Chewing tobacco funny


2020.04.02 16:57 Kurtulrich89 dippandchew

Welcome smokeless tobacco users , a place were dipping and chewing loose leaf and talking about such, were all friends here.

2020.05.17 18:25 diego8895 HelpQuittingSmoking

Evidenced Based Medicine (EBM), information, treatment options, and resources for nicotine and tobacco products. This includes topics, quitting smoking and cigarettes, smoking cessation, nicotine dependence, tobacco dependence, vape, vaping, juul, juuling, e-cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, dip, hookah and other electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS).

2014.07.23 06:50 royjones For your quitting inspiration

We explore pictures involving mouth cancer primarily for inspiration in quitting chewing tobacco and smoking.

2024.06.04 16:01 Infinite-Barracuda97 DEWALT DWE7491RS Review: The Table Saw That'll Make You Question Your Life Choices

DEWALT DWE7491RS Review: The Table Saw That'll Make You Question Your Life Choices
Ever had that moment where you look at a tool and think, "Damn, why didn't I buy this sooner?" Well, strap in, because the DEWALT DWE7491RS is about to make you feel that way. And maybe question a few other things about your existence while you're at it.
šŸ‘‰ BEST PRICE on the DEWALT DWE7491RS: šŸ‘ˆ
This ain't your grandpappy's table saw. DEWALT, the brand that's been building stuff to withstand the apocalypse since before you were born, has managed to create a jobsite table saw that's a beautiful contradiction. It's rugged enough to handle the kind of abuse that would make lesser tools weep, yet it's precise enough to satisfy the most neurotic woodworker.

First Impression

The first time I laid eyes on this thing, I'll admit, I was skeptical. It's compact, almost cute, like a yellow submarine ready to explore the depths of your workshop.
But then I fired it up, and it was like a chihuahua turning into a rabid wolverine. The 15-amp motor roared to life with a guttural growl that sent shivers down my spine, and I knew I was dealing with something serious.
This DEWALT table saw isn't just a tool; it's a rolling arsenal of woodworking power, a portable altar to the gods of creation and destruction. The rack and pinion fence glides like it's on rails, locking down with the kind of satisfying thunk that makes you want to rip through a stack of plywood just for the hell of it.
The onboard storage is surprisingly well-thought-out, keeping your blades and tools within reach (because who wants to be hunting for a wrench when they're in the zone?)

Key Features

Power and Precision: The 15-amp motor laughs in the face of hardwood, chewing through it like a starving dog on a T-bone steak. The 32-1/2-inch rip capacity means you can tackle those big sheets without breaking a sweat (or your back, which is important when you're no longer a spring chicken).
Portability: This thing folds up and rolls around like a shopping cart on steroids. Perfect for the jobsite or if your workshop is the size of a closet (no judgment, we've all been there). And with its sturdy roll cage, it'll survive even the bumpiest ride in the back of your truck.
Dust Collection: DEWALT claims their dust collection system is the best on the market. I'm not one to argue. It's surprisingly effective, keeping your workspace (relatively) clean and your lungs free of the fine particles that turn men into coughing, wheezing shadows of their former selves.
Safety Features: This saw isn't just about power; it's about protecting your fleshy bits. The onboard blade guard and anti-kickback pawls are there to make sure you keep all your fingers.


Built Like a Tank: Seriously, this thing could probably survive a nuclear blast. It's the kind of tool you could pass down to your grandkids, assuming they're not a bunch of entitled brats who only care about their avocado toast and Instagram likes.
Accurate Cuts: The fence system and miter gauge are surprisingly precise, even for the most anal-retentive woodworkers. You could split a hair with this thing, if you were so inclined (and had a very steady hand).
Versatile: Whether you're building a deck, crafting a fine piece of furniture, or just looking for an excuse to unleash your inner destruction, this saw can handle it. It's the Swiss Army knife of table saws, minus the toothpick and tweezers.


Weight: This thing is a beast, and it can be a bit of a pain to lug around if you're not built like a linebacker or fueled by enough caffeine to kill a small horse.
Price: It's not cheap, but you get what you pay for. Quality tools ain't free, kids.
Noise: This thing is loud. Like, wake-the-neighbors loud. Ear protection is a must unless you want to spend your golden years yelling "What?" at everyone you meet.

Final Thoughts

The DEWALT DWE7491RS is not for the faint of heart.
It's a powerful, precise tool that demands respect, like a wild mustang or a femme fatale with a penchant for power tools. If you're a serious DIYer, a contractor, or just someone who likes to build stuff that doesn't fall apart the moment you look at it funny, this saw is worth every penny.
And if you want to get your hands on this bad boy, I've already found you the best deal, so be sure to follow the link ( so you don't get gouged paying full retail.
submitted by Infinite-Barracuda97 to carverscave [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:11 Less_Mirror_5210 Emma and the Word of Wisdom

Iā€™ve got a question that Iā€™m hoping the group can help me with. Iā€™d always been told that the word of wisdom came about because Emma complained to Joseph about men spitting tobacco on the floor that she had to clean up and that she thought it would be nice if there were to be a revelation from God to help with it.
I thought I heard somewhere that back then, men chewed tobacco and drank alcohol when they got together to socialize. I also heard that tea and coffee were considered women's drinks back then, and they would drink them when they got together to visit.
I remember someone putting forth the theory that Joseph added the hot drinks to the word of wisdom as a jab at Emma for making him prohibit tobacco and alcohol, so he essentially took away something the women liked to punish them for taking away something they liked and to discourage the women from getting together to talk.
Does anyone know if thereā€™s anything to corroborate this? Or is it just a theory?
submitted by Less_Mirror_5210 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:00 sand4444 Quitting Dip Cold Turkey, Tuesday

The formula for beating your addiction to chewing tobacco is Accountability x Brotherhood = Quit... Are you ready to quit?
submitted by sand4444 to quittingdip [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:22 Muffingirl19 My boyfriend gets angry way too easily at times am I in the wrong for being embarrassed?

Sorry if this is a little all over the place itā€™s late at night and this is the first time Iā€™ve ever submitted a story not only in this thread but in general.So me (18 Fm) and my boyfriend (19 m) have been dating for a year and a little bit over a month at this point.
Iā€™m very much in love with him heā€™s kind,caring,sweet,thoughtful,handsome,funny,and everything Iā€™ve wanted basically (Minus the fact that he vapes too often thatā€™s the main thing that bothers me other than his lack of emotional control).
He truly is great it doesnā€™t even bother me that he is in a rough spot right now currently doesnā€™t have a job,or a car,or really a place to live hence him basically living with me which I think is great because I get to spend more time with him which for the most part has been great until about a week ago,but the situation that first got me aggravated I wonā€™t be speaking about in this story.
Yesterday/two days ago-ish it was my grandpas birthday celebration we were playing D&D (Dungeon and Dragons) together and it was going pretty okay until suddenly my bf that being his first time playing the game asked a question that I immediately tried to shut down which quickly aggravated him especially because most of the other people playing started sharing all of their opinions at the exact same time which overwhelmed him causing him to raise his voice,me getting pissed over him overacting at least in my and almost everyone elseā€™s opinion immediately meekly tried to tell him to calm down a few different times to try to save myself the embarrassment which unfortunately didnā€™t work because he got on another trip of feeling the need to be heard and respected which I understand but I didnā€™t think the situation was that serious.
At my grandparents house in private I told him how disrespectful it was of him to do that especially at my grandpas birthday celebration which for all we know could be his last birthday and I spent some of it feeling ashamed,not to mention at home I chewed into him about it even more making him yell back at me and even cry,(although my grandpa is known for being disrespectful even to his wife who happens to be my beautiful lovely grandma and women in general and does definitely have some narcissistic traits I will give my boyfriend that knowing that he did have some sort of reason and some sort of bottled up emotions as to why he lashed out not to mention his own personal issues heā€™s still trying to work through),however still in my opinion he could have handled the situation way better.
This also isnā€™t regarding the fact that this isnā€™t his first emotionally outburst thanks to his childhood trauma of never feeling seen or heard.I feel like iā€™m being pretty understanding especially because I loved him through some of his darkest time and yet I still get disrespected by him raising his voice over something so stupid that could have easily been let go not to mention earlier today him almost storming off and doing more yelling and crying and almost embarrassing a two handful more times after I expressed to him that even his actions outside of this situation lately have been in poor taste.
I understand his point of view on why he does everything he does but his actions are just so beyond ridiculous itā€™s not even funny like I swear sometimes he doesnā€™t think and just acts which has gotten him in trouble a multitude of times so am I in the wrong for being embarrassed by most of his actions lately? I mean almost everything had been fine until a week ago because we had worked through a lot of the old issues and were in a much healthier and happy place.
I also would like to think that we have great communication cause weā€™ve actively been working on it throughout our whole entire relationship so I donā€™t know why some of this childish behavior has to happen I just so badly want everyone to get along and it seems like every couple weeks thereā€™s a new reason as to why someone doesnā€™t get along with someone else (not even always involving my boyfriend just family members acting irrationally) and Iā€™m just so exhausted trying to calm everyone down and make everything okay itā€™s just really causing a lot of resentment for me because it feels like Iā€™ve been doing that for the longest time so any advice? Feel free to ask more questions Iā€™m practically an open book.Much love to Morgan,Justin,and everyone else involved in the podcast that help feed my listening to people read Reddit stories addiction,I love the content truly!!
submitted by Muffingirl19 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:38 Kafkaesque_my_ass Real

Real submitted by Kafkaesque_my_ass to 19684 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:21 Throwing-in-trash My friend completely changed in a few months time, and I feel like I donā€™t know him anymore.

(Sorry if my formatting is weird, Iā€™m on mobile. Also, if my grammar sucks, it was truly my worst subject in school. I also posted this on trueoffmychest, but Iā€™m genuinely looking for advice with everything given.)
I met my friends Noah and Liam at the beginning of college, weā€™re now going into 3rd year. It honestly took some time to get Liam to come out of his shell, but once he did, we were all genuinely really good friends. He was honestly a really down to earth guy, understanding, and funny. However, as the title gives, things honestly went downhill. First off, I am diagnosed autistic (relevant to the story) but most people donā€™t know unless I tell them. One of my biggest things is that I NEVER use it as an excuse if I hurt someone. I feel thatā€™s on me to apologize.
In February, Liam stopped going to therapy. This wasnā€™t his fault, and was truly an issue he couldnā€™t resolve. However, he started failing to function properly. It started off small; suddenly wanting to schedule everything, taking time to make more friends, talking to Noah and I less, etc. Thatā€™s okay! Life happens and we knew be was busy! We barely saw Liam for about three months, but one of the times we saw him- he had a sudden meltdown on us. About how lonely he is, and that he doesnā€™t like being in his dorm alone.
This was the first time we heard about this and it was coming out in a hyperventilating manner. It honestly terrified us, and we had to learn from a different person that he felt this way for a while. Things definitely felt tense for a while, as we didnā€™t know if it would happen again. However, we missed Liam and asked to talk. In this talk we expressed that we never saw him anymore, texted to hangout with no response, and felt uncomfortable with what had happened. His response was that he never even noticed we felt uncomfortable, and that heā€™s making more friends- and that we have to deal with that.
Noah and I have plenty of friends, and would never want someone to feel like they couldnā€™t have other friends. However, it was a bit hurtful how much he brushed us off. After that, things got difficult. Noah and I got busy with our major, even telling Liam weā€™re super busy. Suddenly, when we were too busy to ask to hangout it was an issue. ā€œYou guys never invite me to hangout. Why canā€™t you invite me to sit while you do projects? I never see you guys.ā€
Then came more meltdowns; we donā€™t text him enough, he barely sees us, his other friends will hangout with him. He started asking us to schedule a time on his calendar to talk about scheduling a time to hangout. Then asked to calculate days in the week where- if we donā€™t physically see each other, we text more. If we donā€™t text, we talk in person more. If we didnā€™t, we got compared to his other friends who do that for him. It seemed like no matter what we did, we were doing it wrong.
When we did hangout, our time didnā€™t matter to him. Liam and I scheduled to hangout around 7:30? Well, we actually hung out at 9 because he had so many things to do. I expressed that I was upset and got, ā€œWell, I donā€™t really know what to do. I needed to do those things.ā€
He asked Noah to hangout, who had work. He offered to let Liam hangout with him at work. ā€œWell, I donā€™t want to hangout when itā€™s convenient to you.ā€
Then he started snapping at us when we did hangout. He doesnā€™t know what we mean by saying things, maybe we havenā€™t been noticing his changes heā€™s made. But then he would say he doesnā€™t understand what we like, so he doesnā€™t really care. We would express that it hurt, but get an apology with a hundred excuses to why itā€™s okay he said that.
It then spread to more people, where he snapped at an RA. When the RA apologized if she said something rude, ā€œOh well, Iā€™m autistic. So maybe I just didnā€™t understand your tone.ā€
Liam is not diagnosed autistic, nor has a professional told him that he shows traits. I personally think itā€™s okay to suspect you may have a disability. But you donā€™t use it as an excuse??
We only had one person we were talking to about this, Noahā€™s mom whoā€™s a behavioral specialist. She assured us werenā€™t not doing anything wrong, and that things are irrational because Liam has been off therapy for months. When we would bring up the idea of returning to therapy, he responded with, ā€œOh, well I fixed those problems. Iā€™m fine.ā€
Finally, we sat Liam down to have a genuine discussion about all of this. About how hurt we were in this. He admitted to all of it, filled with tears from him. Admitting that he didnā€™t take our feelings seriously in the beginning, he only noticed when it happened to him, he had been snapping at us, he pulled away first, etc.
We told him we really encourage him to seek help again. And he agreed.
Now comes to today. Long story short is that my family has never been close, my mom suddenly downsized and I couldnā€™t live at home anymore. I had no other family to go to. Noahā€™s family was kind enough to let me stay, and I am so grateful for it. (Relevant)
However, Liam has suddenly regressed in age. Since telling people heā€™s autistic; he doesnā€™t understand jokes anymore, he needs giant headphones now, he needs all these chews, he even talks like a child. (He called something ā€œBig stupidā€ over text. Which was out of character?)
He rants to us that we donā€™t understand how lonely he is, and that Noah and I get to see each other everyday. The reason that is, might be because I donā€™t have a home? We didnā€™t decide we were going to live with each other to make him jealous?? I have no family, and to me that feels so lonely. Some days I wish I had what everyone else does, like what Liam has. Noah had to cut off some family, and thatā€™s been hard on him. Family he loved so much.
But no. Liam is lonely, and we donā€™t understand.
Before all of this started, Noah, Liam, and I all signed a lease for an apartment. Now Noah and I have been looking into changing. We donā€™t know what to do anymore. Itā€™s much more expensive, but this is so exhausting. Even Noahā€™s therapist suggested changing our lease.
Liam wants a cat, Noah is allergic. Thatā€™s all good, just find a hypoallergenic breed! ā€œOh well, does it have to be hypoallergenic?ā€
YES?? Noah is not paying rent for an apartment to live with an animal heā€™s allergic to??
We havenā€™t spoken to any friends about it, because we truly donā€™t want to drag them into this. But I donā€™t know how much more we can handle.
Iā€™m all open ears if maybe thereā€™s a way we can still help, or if this is something we need to walk away from. Thanks for listening to my rant. This feels like some 2020 behavior, and I am so sick of it. But I genuinely miss my friend.
submitted by Throwing-in-trash to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:18 knawshaw Letter from 1860: Life in Pittsburgh on Carson Street

Just got through a transcription of the SĆ¼tterlin text and am working on a readable translation of a letter I found in Germany. The author wrote a letter home in German describing his life in Pittsburgh in 1860. The letterhead had a cool set images from Pittsburgh. Yes, the author did use many run on sentences, and the wording was not always ideal, but I think the intent and content comes through. Edit note: He lived at what is now 1019 Carson St.
Birmingham June 11, 1860
Dear parents and brothers and sisters,
I hope that my letter finds you all still in good health and well. I have wanted to write to you for a long time, but we wanted to buy a property here first and that did not happen until last winter. On January 23, 1860, we bought a nice house here in Birmingham, where we have lived the entire time; we have sometimes thought of trying another place, but we are now quite glad that we have remained here. We have a very nice place here, if we only stay healthy. It cost just a thousand dollars, but it's very cheap, because we've had people here who couldn't believe it when they heard that this house had been sold so cheaply; we've already been offered 12 hundred, but we don't want to sell it, and we could get a hundred and twenty dollars a year if we wanted to rent it out, but we like living in it ourselves, I'll also write to you about how it's built, it is built of brick, and under the house is a large cellar, which is built of quarry stone. The house has four rooms and an attic room, the four rooms are wallpapered, and one of the front rooms has gas lighting. Before us, a tailor lived in the house, he had a clothing store. In the front room there is a store, there is also a small house behind the big one, where I now work. I've now started another business, not just now, but three years ago, because I didn't really like making cigars anymore. The tobacco suddenly became so expensive and the cigars didn't sell so well. There are so many German cigars coming in now too, so I gave it up and started weaving carpets, I like that quite a lot now, I can sell everything in turn, I make different kinds, I sell the best ones for 54 cents a piece, a hundred cents is a dollar, these carpets are made from willow slats, the slats are cut into narrow strips, The rugs are cut into narrow strips of fabric, they are made of cotton yarn, they are twisted like knitting yarn. Rugs are an article that is used a lot here, they are used to cover the parlor floors; it is a good thing for the women, because they save on washing the parlor. The rugs are also on the stairs, everything is nicely arranged here, just to spare the women, they are not allowed to do anything; When you come into a house here, they sit in the rocking chair, have the newspaper in their hands and rock back and forth, that's most of the work or fun for the natives.
Business has been pretty good this spring, a lot of houses are being built here in Birmingham and Pittsburg, and a lot of factories too. Two years ago a new bridge was built across the river from here, now there are two bridges, a railroad has also been laid from Pittsburg through Birmingham, it has been in operation since the New Year and passes by our house. The railroad only goes from Pittsburg over the bridge and through Birmingham and no further, it does not carry any freight, but rather it is only for the people to work ... if you have something to do in Pittsburg, or Pittsburg people in Birmingham. So you can ride like walking back and forth, it only costs 5 cents a person, i.e. back and forth, the cars are pulled by two horses, there are 7 cars on the railroad, the cars are long and have low wheels and are beautifully painted on the outside and the seats inside are upholstered with red brown velvet, it is very nice to ride in them. On Sundays or when there is a festival somewhere here, they are always so full that you can't get in, they go every day from 6 o'clock in the morning until 11 o'clock in the evening. Each wagon is special and each one has two horses in front.
We hope for a good harvest, the outlook is excellent, the newspapers write from all areas that the harvest is good everywhere. Last year was not the best, because in June last year everything was almost frozen again, in one night. Well, as far as our family is concerned, thank God we are all quite healthy and well, our family has not yet multiplied again, three years ago we had two twins, they were both sons, but they both died. One lived for three days and the other for seven days, they were both weak from birth- my wife had always been ill for a long time before, and with the children she got typhoid.
I was not in a good place, the first four days I hadn't had a minute's sleep, on the fifth day the doctor asked me if I had slept. This time, I had to answer no, then he told me: "Tonight you can also lie down for a few hours when your wife has fallen asleep.ā€
But he ordered me not to keep the children in the bedroom if they were restless, so that my wife would not be disturbed, otherwise it would be dangerous with the powder she was to be given, and he also ordered me that when I had given her the powder, I should always put her hands under the comforter if she did not do it herself.
Well, even if I put them under her, she put them out again, and then I was to wash her hands with camphor brandy to warm them, for she was already quite cold all over. Well, I did everything as the doctor had told me to do, as I had washed one of her arms properly and ... rubbed it, and I reached for the other, and she began to speak again, and said I should not rub her arm so much, she had a funny thing on her elbow, it hurt her so much, but then I was so glad that she was still alive, for I did not know if she was already dead or whether she was dying, for she was cold.
On the eighth day the doctor told me again that tonight would probably be the last night, so I asked him if he had any hope at all, and he replied that it was approaching the ninth day and she was too emaciated. I was downcast too, because I always thought I would get her well again, so she asked me, "Did the doctor tell you anything about me?ā€ Then I told her what he had said, for it didnā€™t matter now, and she began and said in a slightly stronger voice that she felt a little better, perhaps she could get well again after all! When the doctor came the next morning, he immediately asked how she was doing and felt her pulse. His answer was that the fever had subsided, he offered us some reassurance again and she gradually got better. She still had many relapses and she continued to have them for almost a whole year until she became quite strong again. The doctor, pharmacy and funeral had cost us a lot of money, but now we have recovered.
Our two girls go to school every day, the schoolhouse is near where we live now, you can see it on the picture of Birmingham on the right corner near the new bridge, which is also depicted on the schoolhouse.... white dome without a spire and there is a clock on it. I want to make a point where our house is roughly located, the street where the railroad cars go is not visible on the picture, otherwise I could show you our house more precisely. The street is called Main Street, it goes through Birmingham like the river next to Birmingham. Well, I must close, because it's getting to be evening, and I'd like to say hello from my son and daughter-in-law and our two children Anna and Emilie, who often argue with each other. Emilie thinks she has already seen you, and Anna disagrees, you haven't seen grandfather and grandmother yet, but I have. Has Wilhelm gotten married yet? Let us know when you write to us. Also, say hello to Sehnes, Millers from RoƟwein, Spindlers and Polster in Bƶhrigen and all our acquaintances.
My address is still the same as before,
Julius Bretschneider
Birmingham near Pittsburg. Allegheny County.
North America
submitted by knawshaw to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:51 jleardini The Benefits of Fresh Foods For Dogs

This episode is near and dear to my heart. Jen is talking to Dr. Jennifer Kwon from Just Food For Dogs.
Dr. Kwon describes the benefits of fresh food as opposed to kibble. She seems to say that most, if not all, of kibble would actually fall into the ā€œfeedā€ category rather than food. Feed does not typically have refrigerated logistics and during the extrusion process the kibble is exposed to high heat which can ā€œradically diminish any of the nutritional contentā€ according to Dr. Kwon.
The benefits that Dr. Kwon speaks of are healthier coat, overall vitality, better digestive health and an increased amount of energy for your dog.
Iā€™d actually heard that kibble is a causer of cancer due to the high temps that the extruded kibble was exposed to. Dr. Kwon doesnā€™t address that so maybe that isnā€™t completely true but I feel like itā€™s directionally accurate.
There are 13 Flagship Just Food For Dogs Kitchens across the country that allow customers to see how the food is cooked on site. In addition to this, if you talk to a person from the company, they arenā€™t just a hired hand. They are a ā€œNutrition Consultantā€ that can help because the needs of every dog are different.
Some fun quotes that came out of this episode: ā€œMore lives, more loveā€ ā€œFresh food is better for dogs than kibbleā€
A funny aspect of this episode is that, during the last 4-5 minutes of Jens podcast we hear her dog, Buffy, going to town on her chew bone. Haha.
If you want a discount on Just Food For Dogs, there is a promo code of WAKE10 that will work through the end of the month.
submitted by jleardini to WakeUpReadTheLabels [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:23 Responsible_River130 What am I doing wrong ?

Iā€™m tired of my daughter chewing me up like gum. Sheā€™s 2 months now and Iā€™ve talked to 4 lactation people even going so far as to putting my breast in ones hands and saying show me! Yet here I am chewed up. Itā€™s funny but it hurts to breastfeed. Sheā€™s not tongue tied , Iā€™m not inverted- help šŸ˜­
submitted by Responsible_River130 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:20 Throwing-in-trash My friend completely changed in a few months time, and I feel like I donā€™t know him anymore.

(Sorry if my formatting is weird, Iā€™m on mobile. Also, if my grammar sucks, it was truly my worst subject in school.)
I met my friends Noah and Liam at the beginning of college, weā€™re now going into 3rd year. It honestly took some time to get Liam to come out of his shell, but once he did, we were all genuinely really good friends. He was honestly a really down to earth guy, understanding, and funny. However, as the title gives, things honestly went downhill. First off, I am diagnosed autistic (relevant to the story) but most people donā€™t know unless I tell them. One of my biggest things is that I NEVER use it as an excuse if I hurt someone. I feel thatā€™s on me to apologize.
In February, Liam stopped going to therapy. This wasnā€™t his fault, and was truly an issue he couldnā€™t resolve. However, he started failing to function properly. It started off small; suddenly wanting to schedule everything, taking time to make more friends, talking to Noah and I less, etc. Thatā€™s okay! Life happens and we knew be was busy! We barely saw Liam for about three months, but one of the times we saw him- he had a sudden meltdown on us. About how lonely he is, and that he doesnā€™t like being in his dorm alone.
This was the first time we heard about this and it was coming out in a hyperventilating manner. It honestly terrified us, and we had to learn from a different person that he felt this way for a while. Things definitely felt tense for a while, as we didnā€™t know if it would happen again. However, we missed Liam and asked to talk. In this talk we expressed that we never saw him anymore, texted to hangout with no response, and felt uncomfortable with what had happened. His response was that he never even noticed we felt uncomfortable, and that heā€™s making more friends- and that we have to deal with that.
Noah and I have plenty of friends, and would never want someone to feel like they couldnā€™t have other friends. However, it was a bit hurtful how much he brushed us off. After that, things got difficult. Noah and I got busy with our major, even telling Liam weā€™re super busy. Suddenly, when we were too busy to ask to hangout it was an issue. ā€œYou guys never invite me to hangout. Why canā€™t you invite me to sit while you do projects? I never see you guys.ā€
Then came more meltdowns; we donā€™t text him enough, he barely sees us, his other friends will hangout with him. He started asking us to schedule a time on his calendar to talk about scheduling a time to hangout. Then asked to calculate days in the week where- if we donā€™t physically see each other, we text more. If we donā€™t text, we talk in person more. If we didnā€™t, we got compared to his other friends who do that for him. It seemed like no matter what we did, we were doing it wrong.
When we did hangout, our time didnā€™t matter to him. Liam and I scheduled to hangout around 7:30? Well, we actually hung out at 9 because he had so many things to do. I expressed that I was upset and got, ā€œWell, I donā€™t really know what to do. I needed to do those things.ā€
He asked Noah to hangout, who had work. He offered to let Liam hangout with him at work. ā€œWell, I donā€™t want to hangout when itā€™s convenient to you.ā€
Then he started snapping at us when we did hangout. He doesnā€™t know what we mean by saying things, maybe we havenā€™t been noticing his changes heā€™s made. But then he would say he doesnā€™t understand what we like, so he doesnā€™t really care. We would express that it hurt, but get an apology with a hundred excuses to why itā€™s okay he said that.
It then spread to more people, where he snapped at an RA. When the RA apologized if she said something rude, ā€œOh well, Iā€™m autistic. So maybe I just didnā€™t understand your tone.ā€
Liam is not diagnosed autistic, nor has a professional told him that he shows traits. I personally think itā€™s okay to suspect you may have a disability. But you donā€™t use it as an excuse??
We only had one person we were talking to about this, Noahā€™s mom whoā€™s a behavioral specialist. She assured us werenā€™t not doing anything wrong, and that things are irrational because Liam has been off therapy for months. When we would bring up the idea of returning to therapy, he responded with, ā€œOh, well I fixed those problems. Iā€™m fine.ā€
Finally, we sat Liam down to have a genuine discussion about all of this. About how hurt we were in this. He admitted to all of it, filled with tears from him. Admitting that he didnā€™t take our feelings seriously in the beginning, he only noticed when it happened to him, he had been snapping at us, he pulled away first, etc.
We told him we really encourage him to seek help again. And he agreed.
Now comes to today. Long story short is that my family has never been close, my mom suddenly downsized and I couldnā€™t live at home anymore. I had no other family to go to. Noahā€™s family was kind enough to let me stay, and I am so grateful for it. (Relevant)
However, Liam has suddenly regressed in age. Since telling people heā€™s autistic; he doesnā€™t understand jokes anymore, he needs giant headphones now, he needs all these chews, he even talks like a child. (He called something ā€œBig stupidā€ over text. Which was out of character?)
He rants to us that we donā€™t understand how lonely he is, and that Noah and I get to see each other everyday. The reason that is, might be because I donā€™t have a home? We didnā€™t decide we were going to live with each other to make him jealous?? I have no family, and to me that feels so lonely. Some days I wish I had what everyone else does, like what Liam has. Noah had to cut off some family, and thatā€™s been hard on him. Family he loved so much.
But no. Liam is lonely, and we donā€™t understand.
Before all of this started, Noah, Liam, and I all signed a lease for an apartment. Now Noah and I have been looking into changing. We donā€™t know what to do anymore. Itā€™s much more expensive, but this is so exhausting. Even Noahā€™s therapist suggested changing our lease.
Liam wants a cat, Noah is allergic. Thatā€™s all good, just find a hypoallergenic breed! ā€œOh well, does it have to be hypoallergenic?ā€
YES?? Noah is not paying rent for an apartment to live with an animal heā€™s allergic to??
We havenā€™t spoken to any friends about it, because we truly donā€™t want to drag them into this. But I donā€™t know how much more we can handle.
Iā€™m all open ears if maybe thereā€™s a way we can still help, or if this is something we need to walk away from. Thanks for listening to my rant. This feels like some 2020 behavior, and I am so sick of it. But I genuinely miss my friend.
submitted by Throwing-in-trash to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:49 Royal-Blueberry9998 Cat with Pica

Hello! I have a cat, Mario, who has pica. It's been a whole ordeal ever since he's had free roam of the house (we've had him since birth, ~2 years ago). He's always been funny when it comes to food. He was even the last to come off the nipple.
For the last 2 years, we've noticed Mario pukes at least once every other week or so. That puke often had whole pieces of food, so we figured maybe he was eating too fast and when he jumped down from the dresser (where the food is located) it would come up. Mario acts normal otherwise so we didn't think anything of it.
Fastforward to a few weeks ago. We've been trying a new food with Mario to see if maybe the other food was upsetting his stomach. At first, Mario was excited to eat new food. The first couple of bites went down great, but as he kept eating I noticed more and more small pieces of food falling from his mouth. Once that started he'd quickly become uninterested in eating any more and would walk away.
Today, I had an idea. Maybe he just doesn't like chewing hard food? With his pica, he was often seeking out soft cords to chew on, which we have since wrapped with a harder plastic that he is not interested in chewing.
So, I got a can of cat food for him and he seemed to be much happier while he ate.
My question is.. is this a thing? Do cats with pica tend to prefer softer foods? What is the best canned cat food I can buy for him without breaking the bank? (We have 7 cats total and currently have them on ProPlan Urinary dry catfood due to previous issues with one of our other cats).
submitted by Royal-Blueberry9998 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 19:56 Exotic_Character_108 How accurate is that rabies copypasta?

the one where its like:
Rabies. It's exceptionally common, but people just don't run into the animals that carry it often. Skunks especially, and bats.
Let me paint you a picture.
You go camping, and at midday you decide to take a nap in a nice little hammock. While sleeping, a tiny brown bat, in the "rage" stages of infection is fidgeting in broad daylight, uncomfortable, and thirsty (due to the hydrophobia) and you snort, startling him. He goes into attack mode.
Except you're asleep, and he's a little brown bat, so weighs around 6 grams. You don't even feel him land on your bare knee, and he starts to bite. His teeth are tiny. Hardly enough to even break the skin, but he does manage to give you the equivalent of a tiny scrape that goes completely unnoticed.
Rabies does not travel in your blood. In fact, a blood test won't even tell you if you've got it. (Antibody tests may be done, but are useless if you've ever been vaccinated.)
You wake up, none the wiser. If you notice anything at the bite site at all, you assume you just lightly scraped it on something.
The bomb has been lit, and your nervous system is the wick. The rabies will multiply along your nervous system, doing virtually no damage, and completely undetectable. You literally have NO symptoms.
It may be four days, it may be a year, but the camping trip is most likely long forgotten. Then one day your back starts to ache... Or maybe you get a slight headache?
At this point, you're already dead. There is no cure.
(The sole caveat to this is the Milwaukee Protocol, which leaves most patients dead anyway, and the survivors mentally disabled, and is seldom done).
There's no treatment. It has a 100% kill rate.
Absorb that. Not a single other virus on the planet has a 100% kill rate. Only rabies. And once you're symptomatic, it's over. You're dead.
So what does that look like?
Your headache turns into a fever, and a general feeling of being unwell. You're fidgety. Uncomfortable. And scared. As the virus that has taken its time getting into your brain finds a vast network of nerve endings, it begins to rapidly reproduce, starting at the base of your brain... Where your "pons" is located. This is the part of the brain that controls communication between the rest of the brain and body, as well as sleep cycles.
Next you become anxious. You still think you have only a mild fever, but suddenly you find yourself becoming scared, even horrified, and it doesn't occur to you that you don't know why. This is because the rabies is chewing up your amygdala.
As your cerebellum becomes hot with the virus, you begin to lose muscle coordination, and balance. You think maybe it's a good idea to go to the doctor now, but assuming a doctor is smart enough to even run the tests necessary in the few days you have left on the planet, odds are they'll only be able to tell your loved ones what you died of later.
You're twitchy, shaking, and scared. You have the normal fear of not knowing what's going on, but with the virus really fucking the amygdala this is amplified a hundred fold. It's around this time the hydrophobia starts.
You're horribly thirsty, you just want water. But you can't drink. Every time you do, your throat clamps shut and you vomit. This has become a legitimate, active fear of water. You're thirsty, but looking at a glass of water begins to make you gag, and shy back in fear. The contradiction is hard for your hot brain to see at this point. By now, the doctors will have to put you on IVs to keep you hydrated, but even that's futile. You were dead the second you had a headache.
You begin hearing things, or not hearing at all as your thalamus goes. You taste sounds, you see smells, everything starts feeling like the most horrifying acid trip anyone has ever been on. With your hippocampus long under attack, you're having trouble remembering things, especially family.
You're alone, hallucinating, thirsty, confused, and absolutely, undeniably terrified. Everything scares the literal shit out of you at this point. These strange people in lab coats. These strange people standing around your bed crying, who keep trying to get you "drink something" and crying. And it's only been about a week since that little headache that you've completely forgotten. Time means nothing to you anymore. Funny enough, you now know how the bat felt when he bit you.
Eventually, you slip into the "dumb rabies" phase. Your brain has started the process of shutting down. Too much of it has been turned to liquid virus. Your face droops. You drool. You're all but unaware of what's around you. A sudden noise or light might startle you, but for the most part, it's all you can do to just stare at the ground. You haven't really slept for about 72 hours.
Then you die. Always, you die.
And there's not one... fucking... thing... anyone can do for you.
Then there's the question of what to do with your corpse. I mean, sure, burying it is the right thing to do. But the fucking virus can survive in a corpse for years. You could kill every rabid animal on the planet today, and if two years from now, some moist, preserved, rotten hunk of used-to-be brain gets eaten by an animal, it starts all over.
So yeah, rabies scares the shit out of me. And it's fucking EVERYWHERE. (Source: Spent a lot of time working with rabies. Would still get my vaccinations if I could afford them.)
Mainly, are the symptoms really this bad? It seems so unbelievably horrific.
submitted by Exotic_Character_108 to rabies [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 19:14 FroopyMcDoopy 46 [M4F] #Houston, Texas; Oddly Healthy Tattooer seeks Kind, Funny, Brilliant Redhead Lady

How's it going? Thanks for checking out my post. Here goes...
About me: I was a ditch digger, then a trombonist, then a motorcycle mechanic, then an Air Force avionics technician, then a college art teacher, before becoming a tattoo artist and opening my own studio.
I'm a vegetarian (not for ethical reasons) since 1993, I walk 3 miles every day, I haven't had any alcohol since 1980, and I've never used tobacco/smoked anything (including weed). Totally down for responsible psychedelic use though. šŸ„
I enjoy cooking, taking twice daily tea, attending concerts/museums/galleries, accompanying my goofy affectionate pitbull to the dog park, taking hot baths, making art with my friends, designing and building electromechanical clocks, afternoon naps, listening to podcasts (OTM is my favorite), visiting parks/thrift stores, vintage film photography, admiring hand embroidery...
Seeking: an ideally long-term relationship with a kind, funny, brilliant, honest, svelte redhead woman who's into communicating and showing up regularly, going on adventures together, co-equal nurturing and support. Bonus points if you like GlĆ¼cksschwein and/or Steely Dan, and if you'd care to accompany me for sunrise tea at Bryce Canyon.
Open to long-distance at first, but if things are going well, I'll want you to relocate to Houston sooner than later--my house, family, and business are here.
If you've read this far and are interested, what's something you've enjoyed creating lately?
DMs welcome :)
Texas #TX #Houston #Redhead #Ginger #Red Hair
submitted by FroopyMcDoopy to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 17:23 sandipgeo98 Most popular tobacco products in India

Most popular tobacco products in India submitted by sandipgeo98 to dailygkcareer [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 16:57 DeadByDaylight_Dev 8.0.0 Dungeons & Dragons

8.0.0 Dungeons & Dragons
New Survivor - Aestri Yazar
New Survivor Perks
  • Mirrored Illusion This perk activates after completing a total of 50% worth of repair progress on generators. Press the ability button 2 when next to a totem, chest, generator or exit gate to spawn a static illusion that lasts for 100/110/120 seconds. Then, the perk deactivates.
  • Bardic Inspiration Press the ability button 1 while standing and motionless to enter the "performance" interaction that lasts up to 15 seconds and empowers Survivors within 16 meters. Roll a d20. This effect lasts for 90 seconds if the performance is completed. When the ability is cancelled or the performance completes, it goes on cooldown for 110/100/90 seconds.
    • 1 You scream, but nothing happens
    • 2-10 skill checks give +1% progress
    • 11-19 skill checks give +2% progress
    • 20 skill checks give +3% progress
  • Still Sight After standing still for 6/5/4 seconds, this perk activates. Until you start moving, you see the aura of the Killer as well as all generators and chests within 24 meters.

New Killer - The Lich

Killer Power

Bound with the skin and flesh of men, the Book is packed with spells both forbidden and wicked. To select a Spell, hold the Ability Button to open the Spell selection. The Lich has access to 4 different Spells:
  • Mage Hand: Creates a magical hand that lifts a downed pallet or blocks an upright pallet for 4 seconds.
  • Flight of the Damned: Conjures 5 flying spectral entities that can pass through obstacles and injure Survivors.
  • Dispelling Sphere: Casts a moving invisible sphere that reveals Survivors and temporarily disables their Magic Items.
  • Fly: Gain a flying speed for a short period of time, allowing you to travel a long distance quickly and move over vaults and pallets.
Treasure Chests found around the map can contain Magic Items. Each Survivor can equip up to two Magic Items at once: one pair of Boots and one pair of Gauntlets. These Magic Items are each connected to a specific Spell, and activate when The Lich casts that spell.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Interloper: The Survivor sees the aura of pallets affected by Mage Hand and gains Haste for 3 seconds.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Nightwatch: The Survivor can see the auras of the spectral entities conjured by Flight of the Damned.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Archivist: The Survivor can see the Dispelling Sphere.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Skyguard: The Survivor can see The Lich's aura during Fly and for a few seconds after.
Rarely, Survivors can instead find the Hand or Eye of Vecna in a Treasure Chest. When picked up and used, Survivors gain a special ability while at full health. Using one of these special abilities costs the Survivor a health state and reveals their location with Killer Instinct for 3 seconds.
  • Hand of Vecna: When doing a Fast Locker Entry, the Survivor is teleported to a further locker.
  • Eye of Vecna: When doing a Fast Locker Exit, the Survivor cannot be seen by The Lich and gains Haste for 15 seconds.

New Killer Perks

  • Weave Attunement When any item becomes depleted for the first time each match, it is dropped. You see the auras of dropped items. Survivors within 12 meters of dropped items have their auras revealed to you. When a Survivor picks up a Survivor item, they suffer the Oblivious status effect for 20/25/30 seconds. Oblivious prevents Survivors from hearing or being affected by the Killer's Terror Radius.
  • Languid Touch When a Survivor within 36 meters of you scares a crow, they gain the Exhausted status effect for 6/8/10 seconds. This perk has a 20-second cooldown. Exhausted prevents Survivors from activating exhausting perks.
  • Dark Arrogance Increases the duration you are blinded and the duration of pallet stuns by 25%. Increases regular vault speed by 15/20/25%.

New Map - Forgotten Ruins

Pulled from the memories of alchemists, warriors, storytellers, and criminals, the Forgotten Ruins is an amalgamation of hidden knowledge and dark secrets. How many have wandered this dead terrain, unaware of what lurked beneath their feet? And how many more ventured down to the bottom of that decaying staircase, only to succumb to what awaited them?

Killer Perk Updates

  • Deadlock Decreased the block duration to 15/20/25 seconds. (was 20/25/30 seconds)
  • Grim Embrace Decreased the block duration before reaching 4 tokens to 6/8/10 seconds. (was 8/10/12 seconds)
  • Pop Goes the Weasel Decreased the amount of progress lost to 20%. (was 30%)
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance Decreased the amount of progress lost to 10/15/20%. (was 15/20/25%)

Survivor Perk Updates

  • Background Player Decreased the movement speed bonus to 150%. (was 200%) Decreased the Exhaustion duration to 30/25/20 seconds. (was 60/50/40 seconds)
  • Buckle Up Both you and the healed Survivor gain Endurance for 6/8/10 seconds. (Removed) The healed Survivor breaks into a sprint at 150% of their normal Running Movement speed for 3/4/5 seconds and leaves no scratch marks during this time. (New functionality)
  • Invocation: Weaving Spiders Decreased the time it takes to complete the Invocation to 60 seconds. (was 120 seconds) Increased the time it takes for an Invocation to completely regress to 90 seconds. (was 6 seconds)
  • Decisive Strike Decreased the stun duration to 4 seconds. (was 5 seconds)

Killer Updates

The Blight - Addons

  • Compound Thirty-Three Rush tokens are capped at 5. (was 3) Increases Rush turn rate by 11%. (was 33%) Increases Rush duration by 11%. (was 33%)
  • Iridescent Blight Tag Increases Rush speed by 10%. (was 20%)

The Cannibal - Basekit

  • Decreased the obstruction collision size while using the Chainsaw to 10 cm. (was 17.5 cm)
  • Decreased the base Tantrum duration to 3 seconds. (was 5 seconds)
  • Increased the base Chainsaw Sweep duration to 2.5 seconds. (was 2 seconds)
  • Increased the base Chainsaw Sweep movement speed to 5.35 m/s. (was 5.29 m/s)

The Cannibal - Addons

  • Award-Winning Chili Increases maximum Chainsaw Sweep duration by 0.2 seconds per charge spent. (was 0.5 seconds)
  • Chainsaw File Decreases tantrum duration by 0.25 seconds. (was 0.5 seconds)
  • Chili Increases maximum Chainsaw Sweep duration by 0.15 seconds per charge spent. (was 0.25 seconds)
  • Homemade Muffler Decreases tantrum duration by 0.5 seconds. (was 1 second)
  • Knife Scratches Increases Chainsaw Sweep movement speed by 1.5%. (was 2%) Increases time required to charge the Chainsaw by 10%. (was 12%)
  • The Beast's Marks Increases Chainsaw Sweep movement speed by 2%. (was 3%) Increases time required to charge the Chainsaw by 12%. (was 14%)

The Deathslinger - Basekit

  • Decreased the stun duration when a Survivor breaks free to 2.7 seconds. (was 3 seconds)
  • Increased the reel speed to 2.76 m/s. (was 2.6 m/s)
  • Increased movement speed while reloading to 3.08 m/s. (was 2.64 m/s)

The Deathslinger - Addons

  • Bayshore's Cigar Decreases the stun duration when Survivors break free by 0.75 seconds. (was 1 second)
  • Bayshore's Gold Tooth Increases the Speargun's reeling speed by 5%. (was 9%)
  • Chewing Tobacco Decreases the stun duration when Survivors break free by 0.25 seconds. (was 0.5 seconds)
  • Snake Oil Increases the Speargun's reeling speed by 2.5%. (was 5%)

The Mastermind - Basekit

  • Decreased the Hindered penalty when reaching maximum infection to 4%. (was 8%)
  • The Uroboros infection now resets to 1% upon being hooked. (was 50%)

The Good Guy - Basekit

  • Scamper is now only available while performing a Slice & Dice.
  • Hidey-Ho Mode cooldown reduced to 12 seconds. (was 18 seconds)
  • Scamper time reduced to 1.3 seconds. (was 1.4 seconds)
  • Added a 1 second cooldown after cancelling a Slice & Dice charge up.

The Good Guy - Addons

  • Strobing Light Decreases Terror Radius by 8m when Hidey-Ho Mode is in cooldown. (was 4m)
  • Pile of Nails Upon manually exiting Hidey-Ho Mode, Chucky remain Undetectable for 3 seconds. (was 5 seconds)
  • Yardstick Performing a Scamper reveals Survivor auras within 16 m distance for 3 seconds. (was 12m / 5 seconds)
  • Hard Hat Removed "and exits Hidey-Ho Mode." from description.

Toolbox Updates

  • Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 15%. (was 10%)
  • Mechanic's Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 25%. (was 10%)
  • Commodious Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
  • Engineer's Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 10%. (was Decreases by 25%)
  • Alex's Toolbox 18 charges. (was 24 charges) Increases sabotage speed by 100%. (was 50%)
  • Festive Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
  • Anniversary Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
  • Masquerade Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
Toolbox Addons
  • Cutting Wire Increases the Toolbox's sabotage speed by 20%. (was 15%)
  • Grip Wrench Hooks sabotaged using the Toolbox take an extra 20 seconds to respawn. (was 15 seconds)
  • Hacksaw Increases the Toolbox's sabotage speed by 30%. (was 20%)

Events & Archives

  • The Twisted Masquerade event begins June 13th at 11:00 am ET.
  • The Twisted Masquerade event tome also opens June 13th at 11:00 am ET.

Map Updates

Decimated Borgo Realm Update

The red lighting was a big issue in the realm of The Decimated Borgo. The art and lighting team took care to make the realm more accessible to all players and bring a different ambiance to the maps.



  • Started adding search tags for Charms Only "Perks" and "Birds" for the moment.
  • New Item Preview Window Regular and Special Items will now display a short description of their effect inside a Trial by using a new item previewer window.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue that affected Archives challenges which required the Killer to complete a Trial with no more than X Survivors living to update their progress incorrectly during a match. It now correctly updates throughout the match as each Survivor dies.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Archives challenge progress notification to display in the Match Results screen if the challenge was already completed before entering another trial.


  • The names of the Bots that appear following a player disconnection have been corrected.


  • Fixed an issue that caused some survivors to stop playing their idle animation when equipped with an item in the lobby.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivor to be misaligned with The Ghost Face during a vault interruption.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Male Survivors to be misaligned when Naughty Bear picks them up.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the chains from the Cenobites portals not to be dismissed when the Cenobite teleports to a Survivor solving the box.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crosshair to be briefly visible in the middle of the screen when unbinding Victor as the Twins.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Victor to briefly appear on Charlottes head in the tally screen when playing as the Twins.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Plague's Vile and Corrupt Purge animation to continue playing after the interaction has ended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cannibal to be missing the Tantrum animation from the Killer POV when not extending the Chainsaw Sweep.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cannibal to be missing the Tantrum animation after bumping into an asset.
  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes happen when playing against killers with a lullaby


  • Fixed an issue that caused items to slightly float on the Ferry Boat in the Pale Rose map.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Killer from interrupting Survivors performing the Invocation interaction from specific spots.
  • Fixed an issue in Raccoon City Police Station where the Nurse can blink out bound


  • Fixed an issue with input bindings for players on the Windows Store.
  • Haptic Feedback has been fixed on PlayStation.


  • Changing presets in the Loadout Menu will no longer rotate the character due to different charm layouts.
  • Fixed an issue where the survivor offerings' order is inconsistent in the match details
  • Fixed a crash issue that could occur in the search bar
  • Fixed a crash issue that could occur while reporting another player
  • Fixed an issue where the perk's description is not displayed properly in the Tally Scoreboard on the Switch
  • Fixed an issue where the owned tag is shown on customization items in the Rift
  • Fixed an issue where a tooltip was not displayed on the disabled button in the lobby


  • Bloodwebs with kill-switched items should no longer be possible.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while in a Trial when gaining Bloodpoints.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while loading between the Play as Survivor lobby and the pre-Trial lobby.
  • Fixed an issue that VFX to misalign with the Spirit's body during the Mori preview with the Blazing Lineage outfit.

Public Test Build (PTB) Adjustments

New Killer - The Lich

  • Survivor activating the effect of a Vecna Item suffers from Broken Status effect for 30 seconds.
  • Decreasing the Spell charge time of all Spells from 0.33 seconds to 0.2 seconds.
  • Increased all Spell charges movement speed from 3.68 m/s to 4.0 m/s.
  • Increased duration of the Fly spell from 3.5 seconds to 4.0 seconds.
  • Killer gains back collision with Survivors at the start of the end of Fly sequence.
  • Slightly Increased ground friction and controls at the end of Fly to diminish the sliding effect.
  • Reduced the FOTD Projectiles spawns from 1.0 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
  • Increased the FOTD Projectiles movement speed from 8.0 m/s to 9.0 m/s.
  • Increased FOTD Activation cooldown movement Speed from 2.3 m/s to 3.68 m/s.
  • Increased Dispelling Sphere active time from 20 seconds. to 25 seconds.
  • Increased Dispelling Sphere movement speed from 4.2 m/s to 5.5m/s.
  • Increased Dispelling Sphere Activation cooldown movement Speed from 2.3m/s to 3.68m/s.
  • Increased Mage Hand Activation cooldown movement Speed from 2.3m/s to 3.68m/s.
  • Decreased Mage Hand time to lift a pallet from 0.5 seconds to 0.35 seconds.
  • Decreased all Spell Cooldown from 50 seconds to 38 seconds.
  • Decreased all Magic Items default Reveal Killer aura from 3.0 to 1.5 seconds.
  • Addon Raven's Feather Decreased duration of the Fly spell from 1 second. to 0.5 seconds.
  • Addon Trickster's Glove: Decreased Mage Hand holds pallet time from 1 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
  • Addon Crystal Ball: Increased the duration of Killer instinct from 1.5 seconds to 3.0 seconds.
  • Addon Potion of Speed: Decreases the period where you cannot attack after casting Fly from 0.5 seconds to 0.35 seconds.
  • Addon Ring of Telekinesis Decreased the lift speed from 50% to 35%
  • Addon Ring of Spell Storing Decreased the cooldown reduction of all spells from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Addon Robe of Eyes Decreased distance detection from 8M to 6M.
  • Addon Dragontooth Dagger Increased Haemorrhage and Mangled Status Effects from 30 seconds to 45 seconds.
  • Addon Cloak of Invisibility Decreased the Undetectable time from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • Addon Vorpal Sword: Decreased the Broken status effect from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.
Score Events
  • Violent Caster Increased from 100 to 300 Bloodpoints
  • Spectral Smash Increased from 500 to 600 Bloodpoints

New Killer Perks

Weave Attunement
  • Aura reveal distance increased from 8 meters to 12 meters of dropped items.
Dark Arrogance
  • Vault speed increase updated from 16/18/20% to 15/20/25%.

New Survivor Perks

Bardic Inspiration
  • Buff now lasts 90 seconds instead of 60 and goes on cooldown for 110/100/90 seconds instead of 80/70/60.
  • Duration of buff is now shown on the external perk icon.
Still Sight
  • Aura reveal distance increased from 18 meters to 24 meters.

Killer Updates

The Blight - Addons

  • Compound Thirty-Three Rush tokens are capped at 5. (was 3)


  • The current challenge progression will now pop on the side of the Tally screen at the end of every game, even if there was no progress on the selected challenge.


  • Bots can now use the Mirrored Illusion Perk correctly.
  • Bots no longer magically see The Lich's Dispelling Sphere without an appropriate Magic Item.
  • Bots should be less likely to stop mid-chase while thinking of options.
  • Fixed multiple crashes that could occur due to playing with Bots.
  • Duplicates of characters replaced by Bots should no longer appear in the Tally screen.

Bug Fixes

The Lich
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Lich to lose collision with Survivors while selecting or charging spells.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Lich to lose collision with Survivors during the Fly spell.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Lich to lose collision with crouching Survivors after using the Fly spell.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Lich to potentially get stuck if the Fly spell ends on top of a vault.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Lich to be unable to avoid being flashlight blinded after having used Fly or the Flight of the Damned spells.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Lich's spells to display in active cooldown on the spell selection screen when quickly cancelling any spell cast.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to remain stuck in the grab animation for a few seconds after being interrupted during the Mimic chest escape interaction.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the dispelling sphere loop SFX to be too loud on the survivor and killer perspective.
  • Fixed an issue that caused blood burst VFX to appear at the feet of male survivors when attuning to the Eye of Vecna.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Magic Items to lack a dissolve VFX.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Vecna Items to lack a dissolve VFX.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Spell Indicator VFX invisibility or to remain dimly lit during and after the first Cooldowns.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Lich's motion trail VFX offset during multiple actions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Eye of Vecna Invisibility Locker Smoke VFX to be only visible for the Survivor fast-exiting the Locker.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the blood drip VFX for The Lich's wipe animation to offset.
  • The Lich no longer speeds up briefly when casting Flight of the Damned or Dispelling Orb
  • The Lich's Flight of the Damned collision hitbox is now correctly lowered while using the Iridescent Book of Vile Darkness addon
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Bardic Inspiration music to play indefinitely when falling the dice roll.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Bardic Inspiration perk animation to continue when a Survivor is downed during the interaction.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Mirrored Illusion husk dissolution smoke VFX to remain longer than intended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors' auras to be revealed when swapping a handheld item with an item inside a chest when the Killer had the Weaved Attunement perk.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Weave Attunement external perk icon not to be displayed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Languid Touch external perk icon not to be displayed.
  • Buying multiple characters too fast should no longer crash the game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused smoke flickering on pallets in the Forgotten Ruins map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused trap Killers to be unable to use their powers at the entrance of the main building in the Forgotten Ruins map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Victor's SFX to keep looping after a Survivor shoves open a locker blocked by Victor when playing against the Twins.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Dredge and a Survivor to get stuck in a locker if another Survivor tried to hide in the same locker before the Dredge teleported.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Good Guy to be able to Scamper window vaults while in Hidey-Ho Mode.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using Decisive Strike.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when playing the Tutorial matches.
  • Survivors are now able to correctly blind the Unknown with a Flashlight.
submitted by DeadByDaylight_Dev to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 16:06 My_Third_Alt Favorite Line of Each Episode of DBZA: Last Time ā€œ Oh my God, Chiaotzu's dead! And he really let himself go! ...and he's an android. ..... that's not Chiaotzu. Oh, crapbaskets.ā€ Won. Today is episode 39

Episode 1: Oh god no, my marijuana patch! (Farmer)
Episode 2:We here at team four star do not condone child violence. We do however find it hilarious.(Kaiser)
Episode 3: Mahogany! (King Yemma)
Episode 4: Alright Maggots listen up! Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order. It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo. (Popo)
Episode 5: DODGE! (Piccolo)
Episode 6: Iā€™ll tell you where theyā€™re not, safe! (Popo)
Episode 7: Iā€™m not a PokĆ©mon! Iā€™m Chiaotzu! CHIAOTZU! (Chiaotzu)
Episode 8: ā€œVegeta! I can flyā€ (Nappa)
Episode 9: "9 minutes and 18 seconds" (Vegeta)
Episode 10: ā€œWhatā€™s the opposite of Christopher Walken? CHRISTOPHER REEVES!" (Vegeta)
Episode 11: ā€œYep, this baby gets 10,000 miles to the soul.ā€ (Popo)
Episode 12: "No! What are you:stupid? We are doctors, scientists! Now inject this man with some SCIENCE! Delicious, magical SCIENCE!" (Some Freeza Grunt)
Episode 13: "Could you speak up? I'm not wearing any pants" (Roshi)
Episode 14: "QUACK!" (The Space-Duck)
Episode 15: "Muffin Button" (Goku)
Episode 16: Face down with another man beating your ass. Is it Wednesday already, Zarbon? (Vegeta)
Episode 17: I'm coming Zarbon! Quick, grab my balls!
Episode 18: " I don't know. Maybe you could've bitched at him, how 'bout that? That's all you appear to be good for these days. Huh? Used your bitch-fu on him? Bulma the mistress of bitching, that's what they should call you. Seriously, five ancient sages of bitchdom all gathered together one day on the peaks of Mount Bitch to proclaim your birth. And a hundred years later, when all the bitch stars had aligned, you were born and made everybody's life around you a living hell because you are such a bitch!" (Krillin)
Episode 19: "Son of a gum-chewing funk-monster! Why the fruit does all this funny stuff happen to me?! Forget my life! Always surrounded by miserable failing clods! Like this whole world just likes to *bend* me over and FIND ME IN THE ALPS! Like I'm some sort of shlock receptacle! Well as far as I care, these miserable cows can have a fancy barbecue with a goddamn pig!!" (Vegeta)
Episode 21: I can't believe we came all the way out here and spent a week in the Space Boonies for nothing! Seriously, I'm surprised we didn't hear banjos on the way, because everyone is inbred and LOOKS THE F***ING SAME! Not to mention I lost Dodoria and Zarbon, the latter of whom spent 400 credits making long-distance calls to his girlfriend, WHO I AM CONVINCED IS NAMED CHUCK! (Freeza)
Episode 22: Did you tell him to work the shaft? (Super Kami Guru)
Episode 23: This is easily the 2nd worse hole Iā€™ve ever had in my chest. Itā€™s gonna take like, a million mommy kisses to make it better. (Goku).
Episode 24: "Oh ho ho ho no, don't mind me. By all means, gĢ¶Ķ˜Ģ¢iĢøĶĢˆĢ•ĶĶ–vĢ¶Ķ Ķ…Ģ¢Ģ¹eĢøĶ†Ģ‹Ģ½Ģ® Ģ·ĢĶ›Ķ™Ķ”Ķ™Ģ²mĢøĶĶ’Ķ‘ĢØĢ²Ģ¦Ģ¤eĢ“Ģ‰Ģ‚Ģ£ĢœĶšĢ° ĢµĢĶ‚Ģ©ĶˆĶĢÆĢ sĢ·Ģ‘ĢĶ“ĶoĢ·Ģ…ĢĢĶ Ģ”Ģ²Ģ¢Ķ™mĢ·Ģ‚Ķ”eĢøĶŠĶ Ģ•Ģ‚ĢĢŖĶ… ĢµĢ›ĢŽĢ…Ģ±Ģ£Ģ£Ģ±iĢ¶ĢĢ’Ķ‚Ķ…dĢ¶Ģ”Ģ‰ĢĢ²ĢŸĢ”eĢøĶ Ģ‘ĢŠĢƒĢ™Ģ­ĢŗĢ§aĢøĶ„Ģ…Ģ§Ģ±sĢ“Ģ¾Ģ™ĶšĢÆĢÆĢ©." (Freeza)
Episode 25: "Oh good. I'll stop by there on the way home. Pick up some space eggs, some space milk, and BLOW IT THE F*** UP! Oh, I'm sorry, I'm usually far more composed. I'm just a little bit A B S O L U T E L Y L I V I D." (Freeza)
Episode 26: ā€œThatā€™s right, Iā€™m your White Mage, & Nobody fucks with the White Mageā€ (Little Green)
Episode 27: " Imma deck ya in the schnozz!" (Goku)
Episode 28: ā€œGood Lord I traded Vegeta for thisā€ (Freeza)
Episode 29: Oh, come now. If I'm really as evil as you say I am, then let God strike me down where I stand. *lightning zaps* HA! Nice try, jackass! Next time, give it your A-game! (Freeza),
Episode 30: ā€œI am the hope of the omniverse! I am the light bulb in the darkness! I am the bacon in the fridge for all the living things that cry out in hunger! I am the Alpha and the Amiga! I am the terror that flaps in the night! (starts powering up) I am Son GokÅ«! and I am a Super (Death beam to forehead) Saiyanā€ (Goku)
Episode 31: "Why aren't you upstairs sleeping with your girlfriend like everyone else?" (Turtle)
Episode 32: "Gohan when you've had a man inside of you; you know when he's coming." (Krillin)
Episode 33: "Oh a momma's boy huh? I'll be your mommy" (Bulma)
Episode 34: ā€œThe fuck's a condom?" (Vegeta)
Episode 35: ā€œWhat do you think inconspicuous old man and mime?ā€ (Some Guy)
Episode 37: "Oh my God, Chiaotzu's dead! And he really let himself go! ...and he's an android. ..... that's not Chiaotzu. (Moment of realization) Oh, crapbaskets." (Trunks)
Episode 38: "Oh my god. I solicited my son for sex" (Bulma)
submitted by My_Third_Alt to TeamFourStar [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 14:15 impeach_mybush Encouraging words because Iā€™m exhausted

My 7 month old puppy started slighting limping off/on for a week. It was so slight I wasnā€™t sure if she was even limping or just walking funny until I sent my friend who works with a dogs a video and she said it was a limp. Felt AWFUL for waiting a week to bring her to urgent care. Brought her to urgent care and she was super feisty (she was a street dog in Saint Croix the first 3 months of her life so shes a feisty girl) so they watched the video and did an exam as much as she would tolerate but no x rays because she would have to be sedated. They told me itā€™s most likely a soft tissue injury and/or growing pains and gave me anti inflammatories and mild sedatives and told me to rest her for two weeks with minimal activity. Itā€™s been 7 days. I havenā€™t seen her limp but I also havenā€™t really given her an opportunity to show me a limp because sheā€™s mostly in her crate, my van or in the living room. Itā€™s been BRUTAL. Even with the sedatives sheā€™s super hyper. We do lick mats, kongs, chews, sniffle mats, treats wrapped in towels, anything she can tear apart, take her for drives, stationary training (like place work), I even took her to a brewery so she could people watch and took her camping with the van doors open so she could be in nature. I am completely exhausted and sheā€™ll still try to do zoomies or play rough with her sister a couple times a day. I would love some encouraging words that sheā€™ll hopefully be ok in two weeks because we were just getting into a groove with our lifestyle/training and this has really thrown us out of whack and I feel so bad constantly tell her no we canā€™t play fetch, sorry you have to go in your crate and no you canā€™t play with your sister. Iā€™m stressing hard that after another week of this sheā€™s still going to be limping. This is breaking my heart, for me and my girl.
submitted by impeach_mybush to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 09:00 RichellaMadden Effective Tips and Strategies for Bad Breath Prevention

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, can be an embarrassing and persistent issue for many individuals. At Madison Dentistry & Implant Center, we are committed to helping our patients maintain optimal oral health and fresh breath. This comprehensive guide will explore the causes of bad breath, effective prevention strategies, and how our services can assist you in achieving and maintaining fresh breath.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
  1. Poor Oral Hygiene: Inadequate brushing and flossing can leave food particles in the mouth, leading to bacterial growth and bad odors.
  2. Diet: Certain foods like garlic, onions, and spices can contribute to bad breath.
  3. Dry Mouth: Saliva helps cleanse the mouth; a lack of saliva production can result in bad breath.
  4. Medical Conditions: Conditions such as sinus infections, respiratory tract infections, diabetes, and gastrointestinal issues can cause bad breath.
  5. Tobacco Products: Smoking or chewing tobacco can cause bad breath and increase the risk of gum disease.

Effective Bad Breath Prevention Strategies

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

  1. Brush Regularly: Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Pay special attention to brushing your tongue, as bacteria can accumulate there.
  2. Floss Daily: Flossing helps remove food particles and plaque between teeth, where a toothbrush cannot reach.
  3. Use Mouthwash: An antibacterial mouthwash can help reduce bacteria and freshen your breath.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps keep your mouth moist and washes away food particles and bacteria. Chewing sugar-free gum can also stimulate saliva production.

Watch Your Diet

  1. Avoid Odorous Foods: Limit intake of foods known to cause bad breath, such as garlic, onions, and certain spices.
  2. Eat Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables: Foods like apples, carrots, and celery can help cleanse your teeth and freshen your breath.

Quit Tobacco Use

Tobacco products not only cause bad breath but also increase the risk of gum disease and oral cancer. Quitting smoking or chewing tobacco can significantly improve your oral health and breath.

Regular Dental Checkups

Regular visits to Madison Dentistry & Implant Center for professional cleanings and checkups are crucial in preventing bad breath. Our dental professionals can detect and treat any underlying issues that may be contributing to bad breath.
Bad breath can be a challenging issue, but with the right strategies and professional care, it is manageable. By practicing good oral hygiene, staying hydrated, watching your diet, quitting tobacco use, and visiting Madison Dentistry & Implant Center regularly, you can prevent and treat bad breath effectively. If you have any concerns about bad breath, contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a fresher, healthier smile.

submitted by RichellaMadden to u/RichellaMadden [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:10 sleepykolix money can't buy hygiene and decency

I've been wanting to get this out of my chest for so long pero natatakot ako masabihan ng ang arte ko lang or to quote what they said "ang yaman mo kasi"
For context, I study in this school na belong sa big 4 here ph, so naturally puro may kaya or borderline rich people. At first, I really tried to ignore kasi friends ko sila eh, and sabi ko naman I think they were raised well enough to have basic manners oand hygiene. Let's talk about their hygiene first.
First encounter, we were eating noon and super ingay mag chew + yung mga mumu ng rice na kinakain niya is all over the table, and nagsspeak with their mouth full. Actually, before ko I-point out, napoint out na siya ng isa ko pang friend saying na "uy tumatalsik talsik pa" and "ang ingay mo ngumuya". I'd take it as hindi niya sineryoso because fast forward almost two years na, wala pa ring nagbabago.
Second encounter, ang baho niya talaga. It's not even the maasim type or amoy onion type of baho, it's so bad that I don't know how to describe it. I consulted this to my other friend, and she said na matagal na niya rin naaamoy hindi lang niya alam kanino or paano ibbring up. She said it's anghit, something worse than putok. I agreed kasi we went to their condo and damn, it smells the same. Amoy bulok na food na may amag or something, basta! Sometimes, proud pa siya na pumapasok daw siya na late na kaya hindi na siya nakakaligo, and in my mind it's like "medyo obvious nga sis". Nagkakatinginan na lang kami ng friend ko.
Last, yung nails niya it's overgrown and laging color black yung tips. This is like my last straw kasi syempre we share the same class and yung germs nun, imagine? Just typing this makes me want to throw up.
Now let's go naman sa etiquette.
We had a school trip kasi and in that trip, they provide us our meal and even small snacks sa hapon. That time, the snack is a tart, sineserve siya in a plate with utensils. We had an hour and 20 lang for our snack time kasi may activity kami after, and ayaw ko na muna sana magbody shower nun because magpapawis pa sa activity kaya I was planning magshower na after the activity instead of after eating. Syempre iniiwasan ko na madumihan ako, I used utensils such as fork and knife na lang instead of eating the tart with my hand. Nonstop siya nag nanag sakin while I'm eating na wow knife, sosyal. At first tumatawa pa ako, kaso literal na kada subo ko, may comment siya na ganon. Ang babaw lang siguro, but I really lost my appetite. Hindi 'yan first time, tuwing kumakain kami lagi siyang may comment madalas sakin, just because I choose to keep myself clean? Isn't that something basic sa table manners?
Meron pa! Whenever we buy foods, hindi siya bibili even if aayain namin siya. Tapos kapag nakabalik na kami with our foods, he'll look at us nang matagal ang uncomfortable na, tapos sasabihin "masarap ba yan?", naturally we'll say yea and kukuha siya. Bonus na nga yun, kasi madalas hindi na siya nagtatanong, kumukuha na lang siya and even nagddrink even if alam niyang laway conscious kami. Minsan giniguilt trip pa niya kami kapag hindi namin siya binibigyan ng pagkain. Minsan naman, inaacknowledge naman niya na laway conscious kami kaya nagpapaalam, if we say no ayun nga parang nanggiguilt trip pa. Minsan ang bastos pa ng mga sinasabi knowing na we're eating, as in vulgar.
Funny pa kasi nakakabili siya ng vape, laging g sa inuman or coffee hopping, in short may pera naman siya, so why can't he buy products to take care of himself, and maybe buy some decency?
I think that's it. I know it's partly our fault din na inaallow namin or we just shrug it off minsan, but can you blame us? How do you even tell him na uy you stink, or oh you make us very uncomfortable with your lack of table manners? Wala, I'm just glad nailabas ko na siya.
submitted by sleepykolix to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 04:48 TRexy225 Weird Video That I Found? Pt 1

Hey yā€™all. So I have been lurking on this subreddit for a while. Iā€™m a big fan of the creepcast podcast and I think that the community is pretty great. Which is why Iā€™m coming to you guys, and not the authorities. I donā€™t even think that the authorities will believe me, but I know that you sick freaks willā€¦ Well, even if you donā€™t believe me, youā€™ll at least humor me. Thatā€™s all that I ask. I also wonder if anyone else has had this experience, maybe youā€™re scared that youā€™ve gone insane because nobody else has talked about it. Well, Iā€™ve seen it. Maybe you have too, or maybe Iā€™m the only one.
Sorry, Iā€™m beating around the bush. Here goes.
Like I said, Iā€™m a big fan of the creepcast podcast. When a new episode comes on, I drop everything to listen to it. I have a habit of looking at the description and the comments as the ad read plays, thatā€™s where I found it. In the description, there was a link to an unlisted video. Itā€™s gone now, even when I opened it in a new tab and then went back to the video, it was gone. I thought that it might have been a glitch, but knowing Isaiah and Hunter, I felt like it was something more. I didnā€™t know how right I was. I decided to screen record the video, since it got removed so quickly. I always love to rewatch their videos, and I assumed that I would want to rewatch this one.
The video was titled ā€œTrying Youtubeā€™s 3am Ritualsā€, the thumbnail showed a photo of Isaiah smiling an unnaturally wide smile at a terrified hunter with the creepcast logo in the upper left corner and a photo of imjaystation lurking in the background menacingly. I smirked at the photo, then pressed play. The video started off normally, Iā€™ll describe the important parts here. When I decided to make this post, I made a transcript of the full video, or at least what I remembered. It doesnā€™t tell the full story. I wonā€™t release it now because if someone else has watched this, I need their second opinion to make sure that I got all of the facts right. Anyway, the video started with light banter from Hunter and Isaiah. Hunter chewed Isaiah out for how Isaiahā€™s bear from 1999 video him and Isaiah would smile coyly and hold the bear up in Hunters face, much to his horror. They were saying how they were so grateful for all the subscribers and how they were also close to getting even higher on the spotify podcast charts, they asked everyone to support them and I started to get bored so I looked at the description. To my surprise, I found another unlisted video. I quickly copy and pasted the video onto another tab for later, then as they began their ad read for some vpn company, I started to look at the comments as Isaiah said ā€˜remember kids, if the government wants to track you down and turn you into a sleeper agentā€¦ at least make it a challenge for them with something VPNā€™. I donā€™t know why that stuck out to me, because the comments were far more interesting.
The only comments made were from Isaiah, Hunter, and some user named #1CREEPCASTFAN666 in all caps. I started to scroll through the comments, it was all just gibberish. Like, complete and utter gibberish. They were in different languages too, which was weird because as an American, I know that if either of them were bilingual they would talk about it because it is a rarity. Anyway, the other prevalant thing were all of the errors. Spelling errors and simple grammatical errors. Iā€™m not the most technical writer, but even I wouldnā€™t make these kind of mistakes. Hell, there are probably a bunch of small, unimportant errors in this post that I simply wonā€™t remove because it doesnā€™t hinder my writing, and I believe it removes authenticity. Isaiah and Hunter both seem like the creators that care about everything that they put out in the world, even if it is a comment. The only coherent comments were from #1CREEPCASTFAN666, who said things that Iā€¦ donā€™t want to write down. Just think of the most obsessed, toxic fan and the kind of shit that they would say. Thatā€™s what was commented. I kept scrolling, trying to find an end to the comment thread but there was no end.
ā€œAnd nowā€¦ back to the video.ā€ Isaiahs voice managed to focus me again, so I finally closed out of the comments and tried to focus on the video. The video was basically a continuation of the two reacting to the reddit memes, they had decided to take advantage of their time together, so Isaiah compiled some of those 3am youtube ritual videos that people used to do. It was mostly Isaiah trolling on Hunter, I got a good laugh out of it as I had watched those 3am videos as a kid. Hunter made a joke about the swifties coming to get him after the video he made of Taylor Swift, then Isaiah began to play a really weird, distorted Taylor Swift songā€¦ I think that it was Whoā€™s Afraid of Little Old Me? I might try to find the song, he must have gotten it from somewhere. Everything was fine, and I was starting to think that the comments were just another way to immerse the audience. But #1CREEPCASTFAN666ā€™s comments had plagued the comment sectionā€¦ Maybe they had to take the video down to delete the comments before they released the actual video? Maybe the unlisted link was just some error? I let the excuses flood my mind, lulling me into a false sense of security.
Then, Isaiah pulled out a printed out e-mail. ā€œThis is from someone calledā€¦ wow uh theyā€™re called #1CREEPCASTFAN666.ā€
Hunter snorted at that name. ā€œWhat does that mean, the devil is our number one fan?ā€ā€œI sure hope not!ā€ Isaiah pulls out a cross from his back pocket and waves it in front of the camera. ā€œHeā€™s not coming anywhere near me!ā€
ā€œDo you have the gun in your other pocket?ā€ Hunter asks.
Isaiah hands Hunter the sheet of paper before pulling out a pistol. ā€œItā€™s in a IWB holster, Hunter. Iā€™m not an idiot.ā€
ā€œDude, donā€™t wave that thing around.ā€ Hunter says, smiling.
ā€œYeah, yeah.ā€ Isaiah says, putting the pistol and cross away as Hunter scans the e-mail. He gives subdued reactions as if he was a dad assessing his kids badly drawn portrait of him, then looks up.
ā€œYeah, only the devil could have written this shit.ā€ Hunter proclaims.
ā€œLet me look at it again.ā€ Isaiah scans the e-mail, then shrugs. ā€œItā€™s classic 4 chan angst, dude is just adding to the immersion.ā€
ā€œOh, the immersion? Sure, sure, Isaiah. The immersion.ā€
ā€œListen, I havenā€™t seen anyone else do this one, I say that we try it out.ā€
ā€œWhat if we become possessed or some shit?ā€ Hunterā€™s tone leans towards sincerity, something that I didnā€™t think Hunter was capable of. Isaiah pulls out a flask and waves it in front of Hunter.
ā€œ...Donā€™t tell me thatā€™s holy water.ā€
ā€œOh yeah, itā€™s holy water.ā€ Isaiah pats Hunter on the shoulder ā€œI sent this over to a buddy of mine who studies scripture, he says that thereā€™s nothing to worry about. And he gave us a prayer.ā€
ā€œOh, he gave us a prayer. Ok, thatā€™ll do it.ā€
ā€œI bet that this guy made this thing up, it looks more like improvised storytelling instructions to me.ā€ Isaiah mutters.
ā€œDonā€™t tell me that you were a theater kid on top of being a loser in middle school.ā€ Hunter laughs.
ā€œJacobi was real to me, Hunter! She was real to me!ā€ Isaiah quips, returning the video to itā€™s normal back and forth banter.
Hunter gives a hesitant smile as he reads the instructions aloud. ā€œIt says that we need lots of paper, because Iā€™m supposed to draw out whatever you sayā€¦ Then, we sit across from each other in a dimly lit, closed room and you justā€¦ say whatever comes to your mind, and I draw it out. This just sounds like some exercise they would make me do in art school, man.ā€
ā€œYeah, thatā€™s what I thought too. See, nothing malicious. We donā€™t even need to write a pentagram or anything. I think this guy just wants to see usā€¦ make something?ā€
ā€œWe make shit all the time!ā€ā€œYeah, but I mean like together? You know, Iā€™m the storyteller, youā€™re the artist.ā€
ā€œUh huh, sure. I just donā€™t think that this dude needed to addā€¦ all of that to these pretty simple instructions.ā€ Hunter scoffs. ā€œI thought that we would get the creepy fans after I dressed up in a maid outfit.ā€
ā€œYou were going to dress up in a maid outfit?ā€ā€œ...No.ā€
ā€œIt doesnā€™t matter now, let me get some paper, then we can start.ā€
Isaiah leaves the room, and Hunter sits down. I would have expected them to cut to another ad read or something, or for the video to cut to something fun like a merch announcement or somethingā€¦ but nothing happened. I just watched Hunter sit thereā€¦ waiting. There sounded like audio feedback, which leads me to believe that from this point on, nobody edited the rest of the video. I looked at the timestamp, not wanting to just stare at Hunter sitting on the ground. It was six hours longā€¦ we were only 45 minutes in. How the hell were they going to fill in the next 5 hours?
Isaiah enters the room, holding a big stack of paper. Isaiah closes the door and sets the stack of paper in front of Hunter, who stares at it warily.
ā€œAlright, letā€™s do this!ā€ Isaiah smiles and claps his hands.
Hunter pulls a pencil out of his beard and that caused me to snort at the absurdity of it. I wonder what else he had hidden in there.
Isaiah sits down, and closes his eyes. He looks as if heā€™s trying to go into a trance, Hunter taps the pencil on his knee nervously as he stares at Isaiah.
ā€œBOO!ā€ Isaiah opens his eyes wide and leans towards Hunter suddenly.
ā€œSHIT!ā€ Hunter cries out in shock, falling over.
Isaiah bursts out laughing, and Hunter soon joins him.
ā€œNotā€¦ Not funny dude!ā€ Hunter says in between belly laughs. Isaiah laughs for a full minute, even tearing up. Hunter tries to give an angry look, but Isaiah would make eye contact with him, try to copy his serious expression and the two would burst into laughter together. I even joined in, smiling at their comradery. This was a normal video, it had to be.
Finally, they managed to calm down.
ā€œDonā€™tā€¦ Donā€™t do that again, man.ā€ Hunter sighs, wiping a tear from his eye. ā€œI wonā€™t, I wonā€™t.ā€ Isaiah manages to recompose himself.
I feel myself leaning towards the screen, curious to see what happens next.
The room goes silent as Hunter stares at Isaiah expectantly. Isaiah seems to have gone into some kind of meditative state. For some reason, I kept thinking of the 10% bigger lips meme and laughed to myself, maybe it was the nerves? I had never felt so nervous watching something in my life.
ā€œDirt.ā€ Isaiah blurts out.
Hunter raises an eyebrow, but hastily scribbles a messy line. Iā€™m not sure how the drawings were supposed to look. I tried to get screenshots of the drawings, but like I said, the video from here on out isnā€™t edited, so I can only see the side profile and assume what he drew. They were quick, and not very stylized. I donā€™t know who would even have the drawings, but if someone has them, please dm me so I can verify them. I donā€™t know how the hell you would have gotten them. I remember that the paper Isaiah had was distinct, I think they had some kind of signature on the bottom. Later on in the video, I think an explanation for that will come into play but for now, Iā€™ll just focus on what happened.
ā€œHoofs on.ā€ Isaiah blurted out.
Hunter looks confused, but he scribbles down.
ā€œSong patterns the bold.ā€
More scribbling.
ā€œHorizon is stinging the heavens.ā€ Isaiah blurted out next.
ā€œHow am I supposed to-ā€ Hunter begins.
ā€œThe angels weep tears of ichor as a scribe crys out to a god above who is sent below.ā€ Isaiah cuts him off, and Hunter begins to draw again.
ā€œLooking glass is kind the looking glass is is sade.ā€
Hunterā€™s look of confusion begins to turn into one of pure dedication, noā€¦ pure obsession as he becomes completely engrossed in etching Isaiahs words into the everlasting permanence of recorded information. They were like cavemen, telling a story of their hunt and etching drawings onto the stone wallā€¦ Telling a story that I couldnā€™t understand.
Isaiahs words became just like the comment section below. They were nonsensical and full of errors and contradictions. Like I said, I might attach the full transcript later if this gets enough traction. I canā€™t make any sense of it, but maybe someone else can.
Isaiah also begins to speak in different languages. I took a bit of spanish, but Iā€™ve never been good at languages so Iā€™ve had to use google translate to transcribe all of the languages. From the way Isaiah talked, he was completely fluent. He spoke latin, greek, mandarin, hebrew, literally every language in the world. He managed to speak it with ease, even if the words and conjugations made absolutely no sense. Hunter seemed to understand it fully.
This continues for five hours, thereā€™s no breaksā€¦ Nothing. In the last half hour, banging on the door is heard.
ā€œIsaiah? Isaiah?! Did you take all of my paper? I need those for work! That paper has to get scanned in!ā€ I hear a woman shout, I can only assume that itā€™s his wife.
ā€œWhen80 the gods fan abive the calliope star will shine down and take us to the staars. Soy bolleta y un autobus.ā€
What the hell is he even saying?
ā€œWhat are they up to?ā€ Another woman asks, that must be Hunterā€™s wife. ā€œWe were only gone for a few hours since they wanted the house to themselves for that 3 am video.ā€
ā€œCat and glass shard the heavens and chart the stars.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t know, theyā€™re still in there and we missed our dinner reservations.ā€
ā€œBlack white and red all maje the ship that sail th e heavens.ā€
ā€œWhat the hell are they talking about?ā€ I hear Hunters wife ask impatiently, then she tries to open the door. The handle wiggles, but itā€™s locked. I take note of the timestamp and then go back to when Isaiah closes the doorā€¦ he didnā€™t lock it. My heart races as I finally blink and go back to the original time stamp. The attempts to get through the door are becoming more desperate.
ā€œHey, hey! Let us in!ā€ Isaiahā€™s wife tries to kick the door, and a small dent is seen in the door. I start to think that they might get through. Isaiahā€™s voice starts to rise as their attempts to get in the door.
ā€œIron and silt make the maker! Our blood un solum las nobilis mariposas y ngothando ashira.ā€
I blink twice as the doorā€¦ the door begins to fucking disappear. It begins to fade out of fucking existence. As that happens, as reality begins to defy all logic, I see a tooth fall out of Isaiahā€™s fucking mouth. Hunter grabs it, and begins to draw with it. I feel my jaw drop to the floor as their wives cries and shouts become louder and more frantic, and as Isaiah seems to become more and more possessed as his body seems to give up, letting whatever thing that has taken him over simply let it do whatever it wants. That apparently meant rremoving his teethā€¦ Hunter begins to horde them, and starts toā€¦ god, I hate even saying this but Hunter starts to use Isaiahs blood as ink for his sick drawings. I hate gore, I really do hate gore but I canā€™t look away as the video nears an end, with the door fully disappearing, their wiveā€™s desperate attempts to reach their husbands fade away, and the last thing I see before the video ends is a silent video of Hunter cupping his hands under Isaiahs chin, bowing his head as if he were worshipping some old, lovecraftian entity.
After the video ends, I threw up. I havenā€™t been able to sleep for days, whenever I close my eyes, I see themā€¦
I havenā€™t rewatched the video. Things on the transcript probably arenā€™t translated right or like completely accurate. You canā€™t make me rewatch the video. Even if I wanted to, the video is corrupted. I only managed to save a few audio clips that I yet again might attach later if anyone wants to hear them. A part of me hopes that I was the only one that watched that videoā€¦ because even though it would be nice if someone else did watch that video, so I wouldnā€™t be aloneā€¦ I donā€™t want to curse anyone else with what I saw.
I havenā€™t worked up enough courage to watch the second video. I think that if I get enough support on here, itā€™ll help me watch it. Please justā€¦ share your thoughts below. I justā€¦ I donā€™t know what happened. Because if that video was the real Isaiah and Hunterā€¦
Then who have we been watching?
submitted by TRexy225 to creepcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 03:56 Jumpy_Perception_628 Just some thoughtsā€¦

Do you think weā€™re all done with the map in the storyline? Given that the school burned down I canā€™t see them going back to it.. Will Ant ever find out Harpers involvement in it, that sheā€™s also responsible for him getting in trouble at home from his religious mother? (cause Iā€™m sorry-not really-but Amerie copping call the blame is fucking bs seriously theyā€™ve done my girl dirty enough already. I also hope Malakai comes back & makes it up to her BIG TIME if he really does love her as I honestly donā€™t like how he treated her in season 2. And Malakai was a big favourite of mine along with Amerie, Ca$h & Quinni. Downvote me to death I donā€™t care it wasnā€™t right. I liked him more in season one.) Anyway, Ant strikes me as someone whoā€™s forgiving & he really looked worried for Harper & seemed to want to comfort her when Chook stared her down. I see a sensitive side to him I just canā€™t help but wonder if heā€™ll be hurt should someone tell him or she ends up confessing. I did also consider maybe he might actually already know Harper was involved too given how Amerie & her did everything together so thereā€™s that & everyoneā€™s moved on now? They are highschoolers after all, thereā€™s always more drama around the corner.
For the love of god I really do not want to see Voss again. I think he was shown far too much he might of been funny for an episode or two like hereā€™s this angry middle aged man whoā€™s whole personality is trying to get other young men on his side but it just got too much IMO.
Ahhh this one will probably get me chewed up (take a breath theyā€™re just opinions.) but I canā€™t help but think if it was Spider saying to Missy ā€œwe should keep this thing of ours a secret I donā€™t want anyone knowingā€ā€¦people would be loosing their shit? Just saying. Did Missy just not want Sasha finding out? I think we know that Missy would not put up with being someoneā€™s secret if someone pitched that idea to her. It took me a long while to warm up to Spider. I want to think heā€™ll continue to grow up he is still going to make mistakes thatā€™s part of the growth process.. I do think they picked the perfect actor to play him! Spiderā€™s mother is also a vile human being who had no right talking about him like he wasnā€™t there in front of Missy. That scene really irked me. Reminded me of my own mother.
Rowan needed help a long time ago. That feeling I felt when we realised his brother wasnā€™t, you know, actually there. That is a lot of pain to carry around. šŸ’” I hate what he put Amerie through. I donā€™t believe she deserved it. Also Harper as well given that she had a horrible feeling Chook was stalking her & leaving dead birds. Locking them in that room when the school was burning I would understand if no one forgave him. Hell, I donā€™t think I could. But Rowan is still very mentally ill. I donā€™t want to believe heā€™s this evil guy to the core. I donā€™t think I necessarily want to see him in season 3 either but a big part of me does feel for him. Remember everyone says theyā€™re a mental health advocate until someone really is out of control needing help, support & understanding.
I know theyā€™re all young with not much life experience yet but I gotta say I wish I saw a bit more compassion towards Ca$h trying to leave his old life behind. It was needed. To me anyway, itā€™s like they thought Ca$h didnā€™t want to leave! He already would have enormous guilt for being in Chooks car the night the eshays took Harper even though he did make sure she could escape which thank god she did. Seriously itā€™s really not that easy it is a gang after all. If he tried to stop them from putting a passed out girl in the car I will bet that theyā€™d beat his ass bad & leave him for dead. He did keep looking back at her in the car in a way I think to try to tell her he doesnā€™t approve of their conduct & to wait for the signal to run. Thatā€™s what I picked up on anyway. Chook threw a brick through the window of Ca$hā€™s nans place & has beaten Ca$h before ffs heā€™s not the type you can just ask politely or ignore him to stop. (Also Woodsy spraying Chook with the hose made me lol šŸ˜‚ she isnā€™t scared of shit.) It would also have been hard given the history he has with Chook as I believe they have shared childhood trauma. Also, Darrenā€™s first thought is to go cheat on Ca$h..really Darren? They say they love Ca$h but when things get a bit rocky they either run off to the dorms or shut down. Again I know theyā€™re all young but Darren needs to get better at communicating & not everything can be fixed with sex either, if only it were that easy. I canā€™t see them working out long term I hate to say it-unless they make a big turn around with communication. Ca$h is not inherently a bad human. Need I remind you all he was the only one that noticed how down Quinni was at the zoo? Thatā€™s where Iā€™m at with them, Darren is hilarious & I love their style just their communication & how theyā€™ve treated Ca$h kind of annoys me.
Quinni. Good god I love her & the actress that plays her. I really feel seen by her in all her interactions. Particularly the one of her with Harper in the toilets at the slay ball in season one, how excited she was at the book signing before Sasha ruined her night (Again love the actress, sheā€™s gorgeous too & I have to say Sasha did grow on me a little bit in season 2 not gonna lie. I actually think Sasha is on the way to improving herself & that sheā€™ll see you canā€™t just use performative activism as a way to show everyone youā€™re a good person.) Back to Quinni, I too have gotten sick of masking & walking on eggshells trying to make sure I donā€™t hurt the feelings of neurotypical people (who love to say weā€™re the ones that are too sensitive lmao) That interaction between Quinni & Darren at the zoo hurt though. ā€œI spent my entire life playing by other peopleā€™s rules acting like they make the tinniest bit of sense but they donā€™tā€ šŸ’” broke me. I know what thatā€™s like. I do understand why people might think Quinni took it too far but at the same time I think the show has shown those that werenā€™t as aware of autism how hard it really is. Iā€™m very black and white with my thinking & blunt & people have a hard time understanding that. Itā€™s exhausting trying to tip toe around people that constantly try to pin you as ā€œrudeā€. I can only mask for so long. Itā€™s very fucking hard. And I do think she owed it to herself to unmask.
submitted by Jumpy_Perception_628 to heartbreakhigh [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 03:44 CreepyButterfly2930 21 month old & Autism possibility

My youngest daughter has been in intensive OT & Speech therapy since she was 18 months old, when I raised my concerns of her lack of speaking or ā€œplayingā€ like her older sister did at her age (they are 10 months apart).
She has made immense progress. She was first assessed and her scores made her age range that of a 5 month old, she was severely delayed. But, she has started to copy words and sounds, climbs furniture, has started to learn how to ā€œplayā€, began pointing occasionally when I initiated, and has transitioned from a bottle to a sippy cup!
She is still on solid purĆ©ed food that I spoon feed her, with the exception of teething biscuits or wafers she will pick up and eat herself (seeking feeding therapy this week). I believe she just doesnā€™t understand the concept of chewing (?)
Anyways, her therapists wonā€™t outright say it yet, as she has her formal 6 month assessment in August, when she turns 2. The main therapist has said she has seen the warning signs for autism, but also has said she has made incredible progress. From not speaking or having really any motor skills to play, to constantly babbling and mimicking words constantly, learning to ā€œplayā€, and overall seeming more engaged in her environment.
However to me, she still acts like a ā€œbabyā€, if that makes sense. Shes a very happy little girl, but really doesnā€™t show much emotion unless promted out of her (me engaging with her, something funny to her on TV, etc.)
She does walk on her toes a lot, runs back and forth throughout the apartment with no purpose, spins occasionally, and has a few repetitive movements that have slowed down a bit. She crossed her pointer and other finger together quite a bit. She is nonverbal, still.
I guess Iā€™m just asking for other parents experience at this age? I compare her development to her sister, a complete firecracker of a toddler (terrible twoā€™s are hard and sheā€™s definitely carrying that over when she turns 3 in October lol). I look back at videos and pictures of her sister at that age, and Iā€™m like wow she had a whole ā€œpersonalityā€, tried to communicate, and showed so much emotion. Ate everything by herself that was put on her plate, extremely talkative, and had facial expressions. Their pediatrician said it was fair to compare them, as they are 10 months apart, but I know both of my girls are different in their own ways.
I just have this feeling my sweet girl is on the spectrum. I just want that diagnosis for some reason; I want clarity and a breath of relief that I know why sheā€™s developing the way she is (?) Maybe thatā€™s selfish to say, but I treasure her so much. I just want to know how to get her the best help and prepare for the future. I know thatā€™s what her therapistā€™s are for, I guess Iā€™m once again just asking for some advice or personal experiences.
submitted by CreepyButterfly2930 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]