Heartgold action replay codes entei

Action Replay

2014.07.30 21:46 slowlike_emu Action Replay

If you're looking for a cheat, why not ask? If you know an awesome cheat, why not share it? This community shares codes related to the Action Replay for any and all systems/platforms.

2021.05.24 10:31 SoddenPantsu Action Replay Codes

Codes for any and all games for the Action Replay.

2014.06.09 16:02 Hano009 Action Replay Power Saves

The is the official unofficial subreddit for the Powersaves tool for Nintendo's 3ds.

2024.06.04 16:55 AverageJoeRentsMotor Need help with a joystick

building a joystick for a school project but me and my partner got 0 clue what to do now after building it, so here we are
we are trying to figure out if we can keybind the joystick to the arrow keys somehow or how to code the pins to perform the up/down/left/right actions. its going to be connected to a raspberry pi 4 model b starter kit. this thing is literally made of wood, wires, screws, and a doorstop and there were no instructions given on how to code it to work. any help is appreciated
submitted by AverageJoeRentsMotor to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:54 Objective-Salt-2306 How can I use an image button to set variables that then determines the content to play?

I have image buttons in a gallery screen that I'm using to direct players to replay specific portions of my project's content (think of it like the players have unlocked story endings that they can then replay), but two of those image buttons are going to be directing to the same introductory content before then branching off to the specific endings.
For context, the desired behavior is:
Here's the code I currently have for Buttons 1 and 2
default playcontentsectionAandthensectionX = False default playcontentsectionAandthensectionY = False screen endings: tag menu use game_menu(_("Endings"), scroll="viewport"): vbox: xalign 0.5 ypos 0.05 grid 3 18: top_margin 50 spacing 45 imagebutton: #Button 1 insensitive "lock1.png" sensitive persistent.unlock_endingforcontentsectionX == True idle "unlockidle1.png" hover "unlockhover1.png" action [SetVariable("playcontentsectionAandthensectionX ",True), SetVariable("playcontentsectionAandthensectionY ",False), Replay("contentsectionA")] imagebutton: #Button 2 insensitive "lock2.png" sensitive persistent.unlock_endingforcontentsectionY == True idle "unlockidle2.png" hover "unlockhover2.png" action [SetVariable("playcontentsectionAandthensectionY ",True), SetVariable("playcontentsectionAandthensectionX",False) Replay("contentsectionA") 
The problem is I keep getting an error with initializing the game when I go to test it; the project won't open at all. I'm still really new to coding in general so it's very likely I'm missing something really simple or obvious, but if anyone could provide any assistance, I'd appreciate it. Thanks very much!
submitted by Objective-Salt-2306 to RenPy [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:51 WanderingPotato02 [ask] Velocity and Position relation in Godot 2D PhysicsProcess

Hello! I am new to game dev, I have been testing Godot for a while...
In this code I tried to make the sprite to jump straight.
using Godot; using System; public partial class player : CharacterBody2D { public const float Speed = 60.0f; public const float JumpVelocity = -420.0f; // Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes. public float gravity = ProjectSettings.GetSetting("physics/2d/default_gravity").AsSingle(); bool isJumping = false; bool stopJumping = true; public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta) { Vector2 velocity = Velocity; GD.Print(Velocity, Position, delta); if (Input.IsActionJustPressed("jump") && !isJumping) { velocity.Y = JumpVelocity; Velocity = velocity; isJumping = true; stopJumping = false; } else if (isJumping) { velocity.Y = Mathf.MoveToward(velocity.Y, JumpVelocity * -1, Speed); if (stopJumping) { velocity.Y = 0; isJumping = false; } else if (velocity.Y == JumpVelocity * -1 && !stopJumping) { stopJumping = true; } Velocity = velocity; } MoveAndSlide(); } } 
I noticed that every 60 velocity, It will add 1 to position...
So, when the Velocity.Y = -420 the Position.Y = ~7. I don't get why is it per 60? is it because of FPS? The output of above snippet will be:
# (velocity,position,delta) ... (0, 0)(0, 0)0,016666666666666666 (0, -420)(0, -7,0000005)0,016666666666666666 (0, -360)(0, -13,000001)0,016666666666666666 (0, -300)(0, -18,000002)0,016666666666666666 (0, -240)(0, -22,000002)0,016666666666666666 (0, -180)(0, -25,000002)0,016666666666666666 (0, -120)(0, -27,000002)0,016666666666666666 (0, -60)(0, -28,000002)0,016666666666666666 (0, 0)(0, -28,000002)0,016666666666666666 (0, 60)(0, -27,000002)0,016666666666666666 (0, 120)(0, -25,000002)0,016666666666666666 (0, 180)(0, -22,000002)0,016666666666666666 (0, 240)(0, -18,000002)0,016666666666666666 (0, 300)(0, -13,000002)0,016666666666666666 (0, 360)(0, -7,0000014)0,016666666666666666 (0, 420)(0, -9,536743E-07)0,016666666666666666 (0, 0)(0, -9,536743E-07)0,016666666666666666 (0, 0)(0, -9,536743E-07)0,016666666666666666 (0, 0)(0, -9,536743E-07)0,016666666666666666 (0, 0)(0, -9,536743E-07)0,016666666666666666 (0, 0)(0, -9,536743E-07)0,016666666666666666 .... --- Debugging process stopped --- 
And resulting in this movement:
is there any recommended resource to understand this concept any further? Thank you!
submitted by WanderingPotato02 to godot [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:46 QuadrupleU Spme questions before the second Kickstarter

Hey all, I've read reviews and found most where talking about the emotional aspect and the comparisons to 7th content. Normally I am keen for those kind of reviews but have some practical questions for people who played the game and know both its quirks and highlights. 1. How long is setup time between games in 1 scenario and between scenarios? Might use the remove everything from the table and set it up exactly the same yo be able to play 1 hour sessions. 2. How easy is it for someone to join in for some sessions? 3. How good is the storytelling and what impact does it have on the game? 4. Maybe counterintuitive to the point above. How much character building is there? In regards to character specific skills, classes and possibly items? 5. How good is the replayability after a threat/campaign or multiple threats? The game says 1000+ minutes but is it fun after that or even working towards the end of a threat?
Maybe some comparison questions to Sleeping Gods which seems to span the same main explorative elements. I partially really liked and partially not liked SG. (Have lost 1 campaign, haven't started another, group of 4) 6. I loved the random quests with deeper (and sometimes plain funny) stories spanning multiple spaces and sometimes changing the game objective (although sadly not enough). How is this in this game? 7. Loved the idea of the event cards before turns as to generate the idea of stuff happening in this world. Sadly did not like how resolving them was just looking if you had enough x of y or wanted to embrace the occurent bad result. We ventured very far so might have gone into too hard terrain. 8. Does 7thC have multiple action phases like in SG? Ex. First you choose your boat action and then a main board action. Allowing for a bit more strategy.
Thanks alot! Hopefully this helps more people than just me
submitted by QuadrupleU to 7thcitadel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:20 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress patterns and page templates

WordPress Patterns and Page Templates

Key Takeaways

Unleash the power of WordPress with Gutenberg patterns and page templates, the cornerstone of creating visually appealing and high-performing websites. Whether you’re crafting an engaging homepage or optimizing for speed, these tools offer unparalleled flexibility and ease of use.

What are WordPress Patterns and How Do They Differ from Page Templates?

WordPress patterns are pre-designed layouts of blocks that you can insert into your content to create complex layouts quickly. Page templates, on the other hand, are predesigned page layouts that include all necessary elements for a specific type of page. Patterns offer modular design elements, whereas templates provide a comprehensive framework for entire pages.
Creating an engaging website is made simpler with WordPress’s Gutenberg editor, leveraging its rich library of block patterns and comprehensive page templates. These tools empower both novices and seasoned web designers to construct professional, consistent websites with ease. By integrating WordPress patterns and templates, along with optimizing for performance and engaging content presentation, you can significantly enhance the user experience and effectiveness of your WordPress site.

Table of Contents

  1. What is WordPress?
  2. Understanding WordPress Patterns
  3. Using WordPress Templates
  4. Optimizing Page Template Performance
  5. Samples You Can Try
  6. Types of Gutenberg Patterns
  7. Frequently Asked Questions

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a leading content management system (CMS) that simplifies web design for many users. With features like patterns and templates, WordPress makes creating a website accessible and efficient.

Understanding WordPress Patterns

WordPress patterns are predefined designs that form the basic structure of your website. These can be customized to create unique web pages. Patterns can be created manually within a post or page in the WordPress dashboard and inserted using the block inserter.

Steps to Create Patterns:

  1. Select Type: Choose the type of pattern you want to create, such as a header, footer, or hero section.
  2. Place Blocks: Begin placing blocks onto the page and customize them to your preferences.
  3. Save Pattern: Once customized, save it as its own block or group of blocks for future reuse.
  4. Use Pattern: Drag and drop the pattern into place from your library of saved patterns.

Using WordPress Templates

WordPress page templates are predesigned layouts for specific types of pages, such as an about, contact, or product page. These templates include sections for headers, footers, images, text boxes, and more.

Steps to Use Templates:

  1. Select Template: In the editor’s sidebar menu, choose the ‘Page Templates’ option.
  2. Customize: Select a template and fill out all sections until the page is ready for publishing.
  3. Publish: Publish your newly customized layout.

Optimizing Page Template Performance

To ensure optimal performance, follow these best practices:

Samples You Can Try

Create a Home Page Template with a Prominently Featured "About Us" Section

  1. Design Layout: Determine sections such as sliders, call-to-action buttons, and menus.
  2. Place "About Us" Section: Position it prominently to highlight your brand.
  3. Structure Content: Emphasize core values, history, and team members with visuals.
  4. Link Elements: Ensure all elements link to relevant internal or external pages.
  5. Test and Optimize: Make sure the design works across different devices and browsers.

A Blog Template with a Sidebar Featuring Related Content

  1. Main Template Structure: Decide on the content types and overall layout.
  2. Sidebar Design: Include popular posts, recent posts, and categories.
  3. Plugins/Widgets: Use “Related Posts” or custom solutions to display related content.
  4. Test Functionality: Ensure content displays correctly across devices and browsers.

Types of Gutenberg Patterns

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I add a new pattern to my WordPress site?

Navigate to the ‘Patterns’ tab in the Gutenberg editor. Browse and select from various options available in the directory. Click to add the desired pattern to your page or post.

Does using Gutenberg patterns affect my site’s privacy policy?

Using Gutenberg patterns does not directly affect your site’s privacy policy. Ensure that any external content or links included align with your privacy policy guidelines.

Where can I find patterns that match my theme’s style?

In the Gutenberg editor, go to the ‘Patterns’ tab and use the search function to find patterns that complement your theme’s aesthetic. Some themes also offer custom collections.

How do developers contribute to the Gutenberg directory?

Developers can create and submit patterns to the WordPress.org directory using provided tools to build and preview them before submission.

Are there examples of how patterns can enhance my website’s layout?

Yes, our blog features multiple examples showcasing how different patterns can enhance your site’s layout and functionality.

Can I follow Gutenberg pattern updates on Twitter?

Absolutely! Follow our official Twitter account for updates, new releases, and tips for Gutenberg users and developers.

Is there a way to preview a pattern before applying it?

Yes, selecting a pattern from the ‘Patterns’ tab in Gutenberg shows a preview, allowing you to see how it will look in your post or page before applying it.

Can I customize the background of a Gutenberg pattern?

Many patterns allow customization, including changing the background. Select the pattern and use the block settings to modify colors, images, or other background elements.

How do I apply and modify blocks within a pattern?

After adding a pattern to your page, click on individual blocks within the pattern to modify them. Customize, move, or delete blocks as needed.

How do blocks and patterns work together in Gutenberg?

Patterns in Gutenberg are collections of blocks arranged in a specific layout. Add them to your page and then customize individual blocks within the pattern.

What should I name my custom pattern for easy identification?

Give your custom pattern a unique and descriptive name to make it easier to find and reuse on your WordPress site.

Where can I find more information and support for using Gutenberg patterns?

Visit the WordPress.org support forums for detailed information, community discussions, and answers to common questions.

Can I leave comments or feedback on specific Gutenberg patterns?

While the WordPress.org directory might not have a direct mechanism for comments, you can often leave feedback in related forums or on blog posts where these patterns are discussed.

Additional Resources

Official WordPress Website: wordpress.org WordPress Codex: codex.wordpress.org WordPress Theme Directory: wordpress.org/themes MaxiBlocks: maxiblocks.com YouTube Channel: MaxiBlocks YouTube GitHub: MaxiBlocks GitHub
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:17 perunamuusi_ Baptiste cute spray

So I was just wondering if it's possible to calculate how close I was from getting the cute spray for baptiste from a replay It's kinda annoying since you can't see how much healing you have amplified with the ultimate, so I just count and hope how much I "probably" have lol. I feel like I was close to getting it. Also I'm not sure if the progress stays, if I stay alive and the round ends/starts. Feel free to give tips :) Thanks in advance!
If somebody wants to check/calculate, here's replay code: K3720Q
P.S. Damage amplified was little over 1000, just curious of the heals.
submitted by perunamuusi_ to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:10 LavenderMilk-Tea Converting code to GML Visual?

There aren't a lot of resources on gml visual so i've come to ask what the funny colour blocks do. Specifically I have a hidden instances layer that i use
// Unhide the layer named "hiddenLayer" when this object is clicked
layer_set_visible("hiddenLayer", true);
to unhide when you talk to an npc (the hidden layer is the npc's dialogue box and talking sprite) and I just wanted know if anyone knows how/if I can recreate this code in gml visual action blocks? The code works fine I just am trying to learn how to use the blocks so this isn't an emergency. On top of that does anyone have any good resources that breaks down exactly what the blocks do/what they're capable of?
submitted by LavenderMilk-Tea to gamemaker [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:59 EvidenceOfDespair [Fallout TV] It’s not Vault-Tec, it’s The Enclave

So, the meeting between the corporate heads in the TV show. A lot of people have used this to conclude "Vault-Tec started the war". In my opinion, that's entirely misreading the situation. Lucy and The Ghoul have both drawn inaccurate conclusions from their limited knowledge. The Ghoul was not exactly the most perceptive guy around, and reading the news from across the nation likely wasn't something he did. What do I mean by that? Fallout 4. The Boston Bugle.
See, in Fallout 4, you can discover several articles in the Boston Bugle building from their October 19, 2077 - October 23, 2077 issue. The Great War was on 10/23/77. So, significant date range. Why do I bring this up? Here's the full text of one article:
White House Remains Empty - Where is our President? By Mags Veccio Boston Bugle Staff Writer
For more than half a year, the West Wing of America's most famous residence has remained shrouded in near complete darkness. A skeleton crew of manual laborers remains on staff to maintain the property, but nobody has lived - or worked politically - there for several months. And even though the White House Press Corps was unofficially and unceremoniously disbanded around the same time, the media has remained steadfast in answering that most important of questions:
Where is our President?
At first, the assumption was that the entirety of the United States government had moved operations to Raven Rock, the military operations center located in the mountainous region of Pennsylvania just a few miles northeast of the Presidential retreat in Camp David, Maryland. But further investigations have revealed that neither the President nor his Cabinet have been to the Raven Rock complex in over a year.
So if not Raven Rock, then where?
Thanks to an extensive and exhaustive investigation, the Boston Bugle has uncovered the answer, and our readers will likely consider it as strange as it is shocking:
The President has been leading our country from a Poseidon Energy oil rig just off the coast of San Francisco.
It's certainly an odd choice for a Presidential command center. Or is it? Not as much as it may seem, as our investigation discovered. Thanks to the testimony of a highly-placed anonymous source, the Boston Bugle has learned that the official designation of the oil rig is actually "Control Station Enclave" - giving credence to the long-running rumors of a secret, militarized "shadow government," known as the Enclave, that would take control of the United States in the event of a nuclear conflagration.
And so, the mystery of the missing President has finally been solved. But in doing so, has the Boston Bugle also uncovered evidence that the end of the world, in the form of total atomic war, is also at hand?
Sadly, the President's silence seems to speak volumes.
Oh. Well isn't that interesting? The press uncovers proof of The Enclave, who are already a known conspiracy theory in pre-war America, and within the week the bombs drop. But then there's the show itself. The first scene of the first episode of the show, in fact.
[newscaster] [over radio] …negotiations were scheduled to continue today as the White House had no comment about the President’s whereabouts.
Now, this snippet of a report could be taken in one of two ways. Either they asked a generic "where is he", or they asked a very specific "so is it true he's at Control Station Enclave?" However, either way, the very first spoken line of dialogue in the show brings up the exact same subject as the news article which exposes The Enclave to the world. Now, isn't that a bit pointed?
Then there's the cold fusion technology. Which was bought out by and controlled by Vault-Tec. Who was using it at the start of the show, doing research on it, and whose research on it led to pretty much the entire plot? Was it Vault-Tec? Nope. It was The Enclave. Who, according to Fallout 2, has override codes for the Vaults and was ultimately behind the Vault Experiments? The Enclave. So, The Enclave has consistently had access to all of Vault-Tec's stuff. Vault-Tec has always been under and a part of The Enclave.
The show brings up several times that the corporations are immensely richer than the government at this point. The show makes it quite clear who the real power is between the two.
Now, who else is there? Well, one of the major ones is West Tek's Leon Von Felden. You might remember West Tek as the people responsible for the Forced Evolutionary Virus and power armor. I think we all know how this one ties to The Enclave, right? Well here's the thing: Vault-Tec sure was involved in a lot of FEV experimentation too, weren't they? So now we have a nice little interplay between these three "separate" organizations.
Now, General Atomics isn't at the meeting, but we also know that GA and RobCo were heavily intertwined. Mr. Handy? A co-production. Liberty Prime? Also a co-production. Robobrains were a General Atomics creation, and we see one on a roomba in the show being used to house Bud. And then of course there's all the other vaults staffed with Robobrains in the show. Additionally, the Fallout 1 manual establishes that General Atomics was contracted for tech involved in the Vaults. From Page 1 to Page 2 of the manual:
Important Vault Statistics Vault Number ............................13 Starting construction date .........August 2063 Ending construction date ..........March 2069 Starting Budget .........................$400,000,000,000 Final Budget, with interest ........$645,000,000,000 Total number of occupants .......1,000 (at capacity) Total duration ...........................10 years (at capacity) Number of living quarters .........100 (hot bunking required if at maximum capacity) Door thickness ..........................4 yards, steel Earth coverage .........................3,200,000 tons of soil, at 200 feet Computer control system .........Think machine Primary power supply ...............Geo-thermal Secondary power supply ..........General Atomics Nuclear Power backup systems Power requirements .................3.98mkw/day Stores .......................................Complete construction equipment, hydro-agricultural farms, water purification from underground river, defensive weaponry to equip 10 men, communication, social and entertainment files (for total duration)
Now, REPCONN is represented at the meeting by Julia Masters. She is not a show original character. She actually comes from REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3262173 in Fallout: New Vegas. This is undated, but reveals that at one point, Poseidon tried to buy them out. Later on, Mr. House gave it a go. Mr. House, of course, has obvious reasons for wanting to own the rocket company. But doesn't it make it weird that the one dissident at the meeting, the one who isn't a part of The Enclave after the war, is trying to force a hostile takeover of another member of the meeting? Her name and position in the company come from this specific terminal, the only possible way to manage to have her in the show is to also know Mr. House was engaged in hostile action against them. Given the fact they're sitting in the same room like this, I'd go so far as to posit that this hostile takeover attempt was after the meeting, which further positions House as turning on this group.
There's more evidence for this however. House did buy out REPCONN. To quote the tour guide in New Vegas:
"REPCONN's illustrious history began way back in 2054, shortly after the famous Delta XI rocket was completed and launched. REPCONN's initial focus was on the development of fuel to be used in orbital propulsion in response to the energy crisis of 2052. Sad times, indeed. The company really took off when RobCo purchased REPCONN in late 2076 to develop unmanned rockets to explore the solar system."
Not only does this tell us that House successfully took over this company but it also gives us an idea of when the meeting takes place. No later than 2076. This makes a lot of sense, Cooper had time to go through 100% of divorce proceedings with Barb after the meeting, it couldn't have been that close to the Great War.
So, now we have a pretty good idea of the order of events here, right? Mr. House objects to the whole "blow up the world" plan and begins explicitly, openly fighting the other conspirators. He buys out REPCONN via a hostile takeover. He builds the Vegas defense system and is off by only one hour when it comes to when the bombs will fall. Thing is, Julia was also in on it. She helped make the RobCo deal go through. Why would Julia even be at this meeting if the meeting was after House took over REPCONN? They're just a subsidiary of him after that.
But it gets even more messy. Julia was a triple agent, believed to be working for Poseidon Energy. Once again, this all comes from the REPCONN terminal entries, which is the exclusive sole appearance of Julia Masters outside the show. House put REPCONN on weapons research. Julia proceeded to work to steal this research for an unknown party, said to have been believed to be Poseidon Energy. Which loops us right back around to The Enclave, whom of course were based out of Poseidon Energy's oil rig and thus very heavily intertwined. We have a strong connection between Julia Masters and The Enclave now, Robert House and The Enclave not working together, and Robert House intentionally taking over a company connected to a conspiracy involving the other two major Enclave-connected companies.
But then there's the figures in shadow watching the meeting. Who are they? Well obviously, there's no clear answer. But it seems odd to me that people don't focus on this more. There were more people present for this meeting, who aren't weighing in and the audience are explicitly kept in the dark about. Who would they be? I think the obvious answer here is the President and some staff of his.
So, Vault-Tec and West Tek are two parties whom are heavily intertwined with The Enclave, Mr. House explicitly dislikes the "start the Great War" plan, Mr. House is explicitly taking action against another party involved in this conspiracy, there's a secret shadowy group involved in the conspiracy, The Enclave is heavily implied to be trying to steal tech from Mr. House, and The Enclave was exposed within a week of the war starting. Vault-Tec was, during the building stages of the vaults, always working with RobCo, which fits his involvement up to the meeting, as Mr. Handy and Robobrains were both a joint venture between RobCo and General Atomics.
In short? Vault-Tec didn't start the war, that's just Cooper's misinformed interpretation of events and Lucy's daddy issues informing how we perceive all this. The Enclave started the war because they'd just been exposed to the public and it was now or never. Vault-Tec is just part of The Enclave.
The clincher, imo? Cold fusion. Cooper discovers that the cold fusion technology was bought out by Vault-Tec and buried. They didn't even use it in their own vaults, instead using General Atomics nuclear technology. But then, who perfected it? Who got it up and running? We see who at the start of the show as well. The Enclave. The Enclave, as Fallout 2 tells us, also has total control over the vaults. The Enclave has total control over the vaults, including getting all the data from them. They have access codes. So, who's the common factor in everything? The vaults, FEV, power armor, cold fusion, robbing Mr. House after he took over REPCONN, everything? The Enclave. The Enclave started the war, not Vault-Tec. Barb being in charge of Vault-Tec is a misdirect. "Vault-Tec" didn't nuke Shady Sands, but Hank isn't about to explain "no, actually I'm part of The Enclave and The Enclave nuked Shady Sands", he's more than happy to leave everyone in the dark about that aspect and keep the blame on Vault-Tec. Why reveal your hand? No need to go screaming out to both the NCR and The Brotherhood that their arch-nemesis is involved in all this more than they already know.
And that just guides us to one other question: who leads The Enclave now? Two presidents down, did they get a new one? From where? Who's qualified to lead The Enclave now? Barb. Barb leads The Enclave now. Vault-Tec was a major part of The Enclave before the war, the corporations had more power than the government and so were the ones really leading the charge of The Enclave, and after the war they were all folded into one unified organization. There is no Vault-Tec anymore, it’s just The Enclave.
submitted by EvidenceOfDespair to FanTheories [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:51 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress pattern library

WordPress Pattern Library Resources: Free Collections for Your Website

WordPress Pattern Libraries: Building Better Websites with Reusable Design Elements
WordPress pattern libraries offer a collection of reusable design elements that enhance consistency, efficiency, and user experience in web design. These libraries provide a foundation for building professional, user-friendly websites without requiring extensive design or development skills, helping your site stand out.

What are Pattern Libraries?

Pattern libraries are like a toolbox filled with pre-built components for creating websites. They consist of reusable design elements that maintain consistency across websites or digital products. These elements include:
Pattern libraries serve as a centralized resource for designers and developers, ensuring a cohesive and professional appearance throughout a site. By offering standardized components and guidelines, they help maintain consistency and speed up development, reducing errors and discrepancies in the final product.

Benefits of Pattern Libraries

Consistency: Ensures a uniform look and feel across different pages and sections, enhancing brand identity and user experience.
Scalability: Helps manage and scale design elements efficiently as projects grow, saving time and effort.
Accessibility: Often includes guidelines to meet accessibility standards, catering to diverse user needs.
Maintainability: Simplifies updating design elements across multiple projects, reducing inconsistencies.
Collaboration: Provides a shared language and reference point, promoting better communication among team members.
Efficiency: Reduces redundant work, improving overall productivity.
Adaptability: Designed to accommodate various devices, screen sizes, and platforms for a consistent user experience.
Pattern libraries accelerate WordPress development by providing pre-designed patterns, allowing developers to focus on customization and integration, leading to optimized code and faster development cycles.

Why Use WordPress Block Patterns?

Real-World Success Stories:
Small Business Success: The Local Basket
Challenge: The Local Basket, a family-owned artisanal food store, struggled with an inconsistent website design, affecting their brand image and customer engagement.
Solution: Implemented a free, customizable pattern library reflecting their brand’s rustic aesthetic, including typography, color scheme, buttons, and product layouts.
Results: Achieved a cohesive and appealing design, resulting in a 40% increase in online sales and improved customer retention.
Personal Blog Growth: TechTalk
Challenge: TechTalk, a blog by tech startup founder Alex, had valuable content but an uninspiring design, leading to a high bounce rate.
Solution: Used a modern pattern library to enhance the blog’s visual appeal and content discoverability, focusing on user experience.
Results: Saw a 60% increase in traffic, improved page views per visitor, and a growing subscriber base.

How to Submit Patterns for the WordPress Block Pattern Directory

A Guide to WordPress Pattern Libraries
This guide walks you through understanding core patterns and integrating them into your website.

Pattern Types

Pattern types in a WordPress pattern library are pre-designed sections or components that can be inserted into pages and posts to enhance design and functionality quickly. They include:
  1. Heroes: Large banner-like sections featuring key content or calls to action.
  2. Testimonials: Showcases customer reviews and endorsements.
  3. Team: Displays information about team members or staff.
  4. Blog: Organizes blog posts or news items.
  5. Call to Action (CTA): Prompts user responses or conversions.
  6. Footer: Contains information at the bottom of every page.
  7. Navigation: Guides users through the website.
  8. Contact Forms: Ready-to-use forms for visitor contact.
  9. Subscribe: Collects email addresses for newsletters.
  10. WooCommerce (Woo): Designed for e-commerce sites.
  11. Headlines: Stylized headings or section titles.
  12. Pricing Tables: Displays prices and compares features.
  13. Icons: Graphical icons representing concepts or actions.
  14. Logos: Displays logos for credibility.
  15. Story Mix: Combines text and imagery for storytelling.
  16. Number Counters: Animated elements showcasing statistics.
  17. Galleries: Displays images or videos attractively.
  18. Accordions: Collapsible content for FAQs or large information.
  19. Sliders: Rotating content highlights.

Integration on Your Website

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Layout Planning: Plan the placement of patterns across your site.
  2. Integration: Insert chosen patterns into pages using the editor, customizing as needed.
  3. Consistency Check: Ensure patterns are implemented consistently and are mobile-responsive.
Testing and Refinement:
  1. User Testing: Gather feedback on usability and aesthetics.
  2. Iteration: Adjust patterns based on feedback.
  3. Performance Monitoring: Ensure patterns don’t negatively impact site speed.
Maintaining Your Pattern Library:
  1. Regular Updates: Keep the pattern library and associated resources updated.
  2. Brand Evolution: Update patterns to reflect changes in brand identity.

Pro Tips for Combining Patterns in WordPress

  1. Brand Identity: Choose patterns that reflect your brand’s style.
  2. Page Purpose: Select patterns based on the function of each page.
  3. Color and Typography: Maintain a consistent color palette and font set.
  4. Visual Balance: Mix simple and complex patterns for equilibrium.
  5. Scale and Proportion: Consider the scale of patterns for visual impact.
  6. Visual Hierarchy: Use patterns to guide user attention.
  7. White Space: Prevent clutter and improve readability.
  8. Responsive Design: Test patterns across devices.
  9. User Feedback: Incorporate real user feedback for refinement.
  10. Experimentation: Explore various combinations to find what works best.
  11. Storytelling: Use patterns to narrate your brand’s story.

FAQs: WordPress Pattern Libraries

What is a WordPress pattern library? A collection of pre-designed blocks or components for reuse across a WordPress site, ensuring design consistency and efficiency.
How do I access WordPress pattern libraries? Through the WordPress editor (Gutenberg) under the patterns tab, or via third-party plugins and themes.
Are WordPress pattern libraries free? Yes, many are free and included within WordPress or offered through free themes and plugins.
Can I customize patterns from the library? Yes, you can customize colors, typography, layout, and images.
Do pattern libraries support responsive design? Yes, they ensure design integrity across all devices and screen sizes.
Can I create my own patterns and add them to the library? Yes, WordPress allows creating and saving custom patterns.
How do pattern libraries improve my web design process? By providing ready-to-use components, they reduce design and development time while ensuring consistency.
Are there limitations to using pattern libraries? Creativity may be limited if relying too heavily on pre-made patterns without customization.
Can pattern libraries be used with any WordPress theme? Most themes support patterns, but some are optimized for advanced features.
How do pattern libraries handle accessibility? Many include accessibility standards, but customization may be needed to ensure full compliance.
Difference between a block and a pattern in WordPress? A block is a single content element, while a pattern is a pre-designed collection of blocks.
Can I share custom patterns with others? Yes, through code or plugins designed for sharing patterns.
How often are new patterns added to libraries? Continuously, based on contributions and updates.
Do pattern libraries affect website performance? Not significantly, but optimizing images and assets is essential.
Can patterns be used for posts and pages? Yes, ensuring consistent design elements throughout the site.
Can third-party pattern libraries be used with WordPress? Yes, many plugins and themes offer additional patterns.
Finding niche-specific patterns? Search the WordPress Pattern Directory or third-party libraries.
Using pattern libraries for e-commerce sites? Yes, especially with WooCommerce-specific patterns.
Best practices for using pattern libraries? Customize patterns, ensure responsiveness, and regularly update.
Learning more about designing with pattern libraries? WordPress.org documentation, online tutorials, webinars, and community forums.

Additional Resources

Official WordPress Website: wordpress.org WordPress Codex: codex.wordpress.org WordPress Theme Directory: wordpress.org/themes MaxiBlocks: maxiblocks.com YouTube Channel: MaxiBlocks YouTube GitHub: MaxiBlocks GitHub
Using WordPress pattern libraries can significantly enhance your web design and development process, providing a solid foundation for creating beautiful, consistent, and user-friendly websites.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:51 SelectionOptimal7348 The Future of Crypto Transactions: Unleashing the Power of the Bitcoin QR Code Generator API

The Future of Crypto Transactions: Unleashing the Power of the Bitcoin QR Code Generator API
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, where innovation is the name of the game, a new hero has emerged to simplify transactions and revolutionize the way we interact with digital currencies. Meet the Bitcoin QR code generator API, your one-stop solution for creating seamless, secure, and speedy crypto transactions. Whether you're a developer, a business owner, or just a crypto enthusiast, this tool is designed to make your life easier and your transactions smoother. Ready to dive in? Check out all the details here.

What’s the Buzz About the Bitcoin QR Code Generator API?

Let’s start with the basics. A QR code generator API is a powerful application programming interface that allows you to create QR codes effortlessly. But not just any QR codes—these are specialized for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The Bitcoin QR code generator API takes the hassle out of handling wallet addresses and payment information, turning complex strings of characters into scannable, user-friendly codes.
Imagine trying to type out a Bitcoin wallet address. Now imagine doing it wrong and losing your hard-earned crypto in the digital ether. Not fun, right? The Bitcoin QR code generator API swoops in to save the day, ensuring accuracy and efficiency with just a quick scan.

Why Should You Care About the Bitcoin QR Code Generator API?

  1. Simplicity at Its Best: Let’s face it, nobody likes fiddling with long, complicated wallet addresses. The Bitcoin QR code generator API transforms these into neat little QR codes that anyone can scan with their smartphone. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s always accurate and never grumpy.
  2. Enhanced Security: Security is a big deal in the crypto world. QR codes generated by the Bitcoin QR code generator API reduce the risk of human error and make sure your transactions are secure. Say goodbye to copy-paste mishaps and hello to peace of mind.
  3. Speed and Efficiency: In the fast-paced crypto universe, every second counts. The QR code generator API ensures that your transactions are processed quickly and efficiently. No more waiting around for manual entry or verification.
  4. Versatility: This isn’t just for Bitcoin. The Bitcoin QR code generator API also supports other popular cryptocurrencies, making it a versatile tool for all your crypto needs.

How Does the Bitcoin QR Code Generator API Work?

Using the Bitcoin QR code generator API is as easy as pie (or Bitcoin pie, if that’s a thing). Here’s a step-by-step guide:
  1. Access the API: Head over to the Bitcoin QR code generator API page to get started.
  2. Generate Your QR Code: Input the necessary details such as the wallet address and the amount you want to encode. The API does the heavy lifting, converting this information into a neat QR code.
  3. Integrate and Use: Embed the generated QR code into your website, app, or any platform you’re using. Your users can now scan the code to make transactions effortlessly.

Real-World Applications: The Bitcoin QR Code Generator API in Action

The Bitcoin QR code generator API isn’t just a fancy tool; it’s a game-changer in various real-world scenarios. Let’s explore some of its exciting applications:
  1. E-Commerce: Online retailers can integrate the QR code generator API to accept crypto payments seamlessly. Customers simply scan the QR code at checkout, and the transaction is done in seconds. It’s a win-win for both businesses and customers.
  2. Point of Sale (POS) Systems: Physical stores can leverage the API to streamline in-store payments. Imagine paying for your coffee with a quick scan—no cards, no cash, just instant crypto transactions.
  3. Charity Donations: Non-profits can use the Bitcoin QR code generator API to facilitate donations. Supporters can scan the QR code to donate, making the process quick and easy.
  4. Peer-to-Peer Transactions: Whether you’re paying back a friend or settling a bet, the QR code generator API makes peer-to-peer transactions hassle-free.

The Fun Side of the Bitcoin QR Code Generator API

Let’s inject a bit of fun into this tech talk. The Bitcoin QR code generator API isn’t just practical; it’s also a bit of a party trick. Picture this: You’re at a crypto meet-up, and someone asks for your wallet address. Instead of fumbling with your phone, you whip out your custom QR code. Instant cool points.
Or imagine hosting a crypto-themed event. You can print QR codes for entry fees, merchandise purchases, and even tips for the DJ. It’s not just about efficiency—it’s about making crypto transactions a delightful experience.

Tips for Maximizing the Bitcoin QR Code Generator API

To get the most out of the Bitcoin QR code generator API, here are some pro tips:
  1. Customize Your QR Codes: Make your QR codes stand out by customizing them with colors and logos. It adds a personal touch and makes your brand memorable.
  2. Educate Your Users: Not everyone is familiar with QR code payments. Provide a brief guide or tutorial on your platform to help users understand how to scan and pay.
  3. Promote Security: Remind your users of the security benefits of using QR codes. Emphasize the reduction of human error and the safety of encrypted transactions.
  4. Stay Updated: The crypto world is always evolving. Keep an eye on updates to the Bitcoin QR code generator API to ensure you’re using the latest features and security enhancements.

Conclusion: The Future is Here

The Bitcoin QR code generator API is more than just a tool—it’s a glimpse into the future of digital transactions. With its simplicity, security, and versatility, it’s set to become an indispensable part of the crypto landscape. Whether you’re a developer looking to integrate seamless payment solutions, a business owner aiming to streamline transactions, or a crypto enthusiast wanting to simplify your dealings, the Bitcoin QR code generator API has got you covered.
Ready to revolutionize your crypto transactions? Check out the Bitcoin QR code generator API and embark on a journey to a more efficient, secure, and fun way of handling digital currency. Click here to get started and join the QR code revolution.
submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:47 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress emojis

Quick Takeaways for Adding Icons and Emojis to Your WordPress Site

  1. Install a Plugin:
    • Use a plugin like MaxiBlocks to easily add emojis and icons.
    • Go to "Plugins" in your dashboard, click "Add New," find your plugin, and hit "Install." Don’t forget to activate it!
  2. Setup:
    • Some plugins may need initial setup. Choose your favourite icons and emojis, pick colours, and set sizes to match your website’s style.
  3. Add to Content:
    • Adding icons and emojis is as simple as finding the plugin’s button in your editor and inserting them into your content.
  4. Customization:
    • Customize icons and emojis by tweaking their size, colour, or position either directly from the plugin settings or with a bit of code.
  5. Using Emojis:
    • WordPress supports emojis natively. Use your keyboard’s emoji shortcut to spice up your posts and pages.
  6. Dedicated Plugins:
    • For more emoji options, look for a dedicated plugin to find the perfect fit for your site.
  7. Check Compatibility:
    • Ensure your new additions look good on different devices to provide a consistent experience for all users.

How to Use Icons and Emojis in Your WordPress Website

Importance of Visual Elements: Icons and emojis enhance engagement and simplify navigation, making your content more appealing and easier to understand. They act as visual cues that help convey messages quickly and add a fun, friendly touch to your site.
Visual Storytelling with MaxiBlocks: MaxiBlocks is a powerful, user-friendly plugin for adding icons and emojis to your WordPress site. It helps in:

Steps to Add Icons and Emojis Using MaxiBlocks

  1. Install MaxiBlocks:
    • Navigate to "Plugins" in your WordPress dashboard, click "Add New," search for MaxiBlocks, install, and activate it.
  2. Setup:
    • Configure the plugin settings, such as choosing icons and emojis, selecting colours, and setting sizes.
  3. Add Icons and Emojis:
    • Use the MaxiBlocks button in your editor to insert icons and emojis into your content.
  4. Customization:
    • Customize the appearance of icons and emojis within the plugin settings or by adding custom CSS if needed.

Benefits of Using Icons and Emojis

Increased Readability and Accessibility:
Emotional Engagement and Interaction:
Improved Clarity and Usability:
Design and Branding:
Promote Action and Conversions:

Use Cases and Examples

  1. Blog Posts:
    • Use icons to mark sections and emojis to add a playful touch, making the content visually appealing and easier to understand.
  2. Landing Pages:
    • Highlight features or benefits with icons to draw attention and support conversion goals. Emojis in CTAs make actions more inviting.
  3. Contact Forms:
    • Add icons to form fields and emojis to the submit button to make the form more engaging and user-friendly.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. Icons and Emojis Not Displaying Correctly:
    • Ensure your WordPress theme is up-to-date and check for plugin conflicts across different browsers and devices.
  2. Cluttered Layout:
    • Use icons and emojis sparingly and ensure ample white space to avoid a cluttered appearance.
  3. Impact on Performance:
    • Regularly monitor site speed and optimize images, including icon and emoji files, for the web.

Best Practices for Using Icons and Emojis in WordPress

  1. Keep It Relevant:
    • Ensure that icons and emojis add value to your content and align with your message.
  2. Consistency:
    • Maintain a consistent style and size for icons and emojis to create a cohesive visual language.
  3. Accessibility:
    • Include alt text for icons and avoid relying solely on colour to convey information.
  4. Avoid Overuse:
    • Use icons and emojis thoughtfully to enhance content without overwhelming the user.
  5. Strategic Placement:
    • Place icons and emojis to highlight key points, navigation, and CTAs.
  6. Test and Evolve:
    • Regularly test the impact of visual elements on user engagement and adjust your strategy based on analytics.

MaxiBlocks: More Than Just Decoration

Engagement: Visually engaging content keeps visitors interested and encourages exploration.
Usability: Clear icons simplify navigation, making it easier for users to find information.
Brand Identity: Customizable icons and emojis reinforce brand identity and professionalism.

The Final Word: Captivate and Connect with Your Audience

Icons and emojis are powerful tools for enhancing visual storytelling, improving user experience, and fostering connections with your audience. MaxiBlocks empowers you to integrate these elements seamlessly, creating a dynamic, accessible, and engaging online presence.

FAQ: Adding Icons and Emojis to Your WordPress Site

  1. Can I use free WordPress icons for commercial purposes?
    • Check the license of the icon set to ensure commercial use is allowed. MaxiBlocks’ free icon library typically provides clear usage guidelines.
  2. What plugins are available for WordPress icons?
    • Popular plugins include "Font Awesome," "Menu Icons by ThemeIsle," and "WP SVG Icons."
  3. How do I add emojis to my WordPress site?
    • Use your keyboard’s emoji shortcut (Windows key + . on Windows, Control + Command + Space on Mac) to add emojis directly. Alternatively, install an emoji plugin from the WordPress directory for more options.

Related Resources

Official WordPress Website: wordpress.org WordPress Codex: codex.wordpress.org WordPress Theme Directory: wordpress.org/themes MaxiBlocks: maxiblocks.com YouTube Channel: MaxiBlocks YouTube GitHub: MaxiBlocks GitHub
By integrating MaxiBlocks, you can effectively use icons and emojis to enhance your WordPress site, creating a more engaging and visually appealing user experience.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:41 levi_athan1701 Firebase storage calls failing to output proper error code

Hi there, I'm attempting to retrieve files from a firebase storage bucket with a try catch block where in the catch block, I have a list of error codes that when matched, will return the error code with additional logic (to be added later).
My project is a Vue 3 application using the composition api.
The issue is that Firebase is returning an error that don't recognize, nor can I find any any pre-existing articles or posts where this particular issue has been raised.
This is the closest post I've found but there aren't any solutions: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75587999/typeerror-cannot-read-property-throwifroot-of-undefined-when-using-uploadbyt
I'm calling getDownloadUrl and getMetadata. Regardless of how I cause the code to break, I'm being given the same error response regardless and the default block is always being executed.
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_throwIfRoot') at getDownloadURL$1 (firebase_storage.js?v=83d9ddec:2212:8) at getDownloadURL (firebase_storage.js?v=83d9ddec:2452:10) at Proxy.getMembershipFormDownloadable (membership.ts:31:22) at async App.vue:32:3 
My error handling function:
export const handleStorageErrors = (errorCode: any) => { console.log(errorCode) switch (errorCode) { case "storage/unknown": return "An unknown error occurred."; case "storage/object-not-found": return "No object exists at the desired reference."; case "storage/bucket-not-found": return "No bucket is configured for Cloud Storage."; case "storage/project-not-found": return "No project is configured for Cloud Storage."; case "storage/quota-exceeded": return "Quota on your Cloud Storage bucket has been exceeded. If you're on the no-cost tier, upgrade to a paid plan. If you're on a paid plan, reach out to Firebase support."; case "storage/unauthenticated": return "User is unauthenticated, please authenticate and try again."; case "storage/unauthorized": return "User is not authorized to perform the desired action, check your security rules to ensure they are correct."; case "storage/retry-limit-exceeded": return "The maximum time limit on an operation (upload, download, delete, etc.) has been exceeded. Try uploading again."; case "storage/invalid-checksum": return "File on the client does not match the checksum of the file received by the server. Try uploading again."; case "storage/canceled": return "User canceled the operation."; case "storage/invalid-event-name": return "Invalid event name provided. Must be one of [`running`, `progress`, `pause`]."; case "storage/invalid-url": return "Invalid URL provided to refFromURL(). Must be of the form: gs://bucket/object or https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/bucket/o/object?token=."; case "storage/invalid-argument": return "The argument passed to put() must be `File`, `Blob`, or `UInt8` Array. The argument passed to putString() must be a raw, `Base64`, or `Base64URL` string."; case "storage/no-default-bucket": return "No bucket has been set in your config's storageBucket property."; case "storage/cannot-slice-blob": return "Commonly occurs when the local file has changed (deleted, saved again, etc.). Try uploading again after verifying that the file hasn't changed."; case "storage/server-file-wrong-size": return "File on the client does not match the size of the file received by the server. Try uploading again."; default: return "Unknown error."; } } 
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
submitted by levi_athan1701 to Firebase [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:37 Nestledrink Game Ready & Studio Driver 555.99 FAQ/Discussion

Game Ready & Studio Driver 555.99 has been released.

Article Here: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/pax-dei-elden-ring-shadow-of-erdtree-geforce-game-ready-drive
Game Ready Driver Download Link: Link Here
Studio Driver Download Link: Link Here
New feature and fixes in driver 555.99:
Game Ready - This new Game Ready Driver provides the best gaming experience for the latest new games supporting DLSS 3 technology including Pax Dei and Still Wakes the Deep. Further support for new titles includes the launch of the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree expansion.
Applications - The June NVIDIA Studio Driver provides optimal support for the latest new creative applications and updates announced at Computex including the NVIDIA RTX Remix Toolkit and REST API, VLC Media Player with RTX Video HDR support, and the arrival of DLSS 3.5 support in Womp, Chaos Vantage and D5 Render.
Fixed Gaming Bugs
Fixed General Bugs
Open Issues
Additional Open Issues from GeForce Forums
Driver Downloads and Tools
Driver Download Page: Nvidia Download Page
Latest Game Ready Driver: 555.99 WHQL
Latest Studio Driver: 555.99 WHQL
DDU Download: Source 1 or Source 2
DDU Guide: Guide Here
DDU/WagnardSoft Patreon: Link Here
Documentation: Game Ready Driver 555.99 Release Notes Studio Driver 555.99 Release Notes
NVIDIA Driver Forum for Feedback: Driver 555.99 Forum Link
Submit driver feedback directly to NVIDIA: Link Here
RodroG's Driver Benchmark: TBD
NVIDIA Discord Driver Feedback: Invite Link Here
Having Issues with your driver? Read here!
Before you start - Make sure you Submit Feedback for your Nvidia Driver Issue
There is only one real way for any of these problems to get solved, and that’s if the Driver Team at Nvidia knows what those problems are. So in order for them to know what’s going on it would be good for any users who are having problems with the drivers to Submit Feedback to Nvidia. A guide to the information that is needed to submit feedback can be found here.
Additionally, if you see someone having the same issue you are having in this thread, reply and mention you are having the same issue. The more people that are affected by a particular bug, the higher the priority that bug will receive from NVIDIA!!
Common Troubleshooting Steps
If it still crashes, we have a few other troubleshooting steps but this is fairly involved and you should not do it if you do not feel comfortable. Proceed below at your own risk:
If you are still having issue at this point, visit GeForce Forum for support or contact your manufacturer for RMA.
Common Questions
Bear in mind that people who have no issues tend to not post on Reddit or forums. Unless there is significant coverage about specific driver issue, chances are they are fine. Try it yourself and you can always DDU and reinstall old driver if needed.
Remember, driver codes are extremely complex and there are billions of different possible configurations. The software will not be perfect and there will be issues for some people. For a more comprehensive list of open issues, please take a look at the Release Notes. Again, I encourage folks who installed the driver to post their experience here... good or bad.
Did you know NVIDIA has a Developer Program with 150+ free SDKs, state-of-the-art Deep Learning courses, certification, and access to expert help. Sound interesting? Learn more here.
submitted by Nestledrink to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:35 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress block themes

Building Your First Website with Block Themes: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

WordPress: A popular content management system (CMS) for creating and managing websites.
Block Themes: WordPress block themes that utilize the full site editing capabilities of the Gutenberg editor, allowing users to customize website layouts and designs using blocks.
Gutenberg Editor: The block-based editor for WordPress introduced in version 5.0, which allows users to add, edit, and arrange content blocks for posts and pages.
Blocks: Individual components used in the Gutenberg editor to create content, such as text, images, buttons, and more.
Block Templates: Pre-designed layouts made up of multiple blocks, used to create pages and posts.
Block Patterns: Collections of pre-designed blocks that can be inserted into posts and pages to quickly add complex structures and designs.
Responsive Design: Ensures web content looks and functions well on a variety of devices and screen sizes.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Optimizing a website to improve its visibility in search engine results.
Plugin: A software add-on that extends the functionality or features of a WordPress website.
WooCommerce: An open-source plugin for WordPress designed to facilitate e-commerce, enabling users to sell products and services.
Theme.json: A configuration file used in block themes to define global styles and settings for a WordPress site, such as color palette, typography, and layout.
Accessibility: Ensuring a website is usable by as many people as possible, including those with disabilities.
Meta Tags: Snippets of text that describe a page’s content for search engines, important for SEO.

Chapter 1: Understanding the Basics

What Are WordPress Block Themes?
Imagine traditional website themes as pre-designed rooms where moving windows (headers) or changing doorways (navigation menus) is difficult. Block themes, however, offer completely flexible furniture, letting you drag and drop elements like headers, footers, and sidebars wherever you want within the Gutenberg editor.
Benefits Over Traditional Themes:
Block Templates and Patterns:
Block Templates: Define the default layout of pages and posts, acting as a pre-arranged set of blocks that users can customize.
Block Patterns: Pre-made design elements like featured product sections, testimonial sliders, and call-to-action sections, ensuring design consistency and ease of use.
Exploring the WordPress Block Pattern Directory:
The WordPress Block Pattern Directory houses a collection of block patterns submitted by designers and developers, making it easy for beginners to implement sophisticated design elements without needing design or development expertise.

Chapter 2: Getting Started with Block Themes

Choosing a Block Theme:
Installation and Activation:
  1. Access Your WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your admin area.
  2. Navigate to Themes: Click on “Appearance” and select “Themes.”
  3. Add New Theme: Click “Add New” to browse or search for block themes.
  4. Preview and Install: Hover over a theme to preview, then click “Install.”
  5. Activate the Theme: Click “Activate” to apply the theme to your website.
Familiarizing with the Gutenberg Editor:

Chapter 3: Building the Structure of Your Website

Planning Your Website Layout:
  1. Define Your Goals: Determine the purpose of your site.
  2. Identify Key Pages: List necessary pages (e.g., Home, About, Services, Contact).
  3. Map the User Journey: Plan navigation paths for visitors.
  4. Sketch the Layout: Visualize the arrangement of elements.
Using Block Templates for Page Layouts:
  1. Select a Template: Choose a template matching your envisioned layout.
  2. Customize Templates: Use the Gutenberg editor to adjust blocks.
  3. Create Custom Templates: Design unique layouts and save them for future use.
Implementing Block Patterns for Design Consistency:
  1. Explore Available Patterns: Browse the Block Pattern Directory.
  2. Use Patterns: Insert patterns into pages as needed.
  3. Customize Patterns: Adjust elements to match your branding.
  4. Create Custom Patterns: Save custom designs for repeated use.

Chapter 4: Customizing Your Website

Personalizing Your Block Theme:
  1. Select a Customizable Theme: Choose a theme with extensive options.
  2. Use the Theme Editor: Adjust headers, footers, and global styles.
  3. Incorporate Your Branding: Upload logos and favicons.
  4. Customize Block Styles: Explore additional styles for blocks.
Working with the WordPress Pattern Library:
  1. Explore the Library: Find patterns that enhance your site.
  2. Choose Relevant Patterns: Select patterns that fit your design needs.
  3. Customize and Implement: Adjust patterns in the Gutenberg editor.
  4. Contribute to the Library: Submit your unique patterns.

Chapter 5: Enhancing Your Website

Incorporating Multimedia with Block Templates:
  1. Add Images: Use the Image block to upload and customize images.
  2. Embed Videos: Use the Video block for embedding videos.
  3. Use Gallery and Media Blocks: Create visually appealing collections.
  4. Ensure Responsiveness: Test multimedia elements on different devices.
Optimizing for SEO:
  1. Use Semantic HTML Blocks: Properly structure content.
  2. Meta Tags and Descriptions: Add SEO titles and descriptions.
  3. Alt Text for Images: Improve accessibility and SEO.
  4. Internal Linking: Use blocks to create internal links.
Ensuring Mobile Responsiveness and Accessibility:
  1. Test Across Devices: Ensure layouts adjust correctly.
  2. Accessibility Features: Implement blocks with accessibility support.
  3. Contrast and Font Sizes: Ensure readability on small screens.
  4. Accessible Navigation: Design a responsive menu.

Chapter 6: Adding Advanced Features

Integrating E-Commerce Capabilities:
  1. Install WooCommerce: Activate the plugin from the WordPress directory.
  2. Use WooCommerce Blocks: Customize your store layout.
  3. Set Up Payment Gateways: Configure secure transaction options.
  4. Test and Launch: Ensure a smooth shopping experience.
Using Plugins with Block Themes:
  1. SEO Plugins: Enhance search engine optimization.
  2. Security Plugins: Protect your site from threats.
  3. Performance Plugins: Improve loading speed.
  4. Contact Form Plugins: Add customizable forms.
Exploring Global Styles and Theme.json:
  1. Understand Global Styles: Define consistent design elements.
  2. Use Theme.json: Configure global settings and styles.
  3. Customization: Edit theme.json for a unified design.
  4. Testing Changes: Preview and adjust global styles.

Chapter 7: Launching Your Website

Pre-Launch Checklist:
  1. Content Review: Check for typos and consistency.
  2. Functionality Test: Verify all links and forms work.
  3. SEO Optimization: Ensure all best practices are applied.
  4. Loading Speed: Optimize for fast loading times.
  5. Security Measures: Ensure security plugins and SSL certificates are in place.
  6. Backup Solutions: Set up regular backups.
  7. Legal Compliance: Ensure compliance with privacy policies and terms of service.
Publishing Your Website:
  1. Choose a Hosting Provider: Select a reputable provider.
  2. Connect Your Domain: Link your domain to your hosting account.
  3. Final Review: Conduct a last check for any issues.
  4. Go Live: Point your domain to your WordPress installation.
  5. Announce Your Launch: Use social media and email lists.
Monitoring and Updating Your Website:
  1. Regular Updates: Keep WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated.
  2. Performance Monitoring: Regularly check and improve site speed.
  3. Security Checks: Use security plugins to monitor threats.
  4. Content Updates: Regularly add new content.
  5. Backup Regularly: Protect your data with frequent backups.

Streamlining the Design Process with Gutenberg Block Addons

Full Site Editing (FSE): Utilize the Site Editor and Global Styles interface for comprehensive control over your site.
Patterns Directory: Regularly check for new block patterns to enhance your site’s design.
Block Theme Development: Stay updated with new block themes in the WordPress Theme Directory.
Performance Enhancements: Choose themes and plugins optimized for speed.
Accessibility Improvements: Ensure your website meets accessibility standards.
Artificial Intelligence and Automation: Integrate AI tools for content creation and SEO optimization.
E-Commerce Innovations: Leverage new features in WooCommerce for better online selling.
Security Updates: Stay informed about the latest security practices.
Sustainability: Implement best practices for reducing your website’s digital carbon footprint.


: WordPress Block Themes
What Are WordPress Block Themes? Block themes utilize the Gutenberg editor, allowing customization of the entire site layout using blocks.
How Do Block Themes Differ from Traditional Themes? Block themes offer more flexibility, allowing users to customize designs without coding.
What Is the Gutenberg Editor? A block-based editor that replaces the classic WordPress editor.
Can I Use Block Themes on Any WordPress Site? Yes, if it’s running WordPress version 5.0 or later.
Are Block Themes Free? Many are free, but there are also premium options.
How Do I Install a Block Theme? Navigate to “Themes” in your WordPress dashboard, click “Add New,” and search for a block theme.
What Are Block Templates and Patterns? Block templates are pre-designed page layouts, while block patterns are collections of blocks arranged in specific designs.
How Do I Customize My Website Using a Block Theme? Use the Site Editor and Gutenberg editor to add, remove, and rearrange blocks.
Is Coding Knowledge Required? No, block themes are designed to be user-friendly.
Can I Use Plugins with Block Themes? Yes, but ensure compatibility with the block editor.
How Can I Ensure My Block Theme Website Is Mobile-Responsive? Most block themes are responsive; use the preview option to check different devices.
What Should I Do If a Block Theme Breaks My Site? Deactivate the theme via FTP and revert to a default theme.
Can Block Themes Improve My Site’s SEO? Yes, they help structure content and ensure responsive design.
How Do I Update My Block Theme? Update it via the WordPress dashboard, ensuring you have a backup first.
Are Block Themes Secure? Yes, when kept updated and sourced from reputable providers.
How Can I Add E-Commerce Capabilities? Install WooCommerce or other e-commerce plugins.
What Are Global Styles? Site-wide settings for colors, typography, and layout.
How Do I Make My Website Accessible? Use themes and blocks that follow accessibility guidelines.
Can I Switch from a Traditional Theme to a Block Theme? Yes, but you may need to reconfigure parts of your site.
Where Can I Find Support? WordPress forums, theme-specific support forums, or theme documentation.

WordPress Resources

Official Website: wordpress.org – Download software, find documentation, and more.
WordPress Codex: codex.wordpress.org – Comprehensive documentation for WordPress.
WordPress Theme Directory: wordpress.org/themes – Browse free and premium themes.
Maxiblocks: maxiblocks.com – Tools and resources for block themes.
YouTube Channel: Maxiblocks YouTube – Tutorials and guides.
GitHub: Maxiblocks GitHub – Open-source contributions and projects.
This step-by-step tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to building your first website with WordPress block themes, from understanding the basics to customizing, enhancing, and launching your site.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:24 crazybigmanj First time having a crack at Godot

Basically I wanted to start simple to get to learn godot so I am making a very simple 2.5D platformer and this is the character controller I came up with any tips / advice is welcome also did I use the right tag and sorry for bad formatting I like my code to have gaps so I can read it easier
extends CharacterBody3D

region movement variables

var moveDir
var jumpCount = 2
var currentJumpCount
var airControl = 0.025
var friction
var groundFriction = 0.05
var airFriction = groundFriction * 0.25
var speed
var walkSpeed = 5
var SprintSpeed = walkSpeed * 1.5
const JUMP_VELOCITY = 6.5

Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes.

var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity")


func _physics_process(delta):

region movement

# Add the gravity. if not is\_on\_floor(): velocity.y -= gravity \* delta friction = airFriction if is\_on\_floor(): friction = groundFriction currentJumpCount = jumpCount # Handle jump. if Input.is\_action\_just\_pressed("jump") and is\_on\_floor() or Input.is\_action\_just\_pressed("jump") and jumpCount > 0: velocity.y = JUMP\_VELOCITY jumpCount -= 1 velocity += moveDir \* speed if velocity.x > speed: velocity.x = speed elif velocity.x < -speed: velocity.x = -speed if velocity.x > 0: velocity.x -= friction elif velocity.x < 0: velocity.x += friction print(speed \* moveDir) move\_and\_slide() 


func _input(event):

region movement inputs

if Input.is\_anything\_pressed() == false: moveDir = Vector3.ZERO if event.is\_action\_pressed("right"): moveDir = Vector3.RIGHT if is\_on\_floor() == false: moveDir = Vector3(airControl,0,0) if event.is\_action\_released("right"): moveDir = Vector3.ZERO if event.is\_action\_pressed("left"): moveDir = Vector3.LEFT if is\_on\_floor() == false: moveDir = Vector3(-airControl,0,0) if event.is\_action\_released("left"): moveDir = Vector3.ZERO if Input.is\_action\_pressed("sprint"): speed = SprintSpeed else: speed = walkSpeed 


submitted by crazybigmanj to godot [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:21 r3crac Flywoo Action Camera 2.0 5K Naked GP12 Pro for RC Drone for 619.99 USD with coupon (Best price in history: 631.11 USD)

Here is the link (Banggood): Flywoo Action Camera 2.0 5K Naked GP12 Pro for RC Drone
Best price with coupon code (apply in the cart!): BGbed997
Current price is 619.99 USD. The lowest price in my database is 631.11 USD.There're already 4 records in DB. Price monitoring since 10.3.2024!
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submitted by r3crac to rc_deals [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:21 r3crac Flywoo Action Camera 2.0 5K Naked GP12 Pro for RC Drone for 619.99 USD with coupon (Best price in history: 631.11 USD)

Here is the link (Banggood): Flywoo Action Camera 2.0 5K Naked GP12 Pro for RC Drone
Best price with coupon code (apply in the cart!): BGbed997
Current price is 619.99 USD. The lowest price in my database is 631.11 USD.There're already 4 records in DB. Price monitoring since 10.3.2024!
Do you want e-mail PRICE ALERTS or you're here from Google and coupon doesn't work anymore? Check out current coupons for Flywoo Action Camera 2.0 5K Naked GP12 Pro for RC Drone on self-updating website right there: https://couponsfromchina.com/flywoo-action-camera-2-0-5k-naked-gp12-pro-for-rc-drone-coupon-price/
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submitted by r3crac to couponsfromchina [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:20 k3rnel_pan1c09 Suzaku's Hypocrisy in Code Geass

So I’ve been watching Code Geass for the first time and completed first season, and I can't help but feel that Suzaku is super hypocritical. In the last episode, he tells Lelouch that he wants to change the world from the inside, but earlier, he was ready to die for Britannia when he captured Zero. How does that make any sense?
He says he wants to reform Britannia, yet he constantly sides with them, even sacrificing himself for their sake. It just feels like he's contradicting himself and not actually working towards real change.
What do you guys think about Suzaku’s actions and his supposed goals?
submitted by k3rnel_pan1c09 to CodeGeass [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:05 teal1601 iBoost Monitor (ESP32 + CC1101 + Display)

iBoost Monitor (ESP32 + CC1101 + Display)
Don’t see many show and tells so thought I’d share this - not saying it’s perfect but it does what I wanted it to do. This project was written to give a visual indication to me of how much our solar panels were generating and how the heating of the hot water by the excess electricity from the solar panels was going - nice to know if we’re going to have a hot shower or not :-)
Video of display in action.
This project uses an ESP32 Wroom 32 (AliExpress) and a CC1101 TI radio module from eBay and a 3.5" SPI serial LCD module also from AliExpress. The 3D case for this project was printed by my son-in-law. The code was written in VSCode and the PlatformIO plug-in, using the PubSubClient library for MQTT connectivity, TFT_eSPI for graphics, and a local CC1101 radio library. Also uses ArduinoJson for formatting MQTT messages and the Adafruit NeoPixel library for controlling the WS2812B LEDs to give a visual indication of radio traffic and any errors.
I use a number of FreeRTOS tasks (display task; this handles all visualisation from anination to the (matrix inspired) screen saver. WS2812B task; flash a led when the CC1101 receives a packet (blue flash in the video), transmits a packet (green flash) and when there is an error. MQTT & WiFi task; periodically checks that MQTT broker is running and we're connected to WiFi. Receive task; handle all packets received by the CC1101 transceiver. Transmit task; transmits a packet to the iBoost main unit (pretending to be the iBoost buddy) every 10 seconds requesting details stored in the iBoost unit. Additionally I use a couple of queues to pass data between tasks and a ringbuffer for displaying messages in the display task.
The main part of the display is based on a home assistant power flow card. I did origionally have icons on the screen and moving arrows for the flows but feel that this visualisation is a lot easier on the eyes. After 15 minutes of inactivity (no logging has occured) a simple screen saver is displayed to save burn out on the screen. It shows how much solar (kWh) has been generated that day and if the hot water is hot or not yet.
The screen I am using doesn't come with a backlight pin to turn it off/on, it's powered by 3.3v. To get round this I would need an extra component I can control to turn the power on/off to the backlight - something to look at possibly in the furture. I read messages via MQTT (Raspberry Pi 4) which provide me with the solar PV currently being generated and how much solar has been generated that day (via RS485 from the inverter to the Pi) which I also display on the LCD. Additionally, I send the following information via MQTT to the Pi for inclusion on our website via crontab every 15 minutes through a Python script; PV used to heat the water tank today, status of the water tank (off, heating by solar, or hot) and the state of the CT sender's battery (this is located in the electricity meter box).
All code, wiring diagrams and a fuller explanation of various parts is available on the project github page for anyone to use as they wish.
submitted by teal1601 to esp32 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:02 YellowSubstantial396 Been stuck on here for awhile

Been stuck on here for awhile submitted by YellowSubstantial396 to IRS [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:53 DazeU Mechanism Issue in BSD chapter 115 (rant)

It's me, back again to rant regarding something happened in the latest chapter. This post is the compilation of reasons why I'm not satisfied with how the mechanism (of the singularity) works in the latest chapter. I just need to let my frustration out (lol).

[BEWARE! A really long post and contains; chapter 115, Stormbringer, 55 Minutes, Dead Apple spoilers. So, please do not read if do not want to be spoiled]

[Important note: I use "Shén rén" name throughout this post for the singularity instead of Divine Being Amenogozen (because it's too long) and to differentiate it with Amenogozen sword]
First, introduction and key points Ability and its phenomena (singularity, skill-derived life-form, and ability weapons) follow a set of rules called as Principles of Ability (Stormbringer). Any error in ability which led into ability phenomena like singularity and skill-derived life-form still have one or more parts of the principles affecting them.
In order to create singularity, abilities involved SHOULD break the output limit principle (Stormbringer). H.G.Wells (55 Minutes) mentioned the same thing, "...went far beyond their limit". How to do that? The easiest way is through clashing (we've seen this one multiple times). But not all clash of abilities could reach the break point of the output limit principle. There are specific criterias: "the clashing abilities should be the same (Oda and Gide in Dark Era) or should be the contrary of each other (like in Dead Apple)". The Shell (55 Minutes) was created through combining abilities based on uncertainty principle (Energy-time uncertainty principle, Quantum Mechanic) as the main concept to lock the energy of the ability to generate fiery shell (∆E) in the world by manipulating time (∆t) through a device which presides over the ability to manipulate time (H.G.Wells' ability). To put it simple: The output or energy (∆E) gets bigger as the time (∆t) gets shorter. The other way is "ad infinitum amplification." The examples are the creation of Guivre, Arahabaki, and now Shén rén. Reminder: singularity is not always destructive. The type of singulaity created from a clash is unpredictable as stated by Professor N (Stormbringer) and Fyodor (Dead Apple).
Let's talk about this "output" concept first to have the same ground before continuing further. Stormbringer novel confirmed that ability doesn't have the capability to raze the entire planet on its own because ability has output ceiling. This applies to ALL abilities, ability weapon, and skill-derived life-form. As long as it is still an "ability" then it has limit for output.
Take example in Dead Apple. We know how big the ouput of Dazai's ability is, right? But when Dazai's ability materialized in form of crystal and joined/clashed with the ability to combine other abilities in Skull Fortress, did Dazai's ability nullify that ability? The answer is no. A singularity appeared instead. Usually during clash, one ability will come out as the winner since it has bigger output than the other one. An example for this is Verlaine and Chuuya. Both of them are gravity manipulators. But, Verlaine won against Chuuya because the output of his ability was bigger than Chuuya's (following Guivre had bigger output than Arahabaki). But in some rarer cases when none come out as the winner and the energy resulted from the clash break the output limit, here then a singularity occured (statement based on Professor N, H.G.Wells, and Fyodor). This is what happened in Dead Apple and other singularities created from clashing/combining method. The same goal applies for amplification method as well. Hence:
"The rules for maximum skill output don't apply to the skill phenomenon created by a singularity" - Professor N (Stormbringer)
This is the explanation why Dazai and those 28 ability users couldn't do anything when Guivre, the first living singularity, ran amok in Stormbringer. Not even the Shell (a singularity) able to destroy Guivre due to output issue. Also the reason why Chuuya's singularity was used to destroy Red Dragon singularity in Dead Apple. In conclusion, as singularity doesn't have output ceiling which limit its output, meanwhile abilities (including skill-derived life-form and ability weapon) have output ceiling, hence output wise: singularity > ability. Key: "Value of output determines the winner"
I hope that explanation could give insight of the output gap concept. Now, let's continue to the issue in chapter 115.
One big question: How does a seal from the Holy Sword (which was created from ability) able to control an active full form singularity? While output gap presents between those two.
In before, nothing can be used to manipulate/use the massive energy of a singularity to fully follow the wielder's wish. Why? The energy is too massive. Human mind and soul are needed to be able to use and manipulate the energy, machine can't do that (principles of ability, Stormbringer). But at the same time humans can't withstand the huge energy of singularity.
England used Quantum Mechanic (Energy-time uncertainty principle) to manipulate the value of ∆E (energy/output) by manipulating ∆t (time). Once activated (reduce ∆t to increase ∆E), the energy will be unleashed until it is running out and cease to exists. In other words, only one time use. They can't use the energy itself as they wish once activated because no human mind and soul tying the energy. They can't command the Shell to destroy A area with n% energy, then B witn n%, and so on. The Shell should be brought to the targeted area before activating it. Key: They can unleash the power, not use it as they wish multiple times.
Whereas Guivre (of France) and Arahabaki (of Japan, ally of Germany) used amplification method and the principles itself, the need of human mind and soul to deceive the singularity by using artificial persona made from string of behavioral codes. But this method still can't allow humans to fully control the full energy of the singularity, but only a conversion of it into a skill-derived life-form (a skill with persona) who wields ability that was born from a singularity. When the Gate is opened, then the singularity itself will come out and it can't be controlled. But at least, with this method the energy can be used multiple times (by activating or deactivating the energy source of the singularity). Tho Chuuya's condition is unique (this is another story). Anyways, this is why both Verlaine and Chuuya can't control their Brutallization and Corruption mode respectively, their singularity energy.
All of those are consistent with inability to manipulate and use energy of singularity due to output gap issue. But now we have Shén rén. We could see the holy sword is intended to be used to replace this requirement of human mind and soul to manipulate the energy. But the issue is the holy sword's output is weaker than the singularity. The holy sword was created from an ability user hence principles of ability still affect it and thus limit its output. Whereas, this ouput limit doesn't apply for Shén rén. Hence, holy sword's output can't compete with the output of the singularity. Reminder: the one being controlled is a full form singularity, not applying Quantum Mechanic or conversion of it.
I had a discussion with someone who offered a good argument: "the output of the holy sword is increased by Fukuchi's ability as well" But sadly, that's not the case at least from the one being shown in the manga. To be specific, that panel which shows the two ways action-reaction between Fukuchi's ability and Amenogozen and the explanation following it. The manga mentioned the holy sword was used to force Fukuchi's ability to active (ignoring Fukuchi's will) and boosted the effectiveness of Amenogozen by hundredfold multiple times (ad infinitum) until breaking the ouput limit and finally a singularity occured. Fukuchi's ability will only boost the effectiveness of the object he uses as a weapon. And this object weapon is Amenogozen, hence that action-reaction panel between those two. While the holy sword only acted as the "remote control/input device." When those two increased their output, the holy sword remained the same/constant. Again, this is based on info shown in manga.
If for instance Fukuchi's ability also boosted the output of the holy sword to keep up with the energy of the process, then why does that specific panel only show output amplification process of Fukuchi's ability and Amenogozen? Also, there is another hole regarding this. Shén rén is a living singularity hence it has a "will." And when abilities experience an increase in their output, at certain point they will develop a "will" (55 Minutes). Once the process toward abilities for singularity is initiated, all factors used to generate energy (increasing output) for the singularity's output will automatically begin the process non stop. Can't be manually stopped/controlled anymore. This is why once Verlaine and Chuuya say the initiation command to start the amplification process, they can't stop it on their own as the ability won't listen to their "will." While for Shén rén, these factors are: Amenogozen boosted by Fukuchi's ability, controlled with Holy sword. We witness the holy sword still responds to Fyodor's command/input to manipulate the singularity even after being used in the singularity creation process. Hence, the energy generator for Shén rén (the Divine Being Amenogozen) is the boosted energy/output of Amenogozen by Fukuchi's ability. The sword is only input/control device. (Well, it's obvious already since clearly stated in manga).
Another less complicated example regarding this "will" can be seen between Verne (the user) and Gab (skill-derived life-form) (55 Minutes). When the output of Verne's ability increased, his ability then developed its own "will" which eventually took over Verne's body and became a new being named Gab with his own "will." One more example is Atsushi and his ability, Byakko. Atsushi can't control his ability because Byakko already developed its own "will." Only with the help from Fukuzawa's ability, Atsushi is able to borrow Byakko's energy. And those two's status are still "ability" not yet involving/used for "singularity." Therefore, if Fukuchi's ability also boosted the holy sword's output, then shouldn't it develop its own "will" or be part of the singularity's "will" hence hinder its capability to respond to input from outside?
Plus as the singularity, Shén rén, already appeared, this indicate the source of its energy already broke the output limit following the explanation of singularity by Professor N (Stormbringer) and H.G.Wells (55 Minutes), in other words, their output is already MASSIVE, far beyond their limit. Remember: human body can't withstand this massive amount of energy. This is why Corruption mode harms Chuuya. But, Fyodor could use the holy sword without any visible issue.
I'll give another comparison: "But a seal is able to keep Arahabaki at bay" Arahabaki's normal state is dormant. It doesn't has output. Why? Because the amplification process of Chuuya's original ability which is the source of energy of the singularity is stopped. Without energy input, Arahabaki won't release its output. Hence, understandable why the 'seal/Gate' works. The amplification process will only begin again if Chuuya say the initiation command, then "O grantor bla bla bla." This way, the singularity will gain energy and appears (taking over, Chuuya can't control it) (Strombringer). Meanwhile holy sword casually controls an active singularity. How?
In conclusion, from all those characteristic and factors, the situation leans to holy sword only acted as controlleinput command, didn't join in the output amplification process between Fukuchi's ability and Amenogozen (based on that panel action-reaction panel). Hence, when those two increased their output, the holy sword remained the same. Supported with it still respond to Fyodor's will/input. But somehow it is able to control a full power active singularity even tho having lower output value??? Like umm what?? Again, "output determines the winner," hence to be able to control an active full form singularity, then the controller itself should have bigger output than the targeted singularity itself. Hence, the Holy Sword should have bigger output than Shén rén. But remember again, humanity CAN'T control too massive energy, it won't listen to command and human body can't handle too massive energy. But Fyodor casually controls Shén rén with the holy sword. Uhh....
Those are the reasons why I'm not satisfied with the outcome in the latest chapter. As someone who is interested and like the way Asagiri develop the mechanism/rules of his universe, tbh this one thing left me in "what the-?!" reaction. All of those consistencies and well cooked concepts are thrown out of the window. I truly don't know what to say anymore.
submitted by DazeU to BungouStrayDogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:35 couponfordeals ($339.99) Insta360 GO 3 Tiny Mighty Action Cam Discount Code (Banggood)

($339.99) Insta360 GO 3 Tiny Mighty Action Cam Discount Code (Banggood) submitted by couponfordeals to submitcouponcode [link] [comments]
