Sharepoint 2010 fixed width scrollbar

Problem with text display

2024.05.23 13:23 Le_destructeur666 Problem with text display

Problem with text display
Hey, so I'm kind of new on manim and I'm trying to make an animation for a presentation for uni. I'm trying to display a long text but the letters of the text diplay in a really weird way (see picture). I've try to search on internet but I've not find anything revelant. I would be really tankfull if someone could help me.
Here is my code :
from manim import * class TabSpecs(Scene): def construct(self): title_cc = Text("Cahier des Charges Original", font_size=28, color=RED) title_cc.shift(LEFT * 3, UP * 3) cc = """ On se propose de concevoir un treuil de forêt à actionnement manuel destiné à déplacer des troncs d’arbres au sol (grumes) dans un milieu forestier, sur la base du cahier des charges suivant : 1. On suppose que la personne utilisant le treuil est en bonne condition physique. 2. Le treuil doit pouvoir être attaché à un tronc d’arbre vertical d’un diamètre de 20 à 40 cm et être actionnée par une seule personne (droitière ou gauchère). 3. Le treuil doit pouvoir déplacer des grumes, c’est-à-dire des troncs d’arbre encore pourvus de leur écorce, préalablement débités à la tronçonneuse, et posés à même le sol. 4. Les grumes à déplacer ont un diamètre de 20 à 40 cm et une longueur de 100 à 400 cm, pour une masse maximale ne dépassant pas 200 kg. 5. L’opération de fixation du treuil sur le tronc vertical doit pouvoir être effectuée avec les deux mains, tout comme l’étape de tractage de la grume. Cependant, si une seule main est suffi- sante pour tracter la grume, la personne doit pouvoir utiliser sa main droite ou sa main gauche selon sa préférence. 6. Le treuil, depuis sa position fixe sur le tronc vertical, doit pouvoir permettre de tracter plusieurs grumes successivement (une seule à la fois). 7. Le treuil doit pouvoir permettre le tractage de chaque grume sur une distance de 20 m. 8. Le treuil doit utiliser le modèle de câble à crochet intégré dont les caractéristiques – fiche technique & modèle 3D – sont fournies en annexe. 9. La fixation du treuil au tronc d’arbre fixe doit être pratique et ne pas endommager celui-ci. 10. Le câble doit pouvoir être facilement déroulé depuis la machine en vue de l’amener vers le tronc à déplacer. 11. La topologie et la nature du sol sur lequel reposent les grumes ne sont pas définies. 12. Les conditions météorologiques lors de l’utilisation de la machine ne sont pas définies. 13. Une fois que la grume à déplacer est attachée au câble, un système de verrouillage manuel doit pouvoir être actionné pour empêcher le déroulement non-intentionnel du câble. 14. Le treuil doit être robuste, stable lors de son utilisation et ne doit pas se bloquer en fonction- nement. 15. Le treuil doit être le plus léger et compact possible, de manière à pouvoir être transporté aisé- ment par une personne en milieu forestier sur une distance de 2 km au maximum. 16. Les matériaux autorisés pour les pièces sur plan sont ceux utilisés en usinage : acier, acier inoxydable, alliages d’aluminium, laiton, matières plastiques (polyamide, polyéthylène, poly- carbonate, PTFE, etc.). 17. La sécurité de la personne opérant le treuil doit être assurée en tout temps en conditions normales d’utilisation. La vidéo de présentation (format MP4), le dossier de fabrication (format PDF) incluant les mises en plan et (en annexe) les détails des calculs réalisés durant le projet, ainsi que le modèle 3D de l’assemblage (format STP) doivent impérativement être remis avant le : Dimanche 2 juin 2024 à 23h59""" lines = cc.split("\n") # Split the text into multiple lines text_group = VGroup( # Create a VGroup to hold multiple Text objects *[Text(line.strip(), font_size=9) for line in lines] ) text_group.arrange(DOWN, center=False, aligned_edge=LEFT, buff=0.05) # Arrange the text lines vertically text_group.next_to(title_cc, DOWN, buff=0.1) title_ts = Text("Tableau des spécifications", font_size=28, color=BLUE) title_ts.shift(RIGHT * 3.7, UP * 3.2) ts_data = [ ["Attaché à un arbre", "Ambidextre"], ["Diamètre tronc d'arbre : \n 20 à 40 cm", "Capacité charge max : \n 200 kg"], ["Diamètre grumes : \n 20 à 40 cm", "Longueur grumes : \n 100 à 400 cm"], ["Fixation : \n 2 mains", "Tractage : \n 1main"], ["Pouvoir tracter plusieurs \n grumes successivemet", "Distance de tractage : \n 20 m"], ["Modèle de câble \n à crochet intégré", "Fixation pratique et \n sans dommage pour l'arbre"], ["Déroulement facile du câble", "Système de verrouillage manuel"], ["Robustesse", "Stabilité"], ["Absence de blocage \n en fonctionnement", "Légèreté et compacité \n pour transport"], ["Distance de transport max : \n 2 km", "Matériaux autorisés"], ["Sécurité de l'opérateur", "A rendre avant le \n Dimanche 2 Juin 23h59"] ] ts = Table( ts_data, include_outer_lines=True ) for cell in ts.get_entries(): cell.set(font_size=12) # Adjust the font size as needed for line in ts.get_horizontal_lines() + ts.get_vertical_lines(): line.set_stroke(width=2, color=WHITE) # Adjust the stroke width as needed ts.scale(0.3) ts.next_to(title_ts, DOWN, buff=0.1) ph1 = text_group[2] # Let's take the 3rd index line as an example ph1r = SurroundingRectangle(ph1, color=RED) ph2 = text_group[3:5].copy() ph2r = SurroundingRectangle(ph2, color=RED) ce2 = [ts.get_cell((1, 1)), ts.get_cell((2, 1)), ts.get_cell((1,2))] ce2g = VGroup(*ce2) ce2c = [ts.get_entries((1, 1)), ts.get_entries((2, 1)), ts.get_entries((1, 2))] ce2cg = VGroup(*ce2c) ph3 = text_group[5:9].copy() ph3r = SurroundingRectangle(ph3, color=RED) ce3 = [ts.get_cell((2, 2)), ts.get_cell((3, 1)), ts.get_cell((3,2))] ce3g = VGroup(*ce3) ce3c = [ts.get_entries((2, 2)), ts.get_entries((3, 1)), ts.get_entries((3,2))] ce3cg = VGroup(*ce3c) ph4 = text_group[9:13].copy() ph4r = SurroundingRectangle(ph4, color=RED) ce4 = [ts.get_cell((4, 1)), ts.get_cell((4, 2))] ce4g = VGroup(*ce4) ce4c = [ts.get_entries((4, 1)), ts.get_entries((4,2))] ce4cg = VGroup(*ce4c) ph5 = text_group[13:15].copy() ph5r = SurroundingRectangle(ph5, color=RED) ce5g = ts.get_cell((5,1)) ce5cg = ts.get_entries((5,1)) ph6 = text_group[15].copy() ph6r = SurroundingRectangle(ph6, color=RED) ce6g = ts.get_cell((5,2)) ce6cg = ts.get_entries((5,2)) ph7 = text_group[16:18].copy() ph7r = SurroundingRectangle(ph7, color=RED) ce7g = ts.get_cell((6,1)) ce7cg = ts.get_entries((6,1)) ph8 = text_group[18].copy() ph8r = SurroundingRectangle(ph8, color=RED) ce8g = ts.get_cell((6,2)) ce8cg = ts.get_entries((6,2)) ph9 = text_group[19:21].copy() ph9r = SurroundingRectangle(ph9, color=RED) ce9g = ts.get_cell((7,1)) ce9cg = ts.get_entries((7,1)) ph10 = text_group[21] ph10r = SurroundingRectangle(ph10, color=RED) ph11 = text_group[22] ph11r = SurroundingRectangle(ph11, color=RED) ph12 = text_group[23:24].copy() ph12r = SurroundingRectangle(ph12, color=RED) ce12g = ts.get_cell((7,2)) ce12cg = ts.get_entries((7,2)) ph13 = text_group[24:26].copy() ph13r = SurroundingRectangle(ph13, color=RED) ce13 = [ts.get_cell((8,1)), ts.get_cell((8,2)), ts.get_cell((9,1))] ce13g = VGroup(*ce13) ce13c = [ts.get_entries((8, 1)), ts.get_entries((8,2)), ts.get_entries((9,1))] ce13cg = VGroup(*ce13c) ph14 = text_group[26:28].copy() ph14r = SurroundingRectangle(ph14, color=RED) ce14 = [ts.get_cell((9,2)), ts.get_cell((10, 1))] ce14g = VGroup(*ce14) ce14c = [ts.get_entries((9, 2)), ts.get_entries((10, 1))] ce14cg = VGroup(*ce14c) ph15 = text_group[28:31].copy() ph15r = SurroundingRectangle(ph15, color=RED) ce15g = ts.get_cell((10,2)) ce15cg = ts.get_entries((10, 2)) ph16 = text_group[31:33].copy() ph16r = SurroundingRectangle(ph16, color=RED) ce16g = ts.get_cell((11,1)) ce16cg = ts.get_entries((11, 1)) ph17 = text_group[37].copy() ph17r = SurroundingRectangle(ph17, color=RED) ce17g = ts.get_cell((11, 2)) ce17g.set_fill(RED, opacity=0.5) ce17cg = ts.get_entries((11, 2)) self.wait(2) # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce2g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce3g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce4g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce5g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce6g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce7g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce8g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce9g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce12g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce13g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce14g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce15g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce16g)) # # # self.wait(1) # # self.wait(1) #, ce17g)) # # # self.wait(1) # self.wait(3)` 
submitted by Le_destructeur666 to manim [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:18 rexinCP SharePoint 2016 and Workflow Manager

Hi all,
I'm currently doing a SharePoint uplift from 2013 to 2016 for a client. I've migrated all of the content from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2016. I've now just installed SharePoint workflow manager on the application server that is connected to the SharePoint 2016 farm as this is a similar scenario to the SharePoint 2013 setup.
Everything seems to be working fine as I can see both SharePoint 2010 workflows and SharePoint 2013 workflows using SharePoint 2013 designer. However, whenever I try and publish a workflow, I get an exception of the following:
System.InvalidOperationException: Operation failed with error Microsoft.Workflow.Client.AuthenticationException: Authentication Failed. Valid credentials must be provided for one of the following protocols: Bearer, Negotiate.
I've tried reconfiguring workflow manager and changing the service account that workflow manager will run under. Plus many more smaller things/tweaks.
The weird thing is is that I can save work flows, edit workflows and create new workflows. However, I just can't publish new or republish existing workflows. Has anybody run into this issue before?
submitted by rexinCP to sharepoint [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:13 Stage-Piercing727 Best CZ 75 Holster

Best CZ 75 Holster
Welcome to our exciting CZ 75 Holster roundup! This article is dedicated to reviewing the best and most reliable holsters for the CZ 75 pistol. We understand the importance of finding the perfect holster for your gun. Join us as we delve into the world of holsters, exploring their features, durability, and user experience. By the end of this article, you'll be able to make an informed decision on the right holster to suit your needs and preferences.

The Top 6 Best CZ 75 Holster

  1. CZ Shadow 2 OWB Competition Kydex Holster: Adjustable Retention and Fast Draw - Experience unparalleled convenience and lightning-fast draw with the CZ Shadow 2 OWB Competition Kydex Holster, featuring precise molding, adjustable retention, and a lockable push-button clip.
  2. Vedder Holsters CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical LightDraw OWB for Secure Concealment - Experience ultimate comfort and precision with the Vedder CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical LightDraw OWB Holster - handmade, sleek, and built to last.
  3. Comfortable, Adjustable Holster for CZ 75 B Pistols by Kydex - Red Carbon Fiber Right Handed - Carry your CZ 75 B discreetly with adjustable features, made from durable Kydex, in this comfortable and secure IWB holster with a protective sweat guard and a secure belt clip.
  4. CZ 75 SP01 Phantom Kydex Paddle Holster with Adjustable Cant and Retention - The CZ 75 SP01 Phantom OWB Kydex Paddle Holster offers adjustable cant and retention, lightweight durability, and a discreet stealth belt clip, making it a perfect option for everyday concealed carry, competition shooting, or range practice.
  5. CZ 75 Shadow Pro Competition Holster for Optimal Shooting Experience - Experience unparalleled performance with the Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear CZ OWB Pro Competition Holster, a top-rated CZ 75 Holster designed for ultimate speed and durability.
  6. Pro IDPA Competition Holster for CZ 75: Durable, Adjustable, and Speed Cut Compatible - Perfect for Competitive Shooting - Experience ultimate versatility with the Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear CZ 75 SP-01 Pro IDPA Competition Holster, a durable, adjustable, and precision-focused holster that's perfect for concealed carry or competitive shooting.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗CZ Shadow 2 OWB Competition Kydex Holster: Adjustable Retention and Fast Draw
I've been using the CZ Shadow 2 OWB Competition Kydex Holster for some time now, and I must say, it's a game-changer when it comes to carrying and drawing my CZ Shadow 2. The adjustable retention feature allows for a customized carry position, while the lockable push button clip ensures a secure fit for belts up to 1.75 inches wide.
One of the standout features is the competition cut spine, which facilitates fast draw and re-holstering. The undercut trigger guard and over-cut open-face make it easy to draw and accommodate threaded barrels, while the deep cut on the holster spine aids in a smooth, swift draw.
However, one downside I've faced is that it's not compatible with all firearms. I tried using it with a Tac Sport Orange, and it didn't quite work as expected. But overall, I'm pretty satisfied with this holster's features and performance. It's well-crafted, made in the USA, and comes with a lifetime warranty, which is always appreciated.

🔗Vedder Holsters CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical LightDraw OWB for Secure Concealment
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Vedder Holsters CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical LightDraw OWB Holster, and let me tell you, it exceeded my expectations. The handmade, molded design made it a perfect fit for my gun, which I appreciated. The adjustable retention provided a secure hold while still allowing for a smooth draw. Even though it's made of Kydex, which is often criticized for being bulky, the sleek design ensured minimal bulk. I also loved the addition of the sweat shield that kept my slide clean and sweat-free.
While the holster was lightweight and easy to use, the open front design could pose a potential issue with dirt and debris. However, the durable polymer clips accommodated a range of belt sizes, and the retention screw allowed for personal preference. Overall, the Vedder Holsters CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical LightDraw OWB Holster was a reliable, comfortable, and functional choice for carrying my weapon.

🔗Comfortable, Adjustable Holster for CZ 75 B Pistols by Kydex - Red Carbon Fiber Right Handed
When it comes to holsters, they can be a hit or miss. I've been using the CZ 75 B IWB Holster, and I must say, I'm quite impressed with it. The first thing I noticed was the high-quality, yet comfortable fit. It's like having a custom-made holster that was tailored for my CZ 75 B.
One of my favorite features is the adjustable retention. This allows you to set the tension to your personal comfort level, making it easier and more secure to carry your firearm. The adjustable ride and cant offer maximum flexibility, letting you choose the perfect carry option for your style and preference.
Another great feature is the adjustable clip. It can be positioned in up to 8 different spots, giving you the versatility to switch things up depending on what you're wearing or where you're going. This holster also comes with a protective sweat guard, minimizing contact between your gun and your body for a more comfortable experience.
Now, don't get me wrong, there were a couple of issues I faced. The first one was that the clip was a bit tricky to adjust, and it took some trial and error to find the right placement. Additionally, I noticed that the claw kit wasn't as sturdy as I had hoped; it seemed to rotate and not stay in place no matter how tight the screw was.
Overall, I think the CZ 75 B IWB Holster is a solid choice for a comfortable and secure carry. Its custom fit, versatile features, and reasonable price make it a great option for everyday carry. Just remember to adjust that clip properly and maybe consider a different claw kit.

🔗CZ 75 SP01 Phantom Kydex Paddle Holster with Adjustable Cant and Retention
Have you ever struggled to find the perfect Outside the Waistband (OWB) holster to suit your needs? One that's adjustable, easy to use, and secure? If so, let me introduce you to the CZ 75 SP01 Phantom OWB Kydex Paddle Holster.
This minimalist OWB KYDEX holster is a game-changer for concealed carry, competition shooting, and range use. Made from high-quality hand-molded Kydex, it effortlessly holds your weapon securely while remaining lightweight and durable. What truly sets this holster apart from others is its adjustability. The adjustable retention and carry angle (cant) allow you to choose your preferred position along your belt line, ensuring a comfortable and reliable fit every time.
Additionally, the undercut trigger guard and over-cut open-face design cater to those with threaded barrels, and it even accommodates suppressor height sights. With a full-length sweat guard and a fiber-reinforced stealth belt clip, this holster provides unparalleled comfort and discretion. Made in the USA from top-quality hardware, you can rest assured that this holster is built to last and has threadlock screws for added security.
Though Kydex may not be everyone's cup of tea, the CZ 75 SP01 Phantom OWB Kydex Paddle Holster has proven itself a reliable and popular option among customers. With its adjustable features and easy draw, it's no wonder that this holster comes with an excellent rating of 4.8 out of 5. So, if you're in the market for a versatile, long-lasting OWB holster, consider giving the CZ 75 SP01 Phantom OWB Kydex Paddle Holster a chance. You won't be disappointed!

🔗CZ 75 Shadow Pro Competition Holster for Optimal Shooting Experience
The Pro Competition Holster from Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear is designed for sporting enthusiasts, offering a sturdy and reliable solution for your CZ 75 Shadow 2. One significant aspect that stands out is the compatibility with belts ranging from 1.5'' to 1.75'' width.
A feature I personally appreciated was the aluminum thigh support bumper that prevents any unwanted inward movement of the firearm while in use. The Holster shell is crafted from Kydex, delivering a smooth speed cut that facilitates swift and efficient draws. Despite the overall high-quality design, it may not cater to a broader audience due to its specific belt compatibility range.

🔗Pro IDPA Competition Holster for CZ 75: Durable, Adjustable, and Speed Cut Compatible - Perfect for Competitive Shooting
I recently tried out the Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear CZ 75 SP-01 Pro IDPA Competition Holster, right HC03-IDPACZ-SPBKRH, and let me tell you, it exceeded my expectations. This holster, known for its speed cut and audible click features, is perfect for keeping your gun safe and secure.
One feature that truly stood out was the raised sight-line, which provided a 15mm clearance for suppressor-height sights. This allowed for a comfortable and easy draw, especially during high-pressure situations. Additionally, the adjustable retention allowed me to tighten or loosen the weapon draw according to my preference, ensuring a secure fit and fast access to my firearm.
The undercut trigger-guard also made a difference, enabling a full grip of the firearm without any interference. The fixed ride-height and angle added to the holster's reliability and versatility. With a durable. 8'' Kydex construction, this holster is built to withstand any rigorous use.
However, there is always room for improvement. One issue that I encountered was the compatibility with various guns and slides. While this holster is compatible with several firearms, it's essential to double-check beforehand to ensure compatibility.
All in all, the Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear CZ 75 SP-01 Pro IDPA Competition Holster is a top choice for anyone looking for a reliable, versatile, and high-quality holster for competitive shooting or concealed carry. Its unique features and exceptional durability make it an excellent investment for both beginners and seasoned shooters.

Buyer's Guide

When considering a CZ 75 holster, there are several important factors to take into account. This buyer's guide will help you understand the general features, considerations, and advice involved in purchasing the right holster for your CZ 75 firearm.

Material and Construction
The material and construction of a CZ 75 holster play a significant role in its durability and effectiveness. Common materials include leather, nylon, and Kydex, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Leather holsters offer a classic look, but may need more maintenance. Nylon holsters are more cost-effective, but can wear out faster. Kydex holsters offer excellent retention with less wear.

Retention and Concealment

Retention and concealment are crucial for the effectiveness of a CZ 75 holster. Ensure the holster keeps your firearm securely in place while also being comfortable to wear and concealed beneath clothing when needed. Different holster designs, such as inside-the-waistband (IWB), outside-the-waistband (OWB), and pocket holsters, may provide varying degrees of concealment based on your preferences and requirements.

Comfort and Adjustability

A well-fitting and comfortable holster is essential for long-term use. Look for features that allow for a proper fit, such as adjustable belt loops or tension screws to customize the holster's retention. Wide, cushioned belt loops and proper distribution of weight can help prevent discomfort while wearing the holster.

Quality and Warranty

Choose a reputable brand that offers a warranty to cover any defects or issues that may arise with your CZ 75 holster. High-quality materials, craftsmanship, and attention to detail help ensure your holster will last and perform well over time.

Customer Reviews

Reading customer reviews can help you gauge the overall satisfaction with a particular CZ 75 holster model. Pay attention to reviews that detail the holster's durability, construction, and ease of use.

Fit and Compatibility
Ensure the selected holster is compatible with your specific CZ 75 model. Certain models may have slight variations in design or dimensions that could affect fit and functionality. Always double-check the manufacturer's specifications to guarantee compatibility.
By considering these factors and seeking advice from experienced gun enthusiasts, you can find the best CZ 75 holster to suit your needs and style of carry. Remember, the right holster is the one that serves as a reliable, comfortable, and durable accessory for your CZ 75.


Why should I choose a CZ 75 over other handguns?

The CZ 75 is a reliable, durable, and accurate handgun with a long-lasting trigger mechanism that makes it a popular choice among many gun enthusiasts. It is also known for its high-quality craftsmanship and easy-to-use features.

What types of holsters are available for the CZ 75?

There are various holster styles available for the CZ 75, including inside the waistband (IWB), outside the waistband (OWB), ankle holsters, and shoulder holsters. The choice depends on your personal preferences, the type of activity you'll be participating in, and the level of concealment you're looking for.

What are the key features of a high-quality CZ 75 holster?

  • Sturdy construction using durable materials such as leather or Kydex
  • Secure retention system to keep the firearm in place
  • Adjustable cant and ride to provide proper fit and concealment
  • Comfortable design that reduces holster-related discomfort
  • Accessibility for quick draw without compromising retention

What is the best way to maintain my CZ 75 holster?

To keep your CZ 75 holster in good condition, follow these steps: clean it regularly using a soft cloth or special cleaning solution, avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals or prolonged sunlight, and store it properly when not in use.

What is the average lifespan of a CZ 75 holster?

A high-quality CZ 75 holster can last for several years with proper care and use. However, the lifespan may vary depending on the type of material, construction, and overall wear and tear.

How do I choose the right fit for my CZ 75 holster?

  • Measure the width of your firearm, including the barrel
  • Consider the various holster styles and their compatibility with your chosen activity
  • Check the holster reviews and customer feedback before making a purchase
  • Try on the holster at the store or purchase from a reputable online retailer that offers easy return policies in case of a bad fit
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:02 parisvi Preview mp4 files working for some but not others on sharepoint online

We have an issue for mp4 file on sharepoint where some users click a video and it shows in preview but for others like myself it does not work.
So when I click a video on a site I get this error "Hmm looks like this file doesn't have a preview we can show you"
Where for my colleague it plays in a preview mode.
If I go to open it takes me to the direct file path to where the videos are stored.
If I click on the 3 dots and select preview it then plays the video it a white bordered player.
for my colleague in preview it opens in a black bordered player:
if either of us click direct on the video file name it opens in a white bordered player (microsoft stream) but with more options
So I'm wondering how can I fix it so that preview works for everyone with what ever this black bordered player is?
I've tried logging into my colleagues laptop and opening chrome and edge in incognito / private and get the same issue so it seems specific to user accounts. We both are a member of a group which has visitor permissions. I tried giving my user account admin to see if any difference, it did not.
submitted by parisvi to sharepoint [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:55 ContentCosmonaut Formatting sidebar text to top

Formatting sidebar text to top
Hello, I am using Harlowe 3.3.8.
I have a sidebar but the text is in the middle to lower part of the screen, and I would like it to be almost at the top of the screen.
I took some screenshots. The red line is where the title section of the main page is. Sorry for blacking things out, it’s for a work project and I’m strangely embarrassed.
Ideally, the box would be the height of the page. Could it be the header that’s getting in the way? And if so, how do I fix that?
What’s in the sidebar is within a div that I’ve also put below. Once I put the height of the sidebar to 100%, that’s when I got the second pic with it being longer.
tw-sidebar { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 20%; height: 100%; padding: 0.5em 1em 0.5em 0.5em; background-color: transparent;' height: 100%; }
div.side { border: 1px solid black; padding: 2px; margin: auto; overflow: hidden; vertical-align: top; height: 100%; }
submitted by ContentCosmonaut to twinegames [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:30 Much-Veterinarian695 Car written off, I disagree

Car written off, I disagree
We got our car hit by a coach and spun off the road. 2010 Ford Cmax titanium 1.8.
Insurance is claiming a write off and trying to pay an absolutely abysmal amount for it.
I feel like it's an expensive fix but a write off seems far fetched. I know it's hard to see the extent of the damage but replacing the doopanels and wheel alignment doesn't sound like a write off to me.
Just wondering, at face value, does the damage in this image look like a write off? Is it worth me putting up a fight?
submitted by Much-Veterinarian695 to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:37 bebmfec Best Practices for Organizing and Documenting Parameterized Scraper Output Files

I am working on a project where I scrape data from multiple websites, using a separate `.py` script for each website. Each script varies certain parameters to perform 'incremental scrapes' while keeping other parameters fixed. For example,
(In reality there are 50+ sites I am doing this for.)
The results are dumped into separate directories for each website (`data/website_A/`, `data/website_B/`, etc.). Currently, I name the output files to include the varied parameters, which has resulted in complex and hard-to-read filenames. For example, in `data/website_A/`, I have filenames like:
  1. `1800-01-01_2002-01-01_loop_2002-01-02_2005-01-01.csv`
  2. `loop_2005-01-02_2010-01-01.csv`
which is meant to indicate
  1. the scraper runs on `DATE_FROM = 1800-01-01` and `DATE_TO = 2002-01-01`, followed by a loop from `DATE_FROM = DATE_TO = 2002-01-02` to `DATE_FROM = DATE_TO = 2005-01-01`,
  2. the scraper runs on a loop from `DATE_FROM = DATE_TO = 2005-01-02` to `DATE_FROM = DATE_TO = 2010-01-01`
but from these filenames, it's not immediately clear which parameters were varied and which were kept fixed.
My questions are:
  1. What is the best practice for organizing these folders and files so that it's easy to identify which parameters were varied without cluttering the filenames?
  2. Is there a recommended way to log the parameters, both varied and fixed, for each scrape in a clear and maintainable manner?
It seems like I will have to end up keeping parameters in a separate file, but I'm not sure how to best implement this. Any suggestions on how to effectively manage and document these scrapes would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by bebmfec to dataengineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:28 Otherwise-Habit5460 what’s this noise mean??

what’s this noise mean??
i have a 2010 honda accord, with an abundance of miles as you can see. i bought this car very cheap and it came with tons of problems. the car has always made this loud noise when starting. sometimes the noise is louder than others and sometimes it doesn’t even make the noise at all. just curious as to what is causing this noise and how expensive the fix might be😬😬.
it also maybe important to note that the check engine light is on due to issues with the catalytic converter, which i do not have the funds to fix atm.
submitted by Otherwise-Habit5460 to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 08:30 hx_950 8 Ball Pool

8 Ball Pool

1. Introduction

Game Title: 8 Ball Pool Developer: Miniclip Publisher: Miniclip Release Date: October 2010 Genre: Sports (Pool) Platform: Mobile (iOS & Android) Reviewer's Playtime: 30 hours
2. Overview
8 Ball Pool is a digital take on the classic game of 8-ball pool. You can play against friends or compete online with players worldwide. The game offers various modes, including 1v1 matches, tournaments, and a practice table to hone your skills. While the core gameplay remains true to the real-life sport, 8 Ball Pool incorporates elements like wagering pool coins and buying cosmetic items to enhance your experience.
3. Story and Setting (Not Applicable)
There's no narrative in 8 Ball Pool. It's all about the competition and trick shots.
4. Gameplay
  • Mechanics and Controls: The touch controls for aiming and shooting are generally responsive, but mastering precise cue ball placement takes practice. The game offers a helpful guideline system, but advanced techniques require experimentation and muscle memory.
  • Level Design (Not Applicable): While there are various pool tables with slightly different designs, the core gameplay remains the same across all tables.
  • Difficulty and Balance: The difficulty can vary greatly depending on who you're matched against. Early on, you'll likely face new players, but as you progress, the competition gets fiercer. There have been criticisms of unbalanced matchmaking at times.
  • Replayability: 8 Ball Pool offers high replayability due to the online competition and various game modes. Unlocking new cues and cosmetic items adds a grinding aspect that keeps some players engaged.
5. Graphics and Sound
  • Visual Style and Quality: The graphics are decent but prioritize performance over high-fidelity visuals. The 3D pool tables and balls are recognizable, but details are somewhat simplistic.
  • Performance: The game is well-optimized for mobile devices and generally runs smoothly.
  • Soundtrack and Sound Effects: The background music is repetitive and forgettable. Sound effects are basic but functional.
  • Voice Acting (Not Applicable)
6. Technical Performance
  • Bugs and Glitches: While uncommon, occasional bugs with physics or connection can occur.
  • Load Times: Load times can vary depending on your device and internet connection.
  • Updates and Patches: The developers frequently update the game with new content, events, and bug fixes.
7. Multiplayer (if applicable)
  • Multiplayer Modes: The core gameplay revolves around online multiplayer matches. You can play 1v1 matches, tournaments, or challenge friends directly. There are also limited-time events with unique rules and rewards.
  • Community and Player Base: The game boasts a massive and active player base, ensuring you can find matches almost any time.
  • Online Performance: Online performance can be inconsistent, with occasional lag affecting gameplay.
8. Pros and Cons
  • Free-to-play with a variety of game modes
  • Large and active player base for quick matchmaking
  • Easy to learn controls with a decent skill ceiling
  • Frequent updates keep the content fresh
  • Repetitive background music and sound effects
  • Some players report unbalanced matchmaking (especially at higher levels)
  • Free-to-play model can be limiting, encouraging in-app purchases for cosmetic items or advantages
9. Final Thoughts
8 Ball Pool is a solid mobile pool game that offers casual and competitive fun. The easy-to-learn controls and online competition make it a great way to pass the time. However, the free-to-play model and occasional technical issues can be drawbacks. If you're looking for a realistic pool simulation, 8 Ball Pool might not be your best bet. But for a quick and accessible mobile pool experience, it's definitely worth a try.
submitted by hx_950 to reviewxreddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:24 KaleidoscopeSad1902 Modal only showing backdrop, not the content

 const openModal = () => modals.openConfirmModal({ title: "Save Changes", centered: true, children: ( You are about to save all the changes you have made to the table
), labels: { confirm: "Confirm", cancel: "Cancel" }, confirmProps: { color: "blue" }, onCancel: () => console.log("Cancel"), onConfirm: () => console.log("Confirmed"), }); return ( <>
I think my modal for some reason is trying to take up extra space in the screen, if I remove the position:fixed it then shows but pushing other elements to the left:
submitted by KaleidoscopeSad1902 to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:55 Empowch 🍕 **Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day! 🍕**

On this day in 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz made history by purchasing two Papa John's pizzas for 10,000 BTC. At the time, the transaction was valued at around $41. Today, those same 10,000 BTC are worth an astonishing $948,517,411 (nine hundred forty-eight million, five hundred seventeen thousand, four hundred eleven dollars). The percentage increase in the value of the 10,000 BTC over the span of 14 years (from 2010 to 2024) is approximately 2,315,847,707.3%. (two billion, three hundred fifteen million, eight hundred forty-seven thousand, seven hundred seven point three percent.) Pretty expensive Pizza! (Is that correct?) Bitcoin Pizza Day is more than just a quirky footnote in the history of cryptocurrency. It's a celebration of how far Bitcoin has come from its early days to its current status as a leading Real World Asset (RWA), rivaling traditional investments like gold and silver. This pivotal transaction marked the first "real world commercial transaction" using Bitcoin as a means of payment, setting the stage for Bitcoin's meteoric rise and widespread adoption. Today, Bitcoin's fixed supply schedule has earned it the nickname "Digital Gold," with institutional giants recommending it for portfolio diversification. The journey from purchasing two pizzas to becoming one of the most sought-after investment options worldwide is a testament to Bitcoin's potential and dominance in the global financial landscape. Join us in commemorating this remarkable journey and celebrating the innovation and growth of the crypto ecosystem. Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day! #BitcoinPizzaDay #Bitcoin #Crypto #DigitalGold #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency #FinancialInclusion #Innovation #Empowch
submitted by Empowch to BlockchainStartups [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:43 Flutter_newbie I have problem with google map embed.

Iframe code in:
HtmlWidgetPage( strHtml: ''' '''),
I get a different error The Google Maps Embed API must be used in an iframe. Although I have code iframe in html.
How to fixed. Please help me!
submitted by Flutter_newbie to flutterhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:33 PM_PICS_OF_UR_PUPPER Dream patch notes from a diff 9 player with over 200 hours.

If you disagree let me know! I tried to be reasonable and realistic. I've been testing everything in order to make a guide for players struggling on Diff 7 and above. I tried to list the drawbacks of weak gear, but I realized I could actually make some patch notes to bring them up to par.
submitted by PM_PICS_OF_UR_PUPPER to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:18 SpAKy311 How bad is it?

How bad is it?
I’ve got prom tomorrow so I went for a touch up to get the sides cleaner and faded. I asked to keep the top length and clean the sides and to not change much since I had prom tomorrow, but they cut my hair up exposing about a finger width of my forehead and making it look sharp. I never told her to do that and my friends and gf were telling me it looks fine but I cant tell if they were just being nice. My mom said it looked weird. Also how can I fix it?
submitted by SpAKy311 to malehairadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 04:30 phoebae $8,000 to repair 2010 Subaru Liberty engine after timing belt snapped

what is up brothers??? ☝🏼
I am asking on behalf of my partner who recently had his timing belt snap in his 2010 Subaru Liberty. editing to add that the major service for the timing belt wasn’t due for another 30k kms.
he had it towed to the Suby dealer where he usually has his servicing done, and after 2 weeks they have charged him $1200 to take the engine apart and have said the repairs to the engine will cost $8,000.
I have a rough idea of how timing belts and chains work as the chain snapped in my Tiguan back in November, my dad is a mechanic and is still fixing it for me. it’s taking forever due to parts but idgaf because I don’t have to pay someone for labour and it’s a good project for him (can’t work due to mental health problems) I am very blessed to be in this position.
anyways. what would you do in this situation? sell it as is? scrap it? get a second hand engine and get my dad to do it? he would need to buy another car in the meantime as my dad takes forever bless his heart. get the repairs done even though it’s almost the value of the car when running and fuck it off?
really unfortunate timing as he was literally about to buy another car and this happens lol
appreciate the suggestions!
submitted by phoebae to CarsAustralia [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 03:07 kaleforcejaw Rigid Foam supply duct joint between plenum torn after new furnace install. I think it's because the furnace width is shorter than the original. What's a reasonable ask to resolve this install?

Rigid Foam supply duct joint between plenum torn after new furnace install. I think it's because the furnace width is shorter than the original. What's a reasonable ask to resolve this install?
I felt a draft when in my attic recently and noticed my new furnace was leaking air because of this tear. Speaking with not much experience in this, i am thinking this install should have been done differently. The supply side has one rigid duct attached to the plenum and the joint tore because the plenum was pushed out of the original position to fit the smaller furnace width. It's like 6 inches shorter now on both sides from the metal straps that used to hold the original plenum positioning up.
Shouldn't the plenum have been added to to make the supply side fit as is, in place? Or should the furnace have been installed more toward the supply side (being that all branches are flexible duct besides the one main one on the supply side that's torn)
I know it would be quite easy for the installers to tape and mastic this tear for a quick repair. Down the line, I see the new angle has weakened one of the joints, but there's no open gap here thankfully. However, there is a noticeable temperature difference in this one spot to the touch so I'm sure this spot has weakened because of it being pushed out of place from up the line.
I'm still well within warranty and don't want to be a dick about asking for too much. I did spend a pretty penny on this new furnace install and also don't want to just have, figuratively speaking, a "duct tape" repair if knowing the r values would be better if installed more carefully the first time. I understand mistakes happen so I'm hoping this company will fix it to the best industry practice. What's a reasonable ask to resolve this within warranty and what should I expect an HVAC company do to fix the issue and do the right thing?
submitted by kaleforcejaw to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 02:12 trueltlrealdeal Layer shifting issues

Layer shifting issues
(Ender 3 S1 Pro) this broke off the bed in the middle of the night and I noticed these layer shifts the farther up it went, anyone have any idea on how to fix this? Parts are about 240 mm tall, 60mm/s print speed, 150mm/s travel, 16mm brim width
submitted by trueltlrealdeal to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 02:03 martinrouge Game crashes for varied reasons, always the same error message Memory at +0x00000014 could not be read.

Hello all, been playing modded Skyrim LE for a looooooooooooong time, and I've gone through all the possible ways I could find to fix this, but no such luck. Everything is up to date, I checked and rechecked the load order (LOOT) and game integrity, everything, still no solutions. I tried using the recommended modwatch, but their site isn't responding at the moment. I can provide crash logs, mod list, init files, whatever, but if someone could figure out where the problem lies, it'd be great.
As to what I'm going in game at the time of the crash, it could be in the middle of a crafting menu, looting a corpse, trying to enter a closed city, or just getting ready to fight a dragon.
Crash Log, version 4 Code: 0xc0000005. Address: ntdll.dll+0x0005b9a2. Memory at +0x00000014 could not be read.
Loaded modules:
BaseAddress EndAddress FileName 0x00400000 0x01e12000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe 0x77a20000 0x77bc4000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll 0x75b90000 0x75c80000 C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL 0x76b40000 0x76d7a000 C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll 0x74bb0000 0x74c4f000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll 0x771e0000 0x7737d000 C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll 0x77040000 0x77058000 C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll 0x76b10000 0x76b33000 C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll 0x76d80000 0x76e66000 C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll 0x76410000 0x7648b000 C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll 0x76590000 0x766b0000 C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll 0x76390000 0x7640d000 C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll 0x77060000 0x7711f000 C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll 0x76510000 0x76588000 C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll 0x77120000 0x771dc000 C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll 0x76840000 0x76859000 C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll 0x75c80000 0x76257000 C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll 0x76970000 0x76a53000 C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll 0x75900000 0x75b80000 C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll 0x74ad0000 0x74b11000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\d3dx9_42.dll 0x727d0000 0x727d8000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll 0x6e7e0000 0x6e7e7000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\X3DAudio1_7.dll 0x74aa0000 0x74ac8000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\steam_api.dll 0x76320000 0x76383000 C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll 0x72340000 0x72377000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT8.dll 0x75320000 0x75348000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll 0x10000000 0x10047000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\binkw32.dll 0x6c2f0000 0x6c47f000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll 0x752d0000 0x752df000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll 0x70c70000 0x70c96000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll 0x74cb0000 0x752c3000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ 0x743c0000 0x743ca000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.DLL 0x74c80000 0x74ca5000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Wldp.dll 0x77530000 0x775c6000 C:\Windows\System32\OLEAUT32.dll 0x02530000 0x02546000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\XINPUT1_3.dll 0x775d0000 0x77a08000 C:\Windows\System32\SETUPAPI.dll 0x76270000 0x762ab000 C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll 0x76940000 0x76966000 C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL 0x6c100000 0x6c2e5000 C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_42.dll 0x6e7b0000 0x6e7d6000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\skse_steam_loader.dll 0x76a60000 0x76b0f000 C:\Windows\System32\COMDLG32.dll 0x77420000 0x774a7000 C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll 0x75310000 0x75318000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll 0x773d0000 0x77415000 C:\Windows\System32\SHLWAPI.dll 0x6e220000 0x6e2ad000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll 0x72250000 0x7233d000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\inputhost.dll 0x720d0000 0x7216b000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreMessaging.dll 0x73800000 0x738c2000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll 0x71e50000 0x720cf000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll 0x72170000 0x7224d000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll 0x758a0000 0x758ff000 C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll 0x74c50000 0x74c79000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll 0x75b80000 0x75b86000 C:\Windows\System32\psapi.dll 0x74a40000 0x74a92000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSWSOCK.dll 0x6e1a0000 0x6e217000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\CrashFixPlugin.dll 0x6b8e0000 0x6b9c5000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\skse_1_9_32.dll 0x6c040000 0x6c0f8000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\AtronachCrossing.dll 0x6e7a0000 0x6e7a6000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\BW_plugin.dll 0x6b840000 0x6b8d6000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\chargen.dll 0x6b790000 0x6b832000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\CobbPos.dll 0x6e780000 0x6e7a0000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\crash_log.dll 0x75710000 0x75898000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll 0x6c930000 0x6c96e000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DisableFollowerCollision.dll 0x6b2e0000 0x6b331000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll 0x6b740000 0x6b78b000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\Fuz Ro D'oh.dll 0x6b290000 0x6b2d9000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\hdtHighHeelNative.dll 0x6a6d0000 0x6b290000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\hdtPhysicsExtensions.dll 0x6a460000 0x6a6c8000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\JContainers.dll 0x74400000 0x74413000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll 0x743d0000 0x743ff000 C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll 0x6a420000 0x6a45c000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\MfgConsole.dll 0x6cab0000 0x6cad2000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\mzinWaterUtil.dll 0x6a340000 0x6a411000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\nioverride.dll 0x6c910000 0x6c930000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\po3_SpellPerkItemDistributor.dll 0x73490000 0x734fd000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP140.dll 0x73500000 0x73514000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll 0x6a320000 0x6a33b000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\rmm_plugin.dll 0x6a2b0000 0x6a319000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\SchlongsOfSkyrim.dll 0x6a210000 0x6a2a2000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\SexLabUtil.dll 0x6a1e0000 0x6a202000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\showRaceMenu_preCacheKiller.dll 0x6a1b0000 0x6a1d1000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\SrtCrashFix.dll 0x6a0b0000 0x6a1a6000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\StorageUtil.dll 0x6a070000 0x6a0a9000 C:\games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\zzLSARUtil.dll 0x75350000 0x753c4000 C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll 0x752e0000 0x75301000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll 0x6cd40000 0x6e051000 C:\games\steamclient.dll 0x766b0000 0x767b0000 C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll 0x76490000 0x764a9000 C:\Windows\System32\imagehlp.dll 0x74a00000 0x74a32000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL 0x71440000 0x714d8000 C:\games\tier0_s.dll 0x756f0000 0x756fa000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll 0x70f70000 0x70ff6000 C:\games\vstdlib_s.dll 0x69f70000 0x6a068000 C:\games\steam.dll 0x69f40000 0x69f6b000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbgcore.DLL 0x69f10000 0x69f31000 C:\games\CSERHelper.dll 0x69db0000 0x69f03000 C:\games\gameoverlayrenderer.dll 0x76860000 0x76933000 C:\Windows\System32\MSCTF.dll 0x71720000 0x717d9000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\textinputframework.dll 0x728c0000 0x728ca000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL 0x74350000 0x74379000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll 0x77380000 0x773cc000 C:\Windows\System32\WINTRUST.dll 0x743b0000 0x743be000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSASN1.dll 0x0fb50000 0x0fbce000 C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll 0x69d20000 0x69dae000 C:\Windows\System32\XAudio2_6.dll 0x6e080000 0x6e0eb000 C:\Windows\System32\MMDevApi.dll 0x6e770000 0x6e77f000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\resourcepolicyclient.dll 0x6cba0000 0x6ccd6000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL 0x744b0000 0x744f4000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\powrprof.dll 0x744a0000 0x744ad000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UMPDC.dll 0x6c970000 0x6ca63000 C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.dll 0x6cae0000 0x6cb53000 C:\Windows\System32\WindowManagementAPI.dll 0x6ea60000 0x6ebf1000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\twinapi.appcore.dll 0x6e070000 0x6e078000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\avrt.dll 0x74380000 0x743a6000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll 0x74810000 0x7482b000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\profapi.dll 0x72760000 0x7278c000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxcore.dll 0x69c80000 0x69d1a000 C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvmdi.inf_amd64_e08347d07a4d61e2\nvldumd.dll 0x74110000 0x74210000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\drvstore.dll 0x68370000 0x69c7e000 C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvmdi.inf_amd64_e08347d07a4d61e2\nvgpucomp32.dll 0x67b80000 0x68365000 C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvmdi.inf_amd64_e08347d07a4d61e2\NvCamera\NvCamera32.dll 0x72bc0000 0x72c82000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll 0x728b0000 0x728b7000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\XINPUT9_1_0.dll 0x67a00000 0x67b71000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WindowsCodecs.dll 0x6ed70000 0x6ef50000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll 0x65aa0000 0x679f9000 C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvmdi.inf_amd64_e08347d07a4d61e2\nvd3dum.dll 0x65870000 0x65a99000 C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap.dll 0x74330000 0x7434e000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\gpapi.dll 0x65510000 0x65866000 C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvmdi.inf_amd64_e08347d07a4d61e2\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_32.dll 0x62760000 0x6550c000 C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvmdi.inf_amd64_e08347d07a4d61e2\nvwgf2um.dll 0x6b9d0000 0x6bfcc000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvapi.dll 0x6e110000 0x6e18f000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DSOUND.DLL 0x6e0f0000 0x6e10d000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\winmmbase.dll 0x72ee0000 0x7344f000 C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NvContainer\MessageBus.dll 0x762b0000 0x762b7000 C:\Windows\System32\NSI.dll 0x749b0000 0x749c6000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc.DLL
Stack trace:
Frame: 0, FP: ntdll.dll+0x0005b9a2 Param 0: +0x06e00000 (void) Param 1: 0x00000000 (null) Param 2: +0xa2490160 (void) Param 3: TESV.exe+0x017fc551 (void*) RET: TESV.exe+0x00b58894
Frame: 1, FP: TESV.exe+0x00b58894 Param 0: +0xa2490160 (void) Param 1: +0xa2490160 (void) Param 2: +0x000004c0 (void) Param 3: TESV.exe+0x00648f98 (char) ";" RET: TESV.exe+0x006486ec
Frame: 2, FP: TESV.exe+0x006486ec Param 0: +0xa2490160 (void) Param 1: +0x000004c0 (void) Param 2: +0x000003d0 (void) Param 3: +0x29f07eb0 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x00648f98
Frame: 3, FP: TESV.exe+0x00648f98 Param 0: +0xa2490160 (void) Param 1: +0x000004c0 (void) Param 2: +0x00000010 (void) Param 3: +0x00000001 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x006614eb
Frame: 4, FP: TESV.exe+0x006614eb Param 0: +0xa2490160 (void) Param 1: +0x000003d0 (void) Param 2: +0x000004c0 (void) Param 3: +0x00000010 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x00b800c9
Frame: 5, FP: TESV.exe+0x00b800c9 Param 0: +0xa2490520 (void) Param 1: +0xa2490160 (void) Param 2: +0x00000010 (void) Param 3: +0x4024f790 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x00b7bc2a
Frame: 6, FP: TESV.exe+0x00b7bc2a Param 0: +0x00000010 (void) Param 1: TESV.exe+0x00b87fd8 (char) "[" Param 2: TESV.exe+0x017bf6f8 (void) Param 3: +0x000004b0 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x00b7b823
Frame: 7, FP: TESV.exe+0x00b7b823 Param 0: TESV.exe+0x017bf6f8 (void) Param 1: +0x000004b0 (void) Param 2: +0x90306d50 (void) Param 3: +0x000000f0 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x00b87fd8
Frame: 8, FP: TESV.exe+0x00b87fd8 Param 0: +0x902fcfd8 (char) "`" Param 1: +0x0000012c (void) Param 2: +0x1d0fa930 (void) Param 3: +0x902c9894 (char) " m0" RET: TESV.exe+0x00536496
Frame: 9, FP: TESV.exe+0x00536496 Param 0: +0x4024f7fc (void) Param 1: +0x1438cfb0 (char) "@"" Param 2: +0x8264a5fc (char) "(" Param 3: +0x4024f9d8 (char) "T" RET: TESV.exe+0x005889d0
Frame: 10, FP: TESV.exe+0x005889d0 Param 0: +0x4024f834 (void) Param 1: +0x9024977f (char) "olumns.durationColumn.width = 0.09" Param 2: +0x000000ef (void) Param 3: +0x82648228 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x00588c27
Frame: 11, FP: TESV.exe+0x00588c27 Param 0: +0x1d0fa920 (char) "P" Param 1: +0x00000002 (void) Param 2: +0x902fe100 (void) Param 3: TESV.exe+0x0052aba8 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x0054227b
Frame: 12, FP: TESV.exe+0x0054227b Param 0: +0x00000001 (void) Param 1: +0x1d0fa8b8 (char) "P+" Param 2: 0x00000000 (null) Param 3: +0x1f922790 (void*) RET: TESV.exe+0x0052aba8
Frame: 13, FP: TESV.exe+0x0052aba8 Param 0: +0x1438cfb0 (char) "@"" Param 1: 0x00000000 (null) Param 2: +0x902fa700 (void) Param 3: TESV.exe+0x00cfd254 (void*) RET: TESV.exe+0x00b7b823
Frame: 14, FP: TESV.exe+0x00b7b823 Param 0: +0x902fc010 (char) "OWU=]UUOWU=]U" Param 1: +0x0000006d (void) Param 2: +0x902c1a40 (void*) Param 3: 0x00000000 (null) RET: TESV.exe+0x00b81009
Frame: 15, FP: TESV.exe+0x00b81009 Param 0: +0x4024fab4 (char*) "T" Param 1: 0x00000000 (null) Param 2: 0x00000000 (null) Param 3: 0x00000000 (null) RET: TESV.exe+0x0059716b
Frame: 16, FP: TESV.exe+0x0059716b Param 0: +0x1d0fa8b8 (char) "P+" Param 1: +0x1f9227a0 (char) " Z" Param 2: +0x4024fb08 (void) Param 3: +0x1f9227a0 (char) " Z" RET: TESV.exe+0x00597317
Frame: 17, FP: TESV.exe+0x00597317 Param 0: TESV.exe+0x0059766d (void) Param 1: +0x1d0fa8b8 (char) "P+" Param 2: +0x902fa730 (char) "t" Param 3: +0x4024fb80 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x00528afd
Frame: 18, FP: TESV.exe+0x00528afd Param 0: +0x1d0fa8b8 (char) "P+" Param 1: +0x902fa730 (char) "t" Param 2: +0x4024fb80 (void) Param 3: +0x4024fb48 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x0059766d
Frame: 19, FP: TESV.exe+0x0059766d Param 0: +0x1d0fa8b8 (char) "P+" Param 1: +0x1f9227a0 (char) " Z" Param 2: +0x4024fb80 (void) Param 3: +0x00000001 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x0059349f
Frame: 20, FP: TESV.exe+0x0059349f Param 0: +0x16d04dac (void) Param 1: +0x4024fb98 (void) Param 2: +0x1bd5b830 (char) "," Param 3: +0x16cfbd90 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x00570af1
Frame: 21, FP: TESV.exe+0x00570af1 Param 0: +0x902cff00 (void) Param 1: +0x1bd5b830 (char) "," Param 2: +0x4024fbb8 (void) Param 3: +0x00009541 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x0057172b
Frame: 22, FP: TESV.exe+0x0057172b Param 0: +0x16cfbd90 (void) Param 1: +0x1bd5b830 (char) "," Param 2: +0x4024fbec (char) "0" Param 3: +0x00000003 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x00573e4d
Frame: 23, FP: TESV.exe+0x00573e4d Param 0: 0x00000000 (null) Param 1: +0x1d0fa7d0 (void) Param 2: 0x00000000 (null) Param 3: +0x1f91ee40 (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x005755c6
Frame: 24, FP: TESV.exe+0x005755c6 Param 0: +0x11fdf100 (void) Param 1: +0x18a058d0 (void) Param 2: +0x00000003 (void) Param 3: +0x0000001c (void) RET: TESV.exe+0x0056f700
Frame: 25, FP: TESV.exe+0x0056f700 Param 0: 0x00000000 (null) Param 1: 0x00000000 (null) Param 2: +0x1d0f4050 (void) Param 3: +0x18a057a0 (char) "(:" RET: TESV.exe+0x00580a48
Frame: 26, FP: TESV.exe+0x00580a48 Param 0: +0x1d0f4050 (void) Param 1: +0x00000001 (void) Param 2: +0x35d13058 (void*) Param 3: 0x00000000 (null) RET: TESV.exe+0x00580944
Frame: 27, FP: TESV.exe+0x00580944 Param 0: 0x00000000 (null) Param 1: 0x00000000 (null) Param 2: 0x00000000 (null) Param 3: 0x00000000 (null) RET: +0x00000000
submitted by martinrouge to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 01:46 Clarice01 Fixing PlayOnline Black Screen under WINE (MacOS/Linux)

After getting into XI recently, been trying to install it on everything I've got lying around. Will probably make a full guide to document current installs on WinXP (doesn't work ootb post-ultimate collector's edition bundle release) and on Apple Silicon Macs when I have some time...
For right now, wanted to post the fix for POL loading to a black screen AFTER you run the installer and patch under Wine (so, Linux or Mac). Took me way too long to figure this one out. There seems to be lots of people with this issue especially on Steam Deck, but none of the fixes are universal. Linux has a patch in a specific launcher, but couldn't run that on Mac. Anyway, I think I figured it out, game runs on my M2 Macbook Pro now.
Back in like 2010, Wine implemented a feature called CSMT or "performance enhanced graphics". It splits graphics calls into its own thread for better efficiency. PlayOnline can't handle this, and the result is a black screen where the app is running in the background (you can hear sound) but no video. I tried using Whisky, CrossOver, and PortingKit and ran into this issue on all of them.
tl;dr to fix:
1) Open regedit in WINE
2) Go to the location HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine in the registry editor.
3) Decide if you want to disable CSMT for only PlayOnline or globally. I have not done extensive testing but FFXI itself seems to be ok with it enabled. WINE claims having it enabled improves performance.
3a) To disable only for POL, add keys [folders] so you have HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\AppDefaults\pol.exe\Direct3D . You may need to make some of these manually.
  • Then inside that key, add a DWORD value called "csmt" (no quotes) and set to decimal 0.
3b) To disable globally, add keys [folders] so you have HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D . You may need to make some of these manually.
  • Then inside that key, add a DWORD value called "csmt" (no quotes) and set to decimal 0.
4) Make sure you completed 3a OR 3b, but not both.
5) Relaunch pol.exe and it should work now.
For more info on this see here
Wish me luck getting Ashita running on apple silicon
submitted by Clarice01 to ffxi [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 01:40 toasty_butter_6174 USA rework - Taft dev diary

USA rework - Taft dev diary
Before we begin, I would like to state that the release of the America rework is atleast a year away. But it is making good and consistent progress, and I'm confident enough in its current pace to start releasing dev diaries showing you, the player, what the rework will look like. Today we will be focusing on Tafts term from 1910-1913, as well as showing historical Democratic primary events.

Starting national situation

The United States starts in a pretty unfavorable position, to put it lightly. Just to show the most important starting ideas, your economy is controlled by monopolies, a vast majority of the populations working conditions are unsafe, your army is terrible, and so is your banking system. While Taft obviously isn't going to fix all of your issues in his first term, he will help reduce these.

Starting political situation
Taft starts off liked by pretty much nobody. Several administrative scandals have left Taft unpopular amongst progressives, while Tafts unprecedented anti monopoly actions have angered conservatives (fun fact. Taft busted more monopolies then Roosevelt). Taft will have to chose a faction to align in his political tree. Do note that the left side of the tree only happens if Roosevelt dies early. This leads to Joseph Cannon taking over the Republican party, which will be a story for another day. Therefore, a "normal" Taft game chooses between allying conservatives or progressives in the party. Allying conservatives gives the most political power, but will (practically) always split the Republican party, leading to a pretty much guaranteed loss in the November elections. Allying progressives will lead to little political power, but allow Taft to gain enough progressive support to ensure Roosevelts primary attempts flop so hard he doesn't have enough support to really consider a third party bid.

Tafts Domestic tree
As you saw in the starting national situation, the United States is in a pretty rough spot in 1910. Luckily, Taft has much to do to work towards fixing it. He will pursue a large variety of reforms. You may notice something about democrats controlling the house in the focus "Second Annual Message." This is because (if you did not complete this focus), democrats will take control of the house, making several domestic focuses harder to pass. Taft will also have to re enforce American policy in Latin America, introducing a mechanic every president will have to interact with for the rest of the game, as well as a decision for it in the tree. Letting stability fall to low in the specified countries leads to consequences like stated. Once the Mexican Revolution begins, the United States will be forced to address just how bad the army is. Deciding on the importance of the airforce, showing the need for a stronger military industry, and finally beginning to increase the military budget. Oh, and some navy stuff too!

Democratic Primary

The last thing we will look over, is the Democrat primary. As the "historical" option, I think it should be looked at even during Tafts dev diary, over the Republican one. There will be no shortage of content to do with them.
I hope you enjoyed the look at Tafts content, expect a dev diary for Wilson by the end of july, or maybe even earlier (or +2 weeks). Feel free to leave questions in the comments, and ill answer them
submitted by toasty_butter_6174 to TGW_Redux [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 01:39 Auroch7 They say don’t share too much…

I’m a honest guy and I went through a lot in 2010 that’s had a lasting effect on me. I was traveling in Thailand and long story short I broke my back. Tumour..fixed… I can walk and move around to the point you wouldn’t know just by 1st meeting.
But I’m on alot of medication to try keep the pain at bay that don’t have any other effects But I’d be in discomfort If I was stood up a few hours (I could hide it and manage), no rollercoasters, mountain climbing or much traveling aboard.
So. I mention “Broke my back in 2010 but can get around fine just my endurance has been effected alittle. Tough times made me stronger” Its only right they should know on the dating apps/sites.
Im not a bad looking guy, 6’1, not over weight and seem to get profile views. But I’ve only received 3 likes between 4 apps after a 3 weeks and lots of views.
I understand when you read it you may think…”I dont want to deal with that” and that’s fair. It seems like such a huge hurdle (bigger than it is) and I’m not sure I can do much about it.
Wanting some general advice?
submitted by Auroch7 to OnlineDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 01:31 Repulsive_Try_7129 Scripting Help

Scripting Help
So to make this clear, I am a novice when it comes to coding. I have only learned enough to manipulate the position of buttons and add more of the same based on some code a friend prepared for me.
Using this, I have managed to create this object. It uses a simple counter, but the number has been moved to the bottom side so it's hidden unless a player uses shift+alt to look underneath; this is the goal.
The problem is that the number is obviously backwards. I had tried to fix this by placing the buttons on the other side of the object, but their actual clicking function stayed on the bottom while the - and + symbols appeared on the top.
I've tried looking up some tutorials, but nothing has worked so far, so my question is simple; is it possible to change the direction text is displayed, allowing me to make the number appear properly / or / is it possible to make the clicking function of the buttons move to the other side of the object?
This is, as far as I know, the main part of the code being used for this counter (there's more, but I know what it does and I don't think it's relevant):
--Makes counters function createCounter() for i, data in ipairs(ref_buttonData.counter) do --Sets up display local displayNumber = spawnedButtonCount --Sets up label local label = data.value --Sets height/width for display local size = data.size if data.hideBG == true then size = 0 end --Creates button and counts it self.createButton({ label=label, click_function="click_none", function_owner=self, position={data.pos[1], data.pos[2]-0.2, data.pos[3]}, height=size, width=size, font_size=data.font_size, scale=data.buttonScale, color=data.color, font_color=data.font_color, rotation=data.rol }) spawnedButtonCount = spawnedButtonCount + 1 --Sets up add 1 local funcName = "counterAdd"..i local func = function() click_counter(i, displayNumber, 1) end self.setVar(funcName, func) --Sets up label local label = "+" --Sets up position local offsetDistance = (data.size/2 + data.size/4) * (buttonScale[1] * 0.002) local pos = {data.pos[1] + offsetDistance + offsetx, data.pos[2], data.pos[3] + offsetz} local size = data.size / 2 --Creates button and counts itFF self.createButton({ label=label, click_function=funcName, function_owner=self, position=pos, height=size, width=size, font_size=data.size, scale=data.buttonScale, color=buttonColor, font_color=buttonFontColor }) spawnedButtonCount = spawnedButtonCount + 1 --Sets up subtract 1 local funcName = "counterSub"..i local func = function() click_counter(i, displayNumber, -1) end self.setVar(funcName, func) --Sets up label local label = "-" --Set up position local pos = {data.pos[1] - offsetDistance - offsetx, data.pos[2], data.pos[3] - offsetz} --Creates button and counts it self.createButton({ label=label, click_function=funcName, function_owner=self, position=pos, height=size, width=size, font_size=data.size, scale=data.buttonScale, color=buttonColor, font_color=buttonFontColor }) spawnedButtonCount = spawnedButtonCount + 1 end end 
submitted by Repulsive_Try_7129 to tabletopsimulator [link] [comments]