weird because she sounded so serious. So at the end of the call she sends me a photo of this girls insta and the first pic is them KISSING on a fuckjng date. So I confront him and all he says is “what do you want me to say”. I tell him he has 24 hours to be at my house or we are done. He was in cali for “work”. AND SHE WAS THERE WITH HIM. he had also previously invited me on a trip to go skiing in Utah but I couldn’t go because of school. I saw on her tik tok that he took her. Anyways once I found out I told EVERYONE what he did. (Parents, grandparents, friends, my family etc. ) literally anyone who would listen because I was scared if I kept it quiet I would go back. At this point we are broken up. He admits to cheating with atleast 3 other women. about 2 weeks go by and once again when I’m in my nursing clinical I get a text that his dad murdered someone and is going to prison . Then 2 weeks after that I found out that unfortunately his mom committed Suicd*. Which was so very sad. I tried to originally be there for him when this happened but he blamed me saying I shouldn’t have told anyone. Later I found out the car he gave me as a gift was never owned by him, and that he put it as collateral against a loan. He proceeded to make me feel guilty and told me I’m lucky he hasn’t taken the car from me or removed me off the insurance. It’s been about 10 months since this has happened. The stress from it was so bad that I had to go to the hospital because I sent myself into ketoacidois from not eating and working out too hard (oops). I had to get checked for STDS too which was great.(negative for all horray). Now I’m with a man who treats me like a princess and never fails to make me feel loved and I’m about to graduate nursing school! This is a tale to all women, know your worth and leave anyone who doesn’t treat you like you deserve because SOMEONE WILL. I wouldn’t have gotten through this without my family and friends so also make sure you have a good support system ❤️
submitted by Temporary_Type_5290 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:27 Lowkii_96 AITH for telling my wife’s cousin to stop forcing me on double dates with her boyfriends?

My wife is livid with me because I snapped on her cousin on my birthday. For context, she and her cousin (let’s call her Anne) have developed this codependency because Anne has been thru a lot of trauma so my wife feels the need to be there for her whenever she calls. Anne wanted to join in on my birthday plans (which was just me and my wife) and despite not truly wanting her there, it’s not beneath my wife to have a mood swing and ruin the entire day, so I thought having Anne there would mitigate that potential. (Back to my birthday later)
I don’t mind Anne personally, but if she’s not calling on my wife to do some menial thing with her for hours at a time, she’s injecting herself into whatever I have planned with my wife. I work two jobs and get minimal dedicated family time so when I have the opportunity to get that time I don’t usually want to share it, so having to always share it with her cousin is irritating enough even though I’m fairly fond of her.
Anne just got out of a bad relationship and is already infatuated with a new person. The old guy got drunk and made a scene at a party at my house a couple years back and Anne was there sobbing into my chest begging for help. Now Anne and my wife are trying to force me into double date situations with this new guy even though I’m not comfortable with him. Inviting him into my home, hijacking plans I made with my wife and inviting him without consulting me then making me the bad guy who says they can’t come and ultimately bringing him anyway.
On my birthday my wife mentioned our future plans to see Black Eyed Peas in concert, and Anne immediately attached herself to them and invited her boyfriend as well, wanting to make it a group event. I snapped a bit, asking Anne how serious she was about this guy because he gives me red flags (frequent trips to DR, doesn’t greet the owner of the home when entering, she is afraid to smoke/drink and be honest about other vices with him) and she is already considering moving in and having a child with him less than 6 months of knowing him. I told her I don’t vibe with him and I would prefer not to be consistently put into these 2-2 situations despite clearly articulating that I’d prefer not to. She cried and said she’s not coming around anymore and now my wife is threatening to take the baby and leave
submitted by Lowkii_96 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:19 NightCities13 Game 101 Part 1

Starting off with a Bang
Euphemia Demigloss sat in the commentator’s chair, a revived Ennius Dalton seated next to her. They excitedly greeted the viewers, and a third chair was seen turned around. Euphemia explained that each Games, they would be joined by a third commentator. The chair turned around to reveal Asha Seetle, who didn’t seem pleased to be present.
It was revealed that since no one had won the 100th Games due to the District Games abductions, the mentors for each District would perform the reaping, and for each Games afterwards the newest victor would perform the reapings as usual, doing their own District last.
Cameras focused on District 8, where Ava Berrick and Nette Charles were walking out onto the stage. Ennius commented that District 8 was a “weak District” with “little to no survival and weaponry skills.”
District 8
Ava and Nette watched the youths head into their enclosures, with Ava gently grabbing Nette’s hand and giving her a hug. Ava comforted an upset looking Nette as the last of the youths lined up, before taking on the speech herself.
Nette then walked over, apologizing to the female youths, before choosing the name of seventeen year old Fabricia Sands. A taller young lady with long brunette braids and blue eyes walked to the stage and shook Nette’s hand. Ava seemed shocked, as Fabricia was the daughter of her former mentee and revived tribute, Chintz Sands.
Fabricia was one of Chintz’s three children, and was his only daughter. She had earning acclaim with her new dying idea that made things easier for factory workers. Fabricia smiled at Nette, giving her mentor a pat on the back.
Ava then reached into the male bowl, finally choosing a slip of paper from within. Ava chose the name of sixteen year old Velour Boynton. Gasps were heard from the crowd as Mayor Chenilla Boynton nearly collapsed in horror. A blonde haired boy with blue eyes walked to the stage, much calmer than his mother.
Velour and his twin sister Velvet were close, often spending large amounts of time together. Their older brother Victor was slated to take their mother’s position when she retired.
The tributes were taken into the town hall for visits with their loved ones, while the remaining youths headed home or to work. Nette and Ava headed to the train, with Ava comforting an upset Nette.
Fabricia visited with her father, Chintz and her older brothers, twins Damask and Denim. Chintz had had all of his children using a now deceased friend as a surrogate. Chintz comforted his daughter, hugging her and telling her he loved her. Damask and Denim hugged their sister, wishing her luck in the upcoming Games. As soon as Fabricia left, Chintz broke down in tears.
Velour said goodbye to his mother, who promised to use her contacts to help him. His father was much more silent, tears at the brim of his eyes as he said goodbye to his son. Velvet cried and told Velour that she loved him, while Victor was silent, giving Velour a hug, but was too upset to speak. Chenilla sobbed as her son was taken away, with her husband and elder son comforting her.
On the train, Fabricia and Velour met up with Ava and Nette. Ava pulled out throwing knives and began teaching Velour, while Nette helped Fabricia. Both tributes were surprisingly fast learners, and Ava seemed very happy with both of them.
A large meal was brought in, and after they all ate, Ava showed her tributes the Games she had won, the 81st Games. Fabricia and Velour watched in interest as Ava explained various ways to win. Velour suggesting sneaking up on and killing large threats as a team, which Ava seemed to think was a good idea.
The next morning, the train arrived at Snow Station. Ava and Nette fixed Fabricia and Velour’s hair and clothing, before giving them advice on how to handle the Capitol crowd.
Fabricia and Velour handled the excited Capitolites quite well, with both having good manners and making a good impression.
At the apartment, Ava congratulated the two on a job well done, before getting to work on their parade outfits. Ava chose regal purple outfits with puffed sleeves, a velvet suit for Velour and a ball gown for Fabricia. Nette also helped collects measurements and decided to curl both Fabricia and Velour’s hair.
Ava turned on the television, where District 1’s reaping was just beginning. Ava said that District 1 was the richest of the main 12 Districts, with its citizens being used to win. She also commented that District 1 was one of two career Districts, and they needed to be watched out for.
District 1
Mirai Kobayashi and Dollar Crusoe stood on the large stage, with many areas prepared for the reaping games. Sixteen females and eighteen males chose to volunteer, and there would be three voting rounds. Round 1 was for weaponry, Round 2 was for any other skill, and Round 3 was the interview.
Round 1 would narrow the volunteers down to eight, while Round 2 would narrow them down to four, Round 3 would narrow it down to two, and then a final voting session would be held to see which young lady and young man would become tribute.
Two young ladies made it to the final round. Amatista Bocelli (17) had great archery skills, and great camouflage skills. She had a feisty and fun attitude. Beautia Jones (17) was part of a family often considered to be District 1 nobility, and had strong knife throwing skills. She also was a fast runner and quite quick witted with her answers.
Ultimately Beautia won the role female tribute over Amatista due to being able to be quicker with the knife throwing than Amatista was at drawing her bow. Beautia had blonde hair and blue eyes, and had great energy and quick wit.
For the males, it was Sardonyx Kensington (18) versus Bronze Bathurst (18). Sardonyx was great with a spear, and had a clever mind, especially when it came to identifying plants and fruits. Bronze was a bit more muscular than Sardonyx, and was great with a sword and had talents with lifting weights.
Ultimate Sardonyx came out on top when he revealed that he was Dollar’s nephew via his sister, Emerald. Sardonyx looked similar to his uncle, with olive skin, black hair, and green eyes.
In the town hall, Beautia assured her parents and younger brother Jaden that she would be fine and would finally bring home a victor for all of the Jones family and District 1.
Sardonyx said goodbye to his parents, older brother Cobalt, and younger sister Firoza. He seemed quite confident in his skills, and told his family that he would see them soon.
On the train, Mirai seemed happy to work with Beautia on her knife throwing skills, while Dollar worked with Sardonyx on his spear throwing skills. Dollar told Sardonyx how proud of him he was.
Beautia suggested allying with the 2s again to be a bigger throat, and Mirai admitted that she and Dollar had agreed to have the career quartet between 1 and 2 start back up again. Mirai described how Selena and Rubius seemed agreeable and excited.
A few hours later they arrived at Snow Station. Beautia and Sardonyx were happy to greet the Capitol, and both were pleased with the attention the received.
At the apartment, the two met their stylist, Pandora Whimsiwick. Pandora dressed the two in a scarlet dress and suit that were covered in garnets and rubies. Sardonyx had a long scarlet cape, while Beautia had a hoop skirt.
At the parade the next day, Beautia and Sardonyx met the 2s, Rena and Acrisius. Rena seemed happy to proclaim that she was from a middle class family, while Acrisius bragged about being a nephew of Rubius Dalton.
The four took a look around at their opponents, with Beautia pointing out Darya and Creek (4), Adrienne (5), Lorena and Parker (7), Bahia (9), Esteban (10), and Mullein (11) as the biggest threats due to their size. Acrisius laughed at Fabricia and Velour, calling them “weak looking.”
Fabricia and Velour were petting the horses, and heard the careers talking about them. Fabricia was relieved that they weren’t seen as threats, and tried her best to ignore the careers. Velour told Fabricia not to mind the careers, as they would “get them later.”
The chariot call sounded, and the tributes stepped onto their chariots, as they started to move, Fabricia grabbed Velour’s hand. Beautia giggled in glee, nearly losing her footing but Sardonyx managed to save her in time.
Beautia and Sardonyx were the first to pass through the gates. They waved at the Capitolites, even throwing rubies into the crowd. Many tried to catch the rubies.
Fabricia and Velour received applause for their regal couture outfits, with both smiling and waving, pure excitement on their faces.
Once the event was over, Fabricia nearly fell over when a stylist suddenly smashed into her. Fabricia managed to catch the woman as Creek (4) angrily shouted insults at the stylist and had to be taken away.
Later that day, Agatha Anderson was on television to announce Best Dressed. To the shock of many, she was tied between Districts 1 and 8, and asked the Capitol to help her. By a narrow margin, District 8 managed to win, and money was given to the families of Fabricia and Velour.
Beautia and Sardonyx walked into training the next day, discovering that Rena and Acrisius had also arrived early. The four trained at various weaponry stations, and the other tributes arrived shortly afterwards.
Magnus Plinth had great talent with weaponry and other skills, leading him to be chosen as the new Training Master. He quickly set some ground rules, before sending his tributes off to fight.
Acrisius beat and humiliated Creek, while Synergy and Ikano hid in the electronics station. Darya hid in the pool while Creek was beaten, while Sardonyx beat Parker, Esteban, and Mullein in three separate fights one after the other.
Beautia beat Adrienne and Lorena, leaving them crying, while Rena left Bahia laying on the floor after defeating her. Barack (5) stayed in the chemical station, but did pull Adrienne over to the medical station, where Jessica and Nadir (both 12) helped heal him.
Linh and George (both 14) were both frightened and upset, and hid in the corner. Both were aged thirteen, the youngest pair this year.
Fabricia and Velour worked with knives, and saw Kinley and Elko camouflaging themselves. Fabricia commented that it reminded her of dying clothing at home. Velour saw Miller get forced into a fight with Acrisius, and appeared to feel bad for the boy.
Fabricia saw Wanda crying, and learned that the young woman had two children at home. Fabricia showed her sympathy and gave Wanda a hug, while Velour was watching Abelia, who was the youngest tribute at twelve, get bullied by Rena and Acrisius. After the 2s left, Velour gave Abelia a hug and comforted her.
Training was declared over shortly afterwards, and the tributes were taken to a waiting room to await being assessed.
Cameras were now allowed in the assessment room, and Beautia had a strong display with knives, while Sardonyx threw his spears at targets. After a brawny display by Rena and Acrisius, a more intelligent show was seen by Synergy and Ikano.
After a swimming display from Darya, Creek tried to attack the assessors, resulting in a half hour break while he was tased and restrained. After the skills were shown by the tributes from 5, 6, and 7, Fabricia and Velour showed off equally strong knife displays. A mix of skills was shown from the remaining five Districts, then the assessments were over.
Score Reveal
Capitolites, mentors, and tributes awaited the score reveal. Ennius appeared on the screen, stating things off with a 9 for Beautia, then a 10 for Sardonyx. Rena and Acrisius also earned 10s, while Creek earned a notable 1. Adrienne scored an 8, while Lorena and Parker scored 7s.
Fabricia and Velour were both happy with their 6s, while Bahia scored an 8. Esteban and Mullein also scored 8s, while Abelia, Linh and George scored low at 2s and 3s.
This was the lowest scoring year in a while, but the Capitol remained excited for the Games.
The next evening, it was time for tribute interviews. Euphemia Demigloss was dressed in a beautiful multicolored dress. After introducing herself and welcoming viewers, she called Beautia to the stage.
Beautia was her usual giggly self, but faltered a bit when asked about how she felt having the lowest career score. Beautia ended on a high by speaking of her excitement for the Games.
Sardonyx was quiet and confident, exuding strength. He seemed happy to speak of his connection to Dollar, but spoke of wanting to create his own legacy.
Creek tried to attack Euphemia, leading to him being dragged off the stage and tased. Adrienne spoke of wanting to see her siblings again, while Lorena and Parker spoke of being childhood friends.
Fabricia was next, and said that she wanted to honor her father, Chintz, as well as all of District 8. Fabricia said she knew she was weaker, but wanted to prove herself.
Velour stated that he wanted to win to show that District 8 wasn’t weak, and he wanted to be the first mayor’s child to win in a long time. Velour said that he wanted to see his twin sister Velvet again.
After depressing interviews from the 9s and 10s, Abelia’s proved to be even more saddening, when she begged to be sent home to her parents and siblings. Mullein was even less confident, and after the boring interviews of the 12s and 14s, it was time to talk to the Game Maker.
Game Maker Juliana Ricci spoke of wanting a “return to form” and said she had many plans for arenas. Many in the Capitol seemed curious about the arena this year, but Game Maker Ricci refused to say anything else.
The Final Night
At the apartment that night, Mirai and Dollar showed Beautia and Sardonyx the 84th, 94th, and 95th Games, and tried to get them used to what would occur over the next few days or weeks.
Fabricia cried as she admitted that she wasn’t ready to die, and Nette gently comforted her. Velour sat with Ava and asked a few questions about sewing armor.
After a night’s sleep, the tributes were awoken the next morning and fed a large breakfast, before being taken to the hovercraft.
Hovercraft and Launch Rooms
Beautia sent an excited look over to Rena, while Sardonyx and Acrisius discussed what they thought the arena would be. Fabricia started to cry and shake, but sent a weak smile over to Wanda. Velour looked over at Abelia, who was crying, before closing his eyes and wincing as the tracker was put into his arm.
After a relatively short ride, the tributes were taken off the hovercraft and to their launch rooms. They were dressed in t shirts of their district colors, black shorts, and white socks and tennis shoes. They were then visited by their mentors.
Mirai wished Beautia luck, giving the girl a pat on the back. Mirai watched as Beautia got into her tube. Meanwhile Dollar told Sardonyx to make him proud, and seemed very excited to see his nephew fight.
Nette and Fabricia were both in tears, with Nette giving Fabricia a long hug. Ava hugged Velour, telling him that he had the smarts to win.
The tribute tubes rose up into the arena, and the mentors were taken to the Game Maker building, which had apartments. Here, the mentors would watch the Games and also live while the Games occurred.
Mirai and Dollar began conversation with Selena and Rubius, while Ava comforted Nette as she sobbed. The arena became visible on the screen, and many mentors were surprised.
submitted by NightCities13 to christianblanco [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:05 afraidbuttrying shut my moms fake crying down faster than she could actually produce the tears 😂

On Sunday I had to see my uBPD mother and enabler stepdad/mom’s ex husband for my baby sister’s 8th grade graduation. It went better than I expected with only two very minor hiccups.
When I arrived I was with my brother and aunt who are both also no contact with my mother. We were also joined by another aunt, also NC. (my moms a cunt, straight up, and the whole family is becoming real sick of her shit)
We couldn’t hear it at the time but my baby sister came to greet us after she walked the stage and unknowingly let it slip that when my mom saw us all together she muttered a “oh hey my fan club is here” comment. I just rolled my eyes but one of my aunts took big offense to it which kind of became annoying because shes the most recent to go NC and is kind of obsessed with talking about mom but refuses to go to therapy. (for clarification they are sisters raised by the same parents and i know my aunt has unhealthy coping skills but i wouldnt consider her to also be borderline, just a bit emotionally stunted) Luckily she had to leave as soon as the ceremony ended so there was no real drama, but we did also find out that my grandma shut down the fan club comment by saying “well at least theyre here, i dont see any of your or ex husbands family here to support baby sister.”
Anyway there was a small after party for my sister at a local pizza place and it went almost entirely without incident until the very end where she tried to corner me. I was walking out of the room to find my brother at the arcade when my mom stopped to ask if I would like to take home any leftover food and i said a polite no thank you. Then this harpy takes it upon herself to turn to me fully and start her fake water works with the most pathetic face and say “i love you, you don’t have to talk. i just w-“ and i cut her off saying “✋🏻 nope, i’m not doing this with you right now” and walked away before any of her crocodile tears could run down her face. I left 5 minute later after saying goodbye to my grandparents.
Setting boundaries and refusing to engage in their nonsense is so much easier when you can spot their manipulation tactics from a mile away. “you don’t have to talk” my ass! Conversations are a two way street, you cant hold me hostage to force me to listen to your little psychotic proclamations of love anymore. She doesn’t even know what love feels like anyway. But after all this I feel perfectly content knowing I wont have to see her for at least two years til my baby brothers graduation. (not the one sitting with me, but our youngest sibling)
The cherry on top is that its my brothers 21st birthday today and mom tried to zelle him $100 as a gift despite being NC and he sent it back with the note saying “i don’t need your fucking money” and i KNOW shes distraught and bitching about it to anyone who will listen. 😂
Anyway, if you need encouragement just know the world will 100% keep turning if you keep a firm boundary with your BPD.
submitted by afraidbuttrying to raisedbyborderlines [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:00 Psychological_Push24 REQUEST: Would you rather? ADHD Edition questions

TL:DR: throwing my student who has adhd a birthday party! Needs suggestions/examples on “would you rather” questions specific to how our adhd affects us!
Hi everyone!
First time posting! I love this community so much. I got a late diagnosis, and this subreddit has really helped with the grieving this past year!
Onto the question:
I work as a private educator, and I have a student whose birthday is coming up very soon. I plan to throw her a “sleeping” themed birthday party because she also has ADHD and is constantly mentally fatigued. We relate a lot on that aspect and make jokes all the time how much we love our sleep. When I told her I was going to make her birthday “sleep” themed, she laughed and seemed excited!
Important to note: she recently got diagnosed as well and struggle sometimes with believing it’s valid since her teachers and parents thinks she just “needs to put in more effort”. She also struggles with anxiety/depression and is very hard on herself due to this lack of understanding from those around her. Personally, for me, I suspected she had it the first time I worked with her as symptoms sounded familiar! She is a young teen.
One activity that I‘d like to do is “Would you rather? ADHD edition” where I’ll ask hypothetical questions relating to ADHD symptoms/scenarios, and we both answer! I want to request some questions ideas! Make it as funny, difficult, ridiculous and relatable as possible! Could be a “positive” or “negative” to our symptoms! My goal is to have fun but also bring humor to our situation while helping her feel validated. Thanks everyone! Can’t wait to read them :)
submitted by Psychological_Push24 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:55 btn3-20characters Advice?

My boyfriend is wanting a record player for his birthday. What is something I should look for when buying?
I don’t want something that is gonna break quickly or sound like crap. He’s s heavily into music
submitted by btn3-20characters to turntables [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:44 rdoe221989 Feeling Torn About Two Girls

I met girl A about 1 week ago. We've been on 3 dates already and gotten somewhat physical but no sex yet. We spent the night together but didn't do anything besides cuddling. Her birthday is today so I asked her to meet again on Thursday for dinner and to spend the night. From the very start, this girl mentioned to me that she didn't want to have a relationship and that all she wanted was to have some company and have a good time. She's had some bad experiences in the past and she doesn't seem too interested in having a formal partner. She is divorced and has 1 child. Even though I like her and she's been very kind to me, I do have some concerns about a long term relationship with her.
So now, to my actual dilemma... I met girl B a couple of months ago from a dance class we both attend to. Recently we randomly matched on Tinder and recognized each other. This got us talking and we agreed to meet tomorrow for a coffee date.
Even though I have concerns with A's history and current status, I still want to meet with her and see how far it goes, specifically with the intimacy aspect but I don't want feel that I'm taking advantage of her if I end things soon because I feel that things might go better with B after our date tomorrow.
Am I'm overthinking this too much? I have no serious commitment with neither A or B yet so... it can go either way. Should I say something to A before so I don't lead her on?
I have 0 experience with women, so please bare with me if this sounds too immature. I genuinely feel conflicted about it. I don't want to hurt anyone.
submitted by rdoe221989 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:39 LivingProfessional59 I want to block everyone I went to sixth form and school with?

I want to block everyone I knew in school. Has anyone ever done this before? Have you regretted it?
To give some insight into my situation I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness. I tell you this because some therapists have said this may be the reason I struggle to connect with people. I don’t really have a shared frame of reference with other people other than other Jehovah’s witnesses. I wasn’t allowed to have school friends, I wasn’t allowed birthdays, or Christmas parties. I feel so handicapped in the experience of what life should be. Which has left me somewhat disadvantaged to recognise abuse and when people are not your friends because I would be willing to take anyone to be my friends.
My parents gaslight me, they don’t realise how hard it is to be a teenager with no friends. My dad says I should be friends with myself, my mum has no friends.
I just feel exposed with people following me knowing everything about me without bothering to get to know me in real life. I feel out with my friends because I told them they made me feel invisible.
This topic is so close to my heart I don’t even want to share it on the internet. I’m so hurt and it’s always been this way with friendships for me. My boyfriend says things will change at uni but I don’t believe it. What makes you think the way I’ve been for the past 20 years of my life, suddenly things will change in the next three?
I don’t want people who literally watch me and not bother to talk to me, not even a hi or a greeting to acknowledge me. I want to start over. This is a very vulnerable post.
Also I’ve been to 7 schools and I’ve moved up and down the country so this could also counter why it’s so hard for me to keep friends.
submitted by LivingProfessional59 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:38 Peachie_Goose Charge extra for potty training?

So I've seen a few similar posts but my situation is a little different so I'm asking for advice:
I've been babysitting a child (F, 23mo) for the last 6 months. Her mother really wants her to be mostly potty trained by her birthday in a month. I babysit M-F from 8am to usually 5pm but sometimes get off earlier. No matter how long I work I get a flat daily rate of $35.
I agreed to this knowing it was not very much money, but the work has gotten more difficult now that she is closer to 24 months (more tantrums, hitting & throwing, picky eating, and now potty training)
Also, I have strictly kept my efforts to babysitting duties as opposed to nanny duties ie I refrain from cleaning their kitchen if it's messy, don't go out of my way to help clean, do laundry, etc. This may sound rude but I have done that with past families and they end up expecting that level of effort & more so for the pay I have not been over-extending myself (I'm somewhat of a pushover so it's a conscious effort.)
The mother asked that I take her to the bathroom every 30-60 minutes to make an attempt, and that next week she's going to put her in underwear so she might have accidents on the floor.
Lastly, I have lots of babysitting experience but none specifically potty training, and I don't have kids of my own. The mother is also expecting another baby and works from home so she's here the whole day and is currently having bad nausea throughout the day. The father is home for part of the day and is playing video games and works outside the home part of the day. Would you ask for a pay increase in this situation? What would you do? TIA:)
submitted by Peachie_Goose to Babysitting [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:26 Diligent_Employ_9386 A few quotes from The Little Prince that can warm the coldest of hearts

"Who are you?" asked the little prince, and added, "You are very pretty to look at." "I am a fox," the fox said. "Come and play with me," proposed the little prince. "I am so unhappy." "I cannot play with you," the fox said. "I am not tamed." "Ah! Please excuse me," said the little prince. But, after some thought, he added: "What does that mean--'tame'?"
"It is an act too often neglected," said the fox. It means to establish ties." "'To establish ties'?" "Just that," said the fox. "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world . . ."
"My life is very monotonous," the fox said. "I hunt chickens; men hunt me. All the chickens are just alike, and all the men are just alike. And, in consequence, I am a little bored. But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. I shall know the sound of a step that will be different from all the others. Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me, like music, out of my burrow. And then look: you see the grain-fields down yonder? I do not eat bread. Wheat is of no use to me. The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the color of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat . . ."
"One only understands the things that one tames," said the fox.
What must I do, to tame you?" asked the little prince. "You must be very patient," replied the fox. "First you will sit down at a little distance from me--like that--in the grass. I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings. But you will sit a little closer to me, every day . . ." The next day the little prince came back. "It would have been better to come back at the same hour," said the fox. "If, for example, you come at four o'clock in the afternoon, then at three o'clock I shall begin to be happy. I shall feel happier and happier as the hour advances. At four o'clock, I shall already be worrying and jumping about. I shall show you how happy I am! But if you come at just any time, I shall never know at what hour my heart is to be ready to greet you . . . One must observe the proper rites . . ."
So the little prince tamed the fox. And when the hour of his departure drew near-- "Ah," said the fox, "I shall cry." "It is your own fault," said the little prince. "I never wished you any sort of harm; but you wanted me to tame you . . ." "Yes, that is so," said the fox. "But now you are going to cry!" said the little prince. "Yes, that is so," said the fox. "Then it has done you no good at all!" "It has done me good," said the fox, "because of the color of the wheat fields."
"He was only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But I have made him my friend, and now he is unique in all the world."
submitted by Diligent_Employ_9386 to NPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:25 Rossismark F/29 M/31 pictures of the past?

I just want to get this off my chest and I don't even know how positive the outcome of this will be.
So, long story short: My girlfriend and I are very transparent to each other and I have a problem with retrospective jealousy, so I asked some questions. She told me that once, around five-six years ago, she sent a guy she went out with for a couple of months a 10sec video of her in lingerie (simply bra and panties); nothing sexual, just her laying on the ground sending a kiss, it was for a birthday. So now... Maybe it's because I'm from a different generation, maybe it's because I really don't believe in the human specie, maybe because I'm Italian and she's American (very different cultures about this), but I don't really like this thing.
I keep wondering if this video is around, etc. etc. The positive side of it is that I trust her, I know that there is plenty of content out there by various girls and I know it's nothing extremely sexual or erotic, but still, it bothers me. She also says that he's probably not the type of spreading it around anyway, but I know people enough to not trust him. I know that she wasn't really into "erotic" stuff so I know for sure that is nothing incredible, she also proposed to me to see it, but I know it's not a good idea as for how I am I would find a problem no matter what.
How can I overcome this problem? Everyone around me is trying to normalize this, but the feeling of someone else having a video like this really disturbs me, even if I understand it's something innocent and not erotic.
I might sound extreme, but this thing is turning me off to a point I'm even thinking about breaking up, and I know it's resonating with something illogical too.
Thank you for your honest opinion.
submitted by Rossismark to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:25 LivingProfessional59 I want to block everyone I went to sixth form and school with?

I want to block everyone I knew in school. Has anyone ever done this before? Have you regretted it?
To give some insight into my situation I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness. I tell you this because some therapists have said this may be the reason I struggle to connect with people. I don’t really have a shared frame of reference with other people other than other Jehovah’s witnesses. I wasn’t allowed to have school friends, I wasn’t allowed birthdays, or Christmas parties. I feel so handicapped in the experience of what life should be. Which has left me somewhat disadvantaged to recognise abuse and when people are not your friends because I would be willing to take anyone to be my friends.
My parents gaslight me, they don’t realise how hard it is to be a teenager with no friends. My dad says I should be friends with myself, my mum has no friends.
I just feel exposed with people following me knowing everything about me without bothering to get to know me in real life. I feel out with my friends because I told them they made me feel invisible.
This topic is so close to my heart I don’t even want to share it on the internet. I’m so hurt and it’s always been this way with friendships for me. My boyfriend says things will change at uni but I don’t believe it. What makes you think the way I’ve been for the past 20 years of my life, suddenly things will change in the next three?
I don’t want people who literally watch me and not bother to talk to me, not even a hi or a greeting to acknowledge me. I want to start over. This is a very vulnerable post.
Also I’ve been to 7 schools and I’ve moved up and down the country so this could also counter why it’s so hard for me to keep friends.
submitted by LivingProfessional59 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:16 Jkid789 Before the Final Shape, I just want to share the story of my Guardian's Resurrection

It was a brisk winter night as the Little Light floated across the snowy street. This place, according to records in the City’s databanks, had once been a metropolis of human life. People and Exos enjoying their lives and living as free as could be. The Golden Age tech that was once so abundant here was now nothing but scraps scavenged from the Fallen and pieces decimated by the Darkness. This place was just another dark reminder of the torment from the Collapse.
The night drew darker as clouds shifted overhead and the once light snowfall shifted into a frosty blizzard which shook the Little Light’s shell as it failed to fight against the wind. This was no place for his Guardian. Nothing belonged here anymore.
Just up ahead, across the street, the Little Light saw a skyscraper still mostly intact. The vibrant designs and name on its side had faded from recognition centuries ago, and while he could easily research what it used to be from some old data files the City maintained for historical purposes, he found no reason for it. By this point, it didn’t matter and he didn’t care. All that mattered was finding the Guardian he belonged to. Centuries had passed since he’d first started this journey and after watching a hundred others find their meaning, he was left thinking he would have to leave Earth to find what he was looking for.
He had heard the tales about others who left the relative safety of Earth to find their Guardians. They hitched rides with scouts going on missions to other planets, and were left alone to find their match. Sometimes they returned, but most of the time they didn’t. Either they were dead from whatever darkness that lay in wait, or they were still searching and hoping they chose the right planet. He didn’t like the idea of being abandoned somewhere like Venus only to discover he had made a terrible mistake.
As he floated into the building, he was greeted with the all too familiar sight of skeletons and exo frames strewn across the floor, buried in snow. Beings who were once the inhabitants of this place and had likely spent their last days in terror. Many sets of bones were interlaced with each other and it was apparent they had died huddled together. Whether it was to maintain warmth during a blizzard like this one, or to comfort one another in an uncertain time, he didn’t know. But what he did know was his Guardian, however unlikely, could be in the building, and since he couldn’t leave until the snow storm died down, he might as well start scanning the remains.
It was a depressing task to take on. One by one he scanned each set of bones and was disappointed by the lack of Light each one of them possessed.
He thought back to when he was first constructed from the Traveler’s Light and the job of finding his purpose seemed so exciting and hopeful. He was determined to find the one he belonged to for decades, not out of duty to what was left of Humanity, but because he wanted to show the world how great his Guardian was. He could feel it in his inner workings.
None of the corpses here possessed the ability to wield the Light. There was a gaping hole in the floor above him that extended all the way to the roof and he passed through it. It was dark on the second floor, and what little light the moon had offered through the clouds had been snuffed out as they shifted once more. He turned on his flashlight and looked about the room. There was nothing. A quick lap around the floor showed there were no remains in any room at this level. The Little Light moved on to the next floor. Then the next.
There weren’t any signs of skeletons or Exo frames until the 27th floor where he found an auditorium full of them. They lay haphazardly in chairs and scattered on the floor. A bright light emitted from his eye, and he began his scans again.
Over the course of the centuries he had spent scanning bodies, the feeling of loss he experienced had shrunk. The Collapse was ages ago and all these people died shortly after the Darkness arrived in the system. He no longer felt sad for what happened. There was no point in it since he could not change anything even if he wanted to. It was his duty now to find his Guardian so that they could stop something like the Collapse from happening again by using the Traveler’s Light.
He had just scanned the last of the bodies sitting in chairs and was moving towards the front of the auditorium when the building shook. Chunks of concrete fell from the ceiling and crashed to the floor. To his left, the entire exterior wall crumpled away and dropped to the street far below.
I guess this building isn’t as stable as I thought. I should leave.
But before he could act on that thought, something stopped him. Pulled at him more like. He turned around to face the stage and saw another pile of bones and metal. He floated to it as a steady stream of concrete rained around him.
Was this it?
On the stage, there were two broken Exo husks laying next to each other. One male and the other female. Their fingers interlocked with one another. As he got closer, he felt a strong connection to the male. The Exo wore a suit of light armor and in his other gauntleted hand, sat a silver and blue hand cannon. The Little Light hovered above the Exo. On his chest piece there was a name which was largely unreadable, the only part clearly distinguishable was the number at the end: ‘4’.
He was glad this Exo didn’t have a name. If it was in fact his Guardian, like this strange feeling had suggested, he wanted to be the one to name him. A reward for his long search. This Exo was now with who he belonged and he wanted the world to know it.
A pebble fell from the ceiling and pinged off the Little Light’s shell. He dipped in place and was brought back to the current situation. The skyscraper was about to collapse and if his Guardian was still in it when it did, it would be a pain to retrieve him from the rubble.
I hope this works.
The Little Light scanned the Exo on the floor and prepared himself for his first resurrection. His shell exploded into a loose sphere of Light and he felt the Traveler pierce his being. It was a power he had only dreamed of using until this moment. So much energy and life seemed to engulf his shell and he began to wonder about the great things his Guardian would achieve.
He focused on the husk laying on the stage and with a great effort, projected the Light he held into the lifeless being. The Little Light watched as pieces of the Exo’s face that were once missing appeared. Corrosion that had accumulated over the centuries since his death dissipated into thin air. The color of his metal exterior returned to reveal a short, thick, bright blue fin on the top of his head which contrasted his otherwise black frame. His eyes activated to show a pair of energetic orange lights. He sat up.
It worked! After all this time I finally found the person I am able to spend an eternity with!
“Hello!” He said to his Guardian for the first time, “I am-”
The Exo screamed as he made eye contact with the cube and swatted it out of the air. It tumbled to the ground in a heap, bounced, and rolled off the stage.
“Ow…” The Little Light slowly elevated itself off the floor as it returned to its Guardian, “Can you please refrain from doing that?”
“What are you Cube?” The Exo said as he scoot backwards.
“I’m a Ghost. Well, I’m your Ghost now. And you are my Guardian. I’ve been looking for you for longer than you can imagine.” The Ghost inched closer to his Guardian. He rotated his back half on its axis.
“Looking for me? Why can’t I remember my name?” The Exo pressed his hand to his head in a fit of confusion.
“Indeed! You were dead but I brought you back! As for your name, well that’s because of the resurrection process. Guardians don’t remember anything about their past life really. I don’t know what your name was, but I’ve always called you Iden in my head.” The Ghost moved in close to his Guardian and stopped in front of the number on his chest, “I guess that would make you ‘Iden-4’ since you’re an Exo.” He looked back up to make eye contact.
The Exo looked at him and the look of confusion grew. It had to be weird for him to come back to life and see a floating cube talk to him. In fact, he knew it was confusing, he had the dents to prove it. “This will all make sense when we get back to the City,” He said in reassurance.
The Exo stood up, and as if by habit slid his iron into place at his side. His gaze drifted from the floating cube and to the female Exo laying on the ground as he noticed her for the first time. He stared at her for a long moment before asking, “Who is she?”
“I-I don’t know.” The Ghost rotated to face her as well before looking back to his Guardian. Whoever she was, they both knew she had been important to Iden previously.
“What’s your name?” the Exo asked softly as he turned away from the woman.
“Whatever you want it to be. I wasn’t born with a name. None of us Ghosts are. Our names are something our Guardians give us. Any ideas?” The Ghost bobbed forward in a show of anticipation. There was a pause as the Exo thought. “Ordis!” He snapped his fingers.
“Ordis? As in ancient French for ‘computer’?”
“Yeah! That’s it.” The Exo put his hands on his hips and smiled as if he was proud. An orange glow illuminated from his mouth.
“You sure call it as you see it.” the Ghost muttered in semi-disappointment. His Guardian was apparently not imaginative.
A slab of concrete fell from the ceiling and crushed the far side of the stage. The two flinched as the sound of snapping wood startled them into a fight or flight mode. Another section of roof fell and another.
“This building is coming down.” the Ghost said, panicked. “We need to get out of here.”
“Where’s the stairs?”
Another thick chunk of concrete fell loose from the ceiling and fell right where Iden was standing. The Guardian reacted on instinct, leaping to the side off the stage, and rolling over a pile of bones. The concrete fell on top of the Exo woman, through the stage and broke the floor creating a massive hole in the auditorium.
The floor continued giving way as if creating a sinkhole that was going to consume the entire room. The floor under Iden gave way and he struggled to grasp something to keep himself from falling to the bottom. A piece of rebar stuck out from where his foot had been and he just barely managed to grab a hold of it as gravity took him. When the building stopped shaking, he was finally able to pull himself back up into the auditorium with ease.
“There’s no time for the stairs Guardian. You’re taking the short route.” Ordis said as he floated to the hole in the exterior wall of the room.
The Exo followed him to the ledge and looked down into the cold winter night. The blizzard had died down in the time since Ordis had first entered the building. Now everything was covered in a layer of snow.
“You want me to jump?” The Exo was shocked and terror filled his voice. “That’ll kill me!”
“But at least you’ll be outside.” Ordis tried to reassure him.
“Outside?” His voice was full of more panic. “That doesn’t solve the problem of death!”
“Why are you hesitant? You were just dead and I revived you!”
He caught the Exo in confusion again. He could tell his mind was racing as he tried to think of another way out.
“Look,” the Ghost floated in front of his Guardian as he tried to level with him. “I resurrected you. Remember? I can do it again and again so long as the Traveler gives us Light.”
“The Traveler? You’re connected to it?” What remained of the floor behind them began to sink to the ground far below.
“Yes. Now look. You can either jump down there, die, and let me revive you again.” He turned and faced the ground hundreds of feet below them, “Or you can wait until this building collapses on itself and make me have to dig through tons of concrete to revive you.” They turned to the sinking floor behind them. The groaning of metal and foundation echoed through the night.
“Those are some terrible choices.” The Exo said, frustrated as he faced his new reality.
“But they are your choices now because you’re alive again.” Ordis paused and lowered his voice, “If you trust me, please choose the easy path.”
The New Light turned to the ledge again and looked down. Everything was white and it made judging the distance to the bottom pretty difficult. Ordis hoped that fact was comforting to Iden.
The Guardian shook his head in apparent disbelief, took a few steps backwards, sprinted for the breach, and jumped.
submitted by Jkid789 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:15 AdHopeful4394 How to get my ferrets to eat treats?

This may sound kinda weird, but I want to give them a treat for awards and birthdays, but they don't seem to like anything. Suggestions?
submitted by AdHopeful4394 to ferrets [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:14 AdHopeful4394 How to get my ferrets to eat treats?

This may sound kinda weird, but I want to give them a treat for awards and birthdays, but they don't seem to like anything. Suggestions?
submitted by AdHopeful4394 to ferrets [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:12 nuttygal69 How to just not be disappointed with husband about my birthday

My husband told me his idea for my birthday this year is to pick up my son after work and come home around 7pm with dinner so I can have a couple hours alone.
I’ve been asking for him to do something with my son for months, preferably on the weekend because I’m exhausted after work already, and this is where that comes from. With good intentions. He gets to be alone after work 3 days a week, and I usually take my son somewhere on the weekend about twice a month, sometimes more, so he’s alone during the weekend too at times.
I feel so ungrateful that I’m upset with him. Yes, I do want to be alone. But not on my birthday, which sounds so dumb, I know it’s just a day. I’m 7 weeks from having our second kid and I just want a day where we do something I don’t have to plan. I’ve expressed this on birthdays before.
I don’t know what I want from this post. I know I’m being a hormonal asshole.
submitted by nuttygal69 to Mommit [link] [comments]