Angles worksheets

Games for learning and practicing Japanese for pairs to groups?

2024.05.30 12:22 wondering-narwhal Games for learning and practicing Japanese for pairs to groups?

Hi all, recently we've been able to bring together some people to try and practice our Japanese more outside of regular lessons and studying from books. Having meetups at cafes, etc. Thinking of also trying to start a monthly walk/hike.
We're varied in ability, some have studied in Japan, some have only ever learned from books. I'd say on the low end barely N5 and the high end maybe scraping at N3.
I've been looking for activities that we can do, without disturbing folks around us, that we can do use what we have and get more comfortable actually using our Japanese. I've been having trouble finding things though. Maybe I need to be more specific but all I'm finding are worksheets or video games with a Japanese learning angle to them. I know Shiritori which might be a good one for folks with enough vocab to not get discouraged (need to memorise the rules though), but what else? One friend and i tried playing "go fish" in japanese but thees not much language there.
TLDR: Are there games or activities we can do in groups of two or more people while out walking together or sat in a cafe/restaurant so that we can reinforce our Japanese and get more comfortable speaking?
submitted by wondering-narwhal to LearnJapanese [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:58 catwashere-and-there “Star” math

My son is in 10th grade math and was sent home a worksheet with no instructions. He doesn’t keep the best of notes. A Google search of star meth does not help. Does someone know what they are asking for here? Sorry I would put a photo but can’t. There is a horizontal line with two lines that make an x on top. Then there are numbers in each of the 6 resulting angles. They don’t add to 180 or appear to be degrees or radians or represent the angle size at all. Thanks in advance.
submitted by catwashere-and-there to highschoolmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:48 ImpressionReal6727 SAT Tips for Upcoming Writers + My Experience

Since the June DSAT is coming up I thought I'd make a post on tips and resources I used to help me study for the May 4th sat. This post goes into decent depth so read it all carefully and remember what worked for me might not work for you.
If you're like me and procrastinated studying until now then this post is definitely for you. All my prep for the May 4th test was done in like 14 days and I expect a score of 1540 or above.
My scores for the college board practice tests:
Practice Test 1: 1220
Practice Test 2: 1190
Practice Test 3: 1530
Practice Test 4: 1360
Practice Test 5: 1460
Practice Test 6: 1530
PRACTICE TESTS EXPERIENCE: Practice Test 1 and 2 were done without desmos since I didn't even know I could use it, so I basically wasted those two. I did test 2 after doing khan academy, test 3 was done using desmos and I did it after I grinded through like 80% of khan academy. Practice Test 4 truly humbled me and I realized how unprepared I really was which was when I started watching more youtube videos. I took the practice test 5 only 2 days after test 4 and my score increased like crazy which made me confident again.
BASICS FOR BEGINNERS: If you have not studied yet at all you should start with basic concepts on Khan academy, grind through the lessons and videos, do the practice questions in the foundation section and medium section. Also learn how to use desmos, I used desmos for things I didn't even know was possible. Learning how to use desmos got rid of easy constant questions, inequalities, system of equations. Make sure to watch the 3 part desmos videos I talked about below in the youtubers section, it truly helped me a lot.
YOUTUBE: Youtube was one of the key reasons my score increased, I watched videos on the dsat constantly, while I ate food, even on my breaks I just watched videos running through the practice test I had already taken over and over again. I went over each practice test and the mistakes I made probably like 3 - 4 times throughout the 15 days.
QUESTION BANK: After I finished every practice test provided by the college board, ONLY THEN did I go to the college board question bank. This is because a good amount of the questions off of the practice tests are in this bank so without knowing it your brain could memorize how to do it and recognize it when doing the practice test which would inflate your marks. I probably went through hundreds of questions from the question bank (English and math) within the last 3 days before the may 4th test.
EXTRA TIPS: Sleep and exercise are also very important and something that I think isn't talked about enough, this applies more to people who are in my boat and are studying last minute and want a really high score. I slept crazy every night and it really helped me retain more information. Exercise is an amazing break even a walk works, anytime I hit a wall during my study periods I'd just go to the gym for 45 minutes to and hour and I would always come back refreshed ready to study again.
Youtubers I used:
Not promoting these guys in any way but they're just the only youtubers I used and I think other people here would probably find them useful.
Here are all the youtubers I used, Scalar Learning, Settele Tutoring, Tutorllini Test Prep, Strategic Test Prep, Method Learning.
Scalar Learning: He has some decent videos teaching basic concepts and his shorts have some good practice questions that he goes through.
Settele Tutoring: Settele was the one I watched the most, he went through every single question (in separate videos) on every single practice test given by the college board, I also watched some of his free concept learning videos on english, I think he explains a lot of the stuff pretty well. He’s amazing at english and helping you learn english, he made something called a “dumb summary” which I actually used a lot on my may 4th sat, it’s essentially a method where you can summarize a massive paragraph in like 30-40 seconds easily.
Tutorllini Test Prep: Has some good concept videos and also goes through all the math questions on all the practice tests really well, sometimes giving like 2-3 different methods you can use to solve a single question. He also goes through some of his own worksheets that he’s made and some of them are pretty good practice.
Strategic Test Prep: She gives some good test day tips and tips and shortcuts in general for the SAT, her explanations on the practice tests are also pretty decent.
Method Learning: Method Learning is what I’d say really boosted my score in the very beginning stages of my studying. This is only because of his 3 part desmos videos, I didn’t watch any of his other videos but that 3 part seriously was a game changer. The desmos tips he gives are amazing. An example is if a question gives you a linear or quadratic equation and then a constant in it, you can plug that exact equation into desmos and move the slider around to find what the constant is, this takes no more than 30 seconds.
Formulas I memorized for the DSAT:
You will have to memorize some formulas for the DSAT and some will make your life easier.
Sum of interior angles in a polygon: 180(n-2)
Area of a sector: πr^2 ⋅ θ/360
Arc Length: 2πr ⋅ θ/360
Mass/Volume/Density: m = v(d)
X cord. of vertex: -b/2a
Sum of solutions: -b/a
Product of solutions: c/a
If anyone needs any tips or anything just let me know I'll try my best to respond.
Whatever score you want is possible if you're willing to put in the work and time.
submitted by ImpressionReal6727 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:46 ImpressionReal6727 SAT tips for upcoming writers

Since the June DSAT is coming up I thought I'd make a post on tips and resources I used to help me study for the May 4th sat. This post goes into decent depth so read it all carefully and remember what worked for me might not work for you.
If you're like me and procrastinated studying until now then this post is definitely for you. All my prep for the May 4th test was done in like 15 days and I expect a score of 1540 or above.
My scores for the college board practice tests:
Practice Test 1: 1220
Practice Test 2: 1190
Practice Test 3: 1530
Practice Test 4: 1360
Practice Test 5: 1460
Practice Test 6: 1530
PRACTICE TESTS EXPERIENCE: Practice Test 1 and 2 were done without desmos since I didn't even know I could use it, so I basically wasted those two. I did test 2 after doing khan academy, test 3 was done using desmos and I did it after I grinded through like 80% of khan academy. Practice Test 4 truly humbled me and I realized how unprepared I really was which was when I started watching more youtube videos. I took the practice test 5 only 2 days after test 4 and my score increased like crazy which made me confident again.
BASICS FOR BEGINNERS: If you have not studied yet at all you should start with basic concepts on Khan academy, grind through the lessons and videos, do the practice questions in the foundation section and medium section. Also learn how to use desmos, I used desmos for things I didn't even know was possible. Learning how to use desmos got rid of easy constant questions, inequalities, system of equations. Make sure to watch the 3 part desmos videos I talked about below in the youtubers section, it truly helped me a lot.
YOUTUBE: Youtube was one of the key reasons my score increased, I watched videos on the dsat constantly, while I ate food, even on my breaks I just watched videos running through the practice test I had already taken over and over again. I went over each practice test and the mistakes I made probably like 3 - 4 times throughout the 15 days.
QUESTION BANK: After I finished every practice test provided by the college board, ONLY THEN did I go to the college board question bank. This is because a good amount of the questions off of the practice tests are in this bank so without knowing it your brain could memorize how to do it and recognize it when doing the practice test which would inflate your marks. I probably went through hundreds of questions from the question bank (English and math) within the last 3 days before the may 4th test.
EXTRA TIPS: Sleep and exercise are also very important and something that I think isn't talked about enough, this applies more to people who are in my boat and are studying last minute and want a really high score. I slept crazy every night and it really helped me retain more information. Exercise is an amazing break even a walk works, anytime I hit a wall during my study periods I'd just go to the gym for 45 minutes to and hour and I would always come back refreshed ready to study again.
Youtubers I used:
Not promoting these guys in any way but they're just the only youtubers I used and I think other people here would probably find them useful.
Here are all the youtubers I used, Scalar Learning, Settele Tutoring, Tutorllini Test Prep, Strategic Test Prep, Method Learning.
Scalar Learning: He has some decent videos teaching basic concepts and his shorts have some good practice questions that he goes through.
Settele Tutoring: Settele was the one I watched the most, he went through every single question (in separate videos) on every single practice test given by the college board, I also watched some of his free concept learning videos on english, I think he explains a lot of the stuff pretty well. He’s amazing at english and helping you learn english, he made something called a “dumb summary” which I actually used a lot on my may 4th sat, it’s essentially a method where you can summarize a massive paragraph in like 30-40 seconds easily.
Tutorllini Test Prep: Has some good concept videos and also goes through all the math questions on all the practice tests really well, sometimes giving like 2-3 different methods you can use to solve a single question. He also goes through some of his own worksheets that he’s made and some of them are pretty good practice.
Strategic Test Prep: She gives some good test day tips and tips and shortcuts in general for the SAT, her explanations on the practice tests are also pretty decent.
Method Learning: Method Learning is what I’d say really boosted my score in the very beginning stages of my studying. This is only because of his 3 part desmos videos, I didn’t watch any of his other videos but that 3 part seriously was a game changer. The desmos tips he gives are amazing. An example is if a question gives you a linear or quadratic equation and then a constant in it, you can plug that exact equation into desmos and move the slider around to find what the constant is, this takes no more than 30 seconds.
Formulas I memorized for the DSAT:
You will have to memorize some formulas for the DSAT and some will make your life easier.
Sum of interior angles in a polygon: 180(n-2)
Area of a sector: πr^2 ⋅ θ/360
Arc Length: 2πr ⋅ θ/360
Mass/Volume/Density: m = v(d)
X cord. of vertex: -b/2a
Sum of solutions: -b/a
Product of solutions: c/a
If anyone needs any tips or anything just let me know I'll try my best to respond.
Whatever score you want is possible if you're willing to put in the work and time.
submitted by ImpressionReal6727 to SATACTprep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:05 FuckIHateMath [] I don't understand this at all. I get that it's half of (5pi/6) aka 150 degrees, so 75 degrees. But how did WA get this answer? The worksheet says something about the half angle formula, which I don't get.

[<college><precalculus><trigenometry>] I don't understand this at all. I get that it's half of (5pi/6) aka 150 degrees, so 75 degrees. But how did WA get this answer? The worksheet says something about the half angle formula, which I don't get. submitted by FuckIHateMath to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 17:20 Tamwulf Despairing that I'll never get a Supra

Need help/pep talk! I'm really, really close to just giving up on one of these.
I've been trying to get a Supra in the Pacific Northwest of the US now for about three months. Every dealership has some kind of "hidden markup", or they have a list that costs a minimum of $1000 dollars to get on, and the list is long- like one dealership I talked to said they had 10 people on the list for the next Supra that came in! "So let me get this straight- I give you $1000-$5000 now, and at some point in the future when you get another Supra, you start at the top of the list and work your way down until you get to me, and then it'll be "Do you want it or not? Here is the MSRP + $5K no negotiation as I have 10 other people that want it?" Really?"
Been trying to use the Supra Allocation Spreadsheet (Oh, what a great document! Thank you so much for that!!!), but every Supra on that worksheet for Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana is on Dealerhold or is presold. The ones that are available- call the Dealership, and it's "Give us money and get on the list". Money isn't an issue here, I just don't want to buy one for MSRP + $5K, as that's Porsche, Corvette, Mustang, Audi RS3, etc. territory, and I'm not saying those cars are better, but the price/performance ratio is huge at $70K.
How are people able to get one of these?!?! I really want one at MSRP, but seems impossible. Looks like I might have to either buy one clear across the US and ship it or do an epic road trip- at that point, I might as well get one locally for MSRP+$5K. Forget about a test drive or even sitting in one. There are none. I called a dealership back in December that had a 2.0, asked just to look at it, and they said no. I haven't even seen one in person yet besides on the road (few and far between).
Why do I want one so bad? Great styling- looks beautiful from every angle to me, awesome engine, easy to mod (coming from a Subaru STi that I love to tinker on), every video I've watched says it drives fantastic, rear wheel drive, and a manual transmission (if you can get one!) that is one of the best on the market. Toyota dependability with BMW quality- this car is going to be a classic.
Any advice here?
submitted by Tamwulf to Supra [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:21 mistyteal I've had 3 mini schnauzers so I got a tattoo for them

I've had 3 mini schnauzers so I got a tattoo for them
I've had 3 miniature schnauzers- one just passed in January. I thought I'd get a tattoo to remember all of them. It's on my forearm. What do you think- would the schnauzer gods approve?
submitted by mistyteal to schnauzers [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:42 shaneka69 DEPRESSION: A NUMEROLOGY DECODE

Let's Decode What Depression Is And More

Today I will be going in depth about depression and decoding the word and reasoning with Numerology. We can already see that depression has a lot of repeated letters which shows there is too much of a focus on one thing and too much of something can usually hinder it or cause imbalance.
Let's break down the word DEPRESSION:
The word has E 2 times, S 2 times
Let's first focus on the obvious! This word has karmic debt numbers for the letters N, P, and S. Let's grab some context from a site that I will link below that explain what these karmic debt numbers mean in detail.
"The 14 Karmic Debt arises from previous actions where human freedom has been abused. Those with a 14 Karmic Debt are forced to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and unexpected occurrences. There is an acute danger of falling victim to drug abuse, alcohol, or overindulgence in sensual pleasures, such as food and sex. Moderation in all affairs is crucial to overcome this Karmic Debt." - credit goes to Karmic Debt Numbers in Numerology World Numerology
"The 16 Karmic Debt – in any area it appears in a chart - means destruction of the old and birth of the new. It is about the fall of the ego and all it has built for itself. It is a watershed, a cleansing. Things the ego has constructed to separate a person from the source of life, are destroyed.
Through the 16, reunion with higher consciousness may be achieved. This can be a painful process because it usually comes after much ego inflation, resulting in a struggle between the ego and higher ideals. Life will present challenges to your grand plans which you may resent and struggle against. It is a losing battle… and you will likely feel humbled in the face of the collapse that follows. However, humility is the key to later success, as you learn to follow the intimations of a deeper reality."
"A person with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn independence and the proper use of power. You will be placed in situations where you are forced to stand up for yourself (and often be left standing alone). One of the central lessons for people with the 19 Karmic Debt revolves around stubbornly resisting help from others. Much of your independence is self-imposed - you simply want to do it your own way.The 19 Karmic Debt can become a self-imposed prison if you don’t recognize the need for interdependence and the mutual need for love.Although you seek to stand on your own feet, you are inextricably connected to others and in need of the support and understanding that all people need - this is the most important lesson for the 19 Karmic Debt." And being personally connected to a lot of 19 energy, this is very true! There is one 19 person I watch on Youtube and he is using this energy pretty well.


Let's take a look at the word. You see it starts with the letter D which is ruled by the number 4 as the 4th letter in the alphabet. 4 energy is connected to privacy, home, family, discontent, restriction, and nonchalant energy. There is many more terms, but you can see where this is going. If you call certain companies toll free, listen to what they say you need to press number 4 for.
What just hit me as I looked at the word is the rest of the word after DE...PRESSION. Maybe there is something needing to be expressed(expression!) that isn't being expressed. All depression is, is suppression of something. D/4 can be suppression and withholding. That's why some jobs want you to fill out the W4 which is a withholding form! Depression comes when someone is choosing to withhold expression of emotions and genuine communication that can help. Taking caution to a whole new level and it ends up being destructive. 4 can point to dissipation which makes sense for destruction to mean what it means.
The word starts with the energy of 4 which is about withholding and suppression and end with the energy of 5 which can be conflicting.
All those letters and we only get to the number 5?!. This word is embedded with the energy of 1 and 9 which means that people who claim or feel depression CAN utilize their personal power to get themselves out of said depression. You have the right to process your emotions and once you do, you can start using your strength and power to overcome. Sometimes it starts with the mind.
Now, based on the letters and numbers with the word, let's see what numbers are missing!
We are missing 2,3,and 8! 2 gives a person a natural comfort within self. It can also make them loveable or easily cooperative with others. The energy of 3 gives a person natural optimism and majestic mental capacity. 8 gives a person a steadfast embedded powerful strength. This 8 energy gives a person unstoppable capability.
Getting over depression is about rising above a situation and having the capability of strengthening your perspective. Your confidence levels are something you have to personally master. Notice how depression ends with O and N which is 6 and 5. That's a backtrack. We're counting forwards, not backwards. 6 is about overcoming problems while 5 is the problems or insecurities. Depression ending with the energy of 5 is a thinkpiece. 5 deals with the uniqueness of a situation or action. You will have to do something different or new to wake up out of whatever this depression was about and understand that everyone's depression won't be the same!
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 16:01 DeniceC99 Right Triangle Trigonometry Lesson 4 Scientific Calculator for Trigonometry

Right Triangle Trigonometry Lesson 4 Scientific Calculator for Trigonometry submitted by DeniceC99 to mathstutoraustralia [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 22:20 Loud-Collection2098 Geometry Math

Geometry Math submitted by Loud-Collection2098 to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 17:15 Fit-Pool-7699 Just started doing this worksheet, this my second attempt, does anyone know tips on how to draw these angles? I've been struggling with them for the longest.

Just started doing this worksheet, this my second attempt, does anyone know tips on how to draw these angles? I've been struggling with them for the longest. submitted by Fit-Pool-7699 to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 17:00 DeniceC99 Right Triangle Trigonometry Bundle -Finding Unknown Sides & Angles-SOH CAH TOA

Right Triangle Trigonometry Bundle -Finding Unknown Sides & Angles-SOH CAH TOA submitted by DeniceC99 to mathstutoraustralia [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 17:01 DeniceC99 SOH CAH TOA Trigonometric Ratios

SOH CAH TOA Trigonometric Ratios
Grades: 9th to 11th
Learning Outcomes:
  • Define the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios for angles in right-angled triangles
  • Prove and use the relationship between the sine and cosine ratios of complementary angles in right-angled triangles. For example: sin A = cos B and cos A = sin B where angles A and B are complementary.

More Info

SOH CAH TOA Trigonometric Ratios
submitted by DeniceC99 to mathstutoraustralia [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 17:00 DeniceC99 Introduction to Trigonometry

Introduction to Trigonometry
The introduction to trigonometry to learn part of a right-angled triangle such as the hypotenuse, adjacent and opposite sides.
Grades: 9th to 11th
Outcomes: Students
  • identify the hypotenuse, adjacent and opposite sides for a given angle in a right-angled triangle
  • recognise that the ratio of matching sides in similar right-angled triangles is constant for equal angles.

More info

Introduction to Trigonometry
submitted by DeniceC99 to mathstutoraustralia [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 14:01 DeniceC99 Trigonometric Ratios Notes and Worksheets

Trigonometric Ratios Notes and Worksheets
Trigonometry lesson notes, worksheets and answers.
The introduction to trigonometry to learn part of a right-angled triangle related to the specific trigonometry ratio (sin, cos or tan).
Grades: 9th to 11th
Outcomes: Students
• understand trigonometry ratios for right-angled triangles
• draw a right-angled triangle to show the given ratio.

More Info

Trigonometric Ratios Notes and Worksheets
submitted by DeniceC99 to mathstutoraustralia [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 21:44 CatWatt April 12th Special Days - Featuring Licorice Freebies!

April 12th Special Days - Featuring Licorice Freebies!

April 12th is... National Licorice Day
-- Licorice comes from the root of the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant and dates back to ancient times. It was used by the ancient Chinese, Egyptians, and Greeks for its medicinal properties. In those times, it was mainly used to treat maladies such as upset stomach and respiratory congestion. Licorice was found in the tomb of King Tut, and Alexander the Great's army reportedly consumed licorice. Today, it is primarily used in candies and consumed for enjoyment.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🔲 Tuesday Tutorial – Free Printable: Licorice Allsorts Favor Labels
🔲 Licorice Cutouts
🔲 Yarn Pumpkin Craft for Fall
🔲 Leprechaun Escape Rope Licorice Snack + Printable Tags
🔲 Make a Licorice and Marshmallow DNA Model
🔲 Liquorice Allsorts / Licorice Allsorts - Polymer Clay Tutorial
🔲 Black Licorice Wreath DIY
🔲 Licorice Shapes and Angles – Teach Beside Me
🔲 TNT Licorice Treats
🔲 Homemade Black Licorice
🔲 It's Hard to Say No to an Edible Rainbow Printable
🔲 DIY Edible Perler-Style Beads Featuring Rainbow Twizzlers Licorice Candy Straws
🔲 Honeyduke's Licorice Wands Harry Potter
🔲 No-Bake Licorice Allsorts slice
🔲 Santa Mason Jar Christmas Gift Idea
🔲 Rainbow To Go Treats with Free Printables
🔲 Black Licorice Squares
🔲 Rainbow Licorice Treat Bags
🔲 Fine Motor Activities: Learning with Licorice
🔲 Licorice Worksheets TPT
🔲 DIY Flag/Fourth of July Party Favor Candy Boxes
🔲 Homemade licorice - Real Recipes from Mums - Mouths of Mums
🔲 Licorice Craft Archives Fun Family Crafts
🔲 Midnight Moonlight Licorice Popcorn
🔲 DIY Allsorts Candy Boxes

Licorice Recipes:

🔲 How to Make Homemade Black Licorice: DIY Licorice Recipe
🔲 How to Make A Delicious Homemade Licorice Recipe
🔲 RECIPE - Red Licorice Twists - LCBO
🔲 Licorice Caramels Recipe Allrecipes
🔲 Salted Black Licorice Caramels Recipe Bon Appétit
🔲 Gluten Free Licorice Candy - Freebie Finding Mom
🔲 Black Licorice Gummy Candy (low carb-calorie) Diabetes Daily
🔲 Sugar-Free Pink Licorice - My Recipe Magic
🔲 How to Make Licorice Root Tea
More: April 12th Special Days - Featuring Licorice Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 20:53 thankbarbatos would yall take me out to the back of the shed if i asked for help with 1 more trig problem..

in my defense maybe not everyone is meant to be the sharpest tool in the shed...

update: nevermind everyone! i think i figured it out myself! here’s how to do for anyone who has a similar problem: find the unlabeled angle first, the way i learnt it is the unlabeled one is angle b for me. the one with the x is angle a. find it using angle a, side a, and side b. in this equation, angle b is 35.6519. then u can find angle a by doing 180 - 51 - 35.65 which equals 93.3! i know this is right because it matches up with one of the multiple choice answers on the sheet (its one of those spell the joke worksheets.)

submitted by thankbarbatos to learnmath [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 15:56 Fabianzzz 🌿🍷🍇 Course Announcement: Dionysus, Politics, and Liberation Theology 🌿🍷🍇

“Dionysus, not Thebes, is my government!”
Euripedes, Bacchae
I’m announcing the next section of the NoDE Courses - Dionysus and Politics. Though typically the names of the courses stand on their own, with our politics course, we are going to have a specific angle: Liberation Theology. Liberation theology is a theological approach to religion that focuses on the liberation of oppressed peoples.
Though the term has originated within Christianity, it is now used within Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Paganism. Without contesting the great work Liberationists are doing within their own religions, I would also like to remind folks that the ‘Liber’ portion of Liberation is derived from Liber, the free god (Dionysus), a word cognate to Eleuthereus, the Liberator.
We will of course cover how Dionysus can be a god of many political systems, including monarchism, anarchism, democracy, and fascism, in our first class. However, I’m not here to teach how to use Dionysian theology to hurt people. So we will spend the first class discussing ways it can be interpreted, the second on how to interpret Dionysian Theology in a Liberation framework, and the six following on various issues through such a framework.
We will meet over the course of eight weeks, covering eight sections:
  1. Dionysus and Political Theory (Authority, Forms of Government)
  2. Dionysus and Liberation Theology (Civil Liberties, LibeEleuthereus, Activism)
  3. Dionysus and Economics
  4. Dionysus and Relations (Conflict & Diplomacy)
  5. Dionysus: Race, Ethnicity, and Colonization
  6. Dionysus: Gender, Sex & Sexuality
  7. Dionysus and the Environment
  8. Dionysian Biopolitics: Health & Freedom
This is an 8 class course - it is a foundation of the Dionysian ordination program of NoDE. It will be Sundays, April 21st through June 9th, 8pm - 10pm ET. We will meet online via slack. As an 8 week course, this will be $200. This includes access to course materials and one on one consultations about the material.
What's Ordination?
Ordination is the process of becoming a priest. As N𐀶DE is looking to register as a religious organization, we will also look to register clergy who would be therefore authorized to perform rituals, namely the officiation of weddings. There is a lot of work that goes into this, from both a religious and bureaucratic perspective, and one set of requirements we have is religious instruction through these courses. If you are curious for more info on that, feel free to send an email.
What if I can't afford it?
Getting compensated for these courses is how I am able to offer them. However, if it isn’t achievable for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out - we can work something out - payment plan, reduced rate, art, energy exchange, etc.
What if I can’t make the times?
The course is written and materials are available at any time. I will ask that those who are interested in having this course count for the ordination process fill out the questions worksheet style if they miss, but there’s no deadline or grading of those answers.
To apply, email! Spots are limited so please apply sooner rather than later. Deadline to apply is April 20th.
Bacchic Blessings!
submitted by Fabianzzz to dionysus [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 19:51 GCSEstudentx help please - congruency

help please - congruency
i don’t get how AP=QC is wrong apparently it’s meant to be AD=BS
submitted by GCSEstudentx to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 19:41 GCSEstudentx help please- congruency

help please- congruency
i don’t get how i got this wrong
submitted by GCSEstudentx to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 23:29 AcuityTraining Excel Tip: Simplify Data Analysis with PivotTables

Excel Tip: Simplify Data Analysis with PivotTables
Ready to unlock the full potential of your data?
Let's dive into one of Excel's most powerful tools for data analysis: PivotTables. Whether you're summarizing sales data, analyzing survey responses, or dissecting financial reports, PivotTables can help you extract valuable insights with ease.
Credit: AcuityTraining UK

What are PivotTables?

PivotTables are interactive tables in Excel that allow you to summarize and analyze large datasets quickly and efficiently. With PivotTables, you can group, filter, and rearrange data dynamically, enabling you to explore your data from multiple perspectives and uncover meaningful patterns and trends.

Why Use PivotTables?

  1. Dynamic Summarization: PivotTables enable you to summarize large datasets into compact, easy-to-read tables, making it easier to understand complex information at a glance.
  2. Flexible Analysis: PivotTables offer flexibility in analyzing data from various angles by allowing you to drag and drop fields to arrange rows, columns, values, and filters dynamically.
  3. Interactive Exploration: PivotTables allow you to interactively drill down into your data, filter out irrelevant information, and focus on specific aspects of your analysis with just a few clicks.

How to Create PivotTables

  1. Select Your Data: Highlight the range of cells containing your data, including column headers if available.
  2. Insert PivotTable: Go to the Insert tab, click on PivotTable, and select where you want to place your PivotTable (e.g., a new worksheet or existing worksheet).
  3. Customize Your PivotTable: Drag and drop fields from the Field List to the areas of your PivotTable (e.g., rows, columns, values) to define the layout and structure of your analysis.

Example: Summarizing Sales Data

Let's say you have a dataset containing sales transactions with information such as date, product, quantity sold, and revenue. You can use a PivotTable to summarize this data by product and month, showing total sales and revenue for each product in each month.

Tips for Effective Use of PivotTables

  1. Choose the Right Fields: Select the most relevant fields for your analysis and arrange them logically to extract meaningful insights from your data.
  2. Experiment with PivotTable Options: Explore the various options available in PivotTable tools, such as sorting, filtering, and formatting, to customize your analysis and enhance its visual appeal.
  3. Refresh Data as Needed: If your source data changes, remember to refresh your PivotTable to ensure it reflects the latest information accurately.

Ready to Pivot Your Way to Insights?

PivotTables are a game-changer for anyone working with large datasets in Excel. By mastering their capabilities, you can transform raw data into actionable insights, make informed decisions, and drive business success.
Have you used PivotTables in your Excel projects before?
Share your favorite tips, tricks, and success stories in the comments below! Let's empower each other to excel with Excel! 📊💡
Happy Pivoting! 🚀🔍
submitted by AcuityTraining to u/AcuityTraining [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 06:26 wildjokers Help solving a height of flagpole problem (triangles).

I was trying to help my daughter with a geometry worksheet. She said the teacher said these were pretty hard problems. It just gets a completion grade. This was one of the questions and it has me stumped:
To measure the height of a flagpole, Dave takes an angle of elevation from the ground floor of the school to be 32 degrees. He then climbs to the top of the school, 45ft up and measures the angle of elevation to now be 15 degrees. How tall is the flagpole? How far is the bottom of the flagpole from the bottom of the school?
The best I could come up with is a system of equations that I don’t know if it is correct and even if it is, not sure how to solve them.
I came up with:
Tan(32) = h / d
Tan(15) = h - 45 / d
h is height of flagpole, d is distance between flagpole and school.
Am I even close to being on the right track?
The problem doesn’t give any of the lengths of the sides of the triangles. Previous problems like these gave at least the length of one triangle side. Here I have two triangles with angles but no sides at all. Except knowing the school is 45 ft tall and so the flagpole is at least that tall so one of the triangles has a height of h - 45.
submitted by wildjokers to MathHelp [link] [comments]