Map of the texas intercoastal

Squad Sub for The Eyes of Texas - Daily Strategy will be Posted Here

2018.05.10 21:06 RogueZ1 Squad Sub for The Eyes of Texas - Daily Strategy will be Posted Here

This is the sub for daily strategy for this squad. To discuss general strategy and ideas, keep going to UT_CFB_Command_Center

2019.11.30 00:24 InTheShapeOfTexas

Anything in the shape of Texas

2009.05.06 07:42 Modestraen The University of Texas at Austin

The University of Texas at Austin

2024.06.05 05:06 Desperate_Series3572 (PC, US, 3PP Chernarusplus) Moderated VanillaActive AdminsNo ModsREAL Vanilla

Moderated Vanilla is here to bring a Vanilla DayZ experience - without the still growing cheate"hacker" issue on official servers.
Name: Moderated VanillaActive AdminsNo ModsREAL Vanilla3PP Playstyle: Vanilla/Official Rules: No cheating/hacking or exploiting game bugs Max Players: 60 (Current population is low, max players may be increased later) Perspective: 1PP/3PP - Both Mods: VPPAdminTools+CF Server Restart: 8 Hours Server Wipe: Official server wipe Server Location: Dallas, Texas USA IP Address: Discord:
submitted by Desperate_Series3572 to DayZServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:49 Zeddblidd Red Dawn (1984)

2024-220 / Zedd MAP: 46.90 / MLZ MAP: 50.57 / Score Gap: 3.67
Wikipedia / IMDb / Official Trailer / Our Collection
This morning was just another rough start - I got up groggy, stepped on a lego which was weird because we don’t have any, jammed my gums with my tooth brush, then forgot to take a round of pills. Ok, I didn’t step on a lego but nerve pain plays tricks on you. Let’s just say I got up in the sort of way that makes the dogs find a place in the other room. They can just sense I’m feeling… grumbly.
From IMDb: It is the dawn of World War III. In the west mountains of America, a group of teenagers band together to defend their town, and their country, from invading Soviet forces.
Mrs. Lady Zedd asked, “The rule is: find the film to fit the day, right?” Then, without waiting for my answer, up the stairs she went - it’s going to be a Red Dawn afternoon was her instincts. I gotta say, this revelation didn’t improve my mood but I’ll be damned if she didn’t get it right.
You might be inclined to look on those MAPs and think “bad movie” but 500 Movies core people know better - “unenjoyable (for us) movie” is more like it. This isn’t really meant to be enjoyed, it’s design was meant to stroke nationalistic pride in a young GenXer heart that wasn’t quick to feel much - the 80s were a strange time. On the one hand, I had a lot of fun as a teen (maybe more than I should) but MLZ, me, and anyone else that lived then worried about Russian aggression and dying in a nuclear hellfire. Movies like this one feed those fears, gave us mental masturbation instead of actual solutions.
If you dig into the history of the film a little, you quickly learn it was originally meant to be an antiwar art film, driven by a character study on the youth stuck in hard circumstances. MGM executives, originally having turned the project down, later bought the script with the intent of literally flipping the script and creating a sort of “Rambo for teens” ((um, that explains a lot - also, yikes)).
Later, a prominent MGM board member got all up into the idea…. Yes, Gen. Alexander Haig ((blink-blink)) - Former Chief of Staff for Richard Nixon and then current Secretary of State in the Regan administration - happily championed the motion picture and “yearned to supervise the film personally.”
If, like me, you consider yourself a thinking person, consider the lasting effect this movie has produced. The alt-right magazine National Review named the production #15 on its list of Best Conservative Movies… yeah, sounds about right.
It’s not all bad news - I can find things to enjoy here, despite it’s attempts to flag wave its way through a story that mythologizes a group of high school students who somehow (magically) become brilliant military tacticians overnight.
We’ve got several up-and-coming stars: Patrick Swayze, Leah Thompson, Charlie Sheen, Jennifer Grey, (who’d reunite with Swayze in Dirty Dancing or as they say it down here in Texas - Derty Dancin), and C. Thomas Howell just a few years off from the near career-ending lead in Soul Man - how he survived that one, I don’t know - a good team working behind the scenes I’m sure.
Beyond that, you can find good performances from both Powers Boothe and Harry Dean Stanton - it’s the only kind of performance either of them could give. Mrs. Lady Zedd might try to spread an unsubstantiated rumor that I said, “Powers Booth sounds like something Superman changes clothes in” but don’t you believe it - not in this age where AI is telling people to eat rocks and use glue to keep their pizza toppings on. Who knows what artificial intelligence is actually up to!
Movie on.
Side note: bad days can get worse, for true. We’ve got a dog who’s not doing well suddenly. We’ve been to the vet but we’ve got to give the medicine a change to work. Keep your fingers crossed. Forgive us if we’re not posting for the next few days.
submitted by Zeddblidd to 500moviesorbust [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:40 piepei The ProPublica report on Trump compensating the witnesses in his defense is pretty damning IMO

The ProPublica report on Trump compensating the witnesses in his defense is pretty damning IMO
At risk of sounding too self-important, I’m putting together this sort of summary to go over the ProPublica report on Trumps many financial compensations to those who took to the witness stand (or didn’t) and remained loyal to him. I read the headlines and thought the Trump campaign could just waive it away as proper compensation for something else, literally anything else, but the report is actually so much more damaging with the sheer preponderance of evidence and it eventually led Trump’s attorney, David Warrington, to send a cease-and-desist letter demanding the article not be published...
The report follows 9 total witnesses that all follow the same pattern: after being forced to testify they receive lucrative financial benefits.

1) Boris Epshteyn

  • Bio: Lawyer and classmate/friend of one of Trump’s sons. Epshteyn was involved in assembling sets of false electors after Trump lost the 2020 election
  • Motive: In 2022 he testified before the Georgia Grand Jury that later indicted Trump for trying to overturn the election. In August 2023 the special counsel charged Trump with conspiracy to defraud the American People and Epshteyn became a target witness for their defense.
  • Reward:
  • Reason Given: "Trump’s legal cases intensified and, as a result, Epshteyn had more legal work to coordinate." The official declined to say if he started working more hours. They also found that he still is taking on other clients and in November, he got a new role as Managing Director of a financial services firm called Kenmar Securities

2) Susie Wiles

  • Bio: Political consultant and senior advisor to Trump's campaign. She was present at Mar-a-Lago when Trump showed a classified map related to a military operation, acknowledging “that he should not be showing it.”
  • Motive: June 8, 2023, Trump was indicted and Wiles was a witness in the grand jury. She told others she continued to be loyal to Trump and only testified because she was forced to.
  • Reward #1: That June, the political consulting firm she founded received its highest-ever monthly payment from the Trump campaign: $75,000, an amount the firm has equaled only once since.
    • Reason Given: The Trump campaign official told ProPublica that the spike in payments was largely because Wiles was billing for previous months.
  • Reward #2: She also got a 20% raise that May, from $25,000 to $30,000 per month
    • Reason Given: “She went back and redid her contract,” the official said, adding that her role as a witness was not a factor in that raise.
  • Reward #3: Wiles' daughter, Caroline, was hired by the Trump campaign a few months later. Caroline Wiles had done some work for them in their 2016 campaign and then in the White House for about a month before being fired due to failing an FBI background check (stemming from 2 DUI's in 2005 and 2007). Caroline's salary at the moment is reportedly $222k/yr, making her the 4th highest paid staffer, and includes a monthly housing stipend.
    • Reason Given: Susie Wiles said she and another campaign official were responsible for hiring her daughter, who she said has an expertise in logistics and was brought on to handle arrangements for surrogates taking Trump’s place at events he couldn’t attend. Susie Wiles said Trump wasn’t involved in the hire.

3) Margo Martin

  • Bio: A trump aide who was also present in Mar-a-Lago when Trump showed off the classified material.
  • Motive: She too was a witness in the Grand Jury
  • Reward: A few months before her grand jury appearance, Martin was given a roughly 20% pay raise, from $155,000 to $185,000 per year, according to the Trump campaign. (She moved from the payroll of a Trump political committee to Trump's campaign and the campaign finance filings show a much larger pay increase for Martin than 20%, but the Trump campaign said the filings are misleading because of a difference in how payroll taxes and withholdings are reported by the two committees)
    • Reason Given: None given but the official said that at least one other witness also got a pay raise but did not provide details about how much and when.

4) Dan Scavino

  • Bio: Longtime communications aide who could post for Trump on the president’s social media accounts. Was up-close with Trump at the end of his Presidency - a focus of the congressional inquiry into the Jan. 6 insurrection that started in July 2021.
  • Motive #1: In September 2021 lawmakers issued a subpoena to Scavino to ask him what the White House knew about the potential for violence before the attacks and what actions Trump took to try to overturn the election results. The panel gave Scavino a half-dozen extensions while negotiating with him, but he ultimately refused to testify or turn over documents and was held in contempt.
  • Reward #1: In August 2021, a month after the congressional investigation began and a month prior to his subpoena, the parent company behind Truth Social gave Scavino a consulting deal for $240k/yr.
    • Reason Given: None given.
  • Motive #2: In September 2022, Scavino received a subpoena to testify before the criminal grand jury in the federal election interference probe. He eventually testified in May 2023. Though his recollections of Trump from Jan. 6 painted the former president unfavorably, his reported testimony didn’t include significant new information. A Trump spokesperson said Scavino is one of the former president’s “most loyal allies, and his actual testimony shows just how strong President Trump is positioned in this case.”
  • Reward #2: Between getting the subpoena and testifying (September 2022 and May 2023), Scavino was given a seat on the board of the Trump social media company. He was also granted a $600,000 retention bonus and a $4 million “executive promissory note” paid in shares, according to SEC filings. The company’s public filings do not make clear when these deals were put in place.
    • Reason Given: Scavino declined to answer but said "It has nothing to do with any investigation." A Trump spokesperson also declined to answer why Scavino received the benefits, but said, “It appears this article will comprise utterly false insinuations.”

5) Jennifer Little

  • Bio: Atlanta lawyer, was hired to represent Trump in his Georgia election interference case. In May 2022, Trump pulled her into his classified documents dispute at Mar-a-Lago. Despite multiple requests, Trump had not returned all of the documents he had brought with him from the White House to his Florida club. The Justice Department had just elevated the matter by subpoenaing Trump for the records, and Trump wanted her advice. Little’s involvement in that pivotal meeting got her called before a grand jury by federal prosecutors.
  • Motive: Little’s recollections undermined evidence that was damaging to Trump. Investigators had obtained notes from another lawyer at the meeting indicating Trump suggested they not “play ball” with federal authorities. She said she couldn’t recall Trump recommending they not “play ball.”
  • Reward:
  • Reason Given: Little said the large payment she received was due to a lengthy motion she filed around then to block the release of the Georgia grand jury’s findings and prevent Trump from being indicted. Her hourly rate did not change, she said, the workload increased. The Trump campaign official said the spike in payments after she became a witness was the result of her billing for multiple time periods at once.

6) Evan Corcoran

  • Bio: A former federal prosecutor, was new to Trump's legal team at the time of the meeting with Little and the former president regarding the subpoena. It was his notes that the investigation used to form the backbone of their indictment.
  • Motive: Like Little, Corcoran tried to fight being forced to testify before a grand jury, asserting attorney-client privilege. But the judge found that the protection didn’t apply. Corcoran testified before the grand jury in January 2023 and again in March. Around the time he was forced to be a witness, Corcoran recused himself from the classified documents case, but he continued to represent Trump on other matters. Nevertheless his firm’s compensation shot up for a few months.
  • Reward: Just days after his March grand jury testimony, the Trump campaign sent two payments to his firm totaling $786,000, the largest amount paid in a single day in his almost two years working for Trump. The firm brought in a total of $1.4 million in that four-week span, more than double its payments from any other comparable period during Corcoran’s time working for Trump.
    • Reason Given: The Trump campaign official said the spike in payments came because the firm was billing for more hours of work as Trump’s cases ramped up. The official added that the number of lawyers from the firm working on the case may have increased but could not provide specifics.

7) Trump Organization’s former controller

  • Bio: Former controller for Trump Org. Testified last year in Trump's civil fraud case relating to his overvalued real estate in New York.
  • Motive: During his testimony, the former controller broke down in tears as he complained about allegations against an employer he loved and defended the valuations at the center of the case as “justified.”
  • Reward: $500,000 in severance he had been promised after retiring earlier in the year. At the time of the testimony, he was still receiving his severance in installments.
    • Reason Given: A Trump Organization spokesperson said in a statement that after the controller announced his retirement plans, the company agreed to pay him severance based on the number of years he worked at the company. President Trump played no role in that decision.

8) Allen Weisselberg

  • Bio: Former chief financial officer and gave direct commands to Cohen in how to make the hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. Worked for Trump Org for nearly 50 years.
  • Motive: 4 months after the New York AG sued Trump Org, Weisselberg got a severance agreement that contains a nondisparagement clause and language barring Weisselberg from voluntarily cooperating with investigators. committed perjury in a deposition and during testimony in Trump’s civil fraud trial, including lying when he said in July 2020 that he only learned Trump’s triplex apartment had been overvalued from a Forbes report, but really knew about it well beforehand. He was sentenced to 5 months in Rikers for 2 counts of perjury. He was not called to testify in the hush money case last month due to the severance agreement nondisparagement clause.
  • Reward: The severance agreement pays out $2M over the course of multiple payments. The agreement precluded him from talking to prosecution during the hush money trial, at the risk of losing $750k of outstanding severance pay
    • Reason Given: A Trump Organization spokesperson said in a statement that after Weisselberg and the controller announced their retirement plans, “the company agreed to pay them severance based on the number of years they worked at the company. President Trump played no role in that decision.” Weisselberg’s severance agreement was signed by Trump’s son, Eric.

9) Steve Witkoff

  • Bio: Longtime friend and a real estate executive. He was called as an expert witness by Trump’s defense team during the civil fraud case.
  • Motive: He defended the Trump Organization real estate valuations at the heart of the case
  • Reward: 2 months after his testimony, Trump’s campaign for the first time started paying his company, the Witkoff Group, for air travel. The payments continued over several weeks, ultimately totalling more than $370,000.
    • Reason Given: The Trump campaign official confirmed the campaign used Witkoff’s private jet for multiple trips, including Trump’s visit to a stretch of the Texas border in February, saying it “appropriately reimbursed” him for the flights.
submitted by piepei to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:10 Honeysyedseo How I Bought 30 RV & MH Parks in 5 Years

I've bought over 30 RV & MH parks in the last 5 years. Lately? 2 per month.
Want our playbook? Here ya go:
How to buy a small, off-market mobile home or RV park that can 2x your money in 1-2 years, in 5 steps:

Pick a city in a red state.

The two biggest factors: Crime & unemployment rates
  1. Crime: CrimeGrade . org
  2. Unemployment: SimpleMaps . com
Cities with 3k - 30k people are best. This is the sweet spot for enough population & not to much competition.
You want parks with almost no web presence & little to no reviews.
A DG nearby is great. Walmart is better. But remember, “if no DG, it ain’t for me.”
If there's a Whole Foods you ain't getting a good deal, I promise.
Growth rate is good too, but #3 to the two above. Don't worry about the path of progress as much as other asset classes might.

Find the leads

Get on Google Maps and search "mobile home park" in your target area(s). Avoid NY & CA (not landlord friendly).
Make a Google sheet of the leads & use Loom to record your screen.
Spend 30 mins doing this.
OR, use something like Outscraper to do it for you. Be warned though, that if you don’t do this yourself the scraped results may not be as accurate.
If you’re targeting a smaller geographical area I would do it by hand. If a whole state, use software.
You’re looking for phone numbers. Use SearchBug . com to see if cell or landline for pennies. Or Phone Validator
Go to Upwork and hire a virtual assistant to keep doing this for you, assuming you are targeting a larger area. They will cost around $4/hour.
Use that same Loom link in your posting so applicants can see what the job will entail.
When working, Loom it! You’ll never know when you’ll need it. When in doubt, Loom it out!
More leads = better deals.

Call the leads

Call up the owners and be real. Don't talk about any accolades. He doesn't care and it will only hurt you.
You're a hard working country boy. You have a wife and kids (I hope you actually do).
Are you a democrat? Don't tell the owner. (Sorry, democrats).
Here's your general pitch:
"I'm not a broker, I'm just looking for some good real estate and don't want to waste your time with a lowball offer. I can pay cash and close fast"
Tell him about your wife and kids and what you do on the weekend.
Most importantly, LISTEN. He's going to talk your ear off. This is a good sign.

Ask the right questions

Ask him:
How many pad sites?
How many of those have a unit on them?
How many of the units are RVs? (It's common for there to be a mix of MH/RV)
Any single family homes on the property? Rent?
Are the units park owned or tenant owned? (this is key)
If a mix, what's the mix?
Park-owned homes you have to maintain. AVOID AT ALL COSTS. Tenant-owned homes are key (lot rent). This means you only rent out the land and underground infrastructure.
Depending on the state, sometimes you can sell back or give away the park-owned units to the tenants to absolve yourself of maintenance. Check the laws!
You'll command half the rent but enjoy 90% less hassles.
$250 - $350 is common lot rent in the midwest and SE.
What's the occupancy and rental amount of each type of unit?
Any outbuildings on the property?
Septic or city sewer? If septic, conventional or aerobic? Sewer is best. Septic isn’t a deal breaker but you REALLY want to have it inspected.
If there’s a lagoon or wastewater treatment plant I want you to throw that phone as far as you can, block their number and never speak of it again.
Within city limits or no? City limits are best but rare.
Outstanding municipal or zoning issues?
How much is insurance?
How much is landscaping?
Asphalt, cement or dirt roads?
Condition of the roads?
Any drainage issues?
Is there a manager? What do you pay them? (Best if no manager)
Any pending litigation?
What are total collections?
How do people pay rent?
How many are delinquent?
What condition are the units in?
Do you have a lien on the property?
How long have you owned it?
30 or 50 amp?
City maintained streets?
City water or well? City is best.
Keep in mind, that’s a lot of questions to ask. You have to feel it out, if he’s being standoffish, don’t keep pushing, just call back. This isn’t a used car lot, this is a relationship you’re trying to build.
Don’t try and close on this first call.
The key question:
"If we were to make a deal, what's a ballpark offer you'd expect?"
NEVER anchor him with the phrase "bottom dollar."
Using the word "ballpark" keeps numbers loose.
Whatever number he says, you want to pause and hem and haw over it. Embrace the silence and awkwardness.
Back to car sales, they call this the “silent walkaround” when valuing a trade-in. Don’t say a thing about the asset, but point out the flaws with your body language.
Touch the dents and scratches as you pause.
Do the phone version of this.
Tell him you'll get back to him tomorrow.
Thank him profusely for his time and congratulate him on the park he's built.


Before you do anything, check with the city to ensure the park is in good standing. Get that in writing. Don't trust the seller. Buyers are liars? So are sellers!
Now's time to crunch numbers:
What's a cap rate? The net operating income of the park divided by the price you'd like to pay.
If you want your money back in 5 years and you're willing to pay up to $1m, you need $200k net profit per year.
This is a 20% cap rate (20 cap). It's aggressive but possible on a smaller, rural park. (Yes, it really is, even in 2023)
You probably won’t find a park that big in a small town for a good price, though.
Start w/ a smaller park & higher cap rate. More room for error. $300k - $1m purchase price.
First do some market research:
Remember all your leads? Call competing parks as a potential tenant and ask what their lot rent is.
Put this in a spreadsheet to get average lot rent & park-owned home rent.
Keep in mind many of these parks will be undercharging as well.
It's common to find parks charging $100 that could charge $250.
When calculating cap rate BE CONSERVATIVE. Don't count on 100% of people staying if you increase rents, even though most will.
Use $190 to be safe.
Shoot for a park that will net $100k/year after rent increases that you pay no more than $600k for.
It’s hard but not impossible.
Or maybe you find a $30k/year park to get your feet wet. At least you're in the game.
The more leads you scrape, the better chance of finding this park.
Shoot for as much seller financing as you can get.
Finance the rest with friends/family or savings.
Once you find this park, get it under contract.
Use a standard, simple real estate form that you can find on your state's real estate commission website.
Texas' is called TREC.
Yes, get it under contract before seeing it.
Put down earnest and option money, and then go see it.
Don't dress like a city slicker. Be personable and be willing to stay a while and BS.
Drive a Tesla? Rent a truck. Drive a Prius? Just quit.
Inspect the condition of the units, even if you aren't buying them
Crappy units = more tenants willing to abandon them.
And they aren't cheap to remove or move.
Verify everything he said on the call
If all looks good, start on the inspections:
Septic or sewer lines
SFH home inspection.
Check with the city for outstanding issues or litigation
Check for liens
Wastewater treatment plant? If so, abandon ship!
Electrical infrastructure
Use professionals for all of these.
Ask for:
Rent rolls. They will likely be handwritten, that’s ok.
Bank statements.
Ask to speak to a few tenants to get their experience.
Inspect their lease.
Ask for vendor invoices or history of payments.
Ask to speak to vendors.
At some point before you close, list the property on Craigslist, FB Marketplace and Zillow. See how demand is for vacancies.
If all still looks good, close on the property.

Post-closing strategy

Meet all the tenants in the evening, they're at work during the day.
Shake their hands. Tell them you want their experience to be amazing & you want them to stay
Give them your number
Ask what can be fixed
If fixes are cheap, do them ASAP
Tell that tenant once fixes are made. Address them by name.
Clean up the park. Hire a tree guy to clear out low hanging branches.
Do some simple landscaping.
Find the tattletale in the park and get all the dirt. Who are the druggies and abusive husbands?
Get them out ASAP if you can. They are much more expensive than the temporary vacancy hit.
Fix potholes and drainage issues.
ADD VALUE. Show you care.
Wait a couple months before making any changes.
Bring lot rents closer to market. Be upfront about this. They will understand if they've been getting a deal.
Give people 2-3 more months' notice to give them time.
Keep renting out vacancies at new price.
This isn't self storage. You won't raise rents yearly. Don't be a jerk.
Let them know what to expect.
Once rents are raised and park is stabilized, you are 9-12 months in.
Search Loopnet for the most active MHP brokers
Hire the best one & pay what he or she commands.
Sell on the market for 7-10% cap
You've just 2-3x'ed your money. Rinse & repeat. I have done this over many times. Not all of my deals were bangers, but most were. THERE ARE STILL DEALS OUT THERE.
There's a lot of fine print, and things can and will go wrong, so don't be dumb. Do your own research. Not everything can be explained in 1,700 words.
submitted by Honeysyedseo to foundonx [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:32 whatdid-it It's parasocial to hate Biden/Hillary

All I see on my TL is people frothing over their hatred with Hilary. Acting as if she is responsible for Trump, as if she's at fault for THEIR decision not to vote for her.
I see the same thing with Biden. People want political punishment against Democrats. They hate Biden. They want him to suffer, and they want him to lose.
But this is the flip side of being a fanboy obsessed with their hero. This is parasocial.
I'm at fault of this to an extent - I hate Alex Jones. His tears make me happy, and he should suffer. But at least me hating him is not harmful to others. It's not at the expense of others.
People need to take a deep breath and remember: this isn't about the person you're voting for. This is about the people around you who you love. Remember the people you love. Consider how anti-abortion, anti-lgbt, hell even PALESTINIANS. Think about the disenfranchised, the working class unions, taxing the rich, etc.
I know people who have gotten into a crisis because of the mere fear they might be pregnant in Texas. How they've frantically mapped out an escape plan to go across the state to get an abortion. How they would have to drive 9 hours just to get to a place they could have one done.
This is not about your hatred for an old man who will die soon. He is already rich, he has his cute little wife and grandchildren. He is old as a hill. Him losing won't hurt him. It will hurt your family and friends.
submitted by whatdid-it to thedavidpakmanshow [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:45 know_what_i_mean_ver Is there a place to pickup a Tulsa map?

In Texas the welcome centers have maps for free but I am unaware of such a place in Tulsa. The map I am looking for specifically is a map of all our public parks. I appreciate any help, thank you.
submitted by know_what_i_mean_ver to tulsa [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:00 AutoModerator Daily r/LawnCare No Stupid Questions Thread

Please use this thread to ask any lawn care questions that you may have. There are no stupid questions. This includes weed, fungus, insect, and grass identification. For help on asking a question, please refer to the "How to Get the Most out of Your Post" section at the top of the sidebar.
Check out the sidebar if you're interested in more information on plant hardiness zones, identifying problems, weed control, fertilizer, establishing grass, and organic methods. Also, you may contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for local info.
How to Get the Most out of Your Post:
Include a photo of the problem. You can upload to for free and it's easy to do. One photo should contain enough information for people to understand the immediate area around the problem (dense shade, extremely sloped, etc.). Other photos should include close-ups of the grass or weed in question: such as this, this, or this. The more photos or context to the situation will help us identify the problem and propose some solutions.
Useful Links:
Guides & Calculators: Measure Your Lawn Make a Property Map Herbicide Application Calculators Fertilizing Lawns Grow From Seed Grow From Sod Organic Lawn Care Other Lawn Calculators
Lawn Pest Control: Weeds & What To Use Common Weeds What's Wrong Here? How To Spray Weeds MSU Weed ID Tool Is This a Weed? Herbicide Types ID Turf Diseases Fungi & Control Options Insects & Control Options
Fertilizing: Fertilizing Lawns How To Spread Granular Fertilizer Natural Lawn Care Fertilizer Calculator
US Cooperative Extension Services: Arkansas - University of Arkansas California - UC Davis Florida - University of Florida Indiana - Purdue University Nebraska - University of Nebraska-Lincoln New Hampshire - The University of New Hampshire New Jersey - Rutgers University New York - Cornell University Ohio - The Ohio State University Oregon - Oregon State University Texas - Texas A&M Vermont - The University of Vermont
Canadian Cooperative Extension Services: Ontario - University of Guelph
Recurring Threads:
Daily No Stupid Questions Thread Mowsday Monday Treatment Tuesday Weed ID Wednesday That Didn't Go Well Thursday Finally Friday: Weekend Lawn Plans Soil Saturday Lawn of the Month Monthly Mower Megathread Monthly Professionals Podium Tri-Annual Thatch Thread Quarterly Seed & Sod Megathread
submitted by AutoModerator to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:00 AutoModerator Treatment Tuesday

Welcome to Treatment Tuesday! Show what fertilizer, pest / weed control, soil ammendments, or other treatments you're applying. Additionally, any mechanical treatments like dethatching or aerating.
Share your thoughts on the price, quality, or results.
Useful Links:
Guides & Calculators: Measure Your Lawn Make a Property Map Herbicide Application Calculators Fertilizing Lawns Grow From Seed Grow From Sod Organic Lawn Care Other Lawn Calculators
Lawn Pest Control: Weeds & What To Use Common Weeds What's Wrong Here? How To Spray Weeds MSU Weed ID Tool Is This a Weed? Herbicide Types ID Turf Diseases Fungi & Control Options Insects & Control Options
Fertilizing: Fertilizing Lawns How To Spread Granular Fertilizer Natural Lawn Care Fertilizer Calculator
US Cooperative Extension Services: Arkansas - University of Arkansas California - UC Davis Florida - University of Florida Indiana - Purdue University Nebraska - University of Nebraska-Lincoln New Hampshire - The University of New Hampshire New Jersey - Rutgers University New York - Cornell University Ohio - The Ohio State University Oregon - Oregon State University Texas - Texas A&M Vermont - The University of Vermont
Canadian Cooperative Extension Services: Ontario - University of Guelph
Recurring Threads:
Daily No Stupid Questions Thread Mowsday Monday Treatment Tuesday Weed ID Wednesday That Didn't Go Well Thursday Finally Friday: Weekend Lawn Plans Soil Saturday Lawn of the Month Monthly Mower Megathread Monthly Professionals Podium Tri-Annual Thatch Thread Quarterly Seed & Sod Megathread
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2024.06.04 05:32 whirretnimkish68 Joseph Griffin - Tax Deed Wolf Academy (Download)

Joseph Griffin - Tax Deed Wolf Academy (Download)
Joseph Griffin - Tax Deed Wolf Academy

Joseph Griffin - Tax Deed Wolf Academy Reviews: Is it worth it?

Ever thought about making some serious cash while still holding onto your 9-to-5 job? Joseph Griffin - Tax Deed Wolf Academy has a course that might just be your golden ticket. Tax deed investing is all about buying properties that owners lost due to unpaid taxes. Unlike tax liens, these properties are yours immediately upon purchase. Imagine picking up a condo, a mansion, or even a commercial lot for a fraction of its value. Sounds awesome, right?

Make Big Bucks on the Side

Joseph Griffin promises that you can make an extra $30,000 to $100,000 a year. That's no joke! Whether you're aiming to create passive income or build generational wealth, this course has got you covered. Many people even find they can cut back on their regular work hours, spending more time with their families while their bank accounts grow.

Dive Into Your First Auction Fast

If you’re itching to get started, you’ll be thrilled to know you can be in your first auction within 14 days. Yes, even if you’re a total newbie! Joseph Griffin - Tax Deed Wolf Academy lays out a step-by-step blueprint on how to research properties, participate in auctions, and flip your new buys for a profit. It's like having a treasure map with all the X's marked clearly.

Learn the Ins and Outs

This course isn’t just about buying properties; it’s about understanding the whole landscape. Joseph breaks down the differences between tax liens, tax deeds, and redemption deed states. You'll also get schooled on the best business structures, asset protection, and how to build business credit. Basically, you're getting a full education on becoming a property mogul.

Invest in Florida from Anywhere

Even if you're not a Florida resident, Joseph Griffin - Tax Deed Wolf Academy has strategies for you. The course includes bonus links and websites for Florida, Texas, and Georgia to help you jump-start your investing journey. So, no worries if you’re living in a tax lien state; off-market strategies have you covered.

Real Stories, Real Success

Joseph Griffin isn’t just some guy off the street. He’s an Army veteran with 11 years of service and two combat tours. He retired from nursing at 29 and became the CEO of Quality Trade Group LLC, specializing in tax deed investing. His book, “Tax Deed Investing,” has already helped hundreds of people achieve their financial dreams. When you join Joseph Griffin - Tax Deed Wolf Academy, you’re learning from someone who’s walked the walk and now talks the talk.

Why This Course Rocks

The Joseph Griffin - Tax Deed Wolf Academy isn’t just about making money; it’s about empowering you with knowledge and tools. You’ll learn how to research, bid, and flip properties for impressive profits. The course provides comprehensive education on business structuring, asset protection, and more. Plus, with Joseph's experience and proven track record, you know you’re in good hands.

Get Started Today

Ready to dive into the world of tax deed investing? Don’t wait. With the Joseph Griffin - Tax Deed Wolf Academy, you can start building wealth, securing your financial future, and maybe even retire early. The opportunities are vast, and the rewards can be life-changing. So, why not take the plunge and see where this exciting journey can take you?
And there you have it! An in-depth look at what Joseph Griffin - Tax Deed Wolf Academy can offer. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a curious newbie, this course could be the game-changer you’ve been searching for.
submitted by whirretnimkish68 to MoonLightTN [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:05 actionmate Just a map of the places in Texas where George Strait has Exes

Just a map of the places in Texas where George Strait has Exes submitted by actionmate to country [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:07 Eccentric_Traveler Winning the Big Game with Bentsen and Glen! (I'm kinda curious how their administration would be like?)

Winning the Big Game with Bentsen and Glen! (I'm kinda curious how their administration would be like?) submitted by Eccentric_Traveler to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]


SIERRA BLANCA, TX - (NewMediaWire) - May 30, 2024 - Texas Mineral Resources Corp. (OTCQB: TMRC)
· Project area is expanded from 80 acres to approximately 1,600 acres and we will jointly work with Santa Fe on a best-efforts basis to achieve a financing facility.
· Initial target silver property has been selected by TMRC within the Black Hawk Mining District among patented and unpatented claims held by Santa Fe Gold.
· Geology believed to be characterized by narrow, high-grade silver veins.
· Bankable feasibility study planned to be conducted in measured phases, with the goal of minimizing financing risk.
· Permit application for exploratory drilling has been submitted to the State of New Mexico.
Texas Mineral Resources Corp. (TMRC), an exploration company currently targeting the heavy rare earths, technology metals and a variety of industrial minerals through its joint-venture Round Top Mountain project in Texas with USA Rare Earth, is pleased to announce the execution of an amendment to the 2021 Mineral Exploration and Option Agreement with Santa Fe Gold Corp., expanding the project area to be analyzed to determine the feasibility of a potential silver mining exploration and development project consisting of patented and unpatented mining claims held by Santa Fe Gold within the Black Hawk Mining District in Grant County, New Mexico. Completion of the potential joint venture agreement is subject to a satisfactory outcome of a multi-phase exploration plan and completion of a favorable bankable feasibility study. It is currently expected that TMRC would be the project operator and initially own 50.5% of the joint venture while Santa Fe Gold would initially own 49.5%.
The Black Hawk Mining District is located approximately thirteen miles west of Silver City, New Mexico. As documented in USGS*, New Mexico** state reports and Society of Mining Engineers*** reports, mineralization in this district, in general geological terms, consists of numerous, narrow carbonate veins containing high silver values in randomly distributed small lenses or “shoots.” It is one of a well-known geologic type of mineral deposit generally referred to as the “five-element veins.” Worldwide, approximately twenty of these types of deposits have been identified, including the historically important silver mining camps of Cobalt, Ontario; Joachimsthal, Czech Republic; Anneberg, Saxony; and the Port Radium district in Northwest Territory, Canada. The signature characteristics of this type of deposit are high silver grades and its occurrence as native (metallic) silver.
The two principal historic mines in the Black Hawk district, the Black Hawk and the Alhambra, operated in the early 1890s and both closed after the silver price collapse of 1893. While engineering grade information from these mines doesn’t exist, we believe available information suggests that this type of mineralization may respond well to state-of-the art electro-geophysical exploration methods. If this cost-effective method can be used to identify and precisely locate these ore shoots, and avoid the prohibitively expensive, traditional method of statistical drilling of the vein with angled holes from the surface, potential for economically viable mining operations may exist. The exploration program will also assess recovery potential for critical mineral co-products including cobalt, nickel, and uranium, which we believe may occur in the Black Hawk district.
Under the amendment to the Mineral Exploration and Option Agreement, TMRC plans to conduct a district-wide evaluation among the approximately 1,600 acres of patented and unpatented claims held by Santa Fe Gold, anticipated to consist of geologic mapping, sampling, trenching, radiometric surveying, geophysics, drilling and/or other methods as may be pursued. In the 2021 Mineral Exploration and Option Agreement, TMRC was to designate one 80-acre tract as the “project area” and commence detailed exploration work. The “project area” covered in the amended Mineral Exploration and Option Agreement has been expanded to approximately 1,600 acres.
Since signing the Mineral Exploration and Option Agreement in 2021, TMRC has announced the completion of a geophysical investigation using multiple variations of electro-magnetic surveying within the Black Hawk Mining District. Work was centered around the historic Alhambra mine and was chosen as the initial area of investigation because of favorable topography and availability of certain non-engineering grade historical data. Results of this geophysical survey identified 16 drill targets within the Alhambra mine area worthy of analysis. We believe that the next phase of exploration will consist of exploratory drilling with the goal of confirming the existence of silver veins in the areas indicated by geophysical mapping. A permit application has been submitted to the state of New Mexico.
Dan Gorski, CEO, observes, “The geophysical technique we expect to use for this project is a modification of a system used to detect buried metallic objects such as pipes, tanks and unexploded ordinance. It is, in effect, a large-scale metal detector. Several variations were utilized resulting in an arrangement of transmitters and receivers that acquired data through a believed depth range of approximately 120 feet. The area selected for drilling is immediately north of the historic Alhambra mine. Potential targeted areas lie along the northward projection of the Alhambra vein or in parallel structures. Approximately 55 drill holes are planned which aggregate approximately 6,500 feet of diamond drill core. The objective of this phase of work will be to prove the geophysical method and to test a geologically favorable area at shallow depth.
“The completion and subsequent analysis of the geophysical survey was the impetus in amending the Mineral Exploration and Option Agreement”, said Anthony Marchese, chairman. “We look forward to completion of the next phase of exploratory drilling and if such exploration should warrant further pursuit, then having exclusive access to the entire 1600-acre district rather than 80 acres has the potential to expand the size, scope and profitability of the project.”
*Gillerman E. and Whitebread D. H. (1956) Uranium Bearing Nickel-Cobalt-Native Silver Deposits, Black Hawk District, Grant County New Mexico, USGS Bull 1009-K.
**Gillerman E, (1964) Mineral Deposits of Western Grant County, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources, Bulletin 83, p 142-151.
***Gillerman E, (1959) Alhambra Cobalt-Nickel-Silver Deposit, Black Hawk District, New Mexico, Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, Preprint No. 59-105
About Texas Mineral Resources Corp.
Texas Mineral Resources Corp.'s focus is to develop and commercialize its Round Top heavy-rare earth, technology metals, and industrial minerals project located in Hudspeth County, Texas, 85 miles southeast of El Paso through its joint venture with USA Rare Earth LLC. Additionally, the Company plans to continue its business strategy of identifying and potentially developing alternative sources of strategic minerals as well as developing other domestic mining projects in more traditional metals. The Company’s common stock trades on the OTCQB U.S. tier under the symbol “TMRC.”
Cautionary Note to Investors
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") limits disclosure for U.S. reporting purposes to mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally extract or produce and that are compliant with SEC Industry Guide 7. Investors are cautioned not to assume than any part or all of the proposed project in the Black Hawk Mining District contains any mineral deposits that will ever be converted into resources or that any inferred mineral resource or measured and indicated resources exists or is economically or legally mineable. The proposed project does not contain any known proven or probable ore reserves or mineral resource compliant with SEC Industry Guide 7 reporting standards. Investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure set forth in TMRC’s latest reports filed with the SEC.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including, but not limited to, statements regarding the potential development, financing, economic feasibility, resource, grade and other mineralization characteristics, and drilling and exploration methods that may be utilized in potential exploration of the Black Hawk Mining District project. When used in this press release, the words “potential,” “objective,” “goal,” “business strategy,” “plans,” “suggests,” “indicate,” “expect,” “can,” “intend,” “should,” “hopes,” “believe,” “may,” “will,” “if, “anticipate,” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. Such factors include, among others, uncertainty of mineralized material and mineral resource estimates, risks to projected and estimated economics not reflecting actual economic results due to the uncertainty of mining processes, potential non-uniform sections of mineralized material, potential mining hazards and accidents, changes in equipment and labor costs, changes in projected mineral prices and demand, competition in the mining industry, risks related to project development determinations, the inherently hazardous nature of mining-related activities, potential effects on the Company's operations of environmental regulations, risks due to legal proceedings, liquidity risks and risks related to uncertainty of being able to raise capital on favorable terms or at all, as well as those factors discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's latest annual report on Form 10-K as filed on November 29, 2023 and other reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as required by law, the Company assumes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements.
Company Contact:
Texas Mineral Resources Corp. Anthony Marchese, Chairman E-mail:[](
Twitter: @TexasMineralRes
Universal Site Links
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:17 Reasonable_Money103 Map of New Texas

Map of New Texas submitted by Reasonable_Money103 to bravestarr [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:35 Administrative_Idea2 Honeymooning in Seattle August 11-18! SEEKING ADVICE

Hi everyone!
My fiancé (future wife) and I have decided to take our honeymoon to the Pacific Northwest this August 11-18th! We are staying in a remote Airbnb in Monroe, which is 1:09 hrs from Seattle. I have done a good bit of research into restaurants, dispos, spas, hikes, breweries, wineries, and more as to what we should do. I attached them below. We understand that the drive to the city will be an hour, but we want to make sure we maximize fun and minimize travel time. We plan to land, get our rental car, do grocery and dispensary run, and then head to Airbnb (11pm-12am arrival), so Monday we'll be pretty tired. Any suggestions on how many days to spend in Seattle? We want to do wineries in Woodinville and lots of hiking, eating good food (love oysters), and enjoying Washington's bud. Is there anything you would add/remove from this list, and any recommended order of going into town throughout the week? We want to spend some down time in our remote cabin. Is it worth it to stay in the city all day, or would you suggest we hang out in Monroe some? Any and all advice are super welcome as we are from Texas and know very little to nothing about this area. Thank you!!
NOTE: We do not plan to go to ALL of the listed below, but wanted to get down some of the better options so we can quickly pick without any stress.
Restaurants and Breweries
submitted by Administrative_Idea2 to SeattleWA [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 12:00 AutoModerator Daily r/LawnCare No Stupid Questions Thread

Please use this thread to ask any lawn care questions that you may have. There are no stupid questions. This includes weed, fungus, insect, and grass identification. For help on asking a question, please refer to the "How to Get the Most out of Your Post" section at the top of the sidebar.
Check out the sidebar if you're interested in more information on plant hardiness zones, identifying problems, weed control, fertilizer, establishing grass, and organic methods. Also, you may contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for local info.
How to Get the Most out of Your Post:
Include a photo of the problem. You can upload to for free and it's easy to do. One photo should contain enough information for people to understand the immediate area around the problem (dense shade, extremely sloped, etc.). Other photos should include close-ups of the grass or weed in question: such as this, this, or this. The more photos or context to the situation will help us identify the problem and propose some solutions.
Useful Links:
Guides & Calculators: Measure Your Lawn Make a Property Map Herbicide Application Calculators Fertilizing Lawns Grow From Seed Grow From Sod Organic Lawn Care Other Lawn Calculators
Lawn Pest Control: Weeds & What To Use Common Weeds What's Wrong Here? How To Spray Weeds MSU Weed ID Tool Is This a Weed? Herbicide Types ID Turf Diseases Fungi & Control Options Insects & Control Options
Fertilizing: Fertilizing Lawns How To Spread Granular Fertilizer Natural Lawn Care Fertilizer Calculator
US Cooperative Extension Services: Arkansas - University of Arkansas California - UC Davis Florida - University of Florida Indiana - Purdue University Nebraska - University of Nebraska-Lincoln New Hampshire - The University of New Hampshire New Jersey - Rutgers University New York - Cornell University Ohio - The Ohio State University Oregon - Oregon State University Texas - Texas A&M Vermont - The University of Vermont
Canadian Cooperative Extension Services: Ontario - University of Guelph
Recurring Threads:
Daily No Stupid Questions Thread Mowsday Monday Treatment Tuesday Weed ID Wednesday That Didn't Go Well Thursday Finally Friday: Weekend Lawn Plans Soil Saturday Lawn of the Month Monthly Mower Megathread Monthly Professionals Podium Tri-Annual Thatch Thread Quarterly Seed & Sod Megathread
submitted by AutoModerator to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:01 AutoModerator Stuff To Do In Austin - Week of 06/03

What's going on in our great city?
List cool events, concerts, parties, or secret beach orgies.
Include description, time, cost, location and website if applicable.
If you submit a band's show, please include their genre and one or two examples of their songs.
Event Sites:
Please comment below with the event you'd like to highlight this week! Want something to be considered for the recurring list? Message the moderators
submitted by AutoModerator to Austin [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:45 Ok_Winner_6314 I fell for it 50$ gone

I fell for it 50$ gone
So my partner has been searching for a vanity mirror desk set up. Found on Facebook a decent deal, emailed the seller. He lives next town over 10mins drive. So I asked him if it was available and could I come see it. He said so many people have been no shows. He said he’s lost time waiting for people to show up and he’s moving. So he asked me for a 50$ deposit if I was serious. I asked him for more info he said look If to you want it I still have it so just come over. My partner really wanted one, so I thought I’d surprised her. I did ask straight up this isn’t a scam right? He brother I’ll give my address and my license to prove I’m legit.
Seemed legit, sent him 50$ started the drive, google maps showed a 2023 street view of a decently nice house. I arrived and it’s a vacant, nothing looks like someone abandoned it. I called and texted, no response. It’s only a 50$ loss but damn still, the Texas ID he gave me looked legit.
submitted by Ok_Winner_6314 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:03 Saramello The Vault-Tec map in Episode 8 might have shown where Fallout 5 takes place. (minor show spoilers).

"It's a map of the whole country dumbass of course it does." - just writing that here so you don't have too.
Just a theory from one very bored fan, nothing more.
In Episode 8 we get a map of all (or at least most) vaults in the US, where by FAR the highest concentration of vaults is in the previous game areas. I can't get a screenshot of prime (it goes black / I'm probably stupid) but a fan diligently mapped out all vaults here(scroll down to find it) with all unknown vaults shown in blue.
In all four 3d Fallout Games, the game takes place in a small area, no bigger than a city and it's neighboring towns/outskirts, and they have a lot of vaults. 5 in Fallout 3, 6 in the Mojave, 6 in the (eastern) Commonwealth, 7 in Appalachia. A very high density if there really is between 100-200 completed vaults.
Even accounting for one dot representing 2 or even 3 vaults in extremely close proximity in both the map in the show and the website, there's only two areas of high vault density that come close to the areas already explored in the series. A odd semi-circle in the great plains, and the Greater Houston Area in Texas.
Yes this is 100% conjecture but Todd Howard is working very closely with the show's producers and it's clear based on the map they did their research. Based on the size and scope of previous games it's likely Fallout 5's map won't be bigger than Appalachia, and those are the only two areas that would look like previous playable areas.
submitted by Saramello to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 23:19 Toasterxbathtub- Map Ideas/Concepts!

Map Ideas/Concepts!
I came up with some ideas for possible future map concepts
  1. Flea Market - i recently visited a farm style flea market in a more southern state and I feel like they could incorporate some elements such as the long rows of stalls making it hard for victims to break sight but still adding little barn like structures to act as both indoor shops and exits from the basement
  2. A cliff side/revene map - I definitely think something like a more indoor map with still bits of outdoors showing could be something cool to have ingame. I feel like they could bring in lots of cave type structures with reddish rock elements making it look almost like a traditional Texas desert, possibly being a hideout owned by a more distant relative of the family
  3. Farm - I know we already have the traditional family farm house as the most prominent map in the game but I feel like we could definitely have a map that focuses more on looking like a more traditional farm with a somewhat innocent look from the outside like Nancy’s house but with a large barn maybe featuring ladders leading to an overheard storage and stalls and the house itself being much smaller, making the outside of the map being more the focus
I really hope somebody at least understands where I’m coming from with any of these ideas I’m not the best at wording them and the pictures I used aren’t the best reflection of what I’m saying so apologies!
submitted by Toasterxbathtub- to TXChainSawGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 23:04 Complex_Articles [MF] Letters to Nobody: #10. Journey to LA part 1.

Letters to Nobody is a series of short stories presented as fictional letters.

Journey to LA part 1

You were driving and woke me up when you started straying over the white line into the rumble strips. It took me a few seconds to wake up enough to figure out we weren't in Louisiana anymore. We'd both agreed that we should get through the deep three as fast as possible with as few stops and so far we'd done pretty well.
I started the trip and made sure to gas up in Northwest Pensacola to avoid Alabama stopping for as long we could. We successfully avoided stopping altogether. We stayed on route ten and stopped in Biloxi and Gulf Port and stuck to the places the truckers stopped. Mostly for safety in numbers than anything else. By the time we got to New Orleans, we were already exhausted. It was nearly midnight, but I insisted we at least walk about the French Quarter for a couple hours. When we started back up again, I said we'd only stop in Baton Rouge and Lafayette and then hopefully we'd hit Texas by sun-up tomorrow. It was only three hours to the Texas border. At some point you pulled over at a rest stop while I was sleeping, because the sun was up and I happened to catch the Welcome to Texas sign on the high way.
I asked you where we were and you said we just crossed the Texas border. Neither one of us had ever been out of Lee County, never mind crossed several states, before. I asked you to pull over and you did pretty quickly. That told me you were pretty tired.
Usually you'd argue for at least a couple miles that you were okay to drive. The trip should have only taken about fourteen hours so far, but because of all the traffic through and around Orlando that we had unsuccessfully tried to avoid, and then again in every major city we passed, we'd been on the road already for twenty four hours. I let you drive about ten hours ago only because you had slept on my insistence somewhere in Mississippi until we got to New Orleans.
We got out of the truck and stood on the side of the road for a few minutes just taking in the fresh air. I looked at the map in the light breeze. As far as I could tell, after unfolding and folding the map and finding the pen line from Lehigh Acres, Florida to Los Angeles, California, we just crossed from Louisiana into Texas on Route 10. I smelled what was, according to the map, the Sabine river.
Ahead there was an exit sign for 880, a turnaroud exit. We were in some place called Orange, Texas. The sun was just barely rising. An orange sky in Orange Texas. I took that as a good sign. You commented that it was freakish how I could just pick up a map and know where we were wherever we were. I told you it only worked on the highways mostly. I couldn't help that I was observant.
In the same way I could always figure out where we were on a map, I could also sense you were in another place in your head again. I'm wondering if it's because you were just tired or if it were something else. If you were just tired, then we should pull over. At east rule that out.
I suggested we grab a coffee and gas up. You made fun of me for always stopping for gas at a half a tank, but I didn't care. I've never been on a road trip before, but the one thing my dad told me was always gas up at half a tank. He'd been a trucker for years, so I took his advice. I noticed the fuel guage was at a quarter tank. I decided not to mention that. It wasn't the first time you'd ever left it that low. Besides, how far could you really drive in the past eight hours I'd slept so far anyway. I did most of the driving mostly so we wouldn't run out of gas.
Besides, I made fun of you for pulling into parking spots because you didn't know how to back in without nearly killing people because you weren't paying attention to the size of the truck we drove. And then I laughed at you nearly running people over because you backed up into busy parking lots. Even though you made my point countless times, you still pulled in and I still backed in while you laughed at me for it.
We were pretty even when it came to picking on each other and laughing about it. I think we got along better because of that. There seemed to be an almost child-like back and forth between us. I enjoyed it and you enjoyed it. Or tolerated it. I also enjoyed our other differences.
As we sat down for coffee in a small diner attached to a very small two pump gas station, I thought about our differences in how we saw this road trip. I enjoyed the trip itself, the journey that we were taking, while you had your eye firmly on our destination. You drove to get to where we were going, and our destination was just a reason to drive for me. It's how we got along so well. You helped me reach our destinations and I helped you enjoy our journeys. This was our first road trip, sure, but not our first journey.
You asked for creme and sugar, I just took my coffee with several packs of sugar. We sipped silently, occasionally glancing at each other and smiling. You asked if I were hungry and I said I could eat something. I suggested you get some pancakes and I'd have some eggs and toast. While you ordered, I went to the restroom. On the way, I noticed for the first time how people were watching you. It was a small diner, only five or six people other than us in the place. It was probably busy for a Wednesday for them. Or this was normal. Not sure.
I walked slowly, because I wasn't in a hurry, but also because something tingled the nape of my neck. Why was everyone so intent on their plates while they talked silently? I couldn't make out the words themselves, but I could feel the tension. Was it us?
Washing my hands, I had finished up in the restroom and walked back to our table. I almost didn't want my backs to these people. You were staring out the window at our truck. You seemed to be oblivious to the other patrons. I sat down wondering if I were just being paranoid but you were fixated on something outside. You could feel it too.
As our food was placed neatly in front of us with a smile from the waitress and our coffee was topped off, it occurred to me that there must be an awfully slim line between paranoia and simple observance. But something was wrong. I knew you felt it as much as I did.
I smiled and thanked the waitress. She smiled back like someone smiles when a baby shits in their arms through the diaper and up the back of their little onesie. When she returned to her place behind the counter, she simply stood there as if waiting for us to hurry up and leave. Or something else. Because I didn't know what the something else was, I was concerned.
I sipped my coffee enough to barely wet my lips as you watched the pad of butter melt on your pancakes. You poured just the right amount of maple syrup into the small divot it made and watched it spill over gently onto the plate one little line of syrup at a time. Like always. Food was just sustenance for you for the longest time. It took me months to give you even the slighest appreciation for the love of food.
As you brought the fork up to your lips, I heard a simple phrase that told me this was not the place to be right this moment. It wasn't scary. It wasn't what was said. It was a mix of everything going on. My tinnitius disappeared, and suddenly everything became clear to me.
Could you check the grille, Steve?
That was it. Totally innocuous. But something said we needed to exit right now.
I put my coffee down abruptly and looked you in the eye. You put your fork back on the plate. Other than the maple syrup you poured, our food was untouched. You simply gave me a look of understanding. As usual, we were completely in tune with each other.
Check please, I said, just loud enough to be heard. I looked the waitress in the eye as I said it and she pulled out her little pad before I even said please. You wiped your mouth with a napkin and I laid eight dollars on the table with the check. The tip wasn't huge, but it was enough to say thank you. Not enough to say "we have money", but enough to show a simple appreciation for the use of their restroom.
There was no You didn't eat much or Was that not to your liking or anything at all from the waitress. She simply watched us leave. She didn't move from her spot and no one looked up from their plates.
Our truck full of gas before we went inside. So I pulled out of the spot I had backed into very slowly and headed toward the highway. No one was moving inside the diner. There were no other cars moving anywhere, no people walking or anything. As I pulled onto the small road leading to the highway entrance, I didn't see any animals. Not a single bird in the sky. Whatever it was that had just happened, or whatever was about to happen, we were getting the fuck out of there and we avoided it. I was tempted to floor the gas pedal but something held me back. In a few minutes, we were back on the highway.
We crossed over route 62, I looked over at you and you were already asleep. I half expected you to be up and discussing the weird situation in Orange. You'd wake up and talk about it soon enough.
The first thousand miles were behind us. I decided to let you sleep until Las Cruces, New Mexico, if I could. And then a hotel. And a shower. I just wanted out of Texas altogether. Fuck this place. I figured you'd wake up before we got to San Antonio anyway and then we'd talk about the diner. In the meantime, I would just dwell on it alone while I drove.
I checked the trip, and checked the fuel gauge, and figured we should stop somewhere between Houston and San Antonio. There was a little place called Katy and that looked big enough without being stuck in a huge city like we had been so far a half dozen times.
After we passed through Beamont, I remembered how one of the places we both wanted to see was a nightclub in Houston. We found out it was a real place when the movie came out, and decided to add that to the list of places we would stop.
By the time we crossed over route sixty one I had forgotten about talking to you later about the diner. The sky was overcast, it was a beautiful day for driving. The traffic was light and easy and I hadn't seen a state trooper since we crossed into Texas. I started to wonder how many riding bulls they had at Gilley's. I wondered if it'd look just like the movie.
It wasn't in me to jinx it by saying how it looked like easy sailing from here, so I didn't. But at least I felt better. You were sleeping soundly now with your head on my lap across the big comfy bench seat. You never looked so beautiful to me. But that wasn't saying much. You always looked beautiful to me.
Chapter List
submitted by Complex_Articles to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:01 atsassone [COD] Match Thread: CDL 2024 - Major 4 Qualifiers - OpTic Texas vs Las Vegas Legion

CDL 2024 Major 3
Game Starts at 7:30pm est
This is OpTicGaming's official discussion thread for the OpTic Texas vs Las Vegas Legion. OpTic took care of business yesterday against Miami. Always love to see 3-0 series wins. Just need the team to keep up their level of play for the entire split.
Please use this thread for everything related to the match--discussions, predictions, and opinions. As always, please keep both OpTicGaming's rules and Reddit's site-wide rules in mind when commenting.
[Informational Wiki Page for the Event]
Call of Duty
OpTic Texas 0-0 Las Vegas Legion
Map Set
**Hardpoint **
OpTic Texas 0-0 Las Vegas Legion
OpTic Texas K D A DMG Miami Heretics K D A DMG
Dashy Attach
Kenny Nero
Shotzzy Gio
Pred oJohnny
Karma (coach) Theory(coach)
Detailed Map Statistics
**SND **
OpTic Texas 0-0 Las Vegas Legion
OpTic Texas K D A DMG Miami Heretics K D A DMG
Dashy Attach
Kenny Nero
Shotzzy Gio
Pred oJohnny
Karma (coach) Theory(coach)
Detailed Map Statistics
**Control **
OpTic Texas 0-0 Las Vegas Legion
OpTic Texas K D A DMG Miami Heretics K D A DMG
Dashy Attach
Kenny Nero
Shotzzy Gio
Pred oJohnny
Karma (coach) Theory(coach)
Detailed Map Statistics
**Hardpoint **
OpTic Texas 0-0 Las Vegas Legion
OpTic Texas K D A DMG Miami Heretics K D A DMG
Dashy Attach
Kenny Nero
Shotzzy Gio
Pred oJohnny
Karma (coach) Theory(coach)
Detailed Map Statistics
**SND **
OpTic Texas 0-0 Las Vegas Legion
OpTic Texas K D A DMG Miami Heretics K D A DMG
Dashy Attach
Kenny Nero
Shotzzy Gio
Pred oJohnny
Karma (coach) Theory(coach)
Detailed Map Statistics
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submitted by atsassone to OpTicGaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:45 OneBigBruhMoment "Shut up, Poppy": Bush Sr. Just Keeps Losing in 1988

submitted by OneBigBruhMoment to imaginaryelections [link] [comments]