Happy one month anniversery quotes

Thanks, I'm Cured

2017.11.30 02:48 Thanks, I'm Cured

"Overly simplistic solution to highly complex problem!" "Oh, thanks, I'm cured."

2017.09.21 03:17 r/RainbowTylenol: 2011! :D

RainbowTylenol: Inspired by a lil guy that loves 2010/2011 memes. Happy almost one month of this subreddit, Mods!

2013.07.24 00:33 gugulo Conscious Like Us

"All censorship should be deplored. When people put their thumbs on the scale and try to say what can and can't be sent, we should fight back both through protest and through software." Reddit Cofounder Aaron Swartz (1986-2013)

2024.06.05 08:31 JoShUA1923 Just bought premium and received a Caribbean region with no known Caribbean ancestry

Just bought premium and received a Caribbean region with no known Caribbean ancestry
Before buying premium I didn’t have any additional ancestry regions but after buying it I received a Caribbean one which is kinda confusing to me. I got my dad tested a few months back and he also reviewed a Caribbean region with Jamaica listed under it but we have no ancestors from the Caribbeans from what we know could. Could this be incorrect? My dad doesn’t have this one but it does say he has a distant region that’s locked because he doesn’t have premium yet
submitted by JoShUA1923 to 23andme [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:30 geen-bean Staring to Question Everything

In the beginning of my relationship(31F), he (32M) had told me things about his last long term relationship and his past that I now question if they were true.
A bit of background to how I came to this thought:
Tonight I caught him in another lie. I found his fake Facebook account where he’s been looking up exes and their family members for a while. Which didn’t bother so much, sometimes I look up exes too. What does bother me is that he saved a picture of his ex in a bikini holding her son (obviously non sexual) and has been looking her up pretty regularly and lied about it. He denied he knew the password, that he looks people up, said he hate social media and doesn’t use it, tada, yada… obviously not realizing that I screen recorded his activity history on Facebook and that I’m not dumb enough to believe someone else/Meta is using his burner account to look up people he knows… duh.
But it reminded me that he told me he served as a marine after high school. I’ve never seen any memorabilia, paperwork, VA stuff, old war buddies, etc. One night we were having drinks with some people that we went to high school with that he stayed in contact/friends with consistently since then. I brought up the marine thing and the person there looked very confused and said something along the lines of I don’t know about that. The night devolved, which ended with me drunkenly sobbing on the way home about how he’s not real, I can’t look him up on social media and I don’t anything about his past because I can’t find it on the internet.
I’ve been suspicious that he’s a pathological liar for a long time but have been too afraid to ask anyone if he was really a marine. It would be kinda messed up to reach out to family and ask. But with the cheating and lies I’ve been finding since DDay, it’s hard ignore. Lying about being in the military is wild.
The real question: Should I reach out to his ex who he was with during that time?? He said that she cheated on him with his best friend and now they are married with kids. (I know she’s married and has a kid, but that’s about it)
I feel like I’m ready to figure out the truth, but I also feel weird about messaging someone I’ve never met to find out if he’s really as big of a mess and liar as I worry he is; she has obviously moved on with her life and is probably happy.
submitted by geen-bean to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:30 SilverCham AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend because I couldn't take her jokes?

I met this girl online, I got to know her through my friends, who I also met online. Unfortunately, I got into a relationship with her because of a bet which I'm ashamed of, but eventually, I found myself developing genuine feelings for her. She became an essential part of my life despite our distance from one another, and I couldn't imagine going a day without speaking with her. Strangely, I could feel my illness ease just by talking to her for a little while. That may sound bizarre, but that's how deeply she affected me..
However, our relationship wasn't always sunshine and rainbows. After like 1 year or so, She started to became annoying by accusing me of always cheating on her. Her motive seemed to be a desire to provoke a reaction from me or to validate her suspicions with a "I knew it". She also had a lot of male friends, but she get jealous when she sees me interacting with other girls. Her habit of throwing insults at me and saying it was her way of expressing love was the most frustrating thing. Even though we talked about these problems on a daily basis, it felt like she never truly listened; it was like talking to a wall. She always says it was a joke and fun and then changes the subject.
In 2020, after three years of dating, I turned 18 and decided to end things with her, assuming she was younger than me (she always avoided disclosing her age). She didn't take the breakup well, pleading with me to stay, but I had more reasons to let go, including my discomfort with the age that I assumed her to be. I limited my accessibility to her, keeping only a few apps like YouTube and streaming platforms where she couldn't reach me which was hard to do during the pandemic. but it definitely helped me move on.
Last year, I reinstalled the apps, and she reached out to me. We talked, and I've always known that she loved me, even though she occasionally said mean things and it was just a joke for her. I believe she still does loves me, but something she said the first we talked didn't sit right me she said and I quote, "Go now, our account is with Lord on the day of Judgment", Her words hit me hard, especially given my religious beliefs. I know some of y'all aren't religious but this actually broke me, you don't know how much weight these words has on me. Since this, I hated everything about her and could no longer stand to be around her. She keep texting me to this day, and blocking her won't do cause she has multiple accounts. So ignoring her is the only option.
I came her to ask am I to blame for breaking her heart just because I wasn't manly enough and couldn't tolerate her jokes, as some of friends have told me? I am fully aware that I am to blame on how this relationship initiated, but does that mean how it ended was also my fault?
submitted by SilverCham to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:30 shrugir B2B Mobile App Development

B2B Mobile App Development
B2B Mobile App Development
One-stop Destination for Top B2B Mobile App Development Services

Travelopro is a top-notch b2b mobile app development company, building feature-packed and interactive b2b mobile applications for startups, medium and large enterprises. Our cutting-edge and out-of-the-box approach will deliver cost-effective b2b mobile app development solutions to turn your business into a leading enterprise.

As a custom mobile app development company globally, our aim is to help clients by providing custom mobile apps to boost their sales for generating higher ROI (Return on Investment).

We believe in doing a lot of research work and competitor analysis before starting up with mobile app development. At Travelopro, the expert team of experienced developers makes sure that every custom mobile app we develop meets world-class standards.

Travelopro offers inclusive B2B mobile apps development services to increase profitability while fulfilling business-specific needs. Our highly- qualified and experienced B2B mobile apps development consultant works closely with our customers and vouch to deliver excellence for catering to their business-critical requirements.

Travelopro has a committed team of B2B & B2C eCommerce developers with expertise in all leading platforms. We focus on customizing, implementing B2B & B2C eCommerce solutions.

From planning to development and launch, we follow the agile project management process to get things done faster and with maximum quality. No matter how unique or complex your business ideas are, our highly skilled team architects are ready to take the challenge.

Our B2B mobility solutions increase the interaction accuracy within an organization, optimize business processes and provide fast customer feedback with better communication. Most of the corporations have B2B mobile apps for data sharing and analysis, supervision, 24x7 support services, communication, and other operations.

We have a dedicated pool of 50+ designers, strategists, and developers in our work centers to deliver perfectly crafted, created, and innovative b2b mobile app development solutions to our clients. We take your business to new heights!

When compared to other b2b mobile app development companies - what makes us unique and stand out from the crowd? We take every project as an opportunity to deliver unique and next-gen solutions using state-of-the-art technologies. At Travelopro, perfection is not just another trait but also a way of life that we have become accustomed to.

We understand how important it is for businesses to build and cultivate customer loyalty, and secure a higher ROI. And that's what Travelopro aims to do through mobile solutions. As a leading eCommerce app development company, we build robust and intuitive apps that drive growth to your business.

We know what exactly your business needs, and on the basis of that we create top-notch mobile applications with cutting-edge technologies. With the latest range of technologies, Travelopro provides extended functionalities, capabilities, and robustness while undertaking mobile enterprise development. We deliver B2B, B2C, and B2E mobility solutions across the globe.

Below-mentioned are the most common types of eCommerce mobile applications. What best matches your business needs?

B2B (Business to Business)

Are most of your B2B sales being mobile? Then maximize growth with B2B eCommerce application development. Let's create mobile-first experiences.

B2C (Business to Customer)

Reach a wider customer base with our eCommerce application development services. Let's build feature-rich apps that your customers love.

B2A (Business to Administration)

We offer B2A eCommerce mobile app development to industries ranging from defense to aerospace. Build an app with a highly skilled team.

C2A (Customer to Administration)

Mobile apps are a great way to increase the flexibility of transactions. Build C2A mobile apps as per your requirements with us.

C2B (Customer to Business)

Have an idea for a C2B mobile app? Hire a team that has both technical and industry expertise for eCommerce application development.

C2C (Customer to Customer)

Launch and scale your C2C business with a marketplace app. Hire expert who can deliver solutions as per your business logic.

Our Powerful Solutions for B2B App Development

Our targeted and customized solutions are tailor-made for specific business models and operations, that empowers you to optimize your ROI and carve a unique niche within the B2B mobile ecosystem.

JOS App Development

We will design and launch efficiently designed and feature-rich IOS business apps for B2B operations and take your business to the next level.

Android App Development

We will develop state-of-the-art Android mobile apps for corporates and enterprises, leveraging the power and reach of the Android ecosystem.

Mobile App Consulting
With our end-to-end development model, we focus on building apps and client relations, which is why we will be there for you at every step of the way.

React Native App Development
Unleash the best of both worlds with B2B mobile apps developed using React Native, which is platform-independent.

Flutter App Development
Attain faster speeds, efficient development cycles and better results with the cross-platform flutter app development for the B2B niche.

Xamarin App Development
Save time with the Xamarin App, one of the fastest methods for cross-platform development for ventures whose ideas cannot wait any longer.

Our B2B Mobile Application Development Process
Our leading b2b mobile app development company follows DevOps and agile processes for offering on-time & error-free solutions to our clients.

Our experienced development team conducts in-depth analysis, understands the project's goals, and ensures validation for delivering comprehensive documentation. We also come up with a dedicated mobile app development plan based on your specific requirements.

· With end-to-end, full-stack mobile application development knowledge & expertise, we help in designing as well as developing customized mobile applications based on the specific requirements of our clients.

· Our advanced development services include full-cycle mobile app development, integration with the ongoing environment, testing, and deployment. We also offer reliable after-deployment support.


· For delivering the assurance of the overall stability after delivering mobile applications successfully, we offer comprehensive mobile app maintenance as well as support services.

· Right from upgrades & the overall improvements to performance monitoring, security audit, server & OS migration-we offer it all.

Mobile App Industries We Cover


· Let your target audience map the health record and fitness with the accuracy of mobile apps. As the structured apps developed by the Mobile App Development Company are intelligently designed to keep one in good health and shape.

· Additionally, by enabling the customized features to improve the user experience, the developed applications are technologically advanced.

· Healthcare apps are developed for the health-conscious individual by suggesting the ways to lose weight to what should be the right diet to choosing the right form of exercise. Further, these mobile apps appropriately offer services to the concerned audience.


· Making learning fun and an easy process for students, e-learning apps developed by our application development company are attractive and interactive because, with the impact of user-friendly graphics and videos in the e-learning apps, an institution gets the opportunity to share a mirage of knowledge. And, with the added test series to worksheets, the apps systematically cover the syllabus of students.

· These e-learning mobile apps are compatible with students of any age. However, e-learning apps are a way to generate success for students who cannot afford the high fees of tuition classes.

Travel & Hospitality

· Get an intensive app built on travel and hospitality, and provide engaging services to your target audience with the modified app. From the bookings of the travel plan to the arrangement of the stay at the resorts, the travel app is the comprehensive portal for tourists.

· Make traveling fun and hassle-free, the travel, and hospitality app lets the tourist find everything concerning their trip on one platform with an organized mobile app. Developed by the Mobile App Development Company.


As an application development company, we develop a user-friendly portal for students and teachers. And with systematic designing of educational classes and forums, we facilitate an educational platform to usher in the growth of the students. However, our inquisitive approach in building the educational app is commendable and noteworthy.

Finance and Insurance

· One can get proficient apps from the Mobile App Development Company in India like ours, we specialize in developing fintech apps with improved features.

· Keeping the track of your finance and payments of insurance premiums with the adequacy of mobile apps, the arranged portals with managed platforms helps one in dealing with finances. helps one in dealing with finances.

· With the constant reminder feature of due dates and alerts, the app assists the consumer in choosing the best plan for the long run and short run. However, the app acts as the virtual guide for the consumers looking forward to making smart investment decisions.

Retail and e-Commerce

· Shopping through mobile apps is comfortable, with added features and multiple diverse categories to browse at the retail and e-commerce apps, a brand name can sweep the market presence with accelerated sales and greater audience reach.

· Thus, let your audience shop online as the diversified mobile apps allow shoppers to browse the diverse categories and proceed with a quick assessment of the payment. The multiple offerings and easy-to-shop alternatives of the retail and e-commerce apps developed by the mobile app Development Company in India Are competent and effective.


· With the streamlined information about each process of the logistics, the mobile app helps in the quick and transparent execution of the logistics. Thus, by giving a holistic development to the apps, we progress towards having a systematic app that helps in quick shipment processing and showcases real-time delivery status.

· Logistics app can bring about the seamless delivery process, the stepwise execution of packaging to delivery and updating of stock, the logistics app designed by the application development company assures to simplify the operations.


The enhanced marketplace apps created by the Mobile App Development Company worldwide take you to the virtual marketplaces.

How to Develop a Successful B2B Mobile App

Business to business (B2B) is becoming popular in the application business area. Instead of reaching customers through mobile apps, businesses focus on reaching other businesses like doctors, restaurants, etc.

However, very few businesses opt for the B2B application; hence, the competition is not yet intense in the market. The slow adoption of B2B in the mobile application development process is due to the small size of the B2B market. It requires better communication and robust sales, which is still difficult. However, the best part of the B2B application is that the user focuses on the conversion rate.

With the evolution of new and innovative technologies, it has become easy to access emails, social accounts, games, music, and other entertainment area on the smartphone device at any time and also including the latest technologies in the business such as wearables, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, etc., these technologies have also made B2B application important.

Various studies have also suggested that more than 85% of mobile phones are spent on smartphone apps. Hence, mobile apps that are useful for existing clients can help the business to grow.

Below are some of the tips on developing a successful B2B application. App development, deployment, and app service and maintenance are important factors for developing successful B2B applications and proper resources and time.

Purpose of B2B App

B2B mobile applications are developed by one business for another business. Thus, the ultimate aim of the app should be to provide useful tools for businesses that can help the business retain new clients and convert new leads into business or clients. Companies are creating new B2B apps with better features by providing the cost to develop a mobile app.

Going with the Flow of Latest Trends

· The key to creating a B2B mobile application is knowing about the customer or client requirement, ongoing trends, and customer interest. It is important to know what customers need before starting with the mobile application development process.

· To understand the user's requirements, the business should look at the already available apps in the market. A business should examine and study these B2B apps and the way they provide value to other businesses.

· Conducting robust research and planning accordingly can help businesses develop the best B2B app for a client and enhance customer experience.

Marketing B2B Mobile App

There are various ways in which the company or business can market B2B mobile apps. Below are some of the most effective B2B app marketing techniques.

Optimizing App Store

· Every store has its own algorithm; hence, it becomes important to comprehend the multiple ins and multiple outs of each store to ensure that the mobile application has maximum exposure.

· In the case of the iOS mobile app, it is important to ensure that the app is optimized for the App Store, and in the case of the Android app, it should be optimized for the Play Store. Regardless of the cost to develop a mobile app, the company should deliver a quality app to the customers and users.

Reviews and Ratings

· Reviews and rating options are some of the most important tools in the B2B application marketing strategy. This means more reviews and ratings, the higher the search credibility in the App Store. Ratings and reviews provided by customers help add to the application's reputation and encourage more app development.

· With an increasing number of apps in the market, it has become important to provide reviews and ratings to customers. Today, it has become essential for businesses to develop mobile apps as most people use smartphones and spend maximum time on the apps. Moreover, by providing B2B apps, businesses can easily achieve their goals.

Social Media
· Social media has become an important part of our lives as it helps people connect and helps businesses achieve their goals. Hence, companies and businesses are focusing on taking full advantage of social media and developing techniques.
· Businesses are developing interesting and attractive social media pages with important information about the business, pictures, videos related to the brands by the company.

· Along with mobile application development processes, companies are also building social media pages to enhance the user experience. Businesses are also focusing on developing campaigns targeting smartphone audiences and encouraging them to install the app.

Benefits of B2B Mobile App Development

B2B applications are a wonderful way for B2B companies and brands to streamline their in-house B2B processes and operations. Right from tracking sales and leads to stock and logistics, B2B applications can be built and used for anything and everything.

Increases Efficiency

B2B applications make managing simple things such as hiring more people, making new teams, creating new departments, etc. easier. With just a couple of clicks, both admin and sub-admin can manage such things and improve the overall efficiency of the teams.


With B2B mobile apps, businesses can take advantage of flexibility. In fact, the mobile platform has made it simpler and easier for businesses to interact with customers, identify leads, and communicate with team members anytime and anywhere.

Simplify Things

From tracking employees' in and out time to sudden sick leaves, a B2B application can cover all the functionalities, letting businesses create effective reports on a daily, monthly, and quarterly basis.

Enhances Communicate

To enhance communication between offices and internal teams, tailor-made B2B mobile/web applications are a great alternative to discuss the precise communication requirements of your business, making a huge difference.

Why Choose Travelopro For Your B2B Mobile App Development?

Travelopro is a leading app development company, our team of proficient mobile app developers holds profound exposure and experience gained through continuously working and delivering diverse mobile applications catering to the varied needs of different industries and markets.

Our Mobile app developers are extensively experienced to deal with any challenges faced while building a challenging and innovative mobile application. They enjoy investing their time in learning about your needs in all the details and proceed with coding only after performing an in-depth analysis of the project requirements.

Understanding your app ideas and needs first and then, working to translate these into the most cutting-edge and lively mobile applications, is the philosophy our mobile application team believes in - the very reason why we develop and maintain trusted and long-term relationships with a majority of our clients.

When it comes to the core technical expertise of experimenting to introduce new features to an existing application or bringing about a significant modification in the current features of an application, their vast experience plays a huge role in the successful execution of such projects to meet the immediate business needs without losing sight of the long-term business goals.

Our business motto is to help businesses achieve a competitive advantage by building advanced and feature-rich mobile applications for their companies that comply with the latest mobile trends.

As a professional organization, we make it a point to always meet the industry benchmarks of quality by following the coding standards and the industry-defined protocols. Our rich UI/UX imparts seamless experiences to the end-users.

Our team of mobile application developers is committed to their responsibilities and capable of utilizing their skills to develop expedient mobile applications that correctly address your business needs.

Our team is equipped with the sharp business acumen to understand business logic, apply technical concepts and effectively reap the advantages of the advanced technologies by translating them into business benefits.

Our developers directly interact with you and work closely with you to understand your needs in detail, to provide you with regular progress updates and weekly demos, ensuring you stay on top of the project schedule and the project workflow.

Leveraging their domain expertise, they develop your mobile apps within the defined timelines while covering all the requirements specified as part of the project scope.

For more details, Pls visit our Website:
submitted by shrugir to u/shrugir [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:30 Constant_Dingo_2439 Araw-araw nalang gusto kong magresign

Pahingi pong advice.
This is my first job and i am currently in my 4 months here in my company, i just can't see na tatagal ako dito and there is one person na sobrang kupal na sobrang demanding na sobrang toxic na para na kong may trauma sa kanya, at sobrang baba lang din ng sahod. Araw araw nalang parang hinihila ko nalang sarili ko sa kama para pumasok. Okay lang ba magresign pagka 6months ko? Hindi ba ako mahihirapan mag apply if ever? what is the cons if I have 6 months experience lang?
submitted by Constant_Dingo_2439 to AntiworkPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:30 Excellent_Win_7045 How to deal with customer service as a people pleaser???

Hi everyone! I run a small non-profit, and I've always really struggled with customer service and things like that because I'm a chronic people pleaser and very conflict-avoidant. People keep telling me this business will be good practice and I'll get better at being assertive and setting boundaries, but I actually feel like I've gotten worse at it because I'm so passionate about my organization and I desperately want people to enjoy their experiences with us and keep coming back. I'm trying to work on this because I do feel like we get taken advantage of sometimes, but I also would rather 100 people take advantage of my company than one person not like us or have a bad experience, even though I know that's not "good business".
That brings me to today, when we had what was definitely the most explosive customer service issue since I founded the company a few years ago. I won't go into too much detail, but somebody was extremely upset over something that transpired that I had no idea was an issue for them, as I've honestly never in my life heard of someone having a problem with it. I'm not saying it's their fault, just that it wasn't something I ever would've considered might be a problem. It's also something that can't really be fixed without impacting a ton of other people, so it's not really a reasonable request in the area I work in. I don't know what to do about it because there's no way to handle the situation and please both sides, and right now both are upset with me. This person basically yelled at me about the problem for 10 minutes today and then left, and hasn't responded to any of my attempts to reach out and have a conversation. I feel terrible about the situation and feel like I didn't handle it properly in the moment because I was so caught off guard. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for the last 12 hours, and I'm honestly not sure how I'm going to go into work tomorrow knowing I'm going to have to see this person; the thought just makes me want to throw up.
Anyway, my question is, what do you do in this kind of situation? For anyone else who runs a business or handles customer service, how do you handle conflict appropriately without either crying or making bad decisions to make someone happy?
*Note: details are vague on purpose on the off chance that someone involved comes across this post. Message me if more info would be helpful!
submitted by Excellent_Win_7045 to PeoplePleasers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:30 FluffyCockroach7632 Lack of supply or growth spurt?

I am a first time mom and am EBF our 11 week old boy. I was pumping up until his first growth spurt at 7 weeks and switched to boob only. I feel like my supply has dropped since dropping pumping. My boobs aren’t as big and hard but baby seems fed and usually goes 4-5 hours. These past few days though we barely make it to 3 hours. Can’t help but wonder if my supply is dropping or if he’s going through his 3 month spurt early. My boobs don’t feel as hard as they used to (might be because of frequent feedings), but instead of nursing for 25-30 min he’s usually done in about 10-15 min.
The past few nights he’s just had one boob and fallen asleep before getting to the other.
So the short nursing sessions, paired with frequent eating and not and full feeling boobs idk if it’s me or him. Did anyone have this same thing happen? Hoping my supply isn’t going down and this is just an early growth spurt
submitted by FluffyCockroach7632 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:30 eplemelk A note to self

I often forget I have ptsd. Months have went by with little to no symptoms. Things were going great at work and I was socializing more. Then it hit me. Trauma season. I despise this time of year. It’s a huge trigger for me. My body starts to shut down and it gets almost impossible to sleep during night. The symptoms are not as intense as one year ago but it’s really hard right now. I keep reminding myself that it will pass but once the flashbacks hit it’s difficult to think rationally and fear sets in. My body hurts from yesterday’s battle but I’m hopeful. I’ve been through this before and calming myself with extra care for my inner child always helps. Thanks for listening.
submitted by eplemelk to ptsd [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:29 cuboneitis Is your short term memory awful too?

Hey again all, I've had hydro since I was born and have had a VP shunt since I was a couple weeks old. No revisions except one when I was 4, now 25.
Lately, I've been having an issue where I have a conversation, and immediately after it ends I forget what I said, completely. The odd thing is I don't forget what the other person said, just me. Does anyone have any similar issues? This has been happening for maybe 2 months or so.
submitted by cuboneitis to Hydrocephalus [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:29 UrSnflwrmilf Depressed 😔

Short story well I’ll try and make it short. I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety majority of my life. I was diagnosed in 2021 and have gone to quite a bit of therapy as well for various reasons of course. I noticed these last few months have just been so hard for me mentally. I have days that are great and then others where I wish it would just end for me. note my babies are my main drive to stay kicking
I am currently on vilazidone/ vybrid it has worked in the past and has been til recently so I feel. I don’t even know where to start to see if I need to change to a different medication I fn hate this that I have to rely on a damn pill to make me feel normal oh and not to mention medication(though I am great full for it) to slow the progression of this disease I and no one else asked for(ms). Ugh
Anyone have any insight on what may help? My energy levels are depleted. I drink plenty of water and try to get plenty of protein daily.
I’ll also mention I had VSG 8 months ago so hell that may be my issue I don’t even know anymore.
Ready to run away from life and climb under a rock 🪨
submitted by UrSnflwrmilf to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:29 Still-Mycologist4637 anyone tried tirz from 2 different pharmacies and had a different reaction?

without giving the long backstory of how I found myself here...here's my situation:
  1. could I have an easier time on a different compound? or will it be the same probably with or without the b12 added?
  2. will my symptoms let up if I keep with it? or am I going to be pissing out my ass if I stay on this medication?
I'm torn between basically wasting 3 months worth of medication and calling it a mistake and moving on, or powering through. Would love any insight. As for my symptoms I have tried: taking daily imodium, no greasy foods, plenty of water, plenty of fiber, plenty of protein.
submitted by Still-Mycologist4637 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:29 Byte-Sized_Tutoring FIT2004 exam - additional resources - Network Flow

While providing private tutoring for FIT2004 students we have designed some additional materials for consolidating Network Flow problem-solving questions. Given the questions have been made, we figure we may as well share them.
  1. There are n people hoping to adopt a cat. Each person has a preferred colour. For each of the m colours (m₁, m₂, ... mₙ) there are cₓ number of cats. How would you ensure that the maximum number of people get their preferred coloured cat? Your solution should report how many cats of each colour are adopted.
  2. Now there are n people hoping to adopt a dog, and there are n dogs to adopt. The only problem is that some breeds can only live in certain kinds of homes (e.g., a Great Dane cannot live in an apartment!), thus each person's home is only suitable for a subset of breeds. There are m breeds, and for each breed there are bₓ number of dogs. How could you determine whether every dog will be adopted?
  3. The boss at the animal shelter wishes to buy some pet toys to display in the reception area. The pet-shop she purchases toys from provides toys for s different species (e.g., cats, dogs, parrots, and ferrets). Every toy has a specific animal species that it is designed for, and will be one of c colours (e.g., a toy might be a yellow cat toy; or a red ferret toy). The boss wants a certain number of toys per animal species (to reflect how many animals of that species are adopted each month), and she also wants a specific number of each colour of toy (to maintain the reception area's aesthetic). She has given you the task of making the order: how will you check that this is possible, or show your boss that she is being too demanding?
  4. It's the time of year where animal food is on sale, and so the shelter wants to make a bulk order. There are n different kinds of food that need to be bought (dry cat food; wet dog food; birdseed; etc.) but only two wholesale providers. Both wholesalers have a couple of deals where if you buy a certain pair of food then you will get a discount. They are competitive so their deals are identical, even though their prices are not. Use a flow diagram to determine where to buy each kind of food such that you pay the minimum amount.
We may put up solutions on our website in a day or so, but I suspect the supportive community of FIT2004 students on reddit and the FIT Discord channel (that I know exists but I would like to stay off it, please and thank you) will almost certainly provide answers faster than they go up.
Given writing these was a lot of fun, we may also publish some more questions on the same/different topics over the next few days... we'll see. Those questions will be on our website (bytesizedtutoring.com), mostly because reddit doesn't have support for LaTeX, and even the markdown is limited (to get subscript I had to copy-paste the unicode; seriously, reddit?!)
Happy puzzling!
Disclaimer: These resources were made without any knowledge of the contents of the FIT2004 exam. While we have experience tutoring FIT2004, the person who made these resources does not currently teach FIT2004. If you have questions about the FIT2004 exam specifically, ask them on Ed as asking us is pointless.
submitted by Byte-Sized_Tutoring to Monash [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:29 No_Lavishness_4324 I’m just lost and confused right now and it hurts 💔 (17m)

I’m just lost and confused right now and it hurts 💔 (17m)
(This is a sad post so just be cautious reading this because I want people to have hope in long distance relationships)
Hi my name is Alexander, I’m 17m and I’ve only been in two relationships in my life both were long distance. The first one was very toxic and manipulative and It left me very broken after. A little after I met this girl (17f) on discord and me and her started talking, right away I could tell something was different about her. The way she spoke, the emotions you could feel from her. I fell in love pretty quickly. When I tell you this girl was perfect she truly truly was. She was one of a kind. Everyday she made sure I was happy and feeling loved. She always took time out of her day to do stuff with me. Our relationship was healthy and for once in my life I felt what true love was. She dealt with a lot in her life and she often struggled mentally, she would overthink and on one case blocked me because she thought I deserved someone better then her but I showed her that she was the one I wanted. Everything was going good in our relationship and we never had any arguments or fights. Honestly I didn’t see anything wrong with our relationship. We both ended up getting sick and so I felt very tired and I fell asleep early, when I woke up she had blocked me on everything and she sent me two messages “good morning babe” and “I’m sorry” I tried everything I could to reach out to her but I knew deep down it was over. Me and her used to talk about everything together and we always used to say that one day we were going to be married and have a home together. She was planning on seeing me this summer too. I don’t know what happened and honestly I just hope she finds happiness in her life, it’s truly what she deserves. It’s crazy to think that these memories that once made me happy and loved now make me cry uncontrollably. I miss her so soo much. To think that I will never talk to her again someone I truly thought I would spend my life with. For anyone that took time reading this I just want to say thank you, I really appreciate it. I’m going to sleep now I really need it
Here’s some messages that she sent me that I look at a lot
submitted by No_Lavishness_4324 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:29 Any_Perception6042 My crazy last relationship

My crazy last relationship
context, I’m 17 NB (they/them but amab)while the exiting question is 18 M let’s call him Jekyll you’ll see later. We both suffer from depression.this all happens for beginning of april til end of march. he lives in Florida i live in indiana near Chicago. so me and Jekyll met on a dating app I usually I’m just on the app trolling to see how guys will flirt with me because they usually do really funny ways but he was different. He treated me with respect he didn’t treat me like it was a piece of meat. He made me feel special. I know the trap everyone falls into. we got to know each other for about a month and here’s where I ignored a few red flags number one we met the same day that he had just got broken up with, red flag number two he showed me the messages of when they broke up like a couple of days after we met and he was 100% the problem he was insecure about his ex’s Espeto (it’s me on a stick it’s a Brazilian dish. My ex is half Brazilian half Colombian and his ex was full Brazilian.) size being bigger than his by no means does that mean he has a small Espito, but just as big as his this man wanted his ex to get a vaginoplasty to make him feel less insecure. when he showed me this I 100% told that he was in the wrong he seemed extremely insecure. I told him like horrible he said yeah he knows that he was wrong for that and he said he doesn’t feel that way anymore, right and he never forced upon me, well if he tried, I would’ve broke up with him but like I end up doing that anyway, I’m getting sidetracked. so we eventually we dated like after a month of knowing each other I know I shouldn’t have dated him but not the brightest things have been through in that relationship. Just make a list he called another black person, the N-word with harder because they didn’t find him attractive (i’m black & native american but im full black passing.) I promptly cussed him out over this then said if he did anything like that again, he will be broken up with second thing I was in a depressive episode, and I was feeling very insecure. I described myself as an ogre to him in text, basically saying I was insecure about my body felt like I was shaped like an ogre (i’m not really big enough to be considered fat but definitely chubby). let me be clear. I was insecure about my body not my face. I have always been told. I’m generally an attractive person. I’ve been called pretty for most of my life. I know I’m not ugly. I just don’t like how my body looks right this man promptly said don’t worry I’m ugly too.(first of all this man is a stereotypical hot man) some sponsors did you just call me ugly cause I never said I was ugly I said I didn’t like my body. You just called me ugly which made me more insecure and I totally me long as you made me. Cry still didn’t break up with him after that the next thing so we had an open relationship since we had that much long distance it was like 18 hours and I didn’t care that much. he actually lost his virginity while we were dating. weirdly the guy he had been hooking up with basically friends with benefits he chose the person because we look alike, which is weirdly true like the man looks more like me than any of my siblings, and I have four half brothers. this man ignored me for multiple hours because he was planning his next hook up with the guy even though we had a whole discussion about never putting your friends with benefits thing over our relationship since that defeats the purpose of being in a relationship. no still didn’t break up with him. After that next thing he did, which really really really broke down my confidence, the same literally less than an hour after the me calling myself an ogre , you’re being a secure of my body. he asses me my weight I’m thinking nothing of it. I’ll say I am 245. I am trying to get back down to my healthy weights which is around 195, but I usually stay around 215. I just gained a bunch of weight because I hadn’t been wrestling due to multiple concussions. That’s a whole Nother story he didn’t ask me. Do I plan on losing weights? I tell him yeah I plan on like working out do it plan Zumba classes to try to lose weight, he kept asking more questions so I eventually ask him. Why do you want to know right? I’m not thinking of anything bad he says oh because I’m 130 and I don’t want you breaking my espeto. I literally cried. I also went off not only if I call him an idiot because first of all doesn’t know how that shit fucking works. You literally just fat shamed the hell out of me he denied that he fashioned me and was no way that he can convince me that he didn’t fed me. I didn’t talk to him him for the rest of the day. here are some small things that irritated me, but I never really said anything about them because they’re small due to our time different he wakes up an hour before me, but does not send me good morning text until when it’s no longer morning for him. his personality can change on the fly. He goes from being really sweet, really lovey-dovey treating me like I’m an actual human being, then will turn into a very very mean person where he doesn’t even see that he is saying things that hurt my feelings, and then then he cries and bags for me to forgive him, I’ve me and my friend let’s call them Alexander because they’re actual name comes from Hamilton we are talking about the recent break up and then we start getting into my current relationship and I tell them all what’s been happening and they convinced me to break up with him which was the definitely the correct decision because he pulled the classic. I’m a kill myself after you leave me because no one cares about me. Yeah, I didn’t fall for it, you know I did feel bad for a while and the reason I stayed so long was because I I was blaming his mental health and I do truly believe that this was all his mental health, but I deserve better, but I don’t know.
At this point imma start only dating women 😭(pansexual)
i’ll give screenshots of my break up note but I’ll erase the names
submitted by Any_Perception6042 to GayBroTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:28 Jomsvik I Need to Learn DIY

I Need to Learn DIY
Spent pretty much the whole day para sa oil change, CVT Cleaning, car wash and short, sunset ride 2 days ago.
This is my first time na magpa-pms sa labas ng casa. One thing I noticed is yung mga mechanics ay general knowledge lang sa motor. They didn't know whether ADV has an oil filter or not, so hindi nalinis yung oil filter if there is one (looked it up after, and there is one).
Pinapanood ko sila the whole time to get general idea how it works, and I didn't see them set the torque wrench to a specific torque values. Instead, they impact wrench'ed the hell out of all the bolts and nuts of the unit, which had me a bit worried na baka masira yung thread, or induce an unnecessary stress sa mga pasukan ng turnilyo.
This is when I decided that I'll just learn and do it myself on my next PMS. After all, the lithium battery that I've been using for the last 6 months is something I assembled myself, so might as well go all the way.
submitted by Jomsvik to PHMotorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:28 profprism1 Progressive is Screwing me

I have been dealing with Progressive for the past month. I started a policy at the end of April, and it was fine up until recently.
Months before I had a policy with progressive, I was talking with my girlfriend about moving in together, and since she doesn't own a car, I decided to check how much insurance would cost for the two of us and did an online quote.
Fast forward a few months, I have had progressive for a month at this point, and I went to check if my payment went through amd noticed my next payment was $800. I called to figure out what happened. They told me they saw the previous quote from many months back and added her to my policy. They said they sent me an email, that stated they were going to, but after looking through my emails, i haven't received anything related to it.
Now, I can't remove her from my policy until I prove she doesn't live with me. She goes to school on a full ride scholarship, so she doesn't work and she doesn't own any property. So that eliminates most of the valid documents. The only thing available to provide would be her license (which they only accept if it was renewed in the last 6 months, which it hasn't been.) Or transcripts from her school.
I provided the transcripts, however they said they couldn't use it. Now they're sending her letters in the mail and claiming they can't prove we don't live together. So it's impossible to remove her from my policy. And I can't just cancel my policy to solve it since they're back charging me for last month, and I can barely afford my bills without an extra $200 added on top of everything.
Is there anything I can do?
submitted by profprism1 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:27 Return_Dusk Question about the Kona/compability with an Apple iPod

I'm looking into buying an electric car for myself and am heavily leaning towards a Kona. My mom also drives one and is very happy with it.
Now, I wanted to drive her car to work today to test it but I couldn't connect my iPod to it for my music (with a lightning cable). Specifically an iPod nano 7. generation. Is it just not compatible? Does anybody know? Because if not, I will have to find another solution since I have and hear all my music on my iPod and refuse to drive anywhere if I can't listen to my music.
I know I could probably just use my phone but I currently don't have any music on it and absolutely don't like Spotify. I like to keep my music at one place so I don't have to update multiple devices when I find new songs, so I'd love it if there's any way to connect my iPod to a Kona. But if the iPod is not compatible I might have to transfer some of my music on my phone after all to be able to listen to it in the car...
submitted by Return_Dusk to Hyundai [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:27 ilovenapes 240605 Current Status of Voting Polls

Hi fellow EverAfters!
Wanna vote but don't have time to grind and watch ads?
Not a problem!👌
Just participate in our Donation Drive (GCash/PayPal) and let the voting team handle the rest! 😎
However, if you do have time to spare, kindly help us with a few taps on your phone and vote! 😁
Here is a list of on-going voting polls and their current status:

❗️Top Priority Voting Polls ❗️

- Grind on these first before anywhere else.

KGMA Trend of the Year: Kpop Group (Monthly Voting - June):

Deadline: June 16, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
Fancast 1st - 7,117 votes 2nd - 520 votes
We won last month on our own category. However, in order to get the monthly trophy, we need to have the highest votes across all four Trend of the Year categories.
Let's vote even harder this month and give our girls their first trophy! 🏆
It is advised to collect rubies in Idol Champ app as well since they can be converted into gold hearts. ❤️ -> 💛
Also, please help us win 40k gold hearts for UNIS here and here!
Criteria (according to Fancast app):
  1. Pre-vote (10%) - done, we lost. 🥲
  2. Monthly vote (40%) - we won last month, 3 more months to go! 💪🏻
  3. Main vote (50%) - main event will be held on November 16-17 this year.

UPICK (Rookie Artist of June):

Deadline: June 20, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
UPICK 3rd - 1,228,320 votes 1st - 1,331,420 votes
Collect voting points, but DON'T use them yet❗️
Unless it's one of the expiry days (15th & end of the month), use your voting points only during a Time Attack event!
I will be mentioning such events when announced, so stay tuned! 😁
We are currently on a 4-month winning streak for this award. 🔥
The first 4 months were Elisia, Gehlee, Yunha, and Seowon. (in order).
It's Nana's turn this month.

✌️ Other Voting Polls ✌️

- Vote here after grinding on priority polls.

idoki Female Idol (June Ranking):

Deadline: June 30, 2024
App Name Gehlee Elisia
idoki 1st - 173,302 votes 4th - 81,782 votes
The main reward for this voting poll is a billboard ad in Shibuya (Japan), for both 1st and 2nd place. That is why we have 2 of the members at the top. 😁
This month, we will be pushing more for Gehlee since one of the rewards for winning the poll is a Birthday Cafe event in both Seoul and Tokyo during the winner's birthday week on August, which is Gehlee's birthmonth! 😲
However, in order for Gehlee to be eligible for this birthday prize, she must first gather 250,000 votes til the 20th of June! We're already more than halfway that amount (69.4%)! Let's vote and reach that goal before it's too late! 😨

Stardom Rookie Idol (Female):

Deadline: June 9, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
Stardom 2nd - 1,748 votes 1st - 1,868 votes
This app is only available in Korean. Therefore, if you're having a hard time navigating through the app, you can use this guide from the voting team for instructions. 👍
Also, in case you missed it, Stardom has posted a video message from UNIS thanking us for voting and making them the winner last week.
Let's keep voting them so they do that every week! 🤣

THEKKING July Anniversary Ranking:

Deadline: June 19, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
THEKKING 6th - 133 votes 1st - 748 votes
I emailed the app, and now UNIS is nominated as well for their 100th day celebration! 🤣
The reward for this is a 15 day subway ad! 😲
I think we have a chance here since the deadline is still far. So, vote here after grinding on UPICK and Fancast! 💪🏻
Did I miss something?
If yes, please mention them in the comments so I can include them on my next update 👍. Thanks!
submitted by ilovenapes to unis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:27 watawasu Advice for Adopting a Stray Cat

Obligatory apologies in advance for formatting since I’m typing on mobile.
As the title states, I’m considering taking in a stray cat that roams my neighborhood. I moved to this neighborhood a year and a half ago and immediately noticed there were many stray cats in this area. I know two or three of them are a tiny colony my neighbor cares for while the others are just strays. There’s one cat in particular I noticed was always by herself. I spent a few months trying to win her over as I never saw anyone interacting with or feeding her. Eventually she let me pet her, and that’s when I noticed how thin and dirty she was. I began giving her treats like churu after she allowed me to pet her on a regular basis. I know I shouldn’t have, but I named her. Of course, I became attached to her after giving her a name. I very quickly began giving her food after naming her because I couldn’t bear the thought of her going hungry.
She always runs up to me whenever she sees me. Whether it’s for pets or food, she always comes to me. It’s gotten to a point now where she waits across the street or at my driveway for me to come out. She’s very affectionate. She literally will not stop rubbing against my legs, and she does little kangaroo hops to nudge her head into my hands if I stop petting her. She even follows me to my porch and meows at my door for me to come back out when I go inside.
My sister and I plan on moving out next year as we’ve finally graduated university and still live with our family. We would adopt her now, but our parents hate cats and our landlord doesn’t allow pets. What advice do you guys have to transitioning a stray cat to house life? We’re almost 100% sure she doesn’t belong to anyone as all the neighborhood kids refer to her as a dirty stray, but we’ll do our due diligence to ask around before taking her. I’m also planning to get her a vet visit and taking her to the groomer’s so she’s clean and on the mend before we introduce her indoors.
submitted by watawasu to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:27 Zealousideal_Ad_1445 AITA for telling my roommate I don’t want her dad’s dog to stay with us permanently?

I’ll try to keep this as short as possible but there’s so many details in this.
I (f25) hve two roommates who I’ll call Doreen (f23) and Matt (m25) who are dating. We moved out together after Doreen and her father had a validly dramatic fallout last year in December. We agreed on a set of rules where nothing would be decided unless we all talked and agreed about the subject.
Lately, Doreen has been making decisions on her own without discussing anything with anyone in the house but because her and Matt are dating he automatically agrees to make her happy and none of them were my hill to die on.
The most recent decision was to take her father’s dog under her wing since her dad has confessed that he no longer wants to take care of her. For some background, the dog hasn’t been taken care of properly for years and hasn’t been bathed in almost a year. Her dad works night shift and sleeps during the day so he doesn’t pay attention to the dog and claims that she gets into too much trouble which is virtually impossible.
Facts about the dog: she is 9-10 years old, morbidly obese, has trouble breathing, smells absolutely rancid even afterDoreen gave her a bath, bites anyone that tries to give her love and is in the way 90% of the time(she will lay in random places that make you unable to open certain drawers such as the garbage) and can barely walk.
I’ve told Doreen in the past that I don’t mind the dog staying with us for a week at a time but do NOT want the dog here permanently mostly because I physically cannot be around the dog without being repulsed and annoyed when she’s in the way. Doreen agreed that we’d have to have an extensive conversation about the dog staying permanently before anything else so I had nothing to worry about. A few days ago her dad was supposed to come back for the dog so I went out to give them space only to come back to the dog still being here. I asked her why and she simply said “you’re almost never here anyways what’s the big deal?” (I work long hours at a restaurant whereas she wfh) I was speechless and simply left the room pissed.
I havent talked to Matt or Doreen since and am seething every second because the house smells like ass 24/7 and she clearly sees nothing wrong with making such a huge decision without talking about it first. We now have two dogs and a cat in the house which I did not agree to so please tell me if Im TA on this one.
Idk if I’m TA because I get that the dog is dying but her father needs to take responsibility for once in his life instead of throwing an extra pet on us.
submitted by Zealousideal_Ad_1445 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:27 Apprehensive-Hat9296 Weaning is so hard

I have 15-month-old twins that I need to be done breastfeeding. I absolutely loved nursing up until 13 months but nursing twin toddlers is a whole different ball game and I'm not enjoying it at all. I just went away for 2 nights because they could not calm down with me around unless I nursed them. They did awesome, took a bottle from my husband when they woke up at night, ate tons of food, and were happy all weekend. Now that I'm back they are miserable around me and I can't calm them at all, only my husband. I don't know how I'm going to handle them without my husband and without nursing them. I don't know what to do.
submitted by Apprehensive-Hat9296 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:26 gchachabattari there’s a part of me that hopes he’ll come back

i would not get back together with him. i’m in a very happy and healthy relationship with someone who checks off every box. my boyfriend isn’t an alcoholic, he goes to therapy, he is so reassuring, he is everything i prayed for in my ex.
there’s that small voice in my head that won’t stop screaming, hasn’t stopped screaming for almost two years, that my ex might come back. and he might have realized that i was too much to lose so he worked on himself and fixed himself.
to be clear, i’m vocalizing a very minuscule part of my train of thought. i am happy and fulfilled. i’m taking my boyfriend to my hometown next month to meet all of my family. he is my partner and my best friend.
i don’t understand why the small voice is still there. i wish i did so i could make it shut the hell up and let me be happy and content without any hesitation.
but i have no one else to talk to about this. i’m embarrassed and ashamed of my thoughts. i can’t even tell my therapist.
submitted by gchachabattari to offmychest [link] [comments]
