Florida herbal loss life weight

Expert Advice on weight loss

2013.10.04 05:03 woodswiki Expert Advice on weight loss

Weight loss has become an incredible part of our life and hence to know about the tips and tricks in it becomes significant. This subreddit is dedicated to those who are looking for weight loss tips, quick weight loss techniques and healthy natural weight loss products.

2018.11.23 22:30 Kayiaha Herbal Medicines - Use The Healing Power.

Herbal medicine, also known as herbalism or botanical medicine, is a medical system based on the use of plants or plant extracts that may be eaten or applied to the skin. Since ancient times, herbal medicine has been used by many different cultures throughout the world to treat illness and to assist bodily functions.

2018.05.26 14:32 GONE DARK

This community is GOING DARK indefinitely to support all of Reddit's volunteer moderators who are tired of working for free without a voice. Reddit's refusal to provide a reasonable path for the third-party mobile apps that are essential for the smooth operation of a subreddit of any size has brought us to this impasse. Update: we're being asked to re-open this long-dormant community. Instead, your former mods will walk away.

2024.06.05 22:02 Vixen_xoxo Kaiser members- what’s your highest dose?

For those that are on Oz for JUST weight loss, what is the highest dose your dr has given you?
I don’t/didn’t have pre/diabetes or any other condition aside from being obese & trouble losing weight when initially put on Oz… I have lost a good amount on 1mg but have been on a plateau for the past 3-4 months. Like I’ll lose and gain the same 4lbs even though I watch what I eat & exercise. I asked my dr about going up in dosage but she told me Kaiser only lets her prescribe 1mg for weight loss. Has this been anyone else’s experience?
submitted by Vixen_xoxo to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:02 Molehill_Mountains Week 15 update (final dose)

Week 15 update (final dose)
UK based.
Fifteenth post in my accountability series (and my last shot!). Using this as a progress diary since startihg my weight loss journey on 12th Feb 2024.
Started the week at 153.1 down 0.1lbs from) 153.2 the week before.
I’m very late posting an update. Life really happened with weddings and what not.
Work was busy last week and there were plenty of opportunities to slack and eat poorly, but kept up with my protein and steps. Moving and eating well has become second nature. I had a take away, but again half the rice I usually would and no starter. I won’t beat myself up about these choices now. I see calories less as day by day, and more for the week now.
I wasn’t great with exercise last week though I have to say. The dumbbells and bar bell stayed firmly on the ground.
I attended my friends wedding on Friday which was one of the pushes to get in shape. Quite vain really, but I wanted something to motivate me beyond self-improvement. I think you’d be lying if you didn’t want people to think you look good. It was a big reunion of people I hadn’t seen since a big New Year’s Eve party, and a slightly bigger reunion of people from school days also there. Some people I hadn’t seen since having my son about 14 months ago.
Was very happy with how my dress fit, but it’s almost too big now. I love it so I’m going to get it tailored. People were very complimentary, which is always a nice buzz.
I wore the dress for my wedding anniversary when I went away with my husband last year. It was ill fitting but I was deffo in denial. Now my back fat is gone!
It was a free bar, and like the Prosecco fiend I am, I had 4 large glasses. But I budgeted for it and some cake and it was great. Happy to say no hangover either. I’ve deffo been lucky in that respect with side effects.
Food noise wasn’t really there last week, but I’ve definitely noticed that my appetite isn’t suppressed like before. I think I’m just making better choices. To be fair though MJ stays in your system for up to 5 weeks of your last dose.
I actually took my dose a day late because I was out of town, but hasn’t noticed a difference to my usual schedule with side effects. Stuck with my stomach as usual.
Not sure if it’s because work was so busy or MJ is doing what it does, but husband has had to remind me to stop and have lunch. Not good since I’m shooting for 100g protein across the day to maintain muscle while I build more. I’ll have to watch that.
So that’s it! No more shots. I’m heading on holiday tomorrow and very excited to wear all 5 of the new bikinis I’ve bought. I feel great. My health all round is better, skin is the best it’s been in a decade and I’m glad that I took steps towards improving myself.
I’m not going to hope I “stay on the wagon” or “keep on the straight and narrow” cos this is real life. I’m just going to do my best 80% of the time and chill out 20% of the time with how healthy I eat. I tell you having a doughnut or some chocolate now tastes epic. I don’t want the whole thing. 31lbs down feels even better.
My mum has also started MJ. I’m excited for her and happy to help her along the way. I’m glad this is available to people and is helping them to change their lives. I didn’t think I’d be brave enough to share a photo of my progress, but I will (photo in the comments).
See you in maintenance 🫡 (and when I say that, I won’t be taking anymore MJ doses). But I hope everything I’ve learned over these last 15 weeks will carry me through. Good luck everyone.
SW: 184.4 lbs CW: 153.0 lbs WoW Loss: .1lb GW: 150 with tone/muscle 💪🏾
submitted by Molehill_Mountains to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:02 AwwJeez-WhatNow One Year

After a brief false start, I began my Mounjaro adventure on June 2, 2023. I’m 63F and started at 280.
I did 12 weeks on 2.5, 13 weeks on 5, 19 weeks on 7.5 and I’ve been on 10 since mid-April and I plan to stay on 10 for as long as possible.
My current weight is 201.9 which means I’ve lost 78 pounds - about 28% of my original starting weight. I was wearing size 22-24 last year. And now I’m mostly a 16, but have a few 14s.
I have lost over 100 pounds twice before MJ. I had gastric bypass in 2001 and gained most of it back. Then lost over 100 pounds again in Overeaters Anonymous.
I’ve been fat since I was about 3 years old and have tried everything my mom and I could think of. Nothing stuck. I have a fib and various cardiac issues. I had high blood pressure. I was prediabetic. I have Hashimotos and was told I have fatty liver. A year ago I decided I had one more attempt to get healthy in me, so I just said yes.
I have very strong appetite suppression and track my food to make sure I’m eating enough. I have a fitness coach and see a dietitian. I’m fully willing to follow their advice. I walk 6000-7500 steps a day unless there’s a damn good reason why I can’t. I park in the farthest parking spots rather than look for the closest ones. I bought a cheap treadmill on Amazon that works perfectly fine. It sits right next to my desk so I have no excuses not to use it. I do resistance training at home and I’m about to head back to the gym. (Baby steps. That place has a few trauma memories, but I’m ready to do it anyway).
My message after a year is that if your life sucks because of your weight and you feel exhausted and achy because of it, see if this medication is an option for you. If it is, give it an honest and earnest try. My life was feeling like I was in quicksand and couldn’t get the footing to save myself. It turns out with the right help, I could. I’m now off my blood pressure meds and I take 1/3 of the beta blocker I used to take. I’m active. I can buy clothes in almost any store. Best of all, I now believe I can do most anything I want to do.
And m so incredibly grateful for this sub, and particularly the mods. The tone of friendly, honest, helpfulness was pivotal to my success. My dr called in my rx and I had to figure it all out on my own. Thank you all who helped me learn how to live this life.
This life is good.
submitted by AwwJeez-WhatNow to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:01 1in7billion_ when did u notice u lost hunger/fullness cues or started experiencing EH after eating small amounts?

what I mean is during ur ED, when did u start experiencing loss of hunger cues/extreme hunger when u would eat, etc. ig like the energy deficit symptoms where your body stopped trusting you with feeding it. For me it started a good 9-10 months after I developed an ED actually, especially whenever I went under my usual set-point weight. Before that, I had lost an amount in the double digits but I still had a normal appetite and hunger cues tbh. It’s such a weird experience how it went from that to slowly having my body not trust me lol but it was def there after awhile. Anyway, when did it start for you? Just out of curiosity.
submitted by 1in7billion_ to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:00 DueWerewolf1 NSV - no longer considered diabetic

I met with my doctor this morning to go over my most recent blood tests. All of numbers (except my weight) were in the normal range. Cholesterol, A1C, etc. She cut the metformin dosage in half and deleted the glipizide completely. My weight loss my slow down but it will cut down on my low blood sugar episodes. It has taken me all day to digest. I feel like MJ is just a miracle drug.
submitted by DueWerewolf1 to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:00 Cute-Car-4131 When do you know if divorce is the right thing to do?

Apologies in advance for the length of this!
34(F) married to 37(M) for 5 years, been together 14 years. He swooped in a week after the catastrophic end of my previous emotionally abusive 2 yr relationship (which happened to be with one of his friends who cheated several times). I was definitely not ready for another relationship, but he had wanted to ask me out before his friend did and didn't hang about once I was single again. He's the kindest soul there ever was, and spent a long time putting the pieces back together. I however kept pushing him away and tried to break up several times, but he wouldn't have it.
Fast forward several years and every progression in the relationship has been his doing (moving in together, planning holidays, getting married etc). I'm the eldest of 4 and always tried to be the 'good girl', please my parents and do what was expected etc. I've worked in the family business for 12 years (initially meant to be a temp job after uni but here I am still, because it's safe and secure but limited progression unless I take it over in the end). Meanwhile my friends have gone up the career ladder, lived lives, dated and now settling down with families. I have never wanted kids (perhaps due to being the eldest and already feel like I've done mum duties), and have always been clear about this. He said he was fine with this, until he admitted he hoped I would change my mind once married...he has accepted my choice since, but I still struggle with guilt that I'm not giving him what he wants. I have tried to push him away several times over the years, as I feel he can do better and I can't give him what he wants.
Overall it's been a good, relatively stable relationship. He's incredibly supportive and tolerant, very kind natured and all round a lovely person. He is very placid and laid back, even lazy - which frustrates the hell out of me but perhaps is a good thing as I'm the opposite.
However, the past few years have definitely been on the decline. We don't do things together, live very separate lives, often pass each other in the house like ships in the night due to work. He used to be the chef and I used to do his washing (a deal we agreed on) but this has since stopped. Communication has broken down, intimacy is infrequent and we've been more like room mates for a while.
A few years ago, I was in quite a bad place mentally, I was going through the motions of 'fitting in the box' but very unhappy. So over the past year, I've made an effort to try and put myself first a bit more and boost my self esteem by trying new things which I've previously felt I couldn't do (mainly due to very strong influences from my mother - that's a whole other topic!) As a result, I've gained friends, lost 10kg and have more of a life. However I've still been feeling unhappy and restless. This sounds awful but I've struggled with being physically attracted to my OH for a while - he is overweight and makes efforts to change/exercise but it never lasts. When I lost weight last year and got in shape, it made him want to do the same and we went to the gym together for a bit but we were still drifting apart.
Last month, I reached breaking point with everything (life pressure and feeling very detached from the relationship which wasn't there anymore). I asked my OH for a trial separation and booked a spontaneous trip to the US for a few weeks whilst my OH was going away at the same time, so I could try and find myself. We agreed on this and also to no contact, as I needed time away from everything. I ended up having the best time of my life and had never been so happy, to the point I extended the trip to a month. I loved life out there, I felt free and full of hope - something which had been missing for a long time. I could see myself living there and finally felt alive. What I didn't account for was developing feelings for someone else I met whilst out there - feelings of which I've never experienced. It was an instant, mutual connection and it felt like I had known him for years. We spent every day together and it was incredible. I was also insanely attracted to him and the chemistry was immense, he was like the other half of me. I was clear about my situation from the start, and he said he would wait and really wanted to make it work. Getting back on the plane home last week was awful, felt so wrong and like the worst mistake of my life. I cried most of the way home and have been struggling to adjust to life. I crave a new, fresh start out there, away from the pressures of my family, friends, work and relationship. I want to forge a life for myself which I want, rather than following the path laid out before me which is acceptable and pleases everyone.
During the first few days out there and before I had met this guy, I had already decided I wanted a divorce. I finally felt like myself and was so much bravecapable - OH has always been the once taking charge and planning everything, this was the first time in my life I could do what I wanted and when I wanted.
As a result, I asked OH for a divorce the same evening as my return. He was sad but took it well, and the following day I contacted the solicitor. I was prepared to cut all ties and find a new life out there - what I didn't account for was the fallout it would cause in my family. They all adore my OH and hold us up as the dependable couple who can always be relied on, so were of course shocked and even more unhappy about my plans to relocate.
Over the past few turbulent days, I've been an emotional washing machine and literally feel torn in two. My family are struggling with the idea if I go ahead and I'll be the black sheep, also my OH is really struggling as we have no choice but to still live together for now in our small house (another root of problems in our relationship due to lack of space). They all know about the other guy, but he isn't the sole reason for me wanting to leave. Due to feeling pressure from my father (who gave me a 4hr talk) and being unable to see/live with my OHs heartbreak everyday I have since tentatively said to OH we could try and see if we can still work, if I get counselling for myself and then couple's counselling. I briefly felt relief about falling into comfortable, familiar security, but it wasn't long before I started feeling trapped and unsettled again.
OH is very tactile with his love language and I always thought I was the opposite and withdrew a lot, however this wasn't the case with the other guy - I loved being touched and it felt so right. I've asked OH to take it slow, but he's so relieved that we might be ok and he can't help but want to kiss/cuddle. I hate myself for saying this but I feel repulsed, just like I did before and also can't get the other guy out of my head (who I'm still in contact with). I haven't been able to sleep or eat since coming home, and wake up at 2am every night panicking and disorientated. The house feels like a prison and everything has lost it's meaning. I've had an awful shopping habit for years where I will binge shop clothes online in search of a temporary high, to try and fill a hole before returning it all (klarna and my credit card get very abused!) I want to throw everything out and just leave, but every time I see OH or family I feel guilty and loose my conviction. He has said I need to be sure about making another go of this, as he can't go through this anymore.
I crave feeling alive again like I have the past few weeks, I want to feel strong and true to myself. I want to see this guy again. I want to see if there's another life out there. It's selfish and incredibly risky and will hurt so many people.
How do you know what's right? Currently I'm just going back and forth and it's driving me insane.
TLDR: Been married 5 years, together for 14. OH is such a lovely guy, there's nothing wrong with him or our marriage on paper or from the outside, but I've been so unhappy for so long. How do you decide if divorce is the answer?
submitted by Cute-Car-4131 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:00 Abee1020 In a toxic relationship (18) vs Single (22) I was so heavily invested in Make up and Changing my hair color during my teenage years. Fortunately I decided to go on make-up-free for almost 4 years now, went back to black hair and weight loss too.

In a toxic relationship (18) vs Single (22) I was so heavily invested in Make up and Changing my hair color during my teenage years. Fortunately I decided to go on make-up-free for almost 4 years now, went back to black hair and weight loss too. submitted by Abee1020 to GlowUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:00 Huckleberry9220 Phillip Robert Jean

Phillip Robert Jean
Birth: Unknown
Disappearance Location: Miami, Florida
Disappearance Date: July 30, 2016
Age at time of disappearance: 24
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'11"-6'1"
Weight: 140-160 pounds
Sex: Male
Race: African American
Phillip Robert Jean was last seen around 6:30PM on Saturday, July 30, 2016 walking away from his home in the 10600 block of Southwest 79th Terrace in Miami, Florida. He was wearing a navy blue long-sleeved shirt, red Bermuda shorts and navy blue hiking sandals. His right ear is pierced.
Circumstances surrounding Phillips's disappearance are unknown. There are few details about his case, which remains unsolved.
If you have any information on the disappearance or whereabouts of Phillip Robert Jean, please contact the Miami Date Police Department at 305-418-7200 or your local FBI office. **I do all the research myself and the information on the case is from online sources and may or may not be correct.
Sources: https://wsvn.com/news/local/miami-dade-police-searching-for-missing-man/ https://charleyproject.org/case/phillip-robert-jean
submitted by Huckleberry9220 to NotForgotten [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:58 Leshey Are IEMs more fragile than regular earbuds?

Are IEMs more fragile than regular ear buds? If in a span of year I got four pair break is it my fault or unbelivable bad luck? How often your IEMs break if ever?
Now some context
I wouldn't call myself an audiophile, but I've been using some variant of portable audio for the better part of my life. Started with CD players, moved on to USB mp3 players.
After that was my first upgrade as I started rocking Sennheiser HD 280 PROs both as my desktop headphones and my on the go audio paired with a Cowon D2+.
These 280s got abused pretty hard, but served me well for much longer than they realistically should have.
Eventually, I got a bit more sensible and moved to wired earbuds like CX-100/200 but the cables kept breaking about a year in.
Since then I've tried a pair of AKG, Marshall Modes and finally got myself wired Beyerdynamic Soul Byrds. Loved those earbuds. They were the first earbuds that didn't break on me.
I loved them so much that I bought them a second time after I lost them on a train one day. And would've bought them again after my cat gnawed on the cable when I wasn't looking.
When I was, once again, looking what to get next, I felt like the majority of the earbuds in my desired price range moved on to TWS models. Even my beloved wired Soul Byrds moved to a wireless option. I am not a fan of those and much prefer to have my wires.
It was around this time and thanks to this video I've found out about IEMs. After watching some stuff from Crinacle I narrowed down some budget options and decided to give it a go.
So now I am about a year into my IEM journey and somewhat confused and disappointed. I've had four different models from three different brands in three price ranges (skewing to the lower end but still...) and all of them broke much earlier than my previous earbuds. And the sad part is that it's the drivers themselves rather then the cables. I can't even say that I wasn't careful with them. Yeah, there were occasional hits and bumps, but nothing drastic as far as I'm concerned.
To be specific, I had Truthear HEXA, Moondrop Aria Snow, Dunu Titan S and the most recent addition was Moondrop Chu 2.
All of them had one or both of the earpieces break down. Mostly, it's the highs would cease to exist first and the volume would drop significantly. On average in would happen after 2-3 months but the Chu's, being the cheapest, broke in less then a week.
I can't understand weather or not I am at fault here and that I am actually not gentle enough with this type of gear. Or that it's the "dark side" of the Chi-Fi audio market and it's a normal occurrence for them to break so soon?
Would really appreciate your thoughts and feedback, because I am bit at a loss as to what to do next
submitted by Leshey to iems [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:58 Sea-Jellyfish4508 [M4F] Assassin’s Creed: Echoes of Vengeance

Hello! M19 here and I'm looking for a new rp partner, and I have the perfect story in mind! If it seems intresting hit me up!
Title: Assassin’s Creed: Echoes of Vengeance
Setting: New York City, 1920s
Protagonist: Arlie Gallagher
Background: Arlie Gallagher was born into a family with deep roots in the Assassin Brotherhood. Even though she herself wasn't aware of it. She was Raised in the rough and tumble streets of New York City, Arlie was trained in the art of stealth, combat, and espionage from a young age, while bizzare to her itmwas her family who convinced her that it was for her own good. Her family operated under the guise of a legitimate business, running a popular speakeasy during the Prohibition era. This speakeasy was a cover for their true mission: fighting the Templar influence within the city's criminal underworld.
On Valentine's Day, 1929, Arlie’s world is shattered. The notorious Valentine’s Day Massacre, orchestrated by the rival Templar-aligned gang led by the ruthless Donovan family, results in the brutal murder of her family. Hidden beneath the carnage was a deeper conspiracy: the Donovans sought to eliminate the Assassins and secure a powerful Piece of Eden rumored to be hidden in the city.
The story opens with the grim Valentine's Day Massacre, where Arlie witnesses the brutal slaughter of her family. This traumatic event propels her on a path of retribution, igniting her Assassin training and skills. After the death of her family she's exposed to the reality and her connections to the new York Brotherhood, bringing in her Into a new life as an assasin, while she didn't care about her assasin heritage and more for her vengeance.
Arlie’s quest for vengeance is intertwined with her mission to recover the Piece of Eden and prevent the Templars from using its power. Along the way, she forms alliances with bootleggers, jazz musicians, and other marginalized individuals who oppose the Donovan's tyranny. She must also navigate the treacherous waters of New York's law enforcement, many of whom are under Donovan’s influence.
Initially, Arlie receives support from the police, who claim to seek justice against the Donovans. Utilizing her Assassin abilities, she begins to eliminate targets, believing them to be members of the Donovan family. However, Arlie soon discovers that she has been manipulated; the police, corrupted by Donovan influence, have deceived her into eliminating the Donovans' rivals, strengthening the family's hold on the city.
Realizing the extent of the police's corruption and the Templars' control, Arlie is forced to flee New York. Disillusioned but undeterred, she seeks refuge and aid from the state government. Among those still untainted by the Donovans' reach, she finds allies willing to expose the corruption and support her cause.
Arlie devises a two-fold strategy: to draw federal attention to the Donovans' criminal activities and to personally eliminate key members of the mobster family. Depending on the player's choices, she can either rally support from federal agents or seek alliances with other notorious figures, such as Al Capone, to destabilize the Donovans.
If Arlie chooses to collaborate with figures like Al Capone, she navigates a treacherous web of alliances and betrayals. This path provides resources and muscle to confront the Donovan but at the risk of moral compromise and new enemies.
Alternatively, Arlie can work to gather irrefutable evidence of the Donovans' crimes, aiming to bring in the federal government to dismantle their operations. This route requires stealth, cunning, and strategic planning to avoid the ever-watchful eyes of the Templars and their affiliates.
The story culminates in a dramatic showdown at a lavish Templar gala, where Arlie confronts Michael Donovan and his allies. Using her assassin skills and the alliances she’s forged, Arlie fights to reclaim the Piece of Eden and end the Donovan reign. The battle is fierce, testing her resolve and the tenets of the Brotherhood.
With the Donovan family defeated and the Piece of Eden secured, Arlie honors her family’s legacy by rebuilding the Assassin network in New York. She becomes a mentor to new recruits, ensuring the fight against the Templars continues. The city, though still fraught with challenges, begins to heal, and Arlie finds a renewed sense of purpose within the Brotherhood.
The story concludes with Arlie either bringing the Donovans to justice through legal means or dismantling their empire from within. Regardless of the chosen path, Arlie's journey reshapes the power dynamics of New York City, leaving a lasting impact on the Assassin-Templar conflict and paving the way for future battles.
Themes: - Vengeance and Justice: Arlie's quest is driven by personal loss, but she must navigate the fine line between revenge and justice. - Identity and Transformation: Arlie’s evolution from a grieving daughter to a formidable assassin. - Power and Corruption: The influence of the Templars within the political and social fabric of 1920s New York. - Corruption and Power: The story explores the pervasive corruption within law enforcement and the intertwining of criminal enterprises with political influence. - Choice and Consequence: The player's decisions shape Arlie's path, highlighting the impact of alliances, strategies, and moral choices in the fight against tyranny. Key Characters: - Michael Donovan: The charismatic and ruthless leader of the Donovan family. He is cunning, manipulative, and harbors his own dark secrets about the Piece of Eden. - Eleanor Hart: A jazz singer and secret informant for the Assassins. She becomes Arlie’s closest ally, providing crucial information and emotional support. - Detective James O’Reilly: A seemingly corrupt cop with a hidden agenda. His true loyalties are ambiguous, and Arlie must decide whether to trust him or view him as another enemy. - Liam Gallagher: Arlie’s younger brother, presumed dead but later revealed to be alive and held captive by the Donovans. His rescue becomes a pivotal moment in Arlie’s journey.
Title: Assassin’s Creed: Echoes of Vengeance captures the spirit of revenge, resilience, and the enduring fight for justice in the vibrant, chaotic world of 1920s New York City.
submitted by Sea-Jellyfish4508 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:58 Molehill_Mountains Week 15 (and final dose) update

UK based.
Fifteenth post in my accountability series (and my last shot!). Using this as a progress diary since startihg my weight loss journey on 12th Feb 2024.
Started the week at 153.1 down 0.1lbs from) 153.2 the week before.
I’m very late posting an update. Life really happened with weddings and what not.
Work was busy last week and there were plenty of opportunities to slack and eat poorly, but kept up with my protein and steps. Moving and eating well has become second nature. I had a take away, but again half the rice I usually would and no starter. I won’t beat myself up about these choices now. I see calories less as day by day, and more for the week now.
I wasn’t great with exercise last week though I have to say. The dumbbells and bar bell stayed firmly on the ground.
I attended my friends wedding on Friday which was one of the pushes to get in shape. Quite vain really, but I wanted something to motivate me beyond self-improvement. I think you’d be lying if you didn’t want people to think you look good. It was a big reunion of people I hadn’t seen since a big New Year’s Eve party, and a slightly bigger reunion of people from school days also there. Some people I hadn’t seen since having my son about 14 months ago.
Was very happy with how my dress fit, but it’s almost too big now. I love it so I’m going to get it tailored. People were very complimentary, which is always a nice buzz.
I wore the dress for my wedding anniversary when I went away with my husband last year. It was ill fitting but I was deffo in denial. Now my back fat is gone!
It was a free bar, and like the Prosecco fiend I am, I had 4 large glasses. But I budgeted for it and some cake and it was great. Happy to say no hangover either. I’ve deffo been lucky in that respect with side effects.
Food noise wasn’t really there last week, but I’ve definitely noticed that my appetite isn’t suppressed like before. I think I’m just making better choices. To be fair though MJ stays in your system for up to 5 weeks of your last dose.
I actually took my dose a day late because I was out of town, but hasn’t noticed a difference to my usual schedule with side effects. Stuck with my stomach as usual.
Not sure if it’s because work was so busy or MJ is doing what it does, but husband has had to remind me to stop and have lunch. Not good since I’m shooting for 100g protein across the day to maintain muscle while I build more. I’ll have to watch that.
So that’s it! No more shots. I’m heading on holiday tomorrow and very excited to wear all 5 of the new bikinis I’ve bought. I feel great. My health all round is better, skin is the best it’s been in a decade and I’m glad that I took steps towards improving myself.
I’m not going to hope I “stay on the wagon” or “keep on the straight and narrow” cos this is real life. I’m just going to do my best 80% of the time and chill out 20% of the time with how healthy I eat. I tell you having a doughnut or some chocolate now tastes epic. I don’t want the whole thing. 31lbs down feels even better.
My mum has also started MJ. I’m excited for her and happy to help her along the way. I’m glad this is available to people and is helping them to change their lives. I didn’t think I’d be brave enough to share a photo of my progress, but I will (photo in the comments).
See you in maintenance 🫡 (and when I say that, I won’t be taking anymore MJ doses). But I hope everything I’ve learned over these last 15 weeks will carry me through. Good luck everyone.
SW: 184.4 lbs CW: 153.0 lbs WoW Loss: .1lb GW: 150 with tone/muscle 💪🏾
submitted by Molehill_Mountains to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:57 EtheriumEye Kitty orthopedic post op

My cat (1y & 3 mo) was diagnosed with a spiral fracture of her tibia on her rear right leg. The vet I take her to got her in for surgery today and just called to say they decided against putting a pin in because it could cause further problems down the line. He said they opted for a splint and said we’ll need to keep it dry and clean but she’s okay to put weight on it and use the litter box and other normal functions.
I’m looking for anyone who has gone through something similar and/or any advice for post op care, how to make her life easier, etc. Any info is appreciated!
submitted by EtheriumEye to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:57 No-Masterpiece-8942 Has my trauma from my parents divorce affected my relationship?

(21 F) I am in a relationship of 3 years. Surely, we are both not perfect but I do know we both love eachother and try to work on the flaws of our relationship. Overall, I would consider my relationship with him (22 M) to be happy and healthy with some ups and downs. I do however notice some tendencies that I have as a partner that I would like to change and am aware that they are the reason for some of our arguments. As I get older, I am beginning to wonder if some of my past trauma can explain why I react/ feel certain ways about things.
My parents got divorced when I was 13 years old. I had a good childhood but I hardly remember my parents ever being happy with each other. My father and mother are complete opposites so they fought a lot. I never saw them be affectionate towards eachother and often seen/ heard them fighting. I know my father wanted to work on things but my mother wanted the divorce. I believe she did this because she fell out of love with him and wanted to explore other opportunities. Which I always felt was not the right reasons to end a marriage. After the divorce I continued to live with my mother and visit my father occasionally. At the time my mother would had mouth my dad and say terrible things about him. At the time it made me resent him, she made me believe that he hurt her and us. Because of this I really did not have a good relationship with him through the rest of my teenage years. Knowing what I know now, I feel a lot of guilt for the way I treated my father. He did nothing to hurt us and I wish I was more mature at the time to realize this.
After my father moved out, my mother almost immediately moved in her new boyfriend who had been divorced twice and has 4 children. A few years after the divorce, my father met his girlfriend who is widowed and has 1 child. 2 years ago they bought a house a moved in together.
My mother’s boyfriend was always very kind to me and stayed out of my way while he lived with us. He respected me and my privacy, having him around was fine for me at the time. Although while living with us he developed a drinking problem. Since I was about 18, there have been multiple occasions where he got very drunk and acted terribly towards my mother. He will storm around my house throwing things and screaming. He has trashed my house and punched holes in walls/doors. My mother has threatened to call the cops on him on a few occasions. He will put his hands on her and threaten to leave or try and take her phone away. I will usually have to get involved and break up the arguments. My mother has broken up with him 2 times and promised me he would never come back, then proceeds to come back again. A lot of the time after these episodes he has my mom will pretend like nothing happened. When I try to tell her how I feel about him she will begin to cry and tell me how she feels she is the worst mother and how she should have never divorced my father. She tells me how she wants out of the relationship but is scared and how it’s not normal. But then will call him her best friend. She also begs me not to tell anyone about her situation.
As I got older and started to realize that my father did nothing wrong, my relationship with him grew stronger until he moved in with his girlfriend. I was not always her biggest fan but since she has moved in with him, she has increasingly became very rude to me. Making comments about my weight, my intelligence, and my goals in life. She makes it known she does not like when I talk about memories I have with my father and is overall just rude and pushy. This has made me stop going to my father’s house as often as I was when I was trying to mend our relationship. I wish things were different and I also hold alot of guilt because of this.
I am not in therapy. I never talk to my parents about my feelings. And my situation makes me believe that I can act a certain way in a relationship. How do you think my trauma could be affecting my relationship? Can it make me act/feel a certain way towards my boyfriend.
submitted by No-Masterpiece-8942 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:57 fitmaseve Weight loss/gain?

I’m curious of what the general weight patterns are for everyone. For my first pregnancy pumping had my drop the baby weight quickly, but I gained some when I weaned and stopped.
This time I’m at 4 weeks pp and I’m not losing weight even with burning the extra calories from pumping. I don’t have cravings and eat less than while pregnant, just ALWAYS thirsty and feeling dehydrated so drinking fluids instead
View Poll
submitted by fitmaseve to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:57 Sea-Jellyfish4508 [M4F] Assassin’s Creed: Echoes of Vengeance

Hello! M19 here and I'm looking for a new rp partner, and I have the perfect story in mind! If it seems intresting hit me up!
Title: Assassin’s Creed: Echoes of Vengeance
Setting: New York City, 1920s
Protagonist: Arlie Gallagher
Background: Arlie Gallagher was born into a family with deep roots in the Assassin Brotherhood. Even though she herself wasn't aware of it. She was Raised in the rough and tumble streets of New York City, Arlie was trained in the art of stealth, combat, and espionage from a young age, while bizzare to her itmwas her family who convinced her that it was for her own good. Her family operated under the guise of a legitimate business, running a popular speakeasy during the Prohibition era. This speakeasy was a cover for their true mission: fighting the Templar influence within the city's criminal underworld.
On Valentine's Day, 1929, Arlie’s world is shattered. The notorious Valentine’s Day Massacre, orchestrated by the rival Templar-aligned gang led by the ruthless Donovan family, results in the brutal murder of her family. Hidden beneath the carnage was a deeper conspiracy: the Donovans sought to eliminate the Assassins and secure a powerful Piece of Eden rumored to be hidden in the city.
The story opens with the grim Valentine's Day Massacre, where Arlie witnesses the brutal slaughter of her family. This traumatic event propels her on a path of retribution, igniting her Assassin training and skills. After the death of her family she's exposed to the reality and her connections to the new York Brotherhood, bringing in her Into a new life as an assasin, while she didn't care about her assasin heritage and more for her vengeance.
Arlie’s quest for vengeance is intertwined with her mission to recover the Piece of Eden and prevent the Templars from using its power. Along the way, she forms alliances with bootleggers, jazz musicians, and other marginalized individuals who oppose the Donovan's tyranny. She must also navigate the treacherous waters of New York's law enforcement, many of whom are under Donovan’s influence.
Initially, Arlie receives support from the police, who claim to seek justice against the Donovans. Utilizing her Assassin abilities, she begins to eliminate targets, believing them to be members of the Donovan family. However, Arlie soon discovers that she has been manipulated; the police, corrupted by Donovan influence, have deceived her into eliminating the Donovans' rivals, strengthening the family's hold on the city.
Realizing the extent of the police's corruption and the Templars' control, Arlie is forced to flee New York. Disillusioned but undeterred, she seeks refuge and aid from the state government. Among those still untainted by the Donovans' reach, she finds allies willing to expose the corruption and support her cause.
Arlie devises a two-fold strategy: to draw federal attention to the Donovans' criminal activities and to personally eliminate key members of the mobster family. Depending on the player's choices, she can either rally support from federal agents or seek alliances with other notorious figures, such as Al Capone, to destabilize the Donovans.
If Arlie chooses to collaborate with figures like Al Capone, she navigates a treacherous web of alliances and betrayals. This path provides resources and muscle to confront the Donovan but at the risk of moral compromise and new enemies.
Alternatively, Arlie can work to gather irrefutable evidence of the Donovans' crimes, aiming to bring in the federal government to dismantle their operations. This route requires stealth, cunning, and strategic planning to avoid the ever-watchful eyes of the Templars and their affiliates.
The story culminates in a dramatic showdown at a lavish Templar gala, where Arlie confronts Michael Donovan and his allies. Using her assassin skills and the alliances she’s forged, Arlie fights to reclaim the Piece of Eden and end the Donovan reign. The battle is fierce, testing her resolve and the tenets of the Brotherhood.
With the Donovan family defeated and the Piece of Eden secured, Arlie honors her family’s legacy by rebuilding the Assassin network in New York. She becomes a mentor to new recruits, ensuring the fight against the Templars continues. The city, though still fraught with challenges, begins to heal, and Arlie finds a renewed sense of purpose within the Brotherhood.
The story concludes with Arlie either bringing the Donovans to justice through legal means or dismantling their empire from within. Regardless of the chosen path, Arlie's journey reshapes the power dynamics of New York City, leaving a lasting impact on the Assassin-Templar conflict and paving the way for future battles.
Themes: - Vengeance and Justice: Arlie's quest is driven by personal loss, but she must navigate the fine line between revenge and justice. - Identity and Transformation: Arlie’s evolution from a grieving daughter to a formidable assassin. - Power and Corruption: The influence of the Templars within the political and social fabric of 1920s New York. - Corruption and Power: The story explores the pervasive corruption within law enforcement and the intertwining of criminal enterprises with political influence. - Choice and Consequence: The player's decisions shape Arlie's path, highlighting the impact of alliances, strategies, and moral choices in the fight against tyranny. Key Characters: - Michael Donovan: The charismatic and ruthless leader of the Donovan family. He is cunning, manipulative, and harbors his own dark secrets about the Piece of Eden. - Eleanor Hart: A jazz singer and secret informant for the Assassins. She becomes Arlie’s closest ally, providing crucial information and emotional support. - Detective James O’Reilly: A seemingly corrupt cop with a hidden agenda. His true loyalties are ambiguous, and Arlie must decide whether to trust him or view him as another enemy. - Liam Gallagher: Arlie’s younger brother, presumed dead but later revealed to be alive and held captive by the Donovans. His rescue becomes a pivotal moment in Arlie’s journey.
Title: Assassin’s Creed: Echoes of Vengeance captures the spirit of revenge, resilience, and the enduring fight for justice in the vibrant, chaotic world of 1920s New York City.
submitted by Sea-Jellyfish4508 to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:56 ZookeepergameOdd9941 Need help choosing better scooter

I bought an inexpensive scooter because I wasn’t sure how much I would use one. I love it and want to buy a better one that is better going up some hills and longer battery life. I currently have the Segway Ninebot D28U. I really like Segway and love the app and wanted to get another Segway, but I’m so overwhelmed with the options and I’m not sure what to purchase. I want to stick to a budget between $1k-$1500. I am currently overweight but within the weight limit of any scooter I have looked at. I’m actively losing weight and I know weight affects the performance of the scooter. I’m not really worried about that aspect because I should be within normal weight range soon. Even though I love Segway, I am open to other brands. Please help me with suggestions on what to buy.
submitted by ZookeepergameOdd9941 to ElectricScooters [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:56 Sea-Jellyfish4508 [M4F] Assassin’s Creed: Echoes of Vengeance

Hello! M19 here and I'm looking for a new rp partner, and I have the perfect story in mind! If it seems intresting hit me up!
Title: Assassin’s Creed: Echoes of Vengeance
Setting: New York City, 1920s
Protagonist: Arlie Gallagher
Background: Arlie Gallagher was born into a family with deep roots in the Assassin Brotherhood. Even though she herself wasn't aware of it. She was Raised in the rough and tumble streets of New York City, Arlie was trained in the art of stealth, combat, and espionage from a young age, while bizzare to her itmwas her family who convinced her that it was for her own good. Her family operated under the guise of a legitimate business, running a popular speakeasy during the Prohibition era. This speakeasy was a cover for their true mission: fighting the Templar influence within the city's criminal underworld.
On Valentine's Day, 1929, Arlie’s world is shattered. The notorious Valentine’s Day Massacre, orchestrated by the rival Templar-aligned gang led by the ruthless Donovan family, results in the brutal murder of her family. Hidden beneath the carnage was a deeper conspiracy: the Donovans sought to eliminate the Assassins and secure a powerful Piece of Eden rumored to be hidden in the city.
The story opens with the grim Valentine's Day Massacre, where Arlie witnesses the brutal slaughter of her family. This traumatic event propels her on a path of retribution, igniting her Assassin training and skills. After the death of her family she's exposed to the reality and her connections to the new York Brotherhood, bringing in her Into a new life as an assasin, while she didn't care about her assasin heritage and more for her vengeance.
Arlie’s quest for vengeance is intertwined with her mission to recover the Piece of Eden and prevent the Templars from using its power. Along the way, she forms alliances with bootleggers, jazz musicians, and other marginalized individuals who oppose the Donovan's tyranny. She must also navigate the treacherous waters of New York's law enforcement, many of whom are under Donovan’s influence.
Initially, Arlie receives support from the police, who claim to seek justice against the Donovans. Utilizing her Assassin abilities, she begins to eliminate targets, believing them to be members of the Donovan family. However, Arlie soon discovers that she has been manipulated; the police, corrupted by Donovan influence, have deceived her into eliminating the Donovans' rivals, strengthening the family's hold on the city.
Realizing the extent of the police's corruption and the Templars' control, Arlie is forced to flee New York. Disillusioned but undeterred, she seeks refuge and aid from the state government. Among those still untainted by the Donovans' reach, she finds allies willing to expose the corruption and support her cause.
Arlie devises a two-fold strategy: to draw federal attention to the Donovans' criminal activities and to personally eliminate key members of the mobster family. Depending on the player's choices, she can either rally support from federal agents or seek alliances with other notorious figures, such as Al Capone, to destabilize the Donovans.
If Arlie chooses to collaborate with figures like Al Capone, she navigates a treacherous web of alliances and betrayals. This path provides resources and muscle to confront the Donovan but at the risk of moral compromise and new enemies.
Alternatively, Arlie can work to gather irrefutable evidence of the Donovans' crimes, aiming to bring in the federal government to dismantle their operations. This route requires stealth, cunning, and strategic planning to avoid the ever-watchful eyes of the Templars and their affiliates.
The story culminates in a dramatic showdown at a lavish Templar gala, where Arlie confronts Michael Donovan and his allies. Using her assassin skills and the alliances she’s forged, Arlie fights to reclaim the Piece of Eden and end the Donovan reign. The battle is fierce, testing her resolve and the tenets of the Brotherhood.
With the Donovan family defeated and the Piece of Eden secured, Arlie honors her family’s legacy by rebuilding the Assassin network in New York. She becomes a mentor to new recruits, ensuring the fight against the Templars continues. The city, though still fraught with challenges, begins to heal, and Arlie finds a renewed sense of purpose within the Brotherhood.
The story concludes with Arlie either bringing the Donovans to justice through legal means or dismantling their empire from within. Regardless of the chosen path, Arlie's journey reshapes the power dynamics of New York City, leaving a lasting impact on the Assassin-Templar conflict and paving the way for future battles.
Themes: - Vengeance and Justice: Arlie's quest is driven by personal loss, but she must navigate the fine line between revenge and justice. - Identity and Transformation: Arlie’s evolution from a grieving daughter to a formidable assassin. - Power and Corruption: The influence of the Templars within the political and social fabric of 1920s New York. - Corruption and Power: The story explores the pervasive corruption within law enforcement and the intertwining of criminal enterprises with political influence. - Choice and Consequence: The player's decisions shape Arlie's path, highlighting the impact of alliances, strategies, and moral choices in the fight against tyranny. Key Characters: - Michael Donovan: The charismatic and ruthless leader of the Donovan family. He is cunning, manipulative, and harbors his own dark secrets about the Piece of Eden. - Eleanor Hart: A jazz singer and secret informant for the Assassins. She becomes Arlie’s closest ally, providing crucial information and emotional support. - Detective James O’Reilly: A seemingly corrupt cop with a hidden agenda. His true loyalties are ambiguous, and Arlie must decide whether to trust him or view him as another enemy. - Liam Gallagher: Arlie’s younger brother, presumed dead but later revealed to be alive and held captive by the Donovans. His rescue becomes a pivotal moment in Arlie’s journey.
Title: Assassin’s Creed: Echoes of Vengeance captures the spirit of revenge, resilience, and the enduring fight for justice in the vibrant, chaotic world of 1920s New York City.
submitted by Sea-Jellyfish4508 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:56 Grouchy-Impact2384 Jealous of what she became🤔

Jealous of what she became🤔
Apparently we're jealous of her becoming a 31yr old virgin with the only prospect in life being not having a heart attack by 40. Also motivational speaking, she can't motivate herself to lose weight let alone fuck all else
submitted by Grouchy-Impact2384 to BeckiJones [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:54 XxStyxRiverxX Very low energy lvl/lethargic got tested/nothing is helping need suggestions

Hi so I have D3 deficiency and I’ve been taking D3 for 2months and 5 days . 5000 IU a day but I’m not seeing much difference in my energy or health over all yet, I’m still tired and groggy and lethargic all day, I already got blood tests done to rule some things out :( dr thinks it’s just my low lvl of D and told me to exercise even tho I have no energy . He said you have to exercise to create energy even if u have none. And he prescribed D3 for the rest of my life.
I do light -moderate exercises and Qi Gong Cause that’s all I can seem to manage atm.
Anyway I feel like something else is wrong other then the D3 cause I still feel so horrible every day , ith’s hard to do anything currently but I try to do things anyway and try to stay active, However I can’t seem to keep up . So depleted .
I have diagnosed severe ptsd symptoms as well including shaking and twitching/spasm and I’m only 34 years old. Dr didn’t seem to want to look further into my issue cause of my age.. said I wasn’t old enough to have other things that he thought it could be .
It’s currently unknown if my shaking is still from ptsd or if it’s something else , I did ask if i could be checked for young-onset Parkinson's even tho it’s rarer .cause I drop things bump into to things a lot and my motor function is pretty much off . But he said he won’t test for it yet.
He told me just having the ptsd could be burning me out and he made a referral for me to see a phycologist again .
Like I want to cry it’s like the system is making me go round and round in circles and in the end I get no where . I’ve done intensive therepy and emergency therepy and group therepy already , I’ve had one on one with a phycologist before. Like I feel something else is wrong .
So my plan until I see the phycologist (even if I don’t agree with repeating shit over and over going no where ) is to focus on boosting my immune system and keeping active .
Can anyone suggest anything like ag1 that’s more affordable or do any of u have any suggestions in general. Cause I feel like I’m stuck in a loop and nothing is helping 😭 so tired of being tired. My 64 yyear old mother has way more energy then me it’s ridiculous
Sorry for rant but I feel so stuck Thx
I’m 34 years old Caucasian , 5’9 weight unknown but not underweight or overweight
submitted by XxStyxRiverxX to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:51 jojo_the_damn_issue Haha, alligator go BOOM

submitted by jojo_the_damn_issue to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:51 lovingretirementinfl She only wishes...

She only wishes...
That her page could be this good! The food on this page looks great! Oh, and it's ALL food...no dogs, cats, dying grandmas, musicians, cruises, shopping, whining, etc.
submitted by lovingretirementinfl to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:51 sbjkvgf Ikaria Lean Belly Juice Review (Read This Before Buy)

The Ikaria Juice Review unveils a potent weight loss supplement known as Ikaria Lean Belly Juice, boasting a rich blend of polyphenols and natural ingredients aimed at shedding excess weight. Yet, lingering doubts persist regarding its efficacy in delivering genuine weight loss results.

Click to read more about Ikaria Lean Belly Juice

In this comprehensive Ikaria Lean Belly Juice review, we delve into the insights provided by experts like Dr. Hiroyuki Osaka, Robert Harris, Dr. Wiseman, and Doctor Giannopoulos, who shed light on this innovative weight loss supplement designed to target toxic lipid molecules, or ceramides, through a delicious fizzy juice formula.
As the debate rages on whether Ikaria Lean Belly Juice lives up to its promises or merely falls prey to skepticism, critical questions arise: Does daily consumption of this supplement truly lead to weight loss? How do its ingredients effectively combat toxic ceramides implicated in global obesity trends? Stay tuned to uncover all you need to know about Ikaria Lean Belly Juice.

What is Ikaria Juice Supplement?

The Ikaria Lean Belly Juice Review highlights a powerful powdered supplement inspired by the dietary habits of one of the globe’s healthiest and longest-living communities. This remarkable weight loss supplement can be effortlessly blended into water or your preferred beverage, creating a delectable morning juice to kickstart your day. With a quick and easy preparation, it serves as the perfect breakfast option, offering a boost of energy and featuring pectin, renowned for promoting a healthy and clear stomach.
Furthermore, Ikaria Juice aids in curbing cravings and enhancing focus by quelling hunger pangs. Notably, it also facilitates the removal of toxic metals from the body, amplifying its beneficial effects on overall well-being.

Ikaria Belly juice Ingredients

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice Review unveils a detailed breakdown of its potent ingredients, carefully curated to facilitate weight loss and promote overall well-being. Among the key active components are:
  1. Silymarin (from Milk Thistle): This antioxidant aids in liver and gallbladder function while also assisting in the regulation of blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  2. Citrus Pectin: Known for its soluble fiber content, citrus pectin promotes feelings of fullness, contributing to weight loss efforts. It may also help in moderating blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  3. Fucoxanthin: Derived from brown seaweed, fucoxanthin has been linked to enhanced fat burning and metabolism.
  4. Vitamin E and Vitamin B Complex: These antioxidants play crucial roles in supporting overall health and wellness.
  5. Resveratrol: Found in red wine, resveratrol is renowned for its anti-aging properties and potential support for fat loss.
  6. Black Pepper, Dandelion, and Beetroot: These plant-based nutrients are included to further bolster metabolism.
It’s important to note that the formula exclusively utilizes natural ingredients and is free from stimulants, harmful additives, or toxins, ensuring a safe and effective approach to weight loss.

How does Ikaria Juice Works?

Ikaria Juice emerges as a powerful concoction of exotic nutrients meticulously crafted to combat the underlying culprit behind stubborn fat buildup — the insidious ceramide compounds. This transformative elixir works to flush out ceramides, revitalizing your body from within, thereby facilitating the effortless dissolution of entrenched, obstructive fat while inundating you with newfound vigor and vitality.
Moreover, the Ikaria Juice proves highly effective in alleviating symptoms associated with Ceramide paresthesia, fostering heightened sensation and alleviating discomfort in the stomach region. These benefits are paramount, offering a compelling solution for individuals seeking to tackle colossal fat accumulation head-on.
In addition to its remarkable ceramide-relieving properties, Ikaria Juice boasts a unique blend of prestigious nutrients, aptly dubbed “the other 30%,” engineered to enhance overall energy levels and appearance. Furthermore, serving as an excellent source of antioxidants and other essential nutrients, this product stands as a testament to its commitment to delivering wholesome nourishment, untainted by processed additives.
For those earnestly seeking an efficacious remedy for behemoth fat accumulation, Ikaria Juice stands as the epitome of excellence. Backed by years of meticulous development and innovation, this reputable product not only targets ceramides — the root cause of stubborn fat accumulation but also offers a comprehensive array of prestigious nutrients aimed at bolstering overall health and well-being.
Ikaria Juice harnesses the power of natural ingredients, meticulously curated to address ceramide-related fat accumulation. Utilizing a cutting-edge cold-pressing technique, the juice is transformed into a convenient powder form, ensuring ease of consumption. Each bottle contains a month’s supply, with 30 servings, making it a convenient and practical addition to your daily routine.

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice Review: Dosage, Flavor, and Usage

When it comes to Ikaria Lean Belly Juice, each container holds a generous supply of 30 servings. The recommended dosage is simple: just one scoop per day, conveniently mixed with water or your beverage of choice. Many users prefer to kickstart their day by incorporating their daily dose in the morning, maximizing the fat-burning benefits throughout the day.
Reviews suggest that the powder boasts a mild, delightful berry flavor when thoroughly mixed. Its seamless dissolution in water or smoothies further enhances its appeal.
For optimal outcomes, it’s advised to commit to Ikaria Lean Belly Juice for a duration of 90–180 days consistently. While coupling the supplement with a balanced diet and regular exercise can potentially amplify fat-burning effects, it’s not a prerequisite. Rest assured, Ikaria Lean Belly Juice is safe for prolonged daily consumption, making it a sustainable addition to your wellness routine.
Click to read more about Ikaria Lean Belly Juice

karia Juice Review: Exploring the Key Benefits

According to its official website, Ikaria Lean Belly Juice offers a multitude of benefits, including:
  1. Targeting stubborn belly fat, particularly around the midsection.
  2. Enhancing metabolism and accelerating the process of fat burning.
  3. Suppressing appetite and managing cravings effectively.
  4. Utilizing fat for energy, thereby preventing its storage.
  5. Promoting better digestion and nurturing gut health.
  6. Boosting energy levels sans stimulants.
  7. Convenient daily intake, easily mixed with water or smoothies.
  8. Manufactured in the USA in a GMP-certified facility.
For individuals grappling with the challenge of shedding belly fat through conventional diet and exercise alone, this supplement presents an opportunity to supercharge metabolism and amplify fat-burning efforts. Its natural composition ensures safety for prolonged use, making it a viable option for supplementation over the long term.

Potential Side Effects and Safety Measures

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice comprises solely of natural herbs, vitamins, minerals, and extracts from plants or fruits, all of which boast extensive safety records with minimal risk of side effects.
While a few users initially reported mild instances of stomach discomfort, nausea, or bloating, these symptoms typically subsided within a day or two as the body acclimated to the supplement.
The majority of users did not experience any adverse effects. The company emphasizes that no serious adverse reactions have been documented with the use of Lean Belly Juice powder. Nonetheless, as a precautionary measure, pregnant or nursing mothers are advised to refrain from its consumption.
To avail of your supply at a special discounted rate, click here on the Ikaria Juice official website.
Click to read more about Ikaria Lean Belly Juice

Review Summary- Ikaria Juice Supplement

In our in-depth review of Ikaria lean belly juice, we find it to be one of the best weight loss supplements on the market, providing a tantalizing combination of fat burning and metabolism-enhancing benefits for men and women. Made from natural, antioxidant-rich ingredients, this powerful powder contains research-backed nutrients specifically formulated for stubborn belly fat, which is a major concern for many people trying to lose weight.
submitted by sbjkvgf to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]
