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Winnie the Pooh

2011.09.15 07:51 Ohtanks Winnie the Pooh

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2020.08.19 08:33 Schlange11 WinnieThePoohMeme

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2012.05.16 02:49 razorsheldon Uplifting News

A place to read and share positive and uplifting, feel good news stories.

2024.06.04 22:31 YH_Queen_Clement State of Llc Nation the Hyper Power

State of Llc Nation the Hyper Power
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
It takes an “act of Congress” to campaign for President as an Independent Party and obtain an entry of judgment on a Summary Judgement. (Clement vs Garland 1:24 cv 00479-RC)
Private Law
For the relief of Christina Clement; HH Empress Queen Christina Clement and Global Admissions Act of State of Loc Nation as Hyper Power protecting the legal, political and social actions of the “majority” from the tyrant of the “minority”.
Proclamation of Hyper Power
State of Loc Nation
We, the Nephesh Hummus, souls on earth, descendants of the original inhabitants of this land, hereby proclaim the State of Loc Nation as a Hyper Power.
Recognizing our historical contributions, cultural heritage, and the sacrifices made by our ancestors in numerous wars and conflicts, we assert our inherent rights and sovereignty.
  1. Declaration of Sovereignty:
  2. We declare our sovereignty and the establishment of the State of Loc Nation as a Hyper Power, with the full rights and privileges thereof.
  3. Governance:
  4. Our governance shall be rooted in democratic principles, cultural heritage, and the protection of human rights.
  5. Economic Empowerment:
  6. We commit to fostering economic growth, job creation, and financial stability for our people.
  7. Justice and Equality:
  8. We seek comprehensive criminal justice reform, fairer sentencing policies, and the eradication of systemic oppression.
  9. Cultural and Educational Initiatives:
  10. We will promote cultural education, ensuring our history and heritage are honored and preserved.
We thank the international community, governments, and organizations to recognize the State of Loc Nation and support our quest for justice, recognition, and empowerment.
Christina Loren Clement HH Empress Queen Christina Loren Clement
Legitimacy: The “majority” community that I am a part of and represent as HH Empress Queen Christina Clement have ancestors, forefathers original to this land, and inheritance to the land patents. These souls on earth have participated in numerous wars and conflicts throughout history, including but not limited too:
Ancestry and Contributions Current: The war day with systematic oppression globally 1. American Revolutionary War 2. War of 1812 3. American Civil War 4. World War I 5. World War II 6. Korean War 7. Vietnam War 8. Gulf War 9. War in Afghanistan 10. Iraq War 11. Spanish-American War 12. Philippine-American War 13. Boxer Rebellion 14. Mexican-American War 15. Indian Wars 16. Russo-Japanese War 17. First Indochina War 18. Algerian War of Independence 19. Congo Crisis 20. Rhodesian Bush War 21. Falklands War 22. Persian Gulf War 23. Yugoslav Wars 24. Sierra Leone Civil War 25. Liberian Civil Wars 26. Rwandan Civil War 27. Second Congo War 28. Darfur Conflict 29. Syrian Civil War 30. Yemeni Civil War 31. Somali Civil War 32. Angolan Civil War 33. Mozambican Civil War 34. Eritrean War of Independence 35. Ethiopian Civil War 36. South African Border War 37. Second Sudanese Civil War 38. Ugandan Bush War 39. Burundian Civil War 40. Ivorian Civil War 41. Chadian Civil War 42. Lebanese Civil War 43. Sri Lankan Civil War 44. Afghan Civil War (1996-2001) 45. Nepal Civil War 46. Georgian Civil War 47. Second Chechen War 48. Central African Republic Civil War 49. Ukrainian Civil War 50. Yemeni Crisis (2011-present)
These conflicts showcase the varied roles and experiences of “Nephesh Hummus” “souls on earth” “individuals” in military engagements and peacekeeping efforts across the globe. These conflicts span across different regions and time periods, demonstrating the diverse experiences and contributions of “Nephesh Hummus” “souls on earth” “individuals” aka “black” “African American” “Negro” soldiers and fighters throughout history.
These conflicts highlight the global presence and contributions of black individuals in military operations and peacekeeping efforts around the world.
Yet, we still have to fight in court and by law enforcement to be respected? There is no constitutional laws that protect the “majority” from the tyrant minority thus resulting in an exhaustive number of years of injustices. See Claims and other motions in Case 1:24 cv 00479 Clement vs Garland. Even in my effort to obtain solutions, I was ignored by all parties said to be a representative for 1 year and a half, and still no answer to date. My certified mail was also refused. I then had the challenge to submit my complaint to the District Court for an entry for judgement, Court rules state the press will be notified for all Summary judgment cases. That did not happen. I filed to campaign for President as an Independent party and the number of signature requirements were dramatically different and biased. I was met with lengthy case time and intentional clerical errors.
I have declared State of Loc Nation the Hyper Power to the United States Superpower. These wars would not have been won nor the position of America not be achieved without our forefathers' contribution. It is so written. I have submitted our Defacto/Dejure and all other documents needed. 1:24 cv 00479-RC
A Grateful Acknowledgment: The Impact of Christina Clement’s Campaign Goals for the Loc Nationite: African American: Aboriginal Communities
In the realm of American politics, the impact of presidential campaigns often reverberates across various communities, shaping policies and influencing lives. This Act of Congress serves as an overdue relief for the community Christina Clement represents, recognizing the positive aspects of her campaign goals and their beneficial outcomes for the Loc Nationite: African American: Aboriginal Communities.
Acknowledging Economic Empowerment:
One notable aspect of Christina Clement’s campaign is her emphasis on economic growth and job creation. The administration's commitment to fostering a robust economy will bring about tangible benefits for the Loc Nationite; African American; and Aboriginal Communities. This move will yield Historic low unemployment rates among the Loc Nationite; African American; and Aboriginal Communities demonstrating a substantial leap toward economic empowerment and increased financial stability for not just our community but all communities.
Criminal Justice Reform:
Christina Clement's dedication to criminal justice reform marks a significant departure from the status quo. The passage of the State of Loc Nation Act exemplifies a bipartisan effort to address issues plaguing the criminal justice system, particularly its disproportionate impact on Loc nationalities; Aboriginals and African Americans. The implementation of fairer sentencing policies and rehabilitation programs; such as “Fast and Pray” as well as “Educate and Leave” reflected a commitment to rectifying systemic injustices.
Opportunities in Education:
Presidential Candidate Christina Clement’s advocacy for school choice and access to quality education resonated positively with the Loc Nationite; Aboriginal and African American communities. By prioritizing educational opportunities, the administration aimed to bridge gaps and empower the next generation with the tools and hands on learning necessary for success. This commitment aligned with the aspirations of many American families seeking improved educational prospects. Visiting nursing homes so the children can obtain elder advice, knowledge and wisdom. Enacting mental health courses, 1st year law, tech courses, and immediate drug reform. Be it enacted, music, culture, art, public speaking and debate back in school curriculum. Loc Nationite, Aboriginal and African American history and culture to also be taught with honor and nobility. We can not demand taxes to pay school costs and not teach all history.
Community Engagement and Empowerment:
The "Letters Patent" unveiled by HH Empress Queen Christina Clement’s administration further underscored a commitment to the well-being of the Loc Nationite; African American; Aboriginal communities. This comprehensive initiative aimed to foster economic prosperity, educational opportunities, and improved healthcare, thereby contributing to overall community empowerment. Enacting all fast-food chains and any entity serving unhealthy food to the citizens must be taxed and fund the GAP Medical Insurance to cover citizens medical costs. All alcohol establishments must pay tax to fund the communities it serves; in community trust; always remaining a 10% holding and 10% towards the national debt. Boosting the economy of State of Loc Nation with the prayer for relief and remedy will also repair the national deficit and balance the economy for all communities.
While political perspectives may vary, it is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the positive impact of policies on different communities. President Christina Clement of State of Loc Nation’s campaign goals, particularly those benefiting the Loc Nationite; Aboriginal and African American communities, have made a major imprint. Recognizing these efforts is not only a gesture of gratitude but also an invitation for continued dialogue and collaboration to address the challenges that persist. As we reflect on the past, let us strive for a future where political endeavors consistently uplift and empower all communities, fostering a more inclusive and prosperous nation.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (1) the Post-master General is authorized and directed to pay, out of any and all money for the payment of all relief and remedy for the 470 years of genocide and illegal kidnapping and theft of aboriginal land. Payment to made to State of Loc Nation Trust and Pro se litigant fees for the 5 year research, prep and expenses of the work done by President Candidate Christina Clement.
The Charter
State of Loc Nation, Global, Public Benefit Corporation- the Hyper Power
Together forming on 07/25/2022
99 Yale Law Journal 453, 522 (1989)
Four key principles of the First Amendment: Freedom of conscience is an unalienable right because people have the right and duty to think for themselves. Free speech makes representatives accountable to “We the People.”
Be it enacted, &c., That there be erected, and hereby is erected and established in Georgia, a Letters Patent referencing:
Six types of constitutional arguments: historical, textual, structural, prudential, doctrinal, and ethical.18 Historical examines the writer’s intent.19 Textual considers the present meaning of the words.20 Structural looks to “claims that a particular principle or practical result is implicit in the structures of government and the relationships that are created by the Constitution among citizens and governments.”21 Prudential means being “self-conscious to the reviewing institute and [the] need not [to] treat the merits of the particular controversy (which itself may or may not be constitutional), instead advocating particular doctrines according to the practical wisdom of using the courts in a particular way.”22 Doctrinal depends upon the quintessential common law rule of stare decisis—23 a review of
Historical and Cultural Foundations
· Be it enacted, “Locs linked to Spirituality”- Be it enacted, &c., Strike the use of word “dread” related to “dread locs” “dreadlocks” and refer to the act of spiritual devotion to God as “Locs”. It is our spiritual artifact of faith in the Divine God. Cultural Artifacts and Heritage · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 1- Act granting all inherit land of origin Cultural Artifacts and Heritage · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 2- Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 3 -Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, all documents submitted by Plaintiff in Clement vs Garland 1:24 cv 00479-RC- Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, Acknowledge State of Loc Nation and its global citizens Nephesh Hummus (Souls on Earth) Public Loc Nationites. · Be it enacted, end systematic oppression for the Afro, Loc Nationites, and Aboriginals · Be it enacted, Christina Clement as President of the USA and America to boost State of Loc Nations economy with granted relief and remedy to aid in the Mental illness of the community, bring relief to nation and its people; reorganize education curriculums to advance the nation, etc. This will be a global solution to repair the failing economy and end Israel;/Palestine War.
· Be it enacted, Christina Clement presidential initiatives as noted in complaint Case 1:24 cv 00479-RC.
Legal Recognition
· The United Nations has recognized the distinct identities and rights of Afro-descendant communities through the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024), emphasizing the need for recognition, justice, and development. Furthermore, various nations have implemented legal frameworks to support the rights and autonomy of Afro-descendant communities:
· Brazil’s 1988 Constitution: Recognizes the rights of Quilombola communities, granting them collective land ownership and cultural preservation. · Colombia’s Law 70 of 1993: Acknowledges the rights of Afro-Colombians to their collective territories and cultural heritage. · Ecuador’s 2008 Constitution: Ensures the rights of Afro-Ecuadorians to maintain their cultural identity, traditions, and land. · Canada’s Emancipation Day: Recognized federally since 2021, Emancipation Day marks the abolition of slavery in the British Empire, acknowledging the contributions and history of Afro-Canadians.
· United Kingdom’s Race Relations Act 1965 and Subsequent Amendments: These laws were among the first to address racial discrimination, setting a legal framework that acknowledged the rights and protections needed for Afro-descendants and other racial minorities. · Costa Rica’s Constitutional Reforms: In 2015, Costa Rica amended its constitution to officially recognize the Afro-Costa Rican population and their cultural contributions.
· Peru’s Law No. 28761: Enacted in 2006, this law declares June 4th as the Day of Afro-Peruvian Culture, recognizing the contributions of Afro-Peruvians to the nation’s history and culture. · Mexico’s Constitutional Amendment: In 2019, Mexico amended its constitution to recognize Afro-Mexicans as a distinct ethnic group, granting them greater visibility and protection under the law.
· Uruguay’s Law No. 19122: Enacted in 2013, this law promotes the inclusion of Afro-Uruguayans in the workforce and mandates affirmative action measures to address historical disadvantages. · Dominican Republic’s Recognition of Afro-Dominican Identity: Efforts to address and acknowledge the Afro-Dominican population have been ongoing, including cultural recognition and anti-discrimination measures. · Argentina’s National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Racism (INADI): This institute works to promote equal rights and combat discrimination, including that faced by Afro-Argentines.
· Venezuela’s Law Against Racial Discrimination (2011): This law specifically aims to prevent and punish racial discrimination, with provisions to protect the rights of Afro-Venezuelans.
· Bolivia’s Constitutional Recognition: Bolivia’s 2009 Constitution acknowledges Afro-Bolivians as a distinct group with rights to their cultural identity and collective territories.
Judicial Review of Case 1:24 cv 00479-RC: Delayed “entry of the judgment.” -Act of Congress
From the Rule of Law and Lawyer Independence Advisory Committee DM2787936
  1. Brown v. Board of Education 347 US 486 (1954) - Ended legal segregation in public schools.
  2. Roe v. Wade 410 US 113 (1973) - Legalized abortion nationwide.
  3. Marbury v. Madison 5 US 137 (1803) - Established the principle of judicial review.
  4. Miranda v. Arizona 384 US 436 (1966) - Established the Miranda rights for criminal suspects.
  5. United States v. Nixon 418 US 683 (1974) - Limited the power of the president and upheld the
rule of law.
  1. Loving v. Virginia 388 US 1 (1967) - Struck down bans on interracial marriage.
  2. Obergefell v. Hodges 56 US 644 (2015) - Legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.
  3. Plessy v. Ferguson 163 US 537 (1896) - Upheld racial segregation under the "separate but
equal" doctrine (later overturned by Brown v. Board of Education).
  1. Gideon v. Wainwright 372 US 335 (1963) - Established the right to counsel for criminal
  1. Citizens United v. FEC 558 US 310 (2010) - Struck down limits on corporate and union
political spending, leading to the rise of Super PACs.
  1. Dred Scott v. Sandford 60 US 393 (1857) - Denied citizenship and ruled that Congress
could not prohibit slavery in the territories, contributing to tensions that led to the Civil War.
  1. Brown v. Board of Education 347 US 483 (1954) - Ended legal segregation in public schools,
overturning Plessy v. Ferguson.
  1. Shelley v. Kraemer 334 US 1 (1948) - Ruled that racially restrictive housing covenants were
unenforceable in court.
  1. Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States 379 US 241 (1964) - Upheld the Civil Rights Act of
1964, prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations.
  1. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke 438 US 265 (1978) - Addressed affirmative
action by ruling that race could be considered as one of many factors in college admissions but
quotas were unconstitutional.
  1. Grutter v. Bollinger 539 US 306 (2003) - Upheld the University of Michigan Law School's
affirmative action admissions policy, allowing race to be considered as a factor in admissions to
achieve diversity.
  1. Shelby County v. Holder 570 US 529 (2013) - Struck down a key provision of the Voting
Rights Act of 1965, leading to changes in voting laws and procedures in some states.
  1. Sweatt v. Painter 339 US 629 (1950) - Ordered the integration of the University of Texas
Law School, laying the groundwork for the Brown v. Board decision.
  1. Hernandez v. Texas 347 US 475 (1954) - Extended protection against discrimination to
Hispanics under the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause.
  1. United States v. Virginia 518 US 515 (1996) - Struck down the Virginia Military Institute's
male-only admissions policy, establishing that state-sponsored military education cannot exclude
  1. Obergefell v. Hodges 576 US 644 (2015)- Legalized same-sex marriage nationwide,
affirming the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals to marry.
  1. Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission 584 US 617 (2018)- Addressed
the balance between religious freedom and anti-discrimination laws by ruling in favor of a baker
who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, but on narrow grounds.
  1. Bostock v. Clayton County 590 US 644(2020)- Ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 protects employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  1. Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin 570 US 297 (2013)- Reaffirmed the constitutionality
of affirmative action in college admissions, allowing universities to consider race as one factor
among many in their holistic review process.
  1. Shelby County v. Holder 570 US 529 (2013)- Struck down a key provision of the Voting
Rights Act of 1965, which required certain states and localities with a history of voter
discrimination to get federal approval before changing their voting laws.
  1. Trump v. Hawaii 585 US Docket no 17-965 (2018)- Upheld President Trump's travel ban,
which restricted entry into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries,
sparking debates about religious discrimination and executive power. Increasing immigrants
  1. O'Connor v. Oakhurst Dairy 851 F.3d 69 (2017)-Addressed the use of the Oxford comma in
a Maine law governing overtime pay, illustrating how legal interpretation can impact workers'
  1. Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee 594 docket 19-1257 & docket 19-1258 (2021)-
Upheld Arizona voting restrictions, including a law that invalidated ballots cast in the wrong
precinct, prompting concerns about voting rights and access.
  1. United States v. Windsor 570 US 744 (2013)- Struck down a key section of the Defense of
Marriage Act (DOMA), which had defined marriage as between one man and one woman for
federal purposes, marking a significant victory for LGBTQ+ rights.
  1. Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt 579 US 582 (2016) - Invalidated a Texas law that
imposed strict requirements on abortion clinics, reaffirming the constitutional right to abortion
established in Roe v. Wade.
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/;;; The writ of mandamus is personal and issues to the individual to compel performance, and it does not reach the office but is directed against the officer to compel the officer to perform the required legal duty. Bulloch County v. Ritzert, 213 Ga. 818, 102 S.E.2d 40 (1958). THE ROAD FROM RUNNYMEDE: MAGNA CARTA AND CONsTTUTIONALISM IN AMERICA 122 (1968); Magna Carta Libertatum, James Madison, January 27, 1814 Rwo Acrs of Congr
submitted by YH_Queen_Clement to locnation [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:30 aznpersuazion Artificial Intelligence is NOT a Good Career

As with most things, the opinions expressed in this post are my own. Consider this as just one data point, and not as a guide to your career.
I've been working in the Data/AI space for 5 years now and I've seen hundreds of starry eyed people wanting to work in A.I. because they want to work with the latest and coolest cutting edge technology. But I want to share with you a few reasons why A.I. is not a good career choice.
  1. A.I. positions could end up like the "data scientist" position. Looking at the history of the data scientist position, in 2010-2020, the hype around data science made it so that millions of people flocked to that position. Companies eventually realized that most them actually didn't need data science, and the impact of the position didn't always help them profit. The demand of the job has plummeted in recent years, leaving millions of aspiring data scientists unemployed or needing to pursue a different career.
  2. A.I. positions will be less than .0001% of tech engineering jobs. In the next few decades, the demand for software and data engineering roles will be much more needed at most companies that A.I. roles. Only a small group companies will a be pursuing A.I. initiatives, while the majority of companies will still need software and data engineers. But because 90% of tech news is A.I. related, there will be a massive influx of people trying to enter the space.
  3. The barriers to entry are huge. To pursue a career in A.I. and machine learning. A person's understanding of statistics and software engineering need to be extremely high. To get to that level of knowledge requires much more dedication and studying than most people imagine. Becoming a decent software engineer or data professional is already difficult for the average person.
Before you decide to pursue this as a career, it's important to consider some of the cons listed below. Perhaps consider taking a smaller step first and trying to land a job as a software engineer or data analyst. If you're already in a technical field, consider not putting all your eggs into one basket, and making sure you know enough skills to stay gainfully employed in the job market.

**If you found any of this helpful, consider checking out a referral link. You get additional sign up and welcome bonuses. Signing up and using Rakuten for cash back is free!*\*
submitted by aznpersuazion to dataengineeringstuff [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:30 somethingstewing I got a job offer!

Hoping to bring more hope and positivity to this space. I'm a mid/senior (depending who you ask hehe) level designer with 5 years of combined experience in b2b and civic tech in startups and large orgs in the US. I previously wrote about my UX job search strategy in this post, and just a few days ago, I received a full-time offer! I want to share what happened up to this point in hope that it can help someone:
I haven't accepted this offer yet and am still actively interviewing with other companies, but I'm so happy to have reached this milestone. Feel free to ask me any questions about my job search.
submitted by somethingstewing to UXDesign [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:29 txc_trs $0.01 off!

Please help! I'm $0.01 cent off from my free gifts. I'm willing to help out in return! Thank you in advance! 🖤
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 257007323
Edit: forgot to add location! 🇺🇲
submitted by txc_trs to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:28 BigFitMama Paranoid Delusions... Seroquel is not enough

Had Friday and Saturday nonstop paranoid delusions about my work and a coworker being out to get me. It returned Monday when I was accidentally not invited to a meeting.
Was just a mistake. I didn't thankfully respond.
Its like my mind was looking for signs all was not right during a time of stress for me. My hemoglobin is low and im hitting the wall physically. Have to travel soon for work.
It's just too much. I know the thoughts are wrong and bad, but they just keep intruding. Even into my dreams! I fight in my dreams and wake up exhausted.
So thinking - anti-psychotics again? Back on Lamictal or heard there is a new version of risperidone called isperdone - but again dumb side effects are the same? And more bloated and sedated doesn't seem healthy considering.
( I just want to be free where I'm not ideating on my coworkers or my mom whos staying with me. Everything is ok, but brain constantly is terrified. Or trying to protect me from the next bad thing by anticipation.)
submitted by BigFitMama to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:27 KratomRoll Need 2D isometric avatars needed. Artists APPLY!

Our team is looking for an artist that can mimic our current asset tile set. Mainly in the size of the avatar’s size so that current clothing can be placed over top the body’s of the avatars. We are looking for both male and female avatars and the avatar template to match the current template in the grid box format outlined in the included documentation. Chibi style is preferred but we are open to other alternative designs. These avatars would be for a 2D Isometric avatar chat video game similar to habbo hotel. Please feel free to message me for any questions or concerns. This job is paid.
submitted by KratomRoll to gameDevClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:27 Significant_Top_5680 Anyone from US I need help

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 253095681
submitted by Significant_Top_5680 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:19 dirty_side_of_fun Pup keep almost finished 99.98%

I'm almost there, hopefully it gives .02% for the last heart, if not I don't think I'm going to win. Can't do it without You! Just a click to accept my invitation! Your Friend Are Grabbing a Free Gift - You Both Deserve Too! Don't Miss Out, Click to Get Your Freebie
submitted by dirty_side_of_fun to SHEIN_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:18 Sentient545 Simple Questions & Champion/Role advice: Patch 14.11

Hello summoners!
In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple or championpool/role questions to this thread. Check out the most recent patch notes on the sidebar!
What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself.
Questions about what champ to add to your pool or general tip about roleswapping can also be asked in this thread.
Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here.
What you can do to help!
For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help!
If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place.
Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer.
submitted by Sentient545 to summonerschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:14 pattycrossdresser Help

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 257601137
submitted by pattycrossdresser to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:12 almostjameshunt €50 from Sorare. 8€ from me. Sign-Up Bonus.

Sorare is running a Limited 50€ per sign-up offer for a few days.
  1. Sign up HERE
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  4. Buy 5 players on Auction/Insta Buy. Use Auction and buy players for 0.56 each. This will cost you around 3 euros max.
  5. Once, you got your 4th player, I'll send you 3€ to cover your expenses.
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BONUS: If you like football even a bit. I can invite you to my private Euro Cup Tournament inside the app. 100€ overall prize. Absolutely Free.
DM me if you have any questions.
submitted by almostjameshunt to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Brunch in Branson Mo

Best Brunch in Branson Mo
Best Brunch in Branson Mo Welcome to our guide on the best brunch spots in Branson, MO! We're here to take you on a mouthwatering journey through the heart of Branson, where delectable breakfast and lunch options await.Whether you're a local seeking a new brunch spot or a traveler in search of a satisfying meal, we've got you covered.From American diners with monstrous pancakes to farm-to-table restaurants serving fresh and flavorful dishes, Branson offers a variety of options to please every palate.Get ready to embark on a delicious adventure in this vibrant city.Key TakeawaysHungry Hunter Restaurant is known for its American diner-style atmosphere and offers enormous pancakes and a family-friendly environment. They are famous for their French toast and Spanish omelet.The Keeter Center Dining serves farm-to-table American cuisine in a lovely lodge environment. They also offer elegant suites with fireplaces and balconies.Billy Gails is known for its down-home breakfast and lunch, offering gigantic pancakes and country comfort food. It is housed in a traditional log cabin with a warm ambiance.The Belgian Waffle & Pancake House is a long-standing diner that specializes in waffles and pancakes. They serve a variety of breakfast and lunch dishes.Top Brunch Spots in Branson MoWe should try out the Hungry Hunter Restaurant for brunch, known for their enormous pancakes and family-friendly atmosphere. Located at 5753 State Highway 165 in Branson, MO, Hungry Hunter offers a classic American diner-style experience that's perfect for a relaxing brunch.Their menu features an array of delicious options, but their enormous pancakes are definitely a standout. These pancakes are fluffy, flavorful, and generously sized, satisfying even the heartiest of appetites.The family-friendly environment at Hungry Hunter makes it a great choice for brunch with loved ones, as they strive to create a welcoming atmosphere for all. Whether you're craving traditional breakfast favorites or looking to try something new, Hungry Hunter has something for everyone.With its reputation for exceptional pancakes and a warm, inviting atmosphere, Hungry Hunter Restaurant is a top choice for brunch in Branson, MO. So, if you're in the area and in the mood for a delicious brunch experience, be sure to give Hungry Hunter a try.Must-Try Brunch Places in Branson MoLet's explore the must-try brunch places in Branson, MO, where you can indulge in delicious breakfast fare and delightful ambiance. Branson is known for its diverse dining scene, offering a range of options to satisfy any brunch craving. Whether you're in the mood for traditional American dishes, farm-to-table cuisine, or unique dining experiences, Branson has it all.Here are some must-visit brunch spots in Branson:Restaurant NameLocationContact NumberHungry Hunter Restaurant5753 State Highway 165, Branson, MO 65616(417) 332-3663The Keeter Center Dining1 Opportunity Ave, Point Lookout, MO 65726(417) 690-2146Billy Gails5291 State Highway 265, Branson, MO 65616(417) 338-8883Belgian Waffle & Pancake House3120 W 76 Country Blvd, Branson, MO 65616(417) 334-8484Sugar Leaf Bakery, Cafe & Espresso2800 W 76 Country Blvd Grand Village, Branson, MO 65616(417) 336-6618Hungry Hunter Restaurant is known for its American diner-style atmosphere and offers enormous pancakes and a family-friendly environment. The Keeter Center Dining serves farm-to-table American cuisine and is situated in a lovely lodge environment. Billy Gails is housed in a traditional log cabin and is famous for its down-home breakfast and lunch dishes, including gigantic pancakes and country comfort food. The Belgian Waffle & Pancake House is a long-standing diner that specializes in waffles and pancakes, while Sugar Leaf Bakery, Cafe & Espresso offers sweet delicacies and cafe fares, along with generous portions of savory meals and superb coffee.Whether you're looking for a cozy and rustic dining experience, a quick brunch stop, or a retro-themed diner with singing waitstaff, Branson has a brunch spot to satisfy every craving. So, plan your next brunch outing and indulge in the delectable breakfast fare and delightful ambiance that Branson has to offer.Delicious Brunch Options in Branson MoWhen it comes to delicious brunch options in Branson, Missouri, there's no shortage of enticing choices.From the American diner-style atmosphere of the Hungry Hunter Restaurant, known for its enormous pancakes and family-friendly environment, to the farm-to-table American cuisine at The Keeter Center Dining, situated in a lovely lodge environment, there's something to satisfy every brunch craving.Whether you're in the mood for down-home breakfast and lunch at Billy Gails or traditional American fare at the Belgian Waffle & Pancake House, Branson has a variety of delectable options to choose from.Unique Brunch ExperiencesOne unique brunch experience in Branson, MO is dining on a paddlewheel boat at The Paddlewheel at Main Street Marina. This one-of-a-kind restaurant offers a scenic and memorable brunch experience as you cruise along Lake Taneycomo.The Paddlewheel features a diverse menu with breakfast favorites such as fluffy pancakes, crispy bacon, and made-to-order omelets. The atmosphere on the boat is charming and relaxed, with panoramic views of the water and surrounding landscape.Whether you're looking for a romantic brunch date or a fun outing with friends and family, dining on The Paddlewheel provides a unique and enjoyable experience.After indulging in this exceptional brunch experience, you may be curious about other local brunch favorites in Branson, MO.Local Brunch FavoritesWe can't wait to try out the local brunch favorites in Branson, MO and explore all the delicious brunch options available. Branson offers a variety of dining establishments that cater to brunch enthusiasts with diverse tastes.One popular spot is Hungry Hunter Restaurant, known for its American diner-style atmosphere and enormous pancakes. The Keeter Center Dining is another great choice, offering farm-to-table American cuisine in a lovely lodge environment. If you're looking for down-home breakfast and lunch, Billy Gails is the place to go, with its gigantic pancakes and country comfort food. For a long-standing diner experience, the Belgian Waffle & Pancake House serves traditional American fare, specializing in waffles and pancakes.Sugar Leaf Bakery, Cafe & Espresso offers a cheery bakery atmosphere and generous portions of both sweet delicacies and savory meals. Grandma's Goodies & Gumbo is a must-visit for those craving home-cooked meals, traditional American cuisine, and Cajun food. Farmhouse Restaurant provides a cozy and rustic dining experience, known for its farm-to-table dishes. Clockers Cafe is a popular spot for a quick brunch stop, offering a diverse menu with breakfast classics and unique dishes.Mel's Hard Luck Diner is a retro-themed establishment with a 1950s atmosphere, featuring singing waitstaff who perform classic tunes. McFarlain's Family Restaurant is known for its homestyle cooking and large portions, offering a diverse menu with breakfast favorites and comfort food. The Branson Cafe is a historic restaurant with a charming atmosphere, serving classic American dishes and homemade pies.The Farmhouse Restaurant at Silver Dollar City is situated within the Silver Dollar City theme park, offering farm-to-table cuisine and Southern specialties. The Keeter Center Sunday Brunch is a buffet-style brunch experience with made-to-order waffles and omelets. For a unique brunch experience, The Paddlewheel at Main Street Marina offers brunch on a paddlewheel boat. And if you're looking for familiar options, Clockers Café, Panera Bread, Cracker Barrel, Branson Cafe, Bob Evans Restaurant, Dannas BBQ, and Dennys are all great choices.Branson Mo's Brunch HotspotsWhen it comes to finding the best brunch in Branson Mo, there are plenty of hotspots to choose from.From popular brunch spots like Hungry Hunter Restaurant and The Keeter Center Dining to unique experiences like dining on a paddlewheel boat at The Paddlewheel at Main Street Marina, there's something for everyone.Whether you're looking for local favorites or hoping to spot some celebrities, Branson Mo's brunch scene has it all.Popular Brunch SpotsHaving explored the knowledge on popular brunch spots, we can confidently say that Clockers Cafe, Panera Bread, and Cracker Barrel are some of the top choices in Branson, MO. Clockers Cafe is a well-liked hangout for locals and travelers during breakfast hours. They offer an all-day breakfast and brunch menu at reasonable prices and are frequented by celebrities. Panera Bread, a chain of counter-serve bakeries and cafes, is known for their bread and free WiFi. They have a large menu with sandwiches, salads, and more. Cracker Barrel is a family-friendly restaurant with a general store. They serve all-day brunch meals in a relaxed atmosphere with a country-chic ambiance. Here is a table showcasing the features of these popular brunch spots:Brunch SpotFeaturesAtmosphereClockers CafeAll-day breakfast, reasonable pricesFriendly and cozyPanera BreadBread, free WiFi, large menuCasual and invitingCracker BarrelAll-day brunch, general storeRelaxed and country-chicUnique Brunch ExperiencesDuring our exploration of popular brunch spots, we found Clockers Cafe, Panera Bread, and Cracker Barrel to be some of the top choices in Branson, MO.Clockers Cafe is a well-liked hangout for both locals and travelers during breakfast hours. They offer an all-day breakfast and brunch menu at reasonable prices, and their cozy atmosphere is frequented by celebrities.Panera Bread, a chain of counter-serve bakeries and cafes, is known for their delicious bread and free WiFi. With a large menu featuring sandwiches, salads, and more, Panera Bread is a great option for brunch.Cracker Barrel, on the other hand, is a family-friendly restaurant with a general store. They offer all-day brunch meals in a relaxed atmosphere with a country-chic ambiance.These unique brunch experiences in Branson, MO are sure to satisfy anyone's cravings.Local Favorites and CelebritiesWe have discovered that Clockers Cafe, a well-liked hangout for locals and travelers, is frequented by celebrities during breakfast hours, making it a local favorite for brunch in Branson, MO. This cozy cafe offers a diverse menu with breakfast classics and unique dishes, ensuring there is something for everyone to enjoy. With friendly service and a cozy atmosphere, Clockers Cafe provides a welcoming environment for brunch-goers.To further enhance our understanding of the brunch scene in Branson, let's take a look at some other popular dining options in the area:Restaurant NameLocationContact NumberHungry Hunter Restaurant5753 State Highway 165, Branson, MO(417) 332-3663The Keeter Center Dining1 Opportunity Ave, Point Lookout, MO(417) 690-2146Billy Gails5291 State Highway 265, Branson, MO(417) 338-8883Each of these establishments offers its own unique atmosphere and menu, making them worth exploring for a delightful brunch experience in Branson, MO.Brunching in Branson Mo: Where to GoLet's explore the best brunch spots in Branson MO and discover where to go for a delicious mid-morning meal. When it comes to finding the perfect brunch spot, Branson offers a variety of options to satisfy your cravings. Here are some top picks:Hungry Hunter Restaurant:Known for its American diner-style atmosphere, this restaurant is a popular choice for families.Indulge in their enormous pancakes or try their famous French toast and Spanish omelet.The Keeter Center Dining:Situated in a lovely lodge environment, this spot serves farm-to-table American cuisine.Enjoy their elegant suites with fireplaces and balconies for a truly memorable experience.Billy Gails:Housed in a traditional log cabin, this restaurant is known for its down-home breakfast and lunch.Treat yourself to their gigantic pancakes and country comfort food.Belgian Waffle & Pancake House:This long-standing diner specializes in waffles and pancakes, serving traditional American fare.With a variety of breakfast and lunch dishes, there's something for everyone.Sugar Leaf Bakery, Cafe & Espresso:Step into this cheery bakery with cozy surroundings and enjoy their sweet delicacies and cafe fare.Don't miss out on their generous portions of savory meals and superb coffee.With these brunch options in Branson MO, you'll be sure to find a spot that satisfies your cravings and leaves you wanting more. Happy brunching!Branson Mo's Best Brunch RestaurantsOur group is debating which restaurant in Branson, MO serves the best brunch. We've considered several options, each with its own unique offerings.Hungry Hunter Restaurant is known for its American diner-style atmosphere and offers enormous pancakes and a family-friendly environment.The Keeter Center Dining provides a farm-to-table experience in a lovely lodge setting, with elegant suites available for a complete getaway.Billy Gails is housed in a traditional log cabin and is famous for its down-home breakfast and country comfort food.Belgian Waffle & Pancake House is a long-standing diner that specializes in waffles and pancakes, serving a variety of breakfast and lunch dishes.Sugar Leaf Bakery, Cafe & Espresso offers a cheery bakery experience with sweet delicacies and generous portions of savory meals.Grandma's Goodies & Gumbo specializes in home-cooked meals, traditional American cuisine, and Cajun food, including three distinct varieties of gumbo.Farmhouse Restaurant is known for its cozy and rustic dining experience, with a menu featuring farm-to-table dishes.Clockers Cafe is a popular spot for a quick brunch stop, offering a diverse menu with breakfast classics and unique dishes.Mel's Hard Luck Diner is a retro-themed diner with singing waitstaff and a variety of breakfast and brunch options.McFarlain's Family Restaurant is known for its homestyle cooking and large portions, providing a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.The Branson Cafe, a historic restaurant, is known for its classic American dishes and homemade pies.The Farmhouse Restaurant at Silver Dollar City offers farm-to-table cuisine and Southern specialties, with a rustic and inviting atmosphere.The Keeter Center Sunday Brunch provides a buffet with a wide variety of hot entrees, side dishes, salads, carved meats, and breakfast fares, including made-to-order waffles and omelets.For a unique brunch experience, The Paddlewheel at Main Street Marina offers dining on a paddlewheel boat.Some other options that have been discussed are Clockers Café, Panera Bread, Cracker Barrel, Branson Cafe, Bob Evans Restaurant, Dannas BBQ, and Dennys.Clockers Café is a well-liked hangout for locals and travelers during breakfast hours, offering all-day breakfast and brunch at reasonable prices, and is frequented by celebrities.Panera Bread is a chain of counter-serve bakeries and cafes known for its bread and free WiFi, with a large menu including sandwiches and salads.Cracker Barrel is a family-friendly restaurant with a general store, offering all-day brunch meals in a relaxed atmosphere with country-chic ambiance.Branson Cafe is the oldest restaurant in Branson, known for its exceptional breakfast fare and handcrafted pies, and provides a cozy setting with unique decor.Bob Evans Restaurant is an informal chain restaurant with a rustic atmosphere, known for its hearty family-style meals, with an all-day brunch menu available.Dannas BBQ is a family-owned institution known for its smoked BBQ and burgers, open from Mondays to Saturdays, and offers old-fashioned BBQ cooking made from scratch.Dennys is an informal diner business serving traditional American comfort food, with all-day breakfast staples available and 24-hour service.These are all great options for brunch in Branson, MO, and our group is still in the process of deliberating on which restaurant serves the best brunch.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre Any of the Brunch Spots in Branson Mo Pet-Friendly?Yes, some of the brunch spots in Branson, MO are pet-friendly.Pet-friendly options include Clockers Cafe, where you can enjoy a diverse menu with breakfast classics and unique dishes in a cozy atmosphere.Another option is The Paddlewheel at Main Street Marina, which offers a unique brunch experience on a paddlewheel boat.Both of these spots provide a welcoming atmosphere for you and your furry friend to enjoy a delicious brunch together.Do Any of the Brunch Restaurants in Branson Mo Offer Gluten-Free Options?Yes, some of the brunch restaurants in Branson, MO offer gluten-free options. We understand that dietary restrictions can be important when choosing a place to eat.You'll be glad to know that several establishments in Branson cater to those with gluten-free needs. Whether you're craving pancakes, omelets, or other delicious brunch dishes, there are options available that will accommodate your dietary preferences.Are Reservations Required for Brunch at Any of the Popular Brunch Spots in Branson Mo?Reservations aren't required for brunch at any of the popular brunch spots in Branson, MO. These restaurants offer a variety of delicious options and a welcoming atmosphere, making it easy to enjoy a leisurely meal without the need for reservations.Whether you're craving American diner-style fare, farm-to-table cuisine, or classic brunch favorites, you can find it all in Branson.Are There Any Brunch Places in Branson Mo That Offer Vegetarian or Vegan Options?Yes, there are brunch places in Branson, MO that offer vegetarian or vegan options.Some of the options include Panera Bread, which has a large menu with sandwiches and salads, and Bob Evans Restaurant, known for hearty family-style meals.Another option is Dannas BBQ, a family-owned institution serving smoked BBQ and burgers, which also offers vegetarian and vegan dishes.These places provide delicious options for those seeking vegetarian or vegan brunch options in Branson.Are There Any Brunch Spots in Branson Mo That Offer Outdoor Seating?There are several brunch spots in Branson, MO that offer outdoor seating.Some of these include The Keeter Center Sunday Brunch, which offers a buffet with made-to-order waffles and omelets.The Paddlewheel at Main Street Marina is another option, where you can enjoy a unique brunch experience on a paddlewheel boat.Clockers Café, Panera Bread, Cracker Barrel, Branson Cafe, Bob Evans Restaurant, Dannas BBQ, and Dennys are also popular options that offer outdoor seating for brunch.ConclusionIn conclusion, Branson, MO is a brunch lover's paradise. With a wide range of brunch spots offering delectable dishes and unique dining experiences, there's something for everyone to enjoy.From the cozy and charming ambiance of historic restaurants to the retro-themed vibes of 1950s diners, brunching in Branson is a truly memorable experience.So grab your appetite and get ready for a delicious adventure in this vibrant city!
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2024.06.04 22:00 AutoModerator Simple Questions and Silly Thoughts: the basic questions and discussions thread for June 04, 2024

Welcome to the basic questions and discussions thread! This is a place to ask any questions that you may have -- moronic or otherwise and talk about how your going. Please keep these questions and discussions reasonably on-topic: things noted in the 'what not to post' section of the sidebar will be removed, and the moderation team may issue temporary user bans.Anyone may post a question, and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer. If your question is more specific to you, we recommend providing details. The more we know about your situation, the better answer we will be able to provide. Sometimes questions get submitted late enough in the day that they don't get much traction, so if your question didn't get answered in a previous thread, feel free to post it again.As always, please check the FAQ before posting. The FAQ is considered a comprehensive guide on how to gain lean mass and has more than enough information to get any beginner started today. Ask away!
submitted by AutoModerator to gainit [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:56 24bride Budget Breakdown: $63k for 110 Guests in Philadelphia

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submitted by 24bride to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:56 Sweet-Count2557 Atlanta Water Lantern Festival

Atlanta Water Lantern Festival
Atlanta Water Lantern Festival Welcome to the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival! Did you know that our festival offers an extraordinary experience that combines art, community, and a touch of magic?As you immerse yourself in the festivities, you'll discover a world of illuminated lanterns, live entertainment, and delicious food options.But that's just the beginning. Stay with us to learn more about the unique features that set our festival apart and make it an event you won't want to miss.Key TakeawaysThe Atlanta Water Lantern Festival offers visitors a fun and engaging experience with food trucks, music, and the opportunity to decorate water lanterns.Adult tickets include various items such as a wristband, floating lantern kit, LED candle, drawstring bag, and markers, ensuring a complete and enjoyable lantern decorating experience.By attending the festival, visitors not only have a great time but also contribute to the important cause of supporting in providing safe water and sanitation to families worldwide.Mommy Poppins, a family activity website, provides a wealth of information about the festival, including ticket information, contact details, and advertising opportunities.Event DetailsWhen attending the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, visitors can look forward to a night filled with delicious food from local food trucks, live music creating an enchanting atmosphere, and the opportunity to decorate their own water lanterns. The festival offers a variety of options for everyone to enjoy.As you stroll through the festival grounds, the aroma of mouthwatering dishes from the food trucks will tantalize your taste buds. From savory street tacos to sweet treats like funnel cakes, there's something to satisfy every craving.As you savor your meal, the soothing sounds of live music will fill the air, creating a magical ambiance. Whether it's a local band playing soulful tunes or a talented singer serenading the crowd, the music will uplift your spirit and set the perfect backdrop for the evening.One of the highlights of the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival is the opportunity to decorate your own water lantern. Each adult ticket includes a floating lantern kit, an LED candle, markers, and a drawstring bag to hold your creation. With an array of vibrant colors and artistic supplies at your disposal, you can let your creativity soar and personalize your lantern to reflect your unique style.Moreover, by participating in the festival, you aren't only enjoying a memorable experience but also contributing to a global cause. The Atlanta Water Lantern Festival supports in their mission to provide safe water and sanitation to families worldwide. Your ticket price covers lantern collection, water clean up, and trash removal, ensuring that the festival leaves a positive impact on the environment.Ticket InformationNow let's dive into the exciting details of the ticket information for the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival.When you purchase an adult ticket, you not only gain access to the vibrant festival area but also receive a floating lantern kit and an LED candle to create your own beautiful water lantern. To make your experience even more memorable, we provide a commemorative drawstring bag and markers for you to personalize your lantern. But that's not all! We also include playing cards and conversation cards to keep you entertained throughout the evening.To ensure that you can fully enjoy the festival without any worries, the ticket price covers lantern collection, water clean up, and trash removal. We take care of everything, so you can focus on immersing yourself in the magical atmosphere. What's even better is that by attending the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, you're contributing to a global initiative. We proudly support in their mission to provide safe water and sanitation to families around the world. Your participation in the festival directly contributes to this important cause.To provide you with all the necessary information, we recommend visiting our website. There, you can find contact information, a sitemap, and details about the festival organizers. If you want to stay updated on the latest news and updates, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter. Additionally, our website offers advertising opportunities for businesses and allows visitors to submit activities and list their own businesses.The Atlanta Water Lantern Festival isn't just an event – it's a celebration of freedom and unity. Join us as we come together to create a mesmerizing spectacle of floating lanterns and support a cause that empowers families worldwide. Get your tickets today and be a part of this unforgettable experience.Festival SupportSupporting is an integral part of the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, as we come together to make a difference in providing safe water and sanitation to families around the world. By attending the festival, you contribute to this global initiative and help improve the lives of those in is a non-profit organization that's dedicated to solving the global water crisis. They work to provide access to safe water and sanitation to millions of people around the world. Through their innovative approaches and partnerships, they've empowered communities and transformed lives.When you purchase a ticket to the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, a portion of the proceeds goes directly to support's mission. Your contribution helps fund projects that bring clean water and sanitation facilities to communities in need. It's a simple yet impactful way to make a difference.Not only will you be supporting a great cause, but you'll also have an amazing time at the festival. Enjoy the delicious food from the food trucks, listen to live music, and decorate your own water lantern. The festival provides everything you need, including a floating lantern kit, an LED candle, markers, and a drawstring bag. You can also engage in conversations with others using the provided playing cards and conversation cards.At the end of the festival, your ticket covers the retrieval of the lanterns and the cleanup of the water. This ensures that the event isn't only enjoyable but also environmentally responsible.Website InformationThe Atlanta Water Lantern Festival is supported by Mommy Poppins, a family activity website that offers a wide range of activities, providers, and family travel options. If you're looking for things to do with your kids, Mommy Poppins is the go-to resource. From local events to fun-filled destinations, the website has it all.Not only does Mommy Poppins provide information on activities, but it also offers a platform for businesses to list their services. So, if you're a provider of family-friendly experiences, you can submit your activities to reach a broader audience. It's a win-win for both families and businesses.One of the great features of Mommy Poppins is the ability to sign up for free newsletters. By subscribing, you'll receive updates on the latest events, exclusive discounts, and insider tips. It's a fantastic way to stay in the loop and make the most of your family time.If you need to get in touch with Mommy Poppins, their contact information is readily available on the website. Whether you have a question, feedback, or want to explore advertising opportunities, they're just a click away. They value their community and are always eager to hear from you.In addition to being a valuable resource, Mommy Poppins supports important causes like By attending the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, you're not only enjoying a fun-filled event but also contributing to the global initiative of providing safe water and sanitation to families in need. So, mark your calendars and join us for a night of magical lanterns, delicious food, and heartwarming support.Contact and PoliciesIf you have any questions, feedback, or would like to explore advertising opportunities, we're just a click away at Mommy Poppins. We understand that when attending an event like the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, it's important to have all the information you need. That's why we've made it easy for you to reach out to us and get the answers you're looking for.On our website, you'll find a dedicated contact page where you can find our email address and phone number. Whether you have a question about the festival itself or need assistance with any aspect of our website, we're here to help. Our team is knowledgeable and friendly, and we strive to provide prompt and helpful responses to all inquiries.In addition to our contact information, you can also subscribe to our newsletter for updates on upcoming events, including the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival. Our newsletter is a great way to stay connected and be the first to know about any changes or additions to the festival schedule.At Mommy Poppins, we pride ourselves on being a reliable resource for families looking for fun and engaging activities. We offer a wide range of information on our website, including activities, providers, and family travel options. We also provide the opportunity for visitors to submit their own activities and list their businesses.We understand that advertising is an important aspect of reaching our audience, and we offer advertising opportunities on our website. If you're interested in promoting your business or event, we invite you to explore our advertising options and reach out to us for more information.At Mommy Poppins, we value your feedback and strive to provide a platform that offers freedom and flexibility. We're here to support and assist you in any way we can, so don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!Food Trucks and MusicVisitors to the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival can indulge in a delicious array of food truck delicacies while enjoying the melodic tunes that fill the festival air. Here are four reasons why the food trucks and music at the festival are an absolute delight:Variety of Flavors: The food trucks at the festival offer a diverse range of flavors to satisfy every palate. From mouthwatering BBQ to spicy tacos and gourmet burgers, there's something for everyone. Whether you crave savory or sweet, vegetarian or carnivorous, these food trucks have got you covered.Festive Atmosphere: As you savor your delectable treats, the festival air is filled with the enchanting melodies of live music. The soothing tunes create a relaxing and joyful ambiance, enhancing your overall experience. Whether it's a soulful ballad or an upbeat rhythm, the music adds an extra layer of magic to the festival.Outdoor Dining: What could be better than enjoying a scrumptious meal alfresco? At the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, you can dine under the open sky, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Find a cozy spot, spread out a blanket, and relish your food while soaking in the vibrant atmosphere.Socializing and Bonding: Food and music have a way of bringing people together. The food trucks and music at the festival provide the perfect backdrop for socializing and bonding with friends, family, and fellow festival-goers. Share a laugh, exchange stories, and create lasting memories as you savor the flavors and melodies of the event.Lantern Decorating ActivityIndulging in the delectable food truck offerings and soaking in the melodic atmosphere sets the perfect stage for the next enchanting activity at the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival: the captivating lantern decorating activity. As we gather around the designated area, we're greeted by a colorful array of lanterns, waiting to be transformed into unique works of art. The festival organizers provide us with everything we need to unleash our creativity. With our adult ticket, we receive a floating lantern kit, complete with an LED candle, markers, and a drawstring bag.The lantern decorating activity allows us the freedom to express ourselves in a way that's truly personal. We can draw intricate designs, write meaningful messages, or simply let our imagination take flight. The markers provided are vibrant and easy to use, ensuring that our creations come to life with every stroke. As we work on our lanterns, we engage in conversations with fellow festival-goers, sharing ideas and inspiration.Once our lanterns are complete, we've the option to play cards or use conversation cards provided by the organizers. These activities further enhance the sense of community and connection that permeates the festival. We feel a deep sense of satisfaction and anticipation as we prepare to release our lanterns onto the water.The lantern decorating activity not only allows us to express ourselves creatively, but also contributes to a global cause. The Atlanta Water Lantern Festival supports, an organization dedicated to providing safe water and sanitation to families worldwide. By attending the festival, we aren't only enjoying a delightful experience, but also making a positive impact on the lives of others.Included Items With Adult TicketWith our adult ticket to the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, we receive a variety of items that enhance our experience and allow us to fully participate in the enchanting festivities. Here are the included items that make our visit even more memorable:Wristband: We're given a wristband that grants us access to all areas of the festival. This allows us to explore and enjoy everything the event has to offer.Floating lantern kit: Each adult ticket includes a floating lantern kit, complete with a lantern and all the materials needed to decorate it. We can get creative and personalize our lanterns, making them unique and special.LED candle: Along with the lantern kit, we also receive an LED candle. This ensures that our lanterns glow beautifully throughout the evening, adding to the magical atmosphere of the festival.Drawstring bag and markers: To assist us in our lantern decorating endeavors, we're provided with a commemorative drawstring bag and markers. These allow us to easily carry and customize our lanterns, making them a true reflection of our creativity.These included items not only enhance our experience but also make it convenient for us to fully participate in the festival. With the wristband, lantern kit, LED candle, drawstring bag, and markers, we've everything we need to create and float our lanterns with ease.We can immerse ourselves in the festivities, enjoy the food trucks, music, and conversation cards, and feel a sense of freedom as we contribute to the cause of providing safe water and sanitation to families worldwide through the support of Retrieval and Clean UpAs we prepare to conclude our enchanting experience at the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, it's essential to address the crucial aspect of lantern retrieval and the necessary clean up that follows. After a night filled with beauty and reflection, it's important that we leave the festival grounds just as pristine as we found them.As the festival draws to a close, the organizers will provide clear instructions on how to retrieve your lantern from the water. You'll be guided towards designated areas where trained staff members will be available to assist you in safely collecting your lantern. It's crucial to follow their instructions and be mindful of others around you to ensure a smooth and efficient process.Once you have retrieved your lantern, it's important to dispose of it properly. The festival organizers have made arrangements for waste bins and recycling stations throughout the venue. We encourage you to separate your lantern into its different components - the biodegradable base, LED candle, and any other non-biodegradable materials - and dispose of them in the appropriate bins.In addition to lantern retrieval, it's equally important to participate in the clean-up efforts of the festival. Trash bags will be provided, and we kindly ask that you take a few moments to pick up any litter or debris you may come across. By working together, we can ensure that the festival grounds remain clean and beautiful for future visitors.As we bid farewell to the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, let's remember the importance of responsible and sustainable practices. By taking the time to retrieve our lanterns and clean up after ourselves, we demonstrate our commitment to preserving the beauty of our surroundings. Let's leave a positive impact and continue to cherish the memories we've and Global has a global impact by providing safe water and sanitation to families in need worldwide. Here are four key reasons why supporting is crucial:Lifesaving Mission:'s mission is to ensure that everyone has access to clean and safe water. By supporting this organization, you're directly contributing to saving lives and improving the health and well-being of countless families around the world.Empowering Communities: not only provides access to safe water but also works towards empowering communities to sustainably manage their water resources. This includes promoting hygiene and sanitation practices, as well as offering training and education on water management.Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Lack of access to safe water and sanitation perpetuates the cycle of poverty. By supporting, you're helping break this cycle by providing families with the tools they need to thrive, such as improved health, time savings, and increased economic opportunities.Global Sustainability: Water scarcity is a pressing issue that affects millions of people worldwide. By supporting, you're contributing to a global effort to address this crisis and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.Access to Festival AreaTo access the vibrant festival area, visitors can simply present their adult ticket at the entrance, where they'll receive everything they need to immerse themselves in an unforgettable experience. Once inside, the festival area is a bustling hub of activity, filled with food trucks offering a variety of mouth-watering options to satisfy any craving. The aroma of delicious food fills the air, drawing you in and tempting your taste buds.As you make your way through the festival area, you'll be serenaded by the sounds of live music, creating an energetic and lively atmosphere. The talented musicians will have you tapping your feet and dancing along in no time. The festival organizers have curated a lineup of local artists, ensuring a diverse and captivating musical experience for all.But the festivities don't stop there. Visitors will also have the opportunity to unleash their creativity by decorating their own water lanterns. Each adult ticket includes a floating lantern kit, complete with an LED candle, markers, and a commemorative drawstring bag. Whether you choose to write a heartfelt message or create a stunning design, the lanterns are a symbol of hope, reflection, and unity.To add to the fun, playing cards and conversation cards are also provided, encouraging guests to engage in meaningful conversations and connect with others in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. These cards offer a chance to break the ice and foster new friendships, creating an inclusive and welcoming environment.Additionally, by attending the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, visitors contribute to a global initiative. The festival supports in their mission to provide safe water and sanitation to families worldwide. Each ticket purchase helps advance this important cause, making the festival not just a memorable experience but also a way to make a positive impact.Supporting Water.orgBy attending the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, visitors not only create lasting memories, but also contribute to the important mission of providing safe water and sanitation to families worldwide. Here's how supporting at the festival makes a difference:Impacting Lives: is dedicated to helping families around the world gain access to safe water and sanitation. By supporting this organization, festival attendees are directly contributing to improving the lives of those in need.Global Initiative: The festival's support of is an integral part of the event. It highlights the importance of addressing the global water crisis and encourages visitors to be part of the solution.Tangible Results: Through the funds raised at the festival, is able to implement projects that provide sustainable solutions for communities lacking access to safe water. This means that every ticket purchased and lantern decorated has a direct impact on someone's life.Inspiring Change: The Atlanta Water Lantern Festival not only raises funds for but also raises awareness about the critical need for safe water and sanitation worldwide. By attending the festival, visitors become advocates for change and inspire others to take action.Supporting at the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival is more than just a feel-good activity. It's an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of families in need. So, come join us, decorate your lantern, and be a part of this impactful global initiative.Together, we can bring hope and change to communities around the world.Mommy Poppins WebsiteAfter learning about the important mission of supporting at the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, let's now explore the vibrant and informative Mommy Poppins website.Mommy Poppins is a family activity website that helps people find things to do with kids. It offers a wide range of activities, providers, and family travel options. Whether you're looking for a fun day out or planning a family vacation, Mommy Poppins has got you covered.The website is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. It provides a plethora of information and resources to ensure that families have the best possible experience. One of the standout features of Mommy Poppins is its comprehensive database of activities. From museums and parks to indoor play spaces and events, you'll find endless options to keep your little ones entertained.But Mommy Poppins doesn't stop at just providing activity suggestions. The website also offers free newsletters that you can subscribe to for updates on the latest family-friendly events and attractions. It's a great way to stay in the loop and discover new places to explore with your kids.In addition, Mommy Poppins provides contact information and a sitemap, making it easy for you to get in touch with them or navigate the website. If you're a business owner, you can even submit activities and list your business on the website. And for those interested in advertising opportunities, Mommy Poppins has got you covered too.Contact and Advertising OpportunitiesIf you're interested in reaching a wide audience and promoting your business, Mommy Poppins offers exciting advertising opportunities on their website. Here are four reasons why advertising with Mommy Poppins can benefit your business:Reach a targeted audience: Mommy Poppins is a family activity website that helps people find things to do with kids. By advertising on their platform, you can directly connect with parents and caregivers who are actively seeking family-friendly activities and services.Increase brand visibility: With thousands of visitors each month, advertising on Mommy Poppins can significantly increase your brand visibility. Your business will be showcased alongside other reputable providers and activities, giving you the opportunity to stand out and attract new customers.Gain credibility and trust: Mommy Poppins is a trusted resource for families, providing valuable information and recommendations. By advertising on their website, you can leverage their credibility and build trust with potential customers. Your business will be seen as a reliable and reputable choice for family activities.Drive traffic to your website or business: By including a link to your website or contact information in your advertisement, you can drive targeted traffic directly to your business. Whether you have a physical location or an online presence, advertising on Mommy Poppins can help generate leads and increase sales.Don't miss out on the opportunity to reach a wide audience and promote your business. Contact Mommy Poppins today to learn more about their advertising opportunities and start reaching your target market.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow Can Visitors Participate in the Lantern Decorating Activity?To participate in the lantern decorating activity, we can grab a floating lantern kit and markers. We'll have the opportunity to unleash our creativity and personalize our lanterns.With the provided markers, we can draw beautiful designs or write meaningful messages. This activity allows us to make our lanterns unique and special.It's a wonderful way to express ourselves and create a lantern that represents our own style and personality.Are There Any Age Restrictions for Attending the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival?There aren't any age restrictions for attending the festival. Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun and experience the magical atmosphere of the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival.Whether you're young or young at heart, there's something for everyone to enjoy. From decorating water lanterns to exploring the festival area, you'll be able to create lasting memories with your loved ones.Can Visitors Bring Their Own Lanterns to the Festival?Yes, visitors are allowed to bring their own lanterns to the festival.It's a wonderful opportunity to showcase your creativity and personalize your lantern. Whether you choose to decorate it with vibrant colors or meaningful symbols, your lantern will add to the magical ambiance of the event.Just make sure to bring a safe and environmentally-friendly lantern that can be easily retrieved and doesn't pose any risks.Let your lantern shine bright and join us in illuminating the night sky!Is There a Deadline for Purchasing Tickets to the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival?There's no need to rush! You can take your time to purchase tickets for the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival. We want to make sure everyone has a chance to join in on the fun.So, whether you decide to buy tickets early or last minute, we've got you covered. Just remember, the festival is a one-of-a-kind experience that you won't want to miss.Can Visitors Bring Their Own Food and Drinks to the Festival?Yes, visitors are allowed to bring their own food and drinks to the festival.It's a great opportunity to have a picnic with your favorite snacks and beverages while enjoying the festivities.You can pack a delicious meal and relax on the lawn, or bring some refreshing drinks to stay hydrated throughout the event.Don't forget to bring some reusable water bottles to help reduce waste and keep the environment clean.ConclusionCome and be enchanted at the Atlanta Water Lantern Festival, where dreams come to life on the shimmering waters.Join us as we immerse ourselves in a magical world of floating lanterns, live music, and delicious food.Create memories that will warm your heart and illuminate your soul.Together, let's make a positive impact on the world while celebrating the beauty of unity and the joy of giving.See you at the festival!
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2024.06.04 21:48 ponceadventures Is Ponce Safe to Visit? Discovering Peace of Mind in Puerto Rico's Southern Gem!

If you're considering a trip to Ponce, Puerto Rico, one of your top concerns may be about safety. Let me reassure you with a candid exploration of what makes Ponce a secure and inviting destination for travelers like you.

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2024.06.04 21:42 always-stress AITAH for telling my parenrs to stop pissing away my free time

So I'm 23F, and I currently live at home while I attend University, I do not pay rent, But I do jobs on the house and grounds, including painting (most recently the entire garage and mudroom), gardening, cooking, cleaning, laundry. I completely understand this is a great trade and that I'm very lucky. I have an actual job as well.
The only issue is that because I spend from 8:45 to 5, I tend to prefer to be left alone in my free time. I had plans to video call with a friend last night, and had to postpone it because my mother invited two uncles over, so I had to help her and "be a good host" for them (I could write an essay on how much I hate my Father’s middle brother, but I won't. Before reddit jumps to any conclusions, no, he didn't abuse me.)
So I postponed my plans to tonight, agreeing when my mother asked me to attend a "quick visit" for my 94 year old Grear Uncle, who I love.
Then the bomb is dropped that a "quick visit" actually means Dinner. I got into a squabble with my dad once I told him I had plans and didn't realize it was dinner not a quick visit. My dad said that I was being selfish but I said it wasn't fair to piss my time away without telling me that they expected more than a half hour visit, and that I already had to postpone due to last night. My dad made a comment that I'm being a nasty piece of work, and left.
I don't think I'm being unreasonable to ask that I'm not voluntold for things outside of what I agreed to, but others seem to disagree, so AITAH?
Edit to clarify- they are expecting me to go out and visit with them this time, not inviting over
submitted by always-stress to AITAH [link] [comments]