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2009.01.07 17:38 all things adoption-related

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2019.06.12 22:15 Sampsa_ I wanna come and see my family! They're coming down south to stay with me!

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2010.02.01 01:29 livingdead Peace Corps

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2024.05.23 12:31 Hopeful_Weather_6871 Everyone is getting the flu

I am trowing a baby shower this weekend and most of my family and friends can't make the baby shower due to having flu , that makes me very sad because the baby shower is very small and I only invited a little bit of people. I am 35 weeks pregnant,I was planning this baby shower for months only for people to get sick and not show up. I was super excited for the baby shower but now I think I wanna cancel the baby shower I feel like people really don't value me....(I am here to vent and need advice)
submitted by Hopeful_Weather_6871 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:29 chadillac1234 What to do with private stock options payout?

Question for anyone who wants to chime in. My work compensation offers stock options. I have the offer to get paid out on half of them on June 10th which before taxes equates to around 350k. I can pull all of them out. Pay off 100k in debt between school and cars so I would be debt free other than my house that is at 2.9%. Then reinvest in the s&p 100-130k and get 8-10% returns on average. Or I can leave that portion in and let it grow in my company. My company averages an 19% return over the last 20 years. On paper that seems like the best idea. The issue is one I can't touch them for 2-5 years along with the other half of my options. Depends on when an event happens that involves new investors so it can change. The other issue is if iwere to get fires or die for example they are gone completely and my family gets nothing. Obviously I'm not planning on either of those to happen but let's say there is a 2% chance of something like that happening. Do you keep the money in and possibly lose it all or do you pull it out? Knowing that half of it is staying in anyway
submitted by chadillac1234 to investing_discussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:26 Southern_Glass3455 Anxiety in relationships, but coupled with real problems

Hi! I understand from reading here that a stranger cannot tell me if I have rOCD or real relationship problems... but I just really feel that I need the point of view of someone who isn't my sister, my best friend or my therapist. Or myself. Or I just need to vent. I don't even know.
I often find myself doubting if my boyfriend and I are right for each other, but also doubting my own doubts and I guess that's part of the reason why I'm in here.
The doubts will often be triggered by what I think are very real problems, and I don't feel like they are made up from nowhere.
However my problem is I just can't differentiate if the thought I'm having is exaggerated because I have a tendency to ruminate and catastrophise, or if I'm thinking about it because it's a real problem that is causing unhappiness in my relationship. Or it's a real problem but one that should be worked through and not worth breaking up over.
There are issues such as the following (and what I'm thinking about is... is this a "real" list of real problems that I'm experiencing or is it a list of reasons I have rOCD?):
compatibility in hobbies: my boyfriend, if he decides on how he wants to spend a whole free sunny day, he will likely spend the entire day in front of the computer from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to sleep. I will likely want to spend the day outside, or doing different activities, seeing people. We sometimes join each other in the other person's hobby, and it's not like this above example 100% of the time, but I feel like the discrepancy between how we actually want to spend our days if we didn't adapt to each other is too big.
compatibility in sex: I have a higher sex drive, and want to explore or use sex as a way to connect. He doesn't seem to want that or I don't see evidence of him trying to solve his own sexual problems that might be hindering sex for us. We've been talking it over hundreds of times during the years we've been together, taken courses on my initiative etc, but it's still an active problem and it's hurting my self esteem something horrific. Our non sexual intimacy however is great.
compatibility in energy levels: I really want to do a lot of things, but I often feel like I'm pulling teeth getting him to join in. I often feel as though he will do things for my sake only, because he knows it makes me happy. And thats ok, i do things only for his sake too. But as soon as the possibility to leave appears, from the event, the concert, the social gathering, the dinner, the time spent in the cabin, the forest etc., he will go for it and it always makes me so sad to feel like he doesn't actually want to be there.
compatability in terms of communication: I often feel hurt or annoyed since he communicates at what i feel is like a minimum and what he does communicate is what I've told him to communicate because I need it. Its not crazy things, it's like wanting him to let me know he's going to his parents for dinner that same day and won't eat at home, or is going dancing the same evening with a woman ive asked him to keep an open communication about. It's much better now but I feel like our differences in communicating have caused some of our biggest and longest periods of hurt and crisis in our relationship - in which I have been the one to openly suffer the most.
his health and enjoyment of life. From things he's said in the past I feel like his mental health is a problem and affecting all of the above, but I don't see him seeking help for it. He doesn't exercise, he might forget to eat. When I'm away or when we didnt live together he'd struggle to take care of himself and the home or do anything other than sit by his computer. When I come home he'll jump up and great me and suggest to cook or hang out. And it makes me so sad that maybe he wouldn't be thriving or doing any of that if he wasn't in a relationship that he puts in so much effort for.
I'm worried that my asking him to make changes will eventually make him unhappy or bring his self esteem down. Or that it already has. All the things that have improved our communication, sex life, division of household chores, etc. have come about because ive asked him to change... but how much can one person really ask the other to change and still claim to love them the way they are? I feel like I'm constantly asking for change. Maybe he could be with someone who accepts him the way he is, and thinking that makes me so sorrowful. He's really a beautiful person. I'm simultaneously feeling that the changes I'm making to bring us closer in terms of compatibility is causing me to not feel like I'm living my life to the fullest. Like spending more time at home, choosing screen time, spending less time at the events, social gatherings etc.
These thoughts have been with me in varying intensity from the beginning of our relationship. I don't doubt that I love him or that he loves me, we have a good life together but the thoughts keep occurring after seeing him again by the computer, coming home from work after he's had the day off and at home all day yet no chores have been done or he hasn't left his room. Feeling like I'm holding back my enjoyment or excitement for life because I know that he will not want to do as many things or stay for as long at the family event etc.
I recently suggested that he might have gaming addiction and it hurt him terribly. After now reading up on rOCD and fearing that I have it, I also fear that I'm hurting him with these allegations needlessly.
Maybe his computer use or mental health is in fact not a problem and I'm making him feel criticised for the way he is and what he likes to do.
Maybe it is a problem in that we want to do different things and i should face the fact that we're incompatible and break up even though I love him
Maybe all of the above is rOCD and I'm thinking about ending it with a guy I love because of made up thoughts and fears and I should instead go to even more therapy (been in therapy for about a year)
I just feel... lost, like whatever decision I make is somehow wrong for me. Staying feels wrong, not enough. Leaving feels wrong, and I fear that I'll regret leaving a great guy i love because he is (or maybe isnt?) depressed or doesn't enjoy life as much as I do.
Am I in the right forum? Am I making up that I have rOCD? Why can't I just trust my own feelings?
submitted by Southern_Glass3455 to ROCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:25 AlternativeNeck9206 Join

Novelah—Earn cash by reading on this free app. Use my invitation code 28721680 to get 30,000 points. Download now:
submitted by AlternativeNeck9206 to civic [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:25 Fine_Pineapple6984 I 21M need help

Hi everyone. I 21M have a few issues I need some help with. I’ve been battling with this for quite some time now, in fact now that I think about it I can’t even tell you when all of this started.
I’m an avid weed smoker - literally every day and am by definition a porn addict. I’ve been denying both of these facts for years now saying that I’ve got in check and maybe it’s normal or “not as bad as other people”. No one in my life knows where I’m at currently. I’ve always had a small circle of friends although I’ve always made acquaintances along the way like in school and university but have in recent years struggled to make close friends. I’ve had 2 friends whom I’ve considered to be my best friends but as the years went on we seem to have grown apart, I have almost no contact with them although one is in uni with me and we speak mainly about coursework but I’m almost certain I won’t even get birthday messages once we graduate. They’ve both made friends and have created their own circles in a sense which I think is perfectly normal and is actually good for them however I feel I was slowly just cut off which hurts but I mean it is what it is. Anyway it’s due to facts like this I feel I’m alone in my life. I feel if I were to switch my phone off for a week I’ll have nothing but emails and group chat messages when I switch it back on. I’m not sure how else to explain it but to give you some context my friends and I have all turned 21 this year and last year. For my birthday I invited 3 of my friends over for a dinner and we went out all three of them had big celebrations and I had no idea about it- in fact I only got a response to their birthday wishes the next day. It’s because of things like this I find it extremely hard to open up to any of them because I feel if I’m not even close enough for that I highly doubt there’ll be time to speak to me about anything like this properly I also run the risk of them telling their friend groups which has happened in the past - not for anything serious like this but enough to be put off you know.
I have been trying now for over 2 years to stop smoking weed and cigarettes and to stop watching porn but I simply haven’t made any progress. There’s been patches along the way where I cut down my usage of all of these Maybe not necessarily at the same time but I did and it was difficult. I struggle financially but somehow I just make it happen there’s been days where I’ve had an over drawn bank account and managed to smoke a ridiculous amount through those acquaintances and all sorts of tricks to make it same with cigarettes. I literally told myself today I’m abstaining and won’t do anything it’s been 1 and half hours since then and I’ve smoked weed, watched porn and had 2 cigarettes. This is the first Time I’m saying it but I have absolutely 0 control over my actions and it’s killing me.
I struggle to get out of bed every single day and 9 times of out 10 I smoke weed almost immediately. I’m extremely lonely (there’s a backstory in here about how I didn’t have phone for a little while but for now just understand after that period my social life has never been the same) I contemplate suicide almost everyday but eventually just get up and try to get on my with my day.
I’m studying engineering which is a very demanding course which doesn’t really afford me much free time. I haven’t had a relationship since high school and had one somewhat romantic relationship with one person whom I’ve known since I was 7. I didn’t work out because i was just so desperate for intimacy and attention I just fell short on every other aspect of a relationship I undoubtedly left her or some issues regarding relationships and I feel terrible for it. I’ve also developed crippling social anxiety- I struggle to speak to people I barely know and it’s become actually embarrassing( a while back I stayed at a friends house his sister and her boyfriend were there- the Sunday morning everyone was in the lounge and my friend asked me to come sit there and chat you know I spent almost 1 hour trying to force myself to get up and to there but just couldn’t eventually I did and by then they were all getting ready to shower and had been all over the house - it killed me inside)
I have absolutely no idea where to go from here and need some advice I can’t afford therapy but I feel even if I could I’d find some reason not to do it
Sorry for the long message I’ve been putting this off for a while lol
submitted by Fine_Pineapple6984 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:22 homeandsoul Small Space, Big Style: Decorating Tips for Compact Homes

Decorating a small space can be a delightful challenge. While it may seem that limited square footage restricts your ability to create a stylish and functional home, smart design choices and thoughtful decor can transform even the tiniest of spaces. Here are some practical tips to help you achieve big style in your compact home, incorporating elements like pouf seating, home decor items, and a black and white carpet.
1. Opt for Multifunctional Furniture
In small spaces, every piece of furniture needs to earn its keep. Choose multifunctional furniture that can serve more than one purpose. For example, a sofa bed can provide seating during the day and a comfortable place to sleep at night. Similarly, a coffee table with storage underneath can hold books, magazines, or even extra blankets.
Pouf Seating: Poufs are incredibly versatile and can be used as extra seating, footrests, or even side tables. Pouf seating is perfect for small spaces as it can be easily moved around and tucked away when not in use.
2. Use Light Colors to Open Up the Space
Light colors can make a room feel larger and more open. Opt for a palette of whites, creams, and light grays for your walls and larger furniture pieces. These colors reflect light, creating an airy and spacious feel.
Home Decor: Incorporate light-colored home decor items, such as sheer curtains, light wood furniture, and white shelving, to enhance the sense of space.
3. Incorporate Mirrors for a Visual Expansion
Mirrors are a classic trick for making small spaces appear larger. They reflect light and create the illusion of depth, making your space feel more open.
Place a large mirror on one of your walls or use mirrored furniture to achieve this effect. For instance, a mirrored coffee table or a wall-mounted mirror can work wonders in a small living room.
4. Choose a Cohesive Color Scheme
A cohesive color scheme helps to create a unified and harmonious look, which can make a small space feel more orderly and less cluttered. Stick to a limited palette of complementary colors to keep your decor streamlined.
Black and White Carpet: A black and white carpet can add a bold statement to your small space without overwhelming it. The contrast between the black and white can also add visual interest and depth, making the room feel more dynamic.
5. Maximize Vertical Space
When floor space is limited, look up! Utilize your vertical space by installing shelves, hanging plants, or using tall bookcases. This not only provides extra storage but also draws the eye upward, making the room feel taller.
Wall-mounted shelving units are ideal for displaying home decor items without taking up valuable floor space.
6. Create Zones for Different Activities
In a small home, it's important to create distinct zones for different activities, even if they all occur in the same room. Use rugs, furniture placement, and lighting to delineate areas for eating, lounging, and working.
For example, use a black and white carpet to define the living area, and place a pouf seating arrangement nearby for a cozy reading nook.
7. Keep It Clutter-Free
Clutter can quickly make a small space feel cramped and chaotic. Adopt a minimalist approach and keep only the essentials visible. Use storage solutions like baskets, bins, and ottomans with hidden storage to keep your belongings organized and out of sight.
Regularly declutter and only keep items that serve a purpose or bring you joy.
8. Add Personal Touches
Personal touches can make any space feel like home. Display a few meaningful decor items, such as family photos, travel souvenirs, or artwork that you love. Just be careful not to overdo it – in small spaces, less is often more.
Incorporate these personal items in a way that complements your overall decor. For instance, you might place a favorite photo on a shelf or hang a piece of art above a pouf seating area.
Decorating a small space requires creativity and thoughtful planning, but it can result in a stylish and functional home that feels much larger than it actually is. By choosing multifunctional furniture, using light colors, incorporating mirrors, maximizing vertical space, and keeping the area clutter-free, you can create a space that is both beautiful and practical. Don't forget to add personal touches and elements like pouf seating and a striking black and white carpet to give your compact home big style.
submitted by homeandsoul to u/homeandsoul [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:21 lRevenant Help with 10 free gifts. ASAP

⌚️Limited time! Let's invite our friends to earn Free Gifts.🎉
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submitted by lRevenant to Shein [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:17 Me_Sina I'm just overwhelmed

!!! Self harming and suicide thoughts trigger warning!!!
My Life has been going pretty downhill lately and I'm just scared because my thoughts keep getting back into the same very bad place as 1.5 - 2 years ago.
I should start with the fact that I live in Germany so some of my issues might seem silly for other people. I'm also 26 and born male but suffer under being genderfluid (M/TF) with no real option of living out my female part. A while ago i started studying in university (robotics) and i loved it, sadly it started right when covid struck so i was forced to do everything online what was a big problem for me. Back then i was living with my mom and had to use the family PC. As expected it didn't work out well and together with the pure strain of my own guilt for the failure, the pressure of my mom and extended family who didn't want to understand that studying longer than the estimate was normal especially during covid and an extreme amount of romantic issues that still mentally bother me to this day (fake suicide, a pregnant gf breaking up right after i grew attached to the unborn (biologically not mine) , catfishing and verbal abuse) all of these broke me and got me dangerously close to just ending it. I somehow struggled myself free with help from some therapists specifically for university students by their help getting me out of the apartment into a student dorm and telling me i shouldn't worry about student financing since they will understand my situation with depression and it hindering my progress significantly (i also have been retroactively diagnosed to have had depression for over 10 years back then. And for the year to two years it was much better. Then the ministry granting my student financing suddenly stopped paying without notice even though i uploaded the necessary half annually documents. They only contacted me after i was already missing a payment saying they needed a statement about my lack of progress in my studies, after writen that they suddenly demanded tons of documentations i would need to request, but only giving me half an month, demanding things like a statement from my therapist on how my depression hindered studying, something deeply Private. But the best, my therapist went into pension during that time, leaving no notice on how to reach him. It was too much i was crying every single day, thinking about cutting myself just so people finally understand that I'm suffering. I was sleepless, hungry and hopeless, every path seeming like a dead end. "Luckily" now i found a job that barely covers my bills but these negative thoughts won't go away. I'm tired. I still don't see Hope. I just want everything to end, to finally get some rest. The company treats me and our pre agreements like shit and I can't even seek professional help because the work times are just so short noticed and infrequent I can't make appointments and the moment I call in busy or sick i lose my job so I'm trapped here with my mind unable to seek help and i just really don't know how to keep going. I can't get financial support for workless because I'm enrolled full-time in university and even though I'm only studying half time i can only let that get changed in half an year because my therapists, that where specifically hired for university students told me absolut garbage and false informations to the point I missed the last chance. My other chance? Quiting university. But I can't do even that because the moment I do, i have to move out, and without an address i won't get the financial support. Moving in back with my mom is something out of option, she already drove me into near suicide once so my chances are hoping i survive my mental state for half an year, ending myself before i go homeless or ending myself because of my mother's constant tormenting.
Right now my days are what feels like an sole long nightmare. I try catching hope, looking forward to things and grapple from one to the next while looking in the mirror and hating myself. i only see an ugly tired boy and i hate it, i have thoughts of just smashing the window and and cutting over my entire face with it's shards. I see subways and imagine myself jumping in front of them, of jumping, of cutting, of how my body goes cold and i can finally rest. And I'm scared and angry and lonely.
I should say, while my thoughts are rather graphic i think I'm in no immediate danger, there are at least some things i learned from therapy after all but I really needed to let that out before it suffocates me.
submitted by Me_Sina to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:16 GuiltlessMaple Best Cute Planners

Best Cute Planners
Get ready to embark on a journey through the world of cute planners that will make your daily planning a delightful task! In this roundup article, we've compiled the most adorable and functional planners that will keep you organized and brighten your day. Whether you're a fan of floral prints or unicorns, our selection has something for everyone. So, come along and find your perfect planner companion!
Discover a variety of cute and stylish planners that cater to different needs and preferences. From compact agendas to spacious weekly planners, we've got you covered. Each planner boasts unique design elements, including beautiful illustrations and creative layouts that promise a fun and enjoyable organizing experience. Stay tuned as we explore the delightful realm of cute planners together!

The Top 19 Best Cute Planners

  1. Attractive LIFE&Style Planner by Leonie Hanne - Experience the transformative power of the Life & Style Planner by Leonie Hanne, combining intelligent change to guide you towards positive thinking, personal growth, and everyday happiness, all within a visually appealing light pink design.
  2. Cute 2024 Weekly Planner for Organizing Your Life - Rileys 2024 Weekly Planner – A beautiful, flexible cover cat planner with detailed monthly and weekly planning pages, perfect for keeping your schedule organized and your days productive.
  3. Deluxe 14-Month Academic Planner 2023-2024: 8.5"x11" Spiral Bound with Stickers and Pocket - Deluxe Academic Planner with 14 Tabbed sections, 5 Sticker Sheets, and 2023-2024 monthly, weekly, and daily planning options, designed to help you stay organized and on track.
  4. Essential Wedding Organizer Undated Planner - Get organized for your big day with this undated Wedding Plans Happy Planner, including 12 dividers and a comprehensive wedding timeline to make planning a breeze!
  5. Simple 7"x9" Monthly & Weekly Planner with Tabs - 2024 Essential 7×9 Planner with Tabs, features an easy-to-use minimalist design, offering 2 page monthly & weekly overviews, along with customizable daily columns for seamless scheduling and organization.
  6. MESMOS Daily Planner Notebook: To-Do List & Notes Organizer - MESMOS 120-day Undated Daily Planner Organizer: A stylish, high-quality productivity planner designed to help women and men manage their time, prioritize tasks, and stay inspired with daily affirmations and quotes.
  7. Marilyn Monroe-Inspired 12-Month Undated Planner - Unlock a touch of Marilyn Monroe's glamour and inspiration with this 12-month planner featuring weekly and monthly overviews, goal tracking, and captivating photographs to keep you motivated and organized.
  8. Dachshund Planner 2024: Cute Monthly Dog Agenda - The Dachshund Planner 2024 is a lovely and detailed 12-month agenda for organizing appointments, events, and your to-do list in a cute, dog-filled design.
  9. Stylish 2024 Floral Weekly Planner - Stay organized in style with the Paper Source 2024 Nouveau Floral 3 Tab Spiral Planner, featuring beautiful floral designs, weekly/monthly views, and note pages for planning your upcoming months seamlessly.
  10. Undated Planner for Women - 240 Pages - Don't miss a beat with Rileys & Co Undated Planner, a compact 140-day productivity spiral notebook that helps you prioritize, stay organized, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  11. Lavish Planner for 2023 - Gain control over your busy life with Amy Knapp's 2023 Very Busy Planner, an award-winning hardcover family organizer that has helped over half a million families achieve organization and balance.
  12. A5 Chestnut Vegan Leather 2024 Weekly Planner by Beechmore Books - This luxurious Weekly Planner by Beechmore Books combines the elegance of a hardcover, vegan leather-bound design with spacious A5 pages, perfect for jotting down your weekly plans and goals with ease and style.
  13. Stylish Modern Hide a Bed Chair - Introducing the 2023 Amy Knapp's The Very Busy Planner - a hardcover, 224-page organizer to help you juggle the chaos of daily life, crafted by the award-winning creator of the family organizer series.
  14. Daily Planner Notebook with Hourly Schedule, Priority, and To-Do Lists - Regolden-Book's Undated Daily Planner: Stylish Teal Design with Hourly Schedule, Daily Journal, Durable Twin-Wire Binding, Pen Holder, and Inner Pocket for Enhanced Organization.
  15. ZICOTO Daily Planner Notebook for Boosted Productivity - Introducing the Zicoto Daily Planner and Notebook - a visually appealing, undated to-do list that promotes efficient organization and planning to boost productivity, keep you focused on daily tasks, and improve your overall work-life balance.
  16. Lovely Planner for Notes & Daily Planning - 12-Month Undated - Stay organized and achieve your goals with the Happy Planner Plans + Notes Monthly Planner, featuring a 12-month undated planner, 9 sheet daily planner, 4 dividers, and 12 sticker sheets for customization.
  17. 2022 Daily Planner with Mind Map & Vision Board - Introducing the Papercode 2024 Leather Daily Planner - a stylish, undated planner to help you stay organized, track goals, and achieve success, with exclusive bonuses including stickers, an elegant gift box, and productivity eBooks.
  18. 2024 Rose Gold Floral Yearly Planner - Stay organized and express your style with the 2024 Bright Day Planner, featuring a stylish rose gold cover, flexible tabs, and a variety of pet, nature, and city designs. Perfect for gift-giving and staying on top of your busy life.
  19. 2024 Cute Notes, Tasks, Lists Planner with Durable Cotton-Blend Cover - Discover the ultimate 2024 planning companion! The Appointed Year Task Planner combines elegance and functionality with its multi-view design, weekly overview, space for lists, and sturdy cotton-blend cover.
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🔗Attractive LIFE&Style Planner by Leonie Hanne
I'm currently using the Life & Style Planner by Leonie Hanne from Intelligent Change and I must say, it's truly been a game-changer in organizing my daily life. The planner includes thoughtfully designed sections for planning your week, breaking it down into daily to-do lists and time blocks. One feature that's really stood out for me is the Gratitude and Affirmation section, which sets a positive tone for the day ahead. Plus, let's not forget how adorable it looks with its light pink cover!
The Paper quality, however, seems to be a common concern among users, with some feeling it could be improved to enhance the overall appearance and durability of the planner. Despite this minor drawback, users have found immense value in the planner's ease of use and ability to keep tasks organized.
Overall, this planner has helped me stay more organized, focused, and positive on a daily basis. As a product reviewer, I highly recommend giving the LIFE & Style Planner a try - it might just be your new favorite too!

🔗Cute 2024 Weekly Planner for Organizing Your Life
Experience the joy of organized planning with the Rileys 2024 Weekly Planner. With its cute cat design, flexible cover, twin-wire binding, and spacious page layouts, it's perfect for keeping track of your appointments, tasks, and goals. Its compact design and quality paper ensure that it fits your daily life perfectly, making it the perfect companion for staying organized.

🔗Deluxe 14-Month Academic Planner 2023-2024: 8.5"x11" Spiral Bound with Stickers and Pocket
As a recent convert to the world of planners, I can't express enough how much the Deluxe Academic Planner from Global Printed Products has changed my life. Its spacious format, filled with 8.5 x 11 inch pages, has made it easy for me to jot down every thought or appointment that comes to mind. The vibrant, fashionable design perfectly blends with my style, making each glance at it feel like a small treat.
One of the standout features of this planner is its durability. The sturdy cover and thick pages endure even the roughest of treatment, providing a reliable companion no matter how hectic my day becomes. And, of course, the planning stickers are an absolute joy to use. They add a personal touch to every entry, making me feel more connected with my plans and goals.
However, one feature that could use some improvement is the lack of space for extra notes. While the daily planner section is comprehensive, I find myself needing a little extra room for brainstorming or recording miscellaneous thoughts.
In conclusion, the Deluxe Academic Planner from Global Printed Products offers a fashionable and functional solution for organizing my daily life. Its clever design elements and durability make it a worthwhile investment, although a bit more room for personalized notes would be a welcome improvement.

🔗Essential Wedding Organizer Undated Planner

As the wedding bells rang, I knew I had to get myself an organizational tool to ensure that everything went smoothly on my special day. That's when I came across the undated Wedding Plans Happy Planner. This gem of a planner included 12 dividers, making it easy for me to compartmentalize different aspects of my wedding, from the invitations to the honeymoon.
What I enjoyed most about this planner was the detailed wedding timeline and checklist. It helped me stay on track and ensured that I didn't miss out on any crucial details. The dimensions of 7" x 9" made it easy to carry around in my bag, perfect for planning on-the-go.
One downside was that the pages weren't all that durable, and they started to wear out after a few uses. However, the disc-bound system made it easy for me to add and remove pages, which allowed me to personalize my planner according to my needs.
In conclusion, the Wedding Plans Happy Planner helped me keep all my wedding plans together, and the undated format gave me the flexibility to plan my special day at my own pace. If you're looking for a cute planner to help you organize your wedding, this one might just be the perfect match!

🔗Simple 7"x9" Monthly & Weekly Planner with Tabs
I've been using the "Efficient 14 Month Planner" for about a month now, and I can confirm that it's been a game changer in keeping my schedule tidy and organized. The layout is clean and easy to navigate, with ample space for each day's appointments and tasks.
One of the standout features for me is the 'Hourly Scheduling' column for each day. Given the unpredictable nature of my schedule, this has been a life saver in keeping track of all my time slots. I also appreciating the 'Flex Space' provided, which gives me some elbow room to jot down any additional notes or reminders.
The minimalist design is also a major plus. I find that the streamlined layout helps me focus on what's important instead of getting overwhelmed by an overly complex visual. Plus, the paper quality is spot on - not too glossy nor too thin.
On the downside, I wish the binding was a bit sturdier. While it holds up well enough, it does have a tendency to loosen the pages slightly after a lot of flipping back and forth. Still, this certainly doesn't detract from the overall utility and design of the planner.

🔗MESMOS Daily Planner Notebook: To-Do List & Notes Organizer
I recently stumbled upon the MESMOS Undated Daily Planner and it has completely changed how I approach my daily tasks. Its compact size and beautiful zen design make it a perfect partner for my on-the-go lifestyle. As someone who often juggles multiple projects, I've found that the daily goal section on each page helps me prioritize my tasks and focus on what really matters. Plus, starting each day with a gratitude entry or an inspirational quote really sets a positive tone right from the start.
What I particularly admire about this planner is its resilience. The hard cover and premium quality paper ensure that my daily entries are safe and secure, even when I'm stuffing it in and out of my bag. However, like every other product, it does have its downsides. For instance, the spiral binding may take some getting used to if you're not used to it.
Despite this minor inconvenience, I've found that the MESMOS daily planner has greatly enhanced my productivity and organizational skills. It's not just a place to jot down my to-dos, but also a tool to help me navigate my daily tasks with ease and confidence. If you're in search of a stylish and functional daily planner, I would definitely recommend giving the MESMOS Undated Daily Planner a shot!

🔗Marilyn Monroe-Inspired 12-Month Undated Planner
Living with Marilyn Monroe's charm and spunk became a reality for me when I started using this undated planner. The sleek and stylish cover, coupled with the beautiful full-color and black-and-white photographs throughout, made me feel like I was carrying a piece of Hollywood glamor with me every day. The undated weekly and monthly overviews are an organized way of keeping track of appointments and dates, while the goal-tracking and to-do list pages help me stay on top of my daily tasks.
The one thing that could have been improved is the ribbon marker, which feels a bit flimsy compared to the rest of the planner's high-quality design. Overall, this Marilyn Monroe planner has been a delightful companion in my daily life.

🔗Dachshund Planner 2024: Cute Monthly Dog Agenda
Oh boy, do I have a fun product to share with you for the new year! The Dachshund Planner 2024 is the perfect companion for anyone looking to stay organized and on top of their schedule. It's like having a cute little assistant, always reminding you of important dates and events.
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why a dachshund? " Well, let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time, I decided that I needed some serious help with my daily scheduling. I was overwhelmed by all the clutter in my life, both physically and mentally. That's when I stumbled upon this adorable planner.
The moment I opened it up, I fell in love with the cute puppy illustrations and the beautiful pink hearts sprinkled throughout. It felt more like a friend than a planner. And the best part? It actually made me want to use it!
Each page is thoughtfully designed to help me keep track of everything from appointments to birthdays to important meetings. Plus, it has a dedicated section for family events and medical visits, which is perfect for those of us who (like me) sometimes forget to call the dentist.
One thing I've noticed is that the paper is thicker than your average planner, which means no pesky bleed-through from ballpoint pens. Yay!
The only downside I've experienced so far is that there aren't any stickers or cute extras included with the planner, but I can easily find those online or at a nearby stationery store. Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with my Dachshund Planner 2024. It's cute, practical, and helps me keep my life together in a stylish way. So why not give it a try and see what all the fuss is about?

🔗Stylish 2024 Floral Weekly Planner
I've been using the 2024 Nouveau Floral planner from Paper Source for a few weeks now, and I must say, I'm absolutely in love with it! This planner is not only functional but also beautifully designed with a chic floral touch. The spiral binding and elastic band closure make it easy to flip through the pages and keep everything secure.
One feature that really stood out to me was its weekly and monthly views. These allowed me to plan out my week in detail while also not losing sight of the bigger picture for the month. I also appreciated the inclusion of note pages for me to jot down important information or reminders.
However, there are a few things that could have made this planner even better. For instance, I wish there were some stickers or colorful page dividers included to make it feel more personalized. Additionally, the paper quality could be improved as I found it to be a tad flimsy, especially when using pens with ink that tends to bleed through.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the 2024 Nouveau Floral planner from Paper Source has proven to be a valuable companion in keeping my life organized and on track. If you're looking for a stylish and functional planner to help you stay productive, this one is definitely worth considering!

🔗Undated Planner for Women - 240 Pages
I recently purchased Rileys & Co Undated Planner to help me keep track of my daily tasks and stay organized. Right away, I appreciated its compact size that fits perfectly in my bag. As someone who loves all things cute, I was thrilled with the colorful cover design, giving it an appealing appearance.
This planner excels at helping me prioritize my day. With its dedicated sections for meal planning and fitness goals, I've been able to incorporate healthier habits into my routine. It's not just about productivity; being able to look back at daily achievements has boosted my morale and self-esteem.
However, one small con I experienced was that the ink occasionally bled through the pages when I wrote too hard. But overall, this planner has significantly improved my daily planning and brought more structure to both my personal and professional life. If you're seeking a cute and functional planner to help optimize your daily routine, this certainly fits the bill!

🔗Lavish Planner for 2023
As a busy mom, I was ecstatic when I stumbled upon the 2023 Amy Knapp's Very Busy Planner. This hardback planner has truly made my life easier and more productive. The moment I flipped through its 224 pages, I was instantly hooked by the adorable and colorful illustrations that just made planning feel less like a chore.
One of the standout features of this planner is its spacious layout, which allows me to jot down important dates, appointments, and deadlines without feeling cramped. Plus, the planner also offers weekly to-do lists - a game changer for someone like me who thrives on checking things off a list.
On the cons side, the size of the planner could be a little too bulky for some to carry around. However, this is a minor inconvenience compared to the overall benefits this planner provides.
All in all, the 2023 Amy Knapp's Very Busy Planner is a fantastic addition to any family who wants to stay organized and on top of their busy lives. With its eye-catching design and meticulous layout, it's no wonder why it's been helping families stay organized since 1999. It has definitely become a must-have in our household!

🔗A5 Chestnut Vegan Leather 2024 Weekly Planner by Beechmore Books
I have to say, I've been using this Weekly Planner by Beechmore Books, and it has been an absolute game-changer for me. The hardcover is super sturdy, and the chestnut brown vegan leather is just so chic and elegant.
What has really stood out for me is the extra thick, 120gsm cream paper. It's a dream to write on, without any ink bleeding through. Plus, the A5 size makes it perfect for carrying around all day.
However, I do wish the cover had a little more protection against scratches. Overall, I can't recommend the Weekly Planner by Beechmore Books enough.
It has certainly made my life a lot easier and more organized.

🔗Stylish Modern Hide a Bed Chair
I've been using Amy Knapp's The Very Busy Planner for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a game changer in keeping my life on track. As a busy mom with a hectic schedule, this planner has helped me stay organized and on top of everything. The first thing that caught my eye was its unique and playful design. It's not your average planner that looks boring and dull. This one has cute illustrations and a cheerful color palette that instantly brightens up your day.
The planner is hardback, which makes it durable and easy to carry around. The pages are quite thick, reducing the chances of ink bleeding through to the next page. I also appreciate how Amy included ample space to write down daily tasks, appointments, and reminders. This has helped me prioritize my day effectively and avoid missing any important events.
Another feature that stood out was the monthly overview that comes before each monthly calendar. It provides a bird's-eye view of the entire month, allowing me to plan ahead and ensure I haven't overbooked myself. Additionally, there are goal setting sections in the planner, encouraging me to set both short-term and long-term goals and track progress towards achieving them.
However, one area where I think the planner could use some improvement is in its size. At 6 x 1.5 x 8.38 inches, it can sometimes be a little unwieldy to carry around in smaller bags. Nonetheless, the benefits of using this planner far outweigh this minor inconvenience.
In conclusion, Amy Knapp's The Very Busy Planner has made my life so much easier in terms of organization and planning. Its quirky design, useful features, and high-quality construction make it a reliable companion on my journey towards achieving my goals and living a more organized life.

🔗Daily Planner Notebook with Hourly Schedule, Priority, and To-Do Lists
Using the Regolden-Book Daily Planner has truly been a game-changer in keeping my life organized and on track. The Teal cover with gold stamping adds a touch of elegance and makes it a pleasure to use daily. The undated format allows me to start using it at any time, and the weekly layout is perfect for keeping track of appointments and daily tasks.
The thick 150gsm paper not only gives ample writing space but also prevents ink bleeding through, ensuring a clean and professional look. The sturdy golden wire binding enables smooth page-turning and 360-degree lay-flat ability, which is incredibly convenient for writing on the go.
One feature that I particularly appreciate is the attached inner pocket in the back, which holds various loose items like lists, tickets, and important notes. And of course, the pen holder ensures that I always have a writing instrument handy.
Overall, the Regolden-Book Daily Planner has improved my time management skills and productivity. Its useful layout and premium quality make it an excellent choice for anyone in need of a reliable and stylish planner.

Buyer's Guide

When choosing a cute planner, several features should be considered. Pay attention to the size and layout that best suits your needs. Some people prefer larger planners with more space for detailed planning, while others prefer smaller ones that are easy to carry around. Additionally, consider the cover design, as this is usually the first thing you see when using your planner.

Considerations for Cute Planner Materials
The material of the planner affects its durability and how well it will hold up with frequent use. Some planners are made with high-quality leather or vegan leather, while others are made with more affordable materials like polypropylene or fabric. Consider your budget and how long you expect to use the planner when choosing the right material for you.

Tips for Organizing Your Cute Planner

  1. Use color-coding to make information easy to find and visually appealing.
  2. Consider using stickers, washi tape, or other decorative elements to add personal touches and make your planner more enjoyable to use.
  3. Regularly review your planner and update goals and priorities as needed to stay on track with your objectives.

General Advice for Choosing a Cute Planner

Before making your purchase, read reviews from other users to gain insight into the planner's quality and usability. Be sure to compare prices and features across multiple brands to ensure you are getting the best value for your money. Finally, prioritize choosing a planner that aligns with your personal style and preferences, as this will increase the likelihood of maintaining a regular and effective planning routine.


What are the features of cute planners?

Cute planners come in various shapes, sizes, and formats, including daily, weekly or monthly layouts. They often have colorful designs, cute illustrations, and fun themes. Many include helpful features like goal setting sections, stickers, and space for doodles or notes.

How do I choose the best cute planner for me?
Consider your needs and preferences. Do you prefer a daily, weekly, or monthly layout? Do you need extra space for notes or doodles? Do you have specific goals you'd like to track with your planner? Also, think about the size that will be most practical for you, and what kind of designs appeal to you.

What materials are used in making cute planners?

Cute planners are usually made from paper, card, or synthetic materials such as polypropylene or vinyl. The covers can be made from a variety of materials, from simple laminated paper to more robust and luxurious materials like leather or faux leather.

What is the difference between a daily, weekly, and monthly planner layout?

  • Daily planners: These offer a detailed daily overview where you can write about everything you need to do for each specific day. They're great for those who need detailed planning.
  • Weekly planners: These provide a weekly view, where you can see your entire week at a glance. They're suitable for people who need a general idea of their week but not as detailed as a daily planner.
  • Monthly planners: These give an overall view of the entire month. They're perfect for those who prefer a big-picture view of their schedule and commitments.

How can I personalize my cute planner?

There are many ways to make your planner more personal. Some people like to keep it simple with stickers or decorative tapes. Others go all out and decorate with washi tape, cutouts, and other embellishments. You can also use colored pens or pencils to fill in your calendar or write notes.

How do I care for my cute planner?

To care for your planner, keep it away from water and other potential sources of damage. When not in use, keep it in a safe place where it won't get crushed. Some planners have protective covers, which can help keep your planner clean and safe from damage.

Where can I buy cute planners?

Cute planners are widely available, both in-store and online. You can find them at bookstores, stationery stores, and even some gift shops. Online, you can buy planners from retailers like Amazon, Etsy, or direct from the manufacturer's website.

How much do cute planners usually cost?

The cost of a cute planner can vary greatly depending on the size, quality, and design of the planner. Basic models can cost as little as $5, while more elaborate or high-quality planners can cost upwards of $50 or more. Most planners fall within the $10-$30 range.

How do I effectively use a cute planner?

To make the most of your cute planner, use it regularly. Write down important appointments, deadlines, and goals. Use the stickers, decorations, or other features to remind you of important tasks or celebrate accomplishments. And always keep it handy - having your planner with you will help you stay organized and on track.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:16 Rollito1126 Unmarried Partner Visa APPROVED (cohabitated only 5 months)

Hi everyone, I want to share my good news with everyone in this subreddit which was so useful throughout my application process.
Background of my application: Me (Peruvian - 32) and my partner (British - 32) have been together since Dec 2021. I came to the UK in 2021 on a student visa and then got a job and changed to a skilled worker visa in 2022. We met when I was still a postgraduate student, and I moved to his city for my new job. We didn't live together then because I needed to live close to my job, and to be honest before I moved there, we had only spent weekends together while I was studying, and we didn't feel ready yet to move in together. In Dec 2022, on our first year anniversary, we decided that we were ready to live together; we were already spending most of the week at each other's places. The only obstacle for us was that my flatmate didn't want to move out until the end of our lease, and I wanted to keep that flat, so we waited. My flatmate only moved out in Dec 2023 and that's when my partner moved in.
Some important details:
These are the documents we presented:
Because we have only been living together for five months, our proof of cohabitation only covered that period. It was a challenge to find documents for every one of those months that were addressed to my partner since he was the one moving in, and he wasn't the best at changing his address right away on everything.
I think that the Home Office wants to see that it is a proper relationship akin to marriage. I will never know, but it may be a factor that I was switching from a skilled worker visa, and I had been paying taxes, but this is just a guess not based on anything.
Hopefully, this will help someone.
submitted by Rollito1126 to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:15 Fearless_Heat_579 AITA for not letting my dad watch my graduation?

Hello! This is my first time doing this sort of thing, so I’m sorry if there’s some parts that are worded weirdly. Anyways, I (17F) is graduating from high school tomorrow, I have all my requirments and fees paid such as my tickets, diploma, and my cap/gown. I was really excited about this because this was a one time event for everyone. Now, they gave us five tickets, i knew who to invite so there wasn’t any problem, the school also said anyone can also live stream my graduation, I was excited and told my long distant friends and grandparents. That’s when my father comes in the story.
Before all of this, my father has been cheating on my mom ever since she was pregnant with me. I always thought he was the sweetest father, and defended him when my mom kicked him out. However, the reason she kicked him out wasn’t because he was cheating, he had sexually assaulted my aunt and blamed it on her because of what she was wearing. My mom had enough.
After kicking him out, my mother didn’t keep him away from me, as she saw how much I loved him, I was eight at this time, so she let me go to his apartment, spend the night with him, go to the park, etc. I was having the time of my life, until he moved away to another state and never contacted me again.
Several years go by, and i hadn’t heard anything from him, my mom gave him my number but he rarely contacts me. The only love he was giving me was buying me stuff on Amazon, I didn’t want to sound ungrateful, but my mom said he could put in more effort cause all he’s doing is gift-giving. He didn’t really make the time to call/text me for certain holidays either such as my birthday/christmas/thanksgiving. But acts offended when I don’t wish him a happy birthday???
I also found out he has another wife and two more kids, which make me feel hurt cause I was his first ever daughter and he treated them so well and did all the things I couldn’t do with him.
When I heard about my fathers actions from my mother, I was shocked, disgusted, and guilty, for defending such a man. But she said it was not my fault because I was young at the time. My mom also said she made several mistakes that took a toll on her life, but she grew to be a better person without him.
At first, I didn’t want to let my father go to my graduation because my aunt would be there as well, but my mom said that my aunt is a strong woman and he won’t have anything to say. I still objected into letting him come to my graduation and she respects my wishes.
Two days before my graduation, my father texted me that he won’t be at my graduation because he couldn’t, financially and that he wants the link to watch my graduation. I was mad on the other hand that he had all the time in the world to tell me if he was going or not, and two days before wasn’t it. But, I said yes, but he told me to “Please try” that made me feel angry. So I made a long message, talking about that it’s funny and sad how he wants me to try but he barley puts in the effort to love me himself, that this is embarrassing on his part and I don’t expect him to do better because this is not the first time he has done something like this, but I forgave him over and over again because he was my dad and I loved him. And that my own mother has to remind him to text me, and he “doesn’t want to bother me” which made me mad because I’m not a girlfriend or a fling, I’m his daughter and having to put in the effort to contact him even though that is not my job as a child. I also told him not to blame my mom for this either because I knew what kind of person he was.
After I sent that text, he told me he will leave me alone and that I put my mother on this pedestal. I was angry, not only because he wasn’t begging or at least trying after I sent that message. But because he likes to use the past to blames my moms actions and decisions to make his reasons valid when he can’t have anything to say in the present. I asked him why he was blaming her and that him leaving me alone feels like he was ready to let me go.
He told me he didn’t want to argue and that he’s asking to watch my graduation and that he’s getting shitted on. I told him that was real nice because I’m not a whole doormat to him anymore, he knew I would forgive him if he couldn’t keep his promises so he expected me to be okay with this now. But I’m not.
I told him he won’t be watching my graduation and he just told me good luck and congratulations. I feel hurt that he wasn’t trying or realizing that this wasn’t a game and that I had feelings too. But I couldn’t let myself be hurt over and over again. My mom told me that I’m valid for saying how I feel and being a doormat or a pushover is not a way to go through life. I was trying not to cry but my mom comforted me, and I’m grateful because I have a loving family to watch me achieve my dream and diploma.
But AITA??
submitted by Fearless_Heat_579 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:14 DeadZFrame My gf[22F] told me[23M] that I'm not interested in her in past two months and said that I don't showing affection to her as I used to be. She thinks I'm not in love anymore but that's not true. How can I make her feel loved again?

Her and me are from the same highschool and we started dating 6 years ago but I was so inexperienced and immature in romantic relationships. We did not communicate well or show affection to each other because we were so shy. Despite these our first meeting was so cute. We watched Guardians of the Galaxy together in cinema and I made a playlist from movies tracks. For me it was a little gift bu she still remembers it to this day. We have fallen apart before so long. But I was still feeling the chemistry with her and I was wondering if I was better what would have happened. She never left my mind till then.
We didn't see each other for 5 years. 6 months ago I had the courage to text her and invite her for a date. She accepted. 1 month later we had our first kiss. That day was a huge emotional blast for both of us. I couldn't sleep for several nights and I was longing her to be with me. She was so cute so beautiful and full of love. I was thinking about her all the time. I was falling in love. We continued to dating. We texted everyday every moment. She became like my most adorable part of my life. We couldn't get enough of each other, she was wild and I was wild.
At first, I was thinking the relationship is mostly physical but then we started to become more emotionally attached to each other. In the last 2 or 3 months I felt that she became less interested in physical intimacy. Yesterday I decided to address this to her and she said that I prioritize physical intimacy lately. She said that she don't feel loved anymore, that I don't talk too much and she feels like only she puts the effort in relationship. But I feel so much love and intimacy to her, maybe sometimes I can't show it. But it makes me so sad that I make her feel that way. I'm also very confused to hear these from her because I was feeling like everything is so good. I have never let her be alone, I leave her to home after dates, I give small gifts and I show affection all the time when we are next to each other. She said that she is very tired of giving and not getting much from me and she don't know what to do anymore to please me.
I want to add that she has serious past traumas and she didn't get much love from her family in the past. I think that's an important consideration while replying to my this topic. I love my girlfriend and my love to her did not decrease one bit. I want her to be happy. I'm happy when she is happy.
Please feel free to ask for any clarification :)
submitted by DeadZFrame to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:12 Sweet-Count2557 Coral Lane Guesthouse in Huraa Island, Maldives

Coral Lane Guesthouse in Huraa Island, Maldives
Coral Lane Guesthouse in Huraa Island, Maldives
Coral Lane Guesthouse: A Tranquil Oasis in Huraa Island, Maldives Discover the Perfect Escape in Paradise
Price Level:
Hotel Class: 0
Coral Lane Guesthouse: A Tranquil Oasis in Huraa Island, MaldivesNestled in the heart of the breathtaking Huraa Island in the Maldives, Coral Lane Guesthouse offers a truly unforgettable experience for travelers seeking a tranquil oasis. This charming boutique hotel boasts a prime location, just a stone's throw away from the pristine white sandy beaches and crystal-clear turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean. With its warm and welcoming atmosphere, Coral Lane Guesthouse provides a perfect blend of comfort and luxury, making it an ideal choice for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether you're seeking a romantic getaway or a family vacation, this hidden gem promises to deliver an unforgettable stay with its well-appointed rooms, attentive staff, and a range of amenities designed to cater to your every need. From relaxing by the poolside to exploring the vibrant marine life through snorkeling or diving excursions, Coral Lane Guesthouse offers a myriad of activities to ensure a memorable stay in this tropical paradise. Book your stay at Coral Lane Guesthouse today and embark on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation in the idyllic setting of Huraa Island.
Amenities of Coral Lane Guesthouse in Huraa Island, Maldives
Coral Lane Guesthouse in Huraa Island, Maldives offers a range of amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for its guests. The guesthouse provides spacious and well-appointed rooms with modern amenities such as air conditioning, flat-screen TVs, and free Wi-Fi. Guests can also take advantage of the on-site restaurant, which serves delicious local and international cuisine. For those looking to relax and unwind, the guesthouse offers a beautiful outdoor swimming pool and a sun terrace with loungers. Additionally, Coral Lane Guesthouse provides a 24-hour front desk, laundry services, and airport transfers to make guests' stay as convenient as possible.
Contact of Coral Lane Guesthouse in Huraa Island, Maldives
Coral Lane, 08050

Location of Coral Lane Guesthouse in Huraa Island, Maldives
Pictures of Coral Lane Guesthouse in Huraa Island, Maldives
Tips for Staying in Coral Lane Guesthouse
Keep the room clean and tidyOpen the windows for fresh airTurn off lights and electronics when not in useUse curtains or blinds to control sunlightKeep the temperature comfortableOrganize belongings and avoid clutterUse air fresheners or plants for a pleasant smellKeep noise levels downLock doors and windows for securityReport any maintenance issues promptly
Reviews of Coral Lane Guesthouse in Huraa Island, Maldives
Book Coral Lane Guesthouse Now !!!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:10 DasallmaechtigeJ Work on my farm for free while I‘m on vacation in Europe!

Work on my farm for free while I‘m on vacation in Europe!
I love how she frames you managing her entire farm for 2 weeks for free as a great learning opportunity.
submitted by DasallmaechtigeJ to ChoosingBeggars [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:09 fercreek Any good free template for Rails 7 with Tailwind/Bootstrap?

I'm looking for recommendations for good free Rails 7 templates that use either Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap. I want to use a modern, responsive design template to start quickly.
Please let me know if you know of any good free templates or have experience with specific ones. I would greatly appreciate your suggestions!
Thanks in advance!
good free Rails 7 templates
submitted by fercreek to rails [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:02 RiSkeAkagAy Oh look! More redesigns!

I'll start off by saying that I rarely draw animals. I know little to nothing about birds. I tried my best with Lucent's bird form (and it's a lot better than the first design I made years ago), but it's not great, I know, please don't be harsh :')
Anyway! Time for an introduction! 1. Sakura, the beautiful and fashionable plant monster, who makes her own clothing out of hand-grown plants! She's nourishing herself and her clothes with some nice, fresh, cold water. What do you mean humans don't shower in their clothes? Those need washing too, right? (She lived 88 years of her life in a forest, and even now that she lives with the family, she has no idea what a washing machine is)
  1. Lucent, the fabulous and mighty phoenix! This drawing in particular was inspired by Mustii's performance and song for ESC 2024. It's also what made me decide to change Lucent's nationality from French to Belgian (from Wallonia, to be specific). He looks mighty and strong, and works hard for his muscles, but in reality he's a big softie and he's very feminine, no one knows why he keeps training for a masculine look. Everyone agrees he looks good tho.
  2. Lucent in his bird form. That's it. That's the explanation. /j. He uses his bird form to get around real fast. Before he moved in with the OC family, he lived in a forest in a high-up tree house. To protect himself from the hunters at least a little, he gave it no ladder, so he just flies up to the tree house to get in. The humans would love to have him as a hunting trophy, and they nearly got him one time, but that's when two members of the family found him with the hunters, so they fought them off and took Lucent home to take care of him. He's a big guy as a bird, a little over 3 meters with a wingspan of over 6 meters, but as a person he's short. He's only around 1,68 meter.
  3. Celeste, the gloomy, shy ghost of a fairy, who tries her best to be happy and give herself a second chance, but she just struggles with herself sometimes. She's looking at a bouquet that represents her favourite people in her life, who give her the strength to keep trying. Her children Cedar and Pervinca, and her partner Cherry! She loves them so much and they all truly make her happy, but when she thinks about them too much, she gets sad again because she thinks she doesn't deserve them. She absolutely does, though. She's one of the sweetest, most patient characters of mine!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the art! And people who draw birds, please feel free to give me advice🙏🙏
submitted by RiSkeAkagAy to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:02 JobAc7496 Need help with job search

Hi, all! I visited NL for a few days recently, and loved the country. I have some family there as well.
I started learning Dutch a few months ago, and I’m looking for relevant jobs.
Brief background: I’m from India, below 30 years of age. I have a bachelors in commerce, training in financial markets, and an MBA from one of the top institutes. I have only 3 years of professional work experience though.
Since January; I have applied to numerous jobs, reached out to numerous recruiters of all kinds, and so far I don’t have even 1 interview invitation.
Please share any tips, advice, information on what I could do to better my chances of even getting an interview.
Thank you!
submitted by JobAc7496 to TheHague [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:01 JobAc7496 Need help with job search

Hi, all! I visited NL for a few days recently, and loved the country. I have some family there as well.
I started learning Dutch a few months ago, and I’m looking for relevant jobs.
Brief background: I’m from India, below 30 years of age. I have a bachelors in commerce, training in financial markets, and an MBA from one of the top institutes. I have only 3 years of professional work experience though.
Since January; I have applied to numerous jobs, reached out to numerous recruiters of all kinds, and so far I don’t have even 1 interview invitation.
Please share any tips, advice, information on what I could do to better my chances of even getting an interview.
Thank you!
submitted by JobAc7496 to Utrecht [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:00 SIModerator Rant, Rave, Request, and Relate Daily Thread - Thursday, May 23, 2024

This is the place for people to share, voice opinions, ask for advice, and connect about almost anything and everything, both related to the experience of secondary infertility and not, that is not directly connected to the acts of trying to conceive (e.g., tracking, testing, treatment, results, etc.). Things like parenting advice, difficulties with age gap, insensitive comments you had to endure, job stress, partner interactions, how you find rest and relaxation, and so much more.
The idea for this daily compared to our other daily (Trying, Tracking, and Treatment Daily Thread) is that there is always a place for members of our community to engage and interact that doesn't require exposure to TTC content. There are many situations why people struggling with secondary may need a break from such content, such as being medically benched, miscarriage, stopped trying to add to their families, and just experienced success, and whether you need a break or not, here's the thread for things you want to connect about that is TTC-free. Let's chat!
submitted by SIModerator to SecondaryInfertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:59 OkAmbassador6628 Those going NC, how is that for you?

I guess I’m just curious and wanted to share my experience so far (a few months NC now) . I’m going NC with my entire family. My mother is my primary abuser, my father was never around. Everyone else watched and did nothing. In my opinion if you watched the abuse and did nothing, you’re just as guilty. In my case, everyone around me watched my mother neglect me and didn’t call CPS. So I have no one now. No grandparents, cousins, etc. All out of my life.
Anyways, I feel guilt and shame some days, other days I think I made the best decision of my life.
Feel free to share your experience, that would be helpful. 🙏
submitted by OkAmbassador6628 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:59 Ready-to-give-up103 AITAH for what I did?

Ok this happened tonight and I really need some advice on what to do. I have a love hate relationship with my sister but I have so much frustration with my family and definitely have anger issues. I am always mistreated and bullied as the youngest and nothing is ever fair.
Tonight I got in a fight with my sister, I’m not going to leave out any details but I want advice on what I can do to just not go and murder her. I just want some honest opinions of what I should have done differently I guess and if anyone thinks it’s completely my fault.
Setting the scene: Me F15 walked into living room/kitchen sister F17 was sitting on couch (this is prime spot on couch to watch TV nothing else is better for the view but no other difference) she is on her phone doing nothing else. I boil the kettle and make 2 minute noodles in ceramic bowl (this is relevant for later) I ask her politely to move to the other couch so I can watch TV (I haven’t had the TV for a few days since she has been watching a show with mum) there is nothing to indicate hostility and is completely reasonable bc it won’t affect her, ‘no’ mother is sitting down and I gesture for her to ask her since I had 0% chance of getting a yes bc she’s EXTREMELY petty. It goes back and forth and I decide to suck it up and sit on the other couch to watch and eat my food. I call her a selfish asshole a few times (slightly raised voice clearly pissed off but not in the mood to go and punt her, yet) and turn on the TV. She waits till I start eating then gets up stands between me and the TV and starts full on screaming in my face saying I’m in the wrong, my response ‘you’re not in the right! - said calmly, not yelling back. She goes for my bowl trying to get me to spill (hot water and noodles over me and the couch, I have better reflex’s and use my feet to keep her away, she hits my arm (very bruised now) then grabs a metal air refresher can (closest weapon) and throws it in my face then arm. I start yelling at my mother and try to defend my self not doing anything towards her, she walk behind the couch and I get up both still yelling, she reaches down and spills my food trying to then break my bowl by hitting me , she done fucked up, I grab pillows (soft squishy pillows not a metal weapon) and frisbee then at her while she walk out of the room (they both miss) I start to run after her but she is gone, this is where I overload, I go back to the kitchen a few meters away from the couch, grab the biggest knife from the knife stand and hold it above my head saying I’m going to kill her to my mother, something I have thought at every argument but always not expressed. I stab the knife down on the chopping board and run to my room slam the door and cry for a solid 2 hours still wanting to murder people. Then yell at my mother any time she thinks she can come in and pretend everything is fine and I am to blame for everything. Then thought I need strangers to tell me how to handle the situation and my anger so please, please. (Feel free to be painfully honest if I’m in the wrong)
submitted by Ready-to-give-up103 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:58 ReasonableDistance80 How did it go when your girlfriend kept you as a secret?

So there's this girl I've met a month ago, we've been having sex daily since then, she gets jealous, tells me she loves me, all the shebang
But here's the catch, she doesn't wanna tell me about her family/friends etc, she won't invite me over to her place even tho i asked her to, basically she keeps me a secret and keeps talking about "when we'll break up..."
I thought that it's because im out of her league and she thinks that I'll leave her, could this be the case or im just getting played?
submitted by ReasonableDistance80 to AskMen [link] [comments]