Quotes about remembering our loved ones

Hoarding: Informal peer-to-peer support for people with hoarding disorder, and their loved ones

2011.01.13 00:42 datri Hoarding: Informal peer-to-peer support for people with hoarding disorder, and their loved ones

Support for people living with hoarding disorder, and for their loved ones.

2019.07.15 21:22 SnowSimon farleftbrainwashing


2008.12.16 14:46 Peer support for anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts

Peer support for anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts.

2024.06.04 21:45 GP15202 Haven’t been in years.

I loved bath and body works/ white barn candles for years and years. Used to buy them by the case!
But I haven’t been to one of their stores/ bought one of their products for close to 2 years now.
I kept getting headaches from their candles and scents and then I got bored with the repackaging. All of the scents seem to be reused - they just change the name and packaging. The quality is inconsistent… and the price keeps going up.
But what really made me stop buying their products is my health. I came to the conclusion that It’s all unregulated poison and we are poisoning our homes/ lungs. I saw dozens and dozens of photos/complaint’s about wallflowers stripping paint and finishes off of kitchen cabinets/ furniture. If it can do that to paint what’s it doing to our (and our pets) lungs?
Have you purchased a candles that meant to be sold in Europe? The warning labels are crazy compared to ours. “ Do not wash this ja do not get in watecontact with aquatic life as it causes long lasting effects ( it closes their gills), do not get on skin, do not breath the fumes…”.
I now try to avoid products with “fragrance” or “perfume” in the ingredients as they are unregulated by our government and can contain anything. No thanks.
Not telling anyone what to do. Just putting this out there so you can think about your health.
submitted by GP15202 to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:45 444anonymousme444 I am in love with someone who wants nothing to do with me.

I sit down to try and make these posts and I start to type and I just delete it all and move on with my day because what's the point. I'm constantly pushing down the incredibly dry lump in my throat. The feeling I feel every morning waking up and remembering that I will probably never speak to you again. I don't even feel human. Every bad moment is 10x worse and every good one feels empty at best. I feel so stupid and I have no one to talk to about it. No one wants to hear me talk about you.
I'm offended by how many men think I would ever even look at them when all I think about is you. I don't want anyone but you. I can't stop thinking about every moment we spent together. I cry and I cry and I cry and it doesn't ever make a difference. The more I try the more you push me away. I feel like I don't even exist. How could I feel real when the person who makes me the happiest doesn't even acknowledge my existence.
I got a notification this morning that you joined an app I was on and I just kept staring at your contact. At the little green dot telling me you were somewhere out there living your life. At least I know you're alive.
I could have everything in the world and it would never be enough without you. People tell me all the time how beautiful and smart and amazing I am. You even said it yourself, but it means nothing without you. It means nothing knowing you won't speak to me. I feel like a shell. I try everyday to wake up and go on living and it's just so hard. I feel so useless.
I would trade anything just to talk to you one more time. I'm sorry, and I love you.
submitted by 444anonymousme444 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:45 wispy_willow4 When communication doesn't seem to matter...

This one is painful really but for years it has burned like a hot coal in my chest. Married for 14 years and I have a son who is 9. I am a great verbal communicator so I have no trouble saying how I feel to my husband. But when I say what I dont like it doesn't matter to him and he says I need to just accept it. I ask for compliments, even fish for them and he could care less and says he doesn't want to spoil me (his words), I cant remember the last time he even said I was beautiful. I do work around the house, there is always something I have done the wrong way or not good enough. I can be minding my buisness and he will come up and straight slap my ass, hard where is hurts (not in front of our son). I told him years ago how much I hate it, it makes me pissed and I feel so degraded. I asked if he could please be gentle, maybe pet my bottom or something soft. His response was that I was being overly dramatic and to get over it, he wasn't going to stop. I get anxious even bending over while he is near me because I know its coming. All these things make me hate it when he even touches me, I have no physical desires at all now towards him. I feel like my desires died a cold death but of course he complains because I dont initiate intimacy. It kills me because he is a good father, firefighter and community man, provider (we both have jobs) and I love him and care for him emotionally. I am at a loss, what do you do when verbal communication fails? Wouldn't therapy be pointless?
submitted by wispy_willow4 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:45 Asleep_Play_644 Unhinged, lying roommate who believed she was the hottest shit around

Years ago, one of the roommates I lived with was a girl who initially claimed she came to the US to get her Masters. It was clear that her style, attitude, and ideas were heavily influenced by American movies and TV shows with wealthy, privileged women. I one time got secondhand embarrassment from witnessing her loudly claiming in a high end boutique we were in that she knows what "rich people clothes" are like and clothes the boutique was selling "shit poor people pretending to be rich wear"... all the while trying to pass off her SHEIN coat and sunglasses as Burberry and Ray Ban. I heard the sales associates were whispering to each other as we left and I'm pretty sure they were talking mad shit about her.
I later find out she came as an au pair and lied to her family about being in school. Apparently she hates being an au pair so she quit without realizing that she would have to leave the country... so she married the first guy she met on a dating app to secure a green card. The guy was financially secure and worked at a large tech company, but barely average in appearance and had very little experience in dating/relationships. She stroked his ego extra hard to get the ring on her finger; she implied how very lucky that an exotic, former model studying for her Masters in psychology wanted to spend the rest of her life with someone like him (none of which was true). She soon became a stay at home wife where all she did was shop and dine on his dime. She once told me she maxed out one of his credit cards buying frappuccinos and pastries from a coffee shop EVERY SINGLE DAY. When confronted, she laughed and told him she doesn't understand why he's shocked at something wives do all the time. I'm pretty sure she got away with her entitlement only with him because he was blinded (maybe literally) by her alleged beauty and love so he let it go.
She eventually moved out when her spending habits were getting out of hand and he soon refused to let her use his cards. She lied that she wanted space to focus on her studies and be closer to her nanny job (that she was forced to get by him to pay off the debts) and that's how she ended up rooming with me and 2 other girls.
It was after she told us all of her life that was "filled with poor, unfortunate circumstances" where we found out what a piece of shit she was: never paid rent on time, invited strangers home to drink and (illegally) smoke weed, did a shit-ass job on cleaning to the point where we got rodents in our house. I could go on about all the bullshit she put us through, but it went into overdrive when her husband found out she was cheating on him with guys she met on dating apps and opening up credit cards under his name. She was scared shitless that he'll cancel her green card application, so started taking it out on us by stealing our food, breaking and tossing our kitchenware, breaking up relationships and friendships, etc.
At one point, we got into a full blown verbal fight with her about behavior along with not putting her share of the housework and rent. This girl, who smoked weed so often that we couldn't tell if she was high or not, made an argument that she was "too hot to be not at home long enough to create messes or pay rent in full" and essentially called us stupid (and possibly ugly?) for fussing over it.
In my opinion, the only "hotness" I've seen was the lighter she used to light her joint.
Me and another roommate moved out not long after... and not without shutting down utilities that were all under my name. She refused to take over because she claimed she didn't want to think about being the responsible one.
Last I heard, she never finished filing her green card application before her husband divorced her. She ended up moving in and marrying a druggie with mediocre job and looks she met on a dating app just to file again. Her former friends, flings, and roommates have been posting their international travels all over social media and she's more than angry about it. I'm about to announce my upcoming vacation also: to her home country.
submitted by Asleep_Play_644 to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:44 Firm-Recording-9039 My (22f) friend's (25f) relationship standards are affecting our friendship, what do I do?

My (22f) friend "Megan" (25f) and I have been friends for about 3.5 years. Throughout our friendship, I've had one boyfriend who is now my husband. Our friend group primarily consists of women and we've all seen the different girls in our group enter or leave long term relationships. Megan is the only person in the group who has a history of unstable romantic relationships. This is important for context.
Megan has very high standards for the people she dates. She is taller (5'9) and wants the guy she's seeing to be at least 6'2 so she can wear heels. They have to have an athletic body type, have to enjoy her hobbies, have to make the first move, need to be a 8-10/10 on her scale, have certain personality traits, etc. I think she is very pretty, but my guy friends consider her average. She will meet a wonderful guy who is respectful and kind, but will get turned off by him and stop seeing him if she finds out that he likes a hobby she doesn't enjoy herself. It is very very extreme.
As time has passed, Megan is one the only single ones in the group and there's a lot of us. She seems to compare our relationships to herself and seems to really want to be in love. Over the years I've always encouraged her to branch out and try going on dates with people who meet 70% of her standards and just give them a shot. She refuses.
Normally, I don't push into my friends romantic lives unless they ask for advice, but with Megan, it is 80-90% of what she talks about as of the past couple months. I will try to change the topic, but it always circles back to love. Our friendship used to have more depth, but she seems to be in a "relationship crazy phase".
I've introduced her to friends who meet a majority of her criteria and they get rejected. This weekend, she met some of my friends who visited from out of town. They told her the same things I did, but a lot harsher, and let her know that her standards are too high for someone who really wants a stable and not superficial relationship. After talking about everything as a group, she got pretty pissed at us and has been making rude comments to each of us. It's been a week and it's still happening.
When she's seeing someone who meets her standards, she's ecstatic. When they leave or don't want a relationship, she's very depressed. When she goes on dates with someone and gets the "ick", she is upset for days. When I tell her to give someone a chance she gets upset. When I tell her that there's some red flags with the guys she is seeing she gets upset and if I don't say anything and they leave her she gets upset with me. It feels like I can't do anything right to help her or support her through this time.
I would like to continue the friendship, but I am not sure how to make it work. Is there a way to resolve the issues in our friendship or some form of advice I can give that is better?
submitted by Firm-Recording-9039 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:43 BelatedComet Ex claiming PTSD over hooking up with his roommate?

I’ll spare the details but basically, I (f21) broke up with my ex (m20) of 10 months because things weren’t working out. We were constantly fighting and weren’t on the same page in regards to a lot of stuff. He took it really harsh since he wasn’t expecting it. Unfortunately we lived together with roommates, but he had moved most of his stuff back to his parent’s house after the breakup, and only stayed occasionally if he needed to be in town or drank and couldn’t drive home.
Our roommates are also our mutual friends and I’ve been close with one roommate for quite a bit now. We had shared classes and activities and weren’t exactly close, but got closer after my ex and I broke up (my ex wasn’t necessarily good friends with this roommate and actually had a few fights about roommate stuff throughout the lease). One night, a group of friends and I went out , and this roommate was with us. We ended up getting a little drunk and going back to our place together and hooked up. Unfortunately my ex was staying at the apartment that night, knocked on our door and melted down about it (screaming, threatening to kick me out, punching/breaking stuff, etc), and was eventually separated from the apartment by our other roommates. He also publicly announced it in a groupchat of a professional fraternity we’re in.
The hookup ended up just being a one night stand, and didn’t rlly continue after that. A day after the incident, my ex asked to talk about it and basically said he was willing to move past it and wanted us to be friends with the potential of working out a relationship in the future. I don’t know what possessed me to say yes but the next few months, we were friendly. He even worked on red flags that were evident when we were dating (but only since the incident). However, he didn’t move past what happened. He would randomly think about it and get upset, say it was a horrible thing I did, and has recently been saying that after speaking it over with his therapist, he could* be showing signs of PTSD from it. I usually apologize for it but today I put my foot down and said that I’m tired of blaming myself and feeling bad for something that has happened to other people thousands of times before, and that it’s hypocritical for him to say “I love you” and “you’re a disgusting person” to me within 24 hours of each other. I also said it was unfair for him to keep saying “I have ptsd because of that night” when his reaction almost had me and my other roommates calling the police and don’t even mention it so as to not be insensitive.
I know part of the whole situation is fucked and it’s my fault. But I really don’t understand why it’s ALL my fault like he’s trying to express. I’d be more than willing to clear up any gaps if there are any in my story (I know there may be a lot but I didn’t want this to be too long). I also don’t understand why I’m the asshole for asking him to stop blaming me and guilting me into self deprecating whenever he gets upset by it.
submitted by BelatedComet to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:42 Dry_Repair9033 I need your advice (long story) M/26 and M/50 What do I do?

Young, gay male here (under 30). I’m in love with a man that is much older. We are not exclusive as I am still looking for a partner to spend my life with, possibly have kids, buy and home, and build a life together and because this person believes it would be a waste of my life to be together and that they “couldn’t do that” to me.
On the one hand, I am madly in love with this person. Every moment I am not with this man, I want to be with him. Every moment I am with him, I want to spend it loving him; doing things for him, cooking for him, trying to make him happy. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for this man. I even try to do small, thoughtful things for him almost daily. It’s very difficult to properly explain how much I love this man. Part of me wishes we could run away and live our lives as age is just a number and I truly love him. He appreciates these nice things and does show that he loves me, but he also had this other guy that he sleeps with. He hasn’t always been truthful about the extent of their relationship and I feel that it’s more than he lets on. This person is younger and twinkier than I am, and sometimes I feel that he’s more into this guy than he is into me, but he states that he isn’t. However, he spends a LOT of time with this person and doesn’t want us to meet. To me, he says I love you and I also say it back. He states that they do not do the same. It’s perhaps the insecurity within myself that feels like I might be being manipulated, but I love him so much that I can’t let myself leave him and I can’t find a way to know for sure. I so badly want to just be with him, but doing so would take away many of the things I want in this life, like raising children and getting a home together.
On the other hand, we aren’t in an exclusive relationship so can I really expect him not to sleep with other people? I think I’d be more okay with it if it wasn’t the same person all the time. But who knows what he is telling him? Could be the same thing he’s telling me. Lately, I’ve been bringing up my issues and he tends to get heated saying that “he doesn’t owe me” anything or any explanations and that I’m hovering over him and taking away his privacy. It’s because I’ve been feeling like he’s hiding the true extent of his relationship with his other guy. It’s a very heart-wrenching situation to watch the man you love spend so much time with this person that he has been hiding the extent of their relationship with.
Ultimatums don’t work. They just lead to me being heartbroken because he won’t decide, saying it’s unfair.
Part of me wants to get my brain in check and just say “enjoy this relationship while you have it and are waiting for something that will bring you the life you’re looking for” or at least has the capacity to.
The other part of me thinks “you only live once and you could live for another 10 years and him for another 30 and isn’t life really about just milking every single moment for how precious and beautiful it’s worth?”
Please give me some advice as to what I can do! Do I just stop thinking so much? Do I talk to him about how I’m feeling? Do I need to get myself out of this? It would be almost impossible for me to find the strength to leave him. Please help me.
submitted by Dry_Repair9033 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:42 SheaRVA Adoptable Kittens!

Adoptable Kittens!
3 out of our 5 fosters returned to Richmond Animal Care and Control (RACC) today to be adopted.
They're kid, cat, and dog-friendly, and love to be wherever the people are. They play well together and with people and purr so fast.
I hope one of you takes one home ❤️
Happy to answer any questions you may have about these three, or the remaining 2 that will be with us for another week or so.
submitted by SheaRVA to rva [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:42 Familiar_Attempt_690 Update: 6 weeks post break-up with my ex-fiancé

This is an update post to my post, linked here, from a month ago.
-I have been officially single for about a month and a half now after a little over 3 years with my ex who coerced me into non-monogamy then also cheated with a former close friend. I packed up my things and moved out of our shared apartment while my ex was at work without forewarning him.
-As one can imagine, the fallout of this was kind of ugly. I decided on no contact the day before I moved out, but I didn’t block him. So I received all sorts of texts ranging from “fuck you” to “I’m sorry” to “I’ll always love you,” etc.
-I’ve been doing relatively well, have decided to direct my energy towards myself, continuing to attend weekly therapy sessions, journaling, furthering my own life and spoiling myself because there’s no better time than now to give myself what I want in life.
-As for my former friend/our third, I have seen the situation for what it is and decided I don’t need to have any sort of relationship with her either. Per mutual friends, she doesn’t understand why it was “that deep” that I felt the need to leave so dramatically, although I told her every detail of the verbal and emotional abuse I endured the very last day I visited him, 3 days before I moved my things.
-I ended up breaking no contact with my ex after a month in a moment of weakness when he reached out… cue a 2 hour phone conversation where he continued to try and manipulate the narrative, accused me of abandoning him, proclaiming he didn’t want us to get back together and later asking if it would ever be a possibility, and just a whole bunch of deflection and trying to make himself look good.
-I experienced a brief moment of doubt but in the long run, the phone call seems to have actually brought me closure because it showed he’s not choosing to make personal progress in this experience. I haven’t spoken to him since that day aside from coordinating logistics related to our shared apartment lease.
-I’ve had some good days and some bad days but with each day that passes, loving/being attached to him feels like more and more of a distant memory. I’m so grateful to myself for making the decision to leave, and to go no contact. Everyone is different and I do believe people are capable of change but my ex has not shown the desire to change and with that information I can move on.
-I also wanted to thank this community for being here to hear my story and support me. What we have been through is one of the most painful experiences in life, but we are far from alone. It was hard to walk away from someone I loved so much but I’m genuinely happier now. Regardless of whether or not my “person” who’s going to treat me with the same love and care as I do to them even exists, I will never settle for anything less again. I hope everyone in this community finds happiness and overcomes this difficult chapter in their lives. ❤️
submitted by Familiar_Attempt_690 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:41 Substantial_File_770 Looking for a forgotten series

There's a manga that I've read but haven't finished. It is about a god(?) that helps humans with their wish but not in a way the same as genie. So, the manga is divided into stories of different humans whom the god(?) interacted and granted a wish.
There's one tale that I remember that might help in finding the title. So, the story starts in the forest where mc (the god) is walking to visit a house where an elder couple lived. They knew and welcomed the mc as a friend and sat down to talk/reminisce which led to a flashback when the couple where younger. (I've forgotten which is which so details may be switched or wrong) The woman is from a rich family and the man is poor, so the woman's family is against their relationship. But they really love each other, and the woman is also pregnant (I think?), they decided to elope but the bus that they are riding crashed. As they were about to die the man is in sorrow and wished that the world would let them be together and I think that's where the mc comes in and said that he could fulfill their wish. The flashback ended and the mc is about to leave so the old man thanked the mc for fulfilling his wish and told him to visit again sometime.
The story would let you think if they survived the crash and lived together or it's just an illusion by the mc that they grow old together.
Please help me find the title of this manga, Thank you!
submitted by Substantial_File_770 to manga [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:41 FriedOreo [REQUEST] [SWITCH] Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Attempt #4 ($60CAD)

Hello GoG! This is my fifth attempt at requesting the newly released remasteremake of Nintendo’s 2004 RPG Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Like most Mario games you play as Mario and are tasked to recover Stars from various regions, but this franchise is unique in its approach. Not only is combat turn-based, but there is a heavy focus on exploration and puzzles that separate it from its platforming counterparts. While it’s not Nintendo’s first RPG I consider it to be their first that really mastered the genre and managed to tell a funny and engaging story with an equally exciting combat and companion system that combined to make one of Nintendo’s greatest releases of all time.
Aside from it just being an all around incredible game, it is highly sentimental to me because being born in 2001, the year of the GameCube’s release, I was a Nintendo kid through and through. I had an older sister who was into video games at the time, so my parents had bought her everything from the SNES to the N64 and naturally the GameCube as well when it rolled around. Now when TTYD was released I was still a little too young to quite grasp how to play video games but watching my sister play was the catalyst for my interest. When I reached the age of 6/7 and had access to all the games she got to play when she was my age my mind was blown, but there were two in particular that I recollect as my first meaningful experiences with video games and those were Super Mario Sunshine and Paper Mario: TTYD. The funniest thing looking back is how I barely scratched the surface in those games because I was hardly a pro and I most of the time had to call in my sister to navigate puzzles or difficult platforming sections. Then 9 years later I discovered a little old YouTuber group called GameGrumps who went on to do a full playthrough of both Sunshine and TTYD which to this date I’ve rewatched in full about 5 times.
The game forever left a lasting impression on me as a child and has become an incredibly nostalgic memory of mine so imagine my surprise when Nintendo FINALLY announced that they’re releasing an enhanced version for the Switch. For so long I had been manifesting a remaster and it might sound silly but when the intro music started to play in the Nintendo Direct livestream where it was revealed I almost started to bawl up. We always remember our favourite childhood video games as prettier than they probably were and the stunning graphics of the remake are no doubt how I thought it looked when I was playing it for the first time. Getting to replay one of my all time favourite childhood games on the Switch would be an absolute dream come true.
To try and make a long story short, I’m unable to afford it right now because I don’t have the funds to spare for video games as a student. However, I have enough gold points saved up on my system to bring the price down by almost $20 which means I would only need $60 more for it which can be transferred via a digital eShop gift card. Regardless of whether you plan to gift me the game or are just lurking, thanks for reading!
My Switch friend code is SW-5790-6061-0050 :)
submitted by FriedOreo to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:40 Individual-Factor481 Broken

I (M29) and my ex (F27) have been in a relationship for 11 years. We have a gorgeous 2 year old together. We own our own home and have been very happy throughout our relationship. She has always spoken about travelling since a very early stage of our relationship, she’s been excited about it for a while, but I’m the sort of person to come away and think about things. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always wanted to go but I’ve always had something holding me back. She has also expressed the fact that she would like to get married one day, but due to past traumas in my childhood with my parents I have always been scared to make that commitment as I can see how bad marriage can get when things go wrong. In recent time I have also told her so many times recently that I am going to make changes in my life like going to the gym, eating healthy and seeking a therapist but I’ve never been able to commit.
9 months ago she cheated on me with a work colleague on a drunken night out. At the time, she told me that it meant nothing and it was a drunken mistake which she sticks with up until this very day. I found it in my heart to forgive her as the work event was the guys leaving party as he was going to teach skiing in Canada for 6 months. We got over it and told her to block him out her life which she agreed to do. It took me a few months but we were eventually getting back on track and was actually doing very well, we put out house up for sale as we wanted a new challenge and a bigger house. We then began trying for a second child, she got pregnant but unfortunately was short lived as she had a miscarriage 12 weeks later. Our house has also been up for sale now for 6 months and isn’t budging. She told me 3 weeks ago the guys she cheated on me with is coming back to her work and asked me if she was ok to be there. I stupidly said yes as I thought I could trust her. Last week, a day before our daughter’s second birthday she told me that she can no long er continue with our relationship as she isn’t in love with me anymore. I am completely broken. I’m in disbelief. She has told me that this guy isn’t a factor but he has come back and she admits he has some kind of feelings for him. She loves me so much but says her feelings have just changed. And him coming back has made her question if she was happy why did she do what she did 9 months ago. With the baby and the house she is also questioning whether this is even meant to be. I’ve now changed my outlook on life I’m ready to travel, I’m ready to get engaged. I want a good life with her, but she can’t see it and thinks it might be too late. I can’t help but feel to blame for all of this. At the moment she just wants space. She doesn’t think we can work this out. She is on a business trip for a week next week (alone) so we agreed that she would think long and hard when she’s over there and we can come together and talk when she’s back.
My questions to everyone is how do I save my relationship before it’s too late? I need her to understand that our life wouldn’t look the same again if we were to make it work. And I need to try and help her realise what she has. I’m willing to start again and give it a go but I don’t know if she is.
submitted by Individual-Factor481 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:39 MrNobodyNeedSomebody 25 [M4F] #Online - Looking for my love...🌹

Do you go to bed every night wishing there was someone you could talk to for hours, who would actually listen, comfort you, make you laugh through the good and the bad days of your life. Someone whose one look, one hug, whose one kiss and every word they say holds so much power enough to make every little problem in the world feel easy to face, every pain in your life doesn't feel difficult to bear any more, your tears don't feel heavy anymore because these hands will always have someone to hold them, these eyes will always have someone to look at, this body will have someone to embrace and find comfort and relief in, someone who shall always walk by your side holding your hand always no matter what. Do you feel the need and desire for such a person? Someone who will love you so much, someone who will feel like you are a part of their soul and can't live without?
I want to be that someone for somebody who wants to be that somebody for me.
You know for years, I have waited for that one person all my life, someone I would strongly need and desire passionately and see her strongly desire me the same way, someone for whose happiness I could fight the whole world for, someone who fills my world with so much light that I don't wanna let go ever, someone I don't wanna lose ever, someone I can someday grow old with, have babies with and someone I can call family, someone I can't live without. All my life, every night, every pain, every lonely night of my life I went through I told myself it shall all be worth it when I shall finally meet that person.
Such kind of love is all what I'm looking for...and I know you are too....
Therefore please don't let this post be obliviated dear readers, I really need to find my person and I hope she is reading this or gets to read this.
Here are somethings about me:
One weird fact about me?
Yeah spending most of your life all alone until now isn't easy. You need to find different ways to keep yourself entertained lol.
I guess that's a lot of words for this post right? Lol.
Hit me up with a chat if you liked reading my post. :)
This is me --》https://imgur.com/a/OwfRnUc
submitted by MrNobodyNeedSomebody to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:39 ritiksingghh My(19M) Girlfriend (19F) of 1.5 years left me for a random fuck dude she barely knew.

It feels like my heart has been ripped off. I knew something was off and not right when she out of the blue started to act very strangely with me. Yeah you read the title right. She broke up with me and got into friends with benefits with a random guy that I didn't even knew the day after our break up. She always said that she loved me more than anything and her dream was to marry me. She even promised in front of her dad that She'll marry me and I'll keep her happy her whole life. After one week of this statement, she broke up with me giving weird excuses which didn't even felt right or valid if I be honest. Then after blocking me, a random guy was added to her IG account and when I confronted her she told me that he was just requesting a portray of him. To give a strong sense to this statement, my ex is a artist. I just believed her and went a total no contact with her. After a week, she called my best friend and told him the truth that she was not sexually attracted to me and didn't felt turned on while having a kiss with me. My bestfriend said that you should have atleast communicated with him about this issue but after a hour-long of conversation, I got to know one more thing that she was thinking of leaving me after this incident where I was unable to turn her on during our kiss. She was planning our breakup with her bestfriend this whole time and she even confessed that she was trying to break up with me for the past 2 months. Like she would behave in a certain way that I would leave her but I didn't even left her after all the bullshit she put me through during these 2 months. I was still patient and kind with her but that also failed miserably and she left me. I also got to know that she was on a dating site a week or two before our breakup. I know you guys can't feel my pain but why, just why? Why did she did this? Even after putting my whole into this relationship, she left me for a guy she barely know and the thing which hurts me the most is that She is friends with benefits with that guy even after knowing that guy is talking to multiple women and has sexual intimacy with them also, still she's ready to have FWB with him. I don't know how I am going to live with this pain and betrayal. I am the one suffering from this pain and unable to move on and she's just enjoying with her new FWB. How I am gonna move on from this incident. Never cheated on her, always stayed loyal to her, did everything to save my relationship, loved her, planned dates for her, bought her flowers, treated her in the best way I could treat her and a week after promising me a marriage in front of her father, she left me for a random fuck dude. Sorry, I just wanted to vent out.
submitted by ritiksingghh to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:39 Cag_ada My boyfriend who is T1 went so low one morning that he likely had a seizure and I had to call paramedics. We are both nurses.

I feel so guilty because I have been sick, and he was so worried about me that he gave himself his nightly fast acting insulin and then accidentally fell asleep before eating a snack. Woke up to him screaming out, biting on his arms, shaking uncontrollably, drenched in sweat. Both of us are registered nurses so I sprang into action, but I could only do so much even though I was trying my all. He sounded like he had a stroke, and he kept saying “please don’t let me die” over and over. I called paramedics, thankfully they responded as quickly as they had because his glucose was even lower than what it was when I checked, he was totally crashing. I was trying to do everything I could to get glucose in his system before I called them, even added granulated sugar to the juice I was trying to give him.
I never been so scared in my life. I don’t think I’ve processed it because as an RN I’m used to flipping the switch to springing into action, getting them stabilized, and just shutting off emotionally- it’s how we cope with seeing people in medical emergencies. It’s engrained in our brains. So I think I’ve been numb for a few days but feeling it heavily now. My loved one almost lost his life and I can’t even fathom it.
He just moved in- thank goodness he was with me and made noise because I don’t even want to think about what could have happened if he was alone.
Just looking for some support. I feel so much guilt, fear, and heaviness. I have so much respect for you all, because I know how awful this disease is. And the person I love most in this world has to suffer from it.
submitted by Cag_ada to Type1Diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:39 Appropriate_Cash_176 What should I do when I’m becoming abusive?

My partner and I got into an argument because I wanted them to set up an appointment for a doctor since they said that they have headaches all the time and it worries me, they said they would. We woke up this morning and I asked them to call a doctor to set up an appointment and they treated it as if it wasn’t important as if they don’t get headaches everyday and have nausea every morning. (They have a stomach issue and haven’t gotten treatment for it in a long time) they said “I don’t need to go, I’m fine, I’ve been to the doctors for my headaches and they tell me I’m fine”
I said “that doesn’t matter, I still want you to get checked” They kinda brushed me off saying “I’ll do it sometime soon” and said “jeez” because I was being so persistent Pshhh yeah okay, my partner is a full time procrastinator, and I know they don’t do things unless they’re urgent. This makes me very upset so I go into the other room to get space from them and apart of it was to let them know I was upset. They come in and I’m kinda distant from them because I’m upset and they bring up that they’re going to have to work more and that makes me angry. (The entire reason they don’t want to go to the doctor is because they don’t want to miss work)
My partner piling that on top of that just made me angry, and we start to argue. Our arguments are never heated, but this one was a little and I ended up saying “Have a good f***ing day at work” and I slammed the door, and they opened it and I yelled at them.
They were about to leave for work, and I can’t let someone leave on bad terms if I love them, it just makes me sad the rest of the day. So I stop them and I explain why I was upset, communicating with them. I could have done this before, but I didn’t know how to get the point across that I was angry about them not caring about their health. I know telling them that wouldn’t change anything so I thought I had to take action, a final straw kinda thing…
I look back on our argument and how I treated my partner. I am very disappointed in myself, I shouldn’t have slammed the door, I shouldn’t have yelled and I shouldn’t have ignored them. That’s abusive behavior, it’s what I grew up with and it’s how I know to express my feelings the strongest …. But it’s not good. I don’t want to treat someone I love like that. Is there a way I can express my feelings strongly without hurting my partner?
submitted by Appropriate_Cash_176 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:39 Inner_Edge_2291 Progress Report

PS. A lot of redditors hate/ban new accounts but just to the moderators, I created this account as an anonymous one I can use separate from the one I always do as I do fear people I know personally finding my account, this is just easier.
I'd like to share my journey with manifestation. I've been intermittently practicing the law of attraction for a while, often dismissing my successes as coincidences. Now, I'm applying manifestation principles more consistently across all areas of my life and want to engage more deeply with this community.
Currently, I'm navigating a specific person (SP) situation. For context, I was the one who blocked my SP after a difficult breakup, which led to about a month of no contact. Initially, I resolved not to unblock her, believing she would find a way to reach out. However, this mindset caused me stress and hindered my receptiveness. I now believe blocking should be temporary to manage stress, followed by unblocking to release negative energy. I've unblocked everyone I've previously blocked, as I no longer want to hold onto the belief that people will disappoint or hurt me.
I'm still refining my techniques. So far, "robotic" affirming has been most effective for me, as I'm not able to visualize well and it helps drown out negative thoughts.
Recently, I experienced hot and cold responses from my SP. She would text late at night, and I'd reply in the morning without much progress. A few days ago, she reached out for an in-person talk. Though initially hesitant and anxious about the meeting, I decided to let the situation unfold naturally. I agreed to meet on her suggested day, continued my usual affirmations, and used the lullaby method before bed. The next morning, she wanted to meet immediately. I hadn't specifically affirmed for faster results, but it happened.
During our conversation, she apologized for everything. It was brief, and I listened without reacting, thanks to my work on releasing, forgiving, and scripting. I had nothing left to say or fight about. She left without discussing reconciliation, but I'm confident in my manifestation power.
Moving forward, I plan to work on my tendency to panic when seeing movement, wondering what actions to take. I’m affirming that I always get what I want, no matter what, and will journal to explore abandonment issues. Additionally, I'll continue affirming that I am a priority, especially since today's conversation revealed she's still prioritizing her university over me.
I'd love to hear any tips you might have. I'll be back soon to share my full manifestation success story!
submitted by Inner_Edge_2291 to NevilleGoddard2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:38 heoeoeinzb78 Isn't this crazy? A thought

Asscalamualikum brothers and sisters. This is just a thought I wanted to share. Isn't it crazy how when some famous person is alive like a famous musician whom people are dying to to to his concert, or some famous president or actor or some famous billionaire or some. When they are alive, people are dying to see them and visit them. But when they die, who goes to see them then? Like theirs famous people buried near where I live in chicago, but nobody visits the grave and see their fav artist and so on.
When they are alive people are like let's go hes having a concert! So they plan a trip, spend money and all. But when hes dead, nobody is like let's go visit his dead grave!
I mean its the same person.....
Iant it crazy how queen Elizabeth was so rich and famous and all, everyone knows her, got billions of dollars or pounds, got servants, planes, helicopters, food, nothing to worry about, but when shes dead, she is just another person in their graves man. None of that wealth is helping her, nor the fame. When we die, this is the reality.
But I'm sure we all think like I'm important. We want people to think about us, we want people to remember us, but tbh they wont. Think about it, someone u knows dies. You remmber them for a few weeks, for a few months, a year at max, but then life continues. Nobody remembers 24 7, that's just the fact.
So if I don't remmber people who died, why would others remmber you and me?
People spend their entire lives living life for others. Doing things that give them to benifit, only some in this life. Money, cars, women, houses, that's all man.
Tbh we have no excuse when we are dead if u think about it man. Why? Bec when u were born, on that day you got a notice. You found out that one day it's a guarantee that I will die one day.
Bro we knew from day one. Which excuse can we possibly give? Allah gonna be like you knew when u were born, u had the entire life to change!
It's like a teacher gives you a notice and tells u you have a exam.worth 70 percent of your entire grade in 4 weeks. The test has like 7 questions. U gonna come and u say on the test day, I forgot to study. Or u say ohh man it was so hard I coudent study for the test.
The teacher gonna be like i told u 30 days ago! U had time! If u dident understand, u had 4 weeks to ask me for help, but u dident!
Bro we have zero excuse. Let's be honest here. We dont have a excuse.
Lastly my brothers and sisters, let's be honest, I'm not good person, nor are u, in the sense we both sin. We all sin. But understand that Allah loves when people repent. U made a mistake? U feel like crap? It hurts inside? Good! Allah is their, just ask him for forgiveness. No matter how big of a sin u did, repent and say to him I wont do it again!
Remmber jannah is filled with sinners who repent! Hell is filled with sinners who were like noo the quran disent say music is haram, its filled with people who disbelieved in Allah, who made excuses for their sins.
Pick your boat.
Allah loves repentance, not when people give excuses and all. What's more easier, to say yes I did mess up and i did sin? Or to say no I dident mean that or make excuses?
It's easier to make excuses and harder to admit the sin. Nobody likes saying I messed up or I made a mistake. Allah loves when u admit and change ur ways.
May Allah guide us.
submitted by heoeoeinzb78 to converts [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:38 angelinshere I am stuck in a limbo with my fearful avoidant ex

I am a 25F - FA, and he (32M) is also one (he is more dismissive, and a big avoidant of conflicts), I know he was very avoidant in all of his past relationships (he mentioned in his most recent relationship he used to see the girlfriend only once a month and wasn't really in love with her, big red flag), on our first date he said how he was hurt in the past, about 7,8 years ago and how he promised himself to never give his heart like that ever again. With me he was very consistent and affectionate, would text everyday and make plans every few days, we were head over heels about each other, he expressed how he never felt that way about anyone and that even his own family is surprised about how he makes time for me because he wasn’t like that with his exes, he was the first one to say "I love you", the first months were definitely magical. But after a few conflicts and me threatening to break up, he changed a lot and pulled away (he started to flake on our plans, taking longer to text back, arranging any planes, being in his on world due to his work), I felt very neglected and lonely, I would break up and then go back saying it was a mistake, I just wanted a reaction out of him but he seemed completely numb, I would get anxious and lash out at him (I never called him names or similiar!). I decided it was better to end it and focus on myself.
After the final break up he would reach out for holidays and even wished me happy birthday at midnight, just like nothing ever happaned, which was so strange to me, eventually he reached out and we saw each other, a few days go by and it was like we were back, but I was feeling so anxious one day and he wasn't validating me so I just decided to cut him off and remove him from social media, at this point I was exhausted and afraid we were getting back in the situation we were in before breaking up, I was fed up so that's why I just removed him. Until days later his best friend calls me with an excuse and tell me to reach out to my ex when I get an information (it was clearly an excuse for me to reach out to my ex), the best friend even joked saying that my ex will propose to me and similiar, but I did not contact him. After that I took two weeks thinking about the past and decided to reconcile in March because I really missed him (two weeks later after his best friend called me), so I reach out to him - he was responsive and affectionate but since he wouldn’t initate contact first I just stopped reaching out - at this point I thought something was bothering him but he never clearly expressed if he was concerned, annoyed at something, he just avoids conflicts at all costs so I will never know. I thought we were done, maybe he didn't want it anymore and that’s it. 10 days later he started breadcrumbing (liking my stories, watching them immediately after seconds - I think he has notification on to see when I post), then he started with posting sad songs (he is not even the type to do that) but I never reacted, then he added me on his close friend list until he reached out drunk one night, at 3 am, and when I asnwered the next morning he just said he was really drunk and he is sorry I was asleep, so I ignored that but a few days later I gave in and reached out, and he said to me that I’ve completely forgot him (make it makes sense, since I was the one reaching out SEVERAL times in March but he was not initiating) and how it’s impossible for him to forget me, was very very affectionate so I reached out again days later and he was still affectionate, I mentioned we should reconcile (in a light playful way, to not overwhelm him), and he said yes, he was positive about it, just to then stop responding, I mean my text was the last and that’s it, I didn’t reach out anymore. And now what? I am not reaching out again, that’s for sure, but what is going on here? Is he just afraid to let me in? Or he just doesn't love me? Why didn’t he just let me go? Last time we spoke was 7 days ago, after that I added sad song about how I was hurt (I never gave him that validation of him hurting me or posting sad songs), the next morning he added a close friend story (that's when you pick which person can see your story, so it was clearly for me) - just a random picture, and after that, I posted a picture of me from a wedding I attended that day and he liked it. It seems like everytime he gets that fear of losing me he pulls me back in, but once we get closer he freaks out?
We got into this toxic push/pull dynamic and we are currently in a limbo. I don’t want to stay in this limbo, you’re either in or out.
I would like to hear your opinion and if anyone have gone through this I would appreciate to hear your story, at this point even a simple word of encouragement would make me feel better, thank you.
submitted by angelinshere to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:38 heoeoeinzb78 Isn't this crazy? A thought

Asscalamualikum brothers and sisters. This is just a thought I wanted to share. Isn't it crazy how when some famous person is alive like a famous musician whom people are dying to to to his concert, or some famous president or actor or some famous billionaire or some. When they are alive, people are dying to see them and visit them. But when they die, who goes to see them then? Like theirs famous people buried near where I live in chicago, but nobody visits the grave and see their fav artist and so on.
When they are alive people are like let's go hes having a concert! So they plan a trip, spend money and all. But when hes dead, nobody is like let's go visit his dead grave!
I mean its the same person.....
Iant it crazy how queen Elizabeth was so rich and famous and all, everyone knows her, got billions of dollars or pounds, got servants, planes, helicopters, food, nothing to worry about, but when shes dead, she is just another person in their graves man. None of that wealth is helping her, nor the fame. When we die, this is the reality.
But I'm sure we all think like I'm important. We want people to think about us, we want people to remember us, but tbh they wont. Think about it, someone u knows dies. You remmber them for a few weeks, for a few months, a year at max, but then life continues. Nobody remembers 24 7, that's just the fact.
So if I don't remmber people who died, why would others remmber you and me?
People spend their entire lives living life for others. Doing things that give them to benifit, only some in this life. Money, cars, women, houses, that's all man.
Tbh we have no excuse when we are dead if u think about it man. Why? Bec when u were born, on that day you got a notice. You found out that one day it's a guarantee that I will die one day.
Bro we knew from day one. Which excuse can we possibly give? Allah gonna be like you knew when u were born, u had the entire life to change!
It's like a teacher gives you a notice and tells u you have a exam.worth 70 percent of your entire grade in 4 weeks. The test has like 7 questions. U gonna come and u say on the test day, I forgot to study. Or u say ohh man it was so hard I coudent study for the test.
The teacher gonna be like i told u 30 days ago! U had time! If u dident understand, u had 4 weeks to ask me for help, but u dident!
Bro we have zero excuse. Let's be honest here. We dont have a excuse.
Lastly my brothers and sisters, let's be honest, I'm not good person, nor are u, in the sense we both sin. We all sin. But understand that Allah loves when people repent. U made a mistake? U feel like crap? It hurts inside? Good! Allah is their, just ask him for forgiveness. No matter how big of a sin u did, repent and say to him I wont do it again!
Remmber jannah is filled with sinners who repent! Hell is filled with sinners who were like noo the quran disent say music is haram, its filled with people who disbelieved in Allah, who made excuses for their sins.
Pick your boat.
Allah loves repentance, not when people give excuses and all. What's more easier, to say yes I did mess up and i did sin? Or to say no I dident mean that or make excuses?
It's easier to make excuses and harder to admit the sin. Nobody likes saying I messed up or I made a mistake. Allah loves when u admit and change ur ways.
May Allah guide us.
submitted by heoeoeinzb78 to u/heoeoeinzb78 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:38 vanillarybean Whose responsibility is it to keep the grandparents involved?

Last week, my friend and I were complaining and consoling each other about our children’s respective grandparents. She has a three-year-old son and I have a one-year-old daughter. We both have issues with extended family, though hers are way more severe.
My friend hasn’t seen her MIL in six months. She says she was sick of always being the one to make the effort and take her son to visit his grandma, when she obviously didn’t care and never made any effort back. At Christmas, my friend decided to try an experiment where she didn’t reach out to her MIL at all and waited for her to make the first move. It’s now June 4th and she hasn’t been in touch. She hasn’t even spoken to her own son (my friend’s partner). There hasn’t been an argument or a falling out — she just doesn’t care.
My friend finds this particularly frustrating, as her MIL posts endlessly on social media about how much she loves her grandson — yet hasn’t seen him or made any attempt to see him (or even reached out to ask how he is) since Christmas. Her son doesn’t even remember her. When you ask him how many grandmas he has, he says one — referring to my friend’s mum, who lives in another country. His deadbeat grandma only lives half an hour away.
I’m a similar situation, in that my MIL has never made any effort with me and, despite professing that she adores my daughter, she’s never reached out to me or my husband to ask how she is, to offer help, to suggest a visit or anything. In fact, in the year since my daughter was born, my MIL has messaged me precisely twice — both times, to ask for a lift to an appointment. She sees my daughter maybe once every six weeks or so and every time, it’s initiated by me and takes place at her (not baby-proofed) house.
Keeping a respectful distance is one thing, but if I were a grandmother, I would like to know that the mother of my only grandchild was well and has support, and I sure as hell wouldn’t be going six months without contacting her, even just to check that she was alright.
Doubtless, if you asked either my MIL or my friend’s MIL, they would complain about how they aren’t kept in the loop with their grandkids and hardly get to see them. But from our perspectives, this wouldn’t represent the facts and it’s more a case that our children’s grandparents like being able to say that they’re grandparents but aren’t actually bothered about having a relationship with us and therefore aren’t bothered about our kids.
Who do you think should take the lead on grandparents’ involvement with their grandkids? Is it the parents’ job to take their children to visit their grandparents (or invite grandparents to visit them) — or should grandparents be the ones to reach out and stay in touch?
submitted by vanillarybean to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:38 MMKK6 “I Fucking Hate Therapy, But I Love My Therapist.” - My Story Navigating the Treacherous Terrain of Therapy.

I fucking hate therapy, but I love my therapist. I made a comment under a post with the title “trust no therapist” which in blanket advice is an excellent idea. Commenting under that post inspired me to post this, and reminded me about my own feelings about therapy that I wanted to share. I hate therapy for many reasons, most reasons similar to why I hate psychiatry. I’ve been ran through by both of these systems alike, I’ve been filled with more shit than a waste water treatment plant. Even though this is case I find myself having conflicting opinions about parts of therapy. So yes, I fucking hate therapy, but I love my therapist. I’ve categorized this to go over my opinion, negative experiences, and positive experiences. I’d love to know your opinion about what I’ve said and therapy in general. Here is my therapy journey.
(I understand how long this post is, but please stop, stay a while, share your thoughts!)


I’ve had a long and tumultuous relationship with therapy, and for the most part, I hate it. Over the years, I’ve gone through more than five but less than fifteen therapists, and I generally don’t like them. Most therapists follow a rigid, psychiatric, one-size-fits-all approach that disgusts me and doesn’t work for me. They often think they have the authority to diagnose or prescribe medication, which they can't actually do, but they can refer you to a doctor based on their hypothesis. This path to diagnosis is something I don’t recommend.
Therapy often feels like a slippery slope to psychiatry, and it’s all bullshit. Therapists can be master manipulators with too much authority, potentially ruining your life if they don't like you. If you share your true feelings and they decide it’s too much, they can call the police. “Complete confidentiality unless I feel like you’re in danger,” so at anytime you feel I’m not safe and you can void our trust? Trusting someone to make the right ethical choice is nearly impossible for me because, frankly, people are shit. Why would I trust someone claiming moral superiority and acting like a mental health god who thinks they can solve all my problems? It’s a load of shit. That’s why I say, fuck those therapists.

Negative Experiences

I once had a therapist who I thought I could trust. After several sessions of pouring out my fears and vulnerabilities, I finally felt like I was making progress. However, one day, I shared something particularly sensitive about my mental health, something that I was grappling with but was in no way a danger to myself or others. Instead of offering support or helping me work through it, she immediately jumped to conclusions and decided it was her duty to call the police. I was shocked and felt betrayed. I was forced into an emergency evaluation, which was not only unnecessary but deeply traumatizing. That experience shattered my trust in therapists and reinforced my belief that many of them are just waiting to institutionalize you at the slightest hint of nonconformity.
Another therapist I saw I swear diagnosed every client with the same set of disorders, regardless of their circumstances. I sought help for trauma, but within two sessions, she insisted I had numerous other mental health issues and suggested irrelevant medications and treatments. When I questioned her, she became defensive, claiming she knew better. It was clear she wasn't listening to me and was fitting me into her preconceived notions.
A therapist once told my parents that I should not be allowed to leave the house due to my opinion on psychedelics. A little backstory I have a history of drug abuse, but I personally still use drugs like psychedelics. Am I still using drugs? Yes, but I think if taking mushrooms every month stops you from taking meth multiple times a day, and it doesn’t instill psychotic break, have at it. I had talked about my history of hard drug abuse, and how I thought psychedelics changed my life for the better. Because I had a positive opinion on scary drugs she insisted I was a danger to myself and others, even though I had been clean for a significant period and was actively working on my recovery. Her recommendation was unjustified and out of line. Instead of supporting my progress, she undermined it. This caused major upheaval in my life. It felt like punishment for my past rather than support for my recovery, increasing my stress and frustration. Jokes on her my future job is psychedelics.
I had a therapist who didn’t know what THC was, and when I described it to her she threatened to call the police.
I looked for a Jewish therapist, since I’m Jewish and I had wondered if I could find any spiritual healing. This therapist only wanted to talk about himself or the Torah. Which I didn’t mind that much, he was a chill person, he just did not help me or listen to me at all.
I could continue, but I think you get the point. I don’t trust these so-called professionals who often do more harm than good.

Positive Experience

When I first started therapy as an adolescent, almost eleven years ago. I was dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic catastrophic survival incident with my family. My first therapist was a godsend. Unlike many others I encountered later, she genuinely listened and tailored her approach to my unique experiences and needs. She set the bar high. She helped me in ways I couldn't have imagined at the time. She taught me to reframe my experiences and see my resilience and strength. She also gave strategies to deal effectively deal with my trauma. Her empathy and understanding made me feel heard and validated, which was something I desperately needed. Thanks to her, I was able to start healing in ways that seemed impossible before. She not only helped me understand and process my trauma but also empowered me to take control of my own healing journey.
And, then I became too old for her practice, which then followed numerous other therapists. None of which were successful. I was at my lowest point, feeling lost and overwhelmed by my emotions. I almost gave up on therapy altogether, but something inside me urged me to give it one last shot, trying to find the old spark my initial therapist had. And I’m so glad I did.
“Why do you keep trying therapy? Why not just talk to your friends?” Friends provide crucial emotional support, a therapist offers specialized help. Therapy sessions are dedicated time for me to focus solely on my mental health and personal growth. Friends have their own lives and problems, and don’t always have the time or energy to support you consistently. I don’t mind the model. Because of my issues, it makes it hard to simply pull myself up by my bootstraps.
My current therapist is a breath of fresh air compared to the others. From the very beginning, she created a safe and nurturing space for me to explore my thoughts, feelings, and struggles without judgment. Unlike many therapists I've encountered in the past, she doesn't try to overpower me or impose a narrative on my mental health. We have an alternative approach and open dialogue, ensuring she respects my dislike for traditional therapy and psychiatry. She even shares a lot of my anti psychiatric opinions.
I treat my therapist more like a friend who I pay to listen to me vent rather than a mental health authority. Some people might think this is disingenuous, but I don't mind it. She knows how much I dislike traditional therapy and psychiatry, and she respects that. Her ability to truly listen and provide valuable insights has been important in my journey toward healing and self-discovery. Sometimes all it really takes is for someone to seem interested in what you’re saying. I think a bad therapist tells you what they think is wrong, I think a good therapist helps you understand it for yourself. For the first time in my adult life, I trust this woman.
Her support feels like a lifeline, especially during the frightening moments when my emotions seem overwhelming. Knowing that I have her by my side gives me the strength and courage to face whatever challenges come my way. She isn't just a therapist; she's a guardian angel who helps me find light in the midst of darkness. She even helped me convince my psychiatrist to take me off Abilify.
There were times when I wanted to give up, but she never let me falter. Slowly but surely, I started to rebuild myself, stronger and more resilient than before and the best part of it was she wasn’t imposing herself upon me. It always felt like me. I think this therapist helped me reclaim my life. I'm grateful for the journey I've been on and the therapist who walked beside me every step of the way.

Final Thoughts

Through all I’ve been through, I've discovered that therapists, like us, are people. And that's all that therapy is, talking to another person. However, many people aspire to the misguided system of psychiatry. In general, therapists are viewed as and view themselves as simply an extension of the psychiatric system. In this case, I view it as talking to a robot.
Even though a therapist is just someone you talk to and you can technically talk to anyone, therapy is different for me. I'm well aware that most of the things these good therapists do, I could do myself under normal circumstances. However, I need their assistance during times of unrest when I can’t get a hold of myself.
Having a therapist provides a structured environment that helps me navigate my emotions and life challenges when I feel overwhelmed. They offer a level of support and guidance that is crucial during those difficult moments when I can't manage on my own.
I've found solace in those therapists who break away from the mold, who treat me as a human being rather than a case study. It's in those moments of genuine connection and understanding that I find the true essence of my therapy, a shared journey towards healing and growth.
The supposed goal of therapy is about connecting with another human being, finding support, and working through life's challenges together. When conducted properly, therapy can be a beautiful experience. However, overall, I believe therapy is too uniform in a field that should be completely personalized. I think therapy is easily exploitable and has the potential to exacerbate a person's condition rather than improve it.
Thank you for taking the time to read about my therapy journey. I value your perspective and would love to hear your opinions. Have you had similar experiences with therapy? What are your thoughts on the potential benefits and risks of therapy? Let's continue the conversation.
submitted by MMKK6 to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]
