Buying hgh injectable

ULPT - You can easily bypass online proctored exams

2024.06.05 05:01 Adventurous-Sort-679 ULPT - You can easily bypass online proctored exams

I made an app that can bypass online proctored exam -
Long story short, being a student and full time swe is a pain in the ass, especially when you're a lazy one. I was in a weird situation where I had to write an exam (in lockdown browser) and only had like 2hours to prepare. I could have just went through first few slides and still passed. But who wants that lol, especially, when the idea of certain software bypass been lurking in my head for the last few semester. Pressured enough to do something for my exam, I quickly came up with a script that could monitor my clipboard interactions and inject ai responses for any question I copied in the test and literally have it pasted in the answer input within seconds. I managed to finsih that one hour exam in like 10mins and spent the remaining time planning how to sell this to my fellow students. So here I am, after literal months of grinding on a full-scale cross platform desktop app while managing my current job and academics (that was easy) . Okay, maybe this passage might have ended up sounding arrogant, but it's sincerely me just promoting the product for those students interested in buying. YOU GET 15 FREE PROMPTS WHEN SIGNING UP TO TEST BEFORE MAKING PURCHASE AND I'M ALWAYS HERE TO PATCH ANY BUGS IF YOU REPORT IN TIME. Let me know what you all think!!!
submitted by Adventurous-Sort-679 to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:45 SubliminallyAwake On a quest for best performing wired PCVR stream setup

Device: Pico 4
My home network setup: PC connected Wirelessly to a Wifi 6 router that is too far away for wireless streaming and also shares wifi band with 8+ devices.
-Wifi extender & EthernetOverPower is not a possibility (ancient wiring) -Rather not willing to run a CAT cable all the way to router but if it must be done so shall it be done.
Stuff I got: - Powerfull PC with 1*USB-C out - 5 meter Oculus Link USB-C cable - 2x 1Gbps managed switches - A spare Archer C4 router running OpenWRT
What I want:
Stable 1200mbps connection on VD with under 20ms network latency and active sufficient charging with only the Oculuslink cable running from the headset connector (which then gets connected to whatever it needs to connect to the PC)
What I have tried: - Wifi to router not sufficent (480mbps) - Pico connect USB streaming (shit quality) - Virtual desktop through systemsettings.apk usb tether on Pico4 (BSOD hell with windows default 2006 driver, a bit better with manual selection of 2016 driver) but latency and mostly stability suffer
What I havent tried: - Gnirehtet reverse tether from windows to Pico
(No idea how to set it up, and no idea if latency and stability is better?)
-Buying USB-C to ethernet adapters/Hubs with PD connectors
(Have no idea what would work in my setup?)
-Buy USB-C splitter for Data and PD power injection
-Any other way to get this stuff to be a dream.
What should I do to get away as cheaply and simply as possible to achieve my goal?
Go the Adapter+usb-c double female joint/Hub + Cat cable to router "route"? - If so, what adaptehub and how to connect it so only USB-C cable is hanging on headset ? (I know networking and charging inject philosophy so no need to educate there)
Go the Gnirehtet way? -How do I then inject more power to headset? Hub? What hub? (Have only 1x USB-C connector on my PC)
Could I connect the PC and PICO to a managed switch that is not connected to router and connect that way with an ethernet adaptor?
Why is such a simple thing so complicated with so many variables :')
My decisions are in your hands, budget, about 100-150$ (amazon shipping is crazy expensive to my country though so local, banggood or aliexpress over amazon anytime)
submitted by SubliminallyAwake to PicoXR [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:42 TheStraya The Deal of a Lifetime: Monument Group

The Deal of a Lifetime: Monument Group
Monument Group
Today I am announcing that I will be personally selling 300 shares (representing 31% ownership) of Monument Group, the server's first major conglomerate and to date the most successful. The Group owns the server's most influential banking service, exchanges, as well as successful enchanted goods and foods divisions. There are various other footholds which the business has, but by now you all know of this company and I doubt it needs further explanation.
This represents the server's final chance to get inside Monument Group, and the power which comes with these shares would make you one of the most influential players, or group of players on the server. By purchasing 50 shares you would qualify, pending board approval, a seat on the Monument Group board.
I suggest you take advantage of this opportunity, because the company is poised to succeed far beyond anything this server has seen before, and if you do not buy in now there will never be an opportunity like this ever again, I can promise you that.
It has become clear to me that I have stretched myself too thin on this server, this, combined with the benefit which a significant injection of diamonds would pose for my nation and the region I govern has formulated the reasoning behind my decision. It has been one I have deliberated upon for a long time.
For the record, I will be retaining 6 shares. My total current ownership is 306 shares, of which I have already stated I am selling 300. I will still have a small interest in the company.
These shares will be divided into 15 equal lots of 20 shares, and will be auctioned in the CivMC discord from 25 June @ 9PM CST for a period lasting 48 hours and potentially extendable by one hour after the final bid if that comes later.
  • Starting Bid = 25d/share
  • Minimum bid increment = 0.1d/share
  • Payment must be made to HS-6275 (Monument Bank).
submitted by TheStraya to CivMC [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:36 Cdori Anyone have unforeseen concerns and using or making something to prevent it as you loss weight?

I have been doing a little reading about things that can or will happen during this process. And some of them, I don't know if I will accept very easily. haha
My fear, wrinkles and sagging skin and hair loss.
So, My new prevention product in the works.... I have already been taking a lot of vitamins and continue to hope that this will prevent the hair loss. I started taking them before I started GLP1s.
But lately, the fear of bagging, sagging skin is bothering me. So i am creating, like a chemist with no experience, a lotion and serum. Slowly, i am buying the stuff I want to put in it and then the lab work will begin!
I have been reading a lot about skin care products, peptides etc.
I don't want another injectable, at least not right now. I also don't want to spend 100s of dollars for minute amounts of serums and lotions. My hair will do a bottle of these serums in no time because it is so thick.
Ironically, I lost my sense of smell so my son will have to tell me if I repel anyone when its done. haha
submitted by Cdori to GLP1sForOldies [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:05 FerdySpuffy Life enrichment for aging pup with weak legs

Hello, dogs!
I’m looking for some guidance and suggestions for my aging pup, a 14-year-old, 24-pound shepherd mix who's always been a bundle of energy.
Background: Over the past year, he’s slowed down significantly, started eating less and lost some weight, and grown a bit weaker, especially in his hind legs -- They shake when he stands, he can't finish peeing without putting his leg down, and he's been stumbling on curbs during our walks. He's also stopped jumping up on the couch to snuggle in the evenings, and he'll either wander around and circle the couch while we sit, or he'll just stare at us until we pick him up (which hurts him if we don't do it just right).
A few things we've tried: We’ve been to the vet, and tried an oral pain med that didn’t help. He just got his first injection of a new one, but they said it could take a month to see results, if we see them at all. We also give him melatonin in the evenings, which seems to relax him enough to chill on the couch. For the couch situation, we have puppy stairs he could use to get up more easily, but he refuses to use them.
What I'm looking for: Despite all this, he’s still a happy pup at heart. He gets excited for walks and has bursts of puppy-like energy, and he hardly seems to notice his difficulties, outside of the pain when we pick him up. With all that said, I don't think it's time to start talking about end-of-life just yet, and I’m looking for ideas to improve his current circumstances.
One specific thing I'd like input on is the couch situation. I'm trying to think of products I can buy that will help him get back up on the couch as easily as he used to. Maybe there's a good product out there like a jacket with a handle that will help spread out the pressure when we pick him up? What else would you try here?
Are there any other products you'd suggest for enrichment? Or any other general advice you'd have for this situation?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions! My puppers thanks you, too. 🐶
submitted by FerdySpuffy to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:22 MaybeThisTime-13 I still feel hunger but have willpower and have become terrified

45 gay male, SW 155kg, CW 148.6kg, GW IDK
I’m on week three of 2.5mg. It’s been an astonishing experience. I still have hunger and I still very notice food around but I have self control.
I remember crying during week one because I realised all those judgemental people who have bullied me with “helpful” advice like “just eat a salad” honestly had a choice over what they ate. They had me convinced I was morally defective. This came about because deciding what I would eat suddenly had no critical self talk - I decided to eat a salad because I wanted one - not because I denying myself something else. Food suddenly wasn’t an internal fight.
A couple of days ago on my way home I went into the supermarket to buy some salad for dinner and while I hungry, I wasn’t particularly tempted to buy anything not on my list. I walked out with some tomatoes and spinach.
On the weekend I found myself enjoying the experience of having the physical sensation of hunger without an overwhelming need to go and eat. Don’t worry I did eat - but I was marvelling how the emotionality around feeling hungry wasn’t there. It was like being a bit too warm and deciding to take off a cardigan.
I’m loving feeling agency over food. I love that feeling of “done” that comes before full. And I’m loving that whatever moral failing made me fat was a physical, biological reality addressed by this injectable miracle.
But I’m worried. I’m worried that there will be supply problems or the medication will be withdrawn or I’ll have serious side effects or I’ll lose my job and won’t be able to afford the medication.
And part of me is worried this is a trick - that somehow this attempt at weight loss will fail like the previous twenty or so.
In his book Magic Pill, Johann Hari is asked “would he take it if it gave him boils” - he says no - he acknowledges vanity is driving him (at least a little), but my answer is “yes yes I would.” And I’m terrified that somehow government will ban GLP1 agonists because of the moral panic around it and their belief we just need to eat a salad.
submitted by MaybeThisTime-13 to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:44 RealisticCarpenter83 I haven’t taken T in a couple months, would a dose rn stop my period from coming back?

I haven’t taken my T in a few months, I think my last dose was in March. intramuscular injections. 0.5ml 250mg I believe.
I stopped because my changes were happening and I hadn’t come out yet, and I suppose I just got scared. I can usually tell when my period is about to come, and today I spotted a bit. I have a couple of vials left that I never got rid of. If I take a weeks dose, would this buy me more time with my period coming back? I’m probably gonna do it anyway but I wanted to ask
submitted by RealisticCarpenter83 to TestosteroneKickoff [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:53 th5511 UDR and PoE to Radios and cameras

Im considering a UDR to run two U6 Lite radios and eventually 2 G5 turrets for my home.
My question is will the PoE, coming out of UDR and into a Flex Mini, have sufficient power to operate two U6 Lites plugged into the switch? Remember that switch gets its power from the UFR.
Or would I need to buy an Ultra 60W switch? I believe the Ultra 60 injects power.
Just venturing into the world of PoE and not sure the UDM’s PoE can support multiple PoE devices (daisy chain) from just one PoE port.
submitted by th5511 to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:30 charlo-darlo MTF Journal, Entry 2 (5 or 6 months on)

Hi all!
I'm Charlotte, a 20 year old woman, from the UK. 5 or 6 months ago I started HRT through GenderGP and have really benefited from the medicines I've been taking (Oestrogel and 50mg/day Spironolactone). As of recently, I've not been able to trust GenderGP through multiple scandals and distrust between its members.
Only in recent weeks have I experienced the first instances of breast growth, which has been very exciting! so far it has been very minimal, however it's been great for my mental health - to know that I'm still making progress.
One of my least favourite things about HRT is the spironolactone. It'd be awesome to move over to a GnRH blocker, however my current job and living situation just don't allow for the money to stretch that far! Spironolactone being a diuretic means that I pee. very often. a lot. to a point where I'll literally rather just dehydrate than have a glass of water, knowing that in the next 40 minutes to one hour I'll need a toilet break.
So, with cancelling my GGP subscription I have decided to take matters into my own hands and have ordered my own Een, needles, swabs and a sharps bin - I plan on doing my own injections and monitoring my own levels once I run out of Oestrogel and spiro - At the time of writing, this makes 18 days until my first injection. I wont go into detail about dosing, where to buy, or any other details. If anybody is desperate to know, I can lead you to some good information.
I'm still considering the options as far as anti-androgens (testosterone blockers) are concerned - but the NHS won't help me and spironolactone is the only affordable AA which I can identify (please please please do correct me if I'm wrong).
Also, I've only been disappointed thus far by the NHS. absolutely no help whatsoever, if it weren't for homebrewers and gendergp (until now) this journal entry would never have existed. It's great to have such a brilliant free medical service, but who is it really serving. Politics over.
Tl,dr: I've had a great experience with Oestrogel and spironolactone so far, however this is having to stop and I'm going to try monotherapy (EEn), if this doesn't work for me - I'll go back onto spironolactone or Bica alongside EEn.
submitted by charlo-darlo to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:23 ScottishChamp786 VIP Nasal spray UK

Can someone please guide me from where I can buy VIP nasal spray in UK or if I can order from EU without prescription or if we can inject VIP or not for CIRS .
submitted by ScottishChamp786 to CIRS [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:10 GGxExecutive Fragment vs Tesamorelin

What’s people opinions on Tesa and frag? The place I normally buy from only sells HGH Fragment 176-191 5mg and not tesa. Their description reads like they both do the same thing but was wondering on what people’s experiences are. Trying to get rid of some stubborn belly fat.
submitted by GGxExecutive to Peptidesource [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:18 NoticeMeSenDiePie Psoriasis Remedy (Scapho)

Anyone here who injects Scapho, or knows where to find/buy one for Psoriasis remedy? we have the prescription, but I don't know anywhere here that it is available, even online.
submitted by NoticeMeSenDiePie to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:34 Sabots Kanplan 101, (basic) Setup Help - Company-managed Only?

Very basic advice welcomed. Trying to connect small independent team to a low-friction central source of truth (picked Confluence/Jira). Too easy to stuff a CC' email full of ill-defined "I think people should dos," and then later wonder why they're not done. I need to keep the backlog off the board and force an explicit (cleascoped/available/agreed) action to get on the "Things in Motion" board.
So, I've been struggling to follow various different-looking tutorials to add a separate backlog to Team-Managed projects. Out of frustration minutes ago created a Company-Managed Kanban... and OMFG there it is!!! (Looks like what I'm after!)
Is separate Kanban Backlog a company-managed feature only?
Is a C.M. project a wise choice over T.M. for an incredibly basic Kanban project? (I've used Jira & others in past per dev team's pref, but haven't been a jira admin.) I don't mind some learnin', but w/o knowing the overhead I don't want to inject User hurdles until I can get collective buy-in.
Bonus: Was planning on the no-featured kanban software to not overwhelm the team, but if you have any tips from experience that even basic teams quickly need a calendar view (or other "topnav" feature from other types). Trying for a framework "as simple as possible, but not simpler," with the flexibility to expand as collective needs mature.
submitted by Sabots to jira [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:27 RainbowSheepwastaken Plastic cases for the 4 speed tranny?

I know I will get called stupid for this, but what if I made the transmission cases from injection molded nylon? It's a really good material and I'm sure it will handle atleast stock engines, but should i do it? I only thought about this when I was 3D printing a case to experiment with, it will make the transmission atleast 60% cheaper. Plastic sounds stupid and weak though, it's the same material used in the governor and plastic camshafts but if I were to use it I will make it very thick so it wont shake. I assume no one would buy a 4 speed transmission made of plastic but just to make sure, would you? I personally really want to stick to aluminium but If I want to do that I'm probably gonna have the first prototype by the end of 2025, assuming I instantly get hired somewhere and assuming I don't fail this year, which I will probably.
submitted by RainbowSheepwastaken to minibikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:53 shadowcreeper77 First time Jet Ski

Hi all.
Im looking to buy an older jetski on a trailer as a project to have fun with and drive around the Chesapeake. I have plenty of mechanical experience on cars, bikes, and boats. None on jetskis however. Id like an older model as it tends to be much easier in my experience to work on older stuff. For example, my tow rig is going to be a 1984 Dodge Rampage.
Any suggestions for good models or manufacturers from 1980-1999ish. Id prefer to stick to carbs instead of fuel injection. Does not necessarily need to have oil injection as I'm always afraid of the injection failing and don't mind premixing.
submitted by shadowcreeper77 to jetski [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:28 No_Cream_3565 Where do you get your injection needles from?

I usually get mine from the medical clinic that i go to, but im going to have to start buying them from now on. I was wondering where do yall order yours from? I use a 22 guage to draw the T and then a 25 guage to inject. Im not really fond of buying medical supplies off amazon for quality and safety reasons. What websites/brands are good?
submitted by No_Cream_3565 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:51 SecretHelicopter8270 Humanity is alive in Seattle.

I went to the eastside 24hr Walgreen at night time due to a sort of emergency. My brother (say Ben) who is severely diabetic and mentally challenged visited me from CA( not visiting on his own, my husband had to drive him due to his poor health) and brought his meds. But, he forgot his diabetic pen needles. At 10pm he needed the injection so I was going to get him the needles myself. Ben looks like a homeless person and was sitting in the pharmacy waiting area while I was waiting for needles.
The clerk brought a box of needles to me and said that the little box was $62. What? I was in disbelief. I was expecting $5 to 10. I was talking with the clerk a little bit, and a very kind looking young woman came right next to me so I looked up (she was tall). She goes "Can I pay for this? Please let me." I go "Are you sure? This is $62?" That seemed a lot for charity for me. But she insisted. "I want to do something nice today"
She had such a soft gentle voice, I couldn't resist. So she paid for my brother's needles. I really appreciated her. But it would be rude to ask for phone number so I asked her for her name she said it was ___. I said I am aaa and this is my brother bbb. And we parted.
I still think of her. I have good heart myself, I think. But she made me feel small and petty. I smiled all night thinking what a wonderful place Seattle is.
There are far too many depressing stories on this sub. But I still love Seattle. I believe people genuinely care about others even though they come off cold or freeze or whatever.
Please share your feel good stories too!
Edit: Ok Haggling is not the right word. I was just discussing how to do this. Should I buy and get reimbursed? Are there cheaper options? Etc.
Edit: My brother looks unkempt due to his disorder but a sweet kind person. My choice of word sent a weird trigger in your head. That is disappointing.
Edit: Mod, would you please remove the banner? This is not a dying story. You can put "heartwarming" instead. IMO.
submitted by SecretHelicopter8270 to SeattleWA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:45 IStillLikeIke Congratulations fellow paramount bagholders. Either give up your shares up at 15$ or get 30 percent of a diluted company 🤡

Did this math on another post but reposting it here. If as reported Skydance is still doing a reverse merger for 4.75 billion (valuing para b at 15$) and the tender offer is to buy rather then retire, and the equity injection of 1.5 billion is for stock at the same price, we are looking at at owning 330 million shares in a 1.1 billion stock company after this. Diluted by almost half baby! Congratulations to all of us who got in above 20 or 30$!
submitted by IStillLikeIke to ParamountGlobal2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:44 Theotherscreenname Need advice on expanding my setup

I’m looking for some advice about expanding my setup. I currently have in my inventory:
5V 15A 75W Power Supply (2) WS2812B 5m 60 LED strip (4) dig2go controller with usb-c power supply(2) Several esp32 boards
My current setup is the one dig2go running at 3amps connected to 1 strip and it’s great. I also have one of the power bricks listed above powering an athom controller and 1 strip. It’s animations are slow in comparison to an esp32 based controller so I’d like to replace it with the other dig2go or an esp32 that I’d flash.
My question is what would be the best way to utilize the products I have now? I’m not opposed to buying a larger PSU but wanted to try to put something together first.
My thought is that if a JST can only handle 4 amps, would it make sense to connect 2 strips to a power brick and limit the controller to 8amps? Or would it make more sense to connect 3 strips together and inject power while limiting the controller to 12amps?
For added context, I’ll be outlining the ceiling of a small room.
submitted by Theotherscreenname to WLED [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:42 NeighborhoodOld2173 How to safely backup Save Files

I recently found out that there is absolutly no way to backup save files with original software other than by backing it up through the cloud and even then, some games like Pokemon are not even compatible with that feature. The solution that I found is to buy another switch (V1) that can me modded to backup all my saves through JKSV.
The setup that I currently have : - A V1 Switch without any data and without any modification done to the software - A V2 Switch with all my precious saves and data. - The RCM Jig and all the tools necessary to inject the payload.
I know that it is possible to transfer save files between two switch but by doing that it will also erase my save files on the switch that had the saves.
The question that I have is the following : What do I do in what order ? Should I transfer my saves then create the emuMMC, install JKSV through DBI and then backup all my saves or should I do the hack first ?
Sorry for the newbie question, I'm just really woried to loose all my saves in the process
submitted by NeighborhoodOld2173 to SwitchPirates [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:09 TheForce122 Trump is assembling a dream team to "obliterate the deep state once and for all"

Trump is assembling a dream team to submitted by TheForce122 to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:59 friendlyfire_may Starting and stopping ozempic?

Hey guys.
I was on ozempic for about 7 months until April of this year. I did it under supervision of a physician (I had to physically go in the office and she would do the injections herself while monitoring all my level changes weekly). But I stopped because I moved abroad in May and wasn’t sure where I would get it.
Honestly not even 2 weeks after stopping, my appetite has gone back to what it was and food noise is the worst part. Seriously want to stick something in my ear to stop myself from hearing food thoughts in my head. I haven’t gained much. Maybe 1-2 kg. Because I still work out.
But now that I’m here I’ve found that you can buy it at the pharmacy prescription free. So I want to start again. But is it safe to stop and suddenly start back again? And possibly stop again after?
I haven’t found a physician yet here though I should at some point. Just language barriers and the move has been exhausting so I’ve just put it off.
Thanks for any input!
Edit: I’ve also never injected myself before. Is it scary?
submitted by friendlyfire_may to OzempicForWeightLoss [link] [comments]