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The Digital Home for Vagabonds and Houseless Travelers!

2010.04.16 07:40 The Digital Home for Vagabonds and Houseless Travelers!

Reddits Home for HOUSELESS Travelers! Created by Vagabonds, for Vagabonds! Hitchhikers / Trainhoppers / Rubbertramps / Vandwellers / Skoolies / Backpackers / Biketramps / Boatpunks / Dirty Kids / Crustpunks / Squatters / All Houseless Travelers Feel free to share stories and pictures about your adventures on the road, or share advice and tips with newbie greenhorns, and curious lurkers! WARNING: DON'T BE AN OOGLE! This includes both TOURISTS, TROLLS, and FAKE TRAVELERS!

2012.02.02 22:46 Hagerstown, MD

Beautiful city tucked in between Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Small town charm, excellent eateries, world class shopping.

2012.04.27 20:56 iPodAddict181 Volkswagen GTI

GolfGTI is a place for enthusiasts to discuss, ask questions, and share information about the best car that can be had for less than $40K. We entertain beauty shots and thrive on discussing mods whether they're cosmetic, functional, or both. We welcome discussion of all things about the VW GTI as well as other VW hot hatchbacks. GolfGTI is best viewed with dark/night mode.

2024.06.05 02:53 GameboyAdvance32 How exactly do anime air in Japan?

I recognize on the offset that’s a vague question, so lemme explain. Speaking from an American perspective, animation/cartoons here have, for most of my childhood, had very very strong ties to the cable TV channels they were attached to. By and large, Cartoon Network or Disney Channel or Nickelodeon had their own studios, producing their own cartoons exclusively for their channel. This would typically leave a very heavy marker on the identity of both the cartoon and the channel. Dexter’s Laboratory is a Cartoon Network cartoon, and the idea of it airing on Disney Channel is almost unsettling lol. Same for Jimmy Neutron being attached to Nickelodeon or Phineas & Ferb being attached to Disney. Heck, it wasn’t uncommon for big crossover events between cartoons on the same channel or even just little references, not to mention bumpers during commercial breaks or even crossover games like Nicktoons Unite or Cartoon Network Speedway reinforcing the unity of any given channel. Even though for the most part, each show was totally separate, all of the surrounding material almost gave off the feeling that everything airing on the same channel was in a sort of “family” with each other.
Of course this is all rosy and sentimental descriptions for corporations having exclusivity over IP and marketing it, but that is ultimately the effect it had on me and many other kids. While I’m not as familiar with the adult side of animation, it still always appeared to me that they had a similar, if less extreme, deal with their shows on channels like FOX or blocks like Adult Swim. Now, when considering foreign countries this often falls apart. I’ve heard plenty about shows owned by big brand cable channels here being aired all over the place in other countries. One that always stood out in my mind was the Fairly Oddparents airing on Jetix and even Disney XD in other countries, which is insane to me lol. To be fair though, of course the same happened here in reverse. Plenty of European and Canadian cartoons, with even the occasional Japanese anime here and there aired basically wherever here with no regards to where they come from. YTV’s logo was something I often saw plastered on shows that would air on CN or Nick but wouldn’t get the same advertising love as the shows original to their respective network. Still, so far as the majority of what I watched, that being shows original to their respective networks, that culture of brand identity was very strong. Even to this day, DVD releases are just about guaranteed to plaster the TV channel’s logo on them, usually at the expense of logo of the parent company that owns them. These channels just had such monolithic brand identities that it they still hold great power all these years later.
So, all that to say, from an American perspective I never quite got the impression it was the same with anime from Japan. Frankly I couldn’t really name you much of any Japanese TV channels, and releases in the states don’t typically help much. Whether on streaming or through physical media, rarely does there ever appear to be nearly the same level of brand identity to a channel. With any given anime I watch, I’ll grant there’s a 50/50 chance I’m aware of the studio that animated it, but as to where it aired in Japan? Absolutely no clue most of the time. I’m well aware they exist but I don’t tend to see many crossover episodes/games or bumpers/ads in the way American channels would build that identity, and physical releases basically never mention where they came from. Heck it’s become easier for me to associate anime with what company produced the DVD / has North American distribution rights. Of course, I’m aware anime also tend to have a very different production pipeline, considering most tend to be based off of pre-existing manga written by typically standalone authors. Manga which admittedly, do seem to carry a similar “family identity” that the American cable channels had, just in magazine form. I’m less familiar with it, but I’ve seen enough of it to get the vibe that it exists, even having read the occasional manga crossover chapter.
With aalllll of that pretext over, I finally get to the question lol. How exactly do anime air in Japan? I’ve heard general notes that they also have a stigma there and tend to air in late-night slots, but that’s kinda it. Are studios typically tied to networks they produce content for, or are they more autonomous and really just make whatever they choose for multiple different networks? Do channels build that sort of “brand identity” with the anime they air or no? Are individual anime series typically glued to one network, or do they air and/or rerun on multiple different channels? In a more broad sense, how does the culture of heavily branded television channels in America compare to channels in Japan, particularly in relation to anime?
submitted by GameboyAdvance32 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:50 xtremexavier15 TMA 14

Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Jasmine, Justin, Millie, Topher
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, MK, Ripper
Episode 14: One Million Bucks, B.C.
"Last time on Total Drama Action! Tensions between Ripper and MK were still high while Izzy and Chase managed to bond. Much to the surprise of the teams, Ripper and Jasmine were captured and stashed into safes."
"After wasting a lot of time, the Gaffers asked their captive tough guy for help. Meanwhile, the Grips lucked out when they decided to have Jasmine escape through the air vents."
“Bulletproof girl Anne Maria got the surprise of her life when she was faced with none other than... Topher, who, thanks to yours truly, is back in the running. The Gaffers lost, and thanks to some confusing votes, Izzy took the lame-o-sine again.”
The recap footage ended, and portraits of the remaining contestants were shown on the screen – Anne Maria, Justin, Millie, and Topher on the top; Chase, MK, Ripper, and Jasmine on the bottom. "With only eight contestants left," Chris said before popping up in the foreground, "maybe one of them will stand a chance, on another awe-inspiring episode," the backdrop faded and the camera cut to the host in front of the cast trailer, "of Total! Drama! Action!"
(Theme Song)
A small flock of seagulls flew across the morning sun as the episode started, and the camera panned down to the cast trailers. It zoomed in on the guys' residence as Ripper exclaimed "I can’t believe that Izzy would vote for me." The shot cut inside to show Ripper complaining as Topher combed his hair, Justin sprayed himself with hairspray in front of the mirror, and Chase sat on his bunk. "If she liked me, why would she not vote for MK?! It makes no sense!"
“I know we saw what we saw, but I don’t think that Izzy voted for you because she hated you,” Chase told him. “If she did, she would’ve let you know point blank.”
"Coming from the guy who voted for her," Ripper snorted and turned around. "You’re lucky that I’m going through a struggle, or I would direct all of my anger towards you."
"I’d deserve it, but I didn’t want to vote Izzy out at all," Chase said. "The voting devices probably had a glitch in them and we got unlucky!"
"Now this is interesting," Topher said with a smirk. "A voting that went wrong and got out the person that you didn’t want to leave."
"Stay out of it, blonde boy," Ripper snarled. "You weren’t even in the game for the first half of the season."
“And so? I just like to be entertained,” Topher rolled his eyes and turned to Justin. “How can you spend so much time on your coif?”
“My agent Jesús says it's my best feature,” Justin said while spraying his hair still. “Along with my neck, nose, chin, cheekbones, earlobes, eyebrows…”
“Know who's got stunning hair? Anne Maria,” Topher pointed out in admiration. “Her pouf is one of a kind.”
“Or maybe it's my eyes,” Justin spoke to himself while ignoring the dirty blond.
“Her hair is great, but nothing can top my couf,” Topher continued. “I’ve never told Anne Maria that though.”
Confessional: Topher
"I didn’t just come back for Anne Maria if that’s what you guys are thinking," Topher told the viewers. "I was kicked off first last season, and I don’t want to be known for just that. I want to wow everybody here with my charisma, charms, and good looks, and winning or making the final two like Eva and Geoff could help me get my own show."
Confessional Ends
The scene moved over to the girls' trailer as Jasmine put her trademark hat on in the mirror, then smiled at her own reflection. “Looking good as always.” She then turned to Millie, who was cheerily writing on her notebook. “What’s gotten you so chipper?”
"I am almost done with writing my book," Millie answered. "With our two-time winning streak, it’s given me less time to worry about the elimination and more time to add the finishing touches to my future publishing book."
“I can’t wait to read it when it gets published,” Jasmine said with a smile. “I can tell it’s gonna be a big hit.”
“I got my writing skills from my grandfather,” Millie confessed. “I owe everything to him for inspiring me.”
Their conversation came to a pause when Anne Maria barged through the trailer door in her towel. "Make way for the most smoking hot thing since smoky ribs and wings back at my place," she bragged as she walked across the room to the sink and vanity mirror on the other side.
The viewpoint shifted over her shoulder as she began to admire herself in the mirror. She briefly bent over to take a pair of identical blouses out of a drawer, and as she held them up against each other, Jasmine appeared through the mirror with an amused smirk on her face.
"I know you care a lot about your own appearance, but this is feeling different," Jasmine noted.
"My guy came back to the game," Anne Maria answered. "I don’t see anything wrong with getting dressed up for him and not looking all sloppy like some people here."
"I am not the most attractive woman in the world, but I’m also not an eyesore!" Jasmine exclaimed. She then noticed MK shifting around under her blanket, and went over to check out her discovery.
“MK, it’s time to wake up,” the Australian girl said before pulling the blanket off, revealing a fully-clothed MK with her hand inside her right pocket of her jacket.
“Hey, what was that for?!” MK demanded after turning around to sit on her bunk bed.
“I thought you were still sleeping,” Jasmine said. “Why are you already dressed up?”
"None of your business," MK scoffed as she got off her bed. "And don’t you usually sleep in your tree?"
“I came inside to fix my hat,” Jasmine answered, her eyes growing suspicious.
“Well don’t sneak up on me like that,” MK said and walked out of the trailer, Jasmine continuing to stare suspiciously at her.
The scene switched to the guys’ trailer once again. "So in case you were wondering," Topher told his roommates, "I didn’t throw a tantrum just to be here. That’s so elementary school."
"Like I care about how you got here," Ripper cut off his roommate. "You’re just another wimp I can take down."
"We’ll just have to see about that," Topher said confidently. “It’s clear who’s the better looking player here.”
"If you’re talking about me, then thank you for your compliment," Justin added.
"Um, I was talking about-" Topher attempted to say but got cut off by a loud and deep sound that shook the trailer.
"What the gnar was that?!" Chase exclaimed.
The scene flashed over to a laughing Chris, dressed in a leopard-print full-body loincloth and holding the mouthpiece of a massive curved horn that appeared to be made of shell or bone. He caressed the horn at the end of his laugh, and sighed happily.
The footage skipped ahead as the castmates assembled, lining up according to gender – Millie, Anne Maria, MK, Jasmine, Topher, Chase, Justin, and Ripper.
“What are you wearin’?" Anne Maria asked in disgust.
“I can't believe he's wearing a loincloth," Millie said with disbelief.
"Like it?" Chris asked.
Chase snorted. "It looks ridiculous, dude."
"If you think that's ridiculous," Chris said with an indignant frown, "then wait 'til you hear today's challenges!"
“Hold on!” MK interrupted. “The Grips have five members while we have three. It's obvious that they're going to curb stomp us in the next challenge!”
“Yeah, no fair!” Ripper protested as well.
“I was just getting to that, Gaffers,” Chris said abruptly. “Since the teams are feeling a bit lopsided in the Grips’ favor, I'll be conducting a team swap in this episode. One of the Grips will have to switch over to the Gaffers.”
This made the Grips gasp. “Are you serious right now?” Jasmine stammered.
“I'm not playing around,” Chris confirmed. “I'm giving you guys thirty seconds to decide who's leaving or I'm picking one of you at random. So who's it gonna be?”
“Okay, team. Huddle up!” Jasmine ordered, and her teammates did as she said and formed a circle.
“I don't feel like swapping to the Gaffers,” Topher said. “I should be excluded from this since I just got here.”
“And there's no way I'm getting separated from Topher here,” Anne Maria enforced.
“None of you will have to worry about that at all since I'll be the one who's switching,” Jasmine opened.
“But why?!” Millie asked in disappointment. “You're practically our team leader.”
“I want to keep an eye on the Gaffers and make sure that they're not up to any foul play,” Jasmine answered. “I know this'll be hard, but I'm positive you all can handle yourselves without me.”
“We're running out of time, so you can be the one to swap teams,” Topher said.
“We can still talk to each other when there isn't a challenge,” Millie added. “It's not like we're gonna be enemies.”
“Thanks for understanding,” Jasmine smiled and they broke the circle.
“And who is going to leave the Killer Grips for good and be a permanent member of the Screaming Gaffers?” Chris asked with an intrigued smile.
“I hope it's Millie,” Chase whispered to MK and Ripper. “It'll be so cool to be teammates with her again.”
“I take the liberty of doing so!” Jasmine raised her hand. “I've already discussed it with my team, and they're just as on board.”
“This is kinda awkward. I was gonna pick you had you guys not come to a decision, but it is what it is,” Chris said. “Gaffers, Jasmine is now on your team until you decide to vote her off or whatever.”
“It's not Millie, but I'll take what I can get with a girl who's at least six foot and above,” Chase smiled.
Confessional: Ripper
“This team is definitely going to win now that Jasmine is with us,” Ripper said in the make-up trailer. “She's basically a giant that can clobber anyone, and amazon girls like her are my type,” he smiled before smacking himself. “No, Ripper. You don't care about Izzy anymore!”
Confessional: MK
“Of all the Grip players, Jasmine being on our team is an upgrade,” MK bragged. “Her old team is nowhere near as powerful and physically adept as she is, and if Jasmine was able to help them win, imagine how she can assist us?”
Confessional: Jasmine
“Just because I want to keep things fair, doesn't mean that I want to take control of my new teammates,” Jasmine confessed next. “Chase is nice enough as it is. It's Ripper and MK that are hard to trust.”
Confessionals End
"I'm lovin' this show of hostility enough as it is," Chris said with a pleased smile, "but I think today's challenges will help bring out your more...," he thought for a brief second before smirking, "primal instincts. Today's genre," he announced, "the Period Movie!"
"Amazing," Anne Maria gushed. "I love period movies! Those oldern people know how to work petticoats and dresses!"
"I am not gonna wear a dress, Chris," MK told the host indignantly.
"I don't think that'll be a problem," Topher said. "We're clearly gonna be doing a caveman cavewoman movie."
"Exactamundo, Topher!," Chris said as a few primitive-sounding drumbeats and grunts played in the background. "Don't know why the rest of you didn't guess that, considering my loincloth," he added in an annoyed tone.
"Paleo-what now?" Ripper asked in confusion.
"It's the Stone Age," Jasmine corrected. “We're going to be cave girls and cave boys.”
"No talking!" Chris told them sharply. "Cave people grunt and look confused, which means for once, you're all perfectly cast!"
"Some of us more than others," MK snickered under her breath with a look at Ripper.
“Watch out!” Ripper warned her.
"Okay," Chris continued, "cave people in prehistoric flicks do two things: make fire, and use tools made of bones. Technically," he added, "you should also know how to bring down a mammoth with a stick, but since we didn't have enough room in the budget, no mammoth, no challenge."
He walked over to a clothing rack bearing several loincloths of various sizes and colors, where Chef, who was in his own loincloth, was standing. "Here are your costumes," the host told the castmates. "Get into character, people!"
"You have got to be joking," Millie hoped.
"I never joke," Chris told her, quickly losing his serious tone to a bout of laughter. "Actually I do, but never about something this funny."
"Don't worry. You'll be the hottest cave girl here!" Chase told his girlfriend.
"I don't want to wear animal skins, but your compliment is already lifting my spirits up," Millie smiled back and pecked his cheek with a kiss.
Confessional: Topher
“A prehistoric challenge will be a great way to show off my body,” Topher gloated arrogantly. “That's why I'll be picking a fur speedo. Who wouldn't want to see my six-pack?”
Confessional Ends
The scene flashed over to an obvious prehistoric-inspired set consisting of multiple strange-looking trees set up against a backdrop of rock spires. The camera zoomed in on a central hillock, then cut to a close-up of Chris as he walked through the area. "Hello, cast," he greeted with a grin. "Nice to see you all decked out for the competition!"
The castmates were shown lined up in a row according to their teams and wearing the loincloths that had been provided: Justin and Topher in furry speedos that showed off their muscular chests; Chase, Millie, MK, and Ripper in full-body loincloths similar to the ones worn by Chris and Chef; and Anne Maria and Jasmine in what amounted to furry bikinis.
"And might I say," the host told them all, "you all look pre-hysterical!"
"I really look good in leopard skin," Jasmine marveled as she looked down at her outfit.
"Agh!" Topher winced, rubbing his backside where something small and white seemed to be sticking out. "Did you remember to have these declawed?"
The footage cut to Chris in his control tent. "Please note," he calmly told the camera, "no animals were harmed in the making of this television program. Okay," he scowled and looked off-camera, "we good?"
The scene was now back at the challenge. "Let me get that for you!" Anne Maria volunteered, quickly picking at the troublesome piece. “All better?”
“I am now,” Topher shot a suave smile at his girlfriend.
"Chef!" Chris exclaimed dramatically. "The tools for the first stone age challenge, please!"
"Here's your rocks," Chef obliged, joylessly handing out a single rock to each castmate from the pile he was carrying. MK accepted hers with a blank face and immediately started to look closely at it, and Ripper did the same but with more enthusiasm. Chase was last to be shown, and immediately raised an eyebrow at the stone in his hand.
"Rocks?" the daredevil repeated in disbelief. "I think we should tone down the 'Stone Age' thing a little."
“Says you,” Ripper said in a miffed voice. “Rocks are good for a lot of things. Breaking windows, giving them as presents to your annoying cousins, making art on them…the possibilities are endless! And I know because I did all of them!”
“A rock being friends with other rocks? What a surprising discovery,” MK snarked.
As a reward for her smart mouth, MK had a rock dropped on her foot courtesy of Ripper, and she held her foot in pain as she squealed.
"I told you to watch out," Ripper told the pained girl smugly. "Friends always come through!"
(Commercial Break)
A long-distance shot of the film lot was shown as the episode resumed, before cutting back to Chris as he explained the first challenge. "First team to collect the hidden firewood," he told them, "and use the flint-stones to make fire, earns something to help 'em with the second challenge! Ready?" he furrowed his brow deviously as the camera zoomed in for a close-up. "Aaand, action!"
The Grips looked startled for a moment, but quickly scattered.
The scene skipped ahead, showing Jasmine looking at a bush and picking up a stack of wood from behind it while Ripper ran past. MK walked into the foreground, looking around inquisitively, but before she could take another step, she was grabbed by Chef Hatchet.
"Hey, let me go!" she demanded as Chef dragged her over to him. "My modesty needs to be protected!"
"Hand it over," Chef told her sternly, indifferent to her protests.
MK's eyes briefly went wide. "Hand over what?"
"You know what I'm talking about," Chef grumbled. "The camera guy caught you smuggling something in!"
MK pursed her lips, but looked slightly relieved. "It was just a screwdriver," she told her captor, taking the tool out and handing it over.
Just then, Ripper ran by screaming. "Somebody help! I don't want to be that thing's lunch!" The camera cut to him as he ran out from behind a particularly large tree carrying a load of firewood and getting chased by one of the large, predatory Woolly Beavers similar to the ones that had inhabited Boney Island the previous season. As he kept running and screaming, Chris walked over to Chef and MK, laughing happily.
"Looks like Ripper found the wooden beaver dam from the set of 'Rodents, Who Kill!" Chris told the camera.
Ripper and the beaver ran past behind them, prompting Chef to chuckle and add "And 'Rodents Who Kill: Part Two'!"
"Does anybody have a mammoth-sized rib?!" Ripper screamed as he ran past in front of the three, dropping a piece of wood as he was chased by two beavers.
"Um," MK said blankly as she watched her teammate run around. "Are those beavers real, or animatronic?" She looked over at the host who seemed to be thinking it over, then looked away. "Forget I asked," she said dryly.
Confessional: Ripper
Ripper gave his confessional covered with scratches and scrapes, hair messed up and bandages being wrapped around his forehead and right arm by someone mostly off-screen.
"I can't stand MK and she hates me," he told the camera. "That's how it's always been and is always gonna be," he said before thinking. "But I have been taught to always keep my enemies closer, so it's important that me and MK are on the same team, even if we're mortal rivals."
Confessional Ends
"Don't just stand there," Ripper shouted at MK, who was now watching alone. "Give me a hand!"
MK rolled her eyes, then picked up the piece of wood Ripper had dropped earlier. She threw it at the lead beaver, landing it in its mouth and causing it to skid to a sudden and startled halt. The second beaver, however, did not stop as well, and soon collided with its companion. As the two rodents began to snarl and squabble with each other, a relieved Ripper rejoined her teammate.
"About that!" he admonished the sarcastic woman. "Couldn't you have done that before?"
"I could have," MK said simply, grabbing the wood out of Ripper's arms and walking off. "Now go find more wood," she commanded, leaving Ripper to scowl in annoyance.
A growling alerted the bully to that the killer beavers had ceased fighting, and Ripper began to run and scream away from them again.
The camera cut to the Grips gathered around a fire pit.
"So does banging rocks together actually make fire?" Justin asked as he tested it out with two of the stones his team had been given while Anne Maria arranged the firewood that had been brought. "I always thought that was something just for the movies."
“We just need the right amount of power in the strikes and a fire will come,” Topher explained.
"Let me do it," Millie said as she grabbed the stones. "I was a girl scout in elementary school."
Confessional: Millie
"I was a girl scout," Millie told the camera, "but one of the more skilled girls, Riley Ingrid, wouldn't stop teasing me for my lack of social skills and it got to a point where I quit just so I wouldn't get my self-esteem damaged." The author gave off a sigh. “I wonder how far I could've gotten.”
Confessional Ends
“Don't worry, team,” Millie told them. “I'll have this done faster than a chipmunk nibbling a nut.”
"I can see why people invented lighters," Anne Maria said as she watched her banged the rocks together.
The camera moved over to Jasmine and Chase watching the Grips. "So how has it been over on the Grips?" Chase asked his teammate. "Has Millie talked about me?"
“One, Millie still cares about you, and two, we shouldn't be focusing on that right now,” Jasmine said sternly.
“Sorry. I was just asking,” Chase said.
Confessional: Jasmine
"This is going to sound pretty petty coming from me, but Chase and Millie dating is kind of reminding me of Brick," Jasmine admitted. "I'm still trying to push him out after the cheating he did, and Millie hasn't talked about Chase the whole time he was gone. I'm hoping that Chase will be as challenge focused as Millie."
Confessional: Topher
"Anne Maria is rocking that fur bikini as much as I'm glowing in my fur speedo," Topher confessed. "If we were actually in prehistoric times, we'd be the perfect couple!"
Confessionals End
"Things are finally heating up!" Chris announced happily before the focus moved back to the Grips.
"You can do it!" Anne Maria cheered as Millie struck her rocks together fiercely, producing a few tiny sparks. The camera panned over to the Gaffers, showing that Ripper and MK had rejoined their comrades while Ripper struck his rocks.
"I love it when sparks fly!" Chris told the camera.
The focus alternated between Millie and Ripper as they banged their stones and glared at each other, the music growing tenser and the close-ups getting closer with each pass. The two were eventually shown in a split-screen together, and as they each prepared another strike, the sound of a fire being lit startled them both.
Ripper's half of the screen slid away and the camera pulled back, revealing a roaring fire by the Grips.
"You did it!" Topher cheered.
"Great work, Millie!" Anne Maria added happily.
"I thought for sure you'd be the first to burst into flames, Richard!" Chris snarked. "Grips win the first challenge!"
"You gave me fake flints!" Ripper protested. "Nobody could start a fire with these stupid props!"
Chase grabbed the rocks, then struck them together one last time, which finally lit the firewood. "Looks like I got lucky," he said smugly.
Ripper growled in frustration.
The film lot was shown from a distance again as the same loud and deep horn blared. The shot cut to Chris standing with the massive instrument, grinning proudly. "Yup!" he told the camera. "Still lovin' this crazy thing!"
A flash took the scene to the contestants lined up with their back to a bubbling tar pit. "Time for our second caveman movie challenge!" the host announced as he walked into view. "But first, Chef will pass out your rewards from this morning. Chef?" he called out. "Weapons, please!"
The camera cut to Chef as he pulled a brown sheet off what turned out to be a pile of bones, all either femurs or humeri.
"Hold up," Chase said, mildly disturbed. "You're saying that our reward is bones?"
"Hey, for cave people, bones were cutting-edge technology," Chris told him as Chef handed out a tiny arm bone to each of the Screaming Gaffers, and larger leg bones to the Killer Grips.
"I hate to interrupt the most important man of the show," Ripper spoke up insincerely, "but how come they get the big bones, and we get these tiny things?"
"Because they won the first challenge?" Chris replied with disbelief. "I thought that was pretty obvious."
"Well, it's obvious that I should get a big bone," Ripper stammered in embarrassment. "I've seen bigger bones in chicken wings than what I'm holding."
"Just deal with it," Topher said. “It's not our fault that we did better.” A tiny bone hit him in the nose, causing him to moan.
Chris cleared his throat, hands on his hips and visibly annoyed. "The props department for caveman movies are bare-bones," he informed them, holding up a small arm bone. "Which means these are all actors have to fight their on-screen enemies with."
"Enemies?" Millie asked in alarm. "What enemies are we talking about?"
"Each other of course!" Chris announced excitedly. "Grip Tribe versus Gaffer Tribe!"
"That's my kinda challenge," Anne Maria said with a confident smirk as she hefted the giant femur she'd been given.
“No doubt about it," Topher told her. "I've seen you go up against an alligator before."
"Lovin' the enthusiasm, guys," Chris told them, "only you'll be fighting over there!" He pointed to the bubbling tar pit behind them, and the camera panned over to a pair of rough stone pillars standing in the middle of the tar pit.
"Each player that knocks his or her opponent off the column into that fake bubbling tar pit," he explained as the camera cut to a close-up of the pit, "scores a point for their team." The shot cut back to the grinning host as he dramatically proclaimed, "To the tar pits!"
Millie and Chase were the first pair up, the girl on the left and the boy on the right.
"I'd go easy on you normally," Chase told his girlfriend, "but me and my team need to win a challenge."
“No hard feelings,” Millie shook it off. “You guys are overdue.”
"When do we start anyway?" Chase called down to the host.
"Oh don't worry," Chris answered with a dark smile, "you'll know!" He laughed a few times, then took a deep breath and blew hard into his massive curved horn.
The booming noise startled the two contestants, causing each to nearly lose their balance. It was Chase who recovered first, however, leaning forward and accidentally throwing his small bone at Millie. Already unsteady, that was all it took for her to fall backwards off the column and plunge screaming into the tar below.
"Aww, gross!" she groaned when she resurfaced covered in fake tar.
“My bad, Millie!” A quick-pan back up to Chase showed him looking down apologetically, and a cut showed the other Gaffers celebrating.
"That's one point for the Gaffers!" Chris said from off-screen, and the shot cut to Millie as she pulled herself out of the pit.
"Thanks for helping me," Millie told her teammates. “Sorry for losing that round.”
"It's just the first one," Anne Maria said back. "We'll definitely bounce back."
"Next up," Chris said as he walked over to the team, "Justin and Ripper!"
"Booyah!" Ripper cheered, pumping his fist. "It's my time to shine!"
His revery was broken by a sudden and terrifying roar from above, the shot cutting to above the columns as a few prehistoric geese similar to the ones that had lived on Boney Island flew into view.
"Uh-oh," Chris said. "Looks like Millie's blood-curdling screams have attracted a swarm of prehistoric pterodactyls! This," he said as the camera switched back to his close-up, "should make things interesting!"
"Cool special effects, man. High five," Justin said, looking up in amazement and holding his hand out for Chris.
"Oh," Chris said while quickly backing away from the model, "totally special effects."
The monstrous geese were still circling when the footage flashed ahead, panning slightly to the left to show Ripper staring the camera down. "You're out of your league, eye candy," he said, "even if your bone is bigger!"
Justin cringed in terror as the geese around them roared, but gripped his bone tightly with both hands and focused on his opponent. "Bring it!" he told his competition.
As though on cue, one of the geese rammed Ripper in the back, causing him to fall towards Justin. The burly teen tried to hang on by grabbing his foe by the loincloth while the goose flew off, but he dragged both of them off the pillar, unintentionally stripping Justin of his loincloth in the process.
Confessional: Justin
"I'm gonna win the million," Justin told the confessional camera, utterly coated with tar, "but that shot of me standing atop the stone column is worth even more. It's gonna be an iconic image for the series.” The handsome boy took a moment to admire himself. “Hey, my skin does look even better with the tar."
Confessional Ends
The two boys were shown splashing into the tar and quickly surfacing, most of the other contestants looking disappointed by the result.
"Uhh, whose is this?" Ripper asked, holding up some tar-covered wad and looking at it in confusion.
Justin looked down at his body, then looked over at his foe with widened eyes. He quickly snatched the wad away from Ripper and sunk under the pit in order to put it back on. After doing so, he resurfaced and climbed out of the pit.
"And with that tie," Chris said, ducking into the shot with a grin on his face, "the score is still 1-0 to the Gaffers. Next up, Topher and Jasmine!"
Topher was hunched over on the top of his column, twirling his large thigh bone and smirking confidently. "I know I got you as my opponent, but I have the power of a huge bone on my side while you have a small bone," he told the Aussie standing opposite him.
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch, mate," Jasmine replied with an equally confident smile. "You have no idea what I'm capable of!"
The horn was sounded, signaling the start of the fight. Topher immediately took a swipe at Jasmine, but the tall girl ducked and used her weapon to deflect the blow over her head. Before Topher could make another move, a grunting noise got the attention of both competitors.
A pair of woolly beavers had arrived at the edge of the tar pit. The shot cut back to the duelists, both shooting curious looks down at the rodents.
"Eh, no worries," Topher said after a second. "They're not even real!" The fanboy took another swipe at Jasmine, who just barely leaned out of the way in time. Jasmine made no attempt to counter, and simply looked from her opponent to the lurking beavers.
Confessional: Jasmine
"I'm positive that the beavers were real," Jasmine told the confessional camera. "And even if they were animatronic, they're just there to interfere with the challenge."
Confessional Ends
“Would you do me a favor and stand still?" Topher griped as he missed another swing at his opponent, who still kept looking between the fanboy and the beavers.
"Topher!" Anne Maria called out. "Watch out! Those beavers are comin’ your way!"
"What?" Topher replied with considerable disbelief, finally looking down again as the two beavers jumped into the tar and began to swim across towards the columns. "I have to make this quick then," he commented before quickly blocking a thrust from Jasmine.
"Don't let some overgrown rats ruin this for us, Jasmine!" MK hollered before the camera cut back to the beavers. One began to climb the column on the left – the one assigned to the Grips – while the other took a large bite out of it.
"Whoa. Who knew prehistoric beavers could eat plaster?" Jasmine commented idly as Topher's column began to sway and the dirty blond struggled to keep his balance. "Not that I'm complaining about the assistance," she added with a smirk before thrusting her bone in her hands towards her opponent.
"I was about to say the same thing!" Topher said with a smile as he deliberately let his column sway away from Jasmine's weapon so that it missed him, then used his bone to swat Jasmine off her pillar and she screamed until she fell into the tar with a splash.
The climbing beaver reached the top of Topher's column moments later, and its weight sent the whole thing toppling. Tossing away his bone, he quickly jumped onto the vacant pillar, clinging to it and to safety. The other column fell, and both beavers dived into the tar moments after.
Confessional: Topher
“Beavers, you are now my favorite animals,” Topher told the camera. “Just don't tell my cat, Topher Jr., about this. He gets crazy jealous easily.”
Confessional Ends
Chris laughed. "That was awesome! Would've preferred to see some beaver carnage, but you can't have everything. Anyways, that leaves the teams tied at one-all and us with a match between Anne Maria and MK! On the same column! You just can't write this stuff!"
The camera pulled back to show the two girls standing on either side of the host. Anne Maria smirked and said "Why bother havin’ the final round? We all know who's gonna win."
“I'll show you why wits are better than strength!” MK shot back as cockily.
The scene flashed to a close-up of the lone remaining column, the camera panning up to show the two girls crammed together on the top. Anne Maria was holding her bone behind her back, and she appeared much more stable than MK. The smaller girl was already wobbling now and again, but her smaller bone was raised and ready to strike.
"I hope you're ready for a tar bath, techno girl," Anne Maria taunted.
"Not gonna happen," MK replied with a light laugh.
The horn sounded, and MK took a first strike that was not only easily dodged, but nearly caused her to lose what little footing she had. "Whoa-oa-oah!" she screamed, flailing her arms around and eventually regaining her balance – but in the process accidentally knocking her bone against Anne Maria's. The weapon was jarred from the techno's hand and plunged to the tar below.
"Uh oh!" MK cried when one of the prehistoric beavers rose up from the tar with a lump on its head.
Confessional: MK
"Fantastic!" MK griped in the make-up trailer. "The one time I don't intentionally try to tick off anybody, and a beaver is about to kill me because my bone hit its head."
Confessional Ends
With a bellowing roar that nearly shook both girls off the column, the beaver reared back and took a massive bite out of the plaster pillar. The camera quick-panned back to the top as it started to shake and fall, and MK stumbled off it with a squealing scream.
The shot cut back to ground level as the beaver dived down again and the pillar fell, MK splashing into the tar.
Chris laughed, and the footage paused. "I gotta check that out again," he said, and the footage rewound to just before MK fell. It replayed in slow-motion, and the host paused and zoomed in on MK's horrified expression as she fell. "Hahahaha! That was great!"
"Well," the host said as the footage resumed normally and MK crawled her way out of the tar pit in the background, "I'd say the Gaffers had a better chance at the one million B.C.! B.C.," he repeated, "before carnivores! As for the Grips, they win today's reward!" The camera panned over to show Chef Hatchet driving up in a golf cart with a truly gargantuan side of ribs strapped to the roof. "A mammoth-size prehistoric barbecue!"
The cart drove past Topher, Millie, and Justin, the latter two still covered in tar, and came to a stop right next to the tar pit as the winning team cheered. "Ehh, it's a living," Chef told the camera nonchalantly.
"Don't worry," Chris added. "The Grips may have won today's reward, but," he took a large egg out from behind his back, "we're not gonna let the Gaffers go hungry."
He tossed the egg to a tar-covered Jasmine, who looked at it keenly. "A giant egg? I've seen a lot of them back home."
"Should be enough for four," Chris told the losing team. "You'd better get to work on your fire, though!" The camera cut over to the Gaffers' fire pit from earlier that day, which was still pitifully unlit. The host added "Maybe the Grips will throw you a bone when they're done?"
"Ha ha ha. Barbecue time," Justin said excitedly as he and his teammates approached the cart.
Chef got out of his seat, but in doing so caused the cart to begin rolling towards the tar pit. The Grips were shown gasping in shock, and the camera focused in on the cart as it rapidly approached the tar pit, began to tilt, and finally stopped. The shot pulled back to show Anne Maria holding on to the front of the cart, Topher holding her around the waist, Millie holding onto his waist, and Justin at the end holding onto Millie's arm.
"Pull everyone!" Anne Maria commanded. "I'm not letting our rib get tarred because of some two-bit chef who parks worse than my elementary school bus driver!"
As the four began to pull, the camera panned over to Chef, who rolled his eyes and walked away with a grumble.
"Dang," Chris said, walking over with an impish smile on his face. "And here I was hoping to see the four of you use those bones to hunt like real cave people!"
"Shut up, McLean!" Anne Maria yelled at him as the Grips managed to drag the cart back onto level ground.
The camera panned over to the Gaffers, Jasmine still holding the giant egg in her hands and Chase the only one not covered in tar.
"Bet you're not happy about leaving that team," MK told Jasmine.
"I really missed out on a delicious meal," Jasmine lamented.
"On the bright side," Chase added proudly, "I didn't get tarred today."
"Good for you," Jasmine said uninterestingly. "I'll get started on that egg."
She was about to move when a terrifying cry rang through the air.
"Uhh, Jasmine?" Chris cautiously told the Australian girl. "I think the pterodactyl wants its egg back." The monster goose was shown hovering in the sky above, and it quickly dive-bombed the contestants below.
Jasmine screamed and her teammates scattered, and the goose was soon on top of her, buffeting her with its wings.
"Get off, you goose!" the Aussie shouted and was now fighting back. "I am not your appetizer!"
The shot cut back to Chris and Chef, who were cringing at the fight happening just off-screen. They looked at each other, and shrugged helplessly. "Ehh, they'll be fine," the host said right before another goose-cry was heard. "Probably. And hey, at least we'll be eating nice tonight!" Chef nodded happily.
They looked over at the Grips, who were now digging in to their reward dinner. “Glad I'm not a Gaffer,” Topher chuckled and pulled a large rib off the rack.
Chef and Chris walked off. They passed the Gaffers as they went, Jasmine pinning the goose to the ground while Chase and MK watched in excitement and Ripper, now grinning, finally lit the team's fire.
Confessional: Topher
Topher took a bite out of a rib he was holding. "Gotta give props to Chef for actually managing to cook something as tasty as this," he said while leaning back in the confessional chair. "I wish I did get knocked into that tar pit. Justin told me that it's great for the skin!"
Confessional: Ripper
"I hate prehistoric birds now," Ripper told the make-up trailer camera with a glare. "They're the reason why I'm not feasting on ribs. I wish that cart fell into the tar pit if I wasn't gonna get my share!"
Confessional: Chris
Chris was picking his teeth with one hand and holding a coconut drink in the other. "I know everyone was hoping for the Gaffers to win this challenge," he said, "which is good, because it proves that the underdogs can win." He paused to take a sip from the straw in his coconut. "Sadly, it just wasn't in their favor, even with Jasmine on their team." He shrugged, then picked his teeth again.
"See you next time, kiddies!" he told the camera. "Same Chris time," he tossed his toothpick away, "same Chris channel!" He tossed the coconut away next, and a tinkling crash from off-camera soon indicated it had broken something. "Uhh, wasn't me!" Chris called nervously before dashing off in the opposite direction.
Confessionals End
(Roll the Credits)
(Bonus Clip)
“Excluding us losing the challenge and me getting attacked by a bird, which I managed to overpower, my first day on the Screaming Gaffers wasn't bad at all,” Jasmine confessed to the audience. “And nobody on my team even made an attempt to cheat. Not even MK or Ripper. I do wish for us to win the next challenge. With me being the newbie, I could be the next target for voting!”
Eva - 15th
Geoff - 15th
Trent - 13th
Sky - 12th
Brick - 11th
Scott - 10th
Izzy - 9th
Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Justin, Millie, Topher
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, Jasmine, MK, Ripper
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:43 Avthony Did AMEX Customer Care Compensate Us Enough?

Wife and I had our honeymoon last week. Booked through amex travel portal for FHR. When we got to the hotel at check-in, the hotel said they had no reference of us booking. This was shocking as we booked about 3 months in advance for this trip. We were hoping for an early check-in but we arrived to this problem instead.
We had called the hotel in advance and they let us know we could leave our bags there until a room was ready because we had massages planned at 1pm. When they told us we weren't on any reservation, we spent nearly two hours in the hotel lobby with rude staff. They were looking at us like we were lying and were trying to get a free night.
After finally being transferred around a couple of times I got in contact with a travel rep from AMEX who stated we should be booked in. They gave me an expedia reference number to give to the hotel - no dice. Finally, after being on hold with the travel agent for an additional hour, the hotel was able to find our reservation after the travel agent went back in and booked it.
I didn't want to be a Karen about this, but we missed our massages (thankfully the company refunded us) and spent two hours in a hotel lobby stressing about this. The travel agent let me know he opened a case and we will be compensated for what happened. The agent also confirmed that there must of been some error on the travel teams end where they didn't let the hotel know about our confirmed stay.
Today - I got a call from a customer care specialist saying for the harshness of it all, we would be compensated 5000 MR points. Now, something is better than nothing, but I feel like for our two hours of stress this was not worth the 5000 points. We felt judged by the hotel, and probably will never book there again. I'm sure this wasn't completely all AMEX fault, but I feel like we didn't get compensated like I thought we would.
Has anyone had a similar experince?
TLDR: Hotel never had reference of our hotel stay on our honey moon after booking through the FHR, missed our massages and waited on the line for two hours with AMEX customer service. Compensated 5000 MR points.
submitted by Avthony to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:39 Capital-Big-1441 AITA for feeling hurt?

Throw away, well for obvious reasons! I am female partner male
I have always been into 🍆 and 😺
Never hidden in our relationship which is now 10+ years. There has been talk in the past about a 3 way, with the defining line being NO ONE WE ACTUALLY KNOW. That was his line and I agreed, don't need that kinda drama. I am not into sharing someone that I love (so hard pass on anyone we have normal contact with).
Problem is HE is overly flirty with a "friend" we have. Makes highly inappropriate comments on what he would do to her and has put down how I look to her (more than once and with me right next to him). I have told him I am not happy about it and it won't happen. To be told he doesn't like me being jealous... MFer then stop?! Told me he won't talk to her then, lied, still does.
She is open about wanting to fuck him. He is flipping it saying she wants to fuck me... yeah dude, so she can fuck you, not because she wants me.
He has now become secretive and 'always tired' after getting 'turned on' over snaps I've sent. He is still at work and not leaving earlier or later home (we have mutual firends in a different friend circle at work). He does 'disappear' down the other end of the house sometimes with his phone after a notification but that could be all in my head as I'm feeling lost. It's been a slow decline over the last four months and I'm being made to feel it's either my fault or all in my head.
WTF do I do?
submitted by Capital-Big-1441 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 Steve0311 Best American Persimmon Cultivars for high density?

Hello Everyone,
I started my backyard orchard this year. My property is a half acre total, so not a ton of land to work with. Maybe it was bad judgement on my part, but I planted two seedling American Persimmons 10 feet apart, and 8 feet from the property line. I figured if worse comes to worst, I can just regulate their size by pruning, but are there certain cultivars that are known to stay smaller, that I can field graft onto the seedling rootstock next year? Thank you.
submitted by Steve0311 to Permaculture [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 zombi3_gam3r Occam's Razor

There are literally dozens of elaborate theories out there, and sadly we will probably never know the truth of her disappearance. I was thinking about other cases in the past where I've made bold assumptions or ran with pieces of evidence, weaving a book and the truth is revealed in a couple sentences. Occam's Razor, that the simplest explanation is most probable, out of multiple explanations.
I have a theory that keeps sticking in my mind, a picture I can see clearer than the others. I believe a transient person sleeping in the woods north of her parking spot abducted her. It was a random crime of opportunity. Maybe ambushed her in her vehicle before she could lock the doors. This lines up with the neighbors seeing her car swerving and multiple people in the car. It also explains the brazen nature of the suspect, someone with nothing to lose. They may have only traveled a short distance. Sadly she was probably sexually assaulted and then killed. The only contradiction to any of this is how he was able to dispose of her body so quickly. He drops the car off, and walks or catches the bus elsewhere. The attempts to park and align the car several times indicates to me someone not familiar or comfortable with driving. The POI may have been wearing Thrift bought or donated shoes, explaining that they appear too big in proportion to his height.
submitted by zombi3_gam3r to jenniferkesse [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:34 Avthony Did Customer Care Compensate Us Enough?

Wife and I had our honeymoon last week. Booked through amex travel portal for FHR. When we got to the hotel at check-in, the hotel said they had no reference of us booking. This was shocking as we booked about 3 months in advance for this trip. We were hoping for an early check-in but we arrived to this problem instead.
We had called the hotel in advance and they let us know we could leave our bags there until a room was ready because we had massages planned at 1pm. When they told us we weren't on any reservation, we spent nearly two hours in the hotel lobby with rude staff. They were looking at us like we were lying and were trying to get a free night.
After finally being transferred around a couple of times I got in contact with a travel rep from AMEX who stated we should be booked in. They gave me an expedia reference number to give to the hotel - no dice. Finally, after being on hold with the travel agent for an additional hour, the hotel was able to find our reservation after the travel agent went back in and booked it.
I didn't want to be a Karen about this, but we missed our massages (thankfully the company refunded us) and spent two hours in a hotel lobby stressing about this. The travel agent let me know he opened a case and we will be compensated for what happened. The agent also confirmed that there must of been some error on the travel teams end where they didn't let the hotel know about our confirmed stay.
Today - I got a call from a customer care specialist saying for the harshness of it all, we would be compensated 5000 MR points. Now, something is better than nothing, but I feel like for our two hours of stress this was not worth the 5000 points. We felt judged by the hotel, and probably will never book there again. I'm sure this wasn't completely all AMEX fault, but I feel like we didn't get compensated like I thought we would.
Has anyone had a similar experince?
TLDR: Hotel never had reference of our hotel stay on our honey moon after booking through the FHR, missed our massages and waited on the line for two hours with AMEX customer service. Compensated 5000 MR points.
submitted by Avthony to amex [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:33 iamnumber47 First NXT Womens North American champion

Who does everyone think is taking it & why?
I think Fallon.
I think it won't be Jaida, because I think she's still too new to be an inaugural champ.
Lash & Sol probably won't win for kind of a similar reason, not that their as new as Jaida, but they haven't really been "top stars" yet. I do think Sol will find a way to Soul Snatch someone from a ladder though, which will be pretty rad imo.
Mia Yim I think is there to help carry some of the experience factor, but I still don't think they're putting the belt on her.
So that leaves Kelani & Fallon. Kelani is good, but they've been focusing on the whole heel Fallon thing, so I could see her winning, possibly in a shady way. Then, Kelani (& possibly one of the other participants) could call her out for the way she won, thus setting up a first title match/feud.
submitted by iamnumber47 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:32 ringsidenewscom NXT Women's North American Title Summit Erupts in Chaos on 6/4 WWE NXT

NXT Women's North American Title Summit Erupts in Chaos on 6/4 WWE NXT submitted by ringsidenewscom to ringsidenewscom [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:24 Feisty_Possible_6269 I need advice..

I need advice..
So here's the story. I had my legs ink free from my knees down. My regular artist specializes in like a weird style american trad. They asked me if they could take on a larger project on my legs at a discounted rate. So naturally, I jumped on the offer. I sent MANY inspo pics. I did allow creative freedom from them as long as we stick to the inso pics. I included one of the pics that I had sent them in this post, the rest of the pics are my legs. We did many sessions. Outline, then I'd go back to fill. After everything was healed and settled I was starting to wonder how they would fill in the sides and insides of my legs. At my latest session they stated to me that they were unsure of how to continue(?), I began to have less and less trust that they would be able to come up with something that ties everything together. They noted to me that they didn't want to do anything too light or too dark. Idek, I'm starting to kind of hate my legs ;-( the way there is a line right in the front looks so weird to me! Any suggestions on what I can do to finish my legs?! Willing to travel anywhere in the US for quality work.
submitted by Feisty_Possible_6269 to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:23 No_Marzipan_3546 MLS is the league with the most diverse players from different countries compared to Top 4 US Major Leagues and Top 5 European soccer.

MLS is the league with the most diverse players from different countries compared to Top 4 US Major Leagues and Top 5 European soccer. submitted by No_Marzipan_3546 to MLS [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:23 Amatikaiya 29 [F4M] NYC/NY/NJ- Single Gamer Seeking a Soulmate

Hi! I'm an African-American female living in NYC trying to get back into the dating world after a period of focusing on establishing a career. Now that I've gotten to some security in my life I think it's time for me to establish myself into a new relationship.
Now you're probably wondering, why Reddit? - The answer simply is I've had far too many negative experiences on those apps to consider trying again. So, I'm trying here hoping to find the one.
About me:
What I am looking for:
If you are interested:
If interested, please send me a message (chat or DM), and give me some insight about the person you are, where you are located, and your hobbies.
submitted by Amatikaiya to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:22 anoverwhelmedbeing Can i do a bsc in physics and then be able to do masters in Engineering

why am i doing a bsc in physics: i really love the subject and i do think i will be able to earn through it but it is still not well paid when it comes to research unless you are very successful in your research or join a top notch university for which ofcourse u need a phd. on the 10% chance i don't see that good prospects for myself after finishing my bachelors, can i do masters in engineering without having to do a bachelors in engineering and be able to change my field?
Asking about requirements of European universities and North American universities for masters.
Fields of engineering i like: Electrical Aerospace Automotive NucleaEnergy
Physics is still my first priority as a career but considering a backup.
Sorry if this post is not relevant here I am actually south asian and i wasnt able to get much info abt American nd European masters requirements as i am unfamiliar with the system and masters requirements seemed a bit vague to me on websies.
submitted by anoverwhelmedbeing to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:22 FBI_SURVEILLANCE778 American cruise line employees

Will American cruise lines hire me if I have zero experience in hospitality? Super interested and even considering going back to school so I could major in hospitality. Also when would the best time to apply be? And can you choose contract length?
submitted by FBI_SURVEILLANCE778 to Cruise [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:18 phoenixlegend7 LG Smart Assistant "Extend Battery Life" stopped showing charge level at 80, shows 100 instead? Damaged Battery? (Win 11)

I got LG Gram 2023 laptop (17Z90R-A.ADB9U1) with Battery 90 Wh Li-on.
I thought I had a fairly good battery health at 93% when I checked last time.
Typically I would see the charge level to be at 78-80 percent when this fully smart charged mode is on.
My laptop is usually pinned to the A/C power which is optimal.
I did some travel, charged the laptop in a bus and then at some airbnb location keeping it pinned.
But to my surprise, I noticed today that the charge level appears to be at 100-97 percent level, and when I go to check the battery health it shows:
Battery Capacity 97.00%
Charge Rate: Not Charging
Power Line Status: Connected
Remaining time: Unknown
Design Capacity: 90020 mWh
Full Charge Capacity: 66130 mWh
Battery Status: Idle
Battery Health: 73.46%
So just a week ago, if I would unplug my laptop, it would show 7-8 hours remaining and now when I do that, it shows 3.5 hours remaining.
I'm extremely pissed and not sure what to do or who's fault it is. Could it be the wall adapter I connected the laptop to? I'm using both a US to EU power adapter to the wall, and I connect a power surge protector with US outlets. I used this elsewhere and never experienced this issue.
So looks like my laptop battery suffered a severe degradation although I'm barely using the battery.
When I touch the ac adapter block it feels warm/slightly hot, but not sure if that's necessarily bad or indicates a problem after using the laptop for many hours.
Do you have any ideas what might have happened?
Thank you.
submitted by phoenixlegend7 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:18 Fernando_GG8254 ZN: Education, War and Transport

📰Government of Zaliria Announces Investment in Technological Education📰
📚.The Ministry of Education of Zaliria today announced an ambitious investment in the modernization of public schools across the country. The project, which aims to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century, includes the installation of computer labs in all schools, continuous training of teachers in new technologies and the creation of a distance learning program to serve rural and remote areas . The Minister of Education, Chip Fartlander, highlighted the importance of the initiative during the press conference. "We are committed to providing the tools necessary for our students to compete in an increasingly technological global market," he said. The initiative, which will begin to be implemented next semester, also seeks to reduce educational inequalities, ensuring that all children and young people have access to quality education. 💸
📰USA Tries to Mediate Ceasefire Between Israel and Gaza📰
🇺🇸 In an effort to end the escalation of violence in Gaza, the United States intensified its attempts to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian factions. US Secretary of State Yusef Lamar-Ross arrived in Jerusalem this morning for emergency talks with Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Feivel Homa, while American emissaries are also in dialogue with Palestinian officials. International pressure is also influencing the attempt at a ceasefire, in addition to the USA, other countries are trying to seek peace in the Middle East. The situation in Gaza has deteriorated rapidly, with a significant increase in civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure. The international community has expressed growing concern and called for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. "Our immediate goal is to reach a ceasefire that interrupts the cycle of violence and allows the delivery of vital humanitarian aid," Lamar-Ross said at a press conference. The outcome of these negotiations is still uncertain, but there is hope that diplomacy can bring relief to the region. 🇮🇱
📰Expansion of the High Speed Train Line in Zaliria📰
🚄 The Zaliria government today announced the expansion of the high speed train line speed, a project that will connect more important cities to the country's fast and efficient transport system. The new line, which will extend to the north, aims to significantly reduce travel times, promote regional development and reduce dependence on road transport, contributing to environmental sustainability. Construction of the new train line, which will use cutting-edge technology to ensure safety and efficiency, is expected to begin next year, with completion expected within five years. The project includes the construction of modern stations and integration with other public transport systems, ensuring a more convenient travel experience for all users. 🦾
These are today's top stories on Zaliria News, bringing. Stay tuned for more information and in-depth coverage of developments impacting our nation and the world.
(Remembering that the images are just representations, they are not in full scale (furthermore, The Knesset is not the Palácio do Planalto and the US Capitol is not the Cuba Capitol)
submitted by Fernando_GG8254 to TheoTown [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:17 phoenixlegend7 LG Smart Assistant "Extend Battery Life" stopped showing charge level at 80, shows 100 instead? Damaged Battery?

I got LG Gram 2023 laptop (17Z90R-A.ADB9U1) with Battery 90 Wh Li-on.
I thought I had a fairly good battery health at 93% when I checked last time.
Typically I would see the charge level to be at 78-80 percent when this fully smart charged mode is on.
My laptop is usually pinned to the A/C power which is optimal.
I did some travel, charged the laptop in a bus and then at some airbnb location keeping it pinned.
But to my surprise, I noticed today that the charge level appears to be at 100-97 percent level, and when I go to check the battery health it shows:
Battery Capacity 97.00%
Charge Rate: Not Charging
Power Line Status: Connected
Remaining time: Unknown
Design Capacity: 90020 mWh
Full Charge Capacity: 66130 mWh
Battery Status: Idle
Battery Health: 73.46%
So just a week ago, if I would unplug my laptop, it would show 7-8 hours remaining and now when I do that, it shows 3.5 hours remaining.
I'm extremely pissed and not sure what to do or who's fault it is. Could it be the wall adapter I connected the laptop to? I'm using both a US to EU power adapter to the wall, and I connect a power surge protector with US outlets. I used this elsewhere and never experienced this issue.
So looks like my laptop battery suffered a severe degradation although I'm barely using the battery.
When I touch the ac adapter block it feels warm/slightly hot, but not sure if that's necessarily bad or indicates a problem after using the laptop for many hours.
Do you have any ideas what might have happened?
Thank you.
submitted by phoenixlegend7 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:15 canzosis Are you going to the RED LINE rally in DC on June 8th?!

Hey y'all! I hope you're going, but the Detroit PSL and PYM are organizing buses to DC on Friday / Saturday for the big Red Line Rally. Even if you can't go (we have a few spots left), please consider donating to support folks who can't afford it!
📍We are gathering at the Arab American National Museum at 13624 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, MI 48126. The bus leaves at 10pm on June 7th. The bus will depart from DC Saturday evening, time TBC* no overnight stay.
🚍Reserve a seat on the bus:
submitted by canzosis to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:14 asillybillyjilly Road-rage accident

I recently got into an accident because someone else’s road rage. I was in the left lane and then merged into the right lane to turn at a green light at an intersection, there was a person behind me during this entire time and did the same thing that I did, but while they turned they began to honk at me. A person then walked across the street and the car in front of me stopped for them and I did as well but the car behind me continued to honk at me. After we began to drive again they crossed the double yellow lines to drive parallel to me into incoming traffic. They went back behind me to not get hit and I turned into another street but they continued to follow me again driving into oncoming traffic. I turned into a coldesac and called the police and they said the cops were on the way. I tried to continue driving in circles to stall him until the cops came but then he stopped in front of me got out of his car threw a tooth pick into my window, went to his trunk and got something then went into his passenger seat glove compartment and got something else and got back into his car and chased me again. I told the 911 operator and they told me to drive to the police station, as I was driving to the police station with this guy right behind me I got to a stop sign with two cars ahead of me, to prevent the guy who was chasing me from boxing me in I had to drive around the other cars to try to get in front of them. When I tried to make a left turn an incoming car hit me, I hit another car, and the car that was chasing me drove away. Luckily no one was hurt but the cops told me that I was at fault for the accidents. I did get the license plate, car model, description of the person that was driving the car, and at least one video from a house’s camera showing the car chasing me. If I had stayed in the coldesac I know the cops would have got him and I would not have gotten into an accident. In the event that they find the roadrager do I have a strong enough case to take them to court?
TLDR: A road rager was chasing me driving dangerously, 911 told me to drive to the police station, on the way I got into a separate accident involving two other vehicles and the road-rager got away. I have the license plate, car model, persons description, and video of them chasing me on camera. Can I take them to court?
submitted by asillybillyjilly to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:14 Yankingbullstail Modern Rules of Engagement: The New Linear Tatic“

Evolution of Warfare and Rules of Engagement
In historical warfare, such as during the musket period, European armies commonly used linear tactics where soldiers would stand in rows and engage in direct, pitched battles. This approach was seen as honorable and disciplined, but it also made soldiers vulnerable, as they had to face enemy fire in a highly exposed manner. This method of fighting, while considered “civilized” by contemporary standards, often led to high casualties and inefficiencies on the battlefield.
Modern Rules of Engagement: The New “Lines”
Today, the Geneva Conventions and various international rules of engagement serve as the modern equivalent of these historical tactics in some ways. These rules are designed to protect human rights and maintain ethical standards in warfare, but they can also impose significant constraints on military operations. Here’s how:
Comparisons and Restrictions
1. Ethical Constraints vs. Tactical Flexibility: • Historical Tactics: Just as soldiers in the past had to adhere to rigid battle formations that exposed them to enemy fire, modern forces must follow strict rules that limit their tactical options. For example, the prohibition against targeting civilians or using certain types of weapons can restrict how a military force operates in complex environments. • Current ROE: The Geneva Conventions and other rules of engagement mandate that armed forces avoid civilian casualties, treat prisoners of war humanely, and prohibit the use of chemical and biological weapons. While these rules are crucial for maintaining humanitarian standards, they can limit the tactical flexibility needed to respond effectively to certain threats. 2. Moral High Ground vs. Strategic Disadvantage: • Historical Perception: The British military’s linear tactics were considered the height of civilized warfare, but they often resulted in significant losses when faced with more flexible and unconventional tactics, such as those used by American colonial forces during the Revolutionary War. • Modern Warfare: Similarly, forces adhering strictly to international laws may find themselves at a strategic disadvantage when facing adversaries who do not follow these rules. For instance, guerrilla tactics and asymmetric warfare can exploit the constraints imposed by humanitarian laws, leading to operational challenges for conventional forces. 
Historical Examples and Modern Implications
1. Vietnam War: • Guerrilla Tactics: The Viet Cong effectively used guerrilla tactics, exploiting the strict rules of engagement followed by American forces. The US military’s need to avoid civilian casualties and infrastructure damage often hindered their operations. • Outcome: This led to a protracted conflict where the US struggled to achieve decisive victories, despite superior firepower and technology. • Source: Karnow, Stanley. Vietnam: A History. Penguin Books, 1997. 2. Global War on Terror: • Rules and Challenges: In conflicts such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, US and coalition forces faced similar issues. Adhering to international humanitarian law while combating insurgents who used civilian populations as shields created significant tactical challenges. • Impact: These constraints sometimes allowed insurgents to gain advantages, prolonging the conflicts and complicating efforts to stabilize the regions. • Source: Bergen, Peter. The Longest War: The Enduring Conflict between America and Al-Qaeda. Free Press, 2011. 
The evolution of warfare from the musket period to the present day shows a clear trend: as more rules and ethical constraints are established, the strategic options available to military forces become more restricted. While these rules are essential for maintaining international humanitarian standards and protecting non-combatants, they can also create significant challenges for military operations. This paradox reflects the ongoing tension between ethical warfare and tactical necessity, where strict adherence to rules can sometimes place forces at a disadvantage, much like how historical tactics exposed soldiers to greater risks on the battlefield.
submitted by Yankingbullstail to WarTactics [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:14 phoenixlegend7 LG Smart Assistant "Extend Battery Life" stopped showing charge level at 80, shows 100 instead? Damaged Battery?

I got LG Gram 2023 laptop (17Z90R-A.ADB9U1) with Battery 90 Wh Li-on.
I thought I had a fairly good battery health at 93% when I checked last time.
Typically I would see the charge level to be at 78-80 percent when this fully smart charged mode is on.
My laptop is usually pinned to the A/C power which is optimal.
I did some travel, charged the laptop in a bus and then at some airbnb location keeping it pinned.
But to my surprise, I noticed today that the charge level appears to be at 100-97 percent level, and when I go to check the battery health it shows:
Battery Capacity 97.00%
Charge Rate: Not Charging
Power Line Status: Connected
Remaining time: Unknown
Design Capacity: 90020 mWh
Full Charge Capacity: 66130 mWh
Battery Status: Idle
Battery Health: 73.46%
So just a week ago, if I would unplug my laptop, it would show 7-8 hours remaining and now when I do that, it shows 3.5 hours remaining.
I'm extremely pissed and not sure what to do or who's fault it is. Could it be the wall adapter I connected the laptop to? I'm using both a US to EU power adapter to the wall, and I connect a power surge protector with US outlets. I used this elsewhere and never experienced this issue.
So looks like my laptop battery suffered a severe degradation although I'm barely using the battery.
When I touch the ac adapter block it feels warm/slightly hot, but not sure if that's necessarily bad or indicates a problem after using the laptop for many hours.
Do you have any ideas what might have happened?
Thank you.
submitted by phoenixlegend7 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:14 Ok_Perception4347 I messed up my bumper on my rental from Enterprise

I messed up my bumper on my rental from Enterprise
Long story short, I was in an accident that wasn’t my fault. I was cleared and my insurance is covering all the repairs and my rental car.
But I accidentally went over an island in a parking lot and scrapped the left and right side of the bumper. This is the black line in the photo. This is just one side. You can’t see anything unless you look underneath. What do I do? I’m really panicking.
submitted by Ok_Perception4347 to Cartalk [link] [comments]