Oxford liberty health insurance network of doctors

Health Insurance

2008.10.24 20:05 Health Insurance

Health insurance in the United States is pretty crazy, and we're here to help you navigate it! SOLICITATION RESULTS IN AN INSTANT AND PERMANENT BAN.

2012.04.29 00:56 Irunongames Emergency Medicine

/emergencymedicine is a subreddit for healthcare providers in the emergency setting to discuss their encounters and find ways to improve their knowledge of various parts of EM.

2010.04.17 23:38 ffxner0 The NHS - The National Health Service

NO MEDICAL ADVICE - This is an NHS discussions subreddit, not a service to ask for, or give medical advice. Welcome to NHS, an un-affiliated community for NHS news, sharing information, and discussions.

2024.06.04 17:30 byeolgaeul Finally searching how to get help/diagnosis, ended up overwhelmed

Hi, mostly vent to pero feel free to help me to find what I need.
After what felt like years of contemplating, and especially ngayon since I've taken on bigger responsibilities, slowly realising my inability to function healthily, and I'm over 18, I've decided to finally try looking for help more properly.
In all seriousness though, I don't know where to start. Di ko alam proseso, nor really yung different about assessments or screenings in finding what I want/need. Added pa na I'm trying to look for somewhere accessible here in Pampanga and also cheap since wala pa ko income. Reviews/experiences would be nice too. I think may insurance family ko pero I don't know if kasama ako or if it's included man for these kinds of consultations.
I've been scrolling lang dito through keywords for recommended places/doctors to talk with but I started to feel overwhelmed all of a sudden again. Napapaisip ako bigla how can I really contact these people? It felt scary. Even though I'm trying to look for it now, a huge part of me is fighting in denial thinking wala to, I just can't get my sh*t together, pano if wala and nagsayang ka ng pera? Ano gagawin ko if may nahanap nga? I'm scared of telling my family that I feel something is wrong with me which is why I'm more limited in trying to find anything. And I don't feel comfortable telling them about it because a) stigma with mental health, and b) doubt sa 'kin because I'm still doing academically well on paper.
It feels so stupid of me. I can simply start with inquiring personally the recommended clinics/doctors through their contacts but once I do, parang it's becoming so real. And as I've said, I still feel in denial somehow that this is something serious.
I've always felt scared of self-diagnosing, and thinking maybe I have similar symptoms pero it's not to the brink of disability. Since that's what people always mention when normal people "relate". And ayun na nga, I've been a consistent Lister so far, it feels like I've managed to do a lot of things in my life, and yung pinaka worst of worst days I feel don't happen that frequently. I feel like even I've had really bad times, nakakaget back up ako somehow just at the last moment before going back down. Minsan I feel like maybe I'm just exaggerating things for myself para lang majustify na may mali saken. And that alone makes me feel bad because it's making it sound like I'm getting checked just to justify why I can't function on certain days.
So now I'm back to spiraling again about myself instead of continuing to search. And I feel like I'll dismiss this again for the next few months. In the first place, ang wrong timing ko kase I'm supposed to be doing something but because I've been doing terribly at attempting so, napaisip ako dito naman. So ayun. I feel like I'll put everything back down again and last minute things.
submitted by byeolgaeul to MentalHealthPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:06 TimberTheDog Received a pain and suffering offer of $4k after my car accident. Is that reasonable? (KS)

I was in a car accident on January 29th of this year, in which I was rear ended by an elderly woman going about 40mph. My car was totaled, and I suffered a concussion and 2 bulging discs in my neck. The other party's insurance accepted complete liability, and compensated me for my car, and paid all associated medical bills. I spent 78 days "treating" before hitting max expected recovery.
The first month was absolutely awful, with the worst of it setting in a few days after the accident. I was unable to support the weight of my own head and was pretty much confined to staying in bed. For about a week I existed in a state of constant motion sickness and it was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. I finally got better after medication and physical therapy. I rested, saw a specialist, and toward the start of April, I felt I was pretty much back to normal. There are some things that cause my neck to occasionally flare up, so I have to be more conscious of my posture and certain activities now, but that's just how it is going to be. In a clinical sense, I do not have any long term injuries, and since I'm in my mid-20s, I've been assured by my primary doctor and specialist that I'll heal up just fine over time, but it will be a potential weak spot in the future.
I am on Medicaid, and my health insurance company negotiated down my various bills, including a CT, X-ray, and MRI. All in all, there is only about $850 in medical bills. The other party's insurance will be reimbursing Medicaid for that amount. I spoke with the medical adjuster today, and they offered me $4k for pain and suffering. I told him I would think about it, and he replied, "Well we have some wiggle room, so let me know what you have in mind."
I have no frame of reference for this scenario. Is $4k reasonable for the injuries I suffered? In hindsight, it was a very frustrating 2 months. I work with my hands, and I'm an avid outdooadventurer type. My wife and I bought a house and got married last October, and I had to stop all home renovations. I couldn't garden, take my dog on hikes, ride my bike, go golfing, etc. What would a reasonable counter offer be if $4k is low? The state minimum in KS is $25k for bodily injury, and since they only have to pay less than $1k in medical bills, there's quite a bit of room on the coverage. Initially, I was going to ask for $6k, but everyone I've spoken to has told me that is much too low, and I need to try to get at least $10k, if not $15k. Personally, I'd be nervous asking for that much since it is so much higher than their initial offer. They have also been incredibly accommodating throughout this entire process, so I don't want to seem like a greedy jerk.
submitted by TimberTheDog to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:05 TimberTheDog Received a pain and suffering offer of $4k after my car accident. Is that reasonable? (KS)

I was in a car accident on January 29th of this year, in which I was rear ended by an elderly woman going about 40mph. My car was totaled, and I suffered a concussion and 2 bulging discs in my neck. The other party's insurance accepted complete liability, and compensated me for my car, and paid all associated medical bills. I spent 78 days "treating" before hitting max expected recovery.
The first month was absolutely awful, with the worst of it setting in a few days after the accident. I was unable to support the weight of my own head and was pretty much confined to staying in bed. For about a week I existed in a state of constant motion sickness and it was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. I finally got better after medication and physical therapy. I rested, saw a specialist, and toward the start of April, I felt I was pretty much back to normal. There are some things that cause my neck to occasionally flare up, so I have to be more conscious of my posture and certain activities now, but that's just how it is going to be. In a clinical sense, I do not have any long term injuries, and since I'm in my mid-20s, I've been assured by my primary doctor and specialist that I'll heal up just fine over time, but it will be a potential weak spot in the future.
I am on Medicaid, and my health insurance company negotiated down my various bills, including a CT, X-ray, and MRI. All in all, there is only about $850 in medical bills. The other party's insurance will be reimbursing Medicaid for that amount. I spoke with the medical adjuster today, and they offered me $4k for pain and suffering. I told him I would think about it, and he replied, "Well we have some wiggle room, so let me know what you have in mind."
I have no frame of reference for this scenario. Is $4k reasonable for the injuries I suffered? In hindsight, it was a very frustrating 2 months. I work with my hands, and I'm an avid outdooadventurer type. My wife and I bought a house and got married last October, and I had to stop all home renovations. I couldn't garden, take my dog on hikes, ride my bike, go golfing, etc. What would a reasonable counter offer be if $4k is low? The state minimum in KS is $25k for bodily injury, and since they only have to pay less than $1k in medical bills, there's quite a bit of room on the coverage. Initially, I was going to ask for $6k, but everyone I've spoken to has told me that is much too low, and I need to try to get at least $10k, if not $15k. Personally, I'd be nervous asking for that much since it is so much higher than their initial offer. They have also been incredibly accommodating throughout this entire process, so I don't want to seem like a greedy jerk.
submitted by TimberTheDog to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:30 Gregofarizona Colombia Visas, and getting them appear nothing but a dream, and just a scam, or am I wrong??

I am a 70 year old, single male and retired. I recently went to vist to Colombia, to visit a family I know there, I spent 5 weeks and fell in love with the country. The country is beautiful, living is quite cheap, people friendly, and the food is just down right fantastic. So I started looking into what is involved, to become a resident and live there and found it fairly straight forward, but still did not have all the answers, to my questions.
I found a home there I wanted to buy in the country, which was quite beautiful. I found that if you have a passport, they made it quite easy to buy a property, but with a catch. You can buy the property, but without a visa, you can not stay past 3 months (6 months) if you get a extension, during a year. Well that was not what I wanted and wanted to remain there year around, to retire.
I found some visas, with some comflicting stories, depending on what sites you reasearched(lawyer sites as well). Then I found the perfect visa, which was called "Investment visa" which is sometimes called a RE visa as well. If you spend 850,000,000 million pesos(approximately $220,000 U.S.D.) on a property that you purchase keep it in your name, it is permanent. You just renew it every 5 years, with updated photo and I.D. card, sounds perfect to me. The purchase would be simple. I always use a lawyer with everything I do--to make sure all the "I's" are dotted and the "T's" are crossed, I take no chances. There is a saying, "the cheap turns out to be the expensive", and being in business for 45 years I knew that.
They offer many visas, but there was a trick, with many, that you had to renew every 2 or 3 years, and I'm not taking a risk, of having some immigration official, that I see, having a "bad day." I'm there 2 or 3 years, then meet with an immigration official, who had a fight with his wife, kids, or did not meet his "rejection quota" for the day, then I get kicked out of colombia, own a property, which I can no longer occupy--and at 70, I'm not moving around.
So, I liked the investment visa, with the 850,000,000 million pesos--because I would just pay cash, for a home, so no worries about financing. But then there was another obstacle--health insurance. In the past, as an expact, you could get on EPS, which is a public health insurance, covering you at any age, with pre existing conditions. After all, how many do not have some sort of "pre existing conditions" at 70, very few. I actually have 4, but my conditions are managageable, and In the last few years I have not seen a doctor about any of them--except for the foot I injured about 9 years ago, which was my fault. So here come the next 2 hurdles.
They have changed a law, that visas obtained now, are no longer eligable for (EPS), but require health insurance to obtain a visa. So since I can not get on health insurance (EPS) they say you must find private health insurance, well good luck with that. I contacted a couple of health insurance companies--some of the big ones(yes, they tell you how fantasic they are--but wait to you try to do the underwritting), and when you say, you have pre-existing conditions, you just get "a dial tone" when they hang up. Better than that--they quote premiums which are outragous. I was quoted around $2,000 a month. The best part they want to sell you "international" private health insurance. They base the insurance premium on the "most expensive country" but don't consider Colombia health care, which is one of the best, is 25% of the cost of the United States, but stick you on the premiums, from the most expensive countries--how convienient--and what theives they are. I think they use the Neitherlands or Austria for their premium calculations. This is hurle #1
Now for hurdle #2. So in the confusion, I contacted a lawyer, not 1, not 2, but 3, after 3 that don't answer your questions, it is time to give up. So the questions were simple and to the point. 1. Is the particular visa I mentioned available. 2. Does that type visa get you on "EPS"? 3. If I cant get on EPS, is there private health insurance available, by insurancers in Colombia(for colombia only--not international). The part I love, they are there wanting to take your money to start the process, to get a visa, but suddenly disapear, when the health insurance topics and questions are brought up. I was in business 45 years, and always come through the back door asking questions so that there are "no surprises" during the process.
So if anyone has input about this, links to private Colombia health insurance covering "old farts" like me, it would help. Also if there is a lawyer out ther in colombia, which will answer my questions with honesty, and thoroughness, that would help as well. Otherwise, I just as figure my dreams to move to Colombia is just a dream and never will become reality. But I know, if I have experienced this issue--there are many in the same situation. Thanks for reading, Greg.
submitted by Gregofarizona to u/Gregofarizona [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:30 Pluckyplatypus26 Insurance no longer covering medication, how can I fight it?

Need either a referral to a lawyer or help with next steps. TL;DR - insurance will no longer cover life saving medication. Basically, my husband has been on the same medication since he was a kid. It is the only thing keeping him alive. With it, he is healthy enough to train and complete a triathalon. Without it, he can’t walk around the block without going to the hospital. Insurance has decided (without any warning) he doesn’t need it as often. Even though all of his doctors agree that he absolutely does. This injection is $7K/mo without insurance so we can’t pay out of pocket. How do we fight this? His health is already declining but insurance isn’t budging. (If it matters, his health insurance is United Healthcare)
submitted by Pluckyplatypus26 to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:29 Tember_ Write ups and rules?

I have a HUGE question about the laws of being written up. So I just got a team message from my manager saying if we call out for ANY reason at all we will be written up unless we are sick and have a doctors note, if no note than it’s a write up AND if it’s a family emergency we need to explain in detail what’s going on in order to avoid a write up… idk if it’s just me but this doesn’t sound right? Now I’m not one to call out, I’ve only called out twice in my whole year of working there, one due to a fever I had when I woke up and the other due to an actual family emergency but I didn’t need to explain because this was last year. So I don’t have good health insurance and I’m not goin to the doctor for food poisoning or something I know isn’t serious… I’m also not going to share personal al family information if it’s a family emergency I feel like that’s an invasion of privacy and I don’t feel comfortable with it. I understand call outs are super frustrating I used to be a supervisor and manager at an old job so I get it, especially if it’s someone who calls out frequently and never gets shifts covered then I’d understand writing them up. But to just get anyone on it for any reason at all I feel like isn’t allowed?
Am I wrong for feeling like this or is it one of those things there’s not really any rules behind.
submitted by Tember_ to Serverlife [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:05 plaguedwench missed open enrolment in health insurance from employer, now denied due to being "high risk"

i missed the open enrolment period in health insurance from my employer (was drowning in emails unfortunately). I applied separately and did the paperwork and apparently I'm denied due to having sleep disorder and brain fog, and this making me "high risk" for a health claim. I asked and I was told its possible to appeal with a doctors note but I wonder if it's worth the trouble of going through all this and gathering documentation (has anyone successfully done this?) or if finding a new job would literally be easier than appealing
submitted by plaguedwench to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:02 YesITriedYoga My path to an EDS diagnosis (USA)

I've typed this up a couple of times so I thought I'd make a dedicated post. Getting an EDS diagnosis can be challenging. I hope my experience can help others. I live in the US so my experience is specific to the US. It would be awesome to hear about the experiences of people living outside the US in the comments.
I started by self-referring to genetic testing through Genome Medical. They have genetic counselors on staff who can recommend the appropriate tests, help you submit insurance claims, and interpret your results.
As you probably read hyper-mobile EDS doesn’t have a confirmed genetic marker so your results (like mine) may be inconclusive. My genetic counselor recommended I check out the services of Dr. Wilson Golder at Kinder Genome. Dr. Golder has a validated self-assessment for EDS. He will send you the questionnaire and the scoring criteria for free via email. If you’d like, he will score your results and write a letter to your doctor for $100. The letter is not a diagnosis (because he isn’t performing a clinical evaluation) instead it’s a description of how your responses compare to the results of people who have been diagnosed with EDS. This letter can be helpful evidence of your need for further assessment and may be taken more seriously than your request because it’s coming from another doctor. You do not have to complete any genetic testing in order to work with Dr. Golder.
Recently I took a slightly different approach to genetic testing to get a bigger picture understanding of my health. I took two commercial DNA tests (ancestry and 23 and me). I downloaded the results and used them to get a report from Prometheus for ~ $25. You can get a Prometheus report with only one sample but I opted for 2 because commercial DNA testing can have some errors and using two samples can control for some errors. All together this cost me about $250-$275 USD. There are less expensive DNA tests and coupons that could reduce that cost.
Prometheus compares your DNA to a database of all published papers about DNA markers (SNpedia) and gives you information about the likelihood that you have a related genetic difference. It is not the same as clinical DNA testing. If you don’t have medical insurance that will cover self-referral to a service like Genome Medical this approach could be a helpful option for starting a conversation with your doctor about getting a referral to a genetic counselor for medical testing. It’s also kinda interesting to see the full genome- I learned that I’m likely to be lactose intolerant and I’ve seen some improvement in my digestive health after adjusting my diet accordingly (idk how I made it to 36 not knowing I’m lactose intolerant but here we are).
By now you’ve probably seen the EDS diagnostic checklist from the EDS Society. This checklist has some flaws - first (and probably most annoyingly) it does have to be completed by a clinician. I’ve seen a lot of patients say that their doctor either refused to complete the checklist or did it poorly. The first doctor I asked to do the checklist totally messed it up. She told me I wasn’t hypermobile when I score a 9/9 on the Beighton. Second, this checklist was developed to identify patients for inclusion in research and has a lot of flaws as a clinical diagnostic tool. Third, the EDS society’s classification of EDS subgroups is a bit problematic generally. I won’t get into the details but know that you should take it with a grain of salt.
Finally, while most resources suggest that a GP, rheumatologist, or a geneticist can make a hEDS diagnosis I’ve found that orthopedic doctors actually know the most about EDS. Almost every orthopedic doctor I’ve seen has suggested I have hEDS unprompted — which feels totally wild after trying so hard to convince the doctors who “should” diagnose EDS that I have it. You might have more luck talking to an orthopedic doctor or a physical therapist. You could also try looking for an EDS-literate doctor or PT in your area using the EDS Society’s Healthcare Professional Directory.
Best of luck to everyone on their diagnostic journey!
submitted by YesITriedYoga to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:46 ann-kariuki-1060 Introducing Insurance Allies: Your Go-To Insurance Community!

Madison Insurance

Welcome to Insurance Allies! 🌟
Are you looking for a place to discuss, learn, and share everything about insurance? Whether you're seeking advice, comparing policies, or just want to understand the basics, you've come to the right place.
**About Us: Insurance Allies is a community dedicated to helping each other navigate the often confusing world of insurance. Our mission is to provide a supportive space where members can ask questions, share experiences, and find reliable information on all types of insurance, from health and life to auto and home.
What You’ll Find Here: - Expert Advice:Get insights from industry professionals and knowledgeable members. - Policy Comparisons:Discuss and compare different insurance policies and providers. - Tips & Tricks:Discover useful tips for saving money and getting the best coverage. - Personal Stories: Share your own insurance experiences and learn from others. - Q&A Sessions: Participate in regular Q&A sessions with experts in the field.
Community Guidelines: 1. Be Respectful:We’re here to help each other. Treat everyone with respect and kindness. 2. Stay On-Topic: Keep discussions focused on insurance-related topics. 3. No Spam: Avoid posting promotional content or spam. Genuine recommendations are welcome. 4. Privacy First:Don’t share personal information. Respect the privacy of others.
Join the Conversation: Whether you’re an insurance newbie or a seasoned pro, we welcome you to join our community and contribute to the discussion. Ask questions, share your knowledge, and help us build a resourceful and supportive network.
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Welcome to Insurance Allies – your trusted community for all things insurance!


submitted by ann-kariuki-1060 to Insuranceallies [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:42 Sugardevil27 Please show a little bit more compassion for CNBC. They need their sponsors. (Irony off)

CNBC needs their sponsors otherwise you could see them cry live on TV. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest sponsors.
The main sponsors of CNBC include a mix of large financial institutions, technology companies, and consumer brands. Prominent sponsors feature companies such as TIAA (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America), a Fortune 100 financial services firm, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), which often engages with CNBC through events focused on equity and opportunity​ (CNBC Events)​​ (CNBC Events). Additionally, Fannie Mae, a significant player in the U.S. mortgage finance market, is another key sponsor​ (CNBC Events)​.
Thasunda Brown Duckett, the CEO of TIAA, has significant connections to Wall Street due to her extensive background in the financial sector. Before joining TIAA, she was the CEO of Chase Consumer Banking at JPMorgan Chase, one of the largest banks in the world. In this role, she managed a vast network of branches, deposits, and employees, and played a crucial part in strategic expansions and digital engagement initiatives​ (TIAA)​​ (TIAA)​. This experience has likely provided her with strong professional relationships across major financial institutions and hedge funds.
Given her position at TIAA and her previous roles, it is reasonable to infer that Duckett maintains a network with key figures in major banks and hedge funds. These connections are typical for someone of her stature and experience in the financial industry. However, specific details about personal contacts with major banks or hedge funds are not publicly disclosesd.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) CEO Antonio Neri and CFO Tarek Robbiati have extensive connections in the tech and finance industries. Antonio Neri, who has been CEO since 2018, has led HPE through significant transformations and strategic acquisitions. He serves on the Board of Directors of Elevance Health, Inc., and on advisory boards for Maserati and ROKiT Venturi Racing. He is also involved with the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum and the Technology Committee of the Business Roundtable​ (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)​​ (Mergers & Inquisitions)​.
Fannie Mae:
Fannie Mae has extensive connections with major banks, particularly J.P. Morgan Chase. Notable collaborations and transactions between Fannie Mae and J.P. Morgan include multiple significant financial settlements and sales. For example, in 2013, J.P. Morgan Chase reached a settlement agreement with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac worth $5.1 billion to resolve claims related to mortgage-backed securities​ (FHFA)​. Additionally, Fannie Mae has sold substantial pools of reperforming loans to J.P. Morgan Mortgage Acquisition Corp. on several occasions​ (National Mortgage Professional)​.
Banks and Hedgefonds
J.P. Morgan:
J.P. Morgan Asset & Wealth Management, led by Mary Callahan Erdoes, is a significant sponsor. The firm is a global leader in investment management and private banking with $2.8 trillion in client assets. As a major global financial services firm, JPMorgan Chase is involved in numerous financial activities and has had its share of involvement in various market activities, including short positions on stocks like GameStop (GME)​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Street Insider)​.
Goldman Sachs:
Formerly represented in sponsorship through prominent figures like Katie Koch, who led the Public Equity business within their Asset Management Division. Another leading global investment bank and financial services company, Goldman Sachs has been cited for its participation in significant financial market operations and strategies, including those involving hedge funds like Citadel​ (Hedgeweek)​.
Citadel Securities:
Known for its large influence in market-making and trading. Citadel provided a $2.75 billion infusion into Melvin Capital after Melvin suffered substantial losses due to its short position on GME​ (Street Insider)​. Kynikos Associates LP: Managed by Jim Chanos, this hedge fund is notable for its exclusive short selling investment strategies. Kynikos Associates is known for its short-selling strategies. While specific recent short positions on GME aren't detailed, Kynikos's general market strategies align with those observed during the „short squeeze“ events​ (Financial Treason & Crime)​.
Additionally, CNBC's events like Delivering Alpha and CEO Council Summit attract sponsorship from other major financial and investment firms such as Ariel Alternatives, TCW, CPP Investments, and Sabancı Holding. These events often feature key industry leaders and discussions on economic and financial trends, supported by sponsorships from these prominent entities.
And CNBC keeps complaining about Keith Gill?
submitted by Sugardevil27 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:32 Cold-hearted-dragons Advice for help loosing weight for self esteem?

This post is going to be long as I want to cover all of the issues im facing as well as the solutions Ive already tried. Im am 24 F, now weighing about 190-195. I work 50-60 hours a week and am also a full time college student. My job requires that I sit at a desk all day. Im 5’2.
Background: My major health issues started 2 years ago. Before everything started, I was 145 pounds and I had pretty close to an hourglass shape.
Out of seemingly no where, I had double kidney failure twice within 2 months. My doctor and I were sure I was going to loose them both and possibly die.
Once I recovered from that, I had a surgery for an extremely case of Endometriosis. During this surgery my doctor also wrapped my right ovary, it had been glued to the surrounding muscles and she had to cut it away.
6 months after that I had to go back into surgery because my body was rejecting the stuff she wrapped my ovary with. Then I had another 6 months of slow recovery.
Between the 2 surgeries and my kidneys both being so weak, I was advised to take things slow. So I got lazy. I ended up gaining about 45-50 pounds.
Once I started feeling better, I started dieting and exercising. Nothing I was doing was working. So I went to a nutritionist (free through my companies insurance). I also started seeing a Therapist because I have an unhealthy relationship with food. I grew up going hungry often so as an adult I would only eat 1 meal a day, sometimes 2. Eating more than that would make me feel sick.
My therapist and nutritionist both suggested I eat more. My nutritionist said eating more would “jump start” my metabolism. It worked. When my days consisted of breakfast, veggie juice, snack, snack, lunch, snack, snack, Dinner, I started loosing weight quickly. I was also working out lightly for 1 hour a day. I lost 6 pounds in 1 week.
But it was too quick. Loosing weight that quickly caused my kidneys to go into shock and I ended up back in the hospital.
I tried switching up my diet and workout 2 more times but both times when I lost weight, My kidneys would go back into shock.
I’ve tried talking to my doctors but they keep suggesting the same things, I’ve also tried going to other doctors who suggest the same things. Ive tried diet pills but they either don’t work or I loose too much too quickly.
If my kidneys keep getting weaker, I will die. Im not sure what to do at this point. Besides my kidneys, im healthy, theres no real reason to loose weight except for my own self esteem. I look like im 5-6 months pregnant and im tired of it. All my weight is in my belly and thighs.
I also have a hard time eating healthy foods if they aren’t spicy. I don’t have a sweet tooth, I’ve got a spicy one. Eating bland foods makes me feel nauseous, it has to do with my unhealthy relationship with food.
Does anyone have any advice for me? Or does anyone know of any healthy recipes that have some spice? A lot of food recipes Ive tried are pretty bland to me, my bf loves them though. Im not looking to be perfect, i would just like to get close to what I was before. I want to loose at least 40 pounds.
Ive been thinking about getting coolsculpting or liposuction. I don’t think it’ll be an issue for my kidneys because the swelling may take 2-3 months to go away so it’ll be loosing a lot of weight over several months. But I could be wrong about that.
submitted by Cold-hearted-dragons to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:16 plaguedwench missed open enrolment in health insurance from employer, now denied due to being "high risk"

i missed the open enrolment period in health insurance from my employer (was drowning in emails unfortunately). I applied separately and did the paperwork and apparently I'm denied due to having sleep disorder and brain fog, and this making me "high risk" for a health claim. I asked and I was told it's possible to appeal with a doctors note but I wonder if it's worth the trouble of going through all this and gathering documentation or if finding a new job would even be easier. thanks.
submitted by plaguedwench to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:15 Sunshiny_Rainbows Lots of people have been asking!

Lots of people have been asking!
They never have an answer for this!
Let me “learn ya something” j and h!
You don’t have to “go get your results”!! That’s comical! And certainly not if there is something wrong. If you haven’t heard from your doctor, there is NOTHING wrong with your test results and that’s a fact!
And remember, if you have made ANY money off of a false health story, that’s another charge! It’s no different than the people who say they have cancer and don’t! You are trash and people are catching on!
And hey H, I took the liberty of cropping that child’s face out of this video, unlike you who just puts other people’s children on the internet with ZERO respect for how the parents would feel! You selfish C U N T!
I have the whole video saved H, you best not show any of those children again. Bet.
submitted by Sunshiny_Rainbows to unionwelderFACTS [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:05 keliaewart How do I find and hire the best Unity 3D developers?

Hiring the best Unity 3D developers requires a strategic approach to sourcing, evaluating, and onboarding talent. Here’s a detailed guide to help you find and hire top Unity 3D developers:

1. Define Your Requirements

Before you start searching, clearly define your project requirements, including:

2. Source Candidates

Utilize multiple channels to find potential candidates:

Job Boards and Freelance Platforms

Professional Networks

Recruitment Agencies

3. Evaluate Candidates

Once you have a list of potential candidates, evaluate them using the following methods:

Portfolio Review

Technical Interviews

Soft Skills Assessment

4. Offer and Onboard

Once you’ve identified the right candidate, make a competitive offer:

Competitive Compensation

Onboarding Process

5. Retain Top Talent

Retaining your top Unity 3D developers is crucial for long-term success:
By following these steps, you can effectively find and hire the best Unity 3D developers who are well-suited to your project needs and company culture.
submitted by keliaewart to hireappdevelopersCA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:24 ImpossibleFun255 I’ve been trying to figure out what has been causing eye pressure and blurring for 3 years. Could it be Giant Cell Arteritis? 34(F)

For the past 3 years I have been dealing with an inconsistent but very intrusive feeling of pressure above/behind my right eye. It started as pressure alone, but I have been having issues with occasional blurred vision. Sometimes my eyelid is sore to the touch and I will get shooting pains back into my head, from what feels like my eyeball.
I’ve see 3 different ophthalmologists since the pressure began, all who say my eyes are perfectly healthy. When I started having issues with vision, my doctor had me do an MRI of my head and neck. In the days following, they called me back with concerns of an occlusion and had me immediately come in for an MRV and then an MRA (both with no dye), which ruled out the occlusion. She tested for thyroid function and ran all kids of other bloodwork, but no avail. I was referred to neurology, but I lost health insurance shortly after due to a change in employment.
The blurred vision is really starting to scare me, so I’m back to trying to find a solution, but afraid that my doctor isn’t going to take me seriously when I mention this.
I have a lot of the symptoms of GCA: eye pain/pressure, scalp tenderness, weight loss, fatigue, and over the years, I’ve had other strange vascular seeming events, including heart palpitations that have recently been more prominent. A few months ago, I had a new, visible vein/artery in my temple, which has since gone away. In my early twenties, my right leg swelled up to twice the size of my left. I went to urgent care who then sent me to the ER, where they did an ultrasound to look for a blood clot, found nothing, and then the swelling went down on its own before they sent me home. I’ve also had a lifetime history of intermittent sharp cage pain upon inhale that I’ve never been able to find a cause to.
Sorry for all of the details. Any insight from this thread would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by ImpossibleFun255 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:04 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress block themes

Comprehensive Showcase: Exploring the Diversity of Free WordPress Block Themes

Choosing a Theme

WordPress Block Themes Overview

Key Takeaways

  1. Astra: Versatile, fast, and user-friendly, suitable for any website type.
  2. Kadence: Elegant design with strong customization options and speed.
  3. GeneratePress: Lightweight, flexible, and SEO-friendly.
  4. Neve: Optimized for speed and performance, offering pre-designed starter sites.
  5. OceanWP: Highly customizable, not a full block theme but offers extensive control.
  6. Twenty Twenty-One: Default WordPress theme, fully responsive, with customizable design options.
  7. Blocksy: Fast, Gutenberg-friendly, and highly customizable.
  8. Aino: Gutenberg-ready block theme for full site editing.
  9. Porcupine: Elegant, dark style suitable for portfolios and businesses.
  10. SwiftStore: Designed for e-commerce with WooCommerce integration.
  11. Strategist FSE: Full site editing for business websites, portfolios, and blogs.
  12. Foodie Blocks: Tailored for food bloggers and culinary enthusiasts.
  13. VisualBusiness: For creating professional business websites.
  14. Gutenify Architech: Designed for architects with a focus on showcasing projects.
  15. MrWriter: Minimalist design ideal for bloggers and writers.
  16. Papanek: Clean aesthetic for agencies and freelancers.
  17. Smart News: Designed for news websites and editorial content.
  18. Furnitrix: Elegant design for e-commerce, specifically furniture stores.
  19. Liberty FSE: Versatile and user-friendly for dynamic websites.
  20. Delivered: Targeted at transportation services with industry-specific features.
  21. Frost: Professional aesthetic with block-based editing.
  22. Paxxer: Modern, customizable design for businesses and professionals.
  23. Lupr: Full customization for various website types.
  24. Lemmony Agency: Optimized for agencies with built-in animation library.
  25. Blockscape: Modern design with full-site editing and WooCommerce compatibility.
  26. DigiSell FSE: SEO-friendly and multilingual, ideal for marketing agencies.
  27. Baboon: Colorful and modern design for portfolios and businesses.
  28. News FSE: Dark theme for news websites with customizable layouts.
  29. Designer Blocks: Simple, grid-based design for portfolios and blogs.
  30. Hello Insurance: Flexible, modern design for insurance and other industries.
  31. Lovebird: Clean and responsive design for portfolios and businesses.
  32. Gutenify Base: Versatile theme for various website types with full site editing.
  33. Lawzone: Specifically designed for law firms and legal services.
  34. Mesa WPEX: Tailored for bloggers with an intuitive design.
  35. BizBoost: Clean and flexible design for corporate websites.
  36. Creative Blocks: Simple design compatible with Full Site Editor.
  37. Radiant Blogger: Stylish and user-friendly for bloggers.
  38. Launchify: Customizable design for various industries.
  39. Abisko: Focuses on bold typography and clean design for bloggers.
  40. IceCubo: Fully responsive with pre-built design patterns.
  41. Coffee Block: User-friendly with WooCommerce compatibility.
  42. Corporate FSE: Modern and minimal design for corporate websites.
  43. VisualBlogger: Designed for bloggers with drag-and-drop functionality.
  44. Yarsa Fse: Free and versatile with full site editing features.
  45. Spectra One: Elegant and flexible for blogs, portfolios, and businesses.
  46. Soivigol Blocks: Captivating dark color scheme for portfolios.
  47. Tarantula: Feature-rich with full site editing for various content types.
  48. Adventurer: Tailored for travelers, writers, and photographers.
  49. Buildapp: Responsive design for app showcase and development.
  50. Kavana: Minimalist design for creators, bloggers, and writers.
  51. Hello FSE: Versatile and flexible for multiple website needs.
  52. Filmways Lite: Crafted for filmmakers and movie studios.
  53. SKT FSE: Embraces the new Gutenberg editor with Full Site Editing.
  54. Blockster: Lightweight and user-friendly for non-profits and bloggers.
  55. Meditate: Designed for yoga studios, fitness coaches, and health-related businesses.
  56. Threadwears: Elegant eCommerce theme with WooCommerce integration.
  57. Fitness FSE: Tailored for health and wellness businesses.
  58. Blur: Lightweight and visually appealing for eCommerce.
  59. Tortoise: Modern and clean design for portfolios and businesses.
  60. Lemmony: Optimized for speed with a built-in animation library.
  61. Vorfolio: Modern design for CV/Resume websites.
  62. Upsidedown: Unique post-reading experience for blogs.
  63. VisionArt: Captivating design for photography websites.
  64. Saasify: Designed for SaaS companies and digital products.
  65. Jaxon: Minimalist design for various applications.
  66. Axl FSE: Embraces Full Site Editing for diverse website needs.
  67. Ona Business: Minimal design with fast page loading and customizable features.
  68. SKT Patterns: Responsive design for interior design and architecture websites.
  69. Seahorse: Vibrant and colorful for portfolios and businesses.
  70. Mintify: Designed for crypto, fintech, and SaaS companies.
  71. Fork: Minimalistic design with versatile patterns.
  72. Creatify: Ideal for agencies, creatives, and portfolios.
  73. Björk: Minimal design with sticky sidebar menu and block patterns.
  74. Universal Themes: For developers, bloggers, and business websites.


WordPress block themes offer a wide range of options catering to different industries and design preferences. From minimalistic and modern designs to specialized themes for e-commerce and business, there's a block theme for every need. These themes enhance flexibility, customization, and user experience, making it easier to create professional and visually appealing websites.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:00 Neowza Weekly Advocacy Post

Below you'll find information and links to help advocate for Reproductive Freedoms and Abortion care in Canada and emerging policy issues with the Reddit platform. This is a recurring post and will be periodically updated as needed. Feel free to post additional information and discussions in the comments.
Advocating for Abortion Care in Canada:
Reference: Policy Options, via the Institute for Research on Public Policy and Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights
What can you do to improve access to abortion care in Canada?
  1. Listen, research and learn. This is always the first step to understand any problem.
  2. Send a letter to your MP and MPP. Tell them that access to abortion care is important and how difficult it can be to access it in your province. Urge them to prevent anti-choice groups and CPCs from receiving charitable status, and to revoke the charitable status from CPCs that already have it. Encourage them to include reasonable reimbursement for travel costs related to receiving medical care when it is not available in your community. And push them to pass Safe Access Zone Legislation to protect patients, practitioners and their staff from anti-choice harassment and intimidation.
  3. Give a donation to a pro-choice charitable organization of your choice. Remember, if you give a total of $201 CDN or more to Canadian charitable organizations, you'll get a credit of 29% of your total annual donations on your income taxes (for those that file Canadian Income Taxes, only).
  4. Sign up for the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada Newsletter. https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/
  5. Participate in local marches and rallys in support of access to abortion care.
  6. Spread the Word. Tell your friends and family. Encourage them to research, listen and learn. Encourage them to contact their MPP and MPs.
  7. If you work in a Doctor's office or as a family physician, consider incorporating Mifegymiso into your practice to ensure patients have timely access to this essential service. If you are a Doctor, or studying to be one, consider opening an Abortion Care practice when you are licensed and qualified to do so, especially in rural areas where there are a lack of options.
  8. If you work in politics, consider proposing legislation that will ensure safe access zones for abortion care providers and their clients and covering reasonable travel costs for constituents when medical care is not available in their community.
  9. If you are a journalist or work in media, consider preparing pieces sharing the difficulty Canadians can have accessing medical care such as abortions.
  10. If you work in the area of Not For Profit/Advocacy, consider partnering with a Pro-choice organization and helping them spread information and lobby for improving access to abortion care for Canadians.
  11. If you know someone who needs abortion care, consider giving them a ride to a clinic, helping them access the advice and care they need, and provide non-judgemental support.
  12. Ensure persons of First Nations, Metis and Inuit heritage know about Jordan's Principle, which ensures that First Nations children (which includes people who can become pregnant under the age of 18) can access the products, services and supports they need, when they need them. https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1568396042341/1568396159824
Emerging Policy Issues with Reddit
On July 1, 2023, Reddit raised the price to make calls to their API from being free to a level that killed every third party app on Reddit, from Apollo to Reddit is Fun to Narwhal to BaconReader. This policy change meant that mobile users would have a lesser experience browsing Reddit, users with visual difficulties could not browse reddit as screenreaders are not compatible with the official Reddit app, and mods lost tools that they depend on to keep communities on-topic and spam-free. Many subreddits protested this change in June 2023, and the Reddit admins enforced draconian measures such as removing and replacing mods who privatized their subreddits in protest of this policy change.
On September 12, 2023, Reddit will eliminate reddit coins, including removing all accumulated coins, a perk that Reddit Premium users pay for every month. Coins are used to reward comments and posts by showing your appreciation for the effort. Some reddit coins offer the ability to use reddit without ads.
In March 2024, Reddit had an IPO (Initial Public Offering), and the founder and current CEO, as well as the COO have sold $500,000 of their shares. How does this effect you? Reddit may face pressure to increase revenues to attract investors. This could lead to more ads or new monetization features. There could also be changes to the platform to attract a wider user base, such as bans and censorship on certain topics or words and control over content to appease more conservative shareholders or users.
What can you do to protest policy changes at Reddit?
  1. Listen, research and learn. Check /modcoord for updates
  2. Cancel your Reddit Premium membership
  3. Participate in subreddit led protests
  4. Look for other forums to patronize. We have a forum on Discord called Auntie Network Canada. Message the mods here for an invite link to the Discord group.
  5. Complain. Message the mods of reddit.com, who are the admins of the site: message reddit: submit a support request: comment in relevant threads on reddit. Leave a negative review on their official iOS or Android app.
submitted by Neowza to auntienetworkcanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:45 sterenx Work injury

I had a work injury couple months ago “broke my elbow and wrist” did a surgery and currently i’m still wearing a cast and in July will start a couple of months of physiotherapy.
Work has fired me and Now the BGW is funding everything and making my health insurance paying me 80% of my salary.
I’m 26 years old guy with a degree in digital marketing but due to my language level “A2” i Can’t land a good job, so Ive been working physically demanding jobs.
Now when my doctor stops writing me sick notes and physically I won’t be so well to get back into these types of jobs, would an email to the BGW explaining the situation makes them continuing paying me until i’m fully fit to work? Or it won’t make a difference ?
I just moved into a new place and bought few stuff in installments. I was doing good financially while i was working but now i’m worried regarding what might come.
submitted by sterenx to germany [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:01 Forsaken_Guest_9659 Natural Cure For Pustular Psoriasis In Mumbai

Ayurvedic skin doctors, often referred to as Ayurvedic dermatologists or Ayurvedic skin specialists, are healthcare professionals who specialize in treating skin conditions using Ayurvedic principles and practices. Ayurveda, an ancient holistic healing system originating from India, emphasizes the balance between mind, body, and spirit to achieve overall health and well-being. Ayurvedic skin doctors approach skin health and treatment from a holistic perspective, considering factors such as diet, lifestyle, mental health, and environmental influences.
Here are some key aspects of Natural Cure For Pustular Psoriasis In Mumbai and their practice:
Holistic Assessment: Ayurvedic skin doctors conduct a comprehensive assessment of a patient’s health, including physical, mental, and emotional well-being. They consider various factors such as diet, lifestyle habits, stress levels, and environmental factors that may contribute to skin issues.
Natural Remedies: Natural Remedies For Plaque Psoriasis In Mumbai utilize natural remedies derived from plants, herbs, minerals, and other natural substances to treat skin conditions. These remedies may be administered orally, topically, or through therapies like herbal baths, massages, and detoxification techniques.
Dosha Balancing: Ayurvedic skin doctors identify the patient’s predominant dosha (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) and tailor treatment approaches to restore balance and harmony within the body. Imbalances in specific doshas are believed to manifest as different skin conditions, and treatment aims to address the root cause.
Lifestyle Recommendations: In addition to herbal remedies, Ayurvedic skin doctors provide personalized lifestyle recommendations to support skin health. This may include dietary modifications, stress management techniques, exercise routines, and daily rituals to maintain balance and prevent recurrence of skin issues.
Preventive Care: Ayurvedic skin doctors emphasize preventive care to maintain skin health and prevent future skin problems. They educate patients about proper skincare practices, seasonal routines, and lifestyle habits that promote radiant skin and overall well-being.
Collaborative Care: Ayurvedic skin doctors may work collaboratively with other healthcare providers, including conventional dermatologists, to ensure comprehensive care for patients. They may integrate Ayurvedic treatments with modern medical approaches when necessary, focusing on patient-centered care.
Overall, Ayurvedic skin doctors offer a holistic and personalized approach to treating skin conditions, addressing the underlying imbalances in the body and promoting natural healing. Their goal is to help patients achieve radiant skin and optimal health through Ayurvedic principles and practices.
Stress Management: Ayurvedic skin doctors emphasize the importance of managing stress, as it can exacerbate skin conditions. Techniques such as meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises may be recommended to reduce stress levels.
Preventive Care: They focus on preventive care strategies to maintain skin health and prevent the recurrence of skin problems. This may include regular skincare routines, seasonal adjustments, and dietary modifications.
Collaborative Care: Ayurvedic skin doctors may collaborate with other healthcare professionals, including conventional dermatologists or nutritionists, to provide comprehensive care for patients. They may integrate Ayurvedic principles with modern medical approaches when necessary.
Patient Education: These doctors educate patients about their skin condition, treatment options, and self-care practices. Empowering patients with knowledge allows them to actively participate in their healing process.
By integrating these key aspects into their practice, Ayurvedic skin doctors aim to address the root cause of skin issues and promote holistic healing for their patients.
Finding a super-specialty Ayurvedic skin hospital specifically for psoriasis treatment might require some research. Here are steps you can take to find such a hospital:
Online Search: Use search engines to look for Ayurvedic hospitals or clinics that specialize in psoriasis treatment. Use keywords like “Ayurvedic hospital for psoriasis” or “Ayurvedic skin clinic specializing in psoriasis.”
Specialty Directories: Check online directories or platforms that list healthcare providers specializing in Ayurveda. Look for hospitals or clinics with a focus on dermatology and skin disorders.
Patient Reviews: Read patient reviews and testimonials about Ayurvedic hospitals or clinics that claim to specialize in psoriasis treatment. Pay attention to reviews mentioning successful outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Doctor’s Credentials: Look for hospitals or clinics led by Ayurvedic dermatologists or skin specialists who have expertise in treating psoriasis. Check their credentials, experience, and any specialized training in psoriasis management.
Treatment Approaches: Inquire about the specific Ayurvedic treatment approaches used for psoriasis at each hospital or clinic. Look for hospitals that offer comprehensive treatment plans tailored to individual patient needs.
Facilities and Services: Consider the facilities and services offered by each hospital or clinic, including the availability of specialized treatments, follow-up care, and patient support services.
Cost and Insurance: Evaluate the cost of treatment at different hospitals or clinics, and check if they accept health insurance or offer payment plans. Consider your budget and financial resources when making your decision.
Consultation: Schedule consultations with doctors at the shortlisted hospitals or clinics. Use this opportunity to discuss your condition, treatment options, and expectations. Ask questions about the doctor’s approach to psoriasis treatment and their success rates.
Location and Accessibility: Consider the location and accessibility of the hospital or clinic, especially if you need to visit regularly for treatment or follow-up appointments.
Patient Referrals: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or support groups who have experience with Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis. They may be able to recommend reputable hospitals or clinics based on their own experiences.
By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can find a super-specialty Ayurvedic skin hospital that specializes in psoriasis treatment and meets your needs. Always prioritize your health and well-being when making healthcare decisions.
submitted by Forsaken_Guest_9659 to DOCTOR1212 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 10:06 503sm Health insurance : ESSENTIAL PLAN SUCKS

Hey everyone, I just wanted to message out and see if anyone else has had this situation. I basically was pushed onto the essential plan instead of getting my tax credits where I was able to choose an insurance and spend a small amount each month. I am stuck none of my doctors that I go to take this insurance and I feel pretty screwed over. I’ve taken so long to find these doctors the healthcare that I need. I’m stuck with doctors that are third tier no good doctors take this insurance plan. I really don’t know what to do. I’ve been trying to do everything that I can to figure out what I can do, but I feel like my hands are tied. I tried canceling and re-applying and it’s still keeping me on this 12 months plan. And it’s forcing me to stay stuck on the essential plan even though I do make more money. Does anyone else have this issue and has anyone else figured around it? Do I have to reappeal - and say I make over 250% - honestly this is very frustrating and it’s stopping me from seeing mental health doctors that I’ve seen for so long.
Are used to have Oscar and now I don’t.
submitted by 503sm to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:50 The_SmartMove2UK Step-by-Step Guide on How to Start a Jewellery Business in the UK

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Start a Jewellery Business in the UK
Starting a jewellery business in the UK presents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to tap into a market renowned for its appreciation of fine craftsmanship and design. This venture not only requires creativity and passion for jewellery but also an understanding of the complexities of the UK market. From knowing how to start a jewellery business to navigating through legal requirements, establishing a successful venture requires meticulous planning and strategic decision-making. The importance of this process cannot be understated, as it lays the foundation for a brand that could potentially stand amongst the notable jewellery brands in the UK.

This article serves as a comprehensive guide on how to start a jewellery business in the UK, covering essential steps such as understanding the jewellery industry, deciding on a specific business model, creating a robust business plan, and adhering to the UK's business regulations. Further, it discusses setting up a workshop or store, building a distinctive brand identity, and marketing your products effectively. For those looking to expand their business horizons or start their own company in the UK, it also touches upon the significance of UK business visas and investment visas for non-residents, paving the way for successful business expansion in the UK.

Understanding the Jewellery Industry in the UK

  • Current Market Trends
The jewellery industry in the UK is experiencing steady growth, with projections indicating a market revenue of US$4.77 billion by 2024. This growth is supported by an annual growth rate of 3.58% from 2024 to 2028. Non-luxury items are expected to make up 75% of jewellery sales, highlighting a significant shift towards more accessible price points. Additionally, the market is seeing a resurgence in the demand for vintage and antique jewellery, which underscores a broader consumer interest in unique and timeless pieces.
In 2023, the UK jewellery market was valued at approximately USD 4,436 million, with expectations to grow at a CAGR of 13.1% through 2030. This growth is largely driven by increased purchases for special occasions and as gifts. The presence of royal families in the UK also significantly influences market trends, as their frequent use of jewellery sets a high standard for quality and style across the region.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

  • Potential Opportunities
The UK jewellery market offers numerous opportunities for business expansion, especially for those interested in aligning with current consumer preferences and technological advancements. The shift towards lightweight jewellery and the increased empowerment of women who are purchasing jewellery for themselves present significant market opportunities.
Business persons looking to expand into the UK can capitalize on the trend towards sustainable and ethically sourced materials. Brands like Monica Vinader and Mejuri have successfully tapped into this market by focusing on recycled precious metals and sustainably sourced gemstones, setting a benchmark for success in the industry.
Moreover, embracing digital transformation and online sales channels can provide a competitive edge. The UK's rich history of jewellery craftsmanship combined with modern marketing strategies, such as e-commerce and digital marketing, opens up pathways for reaching a broader audience and scaling the business effectively.
The jewellery industry in the UK not only offers a lucrative market due to its size and growth potential but also due to the diverse and evolving consumer preferences that demand continuous innovation and adaptation.
Deciding on the Type of Jewellery Business
When embarking on the journey to start a jewellery business in the UK, one of the pivotal decisions involves selecting the type of jewellery business to establish. This choice will significantly influence the materials, production processes, pricing strategies, and the target market. Here, business persons can explore three primary categories: E-commerce Boutique, Brick-and-Mortar Store, and Handmade and Custom Jewellery.
  • E-commerce Boutique
An E-commerce Boutique presents a modern approach to jewellery selling, allowing business owners to reach a global audience. Platforms like Catbird, AUrate, and Mejuri exemplify successful online boutiques that offer a wide array of designs and styles. This model is particularly advantageous for those looking to expand their business to the UK, providing flexibility in operations and minimal initial investment compared to physical stores. Business owners can leverage e-commerce platforms that are cost-effective and customizable, such as nopCommerce, to create a distinctive online presence that showcases their products effectively.
  • Brick-and-Mortar Store
For entrepreneurs who prefer direct customer interaction and can invest more initially, opening a Brick-and-Mortar Jewellery Store is a viable option. This traditional model offers a personal shopping experience where customers can physically examine and try on jewellery. Renowned examples include Tiffany & Co. and Pandora. Location is crucial; thorough research into the demographic and economic characteristics of different areas can help in selecting an optimal location. Additionally, the store's interior design, display, and lighting play significant roles in attracting and retaining customers.
  • Handmade and Custom Jewellery
Handmade and Custom Jewellery businesses cater to niche markets that value uniqueness and craftsmanship. This type of business is ideal for artisans who wish to express their creativity through bespoke pieces or limited series collections. Platforms like Etsy and Not on the high street are excellent for handmade jewellery artisans to reach wider markets without significant overheads. Additionally, custom jewellery services such as those offered by Vrai and Brilliant Earth allow entrepreneurs to provide personalized experiences, crafting unique pieces that meet specific customer desires.
Each type of jewellery business has its distinct advantages and caters to different customer segments. Entrepreneurs should consider their strengths, market research, and the specific needs of their target audience in the UK to make an informed decision. This strategic choice not only defines the brand's identity but also sets the foundation for its marketing and operational strategies.
Creating a Business Plan
· Market Research
To successfully start a jewellery business in the UK, one must first thoroughly understand the market dynamics. This involves analyzing consumer spending on accessories, including jewellery, and identifying the key players who dominate the market with innovative products and extensive distribution networks. Business persons should gather data on consumer preferences for different types of jewellery such as rings, necklaces, and bracelets, and understand the price variations based on the type of metal or gems used. Additionally, they should consider the impact of socio-economic factors such as the increase in purchasing for occasions and the empowerment of women who are increasingly buying jewellery for themselves.
· Business Model and Structure
Choosing the right business model is crucial for the success of a jewellery venture in the UK. Entrepreneurs must decide whether to operate an e-commerce platform, open a brick-and-mortar store, or focus on handmade and custom jewellery. Each model has its own set of advantages and requires different resources and investment levels. For instance, an e-commerce boutique might require less initial capital and can reach a global audience, whereas a physical store offers direct customer interaction and can leverage location to attract customers. Additionally, understanding the competition and defining a unique selling proposition (USP) that sets the business apart from others is essential.
· Financial Planning
Creating a detailed financial plan is vital for managing the economic aspects of a jewellery business. This plan should include a startup cost analysis, which covers expenses such as leasing retail space, purchasing initial inventory, and marketing costs. Entrepreneurs should also prepare a cash flow statement to track the movement of money in and out of the business, and a profit and loss statement to monitor profitability over time. It's important to project sales, calculate profit margins, and determine the break-even point to ensure the business can be financially sustainable. Additionally, considering the potential risks and preparing for unforeseen expenses with a contingency fund are important steps in financial planning.
By carefully conducting market research, choosing an appropriate business model, and developing a robust financial plan, business persons looking to expand their jewellery business in the UK can set a strong foundation for success.
Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Legal Requirements and Regulations
· Business Registration
To legally establish a jewellery business in the UK, entrepreneurs must first register their company with the appropriate authorities. This process involves selecting a unique business name and registering it to ensure it's legally recognized. Business persons must navigate the website of HM Customs and Revenue (HMRC) to complete their self-assessment within three months of commencing trade and submit a tax return assessment at the year's end. It's essential to identify the business structure as it influences corporate taxes and national insurance contributions, which are also payable to HMRC.
· Licences and Permits
Depending on the nature and location of the jewellery business, various licenses and permits may be required. For instance, if the business involves selling high-end jewellery and offering customers a glass of champagne while they browse, a licence to serve alcohol may be necessary. Additionally, selling jewellery in the UK mandates compliance with hallmarking requirements under the Hallmarking Act of 1973, ensuring that metals meet a minimum standard of purity through inspection and stamping. Business owners should consult their local council to understand specific requirements, which may include a general business licence or specific permits for using certain premises.
· Health and Safety Compliance
Jewellery businesses must adhere to stringent health and safety regulations to protect both employees and customers. This includes compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, which mandates employers to ensure a safe working environment. For those operating workshops, specific measures such as adequate ventilation, use of personal protective equipment, and regular risk assessments are crucial. Furthermore, businesses must comply with REACH regulations, which govern the use of hazardous substances like nickel, cadmium, and lead in products. Ensuring these measures not only promotes safety but also aligns with legal obligations and protects the business from potential legal issues.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?
Setting Up Your Workshop or Store
Essential Tools and Equipment
1. Selecting a Workbench: A robust workbench is crucial for various jewellery-making tasks such as soldering, hammering, and setting. Business persons can opt for high-quality Emir workbenches known for their durability or consider cost-effective alternatives like custom-made benches from local carpenters. An ideal workbench should be approximately 90cm high to ensure ergonomic working conditions.
2. Tools and Equipment: Essential tools include various pliers (chain-nose, flat-nose, round-nose), wire cutters, and a jeweler's saw for intricate work. Additionally, a bench peg and anvil are necessary for supporting and shaping the jewellery pieces. These can be attached to most workbenches and are relatively inexpensive.
3. Soldering and Heat Equipment: A reliable soldering block is indispensable for tasks involving heat as it provides a fire-proof surface. For those using torches, selecting a safe and efficient model like a butane torch or an oxygen-propane torch is advised. Ensure you have appropriate fire safety measures like a fire blanket or extinguisher nearby.
4. Lighting and Magnification: Proper lighting is essential to avoid strain and ensure precision in jewellery making. Options include adjustable LED lamps or desk lamps with magnification features. This helps in maintaining visibility especially when working with small or detailed pieces.
Workspace Organisation and Safety
1. Storage Solutions: Utilize wall space effectively by installing storage units like the Ikea Fintorp system, which offers metal buckets ideal for storing soldering tools and other small equipment. This not only keeps the workbench clear but also minimizes fire hazards.
2. Security Measures: To protect valuable tools and materials, investing in good quality locks, a CCTV system, and possibly an alarm system is essential. For those with workshops in separate buildings, these security enhancements are crucial to deter theft.
3. Safety Protocols: Regular risk assessments are necessary to identify potential hazards in the workshop. This includes ensuring all tools and chemicals are stored safely away from domestic spaces and out of reach of children or pets. Adequate ventilation is a must to avoid inhaling harmful fumes, and wearing safety goggles and protective tape on fingers can prevent injuries.
  1. Fire Safety: Always have a clear fire plan and keep your working area free of flammable materials. Ensure that your soldering area is set up away from combustible materials and that family members are aware of the hazardous zones.
By meticulously organizing the workshop and selecting the right tools and safety measures, business persons can create a functional and secure environment that enhances productivity and creativity in their jewellery making ventures.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Branding Your Jewellery Business
Defining Your Brand Identity
In the competitive world of jewellery, establishing a strong and consistent brand identity is crucial for success. Business persons aiming to expand their business to the UK should start by defining what their brand represents. This involves identifying core brand values, crafting a mission statement, and developing a unique selling proposition (USP) that distinguishes the brand from others. These elements should guide all branding decisions, influencing everything from the company name to the visual identity. It's essential for entrepreneurs to consider what they want their customers to associate with their brand—be it integrity, creativity, or sustainability.
A style guide is vital in ensuring consistency across all channels. It should detail the brand's visual identity, including color palette, typography, logo, and imagery style. This guide helps maintain uniformity in how the brand presents itself, from the website to social media, ensuring that all elements convey the desired emotions and messages.
Developing a Unique Brand Story
Creating a compelling brand story is fundamental in connecting deeply with customers. This narrative should be more than just about selling jewellery; it should weave the values and uniqueness of the brand into a story that resonates on an emotional level with the audience. Business persons should consider using storytelling to enhance the appeal of their jewellery, transforming each piece from a mere accessory into a symbol of larger narratives such as empowerment, heritage, or personal milestones.
To effectively craft and share this story, business persons should:
1. Understand their customers’ values and concerns to align the brand story with customer interests.
2. Utilize the language and perceptions customers have about the jewellery in brand communications.
3. Consider incorporating elements of the brand's origin or creative inspirations that make the jewellery unique.
4. Use multimedia, such as photos, videos, and engaging narratives, across various platforms like social media, the brand's website, and email marketing to reach a wider audience.
5. Ensure the packaging and branding materials reflect the brand story, turning every unboxing into an experience that reinforces the brand identity and values.
By focusing on these strategies, entrepreneurs can create a jewellery brand that not only stands out in the UK market but also creates lasting connections with their customers.
Marketing Strategies
Using Social Media
Social media platforms offer a dynamic environment for jewellery businesses to connect with their target audience and showcase their products. Business persons should identify their ideal customer profiles and tailor their social media strategies accordingly. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are particularly effective for visual products like jewellery. By posting high-quality images and engaging content regularly, businesses can attract and maintain the interest of potential customers. Additionally, leveraging hashtags can significantly increase the visibility of posts, allowing businesses to reach a broader audience.
Collaborations and Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing has proven to be a powerful tool in the jewellery industry, especially when targeting consumers in the UK. Collaborating with influencers can help brands gain credibility and access to the influencer’s follower base. Business persons should consider establishing long-term relationships with influencers to maximize the impact of their marketing efforts. This strategy involves not just occasional promotions but integrating influencers into the brand story, possibly even involving them in product design or selection. This deeper engagement can lead to more authentic promotions and stronger customer responses.
Participating in Markets and Shows
Attending and participating in jewellery exhibitions and trade shows is a critical strategy for business persons looking to expand their reach. These events provide a platform to showcase products, network with industry peers, and engage directly with potential customers. Business persons should consider using these opportunities to display unique and authentic jewellery pieces that highlight their brand’s uniqueness. Additionally, sharing a booth with other small jewellers can be a cost-effective way to gain access to high-profile events. This collective approach not only reduces costs but also fosters a community spirit among participants, potentially leading to collaborative opportunities in the future.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Scaling Your Business
· Expanding Product Lines
To effectively scale a jewellery business, diversifying product offerings is crucial. Business persons should consider expanding their jewellery lines to include new designs, styles, or collections that cater to varying customer preferences. This might involve introducing trending or niche jewellery categories to attract a broader customer base. Additionally, offering customization options and personalized jewellery can serve as a unique selling point, appealing particularly to customers looking for a personal touch in their purchases. Customizing jewellery allows for minimal adjustments to existing designs, such as adding simple engravings or incorporating birthstones, which can significantly enhance the product's appeal without requiring extensive resources.
· Reaching New Markets
Exploring new sales channels is essential for business persons aiming to tap into a wider customer base. Beyond maintaining a physical store, considering e-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, and partnerships with other retailers can dramatically extend reach. These channels are particularly beneficial for reaching customers who prefer online shopping or those located in different geographic regions. Additionally, establishing partnerships with local influencers and complementary businesses, such as fashion stylists or wedding planners, can create valuable cross-promotion opportunities that enhance brand exposure and broaden market reach.
· Hiring Employees
As the business grows, hiring the right team becomes fundamental to sustaining and expanding operations. Business persons should focus on building a team that shares the company’s vision and values. This involves creating detailed job descriptions, setting clear expectations, and ensuring a good fit between the company’s culture and the employees' personal and professional goals. Hiring should be approached with care, prioritizing candidates' attitudes and potential for growth alongside their skills. Regular training and professional development opportunities should be provided to encourage continuous improvement and innovation among team members. Additionally, establishing trust and open communication within the team can foster a collaborative and productive work environment, crucial for long-term success.
By focusing on these strategic areas, business persons can effectively scale their jewellery business, enhancing their market presence and ensuring sustained growth.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Embarking on the journey to establish a jewellery business in the UK is an adventure teeming with creativity, strategic challenges, and immense potential for growth. From understanding the nuances of the UK jewellery market to crafting a brand that resonates with your target audience, each step paves the way for a successful expansion. For entrepreneurs eyeing the UK's vibrant market, the insights shared on deciding the business model, legalities, branding, and marketing strategies underscore the foundation of a robust entry and sustainable growth. Recognizing the evolving trends and consumer preferences within the UK jewellery sector highlights the importance of continuous adaptation and innovation.

Contact UK Business Expansion Layers
Expanding your business to the UK requires more than just understanding the market; navigating the legal intricacies is equally critical. Contact The SmartMove2UK – UK immigration Law firm Call for UK business visa consultant on +91 9819127002, for comprehensive support in traversing these complexities, ensuring that your venture's legal framework is sound.
Reflecting on the broader implications, embracing the UK’s appetite for unique, sustainable, and ethically sourced jewellery opens vast avenues for creative and economic growth. As you step forward, it is the blending of impeccable craftsmanship with astute business acumen that will define your success in the UK’s flourishing jewellery marketplace, promising a future as brilliant as the gems you wish to sell.
1. What are the steps to initiate a jewellery business in the UK? To start a jewellery business from home in the UK, you should first understand and comply with legal requirements, including taxes and regulations. Select safe materials for your products, ensure they are properly hallmarked, and secure appropriate insurance. Choose a suitable platform to sell your creations, develop your jewellery collections, and take measures to protect your designs.
2. Is a licence required to sell jewellery in the UK? Yes, selling jewellery in the UK requires obtaining a licence from your local council. The specific requirements can vary by council, so it's important to consult with your local authority to understand what is needed. Additionally, you must adhere to various laws relevant to selling products in the UK.
3. How can I become a jeweller in the UK? Becoming a jeweller in the UK does not necessarily require a specific qualification, but having training or education in relevant fields like silversmithing, goldsmithing, or 3D jewellery design is beneficial. Specialized training helps in both the design and production aspects of jewellery making.
4. What are the options for selling jewellery in the UK? When selling jewellery in the UK, consider preparing your items by repairing and cleaning them to enhance their value. You can sell jewellery through various channels including online platforms, auctions, or directly to dealers and pawnbrokers. If dealing with precious metals like silver or gold, it's crucial to seek the best possible price.

submitted by The_SmartMove2UK to u/The_SmartMove2UK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:49 The_SmartMove2UK Step-by-Step Guide on How to Start a Jewellery Business in the UK

Starting a jewellery business in the UK presents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to tap into a market renowned for its appreciation of fine craftsmanship and design. This venture not only requires creativity and passion for jewellery but also an understanding of the complexities of the UK market. From knowing how to start a jewellery business to navigating through legal requirements, establishing a successful venture requires meticulous planning and strategic decision-making. The importance of this process cannot be understated, as it lays the foundation for a brand that could potentially stand amongst the notable jewellery brands in the UK.

This article serves as a comprehensive guide on how to start a jewellery business in the UK, covering essential steps such as understanding the jewellery industry, deciding on a specific business model, creating a robust business plan, and adhering to the UK's business regulations. Further, it discusses setting up a workshop or store, building a distinctive brand identity, and marketing your products effectively. For those looking to expand their business horizons or start their own company in the UK, it also touches upon the significance of UK business visas and investment visas for non-residents, paving the way for successful business expansion in the UK.

Understanding the Jewellery Industry in the UK

The jewellery industry in the UK is experiencing steady growth, with projections indicating a market revenue of US$4.77 billion by 2024. This growth is supported by an annual growth rate of 3.58% from 2024 to 2028. Non-luxury items are expected to make up 75% of jewellery sales, highlighting a significant shift towards more accessible price points. Additionally, the market is seeing a resurgence in the demand for vintage and antique jewellery, which underscores a broader consumer interest in unique and timeless pieces.
In 2023, the UK jewellery market was valued at approximately USD 4,436 million, with expectations to grow at a CAGR of 13.1% through 2030. This growth is largely driven by increased purchases for special occasions and as gifts. The presence of royal families in the UK also significantly influences market trends, as their frequent use of jewellery sets a high standard for quality and style across the region.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

The UK jewellery market offers numerous opportunities for business expansion, especially for those interested in aligning with current consumer preferences and technological advancements. The shift towards lightweight jewellery and the increased empowerment of women who are purchasing jewellery for themselves present significant market opportunities.
Business persons looking to expand into the UK can capitalize on the trend towards sustainable and ethically sourced materials. Brands like Monica Vinader and Mejuri have successfully tapped into this market by focusing on recycled precious metals and sustainably sourced gemstones, setting a benchmark for success in the industry.
Moreover, embracing digital transformation and online sales channels can provide a competitive edge. The UK's rich history of jewellery craftsmanship combined with modern marketing strategies, such as e-commerce and digital marketing, opens up pathways for reaching a broader audience and scaling the business effectively.
The jewellery industry in the UK not only offers a lucrative market due to its size and growth potential but also due to the diverse and evolving consumer preferences that demand continuous innovation and adaptation.
Deciding on the Type of Jewellery Business
When embarking on the journey to start a jewellery business in the UK, one of the pivotal decisions involves selecting the type of jewellery business to establish. This choice will significantly influence the materials, production processes, pricing strategies, and the target market. Here, business persons can explore three primary categories: E-commerce Boutique, Brick-and-Mortar Store, and Handmade and Custom Jewellery.
An E-commerce Boutique presents a modern approach to jewellery selling, allowing business owners to reach a global audience. Platforms like Catbird, AUrate, and Mejuri exemplify successful online boutiques that offer a wide array of designs and styles. This model is particularly advantageous for those looking to expand their business to the UK, providing flexibility in operations and minimal initial investment compared to physical stores. Business owners can leverage e-commerce platforms that are cost-effective and customizable, such as nopCommerce, to create a distinctive online presence that showcases their products effectively.
For entrepreneurs who prefer direct customer interaction and can invest more initially, opening a Brick-and-Mortar Jewellery Store is a viable option. This traditional model offers a personal shopping experience where customers can physically examine and try on jewellery. Renowned examples include Tiffany & Co. and Pandora. Location is crucial; thorough research into the demographic and economic characteristics of different areas can help in selecting an optimal location. Additionally, the store's interior design, display, and lighting play significant roles in attracting and retaining customers.
Handmade and Custom Jewellery businesses cater to niche markets that value uniqueness and craftsmanship. This type of business is ideal for artisans who wish to express their creativity through bespoke pieces or limited series collections. Platforms like Etsy and Not on the high street are excellent for handmade jewellery artisans to reach wider markets without significant overheads. Additionally, custom jewellery services such as those offered by Vrai and Brilliant Earth allow entrepreneurs to provide personalized experiences, crafting unique pieces that meet specific customer desires.
Each type of jewellery business has its distinct advantages and caters to different customer segments. Entrepreneurs should consider their strengths, market research, and the specific needs of their target audience in the UK to make an informed decision. This strategic choice not only defines the brand's identity but also sets the foundation for its marketing and operational strategies.
Creating a Business Plan
· Market Research
To successfully start a jewellery business in the UK, one must first thoroughly understand the market dynamics. This involves analyzing consumer spending on accessories, including jewellery, and identifying the key players who dominate the market with innovative products and extensive distribution networks. Business persons should gather data on consumer preferences for different types of jewellery such as rings, necklaces, and bracelets, and understand the price variations based on the type of metal or gems used. Additionally, they should consider the impact of socio-economic factors such as the increase in purchasing for occasions and the empowerment of women who are increasingly buying jewellery for themselves.
· Business Model and Structure
Choosing the right business model is crucial for the success of a jewellery venture in the UK. Entrepreneurs must decide whether to operate an e-commerce platform, open a brick-and-mortar store, or focus on handmade and custom jewellery. Each model has its own set of advantages and requires different resources and investment levels. For instance, an e-commerce boutique might require less initial capital and can reach a global audience, whereas a physical store offers direct customer interaction and can leverage location to attract customers. Additionally, understanding the competition and defining a unique selling proposition (USP) that sets the business apart from others is essential.
· Financial Planning
Creating a detailed financial plan is vital for managing the economic aspects of a jewellery business. This plan should include a startup cost analysis, which covers expenses such as leasing retail space, purchasing initial inventory, and marketing costs. Entrepreneurs should also prepare a cash flow statement to track the movement of money in and out of the business, and a profit and loss statement to monitor profitability over time. It's important to project sales, calculate profit margins, and determine the break-even point to ensure the business can be financially sustainable. Additionally, considering the potential risks and preparing for unforeseen expenses with a contingency fund are important steps in financial planning.
By carefully conducting market research, choosing an appropriate business model, and developing a robust financial plan, business persons looking to expand their jewellery business in the UK can set a strong foundation for success.
Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Legal Requirements and Regulations
· Business Registration
To legally establish a jewellery business in the UK, entrepreneurs must first register their company with the appropriate authorities. This process involves selecting a unique business name and registering it to ensure it's legally recognized. Business persons must navigate the website of HM Customs and Revenue (HMRC) to complete their self-assessment within three months of commencing trade and submit a tax return assessment at the year's end. It's essential to identify the business structure as it influences corporate taxes and national insurance contributions, which are also payable to HMRC.
· Licences and Permits
Depending on the nature and location of the jewellery business, various licenses and permits may be required. For instance, if the business involves selling high-end jewellery and offering customers a glass of champagne while they browse, a licence to serve alcohol may be necessary. Additionally, selling jewellery in the UK mandates compliance with hallmarking requirements under the Hallmarking Act of 1973, ensuring that metals meet a minimum standard of purity through inspection and stamping. Business owners should consult their local council to understand specific requirements, which may include a general business licence or specific permits for using certain premises.
· Health and Safety Compliance
Jewellery businesses must adhere to stringent health and safety regulations to protect both employees and customers. This includes compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, which mandates employers to ensure a safe working environment. For those operating workshops, specific measures such as adequate ventilation, use of personal protective equipment, and regular risk assessments are crucial. Furthermore, businesses must comply with REACH regulations, which govern the use of hazardous substances like nickel, cadmium, and lead in products. Ensuring these measures not only promotes safety but also aligns with legal obligations and protects the business from potential legal issues.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?
Setting Up Your Workshop or Store
Essential Tools and Equipment
1. Selecting a Workbench: A robust workbench is crucial for various jewellery-making tasks such as soldering, hammering, and setting. Business persons can opt for high-quality Emir workbenches known for their durability or consider cost-effective alternatives like custom-made benches from local carpenters. An ideal workbench should be approximately 90cm high to ensure ergonomic working conditions.
2. Tools and Equipment: Essential tools include various pliers (chain-nose, flat-nose, round-nose), wire cutters, and a jeweler's saw for intricate work. Additionally, a bench peg and anvil are necessary for supporting and shaping the jewellery pieces. These can be attached to most workbenches and are relatively inexpensive.
3. Soldering and Heat Equipment: A reliable soldering block is indispensable for tasks involving heat as it provides a fire-proof surface. For those using torches, selecting a safe and efficient model like a butane torch or an oxygen-propane torch is advised. Ensure you have appropriate fire safety measures like a fire blanket or extinguisher nearby.
4. Lighting and Magnification: Proper lighting is essential to avoid strain and ensure precision in jewellery making. Options include adjustable LED lamps or desk lamps with magnification features. This helps in maintaining visibility especially when working with small or detailed pieces.
Workspace Organisation and Safety
1. Storage Solutions: Utilize wall space effectively by installing storage units like the Ikea Fintorp system, which offers metal buckets ideal for storing soldering tools and other small equipment. This not only keeps the workbench clear but also minimizes fire hazards.
2. Security Measures: To protect valuable tools and materials, investing in good quality locks, a CCTV system, and possibly an alarm system is essential. For those with workshops in separate buildings, these security enhancements are crucial to deter theft.
3. Safety Protocols: Regular risk assessments are necessary to identify potential hazards in the workshop. This includes ensuring all tools and chemicals are stored safely away from domestic spaces and out of reach of children or pets. Adequate ventilation is a must to avoid inhaling harmful fumes, and wearing safety goggles and protective tape on fingers can prevent injuries.
  1. Fire Safety: Always have a clear fire plan and keep your working area free of flammable materials. Ensure that your soldering area is set up away from combustible materials and that family members are aware of the hazardous zones.
By meticulously organizing the workshop and selecting the right tools and safety measures, business persons can create a functional and secure environment that enhances productivity and creativity in their jewellery making ventures.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Branding Your Jewellery Business
Defining Your Brand Identity
In the competitive world of jewellery, establishing a strong and consistent brand identity is crucial for success. Business persons aiming to expand their business to the UK should start by defining what their brand represents. This involves identifying core brand values, crafting a mission statement, and developing a unique selling proposition (USP) that distinguishes the brand from others. These elements should guide all branding decisions, influencing everything from the company name to the visual identity. It's essential for entrepreneurs to consider what they want their customers to associate with their brand—be it integrity, creativity, or sustainability.
A style guide is vital in ensuring consistency across all channels. It should detail the brand's visual identity, including color palette, typography, logo, and imagery style. This guide helps maintain uniformity in how the brand presents itself, from the website to social media, ensuring that all elements convey the desired emotions and messages.
Developing a Unique Brand Story
Creating a compelling brand story is fundamental in connecting deeply with customers. This narrative should be more than just about selling jewellery; it should weave the values and uniqueness of the brand into a story that resonates on an emotional level with the audience. Business persons should consider using storytelling to enhance the appeal of their jewellery, transforming each piece from a mere accessory into a symbol of larger narratives such as empowerment, heritage, or personal milestones.
To effectively craft and share this story, business persons should:
1. Understand their customers’ values and concerns to align the brand story with customer interests.
2. Utilize the language and perceptions customers have about the jewellery in brand communications.
3. Consider incorporating elements of the brand's origin or creative inspirations that make the jewellery unique.
4. Use multimedia, such as photos, videos, and engaging narratives, across various platforms like social media, the brand's website, and email marketing to reach a wider audience.
5. Ensure the packaging and branding materials reflect the brand story, turning every unboxing into an experience that reinforces the brand identity and values.
By focusing on these strategies, entrepreneurs can create a jewellery brand that not only stands out in the UK market but also creates lasting connections with their customers.
Marketing Strategies
Using Social Media
Social media platforms offer a dynamic environment for jewellery businesses to connect with their target audience and showcase their products. Business persons should identify their ideal customer profiles and tailor their social media strategies accordingly. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are particularly effective for visual products like jewellery. By posting high-quality images and engaging content regularly, businesses can attract and maintain the interest of potential customers. Additionally, leveraging hashtags can significantly increase the visibility of posts, allowing businesses to reach a broader audience.
Collaborations and Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing has proven to be a powerful tool in the jewellery industry, especially when targeting consumers in the UK. Collaborating with influencers can help brands gain credibility and access to the influencer’s follower base. Business persons should consider establishing long-term relationships with influencers to maximize the impact of their marketing efforts. This strategy involves not just occasional promotions but integrating influencers into the brand story, possibly even involving them in product design or selection. This deeper engagement can lead to more authentic promotions and stronger customer responses.
Participating in Markets and Shows
Attending and participating in jewellery exhibitions and trade shows is a critical strategy for business persons looking to expand their reach. These events provide a platform to showcase products, network with industry peers, and engage directly with potential customers. Business persons should consider using these opportunities to display unique and authentic jewellery pieces that highlight their brand’s uniqueness. Additionally, sharing a booth with other small jewellers can be a cost-effective way to gain access to high-profile events. This collective approach not only reduces costs but also fosters a community spirit among participants, potentially leading to collaborative opportunities in the future.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Scaling Your Business
· Expanding Product Lines
To effectively scale a jewellery business, diversifying product offerings is crucial. Business persons should consider expanding their jewellery lines to include new designs, styles, or collections that cater to varying customer preferences. This might involve introducing trending or niche jewellery categories to attract a broader customer base. Additionally, offering customization options and personalized jewellery can serve as a unique selling point, appealing particularly to customers looking for a personal touch in their purchases. Customizing jewellery allows for minimal adjustments to existing designs, such as adding simple engravings or incorporating birthstones, which can significantly enhance the product's appeal without requiring extensive resources.
· Reaching New Markets
Exploring new sales channels is essential for business persons aiming to tap into a wider customer base. Beyond maintaining a physical store, considering e-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, and partnerships with other retailers can dramatically extend reach. These channels are particularly beneficial for reaching customers who prefer online shopping or those located in different geographic regions. Additionally, establishing partnerships with local influencers and complementary businesses, such as fashion stylists or wedding planners, can create valuable cross-promotion opportunities that enhance brand exposure and broaden market reach.
· Hiring Employees
As the business grows, hiring the right team becomes fundamental to sustaining and expanding operations. Business persons should focus on building a team that shares the company’s vision and values. This involves creating detailed job descriptions, setting clear expectations, and ensuring a good fit between the company’s culture and the employees' personal and professional goals. Hiring should be approached with care, prioritizing candidates' attitudes and potential for growth alongside their skills. Regular training and professional development opportunities should be provided to encourage continuous improvement and innovation among team members. Additionally, establishing trust and open communication within the team can foster a collaborative and productive work environment, crucial for long-term success.
By focusing on these strategic areas, business persons can effectively scale their jewellery business, enhancing their market presence and ensuring sustained growth.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Embarking on the journey to establish a jewellery business in the UK is an adventure teeming with creativity, strategic challenges, and immense potential for growth. From understanding the nuances of the UK jewellery market to crafting a brand that resonates with your target audience, each step paves the way for a successful expansion. For entrepreneurs eyeing the UK's vibrant market, the insights shared on deciding the business model, legalities, branding, and marketing strategies underscore the foundation of a robust entry and sustainable growth. Recognizing the evolving trends and consumer preferences within the UK jewellery sector highlights the importance of continuous adaptation and innovation.

Contact UK Business Expansion Layers
Expanding your business to the UK requires more than just understanding the market; navigating the legal intricacies is equally critical. Contact The SmartMove2UK – UK immigration Law firm Call for UK business visa consultant on +91 9819127002, for comprehensive support in traversing these complexities, ensuring that your venture's legal framework is sound.
Reflecting on the broader implications, embracing the UK’s appetite for unique, sustainable, and ethically sourced jewellery opens vast avenues for creative and economic growth. As you step forward, it is the blending of impeccable craftsmanship with astute business acumen that will define your success in the UK’s flourishing jewellery marketplace, promising a future as brilliant as the gems you wish to sell.
1. What are the steps to initiate a jewellery business in the UK? To start a jewellery business from home in the UK, you should first understand and comply with legal requirements, including taxes and regulations. Select safe materials for your products, ensure they are properly hallmarked, and secure appropriate insurance. Choose a suitable platform to sell your creations, develop your jewellery collections, and take measures to protect your designs.
2. Is a licence required to sell jewellery in the UK? Yes, selling jewellery in the UK requires obtaining a licence from your local council. The specific requirements can vary by council, so it's important to consult with your local authority to understand what is needed. Additionally, you must adhere to various laws relevant to selling products in the UK.
3. How can I become a jeweller in the UK? Becoming a jeweller in the UK does not necessarily require a specific qualification, but having training or education in relevant fields like silversmithing, goldsmithing, or 3D jewellery design is beneficial. Specialized training helps in both the design and production aspects of jewellery making.
4. What are the options for selling jewellery in the UK? When selling jewellery in the UK, consider preparing your items by repairing and cleaning them to enhance their value. You can sell jewellery through various channels including online platforms, auctions, or directly to dealers and pawnbrokers. If dealing with precious metals like silver or gold, it's crucial to seek the best possible price.

submitted by The_SmartMove2UK to u/The_SmartMove2UK [link] [comments]
