Autotune for mac

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2024.05.20 23:36 Playful-Criticism-13 Anyone got a crack for Antares autotune artist (Mac) dm me please or send link !!!

submitted by Playful-Criticism-13 to VocaTorrent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:39 Rethaptrix A meaningful upgrade

I'm looking to upgrade my computer, the only use case is home music recording and production. I'm not terribly concerned with portability or size. I realize the advantages of portability if I want to go record vocals or whatever outside my home, but that's barely a concern as I do everything from my studio.
My current computer is an HP EliteDesk 800 G1 intel(r) core(tm) i7-4770s cpu @ 3.10ghz 3.10 ghz w/ 32gb RAM, I came into it this past black Friday as a starter computer. I don't even really know where my computer is on the spectrum. I've read that mac is the way and that Ableton is a dream on it so I've been considering something from Apple.
I have Ableton Live 12 Suite and it runs smooth as a silk and the native plug ins don't stress the CPU load so I really don't have any complaints about anything at all until I'm adding VSTs. A few I can manage, but a couple Izotope plugins or Autotunes or too many Neural DSPs and the CPU load meter maxes out and it becomes impossible to listen to playback without radical measures, if at all.
Obviously I want something that can handle all that and more, I'm looking to spend optimally around 2k but could go as far as 3k, what would be the most bang for my buck?
I'm sure this question gets asked over and over in a million variations so feel free to tell me to get fucked, but any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Rethaptrix to ableton [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:07 chaosst33l 2013 Mac Blowing 2022 Windows machine out of the water(rendering speed)

Mac Pro Specs
Windows machine specs
I have a 2013 Mac pro(the trash can desktop) I used for several years, and a 2022 Razer Laptop running windows 11.
Ive been having slow rendering speeds with the Windows machine, hitting between 1.3 x rendering speeds with antares autotune 8, depending on whether I am using auto vs graph mode(manual correction).
I dont make music as much nowadays, but I dont remember rendering taking so long, so I brought out the good old trash can mac. Well, the mac pro is getting 2.3-5.0x rendering speeds. Clearly performing better.
So my question is, how can I troubleshoot or resolve these poor rendering speeds on my windows machine? I would expect a 10 years old newer machine to perform better than a dinosaur, despite how great this machine once was. Is the old version of autotune bottlenecking my rendering speeds?
Windows pro tools version: 2021.12.0
Edit: I can provide any more information that might be relevant, but I also don’t want to flood this post with irrelevant information
Edit: I upgraded to autotune 11 but whenever I open more than 4 instances, my pro tools session crashes 😭. The rendering speed IS faster, I just wish I could have a smooth experience like back in the day
submitted by chaosst33l to protools [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 13:50 TheEnglishRabbit What’s the current and future state of server processing?

A lot has happened with server processing in the last couple years, what with Waves going subscription based, Fourier releasing Transform, and Dante becoming integrated into most new consoles. It seems as though in the professional touring world, we have several options for outboard processing:
1) Waves servers. Although they’re getting a bit old, it’s still completely viable to use a good old Waves server. Their plugins still hold up, direct integration with DiGiCo is extremely powerful and useful, latency is very low, and every company can supply an option for a Waves based solution, be it a DMI card, WSG port, or DiGiGrid. The issues are having to use a host computer for interfacing is a bit frustrating, and they’re famously unreliable.
2) Fourier Transform. This is still uncharted waters (at least in my country). The price point is the big downfall, coming in at several thousand pounds more than any Waves solution. It’s great being able to run any VST plug-in and having Dante integrated directly, but Waves have also just released LiveBox, which is cheaper and has more connectivity, but with either of these options you’re essentially using a beefy Windows computer with a Dante card shoved in the back.
3) LiveProfessoSuperrack Performer. A fully specced MacBook Pro will set you back a couple thousand, but the M3 chips are ridiculous and can handle pretty much anything you throw at it. With this option, you sacrifice a bit of latency and reliability having to use DVS or a MADI interface, but the money you save makes it worth it (and you get a lovely shiny MacBook to watch Netflix on the tour bus!).
4) DIY Waves Sever. I’m seeing this more and more lately, especially on mid scale tours which use DiGiCo SD consoles with a WSG port built in. As long as you do extensive testing and having a quick way to disable routing to the server I see no reason to not use this. It’s a lot cheaper and gives you options for how much processing power you need for that specific show.
5) Not using any outboard at all. In this day and age, do we really need to ‘rely’ on external plugins to get our mix the way we want? For certain genres, I can see that specifics plugins are required (e.g, AutoTune for pop). It depends on a lot on your console choice as well, for example Yamaha and A&H have quite nice built in reverbs and plugins, but DiGiCo are seriously lacking in that department (which I know is on purpose to force you to use Waves).
If I’ve missed any obvious options please do call me out in the comments (I’m not talking about analogue processing in this thread).
I’m curious what everyone’s thoughts are on how us engineers will use processing servers moving forwards. What’s the longevity of each option?What has everyone been using as of late?
submitted by TheEnglishRabbit to livesound [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 05:57 Correct-Ad-9520 Random “5 seconds” moments in popular songs you love?

I don’t mean exactly 5 seconds, just little parts of a song that to you help make the song. It can be a production piece, or specific lyric, etc
Personal examples:
The Nights by avicii, when the autotune and beat kick in right as the singer goes “one day my father”, gives me insane serotonin
Something Just Like This by Chainsmokers and Coldplay, the buildup at the end into the final drop with a guitar on it is so perfectly done
Don’t Stop by Fleetwood Mac, just the say the final verse “I Know You Don’t Believe That It’s True/I Never Meant Any Harm To You” is one of the best lyrics I’ve ever heard
The final bridge of Enter Sandman is what turns the song from a 8/10 to a 9-9.5/10 for me
Dragula by Rob Zombie is an awesome song, but made better with two pieces: baking vocals of “do it baby, do it baby” and the end where he yells “I can never die” as the music drops before the chorus, amazing song making right there
Similar story to Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit with “break your fucking face tonight”
“Fuck that sir just let me call” in Dial Drunk
My favorite section of Adams Song by Blink 182 is where he mentions dropping apple juice in a hallway, it’s so simple but in context it comes off as devastating
I just love in songs when the music drops out and then comes back with just vocals before everything comes back in (random example: The Way by Fastball)
Also a general thing, I love when bands change chorus’ when going through it the 2nd and 3rd time
submitted by Correct-Ad-9520 to ToddintheShadow [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 18:42 Personal-Theme1087 Can’t find my 3rd party plugins (Win)

So I downloaded the subscription version of pro tools and I installed all the AAX files for the third party plugins I want to use which would be Valhalla Delay and Reverb with Antares Autotune but after countless times of reinstalling and deleting the plugins and Pro Tools and even when it starts up it says it’s running them I open a project to use them and they’re no where to be found can someone please Help me I’m on windows please no Mac’s
submitted by Personal-Theme1087 to protools [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 22:56 Routine-Experience59 Autotune Artist stopped passing audio

Hey ableton

I've had a perpetual license of Auto-Tune Artist for a few years now which I run on an intel-core MacBook Pro and use in Ableton Live 11. Aside from the occasional CPU-related headache or system update, etc., it's mostly been fine.

Yesterday i found that all a vocal track with auto-tune applied wasn't passing audio. opened another project with auto-tune on it, same thing. I looked at the effects chain on that track and audio was passing through each plug-in until it hit autotune. With auto-tune disabled, audio passes through fine.

What's driving me crazy about this is that I didn't update my OS or ableton. I've tried restarting my computer, uninstalling and reinstalling auto-tune central and the individual plug-in, and nothing has worked so far.

I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this... the plug-in shows up and I can open the UI, it just doesn't pass audio. It shows my license is active and installed on auto-tune central. Any help is much appreciated!!!!

submitted by Routine-Experience59 to ableton [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 17:31 johnnyhighschool Best vocal tuning solutions? Melodyne? Autotune? What now!?

LONG time user of graphical AutoTune here (in Ableton). For the last 10 years its been the backbone of my vocals. I've slaved over the GUI but I've wrestled with the beast sufficiently to make some solid tunes.
However, now with my M1 Mac, AutoTune 9 hates me like a divorced wife. For half of my projects, every time I open them back up, the graph tuning is entirely off -- not just wrong key but like everything sounds horrible. Unfixable, unusable. Luckily I'm more of a hobbyist because if I was a pro this would be a literal nightmare scenario. Wildly annoying nonetheless.
I assumed this was due to the problems with Apple Sillicon so I upgraded to the new AutoTune X which supports my computer. Nope still the same fucking problem - insane to think I spent 300 dollars more on this.
I'm somewhat decent with Melodyne but it's never been able to give me granularity of AutoTune. Not to say Melodyne isn't granular - I know it is - but AutoTune graph lets me get where I want to go with easy while in Melodyne its very difficult.
More generally, I'm looking for some advice/best practices on how to more professionally tune vocals. I like having the flexibility of being able to go back and change something about the graph tune whenever I want - but that means I rarely ever bounce out tuned vocals. I know I should - but I'm curious what a pro's workflow is.
What is the modern day solution to graphical vocal tuning? Whats your process?
submitted by johnnyhighschool to audioengineering [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 04:50 Critical_Crow_9754 Free Autotune plugins for Mac other than Gsnap?

I keep getting an “can’t register” error so I was curious to see if there are other alternatives. A list would be nice
submitted by Critical_Crow_9754 to audacity [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 23:37 Accomplished-Fly-825 Real Time Pitch Correction Cuts Out on Logic Pro X

Video of me recording vocal and it cutting out.
I’ve been running into an issue where my vocals get cut off when using real time (stock) pitch correction on Logic Pro X. I’ve been able to do this with no problems for over 3 years and even after replacing my old Mac with one with 4x the storage and 2x the RAM, I’m still receiving the same issue. When I record I only use one plug in, pitch correction, so I can hear myself in autotune while I’m recording and then I drag it into my preset. I’ve talked to Sweetwater (where I got my microphone and audio interface) about this twice and they concluded that the Logic Pro stock pitch correction doesn’t work in real time and that me being able to use it in real time for 3 years “is weird” and that “it shouldn’t have worked ever”. I also talked with the Logic Pro sector for Apple Care and they concluded it’s an issue with the AudioBox (audio interface). This issue has been happening for months and I’ve scoured the internet for solutions to no avail. I’ve seen 1 or 2 forums that detail my experience from more than 8 years ago but with no solutions. Has anybody experienced this before? Does pitch correction just work and then stop working like that? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Accomplished-Fly-825 to Logic_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 06:55 kungabungalow Help Needed: Setting Up NS4FX Numark DJ Controller with Apollo X4 on MacBook Pro for Zero Latency

EDIT: Hello everyone,
I'm in need of some advice to optimize my setup involving an NS4 Numark DJ controller, an Apollo X4 UAD interface, and a MacBook Pro. My goal is twofold: achieve zero latency for my DJ controller and utilize the Apollo X4 to route Autotune and other vocal mixing effects through microphones during live sessions.
Current setup details:
The issue I'm facing includes a slight, yet noticeable lag when using DJ apps, and I'm unable to use the headphone jack on the controller for cueing. Moreover, I want to simultaneously connect my DJ controller and Apollo interface to manage live vocal effects efficiently.
I believe the challenge lies in the specific routing or configuration needed to use both the USB controller and audio interface together seamlessly, especially for live vocal processing through the Apollo.
Does anyone have experience with this kind of setup or any insights on eliminating latency, enabling headphone cueing, and effectively routing vocal effects? Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your help!
submitted by kungabungalow to DJs [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 03:19 ComfortableCollar957 I need autotune Efx 1 for Mac maverick OS X

I’ll pay
submitted by ComfortableCollar957 to Plugins [link] [comments]

2024.02.06 17:44 therezablade Is there a way to "redirect" the old version of a plugin to the new version?

I finally completed all updates on my M1 Mac so that PT and all plugins are running natively (non-Rosetta). There are zero issues here.

My issue is when I open older projects, there is one plugin that was non-M1 compliant (at the time of Save) and it doesn't redirect to the M1 native version. I have to quit PT and reopen in Rosetta mode to access it. This plugin is Antares AutoTune EFX+.

Now I do notice that the Intel/Rosetta version is called "AutoTune EFX", while the M1 native version is called "AutoTune EFX+". So I'm assuming it's less about the version and more about it being a completely separate plugin. However, there's no way to see my previous Auto Tune settings in older projects if I want to convert to the M1 version. I also notice this for things like "Kontakt" vs. "Kontakt 7".

Has Avid or these plugin manufacturers found a way to "redirect" the old plugin to the new plugin with the same settings? This seems to work fine with normal plugin updates but not these.

submitted by therezablade to protools [link] [comments]

2024.02.04 21:28 No-Preference-3015 Anyone else get absolutely screwed over by Antares?

I bought autotune about a year ago.. Paid $400 for it. Specifically avoiding a subscription and buying it outright.
A year later they say my Mac Os is now incompatible and want me to pay $175 to upgrade?! $575 to use your tuning software in a space where your competitors are getting better and better? Customer support took a week to respond and was a total waste of time.
The new Slate digital tuning software seems to work just as well when you're not using graph mode. I may just say Fuck Antares at this point. Anyone else have a similarly ludicrous experience?

submitted by No-Preference-3015 to audioengineering [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 21:38 ksyiros Burn Deep Learning Framework Version 0.12.0 Released: Improved API with PyTorch Integration

This release is packed with new features and improved performance, but the major focus was on enhancing the user API and the documentation.
We updated the API to remove instances where the device chosen was the default one, potentially causing bugs due to device mismatch. Now, our API is more explicit about where the device should be specified, aligning well with the Rust philosophy.
The book has seen various updates, including a new section on dataset manipulation requested by the community. We also plan to create a contributor guide, to help new contributors get familiar with the internals of the project.
A lot of work has been done to improve our JIT compiler, where we can fuse WebGPU tensor operations into a single kernel for impressive performance improvement. We added automatic vectorization of element-wise operations, as well as integration with autotune. Additionally, kernels created on-the-fly can now be executed in-place for reduced memory usage. We now support running multiple optimization streams independantly, which helps when metric updates and training run on the same device, but different threads. This feature isn't enabled by default yet, but you can enable it with a backend decorator. Future releases will add more optimizations to the compiler, and we will probably ship it by default. We also have plans to add other compilation targets in addition to WebGPU, namely Vulkan and CUDA.
One of the major quality of life improvements is the addition of the new PyTorch recorder that allows loading PyTorch weights into Burn modules. We also support specifying regex to dynamically map the weights to your Burn model if the structure isn't the same as the PyTorch implementation.
With this new release, we spent a lot of time solidifying our infrastructure, testing our framework on additional OS (Windows and MacOS). Overall, our CI is more mature and allows us to more easily ensure the quality and correctness of every code change across backends and operating systems.
Release Notes: Burn Book:
submitted by ksyiros to rust [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 01:29 strawberrygirlmusicx Hi, I’m Strawberry Girl!

I’m a 19 year old electronic music artist! I would describe my music as hyperpop-ish because I love autotune and voice effects, but I’m not sure if my music 100% fits the genre haha.
I’ve been making music since I was 15, and my first album just came out on January 22nd! It’s called Computers Bleed Too. It’s an album about lots of my own personal feelings- with themes of being forced to conceal your emotions like a robot but being human. It’s heavily inspired by the early 2000’s, space, tech, computers, robots, and technology with humans. Think an old iMac sitting on a field of green grass with a bright blue sky. Think childhood nostalgia. Think robots and blood, metal and flesh. It’s available everywhere right now! It’s 14 tracks. I write and produce everything myself. I’d love to hear any feedback from anyone about my album, or gain some wonderful new listeners. Hopefully I can contribute something good in your life with this album lol.
Here are the links :)
Or you can type in Blood Flows Through My Wires (my most popular song) anywhere and hopefully find me. Thanks for your time :) ❤️💻💗
submitted by strawberrygirlmusicx to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 03:11 gtez Perforce Client Performance issues on windows only

Hi all, I took a peak at the previous threads on slow Windows performance with P4D. No dice on the advice there sadly.
The short version of the issue is: on Mac it's fast, on PC it's slow, but only using the windows client. Linux on WSL is fine.
I am hosting Perforce on an Ubuntu 22.04 VM, on a Proxmox host. It's using 4 cores, 24G of ram, 300GB SSD ZFS raid0 backed storage volume, on a 10GB uplink to the network.
I am bench-marking using 2.6 gig repo with 161,283 files (a fresh unreal engine pull).
I run the following on MacOS via P4V:
p4 sync -f //depot/UnrealEngine-release/...#head Sync operation running in Parallel using 4 Threads 161283 files updated 
This process took ~23 seconds to complete, which is about 115 MB/s (920 Mbit/s). So functionally saturating the connection. When I'm transferring to a freshly installed Windows 11 pro machine (that has a 10GBit connection to the network) I am only able to get ~15 MB/s (120 Mbit/s) on average. Trying on another Windows 11 Pro machine, also freshly installed, I get the same results, on a 1GBit network connection. I've tried on a windows 10 VM in the same Proxmox Cluster, and get the same results.
All devices are plugged into the same networking switch, are on the same subnet, the drives they're downloading to are NVMe.
Stuff I have tried -
iperf3 results are nearly 9 Gbits/sec on the Windows box to the Perforce Server, and 943 Mbits/sec on the VM. So I don't think it's a TCP issue.
Has anyone see this before? Any settings inside the client that might affect this?
submitted by gtez to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 23:50 Allourep Opening sessions which used an older version of Antares Autotune

I am continually running into the issue where I am receiving sessions from others who have an older version of autotune and for some stupid reason, my newer version in unable to open it properly.
Why would a newer version be unable to properly interpret the settings of an older version?
I have to manually replace every instance of autotune and re enter my settings. Anyone have an answer or fix for this?

submitted by Allourep to protools [link] [comments]

2024.01.18 00:07 lakimens Improve battery life on Fedora 39 (AMD 6800U)?

So I have a Lenovo Yoga 7 with a 6800U APU. I really like this laptop, but I despise Windows (especially 11) with passion. Coming from a MacBook, I want to have good battery life. My MB Air M1 can last me over 10 hours, even after 2.5 years of constant daily 5+ hour usage.
Unfortunately, the battery life I'm getting here (around 3 hours) isn't really enough for me. I'd like to get at least 6-7 hours, which was certainly possible on Windows.
Just booting the device, and closing all appps which have auto-started in the background (e.g. Nextcloud and Proton VPN), I get 6W discharge on idle, when not touching the laptop:
- Brightness set to 1 point above the lowest- All devices unplugged (e.g. Mouse, speakers, etc..), nothing plugged into laptop- Keyboard backlight off- Nothing running apart from powertop (so I can see the discharge)- Gnome set to power saving mode
Powertop Screenshot.
I ran sudo powertop --auto-tune, and after waiting about 10 minutes, the power usage did not drop even a little...
Do you have any idea how I can optimize the power usage?
I thought about installing TLP, however, I am not sure how it would work with the Gnome default power manager.
Iniitially, I had Ubuntu, and I think with Kernel 5.19 or 5.26 I could get around 9 hours of battery life. This was a few months ago, so I am not sure if the numbers are 100% correct.
submitted by lakimens to Fedora [link] [comments]

2024.01.07 10:05 khantrastnyc I can’t turn knobs on antares autotune

So I just downgraded my MacBook to Ventura (where Antares says they fully support this MacOS version) but for some reason when I open up autotune, I can’t turn up the retune speed, change the key or switch from major to minor. I can only change the presets. Please let me know if there is a solution.
submitted by khantrastnyc to musicproduction [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 21:56 danielguerralopes Mac vs Aira Compact for live/jam sessions (and specific question about vocal effects vs latency)

Hi! I'm new to actually posting/asking something on Reddit...I've always played the guitar and now I want to start doing somethings with synths and drums too...
I'm between buying a Macbook (with a mix of softwares, plugins and vsts) or some compact hardware like the aira series (j6 + t8 + e4). I'm not into PRODUCING or RECORDING, or even doing anything suuuuper professional. I really wanna be able to jam by myself, "in real time", with multiple instruments looping/sequencing at the same time, play some covers and compositions. I like Bon IveJames Blake vocal style so VocodeAutotune/Harmonizer is essential (roland e4, if I choose the hardware option).
With the Mac option, will it really be possible to use these vocal effects in lives, jams and sessions without latency or delay issues? Or will I be able to have a fluid, "plug an play" live session like the ones I see with the E4?
I'm not a computer expert and everytime I've tried to do something like that, even with more experienced people helping me, I couldn't really hear my voice with the effects in real time, and that's what's leaning me towards the hardware options.
I've already read a lot of less specific discussions here about "mac vs hardware synths", but if there's something you can add based on my needs (and not only about the vocoder x latency x live jam situation), I'd be really glad.
I've been researching for a few months, but I have no one to actually talk to hahaha
(Thanks and sorry if the questions should have been placed somewhere else, or not made at all)
submitted by danielguerralopes to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2023.12.13 12:51 limitlessvu Antares auto tune pro not working!

I am using logic pro x on my 2.8ghz i7 MacBook pro. I have been using antares for years but after this most recent update it will not work on my Mac. It will not allow me to turn any knobs inside of the plug in except simply change presets keep in mind that the plug in itself doesn't output any autotune either. It's simplu just not working. I tried redownloading it. Since my processor is Intel there is no Rosetta mode available which is what some people have mentioned trying to do. I even downloaded antares 9 and all versions, antares 9 macs logic crash. Please help
submitted by limitlessvu to Logic_Studio [link] [comments]