Crochet clam shell

Under the sea quiet book

2023.01.30 22:43 Neuromancer-13 Under the sea quiet book

Under the sea quiet book
A crochet book I made for my cousin’s kid. Saw one on here and loved it.
Planned the set up, created the “pages”, attached everything, then crocheted a border around the pages to be able to attach them all into a book. For some of the things I used a pattern (links below) but some I just made up!
Clam shell:
submitted by Neuromancer-13 to crochet [link] [comments]

2019.12.23 11:00 madatmymom42069 RANT: My mom [63] and I [27F] have a complicated relationship - Christmas is making it worse

TL;DR: I'm depressed/unemployed and live with my parents. I pay them back by being their emotional support and essentially being a therapist for my mom (yes, very unhealthy). She didn't get me anything for my birthday or christmas* and I'm upset about it. Also yes, I am very lucky and privileged.
(*She did get me last minute xmas gifts but they are panic gifts that aren't very thoughtful so like? idk. )

Some Family History:

I'll bullet point it for you, bc there's a lot.

Situational Background:

I usually write my family a wishlist of things to choose from bc they say I'm hard to shop for. My list this year included:
  1. Bailey's Irish Creme
  2. Quality Time
  3. Gift Cards to certain stores
  4. Someone to exercise with me
  5. someone to play board/video games with.
  6. a generic android tablet (around $300).
I don't expect to get everything on the list, these are just ideas! to help re: the hard to shop for thing.
Back to the bullet points:

The Main Reason I'm Mad:

So uh. That's it I guess. I know people think Love Language's are stupid but it's the best way for me to explain how important presents are to me.
I struggle to feel seen by my family to begin with so to have my mother just blatantly give up all pretenses of being bothered is really painful. I'm struggling with chronic mental illness but I put her shit first because she has no one else to support her because my parents relationship is broken.
I don't know really. I just wanted to vent about it and if anyone read this and thinks I'm rightfully angry, or woefully wrong and self centered then let me know! I'm happy to give additional info. Sorry about the bullet points, it's the only way I could keep things concise.
Thanks for reading. I'm upset and hoping I'm justified in feeling that way. Hoping I'm not a self absorbed, nasty mess of a person like my mom.
submitted by madatmymom42069 to JUSTNOFAMILY [link] [comments]