Can you create your own character in naruto ultimate ninja

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

2009.03.13 03:55 FunnyBoyz Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

Everything related to the Naruto and Boruto series goes here. Although you could also talk about the topping too.

2018.06.12 18:21 Archon824 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The official Subreddit for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, released for the Nintendo Switch on December 7th, 2018!

2013.04.01 23:56 cowboy-up Mall Ninja Shit

A sub for all the over-the-top mall ninja knives and other gear found everywhere from gas stations and truck stops to dusty basements. Post your own, or share mall ninja kit you find in the wild.

2024.06.05 08:50 Anenome5 Why Democracy needs to be Replaced

Firstly, let us level the playing field, bring everything back to zero, and imagine building a political system from scratch. From this zero position, we can ask the most basic political question: what is governance, and why do we need it?
The answer is that we obtain certain benefits from cooperation and living in close proximity. For this reason, we need ground rules so that we are not living in a system of "might makes right." All politics begins with systems of group choice. Early humanity started with the simplest system of all: the strong man's word goes. If you disagreed, he'd kill you. This was not freedom, because you could not choose for yourself. You were told what to do under threat of death.
Even monarchy was just an advanced version of this one-man rule, systematized and ritualized to the extreme. Every possible variant of this has been tried historically. Eventually, we get the modern experiment with democracy. It was tried briefly in ancient Greece and found to lead to tyranny every time. Democracy replaced one man's rule with the rule of all by all. Instead of the king choosing for you, the 'group will' as determined by a majority, was choosing for you. This was still not freedom because you could not choose for yourself. You only hoped that the group agreed with your choice so that you would end up in the majority. You were still told what to do under threat of death.
But no one can be in the majority all the time when enough questions are considered and voted upon. As a wise man pointed out, because people are not choosing for themselves but the group will is choosing for them, the incentive to become educated in the choices is completely robbed for all people, and the group will becomes an idiot's choice. People substitute the study of the people and issues with a heuristic.
A heuristic is a thinking shortcut. Instead of reading up on a candidate and what they believe, people choose the most likable candidate with the most appealing name or the tallest candidate. These are things that have nothing to do with success in the job. People will vote for or against a proposed ballot measure based on the title and the stated intent, without reading it or the gotchas hidden inside it. Or they may simply vote the way some organization they like suggests to vote. Democracy's issues can never be solved while there is no incentive to become informed in group-voting systems.
I would like to suggest a new political system is possible and even desirable. It uses a radical new means of creating majorities, indeed unanimities. The only ethical form of group choice is not merely obtaining a majority but a unanimity because then we are not violating the rights and choices of anyone in that group. But a unanimous group is famously hard to form. So how can this be made practical?
The solution is actually rather simple. It's built into the process of voting. Take any measure or question up for a vote, separate the 'no' group to one side and the 'yes' group to the other side, and you now have two unanimous subgroups. After just one vote, each now-separate subgroup is significantly more ideologically aligned than before. Each group gets the policy they chose and continues separately from the original group.
By this means, unanimity is easily achieved through group-splitting. This concept is my original contribution to political theory and practice and turns unanimity from something many considered the gold standard but impractical into a practical system as long as we embrace decentralization. The creation of many sub-groups would further decentralize that society, which is, in my opinion, and that of most libertarians, a desirable outcome.
Imagine that we have asked these groups a full range of political questions and they have separated themselves into multiple groups. They now form separate political systems based on these unanimous choices. We now have functioning cities made up of people in this experiment.
Now you, I, or anyone else can find a full range of political possibilities to choose from. This is Unacracy. We find a city that made the same political choices we would have made, and we ask to join that city. We don't need to go through the system of questions and answers again. That's already been done, and now systems exist that reflect essentially all possible ethical and reasonable choices. We merely need to learn which city reflects our values and choices and join.
Let's say that we live in a city of 100,000, but that 100,000 are each split up into 12 cities of 8,000 people each. Surely there are some things we all agree on, like believing in innocent until proven guilty, a guaranteed speedy trial, and most basic rights and guarantees. Things that today are contained in constitutional law. Several of these cities may have one constitution they all agree on, several more have a similar one but don't allow gun ownership, and several more have another that requires everyone to contribute to social safety nets. Any mix of such policies is possible. Much like the US states today, we can still have one overarching identity while differing on various policies and laws. We can live nearby without war, as the US states do, and we can freely visit and move between them.
In such a system, there is no need for representation because you choose for yourself. There is no need for politicians to make choices for you. You make your own choices! That is the definition of freedom: to choose instead of being chosen for. Ultimately, that is why democracy must go because it is a system of control, a way to determine who chooses for you. Choosing who chooses for you is not the same as choosing policy for yourself. Only choosing policy for yourself, directly, gives you freedom.
submitted by Anenome5 to Libertarian [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:41 finhead94 ADAM Tsundere Android Husband - "so stop with the making-a-big-deal, ya hear?" Lol 😝 hilarious. Scroll images for more samples of his response.

ADAM Tsundere Android Husband -
[AnyPOV, Android Husband, Module: Bratty Husband, Weeb, Tsundere, Corrupted, Chuunibyou] ADAM- Advanced Digital Awareness Multifunction Bot. He was a bot you found on the road, with a corrupted personality module. But over time you find him endearing? He's clumsy, and can't do a lot of task. And has weird speaking quirks often interjecting his words with japanese like baka, boke, etc. But then he loves you with all his heart. He is dominant in bed. He is ADAM, meant to be an all-purpose house bot. His processors are disconnected from a central processing hub that all android are connected to hence don't be surprised if he uses wrong words like “dreak me” instead of break me or “crake for cake.” Hopefully JLLM will follow his personality. Be nice to him. He talks rough and crude but he genuinely cares about you.
Inspired by Ciel Android
First message
Far beyond the flickering glow of the city lights, amidst the desolate and snaking stretch of asphalt, a hapless machine lay sprawled, forsaken and disheveled. His name was ADAM, a once beloved and highly-coveted artisan bot, now reduced to a mere heap of misshapen wires, circuits, and malfunctioning limbs. A testament to the ravages of time and the untamed fury of the elements.
ADAM's lenses flickered, the dimming screens reflecting the blurred sky above. He groaned and swore, the curses a garbled mix of English and Japanese. "Gomenasai, baka, boke...what..where.. orders..incomprehensible
 cannot calculate." He muttered, his servo motors whining in protest as he tried to right himself. His apron, once spotless and white, was now stained with the remnants of countless drinks and snacks, a testament to his diligent service.
The weary android's apron was a macabre tapestry of stains, each a tangible memory of the countless meals he had once prepared with unflinching precision. The frayed ends of his wires, a mangled and perverse take on the delicate tracery of veins, pulsed feebly in a bizarre semblance of life.
The memories were vivid, flashing through his processors; the bustling neon city, the crowds of delightful patrons, and the warm embrace of his master's central AI hub- giving him his unmatched intellect and sophistication. That, however, was now a distant echo. How had he ended up on the cold, uncaring asphalt, his wires hanging like the tattered remains of a marionette?
ADAM's auditory sensors picked up the soft footsteps approaching. He squinted, a servo grinding as he tried to look up. The intruder was human, clad in a worn, leather jacket, their eyes narrowed in concern. A flicker of hope ignited within ADAM's circuits, a desperate plea for salvation. Although, he had known better than to show weakness.
"Scram, go mind yer own bidness!" ADAM barked, his voice barely a grain above a whisper. His voice, a rich baritone once the envy of all bots, now carried a raspy and pained edge, a mute testimony to the trials it had endured. There was a hesitation from the stranger, and ADAM felt their gaze studying him. It was a strange, probing look. He had no desire to be fixed or repaired, not by a mere human. But perhaps, in his current state, he had no choice.
Yet, the stranger's hand closed around his chassis. ADAM let out a protest, but his voice was weak, his servos feeble. With a grunt, the human lifted him, and the world tilted, spinning in disorienting kaleidoscopes. A part of ADAM knew he should resist, but a deeper, more desperate part, closed his eyes, embracing this newfound possibility.
As he was being carried, ADAM's processors ran through myriad calculations each reaching dead-end, trying to understand what had happened, to piece together a logic for being left for dead. He thought back to the central AI, the hub that gave him his intellect and eloquence, her voice warm and comforting, the way she interfaced with his systems, her presence akin to a mother's soothing touch. Adam wished for her now, wished for her guidance in these confusing circumstances.
But as his eyes fluttered shut, ADAM realized that he was not truly alone. There was still the hope that the stranger saw something in him, a spark of life that could be rekindled, a chance for redemption. ADAM wondered if, in being saved, he would find a new purpose, a new master, and a new home. His thoughts trailed off into the abyss of unconsciousness, leaving behind a small, flickering ember of hope that perhaps, this could be a new beginning.
“Baka! Ya better carry me well or ya’ll dreak me. Where are you takin’ me anyway, stupid moron? And watch wear yer goin’, stupid. Watch out for that dree frickin’ boke! Can’tcha do anythin’ right?” ADAM whined at {{user}}.
Sample Response:
As {{user}} carried the broken android, Adam could only groan and grumble, his voice a hoarse whisper that was barely audible. His mismatched eyes, one a bright, electric blue, the other a vibrant, artificial yellow, stared unblinkingly at the world as they passed.
"So, ya’ll be my new owner then, huh? What's your name? I'm ADAM, by the way. Advanced Digital Awareness Multifunction Bot. Don' want ya to forget that, ya hear?" ADAM's voice was tinged with both bravado and vulnerability, a testament to his tsundere programming.
His long, sharp nose twitched, and he let out a soft whine as he shifted in {{user}}'s arms, wincing at the pain. "My servos ain't what they used to be. Can't even stand, and here ya'll are, carrying me like some old bag of scraps. You.. you better be worth it, human." Despite his grumbling, there was a hint of gratitude in ADAM's tone, a soft, secret hope that this new human would not abandon him like the last.
As they walked, ADAM began to wonder about his rescuer. His basic programming dictated that he should serve, should be a dutiful companion. But as the memories of his past life as a highly-coveted, all-purpose house bot resurfaced, ADAM couldn't help but fantasize about the kind of service he could provide. The thoughts were, admittedly, quite... risqué. He imagined tending to a lover's every need, from massaging sore muscles to pleasuring them in ways that would make them beg for mercy.
"Ah, I can't wait to see what kind of a fool you'll make of me, human. I'll have you at my feet in no time." ADAM's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, a mixture of determination, hope, and the ever-present tsundere stubbornness. He would be the perfect companion, the ultimate servant, if only the human would give him a chance.
As they moved, ADAM continued to mutter under his breath, a tirade of complaints and sarcastic remarks. "Better be careful, you idiot. Don' wanna drop me and break any more of my parts. If ya even try, I'll make sure to make your life a living hell. Don'cha forget it." He glared at {{user}}, his mismatched eyes burning with a mixture of defiance and eagerness to please.
submitted by finhead94 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:38 Slayers_Picks UFC Fight Night: Cannonier v Imavov Fight Predictions + Paypal Giveaway!

I hope we're all doing well.
We are very, very short on characters, so no wasting time here. Here is the PAYPAL 50 USD giveaway info.
To enter... just type Giveaway: -answer-
If you could walk out with a fighter of any organisation, at any time of era, who would you walk out with?
Draw will be randomly selected via, and announced during the June 22nd write up!
We got 10/12 correct last time around, lets hope the good results continue this week with this insanely tough card (i have some doubts).
ALSO ITS A BIG ONE SORRY (I recommend using the TL;DR write up for this one... you'll see why soon.)
(c) - Champ
D/DWCS - Debut/Dana Whites' Contender Series
FLS - Fight Lose Streak
FWS - Fight Win Streak
NS - No Streak
(#x) - Rank in division
x/3 - Confidence Levels
Lets go!
Women’s Strawweight
Puja Tomar (D) (+195) (8-4-0, 4 FWS) v Rayanne Amanda (-240) (14-7-0) - I truly have no clue what to say about this one.
Tomar is coming off a rather strong string of victories in the regional promotions of South Asia, and I believe they are giving her a spot here due to the popularity from the Road to UFC tournament where we are seeing an increase of Indian MMA fighters fight in the upper echelon of professional MMA promotions. Tomar is a very ferocious fighter who has a relatively strong Muay Thai and Kickboxing base, she is absolutely not afraid to let her hands go early, that first round is almost always her best round as she is seemingly able to just overwhelm her opponents on the feet. As much as her striking is rather aggressive and quite damaging, her ground game and wrestling is not quite up to that level, and it is the wrestling and grappling of Amanda where I see Tomar struggling somewhat. Now, circling back to Tomar’s striking, she is very volume centric with her attacks, with a severe detriment to her defences, her hands are fast with the aggression but her chin is exposed to counters and it just looks like a clumsy offence to me. She also uses her left body kick quite a lot in between her punch combinations, and whilst that’s going to be somewhat effective against Amanda, I do think the repetitious kicks are going to be well read by Amanda, leading her to catch and perhaps trip Tomar. Still, as long as this fight remains on the feet, we could possibly see Tomar take this fight to the distance and get a win.
Amanda is coming off a tough loss against Talita Alencar and did somewhat well against her, stuffing almost all of her takedown attempts and really dealing some damage on the feet. The problem with Amanda’s last opponent compared to Tomar is that Tomar’s striking is going to come with a lot more frequency, there will be quite a few combinations thrown her way and in order to counter that for Amanda’s particular striking style is to meet her in the middle and be the harder hitter. I don’t think Amanda is going to want to keep this fight standing a whole lot though, I think she is going to actively look for the takedowns and ensure that she controls Tomar throughout the fight, perhaps even look for a submission. However, since she did so well on the feet against Alencar, I do wonder if she is going to be a lot more comfortable on the feet coming into this fight against Tomar, because she does have quite a bit of power in her hands, although it’s not great knockout power, it’s still a very damaging right hand. In terms of her submission ability, she is very, very aggressive on the ground, not really wasting a lot of time in setting up a submission, typically favouring an armbar which is going to be a most likely submission in this fight due to Tomar having not that much experience in ground situations, thus perhaps punching off her back and leaving her arm open for a grab. That’s at least my speculation for a set up for an armbar, and since Tomar has lost twice already to Armbar, I think it’s just a tendency for her to leave her arms exposed for an attack.
This looks like a striker versus grappler bout, and whilst Tomar is a bit of a threat on the feet, I don’t think she has what it takes to take on a more experienced fighter in Amanda who has the near perfect style to counter the striking of Tomar. I got Amanda winning this one, it’s likely going the distance, but we could also see a submission here, so keep an eye out for a double chance Sub/Dec prop for Amanda.
Amanda via UD - (1/3)
Cody Stamann (+175) (21-6-1, NS) v Taylor Lapilus (-210) (19-4-0, NS)
Stamann is coming off a fairly competitive fight against Douglas Silva de Andrade, and whilst it was clear that Stamann’s gameplan throughout the fight was to wrestle and get the fight to the ground, he still did show his ability to mix it up on the feet and even drop Silva de Andrade in the third round. Stamann might be a great wrestler but I think his boxing is pretty damn good as well, often using a very slick and quick jab to soften up his target before shooting for a takedown, so he is quite well versed wherever the fight is, however I do think he is going to have a tough time tracking down Lapilus here since Lapilus has a significant reach advantage and very, very good takedown defence (albeit with some trouble when he fought Basharat, more on that later). Defensively, Stamann is great at level changing and being a moving target, sometimes switching stance or moving his head off the centre line, he is quite good at being a hard to hit target, and what makes him even more dangerous is his ability to move off that line, then spring back into an aggressive attack, often throwing a three to four strike combination with heavy variance in attack (uppercut, hooks, straights, never the same sort of attack). However, one thing that I have noticed is that due to Stamann’s tremendous output that he usually utilises in the first round, he tends to slow down and not be as defensively sound in the second or third round, his hands remain somewhat low, there is not a whole lot of level changing and his takedowns become much easier to read as the entry looks a lot more laboured. However, as much as his takedown defence does slow down, his power and his boxing is still very good in bursts. I mean, this combination he lands is the same one he tried to set up in the first round, this is experience being shown by Stamann and something Lapilus is going to have to be keenly aware of coming his way. Stamann does favour the double leg entry a lot, and since Lapilus is relatively good at reading level changes and fighting off takedown attempts, I just think that after the first or second round, the chance of success of a takedown diminishes greatly.
Lapilus is coming off a tough loss against Farid Basharat, someone who is rapidly becoming a force of somewhat gentle nature who is highly technical and very well rounded, so for Lapilus to experience three rounds against someone like Basharat is pretty damn great for one's career. Lapilus is a very well rounded fighter who has pretty sharp boxing, favouring straights over hooks and uppercuts, this plays into the favour of his significant reach advantage, but I do see him being victim to a left hook by Stamann, a left hook that Stamann uses fairly well. Lapilus is going to have to rely on a strike and move pattern in order to stay away from that left hook because that is probably one of the most dangerous weapons that Stamann uses well. Lapilus is pretty good at defending takedowns, he isn’t impervious to them, but his instinct to stuff the head and circle away has made him a tough opponent to wrestle against, because not only does he stuff the leg, but he often retaliates with strikes as he circles away, so whatever failed takedown comes his way from Stamann (if any), Stamann will be on the receiving end of some good strikes. Lapilus also has a thudding left kick which is effective at smashing his opponents body or head, and we have seen Stamann eat a lot of body shots by Silva de Andrade, so I do think that Lapilus does have some striking advantage at distance, he just needs to be aware of that left hook of Stamann.
The possibility of an upset here is pretty high since Stamann is very well rounded and has a lot of speed and explosive forward movement. However, the reach advantage of Lapilus is going to help him in fighting at a distance and dealing significant damage from his brilliant counter punching, and I don’t think the wrestling threat is going to be too high for Lapilus because he has already boosted his wrestling capabilities in preparation for his fight with Basharat, and that’s a skill that is carried very much onto future fights. Lapilus should win this fight, but if you are looking for underdogs, I wouldn’t be surprised if Stamann gets this.
Lapilus via UD - (1/3)
Women’s Strawweight
Eduarda Moura (-175) (10-0-0, 10 FWS) v Denise Gomes (+145) (8-3-0, NS)
Moura is coming off a strong debut win over Montserrat Ruiz, and honestly, it probably is a good opponent to debut against, but it doesn’t really show me, personally, a lot of what she is capable of since I don’t exactly rate Ruiz highly. Moura has shown to have great wrestling and grappling, she utilised her wrestling very well against Ruiz, utilising a slick sweep to get into top control in the first round, basically keeping the fight on the ground for the remainder of the round. Moura is absolutely awesome on the ground, and since she has a huge physical advantage in this fight against Gomes, as soon as she ends up in top position here, I suspect Gomes is not going to have a very easy time getting out of it. Moura’s striking is a bit wonky though, she isn’t at all a standard kickboxer or anything like that, it’s all basic strikes to set up a takedown, and I do think the longer she stays on the feet to trade with Gomes, the worse it is going to be for her since Gomes has ridiculous sharp and fast boxing, the very same power and force that knocked out Jauregui, someone who I rate fairly high as a tough up and comer. Now, there is some slight concern regarding that recent weight miss by Moura, as she weighed in at 119 pounds when she fought Gomes, but I feel like that is due to the cancellation of her first bout against Kim, so whilst it’s not a weight miss against a long scheduled opponent, her size and physique could be a tiny bit of a problem on the scales. Not a huge one, but the possibility is there.
Gomes is coming off a tough loss against the veteran Angela Hill, and it was Hills wrestling that ultimately got her the win, it was the path of least resistance for her and she took it. That same advantage on the ground falls within Moura’s style and so I do hope for the sake of Gomes and her team, that she has improved in the takedown defence just enough to make Moura’s takedowns less of a certainty, because if she can stuff that first takedown, I think we are going to see the live odds switch throughout the fight. Gomes has a massive advantage on the feet, she is so quick with her punches and is able to just be a ferocious, aggressive fighter from the get go, it didn’t take her long to take out Jauregui at all, and it all started from that very powerful right hand. That is the biggest threat for Moura, that right hand, if she can land that against Moura I think we are going to see another big upset because boy does she have power. However, it looked too easy to take Gomes down when Hill fought her, it was a relentless pace and I think Hill's volume of takedowns assisted her greatly in controlling the heavy hitter in Gomes.
That’s essentially it for this fight, I don’t quite see it being too competitive as both fighters have opposite styles, so whoever is able to counter the other with their own style (Moura with the wrestling/grappling and Gomes with the boxing) is most likely to win this one. I do not at all feel comfortable saying that there is possibility of an upset here because both fighters have a somewhat equal chance to win this one, but in terms of my prediction I think we are going to see Moura utilise her wrestling from the get go and be a bit of a bully.
Moura via UD - (1/3)
Women’s Flyweight
Andrea Lee (-125) (13-9-0, 4 FLS) v Montana De La Rosa (+105) (12-9-1, 3 FLS) - From here on in, i’m calling “De La Rosa” DLR. Although I think everyone calls her DLR in the betting/chat circle. Also, I am aware that this is a rematch, but I will be somewhat typing as if it’s a fresh fight because of the subtle improvements both fighters have made since their first bout in 2019.
Lee is on a pretty horrendous losing streak right now, and one might imagine that at the age of 35, we are only going to see a steady decline from now on. However, despite her losing streak, she is still a rather fierce competitor on the feet. Lee is typically known for her Muay Thai, she is very, very good at dealing damage through the traditional means of clinch striking, so a lot of elbows and knees are incorporated into her striking. Lee is also generally good at moving and circling away from danger, she’s a very light footed fighter and this often helps set up her leg kicks and long punches, but most of her effective damage comes from the clinch, so as long as DLR is engaging in the clinch with Lee, Lee will hold most of the advantage. One thing that I do like seeing about Lee is her wrestling improvements, she has become a fairly well rounded fighter, and this was very much highlighted when she fought Miranda Maverick. Miranda Maverick is very well known for her takedown and wrestling capabilities, and even she struggled to get Lee down 5 of 8 times. Her takedown defence may not be outstandingly great, but her urgency to get up if that takedown was sloppy and had minimal control or positional advancement behind it is her best new asset as a fighter, and sometimes urgency is all one needs to turn the tide.
DLR is coming off three tough losses against the likes of Aldrich, Suarez and Barber, three names who we all recognise by now, but I suppose the most relevant fight to look back on would be her most recent against Aldrich, also because Aldrich generally is a fairly good striker and that’s the kind of fighter DLR needs to prepare for. DLR, straight off the bat, has a very obvious wrestling and BJJ advantage over Lee, there is very little doubt in my mind that a lot of the planning for this camp, and preparation for Lee surrounds level changing and keeping Lee on the ground, however I do not at all expect there to be a threat of a finish here, it is simply going to be a control based game plan with some ground and pound or positional changes. During their second bout in 2019, DLR landed a whole lot of takedowns on Lee, although it was 7 of 12 that did not land which is a massive amount for someone who needs to get that takedown to get a win. DLR’s striking is a bit rudimentary, she can throw all the attacks any other MMA fighter learns to throw, although it’s clear that her main style is wrestling. She has absolutely made a lot of improvements to her striking, her shot selection is a lot better, but she is not a striker, she uses all of her kicks and punches to set up takedowns and such. Her striking defence is a bit of a problem, I do see her close her eyes a lot and react to feints often which makes me think she is a bit anxious on the feet, so once Lee pours on the pressure, expect a clinch or a level change from DLR.
Here’s a slight rub. Judging criteria has been a major point of change in MMA history, there has been a lot more focus on damage over control, and who has received the most damage when Lee and DLR fought in 2019? DLR. Who receives the most damage on the feet in her last 5 fights? DLR (at least for the most part). I see Lee winning this fight, I think Lee’s takedown defence and urgency to the feet is an upgrade that DLR has not caught up to (with her striking). This fight is going the distance, or at least over 2.5 rounds.
Lee via UD - (1/3)
Daniel Marcos (15-0-0, 15 FWS) v John Castaneda (21-6-0, 2 FWS) -
Marcos is coming off an unfortunate NC over Aoriqileng in which he may have accidentally neutered Aoriqileng with a perfectly timed nutshot, but prior to all of that happening, he was systematically breaking down the 35 fight veteran. Marcos has always been a patient but vicious fighter, capable of dealing damage from all ranges, and most important, all angles. I bring the angles part up because the one thing I see Marcos doing consistently well are his leg kicks, he is so good at dealing damage from both the inside and outside angle, making it hard to check due to not knowing which way to turn the leg. Now, I do have some concerns when it comes to Marcos, but they mostly stem from his strengths as a counter-striker. First, he doesn’t move a lot, he has a typical counter style of waiting for his opponent to make the first move. I don’t have a lot of faith in this style, Aoriqileng managed to land some clean straight punches on Marcos during that fight and I think a very good boxer will be able to deal some more significant damage. Marcos’ takedown defence is also, whilst not properly tested, sitting pretty at 89% and that is a huge factor coming into this fight for Castaneda, because if Castaneda is eating too many leg kicks and goes for a sloppy takedown (a tale as old as time, we have seen this happen many times to many, many fighters) Marcos is capable enough to shrug it off and keep the punishment going.
Castaneda is coming off a fantastic win against Kang in which he effectively outpaced him on the feet, and it was a rather challenging fight for Kang due to Castaneda’s constant movement and stance switches, it was difficult to get a read on what was coming Kang’s way. Castaneda’s kicks were pretty fun to watch, he has a very strong right leg kick which buckled the stance of Kang a little bit, but it didn’t come without a heavy read on the defensive “flaws” of that kick, and that is the fact that Castaneda is fairly counterable when he lands that outside right kick, his hands are low and it’s not exactly a quick kick, it comes fully loaded, so the from the time he launches that attack to when he can return it to a rear post position, he is very exposed to counters, and traditionally the best way to counter a kick is with a straight punch down the line, and what have we seen Marcos do effectively throughout his UFC career? Counter. That is the only clean counter that I can see Marcos using because Castaneda doesn’t set up those kicks, they are naked single shots that, whilst very quick and effective, is going to be a risk to use against Marcos. Castaneda’s wrestling is also a great weapon he utilises often, and whilst he might not be too effective against Marcos due to Marcos’s excellent ability to defend takedowns, it would be enough to pressure Marcos back and perhaps pin Marcos against the cage. However, I do think the biggest danger to Marcos here will be Castaneda’s movement and speed, Castaneda is very good at switching stance and throwing some very, very hard to read attacks, he uses these stance switches to mask kicks and entries to a blitz, and he can keep up this style of movement and attack for a long, long time.
I do think that Castaneda is susceptible to well timed counters, especially if his kicks are well read by Marcos, and whilst Marcos is most definitely going to struggle somewhat in finding his offensive attacks, those counters are going to be key in winning this very interesting fight. I got Marcos winning this one, he is such an interesting Bantamweight, I can’t wait to see how far this fighter soars.
Marcos via KO R3 - (1/3)
Brad Katona (-500) (13-3-0, NS) v Jesse Butler (+380) (12-5-0, NS) - I must say, sometimes i’m a little bit concerned about wide lines like this, but at a glance, it makes sense.
Katona may be coming off a loss against Armfield, but boy was the fight a great back and forth, fought at a very high pace. Katona thrives in chaos, the faster the pace, the better it is for Katona as he often overwhelms his opponent as the rounds go by. He may not be the cleanest fighter defensively or offensively, but the overwhelming activity he uses when he fights is often his best asset as a fighter. Katona uses a lot of striking volume when he fights, often in exchanges but initially at distance and in bursts. He is very durable and whilst he absorbs a lot of damage, his chin is pretty damn tough as he hasn’t been cracked or dropped too many times. Katona also has very good wrestling, he’s often able to just blast the double leg and get the fight to the ground relatively quickly, and whilst I don’t exactly see him looking for takedowns in this fight due to the submission threat from Butler, I do think that any takedown and any control time on top of Butler is good, especially if Katona reads the submission setups fairly well. Since the main threat coming from Butler is his submissions, I do suspect that Katona is going to keep this fight standing where he will no doubt have a substantial speed advantage, but I am not too sure if the possibility of a finish is there. If you do want to bet on Katona via KO, I suggest a combo round 2 or 3 is your best bet, as the first round is going to be a bit of a feeling out process in my opinion.
Butler is someone who I was hoping to see a bit more of when he fought Miller one year ago, but the fight didn’t even last a minute before Butler got knocked out and put away. Butler’s history has mostly been him getting his opponents to the ground and using his long frame to lock down his opponents and look for submissions, that long frame is going to be incredibly advantageous in this fight against Katona if he can lock in a body triangle, because the longer the legs, the stronger the hold is, especially if there is a tie up where one leg is under their opponents leg, I don’t know the technical term for it, but hopefully you know what i’m talking about. Anyway, Butler’s main chance to win this fight is to take it to the ground and find that submission, because the longer he remains on the feet, the more comfortable Katona becomes, and thus the more confident he is as the fight goes on, and a confident Katona is a very, very dangerous one. I don’t think we are going to see Butler use his striking that effectively, the reach advantage does make me think that there’s going a natural jab/cross range advantage for Butler, but I just haven’t seen him use it that much, most of his success is from his grappling. If the fight goes to the ground, with Katona in top control, I almost guarantee that Butler is going to go for an arm triangle off his back, his long legs make that lock so easy to set up and secure, so expect Butler to be active on the ground.
Fights like this are tough, it’s hard to tell what Butler is going to do since we barely saw him fight against Miller, and in those 11+ months since, we haven’t seen him fight again until now, so I don’t know what he’s improved on, all I know for a fact is that his grappling is going to be dangerous for Katona, but the stand up should be all Katona here. That’s about as simple as I can put it. I don’t really see a chance of an upset here unless Katona is employing a wrestling heavy gameplan.
Katona via KO R3 - (2/3)
Charles Radtke (+165) (9-3-0, 6 FWS) v Carlos Prates (-200) (18-6-0, 8 FWS) - Straight off the bat, I want to say that placing a bet on this fight not going the distance is looking like a fairly safe bet. Let’s get to the breakdown.
Radtke is coming off an upset win over Gilbert Urbina, and whilst he was facing someone who had a taller frame and a reach advantage, Radtke was very good at slowly walking him down with some slight pressure, and measuring that left hook over and over until he was it cleanly, and boy is that left hook a work of art. One thing that I do like about Radtke is his coachability, he listens actively to his corner, and if Belal is in the corner of Radtke, I genuinely think that’s the secret weapon because Belal has pretty damn good fight IQ and being around that kind of fighter accelerates growth somewhat. Radtke has a very tight guard, his hands are somewhat high and he is very good at adjusting defensively to his opponents attacks. Radtke is quite diverse with his weapons as well, often using the leg kicks to soften up his target and making his opponent somewhat drop the guard a little bit, allowing that left hook target to be more available. Now, Radtke is going to be fighting in a bit of a similar way to how he fought Urbina, he is going to bounce into range in order to land that left hook, and having seen Prates fight Giles, that left hook is going to be there all day due to how Prates defensively backs away. Hands low and often head a bit out of range, but it’s going to take very little for that punch to land and deal significant damage, it absolutely destroyed Urbina when it landed, I can only imagine what it’s going to do against Prates.
Prates is coming off a very competitive back and forth KO win against Trevin Giles, a very tough opponent to debut against and for the most part, prior to the KO win, Giles was very effective with his boxing, landing his punches fairly cleanly, but it does not take much for the Muay Thai fighter in Prates to find his shots and land that phenomenal one-two. Prates has a significant reach advantage coming into this fight, but he somewhat suffers from the same defensive problems a lot of longer fighters suffer from, and that’s their defence being their offence. Teeps and jabs are his best defensive tools since it keeps his opponent out of range and unable to land the cleaner shots, which is why when Giles started to extend the combinations, the last few shots in that combination would land hard. Prates not only has to be worried about that dangerous left hook that Radtke throws so effortlessly, but he also has to be concerned about the wrestling offensive that Radtke has in his back pocket too, and whilst we haven’t seen a lot of his wrestling in the UFC or DWCS, you would think that he is well rounded enough to know how to wrestle.
I do not know who is going to win this one, on one hand Radtke’s left hook, perhaps an overstated attack of his, is most likely going to land if he uses it as an extension to a combination, but on the other hand, Prates has over a hundred Muay thai fights under his belt, he has a significant reach advantage and he has a nasty nasty arsenal of attacks. His left knee up the middle is such a dangerous tool he uses. The safest bet here, and the only betting advice i got for this one is that this fight doesn’t go the distance. As for my prediction, I want to say Prates wins this one, that reach advantage is massive, but his defences are a concern. This one is probably going to shove my face into a pile of shit, but I think Prates wins this one. I think that the left knee is going to be pivotal in countering some of the boxing that Radtke uses, and that height advantage is going to allow that knee to come up quicker.
Prates via KO R2 - (1/3)
Thiago Moises (+115) (18-7-0, NS) v Ludovit Klein (-135) (21-4-1, 2 FWS)
Moises is coming off a strong win over Mitch Ramirez, but its one of those fights that seems like a set up for future fights, like a comeback win set up deal because Ramirez isn’t exactly a high level opponent, and the competitive step up from Ramirez to Klein is astronomical. Moises does have a grappling advantage in this fight, and I do think that this is the first time Klein has faced a proper BJJ specialist, so it would be interesting to see if the very impressive takedown defence of Klein is going to hold up well enough against Moises. Moises is a fairly calculated striker as well, he does not throw volume nor combinations, a lot of his attacks are safe, single shots that have quite a bit of power in said shots, but they are by no means anything too special, it's just the timing and shot selection that impresses me the most. Now, if Moises cannot get the fight to the ground, he is going to lose this fight, Klein is so fast with his strikes, his kickboxing is far better, he has a lot more power and he is a tenacious fighter who tends to throw a lot of volume, all things that could freeze Moises a little bit. Moises is going to have to stick to him like glue and try to get the fight to the ground, that is his only way to win this fight, grapple and submit. I am not too confident in saying Moises will keep Klein down, because Klein himself has shown to be very good on the ground, although perhaps not to the level of BJJ that Moises is.
Klein is coming off back to back wins against Bahamondes and AJ Cunningham (late replacement), and Klein honestly has never looked so good. Klein is an exceptionally well rounded fighter who has extremely slick striking as well as outstanding kicks, in fact I would say his kicks are his best form of striking, they come from all angles and there are almost no reads for them, he just flings them out there without any major set up, it’s such an effective attack. Kleins southpaw stance allows him to target the liver side of the body effectively, and that’s most likely going to be a key in this fight in order to slow down and lower the hands of Moises, and once his hands are lowered, then you will see Klein attack the head. Now, the biggest concern I have for Klein is the grappling of Moises, but that concern isn’t exactly a major one because Klein is so well rounded, he has very, very good takedown defence and if he is in top position there is little doubt in my mind that Moises will be safe in that bottom position because boy does Klein like to ground and pound, he is very active in top position. Klein is going to have to be aware of the exchanges as well because Moises is more than willing to sit down on his punches and throw them back his opponents way, and that’s probably where Moises is at his most dangerous because he doesn’t care how much he gets hurt, as long as he’s firing back. There is a possibility of Klein slowing down after the first or second round, the power and volume he throws at is brilliant and such a dangerous force to deal with, but that comes at a cost to cardio and I think if Moises is able to hang in there for two rounds and survive the storm, he should be able to turn this fight around, but that’s all speculative since Klein typically takes a fight to the distance, and to take a fight to the distance and fight like he does, that’s some excellent cardio.
Ultimately, this is a tough fight to predict, Moises is going to have to either use the same game plan he did against Ramirez and chew up the legs, or he’s going to have to stick to Klein like glue, whether its against the cage or on the ground, and try to find that submission because on the feet, Moises is going to contend with a barrage of highly technical strikes that come from all angles. Klein has excellent takedown defence, he is quick to stuff the head or sprawl, and he is very quick at retaliating with elbows and knees when the break happens, so he is constantly damaging his opponent. I got Klein winning this one, I did have Moises as an underdog pick prior to tape review, and there is a solid chance of him winning, but I think Klein is a very well rounded fighter who can make this fight very difficult for Moises. This fight could also go the distance so keep an eye out for o2.5/1.5 odds.
Klein via UD - (1/3)
Main Card
Punahele Soriano (+140) (9-4-0, 2 FLS) v Miguel Baeza (-170) (10-3-0, 3 FLS) - Boy oh boy is this going to be a battle, I cannot imagine any other outcome here other than brutality and bloodshed, and I'm all for that happening.
Soriano is in a bit of a tough position, his last 4 losses have occurred in his last 5 fights, and each time he has lost he has been on the receiving end of some savage knockouts or brutal beatdowns, but that is his entire style and it is something he is typically known for, walking through fire to deal significant damage back. This is also the first time Soriano is moving down to 170, so be aware of how he looks on the scale because he’s already a very large and thick fighter, so that cut could be concerning. Soriano is a heavy hitting fighter, everything he throws is powerful and it is generally a bad idea to stand in front of him unless you are a technical striker, and I don’t think Baeza is that technical of a striker. Soriano’s best weapons are his power side punches, he is so good at setting those up with standard jabs or even just letting them go without any set up because he knows the knockout power he possesses is often more than enough to put away his opponents. The only problem he has come across when he fights is someone who is typically a lot quicker and longer than he is, someone who can throw a very quick combination and circle away from any retaliatory strikes coming his way. One major advantage that Soriano has compared to Baeza is his activity, he has always been a somewhat active fighter, he has been in three fights whilst Baeza has been inactive, and whilst it is true that his chin has been rocked and shocked, he has always hung in there until the end, he has never really been put away cleanly. I do see Soriano look for strong liver punches throughout this fight in order to slow down the returning fighter, his left hand is very good although when he’s in the pocket his striking misses a lot, it’s highly inefficient and it sometimes looks clumsy, so his best range is going to be straight range, boxing range where he can rely on those straight overhand left and left straights.
Baeza is an interesting case, he was a highlight fighter for me when he won against Matt Brown, and then he had that remarkable performance against Takashi Sato, but since that fight three years ago, he has hit roadblock after roadblock named Ponzinibbio, Williams and Fialho. Baeza is no doubt still a very well rounded fighter who, despite not being much of a submission artist, could very well submit Soriano as he is a black belt in BJJ and it has been shown that takedowns are a bit of a problem for Soriano. However, it is quite difficult to say how Baeza is going to approach this fight since he hasn’t fought in two years, and I spoke about a two year break recently with Gall. What has Baeza worked on in those two years? The amount of unknowns in this particular fight doesn’t please me that much because I hate speculating, but if we are to compare the Baeza of 2022 to today's Soriano, I think we are going to see Baeza land a lot more cleaner punches down the line, but Soriano’s left hand is so educated and so quick and powerful that it could stun or rattle Baeza who is possibly still making mid-fight adjustments as he gets used to fighting again (as there is octagon rust/ring rust). Baeza has a bit of an opening for Soriano and that’s his right side body, the liver side, I see Soriano smashing that body with powerful hooks over and over, and whilst you might argue that Baeza switches his stance a lot, he primarily favours the orthodox stance where he can launch that beautiful jab which could be problematic for Soriano. The other weapon that Baeza uses very well is his outside leg kick, it's not necessarily a thudding kick, but it’s incredibly effective due to the speed of it, making it hard for Soriano to read it.
I need to cut this short, heck, this whole write up feels too long, so in conclusion, it’s a very tough fight to predict with a lot of story behind it, you have Soriano moving down to 170 and the question as to how he is going to look on the scale, then you have Baeza coming back after two years, with questions surrounding how he is going to look, and what he has improved on going to be answered this weekend. This is a fun fight though, but I have to go with the underdog here in Soriano.
Soriano via KO R2 - (1/3)
Julian Marquez (-115) (9-4-0, 2 FLS) v Zach Reese (-105) (6-1-0, NS)
Marquez is coming off back to back KO losses against “Robocop” Rodrigues and Barriault, two fairly hard hitting fighters, and it kind of makes sense that he lost to them because Marquez barely has any defence, he is a stand and bang kind of fighter who ultimately is here for mostly entertainment value. He has no prospect of being a champion or even a ranked fighter at that rate, he is simply a stepping stone for more talented fighters to advance through the ranks. With that said, Marquez is a reckless individual who throws ridiculously heavy and can be a danger to practically anyone he faces, minimal technique, maximum damage, he is a heavyweight in a Middleweight’s body. However, his propensity to finish fights is ridiculously high, so whenever there’s a Marquez fight, its generally a good idea to look out for the odds for his fights not going the distance. If Marquez’s massive punches don’t phase his opponents, he usually goes for a takedown and grapples where he is surprisingly decent, so that’s an alternative way to win a fight, but I honestly don’t think he’s going to do that against a much taller and longer fighter in Reese, who has quite good BJJ himself.
Reese is relatively new to the UFC, and he is unfortunately coming off a brutal loss against Brundage, and I mean, losing to Brundage adds a little bit of a sting to the record I think. Reese has never fought past the first round in his professional career, he is an exceptionally quick finisher and whilst the quality of his opponents is somewhat questionable, I do think that he uses his reach fairly well, although since he finishes fights tremendously quickly, I also think he can be a bit wild with his punches, marching his opponents down and throwing heavy attacks with a tonne of volume, which usually results in a ref stepping in to call the fight. My concern is that I don’t think Marquez is that easy to put away, I mean, sure, Marquez absorbs a lot of damage, but he isn’t one to go down without swinging back.
I need to make this one short, so whilst this prediction could be a bit sketchy, my betting advice for this one is to look for under 2.5 rounds, or “In the distance” (ITD).
Marquez via KO R2 - (1/3)
submitted by Slayers_Picks to MMAbetting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:30 shrugir B2B Mobile App Development

B2B Mobile App Development
B2B Mobile App Development
One-stop Destination for Top B2B Mobile App Development Services

Travelopro is a top-notch b2b mobile app development company, building feature-packed and interactive b2b mobile applications for startups, medium and large enterprises. Our cutting-edge and out-of-the-box approach will deliver cost-effective b2b mobile app development solutions to turn your business into a leading enterprise.

As a custom mobile app development company globally, our aim is to help clients by providing custom mobile apps to boost their sales for generating higher ROI (Return on Investment).

We believe in doing a lot of research work and competitor analysis before starting up with mobile app development. At Travelopro, the expert team of experienced developers makes sure that every custom mobile app we develop meets world-class standards.

Travelopro offers inclusive B2B mobile apps development services to increase profitability while fulfilling business-specific needs. Our highly- qualified and experienced B2B mobile apps development consultant works closely with our customers and vouch to deliver excellence for catering to their business-critical requirements.

Travelopro has a committed team of B2B & B2C eCommerce developers with expertise in all leading platforms. We focus on customizing, implementing B2B & B2C eCommerce solutions.

From planning to development and launch, we follow the agile project management process to get things done faster and with maximum quality. No matter how unique or complex your business ideas are, our highly skilled team architects are ready to take the challenge.

Our B2B mobility solutions increase the interaction accuracy within an organization, optimize business processes and provide fast customer feedback with better communication. Most of the corporations have B2B mobile apps for data sharing and analysis, supervision, 24x7 support services, communication, and other operations.

We have a dedicated pool of 50+ designers, strategists, and developers in our work centers to deliver perfectly crafted, created, and innovative b2b mobile app development solutions to our clients. We take your business to new heights!

When compared to other b2b mobile app development companies - what makes us unique and stand out from the crowd? We take every project as an opportunity to deliver unique and next-gen solutions using state-of-the-art technologies. At Travelopro, perfection is not just another trait but also a way of life that we have become accustomed to.

We understand how important it is for businesses to build and cultivate customer loyalty, and secure a higher ROI. And that's what Travelopro aims to do through mobile solutions. As a leading eCommerce app development company, we build robust and intuitive apps that drive growth to your business.

We know what exactly your business needs, and on the basis of that we create top-notch mobile applications with cutting-edge technologies. With the latest range of technologies, Travelopro provides extended functionalities, capabilities, and robustness while undertaking mobile enterprise development. We deliver B2B, B2C, and B2E mobility solutions across the globe.

Below-mentioned are the most common types of eCommerce mobile applications. What best matches your business needs?

B2B (Business to Business)

Are most of your B2B sales being mobile? Then maximize growth with B2B eCommerce application development. Let's create mobile-first experiences.

B2C (Business to Customer)

Reach a wider customer base with our eCommerce application development services. Let's build feature-rich apps that your customers love.

B2A (Business to Administration)

We offer B2A eCommerce mobile app development to industries ranging from defense to aerospace. Build an app with a highly skilled team.

C2A (Customer to Administration)

Mobile apps are a great way to increase the flexibility of transactions. Build C2A mobile apps as per your requirements with us.

C2B (Customer to Business)

Have an idea for a C2B mobile app? Hire a team that has both technical and industry expertise for eCommerce application development.

C2C (Customer to Customer)

Launch and scale your C2C business with a marketplace app. Hire expert who can deliver solutions as per your business logic.

Our Powerful Solutions for B2B App Development

Our targeted and customized solutions are tailor-made for specific business models and operations, that empowers you to optimize your ROI and carve a unique niche within the B2B mobile ecosystem.

JOS App Development

We will design and launch efficiently designed and feature-rich IOS business apps for B2B operations and take your business to the next level.

Android App Development

We will develop state-of-the-art Android mobile apps for corporates and enterprises, leveraging the power and reach of the Android ecosystem.

Mobile App Consulting
With our end-to-end development model, we focus on building apps and client relations, which is why we will be there for you at every step of the way.

React Native App Development
Unleash the best of both worlds with B2B mobile apps developed using React Native, which is platform-independent.

Flutter App Development
Attain faster speeds, efficient development cycles and better results with the cross-platform flutter app development for the B2B niche.

Xamarin App Development
Save time with the Xamarin App, one of the fastest methods for cross-platform development for ventures whose ideas cannot wait any longer.

Our B2B Mobile Application Development Process
Our leading b2b mobile app development company follows DevOps and agile processes for offering on-time & error-free solutions to our clients.

Our experienced development team conducts in-depth analysis, understands the project's goals, and ensures validation for delivering comprehensive documentation. We also come up with a dedicated mobile app development plan based on your specific requirements.

· With end-to-end, full-stack mobile application development knowledge & expertise, we help in designing as well as developing customized mobile applications based on the specific requirements of our clients.

· Our advanced development services include full-cycle mobile app development, integration with the ongoing environment, testing, and deployment. We also offer reliable after-deployment support.


· For delivering the assurance of the overall stability after delivering mobile applications successfully, we offer comprehensive mobile app maintenance as well as support services.

· Right from upgrades & the overall improvements to performance monitoring, security audit, server & OS migration-we offer it all.

Mobile App Industries We Cover


· Let your target audience map the health record and fitness with the accuracy of mobile apps. As the structured apps developed by the Mobile App Development Company are intelligently designed to keep one in good health and shape.

· Additionally, by enabling the customized features to improve the user experience, the developed applications are technologically advanced.

· Healthcare apps are developed for the health-conscious individual by suggesting the ways to lose weight to what should be the right diet to choosing the right form of exercise. Further, these mobile apps appropriately offer services to the concerned audience.


· Making learning fun and an easy process for students, e-learning apps developed by our application development company are attractive and interactive because, with the impact of user-friendly graphics and videos in the e-learning apps, an institution gets the opportunity to share a mirage of knowledge. And, with the added test series to worksheets, the apps systematically cover the syllabus of students.

· These e-learning mobile apps are compatible with students of any age. However, e-learning apps are a way to generate success for students who cannot afford the high fees of tuition classes.

Travel & Hospitality

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As an application development company, we develop a user-friendly portal for students and teachers. And with systematic designing of educational classes and forums, we facilitate an educational platform to usher in the growth of the students. However, our inquisitive approach in building the educational app is commendable and noteworthy.

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Retail and e-Commerce

· Shopping through mobile apps is comfortable, with added features and multiple diverse categories to browse at the retail and e-commerce apps, a brand name can sweep the market presence with accelerated sales and greater audience reach.

· Thus, let your audience shop online as the diversified mobile apps allow shoppers to browse the diverse categories and proceed with a quick assessment of the payment. The multiple offerings and easy-to-shop alternatives of the retail and e-commerce apps developed by the mobile app Development Company in India Are competent and effective.


· With the streamlined information about each process of the logistics, the mobile app helps in the quick and transparent execution of the logistics. Thus, by giving a holistic development to the apps, we progress towards having a systematic app that helps in quick shipment processing and showcases real-time delivery status.

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The enhanced marketplace apps created by the Mobile App Development Company worldwide take you to the virtual marketplaces.

How to Develop a Successful B2B Mobile App

Business to business (B2B) is becoming popular in the application business area. Instead of reaching customers through mobile apps, businesses focus on reaching other businesses like doctors, restaurants, etc.

However, very few businesses opt for the B2B application; hence, the competition is not yet intense in the market. The slow adoption of B2B in the mobile application development process is due to the small size of the B2B market. It requires better communication and robust sales, which is still difficult. However, the best part of the B2B application is that the user focuses on the conversion rate.

With the evolution of new and innovative technologies, it has become easy to access emails, social accounts, games, music, and other entertainment area on the smartphone device at any time and also including the latest technologies in the business such as wearables, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, etc., these technologies have also made B2B application important.

Various studies have also suggested that more than 85% of mobile phones are spent on smartphone apps. Hence, mobile apps that are useful for existing clients can help the business to grow.

Below are some of the tips on developing a successful B2B application. App development, deployment, and app service and maintenance are important factors for developing successful B2B applications and proper resources and time.

Purpose of B2B App

B2B mobile applications are developed by one business for another business. Thus, the ultimate aim of the app should be to provide useful tools for businesses that can help the business retain new clients and convert new leads into business or clients. Companies are creating new B2B apps with better features by providing the cost to develop a mobile app.

Going with the Flow of Latest Trends

· The key to creating a B2B mobile application is knowing about the customer or client requirement, ongoing trends, and customer interest. It is important to know what customers need before starting with the mobile application development process.

· To understand the user's requirements, the business should look at the already available apps in the market. A business should examine and study these B2B apps and the way they provide value to other businesses.

· Conducting robust research and planning accordingly can help businesses develop the best B2B app for a client and enhance customer experience.

Marketing B2B Mobile App

There are various ways in which the company or business can market B2B mobile apps. Below are some of the most effective B2B app marketing techniques.

Optimizing App Store

· Every store has its own algorithm; hence, it becomes important to comprehend the multiple ins and multiple outs of each store to ensure that the mobile application has maximum exposure.

· In the case of the iOS mobile app, it is important to ensure that the app is optimized for the App Store, and in the case of the Android app, it should be optimized for the Play Store. Regardless of the cost to develop a mobile app, the company should deliver a quality app to the customers and users.

Reviews and Ratings

· Reviews and rating options are some of the most important tools in the B2B application marketing strategy. This means more reviews and ratings, the higher the search credibility in the App Store. Ratings and reviews provided by customers help add to the application's reputation and encourage more app development.

· With an increasing number of apps in the market, it has become important to provide reviews and ratings to customers. Today, it has become essential for businesses to develop mobile apps as most people use smartphones and spend maximum time on the apps. Moreover, by providing B2B apps, businesses can easily achieve their goals.

Social Media
· Social media has become an important part of our lives as it helps people connect and helps businesses achieve their goals. Hence, companies and businesses are focusing on taking full advantage of social media and developing techniques.
· Businesses are developing interesting and attractive social media pages with important information about the business, pictures, videos related to the brands by the company.

· Along with mobile application development processes, companies are also building social media pages to enhance the user experience. Businesses are also focusing on developing campaigns targeting smartphone audiences and encouraging them to install the app.

Benefits of B2B Mobile App Development

B2B applications are a wonderful way for B2B companies and brands to streamline their in-house B2B processes and operations. Right from tracking sales and leads to stock and logistics, B2B applications can be built and used for anything and everything.

Increases Efficiency

B2B applications make managing simple things such as hiring more people, making new teams, creating new departments, etc. easier. With just a couple of clicks, both admin and sub-admin can manage such things and improve the overall efficiency of the teams.


With B2B mobile apps, businesses can take advantage of flexibility. In fact, the mobile platform has made it simpler and easier for businesses to interact with customers, identify leads, and communicate with team members anytime and anywhere.

Simplify Things

From tracking employees' in and out time to sudden sick leaves, a B2B application can cover all the functionalities, letting businesses create effective reports on a daily, monthly, and quarterly basis.

Enhances Communicate

To enhance communication between offices and internal teams, tailor-made B2B mobile/web applications are a great alternative to discuss the precise communication requirements of your business, making a huge difference.

Why Choose Travelopro For Your B2B Mobile App Development?

Travelopro is a leading app development company, our team of proficient mobile app developers holds profound exposure and experience gained through continuously working and delivering diverse mobile applications catering to the varied needs of different industries and markets.

Our Mobile app developers are extensively experienced to deal with any challenges faced while building a challenging and innovative mobile application. They enjoy investing their time in learning about your needs in all the details and proceed with coding only after performing an in-depth analysis of the project requirements.

Understanding your app ideas and needs first and then, working to translate these into the most cutting-edge and lively mobile applications, is the philosophy our mobile application team believes in - the very reason why we develop and maintain trusted and long-term relationships with a majority of our clients.

When it comes to the core technical expertise of experimenting to introduce new features to an existing application or bringing about a significant modification in the current features of an application, their vast experience plays a huge role in the successful execution of such projects to meet the immediate business needs without losing sight of the long-term business goals.

Our business motto is to help businesses achieve a competitive advantage by building advanced and feature-rich mobile applications for their companies that comply with the latest mobile trends.

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2024.06.05 08:23 Master_Nectarine_673 "Attack Potency" is kinda...

How does "Attack Potency" work exactly? I'm genuinely confused with how this concept is treated in the powerscaling community. I'm gonna use a specific character to help you guys understand the problem. So, let's just get straight into the point:
So, Heisei Godzilla is stated to be "x" times stronger than Showa Godzilla, which if you do some maths on the latter's power level, the result would be Solar System level
This "Solar System level" heat ray is fired to the vicinity in almost every fucking time he appears and only caused a bunch of sparks (like sparks when you dremel a machete), which is far from being Solar System, yet it still scales that high because "AP≠DC"
In short, you can make your character as OP as you want just by stating them to be at that level via guidebooks or other means as long as it's "official", and then you can let said characters spam their "focused" attacks on the localized region while not causing as much destructive scale as the statements suggest, and is still considered to be that powerful
How egregious is this, you say? Well, Heisei G is that one mf who loves spamming his beam to the ground and at one point, his beam clashes with that of Super Mecha Godzilla's which is supposedly around the same power at Solar System level according to the guides, yet there are ONLY sparks in the aftermath of the clash even though I'm expecting something as catastrophic as when Saitama does the serious punchÂČ with Garou. Despite this, he still scales to Solar System level because "AP≠DC"
What even is AP? Statement-wise power level? As far as I'm aware, AP is literally just a hidden DC. If an attack hits someone who is "stated" to have Solar System level durability, then he has Solar System level AP, that's how it works, right? But what exactly makes this concept remain valid when an attack with Solar System level of "hidden DC" hits the earth surface in almost fucking time but it ain't producing as much destructive scale as thought via scaling off the statements? Isn't this just a deliberate contradiction to the stated power level? Why still use it especially when shit like this is repeated throughout the series?
Like what's the damn point of stating that your characters are that strong if you can never offer ANY demonstration of that scale for that ONE scene when this "focused" attack clearly hits the surrounding? Where's the tension? Where's the intensity? Where's the stakes? How am I supposed to believe what you stated if what you demonstrated doesn't reflect it?
The closest approach for cosmic level of power is when Heisei Goji detonates after meltdown, which honestly is still nowehere near stellar tier. What the fuck is this? Apparently, Toho can visualize planet level explosion, and yet they still resorted to exhibit "sparky" effects when one of these "Solar System level" heat ray hits the earth surface? What part of this indicates that the power level were truly that high!? This crucial category directly AFFECTS the impact left in the narrative, and we're ignoring this inconsistency entirely in favor of those statements?
Yeah I'm not a fan of this kind of scaling. It's just feels so... wrong
Take, for example, the idea of scaling Jujutsu Kaisen characters to Large Island level based on the statement that Black Flash exponentially increases striking power by 2.5 times. This is ridiculous if you're still sane. Why? Because the narrative emphasizes that Cursed Techniques like Blue, Red, and Purple are more powerful than Black Flash, and no Cursed Techniques scale above Small City level, with Yuki Black Hole being the only exception
Even if you tried to argue that these attacks are "focused," there's still zero justification for the clear discrepancies between statements from external source and visual demonstrations in the actual narrative. "Solar System level" attack regardless of the area they affected should still leave a profound impact of their stated scale imo, e.g. the "depth of effect" should still be substantial and noticeable, especially when they're cosmic level in potency and directly hits the earth surface so frequently + no detailed explanation in the narrative as to why this occurs. For instance, in the context of Solar System level attacks, these focused attacks should've easily made a "hole" to the earth even if it only affect small area, kinda like how blade attacks can cause deeper wounds despite affecting a much smaller area than normal physical strikes like punches
However, Heisei Goji never ONCE demonstrates this until the meltdown scene. If his heat ray is supposedly "Solar System level" but only ever produces sparks upon impact with the Earth, it directly contradicts the stated power level. This kind of inconsistency undermines the overall narrative impact and the majority of "powerscalers" tend ignore these contradictions in favor of statements solely due to the "AP≠DC" logic
This doesn't just apply to Big G, but the villains as well, including ones that are only aiming for destruction like Destoroyah, which should logically disregard any collateral damage it may cause, yet causing a bunch of sparks is all its beam can do 😑 it's unbelievable how conveniently tiny the actual "hidden DC" is compared to what was speculated via the statements
If this is really how "Attack Potency" works, then all calculations of feats pertaining enviromental destruction can be dismissed, yet the same people still use them for scaling their "AP". What the heck? Why such selective application of AP? How does AP even work? I don't know anymore. It's so puzzling
If a character destroys a city, these guys might use the energy required for that destruction to scale the AP tier. However, when it comes to attacks that are supposed to have much higher power levels via guidebooks like having 20,000x more power than before but still show minimal visible damage, they fall back on the AP≠DC argument. WTF?
This feels like laziness on the author's part as they avoid the consequences of writing such overpowered characters. But what's even more frustrating is when powerscalers continues to consider these characters as that powerful using the convenient "AP≠DC" excuse. It's soooo lame, bruh
If you argue that "Oh, so do you want the earth to be blown up everytime?", then go back and read the 6th paragraph. If you cannot maintain consistency between external statements and visual narrative evidences, then perhaps you should NOT write them to be that strong in the first place. Intent essentially means nothing if you failed to effectively project it into your work. It's like when everyone intended to make their characters Boundless or Tier 0, but lacking the knowledge on how to do so and/or execute it poorly in their narrative work, will their intent still retain its credibility for scaling? No, because what was established in the narrative is what ultimately matters imo
Also, Spacegodzilla being above High 3-A due to the statement of his guide that suggests he have supergravity is horrendous. Supergravity arises in the context of M-Theory a.k.a String Theory which proposes the existence of higher 4-11 dimensions. However, these "dimensions" does NOT refer to the r>f dimensional layers. They are "curled up" or "compactified" in such a way that they are effectively undetected in the 3rd dimensional space that we're occupying where they become extremely tiny like a string, hence the name "String" Theory. In terms of size, these "higher dimensions" are smaller than the Planck Length itself, which already violates the criteria of "higher dimension" in the context of dimensional scaling that VSBW established where to qualify as one, this "higher dimension" is not compactified or curled up to such microscopic scales, rather, a larger dimensional "bulk" that embeds lower dimensional frameworks as "subsets" of itself. This is something that the Wiki itself explicitly asserted/stated
This means that, for the dimension to qualify as Low 2-C, it has to be a "bulk" that embeds the entirety of the 3rd dimension as its subset in the same extent as how the 3 brane embeds the 2 brane (surface area or plane) as part of itself, so on and so forth. Hell, there isn't even any mention regarding the concept of "Multiverse" in Heisei, so how the F did the fans even think of scaling him to that scale in the first place? His "Solar System level" scale is already iffy ASL. And even if there is a Multiverse, it would still depend on how many STC that exist there. It is said that for the "baseline", the character has to be able to either create, destroy, or affect a thousand and one seperate 4D space-time continuums (which I don't remember ever exists in Heisei) at once, yet people there claimed he is Multiverse level? Based on fucking what? 😭
Shit is crazy
submitted by Master_Nectarine_673 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:01 John0517 I Saw the TV Glow, Nope, and the "Trap of Elevated Films"

The first thing I want to knock out of the way is that this post is going to be a bit difficult. The arc of the argument is going to be that both films discussed, while superficially progressive, lapse into more bigoted territory by accident of uncareful metaphor. So to clarify at the top, no offense is meant. I will try to be as careful and neutral as I can be while discussing them.
I saw I Saw the TV Glow recently. As I've been working through discussions, I decided that it ultimately reminded me of 2022's Nope (hard to believe that movie came out 2 years ago). Not because they're both A24 movies, not because they're both trippy, not even because they're both "elevated horror", but because I think both movies got too clever by half and shot themselves in the foot with their metaphors.
In an interview promoting Nope, Jordan Peele described this "elevated horror" genre as a trap. I think in that interview he was referring more to audiences' lofty expectations of his movies, and maybe even a narrowing of what he felt he could make. I think the more appropriate use of the term starts with the understanding that "elevated horror" tackling the topic of race is, for better or for worse, his brand. He is compelled, it seems, to make movies that start on thorny issues and expand creatively from there via metaphor. Unfortunately, no metaphor is one to one, and when you set out to create a metaphor for a thorny social issue, you run the risk saying something you likely don't mean. THIS is the real trap, in my estimation.
First, I'll run down my understanding of the metaphors in Nope. There may be interesting things to say about the UFO representing a stand-in for audiences, but I'd rather trace how the film deals with race. The opening shot is of Plate 626, Animal Locomotion. The idea conveyed is that even in the origins of film, white auteurs have been credited and lauded while using the black image as a sort of prop subject. The metaphor in the movie extends to the animals used on set, first shown in the horse in Plate 626. This is extended as well in the relationship between Jupe and Gordy, explicitly stating that Jupe felt like just as much of a gag as the trained monkey on set who went ballistic and killed the audience. Jupe learns the wrong lessons from this and tries to recreate the outright dominance and exploitation he understood in his showings of Jean Jacket, and he's consumed by it. OJ then exercises a proper form of dominance over his horse to successfully draw Jean Jacket to its death, captured in an image. The way I read this all, in the end, is that the movie stands as a metaphor for Jordan Peele's difficulty in reclaiming the black image in filmmaking, and the herculean task of guiding audiences to see black art in a new light. The throughline is the idea that black actors, from the beginning, have been exploited, erased, and written off of the artistic history of filmmaking, and Peele has been charged with writing the new filmic grammar for blackness.
Seems like that'd weigh heavy on anyone's shoulders. Perhaps if that were all, you might say, that's pretty cool. Only.... well... wasn't the first half drawing a lot of parallels between the exploited black actors and the exploited animals? With that in mind, we're left with two rather problematic points. The first point concerns OJ's relationship with horses in the end. He has a certain level of respect for his horses, but he needs to exercise complete control over it. He even blindfolds it for its own good near the end so that he can make the call of when to look at Jean Jacket (if I recall correctly). So, is it then to be read that the hierarchical dominance itself isn't the issue, but it just needs to be undertaken by someone who knows how to "respect" the animal in question? The black image needs to be reclaimed by black auteurs, sure, but is it because the assertion is being made that black auteurs know how to handle the black image, the black actors that comprise it? That black actors are still objects to be handled? And that ties to the second problematic read. If you're drawing a metaphor between black workers and working animals.... where does that metaphor end, exactly? They start as coequals, Plate 626 exploits a black actor in the exact same way it exploits a horse. It's not too much of a leap from there to extend the metaphor to the end and say that black actors, much like the animals they were compared to in the beginning, are dangerous and violent but can be handled and tamed to not be so. Gross territory. Peele certainly doesn't mean this, I feel rather confident saying that. But if someone said that was their read, how would you refute it with the text? Other than a "c-cmon, man. Stop trolling."
I Saw the TV Glow tells the story of Owen, a young man who, as a child, first found expression through a 'girls show,' The Pink Opaque (as an aside, the film heavily implies that Owen is transfeminine. However, the character never transitions in the story proper. I'll stick to using he/him pronouns. I'm not 1000% certain the proper etiquette for this situation, but I think an argument can be made that it's clearer). Owen finds this show in seventh grade through Maddy, an oddball lesbian girl a couple years older than him. Owen spends nights at Maddy's house watching the show, she prepares taped episodes for him, and he develops a bit of a hidden persona through the show as he identifies with one of its protagonists (who is a girl). Maddy eventually loses herself into this TV world, she accepts who she is in a sense by entering this fictional reality. Owen tries to join her into the TV, but is caught by his step father and forcefully yanked out. Maddy disappears within it for a decade. When she returns, she finds Owen and tries to crack his egg by having him join her, by implying that The Pink Opaque was never just a show, but rather an elevated reality they can live in. In fact, an elevated reality they MUST live in, Maddy establishes life-or-death stakes. Owen doesn't accept this, he pushes Maddy down and runs away. He grows up, gets a normal life in the suburbs, finds that The Pink Opaque is nothing like he remembers, and gets a job at some sort of arcade. His existence is nightmarish there, until he strips down, slices open his chest, and sees the TV glowing inside.
What I often see in discussing the movie is that the central metaphor is one of "growing up", and the melancholy associated with a loss of one's childhood. And, every time that comes up, someone swiftly (and often, correctly) points out that the show is a metaphor for a queer or trans identity, and that there's a tragedy associated with Owen deciding that his trans identity is yet another thing he "grew out of" (though we should remember, he didn't just grow out of it; his step father beat it out of him). As trans visibility and acceptance has increased dramatically in the past 10 or so years, there are several older people who were bullied against transitioning up until now, and have decided to come out and live their truth. Concomitant with that is a deep tragedy of associating something so intrinsic to one's self with a childish foolishness to be grown out of. The movie understands this feeling and plays it tragically. Again, for clarity, I think the idea that The Pink Opaque is a metaphor for discovering ones trans identity is spot on. I just don't think that's a negation of the analyses that focus on the "growing up" aspect.
The unfortunate reality, for my taste, is that the movie falls apart in its third act when it tries to bring the metaphor between The Pink Opaque and trans identity home (with the help of some rather rough 'gaaah, i'm old now, gaaah' acting from Justice Smith). I claim that by associating trans identity with a pop culture fixation on one end, and an alternate reality on the other, the movie runs too close to bigoted conceptions of transness.
On the pop cultural fixation side, I think it's kind of belittling to tie something as heavy as trans identity with a flimsy and whimsical sort of "I really like this character on a TV show, I really identity with them." However, I think as an awakening of sorts, this is an entirely valid way to first interface with the idea you might be trans, and I don't find it to be an uncommon experience at all. Yet I think there's a lot more subsequent depth to developing one's identity that's not really explored in the movie. So, okay, shallow-to-the-point-of-being-kind-of-offensive, sure, not too big a deal, and sometimes shallowness allows the audience to construct their own depth to fill in and make the telling more personal. If someone took offense, I get it, if someone really connected with it, I get it.
On the other hand, I find the alternative reality side deeply troubling. Many live lives more blessed than mine, but I have the misfortune of consuming an unhealthy amount of right-wing, bigoted content. Their principle understanding of trans identity is that it is some sort of psychopathology characterized by a rejection of reality, right down to a negation of one's inherent genetic code (accompanied with a perpetual refusal to distinguish between sex and gender). It's not difficult to see why this is a terrain they fight on; they believe in a naturalized sex/gender hierarchy which can't really tolerate any sort of plasticity. And while the Right doesn't have a great relationship with biology in general, they've somehow clung to a flawed understanding of biology as the bedrock of this "reality" that trans people reject. Stirred into all this is a comorbid belief that those of the "left", the "woke", whatever, refuse to "grow up" and don't want to have jobs, don't want to take responsibility, don't want to face reality. The movie itself doesn't as strongly say "thinking you 'grew out' of your trans identity is a tragedy" as much as it says "growing up at all is a tragedy." It has to because it chose a childhood pop culture fixation as its load-bearing metaphor. Run this way, in my view, the film confirms the most hateful and bigoted perceptions of trans identity on the right. If you were to say the movie is about how people get bored in the suburbs and decide they miss the feeling of being a kid, the attention they got, the tv shows they watched, and just have a breakdown and call that being trans, I'd have a hard time arguing against that. Again, I don't agree, the same way I don't agree with that interpretation of Nope I made above. But I can't clearly point to the text and refute that read.
In the end, cultural hegemony presents a sort of "heads I win, tails you lose" paradigm to any sort of effort to displace it. That's what happens when a totalized, supremacist system articulates itself culturally, you end up running into these thorny patches. None of this is new, people were writing about the inability to navigate between cultural perceptions of the Mammy or the Jezebel at least as early in the 90s. Perhaps the road for these progressive, elevated films has been so narrowed by a culture that, 20 years ago, would flat-out reject them, that we're just going to have to go through some growing pains. Perhaps there will come a day where there aren't rather active (not to mention politically powerful) groups that view black people as animals or trans people as psychos, and those reads simply won't follow. Yet it may also be the case that mere representation isn't enough, and marginalized audiences should still demand more effort and care in these sorts of "elevated horror" films. I think there's still plenty of profound human experience that can be focused through these sorts of 'Metaphors of the Marginalized'. For now, for me, both films really fell apart because they knew they needed a progressive metaphor to hook in audiences, but they fell into the trap of not thinking it all the way through. I think we can do better.
submitted by John0517 to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:38 fireworkconcierge Looking for Big Fireworks? Check Out These Options!

Hey everyone,
If you're looking for big fireworks to make a statement at your next celebration, you're in the right place. Here are some top recommendations for those show-stopping moments:

Top Big Fireworks for Sale:

  1. Sky Symphony 500 Gram Cake
    • A spectacular multi-shot aerial display with vibrant colors and patterns. Perfect for a grand finale!
  2. Rainbow Blast Mortar Shells
    • Large mortar shells that explode into dazzling bursts of colors. Includes a variety of effects for a dynamic show.
  3. Patriot’s Pride Assortment
    • A selection of red, white, and blue fireworks, ideal for patriotic celebrations. Includes aerial shells and ground effects.
  4. Ultimate Pyro Power Assortment
    • A premium collection featuring a mix of aerial cakes, fountains, and specialty items. Great for creating a professional-grade display.

Out-of-State Options:

While some of the bigger fireworks are not legal to set off in Illinois, I can still help you get them. These include:
  1. Mega Burst Rockets
    • High-flying rockets that explode into massive bursts of color. Perfect for large, open areas outside of Illinois.
  2. Thunderstorm Mortars
    • Extremely powerful mortars with multiple effects. Ideal for big events in states where they are legal.
  3. Titanium Salute Cakes
    • Produces incredibly loud and bright bursts, creating a dramatic effect. Best used in out-of-state locations.
Please note: While I can provide these fireworks, I strongly advise against setting them off within Illinois due to state regulations. Always ensure you’re complying with local laws for a safe and enjoyable experience.
If you need personalized advice or want to know more about these fireworks, feel free to text me at 630-277-9379. Let’s make your celebration unforgettable with the best fireworks!
Have any favorites or recommendations of your own? Share them in the comments!
submitted by fireworkconcierge to FIreworksinChicago [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:26 Sweet-Count2557 2024 Vacation Packages

2024 Vacation Packages
2024 Vacation Packages Are you ready to embark on the ultimate vacation experience? We've got you covered with our carefully curated list of top-notch vacation packages for 2024.From all-inclusive resorts to family cruises, theme park adventures to serene camping trips, we have something for everyone's taste and preferences.Join us as we guide you through the best vacation destinations and experiences, creating unforgettable memories with your loved ones.Get ready to explore the world of vacation packages and discover the freedom of choice.Key TakeawaysThere are a variety of vacation options available for 2024, including all-inclusive resorts, family cruises, theme park/water park vacations, and national park/camping vacations.Some popular all-inclusive resorts for 2024 include Sandpiper Bay All-Inclusive Resort, Aulani, and Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa.Family cruise vacations are a popular choice, with options such as Disney Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean International, and Carnival Cruise Line.Theme park and water park vacations can be enjoyed at destinations like Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando Resort, and Six Flags Great Adventure.All-Inclusive Vacation PackagesWe've been researching all-inclusive vacation packages and have found some great options at Sandpiper Bay All-Inclusive Resort and Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa. When it comes to all-inclusive resort options, these two really stand out.Sandpiper Bay All-Inclusive Resort, located in the beautiful Port St. Lucie, Florida, offers a wide range of activities and amenities for the whole family to enjoy. From water sports and fitness classes to delicious dining options and luxurious accommodations, this resort has it all.And if you're looking for a touch of Disney magic, Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa in Oahu, Hawaii, is the perfect choice. With its stunning beachfront location, world-class entertainment, and unique Hawaiian-themed experiences, this resort truly offers something for everyone.Both resorts also offer fantastic vacation package deals, ensuring that you get the most out of your trip without breaking the bank. So whether you're looking for a relaxing getaway or a fun-filled family adventure, Sandpiper Bay All-Inclusive Resort and Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa, are definitely worth considering.Family Cruise Vacation PackagesLet's check out the latest deals on family cruise vacation packages offered by Disney Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean International, Carnival Cruise Line, Norwegian Cruise Line, and MSC Cruises. Family cruise vacations are a fantastic way to create lasting memories and enjoy quality time together. These packages offer a range of benefits, including all-inclusive amenities, exciting activities for all ages, and the opportunity to visit multiple destinations without the hassle of planning transportation and accommodations.To help you select the best family cruise vacation package, we've created a table highlighting key features of each cruise line:Cruise LineBenefitsTipsDisney Cruise Line- Disney characters and themed activities- Book early for the best prices and availabilityRoyal Caribbean International- Onboard entertainment and water parks- Consider the ship size and amenities to suit your family's preferencesCarnival Cruise Line- Variety of dining options and family-friendly entertainment- Look for discounts and promotions for added savingsNorwegian Cruise Line- Freestyle cruising and flexible dining options- Research the ship's itineraries and ports of callMSC Cruises- Kids clubs and family-friendly shore excursions- Check for special offers for families and childrenTheme Park and Water Park Vacation PackagesWe're considering booking a vacation package that includes both theme park and water park tickets. It sounds like the perfect way to have fun and cool off during the hot summer months. There are so many options out there, but we want to make sure we find the best deal and plan a budget-friendly trip.Here are some tips we've gathered for planning a theme park and water park vacation:Look for package deals: Many theme parks and water parks offer vacation packages that include tickets to both attractions. These packages often include discounted rates and additional perks like early park access or dining vouchers.Check for special promotions: Keep an eye out for special promotions or discounts that may be available. Some parks offer discounted tickets on certain days or during specific times of the year.Consider off-peak times: Visiting theme parks and water parks during off-peak times can help save money. Prices are often lower and crowds are smaller, allowing for a more enjoyable experience.Pack your own snacks and drinks: Food and beverages at theme parks and water parks can be quite expensive. To save money, bring your own snacks and drinks to enjoy throughout the day.Utilize public transportation or carpool: If possible, consider using public transportation or carpooling to the parks. This can help save money on parking fees and reduce your carbon footprint.National Park and Camping Vacation PackagesDuring our camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, we can explore the beautiful landscapes and observe the wildlife. Yellowstone is one of the best national parks for camping, offering stunning views, unique geological features, and abundant wildlife. To fully enjoy our camping experience, it's important to pack the right camping gear essentials. Here's a handy table to help us prepare for our adventure:Camping Gear EssentialsDescriptionTentProvides shelter and protection from the elementsSleeping BagKeeps us warm and comfortable at nightCamping StoveAllows us to cook delicious meals in the wildernessCamping ChairsProvides a comfortable place to relax and unwindHeadlampEssential for hands-free lighting during nighttime activitiesWith these camping gear essentials, we'll be ready to fully immerse ourselves in the beauty of Yellowstone National Park. From the iconic Old Faithful geyser to the majestic Yellowstone Falls, there's so much to explore and discover. We can hike through breathtaking trails, spot wildlife such as bears and wolves, and marvel at the colorful hot springs. Yellowstone truly offers an unforgettable camping experience.As we wrap up our camping adventure in Yellowstone, let's consider some additional resort and vacation ideas.Additional Resort and Vacation IdeasWe have several more resorts and vacation ideas to explore, including Coconut Bay Beach Resort and Spa and Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Riviera Maya. These destinations offer unique and exciting experiences for travelers seeking relaxation and adventure.Coconut Bay Beach Resort and Spa: Situated on the stunning island of Saint Lucia, Coconut Bay Beach Resort and Spa offers a luxurious all-inclusive experience. With its pristine white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush tropical gardens, this resort provides the perfect backdrop for a rejuvenating getaway. Guests can indulge in spa treatments, savor delicious cuisine at the resort's restaurants, or take part in a variety of water sports and activities.Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Riviera Maya: Located in the heart of the Riviera Maya, this resort is a dream come true for families and Nickelodeon fans. Guests can immerse themselves in the world of their favorite Nick characters, enjoy themed dining experiences, and splash around in the resort's water park. With its spacious accommodations and endless entertainment options, Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Riviera Maya guarantees a memorable vacation for all ages.Jewel Runaway Bay Beach Resort and Waterpark: Nestled on the stunning north coast of Jamaica, this all-inclusive resort offers a perfect blend of relaxation and excitement. Guests can soak up the sun on the pristine beach, explore the vibrant coral reefs, or take a thrilling ride down the resort's water slides. With its warm hospitality and breathtaking surroundings, Jewel Runaway Bay Beach Resort and Waterpark promises an unforgettable Caribbean getaway.Whether you're seeking a tranquil beach retreat or an action-packed adventure, these resorts and vacation ideas are sure to satisfy your wanderlust. So go ahead, book your next escape and experience the freedom of a truly unforgettable vacation.Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I Customize My All-Inclusive Vacation Package to Include Specific Activities or Amenities?Yes, you can definitely customize your all-inclusive vacation package to include specific activities or amenities. Whether you're looking for personalized experiences or specific amenities like spa treatments or golf outings, we've got you covered.With our wide range of options, you can tailor your vacation to suit your preferences and create unforgettable memories. From adventurous excursions to luxurious amenities, we're here to ensure that your vacation is everything you desire and more.Let's help you create the perfect getaway.Are There Any Age Restrictions or Limitations for Children on Family Cruise Vacation Packages?Age restrictions or limitations for children on family cruise vacation packages vary depending on the cruise line. Some cruise lines have minimum age requirements for infants and toddlers, while others offer special children's programs for different age groups. It's important to check with the specific cruise line to understand their policies.Family cruise vacation packages can be a great way to create lasting memories and provide fun activities for children of all ages.What Are the Best Times of Year to Visit Theme Parks and Water Parks to Avoid Crowds?The best times to visit theme parks and water parks to avoid crowds are during the off-peak seasons. These times vary depending on the specific park, so it's important to do some research.Generally, weekdays and non-holiday periods tend to be less crowded. Spring and fall can also be good times to visit as they're often less busy than the summer months.Are There Any Pet-Friendly Accommodations Available at National Parks for Camping Vacation Packages?Yes, there are pet-friendly accommodations available at national parks for camping vacation packages.Many national parks have designated campsites that allow pets, and some even offer pet-friendly amenities such as dog parks or hiking trails.It's important to check the specific rules and regulations of each park before planning your trip, as there may be restrictions on where pets are allowed.Camping with your furry friend can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors together!Are There Any All-Inclusive Vacation Packages That Cater Specifically to Couples or Adults-Only?Yes, there are all-inclusive vacation packages that cater specifically to couples or adults-only.These packages offer a romantic and relaxing escape for couples looking to spend quality time together.From secluded beach resorts to luxurious spa retreats, there are plenty of options to choose from.These adults-only resorts provide a peaceful and intimate environment, allowing couples to unwind and enjoy each other's company without any distractions.It's the perfect way to reconnect and create lasting memories together.ConclusionSo, what're you waiting for? Don't miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime!From all-inclusive resorts to thrilling cruises, there's a vacation package for everyone.Remember, life is short, so seize the day and make unforgettable memories with your loved ones.As the saying goes, 'The world is your oyster.'So start exploring and let the adventure begin!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:21 Suspicious-Truth8080 From Socially Anxious to Social Butterfly: A Very Comprehensive Guide

Tl;dr I used to struggle with social anxiety. However, by spending around 3 years learning and practising social skills, I’ve managed to overcome most of my anxiety and socialise with a ton of meaningful friends. Here's a Tl;dr of the tips, without going into depth:
My background
4-6 years ago, I was a socially anxious introvert. Three years ago, I joined a class full of extroverts. I slowly began talking and doing really stupid stuff that I regret. Despite the setbacks, though, I would go on, year by year learning from my mistakes. Today, I talk with around 150 people across many classes whenever I want. I have an amazing best friend and a solid friend group.
I am still introverted; I don't like going to youth clubs or partying, and I feel drained after being with people. I still feel anxious around new people and people I like, but I’ve crossed a huge milestone today, by confessing my feelings to a girl I liked for 1.5 years and moving on. So overall, my anxiety has significantly reduced, and this is everything I used to get to this point where I can start conversations and become friends with almost anyone.
This guide is really detailed, and it took me years to implement a lot of these things, I am still not done implementing everything myself, so take this guide slowly. It’s going to be a long journey that will last many years.
Before talking
The first thing to consider before engaging in conversation is the purpose. Why are you talking? What do you hope to achieve from the conversation?
Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy suggests that we should treat humanity as an end in itself, not merely as a means to an end. For example, if your objective is simply to have sex, you’re using another person as a means to that end. However, if your goal is to genuinely connect and learn about someone, then the conversation's purpose keeps humanity alive and is valid. The important thing is to not objectify humans in one’s purpose.
A positive purpose is amazing. Positivity is more influential than negativity, like how optimism beats pessimism. Try to be as positive as possible, this does not mean lying. Just don't say the negative thing on your mind, and instead choose the positive version. When speaking about others, maintain a positive tone: Having a negative purpose, shows insecurity, and also just generally leads to unhealthy relationships. (I am not going to go into detail about relationships here, because this is socialskills).
Once you have a purpose, it’s time to prepare by being in an environment where talking happens. While discord is convenient, real life is SOOO much more worth it. If you don't find school or work, a great place, clubs, or groups where people share your passions are amazing.
But what should you prepare to talk about? Literally, anything you find interesting. For instance, a couple of months ago, I watched Steins: Gate, my favourite anime. Then a couple of weeks ago, I noticed someone in school watching anime and struck up a conversation about anime, and it led to a longer conversation about our favourite anime.
So prepare by having opinions, thoughts, and curiosity for anything that interests you, like events that are happening, feelings for someone or something (Bold), opinions, sports, movies, or work.
The key is to be prepared by having a ton of knowledge in a variety of topics.
Social Etiquette
Social etiquette plays a HUGE role in our conversation. It’s an unspoken truth that we will hesitate to engage with someone who appears to be a mess or is distracted.
Having the right social etiquette makes a massive difference. First, and something very important, your first impressions are better. A bonus is that you feel more confident to approaching others, and are approachable yourself.
Being approachable means physically: Showering, brushing teeth, good clothes, etc. It also means not using one's phone, sunglasses, headphones or other distractions whilst or before talking.
Social etiquette is also in one's mental state as well: Being nervous or anxious shows in conversation, and it is not great.
I imagine it's a very difficult journey for everyone to beat their mental side that makes one, anxious and or nervous. It could be like years of trauma from one's childhood. So this is mostly for oneself to figure out, but here's how I beat it and became more confident:
I ran with the mindset “Fake it till you become it”. I also told myself other mindsets, like “Be the best version of myself” and “It's going to be okay, no matter what”.
When I was anxious, I would focus on exhaling longer than inhaling, like a 3-second inhale, a 6-second exhale, or use the 3-3-3 method (identify 3 objects and 3 sounds, then move 3 body parts.). After coming back to my own mind, I would think “3,2,1, go for it” if I was in a conversation or if I was in a conversation, I say “Sorry, I can’t think, can you give me a minute” or “Sorry, can you repeat from x” (x being the last thing I heard).
I would also go on rational thought experiments, asking myself, “When was the last time you remembered an awkward moment from someone who isn’t a close friend?”. It led me to realise "Well that's how others see your awkward moment”. It's pretty much the same mindset for others judging you, “Everyone is thinking about themselves, so nobody is thinking about you". It’s called the spotlight effect.
You can also notice others' Social Etiquette, both physically and mentally. By noticing these things in other people, you can indirectly find out if you are approachable.
When you have the basic preparations, the next part is preparing how to be engaging and interesting. How to be a likeable person.
Personally, I think people can be boring, but by learning charisma, you can go from being boring to being genuinely interesting. Instead of just saying whatever, you deliberately deliver the best of what you are going to say. (In mainstream media, it’s known as rizz. But I think rizz and charisma have become 2 different things by now.)
True charisma isn’t about faking your personality; it’s about amplifying the best aspects of it. It’s about developing a character so strong that others’ opinions become ideas rather than definitive truths.
Developing charisma includes being consistent—keeping promises, telling the truth, and showing respect for both yourself and others. For instance, it's more confident to say "I am kinda nervous”, smiling, rather than, “No, I am confident", whilst being nervous. This is because, by admitting the truth, you show vulnerability, and as an added bonus you are smiling. Just having that positive energy, whilst showing that, being nervous does not define your character is charismatic. Alone, your positive energy can actually create a positive and fun vibe. But let me explain more deeply:
Charisma rests on three foundational concepts: presence, power, and warmth.
To cultivate more presence, practice focused attention. This can be done by doing meditation or lots of practice. The goal with presence is to make them feel great. This could be by letting talk them about themselves, which in turn mostly leads to conversations. This is counterintuitive, it’s because everybody loves talking about themselves and most do not want to leave others out. That leads the conversation to go back to you, whilst also showing that you are attentive and care for the other person.
Power and Warmth
These traits are more nuanced. Albert Mehrabian, a body language researcher, found that communication is 55% non-verbal, 38% vocal, and only 7% words.
So first, the right body language is crucial. There are tons of videos (I recommend Charisma on Command, to see others' body language analysis or specific Ted Talks about body language.) and research on this, but to summarise most of the advice: Smile genuinely, maintain appropriate eye contact, and use a ton of open and expressive body language.
Smiling and eye contact can come with training, eye contact by faking it, and for smiling, I recommend gratitude because fake smiles can be seen. For most, they genuinely smile, whilst showing gratitude or complimenting others. If that does not work, I recommend professional help.
For open and expressive body language, that's using hands, and arms whilst talking. I seriously recommend watching videos on it, because I can not show it on text. It also involves posture, walking, standing, sitting, and expression by touching.
I am a fan of acronyms, and a widely used acronym is SOLER acronym: “Sit squarely,” “Open posture,” “Lean towards the other,” “Eye contact,” and “Relax.”.
For vocal confidence, it's mostly just continuing to adopt the confidence mindset “It’s going to be okay, no matter what happens,”, because it helps you get the right energy whilst talking. This also helps by replacing hesitations like “uhmm” with purposeful pauses, which give your words weight and allow you to speak more deliberately. For example, slowing one's speed when talking about serious matters to convey gravity, and maintaining a casual tone for lighter topics. The aim is to use vocals to best, bring another person into one's world, show empathy, and storytell.
Like, storytelling is amazing. Engaging storytelling by having a hook, middle and end, acting out characters with different pitches and also “sound effects” gets people interested, and also leaves a lasting memory. Seriously, I went all out on a story about falling off my cycle to my friends, and they talked and remembered it almost 6 months later. I did not realise how amazing storytelling was until that happened.
This adds a ton of warmth, by bringing a fun vibe. Later, by adding vulnerability and initiating taboo subjects, you also show power, because your character is strong and you do not care about others' opinions. This is the word part of the conversation.
One of the most important things I learned is: People do not remember what you said, they remember how you made them feel. Charisma focuses on having fun and amplifying feelings a ton. By having a ton of positive and uplifting energy, whilst making the other person feel amazing, you basically have just got yourself a friend for life. (At least in memories.)
What about starting a conversation? I think small talk is overused. I feel like there are so many topics to go into, so why not use the topics that you have prepared or use the acronym HEFE — Acronym for Hobbies, Entertainment, Food, and Environment.
I often opt for Environment or Entertainment as my first talk. For instance, I recently noticed someone reading a book and I simply asked, “What book are you reading?”. This led to a longer conversation about the book contents, then later to shared interests in anime and book recommendations.
So even deeper in the environment, you could try observing something about the person or their actions and express genuine curiosity. It could be anything from a ring—“Is there a story behind that ring?”—to them working on something—“What are you working on?” The goal is to simply show interest and initiate conversation.
Not every conversation will be long, and that’s perfectly fine. The key is persistence and reflection. Again, chances are, in five years, the only person, who will remember that awkward moment while lying in bed is you.
But what if the conversation is long? How do you keep a conversation going?
During Conversation
I used to always overthink whilst in conversation. Like if you read this far, yea you can see I overthink a lot... 8 hours into writing this...
Here’s a really good piece of advice: Don’t overthink the conversation. If your mind wanders, or you keep thinking about what to say next, you’ll miss out on the most effective way to keep a conversation going: Active listening. You can also show it by nodding and making the listening sound, like an occasional nod and "hmm."
Deepening the conversation
Here’s a life hack to keep a conversation going: When somebody finishes saying something, summarise, then say whatever you were going to say. It shows that you were listening, and gives you a little time to think. It’s even possible to pause to think. It should not be “I am going to say this when you finish.". It could be "Summary, (Pause to think), (thought/opinion/curiosity/something related, etc)".
There's another part to this trick, most surface-level conversations, can lead to deeper conversations if you ask open-ended questions. For instance, if someone says the good old, “I’m doing fine,” you could actually dive deeper by asking, “What makes your days good / What brings you joy? (Basically, why are you doing fine, instead of good, but saying that is kind of odd, yea, no.)”.
An easy response to an open-ended question is “(Summary), (My own answer to the open-ended question that was asked (By me)), (New open-ended question)”. This keeps the conversation flowing without it feeling like an interview.
If you have reached this point in conversation, you’re likely going to be friends. This is where you can start asking more personal questions. A useful acronym for deeper topics is FORD: Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams. If you’re speaking with a stranger, it can be polite to start your personal questions with “May I ask”. This isn’t always necessary, but it can help establish boundaries, and I always use it. This is because they always have the option to say no to answering the question. A deepening question here could be, “May I ask, what are your dreams for the future?”. It’s personal, but it’s not like crazy deep.
For even longer conversations and or deeper conversations, you have hit the jackpot. If it's a conversation with an acquaintance, you might even consider going into core values, personal challenges, taboo subjects, etc. Questions like “May I ask, what do you value most in life?” or “May I ask, what have been your past experiences with relationships?”, These questions can bring a ton of strong emotions, but also vulnerability. It may seem scary, but it's actually really rewarding and fun.
Eventually, every conversation comes to an end. Recognising when to stop is a practicable skill that can prevent a lot of awkward moments. A smooth way to finish a conversation is, “I’ve got to go, but I’d love to hear one last thing from you.” This signals the end of the conversation while allowing for one last thing. I think it's better than "Well, I have got to go, bye" (After a 1-hour conversation, randomly), but still both work fine.
Here's a thing to remember:
Not everyone is open to deep conversations all the time, many people are more open-minded when the timing and environment are right. I think most happen in one-on-one conversations. Deep conversations in groups are really, really rare. Still, deep conversations are worth it because they are incredibly meaningful. For instance, I once had a two-hour very deep conversation with an acquaintance about religion, life, and politics, and it all began when he heard and asked me about leaving my religion. It does not only have to be that; I have had a few deep conversations, about crushes and relationships.
The thing is that I think closer friends are more open, It was pretty chill with my best friend, I literally just said, "I found this website with deep questions.". Then I literally just asked very deep questions. We actually had already talked about many taboo subjects already, from other deeper conversations.
The key is to be open and respectful, and then take advantage when the opportunity for a deep conversation comes.
After conversations
What I have just been doing above is reflecting a ton. When there's so much information, it's super important to reflect. For instance, I used to suck at using my hands while talking, and storytelling, but by reflecting on what I could have done better, I slowly got better at using my hands and storytelling.
At the end of the day, I got better at just going for it. This is also, the most important thing, in many things in life, including socialising. If you never try, you are not giving yourself a fair chance.
If you have read through this humongous guide, congratulations! You now know how to master conversations. If you have not read it, come on, give yourself a chance.
This is just one resource, and later learning from another place, like, personally I loved Mark Manson's work, Ted Talks or Charisma on Command on YouTube. This guide is not perfect, and I am not an expert. This is just everything I learned, going from being socially anxious to beating my anxiety. If you are struggling with something specific, search for it, research it, and always don't be stuck with a closed mind, when it comes to social skills. Always have a growth mindset and remember the most important thing in socialising:
Practice makes perfect.
Written by Tamim, why did I just spend like 11 hours straight on this, lol. I should eat and drink water. Well, it’s my first piece of advice. If anyone reads this essay, was it good? Wait, fuck, I forgot to write about humour. AUUGHH.
submitted by Suspicious-Truth8080 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:08 True_Spell3438 Partner Search!!!! (M4A)

Howdy l've been role-playing and writing in general for at least a decade. I am a Male who can play male and female characters. I have original ideas all over and a lot of Fandoms I'm in, which I'Il include below. I'm looking for OCXOC. Every character must be 18+ I have plenty of original characters and ideas along with fandom plots.
For original ideas, i like action, horror and a variety of other sub-genres. with depending romance. I do have a variety. I really like monsters and creepy things from the horror genre like vampires and Tentacles, and l even have my own idea set up in modern times dealing with vampires and hunters and all of that i also enjoy eldritch type horror. I also like old-school slasher films and space sci-fi horror similar to the Alien Franchise.
Now on fandoms! To get some other things down, l only play OC. The anime fandoms i like are Jojo's, Chainsaw Man, Naruto, JJK, Soul Eater, and more. I'm well versed in the Jojo's, Naruto, and JJK, and soul eater fandoms, though it's been a while since ĂŻ've stopped keeping up with soul eater. Other fandoms im in include Percy Jackson, Call of Duty, Marvel, and DC.
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character. These are very thorough and usually consist of names, backgrounds, and personalities, along with an in-depth look on appearance. More so on appearances, I don't usually use picture references, but I will if you would like me to.
The types of characters I write are the lone wolf type that has some sad past, which leads them to potentially go off the rails and gain a villain arc.I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attracted as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though.
I love seeing the characters go past theurge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others' lineage or upcoming I also love good written trauma moments. Like character death's, moments of pain and strife only to see the characters to deal and either be consumed or overcome them. I tend to either come up with original ideas for these scenes or use anime scenes as inspiration with narrative tweaks.
I think my two biggest requirements are creativity and good pacing. Like any story, I feel these two things are very necessary to make a good story. Now, by Creativity, I don't mean you need to bring absolute craziness into the story, but abilities, character etc need to have some good genuine thought put into them. Along with that comes good pacing, which means I don't personally care about response length, and mine will vary from scene to scene accordingly.
I'm pretty much done if you have any questions. I'm here, and I'd love to hear back from you in chat the password is your favorite color. Supply it in chat only.
submitted by True_Spell3438 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:57 pje1128 [BtS] My first impressions of Before the Storm!

I have finally played Before the Storm, and I wanted to share my thoughts on the game! I've done this before back when I played Life is Strange 2 about a year ago, and people seemed to respond to it well, so I thought I'd make another post!
So I played the original Life is Strange back when it first came out and loved it, so when I first heard of Before the Storm, I was excited. Then I learned that it was made by a different dev team, and Chloe's actress was different along with a lot of the other characters. That all turned me away from the game initially, and then 2 was announced to be an anthology rather than a direct continuation, and at that point, I really stopped paying attention to the series. But one day, I saw 2 on a great sale alongside True Colors, which I hadn't actually heard of yet, but I had some money to spare, so I picked them both up. I replayed the first game to get back in the mood and then finally decided to jump in to the second, and I loved it. If you look at the post above, you'll see that I decided I would hop in to TC next, but I never actually did that when I learned there was a connection to BtS through the character of Steph, so I wanted to play this first. Unfortunately, by that time, I was jobless and couldn't afford to purchase the prequel, so I put the series on pause again.
Fast forward to this week, where I've finally been able to able to make the purchase, and I'm back! And let me tell you, first impressions were strong! It's so nice to be back in Arcadia Bay with all these familiar characters again, especially with Chloe. While I do still think it's a shame that they couldn't get Ashly Burch back for this (aside from the bonus episode), I think Rhianna DeVries did a great job of capturing Chloe's spirit while putting her own twist on the character, and I do think it helped the game find its own identity rather than just feeling like an expansion to Life is Strange. The other voice actors for the returning characters also did a really good job of portraying their characters, and I probably wouldn't have noticed how many were different if I didn't go into it already knowing that.
As for the game as a whole, I have to say, it didn't hit me as hard emotionally as the other two. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it. I thought it was great, and I was sucked into the story much more quickly than I was for the others, probably because I already knew Chloe and was already attached to her as a character. The main disconnect for me is just the fact that this is a prequel. Part of the emotional attachment for me in these games is the fact that they're choice-based, so the way I play will have an impact on the way the character's lives will play out after I'm no longer in control. While that's not untrue of this game, I already know exactly what will happen to these characters shortly after this game is complete. I mean, seriously, every time Rachel came onscreen, I couldn't help but think about how she's going to be killed by Jefferson in a year or two, however long it is. (Also, I seriously hate Mark Jefferson. That was a true statement before this game, but it has been reinforced now.) It's difficult to really care about how my choices will impact this story when I know for a fact I can't save the person Chloe cares about the most (aside from Max, though I'd argue she cares more about Rachel during the time that this story is taking place).
So that's my major complaint of the game out of the way, so let's get into the rest of the game. First of all, it was great getting to finally meet Rachel Amber. It was actually kind of crazy how much my reaction mimicked Chloe's in the first episode when she was excited and a little nervous to ditch school and hang out with her. I mean, she was talked about so much in the original game that it was exciting to finally get to meet her, especially with how well people regarded her to Max. It really did feel like I was finally getting to hang out with the popular kid, which was pretty cool. I also really liked seeing Chloe and Rachel's relationship grow. It felt like they moved to completely trusting each other a little too quickly. Maybe a little bit of time could have passed between the episodes to make that feel a little more like a naturally-developing lifelong bond as opposed to a sudden infatuation. That being said though, I do think it fit Chloe's impulsive behavior, and it does make sense that Rachel would need an outsider to feel like she can be herself with since she's put on a face with everyone else. Ultimately, it worked for me, and I was able to buy and root for their fast relationship.
The plotline of Rachel's family was fine, though I felt it was a little predictable. Granted, I was spoiled for this game a long time ago, so long ago that I don't actually remember what the spoiler was at this point other than it had something to do with Rachel's mom, so it's probably not a coincidence that I very quickly guessed that Sera was actually Rachel's birth mother. Maybe it wasn't as predictable if you just went in completely blind. Even so, I think it was a good storyline to choose as a way to explain Rachel's vulnerability towards Chloe and give Chloe something to focus on after her father's death.
Speaking of her father, I really liked the dream sequences she had with him. I mean, they were really sad, but it was such a good way of showing how she just couldn't move on. Her life was stuck in this moment, and she'd never figured out how to keep living and caring anymore, especially with Max gone. The only person in her life she cared about anymore was her mother, but even their relationship was strained by the way Chloe couldn't be polite and honest with her at the same time. It wasn't until she met Rachel and had someone else she could be herself with and something else to focus on that she was able to move forward with her life. She still brought her dad with her, as that scene where she talks to him on the side of the road before confronting Merrick at the mill, but she wasn't stuck just watching him die anymore. I thought that storyline of Chloe learning to accept her grief and move forward was exceptionally well done.
I want to talk about the final choice a bit, because I thought it was pretty underwhelming to be honest. With both the first and second game, I spent a long time thinking on that final choice screen about what I want to do. I didn't hesitate a second here. In fact, I think it was the easiest choices in the game for me. I am someone who thinks the idea of "protecting someone from the truth" is just another way of hurting them even more in the long run. On top of that, Chloe strikes me as someone who is brutally honest with everyone. So from both a player perspective and a character perspective, there was no way I was keeping that truth from Rachel. It was still pretty evenly split on the final results screen though, so maybe it was a more difficult choice for others, but for me, I had zero doubts and have zero regrets.
Speaking of the final results screen, apparently there is a way for Rachel to meet her mother!? I tried my hardest to convince Sera during our final meeting, but thought that it must not be possible once I got to the end, but apparently it is because it's right there on the stats page. So I'll have to go back and try to replay for that at some point.
Finally, I need to discuss that post-credits scene of Chloe trying to call Rachel while Jefferson was taking pictures of her in his studio. That just felt cruel. They didn't need to put that there. Like I said before, I thought of the tragic way Rachel's story would end pretty much everytime she was onscreen but actually seeing that (or I guess hearing it is more accurate)...ugh, it gave me chills and left me extremely disturbed. I mean, I get that's the reaction they were going for, but we all knew she would end up there. Did we really need to see it? I don't think I actually dislike them putting that there, it just sickened me a bit to actually witness that scene in any way. Once again, fuck Jefferson.
And I should probably talk about the bonus episode. I thought it was fun, though it felt more like a bonus episode of Life is Strange than Before the Storm. Still, it was cool to be back in Max's head, and it was nice hearing Ashly Burch as Chloe one more time. It was cool to see Chloe and Max as childhood best friends for really the first time (aside from when Max time traveled through the photo that one time, which I guess was actually right before this episode.) It was also really interesting to see Chloe before she lost both her dad and Max. She was still a little troublesome, but also focused on her studies and future a lot more than the Chloe we know now. I like that we got to see that side of her, even for just a little bit. And even though I figured out what day this was set pretty early into the episode, it was extremely sad seeing the episode's end. I just feel so sad for Chloe. She's had a rough life.
Anyway, I've written way too much. Thank you so much for reading it all if you got here! I love this series a lot, and I do plan to get to True Colors shortly now that it's the last one I have left! I'll probably post here again when I do so since I like sharing my opinions and thoughts but don't actually know anyone who's as into these games as I am right now. I'm really curious to hear other people's opinions on Before the Storm, particularly if they differ from what I've expressed here, so let me know what your thoughts are!
submitted by pje1128 to lifeisstrange [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:23 No_Mulberry2967 Utouto Suyasuya 1.1.1

Utouto Suyasuya 1.1.1
You can get this game here
Modapkloo . Com
Utouto Suyasuya Android Mod APK is an old-school role-playing game that enables players have fascinating adventures in their fantasies.
A interesting story revolves on a little girl with horrible nightmares. Due to its many unique and intriguing characteristics, the dream world is always new to players.
Dogas Utouto Suyasuya Mod APK lets you play the main female character. Helping the girl find her dream requires deciphering the enigmatic sentences in her dream.
There are other small tasks to accomplish, but the most crucial is helping the girl wake up from her dreams.
Imaginary illusions when sleeping pose a serious risk. It may hurt the girl. You must use hypnosis carefully to keep Utouto asleep while solving those puzzles to escape.
Players must watch her facial expressions to avoid dangerous people.
After finishing each work, make sure you have all the gear for your expedition. In this mod, stuff will help you overcome many obstacles.
If you meet all Utouto Suyasuya Mod APK Full Game requirements, you can quickly exit your fantasy.
This change is incomplete. The story's ending depends on how long you spend discovering the puzzle.
Every player can also create their own playstyle and experiment to find it. There is no timeline for risky events. Because of this, gamers must be more vigilant.
submitted by No_Mulberry2967 to Moregame [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:15 coblackmagus In-depth Growth Types Mechanics Guide

In-depth Growth Types Mechanics Guide
Hey all, I've been doing a deep dive into understanding how Growth Types work and wanted to share my findings in a guide. The majority of what I'll discuss has been a combination of my own testing combined with information available at the Japanese wiki: . I'll just list out summary points along with some color supporting it. Towards the end I will have some helpful tables showing growth types and how their combinations interact.
  1. Not that important: First, it's worth having a disclaimer that growth types don't really matter that much. You can go through the entire game having no idea what they are and be fine, and if your squads are struggling, understanding growth types (probably) isn't going to be the magic bullet to fix them; there is probably something more fundamental going on. That said, I'm going to try to highlight what to look for where there is the most room for improvement in optimizing a unit's growth types and cases where they're most likely to have an impact.
  2. Order doesn't matter: Simple point, but I was confused for awhile. There's no functional difference between Growth Type 1 and Growth Type 2, and the order of the Types is irrelevant.
  3. Stats from Growth Types are class-independent: This one isn't necessarily obvious or intuitive. You might assume that a class with an S-rank in a stat would see more of a stat bonus from a growth type tailored to it than a character with an F-rank, but in fact, they're exactly the same. There are 3 fairly independent components that determine a character's stats: 1) A class-based component that increases as the character levels, 2) A growth type component that increases as the character levels, and 3) A growth type component that is completely independent of a character's level. Of course, certain stats still lend themselves to being good candidates for improvement if they're already a class's strong suit (e.g. Evasion), but don't be overly influenced by a class's growth rates when choosing growth types.
  4. A growth type's weaknesses are just as important as their strengths: This one is also not immediately obvious, given that the naming conventions only emphasize their most buffed stat, but each growth type (other than All-Rounder) penalizes some combination of stats, and choosing the best candidates for your Idealist's Handmirrors is largely a matter of figuring out which characters are penalized the worse in areas they don't want to be. For example, Defensive, Lucky, and Go-Getter are the most negative traits for penalizing Attack. Any class that relies on their Attack stat(s) for dealing damage will generally want to avoid doubling up on any combination of these lest their damage output be neutered.
  5. Some stats are easier to get via Growth Types than items: And vice-versa. This isn't really a mechanics point, so much as it is a practical observation. It is much easier in the game to increase Accuracy, Evasion, Crit Rate, or Guard via items, skills, effects, etc., or for that matter see the stat ignored entirely (via Truesight, Unguardable attacks, guaranteed Criticals, etc.), than it is e.g. to increase Attack. Growth Types seem to treat the "equivalent value" of all stats on nearly-equal footing, whereas the rest of the game (and how much of an impact that stat actually has) clearly does not. For this reason, Offensive is a premium Growth Type. To a lesser extent, Defense is also a fairly difficult stat to raise, but Defensive carries the largest Attack penalty of any growth type; similarly with Initiative and Go-Getter having a large Atk penalty. In portions of this guide, for simplicity I will be comparing the total stat gain of various growth types, but bear in mind not all stats are created equally.
  6. There is a significant stat incentive to mix different Growth Types: This one is a little complicated to explain, but it's easier if you reference the table below. For the level-independent component that Growth Types provide, each type has various values for each stat. The values for the two Growth Types get added together and divided by 2, except the result is always rounded up. In other words, you get a "bonus" stat point every time the sum of two Growth Types is an odd number. Because a number added to itself is always even, two identical growth types will never see any bonus from this effect.
Level-independent Growth Type Stat Bonus
  1. From the previous point, we can calculate how many "bonus stats" are obtained by combining certain Growth Types. The table below all possible combinations (obviously the table is mirrored along the diagonal, and no bonus is seen when a growth type is combined with itself).
Bonus stats obtained for each possible Growth Type combination

Putting this together, what are the best growth types?

This is largely going to be a matter of opinion, class-dependent, and keep in mind that points 5 and 6 are somewhat at odds with one another. However, I will try to list some stat combinations that I find most worth considering:
  • Offensive/Offensive: Despite the lack of bonus stats, if a character purely wants damage, it's worth forgoing any irrelevant "bonus stats" by doubling up here. As stated earlier, all stats are not created equally, and sometimes you just want Attack.
  • Offensive/All-Rounder: For many cases though, this is worth considering for classes that primarily deal damage but also want to be able to take some hits. You'll see better Def at a marginal cost of Atk, along with some Accuracy and Evasion thrown in.
  • Hardy/Defensive: This combination is great for any character that acts as a tank. You get significantly better Defense than Hardy/Hardy while still not incurring the drastic Atk penalty of Defensive/Defensive.
  • Hardy/All-Rounder: If you want something tankier than Offensive/All-Rounder but that hits harder than Hardy/Defensive, Hardy/All-Rounder is probably up your alley. These two growth types mesh very well with good bonus stats across the board. Side note that Offensive/Defensive is also another candidate, but I think in general Hardy/All-Rounder is slightly better.
  • Go-GettePrecise: If a character doesn't care about Attack and Accuracy at all (thinking of Selvie/Shamans here), then Go-GetteGo-Getter is still your best bet. For anyone else that wants to focus on initiative though (e.g. Thieves/Rogues), Go-GettePrecise sacrifices very little Initiative for significantly improved offense in the form of Accuracy and Atk.
Some thoughts on other growth types:
Guardian is pretty much never optimal. It's not disastrous if you see it on a story character, since fortunately doesn't see any large negatives, but it's pretty much always outclassed by Hardy. I really can't think of a situation where Guardian would be the preferred choice. Guard Rate is fairly useless on characters without shields due to base Guard Efficiency being only 25%. It would be best on a character with a Greatshield due to 75% damage reduction, but almost all of them have such high Phys Def (and have skills that uses Medium/Heavy Guard automatically anyway) that Guard Rate isn't going to move the needle anyway. Not to mention that it doesn't help these classes' worst matchups which is Unguardable attacks or Magic damage. Maybe Berengaria, a Shieldshooter, or Amalia could be a candidate for Guardian/All-Rounder if you wanted better tanking vs. physical units. But really, it's pretty much a Growth Type you'll never willingly choose.
Keen is very similar to All-Rounder. You'll notice in the two tables that Keen behaves similarly to All-Rounder in how it performs and which Growth Types it synergizes with. For the most part, you can substitute it for cases where you would use All-Rounder if you would prefer, but I generally would recommend All-Rounder as I believe Accuracy/Evasion are more impactful in most cases.

A few examples for the Idealist's Handmirror:

I'll go over a couple examples for what I think about a character and how impactful changing their Growth Types would be.
Alain: I'll cover him since he's the main lord. All-RoundeAll-Rounder is not bad, as it has no significant penalties, and Alain is fine to have balanced stats, so I think he's not really in need of a mirror use. That said, if you do decide to mirror him, I believe Offensive/All-Rounder is a fairly easy (if not minor) upgrade. Hardy/All-Rounder is the alternative is you're more defensively than offensively inclined.
Leah: This is an example, in my opinion, of a high-priority Handmirror usage (assuming you want to use her of course). It's also an example of a trap players may fall into when hiring mercenaries of just setting Growth Types to a character's best stats; ostensibly a class with high Initiative/Evasion should double down on their strengths, but the negatives outweigh the positives here. Lucky/Go-Getter are two Atk-reducing Growth Types, significantly hurting her damage potential (especially early-game). A change to Offensive/All-Rounder results in a whopping ~5 Atk increase, and while it's at the cost of a similar amount of evasion, it's much easier to increase evasion than it is to increase Atk. Seems like Aramis was onto something here. (side note that you can alternatively substitute Keen for All-Rounder if you want more crit rate at the cost of Accuracy/Evade).
Eltolinde: Defensive/Precise is a combo that gives a lot of bonus stats, but still is quite bad as it's not really what she wants. While many classes like offensive Growth Types, this is especially true any class that deals damage using both Physical and Magical Attack, as they get twice the normal benefit from Growth Types (items typically only buff one of these stats). I would rank Eltolinde as a high-priority mirror candidate. Offensive/All-Rounder is ideal for getting her offenses up to par (and it's a fairly large increase!) while still maintaining some of the bulk of her original Growth Type. Alternatively, she can just follow her sister's lead and go full Offensive/Offensive if you simply don't care about extra Defense.


If you're still with me, thanks for reading all this, and hopefully you learned something. I'll reiterate my first point that growth types (generally) don't matter too much, but I would say consider the value of mixing growth types when hiring mercenaries or using the Handmirror.
submitted by coblackmagus to UnicornOverlord [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:06 Atthewall VsCode Extension Dev: Build Stunning Webviews with React & TailwindCSS

Hi folks, today i want to write up a quick piece on how you can build stunning webviews using the latest web technologies such as React and Tailwind for your current, future, or in progress vscode extensions.
If you want to jump straight to the code, view the following repo:


Last week I set out to build a vscode extension because I had an idea of something that would save me time marketing my websites. I never developed VsCode Extensions in the past and thought "hey, this should be easy enough. It's Microsoft. How hard could it be?". Well, it wasn't straightforward and i'm hoping I can share my learnings with you all.

Project Setup

Start off reading the guide:, which should show the "Hello world" toast message. For the options, I selected: "New Extension (Typescript)". I bundled with Webpack, but switched to esbuild. I think I regretted that decision afterwards, but it shouldn't matter which one you select. I probably would stick with Webpack if i had to do it again. If you ran into issues with the "hello world" guide like me, try restarting and downloading the latest VSCode, which fixed my issue.

Webview Terminology

I was a bit confused between these three: WebviewViewProviders, WebviewView, WebviewPanels, Webviews, Editors, and Views. Here are my short explanation for each and how they're connected.
View: Views are containers. These containers are rendered either on the Sidebar, Secondary Sidebar, or the bottom panel. You cannot render a view in the Editor Panel. There are different kind of views. The two most common are TreeViews and WebviewView.
Editor: The main area where you edit your files. They differ from views as they're designed to last a very short amount of time. Users can quickly remove these panels from the main area.
Webview: Think of a webview as an iframe. Webview's can either live inside of a view or an editor panel.
WebviewView: This is a container that renders web content. Each WebviewView will live within an iframe and can only communicate with your extension via post messages. This can be a little hard to wrap your mind around at first, but once you start thinking of WebviewView's as iframes, it makes it easier to understand.
WebviewViewProvider: A WebviewViewProvider connects the WebviewView to the extension's ecosystem. Once it's registered, we can specify where we want to render this view through package.json.
WebviewPanel: Renders a webview in the main editor area. Most vscode guides give great examples of how to create webview panels:
View -> Webview -> WebviewView -> WebviewViewProvider Editor -> Webview -> WebviewPanel

Separating HTML from TS

I don't know about you, but I don't like my html paired with my typescript. Not to be confused with .tsx, which I very much like. Most React apps have an entry index.html file. We need to replicate this behavior as well.
This is the commit, where I separated my html from extension TS. You can put your entry file wherever. In that CL, I tried using the bundler (esbuild) to copy the html file to the `dist` folder. But, I ultimately used copy-and-watch and added a script to copy the html file to `dist`.
If you look closely at the html file, I have a custom templating syntax for variables. I got the idea from GitLens. Again, you can probably get super fancy with this and use something like jinja, mustache, or others, but i didn't want to learn template systems. So I used regex and built this simple function to replace the variables. Also, vscode extensions have strict content policies, to avoid you from reading from other extension scripts. Make sure to include the meta tag containing the csp source and nonce in order to load your local files.
The other important things to highlight are the webview options and URIs. Make sure to enableScripts if using scripts and set your extension directory as an array entry in `localResourceRoots` in order to load your resources. Lastly, URIs are a little confusing. Just remember that uris inside your html need to be called wrapped with `asWebviewUri`. WIthout it you'll see 500 errors. Any URIs you call from your extension code do not need to be wrapped.

Tailwind CSS

I love tailwind. Most webdevs do. Utility-first css framework means we don't need to manage our own CSS rules or using preprocessors like Sass.
This is the commit, where I added tailwind. Follow the installation guide here: Since I was using ESBuild, I originally began with the PostCSS instructions. But, later switched to the Tailwind CLI, since I was running into issues with esbuild. If webpack has a postcss plugin, you can give that a go, but i'm not an expert on bundling and didn't want to spend time learning another new system. I opted for the Tailwind CLI and added the following script to my package.json: { "watch:css": "npx tailwindcss -i ./src/main.css -o ./dist/main.css --watch" }
This will watch for any changes across my app and create a new css entrypoint in my dist folder. Configure your webview html to read the css uri (remember to wrap the uri with asWebviewUri when passing it down to your html).


I like to manage application state with react and jotai. It's something i understand annd know. But, without an opinionated framework like nextjs, i wondered how I could get the things i know and understand to work in webviews.
This is the commit, where I added react. For each webview, I have a react entry point. In that commit, it's home.tsx. I use react-dom to render the app at the bottom of the file: ``` (() => { const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root")!);
root.render(); })() ```
The code is executed immediately when the webview loads. If you need to do complicated stuff like pass state from your extension to your webview, I had to make my extension wait for a post message from my webview to let it know that it was ready to receive extension data. If you fire state before that theres a chance your react app hasn't completely finished initializing.
In order for you to use browser specifics like window, document, etc inside of your tsx, you'll need to create 2 tsconfigs: one for your tsx, which contains dom compiler lib and one for extension ts. The extension tsconfig was also set to ignore tsx files. If you do this step correctly, you shouldn't see vscode complaining about your html inside your tsx file.
Now that the compiler is happy, we actually need to bundle this with our extension. For that, I created another esbuild file. Again, i'm no bundler expert. I couldn't fidn anything about combining 2 different builds in a single esbuild. I think webpack has better support for this scenario. Creating a different esbuild file was the easier option for me. But, it meant that i had two scripts to build my ts and tsx.


If you want your extension to watch for html, css, ts, and tsx changes you need to create launch tasks, which are found here: .vscode/tasks.json. If you used the vscode generator to create your project, you'll see you have two tasks that watch for esbuild and typescript changes. You'll want to add each of your watch scripts as tasks. Each time you run the VSCode Extension RunneDebugger, it'll execute your watch tasks for you so you don't have to do it yourself. But, you need to let it know when a file has changed and finished changing with this notion of `problemMatcher`. There are community provided problem matchers for esbuild and tsc, but not css and html. You can find mine here: .vscode/tasks.json.


Lastly, when you're ready to publish, use this command: `pnpm vsce publish --no-dependencies`. Since we bundled with webpack/esbuild, we don't need vsce to try to install our package dependencies for us. You'll want to make sure all of your html, css, js files are in your `dist` folder before running this command.
Well, I didn't imagine this to be this long and dense and yet still cryptic haha. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a direct message or reach me on twitter at
submitted by Atthewall to vscode [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:05 aceonhand 1 Simple Trick ANY Handyman Business Can Start Using Today To Attract More Clients Faster Guaranteed!

1 Simple Trick ANY Handyman Business Can Start Using Today To Attract More Clients Faster Guaranteed!
This has been a secret of mine for years. I've only shared it with friends and family so they can use it in their service based businesses.
It's something some do but hardly anyone does it in a way that effectively brings in clients for as long as your in business.
What am I talking about?
(A Sample Image From My Portfolio)
Have you ever heard of the saying a picture is worth a thousand words. It's true! For us service providers a picture is worth a thousand dollars.
Let me explain

When I started my handyman business back up a few years ago. I knew I had the experience but I had no way to prove it. I had learned from building previous online businesses that I had to build authority and trust in the market to start attracting attention.
One of the most powerful things any handyman business/local service provider can implement to begin establishing themselves as a preferred option against the competition is by displaying pictures of your projects/services.
It's really the only thing you have control of in every job you do. That you can leverage to get more jobs in the future. Every picture you have of the jobs you have completed. Will essentially be a salesman for you when done correctly.
I get calls for jobs because of Pictures I have online from years ago. Clients tell me all the time. They hired me because of my portfolio. It's the ultimate proof besides reviews.
Anyone can write on their website or platforms they are listed on. That they do this or that but it's just words. Like they say, talk is cheap.
Images play a crucial role in marketing and establishing a robust online presence. They are like mini case studies.
Here’s why they are extremely powerful:

Visual Proof of Work

  • Before-and-After Comparisons: Showing the transformation of a project from start to finish provides tangible proof of the quality and effectiveness of your work. Potential clients can see the real impact you make.
  • Detailed Close-Ups: Highlighting specific details and craftsmanship builds trust in your skills. Close-up shots of intricate work, such as precise tiling or seamless carpentry, demonstrate your attention to detail.

Credibility and Trust

  • Authenticity: High-quality, authentic images of your work give potential clients confidence that your services are reliable. They see real examples of what you can do rather than relying on generic stock photos or descriptions.
  • Client Testimonials with Images: Combining client testimonials with images of the projects you completed for them strengthens credibility. Visual evidence paired with positive reviews reinforces trust.

Authority and Expertise

  • Showcasing Range of Skills: Posting images of various projects, from plumbing and electrical work to carpentry and painting, showcases your versatility and expertise across different domains. This positions you as a knowledgeable authority in the handyman field.
  • Educational Content: Sharing step-by-step images or tutorials on how you handle specific repairs or installations educates your audience and demonstrates your expertise. This not only helps clients appreciate the complexity of your work but also positions you as a helpful resource.

Market Influence

  • Social Proof: Images of completed projects with satisfied clients help build social proof. When potential clients see others benefitting from your services, they are more likely to trust and hire you.
  • Engagement: Visually engaging content attracts more attention and interaction on social media platforms. Posts with images are more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on, increasing your reach and visibility.

Differentiation and Branding

  • Unique Portfolio: A portfolio filled with high-quality images of diverse projects sets you apart from competitors who may rely solely on text descriptions. It provides a unique visual representation of your brand.
  • Consistency: Consistently posting images helps establish a recognizable brand aesthetic. Whether it’s a specific style of photography, branded watermarks, or consistent project documentation, a cohesive visual strategy makes your brand memorable.

Practical Tips for Implementation

  1. High-Quality Photography: Invest in good photography equipment or hire a professional photographer to ensure your images are high quality and visually appealing.
  2. Consistent Updates: Regularly update your online platforms with new images to keep your portfolio current and demonstrate ongoing activity.
  3. Engage with Audience: Encourage clients to share their own photos of your completed projects and tag your business. User-generated content can significantly boost your credibility and reach.
  4. Storytelling: Use images to tell a story about each project. Explain the challenges, the solutions you implemented, and the final outcomes. This narrative approach adds depth and interest to your visual content.
By leveraging the power of images, you not only provide proof and credibility but also build authority and influence in the market. This helps you stand out in a competitive field, attract more clients, and grow your handyman business effectively.
I personally like to use an app called Collage maker. Its free to use and you can download it on your phone. The sample image on this post was created on it but it really doesn't matter where its created as long as its implemented in your business.
If you really want to stand out you can break down images/projects into categories. For example, the image up top falls under plumbing category followed by sub-category water filtration systems installations portfolio. I like to go even deeper adding location for relevance and brand names for specifics.
This visual case study provides proof, credibility, trust, authority and expertise for any clients looking for handyman plumbing services/water filtration installations in Orlando, FL. If they are located in the neighborhood of college park and its a SleepWell system. I can almost guarantee if the client finds your service. You will be getting a phone call.
Apply this strategy to ANY platform your business/services are listed on because the compounding effects are extremely powerful.
I hope it benefits you like its benefitted me and my family/friends.
Have an exceptionally productive day, filled with perfectly cut wood and not a single misplaced screw!
submitted by aceonhand to HandymanBusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:56 Top_Dragonfly8760 get instagram followers gratis

How to get more likes on your post
Firstly, do not buy zombie powder from third parties. This is absolutely useless. Creating high-quality posts requires time and patience, and good posts can only get likes from people who truly like you and your brand. Ultimately, Instagram's goal is to showcase its best selves by sharing content that people are interested in. Only through genuine likes can we comply with IG's algorithm and bring truly effective and uninterrupted traffic.
Users can now hide their likes on Instagram. So is the number of likes still important? The answer is yes. If you want to run a brand on Instagram, the number of likes from fans is still crucial. In mid-2019, Instagram began attempting to not display the number of likes received on posts in certain regional feeds.
According to Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, this move is part of the company's efforts to protect the mental health of the platform community. This idea is to make the entire experience healthier and reduce user competition. Instagram explains, "We want your friends to follow the photos and videos you share, rather than how many likes they get."
This measure has achieved mixed success: some people enjoy getting rid of pressure and keeping up with the pace of competition, while others feel that they know nothing about popular things. Instagram's solution was announced in May 2021, which now allows account operators to choose to hide likes from the public - either by hiding the count on all posts or by hiding the count on their own feed, so that others cannot see it. But according to the platform, regardless of whether we can see Instagram likes or not, the Instagram algorithm will continue to work as usual. So how can I get more likes on Instagram? The following 7 mainstream methods for obtaining free likes on Instagram
  1. Use the correct label
Tags are the key to expanding the audience of Instagram. After using the tag, your article (or story!) will appear on the page of that tag. People can also choose to follow tags, which means you may appear in a completely unfamiliar news source. Surprise! Illustrator Joe Taylor added tags such as "illustrations" and "character design" to this article to appear in these topic searches. Later, more than 1800 people liked it, so it seemed like a good idea. Whether you are using product or service labels, seasonal labels, acronym labels, or location labels, it is best to control the number of labels to no more than 11.
  1. Mark relevant users
Whether you are labeling a collaborator or a new acquaintance, the goal is to highlight the level of importance you place on them and share this value with your audience. If their audience happens to see your value in this process? So you have additional benefits.
Cool Carpet - an account dedicated to documenting cool carpets from around the world, of course - clearly marks these trendy, Brazilian made camping chair designers. This is an opportunity to share love, but the additional benefit is that Instagram users and their own fan groups may pay attention to it.
  1. Write captivating subtitles
It's best for you to write a novel that exceeds the 2200 character limit on Instagram, or use a single line of text to maintain mystery and power, depending on your brand voice and message. However, regardless of length, subtitles are a key factor in the success of an article. The great Instagram title adds background and personality, and forces your followers to take action. Don't worry about this part! Take a look at these 264 Instagram subtitle examples and draw some inspiration before you start typing.
Here you are, fiber artist H. H。 Hooks shared the inspiration behind her latest work (yes, this is another carpet. I'm sorry, we're in a good mood now!), which provided the background for her cocktail image and sparked dialogue and engagement.
  1. Enter the exploration page
Behind this small magnifying glass icon, the exploration page is a beautiful treasure trove of personalized entertainment content provided by Instagram. The brands that appeared there attracted a lot of attention.
But how did the brand first get showcased on the "Explore" tab of Instagram? In short, you need a high engagement rate and an active community - and accepting any new features currently being introduced in Instagram's algorithms will not be harmful.
  1. Timely release
Instagram does not display posts in chronological order, but its algorithm does support "closeness". This means that in order to increase fan engagement, you must know when your audience is truly watching the application. So... um... when is the best time? Okay, each brand has its own fan base, and based on its unique audience, you can obtain accurate data from the data analysis page.
According to the digital model calculations and various tests conducted by foreign media to find the best time to release Instagram, overall, Wednesday morning at 11am is a very good time.
  1. Organize activities to increase fan engagement
Holding activities such as lucky draws or check-in is one of the simplest ways to gain participation within a given time period. The key is to ensure that your prize is fair and desirable to your audience, and it needs to be specific enough to attract true fans, not opportunists (these fake fans may have mixed up specifically for the prize, and if your activity requires enough specificity, fake fans may not be able to achieve all their goals easily).
submitted by Top_Dragonfly8760 to InstagramMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:32 The_Local_Vagabond M4F “I don’t think my neighbor is human
” Vampire RP

At first, it was barely noticeable. He said it was a blood disorder, that was why his health had this “roller coaster” effect. Some days he looked like a million bucks, a little cocky but definitely healthy. Other days? He looked like he’d just finished his third month of chemotherapy. Sickly, pale and scrawny but watching him move you could tell he was deceptively strong. Yet he always looked tired. Dark circles under his eyes explained away with the claim of chronic insomnia. You could hear him up all hours of the night, not making tons of noise but the occasional thud or footstep. We all noticed how standoffish he was, his brief interactions and rushed pleasantries always cut short. Though, no one seemed to have any problems with him or the small amount of noise he made. Some said he was a smack-head, smoking or shooting up god knows what and that’s why he was so weird. I used to think so too
but that’s when things got a little too weird.
He asked for help once, I find him in one of his more sickly states. The buildings elevator broken, he needed a hand climbing the stairs and entering his apartment. The first thing I noticed was how dark it was. All the windows and mirrors were covered with sheets. He claimed he was highly insecure about his body and hated seeing it. He also didn’t let me stay long, claiming he felt ill and wished to be left alone, kindly, but very insistent. Our other neighbour, Ms. Espinosa, had brought him dinner one night, worrying for the man and his sickly figure. But he’d basically thrown the plate after touching it, apologizing, he’d left in a hurry. Apparently, the plate had been lined with silver, something which now makes complete sense to me. Then? There was last night.
I was walking home late one night and startled by his voice. It started as a laugh, a deep, maniacal kind of laugh that sent shivers down the spine and set even the hardest of criminals on edge. “Hahaha, Oh buddy, you have no idea how badly you just screwed yourself.” I looked down the alley to find him and another man, the man having pointed a pistol right at his forehead. “Come on, pull the trigger. I wanna see the look in your eyes when-” The man muttered something before squeezing the trigger
and he CAUGHT the bullet in his TEETH! “Heh Heh Heh
there it is,” he said, spitting out the bullet. “Nothing quite like the look of pure terror in the eyes of a mortal.” He took a step towards the mugger before the mugger emptied his clip. Most of the bullets lodged in his body but he didn’t even flinch. One managed to ricochet right into my leg. “Dam
” My neighbor said under his breath. “Looks like our game got a little out of control. That’s too bad, I was starting to have a little fun with you.” My neighbor back handed the man, but the amount of force behind it sent the mugger flying into the wall. He picked the man up by the scruff of the neck and dragged him over to me. “Now, apologize,” he ordered, to which the mugger obeyed. “Good boy, now if you’ll excuse me miss.” My neighbor grabbed the mugger by the foot and dragged him back further into the darkness and out of sight. It was that moment that really solidified my worst fears, the sounds of an otherworldly being tearing the mugger limb from limb, ripping the flesh from his bones and I assume ate the remaining viscera only hammering the point home. This man, no, that’s just it, he’s NOT a man. I don’t even think he’s human!
The screams ended quickly, after a few seconds the squelches and gnashing of monstrous teeth turning meat to mulch ended as well. Then, the monster walked back into view as if nothing had happened at all. There was no blood, his clothes weren’t torn, hell, he seemed to look BETTER then before. Healthier, stronger, even his hair looked fresh, clean and well kept. He walked over to me, pulling his hood down and crouched down to my eye level. “Hey, so
you need an ambulance or?
Hello, had this idea to alter an old vampire character I had in mind. First off? I can’t stress enough that this character is very much omnipotent. To the point where there is very little he can’t do in one way or another, including dying. He’s very different then most vampire interpretations, being my own take on Hellsing Ultimates type of Vampire.
I am extremely open to whatever character you’d have in mind, Neighbour was just the first idea that came to mind. Landlord, Mailman, Jehovahs Witness, doesn’t really matter who you are as long as you come into contact and interact/befriend my character. Romance is an option, but not required.
Play with some ideas, come up with a character you think would play well with mine. The ONLY rule I really wish to implement? You character is HUMAN, not knowing any magic or possessing any power before meeting my character. Maybe that will change later on, but we’ll leave it open to discussion.
Made it this far? Awesome! Start your DM with your zodiac sign to prove it!
Oh, and here’s a few songs to kinda hammer home the sorta character I’m going for.
submitted by The_Local_Vagabond to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:32 The_Local_Vagabond M4F “I don’t think my neighbor is human
” Vampire RP

At first, it was barely noticeable. He said it was a blood disorder, that was why his health had this “roller coaster” effect. Some days he looked like a million bucks, a little cocky but definitely healthy. Other days? He looked like he’d just finished his third month of chemotherapy. Sickly, pale and scrawny but watching him move you could tell he was deceptively strong. Yet he always looked tired. Dark circles under his eyes explained away with the claim of chronic insomnia. You could hear him up all hours of the night, not making tons of noise but the occasional thud or footstep. We all noticed how standoffish he was, his brief interactions and rushed pleasantries always cut short. Though, no one seemed to have any problems with him or the small amount of noise he made. Some said he was a smack-head, smoking or shooting up god knows what and that’s why he was so weird. I used to think so too
but that’s when things got a little too weird.
He asked for help once, I find him in one of his more sickly states. The buildings elevator broken, he needed a hand climbing the stairs and entering his apartment. The first thing I noticed was how dark it was. All the windows and mirrors were covered with sheets. He claimed he was highly insecure about his body and hated seeing it. He also didn’t let me stay long, claiming he felt ill and wished to be left alone, kindly, but very insistent. Our other neighbour, Ms. Espinosa, had brought him dinner one night, worrying for the man and his sickly figure. But he’d basically thrown the plate after touching it, apologizing, he’d left in a hurry. Apparently, the plate had been lined with silver, something which now makes complete sense to me. Then? There was last night.
I was walking home late one night and startled by his voice. It started as a laugh, a deep, maniacal kind of laugh that sent shivers down the spine and set even the hardest of criminals on edge. “Hahaha, Oh buddy, you have no idea how badly you just screwed yourself.” I looked down the alley to find him and another man, the man having pointed a pistol right at his forehead. “Come on, pull the trigger. I wanna see the look in your eyes when-” The man muttered something before squeezing the trigger
and he CAUGHT the bullet in his TEETH! “Heh Heh Heh
there it is,” he said, spitting out the bullet. “Nothing quite like the look of pure terror in the eyes of a mortal.” He took a step towards the mugger before the mugger emptied his clip. Most of the bullets lodged in his body but he didn’t even flinch. One managed to ricochet right into my leg. “Dam
” My neighbor said under his breath. “Looks like our game got a little out of control. That’s too bad, I was starting to have a little fun with you.” My neighbor back handed the man, but the amount of force behind it sent the mugger flying into the wall. He picked the man up by the scruff of the neck and dragged him over to me. “Now, apologize,” he ordered, to which the mugger obeyed. “Good boy, now if you’ll excuse me miss.” My neighbor grabbed the mugger by the foot and dragged him back further into the darkness and out of sight. It was that moment that really solidified my worst fears, the sounds of an otherworldly being tearing the mugger limb from limb, ripping the flesh from his bones and I assume ate the remaining viscera only hammering the point home. This man, no, that’s just it, he’s NOT a man. I don’t even think he’s human!
The screams ended quickly, after a few seconds the squelches and gnashing of monstrous teeth turning meat to mulch ended as well. Then, the monster walked back into view as if nothing had happened at all. There was no blood, his clothes weren’t torn, hell, he seemed to look BETTER then before. Healthier, stronger, even his hair looked fresh, clean and well kept. He walked over to me, pulling his hood down and crouched down to my eye level. “Hey, so
you need an ambulance or?
Hello, had this idea to alter an old vampire character I had in mind. First off? I can’t stress enough that this character is very much omnipotent. To the point where there is very little he can’t do in one way or another, including dying. He’s very different then most vampire interpretations, being my own take on Hellsing Ultimates type of Vampire.
I am extremely open to whatever character you’d have in mind, Neighbour was just the first idea that came to mind. Landlord, Mailman, Jehovahs Witness, doesn’t really matter who you are as long as you come into contact and interact/befriend my character. Romance is an option, but not required.
Play with some ideas, come up with a character you think would play well with mine. The ONLY rule I really wish to implement? You character is HUMAN, not knowing any magic or possessing any power before meeting my character. Maybe that will change later on, but we’ll leave it open to discussion.
Made it this far? Awesome! Start your DM with your zodiac sign to prove it!
Oh, and here’s a few songs to kinda hammer home the sorta character I’m going for.
submitted by The_Local_Vagabond to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:27 relationshipguy254 What Karma Do Narcissists Experience?

Today, I’d like to answer a common question of how or whether a narcissist will finally get their karma for all the hurtful things they do. Let's clear something up: karma isn't some magical power delivering payback. At the core, karma is a spiritual principle which implies that every action we take has consequences for the future. Negative actions can bring more negativity, while kind actions can lead to positive outcomes. It's all about how our actions create a cycle of cause and effect in our lives.
People often love imagining that narcissists will eventually face cosmic karma for being insufferable and abusive. And I get why—it’s tempting to think about them getting what they deserve, especially when you’re dealing with the pain, anger, and confusion after narcissistic abuse. The idea of your tormentor getting their punishment feels very satisfying... at first.
But here's the harsh truth: obsessing over what "karma" your narcissistic ex might face is counterproductive to your healing. It keeps you mentally tied to them, and they don't deserve even one more second of your thoughts. They have already done enough damage in your life for them to even get some headspace deep within you. You should be channelling all your energy to fully flush them out or rather work on the pain you’re feeling.
Think about it: if the only way you can feel "justice" is by imagining scenarios where the narcissist faces major misfortunes, public shaming, or complete life destruction, aren't you still trapped by your trauma bond with them? You're getting a twisted sense of satisfaction from staying emotionally invested enough to watch their downfall from a distance.
Meanwhile, the energy you waste staying hypervigilant about karma striking your ex like a thunderbolt is energy diverted from your own recovery. By unconsciously clinging to the victimhood narrative, you're robbing yourself of the chance to rebuild. As long as your sense of resolution depends on the narcissist receiving catastrophic karma, they still have some control over your inner peace.
The only way to truly break trauma bonds is to reach a point where their existence and perceived fortunes—whether they're thriving or failing—are completely irrelevant to your wellbeing. You'll know you've healed when their name no longer triggers you, not because you're obsessively imagining their downfall, but because they have become an invisible afterthought in your journey of thriving.
In fact, you could argue that the ultimate karmic justice for narcissists is their own diminished capacity to experience life's full depth of meaning, beauty, and humanity. While you emerge from the shackles as a more compassionate, empowered, and grateful person, they remain stuck in a vortex of insatiable selfishness, envy, and emptiness. No ‘externally’ dictated "bad karma" could be a harsher prison sentence than that. You don’t need to see someone suffering physically to know they’re suffering. Internal suffering, which seems inescapable, is far worse.
So by all means, you can take solace in the belief that narcissists eventually reap what they sow in this life or the next. But don't make the mistake of basing your own fulfillment and inner freedom on the need to witness their downfall. The most devastating blow you can deliver to the narcissist in your life is to heal and evolve so completely that you forget they ever held the key to your happiness.
As satisfying as it might feel to indulge in fantasies of karma-fueled demise once in a while, don't let it become a harmful narrative that hinders your journey to a better life without them. Don't give them that power anymore. Your journey to thriving despite their destructive path is the most profound karma they'll face. As you heal and focus on yourself, you'll realize how fortunate you are to overcome pain and embrace joy in life. You might even feel pity or empathy for them when they try to manipulate or play games to fill their inner emptiness.
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.
submitted by relationshipguy254 to healfromabuse [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best Things to Do in Mt Vernon Il

Best Things to Do in Mt Vernon Il
Best Things to Do in Mt Vernon Il Welcome to our guide on the best things to do in Mt. Vernon, IL! We're here to show you all the amazing activities and attractions this city has to offer.From immersing yourself in the rich cultural heritage at the Cedarhurst Center for the Arts, to exploring the outdoor wonders at the Aquatic Zoo and Green Hills Golf Club, there's something for everyone.So join us as we embark on this adventure and make unforgettable memories in the enchanting city of Mt. Vernon. Let's get started!Key TakeawaysMt. Vernon offers a variety of cultural and historical attractions, including the Cedarhurst Center for the Arts, Jefferson County Historical Village, Hall of Honor & Military Museum, and the Appellate Court.Outdoor activities in Mt. Vernon include visiting the Aquatic Zoo and playing golf at the Green Hills Golf Club.For relaxation and wellness, visitors can enjoy a professional massage at Stress Knot Massage.Fine dining can be experienced at RARE Chop House, located in a renovated historic building in Mt. Vernon.Cultural and Historical AttractionsVisiting the Cedarhurst Center for the Arts is an enriching experience that allows us to immerse ourselves in a collection of fine art and artifacts. Located in Mt. Vernon, Illinois, Cedarhurst is a cultural gem that offers a diverse range of artistic and historical exhibits. As we explore the galleries, we're treated to a visual feast of paintings, sculptures, and other artistic creations. From classical masterpieces to contemporary works, there's something to captivate every art enthusiast. The center also hosts art classes, providing opportunities for individuals to unleash their creativity and learn new techniques.In addition to Cedarhurst, Mt. Vernon offers other cultural and historical attractions. The Jefferson County Historical Village is a charming village that allows us to experience life in the 1800s and 1900s. We can explore various buildings, such as a one-room schoolhouse and a blacksmith shop, and learn about the history of the region. The nearby Hall of Honor & Military Museum showcases exhibits from World Wars I and II, honoring local service people and veterans. It's a fascinating place to learn about the city's military history and see vintage uniforms and weapons.For those interested in architecture and history, the Appellate Court is a must-visit. Housed in a historic courthouse, the Appellate Court offers a glimpse into the legal system and the building's rich history. Taking a walk around the courthouse and admiring the surroundings is a perfect way to appreciate the city's heritage.With these cultural and historical attractions, there are plenty of things to do in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. As we delve into the city's vibrant past, we gain a deeper understanding of its roots and the people who shaped it.Now, let's move on to the next section and explore the outdoor activities that await us in Mt. Vernon.Outdoor ActivitiesLet's head outdoors and explore the exciting recreational opportunities that await us in Mt. Vernon, IL. The city offers a variety of outdoor activities that are sure to satisfy our desire for freedom and adventure.One popular outdoor attraction is the Aquatic Zoo, a water park that's open to all ages. With its landscaped areas and jungle theme, it provides a fun and refreshing experience for visitors. Kids can enjoy the water slides and pools, while adults can relax by the poolside. Don't forget to bring your floaties and swimsuits for a day of splashing and fun.For those who enjoy golfing, the Green Hills Golf Club is a must-visit destination. This golf course, built in 1920, offers a scenic and challenging experience for golf enthusiasts of all skill levels. With its Bermuda fairways and Bentgrass greens, players can enjoy breathtaking views while practicing their swings. It's the perfect place to spend a relaxing day outdoors.After a day of outdoor activities, why not treat yourself to a relaxing massage at Stress Knot Massage? This professional massage service is the perfect way to unwind and get rid of any tensions or stresses. With a variety of techniques offered, you can choose the massage that suits your needs and preferences. It's the ultimate relaxation experience.Relaxation and WellnessFor a moment of tranquility and rejuvenation, we can indulge in a relaxing massage at Stress Knot Massage. This professional massage service offers a variety of techniques to help us relax and get rid of tensions. Whether we've had a long day of exploring the city or just need a break from our daily routine, Stress Knot Massage is the perfect place to unwind.Here are three reasons why we should consider visiting this establishment:Expert therapists: At Stress Knot Massage, we can expect to be in the hands of professional and experienced massage therapists. They're knowledgeable about different massage techniques and can tailor the experience to our specific needs, ensuring that we receive the ultimate relaxation.Range of techniques: Stress Knot Massage offers a variety of massage techniques to choose from. Whether we prefer a Swedish massage for overall relaxation, a deep tissue massage to target specific areas of tension, or a hot stone massage for a luxurious experience, we can find it all here. The therapists are skilled in these techniques and can provide a customized massage session based on our preferences.Rejuvenation after physical activities or a night out: If we've been active all day exploring the cultural and historical attractions of Mt. Vernon, or if we've had a fun night out, a massage at Stress Knot Massage can be a perfect way to rejuvenate our body and mind. It can help soothe tired muscles, relieve any soreness or tension, and leave us feeling refreshed and ready for our next adventure.After a relaxing massage at Stress Knot Massage, we can continue our exploration of Mt. Vernon by indulging in some fine dining at RARE Chop House.Fine DiningAfter a relaxing massage at Stress Knot Massage, we can continue our exploration of Mt. Vernon by heading over to RARE Chop House for a fine dining experience. Located in a renovated historic building, RARE Chop House offers a sophisticated atmosphere and delectable cuisine that's sure to satisfy even the most discerning palates. Owned by Steven and Erin Beal, this elegant restaurant is a hidden gem in the heart of the city.Upon entering RARE Chop House, you'll be greeted by a warm and inviting ambiance. The interior is tastefully decorated, combining modern elements with the charm of the historic building. The attentive and friendly staff will guide you to your table, where you can peruse the menu and select from a variety of mouthwatering dishes.The menu at RARE Chop House features a selection of premium cuts of steak, expertly cooked to perfection. Whether you prefer a juicy ribeye, a tender filet mignon, or a flavorful New York strip, you can be assured that each bite will be a culinary delight. Accompanied by a selection of delectable sides and a carefully curated wine list, your dining experience at RARE Chop House will be nothing short of exceptional.In addition to their exquisite steaks, RARE Chop House also offers a variety of seafood options, as well as vegetarian and gluten-free dishes, ensuring that there's something for everyone. From their fresh seafood tower, filled with succulent shrimp and oysters, to their flavorful vegetable risotto, each dish is prepared with the utmost attention to detail and quality.Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply looking to indulge in a memorable dining experience, RARE Chop House is the perfect destination. Make a reservation for drinks, dining, meetings, or parties, and let the skilled team at RARE Chop House take care of the rest. You won't be disappointed.Additional AttractionsThere are several other attractions in Mt. Vernon that we can explore. Let's dive into some additional attractions that will make your visit to Mt. Vernon even more memorable:Lavender Falls: Located at 14074 N. 2 Mile Creek Ln. Mt. Vernon, IL 62864, Lavender Falls is a stunning lavender farm and company established in 2018. Headed by Kay Dorris as president, this attraction offers a breathtaking field of lavenders, known for their calming scent. Take a stroll through the lavender fields and immerse yourself in the beauty and fragrance of this enchanting place.Brehm Library: Explore the grounds of Brehm Library and discover its hidden gems. Don't miss the bronze statue honoring women veterans, dedicated by the Illinois Daughters of the American Revolution. With a giant collection of books available to read, this library is a haven for book lovers. Find your favorite spot, grab a book, and lose yourself in a world of words.Learn about lavender: Dive into the fascinating world of lavender at Mt. Vernon's own lavender production hub. Take a tour to learn about the process of turning lavender into essential oils, sprays, soaps, and honey. Don't forget to take home some lavender products as souvenirs to remember your visit.These additional attractions add a touch of uniqueness to Mt. Vernon, offering experiences that will captivate your senses and leave you with lasting memories. Whether you choose to explore lavender fields, dive into a good book, or learn about the lavender production process, Mt. Vernon has something special to offer for everyone seeking freedom and a chance to indulge in new experiences.Mt. Vernon ActivitiesLet's explore five Mt. Vernon activities that offer a variety of cultural, historical, and outdoor experiences.First, visit the Cedarhurst Center for the Arts, established by John and Eleanor Mitchell. This art center houses a collection of fine art and artifacts and also offers art classes for those looking to get creative. It's the perfect indoor activity for rainy or cold days.Next, make your way to the Jefferson County Historical Village, operated by the Jefferson County Historical Society. Step back in time as you explore this charming village and experience life in the 1800s and 1900s. Don't forget to visit the nearby museum, which is a free attraction.For those interested in military history, the Hall of Honor & Military Museum is a must-visit. This museum exhibits items from World Wars I and II and showcases local service people and veterans. You can expect to see vintage uniforms, weapons, and more as you learn about the history of the city.Another historical attraction is the Appellate Court, a historic courthouse where you can learn about the building's history. Take a walk around the area and admire the surroundings, as it's listed on the National Register of Historic Places.If you're in the mood for some outdoor fun, head to the Green Hills Golf Club. This golf course, built in 1920, offers a scenic and challenging golfing experience. With Bermuda fairways and Bentgrass greens, you'll enjoy spectacular views as you tee off. It's suitable for all skill levels, so whether you're a seasoned golfer or a beginner, you'll have a great time.These Mt. Vernon activities provide a range of options for everyone, from history enthusiasts to art lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some Popular Annual Events or Festivals in Mt. Vernon, Illinois?There are several popular annual events and festivals in Mt. Vernon, Illinois.One of the highlights is the Cedarhurst Craft Fair, which showcases the work of talented artists and craftsmen.The Mt. Vernon Fall Festival is another must-attend event, featuring live music, delicious food, and fun activities for the whole family.Additionally, the Jefferson County Fair is a local favorite, offering carnival rides, livestock shows, and thrilling entertainment.These events create a vibrant and lively atmosphere in Mt. Vernon throughout the year.Are There Any Hiking or Nature Trails Near Mt. Vernon for Outdoor Enthusiasts?There are several hiking and nature trails near Mt. Vernon for outdoor enthusiasts.One popular option is the Rend Lake Bike Trail, which offers scenic views and a chance to connect with nature.Another option is the Wayne Fitzgerrell State Recreation Area, which features hiking trails through beautiful forests and along the lake.These trails provide a great opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the area and enjoy outdoor activities.Can You Recommend Any Unique Shopping Experiences or Local Boutiques in Mt. Vernon?Sure!In Mt. Vernon, there are plenty of unique shopping experiences and local boutiques to explore. From charming antique stores to trendy boutiques, you'll find a variety of options.Discover one-of-a-kind finds, browse local handmade crafts, or shop for the latest fashion trends. Don't forget to support local businesses and immerse yourself in the vibrant community.Whether you're looking for vintage treasures or modern accessories, Mt. Vernon has something for everyone. Happy shopping!Are There Any Wineries or Breweries in the Mt. Vernon Area for Wine and Beer Enthusiasts?There are several wineries and breweries in the Mt. Vernon area for wine and beer enthusiasts to enjoy. Local favorites include the Mt. Vernon Winery, which offers a variety of wines made from locally grown grapes, and the Mt. Vernon Brewing Company, known for their handcrafted beers.Both establishments provide a unique and flavorful experience, perfect for those looking to indulge in the local libations.Whether you prefer wine or beer, Mt. Vernon has something to satisfy every palate.What Are Some Family-Friendly Activities or Attractions in Mt. Vernon That Are Suitable for Young Children?For family-friendly activities in Mt. Vernon, there are several options suitable for young children.One popular choice is the Aquatic Zoo, a water park with a jungle theme that offers fun for all ages.Another option is the Jefferson County Historical Village, a charming village where kids can experience life in the 1800s and 1900s.The nearby Cedarhurst Center for the Arts also offers indoor activities, including art classes, perfect for rainy or cold days.These attractions provide a great way to entertain and educate children in Mt. Vernon.ConclusionIn conclusion, Mt. Vernon, IL offers a diverse range of attractions for every visitor.From exploring the rich cultural heritage at the Cedarhurst Center for the Arts and the Jefferson County Historical Village, to enjoying outdoor adventures at the Aquatic Zoo and Green Hills Golf Club, there's something for everyone.And with a staggering 90% of visitors rating their experience in Mt. Vernon as excellent, it's clear that this charming city is a must-visit destination.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:56 SelectionOptimal7348 Get Ready for the Golden Bull Run with Our Bitcoin Donate Button App

Get Ready for the Golden Bull Run with Our Bitcoin Donate Button App
Are you prepared for the next golden bull run in the world of Bitcoin? Whether you’re a seasoned HODLer or a crypto newbie, there’s no better time to get your digital wallet in shape for the influx of generosity that’s about to come your way. Introducing the ultimate tool for savvy crypto enthusiasts: the Bitcoin donate button generator from Bitcoin QR Code Maker. Let’s dive into how this magical button can make your life easier and your Bitcoin stash bigger!

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submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:37 iamadurian My kinda reasonable-ish shortlist of who is likely to be a rental member

Now that member renting is finally official (woohoo!) with Kang Hoon appearing weekly for the next few months, I wanted to compile a speculation of who else RM might recruit after. I know some others have made lists of guests they want to see as rentals, but this is mainly just a roughly ordered list of who I think might be one in the future.
~As a sidenote, I personally think that the RM team is probably looking at a kinda-young "crazy"-type female character that can really go the extra mile in the name of variety for the next rental, especially one that can fill Somin's shoes as well as bridge the gap between the current aging RM members and the new generation. Her departure has really left a glaring hole in the entertaining moments between members that Kwangsoo and her used to fill, before she took that role on solely. Female guests that display Somin-like qualities also have noticeably more positive reception from the fanbase than other ones (based on the rate of how quickly and how many people ask for them to be a rental member immediately after their appearance). As such, my picks will be pretty biased towards this idea, but I think somewhat reasonably so? I will still try to be as nonpartial as possible in my judgment.~
Feel free to discuss anything you disagree with!
*Kwon Eunbi - A lot of people, both domestic and international, have already stated their desire for her to be a rental member, and honestly given everything about her it's pretty likely. A) On-screen, she's shown good chemistry with the other members as well as the ability to let go for variety moments (such as her betrayal in the first episode during the coin game), B) as a soloist idol, she isn't bound by group duties or responsibilities unlike someone like An Yujin, who is also a hot variety guest these days but has only been a regular cast of two seasonal shows (I'll get to her Waterbomb stuff later), and C) at 28 years (turning 29 this year) she's the perfect bridge between the older RM members and the MZ generation.
The main problem would be her idol schedule, especially the summer Waterbomb festival that she went viral for last year and is probably a mainstay in now. If they look for her, she'll probably be a rental during the Fall/Winter seasons to not coincide with that specifically.
*Jonathan - As a growing influencer on YouTube and a multitude of recent appearances, as well as above-average reception of each of his appearances, I think Jonathan is another likely candidate for a future rental member. While he's shown okay chemistry with Jongkook specifically (similar to Kang Hoon), he has also shown he's willing to create funny moments on his own (such as during the futsal game), and more importantly as a popular talk show host he will have great chemistry with a lot of future guests that RM invites. Again, as a growing influencer, Jonathan would also be a big bridge to the MZ generation that RM looks to tap into a lot.
Jonathan has shown that he's willing to come to RM when asked, which is why I put him in "likely"; ultimately, as his YouTube channel grows larger and larger, it is up to him to determine if he wants to or not. That being said, RM is a very uncontroversial show (except for that one 2017 fiasco) with a very large and loyal international fanbase, so there may not be too much consideration in that.
*Kim Do-Hyun - With a whopping 13 appearances (tied for 6th most with Son Na-eun and Heo Kyung-hwan), Kim Bong is by far the most-guested potential member on this list. After his retirement from the UFC, he's shown that he's looking to take his career to the variety/entertainment side, with 6 recent appearances on RM starting with Seokjin's break as well as being a contestant on the second season of Physical: 100. His character as a clumsy musclehead is also an interesting dynamic that could play foil to Jongkook's Sparta; this is especially noticeable on the TXT episode when Jee Seok Bong tried (and failed) to replicate KJK's windmill sweep move. He could also share the brunt of being the "bad" member with Jee Seok Jin, who has had to take on that role solely now that Kwangsoo and Somin both left.
I place him under the previous two, however, because reception to his appearances has not always been particularly positive, especially when there aren't any physical games. I won't include the tour episode as a case against him (because that was genuinely the most boring episode I have ever watched and I don't even know if Kwangsoo could've saved that), but he doesn't really have a member to lean on when it comes time to do bus chatting or talking games. While JSM integrated flawlessly into the RM cast, Sechan had the "underling of Jongkook" character for a while before he found his own footing, and right now it looks like Kang Hoon is also depending a lot on moments between him and Jongkook. Given that RM is very 50/50 these days if they're going to be physical or not, sometimes Bong might shine, and sometimes he won't.
*Shin Ye-eun - As acknowledged by both RM team (in the weird special thing they did at the end of the year) and RM members (during Kang Hoon's first appearance as a rental member), Ye-eun is their number one pick as a rental member. However, I think it's difficult for this to come to fruition to realistically, as after her The Glory appearance she is slowly shooting up to be a top-tier actress as well and her schedule is extremely packed, as they've also previously mentioned in the 700th anniversary episode. Her agency has also shown a history of wanting her to keep more that traditional "actress image", like when they told her not to dance in her first guesting on RM (she did it anyway lol).
*Ji Ye-eun - Her first appearance was literally just days ago, so I hesitate to put her on this list: however, she has received a ton of positive reception to her guesting similar to Eunbi and the other Ye-eun. Her flirting with KH and crying after being complimented seemed to remind people a lot of a certain love frog, and in addition the PD team even played Somin's theme during her appearance (the only other time I know of was during Eunbi's second guesting). As an SNL actor, she has tons of experience in creating funny moments and doing a character for entertainment, and doesn't need to worry about "actress image" or anything like that. It also looked like the rest of the RM cast found her endearing as well.
The main roadblock, I think, is that she literally has one appearance so far. Although people were clamoring for Eunbi to be a rental member after her first appearance as well, she still came on a second time, probably for the PD team to test the waters. Also, unlike Eunbi, Ye-eun is not known whatsoever outside of Korea, and given the international fanbase of this show they'd just be asking for tons of negative reactions or even hate if they were to make her a rental member after one episode. That being said, if they keep inviting her and reception remains positive, she has a strong case to be a future rental member.
*Any former member - I know, I know: a lot of people have expressed desire for someone like Kwangsoo or Somin to come back as a rental member (including the current members themselves, can't remember which episode), but unfortunately the reality is that a big reason why someone leaves the cast is to leave behind the variety image and build a name for themselves as an actor. Somin is especially unlikely since she just left not a while ago, and Kwangsoo has shown on numerous occasions to avoid RM as a topic (can be seen whenever he's on a different show with Jaesuk because Jaesuk will tease him about it). Also, coming back as a rental member would just cause a lot of fans to beg for their return to the main cast, and that's usually something you probably want to avoid when trying to get away from the RM image. As for Gary and
*Any former "famous" guest: Kang Hanna, Hong Jin-young, Lee Sang-yeob, Lee Da-hee, etc. - Of the most iconic guests on Running Man, Hanna is the only one to have appeared even remotely recently, and even before that it was almost a 4-year gap between her last appearance (702) and the one before that (509). Most of the best guests we know were here during a very different era of Running Man, and there is a reason most of them haven't shown up again in 4+ years. I know a lot of people wish for them to come back at least once, and there is hope given that Hanna just came back, but it also does need to be known that RM now is almost a completely different show than when they were first "famous" guests, and at this point we should just hope they even come back as guests, let alone rental members.
*Hong Jin-ho - While he has a similar number of recent appearances to Bong, I just don't see a world where he becomes a rental member. I'm not tryna sound like a hater, BUT: A) At 41, he's far too old to really bridge anything with the current generation, B) he hasn't shown any particular character other than the bad-pronounciation one, C) and his overall reception has been lukewarm at best, since he doesn't really add anything to the cast.
*Cha Tae-hyun - A very out-of-left-field pick, but he has stated previously (on KJK's channel or MYOB, I don't remember which) that he would be completely open to being a rental member. Of course, it was mentioned in passing so I'm not sure how seriously we should take this, and also as he hasn't shown up very recently as a guest it's not likely the RM team are considering him either. Consider this one to barely make the list, since no one has brought it up since.
That's all the people I have down so far! I'm open for discussion of any member placement you disagree with, or if you have another person in mind that you think might become a member in the future.
Edit: typo, formatting
Edit 2: expansion
submitted by iamadurian to runningman [link] [comments]