Cute emoticons

Cute Text Emoticons!

2011.05.09 00:28 Popenator Cute Text Emoticons!


2016.12.08 00:09 ShadoowtheSecond Ponies are even more adorable when they are also cats!

For ponies who act like cats. Or even are cats! Because ponies are cute and kitties are cute. And when combined, they are cute times two!

2011.11.14 07:45 /r/aww + /r/mylittlepony


2024.06.03 13:43 Life_Animator1464 Ok, funny story. The Sudden update made me cry tears of joy

Ok, funny story. The Sudden update made me cry tears of joy
I'm the same redditor asking if my 1 month progress was good. My damage was around 1 million that time
Everyone said it was trash ;-;
So, I reached out to this guy that had a discord post and YouTube recommendations and stuff
Following their advice, I got my damage to 5 million-ish in just a couple of hours. Removed all my blue items, took my time to upgrade my legendary items and I followed his advice to use my red ring even if it was at level 3
Somewhere around the afternoon, I noticed that my damage dropped from 5 million to only around 500k
I was like "oh no, what have I done ;-; fook :0 "
I thought it was the fatebounds, the modifiers, I started spending a lot of gold on lydite rerolls on items and dismantling them
No matter what I did, I was still around 5-700k (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
I was honestly going to give up, dude you just KNOW I was crying tears of absolute frustration.
I took a time off, ate some chicken and rice, and watched old PewDiePie videos. When I got back, my damage peaked at 150k(⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) wtf?! I just gave up entirely.
Couple of hours later, I got back. I was about to hit the punching bag again when a sudden notification screen popped up in my face and I almost threw my fhraken phone across the room.
I updated the game...
Something magical happened
I don't know if it was a glitch, the update, or god himself had mercy on my soul and gave me this small blessing of love,
But when I got back, my damage peaked at 7 million I was crying tears of joy and I was definitely happier than most players.
Oy, a 2 million additional damage might seem small for y'all, My progress of 1 million in one month pales in comparison to my 5 million in 2 days – I was playing the whole 2 days by now. looking at 500k all day was extremely frustrating for me, it felt like my effort was in vain.
Imagine my joy when I was looking at 7 million,
Bro my belief in miracles came back, I felt like a new man, I felt like a child. Thus the cute emoticons. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)✨
I can't stress enough how words can't describe my happiness and I resorted to adorable emoticons HAHAHAHAHA but I swear, this entire debuckle was weird.
Did any of you experience the same thing as I did?
submitted by Life_Animator1464 to SoulKnightPrequel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:01 IntelligentAd5000 Sleep Deprivation is causing me to do something extremely odd

Hello, I can't sleep and Im getting pills for it. I have been awake for 48 hours now. And things are a bit of blur. But I have realised that I have picked up and extreme urge to write. I dont know how or why, but I crank out amazing short horror stories in 20minutes, and cant remember why. i realise that there are symptoms regarding sleep deprevation but whats happening doesnt match anything I've seeh. So yea the compulsion to write is weird and I have developed an obession of posting them to reddit (this I swear is not one), lying and not knowing why to commenters. I had posted a list about of game I like but not that much, the list was a thousand words, and I spent an hour of time doing nothing else making this list, all of knowledge I'd forgotten about. You can find the rest of the messy mesy story, and I lied and said I was high in one post, and took down countless others. I dont even use reddit that much, always that it was a bit weird, and though. I was mostly wrong, I thought I would come here. I have ADHD and focusing is hard for me, and i have never been so hyperifxated on something like that in my life. And then i started a little log to see where im at during my sleepless night. Each hour. I logged. And Logged And logged. I didnt realise how much i was hallicinating, but I think I was in REM sleep and I somehow retained perfect ability to type on keyboard without seeing and look. I thought that everything I was typing made sense, but after kinda snapping out of it, I realised in horror kind of. So i took my photo booth opened, it and ran a video of me. I was in REM sleep for sure, and i was typing unbelievbly fast. I remember everything, I could think and then my hands would type it. I know it sounds weird, but like my imagination, my subconscious thoughts were being projected somehow. Heres all 3000 words and counting of it. the last couple where I do the test make it unclear, but unless someone actually replies to this, I will save images and photos for later. I am currently still hallucinating but not as badly so pardon my misspellings.
Now I Swear on My Life this is real, none of my friends believe me, my sister does though. please help me
Here it is
-1am feeling tired didn’t get to sleep until three last night, so this sucks
-3am haven’t done any work went don’t disturbing internet mystery rabbit hole. Also what will my screen time look like? Not good.
-5am- That’s when it hits you, the birds and the light, worst feeling ever. Microsleep hit, and I hallucinate myself watching a video. WTF.
-8am-I have been writing a short story for the past 3 hours, wtf is wrong with me. I get out of my room at 8:30, and something shocking, happened, I looked in the mirror and I have a six pack? At first I thought hallucination and dismissed it, went and had nothing for breakfast apart from some ice cream. I am scared.
-9am-taken medication feel fine. I have not eaten much and I am aware it is taking a toll on my weight. I have six pack and look shredded. This is not a good thing.
-10am- all my 2500 word essay got deleted. I notice sleep deprivation and medication, has a weird affect. It masks the affects of sleepiness. I feel fine, no fatigue, could work for ever. I have a 1 hour tutor session, let’s see how that goes.
12pm- Finished tutoring session - felt easy speedy and fine. Am heavily addicted to reddit. I feel like the dexiamphetamine is having an affect on my body which makes me entrenctched into whatever I am doing.
2pm- Got to get ready for kickboxing class junior leadership thing. My face is riddled with pimples. This is caused by a lack of sleep and water and proper nutrients.
5pm- I got home, feel fine, it was really cold though. No signs of cognitive decline like I usually show. Actually I take that back, things have become to become distorted, my eyes are messing with me as a result of the micro-hallucinations I am experiencing. I took 2 more dexiamphetamines, probably a bad idea.
8pm-I feel amazing, but at the same time little work as been done on rave. I am completely and utterly obsessed with writing stories, I spent and hour and a half texting my adventure to London, and I begun to get really descriptive. I am not in a good mental state(Not as in depressed, as in I can’t judge if what im doing is weird, it has to be right?).
9pm- Symptoms are really starting to show now. I have been listening to sad songs whilst I write my English, it is a story so it’s going well.
9:30pm- I have spent too long over many hours compiling a list of things I’d like to see in fallout 5. What the fuck, I am at the point in which I can’t take a step back. Computer screen distorted at time. When I am typing, I keep thinking about how to do the hashing technique using curved lines with a ball point pen. I have wrote probably over 800 words disputing claims about my fallout 5 post.
10pm- I have possibly written an amazing English assignment. My dread in which consumes me, about this assignment is keeping me motivated whilst I listen to music(mainly sad music.) I love the start of the song violent crimes by Kanye west, I had that on repeat for a while until I moved onto other sad songs, because I didn’t want it to burn out (its a great song)
10:30 in bed now feeling weird. I was wondering around and yep im hallucinating, and it sucks ass. Minor ones at the moment, which are good, but it’s more like my mind will think something is there that is not. Does that make sense? But then in the hall way, it was dark and as I turned on the light I saw some fucked up face. Alright now im scaring myself jeez.
10:50 So right now typing this the visual hallucinations have definitly set in, it’s weird that I am conscious enough to witness it happen in real time. This doesn’t feel real. How to describe what I’m seeing, like waves silk-like distortions of everything. Right now I look up and I see like silky distortions of the corner of the roof distort and move. It is significantly worse in the dark, as brain has to make up for a lack of what is there. I turned the light on and yes it is better. They are still there but are minor and less apparent. Legitimately everything scares me, my body is jumping, I guess as my brain is focusing as much maybe, and then when I do hear something out of the ordinary it spooks me. I don’t know why but I feel like all of sudden im just gonna go crazy and it’s like a race against time, but it will be slow and I will see how long I can last. Typing has become significantly harder as I loose control of my motor skill which has happened in a short time of 30 minutes. Wow creepy peripherals make up visuals, idk why that is
-11:20- Taken videos as updates. I feel like this is the quiet before the storm. My brain is making things up and it’s pissing me off. It has revoked my right to type, and everything that is not in my direct peripheral now is some sort of the thing. Like bro every key I type my fucking brain slows down, it’s taken me song long to write this one thing. I can’t think of what I want to say to next, that’s a big one. The changes come on so rapidly and everchanging
-11:40-Brain is sending in backups. My typing speed has increased but my ability to spell words correctly is failing. Right now it’s just not fun. No major hallucinations, just a feeling of dread mixed with a nice side of a painful ass headache and a need to go to the toilet. I find it weird however that when writing, usually a mundane task, my brain kind of goes on autopilot, and I have some sort of visual hallunciaiont, this is weird for the reasons stated, and that my hands seem to be moving themselves, and I am watching them, similar to that somen in black mirror, with the museum. BTW black mirror is NOT something you would want to watch like this. I had dream about white Christmas once, and I felt like I was stuck in there for a million years. #existential crisis right. Ok weird, so it seems like when I disassociate my brain keeps typing, I am having a bit of neural input it seems, but my brain fog which was so present all but 2 minutes ago gone. Ok yea noises are starting to appear a bit. Butt cheeks were clenched. I feel like a lifeless dummy rn. Waiting for next phase. (Prayer emoticon). Also why does my fingers just magically know where all the buttons
12am- And the clock hits twelve. Half way there. At the end of this I will have successfully completed 42 hours. Its not a flex or anything I am aware, its just what choice do I have, try and sleep and be constantly reminded of the overbearing weight of the assignments all due this week?? I don’t want to think about that, no-one does. My fucking bad I managed my time wrong im a fucking kid after all. I am going Canberra college next year and this week has been a step in the wrong direction for me. After mum left everything went to shit. I cannot control myself, I am addicted to gadgets. I need to watch my computer to go to sleep or the google home. I have a compulsion to reddit, and I eat like shit. Chicken in some sort, lie about having vegetables. If I even tried to make a food diary of some sort for these last few days, I would be put on fucking trial for the murder of any chance of bitches. I treated my body like shit. The best word I can describe this week in is - Grunge. Like fucking living in your own shit. That’s how I feel. Everyrnight same routine, go on computer, watch videos until 12, watch google home go to bed. But not really.. Instead I would appear to stay up to 2am or 3am and go to bed, eat some food or something I don’t fucking know. I know I am sleep deprived. It is showing in my works. Weird addiction to writing, my adhd hyperfocuses on something. Drawing and Writing. As I write this my brain tries to seduce me into its gaze. The room or just the essence of living is moving, right to left, like im in a slide, and then left to right, and then so on and so forth. I am afraid this is what happens when you eat nothing but sugar and sugar and sugar, don’t sleep and drug your self on drugs. Skin is just a warning, my body brain will be infected I need to stop. I cannot live unregulated.
12:13am- My eyes heart, everything’s shadow is big and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. It is hell, and Im not even at the micro sleeps. They sound low-key cool. I am waiting to go out, make myself a wrap with butter, and get around the computer as I mindlessly do nothing. I don’t watch YouTube want, other way round, and thoughts of my intentional original purpose, to do work for school, left the window a long time ago. I close my eyes for a split second and I ee a teddy bear. They keep appearing, things are melting, this is it baby, as Jeff Kinney would say, we in for the long haul. I want to keep typing and I don’t know why, partly because it is cool that I have kept typing this long, and partly because what else do I do. Wait for it to consume me. If I had a pen and paper, I could have drawn the images I see on my computer screen, vague but the all have cross hatchings, a term I am learning. And what happen to monkey type, I swear I searched it. Is it the micro sleep? Is it coming. Yea. Maybe not.
12:30am- Writing these becomes a scapegoat for my mind to kinda control me and I don’t like it, so Im going to keep it short. No differences, Battery low I will have to brave it out of room soon. Hallucinations minimal, and chicken in peripheral which is toy and bedsheet, but I can’t see it as anything else. Cute little reference my brains making, but I have two finder files, and my brain this its two cookie monsters lol. Also eyes are still heavy. I have gained complete and even I would go as far to say enhanced motor control, I feel like I can type fast, and I hear every single click on the key and It freaks me out. I intentionally leave errors in here, not many but some, and my stupid ass thinks im going to read this and think it’s all mysterious. Upon further reflection, I may have been having depth perception hallucinations. What is weird is no vivid hallucinations but everything is something if that makes an inkling of sense. Im not really all there any more. Weird how that works. Time perception is completely altered and distorted. I could have sworn twelve o’clock was ten seconds or 1 hour ago. I cannot swear on either, but ten seconds ago? I could have sworn on one, I cannot remember which one anymore. Speaking my thoughts does not make cohesive notes on my problem and predicament, I should refrain, but sometimes my brain naturally does this. Yea saw souls of the damned again when I blinked, weird, and now liminal shit im seeing, because my brain is like ooh scary I should scream now, and then it pumps out all this shit. It has been 6 minutes since I started writing, that sounds about right, but at the same times that was long, very long, marcy long. (Kill her long). I chicken which is a building waves a hammer at my building. It is the side bar on the right side of my MacBook.
12:37: wanted to wait until 12:40 but time sucks ass and is an illusion. You many know by now that my posts have ramblings of random topic and will veer off. This was not my intention, if I write for longer than a minute I loose my grip on my brain, it starts writing what It pleases. I have to think really hard about what I want to write, even then it just autofilled it. Lucky it’s right. Computer percentage critically low. 9%, yet I am filled with joy and dread right now. I think this could be caused by the effect of my dexi’s that I took, like a long term effect, or rather just the lack of sleep. I am deeply disturebed but interested by myself. I now have real hallucinations now. Files are quickly changed to name. And a beigeish green blood phases through my door fast. If I look at my hands wrong they look like they are encrusted in dry blood. I had to think if blood was the gang or Blud was the gang, that is how you know sjits gone down the drain.
1:00: It is officially one-ocklock and I let my brain take the rails once again(don’t let me down). So right now Im feeling fine, but sometimes I will have clear clarity and feel fine, no hallucinations, no nothing, and this will be followed by an intense one that will not be scary just like kind of convincing. One instance I don’t want to forget is me looking through my old video from a couple hours ago. One of them my arms look weird and photoshopped linked down bellow, and I have like a led type trip. I think it could be inspired by those weird ass instagram reels I watch, but Idk, It was me and that pose, changing shape a bit and material. I was real glossy and like twisted and moulded and back to normal it was weird. I couldn’t see my arms, especially my forearms the same after that. One phenomena which is uniquely odd is the compulsion to write here. I can understand a lack of time knowledge and perception, as it is natural of one when under these conditions, but have loose your sanity to a point where you are able to mindlessly drone on about things happening to you, is weird, weird. It initially started off as an idea, one sentence or maximum short paragraph talking about each hour and how the where different to the next. Also just got jumped scared by the image thanks bitch. Whilst righting this I am aware I made a mistake (writing), I feel like I have some consciousness left, but if I don’t blink it really hit me. So I keep blinking to report back to base. Yea the head is tilting sideways turned into like a fucking dragon praying mantis thing for a sec. Right now I feel alright, the dream is supposed to get to me but it is hard for it to pass, I know that I am supposed to feel creeped out but I don’t, I like it when for a second my brain will just think of something and loose it. One truly weird thing is me being able to hallucinate pictures through the writing. Always cartoons, depicted silly and offbeat. I don’t know why though. Yea Ididnt wright that by the way what the hell. The good ole noggin did. My head stopped hurting, and my neck has softened the blow a bit, and takes a bit of pain not much, and the my neck is also is cricitacl condition, after seeing Moby at the fucking side bar again. This time it wasn’t a chicken this was Moby from fucking Moby and ted. Ok now its ahicken peeking its head out back to straight what the fuck am id doing llama fr fr fr
1:13-computer is low, very low, at 4%. I am back by the way, I got sucked in again but got out and read it really quickly. The fr frfr is from the Tyler the creator song fr fr fr this time. Ya know. Ok so not this time but next time iwirite a paragraph or a time, I am going to record myself, and then when I regain my sanity, I will watch the video to see what I look like, when I am truly not with it. I don’t know if the same thing will happen with this paragraph but I hope not. This notice was just a short one but stay safe. One last thing that is not helping me, I am now scared again, I heard stomping in the kitchen , and I know it could be fake but everything there is stomping in the kitchen I am able to know because if there is at this Time of night I feel my heart drop, and I did which helps add to the case. I don’t eellike investigating but igueess if that is my best option then I will but now is not really there right time. When is ithe right time officers saying gtyring to gain media attention from the main. Never get the fuckout of my house.
1-18am(the test?) So this is the test but I obviously need something to talk about and I have a topic. So basically I think I have cracked the case to the nonsense rambling in which I don’t understand myself. It is a literal projection of what is going on inside my mind. You know how sometimes people will take things literally and then you’re like no I didn’t mean it like that, well it’s kinda the same thing. I say something insidede my head but it comes out through my fingers. And it’s odd because it come with such swiftness and such durability. Right now I a doing it it yes made a spelling mistake whilst looking at my green gamer screen. I don’t know how or why this done. I am back to realign. And yea this is odd, not quite the feeling that I get when I completely disassociate. I am starting to think that maybe I am begging to miceslepe these series of events and include e the within the paragraph, it happen a little bit there, and unlike try to be the bait for other final charges, this on has no backing against it. There it is again, little less than the first time, but my mind wonders and my hand followed. What if I thought some truly despicable stuff, something that would surely get me banned from ever participating in it agin. Now no I have to read this later I don’t really want to hut then again, i if it fits thehe description then we have t o. Brain disrupted my train of thought, I think I had important breakthrough, Never imind I id, the breakthrough was that when I am looking or blurring my eyes, the top of my head the curtain and y alien arms along with the righting combnined to create some sort of card with a circle in the middle in which I can only presume is a play ng car. I am currently doing right now let’s describe. So I hastily have the some sort go grounding I am loosening it,. It is a hashing draw g clear as dal, with I big leak on the right side and spills over, probably
1.28am- the big move. Just kidding I just have to get out of bed. Let’s see who wins me our bed.GUESS FUCKING WHAT BABY I WON. So I should probably start with the obvious what the fuck Is actually happening. Yea will I thought I was fully conscious, dogs barking keeping me in there. So my subconscious is a weird weird weird thing. Yea fuck it’s happening again, I didn’t mean to type that. Ok so talk about more later, but if I can spit it out in time, I enter a state of REM sleep when I start typing, and my brain doesn’t understand what is imaginary and what’s not so it fills in gaps, and whilst doing this, inadvertentltly transposes your visual in real life, and your imagination, until it creates a weird state in which nothing is quite real and nothing is fake. God that sounds so pretentiously ominous. In the video my eyelids flicker, which is why this is my main theory, but what amazes me, is 2 distinct things. The first is my ability to type whilst looking away from my computer or with my eyes closed. I don’t misspell words, which is confusing as when testing this to the best of my ability whilst in this state, I don’t get very good results at all. The second is the fact that I am fully aware of what is happening. I am able to translate what is happening in my mind to the document, with a little bit of brain fog mixed in, which is obvoiusly going to happen in things like this.
submitted by IntelligentAd5000 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 00:14 kanade_kami Character Swap Unit - Minigame

Character Swap Unit - Minigame
heyayaya!.,! guess what guys, i'm baack!! j wasn't acutally gone for that long but less posting than usual!! so, as my apologies, this is a bit of a longerrr minigame!! hooray!!

introduction!! i missed you guys~

cupcakess!! 1 is strawberry, 2 is red velvet, 3 is vanilla, 4 is lemon, and 5 is chocolate!

sooo!! this is for filler for when you scroll :)) i'll jus be talking abt stuff so you can either read or use it to be like a filler!!
SOO i finally changed my name to my reddit name on pjsk!! if you see kanade_kami in a co-op live that's most likely me and you'll DEFINITELY be able to tell by my custom profile hehe. if you ever catch me in one of the lives, make sure to say hi!! i looooveee talking with you guys which is why i always try my best to reply to every single comment!!
the group leaders!!! :D

outfits!! these outfits r suuperr pretty :D
ok back to normal filler!!
wsecondary main characters in each unit!!

donuuutsss! 1 is chocolate, 2 is glazed, 3 just has a buncha sprinkles, 4 is cruller, and 5 is cinnamon!
now for the wacky filler!!
all the girls!!! and akito

kitties!!! soo cute <3
some more wacky filler!!
toya needs to do the '^w^' like everyone else but i don't think he's going to
stars!! very pretty images~
yayy! also where'd the 'unit 1' text go?!


oh my god i should've used fhe candy filler here!! well too bad i'm using it again !!

cute emoticons!! just pick the one you find the cutest~
i'm gonna use emoticon filler now!!

₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
i think i'm gonna start adding cute pictures of cats at the end of my posts lololol!!
submitted by kanade_kami to ProjectSekai [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:02 Mimicrystal12 Why I love :3

  1. It's cute :3 is the cutest emoticon by far! Like look at the little face it's so adorable :3
  2. It's silly Silliest thing ever. Nothing more needs to be said.
  3. It's adjustable :3 can be adjusted to so many scenarios. Wanna be cute? The standard one works perfect :3 Wanna be sad? Just flip it 3: Wanna be mischievous? Just add some eyebrows and voila >:3 Wanna be extra silly? Give it a little hand/paw :3c Wanna combine multiple? >:3c extra mischievous. 3:< angy.
And lastly 4. It's spammable. Is :3 not enough? Wanna add even more silliness? Very simply just go :33333333333333333333333333333 for maximum goofiness.
That's my essay complete thank you for listening :3
submitted by Mimicrystal12 to ColonThree [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:01 BlocPandaX ⎝ ̅ ̅ ᷆╲⟌\⋌ ᷇ ̅⎠̅ ⪰̅ ,,⎝ ̅⎝̅⎠̅ ω ⎝⎠̅ ̅⎠̅,, ⪯̅ ᷅7 ⪯̖̅ ᷄

Boykisser Emoticon! X3
Thought It'd be cute if we had one of these! Feedback encouraged! If you know more about Unicode/ASCII, I heavily recommend that you improve this.
Here's a single line version: ⎝ ̅⎝̅⎠̅ ω ⎝⎠̅ ̅⎠̅
Enjoy! If they broke, I'm sorry. ^ω^""
submitted by BlocPandaX to boykisser2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:06 plushiesaremyjam I really don't like the cat emoji

No cat looks like that. No one, and I mean no one would type :3 and be happy with 😺 I MEAN COME ON. No cat looks like that. No cat looks like that in any cartoon. There are so many cute emoji ideas for cats out there and you mean to tell me the best Apple could do was THAT are you SERIOUS? And I know "OH plushiesaremyjam you're weird, why are you so upset over this its just an emoji" I wouldn't be so upset about it if so many messaging services didn't automatically convert emoticons into emojis. If I type out :) I mean :) not 😊 THERE IS A VIBE AND 😊 ISN'T CUTTING IT AND THERES NO WAY TO DEACTIVATE THAT and you can sit here and tell me all you want that you can deactivate it. YOU CAN'T. The ways don't work. Theres no way to do it on Apple devices or discord or fuckin meta. NAH you type out a whole ass >:) or a >:3 and you get some stupid looking emoji with no FUCKIN SOUL behind it. There is a vibe to the regular emoticons. The vibe is gone with emojis. And I want to feel like a 2007 My Space baddie, not like a corporate wage slave to Apple. They can fuckin pry XD from my COLD. DEAD. HANDS. cause they will never be able to convert THAT into a bad emoji.
submitted by plushiesaremyjam to Emoji [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:43 Whole_Feedback8099 Did I do something to annoy her or creep her out

Me and my friend live in different countries I live in Australia she lives in Brazil I did ask her out for valentines but she already had a boyfriend so a couple of weeks after that I call her just for a chat and we talked I asked her what her reaction was when I asked her out she said it was weird (I told my mum and she just thought it that my friend was a bit worried and that’s why she felt weird) but as soon as the call finished she was very friendly she asked me what the name of the tv show I was watching at the time was with the eyes (👀) emoji so I got a positive vibe from her that she was ok and we were still great friends but then after that I sent her a few on and of messages ie Brazil beat England in soccer and then one day I sent her a general “hi how ya doin” message and she sent back these Japanese emoticons (not emojis) and because I have literally no idea what they mean I put them into google I could only get one answer though one of them meant cute/fluffy so just to clarify I asked her what they meant and she hasn’t responded yet so I’m a bit worried that I’ve maybe annoyed her or something like that I really don’t want to lose this friendship man…
submitted by Whole_Feedback8099 to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:38 DoGsPaWsLoVe Weekly Recap 05/05/24-05/11/24: 102 Posts

This is the weekly recap of the 102 monetized posts from Kylea and Joseph "Joe" Gomez of Kylea G Weight loss Journey from 05/05/24-05/11/24.
They have made 609+ monetized posts in 5 weeks.
Disclaimers: I am not a physician, influencer, or paid content creator. I am not affiliated with WW. I am semi-retired from the healthcare field with multiple college degrees. These opinions are my own based on social media content. I wish no harm to Kylea or Joe Gomez.
☎️ If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, please call or text 988 for assistance.
📢 To the perfectionists, Kylea has a habit of heavily editing posts 3+ times and archiving/hiding and deleting posts. I do not have a burner account for Facebook and have not viewed every comment made. She does not post receipts and is secretive about her purchases.
The tagline of Kylea G Weight loss Journey is, "I changed my life with prayer and a playlist of songs. No surgery, no meds. Just Jesus."
Of the 102 monetized posts last week on the topic of faith:
0/102 discussed which version of the Bible she prefers
0/102 revealed her church home, a service she attended online/in person, or how she worships when traveling
0/102 discussed a personal/group Bible study she completes/attends
0/102 were a favorite scripture or Bible verse
Of the 102 monetized posts last week on the topic of music:
2/102 referenced music Kylea prefers= an unnamed Taylor Swift song as a clapback to a comment about pizza crust and a drinking buddy anthem duet with Morgan Wallen + Post Malone
Of the 102 monetized posts last week on the topic of health:
0/102 were about intentional exercise
0/102 shared a food, water, or exercise log
0/102 discussed meditation, deep breathing, attending grief group, or therapy for her mental health. (There were references to a mental health care provider that gave her a letter recommending an emotional support animal.)
0/102 shared reputable medical sources for nutrition or weight loss content. (She mentions WW points but does not list a website or how to access their app.)
0/102 shared a recommendation for another weight loss influencer to follow
1/102 shared a source for her recipe (Joe's deceased mother)
13/102 shared a recipe. Shared recipes below.
  1. Frozen Pancake Breakfast Sandwiches;
  2. Banana Puddin' Protein Overnight Oats,
  3. Smothered Crockpot Pork Chops;
  4. Trader Joe's Protein Pancakes;
  5. Snapple Zero Sugar Peach Tea & Splenda Brown Sugar Marinated Chicken;
  6. Dirty Dr. Pepper Protein Ice Cream,
  7. Joseph's Lavash Bread Pizza;
  8. Lemon Blueberry "Muffin" Cupcakes;
  9. Blueberry Sugar-free Oatmeal Waffles;
  10. KFC Inspired Bowl;
  11. Sara Lee 45 cal French Toast;
  12. G Hughes Smoky Mesquite Raspberry Jam Chicken;
  13. Lemon Blueberry Greek Baked Yogurt;
⚠️ Disordered Eating- Daily WW Points Consumed (based on monetized content):
Sun 05/05: 10 WW points; Mon 05/06: 11 WW points; Tue 05/07: 7 WW points; Wed 05/08: 7-9 WW points; Thu 05/09: 10-11 WW points; Fri 05/10: 1 WW point; Sat 05/11: 8 WW points;
📢 To our friends at Meta, Kylea can consume up to 30 WW points per day, roll over 4 unused daily points, and consume 28 weekly points. She is clearly underutilizing her daily points and used zero weekly points. This is dangerous and potentially deadly messaging for those on a weight loss journey. 🚨
So what was Kylea's "weight loss content" about? Let's dive into her purchases to find out.
Her subtotal from 05/05/24-05/11/24= $2489.80 est + all applicable taxes, tips, and fees
Her 5-week subtotal from 04/07/24-05/11/24 was $17,133.54 est + all applicable taxes, tips, and fees
🚨 Per Missouri public court records, Kylea Gomez has not satisfied her current medical judgment and is only able to pay $25 per month.
This next section is long due to the volume of purchases. You've been warned...
Weekly Takeout Purchases= $71.73 est + tips;
Sunday 05/05/24 Mexican Takeout Salad with chips/salsa= $15 est + tip (no proof she went with friends);
Monday 05/06/24 Iced/Blended coffee: $8 est + tip (no proof she went with a friend);
Tuesday 05/07/24 Carafe of coffee at unknown restaurant= $5 est + tip (no food shown or proof sister was present); Blended Coffee= $8 est + tip;
Wednesday 05/08/24 Htea0 Happy Hour Drink for 2 + fruit upcharge for 1= $3.25 est;
Thursday 05/09/24 Pineapple Bliss for 2= $6.98 est + tip;
Friday 05/10/24 Blended coffee= $8 est + tip; Wendy's Large Sprite Zero= $2.50 est,
Saturday 05/11/24 Unknown breakfast for Joe= $15 est + tip;
🚨 These additional shopping/travel expenses do NOT reflect her rent, utilities, phone, 2 car payments, etc.
Additional shopping/travel expenses= $2418.07 + all applicable taxes, tips, and fees
⚠️ CBD aka Shopping Addiction: Most of the purchases were for a future puppy.
Monday 05/06/24 Breeder fee for female Cavapoo puppy= $1000 est + fees (breeder unknown); Outward Hound Multi-color Squeaker Ballz Fetch Toy 4-pack= $4.99 est; Outward Hound Blue Whale Big Mouthz Interactive Plush Toy with Treat Ball= $9.99 est, Outward Hound Chicken Roperz Plush Squeak Dog Toy= $11.81 est; Silicone Collapsible Food & Water Bowl= $8.99 est; Plush Oyster Shell with Pearl Dog Toy= $6.99 est; Peppa Pig Squeak & Crinkle Plush Dog Toy= $19.99 est; Pally Paws Butterfly Squeaker & Crinkle Dog Toy= $14.99 est; Woven Dog Bone-shaped mat= $9.99 est; Woven beach bag with pawprints= $19.99 est; Grey fleece blanket= $19.99 est;
Tuesday 05/07/24 *Possible Target Women's Cowgirl Boot Grid Graphic T-shirt= $12.99; Chaco ZX/2 Women's Cloud Sandal in Candy Sorbet= $105 est; Vibrant Life Playful Buddy Emoticon XS 5 count Dog toys= $5.12; Nylabone Puppy Starter Pack-up to 25lbs= $7.57; Nylabone Power Chew Textured Dental Chew Toy Chicken Medium/Wolf-up to 35lbs= $4.97; Vibrant Life Tug Buddy Rope Multi-color= $1.98; Custom Dog Tag for Birdie= $5.99 est; Two Jessica Simpson Pet Dresses= $30 est; Personalized baby blanket for Birdie (Amazon)= $19.99 est;
Wednesday 05/08/24 Roundtrip Gas Joplin, MO to Tulsa, OK= (224mi/33mpg) x $3.85 est = $26.13 est; Costco Skinny Dipped PB Cups= $25.94 est; Costco Deebee's Freezie Pops= $22.75 est; Trader Joe's Frozen Roasted Corn x 8 bags= $40 est; Additional Costco & Trader Joe's purchases= unknown; *Pawdre T-shirt for Joe= $10.99 est; Dog Treat container= $25 est; Patchwork Pet Snuggler White Claw themed plush dog toys= $9.99 est; Smoochy Pet Pals Cheeseburger & French Fry themed plush dog toys= $15 est; Armor All Hammock Style Back Seat Cover= $10 est; Black Dog Bone Mat= $5.99 est; 3 Dog bath towels= $14 est;
Thursday 05/09/24 Alani Nu 12oz Energy Drink Pink Slush for 2= $4.96 est;
Friday 05/10/24 Approx. 72 cupcakes= $41.91 est (Walmart online price used); Mani/Pedi= $75 est + tip;
Saturday 05/11/24 Coleman SaluSpa Air Jet Inflatable Hot Tub in Grey= $609.00 (Amazon price); iCrate 2-door folding black crate= $36.79 est; Kong Blue Puppy Binkie Pacifier Dog Toy= $8.99 est; Kong Pink Puppy Natural Teething Rubber Toy= $7.49 est; Lamb Chop Puppy Plush Regular 10"= $15.90 est; Remy+Roo Small Spring Dog Bandana 4-pack Kathrine Set= $23.95 est; Hubulk Pink Pet Dog Bowl Set with food scoop and Non-Skid Silicone Mat= $9.99 est; MidWest Homes for Pets Deluxe Dog Bed in Grey= $16.99 est; Beirui Cute Little Girl Dog Collar, Harness, and Leash Set= $27.99 est; 3 pack of Blankets Super Soft Fluffy Premium Fleece= $11.99
🤔 Final Thoughts 🤔
Kylea showed her narcissistic greed posting triggering content all week without disclaimers or warnings in clear violation of Meta policy on explicit content and tragedy & conflict. If that is not enough to demonetize and deplatform her, her obvious signs of disordered eating should. Her messaging is dangerous, potentially deadly, and I, for one, ask our friends at Meta to review her content and take action.
All info from Reddit. ✌️
submitted by DoGsPaWsLoVe to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:37 No_Jump6012 The Lunnettes story

For perspective, this story starts around October 2022 and ends around January 2023
When I was in year 11 I was pulled out of my English class along with 2 other students by a different English teacher , we'll call this teacher Lalo. Lalo told us that we were invited to an after school club he hosted called the creative writing club that took place every Wednesday after school.
I'm not much of a writer or anything but I decided to go one day to see what it was like, that and I think Lalo is a rlly cool guy.
So I walk in the room and I look across to the end of the room and I see a girl ( her codename was Lunnettes, my friends came up with it, we'll get to that later) in the year below me, I vaguely recognise her by face because our form rooms are opposite each other. We make eye contact and she instantly starts giggling with her friend. I was intruiged by this, but I didn't talk to them, I just sat and did the activities provided with someone I knew in my year.
I notice that Lunnetes and her friend, we'll call her Yoyo keep giggling and Lunnetes keeps looking at me. Despite all this, I still didn't say a word to her, nor did I catch her name, but she seemed lovely and funny.
This whole glancing and giggling thing continued when I showed again at the club, and it also started happening other places we passed by each other like at break, walking in the hallways etc
This all caused me to develop a lil crush on her, because she seemed lovely, funny and she was cute. Also the idea that she likely thought that I was cute was the main reason I liked her ( I know that that is a stupid reason to like someone, but I was stupid back then)
One day I accidentally found her on Instagram ( yes I know that sounds stupid but that's how it happened). I didn't follow the account, because at this point, we still haven't had a conversation, this was also how I found out her name. I also found out that she really liked a specific anime movie, so that gave me an idea, I decided to watch the movie, in hopes that when we do have a convo, and I could bring it up in that convo
At this point , I had told my 3 main friends about it, their code names will be Fox, Capybara and Cricket (ik they are stupid names I just thought of these on the spot), Capybara came up with the code name for her, " Lunnettes" , he decided upon that because she would wear glass's but never over eyes, only above her head which rlly annoyed him, we just decided to roll with it
Then one day I saw her walking by( keep in mind that because of the insta, i knew her name but she didn't know mine or the fact that I knew her name) then I went up to her and asked her if she was going to the writing club that week, and then asked her for her name (even tho i alr knew it), then gave her mine, this then gave me a valid reason to know her name yk
Fast forward to the last week of school before the Christmas holidays , one last writing club before Christmas break
I go to the writing Club, and I ask to work with her and her friends (Yoyo included), she said yes, and we actually got on really well. This was when I brought up the movie to her (as if I didn't just watch it to interest her)
Then the Christmas holidays had started and I decided to follow Lunnettes on insta, then at like midnight she follows me back and sends a friend request on snapchat ( my snap is in my insta bio) , I added her back on both
Then around 5 or so days into the holidays she sends a vid on snap to me, the problem is that I opened it in a go karting lobby, so I couldn't hear the vid very well. The vid was of her friends (Yoyo included) at a Christmas party all talking to the camera, the only words I heard were my own name, and the words "alpha male" , and since it was on snap, it wouldn't let me replay it , so I sent a snap back asking what that vid was about, and she responded later saying she didn't even remember sending anything, which was just odd
New years eve came round and I sent her a happy new year text, she sent one back with 3 heart emoticons
Holidays end and school starts again
This is where things start to go wrong, the glancing and smiling continued but less frequentthan before, but then I started to start talking to her on snap, and hope that I could get to tall to her at the writing club, I went to that club almost every week but she wasn't rlly showing up to it, and when I'd text her, her interest was lacking. But I was stupid, so I kept perusing.
Then one day she actually showed up to writing club, she didn't look as happy to see me as she did one month ago, I worked with her again, but there was no connection and she seemed disinterested, unlike the time we worked together just before the Christmas holidays. After the club was over, on my way out, I did one of the most regrettable and embarrassing things I've ever done, I asked her if she was free that weekend, she wasn't
Then the next day Capybara and Fox went up to her friend group but just stood next to them, in hopes that I and Cricket would follow them, I did, mistake number 3. And so there we are just stood like 7 metres away from them, and I'm really nervous whilst her friends and my friends are all laughing, then the bell rings and me and my friend walk away, but my other two friends stay there for a moment, as I'm walking away, I hear Yoyo and another one of her friends go over to Capybara and Fox who are still stood there and one of then says "ok, which one of you likes her". Me and Cricket are standing by the gate waiting for the other two to come back, we see them walking to us and they're absolutely dying of laughter, I can tell something bad has happened, my friends come back to me and my other friend and Capybara yells "SHES A LESBIAN!"
My world was completely flipped upside down, I remember feeling like the whole school was gonna find out and that I'd be a laughing stock
But a week passes and I get a text from Yoyo on insta telling me that the whole lesbian thing was a joke and that Lunnettes finds me "fit" (her words not mine) and suggesting that i talk to her, then her other friend messages me, I'm presuming to make fun of me or something but just ended up saying hi. Lunnettes then messages me saying not to listen to them.
Her friends started approaching me and my friend group in school asking us all sorts of weird questions, they even asked Fox if he was "coochie" (again, their words not mine) along with all sorts of odd things for about a week or so every break time.
Then Yoyo messages Fox, and Fox wanted answers, and he ended up finding out the truth. It turns out that lunnets used to like me but doesn't anymore, then lunnets messages him wanting to know what's going on, Lunnettes ends up telling him that she never liked me, according to him she was a "prick" and she said bad things about me to him, even something along the lines of "how could I ever like someone so unsociable" he told me that he was glad I didn't go out with her because she turned out to be horrible.
I believe him, but it's been over a year since all this, so I'm open to the possibility that she's changed, rumors about her tell me that she hasn't, but I take them with a pinch of salt, because at the end of they day, they're rumors/gossip
I haven't heard from her since (at least irl)
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, anything at all.To those that actually sat through and read all this, thank you very much, I appreciate the fact there's so much to read. :)
submitted by No_Jump6012 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 23:04 flygon727 Dota 2 Crownfall Event Act 1 Comprehensive Guide

Wanna skip the wall of text? Just skip to the Strategy Guide section if you wanna keep information to a minimum. I'd recommend using the rest of the post as a wiki to refer to when you have questions rather than reading through the entire thing to begin with anyway.
I'm gonna try to cover as much as possible and explain almost everything related to the event. Some of the things are still uncleauncertain so I will highlight those.
I will start by explaining every part of the event and then I'll end with a strategy guide for the "optimal" way to complete the pass and some tips.
All images linked below can be found in this imgur album if anybody wants them all in one place instead of having to open multiple links.
The event can be accessed from the main menu in game. The first act is the only one available as of now. Clicking on that takes you to the event section (which functions similarly to the battlepass). There are three tabs: The Overworld Map, The Crownfall Store and the Candyworks Caravan (locked initially).
The Overworld Map
The overworld map consists of (for Act 1) 53 nodes (including the start and finish node). To complete the main quest you'd need a minimum of 21 nodes to be completed. Completing a node involves at the very least reaching said node as well as, for some of the nodes, completing an additional task. To traverse the map you'd need to unlock the paths between nodes using tokens. The tutorial goes over this and gives you a sample token to use.
You can complete upto 35 out of the 53 nodes without making any purchases. The remaining 18 nodes are in the 2 side quests: 11 in Divided They Fall and 7 in The Missing Smith.
Reaching different nodes awards you with Store coins (detailed in the store section), Candy Bags (explained in the candyworks caravan section), Crownfall treasures, MMR Double Down Tokens, Emoticons, Loading Screens, Sprays, Showcase Decorations, Sets, and Style Unlocks for the sets.
Token System:
As for the tokens, they are obtained by literally just playing dota games. Each hero in the game has 3 tokens assigned to them. Examples below:
Ancient Apparation
Drow Ranger
Troll Warlord
As you might have noticed, some heroes can even have multiple of the same token. There are 18 tokens assigned to heroes (aside from quest specific tokens that are unlocked through other methods): Walking, Running, Flying, Floating, Slithering, Mounted, Crawling, Jumping, Teleportation, Melee, Ranged, Disabler, Escape, Durable, Initiator, Nuker, Pusher and Healer. The token inventory is available at the bottom and shows the list of tokens that can be earned as well as the availability. There is a 19th token type in act 1, namely the pathfinder token that can be unlocked by buying the pack (I will go over this in a later section).
Each hero has 3 tokens assigned to them, each token type has at least 1 hero and up to 3 heroes that have 2 heroes corresponding to them. The two exceptions being crawling (no heroes have 2 crawling tokens but brood has 3) and Nuker (a staggering 7 units have 2 nuker tokens).
Winning a game with a hero gives you all the tokens that are assigned to the hero while losing a game gives you a random 1 out of the 3. Turbo games give 2 tokens for a win and none for a loss. The token system is an overhaul of the pre-existing cavern crawl system. IMO this system is better as you don't have to wait for a hero to unlock to play it, losing still progresses and you're not forced to pick a certain hero at any point (so no more despairing over the chens and earth spirits).
Clicking on a token shows you which heroes provide it and how many of them. You can hold down Shift to select multiple tokens to see which heroes fit a certain combination.
Now back to the map, the paths can require anywhere from 1 to 3 tokens, here's an example of a path needing 1 ranged token, and the token kinds required are random for everyone. Some paths can even require duplicates of the same tokens (one of my nodes needed 2 flying tokens for example). If a path requires multiple tokens, clicking on any of the tokens will show you which heroes fit the combination of the tokens you do not own for the required path to be unlocked. This is how a multi token path looks like.
Edit: The final path before the End node + reward chest actually requires 4 tokens to unlock, u/Asekeeewka and u/PlaneswalkingBadger were kind enough to remind me of the fact.
Upper Half and Lower Half of the map, since I can't get them both in one image.
While most of the nodes just complete on reaching them, some nodes are Encounter nodes that offer additional rewards/features/mechanics to try out. I will go over each and every one of them in order to explain them. They can be identified by being diamond-shaped and bigger than the smaller, circular nodes across the rest of the map.
Start node: Where the journey starts, the only encounter node that isn't diamond shaped.
A Pair of Dangerous Eyes: A dialogue that provides you with 3 tokens, not sure if everyone gets the same 3 but here are mine.
Token Trader: Allows you to trade either 3 of the same tokens or 4 of any combination of tokens for a specific token. Not recommended to use early on (I'll bring this up in my strategy guide later).
Candyworks Caravan: Unlocks the Candyworks Caravan (detailed in a later section).
Fishing With Tidehunter: Fishing minigame, reaching 1k points in a single game gives you a fishing token (required to unlock another part of the map, i forgot which). Reaching 4k, 7k and 10k points also grant 2, 3 and 5 random tokens respectively for a total of 10 tokens. This is optional and can be skipped in favour of just playing more dota games if you find this a hassle (only the fishing token is required to be obtained from here).
To obtain all the rewards a total of 10k points in one minigame would be required (out of 5 fishing attempts). My advice would be to look for the high value fish and try to catch them exclusively and retry/restart if you fail twice. Each high value fish should give you around 2.5k points so just 4 of them should be enough.
You can aim for specific fish by moving your mouse left and right accordingly (look at the cursor position) and then holding down the left mouse button to adjust power. The closest fish to where the lure lands will be the one that gets hooked. Catching the fish is then akin to how you'd do it in stardew valley, clicking/holding the left mouse button makes the bar go up and releasing it makes it go down, the goal is to move the bar to match the movement of the fish.
Sometimes there won't be any so I'd recommend restarting.
Hard to show with just images and no video but these are the high value fish, they're also harder to catch though.
There's an even higher rarity but that doesn't spawn often and is even harder to catch, it gives like 4k points or sth tho iirc.
Edit : another tip here from u/kughanr
Fadho the First-Time Snake Charmer: Provides a slithering token after you win a game, iirc this reward refreshes once a day according to some people (I'd like confirmation on whether it does so and if there's a limit to this).
This comment from u/Storytellergg seems to indicate that only unranked and ranked wins count towards obtaining a token and that turbo games do not count. However, this other comment from u/n0stalghia seems to indicate that you get the token even if you lose your game.
Future Site of Scree'Auk Temple: A pyramid-scheme like dialogue that requires you to provide 4, 8, 12 and 16 tokens (the specific tokens required are likely randomly generated and different for everyone) according to this comment. The rewards are 4 candy bags, 6 candy bags, 10 rerolls on the candyworks caravan and 12 candies respectively. I am currently at the 12 token part and this is how the interface looks atm.
An Always-Closed Candlemaker's Shop: Supposedly provides a candle token that is supposed to unlock a currently inaccessible part of the map due to the token not being available right now. The token will likely be available during a later act so don't worry about this for now.
The Pecking Post: Allows you to pick 1 out of 3 random heroes to "free". Freeing a hero rewards you with the 3 tokens assigned to that hero. You can only pick 1 hero to free. This node is locked behind the Pathfinder Side Quest, Divided They Fall and cannot be accessed without purchasing the pack.
A Mysterious-Looking Vendor: I don't remember exactly so somebody correct me in the comments if this is wrong but if I recall correctly, this node allows you to pick one of the 3 options given which involves trading 1 of a specific token for 5 other tokens. There can be duplicates in the 5 tokens you'd obtain as a reward. You cannot pick more than 1 of the deals.. This node is locked behind the Pathfinder Side Quest, The Missing Smith and also cannot be accessed without purchasing the pack.
The Crownfall Store:
The next part to explain is the Crownfall Store.
First of all there's crownfall coins that are obtainable around the map. 10 coins can be used on any item in the shop for an 8 USD or equivalent currency (635 INR for me, for example) discount on it. Any item 8 USD or lower becomes free. There are 15 coins available in act 1 and 10 more coins locked behind the side quests unlocked by the pack.
Now obviously to maximize value we'd wanna use these on items worth 635 (I'm just gonna use the INR currencies here, I apologize in advance for any confusion) or more, which thankfully most items are. The Midgate Pathfinder Pack is 1190 (seems to be 15 usd?) or 555 after the coin discount, the Crownfall Royal Bundle which is 635 (8 USD) aka free after the discount and the arcanas at 2790 each (35 USD) which become 2155 after the discount are the relevant stuff here that i'd be focusing on.
The store contains the following items:
"The Ressurrection of Shen" - Vengeful Spirit Arcana
"The Devotion of Dragonus" - Skywrath Mage Arcana
"Midgate Pathfinder Pack" - Think of the event as being a free battlepass and this purchase the paid/premium battlepass with extra content, akin to what you'd find in other games with battlepasses. Gives you the custom creeps and the tokens to unlock the side quests, one of which provides you with a riki immortal as a reward for completing it.
"Crownfall Royal bundle" - Provides 30 candy bags, 10 Caraval Rerolls and 20 MMR double down tokens.
Crownfall Treasures 1 and 2 - Can be purchased individually or in sets of 9 for a discount of approximately 10-11%.
The side quests also give u 10 coins in total so the pack is the best thing to buy first since u get the coins back. There are 15 coins in act 1 and 10 coins from the pack quests so 25 unlockable coins in total (15 left to spend after buying the pack.
I'll detail the optimal purchase routes for various scenarios later.
The Candyworks Caravan:
The interface looks like this. This is a rehaul of the candystore from last year. As of now the candyworks caravan has 20 slots for candy (with 10 more locked) and 2 rewards slots available. The tooltip indicates that the caravan can be upgraded by visiting more nodes on the maps but since there's only the 1 node in Act 1, the assumption is that the upgrades will be available in future acts. The upgrades will likely increase the candy limit, it is uncertain/unclear atm if we will also get more reward slots in future upgrades.
Edit: The upgrades are actually shown in game when you first unlock the Candyworks Caravan. This image from u/lessenizer indicates that the candyshop unlocks would reward the following from each act:
Act 1 - 3 additional candies obtained for each caravan unlocked
Act 2 - 1 Additional space on the Candyworks Shelf aka 3 item slots instead of 2
Act 3 - Not 100% sure but this seems to be an additional recipe for the weekly candy exchanges.
Act 4 - 10 more candy slots, increasing the space from 20 to 30.
Opening candy bags reward you with a random 1 out of the 5 available candy (all of which can be seen in the image above). The reward slots display random rewards that you can exchange candy to obtain. If you don't have the required candy, you can also exchange certain kinds of candy for others. 3 such recipes are available weekly for exchanges and you can exchange for any of the recipes as many times as you'd like during that week. Apart from which you can also exchange 3 of a particular candy for any of the other 4 candy.
If you don't like the available rewards, you can also reroll your caravan to obtain a new set of rewards. Rerolls are earned by winning dota games. Turbo games provide half a reroll. You can earn 10 such rerolls a week this way.
Candyworks Caravan items drop chance and cost
Hero Set (4 candies) — 63.1%
Wards (5 candies) — 12.62%
Courier (5 candies) — 9.46%
Old Treasure (8 candies) — 6.31%
Announcer (9 candies) — 4.73%
Treasure with Immortal items (12 candies) — 3.15%
Event Coins (14 candies) — 0.315%
Arcana (16 candies) — 0.315%
Also I've seen elsewhere that the coins mentioned above are 10 coins, so an entire discount's worth.
Additionally the arcana pool has also been datamined.
Demon Eater (Shadow Fiend)
Blades of Voth Domosh (Legion Commander)
Feast of Abscession Bundle (Pudge)
Tempest Helm of the Thundergod (Zeus)
Swine of the Sunken Galley Bundle (Techies)
Fiery Soul of the Slayer (Lina)
Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm (Terrorblade)
Frost Avalanche Bundle (Crystal Maiden)
Flockheart's Gamble Bundle (Ogre Mage)
Manifold Paradox Bundle (Phantom Assassin)
The Magus Cypher Bundle (Rubick)
Bladeform Legacy Bundle (Juggernaut)
Great Sage's Reckoning Bundle (Monkey King)
The shop reset at 7 AM GMT on Thursday, weekly. After each of these resets you will obtain 3 new recipes and can earn 10 more rerolls that week. As of now it is unclear whether you keep leftover rerolls, we'd have to wait for the first reset to confirm whether or not we do.
Correction here from u/Aluerie. There are 2 separate weekly resets on Thursday. The one at 7 AM GMT changes the available candy conversion recipes while another one at 4PM GMT is when the weekly rerolls would reset.
A comment from FanFiTa regarding the rerolls not stacking can be seen here.
Also further clarification from u/ Lombrado and u/Yash_swaraj in these comments below regarding the rerolls.
Buying rerolls from bundles or obtaining them from the temple (not 100% sure for this one but I believe it to also be the case) will grant you the full number of rerolls. So say you have 4 rerolls left and you obtain 10 from the bundle, you'd be at 14. However you would no longer be able to obtain any of the weekly rerolls until your current reroll number goes below 10.
Strategy Guide:
So now the question is, "How do I grind the event efficiently?" and I'm here to answer that. Make sure to at the very least read the tl;dr and question 8 of the FAQ below.
Since you obtain 3 tokens for a win, you're guaranteed to obtain the token kind you need when you win, even if the corresponding hero only has 1 of said token assigned to them. And losing still grants you a 1 in 3 chance. However, turbo games providing 2 tokens for a win means there's still a chance to not get the right tokens when you win and you get none when you lose. Playing turbo is ineffecient and not recommended if grinding the event is the focus, stick to unranked
Outside of the encounter nodes, the event is pretty straightforward, you can click on a token type or hold down shift to select a combination to decide what hero you'd need to play. I'
Firstly for the encounter nodes. Some of them are just obtaining rewards so those are pretty straightforward. The ones that need extra context are the Token Trader, The Future Site of Scree'Auk Temple and to a lesser degree, the Pecking Post and the Mysterious Looking Vendor.
The Token Trader is pretty inefficient (3 or 4 tokens exchanged for 1) and should not be used until the very end. I have not used it once yet and I'm at 52/53 (only Scree'Auk Temple remaining, 2/4 parts completed). It should not be used be used until u have the final part of Scree'Auk Temple unlocked and no other hidden paths so u know for sure that the tokens that you're converting are indeed excess tokens and not tokens that might be needed later on. The only acceptable scenario to use it earlier than that would be if you cannot play ANY of the heroes that have a particular token type assigned to them.
The pecking post and the mysterious vendor are efficient (3 free tokens and 1 token exchanged for 5) and so you don't NEED to treat it the same way, but it is more efficient to kinda do the same with regards to claiming those as well.
As for Scree'Auk's Temple, I'd personally recommend prioritizing parts 1 and 2 of it over other paths on the map (once you have it unlocked ofc) so you know what you'd need for part 3 before progressing elsewhere.
And well now the important part, the tl;dr:
Progress down the main path from the start.
Unlock A Pair of Dangerous Eyes.
The Token Trader isn't a priority.
Unlock the Candyworks Caravan.
Unlock the Fishing With Tidehunter node and try the minigame out (read above for instructions/tips). Ideally try to get 10k here as it cuts down the tokens required by a fair bit. You need 1k at least to progress the story later.
Unlock Fadho the First-Time Snake Charmer and collect 1 token every day after you win a game.
You have the option to also progress the side quest Lost and Found now. None of the nodes are a priority, so you shouldn't focus on this node, but progressing it while focusing on the main quest is always a nice bonus.
If you plan to buy the battlepass however, completing the first node rewards with 3 more coins, which puts you at 12 coins when you finish the next step
You reach the Future Site of Scree'Auk Temple. The node before this also gives you the last required coins to get the discount on the pack. It's probably most efficient to finish the 4 and 8 token submissions ASAP.
Buy the battlepass now using the discount if you plan to. Make sure you've enabled the discount and you see the discounted price before you purchase it.
You don't NEED to finish the main quest right away but its like 2 nodes away at this point so you might as well.
(Battlepass buyers optional step) If you wanna be extra efficient however, I'd rush the side quests from the battlepass and unlock the Pecking Post and the Vendor first.
Finish the 4 and 8 token submissions in the temple if you haven't already.
Finish all the remaining nodes in whatever order you'd like.
Read the Token Trader section so you'll have an idea of when to use him, if you'd need to. I'd personally not bother until you're at the 16 token submission for the Scree'Auk Temple.
Now for the Scree'Auk Temple. DON'T claim the 12 token reward (10 free rerolls) until after we confirm that the rerolls stack (which we'd know for sure on Thursday, read FAQs 2 and 3 below).
If the rerolls do stack, just finish the Temple now. If they don't stack, wait for Act 4 to fully upgrade the candyshop before u claim the rerolls from the Temple. Don't purchase the candyworks bundle yet either, for the same reason mentioned above.
Edit: We have (sorta) confirmation, don't claim the 10 free reroll reward until after you've unlocked at the very least the second candyworks caravan from Act 2 so you'd have 3 slots instead of just 2. You do not NEED to wait for Act 4. Similarly, do not purchase any of the shop bundles at least until Act 2 is out and you've upgraded the caravan.
Q1. Do we have to buy pathfinder packs for each act?
A: Unknown/unclear as of now. Likely yes but we have no confirmation as of now.
Q2: Do we keep the rerolls earned after a weekly reset or do those reset to 0 as well? Does the shop get automatically rerolled at the end of the week.
A: Both unknown/unclear as of now. Comments have claimed that those stacked from last year and didn't reset so if that's true, that's likely the case. I doubt the shop rerolls automatically either, but we don't have confirmation yet.
Q3: Should I use all my rerolls now or later?
A: If, according to the previous statement, the rerolls do stack, it'd be best to save them for when we finish upgrading the candyworks caravan (likely in act 4?) to get maximum value out of the rerolls. If they don't however, then just use the weekly rerolls as you obtain them and hold the Scree'Auk Temple ones for when we get to Act 4 (also don't buy any of the Candyworks bundles until Act 4 in this scenario)
Q4: What rewards are worth claiming from the Candy Store?
A: I'd personally say the Arcanas are always worth it. The 10 coins are as well (I'd personally always buy them since they equate to a full candyworks bundle so 10 more rerolls). The immortal treasures are kinda debatable but I personally wouldn't. Everything else is not worth it imo. However most of the other stuff is cheap enough to the point where I'd say if you see something you like, go ahead and claim it! It probably won't cost enough to make you lose out on an Arcana.
Q5: Are the candyworks rewards tradable/marketable? What about the Venge/Sky Arcanas?
A: Going off last year's candyworks equivalent, the rewards should mostly not be tradable/marketable. The Venge and Sky Arcanas, as well as the Riki Immortal from the side quest, are marketable in 2025.
Q6: Will candy/tokens reset when we get act 2?
A: Tokens will not reset but you apparently can't earn more tokens after 53/53ing the map and the inventory does say Act 1 inventory, so it's likely you'd need to farm separate tokens for each act. It is highly unlikely that candy will change as the caravan seems to be independent of the map outside of potentially upgrading the caravan.
Q7: Can you stack multiple coins on a purchase? Can you use coins on gifts?
A: No you cannot. Confirmation from GoodWin on his discord server. You can only use 10 coins (aka a single discount per purchase). You can use coins on gift purchases as well though, also confirmed by GoodWin.
Q8: Most optimal path to purchase stuff?
A: Gonna split this into a few cases. Note that for all cases, buying the pathfinder's pack gives you 10 coins in return so you don't lose the discount. So its just a matter of considering the pack at its discounted price is worth it. The pack provides you with 20 candy bags, 3 Treasures, the Riki Immortal, the custom creeps and a couple of style unlocks as well as the last few emotes/sprays. This purchase is skippable if you don't feel it's worth the money. However do keep in mind, purchasing the pack is required if you plan on unlocking the 3rd style of the venge arcana.
If you are purchasing the pack, make that your first purchase. I personally am purchasing it for the style unlock.
In all the cases below I will skip the optional step 0 of purchasing the pack, if you plan on doing so, make that your first purchase.
Case 1 - If you don't plan on buying the Arcanas or the treasuresat all. I'd just spend all the coins on the Candyworks bundles at the end of the event (or right away if we confirm they stack so you have more time to spend your double down tokens if you'd like).
Case 2 - If you do plan on buying the Arcanas, just spend your first discount on whichever one you want and you should be able to get the other discounted during Act 2. All the remaining coins can go into buying candywork bundles(costs nothing with the discount) or buying treasures if you want.
Case 3 - You plan on skipping the arcanas but wanna buy the treasures. Buy the treasures whenever you have the discount available and save for your money for now. Ince we have all 4 acts out and you've obtained and spent all the discounts, you can consider buiying them at full price.
My personal priority list has been Pack (purchased) -> Venge Arcana Purchased -> Sky Aracana -> Spamming candyworks bundles. I plan to not purchase any of the treasures. If any packs release for the future acts I will purchase those first as well, once the discount is available for them.
That should be everything, if you have any other questions feel free to ask and I'd answer them to the best of my knowledge.
Q9: Do double down tokens expire or do we get to keep them after the event ends?
A: The last time we had a battlepass of this nature the tokens expired when the pass did so expect this time to be the same. No official confirmation but its highly unlikely they change this.
Q10: When do I stop earning tokens?
A: You stop earning tokens when you have completed EVERYTHING on the map that requires a token. You do not need to worry about this, if you complete everything except Scree'Auk Temple, you still earn tokens. If you were to stop earning tokens, that would imply you don't need them anymore. This also implies that the token inventory for Act 1 very likely does NOT carry over to future Acts.
Q11: How long do I have to wait to claim the rerolls from Scree'Auk Temple and/or buy the Crownfall Royal Bundle?
A: There are 2 relevant milestones here. Well 3 if we include actually unlocking the caravan but I'll not count that one.
The first and most important one is unlocked during Act 2, a 3rd item slot for the caravan, essentially making every reroll 50% more efficient. Do NOT claim rerolls from the Temple or buy the royal bundle until you've unlocked this version of the shop.
The second, less important one is during Act 4 where we get 10 more slots for candy. The reason this is relevant is that the Arcanas require 16 candy (and coins require 12) out of 20 slots. That only leaves 4 to 8 slots worth of leeway so if you end up missing more of the right candy than those slots worth, you'd likely be forced to make less efficient trades to claim the arcanas or whatever. Waiting for Act 4 can give you more wiggle room and there's no downside in doing so, so this would be the most "optimal" way to do it.
However, I understand many of you (and myself as well) are impatient and wanna gamble try our luck early on, so if you fall into this category, you can do it after Act 2.
Good luck and happy grinding.
Edit: thanks to u/FanFiTa , rerolls do not stack apparently. If this is the case use all your weekly rerolls and don't finish the 3rd part of Scree'Auk Temple or buy any of the candy bundles until after the Candyworks Caravan is fully upgraded, likely wait for Act 4.
Edit(s) 2:
1) Thanks to u/lessenizer for the image and u/CuteNepgear as well as others in the comments for pointing out that the candyworks upgrade list and order were shown in game when the candyworks is first unlocked. The optimal way to use the rerolls has been updated accordingly.
2) Additional information as to whether or not the rerolls stack
3) More info on the slithering tokens
4) 3 more FAQs pertaining to questions that've been asked in the comments below
5) Fishing tip added from
6) Correction on the max tokens a path could require thanks to u/Asekeeewka and u/PlaneswalkingBadger.
7) Correction on the weekly reset time thanks to u/Aluerie
submitted by flygon727 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 16:57 Deep-Piece3181 Kubernetes v1.30

Kubernetes v1.30 makes your clusters cuter!
Kubernetes is built and released by thousands of people from all over the world and all walks of life. Most contributors are not being paid to do this; we build it for fun, to solve a problem, to learn something, or for the simple love of the community. Many of us found our homes, our friends, and our careers here. The Release Team is honored to be a part of the continued growth of Kubernetes.
For the people who built it, for the people who release it, and for the furries who keep all of our clusters online, we present to you Kubernetes v1.30: Uwubernetes, the cutest release to date. The name is a portmanteau of “kubernetes” and “UwU,” an emoticon used to indicate happiness or cuteness. We’ve found joy here, but we’ve also brought joy from our outside lives that helps to make this community as weird and wonderful and welcoming as it is. We’re so happy to share our work with you.
UwU ♥️
submitted by Deep-Piece3181 to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 02:09 junior_dos_nachos Kubernetes v1.30: Uwubernetes, the cutest release to date. The name is a portmanteau of “kubernetes” and “UwU,” an emoticon used to indicate happiness or cuteness.

submitted by junior_dos_nachos to programmingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 07:14 ImpatientDelta 10 Best Keyboard Alternatives Apps for iPhone

10 Best Keyboard Alternatives Apps for iPhone
In a world where convenience and versatility are paramount, keyboard alternatives apps have emerged as indispensable tools for enhancing user experience across various digital platforms. These apps offer innovative solutions to traditional keyboard interfaces, providing users with a wide array of features and customization options to suit their preferences and needs. Whether it's improving typing speed, enhancing productivity, or enabling new input methods like gesture typing and voice recognition, keyboard alternatives apps have revolutionized the way we interact with our devices.

1. Microsoft SwiftKey AI Keyboard
The Microsoft SwiftKey AI Keyboard app revolutionizes typing on mobile devices with its advanced artificial intelligence technology. Offering personalized predictions and autocorrections, SwiftKey learns from your typing habits to provide accurate suggestions, saving time and reducing errors. Its extensive language support and multilingual typing capabilities cater to a global user base. With customizable themes, layouts, and emoji predictions, users can tailor their keyboard experience to reflect their style and preferences. SwiftKey's seamless integration with Microsoft services ensures effortless productivity across devices. From casual messaging to professional correspondence, the SwiftKey AI Keyboard app enhances typing efficiency and elevates the user experience on smartphones and tablets.

2. Gboard – the Google Keyboard
Gboard – the Google Keyboard app redefines typing experiences on mobile devices with its intuitive design and powerful features. Seamlessly integrated with Google services, Gboard offers quick access to search, GIFs, emojis, and more, right from the keyboard interface. Its smart autocorrect and predictive text capabilities adapt to user behavior, ensuring accurate typing with minimal effort. Gboard supports multilingual typing, gesture typing, and voice dictation, catering to diverse user needs. With customizable themes and layouts, users can personalize their typing experience to match their style. From messaging to productivity tasks, Gboard simplifies typing on Android and iOS devices, making communication effortless.

3. Color Keyboard - Themes, Fonts
Color Keyboard - Themes, Fonts is the ultimate customization tool for keyboard enthusiasts, offering a plethora of themes, fonts, and customization options to elevate your typing experience. With a vast library of vibrant themes and stylish fonts, users can personalize their keyboard to match their mood, personality, or aesthetic preferences. Whether you're into bold and colorful designs or sleek and minimalist styles, Color Keyboard has something for everyone. Additionally, the app provides advanced typing features like autocorrect, predictive text, and emoji support, ensuring accuracy and efficiency while typing. Transform your keyboard into a reflection of your unique style with Color Keyboard - Themes, Fonts.

4. Typewise Custom Keyboard
The Typewise Custom Keyboard app revolutionizes typing on mobile devices with its innovative design and advanced features. Engineered for efficiency and accuracy, Typewise boasts a hexagonal key layout that minimizes typos and maximizes typing speed. Its intelligent autocorrect and predictive text algorithms are powered by artificial intelligence, ensuring precise suggestions tailored to your typing style. With customizable themes and layouts, users can personalize their keyboard to suit their preferences and enhance their typing experience. Typewise prioritizes privacy with on-device processing, safeguarding user data from third-party access. Elevate your typing experience with Typewise Custom Keyboard and enjoy faster, more accurate typing on your smartphone or tablet.

5. Neon LED Keyboard
The Neon LED Keyboard app is the ultimate choice for users seeking a vibrant and visually stunning typing experience on their mobile devices. With its neon-themed keyboard designs and dynamic LED effects, this app adds a touch of excitement and personality to your device. Choose from a variety of colorful neon themes and customize your keyboard with different LED lighting effects, making each keystroke a visually captivating experience. Additionally, the app offers advanced typing features such as autocorrect, predictive text, and emoji support, ensuring seamless communication. Transform your device into a neon masterpiece with the Neon LED Keyboard app and stand out from the crowd.

6. EasyType Keyboard
The EasyType Keyboard app simplifies typing on mobile devices with its user-friendly interface and intuitive design. Engineered for convenience and efficiency, EasyType offers a straightforward typing experience for users of all skill levels. With its large and easy-to-read keys, typing accurately and quickly becomes effortless, reducing typos and increasing productivity. The app also features customizable themes and layouts, allowing users to personalize their keyboard to match their style and preferences. Additionally, EasyType supports autocorrect, predictive text, and emoji suggestions, ensuring smooth and error-free communication. Say goodbye to frustrating typing experiences and hello to effortless typing with the EasyType Keyboard app.

7. Bagan Keyboard
The Bagan Keyboard app is a versatile typing tool designed to enhance the typing experience on Android devices. Offering a range of unique features, Bagan Keyboard stands out with its extensive language support, catering to users worldwide. Whether typing in English or a local language, users can rely on Bagan Keyboard for accurate predictions and autocorrections. The app also boasts customizable themes and layouts, allowing users to personalize their typing experience. Additionally, Bagan Keyboard supports gesture typing, voice input, and emoji suggestions, making it a comprehensive and user-friendly keyboard solution for all types of users. Experience seamless and efficient typing with Bagan Keyboard.

8. Fonts+Keyboard Themes & Emoji
The Fonts+Keyboard Themes & Emoji app is a must-have for users looking to customize their typing experience on mobile devices. With a vast library of fonts, keyboard themes, and emojis, this app allows users to express themselves creatively through their keyboards. Choose from a variety of stylish fonts to give your text a unique flair, and select from numerous keyboard themes to match your mood or personality. Additionally, the app offers a wide range of emojis and emoticons to add a touch of fun and emotion to your messages. Transform your keyboard into a reflection of your style with Fonts+Keyboard Themes & Emoji.

9. TTKeyboard

TTKeyboard is a versatile keyboard app designed to enhance typing efficiency and customization options on Android devices. With its intuitive interface and robust features, TTKeyboard offers users a seamless typing experience tailored to their preferences. The app provides a wide range of keyboard layouts, themes, and customizable settings, allowing users to personalize their typing experience to suit their style. Additionally, TTKeyboard supports multilingual typing, gesture typing, autocorrect, and predictive text, ensuring accurate and efficient communication in any language. Whether you're typing emails, messages, or social media posts, TTKeyboard empowers users with flexibility and convenience in their digital interactions.

10. Cute Girly Keyboard Themes
The Cute Girly Keyboard Themes app is a delightful choice for users looking to add a touch of charm and personality to their typing experience. With its collection of adorable and stylish keyboard themes, this app allows users to express their girlish flair through their keyboards. From cute animals to floral patterns and vibrant colors, there's a theme to suit every taste and mood. Additionally, the app offers a range of customization options, including font styles and key shapes, allowing users to create a keyboard that truly reflects their unique style. Make typing fun and fabulous with the Cute Girly Keyboard Themes app.


In conclusion, keyboard alternatives apps have transformed the landscape of digital communication and productivity, offering users unparalleled flexibility and efficiency in their daily interactions with technology. With their diverse range of features and customizable options, these apps empower users to personalize their digital experience and optimize their workflow. As technology continues to evolve, keyboard alternatives apps will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of innovation, continually pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of digital input methods.
submitted by ImpatientDelta to appmania [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 20:53 ZashaTheGremlin Zer0 Current Lore

Zer0 is like a super badass character, I love their emoticons on their helmet to express emotion and how they act is cute. But I wish we got more lore for them and to know their true identity and what they really are. Tanis is the only one who knows what their full name and gender is, but sadly we will never know as gearbox loves to somewhat tease us about it. Hopefully bl4 we will learn more, or is it better they are a mystery forever?
submitted by ZashaTheGremlin to Borderlands [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 09:05 FarmWhich4275 A hidden History - Part 7

(Part 1 )
(Part 2 )
(part 3 )
(Part 4 )
(Part 5 )
Part 6 )
Everyone suddenly stopped. The jubilation of Marcus' appearance suddenly gone, replaced with a shocked, empty silence. One simple statement, sending a thousand people to silence.
"Uh... what?" Taurus said, his face now awash with worry.
"Earth is gone. Gone looong ago. The Year Of Our Lord 2887 AD. Supernova came in, destroyed the system. Just... boom. Swish!" Marcus said, making various hand gestures as he casually walked towards the cargo ramp.
Everyone looked at him like he just kicked a puppy or threw a kitten in a pot of boiling oil. He casually just started the cargo ramp, lowering it to show a stack of gold and silver, the exact amount given to Taurus earlier that day. With everyone's attention suddenly diverted by a fat stack of treasure, the subject suddenly vanished.
"And... this is?" The Canyon Elf King said as he gestured to the pallet of gold.
"It's part of the deal. What he gives to me, He also gives to you. And vice versa. It's all part of the deal. Come quickly, lets go inside. We have much to discuss, and I have much to tell. Guards! Take the pallet to the treasury!" Taurus commanded to the palace guards.
Taurus smiled as they all looked at him, shrugged and began carrying the treasure to the palace vaults. He stood aside and gestured for the Canyon King to lead the way to the Great Hall. Marcus however ignored it for now, raising, loading then lowering the cargo ramp once more, this time packed with crates of food supplies. He yelled out for everyone to line up to grab a crate for their use, also handing out a pamphlet that explained what exactly was going on. The Food Distribution plan had already started.
Taurus appeared from the palace doors about twenty minutes later and gestured for Marcus to follow him. Marcus of course, shrugged and obliged, snapping his fingers. A large robot, around twice the size of a cow appeared out of the side of the ship, and clanged onto the stone ground. It had a bulbous, spherical body, out of which were a number of large, vicious looking metal tentacles like a massive robotic squid. Its face had a screen on it, which displayed various emoticons and silly pictures to convey emotion, around which were large blue eyes made of a strange glass.
It flew effortlessly through the air and landed by the cargo platform. It picked up a pallet and a pamphlet and handed it to the nearest person, displaying a happy face on its screen. It moved with precision and speed that made everyone shudder, and its scarlet red paint job didn't make it any better. Marcus looked at it and loudly cleared his throat at it. It looked at him, then itself, then made an 'oopsie' squeaky noise, and began to vibrate for a few seconds. Then, in front of everyone, its outer coat of paint quickly changed color to a cheerful, cute Hello Kitty Pink, logos included.
It resumed doing its work. Marcus smiled, looking at Taurus who was now staring. "I'll tell you later. Trust me, later."
"I'll hold you to that... Anyway... Council wishes to see you." Taurus replied and walked in.
The two walked in and waited, the Council looking at Marcus with awe. Marcus however remained undaunted, and simply approached with a smile. "Sup?"
"Well... Taurus I wasn't expecting THAT... I knew you not to be a liar at all but that was a bit far fetched... So much for that theory." One of the elegantly robed elves at the table said.
"An actual human... This one seems a bit odd though..." Another voice said.
"Taller than I remember... And what is that attire?" Yet another voice said.
Amongst the murmuring and chatter, Marcus simply stood quiet and let them gabble while he looked around. The entire room was a massive rectangular cathedral-like building with every edifice carved out of stone with hand tools and various magics. The floor polished to a mirror sheen, every tile on the surface either carved out of the floor itself or expertly fitted in like a beautiful mosaic. A mixture of browns, whites, reds, blues and greens, all creating a beautiful place to be. Marcus took some mental notes and used a hidden microcamera in his collar to take pictures for later.
The Canyon Elf King stood up, the room going silent in response. "I am King Edward the Second. Call me Ed. Everyone does. It makes things easier, simpler, faster."
"Marcus The Engineer. Just Marcus. Pleasure." He replied in kind with a smile.
"Indeed. I saw your ship... Magnificent. Taurus has informed me of the basics of the situation. I'm certain I will need more time to get the full story though. What can we do for you?" Edward said, stoic and calm.
"Nothing. At least so far. Things are going as they need to. Reform, repay debts, get ready to be dragged kicking and screaming into the next millennium. Then... When you are ready on your own terms, join humanity in the void. Simple as." Marcus replied simply.
"Our own terms... Explain please." He said, sitting back down.
"That's how it has to be. Let's say you go into space using our tech. Later down the line, it turns out our tech has a fatal flaw in its design. Well... you don't have a choice but to work around that flaw or deal with it as is, because you have no alternative. If you do it by yourself, then you don't have that flaw. If and/or when bad things happen, such as devouring hive swarms, stellar blowout cascades, mass supernovas, all sorts of stuff, we will have the edge to survive it." He said.
The rest of the crowd raised a brow. Devouring hive swarm? Stellar Blowout Cascade? Mass Supernovas? What? Why did all that sound terrifying?
"See... the universe is an ugly place. It's a dangerous place. The universe wants you dead... we don't know why. The only way for it not to do that, is to make sure you are in more than one place when it happens. It's a numbers game... Bigger numbers means more survivability. The galaxy is BIG. Like really, really, REALLY big. Even though the human empire is over eight hundred billion souls, our empire, or at least claimed territories, covers barely a twentieth of the galaxy’s total size. There's a lot out there we don't know... And we have firsthand knowledge that not everything out there is friendly." Marcus said, still smiling.
Everyone in the room gave each other a passing glance of concern.
"BUT... that stuff is farther down the line. Much farther. Say... two hundred years farther down. You have a long way to go. But... we will be welcoming you with open arms. No seriously, hurry up, it's lonely out there." Marcus winked at the crowd with a smile and a chuckle.
Edward took a deep breath. "Hmm... I have been told your factory is still functioning... I have a request."
"So make it."
"Since we have to 'do it our own way' so to speak, I would like to assign an apprentice to work alongside you. This apprentice will then learn these machines and we can use that information to build our own. The ability to build large factories would be... exceedingly useful. Is this acceptable?" Ed said with a sly grin.
Marcus, oblivious to the number of women in the audience whose faces suddenly brightened with joy, smiled and nodded. "Yeah alright, but education will have to wait for a while. I'm not the one in charge anymore. I need to wait for this Moot thing and also for you to finish the whole talk to MY bosses thing first."
"Then we can hand the apprentice over and get comfortable to start. What do you think, Taurus?" Ed said.
Taurus and Edward looked at each other with a sly grin that made Marcus genuinely nervous. "Oh I think I have a prime candidate... I have more to research on this 'pollution' thing Marcus mentioned, but I would like to get my hands on those air purifier machines as soon as possible."
"Then it is settled. Marcus, I suggest taking an apprentice from each of the Kingdoms, teach them a craft, then see if they can replicate it in their own... unique way. I have a... prime candidate for you. I will be sending over the Royal Delegation for the Moot. Meeting adjourned!" Edward used a small metal stick to hit a little bell on the table. The room erupted into a concerted effort of work and toil as everyone dispersed from their seats and hastily got back to their jobs.
"That was easy." Marcus said as Edward approached.
"I like things that are simple, quick, easy. Straight to the point, direct. Flustering with bowing and scraping on floors with red carpets is a waste of time and resources. We prefer to save the pleasantries for when the job is done." Edward replied with a smile.
"Better keep that to yourself going forward... If the Cult Mechanicus finds out an attitude like this exists outside Temple Prime I may not be able to stop them." Marcus said with a fierce, stern tone, catching the two kings off guard.
"But anyway, for later, again. We have more pressing concerns. I take it Taurus here explained what he was doing with his monetary compensation?" Marcus asked as he headed back to his ship.
"Oh yes, a truly brilliant decision. Reduce taxes to spur the economy, and growth. Give the people a reason to multiply prosperously. Extra coins in the hands of the common folk will eventually filter through the great chain, everyone will be better off for it and we grow in turn. We will eventually have the population we need to sustain a steady growth in this erm... Revolution, of yours." Edward said, following Marcus closely.
"Welp, there you go. Next thing to do is unite all the factions. Then we can start. And ONLY, then." Marcus said and walked up the stairs.
The two kings looked at each other in concern.
"Heh... I knew it!" Marcus chuckled to himself as he saw the two mens concerned 'oh shit' stare and disappeared into his ship.
Time flew by and within the hour, all of the retinue were on board and were exploring the ship's incredible confines. Edward was beside himself marveling at the craftsmanship around him, his guards likewise sharing his enthusiasm as they set their equipment in their quarters. One particular newcomer was more interested in Marcus and was sticking around him, much to his chagrin.
"And... you are?" He asked, raised brow and all.
The young caramel skinned elf with short, almost goblin like ears just smiled at him. "My name is Arianna! I'm under orders. I was told you were my new master. Im here to learn sir!" She said and saluted.
Marcus closed his eyes and breathed deeply. His tone was frustrated and irritated. "Okay firstly, please for the LOVE OF GOD don't call me 'master'. Secondly, why are you naked? What's with all the naked elf girls?"
"I'm not naked... What are you talking about?" She replied, batting her eyelashes at him.
"S-seriously? SERIOUSLY!? You're wearing the equivalent of a microskirt and a tube top. That's... NOT naked to you?" Marcus said.
"Well... No... This is common garb for us, especially during summer." She replied in kind.
"Arcturus.... Remind me to lower the ships cabin temperature later." Marcus said with a glare as he got into his pilot's seat.
Arianna obeyed her king's orders and stood next to him, standing over him. She carefully looked at all the ship's controls and operations. Making every note in her head she could about every tiny detail she could find. Marcus growled in frustration as he noticed how Arianna's top barely covered anything, giving him a good look up her cleavage.
"What the hell is with the women on this fucking planet? I swear to the Void... I mean seriously..." Marcus said, speaking Japanese, a language she definitely didn't understand.
She simply looked at him with a smile and resumed taking notes on the ship. The startup sequence hit, and several nearby observers nearly had the tar scared out of them as the ship's thrusters blasted to life with a beautiful roar that echoed through the entire canyon. Taurus and Edward both entered the cockpit as the ship cleared the canyon walls and entered the open sky.
"So... point me to where next." Marcus said, still trying to keep his eyes off his new apprentice.
"Our next port of call is the Mountain Elves. Jaquelyn will be our representative. She seems to have made herself comfortable here." Taurus said.
Marcus pushed a few buttons and an image of Jaquelyn wandering around the cargo bay messing with some spare parts appeared on a screen. "Yeah, no shit."
"Well thankfully for both of us it is a fortuitous occasion. The Southern Snow Elves are visiting. Two for one." Edward said.
"Well I guess that helps. Arcturus?" Marcus said.
"Yes Captain?" The ship's AI voice spoke.
"Activate the surveillance network and arm our cannons. If the Mountain Elves are anything like Jaquelyn, I want security upgraded." Marcus said flatly.
"Affirmative sir."
"What... was that?" Edward asked, looking around for the source of the disembodied voice.
"Courtesy of the Cult Mechanicus and their affiliates at The Sons Of The Void, Arcturus. A fully self aware Artificial Intelligence. It's basically a machine that thinks, feels, and understands." Marcus replied simply.
All three elves looked at eachother, once again sharing glances of shock and awe.
"Hello. My name is Arcturus. I am the ship’s on board AI. I am responsible for all shipboard and factory operations when the Captain is not around. When he is around, we share the same mind. That's what that spike in his neck is for. It links us together during our work." Arcturus said.
"Machines can think?" Taurus asked, scratching his chin.
"Considering the circumstances I will ignore the offensive connotations of that statement. Please don't press any buttons." Arcturus said, his mechanical voice seeming a bit angry.
"Well then... Okay. I'm scared now." Edward shuddered a bit.
"That is the correct answer. One hour twenty minutes flight time. Coordinates locked, get comfy and enjoy the trip. Hope your quarters are acceptable." Marcus said as he gunned the engines.
"Marcus... Out of curiosity... What 'year' is it for you? What's the, date so to speak?" Taurus asked, curious.
"4186. Next year will be an interesting anniversary. One thousand three hundred years since we lost Sol. It's gonna be quite the pilgrimage." Marcus smiled and simply flew the ship.
"Oh right. Sorry. I forgot. '
It matters not to where we go, we never forget from whence we came. From the corpse of Sol to the end of the Void, Earth shall be remembered.'
Every year we hold a pilgrimage to Sol, or what's left of it, and newcomers or kids go to the star system and uh... gain a sense of perspective." Marcus shrugged.
"From the shattered solar arrays of Venus we learn to understand the need for energy.
From the toxic remains of Mars, we understand why nature is so critical.
From the body of Earth, we understand from whence we came, and to where we all end.
From the wreckage of Jupiter's moons, we understand the desperate struggle to belong.
From the graveyards of Callisto, we remember why we have an inborn hatred of greed.
From the prisons of Io, we remember why freedom is a master of no equal.
From the Foundries of Neptune, we remember why Machines can think.
From Sol we learn these lessons. With Sol we understand, from Sol we came, to Sol we go, no matter where or when we are.
And from these lessons, we learn how to rival Gods, in both power and responsibility." Marcus and all the machines on board the ship recited the same statement simultaneously.
Jaquelyn looked around her in confusion as the cargo bay echoed with the sounds of a hundred artificial voices. Serris jumped from her calm in the arboretum and shivered as she heard the Creed. The entire elven crew jumped from their seats, some in confusion, others in alarm as a hundred disembodied, inhuman voices spoke together in unison, in a flat, dulcet yet somber tone.
"And if you aren't careful, you won't live to learn those same lessons. The lessons of ecology, anti-slavery, of energy and resource production, justice, freedom, purity, power. War. Lessons to be learned, histories to never be repeated. Remember that, if nothing else." Marcus said, talking stern and stoic.
He handed both kings a digital tablet and remained silent for the rest of the trip.
“That right there… That's likely the most valuable thing I have on this ship. Never mind pallets of ingots or thousands of tons of gold…. THAT right there, is the single most important thing you will ever receive on this ship. I recommend reading it on your own time. With no distractions.” Arcturus said.
The kings looked at each other again, concern and confusion on their faces.
Marcus noticed their expressions and simply said: "Its history."
submitted by FarmWhich4275 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 02:01 JellieCatMC Easter is getting closer and Asa is looking.. cute?

Easter is getting closer and Asa is looking.. cute?
Is cute the right word for him right now? I'd argue it. Sure he kind of sucks as a person but he's the literal living embodiment of the :3 emoticon. He has a squishy face! I made the dress to look like candyfloss (or cotton candy) and I gave him a big ol' egg. And bunnies. Because they're cute as hell. This one took a lot out of me but I'm proud I got through, since the artblock is still hitting me hard. Who do you think I'll draw next?
submitted by JellieCatMC to Lackadaisy [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 03:20 twosam2 Cute emoticon 😍

Cute emoticon 😍 submitted by twosam2 to u/twosam2 [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 22:47 Beginning_Froyo4200 I never knew it was a nose (°◡°)

I never knew it was a nose (°◡°) submitted by Beginning_Froyo4200 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 06:43 Dependant_Ad8749_5 TV Woman Bundle.

TV Woman (Skin)
TV Expression-Holo (Back Bling)
Loving Broadcaster (Pickaxe)
Motherly Agent (Loading Screen)


Week 5: Emote Infront Of A TV (1) Reward: TV Glued (Emote)
Week 6: Exterminate The Last Skibidi (1) Reward: Skibidi Bloodbath (Loading Screen)
Week 7: Emote After Accepting A Job From A SHADOW Briefing Or Accepting A Bounty From A Simulation Bounty Board (1) Reward: Cute TV (Emoticon)
Week 8: Hug Bobby BearHug (1) Reward: TV Woman (Gold Gilded)
submitted by Dependant_Ad8749_5 to TheOfficialAltFn [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 22:26 camsterpants Puffer Fanart

Puffer Fanart
Just cute little emoticon puffers for BigPuffer. Enjoy!
The base drawing was something I had drawn for a merch idea a while back and I decided to add more as little emoticons.
submitted by camsterpants to Bigpuffer [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 19:13 AdObvious6028 10" Emoji Emoticon Cute Smiling Poop Stuffed Plush Pillow-Brand New!

10 submitted by AdObvious6028 to u/AdObvious6028 [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 18:41 AdObvious6028 12" Emoji Emoticon Cute Fun Purple Evil Head Stuffed Plush Pillow-Brand New!

12 submitted by AdObvious6028 to u/AdObvious6028 [link] [comments]