Food specification


2021.10.03 18:54 MusicFromGeorgia

A place where you can share and discuss anything related to Georgian music.

2024.06.04 22:43 ThrowRA_Some_Food123 How do I (36M) make my wife (38F) tell me who is sending food to her at her workplace on an daily basis?

TLDR; Wife started constantly showing off to me that "someone" sends food to her at her workplace from expensive places, on an almost daily basis, and doesn't want to tell me who it is. She knows I wont mind if she tells me she's ordering for herself, but she denies it.
Details? This is a first, since in 10 years together there hasn't been a single "jealously" induced fight since neither of us are of the jealous type. I was cheated pretty bad by another person, she knows this and knows I'm insecure about it, so we both are pretty open about our friends and families to avoid misunderstandings between us, till she started to get all secretive with this specific matter.
She stopped eating the food I cook for her because "someone" pays for her food now. The catch? There aren't any co-workers in her office. She does consultation at her own little one-person place and everything else is managed off-site by the company she's working for.
Now, why I'm making a big deal out of it? It was not a big deal till it was; I was super happy for her because maybe some client were so satisfied with the service that they sent her food in grattitude. It was a bimonthly occurence at best and she used to tell me e.g. "HEY! this client sent me some starbucks! NICE!" or "wow other client's mother made me a sandwich and some jello!", but then it became bi-weekly and then she stopped "knowing" who sent her the now expensive food, and nowadays it's daily; she always returns my food to me when she gets home, gone all bad because she didn't eat any. I don't make a big deal but I stopped making jokes about it like "hey tell them to send some for me too!" or things like that because it started to annoy me that she doesn't eat my food and let it go bad (i'm a pretty good cook and I HATE wasting food) and it got weird when she started to show off that the food "someone" sent to her is better(costly and restaurant-made)
It started as an annoyance about wasting food, but what triggered my insecurity about this is that one day, after she sent me the ussual picture I told to her "SURPRISE! I got ahead and sent you that from Y place!", and she replied, all annoyed "HAHA, funny. I KNOW it wasn't you ;)". Told her "who is it then?" her answer? "uhmmm i don't know". So she doesn't believe it was me, but doesn't know who it was...
The second catch? They always send her things pretty specific to her likings. I may be paranoid, but most items she gets are things that she HAS to tell someone she likes, since it is not "generic" expensive food, but menu items catered to her palate or drinks prepared exactly how she likes them.
She could be ordering herself, but she denies it like it would kill her to tell me! She knows I don't mind, I just don't want wasting food. If she's ordering food for herself, why doesn't she tell me? I told her it wouldn't be a problem since that way I can save food at home and won't wake up as early, but she still denies and still "doesn't know who it is". It's the first time I get this type of treatment from her. Why be so secretive about some food? She knows it gets worse if you hide this type of deals instead of being just open about it like "it's some weird client obsessed with sending me food" or "it's my mom/brothefriend/the company".
submitted by ThrowRA_Some_Food123 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:42 jcb093 Finally got my closet space back, and went through everything in my kitchen!!

This is my first post here, and let me just say that all of you people are wonderful and truly helpful when it comes to ufyh. I couldn't have possibly started tackling my disaster of an apartment without the advice and tips shared here.
I forgot to take before pictures of everything, but essentially I have a large "walk in" closet (read: storage room) my fiance and I had put our old mattress and box spring into. The mattress slumped over after a bit of time, and my cats claimed it as their favorite napping spot so I never wanted to move it. But last night we finally got it taken out of the closet, and I was hoping I could salvage it but it was too damaged from my cats scratching it up, so I contacted a junk removal company who came and took the mattress, box spring, bedframe and extra headboard within a few hours of scheduling with them. I forgot how big the closet it! I finally have a hallway again now that I could move things back into the closet!
My kitchen has been a total nightmare for as long as I can remember. I've only lived here 5 years, but it looked like I'd been here my whole life. Almost all the food in my cupboards was expired, as well as the bulk food I had on my pantry shelves I installed in the dining area/kitchen.
My friend was willing to come over, and she helped me sort through everything, get everything thrown out or recycled, and everything off the floors. I have a kitchen again! There's a floor! And cupboard and shelf space! It only took around 2.5 hours, but it looks a million times better than before. She's hoping she can come back next week to help me get my dining table and living room cleared away, but I feel like I'm starting to see the finish line already! My AC unit has been broken for a couple weeks now, so I'm even more proud of how much progress we made in the short amount of time while completely sweating our butts off.
The only thing I still am overwhelmed by is trying to organize anything. My brain won't let me choose where to keep specific things, so I can never seem to find a "home" for everything. I have no problem throwing things out, I just can't organize for my life. Any tips you all have would be so helpful!
If you've read all of this, just know I appreciate you and I hope you have a wonderful day (:
submitted by jcb093 to ufyh [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:42 late44thegameNOW I did a full analysis of both books to find out if Book Joe was as bad as Movie Joe. Here are my notes.

Chapter 1:
Quote: ‘The bed was given to the old grandparents because they were so old and tired. They were so tired they simply couldn’t get out of it.’ I can understand old age making it hard to get out of bed, but it explicitly says too tired. I can justify the other grandparents but this is clear foreshadowing of Joe. It is also stated that the house is right next to the factory, so they are tortured with the smell of chocolate, however it is not mentioned if Joe was the one who suggested they move in.
Chapter 1, introducing Charlie, is scarce on information on Joe, so no further information was found.

Chapter 2:
The book says that he is ’96 and a half’ so we can give him some benefit of the doubt here. However, this does not excuse him for putting the taste of chocolate in his malnourished grandsons mind. In this chapter, meant to be our first introduction of Willy Wonka, he talks all about the delicacies Wonka makes, speaking ‘very slowly’ to tempt poor Charlie even more, despite him only being limited to one bar a year. This is his first sign of abuse.

Chapter 3:
GJ tells Charlie more about chocolate. He also says, slowly (implied creepily) that nobody ever leaves or enters the building, as if he is trying to scare Charlie.

Chapter 4:
GJ continues telling stories to Charlie. This time, he criticises the rival factories, accusing them of stealing ideas from Wonka. This disrespect at all but one sole company implies that he is against capitalism. He also continues trying to scare Charlie by continuing to talk about ghost workers (we know that these are Oompa Loompas but the way he phrases it is specifically to scare Charlie.)

Chapter 5:
This is the point in the story where the Golden Tickets are announced. Joe tells Mr Bucket to ‘read it quickly.’ The book says he ‘cried’. This insinuates a panic, or rush. Mr Bucket had just come home, in the evening implying a 9 hour work day at least, and he is being panicked into reading the newspaper. After hearing about the Golden Tickets, Joe says ‘Oh, how exciting it would be to find one’. This quote clearly states that he plans on getting one for himself.

Chapter 6:
This is mainly people finding tickets on the news. One thing to notice is the implication of a television as they are watching the news live. Now, with four bedridden elderly people, who would need a television? That’s right, Grandpa Joe! (and the others). He could have easily spent their scarce money on a television as he only cares about himself. He also gives Charlie false hope of finding a ticket when he says ‘bring it in here when you get it, then we can all watch you taking off the wrapper.’

Chapter 7:
Grandpa Joe, the filthy hypocrite, says ‘just forget all about those golden tickets and enjoy the chocolate’ when a few pages before he was hyping Charlie up.

Chapter 8:
The first thing I noticed was Joe trying to take control as head of the family. When the next two tickets are found, Joe says ‘lets hear who found them’. This is clearly trying to lead on and control the family. Unfortunately he is silent for the rest of the chapter.

Chapter 9:
‘The old man gave Charlie a sly grin and then he started rummaging under his pillow with one hand; and when the hand came out again, there was an ancient leather purse clutched in the fingers. Under the cover of the bedclothes, the old man opened the purse and tipped it upside down. Out fell a silver sixpence. “It’s my secret hoard” he said. ‘The other’s don’t know I’ve got it. And now, you and I are going to have one more fling at finding that last ticket. How about it, eh? But you’ll have to help me.’ Where do I begin? He hoarded secret money- when his family was starting- and only spent it for the slight, slightest chance at free chocolate. He also manipulates Charlie into taking him to the factory if he wins. Not to mention the implication that he can already get out of bed. It’s quite a short chapter, but that one paragraph is quite enough incriminating evidence.

Chapter 10:
This is the chapter where Mr Bucket loses his job and everyone starves. That secret money stash would have helped a lot in this situation, if Joe didn’t spend it on chocolate.

Chapter 11:
This is a Joe free chapter, thankfully

Chapter 12:
After Charlie tells his family about the ticket, the first thing Joe does is automatically assume he is joking. He has no faith or trust in his grandson. He then saw the ticket and ‘he threw up his arms and yelled YIPPEEEE!’ And ‘his long body rose up out of the bed and his bowl of soup went flying into the face of Grandma Josephine and in one fantastic leap, this old fellow of ninety six and a half who hadn’t been out of bed for the last 20 years jumped on to out of the bed and started doing a dance of victory in his pajamas.’ This clearly shows erratic, fluid movement, similar to 1975 movie Joe’s infamous act. Not only did he soak his wife with soup, but he did a ‘dance of victory’. He then eagerly tells his family that he should be the one to go to the factory, ‘leaping out of bed once again’. He clearly wants to sponge off of Charlie’s success. More than one adult can enter the factory, but unfortunately he never brought that up.

Chapter 13:
Nothing of note. From the entrance of the factory, the attention shifts to the factory, so Joe is mentioned less.

Chapter 14:
Joe tells Charlie to not let go of his hand, presumably so he doesn’t lose Charlie and in extension, his pass for free chocolate.

Chapter 15: Upon introduction to the chocolate forest, Joe quotes that he could eat the whole field, the greedy bastard.

Chapter 16:
While Joe is mentioned, he keeps quiet for once and isn’t stated in the chapter.

Chapter 17:
Joe’s reaction to the tragedy of Augustus is most disturbing. A child, a CHILD had fallen into a river and was SUCKED UP A PIPE. Joe hardly reacts, only commenting on what is happening in a factual manner rather than in a worried tone. He also says ‘he blocked the whole pipe!’ which is just blatant fat shaming. The next time he speaks, he is shushing everyone, including the panicked, worried parents of Augustus, to let the Oompa Loompa’s sing.

Chapter 18:
Joe makes an incriminating, snide comment to Veruca Salt, saying she deserves a ‘good kick in the pants.’ That’s right, he wants to kick a child.

Chapter 19:
I couldn’t find a mention of Joe in this chapter.

Chapter 20:
A very short, Joe free chapter. He’s up to something.

Chapter 21:
Joe watches Violet like someone at a zoo, gawping at her transformation. This is unfortunately justifiable by shock. He is otherwise silent.

Chapter 22:
All Joe does is run to catch up to Wonka, further evidence of his hidden mobility skill after lying in bed for two decades.

Chapter 23:
‘Grandpa Joe lifted Charlie up so that he could get a better view.’ Did Charlie consent to this? Of course not, he was grabbed without permission. He has also been defending and enabling Wonka since his arrival at the factory. Wonka clearly has ADHD and/or some form of autism, and spends all of his time making erratic sweets that are possibly dangerous and Joe has been enabling and encouraging him when his skills could be better used.

Chapter 24:
Again, when a child (and this time her parents) are in mortal danger, he is unreactive and hushes everyone to let the Oompa Loompas sing.

Chapter 25:
While he says nothing incriminating, the glass elevator does make him sick, which he totally deserves.

Chapter 26:
In this chapter, they are under the presence of experimental, highly dangerous technology. Joe, meanwhile, is ‘waving his arms’.

Chapter 27:
Yet again unreactive to a child almost dying in front of him.

Chapter 28:
The Great Glass Elevator is hurtling towards the sky at breakneck speeds. Joe says ‘yippee’.

Chapter 29:
When Joe sees the children leave, permanently disfigured, does he show concern? Nope. He just quotes the transformation. ‘But she’s purple in the face!’ ‘He’s about 10 feet tall and thin as a wire’ ‘They’re covered in rubbish’. No empathy. Just facts.

Chapter 30:
When Wonka announces that the factory will be given to Charlie, Joe is speechless, as if he is excited about owning and leeching off of a factory. The elevator then crashes into the house, causing damage and scaring everyone half to death, but Joe still doesn’t feel empathy. In fact, he is rather calm, calmly introducing Wonka while his family stares at him in shock.

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator:
Chapter 1: Joe tells his wife to ‘be quiet and don’t make trouble.’ How sexist of him to let the men talk out because he thinks the women will mess things up. He also gloats when the other grandparents are forced out of bed from the anti-gravity effect of space.

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:
Grandpa Joe is thrilled at the prospect of breaking and entering inside of a government owned space station.

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:
Joe does pretty much the same as his family and floats in shock as Wonka performs his prank on the government

Chapter 6:
Joe is thrilled that the identity theft into an unknown alien Wonka forced on them gets them free food at the White House.

Chapter 7:
In the presence of an unknown, deadly alien organism, Joe freezes, then on command runs away, not even trying to keep his family safe.

Chapter 8:
‘Somebody’s going to get a nasty shock when they see one on board’ Joe says. He does not care that they’ll die but he does like the idea of their surprise and fear.

Chapter 9:

Chapter 10:
‘You be quiet, Josie’ Once more, he is treating his wife as mere property. ‘If your frightened you better close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears.’ No Joe, don’t be a damn sexist and call women cowardly.

Chapter 11:
Joe fights against an innocent species who was only attacking them because they were disturbed.

Chapter 12:
‘Well done, sir!’ Grandpa Joe says to Willy Wonka. He does not give credit to ANYONE else. It is apparent that he prefers Wonka over his own family (its also hinted at previously). He also brings up his old habit of forcing silence on everyone to let the oompa loompas sing.

Chapter 13:
Joe peer pressures his wife and child in laws parents to get out of bed, not really giving them a choice. Luckily, together, they resist his temptations.

Chapter 14:
Not much happens here

Chapter 15:
Joe convinces his family to take these drugs (with very suspicious ingredients may I add), and calls them ‘savages’ when they fight over it. When they OD and turn into babies, Joe only seems to show even a remote amount of empathy for his wife, trying to divert the attention to her rather than the other baby, or the fact that Georgina literally disappeared. Wonka says that it is an ‘improvement’, to which Joe agrees, then conveniently corrects himself and pretends to be mortified again.

Chapter 16:
After the amount of evidence in the last chapter, Joe snuck away, the little bastard.

Chapter 17:

Chapter 18:
When Charlie returns, Joe only shows concern for Charlie, not caring about Wonka and not being worried over whether Georgina returned at all. After seeing that Georgina is now way too old, he still isn’t concerned, even taking his time with working out how old she became.

Chapter 19:
Despite this whole disaster occurring because they wanted to be younger, Joe asks Josephine to return to being 80 on behalf of her, even though before she became a baby she wanted to be younger.

Chapter 20:
After the invitation to the White House, Joe is the first to react, clearly ecstatic for the free invitation he did nothing to deserve.
submitted by late44thegameNOW to grandpajoehate [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:41 South-Entrance-3919 [16F] looking for long term friends here

Semi-interesting things about me: I just graduated high school a year early Going to study religion in the fall! ( all of them, not any specific one) I absolutely love cats and I have two, they’re my babies! I like mocktails and kombucha My favorite colors are either teal or dark green I’m an only child! My favorite food is cacio e Pepe, which is pasta They/she I’m from New York but not the city. Any age can dm me as long as you are being respectful and don’t ghost. Have a good day everyone!
submitted by South-Entrance-3919 to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:40 South-Entrance-3919 16F looking for long term friends

Semi-interesting things about me: I just graduated high school a year early Going to study religion in the fall! ( all of them, not any specific one) I absolutely love cats and I have two, they’re my babies! I like mocktails and kombucha My favorite colors are either teal or dark green I’m an only child! My favorite food is cacio e Pepe, which is pasta They/she I’m from New York but not the city. Any age can dm me as long as you are being respectful and don’t ghost. Have a good day everyone!
submitted by South-Entrance-3919 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:40 South-Entrance-3919 [16/F] looking for friends on here, dm if you’d be interested in talking

Semi-interesting things about me: I just graduated high school a year early Going to study religion in the fall! ( all of them, not any specific one) I absolutely love cats and I have two, they’re my babies! I like mocktails and kombucha My favorite colors are either teal or dark green I’m an only child! My favorite food is cacio e Pepe, which is pasta They/she I’m from New York but not the city. Any age can dm me as long as you are being respectful and don’t ghost. Have a good day everyone!
submitted by South-Entrance-3919 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:38 South-Entrance-3919 16F looking to meet new people here

Semi-interesting things about me: I just graduated high school a year early Going to study religion in the fall! ( all of them, not any specific one) I absolutely love cats and I have two, they’re my babies! I like mocktails and kombucha My favorite colors are either teal or dark green I’m an only child! My favorite food is cacio e Pepe, which is pasta They/she I’m from New York but not the city. Any age can dm me as long as you are being respectful and don’t ghost. Have a good day everyone!
submitted by South-Entrance-3919 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:38 South-Entrance-3919 16F looking for friends

Semi-interesting things about me: I just graduated high school a year early Going to study religion in the fall! ( all of them, not any specific one) I absolutely love cats and I have two, they’re my babies! I like mocktails and kombucha My favorite colors are either teal or dark green I’m an only child! My favorite food is cacio e Pepe, which is pasta They/she I’m from New York but not the city. Any age can dm me as long as you are being respectful and don’t ghost. Have a good day everyone!
submitted by South-Entrance-3919 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:37 South-Entrance-3919 16F looking for long term friends here

Semi-interesting things about me: I just graduated high school a year early Going to study religion in the fall! ( all of them, not any specific one) I absolutely love cats and I have two, they’re my babies! I like mocktails and kombucha My favorite colors are either teal or dark green I’m an only child! My favorite food is cacio e Pepe, which is pasta They/she I’m from New York but not the city. Any age can dm me as long as you are being respectful and don’t ghost. Have a good day everyone!
submitted by South-Entrance-3919 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:33 Current-Mango9459 Outdoor Table Coating

I have a project right now which is repairing a chipped up ceramic, mosaic, outdoor table. It is a very specific case but I have already figured out what I am going to use for the ceramic filler and paint however I just cannot find a suitable coating to preserve the mosaic and not let the chipping happen again. I also want to make sure it is uv resistant so it doesn't yellow and is durable and food safe as it is a dining table (outdoors). Unfortunately, after measuring with one of those bubble levelling tools, the table is not flat, it basically rises in the middle. This means that I can't do a normal flood coat with epoxy resin (which I found would have probably worked well). I was wondering if there is any sort of brush-on resin or a completely different alternative if anyone has any recommendations.
submitted by Current-Mango9459 to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:31 YH_Queen_Clement State of Llc Nation the Hyper Power

State of Llc Nation the Hyper Power
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
It takes an “act of Congress” to campaign for President as an Independent Party and obtain an entry of judgment on a Summary Judgement. (Clement vs Garland 1:24 cv 00479-RC)
Private Law
For the relief of Christina Clement; HH Empress Queen Christina Clement and Global Admissions Act of State of Loc Nation as Hyper Power protecting the legal, political and social actions of the “majority” from the tyrant of the “minority”.
Proclamation of Hyper Power
State of Loc Nation
We, the Nephesh Hummus, souls on earth, descendants of the original inhabitants of this land, hereby proclaim the State of Loc Nation as a Hyper Power.
Recognizing our historical contributions, cultural heritage, and the sacrifices made by our ancestors in numerous wars and conflicts, we assert our inherent rights and sovereignty.
  1. Declaration of Sovereignty:
  2. We declare our sovereignty and the establishment of the State of Loc Nation as a Hyper Power, with the full rights and privileges thereof.
  3. Governance:
  4. Our governance shall be rooted in democratic principles, cultural heritage, and the protection of human rights.
  5. Economic Empowerment:
  6. We commit to fostering economic growth, job creation, and financial stability for our people.
  7. Justice and Equality:
  8. We seek comprehensive criminal justice reform, fairer sentencing policies, and the eradication of systemic oppression.
  9. Cultural and Educational Initiatives:
  10. We will promote cultural education, ensuring our history and heritage are honored and preserved.
We thank the international community, governments, and organizations to recognize the State of Loc Nation and support our quest for justice, recognition, and empowerment.
Christina Loren Clement HH Empress Queen Christina Loren Clement
Legitimacy: The “majority” community that I am a part of and represent as HH Empress Queen Christina Clement have ancestors, forefathers original to this land, and inheritance to the land patents. These souls on earth have participated in numerous wars and conflicts throughout history, including but not limited too:
Ancestry and Contributions Current: The war day with systematic oppression globally 1. American Revolutionary War 2. War of 1812 3. American Civil War 4. World War I 5. World War II 6. Korean War 7. Vietnam War 8. Gulf War 9. War in Afghanistan 10. Iraq War 11. Spanish-American War 12. Philippine-American War 13. Boxer Rebellion 14. Mexican-American War 15. Indian Wars 16. Russo-Japanese War 17. First Indochina War 18. Algerian War of Independence 19. Congo Crisis 20. Rhodesian Bush War 21. Falklands War 22. Persian Gulf War 23. Yugoslav Wars 24. Sierra Leone Civil War 25. Liberian Civil Wars 26. Rwandan Civil War 27. Second Congo War 28. Darfur Conflict 29. Syrian Civil War 30. Yemeni Civil War 31. Somali Civil War 32. Angolan Civil War 33. Mozambican Civil War 34. Eritrean War of Independence 35. Ethiopian Civil War 36. South African Border War 37. Second Sudanese Civil War 38. Ugandan Bush War 39. Burundian Civil War 40. Ivorian Civil War 41. Chadian Civil War 42. Lebanese Civil War 43. Sri Lankan Civil War 44. Afghan Civil War (1996-2001) 45. Nepal Civil War 46. Georgian Civil War 47. Second Chechen War 48. Central African Republic Civil War 49. Ukrainian Civil War 50. Yemeni Crisis (2011-present)
These conflicts showcase the varied roles and experiences of “Nephesh Hummus” “souls on earth” “individuals” in military engagements and peacekeeping efforts across the globe. These conflicts span across different regions and time periods, demonstrating the diverse experiences and contributions of “Nephesh Hummus” “souls on earth” “individuals” aka “black” “African American” “Negro” soldiers and fighters throughout history.
These conflicts highlight the global presence and contributions of black individuals in military operations and peacekeeping efforts around the world.
Yet, we still have to fight in court and by law enforcement to be respected? There is no constitutional laws that protect the “majority” from the tyrant minority thus resulting in an exhaustive number of years of injustices. See Claims and other motions in Case 1:24 cv 00479 Clement vs Garland. Even in my effort to obtain solutions, I was ignored by all parties said to be a representative for 1 year and a half, and still no answer to date. My certified mail was also refused. I then had the challenge to submit my complaint to the District Court for an entry for judgement, Court rules state the press will be notified for all Summary judgment cases. That did not happen. I filed to campaign for President as an Independent party and the number of signature requirements were dramatically different and biased. I was met with lengthy case time and intentional clerical errors.
I have declared State of Loc Nation the Hyper Power to the United States Superpower. These wars would not have been won nor the position of America not be achieved without our forefathers' contribution. It is so written. I have submitted our Defacto/Dejure and all other documents needed. 1:24 cv 00479-RC
A Grateful Acknowledgment: The Impact of Christina Clement’s Campaign Goals for the Loc Nationite: African American: Aboriginal Communities
In the realm of American politics, the impact of presidential campaigns often reverberates across various communities, shaping policies and influencing lives. This Act of Congress serves as an overdue relief for the community Christina Clement represents, recognizing the positive aspects of her campaign goals and their beneficial outcomes for the Loc Nationite: African American: Aboriginal Communities.
Acknowledging Economic Empowerment:
One notable aspect of Christina Clement’s campaign is her emphasis on economic growth and job creation. The administration's commitment to fostering a robust economy will bring about tangible benefits for the Loc Nationite; African American; and Aboriginal Communities. This move will yield Historic low unemployment rates among the Loc Nationite; African American; and Aboriginal Communities demonstrating a substantial leap toward economic empowerment and increased financial stability for not just our community but all communities.
Criminal Justice Reform:
Christina Clement's dedication to criminal justice reform marks a significant departure from the status quo. The passage of the State of Loc Nation Act exemplifies a bipartisan effort to address issues plaguing the criminal justice system, particularly its disproportionate impact on Loc nationalities; Aboriginals and African Americans. The implementation of fairer sentencing policies and rehabilitation programs; such as “Fast and Pray” as well as “Educate and Leave” reflected a commitment to rectifying systemic injustices.
Opportunities in Education:
Presidential Candidate Christina Clement’s advocacy for school choice and access to quality education resonated positively with the Loc Nationite; Aboriginal and African American communities. By prioritizing educational opportunities, the administration aimed to bridge gaps and empower the next generation with the tools and hands on learning necessary for success. This commitment aligned with the aspirations of many American families seeking improved educational prospects. Visiting nursing homes so the children can obtain elder advice, knowledge and wisdom. Enacting mental health courses, 1st year law, tech courses, and immediate drug reform. Be it enacted, music, culture, art, public speaking and debate back in school curriculum. Loc Nationite, Aboriginal and African American history and culture to also be taught with honor and nobility. We can not demand taxes to pay school costs and not teach all history.
Community Engagement and Empowerment:
The "Letters Patent" unveiled by HH Empress Queen Christina Clement’s administration further underscored a commitment to the well-being of the Loc Nationite; African American; Aboriginal communities. This comprehensive initiative aimed to foster economic prosperity, educational opportunities, and improved healthcare, thereby contributing to overall community empowerment. Enacting all fast-food chains and any entity serving unhealthy food to the citizens must be taxed and fund the GAP Medical Insurance to cover citizens medical costs. All alcohol establishments must pay tax to fund the communities it serves; in community trust; always remaining a 10% holding and 10% towards the national debt. Boosting the economy of State of Loc Nation with the prayer for relief and remedy will also repair the national deficit and balance the economy for all communities.
While political perspectives may vary, it is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the positive impact of policies on different communities. President Christina Clement of State of Loc Nation’s campaign goals, particularly those benefiting the Loc Nationite; Aboriginal and African American communities, have made a major imprint. Recognizing these efforts is not only a gesture of gratitude but also an invitation for continued dialogue and collaboration to address the challenges that persist. As we reflect on the past, let us strive for a future where political endeavors consistently uplift and empower all communities, fostering a more inclusive and prosperous nation.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (1) the Post-master General is authorized and directed to pay, out of any and all money for the payment of all relief and remedy for the 470 years of genocide and illegal kidnapping and theft of aboriginal land. Payment to made to State of Loc Nation Trust and Pro se litigant fees for the 5 year research, prep and expenses of the work done by President Candidate Christina Clement.
The Charter
State of Loc Nation, Global, Public Benefit Corporation- the Hyper Power
Together forming on 07/25/2022
99 Yale Law Journal 453, 522 (1989)
Four key principles of the First Amendment: Freedom of conscience is an unalienable right because people have the right and duty to think for themselves. Free speech makes representatives accountable to “We the People.”
Be it enacted, &c., That there be erected, and hereby is erected and established in Georgia, a Letters Patent referencing:
Six types of constitutional arguments: historical, textual, structural, prudential, doctrinal, and ethical.18 Historical examines the writer’s intent.19 Textual considers the present meaning of the words.20 Structural looks to “claims that a particular principle or practical result is implicit in the structures of government and the relationships that are created by the Constitution among citizens and governments.”21 Prudential means being “self-conscious to the reviewing institute and [the] need not [to] treat the merits of the particular controversy (which itself may or may not be constitutional), instead advocating particular doctrines according to the practical wisdom of using the courts in a particular way.”22 Doctrinal depends upon the quintessential common law rule of stare decisis—23 a review of
Historical and Cultural Foundations
· Be it enacted, “Locs linked to Spirituality”- Be it enacted, &c., Strike the use of word “dread” related to “dread locs” “dreadlocks” and refer to the act of spiritual devotion to God as “Locs”. It is our spiritual artifact of faith in the Divine God. Cultural Artifacts and Heritage · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 1- Act granting all inherit land of origin Cultural Artifacts and Heritage · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 2- Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 3 -Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, all documents submitted by Plaintiff in Clement vs Garland 1:24 cv 00479-RC- Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, Acknowledge State of Loc Nation and its global citizens Nephesh Hummus (Souls on Earth) Public Loc Nationites. · Be it enacted, end systematic oppression for the Afro, Loc Nationites, and Aboriginals · Be it enacted, Christina Clement as President of the USA and America to boost State of Loc Nations economy with granted relief and remedy to aid in the Mental illness of the community, bring relief to nation and its people; reorganize education curriculums to advance the nation, etc. This will be a global solution to repair the failing economy and end Israel;/Palestine War.
· Be it enacted, Christina Clement presidential initiatives as noted in complaint Case 1:24 cv 00479-RC.
Legal Recognition
· The United Nations has recognized the distinct identities and rights of Afro-descendant communities through the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024), emphasizing the need for recognition, justice, and development. Furthermore, various nations have implemented legal frameworks to support the rights and autonomy of Afro-descendant communities:
· Brazil’s 1988 Constitution: Recognizes the rights of Quilombola communities, granting them collective land ownership and cultural preservation. · Colombia’s Law 70 of 1993: Acknowledges the rights of Afro-Colombians to their collective territories and cultural heritage. · Ecuador’s 2008 Constitution: Ensures the rights of Afro-Ecuadorians to maintain their cultural identity, traditions, and land. · Canada’s Emancipation Day: Recognized federally since 2021, Emancipation Day marks the abolition of slavery in the British Empire, acknowledging the contributions and history of Afro-Canadians.
· United Kingdom’s Race Relations Act 1965 and Subsequent Amendments: These laws were among the first to address racial discrimination, setting a legal framework that acknowledged the rights and protections needed for Afro-descendants and other racial minorities. · Costa Rica’s Constitutional Reforms: In 2015, Costa Rica amended its constitution to officially recognize the Afro-Costa Rican population and their cultural contributions.
· Peru’s Law No. 28761: Enacted in 2006, this law declares June 4th as the Day of Afro-Peruvian Culture, recognizing the contributions of Afro-Peruvians to the nation’s history and culture. · Mexico’s Constitutional Amendment: In 2019, Mexico amended its constitution to recognize Afro-Mexicans as a distinct ethnic group, granting them greater visibility and protection under the law.
· Uruguay’s Law No. 19122: Enacted in 2013, this law promotes the inclusion of Afro-Uruguayans in the workforce and mandates affirmative action measures to address historical disadvantages. · Dominican Republic’s Recognition of Afro-Dominican Identity: Efforts to address and acknowledge the Afro-Dominican population have been ongoing, including cultural recognition and anti-discrimination measures. · Argentina’s National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Racism (INADI): This institute works to promote equal rights and combat discrimination, including that faced by Afro-Argentines.
· Venezuela’s Law Against Racial Discrimination (2011): This law specifically aims to prevent and punish racial discrimination, with provisions to protect the rights of Afro-Venezuelans.
· Bolivia’s Constitutional Recognition: Bolivia’s 2009 Constitution acknowledges Afro-Bolivians as a distinct group with rights to their cultural identity and collective territories.
Judicial Review of Case 1:24 cv 00479-RC: Delayed “entry of the judgment.” -Act of Congress
From the Rule of Law and Lawyer Independence Advisory Committee DM2787936
  1. Brown v. Board of Education 347 US 486 (1954) - Ended legal segregation in public schools.
  2. Roe v. Wade 410 US 113 (1973) - Legalized abortion nationwide.
  3. Marbury v. Madison 5 US 137 (1803) - Established the principle of judicial review.
  4. Miranda v. Arizona 384 US 436 (1966) - Established the Miranda rights for criminal suspects.
  5. United States v. Nixon 418 US 683 (1974) - Limited the power of the president and upheld the
rule of law.
  1. Loving v. Virginia 388 US 1 (1967) - Struck down bans on interracial marriage.
  2. Obergefell v. Hodges 56 US 644 (2015) - Legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.
  3. Plessy v. Ferguson 163 US 537 (1896) - Upheld racial segregation under the "separate but
equal" doctrine (later overturned by Brown v. Board of Education).
  1. Gideon v. Wainwright 372 US 335 (1963) - Established the right to counsel for criminal
  1. Citizens United v. FEC 558 US 310 (2010) - Struck down limits on corporate and union
political spending, leading to the rise of Super PACs.
  1. Dred Scott v. Sandford 60 US 393 (1857) - Denied citizenship and ruled that Congress
could not prohibit slavery in the territories, contributing to tensions that led to the Civil War.
  1. Brown v. Board of Education 347 US 483 (1954) - Ended legal segregation in public schools,
overturning Plessy v. Ferguson.
  1. Shelley v. Kraemer 334 US 1 (1948) - Ruled that racially restrictive housing covenants were
unenforceable in court.
  1. Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States 379 US 241 (1964) - Upheld the Civil Rights Act of
1964, prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations.
  1. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke 438 US 265 (1978) - Addressed affirmative
action by ruling that race could be considered as one of many factors in college admissions but
quotas were unconstitutional.
  1. Grutter v. Bollinger 539 US 306 (2003) - Upheld the University of Michigan Law School's
affirmative action admissions policy, allowing race to be considered as a factor in admissions to
achieve diversity.
  1. Shelby County v. Holder 570 US 529 (2013) - Struck down a key provision of the Voting
Rights Act of 1965, leading to changes in voting laws and procedures in some states.
  1. Sweatt v. Painter 339 US 629 (1950) - Ordered the integration of the University of Texas
Law School, laying the groundwork for the Brown v. Board decision.
  1. Hernandez v. Texas 347 US 475 (1954) - Extended protection against discrimination to
Hispanics under the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause.
  1. United States v. Virginia 518 US 515 (1996) - Struck down the Virginia Military Institute's
male-only admissions policy, establishing that state-sponsored military education cannot exclude
  1. Obergefell v. Hodges 576 US 644 (2015)- Legalized same-sex marriage nationwide,
affirming the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals to marry.
  1. Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission 584 US 617 (2018)- Addressed
the balance between religious freedom and anti-discrimination laws by ruling in favor of a baker
who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, but on narrow grounds.
  1. Bostock v. Clayton County 590 US 644(2020)- Ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 protects employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  1. Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin 570 US 297 (2013)- Reaffirmed the constitutionality
of affirmative action in college admissions, allowing universities to consider race as one factor
among many in their holistic review process.
  1. Shelby County v. Holder 570 US 529 (2013)- Struck down a key provision of the Voting
Rights Act of 1965, which required certain states and localities with a history of voter
discrimination to get federal approval before changing their voting laws.
  1. Trump v. Hawaii 585 US Docket no 17-965 (2018)- Upheld President Trump's travel ban,
which restricted entry into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries,
sparking debates about religious discrimination and executive power. Increasing immigrants
  1. O'Connor v. Oakhurst Dairy 851 F.3d 69 (2017)-Addressed the use of the Oxford comma in
a Maine law governing overtime pay, illustrating how legal interpretation can impact workers'
  1. Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee 594 docket 19-1257 & docket 19-1258 (2021)-
Upheld Arizona voting restrictions, including a law that invalidated ballots cast in the wrong
precinct, prompting concerns about voting rights and access.
  1. United States v. Windsor 570 US 744 (2013)- Struck down a key section of the Defense of
Marriage Act (DOMA), which had defined marriage as between one man and one woman for
federal purposes, marking a significant victory for LGBTQ+ rights.
  1. Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt 579 US 582 (2016) - Invalidated a Texas law that
imposed strict requirements on abortion clinics, reaffirming the constitutional right to abortion
established in Roe v. Wade.
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/;;; The writ of mandamus is personal and issues to the individual to compel performance, and it does not reach the office but is directed against the officer to compel the officer to perform the required legal duty. Bulloch County v. Ritzert, 213 Ga. 818, 102 S.E.2d 40 (1958). THE ROAD FROM RUNNYMEDE: MAGNA CARTA AND CONsTTUTIONALISM IN AMERICA 122 (1968); Magna Carta Libertatum, James Madison, January 27, 1814 Rwo Acrs of Congr
submitted by YH_Queen_Clement to locnation [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:31 Dramatic-Scallion-43 11 Days: Porto, Lisbon, & ___?

Planning a solo trip to Europe for my first time overseas this September. I’m 28 and from USA.
For an 11-day stay, I was looking into Portugal, specifically Porto and Lisbon as those two cities appear most popular.
Would it make sense to throw in a third city while I’m out there, such as Lagos/Alvare, or somewhere in Spain like Seville?
Or stick to just Porto/Lisbon? I know there’s so much to see in those two cities and even around there like Sintra and Coimbra. But the Algarve and parts of Spain look awesome.
Main interests are exploring new food, some socializing/partying, perhaps a day or two on the beach/some water, perhaps a hike for a day, seeing awesome nature/outdoor scenery, and seeing architecture.
I don’t mind moving a bit but don’t want to feel too rushed. But I want to make the most of my chance to go overseas.
submitted by Dramatic-Scallion-43 to Europetravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:30 Dramatic-Scallion-43 11 Days: Porto, Lisbon, & ___?

Planning a solo trip to Europe for my first time overseas this September. I’m 28 and from USA.
For an 11-day stay, I was looking into Portugal, specifically Porto and Lisbon as those two cities appear most popular.
Would it make sense to throw in a third city while I’m out there, such as Lagos/Alvare, or somewhere in Spain like Seville?
Or stick to just Porto/Lisbon? I know there’s so much to see in those two cities and even around there like Sintra and Coimbra. But the Algarve and parts of Spain look awesome.
Main interests are exploring new food, some socializing/partying, perhaps a day or two on the beach/some water, perhaps a hike for a day, seeing awesome nature/outdoor scenery, and seeing architecture.
I don’t mind moving a bit but don’t want to feel too rushed. But I want to make the most of my chance to go overseas.
submitted by Dramatic-Scallion-43 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:22 Aggravating-Sock-506 Newly inherited finch/advice?

Newly inherited finch/advice?
Hi all, I just inherited a zebra finch from a relative who can no longer care for her. She’s coming with a basic, lacking setup and I really want to set her up for success. I have never had songbirds before, although I have a lot of experience with chickens, reptiles, and amphibians. For my scaly friends, I’ve given them fully planted bio active tanks, so I want to give this little bird an appropriate environment, but I’m not sure where to start. I’m picking her up tonight.
I am already on planning on getting her a new cage that is at least 30x18x18, but I’m not sure what specific toys/branches/accessories/supplements/foods are considered best. Any advice or tried and true product recommendations would be great!
submitted by Aggravating-Sock-506 to Finches [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:17 Magicsuperdebbi Housewives Drinking Game

I know others have posted this as well, but I was going though old pictures on my phone and stumbled upon my list and wanted to share. The intention is to do it with mixed drinks or a beeseltzer. It's for all franchises, but I have additions for specific locales. I apologize in advance for how long it is:
1 Drink if:
2 Drinks if:
3 Drinks if:
Enjoy and be safe! Don't drink and drive, friends! Drink and Bravo instead!
submitted by Magicsuperdebbi to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:14 Then-Education6883 Need Help With Pet Food for Special Needs Cats
I have been dealing with one bad thing after another, it's just me and my mom and we are disabled. I've been struggling to leave the system by going to college and getting work. Luckily I was able to secure a job as a work study. I'm very excited for this but unfortunately the buses weren't working and I had to get home, I used the last of my money to get an uber back. This hurt me financially but I didn't have any other choice, my university is several towns away from mine so it was expensive. It won't be a for a while until I get paid. I'm not asking for financial help so anyone offering me money won't be answered. Sorry. I do need help with buying cat food. My cats are senior and special needs so their food has to be specific kinds. I promise I will pay forward the favors to anyone else in need on this reddit as soon as I'm financially stable. This reddit has gotten me through the worst of times. It's the most I can do for all the help. Thank you
submitted by Then-Education6883 to Assistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:12 SocialWerkin “Mataba” eaten at Avignon, France food truck?

“Mataba” eaten at Avignon, France food truck?
Ate what was called “Mataba” (vegetarian) on the menu of a food truck in the south of France. It was at a “samboss” (samosa?) food truck and said something about mahori food or something like that. When I looked up things on the menu, I couldn’t tell if it was Thai, Indonesian, but also could be from a country in Africa (lol sorry for the lack of specificity)?
Anyways, I want to know what it is because I can’t find anything online. This pic is once it’s mixed. It was a rice mound in the middle, some blended spinach on one side, and maybe a tomato sauce on the other side. It was sweeter than I thought it would be.
submitted by SocialWerkin to TipOfMyFork [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:01 phobo777 Can’t find a job in edmonton

It’s been 5 months of me sending out tailored resumes and cover letters to each and every specific job application (over 250). Indeed, glassdoor, linkedin, facebook, job search canada, jooble… You name it. I even signed up for an Albertan job search program, but the appointment was cancelled due to not enough people signing up. I haven’t applied in person as they usually tell you to just apply online. I’m in desperate need of a job right now and I’ve only landed 2 interviews. They both went really well, but of course they find someone with just a little more experience.
I’ve been applying to basically anything except for fast food. Serving, barista, line cook/prep, baking, retail, etc. I even have my certifications for a nail technician position, as I used to work from home as a nail technician. Nothing. This is extremely discouraging as I am very qualified but no one hires me.
How does anyone make a living when they expect you to have a masters degree to work at not even high-end restaurants??
submitted by phobo777 to Edmonton [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:51 Willing-Pace-7162 Is this for me?

Hey all,
I'm 27 M and I am 5 foot 7 and currently 184-187 pounds.
I was a skinny kid except for a single summer when I got a bit chubby and I grew into that weight. When I was 16 I got a job that required me to move a lot during the day, so I could eat huge amounts of food and not gain weight past 150. At 20 I got a different job that required less movement, so I started to gain and got up to 200 pounds.
When I was 23 COVID happened and I was switched to remote work, so I got in the habit of walking all day when I had downtime (when my boss allowed). I also not longer had a reason to go out and get fast food and instead ate healthier food at home, saving money and calories. Over about 13 months I went from 200 pounds to 130 pounds and I kept it off for some time.
A little over a year of my lowest adult weight, I met my girlfriend and after that winter, I started to become more sedentary but resumed my food habits (I would exercise often before, so this resulted in a large surplus of calories per day vs maintaining weight). A little bit after my 27th birthday, I went to a doctor and weighed 220 pounds. Even that was a low estimate because I had been reducing my food intake for two weeks before that appointment.
Since October 2023, I have been dieting and exercising. I am now currently 186 pounds (as of this morning), but my scale varies. I was 183 at the start of last month, but with a bathroom remodel and stressful situations at work, I did not follow my diet (I kept up exercise) and gained 3 pounds back.
My ideal weight is 130, but I will be happy at 150. I stop being overweight at 159 pounds, and I am happily no longer obese as of this year.
I am very happy to exercise, usually in the form of walking/jogging. For instance, I have jogged 21 miles in 3 days (7 days a week), and I will walk every day unless I am busy or the weather is bad. I aim to do at least 5 miles a day. I do have a list of healthy food that I am happy to eat and my own way of meeting 1500 or less cals a day healthily.
My weaknesses are cravings and alcohol. I am aware that I make a choice to put food in my mouth, but sometimes my cravings are so strong, I can't resist them after a stressful day. Specifically, ice cream, sour cream and onion chips, chicken tenders (yes, I know I'm immature lol), and booze are things my brain immediately thinks of when I get too stressed. I don't binge eat and I stop eating when I am full, but eating enough potato chips to fill an empty stomach after jogging 7 miles is NOT a good idea.
I had some alcohol at 21 and starting at around 22, I started to drink on weekends, usually wine. I didn't drink every weekend, and sometimes I would go weeks or an odd month without drinking and not think much of it. Starting at around my 24th birthday I got in the habit of weekly wine. At one point, I would have a bottle on Saturday, then Sunday and if I had an extended weekend, It could be 3 bottles of wine that week. I don't drink during the weekday unless something terrible happened, I had a reason to celebrate, or I was off that day.
I did go 3 weeks without drinking two months ago but because of stress, started back again. However, I'm back at the one bottle a week. My problem is that I tend to drink the whole bottle in a day. For instance, last Saturday I had a bottle of wine about 5.3 standard drinks and I started drinking at 3 PM. I stopped drinking around 8 pm after the bottle was empty, and I did drink with food. I didn't get a hangover, but I know that drinking 5 standard drinks is not ideal.
I've brought up my drinking to my doctor but he did not seem very concerned, nor an ER doctor I visited for chest pains (turns out it was a strained muscle that after improper lifting, no heart condition) seem very concerned. Both said that drinking an entire bottle of wine in a weekend is considered binge drinking, but if that is my only day of drinking, allowing my body to rest for 6 days should be fine. I did have blood work and other tests in 2022 that my liver was fine and I didn't have any increased liver enzymes.
I have switched to a lower ABV of alcohol that is now 4 standard drinks per bottle and I did go 3 weeks of no drinking two months ago, and I did not have withdraw symptoms, only some cravings during stressful situations. I don't have any symptoms of fatty liver that I am aware of.
I am willing to give up drinking or seriously reduce it. I am planning on not drinking this month, and only allowing myself to have a bottle of wine for the 4th of July.
Do you all believe that I would benefit from this given that
1: I'm not "that" overweight and I don't have any conditions related to overweight (I have a normal blood pressure, I am not diabetic, no sleep apnea, etc). I've also lost 34 pounds on my own, with 27 pounds to go before I have a sub 25 BMI.
2: My drinking/interactions in case I slip up and have a cocktail at a movie theater or something
Thank you all very much!
My goal is to reduce cravings for drinking and the bad foods when I haven't budgeted for them. I don't expect this treatment to magically lose weight and I will keep logging food and exercising.
submitted by Willing-Pace-7162 to HimsWeightloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:41 stampfercamper what FPS is this olive oil? [HELP NEEDED]

submitted by stampfercamper to airsoftcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:31 soonshin3 When was the last time you went to “insert restaurant here”

People ask me all the time what my favorite restaurant is, or for a recommendation in a specific area or for a type of food etc… and I have a list I always give out, but what I’ve started to realize is I made that list years ago, and haven’t even been to many of those restaurants within the last year, or in many cases since before covid. I always tell people to go to jitlada, but I haven’t been since 2017! This realization has made me rethink the way I engage with food recommendations, and has also gotten me thinking about how this sub operates. I’ve started to give people a warning if I haven’t been to a place just recommend within the last 12 months as a result
I see a lot of similar discussions on this sub, and I’m curious how others handle this issue personally and with regards to this sub.
submitted by soonshin3 to FoodLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:28 TypicalIndustry1001 Why do my friends treat me horribly ?

Some background information : I just finished a “prestigious” degree at a reputable university while being extremely disadvantaged. 23m
I’ve constantly struggled since childhood to make or keep genuine friendships . Genuine in this context refers to friends that treated me well. The main issue isn’t so much my lack of ability to connect but moreso my inability to make friends that treat me with respect or kindness . After befriending people they often begin to treat me as a last resort, disposable afterthought and straight up badly .
I’ll go through a few friendships that best display this to give people a better overview of what I mean as I understand many posts about this topic are quite vague .
All names have been changed for the purposes of this explanation*
Friend 1: Mary So me and Mary had been best friends since early highschool (maybe 5/6 years in total) and in that time we would spend pretty much every waking moment together . Go to school , hang out with our other friend until maybe 8 or 9pm, go home , repeat . We saw each other more than we saw our families . One thing that’s important to note is that in that time ,due to family issues, she was unable to afford basic things like food so I constantly shared my allowance with her and never expected anything back - my friend was struggling (and while I was also struggling) , the concept of eating while your best friend can’t made me sick so we’d end up going 50/50 on most things . The friendship up until university was fine ( there were some issues but no glaring red flags ) and we even ended up going to universities close to each other and loved the idea of seeing each other often . Things changed drastically in university -we both made new friends and had a friendship group of sorts - suddenly she ditched me in the space of 1 year. She finally had access to money and bought her new friend’s birthday presents and Christmas presents . I got nothing , except her spending 5 minutes trying to pick my face up off the floor of a Christmas party to scan my Face ID to order an Uber back to her place ( not even mine) off my phone , and then in the morning I woke up on her bedroom floor . I let that slide and rationalised it as her being drunk aswell and me being a drunk nuisance that one time. I later went through a plethora of traumatic events , developing mental issues and started seeing her less , which I she understood and took very well (what I now believe to be a lack of care) . I visited her maybe a few weeks later and told her about my “uncontrollable anxiety and inexplicable depression” I did this for a good 30 minutes - these minutes that she seemed to be listening . After I was done she said “ why worry about things you can’t control “ , immediately called her male interest she met the week before and then proceeded to flirt with him while I was sat there gobsmacked and teary eyed. No exaggeration , legit the 1 sentence response and then done . No empathy present , left 10 minutes later after sitting in awkward silence . I later spoke to her about it because I often hear about friendships failing for lack of communication . I explained how I felt ignored and uncared for in which she replied “oh, sorry “ and the proceeded to talk about the latest book she read with the utmost enthusiasm . Never spoke to her again .
Friend 2: Bob/Joe Me ,Bob and Joe were surface level friends in highschool and then became extremely close in university as we gamed together( video games) . In the first year of uni it was very common for us to,holiday or not , to game for 12 hours and have the best time - occasionally having so much fun we didn’t know 24 hours had passed and non of us had eaten, slept etc . But something that was constant was that they would religiously put me down in terms of what university I went to ( I went to a much better university than them and studied a much more “prestigious” degree and achieved way better highschool than both of them). As I was aware that this likely stemmed from jealousy , I avoided taking about my professional/academic life and even started to downplay and shit on my own achievements . I think this registered to them as me being a pushover and they just escalated over the next 3 years . Bob and I were especially close and I told him about all of my first year traumas including a serious STD scare in which he laughed while I cried . Towards the end of the second year antiblackness started to appear ( I’m black) , and while it started off as making fun of stereotypes , it eventually led to him just a few months ago saying “ I was thinking about the Palestinian genocide and if I could commit genocide against a race it would be black people “ . Never spoke to him again . Joe thought nothing was wrong with what he said , claiming “it was just a joke” . Stopped talking to him 2 weeks ago . Just because I mentioned Palestine does not mean politics should be engaged . I’ve remained Apolitical for a reason and mentioned things entirely to understand my friendships and not to create any political discourse *
Friend 3 : Linda Friend from university who invited me to go to a concert with her last week , it was supposed to take place yesterday . I was really excited and told her that I was inly going because it would be fun with her there . 2 hours before the concert she messaged me saying her other friend bought her a ticket with better seats so she’s ditching me but I “could still go alone “ . I cried from emotional exhaustion.
Friend 4 Psycho and Sheep Me , Psycho and Sheep became best friends earlier this year , funnily enough , by bonding over our shitty friendships . We did everything together and in those brief few months I felt like I had made real friends ( I was already friends with sheep for 2 years prior but we got closer and adopted Psycho) I spent more time helping Psycho prepare for exams than I did for myself . However she then accused me of trying to sabotage her final grade by giving her the wrong information pertaining to one of her classes . Categorically false as I can’t give advice about a class I’m not in and don’t remember ever trying to . I explained this to her and everything seemed cleared up and fine but then she aired me for the whole of Christmas( stark contrast to talking everyday) .I confronted her about it and she pretended nothing was wrong ( her and Sheep still hung out around this time and didn’t tell me which was fine I guess ) . I then sent her a series of respectful text messages airing my grievances . I made sure to be very respectful , literally reread the messages to make sure I was . I got back a thick wall of vitriol including “ you’re just a leech” ( criticising my poorer background as opposed to her extremely wealthy one ) and then made it seem like she was doing so much for me . Funnily enough all 3 of us had long conversations about how classism , racism etc was stupid and was to be condemned . Long story short , sheep chose her side and saw nothing wrong with her classist comments . I’m not gonna lie , I do feel a little better knowing I get higher grades than both of them despite their 25k/y schooling pre university so it kinda offsets the pain .
There’s so many more instances of things like this happening , where people treat their other friend better than they treat me or just treat me like shit. I’ve tried boundaries , I’ve tried empathy , I’ve sat in my room and forced myself into deep introspection , but almost all the time it’s me that has had to accommodate somebody else’s needs or been blamed for things that I never did . I genuinely don’t know why friends just don’t seem to care about me . Jealousy is a possibility in some of these scenarios and I understand in others , people just grow apart or find other people they are compatible with . But some of these have just been baffling to me .
My question is , from what I have explained is there anything I am doing wrong or you suspect I’m doing wrong . ( I genuinely don’t mind criticism , it’s how I got to where I am in life )
Also is there a reason you’ve been friends with somebody you disliked or even hated and if so ,why did you continue the friendship if all you get out of it is the gratification of hurting that person ? - I ask this specifically because it’s never other people that cut me off but vice versa even though it seems like it’s the other person that hates me and should be cutting me off instead .
I don’t know , maybe I’m just boring and forgettable and didn’t register to these people as friends .
TLDR Every close friend I’ve had has treated me poorly or didn’t care for me and I have no idea why .
Again , please refrain from politics*
submitted by TypicalIndustry1001 to Advice [link] [comments]