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2024.06.05 06:50 godzillastyle Getting photos from phone to computer

Hi All,
I am working on a python script that utilizes some openCV and other photo processing. The intent it to be a health tracker that syncs/captures foods I eat, sleep quantity/quality, exercise, etc. it syncs this data from my smart watch and phone. The one thing I can’t figure out however, is how to make it “get” a daily photo I take of myself.
I know some of you are going to say to just plug in my phone via USB, but honestly that’s a pain. I just want to take the photo on my phone, and be done. I don’t want to go to my computer and download photos on a daily basis, was looking for more of a “fire and forget”
Additionally I know others will mention to use some type of cloud storage. The issue I see, is I don’t want it syncing all my photos, I want it to be specific to the picture I take of myself.
First stab- send the photo of myself via email, and have the python script grab the photo when it comes in and do it’s processing and save it to the specified folder.
Just curious how you’d approach this.
submitted by godzillastyle to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:25 ray_hud Phone theft?

Over the weekend my phone was left in an Uber. We called the phone until the driver picked up. We asked if he could turn around with the phone or if we could meet him somewhere. He told us no, he didn't stop driving until 6:30am and to call back then. We told him the phone was almost dead (thank you Life360) and asked for another number we could call. He said no and hung up.
So my fiancee, roommate, and friend all hopped in the car and followed my phone's location (thank you again Life360). They pulled alongside the driver when he parked and tried to wave him down. He looked at them and drove away. The caught up again and rolled down their window (his was already down) and said "Hey, the phone left in the car is ours!!" He once again sped away and managed to lose them as the phone died.
I have since been sent on every wild goose chase to attempt to get the phone back. My phone was the one that ordered the Uber, so no access to the app. I can't access my Uber account online because I need my phone for my email account's 2 step verification. I've desperately tried to get back into my Yahoo account but it was created when I was 11 and they can't verify my ID. When I reached back out to Uber they sent me a support chat link, but no matter how long I sit in there, no one joins and it just prompts me to send another message to support.
In checking Life360, the phone is still dead, so the driver has made no effort to make it possible to call back. The driver knows our address, but hasn't made any attempt to contact or drop by. The police also said there's nothing we can do legally.
TL;DR Uber's customer service is the worst and my driver stole my phone.
submitted by ray_hud to uber [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:00 Direct-Caterpillar77 My [25M] girlfriend [26F] of 1.5 years keeps spreadsheets rating her sex life and relationships. Found them while working on her computer. Don't know if I should tell her/ask to see the previous guys' ratings

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/throwaway4500001
My [25M] girlfriend [26F] of 1.5 years keeps spreadsheets rating her sex life and relationships. Found them while working on her computer. Don't know if I should tell heask to see the previous guys' ratings.
Original Post Sept 12, 2014
My gf and I have been together for about a year and a half. She is amazing, intelligent, and caring. We don't live together, but we're considering moving in together in January when her lease is up. We pretty much spend all of our nights together though.
Anyway, I spent the night at her place last night, and ended up using her computer for work. This morning I needed to email the document I'd been working on last night to myself at work. I couldn't remember where I'd saved it, so I just searched the computer for any files with my name. Two pop up: one is the document I was working on before, and the other is an excel spreadsheet titled "Sex and Relationships." So...I opened it.

From what I could tell, she has been keeping this spreadsheet since her first relationship (9 years). She has a tab for each sex partnerelationship, where she notes the dates of sex, rates the sex, notes what sex acts, and rates the relationship (not entirely sure what that means either). It was open on my tab, since I'm the most recent, so I read all of her sex/relationship ratings...and they start out pretty high (I think...don't know the scale), but have been getting lower over the past 2 months.

It basically took all of my willpower, but I didn't look at the other guys' tabs. Thinking about seeing the other guys' sex acts column and the ratings just makes me sick to my stomach. So I just closed the spreadsheet, emailed myself my work document, and went to work. I've just been stewing since then, though, and becoming more and more insecure about the sex ratings. I'm so tempted to read the other guys' ratings, but I know that would be wrong as well as self-torture really. I already feel kind of shitty for reading even my tab, but at the same time, I'm kind of offended by the fact that she RATES our sex life and relationship, like it's just a performance eval at work or something. I don't know. Obviously something is wrong with our sex life, so I need to talk to her about that, but there haven't been any signs of that from my perspective, so she's probably going to realize I saw the spreadsheet if I randomly bring it up. So what do I do? Do I tell her what I saw? Am I overreacting by being a little angry about her rating me and our relationship? Also, isn't keeping track of your sex life to this extent kind of odd?
I haven't seen her since I found the spreadsheet. She had already left for work when I saw it.
--- tl;dr: GF rates all her relationships/sex partners. My sex ratings are getting lower. I don't know how to approach this with my gf, and I'm a little offended by even the concept of rating our relationship/me. I also keep thinking about the previous guys' ratings and getting insecure.
Edit: the document I emailed myself was my work file. Not her spreadsheet. I worded it weird.
What, all the times you have sex? I mean, I've certainly made lists of past experiences when looking for patterns ("Am I dating the same kind of asshole again?") but not with a current relationship. That's pretty weird. Is she a generally mathematical sort of person?
Good for you, not looking at the other tabs. Don't. No good will come of it.
When is the last time the two of you sat down and had a discussion about how things are going? Do you do that with any regularity?
Yeah, as far as i can tell, every time we've had sex. Also, she very much is a mathematical person. She has a hard time opening up with emotions sometimes, but usually if I initiate a conversation about how she's feeling about something, she opens up. Last time we had a serious discussion was when we talked about moving in together. That was maybe a month or so ago? Definitely within the timeframe of when the sex ratings were already dropping, so idk what's up. Why would you want to move in with someone when you feel your sex life is not only poor, but getting worse? That makes no sense to me.
edit: I meant "poor" in relation to how she felt in the beginning of our relationship, since the ratings were getting lower for something like a month before our conversation about moving in together.
Whoops! You replied at the exact second I decided to put this on a throwaway instead, in case my boyfriend finds my username ;) I'll just quote my old reply below I guess just in case.
Anyway, I think the ratings are a bit cold too but I can see how they might not feel cold to her. After all, she doesn't expect anyone else to read them, so to her they're just a kind of shorthand for all the complex thoughts she has about it but doesn't feel like writing down.
My previous reply:
For a second I was scared my boyfriend had found my spreadsheet. Except I don't do the ratings... that just seems cold. Also, difficult to quantify or keep consistent standards for. I do keep a color-coded spreadsheet of everyone I have ever had sex with, the dates of when we had sex, and sometimes notes on the experience, such as any factors that might have led to it being especially good one time. I also keep spreadsheets of: everything I eat on days when I take my adderall and when in the day I eat it; how many hours per day I program (color-coded by project), and how long it takes me to complete any one chunk of my project; how many social interactions I have per day and who I have them with (with automated script to send emails out to schedule meals if I've gone too long without seeing any one of a specific list of close friends); how many mL of water I drink over the course of the day and when I drink it. I am just the kind of personality that likes data, if that makes any sense. (I also fucking love doing my taxes.) It's the same kind of impulse that drives some people to journal every day, I just find it inefficient to write things down in sentences most of the time. Maybe your girlfriend is the same way, and the fact that she's keeping the sexcel spreadsheet doesn't mean anything other than that she's perhaps a bit odd and thinks it's funny or interesting. It doesn't seem like she is sharing the spreadsheet with anyone, which would be a real issue. What would you do if instead of a spreadsheet a microsoft word document containing her diary had popped up instead with diary entries about her thoughts on your sex life and relationship trajectory? Would you still feel offended that she is journaling her thoughts and feelings in a private place?
Personally, I think I would respect her privacy and not read the rest of the spreadsheet and maybe not even tell her that you saw it in the first place (she may get angry and embarrassed). I would try to have a general conversation with her about whether there is anything she wants to try in bed to make your sex life even better, etc.
Update Sept 15, 2014 (3 days later)
I thought I should update you guys. Thanks for all the advice. I decided to tell her about my snooping, despite the general consensus being that that would be foolish. My reasons for it were:
  1. I felt bad about snooping.

  1. I’m terrible at keeping things from people. It probably would’ve come out eventually, so I felt it was best to do it ASAP and in a planned/controlled manner.

  1. I still didn’t feel comfortable about the ratings and wanted to understand why she does it and what it means to her. I love her, so I want to understand how her brain works.

  1. I wanted to address the sexual issues in a straightforward manner. I know everyone was recommending I just do this organically, but we did a lot of that in the first few months of our relationship. I felt it would come off as odd if I suddenly started asking if she was okay/enjoying the stuff she’s been telling me she prefers for 1.5 years, and she would definitely ask me why I was concerned. Didn’t want to have to lie.
Here’s how it went:

I didn’t end up talking to her Friday night because she was busy (exercise class with a friend). It ended up being a good thing, because I still wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. And like I said, I have a hard time hiding things, so she definitely would’ve known something was up. I just ruminated on the whole thing night Friday and finally decided I’d tell her.

So last night, I told her the whole story, and she knew where it was going pretty much, because she started covering her face when I said I searched for my name. When I explained that I only looked at my tab, though, she was really relieved. I apologized for even opening it in the first place, but she wasn’t really upset about that. She said that she understood the compulsion once I saw the title, she felt it was different from someone who goes out of their way to purposely snoop on their SO, and the fact that I told her instead of hiding it really helped. She said she was relieved I didn’t look at the other tabs, because that would’ve been a much bigger violation of privacy (and not just her privacy, but also the guys’ privacy) and definitely would’ve been an act of jealousy/insecurity rather than curiosity.

The whole time she was explaining this, I was just thinking THANK GOD I DIDN’T FUCKING OPEN THOSE OTHER TABS. Seriously, I am so fucking happy I did not look at those tabs. Cannot stress this enough. I almost fucked up my relationship a lot.

Anyway, as for the whole question of why she keeps track and what the ratings mean, spreadsheets4life was spot on. She just really likes keeping track of her own personal data. She has spreadsheets for her health (recording her weight, how energetic she feels, allergy symptoms, so on…) and even some completely silly ones like keeping track of how long her hair is. I told her I was worried since I saw the sex ratings were decreasing and I wanted to know what I should do differently. She said the ratings were about her personal enjoyment, not my performance.

Apparently, she’s gained a bit of weight over the past couple months, and she felt her own self-image was keeping her from enjoying sex as much. That’s why she joined a gym and decided to go to the exercise class this week. I was totally flabbergasted by this, because I honestly have not noticed the weight gain. I told her that, and she was basically like, you’re sweet but completely oblivious sometimes. I made sure to let her know that I think she’s gorgeous and sexy and has no reason to feel badly about her body. She said that’s all fine and good, but this was more about her internal validation than external validation.

She said this has happened before in previous relationships, and because of the spreadsheets, she was able to figure out the problem and fix it. I said I understood, but I’d really like it if she told me that she wasn’t enjoying sex as much, so I could help her. She said she hadn’t thought to tell me, because she was already taking steps to fix it. I asked her to please just tell me anyway. It’s not fun to have sex if the other person isn’t having fun too. I’m actually going to start making healthier foods for the two of us, since I suspect the weight gain is probably partially my fault since I love to cook and am always making comfort foods.
All in all, it went way better than I could have ever expected! She doesn’t think I’m a horrible sex partner, and I now know how I can help our sex life. She was a little concerned about me finding out about her spreadsheets though. Apparently a previous bf found out and freaked out and told her she was too cold and robotic. I said that now that I understand why she does it, I realize it’s not that unlike a diary (thank you to the people who made this comparison in the original thread! It really helped me). She was very happy to hear that.
Sorry this update took so long. It was a busy weekend, and my gf had some data she needed help gathering
--- tl;dr: I told her. She wasn’t too upset about the snooping, she explained the sex ratings were more about her than about me, and we’re going to work on being healthier together so her self-image can be back where it was before.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:37 newbturner Partner trying to push me out, possibly without an offer. Any advice on how to prepare / counter this?

Background: I start and work on a business in litigation support almost 24/7 for 2.5 years, with a 50/50 partner, sharing in almost all tasks. I am more on the IT side of things, they are more on scheduling side of things. I set up our LLC as a partnership and we have 2 years of withdrawals proving 50/50 split of net profit.
My partner is wealthy and near retirement. I am NOT wealthy and wasn’t when I started the business with them. I was completely broke within the first year, but lasted 2 without working elsewhere. There were many times I was so broke and defeated by our lack of profits that I contemplated suicide. I am still recovering from this time of my life mentally, or trying to. We originally had an agreement to both be present all the time to run and prioritize the business, but something had to change.
Fast forward, we hire an office manager. Because we now have someone handling the office, I start taking outside work to climb out of debt.
My partner is very intelligent, and so am I. We are currently in a weird dance where I assume (almost can say I know) that they are trying to build evidence that I have abandoned the company, simply because I’m not home often and I am outsourcing work that I used to take with our company. The fact is, even when I am on other jobs, I still respond to our clients, I still get jobs covered that I would have taken, and our office is covered by the person we hired. Even so, I take an active part in the business when I am gone, but leave most office tasks up to the office manager.
The partner called me and I would bet recorded me venting about how we do not make any money, I went broke and have to support myself, and that I need to be able to make outside money etc. It’s funny, when I started to offer solutions about how to best balance our management responsibilities when I’m on other jobs, the call got disrupted.
Anytime I suggest in writing changes that can be made, they want to talk in person (their spouse is an attorney). However, any time that they suggest I may not be available, it’s by email.
The business currently makes only around 50k excess profit per year, split 2 ways at 25k. However we just got 2 new contractors that will raise this probably to 40 each per year, after all of our expenses are paid, including office management.
Is there a way for my partner to push me out of my own company, and how do I avoid this? I have already suggested I am open to a sale of my share, and I am going to start blind copying every response I make in the business, notes on every task I perform and sending them all to an email in case anything happens legally. Part of me thinks, this is so not worth the work…the other part thinks that I have almost died for this business, nobody is going to try to force me out.
Thanks for any insights.
submitted by newbturner to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:33 llMelrinll GFS problems and questions

I bought a guitar from GFS, I didn't get a tracking number and I'm wondering how I can track it if possible and also if its normal to not get a tracking number from them. Also, I tried to pay with Venmo and it didn't work when I scanned the code they provided. When it didn't work I just used my card instead and it worked. I later looked at my bank transactions and it took money out from Venmo and my card but I didn't get a order number, confirmation email, or anything like that for the Venmo charge. Its also not in my Venmo transactions or in my Venmo account balance. I have a order number and and all that for the charge on my debit card though. So I don't know if its a Venmo thing or GFS thing.
submitted by llMelrinll to musicians [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:30 ImaginationKey7282 Email recipient received older version of PDF?

Hey, so I made some changes to a google word document, downloaded it as a PDF onto my computer, then emailed it to a person from my gmail account. The person received the PDF, but it was an older version with deleted information and it didn't have any of the new information. However, if I go to my sent emails and open the PDF that I sent, it is all new information and no old information.
So, my idea of what happened is because I saved this file with the same name as an older file, google recognized that file and rather than uploading it just found the older version and sent that? Does that make sense? It's super strange and I'm not sure how it happened, but I was just talking to the recipient and he had a bunch of information that I didn't intend to send him.
submitted by ImaginationKey7282 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:20 AmIAmazingorWhat Nightguard fit- should I go back to the office and ask for changes?

Nightguard fit- should I go back to the office and ask for changes?
Just picked up my (very expensive) new night guard and I am... not happy.
I grind my teeth in my sleep, have for four years. Currently wear a custom, "close fit" somewhat flexible guard from my former dentist that has drastically reduced tooth pain for me, although not necessarily my TMJ. It was getting kind of worn and almost chewed through the back.
Went to a new dentist because I moved and the guard they presented me with a solid chunk of rock hard plastic, is VERY tight- when I wear it it feels like it's pushing on my front teeth/canines.
It is also HUGE. I cannot close my mouth with it, the bottom of the guard (below my front teeth) is thicker than my teeth are long!
It also only comes into contact with my canines and a little bit with my front teeth- when I close my mouth there is a significant gap in the back where my molars do not touch (the gap is big enough for me to stick the tip of my tongue through.)
Even just wearing it for a half hour at home to test it out MADE my jaw sore/tight (not clenching at all, just from how far it pushed my mouth open)
At my fit check appointment I was informed the bite looked good with bite paper and that it is supposed to be tight and uncomfortable for a few days. I have NEVER had these issues with my old nightguard, and I don't really feel comfortable wearing it until I know if I need to get it adjusted. Before my custom guard, I wore a DIY one that did not cover my back molars for a few months and it caused tremendous pain in my other teeth because the pressure was referred forward. I'm thinking the same will happen here.
Do I need to go back? If so, how is it ACTUALLY supposed to fit so I know if they're doing it correctly? I'm tempted to drive 5 hours to my former dentist and just get another one from them, but I am kind of upset that I paid several hundred dollars for something I don't think I can even wear.
Ps- I wasn't asked about the type/style of guard, nor given any options prior to them sending off my bite/mouth 3D scan (not a print). They also didn't ask about or look at my current guard, which I brought with me. My two appointments with this clinic have so far not been positive.
submitted by AmIAmazingorWhat to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:56 SelectionOptimal7348 Get Ready for the Golden Bull Run with Our Bitcoin Donate Button App

Get Ready for the Golden Bull Run with Our Bitcoin Donate Button App
Are you prepared for the next golden bull run in the world of Bitcoin? Whether you’re a seasoned HODLer or a crypto newbie, there’s no better time to get your digital wallet in shape for the influx of generosity that’s about to come your way. Introducing the ultimate tool for savvy crypto enthusiasts: the Bitcoin donate button generator from Bitcoin QR Code Maker. Let’s dive into how this magical button can make your life easier and your Bitcoin stash bigger!

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If you’re scratching your head wondering what a Bitcoin donate button is, fear not! It’s as simple and marvelous as it sounds. Imagine a world where your followers, fans, or generous benefactors can send you Bitcoin at the click of a button. No more complicated wallet addresses or cumbersome copy-pasting. With our Bitcoin donate button generator, you can create a sleek, clickable button that makes donating Bitcoin a breeze.

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As the golden bull run looms on the horizon, Bitcoin is gaining more mainstream attention. This means more potential donors looking to spread their crypto wealth. By setting up a Bitcoin donate button, you’re positioning yourself to catch this wave of generosity. Here are a few reasons why you need to hop on this trend pronto:
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Creating your very own Bitcoin donate button is as easy as pie. Thanks to our Bitcoin donate button generator, you don’t need to be a tech wizard to get started. Here’s a step-by-step guide to set you on the path to crypto glory:
  1. Visit Our Site: Head over to Bitcoin QR Code Maker and check out the Bitcoin donate button generator. You’ll be greeted with a user-friendly interface that guides you through the process.
  2. Enter Your Wallet Address: Input your Bitcoin wallet address where you want to receive donations. Make sure it’s accurate to avoid any mishaps!
  3. Customize Your Button: Choose the style, color, and size of your Bitcoin donate button. Make it stand out and match your website or blog’s aesthetic.
  4. Generate and Embed: Click the generate button, and voila! You’ll get a piece of code that you can embed on your website, blog, or social media profile. It’s that simple!

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Now that you have your shiny new Bitcoin donate button, it’s time to put it to work. Here are some fun and effective ways to maximize its potential:
  1. Spread the Word: Share the news about your Bitcoin donate button on social media, email newsletters, and your website. The more people know about it, the more likely you are to receive donations.
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  4. Keep it Visible: Place your Bitcoin donate button prominently on your website or blog. Don’t hide it in a corner where no one will see it. The more visible it is, the better.

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Whether you’re a content creator, nonprofit, or just someone looking to benefit from the upcoming Bitcoin boom, our Bitcoin donate button is the tool you need. Don’t wait until the bull run is in full swing—be proactive and set yourself up for success today.

Final Thoughts

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, being prepared is key. With our Bitcoin donate button generator, you have the perfect tool to catch the wave of generosity that’s coming with the golden bull run. Easy to set up, user-friendly, and highly effective, it’s the ultimate solution for anyone looking to receive Bitcoin donations.
So, what are you waiting for? Visit Bitcoin QR Code Maker today, create your Bitcoin donate button, and get ready to ride the golden bull run to new heights of success. Your future self—and your Bitcoin wallet—will thank you!
submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:55 External_Sherbet_135 Manifested $4500 and a freelance gig in the last 24 hours

What a wild ride the last few weeks have been!
My ex walked away from his equity on our shared marital home in January, but I haven't known how I was going to pay the property taxes ($3900), due June 1st. I had also put down a deposit for my daughter to go to summer camp with her best friend. Money appeared out of nowhere to pay the full amount - $675 - when a friend's girl scout troop disbanded and she randomly decided to give me their funds to send my daughter. But I'd been laid off and needed the cash to pay our expenses while I waited for my new job to start.
For months I've been trying every route I could to get that money, while manifesting. Refinancing debt - for some reason none of the applications would load right. Applying for a tax credit - $2500, but it wouldn't arrive for 20 weeks. Hustling for freelance - everyone wanted me to help them for free. I've written "someone gave me $4000 today" and "I paid my property taxes" and "I got a freelance job" dozens of times in my manifestation journal. I had an internal sense it would work out but it didn't make any rational sense to me and I was starting to feel the pressure of the deadline.
An old co-worker recently randomly sent me some links for an author's emergency fund about two weeks ago. I applied, and then applied to a second that was linked by the first in the application info, but I assumed I wouldn't hear anything. This old co-worker had also recently been complaining that our old company has been drowning in contracts because they laid a bunch of folks off. I had been laid off this winter because they ran out of the work I was hired to do.
I had some small movement from one of the author funds last week - they were verifying info - but hadn't heard anything. June 1st came and went and I started to panic. Two nights ago I was crying my eyes out, honestly! Stressed beyond belief. I finally blurted to a friend that I needed to borrow money to pay for my kid's camp. They said I didn't seem like my normal self, that they couldn't loan me the entire amount, but to go ask a few other friends and they'd help with $100. I asked three other friends. It was embarrassing! But two of them got back to me right away and said they could help.
But then the second emergency fund emailed my boss asking to verify my information. I told my friends to sit tight, as I was waiting on word for a few things. Impulsively, I also decided to email my old supervisor and asked if the company ever took on freelancers. I offered to help with the contracts they've been having trouble with. Before bed, I had work set up for the next week. $175 a day to do the work I used to enjoy at my old job on my days off from my current job, for as long as they have contracts. Last night I suddenly had the feeling that everything would work out today.
I woke up to an email stating I'd received $4000 from the emergency author's fund and asking if I'd like the money via paypal or zelle. By noon, I'd gotten an email from the second emergency fund offering me a check for $500. I paid my daughter's camp today, and will have my property taxes covered by the end of the week. And I also have freelance secured that will help us start to pull out of the financial situation I've been in since the divorce. I'll also still get the $2500 tax credit, which I'll set aside toward next year's bills.
One thing that stands out to me is that my manifestation came true on a deadline - only four days late! - even though I reached a state of total despair and panic. In fact, I feel like I needed to reach that state. If I hadn't, I would have never asked my boss about the freelance. The friends I reached out to also assured me that I can always ask for money if I'm in a pinch and that they're happy to support me and my daughter. I needed to hear that!
submitted by External_Sherbet_135 to NevilleGoddard2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:54 Queasy-Mortgage-2827 landlord racist and issues

Hello so I had a court hearing RTDRS April 8 about late rent even though it’s the landlords fault because she knows that it takes 1-3 days to process the payment as soon you send it on the first and I have evidence of her saying yeah that’s fine. After the court hearing I was ordered to pay rent on time and extra fees for the landlord I agreed at that time because I don’t know any law about this housing situation anywho she said she didn’t get the rent even though it says went through called my bank they confirmed it’s gone through to the account it’s listed to now I got a notice of default paper asking me to vacate the premises on June 10 I’ve found a different place already but It’s not ready to move in till June 27 and I don’t have family here to stay with yesterday I asked her what the issue was I was being kind she decided to say “I’ve already told you people how stuff works here I’m sick and tired of you black people thinking your better I’m choosing for you not to live in this building anymore “ I’ve got full hardcore evidence text message and a email of her saying “Leave my Fing Building you black n*ers need to find some place else “ I’m wondering if I can file this through RTDRS court and if it’ll give me a little bit of time this month move to my new house or what can I do in this situation.
submitted by Queasy-Mortgage-2827 to alberta [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:34 NoOutlandishness5753 AIO Am I Thinking Too Much?

Prepare yourselves for a wild ride folks. The things I’ve experienced in relationships, allowed to have happened to me, and unnecessarily endured due to fear of judgement and the erosion of my self confidence constantly replay in my mind. So I’ve always had this odd ability. I am able to tell when someone is being shady or when something is off in a relationship. There may be no visual or audible signals but there is just this gut feeling I get that something is going on that’s not good. I caught an ex girlfriend talking to another guy by trusting this feeling. I also knew that she had cheated and got pregnant before she told me.
When I got married to my first wife, I’ll admit it was rushed and we didn’t know each other that well. I was willing to put in the work and spend what I expected at the time to be the rest of our lives getting to know and growing with her. However, it didn’t take 6 months after knowing her and 3 months after being married before that feeling in my gut surfaced. I did my best to ignore it. Maybe it’s an insecurity thing or maybe it’s a defense mechanism who knows. I checked her phone. I know I get what I get when I go looking for trouble. Boy did I find trouble. At the time we were married but living in separate states since we were both military. There were messages with a guy talking about her staying at his place. No clue who the guy was and she had never mentioned staying at a guy’s place. There were messages with another guy that I guess she had hooked up with prior to us getting together. However, there was disrespectful, explicit language in the messages that only dated back a couple months well after the start of our marriage. I think there was another. My gut wrenched. I confronted her about this and she brushed it off. I told her how disrespectful it was for this one guy to be talking about their previous sexual encounters knowing she’s married and her not shutting it down and encouraging it. Plus her staying with another man when she needed a place to stay and not having mentioned it to me? That was bullshit. She couldn’t refute it and apologized. I thought that was it. Unfortunately, I endured continual treatment such as this for over 5 years. I’ll just give the highlights. While still living in separate states her birthday was going to take place. She told me she was going to do lunch with friends. Ok no problem sounds harmless. No, i discovered that there was this guy she was “friends” with that wanted to hook up with her. She didn’t see anything wrong with that. I showed her explicit messages from this guy talking about wanting to sleep with her. I told her I didn’t want him to attend her birthday lunch which she agreed to. Well turns out she lied. I discovered through her messages that he did in fact attend her birthday lunch. We had a huge fight about that. Fear of being judged as a failure and lack of self confidence, like I said, kept me stuck in place. She made friends with this guy she liked to flirt with on Facebook messenger and even lied to me about hanging out with him while I was out of town when I had seen the messages coordinating their get together. She had logged into her Facebook on my computer before she went on a deployment. I just happened to login and didn’t realize it was her account. Went to the messages and that’s when I figured it out. Well there were messages with other guys she was over there with. Inappropriate conversation in one message. In another she hinted at meeting up with the guy at his hotel room. Even replied in the positive to him wanting to cuddle. Why I stuck around after that just confirmed I’m a glutton for punishment. I allowed societal pressure to get me into the situation in the first place and that same societal pressure held me down. Every time I would confront her she would either break down or turn it around on me. The worst in my opinion was when she straight up had an emotional affair while away for training. Something felt off when she got back. I checked her email and sure enough she was in communication with the guy. She would openly bash me, talk about making plans to meet up, provide him comfort and emotional support, and other things I was better off not knowing. Well instead of confronting her i decided this time I would make her pay. I know, petty and immature, but I was mid-20s, and emotionally stunted. I created an email address similar to his and got it to appear just like his. I forwarded several of their emails from her inbox to the new email. I then started communicating with her pretending to be him. Somehow she fell for it. The more we communicated the more of her feelings for him she revealed and the less she cared for me. I got her to agree to a phone call while she was away one weekend and continually questioned if it was ok and how she would be sure her husband wouldn’t hear. She assured him (me) that I wouldn’t be there. The weekend in question approached and that’s when I made my move. I forwarded the emails to my account pretending to be the guy’s girlfriend and exposing my wife for the cheater she is. I made sure to copy her on there and send a separate email to her. Lo and behold I am woken up at like 3am by my wife in tears. She had been blowing up my phone. The sad part about this is that she goes on to lie about the whole thing and say that the guy’s girlfriend is his ex and that she is crazy. There was nothing going on, they were just friends. She even had the nerve to edit her emails and send them to me. I knew the truth though. I was checked out from that moment on. The marriage lasted a couple more years before separation and divorce. The final straw for me was when she came home from work one day and she was on her phone texting instead of engaging in our conversation. I had that feeling in my gut again. I happened to walk by her and caught a glance at her phone screen and saw whoever she was texting was saved in her phone as just a single letter. Something was definitely up. She set her phone down, face down of course, and went up to change. I checked her conversation with this single letter person and sure enough they’d been sexting, sending each other half naked photos, and his last remark was in reference to how loud she is in bed which tells me they had sex. I grabbed the phone walked up to the room tossed her phone on the floor and told her I was done. The fact that she felt no remorse or guilt sealed it. Boom marriage finally over.
Now on to the crux of my post. I apologize again for the novel. I moved on from my first marriage, took time for myself, dated, then after a few years I met the future mother of my children. Dated for over a year before proposing this time and had no doubts about this one. We got married several months later and a little over a year beyond that had our first child. Things seemed great. We decided to try for number two. After a rocky start to that process we eventually conceived. We actually became really close and connected during that pregnancy. However, the events surrounding our second baby and the postpartum depression that followed erased all of that. She became cold and distant. She was mean and hurtful. There was no intimacy, no physical touch, no connection. I slipped into a very deep depression. My intrusive thoughts had me questioning everything. I was convincing myself she had to be seeing someone. The fact that she was glued to her phone and wouldn’t have a conversation with me reinforced these suspicions. That feeling in my gut returned for the first time in over 5 years, first time questioning this woman’s integrity. I checked her phone. Nothing in her messages, nothing in her emails, and no dating apps. I start to feel dumb. That is until I open Facebook messenger. Boom those old feelings come rushing back. I am triggered by one message thread with a guy I’ve never met or heard of. She is talking shit about me to this guy. She made one single inappropriate comment I felt she shouldn’t have said to this guy, but really it’s the bashing and laughing about treating me like shit. Airing our dirty laundry to a complete stranger I had no knowledge of. We had a fight about that. She got super secretive with her phone. It wasn’t until recently that I happened to check if there was anything else. I saw that she was sending this guy pictures of our children and having conversations with him. I guess they used to work together or that he occasionally is on site. He asked her schedule a couple times since he would be coming there certain days and they could catch up. I know he’s married with kids too, but I saw how she provided comfort and support when he felt like his family would be better off without him while telling me that I was pathetic when I was at the lowest point of my depression. Looks to me like a full fledged emotional affair, but I could be overthinking this and bringing the baggage from past hurt to influence and exacerbate my thoughts. Feel free to way in if you made it this far.
I know I am complicit in this. That i know. I endured my first marriage longer than was necessary because of my own mental hang ups. In this case, I do not assert myself and allow her to dictate the terms of our relationship. Until I work through my issues I do not expect much improvement.
submitted by NoOutlandishness5753 to AmIOverthinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:33 AgreeablePlankton968 They didn’t pay me my guaranteed hours

I started a travel contract and was completing the orientation. My contract states I have guaranteed 36h. Second day I was in training. The last part was Epic training. I never used Epic before, the guy went over slides in like 30 min and then said we can go early. I called my agency and asked if I’d be paid. She said yes, you will because you have guaranteed hours and you were not the one asking to leave early. I clocked out and left with the rest of orientees.
First paycheck comes (they pay every 2 weeks) and I’m short about $700!! I call and ask why. She said it’s a mistake and she will fix it. They didn’t pay for the 4h so I didn’t work my 36 hours so they paid only part of the stipend. I checked in again a couple days later and she said she is working on it. I call again yesterday. No answer. I text her and she left me on read. I wait till next day. I call twice. No answer. I wrote a long email explaining everything and naming the person who made false promises and then proceeded to ignore me. I send it to every email I have from the agency. I was very polite and patient up to that point. She blatantly ignored me and mislead me. I wonder how they’d react if they were short $700 for being sent home because someone felt like going home early.
Miracle! She calls me a couple minutes after I send the email.
She tells me the hospital wont pay me because they don’t guarantee hours the first week. I respond that this is not stated in my contract and therefore they have to pay me. The contract says I have guaranteed hours. If I knew I’d be penalized $700 I’d tell the instructor to do his job and teach me the charting system.
I’m so pissed I want to just quit and go back to my local per diem job.
What would you do?
submitted by AgreeablePlankton968 to TravelNursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:32 Deadsea-1993 I completed a Most Good ending run today and it was worth it

So before people lose their marbles over the title just know that New Vegas and the factions are open for interpretation and I wanted to do a playthrough where it was the most "win" for everyone involved. Here are my actions.
A. Helped Goodsprings fend off Powder Gangers
B. Talked NCR into annexing and guarding Primm
C. Helped NCR with all of their issues
D. Left Benny alive to be captured by Caesar. Talked Benny into not sending guards at me as I promised to leave him alone. When I found him later I had Caesar execute him. I activated Securatrons and then lied to Caesar
E. Talked NCR and Great Khans into dropping their weapons and walking away
F. United The Misfits and empowered them
G. I used a counterfeit card to get into The Strip. I told The King that I would use his favor later. I Helped him by taking Rex and giving a new brain from Lady Gibson's old dog.
H. I Helped The Followers Of The Apocalypse with all of their issues.
I. I worked with Mr. House up until he wants to deal with The Omertas as that is his point of no return for anyone else. I then talked with Yes Man, used Driver Nephi's golf club, then killed House. I put Yes Man in his place and promised Yes Man to work with him. I kept him updated on everything up until "Finishing Touches" as that is your commitment to an Independent ending. I did all of this for extra XP and you'll see in a moment how all of this contributes to this ending.
J. I Helped The Atomic Wrangler and gave happiness back to people like Old Ben.
K. I killed the 3 Fiends for The NCR
L. I killed Mottor Runner and his Fiends in Vault 3.
M. I went after thr Powder Gangers and hunted them all down.
N. I stopped the bomb from going off at Camp Mccaran, found the spy, then made the Centurion talk without violence by pretending to work for Caesar.
O. I bugged the Lucky 38 for The Followers after House was replaced so he couldn't interfere.
P. I brought Talent back to The Topps.
Q. I Helped Crimson Caravan, but I used a silenced pistol to kill Alice for Cass. I also killed the Van Graffs for her.
R. I talked The Boomers into supporting NCR
S. I used my favor to talk The King into a peace treaty with The NCR. This leads to Freeside being mostly independent and ruled by The Kings. Both help rebuild Freeside
T. I Helped Dr. Henry at Jacobstown. A cure for The Mutants were found. I used my NCR reputation to tell the bounty hunters off without violence. I talked the Nightkin down to avoid violence.
U. I found Keely and talked her into allowing me to keep the data to learn from the mistakes of Vault-Tec.
V. I Helped The Great Khans and talked them into being proud and leaving The Mojave for Wyoming. They meet The Followers there and rebuild together a stronger empire than ever before. They continue living as Native Americans rather than strictly pirates. They didn't need to help NCR as they've suffered enough.
W. I placed Cachino as the new boss of Gomorrah as I got him to sneak me a shotgun in and lied to Big Sal that Nero was working with me. Sal gets killed by Nero and then me and Cachino killed Nero. This prevents them from destroying The Strip or siding with Caesar.
X. I sorted The White Glove Society. I got Spiked knuckes to sneak with me. I used them to kill the assassins and to take a silenced pistol. I killed the head chef with the silenced pistol and hid his body. I Helped Heck Gunderson get his son back alive. I lied to him and told him we never found the kidnapper. This was to prevent meat shortages in the area out of retaliation. I then snuck in the corner and used the silenced pistol on the main bad guy, Mortimer, then snuck out without losing any reputation.
Y. I Helped Tabitha and Rhonda at Black Mountain and let them leave peacefully.
Z. I Helped The Ghouls at Repconn by getting them to space. I looked a the navigation board and boosted the landing zone time to get them faster. I gained Karma for this. I empowered Chris to start over in Novac. I used a Stealth Boy in the basement to help the Nightkin as I didn't want to kill any. I had to kill one for a Jailer key to talk Hardin down. I talked to Davidson and told him there weren't any Stealth Boys there. I was fast enough where Hardin wasn't killed either.
A. I Helped The Brotherhood of Steel entirely and talked a peace treaty between them and The NCR. I kept McNamara as the Elder because this is impossible with the Head Paladin as Elder. They told me I was a soldier in the army of the Brotherhood of Steel at the end.
B. I Helped save President Kimball's life for NCR.
C. I killed Lanius and Caesar so that The Legion would have a crushing blow to them in every category.
D. With Yes Man and the updated Securatrons, I had Courier make them work with NCR as more firepower to protect the people in the area. That's why I kept working with him, this is my head canon.
Hope you all enjoyed this !
submitted by Deadsea-1993 to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:29 SmiggieBalls Entire iCloud Photo Library accidentally synced to Google Photos

I accidentally synced my entire iCloud Photo Library to my Google Photos account and now I’m out of Google storage and can’t send emails. Now, when I delete a photo on Google Photos, it also deletes it from my iCloud account which I do not want. How can I batch delete photos from my Google Photos account without them deleting from iCloud so I can free up Google storage?
This week, my friend created a Google Photos album so a bunch of people could upload photos from a recent trip we took. When I joined that album and uploaded my handful of photos to the album, something happened and my entire iCloud Photo Library synced to my private Google Photos account, taking up the vast majority and remainder of my 100gb storage plan (I previously was only using 9gb).
I can no longer send or receive emails or use Drive. As mentioned above, when I delete a photo on Google Photos now, it automatically deletes it on iCloud which I do not want.
Could someone help me with this? Thanks in advance.
submitted by SmiggieBalls to applehelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:28 Deadsea-1993 I finally completed a Most Good Ending in New Vegas. This is all that I did.

So before people lose their marbles over the title just know that New Vegas and the factions are open for interpretation and I wanted to do a playthrough where it was the most "win" for everyone involved. Here are my actions.
A. Helped Goodsprings fend off Powder Gangers
B. Talked NCR into annexing and guarding Primm
C. Helped NCR with all of their issues
D. Left Benny alive to be captured by Caesar. Talked Benny into not sending guards at me as I promised to leave him alone. When I found him later I had Caesar execute him. I activated Securatrons and then lied to Caesar
E. Talked NCR and Great Khans into dropping their weapons and walking away
F. United The Misfits and empowered them
G. I used a counterfeit card to get into The Strip. I told The King that I would use his favor later. I Helped him by taking Rex and giving a new brain from Lady Gibson's old dog.
H. I Helped The Followers Of The Apocalypse with all of their issues.
I. I worked with Mr. House up until he wants to deal with The Omertas as that is his point of no return for anyone else. I then talked with Yes Man, used Driver Nephi's golf club, then killed House. I put Yes Man in his place and promised Yes Man to work with him. I kept him updated on everything up until "Finishing Touches" as that is your commitment to an Independent ending. I did all of this for extra XP and you'll see in a moment how all of this contributes to this ending.
J. I Helped The Atomic Wrangler and gave happiness back to people like Old Ben.
K. I killed the 3 Fiends for The NCR
L. I killed Mottor Runner and his Fiends in Vault 3.
M. I went after thr Powder Gangers and hunted them all down.
N. I stopped the bomb from going off at Camp Mccaran, found the spy, then made the Centurion talk without violence by pretending to work for Caesar.
O. I bugged the Lucky 38 for The Followers after House was replaced so he couldn't interfere.
P. I brought Talent back to The Topps.
Q. I Helped Crimson Caravan, but I used a silenced pistol to kill Alice for Cass. I also killed the Van Graffs for her.
R. I talked The Boomers into supporting NCR
S. I used my favor to talk The King into a peace treaty with The NCR. This leads to Freeside being mostly independent and ruled by The Kings. Both help rebuild Freeside
T. I Helped Dr. Henry at Jacobstown. A cure for The Mutants were found. I used my NCR reputation to tell the bounty hunters off without violence. I talked the Nightkin down to avoid violence.
U. I found Keely and talked her into allowing me to keep the data to learn from the mistakes of Vault-Tec.
V. I Helped The Great Khans and talked them into being proud and leaving The Mojave for Wyoming. They meet The Followers there and rebuild together a stronger empire than ever before. They continue living as Native Americans rather than strictly pirates. They didn't need to help NCR as they've suffered enough.
W. I placed Cachino as the new boss of Gomorrah as I got him to sneak me a shotgun in and lied to Big Sal that Nero was working with me. Sal gets killed by Nero and then me and Cachino killed Nero. This prevents them from destroying The Strip or siding with Caesar.
X. I sorted The White Glove Society. I got Spiked knuckes to sneak with me. I used them to kill the assassins and to take a silenced pistol. I killed the head chef with the silenced pistol and hid his body. I Helped Heck Gunderson get his son back alive. I lied to him and told him we never found the kidnapper. This was to prevent meat shortages in the area out of retaliation. I then snuck in the corner and used the silenced pistol on the main bad guy, Mortimer, then snuck out without losing any reputation.
Y. I Helped Tabitha and Rhonda at Black Mountain and let them leave peacefully.
Z. I Helped The Ghouls at Repconn by getting them to space. I looked a the navigation board and boosted the landing zone time to get them faster. I gained Karma for this. I empowered Chris to start over in Novac. I used a Stealth Boy in the basement to help the Nightkin as I didn't want to kill any. I had to kill one for a Jailer key to talk Hardin down. I talked to Davidson and told him there weren't any Stealth Boys there. I was fast enough where Hardin wasn't killed either.
A. I Helped The Brotherhood of Steel entirely and talked a peace treaty between them and The NCR. I kept McNamara as the Elder because this is impossible with the Head Paladin as Elder. They told me I was a soldier in the army of the Brotherhood of Steel at the end.
B. I Helped save President Kimball's life for NCR.
C. I killed Lanius and Caesar so that The Legion would have a crushing blow to them in every category.
D. With Yes Man and the updated Securatrons, I had Courier make them work with NCR as more firepower to protect the people in the area. That's why I kept working with him, this is my head canon.
Hope you all enjoyed this !
submitted by Deadsea-1993 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:24 InevitableExpress248 Should I pursue this further?

So I own and operate my own small scale digital marketing agency doing social media marketing, video production and editing, web design and other stuff of that nature. I get contacted by a restaurant in early May to do their social media management for their grand opening on June 1st.
After a couple weeks of back and forth, I went in on May 26th to set up all the accounts, exchange brand graphics, etc. That night, I sent over the service agreement which was a 3 month contract from June 1st to August 31st. The contract was very clear that payment was due 14 days in advance of the 1st of each month. ($1,000/month, $3k total) They sign the contract, I don’t receive payment. I’m usually pretty lax about on-time payment, like idc if you’re a couple of days late or whatever.
So I go in to do some menu item photography on June 27th and when I asked what time they would be in, they answered “should be there at 2pm” so I answered back and said “okay great I’ll swing by AROUND that time”
At 2:10PM I was about 5 minutes away when I got rear ended, I immediately called the guy to let him know I’m going to be a little late and if he needs to reschedule that’s fine. He says “no it’s all good just come by when you’re done exchanging info etc.”
Had I not gotten into the accident, I would’ve arrived at 2:15pm, that to me is “around that time” like I had said over text. I get there just after 3PM, so yes obviously late but it was due to unforeseen circumstances.
I go in for a couple hours, take pictures and video content and send them to the guy while I’m there. And then I’m on my way. And I still haven’t been paid.
I was supposed to go in on June 1st for their grand opening and take more content. The day prior I still hadn’t received the payment so I sent an email that said “I want to make sure payment is made before I come in again”
No response so I obviously don’t go in again as they’ve essentially ghosted me for 4 or 5 days.
On June 2nd I sent a polite final warning email saying that their payment is overdue and to pay me immediately. They answered back yesterday, June 3rd and said “we need to have a chat, I’ll call you tomorrow at 4”
Today I call him and he answers and immediately starts accusing me of being severely unprofessional for not showing up on the 1st and that I left them hanging. He also said I’m untrustworthy because I was late to the shoot on the 27th. And when I clarified that it was because I was in a car accident, he had the audacity to say “no actually you got into the accident 15 minutes after you were supposed to be here” referring to the fact that I said I’d be in “AROUND” 2PM. To me that means give or take 10-15 mins.
He basically said they’re refusing to pay me and that I should “reflect on how I operate my business” and was just overall super condescending.
Is it even worth it to pursue further action to get that $1,000 for at least the first month of the contract. Even though technically I’m entitled to the full $3k?
Sorry for the rant.
submitted by InevitableExpress248 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 Amore010 Staying after infidelity

My husband (32M) and I (31F) have been separated for 11 months now, I moved out with my baby, he cheated a year into our marriage, he was texting someone else, sending her money, I forgave him, 3 years later, he cheated with 2 different women while traveling for work, he’s a pathological liar, lied about going for work training for 7 days, he couldn’t talk to me cus they were not supposed to have their phone etc, then I found flights and hotels for the same dates to a completely different place outside of the country, he was supposed to be training in another state, but actually took a trip not work related at all, found the hotel booking in his email trash, he deleted but I was smart, just so many things throughout our marriage, I had enough so I saved up, bought my self a car, got an amazing job and an apartment and moved while he was at work, it’s been almost a year of separation, I finally decided I’m going with divorce, sat him down and told him I’m filling and that I’ll need his cooperation so everything can go smoothly for our baby’s sake, he didn’t speak to me again for 2 days then randomly texts me that he wants to talk, he called and gave me his game plan, saying he doesn’t want a divorce, telling me all the things he plan on doing to earn my trust and that I should give him 3 months to prove it, and then I can divorce him after if I don’t change my mind.
For those who stayed after their partners cheated, how’s that going? What were the reasons you stayed? What all did he/she had to do to earn your trust again? How did you get over the hurt ? Is your relationship better or worst?
Am I making a mistake? Cus I really don’t have much love left to give and I’ve made that clear to him, being in my own space gives me peace, I don’t have to beg him to help out with house chores or our baby, I just do me and it works for me, I’d rather do it alone than be married and still doing it alone ! Plus sex and everything, I really don’t think I have it in me honestly.
submitted by Amore010 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:10 Juanox78 [WTS] 👍👍"📍Mercadillo Store📍"👍👍 ▶️ Upgrades 👉 Liberator to Merchantman $38 Prowler to Hull C $25 Starfarer Gemini to Hull C $45 💎 Prowler to 600i Explorer $18 Vanguard Harbinger to MOLE $15 Gemini to Endeavor $14 ▶️ 👉 many more upgrades & ships inside

Jun 4/5 2024
👍👍 👋 Welcome citizens, come and take a look at the items I have to offer and feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions before buying.
About me:
RSI: Juannox - Discord: Juannox
Safe place to trade:
- I don't use second hand credits and I don't purshase accounts, all the items I sell are directly from my own account using my own funds, so there is no risk on my side.
🌎🌍🌏 I'am accepting US$ and EU€ from anywhere in the world using paypal or Cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT, BUSDT etc.
my local time is GMT -5


SHIP Insurance - Attributes Price Availability
SABRE CCU'ed - LTI $155 ✔️ YES
A1 SPIRIT CCU'ed - LTI $180 ✔️ YES
SAN TOK YAI CCU'ed - LTI $195 ✔️ YES
ARES ION CCU'ed - LTI $215 ✔️ YES
400i CCU'ed - LTI $215 ✔️ YES
CORSAIR BIS 2953 CCU'ed - LTI $220 ✔️ YES
MERCURY BIS 2952 CCU'ed - LTI $225 ✔️ YES
ECLIPSE CCU'ed - LTI $240 ✔️ YES
GALAXY CCU'ed - LTI $270 ✔️ YES
GENESIS CCU'ed - LTI $285 ✔️ YES
C2 HERCULES CCU'ed - LTI $285 ✔️ YES
600i EXPLORER BIS 2953 CCU'ed - LTI $320 ✔️ YES
HULL C CCU'ed - LTI $325 ✔️ YES
M2 HERCULES CCU'ed - LTI $335 ✔️ YES
HULL D CCU'ed - LTI $340 ✔️ YES
CARRACK CCU'ed - LTI $345 ✔️ YES
ORION CCU'ed - LTI $350 ✔️ YES
PERSEUS CCU'ed - LTI $370 ✔️ YES
ODYSEY CCU'ed - LTI $380 ✔️ YES
POLARIS CCU'ed - LTI $395 ✔️ YES

⬇️🤑 Saving Cost WARBOND/Pre-Price UPGRADES 🤑⬇️

FROM 📌 TO 👇 Insurance Price
Vanguard Harbinger ➡️ Mole 120 $15
Defender ➡️ Corsair 120 $15
Railen ➡️ Corsair 120 $15
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Defender - $12
Prowler ➡️ Hull C - $25
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Hull C - $45
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Hurricane - $15
Prowler ➡️ 600i Explorer - $18
Liberator ➡️ Merchantman - $38
Perseus ➡️ Polaris 120 $56
Reclaimer ➡️ Prowler 120 $25
Prospector ➡️ Sabre 120 $12
A1 Spirit ➡️ San'tok.yāi 120 $20
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Valkyrie - $25

⬇️☀️ Standard UPGRADES ☀️⬇️

FROM 📌 TO 👇 Price Availability
Aurora MR ➡️ MPUV C $9 ✔️ YES
Mustang Alpha ➡️ MPUV C $9 ✔️ YES
Aurora MR ➡️ P-72 Archimedes $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
HoverQuad ➡️ P-72 Archimedes $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Aurora MR ➡️ Ranger CV $9 ✔️ YES
HoverQuad ➡️ Ranger CV $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Aurora MR ➡️ Ranger RC $9 ✔️ YES
HoverQuad ➡️ Ranger RC $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Aurora LX ➡️ Ranger TR $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Dragonfly Black ➡️ Nox $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
P-72 Archimedes ➡️ X1 $14 ✔️ YES
Dragonfly Black ➡️ X1 $9 ✔️ YES
Dragonfly Yellowjacket ➡️ X1 $9 ✔️ YES
STV ➡️ X1 $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
C8X Pisces Expedition ➡️ Cutter Rambler $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter ➡️ Cutter Rambler $9 ✔️ YES
Mule ➡️ Cutter Rambler $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
C8X Pisces Expedition ➡️ Cutter Scout $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter ➡️ Cutter Scout $9 ✔️ YES
Mule ➡️ Cutter Scout $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
STV ➡️ X1 Velocity $14 ✔️ YES
Cutter ➡️ X1 Velocity $9 ✔️ YES
Mule ➡️ X1 Velocity $9 ✔️ YES
X1 ➡️ X1 Velocity $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Rambler ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Scout ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
Ursa ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Rambler ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Scout ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
Ursa ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Rambler ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Scout ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
Ursa ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Mustang Gamma $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutter ➡️ X1 Force $14 ✔️ YES
100i ➡️ X1 Force $9 ✔️ YES
X1 Velocity ➡️ X1 Force $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cyclone ➡️ Lynx $9 ✔️ YES
Fury ➡️ Lynx $9 ✔️ YES
ROC ➡️ Lynx $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
300i ➡️ C8R Pisces $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ C8R Pisces $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
125a ➡️ Cyclone RC $9 ✔️ YES
300i ➡️ Cyclone RC $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Cyclone RC $9 ✔️ YES
300i ➡️ Cyclone RN $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Cyclone RN $9 ✔️ YES
300i ➡️ Cyclone TR $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Cyclone TR $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Avenger Stalker ➡️ G12a $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Mustang Delta $9 🔥 Last one!
- 📌 TO 👇
135c ➡️ Syulen $9 ✔️ YES
Reliant Kore ➡️ Syulen $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
325a ➡️ Avenger Titan Renegade $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
325a ➡️ Cyclone MT $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Reliant Kore ➡️ Reliant Tana $14 ✔️ YES
325a ➡️ Reliant Tana $9 ✔️ YES
Syulen ➡️ Reliant Tana $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Cyclone AA $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
300i ➡️ Spartan $25 ✔️ YES
G12 ➡️ Spartan $25 🔥 Last one!
G12r ➡️ Spartan $25 🔥 Last one!
Arrow ➡️ Spartan $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Nomad ➡️ Avenger Warlock $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Nomad ➡️ Herald $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Reliant Sen $14 ✔️ YES
Nomad ➡️ Reliant Sen $9 ✔️ YES
Spartan ➡️ Reliant Sen $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Storm $19 ✔️ YES
Nomad ➡️ Storm $14 ✔️ YES
Reliant Sen ➡️ Storm $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Reliant Mako $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Reliant Sen ➡️ M50 $19 ✔️ YES
Gladius ➡️ M50 $14 ✔️ YES
Hull A ➡️ M50 $14 ✔️ YES
Reliant Mako ➡️ M50 $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Storm AA $14 ✔️ YES
Storm ➡️ Storm AA $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Hull A ➡️ Buccaneer $25 ✔️ YES
Hawk ➡️ Buccaneer $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Centurion $25 ✔️ YES
Hull A ➡️ Centurion $25 🔥 Last one!
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Talon $30 ✔️ YES
Reliant Mako ➡️ Talon $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Talon Shrike $46 ✔️ YES
Gladius ➡️ Talon Shrike $30 ✔️ YES
Reliant Mako ➡️ Talon Shrike $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Freelancer ➡️ Legionnaire $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M50 ➡️ Nova $25 🔥 2 Left!
Cutlass Black ➡️ Nova $14 ✔️ YES
Freelancer ➡️ Nova $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Black ➡️ 350r $19 ✔️ YES
Talon ➡️ 350r $14 ✔️ YES
Talon Shrike ➡️ 350r $14 ✔️ YES
Legionnaire ➡️ 350r $9 ✔️ YES
Nova ➡️ 350r $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Black ➡️ C1 Spirit $19 ✔️ YES
Freelancer ➡️ C1 Spirit $19 ✔️ YES
Nova ➡️ C1 Spirit $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C Hornet ➡️ Cutlass Red $30 🔥 Last one!
Freelancer ➡️ Cutlass Red $30 🔥 Last one!
F7C-S Hornet Ghost ➡️ Cutlass Red $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Red ➡️ Hull B $9 ✔️ YES
Freelancer DUR ➡️ Hull B $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Hull B ➡️ Razor $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Ballista ➡️ E1 Spirit $14 ✔️ YES
Razor ➡️ E1 Spirit $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Razor ➡️ Razor LX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Razor ➡️ Zeus Mk II CL $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Razor ➡️ Zeus Mk II ES $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Razor ➡️ Razor EX $14 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MAX ➡️ Razor EX $9 ✔️ YES
Mantis ➡️ Razor EX $9 ✔️ YES
Razor LX ➡️ Razor EX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Gladiator $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Hull B ➡️ Khartu-Al $35 ✔️ YES
Prospector ➡️ Khartu-Al $19 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ Khartu-Al $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Freelancer MAX ➡️ Sabre $25 🔥 2 Left!
Prospector ➡️ Sabre $19 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ Sabre $19 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ Sabre $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Red ➡️ Cutlass Blue $46 ✔️ YES
Prospector ➡️ Cutlass Blue $25 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Cutlass Blue $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $25 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $25 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $14 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $9 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
E1 Spirit ➡️ Freelancer MIS $30 ✔️ YES
Prospector ➡️ Freelancer MIS $25 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ Freelancer MIS $25 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ Freelancer MIS $14 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ Freelancer MIS $9 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Freelancer MIS $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $35 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $35 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $25 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $19 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $19 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Blue ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
F7C Hornet Wildfire ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
Vulture ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Sabre Comet $35 ✔️ YES
Vulture ➡️ Sabre Comet $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Vulture ➡️ Zeus Mk II MR $19 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Zeus Mk II MR $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ A1 Spirit $51 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ A1 Spirit $40 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ A1 Spirit $35 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ A1 Spirit $35 ✔️ YES
Vulture ➡️ A1 Spirit $30 ✔️ YES
Zeus Mk II MR ➡️ A1 Spirit $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $60 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $45 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $40 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $40 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Vulcan $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Hurricane $62 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Hurricane $46 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Blue ➡️ Hurricane $40 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Hurricane $30 ✔️ YES
A1 Spirit ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Defender $72 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ Defender $56 🔥 2 Left!
Sabre ➡️ Defender $56 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Blue ➡️ Defender $51 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Defender $51 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Defender $40 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Defender $40 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Defender $25 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Defender $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
A1 Spirit ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Terrapin $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Railen $77 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Railen $30 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Railen $30 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Railen $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Scorpius Antares $35 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Scorpius Antares $35 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Scorpius Antares $25 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Scorpius Antares $14 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Scorpius Antares $14 ✔️ YES
Railen ➡️ Scorpius Antares $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Cutlass Steel $40 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Cutlass Steel $19 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ Cutlass Steel $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
A1 Spirit ➡️ San'tok.yāi $46 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ San'tok.yāi $46 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ San'tok.yāi $35 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ San'tok.yāi $25 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ San'tok.yāi $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ San'tok.yāi $14 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Steel ➡️ San'tok.yāi $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Scorpius $93 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Scorpius $77 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Scorpius $72 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Scorpius $62 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Scorpius $62 🔥 2 Left!
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Scorpius $46 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Scorpius $46 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Scorpius $35 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Scorpius $25 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Scorpius $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ Scorpius $14 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Steel ➡️ Scorpius $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $46 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $25 ✔️ YES
Railen ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $19 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ 400i $56 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ 400i $35 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Hoplite ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Apollo Triage $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Apollo Triage $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Ares Inferno $104 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Ares Inferno $88 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Ares Inferno $83 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Ares Inferno $72 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Ares Inferno $72 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Ares Inferno $56 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Ares Inferno $56 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Ares Inferno $56 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Ares Inferno $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Ares Inferno $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Ares Inferno $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Ares Ion $104 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Ares Ion $88 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Ares Ion $83 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Ares Ion $72 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Ares Ion $72 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Ares Ion $56 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Ares Ion $56 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Ares Ion $56 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Ares Ion $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Ares Ion $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Ares Ion $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Defender ➡️ Corsair $35 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Corsair $35 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Hoplite ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Mercury $67 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Mercury $46 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Hoplite ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Inferno ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Ion ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Vanguard Warden $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Vanguard Warden $25 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Inferno ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Ion ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Apollo Medivac $40 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Apollo Medivac $30 ✔️ YES
Apollo Triage ➡️ Apollo Medivac $30 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Apollo Medivac $30 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Apollo Medivac $19 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Apollo Medivac $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Blade $40 🔥 2 Left!
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $40 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $30 ✔️ YES
Ares Ion ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $30 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $30 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $19 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $56 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $35 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $35 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Sentinel ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Eclipse $67 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Eclipse $46 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Eclipse $46 🔥 Last one!
Vanguard Sentinel ➡️ Eclipse $30 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Harbinger ➡️ Eclipse $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Starfarer $67 🔥 Last one!
Mercury ➡️ Starfarer $46 🔥 Last one!
Vanguard Harbinger ➡️ Starfarer $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Caterpillar $99 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Caterpillar $88 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Caterpillar $77 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Caterpillar $77 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Sentinel ➡️ Caterpillar $62 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Harbinger ➡️ Caterpillar $46 ✔️ YES
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Caterpillar $19 ✔️ YES
MOLE ➡️ Caterpillar $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Mercury ➡️ Redeemer $77 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Redeemer $77 ✔️ YES
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Redeemer $19 ✔️ YES
MOLE ➡️ Redeemer $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $30 ✔️ YES
MOLE ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $30 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $14 ✔️ YES
Redeemer ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Crucible $40 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Crucible $25 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Crucible $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Endeavor $40 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Endeavor $25 ✔️ YES
Redeemer ➡️ Endeavor $25 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Endeavor $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Valkyrie $67 🔥 Last one!
MOLE ➡️ Valkyrie $67 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Valkyrie $51 ✔️ YES
Redeemer ➡️ Valkyrie $51 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Valkyrie $40 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ Galaxy $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ C2 Hercules $93 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ C2 Hercules $67 ✔️ YES
Glaive ➡️ C2 Hercules $56 ✔️ YES
Valkyrie ➡️ C2 Hercules $30 ✔️ YES
Galaxy ➡️ C2 Hercules $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Genesis $93 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ Reclaimer $30 ✔️ YES
Galaxy ➡️ Reclaimer $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ 600i Touring $67 🔥 Last one!
C2 Hercules ➡️ 600i Touring $40 ✔️ YES
Reclaimer ➡️ 600i Touring $40 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Prowler $136 ✔️ YES
Valkyrie ➡️ Prowler $72 ✔️ YES
C2 Hercules ➡️ Prowler $46 ✔️ YES
Reclaimer ➡️ Prowler $46 ✔️ YES
600i Touring ➡️ Prowler $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
C2 Hercules ➡️ 600i Explorer $83 🔥 2 Left!
600i Touring ➡️ 600i Explorer $46 ✔️ YES
Prowler ➡️ 600i Explorer $40 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Hull C $199 ✔️ YES
Prowler ➡️ Hull C $67 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ Hull C $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ M2 Hercules $220 ✔️ YES
C2 Hercules ➡️ M2 Hercules $130 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ M2 Hercules $51 ✔️ YES
Hull C ➡️ M2 Hercules $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M2 Hercules ➡️ Arrastra $62 ✔️ YES
Hull D ➡️ Arrastra $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M2 Hercules ➡️ Liberator $62 ✔️ YES
Hull D ➡️ Liberator $30 🔥 2 Left!
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ Carrack $241 ✔️ YES
Genesis ➡️ Carrack $215 🔥 Last one!
Prowler ➡️ Carrack $173 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ Carrack $136 ✔️ YES
M2 Hercules ➡️ Carrack $88 ✔️ YES
Arrastra ➡️ Carrack $30 ✔️ YES
Liberator ➡️ Carrack $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prowler ➡️ Merchantman $225 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ Merchantman $188 ✔️ YES
M2 Hercules ➡️ Merchantman $141 ✔️ YES
Liberator ➡️ Merchantman $83 ✔️ YES
Carrack ➡️ Merchantman $56 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Orion $56 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Perseus $83 ✔️ YES
Merchantman ➡️ Perseus $30 ✔️ YES
Orion ➡️ Perseus $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Odyssey $109 ✔️ YES
Perseus ➡️ Odyssey $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Hammerhead $136 🔥 Last one!
Carrack Expedition w/C8X ➡️ Hammerhead $88 🔥 2 Left!
Merchantman ➡️ Hammerhead $83 ✔️ YES
Perseus ➡️ Hammerhead $56 ✔️ YES
Odyssey ➡️ Hammerhead $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Merchantman ➡️ Nautilus $83 🔥 Last one!
Perseus ➡️ Nautilus $56 🔥 2 Left!
Odyssey ➡️ Nautilus $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M2 Hercules ➡️ A2 Hercules $247 🔥 Last one!
Carrack ➡️ A2 Hercules $162 ✔️ YES
Carrack Expedition ➡️ A2 Hercules $136 🔥 2 Left!
Carrack Expedition w/C8X ➡️ A2 Hercules $114 ✔️ YES
Merchantman ➡️ A2 Hercules $109 ✔️ YES
Perseus ➡️ A2 Hercules $83 ✔️ YES
Odyssey ➡️ A2 Hercules $56 ✔️ YES
Hammerhead ➡️ A2 Hercules $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Perseus ➡️ Polaris $83 ✔️ YES
Hammerhead ➡️ Polaris $38 ✔️ YES
Nautilus ➡️ Polaris $38 ✔️ YES
Items Price
Scorpius - Stinger Paint 💎 $45
Scorpius - Sunburn Paint $14
Spirit - Olympia Paint $18
Constellation ILW 2950 Paint Pack $24
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submitted by Juanox78 to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:10 JoeTaymer email tree #13

email tree #13
A new concept that I came up with called email trees. Essentially if someone would like to email me a photo of a tree I’ll do what I can in order to give you and opinion on how I might prune it myself. Or perhaps any issues that I can see with it.
As this is an experiment, I have no idea how well it will turn out. There are a number of severe limitations which I am faced with because I cannot see and interact with the tree in person, pictures are a bit 2D, reality is 3D. Obviously being there in person and being able to work on the tree would be best, hiring an Arborist to come to your property would always be the best option. Remember tree work is inherently dangerous, don’t try anything that is beyond your capability.
A pair of bypass pruners should be used for the smaller cuts\_1\_2?
A handsaw should be used for the larger cuts (I find very little use for loppers, they cause too much damage)
Your tree is an Aspen
While these are generally a low maintenance tree that requires little to no pruning. The location of these two (not sure which one is your tree [right or left]) will require a bit more maintenance.
It is rather common to place trees in the shrub bed next to the house, and placing a tree in a shrub bed as opposed to where it has to compete with grass is generally a good idea, however the proximity to the house in this instance is going to cause issues in the future. We are already seeing some of those issues crop up now. The preferred place to plant a tree is often times much closer to the center of the yard, where it has plenty of room to grow.
In this particular instance the best way to proceed is to remove any branch on the side of the tree which faces the house up to the point that you are above the roof level. A guide for the type of cut you’ll be making has been provided in picture #3 below.
Once the limbs facing the house have been removed then, should you be the owner of the right hand tree, you’ll want to remove the red marked limb back to the trunk. This limb is vying for dominance with the more straight up limb that is in line with the rest of the trunk which is your preferred central lead. The yellow marked limbs are growing over the house and will only cause issues with your shingles in the future and should also be removed.
Should you be the owner of the left hand tree, after removing any branches that are growing toward the house at least to the point that your above the roof, you’ll proceed to do a reduction cut on the three orange marked limbs. The top and bottom marked orange limbs will be smaller cuts which you will start at the tip and trace them back to a branch union and make a cut, do this until you have removed anything which obstructs the view of the window. The same will be done on the center orange marked limb, however this will likely be a much larger cut that will need to go further into the canopy of the tree.
Lastly, for both trees you should remove any limbs within the blue ovals, this is called elevation or clearance pruning. This will simply allow you to walk past the tree without running into the branches. As the tree gets older, you may wish to repeat this process a bit higher up the tree until the branches are over your head.
Should you plan on doing this work yourself it will likely require a ladder, be mindful that the #1 cause of tree related injuries and fatalities are caused by homeowners using ladders to prune their trees. A professional uses climbing equipment to climb the tree itself. While this is not a difficult tree to prune remember to use caution.
A note about Aspen trees in general. They usually prefer the higher elevations in order to thrive. As these trees get older you’ll likely see them enter a somewhat early state of decline as they are not living in their preferred environment.
Here’s a link to further tree learning should you be interested.
Pictured below is a tree which I pruned, both small cuts and large cuts are highlighted, this should serve as a guide for what your final cuts should look like. As a rule of thumb all cuts should be at approx. a 45 degree angle from the parent limb (reference the green arrow). You’ll want to avoid making cuts which leave behind a considerably smaller limb to replace the one which was removed as highlighted by the yellow limb which is about 1/3 the size of the green limb that it is replacing. the proper size for replacement would be 2/3 the size.
If the picture of the tree that you send in has a area circled in red- red being the color of removal. The picture below has an area circled in red, imagine that these are the limbs which are touching the house and therefore need to be removed. Since this area is circled in red we will select a branch starting at the tip and work our way inward as highlighted by the purple arrow. Of our two highlighted limbs you’ll note that you have 2 and 3 different options respectively on where you will choose to make a cut. If your uncertain, you should always start with the smaller cut as you can come back at a later time and make the larger cut later.
Picture #2
Here are some examples of a few more larger cuts that have been made at the proper angle.
Picture #3
Remember that with any tree pruning we are removing the trees ability to collect energy for itself, therefore not more than 1/4 of the canopy should be removed in a given year.
Best of luck pruning your tree.
If you’d be kind enough to send me a photo of your completed pruning so that I can see the results of my suggestions that would be much appreciated.
submitted by JoeTaymer to Philippinetreeworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:09 jjjacs I'm pregnant and I don't want to be. I'm so stressed out with life that I'm at the end of my rope.

Please don't judge me (29F) or my husband (29M) too harshly.
I'm in Australia.
There is a tl;dr at the end. I'm sorry this is so long.
I found out that I was pregnant on 23 April, after I saw my doctor, who I was actually seeing to get a referral to have my tubes removed. I found out after this appointment coincidently, as she mentioned that I should double-check I'm not pregnant before getting my tubes removed.
I took a test straight after leaving her office, and the lines showed up... I drank more water and took two more, and it was the same. I told my husband that evening that I needed an abortion. I was on the pill and took this religiously... I've been on the pill for almost 10 years.
I booked in with an abortion clinic and got an appointment with a doctor the next day. I received an ultrasound referral.
On 26 April, I had the scan. Confirmed that I was just under 4 weeks. Doctor told me I couldn't get abortion pills until 6 weeks (as the doctor needed to be certain the pregnancy wasn't eptopic).
I went and saw family for two weeks during weeks 4 & 5 (4-13 May), as my brother was close to passing away.
At around 6 weeks (14 May), I had a bad case of COVID. I had booked in for an ultrasound for the 16th of May.
I called the ultrasound clinic on 16 May to ask if they were comfortable with me coming in with COVID. The ultrasound clinic immediately cancelled my appointment. They said they wouldn't have me in until 21 May, and I couldn't book any earlier.
On 17 May in the early morning, my older brother who had been pallative for two months with cancer passed away.
On 17 May in the afternoon, I tested negative for COVID. I called the ultrasound clinic, they still wouldn't book me in for an earlier date. My husband came home that evening. He knew my brother passed that morning. He came home frustrated and etc from work. I forgot to wash some of his clothes, and he was frustrated with me on top of this.
He came home, explained his frustration with me until I was tearing up (which honestly only took five or so minutes... I'm usually okay and can take this kind of thing on the chin, but that day I couldn't). Since I was teary and apologising for not doing the laundry, he noted that he couldn't deal with me right then and told me he was "going for a drive, be back whenever" and then he went to the garage.
I'm not proud to say that I had a little cry and then got immediately frustrated and matched his attitude. I followed him out to the garage... then firmly asked him if he'd like me to leave the house because I'm just too hard to deal with.
He changed his tone and said that he doesn't want me to leave and that he loves me being home... he just doesn't know why I'm "so upset lately", which frustrates him. I broke down while saying that my brother just died, I'm recovering from COVID, I'm pregnant, and now I messed up with the clothes washing and so I feel terrible... so of course I'm upset.
He gave me a hug and calmed me down.
On 21 May, I had a scan late in the afternoon. It was confirmed I was 7w + 2d.
I still wanted the pills. I needed the ultrasound clinic to send the report to my doctor so I could get a prescription for the pills. This ultrasound clinic confirmed they sent the report on 22 May to my doctor, and to wait for my doctor to call. I was grieving my brother and honestly trusted the ultrasound place plus my doctor to connect and to do the right thing. So I allowed a day to hear back from my doctor.
On 24 May, I called around the abortion clinic via their general line, as I hadn't heard anything. I kept calling the general line and trying all the different extensions. I spent ages on hold, wasn't getting called back when I left a message or an email between attempts, and it was just an overall pain in the ass trying to juggle this plus work.
I ended up getting through to their emergency line (which is meant to be for people who have had an abortion) and talking to a nurse who could see my file and confirm if the ultrasound report was there. It wasn't. The nurse said she'd organise the report to be sent through by the ultrasound clinic and get onto my doctor for me.
On 27 May, I was finally able to get an appointment with my doctor. She said that they don't prescribe the abortion pill for after 9 weeks, and didn't feel comfortable prescribing me as I was so close to the threshold, as I was just over 8 weeks.
I also needed to fly out for my brother's funeral at the end of the 8th week / start of the 9th week... and needed a few days on either side with family. The doctor basically told me to choose a medical abortion or my brother's funeral.
She told me that I could maybe book in to their abortion clinic for a surgical in 2-3 weeks time. Spots were very limited and she said she also wouldn't book me in until I spoke with my husband.
I could feel time ticking away. If I followed her advice, I'd be booking in with her abortion clinic near 11 weeks, assuming all went well. Just under the next threshold... and I didn't feel comfortable with this given the delay I already faced. If I faced another delay, this would severely impact my access to abortion, more than the current delays already have.
Even though it was only a 5 day delay between the ultrasound clinic and my doctor, it was a seriously critical time for me. In hindsight, I only had these 5 days available to get a prescription, order the pills with a pharmacy and then take the pills... And this window was missed. I wouldn't of been able to have an appointment with my doctor or be contacted by the ultrasound clinic over the weekend... so there was only 3 days all this could've been actioned. If I hadn't have contracted COVID, I might have been okay... but it's yet another thing outside my control and I wanted to do the right thing and notify the ultrasound clinic.
The joys of healthcare for people with a uterus... even though I'm in Australia. It really should not be this hard.
I called a different clinic after I hung up with my doctor. They said they don't do pills considering how far along I was. They graciously listened to my stressed out rambling and booked me in for a surgical for 6th of June. I was so overjoyed that I cried and thanked them. They had no fuss or issues. To say that I was over the moon and relieved would be an understatement. It felt like I was walking on air - they took the weight of the world off my shoulders.
I called my husband on my way home from work and told him that I was finally getting this sorted out, and I explained how relieved I was.
He has always told me that it's my decision and he'll be supportive as this is what he wants too... But his response was not one that matched mine when I let him know that we don't have to worry anymore. He sounded off and angry.
Let me preface by saying that he had been wonderful and supportive before I told him about the surgical appointment. He always checked in on how I was and was highly accommodating. Even if I was upset and he wasn't sure what to say, he'd just be a shoulder to cry on.
I came home and he was withdrawn and snappy. He then explicitly told me that he does not want to discuss it any more... even though I've discussed it very minimally because I haven't liked admitting that I'm pregnant or facing symptoms... or talking about it in general.
I spoke with him, and he explained that he felt angry and frustrated that I hadn't gotten an abortion yet.
He said he felt like I delayed the process on purpose, that I didn't try hard enough to get an abortion, and if it were him, he would have had this sorted out by now. He noted he feels I don't want to get an abortion because of me not doing a good enough job of keeping on top of doctors (referring to 22-26 May, which included a weekend where my doctor's office and ultrasound clinic wasn't open).
Due to this comment, I feel like I've had to justify the timeline and what has happened.
He also claimed he is sterile, so he "doesn't know" how I got pregnant.
I thanked him for his views and for telling me how he felt, then re-explained everything I've been through, with rough dates. I approached this calmly as I wasn't sure where this other comment was coming from.
It broke my heart because this indirectly tells me that he doesn't trust me as his wife, and it made me feel angry that he'd think so lowly of me. It made me feel furious that he'd note that he'd do better than me in trying to access an abortion... being a person without a uterus and as person who would never be accessing an abortion for themselves. But I chose to be calm.
I did admit my head wasn't fully firing all pistons during the window, I put in effort but I guess it wasn't enough. I spent a lot of time wishing for the world to stop spinning due to recovering from COVID, my brother passing, and the stress of trying to get an abortion. My morning sickness has been next level also.
My husband told me that the flights were another "excuse" to not have a medical abortion, and flying was irrelevant to whether or not I could take the pills... I disagreed because I'd be putting my health at serious risk by not being close to a hospital.
I was also also not going to miss out on my brother's funeral. Plus, who wants to be going through a medical abortion in addition to taking four flights (so 16 hours worth of flying... plus four hours of driving) and handling their brother's funeral. It'd be too much stress on my body in such a short amount of time.
It will be much less stress on my body getting a surgical done.
I told him that his sterile comment wasn't accurate because there is solid proof that he isn't sterile with me being pregnant currently. That he needs to see someone who actually specialises in fertility and for himself to get checked out if he had concerns, because the accusation he could allude to isn't okay or fair.
He calmed down after a day or so. He asked if I'd like him to come to my brother's funeral. I told him that I'd love to have the support. I booked and paid for his flights, and reorganised mine.
We were okay from the 28th-31st of May.
Fast forward to the worst flights and travel on the 31st... I felt like everything went wrong and it was somehow my fault.
We got to our destination and we discussed him not going to the funeral as he was tired and miserable, plus we agreed it'd be best if he spent more time with his side of the family. He didn't know my brother well, either. My husband said he had a wonderful time with his family.
So I went to my brother's funeral with my family, without my husband. I cried the whole way through the church service. I gathered myself and carried my brother's casket to the hearse with my sisters and mum, but then all I could do was sob. I felt like a mess. I then felt a hand on my back and a head on my shoulder - it was my best friend.
A few of my friends had came along (they said they were going to come, but I didn't see them before the funeral), and I honestly don't think I could have made it through the day as well as I did without them. It was wonderful to know that I was still worth caring about.
My brother's funeral was on 3rd of June. We're back home now.
My husband was himself when we were around others during our trip, which felt like a relief and I thought things were okay between us... but as soon as we were alone, he wasn't himself. He didn't ask me about the funeral, provide any support or ask how I was. Didn't touch me or look at me, or offer a hug. He just snapped and growled at me or ignored me when I tried to talk with him. Or just gave me a frustrated stare or sigh.
I know he's feeling a lot of emotions right now. It's a really tough and sensitive time for both of us, and I really don't know how to address or help my husband with how he's feeling.
I don't think I have the emotional capacity or energy to manage both him and myself. I've just been focussing on myself, and while this does feel selfish, I feel that I can't help him if I don't help myself. I still feel bad about it.
My workplace is more than accommodating and supportive with my brother passing. I'll be getting into counselling for myself for everything as soon as I can... and I'll reach out to my friends and family once the abortion is done, because I know I'll need other supports too for this. I'm also considering a tattoo to commemorate my brother. I'll book into somewhere I can get pampered after I've recovered, because I feel I just need to get away and relax.
My husband has always said that it's my things that I'm going through, and he'll support me through... but over the past week or so, my stress level has escalated as I don't feel supported. I feel unwanted and rejected for being a human going through a rough time. Him being upset with me is something I never prepared for... nor do I feel I deserve it... but here we are, and I have to be able to navigate it.
I would understand the treatment if I did something seriously wrong... the only thing I did wrong was not trying harder with my doctor and ultrasound clinic. My head just wasn't in the right space. I forgive myself because I found an alternate solution with the same outcome that ultimately works better for me, but it still doesn't feel "good enough".
I'm getting the abortion on 6 June.
My husband previously said weeks ago that he'd be there at the abortion appointment for whatever I need... but I'm honestly considering just doing the appointment by myself and seeking support from the people at the clinic... as I feel that supporting myself and then seeking additional support afterward might be more realistic than expecting support from him on the day.
But... I also feel that he'd see change of plans as weird and my rejection of his "support" suggests that I'm hiding something. There is no "win" here for me.
I don't know anymore. I'm exhausted. I don't have the physical or mental energy. All my cards are on the table here, I can't hide any of this stress anymore.
I've been coping fine (keeping up with housework, cooking, cleaning, laundry, walk dogs, working, paying bills...), all I need is a husband who tells me he loves me, gives me a hug every few days and is okay with me talking about what I'm feeling every other day... I feel like this isn't a huge or unreasonable request.
I've tried to be chipper on the weekends because there is nothing I can do to progress anything on those days. I've shared plenty of jokes and laughs and I haven't been notably miserable or "difficult" the entire time... just worried that time is getting away with a general annoyance of mornig sickness.
I keep telling myself that I've done all I can regarding the circumstances. Much of this was out of my control, and I did what I could. That all this will be over soon, and everything will be okay.
My current focus is to get to and from my appointment tomorrow as safely and as painlessly as possible.
Tl;dr: I'm getting an abortion tomorrow and my brother's funeral was two days ago. My previously supportive husband isn't being supportive anymore and this is causing me serious stress. I'm at the end of my rope and I'm just looking for any relevant support at this stage.
submitted by jjjacs to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:58 InevitableExpress248 Am I in the right?

So I own and operate my own small scale digital marketing agency doing social media marketing, video production and editing, web design and other stuff of that nature. I get contacted by a restaurant in early May to do their social media management for their grand opening on June 1st.
After a couple weeks of back and forth, I went in on May 26th to set up all the accounts, exchange brand graphics, etc. That night, I sent over the service agreement which was a 3 month contract from June 1st to August 31st. The contract was very clear that payment was due 14 days in advance of the 1st of each month. ($1,000/month, $3k total)
Obviously with it being the 26th that doesn’t give 14 days but I let them know that payment is due immediately upon signing of the contract. Great. They sign the contract, I don’t receive payment. I’m usually pretty lax about on-time payment, like idc if you’re a couple of days late or whatever.
So I go in to do some menu item photography on June 27th and when I asked what time they would be in, they answered “should be there at 2pm” so I answered back and said “okay great I’ll swing by AROUND that time”
At 2:10PM I was about 5 minutes away when I got rear ended, I immediately called the guy to let him know I’m going to be a little late and if he needs to reschedule that’s fine. He says “no it’s all good just come by when you’re done exchanging info etc.”
Had I not gotten into the accident, I would’ve arrived at 2:15pm, that to me is “around that time” like I had said over text. I get there just after 3PM, so yes obviously late but it was due to unforeseen circumstances.
I go in for a couple hours, take pictures and video content and send them to the guy while I’m there. And then I’m on my way. And I still haven’t been paid.
My invoicing software sends auto reminders for payments every 24 hours and I can see whether or not they’ve been opened. So I sent one daily until May 31st.
I was supposed to go in on June 1st for their grand opening and take more content. The day prior I still hadn’t received the payment so I sent an email that said “I want to make sure payment is made before I come in again”
No response so I obviously don’t go in again as they’ve essentially ghosted me for 4 or 5 days.
On June 2nd I wrote basically a polite final warning email saying that their payment is days overdue and to pay me immediately. They answered back yesterday, June 3rd and said “we need to have a chat, I’ll call you tomorrow at 4”
Today at 4pm passes and he hadn’t called me so I called him at 5ish, he answers and immediately starts accusing me of being severely unprofessional for not showing up on the 1st and that I left them hanging. He also said I’m untrustworthy because I was late to the shoot on the 27th. And when I clarified that it was because I was in a car accident down the street, he had the audacity to say “no actually you got into the accident 15 minutes after you were supposed to be here” referring to the fact that I said I’d be in “AROUND” 2PM. To me that means give or take 10-15 minutes, not be there right at 2 on the dot.
Anyways he basically said they’re refusing to pay me and that I should “reflect on how I operate my business” and was just overall super condescending.
So am I justified in being pissed tf off? Also is it even worth it to pursue further action to get that $1,000 for at least the first month of the contract. Even though technically I’m entitled to the full $3k?
Sorry for the rant.
submitted by InevitableExpress248 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:55 jordanjmane [For Hire] Professional SEO Content Writer for Tech Blogs and Websites

Doing everything you can to propel your tech site to the first page of Google's search results? You're going to have a tough time if your content isn't up to scratch. That's where I can help!
My name is Jordan. I'm a content writer based in Wellington, New Zealand. I specialize in crafting blog posts and articles in the tech space. I've been freelancing for a few years now, and in that time, I've had the privilege of collaborating with some really wonderful clients. Since I have the capacity, I'm looking to increase my workload and add a new client (or two) to my roster.

👋 About Me

I’ve always had a natural interest in technology of all kinds. My curiosity has led me to accrue quite a rich history in many different areas, such as building computers, video editing, and most importantly, creating websites. In the process of creating my own websites, I’ve come to understand what you need to excel in the search engine result pages (SERPs).
I can deliver well-written, interesting, and thoroughly researched blog posts and articles that are engaging to readers and optimized for search engines. I can work according to your brand guidelines and have experience working with many different content management systems (CMS), including WordPress (.org and .com), Squarespace, and Shopify. I’m also familiar with theme builders like Elementor and Divi.

📝 Rates and Portfolio

My rates start at $0.15 USD/word. Blog posts and articles are my specialties, though I'm willing to discuss any other types of content you may need.
If you're interested in exploring some of my work, I have links to some of my work on my portfolio website While this isn't an exhaustive list, I'm comfortable writing content in the following areas:
Want to know if I've produced content in your particular niche? Flick me a message and I can send you any relevant links I have.

📧 Get in Touch

You can reach me by email at []( Please reach out via email as I don’t check messages or live chats on Reddit. Tell me a little bit about your project and what sort of content you need. I look forward to hearing from you!
submitted by jordanjmane to HireaWriter [link] [comments]