Grandma libby


2011.12.09 04:55 Eduard_Khil VALUABLE DISCUSSION

Who says email is dead? They obviously haven't seen your grandma at work. Forwards, much like your meemaw, never really seem to die. Maybe it IS all those cigarettes keeping the sub alive! Don't forget to write, Sweaty! FFG is back!

2024.06.04 07:34 Hefty_Badger1595 Satori and Cody are fakes -- with evidence.

I am currently watching the whole "Surviving a week in the real conjuring house." series. I had watched the first two episodes when they were first uploaded, but stopped, and now I'm rewatching before starting the other two episodes. I have came to the realization that Satori and Cody, the couple who spoke with Sam's dead grandma, members of Colby's family, and Abigal Arnold in the first episode, are fakes. I will answer a few questions you may have.
Question One; How did they fake this?
This is a simple answer. I, at first, believed that what the couple was doing was true because of the 'evidence' Sam and Colby gave at the end of Episode One. After doing some research, reading many reddit posts and articles about the two, I realized what they had done. Cody has a weird type of double-jointed toes, which makes the knocking/banging noise. Link of Cody manipulating his double-jointed toes .
Question Two; How did Satori and Cody know all of this personal information about Sam and Colby's family?
This question could have two answers. The first, and the one I believe the most, is that they simply did their research. Colby Brock said that he did a Family Ancestry type test and sort of knew that there was a Frank Brock in his family. Satori and Cody could've looked it up online, if Colby was able to find that information online as well. The one that is more crazy is Sam's grandmother, Libby, also making an appearance. Sam says that there is no way that anyone would know his grandmothers nickname, as it was only used with close friends and family, this is simply not true. On Elizabeth's obituary, it says her nickname multiple times, including in the title. The second answer is that Sam and Colby told the two the personal information. I hate to think this, especially since I am soft when it comes to tears, and the way Sam cried when Libby's name was spelled out had me bawling as well. I personally do not think that Sam and Colby fake their videos, I simply think that Satori and Cody manipulated Sam and Colby the same way they manipulated us. Libby Golbach Obituary
Question Three; How do you explain the Terri Ficca/Facci incident?
This whole session was a hoax. First, Sam and Colby tried to help us believe by buying them new shoes and going to a new location, which obviously made them and us believe more that these two were speaking the truth. You can't really provide evidence when it was Cody's double-jointed toes that were doing it all. I again do not believe that this was Sam and Colby's doing, I believe that it was Satori and Cody. They enter a park and meet with a spirit named Terri Ficca, except they spell that last name Facci in the video. They state that they were able to find an obituary from 2007. The obituary says that the last name is actually Ficca. I assume that the couple did their research on someone interesting to communicate with, and simply misremembered how the last name was spelled. Terri Ficca's obituary -
With all of this being said, I strongly believe that Satori and Cody are frauds. I of course could be wrong, but with my research, I assume that they are faking their method. Although, I can not be certain. I have never been in a paranormal setting or even had a paranormal experience, unlike Sam and Colby, so they may believe that this method works! I am not hating on anyone, especially Sam and Colby. I am simply giving my opinion on this debate. Thank you for reading, and feel free to do your own research on this topic, it's very interesting! <3
EDIT; I forgot to add how loud the knocking/banging was. I don't watch many paranormal videos...only The Boys paranormal videos and Sam and Colby, but I have never heard knocking that loud. I could be wrong, but I don't think spirits could be that loud and coherent with their answers. It seems fake to me....
submitted by Hefty_Badger1595 to SamAndColby [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:14 waterfallqueen Favourite Patty Quotes?

Favourite Patty Quotes? submitted by waterfallqueen to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:58 waterfallqueen Favourite Pete Quotes?

Favourite Pete Quotes? submitted by waterfallqueen to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:36 waterfallqueen Favourite Ollie Quotes?

Favourite Ollie Quotes? submitted by waterfallqueen to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 16:52 waterfallqueen What are your Favourite Molly Quotes? :)

What are your Favourite Molly Quotes? :) submitted by waterfallqueen to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 00:37 waterfallqueen Favourite June Quotes?

Favourite June Quotes? submitted by waterfallqueen to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 21:16 waterfallqueen Today is Jinx!

Today is Jinx! submitted by waterfallqueen to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:51 waterfallqueen What's Your Favourite Grandma Nin Quote?

What's Your Favourite Grandma Nin Quote? submitted by waterfallqueen to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 19:35 waterfallqueen Today is Anyone from the Ghost Council!

Today is Anyone from the Ghost Council! submitted by waterfallqueen to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:54 waterfallqueen Tell Me Your Favourite Geoff Quote

Tell Me Your Favourite Geoff Quote submitted by waterfallqueen to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 23:21 waterfallqueen What's Darryl's Best Quote?

What's Darryl's Best Quote? submitted by waterfallqueen to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 01:55 waterfallqueen Choose the Best Quote for Each Character - Today is Andrea

Choose the Best Quote for Each Character - Today is Andrea submitted by waterfallqueen to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 15:49 Old_Heart_7780 Motive

Two young kids taken from a popular local hiking trail in the middle of a warm winter day. Forcibly removed from the remote end of a dead end trail. Nowhere to run—- trapped on that long and rotted train trestle bridge—- isolated but together. It makes me sick thinking how terrified but brave two young friends were that day they crossed the Monon High Bridge. Libby capturing their abductor with a secretly concealed cell phone. I suspect they knew he was bad news the moment they’d passed one another at the south end of the bridge.
And yet both Abby and Libby still felt comfortable walking on the isolating and decaying trestles. You can see Abby concentrating on every footstep in that infamous Snapchat photo taken by her best friend Libby. They knew something was amiss the moment they saw him walking back toward them, with his head down—moving too fast for their comfort. Both girls suddenly realizing Anthony_shots was a creepy old man in baggy blue jeans and a bad fitting blue jacket.
One man with a motive for being there that day. Three times convicted: Theft, Battery, and Harassment. No stranger to beating up little kids, and harassing unsuspecting women with his anonymous telephone calls. A sick man with the black heart of a BTK and a GSK—- a pedophile and a peeper all rolled into one. He had the motive, and we all know anthony_shots and EmilyAnne were born on his Comcast account. Two fake social media profiles designed to trick unsuspecting and vulnerable young girls for their own sick purposes. A perfect storm waiting to happen.
He had the motive—- and let’s face it; he is undoubtedly connected. His Comcast account, his house, his son, his parents and their backyard—- somehow all connected. A man with three convictions, that suddenly realized he wasn’t so anonymous on those MeetMe, KiK and Snapchat chats. A three time loser looking at a new reality of life behind bars if any one of those kids talked about Anthony or Emily. I know he was terrified because his own son told us he was terrified, that evening when he arrived back home after his friendly chat with the ISP and the FBI on February 25. 2017.
He told us his dad was hysterically crying when he got a ride back home from the nice law enforcement people—- who’d just given him the polygraph treatment. They knew then this young shut in man knew something about the person(s) responsible for the Delphi murders. Does anyone truly believe this man was crying because he thought his son was mixed up in the Delphi murders. Or he was crying and terrified because he knew what could be coming next. I have no doubt his DNA is grossly smeared all over those devices confiscated from that pedo den. Devices collected from where they were found inside that house. Law enforcement knows who had which device in their separate bedrooms. They know who it was that unblocked Libby that February when she was set up and trapped on the Monon High Bridge.
Law enforcement has the full story. That Carroll County prosecutor didn’t meet secretly with the weakest link for nothing. He met secretly with that man’s son so as to get the full story. The story about a trip to Delphi that day two kids were murdered. A trip in a grandparents vehicle—- of course he wouldn’t take one of his own vehicles that day. A trip to the back of the Old Delphi Cemetery where he waited for his dad who had disappeared into the thick timber headed toward Deer Creek. A codependent and abused son waiting in a vehicle at the back of a deserted cemetery. I wouldn’t doubt he told the son he was doing some scouting for a future hunt. A gullible son who knew to keep his mouth shut lest the old man stick a gun to his head.
I think he told McLeland about the drive back to Peru that day. His dad covered in blood. The slow down on the bridge when his dad banded him the knife and told him to toss it into the river. Suddenly realizing the blood was now on his hands. The quick return home for a change of clothes and footwear. His dad acting wildly manic as they returned to the grandparents house to burn something in that bag his dad brought with them. The suspicious bag and the seat covers, floor mats and steering wheel cover from grandmas purple PT Cruiser. All tossed in that huge garbage pit and set ablaze. A quick run to the local Autozone before it closed that Monday evening—- brand seat covers, floor mats and steering wheel cover.
If there was a motive—- that man had it. Terrified his impulsive nature destroyed his retirement plans at the fast approaching age of 55. His son showing him that winter the ease for which he could peep into a young girls bedroom without ever leaving his own bedroom. Suddenly realizing the FBI was busy in the 765 Area Code that winter catching predators like himself. EmilyAnne and Elliot—- two men trading the most vile CSAM imaginable. Elliot seen handcuffed and led away from his house on the west side of Kokomo by the serious looking men with FBI emblazoned on their jackets.
Would they come for him if that young girl from Delphi told about those fake social media accounts harassing and grooming her that winter. A three time loser back in front of a judge and looking at 10-20. A lost life of leisure sponging off his parent’s timeshare in Florida, and those quick trips to Las Vegas and the nearby Bunny Ranch.
They searched his house not once, but TWICE. They searched that river for over 5 long weeks looking for a murder weapon. We know who pointed them to that location—— his son accompanied by two detectives. Did they find his knife—- of course they did. Had they not found a knife described in detail by his only son—- they would never have moved onto that Autozone, and ultimately that fire pit in grandma’s backyard. Something of interest was burned behind his parent’s house— the same as something of interest burned behind Richard Allen’s house. Does anyone think Ricard Allen could have made the same suspicious purchases for his black Ford Focus; new seat covers, floor mats—-purchased at that Carquest Auto Parts Store on West Franklin Street in beautiful Delphi, Indiana. Three men there that day two kids were setup, trapped, and murdered.
One of them had motive.
This is all speculation on my part. Speculation meant to illicit discussion. Could it have been Allen alone that day? Is there something to those searches in Miami County that preceded the searches at Allen’s property? Could two men growing up in a town of less than 900 people during the 1980’s have known one another? Did Allen’s wife know something was off with her husband of 25 years? Did the neighbors recall the smell of burning rubber, that evening two innocent kids from America’s Heartland were so heartlessly murdered?
submitted by Old_Heart_7780 to Delphitrial [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 19:02 Moldynred Appendix Text

  1. “Blood at the base of the tree to right”. “I don’t have that pic, but I would assume so.”
  2. References blood at the Weber’s.
    1. That EOA Channel has some real potential cult victims in his comments.
  3. Mentions Robert Lindsey. “If want more Odin stuff Gabe Ellis, Eric Williams, Dustin Prater, Tyler French.”
  4. Is that the Kokomo crew or people connected to Odin suspects. Prater can be connected to Westfall.
  5. References Crime Knight.
  6. References Jeff Stankard.
    1. Defense got girls phone records, good stuff.
    2. LE declined to look at video footage of business by the Mears entrance. My personal dark horse Jerome Weis.
  7. “May have Messers phone too”. Tried to give it to Holeman but he ghosted her, so she gave it to Andy.
  8. I just watched the BW YouTube. I assume that is you on there.
  9. Klutch just blamed the family for it. Said Cody Patty would be taking the fall. Filed: 3/25/2024 11:10 AM Carroll Circuit Court Carroll County, Indiana 2
  10. Andy had audio of Professor. (This is the opposite of what Sergeant Holeman said, Professor said the opposite of what Holeman said he said.)
  11. Judge going to set a suppression hearing. But Andy is looking for clarity.
  12. References the interview with Professor Turco.
  13. References Jennifer Scully.
  14. Screenshots.
  15. “I like the delusion about how much a picture of KK is worth! Ha. Ha.”
  16. Pictures of ruins-Woodhouse sent that.
  17. Screenshot of Klutch’s theory. Then more Klutch.
  18. She and Kelsi both communicated with Shots account.
  19. Former Mayor working for McLeland has Odinist ties.
  20. Asked who is Max S.
  21. Ties to Garrett Cruz.
  22. Child molester Marcos Salinas got nudes of both, communicated with two accounts from Klines Dropbox.
  23. Rachel Yancy-Libby wanted Max. Max wanted Abby. FB of classmates of L and A.
  24. Marcos Salinas tied to KK Dropbox.
  25. Rocks at the CVS, Salinas has tied Allen to CSAM according to Russ.
  26. References Snoweberger getting nudes. Known scumbag.
  27. References Hannah Rostell and Elliott Guy, Screenshot Kegan Kline.
  28. Side by side of sketches. (The defense never made such an exhibit.)
  29. References Joe Luis as Jive. 3
  30. Shared with one other person you only one saw the CS. “Hood up? Yes.” “Kelsi’s BF. Yes.”
  31. (5:55) was there around 11 to 11:30.
  32. Family in Delphi. The Rainey’s.
  33. Kelsi, Chase and Bri lawyer up. Joines Air Force. Left town.
  34. Bri’s account-listen to what she says.
  35. Brandon Woodhouse stuff give you more cover.
  36. Banned me in JFJ because of Patches’ conversation with ND Clown.
  37. Driving hone-Thinking supposed to go to Franklin this weekend.
  38. Want Nick to stop hiding shit.
  39. Want people to stop running “their mouths over shit they don’t know.”
  40. Picture of F tree. 44. Posts screen, not mine.
  41. Snay going to be mad at you, I’ll go visit him and smarten him up.
    1. Journey banned me for no reason, banned from posting facts.
  42. Reference to Barbara.
  43. Picture of F tree, has full picture with evidence label.
  44. Want to clear up false information.
  45. Abby’s grandma said thanks.
  46. Screenshot of screenshot printed on paper then cropped. 3-20-18 stuff.
  47. References Woodhouse video.
  48. References Chastity Jerrell. 4
  49. Message from Holeman where he contacts Woodhouse. Got more coming.
  50. Told no rocks about everything, Elvis Fields duped by Mike Thomas.
  51. He’s going to be with Andy tonight. Talking about me going down Saturday.
  52. You and Brandon and these guys.
  53. “Another source Kelsie.”
  54. References Doug Rice, Jerricka, and Anna Evans.
  55. Railley told Mary, picture of Duvall, Drake French saw.
  56. “They are implying the leak of photos of the bodies” IDK someone sent them to me. “Not sure what Matt is implying”. Did someone tell him they saw them? Did someone show someone else? I just don’t know.
  57. My wife just left me.
  58. “Mark, talk to me please.”
  59. Sketches “confidential”. Rather not from me. Assume under gag order. Shared with one other…You are only one saw CS hood up.
    1. Nick drunk at bar. My cousin was there. Derrick. Nick said Cody Patty should be worried.
  60. I know he does blow too.
  61. Are you going to release it, I can’t.
  62. It is obvious pictures of this stuff and not originals.
  63. BG was Carl Abbot.
submitted by Moldynred to RichardAllenInnocent [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 05:04 Guyermom I'm frustrated with lending limits & running out of listening hours. (Audiobooks are my thing.)

I've become obsessed with listening to romance (erotic/smutty) audiobooks lately. I used to love to read, but as I've gotten older, my eyesight has gotten weaker and even with glasses I have a hard time focusing to read a book/ebook. So I stopped reading for years, until recently. The least few months I've been picking them up again, but in audiobook form. I find I can listen while doing mundane tasks, driving or crafting, etc. And I've gotten so many wonderful recs from you all on here.
I tried Libby using my library card, but nothing anyone recommends is ever available, and the only romance audiobooks available are Danielle Steel, Nora Roberts (like Grandma reads, no offense if you like those, but not my cup of tea) or cowboy romance novels; not even exaggerating - half of the 28 audiobooks available are about cowboys, and where I live "cowboy" is just another term for "maga", so again, 'No thanks!' I use Hoopla through my library but I've hit my limit which is just a measly 5 books. I also listen through Spotify, but I'm almost at my limit and I'm in the middle of a series that I am loving!! 😩
Now I just don't know what to do with myself. I keep toying with the idea of getting audible, but I've been checking recs in their "plus" section to see how valuable it would be to be, and it's not looking too promising. I can't spend a ton of money every month just to pour through books. Does anyone use Everand, and is that more valuable than Audible? I've not heard as much about it.
I'm just bummed that there doesn't seem to be much else to do to read/listen to books cheap/free. I've gone through 5 Hoopla books and listened to 2 more through Spotify this month, leaving myself just a few hours left to listen. 7 books a month just doesn't seem like a lot, considering most romance books, especially, aren't very long. Sorry for the long rant, but I'm just reading all your recs and I really want to enjoy them.... But I can't! 😢
submitted by Guyermom to RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 21:17 Zefeni519 I Now Present to You the Fully Completed TGAMM ABCs!!! :)

I Now Present to You the Fully Completed TGAMM ABCs!!! :) submitted by Zefeni519 to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 17:19 Zefeni519 TGAMM ABCs!!! Y is for...

TGAMM ABCs!!! Y is for... submitted by Zefeni519 to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 20:14 Zefeni519 TGAMM ABCs!!! X is for...

TGAMM ABCs!!! X is for... submitted by Zefeni519 to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.02.13 15:59 Zefeni519 TGAMM ABCs!!! On to W...

TGAMM ABCs!!! On to W... submitted by Zefeni519 to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 16:34 Zefeni519 TGAMM ABCs!!! V is for...

TGAMM ABCs!!! V is for... submitted by Zefeni519 to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 14:40 Falkyourself27 Traveling to Colorado by plane for a sudden funeral - could stand to be diverted by something cerebral and diverting

So, my grandma died. She'd been in memory care for a minute so it's not unexpected, but the end came fast. I'm a voracious reader and I try to use travel for media consumption purposes whenever possible.
Vintage crime fiction, translated fiction, microhistories, queer, horror, bizarre (but readable) things are always a plus. Ideally no long-form explorations of grief. Some recent great reads for me have included Liberty Bar by Simenon, You Dreamed of Empires by Alvaro Enrigue, Tricks by Ed McBain, Beautiful Shadows: A Life of Patricia Highsmith, Goth: A History by Lol Tolhurst, and Road Rage by Ruth Rendell.
Availability on Kindle/Libby is a must, please!
submitted by Falkyourself27 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.02.06 04:24 Zefeni519 TGAMM ABCs!!! Now onto U...

TGAMM ABCs!!! Now onto U... submitted by Zefeni519 to GhostAndMollyMcGee [link] [comments]