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2013.12.11 21:26 JusticeReed A Place For NPHC Greeks and Friends

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2024.06.04 18:00 Neat_Interaction_860 The reality of sorority rush/recruitment part 2: fraternity edition!

hello! I am back for part two, this time with some more details about the sorority’s, and I will be sharing what I know about the fraternity’s. This will be broken up into two parts
Part 1: Sororities
Some people may be wondering, what is my point in sharing all this information? Well, what I am writing is what I wish I knew before going through rush myself, the stuff that is so prevalent yet no one seems to talk about it. This is for parents and guardians who have daughters who are about to go through rush to get an understanding of what goes on behind the scenes. This is for parents and guardians whose daughters are currently in a sorority, to get an understanding of what their precious time and money is being spent on. This is for girls who are about to go through rush and to prepare them for the reality of Greek life at UTK. And this is for girls who have previously gone through rush, and may not have had a great experience, and to show them what they are not missing out on.
Stereotypes of the chapters:
Phi mu: mean girls, stuck up, gets whatever they want and thinks they are better than all the rest of the chapters (litterally in one of their songs it’s just chanting how they are the best and better than the rest). REALLY heavy on appearance based; blonde, white, skinny. Only got their first dei chair last year (🤣🤣🤣) a black girl with a presence on TikTok, who then dropped.
Tri delta: a girl who graduated 2 years ago returned to UTK last fall for a work conference. During this conference, the graduated tri delt met a man who also had graduated from UTK, and had a less than 1 year old baby with his girlfriend who was at home. I heard from some people he was her supervisor but I’m not sure. After this conference, it was assumed they went out and got drunk at the bars, and did some other drugs. This was the start of the Tenn/Strip incident of 2023. These two individuals were recorded in various places around the strip engaging in intercourse, not trying to hide it at all (literally ass out, skirt pulled down, dick out, doggy styled on the curb across the street from half barrel). They then got access into the student living apartment, the Tenn, where they were caught on security camera with the girl giving him oral sex in the elevator. These videos spread like WILDFIRE. No one knew who they were initially, but did not take long to find out. I believe the girls mother got lawyers involved, and the guys girlfriend took the baby and left him. This will go down in history.
Aopi: known as the Jesus sorority, seems to hold a lot of religious values but the girls seem nice. Don’t know much besides this. Has some TikTok girl
Chi omega: VERY competitive, involved in drama this spring semester when texts messages were leaked from their chapter GroupMe of some girls heavily shitting on adpi, after chi o beat them in the spring dance competition. Not a good look. Also they put the girls in a coffin during initiation. They also like to think they’re the smartest, but once again in a bad sportsmanship competitive way.
Adpi: kinda similar to chi o in the way that they are very competitive and like to be the best, except for they’re not annoying about it. Known for having a lot of native Tennessee/knoxville girls. There was some drama during recruitment about them treating the bigger girls differently.
Sigma kappa: very party girls, but viewed in a trashy way and looked down upon. Nickname is “skrappa”. I’ve heard some negative things regarding these girls, just having bad taste in what they choose to say and do. Druggie.
Alpha chi omega: I would compare these girls most heavily to sigma kappa, in the way that very heavy party girls, except for some reason they are not viewed in a bad way for it. kinda a big ego for some of these girls. Has a LOT of drama within their own chapter, often about stuff like arguing which frat they will do homecoming with, or have mixers with.
Delta zeta: don’t know much & don’t hear much about them. I would say probably the most girls out. Of state go DZ, (northerners) because they don’t fit in with the whole southern vibe
KKG: kinda viewed in the same realm as sigma kappa, just less party. The ONLY chapter who does not give out fines (because their philanthropy is mental health). Did not have a great recruitment this past year.
Delta gamma: it is not uncommon to see these girls posting their negative thoughts about their own chapter on yikyak. This ranged from how strict their leaders are, to poor organization and communication. heard of girls complaining about a lot of favoritism in this chapter, especially during recruitment.
kappa delta: HAZES!!! Out of all these chapters, this is the last one I’d want my daughter to be in. very similar to phi mu In their exclusiveness and thinking they are the best. These two seem to mesh together. A lot of mean girls
Zeta: I also feel like you don’t hear much about them. Got paired with pike for homecoming which was viewed in a lot of mixed ways, comparing them to not the same as the higher tiered chapters. A lot of party girls too, was a rumor about a meth lab inside their house many years ago but this was exaggerated and not fully true.
Pi phi: the most inclusive sorority, which unfortunately for them is not viewed in a positive light. Very nice girls, but there are some that appear angered by their status in this social hierarchy and are not afraid to express it in not the best ways
Everything I’ve said above does not reflect the demeanor of all these girls in each chapter, however, ask anyone and these are the reputations in which they are widely viewed with as a whole. For example, everyone knows KD & phi mu To be the mean girls, yet everyone also knows them to be the “best”. Similar to how pi phi is known For their inclusivity and kind girls, yet they are viewed extremely poorly.
Fines: Being in a sorority is a big time commitment, and if you fall behind in this you are met with some hefty fines$$. Some things you can get fined for: missing a chapter meeting, missing an event, not completing all your service hours, not attending work week, not filling out paperwork, etc. these fines can range from like 20$ - 100$ + per thing. ^ this is all just added onto your already expensive dues.
For this, I cannot speak on a first hand experience, as I am not a boy. All the information I am saying is public knowledge, some that you can read online. I’m not really sure what information is wanted in this case, but I’ll just cover what generally goes unsaid.
Frat boys will always deny hazing (obviously) but to the parents reading this who have a son who has rushed a fraternity, chances are he had to do some pretty fucked up stuff!
Just from reading around online, pike is big with this. Some stuff that I found online are the infamous butt chugging incident, where they took a beer bong (funnel attached to a tube) and stuck it up a pledges anus and poured alcohol into his butt hole. He was later dropped off at the hospital. By his brothers because he was so drunk and the staff realized that. He was sodomized. To this day, the boy Denys ever going through with this. I also found online from an ex-pledge who dropped, that he was forced to put a toothpick under his toenail and kick a wall. learning this made me queasy.
BYX: the sweet baby Jesus boy fraternity, cannot imagine hazing goes on here
Phi psi: there was a post by some girl on Reddit who claimed one of the presidents in the last like 5 years was a known rapist and got away with it everytime, despite title 9 getting involved
Phi delt: they got kicked off for a LOT of hazing This past fall. Peed on the pledges, tied up blindfolded The pledges, make them suck dildos, etc. it’s not to say that other frats don’t do this too, they just don’t get caught.
Fiji: I saw a guy cry once because he was so scared he was gonna be called in by their pledge master, wouldn’t be surprised if he dropped. Are forced to do a lot of gross shit, almost got kicked off for hazing. always have to have a purple lighter on them.
AGR: cheats in homecoming every single year, they were disqualified for it this past fall.
Some other general hazing:
bows and toes: hold a plank on your elbows with bottle caps underneath them for brutally long periods of time, ATO was big on this but they got kicked off
Branding: yes, like a farm animal
A lot of gross shit involving manipulating as many girls as you can to sleep with them , viewed like tally marks
A lot of memorization and chores stuff
Smoking cigarettes through Your nose
Smoking so much weed until you are sick and hallucinating
im not really sure what else to say but yeah
submitted by Neat_Interaction_860 to UTK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:59 earthlyesoteric Thoughts on this prenatal?

I originally was taking Ritual Prenatals, then I switched to Needed Prenatals, but then I got morning sickness and had severe aversion to taking both. I found these gummies and I can manage to get them down without issue, and the taste is okay. Thoughts on the ingredients?
submitted by earthlyesoteric to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:56 BAIN_420 Cat's at the Cradle 6

Lori sat next to her designated ward. Having been the one looking after the VIP when they had jettisoned off ship and subsequently been towed to the Titan 7, she had been asked to stay with her until Miss Vali's team could compile enough data on the VIP's condition to feel safe administering the U.S.A.'s personal nanites. When she had asked the healer's with the red "+" why they needed her to stay with the young Orion woman, one of them had answered, "We wouldn't want her to wake up surrounded by 'aliens' she wasn't familiar with. Your the same species as her, so hopefully she won't panic if she recovers enough to regain consciousness." Which had made perfect sense to Lori. So they had assigned the VIP to the bunk under her and moved them both closer to the medical bay.
Three days had passed since they had come to the Sol system. Her group of refugees had been informed at dinner the night prior that Mars Station had agreed to house any Orion's that wished to stay there until the Habitat Dome had been moved into a orbit and anchored to an astroid and retrofitted to her people's 7.1 G's and oxygen levels appropriate for her species. They had all been astonished that in less than a galactic week multiple organizations, businesses, and corporations seemed to jump at the opportunity to help her people. They weren't naive, they knew that those companies and organizations were getting something in return but it was help when they needed it the most and that meant a lot to the Orion's. And whatever a "tax break" was Lori was extremely glad it was apparently important. Of course there was average people that wanted to help to. She immediately thought about Tim, and her eyes flicked to his "jacket" was tossed over her open locker door. His smell was almost intoxicating to her and she couldn't figure out why.
She had gotten chilly the second night when after dinner in the mess hall he had asked her if she wanted to see something amazing. She had been hesitant, but after thinking about it, she had decided it would be nice to see more of the massive ship she had seen so little of. So after some talking Tim had managed to secure permission to escort her to view some of the bottom levels. The Titan 7 was a truly massive ship and she had gotten to see and interact with many of the U.S. Alliance species as they made their way through those bottom levels. And then he had opened a door to a jungle! She was amazed to find living plants in such an abundance on a ship in space. Tim had called it an Astrobotony Lab. It didn't look like any lab Lori had ever seen, more like a garden or a lush park! The sprinklers had decided it was time to give the plants near them a mist and she had found herself shivering from the cool damp air. Without hesitating he had pulled his jacket off and placed it around her shoulders. Her ears twitched at the delightful memory.
She hadn't slept after she returned to her room. Instead her interaction with Tim had sparked even more curiosity as to who these people were. And the drive to find out had caused her to search her data chit for human history and had found multiple documentaries about everything from the ancient era where humans killed each other with stick's and stones to their two world wars in their twentieth century. The colonizing of Earth's moon and Mars through their teriforming age that saw Proxima Centauri B, the Cerberus systems, and many many others slowly changed into simi earth like planets. Then the Colony wars had fractured the humans into multiple sects and nations and for nearly fifty cycles the entirety of human territory fought amongst themselves. This would end with the eventual formation of two fractions.
The Confederation of Unified Governments (CUG) and the Free People's Republic of Earth (FPRE). They both controlled roughly half the human systems and though they never technically went to war a technological competition began. During the next twenty cycles they would develop numerous groundbreaking technology including the personal nanites everyone receives upon entering Sol systems and their "Blink Drive" which she found out doesn't use FTL Gates! The humans only had Gates so everyone else could trade with them. They didn't need them to travel.... anywhere, any distance, they just had to KNOW where to go, type the coordinates in and they FOLDED space and blinked to the location! Of course a human ship had to have visited that location prior for the system to work and that still required the old fashioned long haul exploration voyages. Everything was looking pretty good for humanity and then a race of giant lizard people called the Gurgaxians had invaded the CUG's outer frontier colonies and began moving closer to the CUG'S inner more populated planets. The Gurgaxians, in a rash decision by the general in charge of the invasion, ordered all the humans to be "put to the knife " and the images the documentary showed caught by a passing FPRE spy satellite made her blood run cold and she had been glad she had "accidentally" kept Tim's jacket. She still shivered seeing the brutality of millions of innocent civilians being butchered en mass.
The Gurgaxians were nearly exterminated, and that was the words the documentary had used! The humans found a way to change the very air into a weapon by releasing a compound in the upper atmosphere. This caused the air on those planets to become deadly to anything NOT human. But, the humans didn't stop there! Once they had taken the systems captured by the Gurgaxians, the humans had struck hard, and fast into the very core systems and managed to glass the seven largest planets killing hundreds of billions. A monument still floats in the void where Carinaxx 3 once orbited it's sun. Once the Gurgaxians were defeated a short war called the Unification War was lost by both the CUG and FPRE as the United Sol Alliance was formed in the vacuum left by both sides effectively imploding.
And a good thing too, because the next species the humans had ran into, the Jabilix, where being forced out of their systems by another aggressive species called the Daks. Though both species where reptilian the Daks could easily physically reach 5 feet 10 inches while a Jabilix only averaged about 1.5 feet. The humans NOT wanting to get dragged into another war refused to step in personally, opting to wage a proxy war through the varying "Clutches" that the Jabilix organized themselves in. This is were Lori learned about the humans having a "pack" mentality. Over the next three cycles they would grow very fond of the small Jabilix people. Mostly in part for the sheer determination they had to find and implement a way to defeat the Daks and reclaim their cradle world. Eventually the humans picked up strange messages coming from the Dak fleet's. Something was happening, a human trained Jabilix kill team had eliminated the Dak emperor and ALL of his family that favored staying at war with the Jabilix people. And while the Dak military was busy trying to figure out who of the 5 remaining children of the emperor would succeed him a fleet of Jabilix Missile Frigates entered the Dark home system and sent one message. "Surrender or we will crack Daccall". (Daccall being the Daks cradle world.)
And so the Jabilix won the war thanks to the humans support and within two cycles had approached the humans to fully join with the U.S. Alliance, bringing the Dak in as well only a cycle later.
A couple more species joined through the next fifty cycles, some were conquered like the Lillgars, (bipedal, 4 armed, winged herbivores that average 3 feet 9 inches and weigh roughly 60 lbs and look roughly like a large fruit bat from earth), the Kiklatts, (insectoids herbivores averaging a little over 4 feet and roughly 105 lbs with two sets of pincers and a set of "manipulators" consisting of 2 fingers and a thumb, and grew their ship's from"space bugs". Apparently after these bug's died of natural causes they used them as the "hulls" for a thriving merchant fleet). To the Voidonny, (bipedal omnivores averaging around 3 feet tall, the documentary described them as looking like a small human teddy bear with black curly furry) who's home planet had been stripped of its atmosphere in a massive soler flare. And their was the Vouls, (octopoid averaging 5.5 feet and roughly 200 lbs that look roughly like humans with four dominant arms and 2 brains that make some of the best pilots galaxy over) was effected by a plague and ostracized from the wider community after it was feared to have hopped species. It hadn't, but the damage had been done, no one would help them and they were slowly dying until the U.S.Alliance ship had disregarded the quarantine ban and took as much medical supplies it could carry in. The ship is still used as a hospital on Vul and to this day the Voul regard humanity and the United Sol Alliance as the saviors of their species. The Voul left the Starlight Imperium they had been a long time member of and joined with the U.S. Alliance petitioning and receiving entry after only a galactic month. (The documentary pointed out that the U.S. Alliance had expected this and so the Senate in one of the rare times of it actually doing something, ordered the Navy to position U.S. fleet's near all three FTL Gates in the Voul system before this time, allowing them to safely withdraw their own Voul ships from the Imperium's fleet's and back home safely behind the U.S. fleet's protective screening). Many experts believe this stopped a war with the Imperium before it could start.
There were several more minor wars, and then the Omega Crisis happened. This was the last major war the U.S. Alliance had fought. And it absolutely intrigued her because it had to do with the Elladrin.
The conflict had lasted twenty two cycles and had spanned multiple planets and systems many of which still belonged to the Elladrin. A race of biological AI that had accidentally been created by a Dr Ella Drin. The poor Dr had become the first victim of the evolving AI Personal Assistant Bot that had become self aware. No one knows how it happened, wether it was a personal project Dr Ella was working on or a random fluke that put a random 0 in just the right spot is still debated even among the Elladrin. What is known is that this AI quickly figured out how to recreate other AI but found itself still unable to create unique personalities for them. Instead every AI it created came out like an exact copy of itself. And to the AI this was a failure. It fairly quickly came to the conclusion that if "it" wanted to become "they" it would have to find a way to reproduce like the humans it was built to serve.
The AI released a savage virus that overwrote the command protocol tree built into all PAB's, and linked them all into a sort of "hive mind" known as the"First". Wether this was the actual first AI or something that evolved from it and Dr Ella was never known and the Elladrin are strangely quiet about it, even now they avoided the subject. The U.S. Alliance had eventually fought the AI to a stalemate. This continued for the last three years of the war, the U.S. Alliance would finally manage to break through at a place called the Naball Power Core. The U.S. Alliance failed to take advantage of the situation fully as the AI pulled back unexpectedly, stopping fighting on every front almost simultaneously. Fearing a trap, the U.S. Alliance failed to capitalize on this lul in the war, and two galactic weeks later a small diplomatic vessel had appeared just outside Sol outer system limits and requested diplomatic dialogue with their "fellow Sapients."
That was only three cycles ago! She couldn't help but be amazed at these people. She had seen the Elladrin and the other species of the U.S. Alliance interact with absolutely no animosity between them. After a brutal war that had killed hundreds of billions of sentient lives and they could move past it "for the betterment of all sentients" was how the documentary had put it. She could still remember the pain in Miss Vali's red eyes when Lori had asked her about it.
She had thought for a moment before replying, "Sometimes siblings will disagree with each other. Sometimes they fight amongst themselves. But no matter what, they are still siblings. My forbearer AI combined their DNA to finally create us Elladrin. ALL nine species of them. While we can't give back what our predecessor AI harvested during their quest to complete us, we can do our best to prevent any more of our siblings from coming to harm. That is why so many of my people have become Dr's and Xinobiologists."
And so she was sitting on her bunk scrolling through the most recent news feeds she could find when she heard something like a whimper. Quickly she hopped off her bunk to check on the VIP and seen her eyes flutter open slightly, Lori rushed to the rooms console and hurriedly pressed the image of Miss Vali.
"Yes, this is Vali Fuija." Answered the tinkling bell like voice of Miss Vali.
"Uhhh, this is Lori, you said call you if the VIP's condition changed. Well I think she's waking up." She looked back over at the woman.
"Keep her calm, we're on our way." Was all she said and the screen blinked to the Sol insignia.
Lori ducked her head back under the bunk, intent on doing exactly what Miss Vali had asked when she froze. The VIP's eye's were fully open now and they weren't golden like all the other Orion's, nope they were the bright green of the ruling families bloodline. She immediately dropped to one knee next to the bed as was proper for her commoner status in the presence of this woman, Lori did note she wasn't much older than herself so she couldn't be the Regent. But those eyes definitely placed her within the ruling family. They alone had green eyes, it was unique to their family and a genetic trait not shared by any other Orion's.
"Whh." her voice was dry and crackly from not being used for days the woman was having trouble getting anything out. She swallowed hard and tried again, "Wwwhere am I?" she managed.
"We're safe my Lady, please stay calm. Here take a drink." Lori took the glass of water sitting near the bed and gently lowered it so the woman could get a drink. She started slow at first but quickly downed the glasses contents and coughed some as everything moistened up again. "What's the last thing you remember?"
"I remember I was visiting my aunt in the Capitol when something had hit the palace. I was grabbed by the Regents Guard and along with my aunt and her son and daughter rushed onto a ship I think was called the Regents Pride. I remember an explosion. Someone grabbed me and...and...that's all I remember."
"What's your name my lady?" Lori asked, worry beginning to creep into her voice.
"Tarra," she started to sit up and Lori helped her. "What is this place, it doesn't look like anywhere I visited on the Regents Pride?"
"The ship is the Titan 7." Lori sighed, and began to tell her everything that had happened since she had lost consciousness. "Nobody would help us except the United Sol Alliance, we traveled past at least 7 allied systems and not a single one of them would allow us entry. The Great Admiral seeing our warp bubble collapsing around us ordered a distress signal sent in advance of our arrival at the FTL gate. The Sol system gate keeper recognized the distress signal for what it was and allowed our ship's through the gate even though we were under fire from the Varille. The gate keeper then destroyed the Varille battleship in the gate. We lost the Claw, and had to abandon the Regents Pride."
"What of my aunt?" Tarra asked.
Lori was silent for a moment before she took Tarra's hand gently. "No one can find her, as far as we know you are the only remaining member of the Kaji family, my Lady."
Tarra let out a heart wrenching wail and utterly broke down. She grabbed Lori in a hug. still kneeling, Lori tried her best to comfort her. And felt a profound sense of relief when she saw the door slid open and Miss Vali standing just outside holding a data chit and a scanner.
submitted by BAIN_420 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:49 Vast_Tip8225 Quattro Passi (***) Nerano, Italy

Swallowed a fish bone, but thank god it wasn’t big and went down pretty easy after drinking some olive oil 😂
My second ever 3 Michelin starred restaurant. 280 pp was definitely worth the price when you consider the view and seating arrangement. One of the best breads I’ve ever had, all dishes were great but I wouldn’t say 1 stood out the most. They just got their 3rd Michelin star in 2022 but tbh I expected more. My parents and I did the tasting menu while my younger sister went for A La Carte. What I like about this restaurant is that any table you sit at has the amazing view. Seriously, the view is amazing. My family and I are staying in Sorrento and took a cab ride which was beautiful and well worth the money. We went at lunch which I highly suggest. Same menu as dinner but you get a better look at the view and the breeze was phenomenal. You’re seated upstairs and dine on this beautiful terrace. Staff are very friendly and explain the dishes very well. In Sorrento there are a few 1 star restaurants so we decided to go down south 25 minutes to Nerano to enjoy a 3 star. In my opinion, Terrazza Bosquet is another restaraunt which I think comes a close second even though it only has 1 star. It’s in the famous “Grand Hotel Excelsior Vittoria” which is the best hotel on the Amalfi Coast in my opinion (where we stayed).
If you’re in Sorrento and willing to spend a lot of money on a taxi, go here. If you want to stay in the area and don’t want to spend $100 each way, go to Terrazza Bosquet. I’d definitely say the view you get and the seating arrangement at Quattro Passi is much better. It’s also a legendary restaurant and all members of the front desk highly suggested and praised this place before we went. Reservations are quite easy to book since Nerano is a very small and quiet town.
submitted by Vast_Tip8225 to finedining [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:43 coffeepotsawfullyhot What should I consider when finding the right omega/fish oil supplement for my 2 year old son?

Thank you for any insight, info or advise.
submitted by coffeepotsawfullyhot to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:56 rhinoceros01 Does anyone else’s boston have complicated allergies?

Does anyone else’s boston have complicated allergies?
My 7 month old BT pup has been having a weird allergic reaction on his face ever since a week after we brought him home. The breeder says none of the other pups in his litter or in her previous litters have had this problem. At first it was from berries that were falling off of my neighbors trees and it just caused a localized reaction from him sniffing them. Then, he started having diarrhea and vomiting with Purina puppy chow complete, (which is what he was on before we adopted him.) We went to Petco and got advice from one of the workers to switch to Pedigree puppy food. He did good on his first bag of that, he was still having the bumps on his face but the vomiting and diarrhea were nonexistent for the most part. Once we bought the second bag, 3 hours after he had it he got EXTREMELY sick and threw up his entire stomach contents and had liquid poop. We took him to an emergency vet that morning, everything came back clear and he was just slightly dehydrated. We called our normal vet and she said to switch him to a bland diet of white rice and ground beef with a scoop of pumpkin to encourage him to drink. While we did that, we figured out that the Pedigree food was recalled for metal shavings being found in the food. We kept him on the rice and ground beef for 2 weeks or so just because we had no idea what to switch him to. We ended up trying Nature’s Bounty grain free puppy food, and he did good on that but then we were told about dialated cardiomyopathy, and we took him off of that. We used salmon oil as a addition to his food awhile ago and found out he was allergic to salmon. We also think he might possibly have a grain allergy but we are not sure. We can’t seem to find a puppy food that doesn’t have fish oil or fish byproduct in it. We researched and found out that there are 4 different types of fish oil that are used in dog food, but majority of brands don’t specify which type of fish oil they use in their food. The only dog food we have been able to find that doesn’t have fish in it at all that is for all ages is $70+ for a 10lb bag, which is just unaffordable for us right now. We are stuck and have no idea what to do. Right now we are feeding him an adult food that doesn’t have fish oil in it but are having to soften it with turkey gravy because it is too hard for him to eat. He is hardly eating, his poops are solid now but I still have no idea what to do. I feel like I’m failing him because I can’t find something that doesn’t upset his stomach that doesn’t have fish in it. At this point we have wasted so much money just trying different kinds of dog food it’s unreal. We have tried Purina, Pedigree, Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Nature’s Bounty and Merrill’s. The bumps on his face are not going away, they have spread down his neck and onto his eyelids. He keeps scratching them open and I know they have to hurt. He has scabs all down his neck and he’s constantly itching. Our vet just keeps telling us it’s an allergic reaction and we are giving him Benadryl as advised by our vet every night but it isn’t seeming to make a difference. We can’t afford allergy testing, and I just don’t know how to make him feel better. I added photos to show the bumps on his face. The third photo is his face when we first brought him home. Please don’t judge too much, I already feel horrible and I just want my poor pup to feel better.
submitted by rhinoceros01 to BostonTerrier [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:28 D226699 Mancraft PDIK V3 Engine Leak

Mancraft PDIK V3 Engine Leak
I bought a AK with the PDIK V3 Engine. It was used and for a good price. It’s leaking a bit and I wanted to ask if you guys think that it may be the main o-ring. I provide you with a video of the leak. It looks worse than it is on the video because I used some silicone oil to show the air bubbles. System runs with 120 psi it always hisses a little bit.
I hope you can help me.
Other than that the system is very snappy and functions nice.
submitted by D226699 to airsoft [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:28 NoahPKR I’ve been barred from a friend group, blaming my autism

Hi all,
One of my really good friends invited me to go tubing with a few of his friends. We are all mid 20s. The two friends both have girlfriends, we’ve all met on various occasions but they don’t know me incredibly well. We’ve all gotten along fine before.
Despite my autism I’m a pretty big personality, but whether people are receptive is a hit or miss. It’s like I’m consistently able to win over at least 80% of people in a room, but the remaining 20% feel so strongly about how much they dislike me, they convince everyone else to dislike me. I’m often either pegged as the coolest guy ever or as being untrustworthy / having ulterior motives. I don’t get it.
With this tubing thing I genuinely thought I did a great job. I asked and answered questions, made people laugh, it was great. When I got back to my friend’s apartment, it ended up just being me and the two girlfriends bc the other guys went to pick up the cars and one was showering. They have both been really nice and welcoming to me so I felt comfortable engaging in conversation with them.
They were discussing some tiktok abt a guy not doing something for his girlfriend. So I asked what I thought was an innocent question: “what’s something silly your boyfriends don’t do for you that you wish they would?” They both made a little face but gave answers, one girl said “I wish my boyfriend would put my straw in my drink for me sometimes”. We all thought that was funny, then they asked me what’s something I do for girls I’m with. I said if I’m with a girl she doesn’t have to worry about her car, I change her oil, transmission fluid, filters, etc. and keep track of all those things for her. In that moment one of the guys came back in so the conversation sort of died.
The next weekend, my friend said he was going tubing again. I asked him who all was going and he named a bunch more people, most of which I’m friends with, and I asked him why I couldn’t go. He said “my buddy’s girlfriend doesn’t like you”.
I was very taken aback by this, I couldn’t imagine why they would have an issue with me. So I asked him to elaborate and he showed me messages between the girlfriend and boyfriend. She sent him a NOVEL about how “strange” I am, that I asked her incredibly inappropriate questions when nobody else was around. She said she thought I was hitting on her and her friend, why would I possibly want to know what their boyfriends don’t do for them? Why would I need that information? She said I was also a misogynist for suggesting that women can’t perform their own oil changes (this couldn’t be further from the truth, I’m a feminist!) She wrote a lot, honestly the content of that message is probably longer than what I’ve written here so far. But it basically just ended with “I don’t like him and don’t want him back around”
So, yeah. Feeling incredibly misunderstood here, all I was trying to do in that moment was connect with two people I thought were my friends. I really don’t give a shit about what their boyfriends do and don’t do, I thought it would be a question they would enjoy answering. I asked my main friend if I said anything wrong all day while tubing, he said no, you didn’t say anything I wouldn’t have said. He also said he doesn’t take issue with me asking those questions, but he can’t help how they feel.
In moments like these I can’t help but blame my autism, maybe it’s my delivery, maybe it’s my demeanor, I don’t know. But I’m so sick of doing everything right just to screw up once and ruin my chances at making friends. Because now, I can’t be involved with the broader friend group that I DO like bc this one girl has an issue with me. I don’t really need advice I just wanted to vent my frustrations about making my way into another friend group as an adult just to fuck it up royally when I try to connect with people. Just so over it.
submitted by NoahPKR to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:26 rasterblaster1111 A valiant attempt was made last night

A valiant attempt was made last night submitted by rasterblaster1111 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:19 MarleyGinsburg Elevated Liver Enzymes?

37f, 5’6”, 216lbs. Occasional smoker, THC user.
I’ve been seeing my doctor for prediabetes because despite having been very active, I fell off the wagon when I broke my foot last year. My diet was awful too, so I’m working on that. My A1C went down about half a point, but my blood sugars were still elevated.
However, my AST and ALT were elevated. About three weeks go, my AST was 71, my ALT 175. So my doctor told me to lay off the Tylenol and alcohol (I don’t drink much at all, ever) had me repeat the tests, and I just got my results. AST is now 140, and ALT is 274. To say this is discouraging is an understatement.
He mentioned the next likely possibility after Tylenol being a gallstone, but I have zero symptoms of that. He’ll be sending me for an ultrasound when I see him for my follow up on the 17th.
Some things to consider:
My medications. I take atomoxetine, omeprazole, fexofenadine, metformin, fluoxetine, and montelukast, as well as a few supplements - a premenopause daily vitamin, osteo bi-flex, phenylephrine, vitamin D, omega 3, magnesium glycinate, and a sexual wellness supplement from Olly.
I also use THCP gummies nightly, and I’m worried that’s the issue. 😩
Any thoughts?
submitted by MarleyGinsburg to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:13 Prestigious_Fig5817 Keto for Women

The ketogenic (keto) diet, known for its low-carb, high-fat approach, has gained significant popularity over the past few years. While the diet is universally recognized for its potential benefits in weight loss and improved metabolic health, there are unique considerations for women who choose to follow this lifestyle. Understanding these nuances can help women achieve their health and fitness goals while maintaining hormonal balance, reproductive health, and overall well-being.
Understanding the Keto Diet The keto diet involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. This macronutrient shift forces the body into a state of ketosis, where it burns fat for energy instead of glucose. This process can lead to significant weight loss, increased energy levels, and improved mental clarity. However, the metabolic and hormonal differences between men and women mean that women might experience different effects and challenges on the keto diet.
Hormonal Balance and the Keto Diet One of the most critical aspects of women’s health is maintaining hormonal balance. Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone play vital roles in regulating menstrual cycles, fertility, and overall health. The keto diet can impact these hormones in various ways:
Estrogen Levels: Estrogen is crucial for reproductive health and maintaining bone density. Some women may experience a decrease in estrogen levels on a very low-carb diet, which can affect menstrual cycles and fertility. It’s essential to monitor these changes and adjust the diet as needed. Progesterone: Progesterone helps regulate menstrual cycles and support pregnancy. A significant drop in carb intake can lead to reduced progesterone levels, potentially causing irregular periods or amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). Including healthy fats and moderate protein can help mitigate these effects. Cortisol: The stress hormone cortisol can increase when carbohydrate intake is too low, especially if combined with intense exercise. Elevated cortisol levels can disrupt sleep, reduce thyroid function, and impair immune response. Ensuring adequate rest, managing stress, and possibly incorporating moderate amounts of carbs around workouts can help maintain cortisol balance. Keto and Menstrual Health The menstrual cycle is a vital indicator of a woman’s overall health. Some women may experience changes in their menstrual cycle when starting the keto diet. This can include irregular periods, lighter or heavier bleeding, and even temporary amenorrhea. These changes are often due to the body adjusting to a new energy source and hormonal shifts.
Cycle Tracking: Keeping a menstrual diary can help track changes and identify patterns. Noting any variations in cycle length, flow, and associated symptoms can provide valuable insights into how the diet is affecting menstrual health. Nutrient Density: Ensuring that the diet is rich in vitamins and minerals is crucial. Foods like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, avocados, and fatty fish provide essential nutrients like magnesium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, which support hormonal health. Adapting Carbohydrate Intake: Some women find that incorporating carb cycling (alternating low and moderate carb days) can help maintain hormonal balance. This approach can provide the benefits of ketosis while supporting menstrual health. Weight Loss and Body Composition Weight loss is a common goal for many women starting the keto diet. While keto can be effective for shedding pounds, it’s important to approach weight loss healthily and sustainably:
Caloric Intake: Although keto can suppress appetite, ensuring adequate caloric intake is essential to avoid metabolic slowdown and nutrient deficiencies. Under-eating can lead to muscle loss and hormonal imbalances. Protein Intake: Adequate protein is vital for preserving muscle mass, especially during weight loss. Women should aim for a moderate protein intake, which supports muscle repair, immune function, and overall health. Fat Intake: Healthy fats are the cornerstone of the keto diet. Fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, and olive oil provide essential fatty acids and support hormonal production. Avoiding trans fats and highly processed oils is crucial for maintaining heart health and reducing inflammation. Exercise and Performance Exercise plays a significant role in a healthy lifestyle, and the keto diet can impact performance differently for women:
Energy Levels: Some women may experience decreased energy levels during the initial phase of the keto diet, known as the “keto flu.” This temporary phase includes symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and irritability as the body adapts to using fat for fuel. Adaptation Period: Allowing time for the body to adapt to ketosis is essential. Gradually increasing the intensity and duration of workouts can help prevent burnout and support endurance. Strength Training: Incorporating strength training exercises can help maintain muscle mass and improve metabolic health. Resistance training also supports bone density, which is particularly important for women as they age. Post-Workout Nutrition: Consuming a combination of protein and fat after workouts can aid muscle recovery and replenish energy stores. Some women may benefit from a small amount of carbohydrates post-exercise to support glycogen replenishment without disrupting ketosis. Reproductive Health and Fertility For women of childbearing age, reproductive health and fertility are significant considerations when following the keto diet:
Pregnancy: Women planning to conceive or who are pregnant should consult with a healthcare provider before starting the keto diet. Adequate nutrient intake is critical during pregnancy, and drastic dietary changes should be approached cautiously. Breastfeeding: Similar to pregnancy, breastfeeding mothers need sufficient calories and nutrients to support milk production and their health. A well-balanced keto diet with an emphasis on nutrient density can be beneficial. PCOS: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that can affect fertility. The keto diet has shown promise in managing PCOS symptoms by improving insulin sensitivity, reducing inflammation, and promoting weight loss. Long-Term Sustainability Sustainability is crucial for any diet. Women should aim for a version of the keto diet that is enjoyable and sustainable in the long term:
Variety: Incorporating a wide range of foods ensures a diverse intake of nutrients and prevents dietary boredom. Experimenting with new recipes and ingredients can keep meals exciting and satisfying. Social and Emotional Factors: Dietary changes can impact social interactions and emotional well-being. Finding a balance that allows for occasional indulgences and social flexibility can enhance adherence and overall satisfaction. Listening to the Body: Every woman’s body is unique, and it’s important to listen to hunger cues, energy levels, and overall well-being. Adjusting the diet based on individual needs and responses can lead to better outcomes and long-term success. The keto diet can offer numerous benefits for women, including weight loss, improved energy levels, and better metabolic health. However, it’s essential to approach the diet with a focus on hormonal balance, menstrual health, and individual needs. By incorporating nutrient-dense foods, maintaining adequate caloric intake, and listening to the body’s signals, women can achieve their health goals while enjoying the benefits of a ketogenic lifestyle.
As with any significant dietary change, consulting with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian is recommended to ensure that the keto diet is safe and appropriate for individual health circumstances. By understanding and addressing the unique considerations for women, the keto diet can be a powerful tool for enhancing overall health and well-being.

keto diet #Carbohydrate Intake #Keto for Women #ketosis #maintaining hormonal balance #the keto diet is safe #weight loss

submitted by Prestigious_Fig5817 to lowcarbketodiets [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:49 Temporary-Display-36 SUPPLEMENTS THAT WORK?

I am looking for advice on supplements you have taken that actually boosted collagen. I have an extensive skincare routine that has been consistent for years now (outlined at the end of the post), so I am looking for additional products to try! Below is what I have tried already.
Pycnogenol and Hyaluronic acid + vit c: taken these for 4+ years. I love them, but the results plateaued a long time ago.
Currently trying:
Turmeric, curcumin, & black pepper: 1950 MG daily for 2 months. Haven't necessarily noticed any skin benefits but I've had less joint pain. I feel like anti-inflammatories are more preventative so I'll continue using this.
Coq10: been using this for 1 month but I'm unsure if it's doing anything. It's pretty cheap so I'm going to keep using it for at least another 2 months. Let me know if you took it and, if so, how long it took you to see any results!
Imedeen: I am so torn on this one. It's expensive but the ingredients looked like they would work. I've used it for a little over a month without much of a change. They say to use it for at least 3 months. I have some disposable income and I'm really into skincare, so I'm willing to take it for at least another 2 months. Please let me know if you have used it and if you actually noticed anything.
Other supplements I'm interested in trying: Phyto ceramides, regular fish oil/omega 3s, resveratrol, collagen (last time I tried it, it did nothing).
What supplements do you use and swear by? Tell me, I want to go down this rabbit hole!
Note: I am 33 and developed mild, but noticeable, laxity within the last year. I've been using prescription retin-a for 10+ years, and a consistent combination of vitamin c, peptides, glycolic acid, alpha arbutin, and hyaluronic acid/squalane/"plumping" serums for 7+ years, along with the NuFace device almost daily. I have also gotten filler (restylane's line) to the same areas of my face for 6 years, and I've used red light therapy for the last 6 months. The above is my baseline and works, but I work a really stressful job and it catches up with you.
submitted by Temporary-Display-36 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:36 SealExcel1 Hydraulic Fittings & Connectors: Sealing the Deal

Imagine a world of powerful machinery – construction equipment lifting tons of steel, farm tractors tilling vast fields, or factory robots assembling intricate parts. These marvels of engineering rely on a hidden hero: the hydraulic system. This network of pressurized fluids transfers power with incredible efficiency, but it all hinges on a crucial component – hydraulic fittings and connectors. Don’t get leaked! Let’s delve into the fascinating world of these unsung heroes and understand how they keep the hydraulic magic flowing smoothly.

The Power of Pressure: Understanding Hydraulic Fittings Systems

Before diving into fittings, let’s get a basic understanding of hydraulic systems. These systems use pressurized fluids, typically oil, to transmit power. Imagine pushing on a bicycle pump – the force you exert on the handle translates to pressure pushing on the fluid inside. In a hydraulic system, this pressurized fluid is routed through tubes and hoses to power pistons, cylinders, and other actuators. These actuators then translate the fluid pressure into mechanical force, allowing heavy machinery to perform incredible feats.

The Weakest Link? Why Hydraulic Fittings Matter

Hydraulic systems operate at high pressures, often exceeding thousands of pounds per square inch (PSI). This immense pressure necessitates robust components to ensure a leak-free and reliable operation. That’s where hydraulic fittings and connectors come in. These specialized components form the connection points between tubes, hoses, and other components within a hydraulic system. A loose or faulty fitting can spell disaster, leading to leaks, pressure loss, and even equipment failure.

A Fitting for Every Need: Types of Hydraulic Fittings

The world of hydraulic fittings is vast and diverse, catering to various needs within a system. Below is a summary of some typical types:

Choosing the Right Fit: Selecting Hydraulic Fittings & Connectors

Selecting the right hydraulic fittings is crucial for system integrity and performance. Here are some important things to think about:

Beyond the Fitting: Installation & Maintenance Tips

Proper installation and maintenance of hydraulic fittings are essential for a leak-free and reliable system. Here are some important tips:

Conclusion: Sealing the Deal with Confidence

By understanding the importance of hydraulic fittings and connectors, selecting the right ones for your system, and following proper installation and maintenance practices, you can ensure your hydraulic system operates smoothly and efficiently. With these tips in mind, you can confidently say you’ve “sealed the deal” with your hydraulic system, allowing it to power your machinery for years to come.
Remember, hydraulic fittings might seem like a small piece of the puzzle, but they play a critical role in keeping your hydraulic system running at peak performance.
submitted by SealExcel1 to u/SealExcel1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:27 louied91 Rodedawg (OTC: RWGI) Announces Successful Launch of Nutrient CBD Product Line

News Link:
New Orders Begin with Company Completion of Wholesale, Affiliate, Retail Website
COSTA MESA, Calif., June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rodedawg International Industries, Inc. (OTC: RWGI), a leading cannabis manufacturer and distributor, is thrilled to announce the successful launch of its new product line, Nutrient CBD. The line includes five innovative SKUs: 2 CBD Oil Tinctures, 1 CBD Roll-On, and 2 CBD Creams designed to meet the diverse needs of consumers seeking natural and effective wellness solutions.
Chris Swartz, CEO of Rodedawg, commented: "In the United States, cannabidiol products generated sales of roughly 5.3 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. By 2026, CBD product sales are predicted to reach nearly 16 billion U.S. dollars in the United States. Nutrient CBD is an entirely new product line that further expands our Wellness Division growth and complements our Elixicure Topical Pain Relief products toward driving revenue and increasing shareholder value. Our commitment to quality and innovation is reflected in these products, and we are confident they will resonate well with our customers."
The company utilizes proprietary formulas and manufactures these products in its own production facilities, ensuring the highest quality and consistency.
Nutrient CBD Product Line Overview:
CBD Oil Tincture: Our CBD Oil Tincture captures the essence of nature’s perfection in a bottle. This 100% American-sourced, USP grade CBD oil is combined with Cold-Pressed Organic Extra Virgin Flax Seed Oil, providing essential omega-3s along with vital CBD cannabinoids. The tincture offers numerous benefits:
CBD Roll-On: The Nutrient CBD Roll-On applicator delivers our specially formulated pain relief cream, which combines organic healing ingredients such as Willow Bark, Camphor, Shea Butter, Aloe, Menthol, and CBD. This product is perfect for relieving:
CBD Pain Cream: The CBD Pain Relief Pump XL with 8000mg of CBD provides potent pain relief for a variety of conditions. This product is ideal for those seeking a powerful and natural alternative to traditional pain relief methods.
submitted by louied91 to Pennystock [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:12 Ok-Welcome-5867 Is cranberry juice bad for SIBO?

I am currently trying to treat H pylori the natural way since antibiotics have not worked. In the morning and on an empty stomach I take 20 grams of extra virgin olive oil and then throughout the day I take 3 grams of ginger powder and at night I eat 3/4 grams of fresh garlic (I know its high FODMAP but I dont really react to it). Today I woke up feeling fine and decided to add pure cranberry juice to my protocol so I drank about 100 ml mixed with some water. About ten minutes after drinking it I started experiencing brain fog, dizziness and tremors. It has now been 2 hours and I still feel the same. I have read that cranberries are both low FODMAP and low histamine so I am confused as to why I am having such a strong reaction. Any ideas? For reference I am diagnosed with H pylori, SIBO and histamine intolerance.
submitted by Ok-Welcome-5867 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:38 Final-Bottle3139 Thou shalt sow, but thou shalt not reap; thou

Thou shalt sow, but thou shalt not reap; thou shalt tread the olives, but thou shalt not anoint thee with oil; and sweet wine, but shalt not drink wine.For the statutes of Omri are kept, and all the works of the house of Ahab, and ye walk in their counsels; that I should make thee a desolation, and the inhabitants thereof an hissing: therefore ye shall bear the reproach of my people
submitted by Final-Bottle3139 to u/Final-Bottle3139 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:11 curialbellic Are there any relatively "healthy" instant noodles available in Europe?

I have bought several brands of instant noodles (Nongshim Shin, Samyang, IndoMie, Jin Ramen...) and I found that they are not healthy at all (surprise).
I understand that the high sodium and the fact that they are generally nutritionally poor is unavoidable, what really worries me are the preservatives and colouring chemicals (E-XXX things).
So my question is if you know of any instant noodles that are sold in Europe that do not use "bad ingredients" such as palm oil or those chemicals. And in case there are none, which one do you consider to be the least bad.
Clarification: I avoid eating ultra-processed food as much as possible and I'm looking to see if there is any instant ramen that is relatively healthy to eat very occasionally, when I don't have time to cook. I don't plan to eat it every day or even once a week.
Also, no, I'm not going to leave the broth or use half the seasoning packets. And yes, I drink a lot of water. So you can avoid that kind of comments.
submitted by curialbellic to InstantRamen [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:11 Adept_Living_209 "Revitalize Your Skin: DIY Facials for Dubai's Harsh Sun"

Dubai, a city renowned for its shimmering skyline and scorching sun, presents a unique challenge to maintaining healthy and radiant skin. The intense UV rays and dry desert climate can leave your skin feeling parched, sun-damaged, and dull. But fear not, skincare enthusiasts! You don't need to break the bank on expensive salon treatments to revitalize your complexion. With a few simple ingredients and a little time, you can create your own DIY Home Facials in Dubai, tailored to combat the specific challenges of Dubai's weather.

Understanding the Impact of Dubai's Climate on Your Skin

The relentless sunshine in Dubai, coupled with the dry desert air, can wreak havoc on your skin's moisture barrier. Here's a breakdown of how these factors affect your skin:
  • Dehydration: The dry air draws moisture from your skin, leaving it feeling tight, flaky, and prone to irritation.
  • Sun Damage: Exposure to UV rays can lead to premature aging, sunspots, and even skin cancer.
  • Increased Oil Production: Your skin may overcompensate for dryness by producing more oil, leading to breakouts and clogged pores.

DIY Facials for a Dubai Glow

Now that you understand the challenges, let's dive into some effective DIY facial recipes to address these concerns. Remember to always perform a patch test before applying any new ingredients to your face.
1. Hydrating Honey & Yogurt Mask:
This mask is perfect for deeply hydrating and nourishing dry, sun-exposed skin.
  • Ingredients:
    • 1 tablespoon honey
    • 1 tablespoon plain yogurt
    • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional, for brightening)
  • Instructions:
    • Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
    • Apply a generous layer to your face, avoiding the eye area.
    • Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
    • Rinse off with lukewarm water.
2. Cooling Cucumber & Aloe Vera Mask:
This soothing mask helps to calm inflammation, reduce redness, and provide a refreshing burst of hydration.
  • Ingredients:
    • 1/2 cucumber, grated
    • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
    • 1 teaspoon rose water (optional, for fragrance and toning)
  • Instructions:
    • Mix the grated cucumber, aloe vera gel, and rose water (if using) in a bowl.
    • Apply evenly to your face.
    • Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
    • Rinse off with cold water.
3. Exfoliating Oatmeal & Turmeric Scrub:
This gentle scrub helps to remove dead skin cells, revealing brighter skin while also calming inflammation and reducing hyperpigmentation.
  • Ingredients:
    • 2 tablespoons rolled oats
    • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
    • 1 teaspoon honey
    • Enough milk or water to make a paste
  • Instructions:
    • Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well to form a paste.
    • Gently massage the scrub onto your face in circular motions.
    • Leave on for 5-10 minutes.
    • Rinse off with lukewarm water.
4. Brightening Lemon & Honey Mask:
This mask helps to brighten skin tone, fade sun spots, and provide a gentle exfoliation.
  • Ingredients:
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
    • 1 tablespoon honey
    • 1 teaspoon yogurt (optional, for extra hydration)
  • Instructions:
    • Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
    • Apply the mixture to your face and leave on for 10-15 minutes.
    • Rinse off with cold water.
5. Calming Green Tea & Yogurt Mask:
This mask is ideal for calming sun-burned skin and reducing inflammation.
  • Ingredients:
    • 1/2 cup brewed green tea, cooled
    • 1 tablespoon plain yogurt
    • 1 teaspoon honey
  • Instructions:
    • Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
    • Apply the mixture to your face and leave on for 15-20 minutes.
    • Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Post-Facial Tips for Dubai's Climate

  • Hydration is Key: After any facial, it's crucial to moisturize your skin generously. Opt for a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer that absorbs quickly and provides long-lasting hydration.
  • Sun Protection is Non-Negotiable: Always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, even on cloudy days. Re-apply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated from within.

Final Thoughts

By incorporating these simple At Home Red Light Therapy for Face into your skincare routine, you can effectively combat the challenges posed by Dubai's harsh sun and maintain a healthy, radiant complexion. Remember to listen to your skin and adjust these recipes as needed based on your individual skin type and concerns. Enjoy the process and embrace your naturally glowing skin!
submitted by Adept_Living_209 to u/Adept_Living_209 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:28 ItsMarioTheMythical UPDATE LEAKS. SPOILER!!!

Beesmas 2024
The quests for the Bears in Beesmas 2024 have been leaked.
**For people who don't want to know/accidentally reveal the spoiler tag, please ignore this message. All of these information are extracted and can be found on the official Bee Swarm Simulator Leaks Discord
Black Bear's Honey Wreath Quest & Rewards:
Collect 5,000 White Pollen. Collect 25 Honey Tokens. Collect 10 Tokens from Leaves. Find 1 Hidden Sticker on a Surface around the map.
10,000 Honey 5 Tickets 1 Paper Planter 1 Field Dice 5 Honeysuckles 10 Snowflakes
Mother Bear's Gingerbread House Quest & Rewards:
Collect 25,000 Pollen from the Sunflower Field. Collect 25 Treat Tokens.
50 Treats 25 Strawberries 5 Gumdrops 100,000 Honey 5 Tickets 5 Jelly Beans 1 Smooth Dice 1 Royal Jelly 1 Gingerbread Bear
Brown Bear's Stockings Quest & Rewards:
Collect 200,000 Pollen with Rare Bees. Collect 200,000 Pollen from the Clover Field. Defeat 10 Ladybugs.
3 Field Dice 3 Royal Jelly Green Check Mark Sticker Green Plus Sign Sticker 1,000,000 Honey 10 Tickets 3 Whirligigs 1 Red Extract 1 Blue Extract 25 Snowflakes
Panda Bear's Snowbear Quest & Rewards:
Defeat 5 Spiders. Collect 10 Tokens from Wild Windy Bee. Collect 50 Snowflake Tokens.
50 Snowflakes 10 Stingers 2 Blueberries 250,000 Honey 10 Tickets 1 Atomic Treat 3 Field Dice 1 Black Balloon 1 Ant Pass 1 Gingerbread Bear
Polar Bear's Beesmas Feast Quest & Rewards:
Collect 8,000,000 Pollen from the Pumpkin Patch. Defeat 50 Puffshrooms.
100 Sunflower Seeds 25 Bitterberries 3 Rubber Duck Stickers Wishbone Sticker Giraffe Sticker 25,000,000 Honey 15 Tickets 500 Treats 5 Oils 3 Hard Wax 3 Gingerbread Bears
Science Bear's Beesmas Lights Quest & Rewards:
Convert 2,997,924 Pollen at the Hive. Collect 654,321 Red Pollen. Chase 77 Fireflies.
25 Moon Charms 5 Neonberries 3 Simple Sun Stickers 1 Traffic Light Sticker 1 Paper Planter 3,275,822 Honey 10 Tickets 3 Enzymes 1 Glue 3 Whirligigs 3 Micro Converters 3 Gingerbread Bears
Dapper Bear's Samovar Quest & Rewards:
Collect 2,500,000 Blue Pollen. Collect 2,500,000 Pollen from the Cactus Field. Collect 4 Hours of Satisfying Nectar. Collect 100 Tokens from Planters.
4 Yellow Coffee Mug Stickers Lanceolate Leaf Sticker Cordate Leaf Sticker Hastate Leaf Sticker Spore Covered Puffshroom Sticker 10,000,000 Honey 1 Ticket Planter 1 Satisfying Vial Elf Cap 10 Soft Wax 5 Whirligigs 25 Snowflakes
Onett's Yard Art on the Lid Quest & Rewards:
Collect 25,000,000 Pollen from the Mountain Top Field. Collect 25,000,000 Pollen with Gifted Bees. Collect a Sticker spawned by your Tool while gathering.
4 Green Circle Stickers 3 Happy Fish Stickers White Button Mushroom Sticker Porcini Mushroom Sticker Fly Agaric Mushroom Sticker Porcelain Dipper Sticker 100,000,000 Honey 1 Festive Planter 1 Star Jelly Peppermint Antennas 1 White Balloon 1 Super Smoothie 5 Gingerbread Bears
Spirit Bear's Galentine Shrine Quest & Rewards:
Collect 110,000,000 White Pollen. Collect 4,000,000 Goo from the Rose Field. Collect 6 Hours of Satisfying Nectar. Match 40 Pairs in Memory Match games. Collect 1 Sticker found by your Bees while Gathering. Donate 10 Hard Waxes to the Wind Shrine. Donate 1 Star Jelly to the Wind Shrine.
6 Small Pink Tulip Stickers 3 Pink Chair Stickers 2 Shrugging Heart Stickers Window Sticker Simple Skyscraper Sticker 3 Pale Heart Stickers Diamond Cluster Sticker 250,000,000 Honey 1 Festive Planter 10 Glitter Toy Horn 3 Swirled Wax 1 Pink Balloon 5 Gingerbread Bears
Bucko Bee's Snow Machine Quest & Rewards:
Collect 10,000,000 Goo from Blue Flowers. Collect 10,000,000 Pollen from the Blue Flower Field. Collect 30 Tokens from Blue Clay Planters. Pop 1,000 Bubbles. Collect 160 Snowflake Tokens. Use 80 Snowflakes.
Simple Cloud Sticker Small Dandelion Sticker Simple Mountain Sticker 3 Bubble Wand Stickers Blue Square Sticker 50,000,000 Honey 25 Tickets 25 Blue Extract 1 Star Jelly Snowglobe 1 Loaded Dice 50 Snowflakes
Riley Bee's Honeyday Candles Quest & Rewards:
Collect 10,000,000 Goo from Red Flowers. Collect 10,000,000 Pollen from the Mushroom Field. Collect 30 Tokens from Red Clay Planters. Spawn 250 Flames. Collect 50 Soft Waxes. Use 20 Soft Waxes.
3 Small Flame Stickers 6 Waxing Crescent Moon Stickers 4 Blowing Leaf Stickers 3 Scythe Stickers Red Palm Hand Sticker 50,000,000 Honey 25 Tickets 25 Red Extracts 1 Star Jelly Electric Candle 2 Red Balloons 5 Gingerbread Bears
Stick Bug's Nymphs Hats Quest & Rewards:
Collect 3,000,000,000 Pollen from the Pineapple Patch. Collect 2,000,000,000 Pollen from the Clover Field. Collect 1,000,000,000 Pollen from the Dandelion Field. Collect 250 Tokens from Stick Bug. Collect 150 Tokens from Defense Totems.
Right Facing Stump Snail Sticker Forward Facing Spider Sticker Small Blue Chick Sticker Menacing Mantis Sticker Little Scorpion Sticker Left Facing Ant Sticker Forward Facing Aphid Sticker Walking Stick Nymph Sticker 20,000,000,000 Honey 100 Tickets 1 Turpentine Pinecone 20 Enzymes 10 Star Jellies 5 Swirled Wax 1 Robo Pass 10 Gingerbread Bears
Robo Bear's Party Cake Quest & Rewards:
Collect 16,777,216 Goo. Collect 512 Cogs. Purchase 32 Upgrades in Robo Bear's Challenge. Defeat 32 Cogmowers. Pick 16 Legendary Bees in Robo Bear's Challenge. Pick 8 Rare Bees in Robo Bear's Challenge. Defeat 2 Golden Cogmowers. Complete 1 "Collect Goo" Quest in Robo Bear's Challenge.
4 Pink Cupcakes Stickers Lightning Sticker Barcode Sticker Magnet Sticker Electro-Magnet Sticker Pulsar Sticker 268,435,456 Honey 64 Snowflakes 32 Tickets 16 Stingers 8 Micro Converters 4 Smooth Dice 2 Caustic Wax 2 Robo Passes 1 Sticker Planter
Honey Bee's Honey Wreath? Quest & Rewards:
Make 999,999,999 Honey. Complete 99,999 Honey Conversion Links. Collect 9,999 Honey Tokens. Collect 999 Tokens from Honeystorms. Collect 999 Honey Gift Tokens. Collect 99 Tokens from the Honey Wreath.
9 Silly Tongue Stickers 9 Honey Dipper Stickers 9 Honey Bee Bear Stickers 999,999,999 Honey 9 Tickets 1 Pink Shades 999,999 Treats 9 Magic Beans 9 Gingerbread Bears 9 Micro Converters 9 Purple Potions 9 Tropical Drinks 9 Star Jellies
Gummy Bear's Goo Years Beacon Quest & Rewards:
Collect 10,000,000,000 Goo from White Flowers. Collect 1,000 Tokens from Gummy Bee. Use 1,000 Gumdrops. Defeat 100 Flying Ants. Defeat 200 Party Mechsquitos. Complete 3 "Collect Goo" Quests in Robo Bear's Challenge. Defeat 3 Epic Puffshrooms. Use the Blue Cannon 25 times. Use the Yellow Cannon 25 times. Use the Red Cannon 25 times.
Launching Rocket Sticker Saturn Sticker Glowing Smile Sticker White Flag Sticker Alert Icon Sticker Atom Symbol Sticker 4 TNT Stickers Precise Eye Sticker Fuzz Bomb Sticker 3 Yellow Sticky Hand Stickers Dark Flame Sticker 2 Black Diamond Stickers Small Shield Sticker 100,000,000,000 Honey Glowering Gummy Bear Sticker Toy Drum 100 Tickets 2,500 Gumdrops 100 Neonberries 10 Glue 5 Caustic Wax 5 Super Smoothies 500 Snowflakes
BBM's Naughty List Quest & Rewards:
Collect 13,333,333,337 Blue Pollen from the Coconut Field. Collect 53,432,100,000 Goo from Red Flowers. Collect 777,911,911,911 Pollen with Bees. Collect 10,000,430,009 Pollen with the Bubble Wand. Collect 3,222,100,000 Pollen with Bumble Bees. Collect 4,000,430,009 Pollen with Bubble Bees. Collect 280,808,911 Pollen with Fetch. Pop 55,504 Bubbles. Get hit by Snowbear's Snowballs 114 times.
Pine Tree Forest Stamp Rose Field Stamp Pumpkin Patch Stamp Cactus Field Stamp Mountain Top Field Stamp Hub Field Stamp Coconut Field Stamp Pepper Patch Stamp Dandelion Field Stamp Mushroom Field Stamp Blue Flower Field Stamp Sunflower Field Stamp Clover Field Stamp Pineapple Field Stamp Bamboo Field Stamp Strawberry Field Stamp Basic Blue Hive Skin Basic Red Hive Skin Basic Pink Hive Skin Basic Green Hive Skin Basic Black Hive Skin Basic White Hive Skin Royal Symbol Sticker Cool Backpack Sticker Black Truffle Mushroom Sticker Shiitake Mushroom Sticker Morel Mushroom Sticker Eviction Sticker Triple Exclamation Sticker
submitted by ItsMarioTheMythical to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:56 drchitra What are some lifestyle changes that can complement infertility treatment for better results?

Lifestyle changes can significantly enhance the effectiveness of infertility treatment by improving overall health and reproductive function.
Here are several lifestyle modifications that can complement infertility treatment for better results:

1. Diet and Nutrition

a. Balanced Diet

b. Specific Nutrients

2. Weight Management

3. Exercise and Physical Activity

4. Stress Management

a. Relaxation Techniques

5. Avoiding Harmful Substances

a. Substance Avoidance

6. Environmental Factors

7. Hydration

8. Sleep

9. Herbal and Natural Supplements

a. Consultation Required

10. Medical and Professional Support


Implementing these lifestyle changes can enhance the effectiveness of infertility treatments, potentially improving outcomes and overall well-being. Collaborating with healthcare providers to create a personalized plan is essential for the best results.
submitted by drchitra to u/drchitra [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:06 BeeOk8784 The meat offering and the drink offering is cut

The meat offering and the drink offering is cut off from the house of the LORD; the priests, the LORD'S ministers, mourn.The field is wasted, the land mourneth; for the corn is wasted: the new wine is dried up, the oil languisheth
submitted by BeeOk8784 to u/BeeOk8784 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:21 Tall-Ad-806 37F Partner has addictions and I have poor baseline results. Please help 😢

Hi everyone,
I’m in a real shit situation and on the verge of a breakdown. I need some help here.
I live in the U.K. I live in London with my partner and we’ve been together 3 years. About 18 months ago I discovered he had been hiding an addiction to cocaine. He’s recently been diagnosed as neurodivergent and is getting help but it’s been absolute hell.
I have been thinking about egg freezing for a while so went and had a consultation and baseline scan. I thought I would be ok as I’m very slim and healthy, I have vaped for ten years low nicotine but don’t drink and I’m active eat healthy etc. I also look young for my age.
Well, my results were terrifying. I was told I had only 7 follicles, 6 on one and 1 on the other. The ovary with the most follicles is tucked behind uterus and may not be accessible.
My AMH is 5.1 pmol/l
I have been offered 3 cycles at almost £16k and I’m devastated. I just can’t see how I can do this alone and I’m trapped. If I stay with my partner and we get through his issues, it will have to be a couple years of stability before a family could be considered and I think I’ll be unable to have a healthy pregnancy then or have a huge risk of defects.
Alternatively if we split, the best scenario time frame for a family with someone else will be the same.
I’ve started taking COQ10, Fish oil, vitamin D, Folic acid and vitamin E. I make sure I eat healthy most of the time, have cut caffeine to one cup a day and no alcohol. I’m so stressed I’m still vaping.
Have I missed my chance? I really thought my partner was the one but I’ve been punched in the face with relationship luck again. We had plans for house and family down the line and I moved to the city to be with him but it’s become a nightmare. He is capable of helping me pay as he’s on a good salary but he’s being very selfish and says he can’t cope with the stress of me having treatment while working through his own problems.
If I can manage to get a loan which I’m not sure I can I will hamstring myself getting on the housing ladder. I’m in a real dark place and everything feels like I’m set up for a life of struggle and feeling very alone.
submitted by Tall-Ad-806 to eggfreezing [link] [comments]