S489 will you get high


2022.02.28 15:09 WillYouGetLevel10

Instead of using the jailbreak reddit to ask about lvl 10 use this one.

2011.11.17 02:46 2ndknightbro edibles: a friendly place to post recipes that get you high!

This place is dedicated to anything related to cannabis infused food and drinks also known as edibles. NO MINORS. DRUG SOURCING IS NOT PERMITTED HERE.

2011.03.07 14:57 Streuhund AnimalPorn: High quality animal photography that will make you shiver and moan

High quality images of animals (not having sex).

2024.06.05 10:15 Alternative_Foot6305 Babe im here and so sad

here i am its 3am and i just woke up crying.Rory (nickname) babe im miserable im hurting so much babe i know u r to. If i new our last conversation was gonna be the last until u decide to reach out i would have said all the things that are im my heart. I love you, u know that and i know u love me to. I know im a distraction babe and u can concentrate on ur med school studys while im there i get it . u said u would always find ur way back to me babe,and i know u will but the waiting is killing me i hope u see this and i hope u will message me or call , I need to hear ur voice babe. u said u would keep me updated but i dont see how u can when there's a wall to keep is from talking. I love u so much and miss hear u desperately.
im waiting always Rory(nickname) light of my universe only star in my sky!
submitted by Alternative_Foot6305 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:14 H_Bradshaw [Academic survey] Childhood experiences and behaviours of online gaming (Aged 18-21, live in the UK, played online games when 16 or younger)

Hi everyone,
I'm Hannah and I'm a PhD student at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. My PhD is exploring the behaviour and experiences of children in online gaming environments. I'm looking for participants to complete my survey which is looking at the experiences and behaviours of people who played online games before the age of 16.
[TITLE] Childhood experiences and behaviours when playing online games
[ABSTRACT] The online gaming environment is constantly evolving. As such, there is a need to explore young people's online behaviour and interactions associated with different online gaming platforms. A wealth of research has investigated the causal relationships between online gaming and its positive (e.g., creativity, knowledge acquisition etc.) and negative effects (e.g., cyberbullying, depression and anxiety etc.), however, insight into young people’s experiences of online gaming is limited, and what does exist has significant knowledge gaps. This research looks to bridge these knowledge gaps. Research questions are:
RQ1: How will different types and features of games lead to different positive and negative outcomes for children who play online games?
RQ2: Under which conditions can games better promote positive outcomes for children who play online games?
RQ3: What harms do children who play online games experience? Are these harms low-frequency high-impact, or high-frequency low-impact?
The survey shouldn't take any longer than 15 minutes. You will be asked questions about how and where you played online, the games you played, if you did any gaming-related activities (like spend money on in-app purchases or record footage of your gameplay), who you talked to when you were playing, and whether you had any negative or harmful experiences.
You can take part if you're currently aged 18-21, live in the UK, and were playing online games when you were 16 or younger.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact me at [Hannah.Bradshaw@shu.ac.uk](mailto:Hannah.Bradshaw@shu.ac.uk)
If you're interested in taking part, here's the survey link: https://shusls.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aXkIKmGKRSoWOKW
To anyone who takes part, thank you!
Survey is voluntary and anonymous. No personal data will be collected. No compensation offered.
Research institute: Department of Psychology, Sociology and Politics, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
submitted by H_Bradshaw to SurveyExchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:13 USlegend What is Base?

Hey BaseBets crew! 👋
Welcome to #BaseBets, the ultimate playground for discovering and sharing the hottest token projects on Coinbase’s new Base! Whether you’re here to find the next moonshot, share your own project, or just enjoy the wild ride, you’ve come to the right place. 🚀
What is Coinbase’s Base?
Coinbase’s Base is a new Layer 2 (L2) blockchain solution designed to make Ethereum more scalable and efficient. Built on Optimistic Rollup technology, Base aims to reduce gas fees and increase transaction speeds, making it easier and cheaper to use Ethereum-based applications. With Base, Coinbase is opening the doors for developers to build decentralized apps (dApps) that are faster, more efficient, and more accessible to everyone.
What We’re About:

MoonshotsAndGems: Share and discover token projects with sky-high potential. Got a gem? Drop it here! 🌟

EpicDiscussions: Join lively conversations about token trends, tokenomics, and potential rug pulls. We keep it real and fun! 🎉

HotNews: Stay updated with the freshest news and developments from Base. Be the first to know! 📰

CommunitySupport: Need advice or feedback? Our experienced apes and degens are here to help. We grow stronger together! 🤝

Our Vibe:

RespectAndFun: Treat everyone with respect and keep the energy high. Good vibes only! ✌️

Transparency: Be upfront if you’re promoting your own project. Honesty builds trust. 🔍

StayOnTopic: Keep discussions focused on token projects on Base. Let’s stay on track! 🛤️

WildPosts: Share your wildest gains and losses. We love seeing those moonshot successes and epic fails. Got a story that’s too crazy to be true? We want to hear it! 📈📉

Sponsorship Opportunities:
If you’d like your project to be sponsored on the page, just contact a moderator. We’re here to help you get the exposure you need! 💼
BaseBets is more than just a subreddit; it’s a community of passionate crypto enthusiasts ready to explore the uncharted territories of Coinbase’s Base. Introduce yourself, share your stories, and let’s create something amazing together.
Welcome aboard, and let’s ride these tokens to the moon! 🚀🌕
— The BaseBets Team
submitted by USlegend to BaseBets [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:13 KalpavrikshaAcademyy Online Spoken English Classes in Dehradun

Online Spoken English Classes in Dehradun
English is a globally spoken language, with over 2 billion speakers all around the world. It opens many fields for an individual to explore. A person who is well-versed in spoken English has an advantage over the rest, as it is an in-demand skill. To become an expert in speaking English, you need to learn the necessary skills for which you need to enroll in an English Speaking Course in Dehradun, the capital city of the state of Uttarakhand. With Kalpavriksha Academy, you will learn interpersonal skills that will help you develop an appealing personality that will give you personal and professional success. Moving ahead in this course, you will learn more about a spoken English course.

What are the Benefits of an English Speaking Course?

Speaking in English is something that has become the need of the hour. In whichever field you might be interested in, the most crucial part of that profile asked by almost every employer is whether you are efficient at speaking English.
Here are some benefits of an English Speaking Course that you must know:
  • Great employment opportunities
  • Greater access to information and learning
  • Access to new vocabulary
  • Learning a new language sharpens the brain
  • It helps to build a network
  • Improves your communication skills
  • Enhance your academic performance
  • Develop personal skills

What do you learn from an English Speaking Course in Dehradun?

English speaking course in Dehradun offers you descriptive classes that cover basic and advanced levels to make you an expert in spoken English. To become a well-versed English speaker, you need to be familiar with the basics of pronunciation, phonemic awareness, body language, and more, which you will learn from English Speaking Classes.
Here are some topics that are covered in a spoken English course:
  • Emphasis on learning grammar
  • Covers relevant sections from scratch
  • Practice sessions and tests
  • Learn how to avoid stammering
  • Practice pronunciation and confidence with verbal exercises
  • Improve your shortcomings
  • Sentence framing
  • How to make sentences impressive
  • Listening skills
  • Public speaking

Why Should you Enroll in an English Speaking Course in Dehradun from Kalpavriksha Academy?

At Kalpavriksha Academy, we equip you with all the essential communication skills and help you develop a solid and appealing personality for personal and professional success. Our experts in an English Speaking Course in Dehradun offer you individualized attention, interactive sessions, courses for speaking and writing, and well-arranged study modules.
Here are some of the benefits of our spoken English course that set us apart from others:
  • You get to have online interactive sessions with the instructors, which makes it easier to have open discussions regarding your queries and feedback.
  • There are opportunities for virtual internships where you will get exposure to the real world, improve your skills, and build a resume.
  • With this course, you get career placement support, which helps in creating a resume, improving interview skills, and maintaining employer connections.
  • Take advantage of our review class, where you can understand difficult topics, practice for exams, and review concepts.
  • You get the advantage of accessible resources for your ongoing education and training.

Our Admission Process

At Kalpavriksha Academy, we help individuals reach their full potential and equip them with the necessary skills for success. Our mission is to provide superior education, training, and job placement for a student’s success.
We have a very detailed admission process for our English Speaking Course in Dehradun, which is explained here:
  • Online application process: The first step to enroll in our course is to fill out an application form with your personal and academic information on our website, www.kalpavrikshaacademy.in
  • Webinar attendance: Next, you will be informed about the webinar, where you will be provided with information and insights on the program, environment, and opportunities that you will get.
  • One-on-one counselling: You will get engaged in personalised counselling sessions provided free of charge, where you will figure out your strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations.
  • Interest assessment: Our team will evaluate your interests and potential based on your counselling sessions and recommend suitable programs for you.
  • Admission offer: After a thorough evaluation, eligible candidates will receive official admission offers based on their program requirements.
  • Alternative path guidance: We will provide you with our guidance and support for exploring other career paths if the program is not suitable for you.

How can you connect with us?

In English Speaking Courses, you learn essential communication skills and develop an appealing personality for personal and professional success. To get enrolled in our English Speaking Program at Kalpavriksha Academy, you can get in touch with us
Phone no.: +91 9818703454
Email: [info@kalpavrikshaacademy.in](mailto:info@kalpavrikshaacademy.in)


With English becoming the primary language all around the world, we are seeing spoken English become a crucial need on the resume. Those who are well-versed in English get an extra edge over the other candidates. To join the group of experts, you need to enroll in an English Speaking Course in Dehradun. At Kalpavriksha Academy, you will learn how to improve your communication skills and have a chance to stand out from the rest. So to become a spoken English expert, join us.
  • What is the duration of your course?
The duration of all our courses is 6 months.
  • Do you offer a job completion certificate?
Yes, we offer our students a course completion certificate at the end of their course.
  • Do you offer job placement support?
Yes, we do offer job placement support to our students after they have completed their course.
submitted by KalpavrikshaAcademyy to u/KalpavrikshaAcademyy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:13 growth-industries Cannabis terpenes can relieve chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain – study

Researchers found that terpenes found in cannabis were as effective as morphine at reducing chronic neuropathic pain.

A new study has found that cannabis terpenes were as effective as morphine at reducing chronic neuropathic pain, and a combination of the two analgesics enhanced pain relief without negative side effects.

Some prior studies have shown that the Cannabis sativa plant and its two primary cannabinoids, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, and cannabidiol, or CBD, can be effective in managing chronic pain; however, the effects are generally moderate and can come with unwanted psychoactive side effects.
According to findings, published in the journal PAIN, by researchers at the University of Arizona Health Sciences, terpenes, the compounds that give plants their aroma and taste, offer an alternative path to pain relief without adverse side effects.
Terpenes are found in all plants, and most plants have two dominant terpene species. Cannabis is unique in that it contains up to 150 terpenes with multiple terpenes acting as the dominant species.
Lead researcher John Streicher, PhD, a member of the Comprehensive Center for Pain & Addiction and a professor of pharmacology at the College of Medicine – Tucson, and the research team, tested five terpenes that are found in moderate to high levels in Cannabis: alpha-humulene, beta-caryophyllene, beta-pinene, geraniol and linalool.
In a prior study, Streicher’s team found that four of those terpenes mimicked the effects of cannabinoids, including a reduction in the sensation of pain, in animal models of acute pain. For this study, they used a mouse model of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain, a type of chronic pain that occurs when highly toxic chemotherapy medications cause nerve damage that results in pain.
The terpenes were tested individually and compared with morphine. The research team found that each terpene was successful in reducing the sensation of pain at levels near to or above the peak effect of morphine. When the terpenes were combined with morphine, the pain-relieving effects of all five terpene/morphine combinations were significantly increased.
“That was really striking to us, but just because something relieves pain doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be a good therapy,” Streicher said.
Opioids are often used to treat many types of pain, but they can come with a host of unwanted side effects.
Opioids activate the brain’s reward system, which is what can lead to addiction, and can cause tolerance, a condition that occurs when the body gets used to a medication and needs increasingly larger doses to have the same effect.
“We looked at other aspects of the terpenes, such as: Does this cause reward? Is this going to be addictive? Is it going to make you feel awful?” Streicher said.
“What we found was yes, terpenes do relieve pain, and they also have a pretty good side effect profile.”
None of the terpenes had reward liability, making them a low risk for addiction. Some of the terpenes also did not cause aversive behaviours, which suggests they could be effective therapeutics without producing distressing side effects.
Finally, researchers tested different routes of terpene administration: injection, oral dosing and inhalation of vaporized pure terpenes. They found that when terpenes were given orally or inhaled, the effects were significantly reduced or absent.
“A lot of people vape or smoke terpenes as part of cannabis extracts that are available commercially in states where cannabis use is legal,” Streicher said.
“We were surprised to find that the inhalation route didn’t have an impact in this study, because there are a lot of at least anecdotal reports saying that you can get the effects of terpenes whether taken orally or inhaled. Part of the confounding factor is that terpenes smell quite nice and it’s hard to disguise that aroma, so people could be kind of having the psychosomatic placebo-style effect.”
This is the first paper to examine the side effects of terpenes and Streicher will be using its findings to inform the next stage of research – can terpenes block the reward potential of an opiate such as morphine while at the same time enhancing its pain-relief potential?
He added: “This brings up the idea that you could have a combination therapy, an opioid with a high level of terpene, that could actually make the pain relief better while blocking the addiction potential of opioids.”
submitted by growth-industries to MedicalCannabis_NI [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:12 ecpella I was sent home from the ED with a D-dimer of 2.5 and told to get an appointment at the outpatient vascular lab tomorrow for an ultrasound

What the fuck kind of ED doesn’t do an ultrasound!? 7 hours in the ED (which I called before I arrived to confirm they could do ultrasound if someone was concerned for DVT and they told me yes).
I’m an ICU nurse who literally used to work at that hospital and if I get a PE (and live) you best believe I will sue them for every red cent they have. If you can’t actually provide emergent care you shouldn’t have a fucking ED attached to your hospital.
submitted by ecpella to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:12 Lovefool1 69 Bracket BGs, twinks, and level 70 players.

Just finished leveling an alt from 68-70 purely through random BGs.
There was not a single game where 1-3 players were top damage by a mile, and every single time they were either fully geared level 70s that queued in with a friend, or these new lvl61-64 twinks somehow wearing some or mostly 457 ilvl gear.
A level 63 mage with 600k hp on my team for my last game was absolutely obliterating people. He has mostly 457 gear, which I do not know how he got. He and the 350k hp priest he was grouped with both abandoned the match just before the win by points.
Most people have ~160-200k hp. Geared Level 70s get scaled down to ~200-220k hp, but their gear still provides an absurd advantage in damage output.
I know this isn’t high on anyone’s list of priorities, but it is a curious and unfortunate issue going unaddressed.
In one of the CTF games, both teams had a 70 guardian druid. The game ended in a draw because neither team had dps that could do anything.
I really think blizzard should not allow players to queue down into lower level random bg brackets, or should give those players complete template preset stats if they do unrelated to their gear.
As far as the twink gear stuff, it’s just dumb. There’s no reason anyone should be able to have 3x or more the health and damage output of anyone else while in a leveling bracket BG.
If you’re frustrated with the competition at 70, try queueing bgs with anyone 61-69 I guess. Or lower even, who cares. Go one shot people in a 39 bracket WSG. So dumb.
submitted by Lovefool1 to worldofpvp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:12 mercedeszzzz Voluntary Reference Uk

Hello all
I need 2 character references I’ve been accepted in doing some voluntary work that is about to start soon to help me apply for university next month. I’m doing this voluntary work to help me get into a course but the company is asking me for 2x references.
If someone is able to help me could you please DM me, I’m also willing to help you also if you need a character reference.
submitted by mercedeszzzz to JobReferences [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:11 kela_annette2330 Looking for movie recap script writing gigs

Are you looking for concise and engaging summaries of your favorite movies and TV series? Look no further! I offer high-quality script writing services for movie and series recap scripts that will captivate your audience and provide a quick overview of the plot, characters, and key moments.
Why Choose Me:
What You'll Get:
Let's Recap Your Favorites: Don't let your audience miss out on the excitement! Contact me today to get professionally written movie and series recap scripts that will leave them wanting more.
submitted by kela_annette2330 to Screenwriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:11 asgalusha I'm on the Active Transport Committee for my city and am in a bit of a predicament...

Hey everyone, to put simply, I am in the position to get a "Handboek Rood" style set of guidelines that would force the city to build high quality active transportation infrastructure that basically copies the Dutch standard while still being compliant with Caltrans (we are in Southern California). The only problem is how do we ensure that this piece of city code won't be repealed in the future due to residents coming out in full force and protesting. The City Council is on board with the idea as long as resident's don't display any kind of public disapproval.
How do we make this happen? I doubt any level of public awareness campaigns will work, we've had road diet projects in the past that got literally eaten alive by angry residents despite having some extremely solid facts, funding, literally everything going for the project. So it's gotta be subtle and smart, like LA's measure HLA. I was thinking of campaigning it as a "temporary" experiment, that's how we were able to close off and pedestrianized a part of our downtown and open it up to the local businesses to add just dining and stuff. The project was originally advertised as an "experiment" at first so when the typical immediate rush by residents to cannibalize it came out, we were quickly able to calm everyone down because it was a "temporary experiment." So when several months go by and people learn to love it, then we made our move to make it permanent to pretty much zero protest (except one business owner sued the city when it was made permanent, so that's pretty meh, but they weren't very public about it so it wasn't like there was a large public outcry).
I'd consider this idea pretty high risk - high reward so I'm definitely open to better ideas from you all, especially if you are familiar with the inner workings of a Council-Manager type of city government.
submitted by asgalusha to urbanplanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:10 godofstates If I want it, I can manifest it! No matter what that is.

Q. But how do I manifest it?
A. By assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled.
Q. But can I assume the feeling of my wish fulfilled?
Q. But how can I assume the feeling of my wish fulfilled?
A. By asking yourself this question: how would I feel if my wish was already fulfilled?
Q. What happens when I ask that question?
A. When you ask that question, in response to this question, a feeling comes and is automatically felt by you.
Q. But what if the feeling doesn't come?
Q. But what if it does?
Q. But still, what if the feeling doesn't come?
A. Then ask again, and again, and again, and again, and continue to ask until the feeling doesn't come.
Q. Is it really that simple?
Q. But what if it gets hard?
Q. Is that what you want? You want it to be hard?
A. NO!. I want it to be simple and easy.
A. Then ask yourself, how would I feel if this was simple and easy?
Q. What would happen if I asked that?
A. In response to that question you'll get the feeling and that feeling has the power and the wisdom to manifest the ease and simplicity in your life. Can you do it? Can you take this simple thing and actually do it?
A. YES, I will!
submitted by godofstates to u/godofstates [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:10 H_Bradshaw [REPOST - Academic survey] Childhood experiences and behaviours of online gaming (Aged 18-21, live in the UK, played online games when 16 or younger)

Hi everyone,
I'm Hannah and I'm a PhD student at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. My PhD is exploring the behaviour and experiences of children in online gaming environments. I'm looking for participants to complete my survey which is looking at the experiences and behaviours of people who played online games before the age of 16.
[TITLE] Childhood experiences and behaviours when playing online games
[ABSTRACT] The online gaming environment is constantly evolving. As such, there is a need to explore young people's online behaviour and interactions associated with different online gaming platforms. A wealth of research has investigated the causal relationships between online gaming and its positive (e.g., creativity, knowledge acquisition etc.) and negative effects (e.g., cyberbullying, depression and anxiety etc.), however, insight into young people’s experiences of online gaming is limited, and what does exist has significant knowledge gaps. This research looks to bridge these knowledge gaps. Research questions are:
RQ1: How will different types and features of games lead to different positive and negative outcomes for children who play online games?
RQ2: Under which conditions can games better promote positive outcomes for children who play online games?
RQ3: What harms do children who play online games experience? Are these harms low-frequency high-impact, or high-frequency low-impact?
The survey shouldn't take any longer than 15 minutes. You will be asked questions about how and where you played online, the games you played, if you did any gaming-related activities (like spend money on in-app purchases or record footage of your gameplay), who you talked to when you were playing, and whether you had any negative or harmful experiences.
You can take part if you're currently aged 18-21, live in the UK, and were playing online games when you were 16 or younger.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact me at [Hannah.Bradshaw@shu.ac.uk](mailto:Hannah.Bradshaw@shu.ac.uk)
If you're interested in taking part, here's the survey link: https://shusls.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aXkIKmGKRSoWOKW
To anyone who takes part, thank you!
Survey is voluntary and anonymous. No personal data will be collected. No compensation offered.
Research institute: Department of Psychology, Sociology and Politics, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
submitted by H_Bradshaw to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:09 Tringamer Are most/all of the "essential" SKSE mods updated now or are there still ones that never got brought forward? Is it still worth staying on the previous AE patch or can I start my next modlist + playthrough on the latest version?

As the title says, I'm just curious if most or all of the essentials have been updated (or replaced) by now or if the game on the September update from last year is still missing major SKSE mods and there are no alternatives for them. For example I'm aware you still have to do some workarounds to get the DLL loader working last I checked.
Before anyone says anything, I did look this up myself first before asking this, as well as read other threads regarding this, however I've been unable to find a definitive answer to many of them as both the Nexus comments and related Reddit threads for a lot of these mods will have plenty of comments claiming that the updated versions are broken or bugged, or that you need to find the updated versions of these mods from some third-party source for one reason or another, and some of these posts/comments are from several months ago so it is very well possible that things have changed by now. TIA for any help!
submitted by Tringamer to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:09 call_me_pi From Lead Gen to Marketing Analysis, but now what?

Hello, guys.
I promise it'll be short, but I really need some external POVs here.
I've been working in the Digital Marketing field for more than 10 years. First as Specialist, then as Local Marketing Manager (10-people team) in the same company. Two years ago, the toxicity of the Sales - Marketing relationship made me moving out of this role and, fortunately, in the same company a Global Role for Marketing Analyst opened, I applied, and got hired. I've spent months learning SQL, Python, Tableau and stuff and started producing reports, dashboards and analysis and, honestly, I really like this job.
But now I really need a change and I'd like to find a new job in the same field. The issue is that - I bet you already got it - as Analys I'm a Junior, but as Marketer I'm not, so I don't fit the 'standard' salary ranges. Moreover, since I'm in Italy, I am forced to apply only for Italian companies, because otherwise I'll need to be freelancer and taxes destroy freelances income (and since this will be "low", I'll end up getting way less money than now). This is a huge turndown: I already got an offer from another company (perfect job, good colleagues), but I had to refuse just because of this.
So I'm stuck. I'm trying to "reinvent" myself with other title (I have a huge knowledge about CRM, Marketing Operations, and generally speaking, about managing processes), but it's like I can't find my "spot" now.
What do you advice? Pushing with the analyst path? (I'm investing time getting better at Python, at the moment). Or... what? Thank you.
submitted by call_me_pi to DigitalMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:08 oreozeroyellow New girl purposefully flirting with my crush in front of me

On god I tried to keep a straight facing thinking about this situation lmaoo
Ok so there was this new girl who transferred to a grade younger than me. And I can tell when she first saw me she judged me a lot with "those faces" yk.
I didn't care much at first, but then I found out something pretty funny:
1) She is a year older (17) than me(16), 2 years older than the people in her grade (15)
2) She's quite short for her age (4'7) ( there's nothing wrong about that but during the situation where she was judging me, her eyes looking up and down as I stared down at her is low-key goofy af )
3) She's hella "pick me", but hangs out with boys who are like 4 years younger (13) than her 💀 low-key creepy
I don't even know her lmao. And it feels like she keeps judging me and tries to compete with me. As a senior, the position I hold in the school is quite high ( not saying what in case someone I know might stumble upon this ), so maybe that's why she's tryna act superior around me, to let everyone know that she's the oldest and the most "wise one" 💀. I find that very goofy and childish cuz wtf.
Anyway, my crush is like a year younger so basically he is in the same class with her. We are basically close to dating and it is obvious. AND HECK YEAH SHE KNOWS THAT WERE A THING.
She freaking flirts with him whenever I try to talk to him during recess or when schools over. And when she does that she will stare at me afterwards, making sure I saw what was happening. But I usually just don't gaf so it won't appear that I'm bothered. It's just funny to me that an older girl is tryna compete with someone younger and doesn't even know who tf they are 💀. Like gurl are you that bored or sth. Anyway what do you guys think, feel free to share your experiences :D
submitted by oreozeroyellow to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:08 Professional-Yellow3 Missing person (psychosis)

Missing person (psychosis)
My brother (27 yrs old) has been missing since around the 19th of May 2024. He was hospitalised for a 1st episode of schizophrenia in December 2023. He was medicated at the time and discharged early this year. He stopped taking his medication a few months ago and unfortunately he has relapsed. He was suffering from paranoid delusions and consequently fled to the Gold Coast on the 17th of May. I heard from him on the 18th saying that he had rented a car and he was planning to take a road trip to the island area, particularly small country towns, to see the sights.
I have not heard from him since. Nobody has been able to get in contact with him and he has not made any social media posts. I have filed a missing persons report with Victoria Police who are forwarding the case to Queensland Police.
I am extremely concerned for his safety as I believe that his compromised mental state may make him vulnerable to danger.
I'm not sure how helpful this post will be but I am trying to do everything I possibly can to get him home safe.
If you have any suggestions, please write them below.
If you see him, please contact me or the police
submitted by Professional-Yellow3 to GoldCoast [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:07 xoxefo3952 Alpha King Rejected Me After Getting Me Pregnant by Mist to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories

Serenity Knight is a human working in the royal infirmary. After getting abused by her Uncle for years, Serenity had been waiting for a knight in shining armor to come and rescue her. What happens when the knight in shining armor is none other than the Alpha King Theodore Black, the one who rules the entire world? What happens when he gets mated to a human girl, the species he hates? Serenity Knight never expected to get mated to the King of the all the Alphas of her country. And on top of that, Serenity never expected Theodore to reject her after mating with her. But what happens when Serenity gets pregnant with the Alpha King's child? What happens when Serenity is the only cure for the curse with no cure? _________ “Whatever……whatever happened last night, human, it wasn't done by me. I was not in my control. It was my wolf. My wolf got distracted by you last night but it doesn't mean you will become my Queen. I won't disgrace myself by letting a human sit beside me on the throne. His words were piercing my heart, breaking me into pieces. “You and I mated……” “It was a mistake! You were a mistake! And I don't repeat my mistakes, human. Get dressed and leave.” He ordered lowly, and tears filled my eyes as I stared at him in disbelief. “Theo, what……” “Your Highness. I am your King. You will refer me with my title if you don't wish to face the death penalty. Alpha King said, his eyes burning with rage. “We are mates, Alpha……” “And I reject you. He said, his eyes holding no emotions. “Wha….what?” “I, Alpha King, Theodore Black, reject you, Serenity Knight. You are no longer my mate.” Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:07 Future_Productions Zen Garden VR & Forest Chill - Updates - Designed to help you "Chill"...

Zen Garden VR & Forest Chill - Updates - Designed to help you
Hello there! I am a VR developer for two essential relaxation VR apps: "Forest Chill" and "Zen Garden VR."
It's been a challenging journey, but I finally have two apps for you to enjoy.
Having faced numerous challenges, including PTSD, bipolar disorder and other conditions. My goal now is to help the world relax and find peace through these apps.
I wanted to support anyone who needs it, whether suffering from similar conditions or just seeking a slower-paced VR relaxation experience.
Forest Chill VR App

Welcome to Forest Chill - your digital sanctuary, meticulously crafted to offer relaxation and renewal. Tap into its magic and find yourself amidst a peaceful forest, where everyday worries fade away amidst nature's whispers. 🍃 It's more than just an escape; it's your supportive companion on the journey to tranquility. 💚 With every download, you're not just getting an app - you're supporting a cause. 🙌 We're dedicated to giving back, helping those battling anxiety and other conditions find their own oasis of calm. Join us on this journey to serenity. Through every app sale we will support charity and aim to help those with long term anxiety and other conditions to find inner peace and calm.
Forest Chill VR is the original app I developed for Oculus VR headsets, providing a tranquil forest setting for users to explore. In this latest update, we focused on making the experience ambidextrous for single-controller operation, catering to user needs. The app features birds flying high above, illuminated lanterns guiding your journey, and fireflies dancing in the setting sun, creating a magical and peaceful atmosphere.
Zen Garden VR

Embark on a journey of serenity with Zen Garden VR! Step into our virtual realm and immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of Japanese-inspired landscapes. From the majestic pagodas to the iconic Tori Gates, every corner invites you to explore and discover tranquility like never before. 🌸✨ Let the gentle rustle of leaves and the soft murmur of the wind guide you to inner peace in this digital oasis. Whether you seek a moment of relaxation or a path to mindfulness, Zen Garden VR offers a sanctuary for the soul.
Zen Garden VR, extremely popular worldwide, offers a serene environment to relax and unwind with a Zen-like energy. It features iconic Tori gates and lanterns in a tranquil forest setting. Both apps include guided meditation and a customizable audio mix via the UI.
I am continually striving to improve these apps. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome!
I am proud to have helped many people around the world with these apps, and with each update, we aim to make them even better. Please consider trying them out, as I am constantly working to enhance your experience!
Always here to help or talk should you need. Thanks for your consideration!
submitted by Future_Productions to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:07 LegitimateSmell5868 My 27F "situationship" partner 30M got me pregnant, he had a vasectomy 6 months ago, and he asked me to abort the pregnancy, I did, but it failed. After he thought that the abortion was a success, he left me. Tell me why did he do it?

I, 27F and my partner 30M have been talking for a month, it had been going well until I got pregnant. He had a vasectomy 6 months ago and was astonished because he said that the odds were 0.1%. I, on the other hand, was half happy and half in pain, as I knew he wouldn’t want to keep the child because he said that he would only be prepared to have a child if he was already a millionaire, I said I could help him and it would be the two of us then so it wouldn’t be hard because both of our salaries are pretty decent.
He asked me to abort the pregnancy, and I did it out of fright that he would leave me, I had 7 relationships, all of which cheated on me with another woman AND men and had lame excuses for leaving me. Every relationship was traumatic that’s why I wanted this one so badly to work.
NOTE: During our first week talking to each other, I told him that I wanted a child and that it would be hard for us in the future if he didn’t want children. He told me he could compromise through adoption since he had already gone through a vasectomy. So even after telling him that, he still pursued me. Over time, I said I could compromise so long as he didn’t leave me in the dark.
Moving forward, abortion isn’t legal in our country so I had to buy abortion pills illegally, it was a painful process and he wasn’t with me all along because he was moving from their family home to an apartment to live on his own, additionally, I can’t go to their family home to do the at-home abortion there because his ex, still had her stuff there (mind you they broke up last year, December). He said she was getting her stuff as well and he did not want us to cross paths. Back to the process of abortion, I went through excruciating pain, emotionally and physically. I was continuously barfing from the moment I put the abortion pills under my tongue. I didn’t want to lose the child as I also lost a child last year, I wanted to beg him to keep it, but my fear of facing life alone got the best of me. It was the most painful 2 days I ever went through, I’d rather give birth than go through it again.
Lots of blood came out of me, and what I thought was the pregnancy but the bleeding stopped right away. Even so, I couldn’t move, I was lying on the floor on the carpet in pain and alone. He was checking on me through chat assuring me that everything would be fine and that he would never leave me, but I needed him physically. I understand that he’s overwhelmed moving out of their home but he would’ve at least visited even for just an hour or two. 2 days later, I went to the nearest hospital because I was in pain. I told the doctors the truth, that I tried to terminate my pregnancy on my own out of being in pain emotionally and physically, and I did not have the drive to make other excuses. The doctors looked at me with disappointment and injected me with painkillers and blood thinners, which I didn’t know of at the time because I thought the pregnancy was over.
After that, I told him that I still had cramps, and he told me that it was a weird day because his ex woke him up that morning and asked him for help because her stomach was aching. He also told me that his ex slept there at their family home because she was packing her things. I didn’t know his ex slept there so I burst out. I was mad at her, I was pissed at the situation, I was jealous and I was looking for assurance but I only told everything to him and did not, in any way, message his ex. I overthink that they slept in the same bed. I was jealous that she gets to ask for help from him while I lose my shit because I was going through an abortion alone. But he said that he didn’t even bother to help his ex and just told her to go to the nearest hospital. I didn’t talk to him for 3 hours and he said if he could be blamed for something he had no control over then he’s out of OUR situation. I said I was sorry I was overthinking and I was jealous and asked him what he wanted me to do besides tell him everything I feel. He said he was sorry as well, he said maybe it was because we were both stressed at the time.
A few nights after that fight, I burst out again because I felt that there was something off with him even if he was still continuously communicating with me. I asked him if he still liked me. And he answered that he was still processing the things that happened. I said it was a yes or no question so what does he expect me to feel? He said don’t overthink it, but I still did, then he burst out telling me how pissed he was the first time we had sex because he was pushing me off and I just laughed at his face. That our lives would be easier without each other because he didn’t want a child and I showed him that I did even if I said I could compromise. He said, I did it on purpose because I did not pull out when he pushed me off, that he felt disrespected and felt bad that time and just didn’t tell me all the while to not push me away. But I pushed him away by telling him hurtful words and mistreating him and that it was what his ex did before she cheated. He also said that my life would be better without him because when he came, bad things happened to me. I said that it was otherwise, and I begged him not to leave me.
I couldn’t bear any more pain. I just lost a friend, I may have killed our child, my mother hates me because she knew I went to the OB and she forced me to do a pregnancy test and it turned out positive but I denied to her that I was pregnant to protect my partner. I was forcibly evicted from our family home.
He said he liked me a lot and cared about me a lot, he worries about me, guess it—a lot. But he still decided to call it off. I asked if we could talk it out in person, and he said he didn’t want to make a scene and that nothing could change his mind and then blocked me instantly.
A day passed by, and I took a pregnancy test again because I could feel that there was still something inside me, it’s not painful but I can feel that it’s there. I decided to go to my actual OB and voila! The child is alive and kicking with the strongest heartbeat I ever heard from an ultrasound. Turns out, it is a protocol to not tolerate abortion in our country, so the doctors did everything they could to stop the internal bleeding I was experiencing and stop the abortion pills from hurting me and the baby because if they did D&C while the baby was alive, it would be against the law and it would mean they’d lose their license.
I was emotional, hormonal, and physically exhausted. I have not told anyone about it because I did not want them to despise him if anything I am making myself look as if it was my fault. I love him so much and I didn’t want to make his life a living hell. I’d rather do it alone. I’d rather keep it to myself. But at the same time I wanted to curse him for leaving me
The OB also told me that I have chocolate cysts and my ovaries may rupture if I continue to force to end the pregnancy, and that would mean no more babies in the future. So I might as well, continue the pregnancy. I also have this guilt of trying to kill our baby, so I couldn’t bear to do it again. I texted him and told him that I was still pregnant and I would keep the baby with or without him. He said he’s proud of me but also think of how it will affect him in the future if I keep our baby.
I did not cheat on him, I was loyal from Day 1. We were talking every second that we were both awake telling each other every single thing we were doing, every win of the day, every little inconvenience we run through. I gave every assurance I could give. I told my family and friends about him, I introduced him to every person that mattered to me the most. I never talked bad about him. I wanted so badly for it to be him. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t give me another chance. I don’t understand why he would leave me like this.
I have been having a loss of appetite for the past 3 days, I just drink water, and when I eat I just barf it out. I have not been sleeping well. I don’t know why but he reached out to me through a confession app for me to respond to him because he is worried. I did respond to him, what will his worry do? He asked if he was not allowed to worry for me anymore. I was hard, I told him I was doing fine and to leave me alone because I wanted to isolate.
But what I wanted him to do was to be beside me all the way, even if he couldn’t give me money because I could pay for my own needs, wants, bills, and vitamins, I need his support, I need him to be present. I just did not want to beg for anything anymore because I believe, I did my part.
submitted by LegitimateSmell5868 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:07 Beyond_Blossom SELF CONCEPT

Self concept is important. You will have to understand this. You can attract miracles if you have a strong self concept. I manifested my SP, MY DREAM UNIVERSITY, MY JOB, RELOCATION TO ANOTHER STATE, and many more things. I got everything the moment I started working on my self Concept. I healed my relationship with my family and friends. I attracted money, love, abundance and luck through my self Concept.
Start focusing on your self Concept and you will get everything.
You can DM me for 1:1 coaching 💙💙
submitted by Beyond_Blossom to Manifestation [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:07 KingsmanVishnu Bikers, what modifications have you done on your bike?

Bikers, what modifications have you done on your bike?
I've done a couple of mods on my duke. Please share what all mods you have got done on your machine.
  1. HJG 60W Adjustable fog light (for spread)
  2. HJG 20W mini fog light (for spot)
  3. Rolon brass chain sprocket
  4. Veshra ceramic brake pads
  5. KTM Powerparts crash bars
  6. Primo customs pillion footrest
  7. Primo customs bar end mirrors
  8. Primo customs tail tidy
  9. LGP mobile mount
  10. 10w phone charger
  11. NGK iridium spark plug
  12. Mototrendz fork seal cover
  13. GA auto radiator guard
  14. Moxi hazard flasher
  15. Hella dual horn kit
There's a few more yet to be purchased like aftermarket exhaust, tank bag etc. will get them soon.
submitted by KingsmanVishnu to indianbikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:06 Disastrous-Detail368 Is Creating Content On Social Media Still a Thing?

I am reading the book "The Millionaire Fastlane" and now I am few pages away from finishing it. So there is a section where the author talks about the five fastlane commandments, basically the conditions for a successful business. Here is a quick summary so you can understand what I am talking about later:
So a successful business must follow these 5 commandments. Let's see if content creation on social media would work or not:
Now i can say that social media is outdated, if creating content succeeded for that influencer, it doesn't mean that it will succeed for you. He was there years earlier than you when there wasn't much content. Now everyone wants to become content creators, even 8 years old kids Would love to become youtubers.
This doesn't mean that there is a zero chance of success on social media, it might work, there are a lot of things that could make you succeed, like people might love the creator's jokes and personality and they follow him even he might not be famous. Or a unique style of content might attract attention. Again there is always a chance to success in whatever business.
submitted by Disastrous-Detail368 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]
