Swollen glands no pain


2012.09.08 15:35 Vasectomy

A place for anyone to ask questions about vasectomies and share their experiences. If you're looking for support (or a recommendation for a supportive underwear), we're here for you.

2012.10.16 21:25 dthrash Sjögren's Syndrome

This is a science positive, evidence-based community for people to discuss Sjögren's syndrome.

2024.06.05 20:34 Nenekasa One-week post-op timeline

Hi! while thinking of something to do to distract myself from healing, i decided to journal how all my days went over the course of a week to see my progress.
It's not entirely positive, there's a dip mentally in days 3-5, and i wrote all this on painkillers, so not the most poetic words of mine, but it's what was realistic for me.
anyways, here's the timeline from day 0 to day 7.
Day 0: was exhausted all day post op, mainly due to the oxycodone i took. first 2 hours bleeding and drooling was horrible but felt much better afterwards, pain also sucked for the first hour after the numbing wore off but a mix of ibuprofen, tylenol and oxycodone made it nonexistent. weird throbbing and pressure at night and my jaw can't open or close very well. Food: Yogurt, Mashed potatoes. Pain level: 3/10.
Day 1: pretty tired today too. i didn't sleep well last night though. i brushed my teeth for the first time since pre-op and frankly it terrified me but i worked with it. i noticed my jaw is super stiff and the swelling has started, i also had a throbbing headache in the later hours but more tylenol wiped that away. its ~10pm and im about to take my oxycodone to knock myself out since i know sleep will be rough tonight otherwise. Food: Soup, blended up rice porridge, yogurt. Pain Level: 5/10. mostly hunger pains and jaw pains.
Day 2: felt a little better than the previous day, but i stayed in bed because i was really swollen and stiff. my mom (a nurse) checked the sites and said im healing well, so that's always good, im a lot less terrified of complications now. the nerve along the right side of my jaw feels weird but i was told to expect that since that was where i had 2 teeth to remove instead of just 1(i had an extra lol). luckily there's no numbness! just pressure from it being kicked around a bit during extraction. my body is definitely not taking the soft diet well though, im feeling hungry all the time. still puffy-faced. Food: Mashed potatoes, soup, melted popsicle. Pain Level: 4/10. all on the right side.
Day 3: felt great for the first half of the day, kinda bad in the last half. i have dropped off the tylenol and am only using ibuprofen and am taking a single oxycodone every night. i ate half a very very small muffin but i think im gonna lay off trying to do more solid soft foods again since i think my current pain is from pushing my jaw too much in an attempt to do that. i didn't eat much today at all outside of that because to be honest im getting kinda tired and discouraged from this soft diet. ill make sure i gain some sort of nutrition tomorrow though. right side is still a little swollen but less so. im also no longer ghostly pale so i wanna say im healing pretty okay. im gonna take an oxy just to get myself asleep though, since i feel kinda uncomfortable due to mild yet annoying pain. Food: 1/2 a tiny tiny muffin and yogurt. Pain level: 2/10 most of the day, 3/10 for the end.
Day 4: Honestly this is probably my worst day emotionally and mentally. i know i said i'd gain more nutrition than yesterday today but i just didnt have the energy for that in me. i was pretty frustrated. pain was minimal this time, but my jaw is still stiff and my face is still swollen so i couldnt get an ounce of proper food in still. and talking still hurt. i ended up getting so frustrated at dinner i cried in front of my poor mom, but that's just how it goes. hopefully tomorrow is better. Food: Mashed potatoes Pain: 2/10
Day 5: pretty uneventful day, absolutely little to no pain at this point, just a lot of discomfort, still a little swollen, my jaw is slightly better, it can unhinge just enough for me to partially see the holes finally, and they don't look too big. and there's plenty of good granulation tissue around them. still gonna wait a little longer to use the syringe since 1.) i haven't started eating solids and 2.) i think they need just a little more time to settle. Food: Mashed potatoes Pain: 1/10
Day 6: i finally ate something solid. for the first time PROPERLY. not half eaten like that muffin a few days back. fried potato wedges. it felt amazing. besides that i had little to no pain and used the syringe for the first time, it was painless and relatively straightforward. so i feel pretty good. swelling is gone so all i have to deal with is a stiff jaw and some nerve pain from being hit a bit during surgery thats bound to resolve on the right. since i can feel just fine and the pain goes down every day. im only taking 2 ibuprofen a day and am fully off the oxycodone at night now! Food: pudding, soup, potato wedges!! Pain: 1/10
Day 7: Well, I did it. one full week. i'll be posting this log tomorrow since i write these late at night before bed. i had 2 full plates of beef stroganoff hamburger helper that felt amazing to eat and a milkshake(no straw) to celebrate how good i felt past this point. my jaw is almost back to normal looseness, i have 0 swelling, and pretty much no pain all day besides some minor aching on the right side where i had some stitches and my nerve got a little jostled. i noticed that my appetite and the amount i can eat before getting full has decreased. it's pretty weird! but i feel pretty good too. my worries about this are basically gone now. Food: beef stroganoff(and lots of it), milkshake Pain: 0.5/10, if that's possible.
final notes: it sucks for the first week, it definitely does, but im in the middle of day 8 now and i feel almost back to normal. if you feel discouraged, it'll get better. i know i still have a while before its fully healed, but what's a couple months out of my whole life, yknow? im 19, still fairly young, so i have faith it'll go by fast. i'll be just fine.
submitted by Nenekasa to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:30 katerodo Enlarged liver with recent history of fever and recurrent infections/sepsis

I'm going to try to make this as succinct as possible. I am currently working with my medical team to figure out what's going on, but trying to get more ideas of what to look for.
32F, 200lbs - Four months out from uncomplicated C-section - One week post C-section, I developed a UTI, which turned septic and resulted in a hospital stay - Since then, the UTI has returned twice as well as a recurrent staph infection in my nostrils - Passed out and had a high fever (106) sending me back to the hospital 3 weeks ago but no cause identified. Sore throat but negative for strep, Covid, flu. Right tonsil swollen and large node like a wart was present on the back wall of the throat behind tonsils. Has since disappeared - recurrent low grade fevers over the last several weeks since the last hospital visit have resulted in more tests - persistent low/mid right abdominal pain with pressure, randomly will have discomfort with no pressure but not regularly - blood work has random anomalies but no smoking gun - urine sample on 6/4 showed bilirubin, protein, leukocytes, and urobilinogen - CT scan today showed hepatomegaly with liver length 20cm, no focal lesions and nothing else of note. CT from January when I was septic showed totally normal liver size, wholly unremarkable. - I am a recovering alcoholic, 4 years of sobriety, so I don't think it is alcohol related
Current symptoms: - on and off fever, typically once per day, around 100.5 - infection in nose - right abdominal discomfort - random petechiae bruising on neck and legs - bruising on one big toe and the nail fell off the other toe with no blunt force - tingling feet at night in bed - brain fog - hair loss
I am also currently breast feeding if that makes any difference.
Any ideas??? My doc isn't moving super quickly on this, is an enlarged liver something to be concerned about? Is this urgent or just a random smathering of unrelated and generally benign symptoms?
submitted by katerodo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:57 Demi_Titan Scalp recovery issues

Scalp recovery issues
I got my transplant in march. I’ve only just let it grow out the past few weeks. It’s definitely growing which I’m happy about but my issue is my scalp. As you can see in both pics my scalp is red, shiny and raised/swollen in the recipient area (from front hairline back to midway) this won’t seem to go away no matter what I do. This has been like this since the transplant and I thought I just had to be patient but it’s not clearing up.
Can anyone advise what this could be and if there is anything I can do? If you had the same issue did it go away? I’m worried that I got this transplant and it’s never going to look right. It’s not painful but a tiny bit tender I think due to the slight swelling.
Feeling some regret about this, mostly my choice of surgeon but when it looks like this I’m regretting the full thing tbh as I did this to help my confidence and it’s now having the opposite effect.
submitted by Demi_Titan to HairTransplants [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:49 nosremem Filshie clips.

I had my hysterectomy (Total hyst, both tubes, one ovary) 13 days ago, and my recovery is going pretty smoothly. Searching this group has been a huge help and comfort when I needed it. Y’all are the best for sharing your experiences, truly.
My recovery has been uneventful. I have a very mildly infected belly button incision, I was given the choice to come in and get it checked but opted to put some antibiotic ointment and gauze in and give it a day. I feel like a 2hr drive to my doctor would set me back more than a day of keeping an eye on it.
Anyway, the point of my post. I had my tubal ligation post-cesarean in 2012. I got so sick after my last baby was born and just… never got better. Inflammatory joint pain and severe fatigue. Occasional skin rashes. I was diagnosed and then undiagnosed with an absurd variety of autoimmune diseases but nothing ever quite fit. The only positive tests I ever had were for inflammation markers - C-reactive protein and sedimentation rate always off the charts high. The final verdict was “fibromyalgia” and EDS (accurate on that count) but neither accounted for the inflammation… I learned to live with it and rebuilt my life around pain.
During my hysterectomy, FOUR (?!) free floating Filshie (tubal) clips were retrieved from my abdomen.
Folks… I am not kidding when I say I no longer have joint pain. At all. Like, it is absolutely gone. I have normal muscle fatigue and occasionally a sore back (which is sensible as my spine is absolutely thrashed from EDS) but the familiar, burning, swollen, achy knee and hip and ankle and shoulder pain that has plagued my life since 2012 is entirely gone. I’m on zero pain meds aside from my usual daily meds (gabapentin for nerve pain related to the spine issue and nerve damage in my foot, Tylenol and Motrin as needed.) I can sleep on my side without flailing around due to hip and knee pain. I can walk around a store as long as I want to without feeling like my knees are going to implode. This is unreal. Like, suddenly I can consider that maybe we will go to a theme park this summer or we can go hiking when we camp instead of avoiding these things.
I feel 100x better today, with incisions that are still glued and an infection-y belly button, than I did on 5/22. 😅
I guess I’m just curious if anyone else here has had this very niche experience. I regret my tubal ligation for a lot of reasons but the idea that it stole 10 good years of my life from me is blowing my mind in the worst way.
submitted by nosremem to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:12 anywhowhatnow Sore on penis tip

Received oral last Sunday for about 5-10 mins (not rough). About 1-2 days letter I had a faint red spot on penis tip. It almost looked like a small dry blood spot. I was constantly looking at it, poking around, expanding skin, etc. I've masturbated about 3/4 times since then. Over the past few days it looks like it has gotten more red. When I shower it turns white. When not showering it seems to be weeping slightly. At night I've been putting Vaseline on it in hopes it would help heal it.
I don't feel any pain or discomfort, perhaps the slightest tingling/itch if I'm thinking about it. No fever. No swollen lymph nodes. No adnominal pain.
I was originally thinking herpes, but there is no cluster.
What do you think this is?
Sorry, I know the picture is blurry.
submitted by anywhowhatnow to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:18 Halofreak1171 [ROLEPLAY] Tales from the Garden: A Stroll through the Polish Forests


02:00 13/05/2073 Białowieża Forest, Polish Eden, The Garden of Eden

Jakub ran.
Dark trees flew past him as he pushed his ALMAALEXIA exoskeleton to its maximum potential. He continually collided with branches, bushes, and even tree trunks, but with each hit, he willed himself to continue. Even with the night vision that his armour provided him, he swore the forest seemed to get darker by the minute. Not only that, but things, objects, people... they all seemed to briefly show up in his vision, never last but always staying long enough to increase his anxiety.
Crunch Rocks and gravel gave way as he jumped a stream with ease.
How long had he been running at this point? It felt like days since the demons had attacked him and his allies. Yet, the sun had only just set, the moon still high in the sky, the same rain poured. So why was his mind convinced that this was not the first day of his escape? What had they done to him... what had they done to them all? He had escaped the torture they had called 'conversion', but he could still feel the effects haunting his mind. The screams, the images, that devil in the guise of a lady, they all remained.
CRASH The tree next to him toppled over, barely giving him a second to reach as it fell.
Only just being able to dodge out the way, he stared at the now fallen trunk. It could not have been a coincidence this one had fallen now right? His mind told him it was purposeful, that the forest was out to get him. Before, such an idea would have been enough to make him think he was going insane. Now, it only seemed logical. Collecting himself, he started to run again. Where, he didn't know, but he was certain that stopping for any longer meant death.
The rain became heavier as he kept on going. The bright moon had disappeared, making that impossibly inky black darkness appear even darker somehow. Wind howled as it moved through the trees, and the rain was strong enough that it felt as though he was being waterboarded at times. His running had gotten him nowhere, he wasn't even sure if he was making progress in any certain direction. Every new tree he saw seemed both alien and identical to the last one, and every time he tried to get his bearings, the wind howled in such a way he was convinced it was laughter. He couldn't stop struggling though. He thought of his friends, Pawel, Malina, Klaudia, Izydor, all of whom had died when those horrors had attacked their base. He thought about Szymon, whose conversion had been enough for all five of them to dedicate their lives to fighting against the devil. Clutching his cross, he was no longer sure if they all had made the right choice. Szymon was different, but he was alive and at home with his children. Could the rest of them say they were so lucky?
His meandering thoughts brought him to a larger river. One he couldn't cross simply by jumping. Panic began to set in as he realised this, and soon his running turned into frantic searching. He wasn't sure what he was looking for. A narrowing in the swollen river perhaps? Its waters raged right in front of him, presenting an unpassable barrier whose image stabbed right into his heart. And that's when he heard them.
"Upér(i) So!!"
He had no clue what that damned language meant, but it was close enough to give him pause. Thinking fast, the fog in his mind clearing as a new surge of adrenaline hit, he fell to the ground by the riverbanks. Here, plants, trees, and dirt had created what looked like a perfect hiding place. Maybe the forest was finally on his side? He dug himself right into the crevice which appeared, pressing his gun close to him and hoping for dear life that those things would not look over here.
"WiHróstúh₂ ǵnéH₃-sḱ-tos ped-per!!"
Their voices were close now, so close that he was certain they may as well be above him. He could hear their boots crunching against the branches and debris of the forest floor. Cradling his weapon, if this was how he was to go, he would go fighting. And that's how he stayed for hours, or so he believed. Every time he thought they might've left the area, he would hear one of them say something, only for their voices to be cut off by the pouring of rain. Despite their searching though, they didn't seem able to find him. Every second that past felt like another miracle from God, and as kept screaming silent prayers in his mind, he was certain that the Holy Spirit was beside him, keeping him safe.
"Kʷíd n̥-men-kapwéts. Deh₂y h₁yaǵ."
The voice sounded quieter this time. He waited for a while longer, and the next time he heard the voices, they were essentially inaudible. It was now or never he guessed.
Climbing his way out of the hole he had inadvertently dug, he figured his only choice was to cross the river head-on. Steeling himself, he felt God's love surge through him, and so he began to sprint forward. His jump would only take him halfway, and as he entered the ice-cold water, he could feel his body begin to be thrown about by the terrifyingly fast waters. And so he swam, fighting against the current, willing himself against the pain as his entire body screamed at him to stop. Every second in the river felt worse than the entire time he had spent in the forest, and that pushed him to not give in. Finally, he felt his hand catch on the rocks of the riverbank, and ever so slowly he began to pull himself up.
Taking a second to breathe, he slowly clambered his way over the banks, and cautiously stood. He could not run any further, but he wouldn't have to anymore. He had done it. He had escape...
Next to him, bark flew as a bullet hit the tree. Diving to the ground, he realised that he was not safe. More bullets flew overhead as he wondered how he had given himself away. Grasping at his gun, he tried to return fire, only for it to jam. He went to reach for his pistol, to have something in his hand as he died, yet as he did he felt himself being lifted. Turning to face the force that was holding him now, he saw not the image of the soldiers who had been chasing him, but something far worse. This being, clad in an exoskeleton far more advanced than his own, did not seem to care about his struggling. The markings across its body, and the look of hatred in its eyes said it all, this was one of the Warriors.
Using all his remaining might, he managed to push off the Warrior, only to be met with the butt of a spear slamming into his face. As he forced his body to fight, he realised how woefully outmatched he was. The Warrior, brimming with weapons, continued to hit him with the butt of the spear, essentially toying with him. Yet, whenever he tried to escape, to make a break for it, the demon would quickly and easily bring him back into their cat-and-mouse game. Realising it was hopeless, he fell to his knees, begging the creature to give him mercy. All the while, he fumbled for his pistol, preparing it for one last shot. As the Warrior stood above him, spear pointed downwards, he threw out his arm, closed his eyes, and fired the pistol.
He opened his eyes, watching as the Warrior examined the damage. His shot had been directly on target, and yet, the creature seemed to be undamaged. Jakub went to fire again, and was rewarded for his efforts with a spear to the heart. He fell, his life forfeit. As his blood drained into the earth, he could still see the images of conversion and hear the screams, though this was pierced by the final words he would ever hear.
"H₁yaǵ Dʰeǵʰom-Gʷḗn!!
submitted by Halofreak1171 to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:56 a_No-n12191318 Candida SP negative but DR thinks I have a urinary tract yeast infection?

I have been having burning, stinging, swollen feeling near my urinary tract, as well as shooting pains and pelvic pain for 2 weeks. Doesn't hurt to pee, no cottage cheese discharge, and no itch. My DR seems to think it could be a urinary tract yeast infection so I did a swab at his office but I only put it into my vagina and didn't swab it over my pee hole. I have got the results and it's 'Candida SP NOT ISOLATED'. I am also BV negative.
Have I tested negative because I didn't swab it over my pee hole?
submitted by a_No-n12191318 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:51 Suspicious-Stage-795 Can someone interpret my wrist xray?

Hi, 46 yo male here, pretty bad bike crash 2 days ago right wrist took most of the damage. Had a lot of pain for about 24 hours and wrist became very swollen and stiff. Still is imobile and painfull if I try to do pretty much anything. Doc at the er said there is probably no fracture but my lateral xray looks a lot like some xrays of triquetral fractures I found online. I will see another doctor soon but I would be interested in your opinion. https://imgur.com/a/wrist-xray-ltzqWNi
submitted by Suspicious-Stage-795 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:18 Das_Extension1196 Birth control horror story

I’ve been dealing with extremely painful periods and related symptoms for years. GI issues, ovulation pains, missing work when I had my period, lower back pains, etc. I’ve been in denial for years due to doctors telling me it’s normal.
My GYN now believes I have endometriosis. In April, I had such a heavy/painful period where I was on the toilet 4-5 times in a matter of 1-2 hours that I decided to get help. Naturally the discussion moved to BC. I’ve been on various forms from the onset of my first period at 14 to 23 when I just decided to stop.
So I started again now at 27, thinking it all would work itself out and maybe I’d have some temporary adjustment period. For context, despite dealing with this, I lead a very active lifestyle; I bike almost daily and lift weights or do yoga multiple times a week.
Last week, I felt a strange, sharp pain in my lower abdomen followed by intense pain in my uterus/surrounding region. But this was different than my period. I saw my GYN who informed me that I had either a cyst or an endometrioma on my ultrasound and that it may have ruptured. In the following days, it didn’t get better. I was weak, exhausted, lightheaded/dizzy, swollen belly and legs, bleeding, had GI symptoms like nausea and diarrhea, cramping and shaking in my legs, and pain moved into my lower back and hips. I could barely move and suddenly felt like a 50+ year old. I went to the ER twice (having never been there before). First time they confirmed that no cyst had ruptured. Great. Second time I thought maybe I had a blood clot in my leg but that was fortunately ruled out as well. They called it dehydration and again sent me home on bed rest.
My job was clearly displeased that I wasn’t there but I was sicker than I’ve been in my entire life. Finally went back to my GYN and stopped these godforsaken pills -Simpesse btw.
Well, now I have an MRI slated and of course laparoscopic surgery has entered the chat, much to my dismay. My GYN has suggested that I start on a combination of progesterone BC + an endo specific med like Oralissa or Myfembree, which as she put it, will shut the ovaries down and cause me to go into a chemical menopause.
I spoke to some friends and family. I really don’t think that I will benefit from first flooding my system with estrogen to then completely shutting it down. I’m married and don’t want to completely close the possibility of me having children, which is already further complicated by the fact that I have a congenital defect in the shape of my uterus. In the meantime I decided to focus on food and eat as well as I can to see how it impacts my symptoms.
Has anyone been down this road of horrible side effects on BC? How long did it take to resolve, and for anyone who’s been on the endo specific meds, what was your experience?
With love.
submitted by Das_Extension1196 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:03 aquagirl111 Is my cat pregnant or am I just crazy?

Hi reddit! I am an anxious over-thinker so please keep that in mind as you read this post. I recently took in a stray cat I found in my apartment complex. She had no microchip and was never claimed despite numerous postings across social media and the area, however, we do believe she was somebody's pet because she was extremely clean (no ticks, dirt, fleas, etc), is such a friendly girl and knows how to use the litter box. We took her to the vet and they estimated that she is about 7-8 months old and saw no cause for concern.
However, I've noticed that she has very large, pink, protruding nipples (sorry for the bad pics). Is it possible that she could be pregnant? She is getting spayed on June 18 (earliest appointment at the clinic we could get) and the vet said her mammory glands aren't swollen, but I've had female cats and I've never seen anything like this. I was also thinking she may have had kittens or may perhaps be in heat, but once again, there's no signs besides the nipples to go along this.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a tell tale sign of pregnancy or am I just crazy? Appreciate any insight!!
submitted by aquagirl111 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:29 Fun_Hat_4836 22F Rundown of whole recovery

I am a 22 year old girl, I got my tonsils removed because I would get a viral infection in my tonsils at least twice a year. This would lead to tonsil stones and usually I was bedridden for at least 2 days because of this illness.
Day of surgery and the three days after: I had so much energy, I was talking all day, and overall felt completely fine. I managed to swallow down some soft mac and cheese so long as I took small bites and chewed a bunch. My uvula was so swollen that even at some angles propped up my uvula would blocked my airway from my nose.
Day 4/5 of recovery things started moving downhill. At this point I realized I wasn’t going to be able to talk much and definitely was not eating anything solid. My doctors did not originally tell me putting ice on my neck, cheeks, and throat would help. Ended up using an old wisdom teeth ice head wrap, that saved me. Without the ice the pain would have been unbearable. I had also gotten permission from my doctors to take 1.5 doses of hydrocodone (instead of just the prescribed one dose) every four hours along with 3 advil tablets (600mg) an hour before the hydros. Got permission to do this because I was barely finishing my daily protein drink due to how much it hurt to swallow.
Day 6, I had started using mylanta mixed with benadryl to coat my throat and numb it because I was in so much pain I would start crying when I had to just swallow my pills. I was not swallowing this mixture, but a little would go down my throat (which is fine), this ended up upsetting my stomach. Close to 11pm I started throwing up blood (was not bright right, looked more like a merlot). There were chunks in it that looked like jam, those were scabs that had fallen off, there were so many chunks that I clogged my sink. Rushed to the ER only to be told I was completely fine. While there they gave me one dose of liquid hydrocodone, an hour later once I was home this upset my stomach and I threw up two more times. Stopped using the mylanta after this, would’ve been fine using it if I was able to have more in my stomach.
Days 7 and 8 I was still barely talking, I constantly had ice on me, and was only drinking one protein drink a day. I was so unbelievably hungry but it hurt way too much to swallow anything and the protein drinks were getting old. I am lactose intolerant so that made it much more difficult to have variety in what I could intake.
Days 9 and 10 were still tough but I was talking more, but definitely not eating solid food. On day 10 my body said no more protein drinks, started throwing up by noon, couldn’t hold anything down until 6pm. Day 10 was a sunday and I was trying to find a nurse that could prescribe me anti-nausea medication other than zofran because it was no longer helping me. It was talking with a nurse that made me realize I had not had any bowl movements since my surgery. So 10 days no poop, this is apparently really bad. I started taking a laxative, but my mom and I did keep in mind I hadn’t been eating anything solid so what would there be to poop? Laxative had me popping small amounts by the next day. Also on day 10 because of how sick I was, this is the day I stopped all pain medications.
Day 11, desperately wanted solid food, ate some brisket and beans. Pinto beans were my saving grace. I was talking a lot more now but still after extended periods talking I will be very uncomfortable.
Days 12 and today day 13, I am eating solid food but the part I’ve left out is the only way I’m able to fully swallow is by washing the food down with a drink after each bite. I am not eating large meals, last night I could only finish my nuggets from chickfila and that’s just because of the pain. I still feel uncomfortable laying flat on my back when I sleep, so sleeping propped up.
Today is my follow-up appointment, so I’ll share if the doctors tell me anything alarming.
Side notes that are definitely important:
submitted by Fun_Hat_4836 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:26 DavosSeaBiscuit Helix piercing help

Helix piercing help
Hi all,
I got a helix piercing done around 8 months ago and it has healed well after an initial infection, however the back of my ear still has a bump and is noticeably more swollen than the other.
There is no pain and just the occasional crusties. Currently have a titanium labret in (initially started with a hoop). I do the occasional clean with salt water but have tried to leave it alone. Wanted some advice on how to get my ear back to normal size pls lol
(Picture of behind both ears for comparison)
submitted by DavosSeaBiscuit to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:55 Past-Direction9145 I really messed myself up this time :(

my right shoulder has been that thing that was bad for no apparent reason, for years, before I finally got my PSA diagnosed and started getting it managed.
but during that time, for years, it was swollen, hot, and my body was trying to destroy the joint.
before I started my biologic about 8 months ago, it was so bad I couldn't sleep on either side anymore. it would just start to hurt, worse and worse, the longer I hold that position, any position but on my back. so I had to learn how to sleep on my back.
now its managed ... somewhat.
but I screwed up and let my BP med script slip by a few days. so I quit taking it suddenly. and three days later... yesterday... it caused a flare so severe I could barely walk into the urgent care place and form complete sentences. everything hurt, and even driving myself was questionable.
I've been there before a number of times. they wagged their finger at me, and shot me up with torodol and solumedrol. replaced my missing BP med script before my next refill. and sent me on my way. considered it medically necessary so they didn't even charge me a dime. sent it to my new state-provided health insurance. which.. .covered it completely.
might sound cool to get a green light from doctors on nearly anything I ask for, but when you're this screwed up, it's actually not cool at all. if not for that level of sympathy and doctoring I would not be able to be here typing this out.
you want benzos? yeah they're bad for you, addictive, absolutely not, lets find something else to help you out. OH YOU HAVE PSA well here you go. 20 pills every three months. take them as you see fit.
you want pain killers? same story. you want anything? same story.
didnt used to be this way. but awareness of PSA is going up FAST in the world today and even my GP "loves" the exposure to this side of medicine. and has even thanked me for.. well, being a guinea pig enough for them to actually have interesting things to talk about at their most recent medical conference.
which is cool and all, but. it's actually not cool. ...
so what did I do to make it all worse???
felt so good I went out and mowed the lawn. and was putting the clippings in the bin and extended my right arm out with that bag and I heard this pop, and obviously the arm fell immediately as it was like twisting my ankle. and it didn't hurt immediately. it just felt... liquid.
bet you know what it felt like by the end of yesterday...
and today?
ho boy. this is gonna be MRI time joint replacement time, I just know it. it's so bad I can't use it for anything anymore. I can't even lift my hand if I wanted to raise it in a classroom.
so be careful with them steroids. pain is your bodys way of telling you DONT DO THAT. so I made the pain go away and what did I do?

submitted by Past-Direction9145 to PsoriaticArthritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:50 postvasectomy constantmalichi: I'm not 100% recovered - there's still a slight pain at times, but it's minor and generally seems to be lessening over time.

Feb 23, 2020
Mine was done almost 6 months ago, closed with needle anesthesia by a urologist that has performed over 9,000 vasectomies. I took it easy and iced constantly while laying on the couch for the first week and had no sexual activity for almost two weeks.
Around 2 months after the procedure everything seemed to be fine, but one day (after a lot of sexual activity) I woke up with intense pain in my right testicle which I've been dealing with since (and seems to have spread to the left, but it's not as bad). I contacted my Dr's office and the nurses believe it's a sperm granuloma and advised me to take 800mg ibuprofen 3x a day for two weeks, but that was a while ago and the pain returns when I stop taking ibuprofen. I'm planning on contacting them again in the next week, assuming this doesn't resolve itself in that time.
Most concerning is that on occasion, edging/delaying ejaculation can lead to a painful throbbing sensation which can become very intense and unpleasant during ejaculation. I'm finding myself abstaining from sexual activities when I'd otherwise be going at it, which has been awful. I currently regret having the procedure done for these reasons. I only hope the pain eventually subsides and I'm back at or near 100% sooner or later, like my Dr's office assures will happen.
Mar 26, 2020
7 months - post vasectomy blues
Well this has been a roller-coaster.
I had the procedure done last September and around two months after things started feeling normal(ish) again. This was short lived as I woke up one day (after a lot of sexual activity) with an intense pain in my right testicle. After a few calls and a visit with my urologist, they suspected it was a granuloma and gave me a NSAID prescription. The granuloma persisted for 4-5 months and some days were pretty rough - I knew granulomas were a risk, but I didn't realize how awful they were.
Fortunately, I seem to have turned a corner in recent weeks. The granuloma seems to have resolved itself like my urologist said it would and for the most part I feel much better, with one major exception...
It feels terrible when I orgasm/ejaculate.
It's like I'm being kicked in the nuts right as I cum. I know there are changes when having an orgasm post-vasectomy, which was disappointing enough when I realized it, but this has just killed my sex drive. Now I've only experienced this for the last month or so, so I'm hopeful it will resolve itself, but this more than anything is testing me. I just want things to feel normal(ish) again.
I'm struggling to find much information on this specific sensation. Has anyone else experienced anything like this or know what might be causing it?
Apr 02, 2020
lol, yeah man. I feel like an idiot for thinking this would just be a minor procedure that wouldn’t effect anything other than my ability to have kids. As far as I can tell, I’m in the minority of men that had this done and experience complications, and it seems like mine are relatively minor, but I would have doubled down on condoms if I better understood the risks and changes in sensation during orgasm. I do think things are improving, for what it’s worth, I just doubt they’ll ever be quite the same.
Apr 16, 2020
It’s an elective and permanent procedure so okay to call it off if you’re at all unsure about it.
I don’t mean to scare you off but I had the procedure done 7 months ago and haven’t felt the same since... It was a far more traumatic experience than I expected. I thought I did sufficient research but didn’t realize how common and unpleasant issues due to this were until they happened to me. Things have been improving somewhat, it just wasn’t the two week recovery that everyone talks about.
Apr 23, 2020
Hey OP, I'm over 7 months out now and I'm experiencing the same sensation as you where during sexual activity, I feel an intense pain as I climax and it seems to radiate from where the tubes were.
I had some other issues before but this is the most worrisome as it really puts a damper on sex and masturbation - ejaculation/orgasms no longer feel good at all. Otherwise I feel fine, but this has caused me to cut back on any sexual activities in recent weeks. I haven't found much information on this other than it may be nerve damage, which makes the most sense but would be a terrible outcome. No clue how this isn't a more widely reported issue with the procedure... hopefully it resolves itself with time.
What's strange is that I didn't notice this until maybe 5 months after my vasectomy. I had a sperm granuloma at the time though so I wonder if I conflated some of the sensations from these two issues.
Apr 29, 2020
Yeah I can definitely relate to that, having a good day every so often only for the pain to return, and the uncertainty was just as bad. Initially they had me taking 600mg three times a day but later upped it to 800mg a month or two after not fully following those instructions.
The ibuprofen is supposed to reduce the inflammation and help with the healing process. It took me about four months to get to where I am now (my procedure was done early September last year and the pain/granuloma started a little over two months after, for reference) and that’s probably because I was only taking a fraction of what they initially told me to. As someone who never really had to take anything for pain before, they were hard pills to swallow, but they definitely helped me get though it and now I’m feeling much better, though still not at 100%.
May 05, 2020
I guess it's psychological that I miss the feeling of emptying my balls. They feel very full and congested. I know the anatomy of how it works and that you don't actually empty them by getting an orgasm. It takes two months for sperm to complete and get stored in the cauda. It stays these for 3 tot 5 days and gets absorbed by your own body.
Do you have any sources for this? I'd love to read more about what exactly is going on during orgasm.
I'm 8 months post procedure and your before/after exactly describe my changes in sensation as well. In addition to a kind of pain radiating from where my tubes were, I no longer get that feeling of blissful relief after orgasm and my balls feel heavy and stuffed. I'm hoping this is psychological but I feel like there are physical changes that my body is still dealing with... My pelvic region in general hasn't quite felt the same. Nerve damage is my biggest fear, the methods for dealing with it look very unpleasant.
Jun 03, 2020
I'm a little over 9 months out now and overall things have improved a bit since my last post, but I'm still not at 100%.
I get the occasional day where one of my testicles aches around my epididymis and I'm still mostly abstaining from sexual activities because I don't want to risk the pain, but these issues seem to be slowly subsiding.
Lately I've been focusing on my health and keeping myself distracted with various hobbies, which was really fucking hard at the start of the pandemic/lockdowns. I've had some rough days, but I'm optimistic things will continue to improve. I think I'm just in for a longer recovery than most.
Jun 17, 2020
Have you looked into papaya seed powder? It’s supposed to lower your sperm production, if that’s what’s causing your soreness. I had some congestion related pain for a few months and while I’m not certain if it helped or was just a placebo, I do feel much better about 2 months after starting to take it. I also started taking fish oil to help reduce inflammation while healing (among other benefits). Again, I can’t be sure that it’s the reason I feel better, but it might be worth a shot.
Jun 24, 2020
It was around 2 months until things started feeling relatively normal for me, and then I got a granuloma :(
Some people seem to be fine after a week or two but I think doctors really downplay the recovery period.
Jun 24, 2020
I’m almost 10 months out and still recovering, but I’m feeling much better than I did. Some days I still have a soreness coming from my right epididymis, and other days, like today, I feel totally normal. I think the granuloma and some other things really set my recovery back.
Jul 05, 2020
How long ago did you have the procedure done?
I'm 10 months out and had some similar symptoms, a painful granuloma, swollen/congested epididymis, and that feeling of blue balls, especially after orgasm. It's absolutely affected by sex life for the worse - I used to orgasm daily but I've been abstinent for the last month or so to see if that helps my situation and things have actually improved. I still get an occasional soreness around one of my testicles and my pelvic muscles feel weaker, so now I'm just hoping for a full recovery and doing what I can to help it along.
Jul 07, 2020
I’m doing pretty well now, not quite 100% but getting there. I didn’t entirely follow my doctors orders with the prescribed NSAIDs, so it probably took longer to recover than it should have. Probably a good 4 months or so until I felt comfortable without taking them.
Jul 29, 2020
Yeah, mine was close ended, tied and cauterized. I’ve seen others posting about getting it converted to open ended, but I guess that can increase the chances of granulomas.
Aug 13, 2020
I had mine about a year ago and noticed something similar, even when peeing it kind of dribbles. I suspect muscles around the pelvic region were traumatized by the procedure so I started doing kegel exercises to strengthen them again and it seems to be helping. 4 years is a long time and I’m not even sure if it’s the same thing, but it could be worth a shot.
Aug 24, 2020
Damn, six years. I’m sorry to hear it :( Have you gone for any second opinions from another doctor?
I’m almost a year out and it’s been rough. I suspect I had empidymitis which made almost any physical activity very unpleasant for much of the past year. Things have only really gotten better over the last few months but now I have this constant fear of the pain returning again which has been debilitating for my sex life. I’m still hopeful things will continue to improve and this will eventually just be a memory, but right now I’d say it’s been a disappointment.
Aug 26, 2020
I had it done almost a year ago and this is something I’ve noticed. I used to feel a pleasurable throbbing when getting close or when ejaculating, but now it’s like that part of my orgasm is missing. Really wish I knew beforehand.
Aug 26, 2020
How often are you sexually active? Do you have any discomfort or pain besides this?
I think I have similar pains when close to orgasming. It almost feels like being kicked in the balls at the worst possible moment, and I know exactly what you mean with the mental aspect. The risk of it hurting really puts a damper on things. I haven’t been able to find much in this specific issue though, it’s kind of amazing how little is known about such a common procedure.
Sep 04, 2020
This is similar to my experience. I'm about a year out, dealt with pain for much of it, and it's hard for me to do the long masturbation/lovemaking sessions as it becomes uncomfortable after a while. Orgasms have been a bit off as well. It's a bummer but I'm hopeful things will continue improve.
What's been off about your orgasms if you don't mind me asking?
They've been weaker and at times hurt, but that hasn't happened in a while now. Likewise, hopefully we're both back at 100% soon!
May 09, 2024
Are you still struggling with negative effects from the vasectomy, or have things returned to normal now?
Hello, sorry for the late response but things are mostly better and have been for the last year and a half or so. I'm not 100% recovered - there's still a slight pain at times, but it's minor and generally seems to be lessening over time. Orgasms/ejaculation are basically back to normal, or at least as normal as I can remember. It also seems to have affected my muscles around that area (lower back/groin) from how I was so tense and how I sat for such a long time, but I'm working on getting them back into shape, so I'm still dealing with it but mostly back to normal. Hope everything is well on your end.
From direct message. Used with permission.
ID: d23d660e
Name: constantmalichi
Vasectomy Date: 2019-09
Source: reddit
First Seen: 2020-02-23
Last Seen: 2024-05-09
Months: 50
Resolved: Mostly
submitted by postvasectomy to postvasectomypain [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:09 Freddykk Experience post: Septoplasty, turbinate reduction, sinus surgery

I had sinus surgery, turbinate reduction, and septoplasty 4 days ago. I thought I should create a post and write about my experience.
Here’s how it’s going:
Day of Surgery: The procedure lasted about 2.5 hours under general anaesthesia. Went home the day after (one night stay) .
Days 1-3: Swelling & Bruising: Significant swelling (but no bruising) of my nose.
Pain: meh! Managed with your usual meds (Panadol). Congestion: Still no breathing through the nosr due to gel packaging.
Day 4: Swelling: Still quite swollen
Pain: I don't really feel that much pain.
Breathing: As I mentioned, they put gel packing up my nose, and it started coming out slowly since day 2. It feels disgusting and horrible. To be honest, this is the worst part of the recovery for me. Because of the gel, my nose is fully blocked, and I haven't been able to close my mouth for the past 4 days, not even for a few seconds. As a result, my teeth have started hurting.
I'm 37 and live in Australia.
Edit: forgot to mention, since it was major surgery (2.5 hours is quite long in this day and age), my body is super tired and achy. I mostly sleeping.
submitted by Freddykk to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:46 sylamon32 8 weeks in, chills, sweats, fatigue, polyarthritis, doctors have no clear answers. Need support and venting.

I know I shouldn't get medical advice from reddit, I'm still seeing doctors. I just need to vent a little, but could use some insight as well.
My next appointment with the ID doc and the rheumatologist and the urologist are all only in 7 days time. Based on all my reading up, if things have lasted for more than 4-6 weeks it's increasingly unlikely it's viral. It does read like some people get fevers with SpA flares but it also seems quite rare and disproportionate to my relatively mild joint pain so far. Lymph node swelling was only described in case studies.
I felt incredibly ill today and hopeless. I can't wrap my head around what could possibly be happening. I wonder if the week 2 crap was an actual unrelated virus distracting us from the whole thing. The hope is that everything is still part of a viral illness that is lingering long beyond its usual due.
submitted by sylamon32 to Thritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:51 HeadBoy9 Prison day #379 (Tuesday, June 4, 2024)

Regular day. I slept most of the day. Occasionally was on my phone. The rest of the events of the day are all hazy. I showered, ate…er. Well, in the evening was the only time I left my bunk and went to the clinic. I hate clinics and injections but now I have no choice, I must have both.
So it turns out I've been on treatment for typhoid and malaria. Everyday, I get a med transfused through a vein on my hand for the typhoid, followed by two injections in my butt, morning and evening. No swallows, only injections. And God, do I hate injections!
My right butt and right leg can attest to something having been happening to them (lol). There's a slight pain in that butt and it feels like it's swollen or something while I have a little difficulty walking with the leg. It's not much of a problem, not even noticable to someone observing (I think ) but it's there and I know it in myself by feeling and experience.
Nevertheless, I took yet two other shots in the evening, requesting that the nurse continue on that same butt when he wanted to switch to the left. No need having two bad butts when I can allow one be completely destroyed and retain one good one (lol).
It was quite late when I was coming back from the clinic and I had two sets of people challenge me on my way. Most inmates had been locked at this time except those with super privileges, which group I don't belong to. So it was strange to them to see an “unknown” face like mine about by that time of the evening.
I'll mention only my second of the challengers at the entrance to my block. It was Stainless himself that did. Stainless is the General Locker and General provost of the yard. On seeing me, wending my way limpishly, after just taking two shots on my right butt and therefore affecting my right leg more, he was like “hey you! Who are you? Come here!”
On getting there, he added, “are you mad? When did you enter this yard?” I answered. He continued. “And I called you and you were sauntering as if you own everywhere here, do you know me?” In my mind I said “fuck you, I do and do you know me too?” But I dared not say that, else solitary confinement would be my residential address for some time. I just played along and was soon on my way. It's just how people behave when drunk…on power.
Tomorrow is Wednesday and prison and my treatment continues. It took a year for me to break down so bad to Need a Doctor (wassup Dr Dre).
Goodnight Diary!
submitted by HeadBoy9 to PrisonDiary [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:40 Due_City_8190 Terrible experience with doctors

No joke I went into a doctors office today describing symptoms that match prostatitis, alongside a small bit of white discharge, and the doctor told me to “wash my penis more”.
Have had bad abdominal pain alongside a rumbling/growling noise in the area and also in my anal area.
Right testicle was swollen with an ache, aswell as the skin becoming red inflamed and itchy.
Had/have post urine dribble, burning urination, pain in tip of penis.
This has all been going on since February, some symptoms have gotten better but new symptoms emerge, for example the post urine dribble cleared up in April, while the white discharge has only occurred at the end of April.
I feel extremely demotivated being told by doctors that it’s “all in my head”, and just being constantly ignored/not listened to. I feel like giving up. Being told I need to “wash my penis more” and to “ignore it” has seriously damaged my mental health and I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m a 21 year old male and feel like my life is already over
submitted by Due_City_8190 to Prostatitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:36 Feeling_Pop5557 I just got dumped while being half blind

I just got dumped yesterday and have been struggling to not be in pain and angry. My brother suggested writing my story to get opinions and advice from others.
I (28F) am a type 1 diabetic. I have never been a very good diabetic and I found myself face to face with the consequences of my actions. The retina in my eyes detached and I went blind.
I have been with my ex ((M22) for over 2 years. So during this time, at the start, he was there for me. It's important to know that I was living in the UK where he currently lives, but had to leave to get the necessary medical surgeries to save my sight in my home country. I have been here for 8 months because of this. So the distance didn't really help the situation.
My ex and I were happy together, we communicated, he was so kind and loving to me. Before him I'd only ever been in abusive relationships. He was the first guy to bring out the best in me. But because of our age difference, we kept having an ongoing argument about our futures. I was obviously more ready than him to settle down and it caused a lot of fights. The last fight we had is what led to our breakup. At this point and time, the surgeries were successful, but my eyes were very damaged and I have to wait for them to heal to make sure I can see completely. Right now, I can really only see out of one eye properly
I never meant to pressure him, I kept telling him I'd wait for whenever he was ready, but he didnt want to make me wait. So we decided to give each other some space to cool down and come up with a middleground solution. So for a week we kept very low contact, we just checked in on each other from time to time and I'll admit, the few times we did speak I always asked if he was gonna break up with me, I told him it was a real fear for me, and every time he said no.
But something felt off, something felt different about this little break we took. And yesterday, after a week of barely speaking, and him saying he didn't want to break up with me, but he did. And the way he did absolutely kills me.
He said it was the best option for us, but it's not something we spoke about or even tried to discuss. He just wouldn't listen to anything I had to say, and I found myself begging for him to listen and for him to stay. He dumped me like i was nothing, like i was garbage. He didn't even care that I haven't been able to see his face for 6 months, he didn't care that I'm still recovering, he didn't care that I was willing to do the work and make whatever sacrifices that were necessary. I firmly believe that when you love someone, it's not easy, but if you do the work it will work . He doesn't really believe in that.
So he still wouldn't listen to me, but he kept saying that it was the best for us both. If it was we would have talked about it, instead of him making the decision for both of us. He did it for himself, because he got scared, but he refuses to admit it. He said he still cared about me and loved me and wanted me in his life as a friend and we could see what happens in the future. He is keeping me dangling, waiting for him either way with this maybe we can maybe not.
That just broke my heart because if he did he would have listened to me and given me a chance to prove that this could work. He just abandoned me while I'm half blind, still recovering and away in another country where I don't have any friends, just my parents and brother, during the worst phase of my life.
And it really really kills me that he didn't even give me the chance to see his face for the first time after the surgeries, I feel so stupid and it really hurts me.
Now we aren't talking to each other. But I haven't stopped crying, my whole face is swollen from crying so much, I haven't eaten anything, I just feel my heart breaking into a thousand little pieces, and every one of those stupid pieces still loves him. I begged him so much to not do this, and I feel so stupid for it.
He said I was the best girlfriend he ever had... evidently not otherwise he wouldnt have dumped me like this.
I feel so angry and hurt. I would appreciate any thoughts or opinions on the situation.
submitted by Feeling_Pop5557 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:13 thiav I'm barely getting any sleep at all and i feel like it's gonna kill me

For years my sleep schedule has been very very meesed up, i slept 5-6hrs during the day, staying up the whole night, then switched that to 4hrs of sleep during the night, then back to 4-5 during the day,i did that every single day for like three months, 9 out of 10 times it was for 4-5ish hours, mostly on the lower end... and then that one random day was an insane 10ish hours of sleep, and even when i got those 10hours i felt horrible, that was bad but i still felt mostlyfine.
And now it's much worse, during the past two weeks i've been sleeping for either 1-3hours, usually only waking up after only 2, sometimes it was 4 but rare, or i just didn't sleep at all.
I don't know how to explain whats happening to me, everytime i'll try to fall asleep i'll feel severe amounts of stress, i'll feel my heart beating so hard that it keeps me up, i feel like i just won't wake up sometimes, and that's keeping me on high alert, dying in my sleep is a big fear of mine.
The effects of this that i'm noticing is feelinf pain absolutely everywhere, especially my back and legs, i have poor circulation,my legs are swollen as hell, i have pitting edema, went to the er for my legs and they said it's fine unless it dosnt goes away as it was mostly due to me sitting for 80% of the day, it didn't get better. Sometimes it feels like my arms have a mind of thwir own, i'll try to lift them and it'll feel like i'm barely in control, constant headaches, whenever i try to swallow at random it'll feel like i'll start choking on my own saliva, i'm extremely shaky throught the day,my eyes burn all the time, and sometimes it feels like my head just swings side to side, like i'm about to pass out, just to name a few.
I've been on many different medications, i've had two seperate anti depressents, melatonin on multiple occasions, i've had some strong sleeping pills that made me feel sick to my stomach, and at the start those did help, eventually i was getting less and less sleep with them untill they just stoped working entirely, i then got different sleeping pills that didn't work at. All. Went to therapy for a little bit,tried just about anything they said could help with sleep to no avail, excrecises, soothing music,warm baths,masages, any foods and drinks and so on. Sometimes i feel like i'll just colapse, i feel very weak, i'm also slowly but surely losing my apetite, and i'm terrified of how this might affect my future. I'm just praying someone can relate to all this and has managed to overcome it, and will share the way they managed to overcome it.
submitted by thiav to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:20 Sea-Faithlessness846 My long journey

I’d like to share my story in hopes it helps someone else, or can give me more insight on my condition. I have had little help or guidance from doctors and few official or confident diagnosis. Sorry in advance for the length but there’s a lot to consider here!
I got mono (EBV) in 2016, but never tested positive until a year or 2 later. It presented with repeated strep throat and high fevers for 3 months. I broke out in hives from amoxicillin (a common reaction when you have mono apparently) and had strep again less than 24 hours after my last antibiotic. My doctor put me on steroids for a month until I could get my tonsils out. I tore my ACL skiing just weeks after my tonsillectomy and got surgery a month later. So, I was put under anesthesia twice in a month and a half’s time. Oh and this all happened in my first semester of engineering school. (No, I didn’t drop out, and in fact I still graduated in 4 years with some extra graduate level classes.) CAN YOU SAY STRESS? I start here because I believe it exacerbated my autoimmune disorder.
Throughout the following year I noticed I was increasingly sensitive to beer (I would vomit repeatedly the next morning). I was already not great with beer before all this, however by the time I stopped drinking it all together I would have 2 beers and vomit 5+ times the next day. I also was having trouble breathing, and had bad heartburn. The beer made me think it was a gluten issue, so I stopped eating gluten for just 3 days and once I ate it again my body instantly let me know it was the gluten. My symptoms did not match typical celiac or gluten intolerance, so once doctors made sure I wasn’t dying they shrugged their shoulders and simply told me to not eat it.
In 2018 my allergies were terrible so the breathing problems worsened again, but I pushed through the pain because doctors didn’t seem concerned. I went for a bike ride one day and got a quarter mile up the hill from my house and my legs seized up and I felt like I was going to pass out. I could tell my muscles weren’t getting enough oxygen. I rolled back down the hill, hopped off my bike and collapsed in the front lawn. As soon as I could I drove myself to the emergency room. After 3 hours of waiting my symptoms dissipated and the doctors found nothing wrong yet again. I followed up with a doctor the next week and who felt my ribcage and immediately told me my ribcage was swollen. Yup that’s it, no diagnosis, no fancy doctor words, just “your ribcage is swollen and that’s why you can’t breathe.” Through self research I found Tieze syndrome a year later and assumed that’s what it was but again the typical causes didn’t match up.
Well, fast forward through 2 more years of self treatment and “testing” gluten to understand my symptoms better. I learned that gluten causes typical gastro issues in the immediate week, but it wasn’t until the 2.5-3week mark that major inflammation throughout my body hit, including Tieze. I experience joint pain, muscle weakness, brain fog, and breathing issues for at least a week, so symptoms over a month after eating gluten… crazy right? BUT WHY??
Well after fully committing to gf diet and letting my body heal for a couple years (yes it took a year and a half of being 100% gf for my Tieze to go away completely), I was still having joint pain and muscle weakness at times, seemingly random “flair ups”. So I dove back into autoimmune disorder research and hit a lot of dead ends. It wasn’t until I downloaded TikTok in 2021 and it randomly started feeding me Ehlers Danlos syndrome content that something clicked. EDS could explain every weird symptom I’ve ever had.
I’ve always had hyper mobility (mostly in my shoulders, back, and hips), foot problems (chronic tendinitis), excessive scar tissue and/or “papery” scars, prone to eye and skin infections, migraines,dizziness, motion sickness. But I talked myself out of it and ignored it bc I didn’t want to convince the doctor.
I believe my dad has cardiac-valvular EDS. He’s has a PFO and other defects commonly associated with EDS. Guess what? EDS is super genetic and flair ups are commonly linked to gluten intolerance.
EDS is a connective tissue disorder. Tieze is inflammation in… connective tissue….
7 years later I think I am ready to get diagnosed and explore better treatment options. I feel 80 years old at age 26 during flair ups… I accidentally glutened myself a couple weeks ago and I’m having my first tieze flair up in 2.5 years. 😭
Anyone else? Just me? Okay thanks for your time.
submitted by Sea-Faithlessness846 to TietzeSyndrome [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:08 zz_zz_zz_zz_ my septum piercing smells

so i got it pierced 2 months ago and recently it has stopped crustng and pain has significantly gone down i havent changed any jewlery and it hasnt been infected at all but now for the last few days it has started to smell: first like stale cooch, then like an unwashed bellybutton and now like garbage it doesnt hurt, it isnt swollen and there are no leaking bodily fluids of any kind so why does it smell
also it only smells only when it is moved
submitted by zz_zz_zz_zz_ to piercing [link] [comments]
