Tenant notice of lease non renewal

Boston Tenants

2014.08.12 22:42 wihz Boston Tenants

For discussions, news, and organizing on subjects related to Boston area tenant's rights, issues, and resources.

2024.06.02 20:01 princess_barbie Vehicle Registration fee didn’t go down this year?

I just moved to Minnesota last summer after living in Tennessee and was hit with the surprise of extremely high vehicle registration fees - I was assured by people that this fee would decrease yearly. However, I just got my renewal notice in the mail, and the registration fee is $534 - exactly the same amount as I paid last summer. Why is this?
submitted by princess_barbie to minnesota [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:59 homerunisrael What is this on the lease agreement?

Was curious what this non tax fees is? I asked the dealer and they said it was registration. Thanks in advance.
submitted by homerunisrael to CarLeasingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:59 chiaroscuro-sfumato 27 [M4F] let’s narrow the spaces betwixt you and me

Perhaps we both are in that liminal space, alluding each other in ways we don’t notice. Waiting for that opportune moment to change the status quo. If you think it’s you who I’m looking for all this time please do give this a shot
Some details about myself:
A few things about you:
If you feel like you’re the one and want to give this a shot please do try a message me. Please be ready to EXCHANGE photos as well so we don’t end up wasting each other’s time (I’m willing to send my photo first but please do send yours as well and just tell if if you’re going to pass, no hard feelings). I’m looking for a serious relationship/date to settle.
Would reply as soon as I can, I don’t reply immediately I might be at work or sleeping, rest assured you will get a reply if you send a message (there are some people who sent a message but I can’t reply to, please do try again if you’re one of them)
I hope you actually read through and comprehend the post. Will prioritise dms/messages with substance.
Thanks for getting this far, you’re awesome from reading through it all, if you’re going to give this a shot see you in my dm’s ❤️
Post gets removed once I find someone
submitted by chiaroscuro-sfumato to PhR4Dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 chiaroscuro-sfumato 27 [M4F] let’s narrow the spaces betwixt you and me

Perhaps we both are in that liminal space, alluding each other in ways we don’t notice. Waiting for that opportune moment to change the status quo. If you think it’s you who I’m looking for all this time please do give this a shot
Some details about myself:
A few things about you:
If you feel like you’re the one and want to give this a shot please do try a message me. Please be ready to EXCHANGE photos as well so we don’t end up wasting each other’s time (I’m willing to send my photo first but please do send yours as well and just tell if if you’re going to pass, no hard feelings). I’m looking for a serious relationship/date to settle.
Would reply as soon as I can, I don’t reply immediately I might be at work or sleeping, rest assured you will get a reply if you send a message (there are some people who sent a message but I can’t reply to, please do try again if you’re one of them)
I hope you actually read through and comprehend the post. Will prioritise dms/messages with substance.
Thanks for getting this far, you’re awesome from reading through it all, if you’re going to give this a shot see you in my dm’s ❤️
Post gets removed once I find someone
submitted by chiaroscuro-sfumato to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:57 fuckkroenkeanddemoff What causes violent crime to increase or decrease?

One commenter in another thread mentioned crime back in the old days, I'm guessing the depression, which was quickly countered with something like "Your narrative is bullshit, it was there."
So a quick and dirty googling indicated that crime rose initially, but dropped after 1934. There's plenty of speculation as to the why and validity of it of it (crime stats were mostly local and not as reliable then), but it didn't support much of a correlation.
Additionally, the late crime spike of the 60's was not accompanied by a major economic slowdown.
So what really causes crime to increase? Liberals will tell you poverty and gun access. Conservatives will counter with breakdown of family units, drugs and all things Kim Gardneresque.
Both of these could be true to varying degrees. I used to lean conservative, but I've sworn off political allegiances. Jeff City has plenty of batcrap crazy, as does Springfield, IL.
I'm not interested in a political debate or a spouting of narratives, though I'm sure I'll get plenty of that on reddit.
I'll speculate that crime happens due to a number of reasons, but here are a few.
  1. Broken window theory has been devalued, but I'll still say there's something about a well kept neighborhood vs. one that looks like crap. Burglars always say they look for easy pickings. Predators pick off the weak. If a neighborhood shows that nobody cares, bad stuff is gonna happen.
  2. I'll keep pounding the drum for tree lined city streets. They supposedly reduce crime consistenly by something like 7%, and just feel safer. I was driving through NSTL, and one stretch of blocks had almost no trees. Buildings weren't terrible, but something felt a little off. Then I found a few blocks of shade, and it just felt safer. I don't know why, but I noticed. This should be a non partisan solution, right?
  3. I've also read that blue tinted streetlights have a similar calming effect. How expensive would it be to tint our streetlights blue? Who would find it politically offensive?
  4. I can't remember the book or author, but just Google age demographic trends or something and you'll find him. The guy runs a hedge fund based on age demographic research. He originally learned while working in advertising that age demographics matter. Example given was Honda motorcycles sold like crazy until 1986, when sales started dropping. Eventually he figured out that there weren't enough young single men to keep buying up the high speed death rockets. Which leads to the dangers of testosterone.
Testosterone is great. It makes men strong and horny, two things critical to human survival. Unfortunately, it also makes them fight and do stupid things more. This is great if you need them to charge an enemy in war, but bad if you want a peaceful city. I say this as a former young man who did many stupid things that could've made me a career client of the justice system. Young men do stupid things, including violent crime. There were a lot of young male boomers by the late 60's. Lots of violent crime is usually traced to young men. Sad, but I'll say likely true.
Anyway, what do you say, St. Louis? We love our crime posts here. Please keep it evidence based, even if only lazy googling based. Or just do what you usually do on reddit. Have a great weekend everyone!
submitted by fuckkroenkeanddemoff to StLouis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:55 Narrow-Gap-1731 The “Dap me up” trend at send-off has gone too far

This may seem small but it’s been bothering me for a few weeks now. First, while idols in Korea may engage in this behavior among themselves (which i still find weird) they seem unaware of the term "dap me up," which is concerning. It feels like another tool to cosplay Black American culture. Second, I've observed many non-black Pe1ces and Moas engaging in this gesture with members, and it's uncomfortable to witness. Mainly because it doesn't stem from their culture. All members, except maybe Keeho, seem lost. Am I alone in noticing this trend? Does it bother you? Do you feel it’s appropriate? It would be one thing if Black fans were introducing this gesture to idols at send off, but that never seems to be the case...
submitted by Narrow-Gap-1731 to kpopnoir [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:54 Greedy_Row_3401 Instaregret for trying it again...

During lockdown I got sucked into Instacart but finally weaned myself off last year. Today after working 4 12-hour shifts I decided to give it a go again as a treat to myself. I ordered a 6-pack of non-alcoholic Sierra Nevada and noticed the shopper replaced it with a f'ing 30 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon. I told him please don't do that, if there's any other NA beer there you can replace it, including the other NA 6-pack I requested (Corona NA - great stuff btw) which he could have added as a replacement. Instead, he just refunded me. I'm not a difficult person by any means, but WTF. The PBR 30 pack was like $25 too, compared to $13 for the Sierra Nevada.
And then I see he's shopping for multiple orders although I paid for priority, which I now understand is a joke. I don't expect to have a shopper to myself, but I guess a little more attention to detail would be appreciated. Just felt the need to vent and lo and behold, found this place. So yeah, won't be using it again. People have talked about Shipt, but it's not offered in a lot of places.
I feel bad for the shoppers overall. The other day when I was actually in the store shopping for my own adult self, I saw a Safeway employee hassle a shopper about pick up times. It was throwing her whole schedule off and the employee made her out to be the problem. The shopper had a 10 year old or so kid with her and just looked exasperated.
Now I feel all dirty waiting for my questionable order to come and go present my ID for the one pack of NA beer he did manage to find. I mean, could have just put two of the same one in my cart or offered the option but... OK.
submitted by Greedy_Row_3401 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 Electronic-Length824 AITA for calling my sister an entitled Karen?

I (25m) told my sister (27f) that she’s acting as an entitled Karen.
Names changed, let’s say my sister is Julia and my gf is Emma.
For context: Me and my girlfriend (22f) visited my sister and stayed at her place for a couple of days. My sister is a single mother with a 9 month old son. Last year me and Emma saved my sister from her abusive husband. I don’t know much about what exactly he was doing to her, but the guy was a full blown psychopath, and now he’s in prison for the things he did to her. Once we called police on him, Julia had no choice but to come back to our parents, since at the time she had no job - the guy made her completely dependent on him, she couldn’t afford the flat and she had a baby who at the time was 3mo. Also we were all worried she would harm herself, since her mental state at that moment was very poor.
For the next few months Julia stayed at our parents house. For a reason I can’t really understand she didn’t cancel the contract for the flat she rented with her husband but instead put it on AirBnB. She explained that she would like to move back there once she finds a job. For what I know the reservations allowed her to cover the rent and bills.
3 months after her husband got arrested, she found a job and just like she said, she moved back to the flat with her baby.
To celebrate that, we visited her. We planned our stay, with a trip to the mountains and a visit to a SPA. The SPA was supposed to be a surprise gift from Julia to Emma. Emma helped Julia to write a decent CV thus Julia intended to make it a surprise as a token of appreciation.
Now, back to the issue:
Once we arrive at Julia’s, we started to discuss our plans for the mountain trip. We had a few things we wanted to see and the whole trip and return would take us circa 12-13 hours. Julia’s baby was coming with us and this is where she started to act a bit entitled.
Julia said that she would prefer we woke up at 5-6 am, to be able to return before 8 pm. She said that her son would cry all the way back if he wasn’t at home after 7-8 pm. I reminded her that this was supposed to be a trip free from strife and rush and we would not put an alarm at the sunrise, since it would miss the point. Emma backed me up on that, so Julia sucked it up, but I could see she wasn’t pleased. We reminded her, that we planned to go to a swimming pool anyway, so most likely her son would be exhausted afterwards and would sleep all the way back.
The trip itself was very pleasant. Except for the way back. The kid did cry for almost 2 hours non stop. Julia was with him in the backseat, trying to soothe him but apparently nothing worked. She didn’t tell us “I told you so”, but she did mention that in future she would appreciate to listen to her if we plan to include her son in our plans. Emma told her that she is overprotective of the boy, because she makes him too used to a routine and thus he becomes hysterical when something goes off the schedule.
When we finally arrived, Julia rushed to her flat with her baby and left us with all the bags to carry inside.
The next day we didn’t do much. The SPA was planned for the 3rd day of our visit, so we mostly chilled in front of the TV and in the afternoon we visited our parents. This is when Julia again started to act entitled.
On the way to parents, I put a song I like on the speakers. Julia asked me to turn it off, because she doesn’t want her baby to listen to rap. I told her to be cool. I was the driver and it wasn’t some sort of a violent-dumb rap. She insisted and to avoid an argument, I gave in.
At our parents we had a BBQ but Julia went to the guest room and avoided everyone. She left her baby with our mom and disappeared for 2 hours. In the evening she came back, saying it’s time to go back to her place. I asked her to wait, because we were watching a sports event. She was not happy, but gave in.
At 8pm we took the road back. Me and Emmy had a beer each, so Julia was driving. Her kid started to cry again but this time he fell asleep. I was talking with Emmy and Julia scoffed at me to be quiet, because I would wake up her son. This is where I told her she’s acting entitled. I told her how she’s overprotective of her son, how she overreacted with the rap, because it will not kill him to listen to some other music for few minutes. I had enough. Julia became furious. She started to yell that we are her guests and we should be respectful and take her child into consideration. This made me angry, because we were not at her place. I told her that if she didn’t notice, we were at the car, not at her home. Sister lost her shit and started to scream at me. She said that she will not let anyone talk to her like this after what she’s been through with her husband. I told her she should stop using her husband as an excuse to avoid earned criticism.
At that point Emma told both of us to stop arguing, since Julia was driving and it was not safe.
So we spent the rest of the road in silence. When we got to Julia’s place she again rushed inside with the baby, bathed him and took a shower. I had a headache, so I wanted to chill in the living room when Julia came to me with her baby in hands, crying and told me how hurtful was what I told her and how dare I call her entitled. I told her that she is in fact entitled, she only is too biased to see it. She started to rant about how her husband would abuse her in that very room and that she had every right to give her kid the peace and routine and that I had no right to treat her like that. She demanded I apologize and I refused, so she said she wanted us gone the next day. She said she will not pay for the SPA for Emmy and that the visit is over. I asked her if she had anything more to say, and she looked furious, but went back to the bed with her child.
I was upset with how she overreacted but what she did next was outrageous. Emma didn’t know about the SPA. And after talking to me, Julia texted her to say that she was canceling the surprise and that it was because of me.
We packed our stuff and left first thing in the morning, before Julia woke up. Unfortunately, we forgot the car registration card at her place, so we had to go back. I decided I will save Emma from any extra drama and went back inside alone.
It was a good idea, because after she let me in, Julia immediately started to tell me how immature and disrespectful both of me and Emma were and that she was disappointed in us. I told her that she was crazy if she thought that after she texted Emma I would come to her begging for forgiveness and that by canceling the SPA plan, she ruined any chance for spending the rest of the weekend together. She told me to get out and started to insult me. When I left, she called me, but I blocked the call. She called Emma instead. She told Emma that after what I said to her she refuses to let us use her car and she demands to let it at our parents’ place (forgot to mention that the car was hers, she didn’t need it, so she borrowed it to me). I need that car to get to work, so she screwed me over.
We arrived at my parents and we explained what happened. I was surprised that they sided with Julia. They admitted that she might have overreacted but pointed that she still attends therapy and that it was it unnecessary for me to scold her. We (me and Emma) disagreed with them. My mom called me a hypocrite and spent most of the day on phone with my sister.
Emma wouldn’t talk much, but she was clearly upset with how the weekend turned around.
I don’t think I’m in the wrong, but just to make sure I decided to post that here.
So: Am I the asshole for calling my sister entitled?
submitted by Electronic-Length824 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 Acrobatic_Event_2552 Why I think Trump is Likely to win the election (or get in office some other way), why I think Biden is likely to lose (or get forced out of office), and why I'm terrified as hell.

I am genuinely concerned about the direction of the United States, and how it will affect the rest of the world too. For all of our lives, America was about freedom and democracy. It may not have been perfect, but we at least had tons of freedom that other countries did not have. We have the freedom to be friends with whoever we like, to enjoy whichever entertainment we'd like, for which news we could get, to criticize our own government, and to use whichever websites we want to (including this one). I also believe in peace, and that people can get along no matter what race, ethnicity, nationality, or their sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, etc, and I believe in going forwards. Unfortunately it looks like we are heavily going backwards, especially with Donald Trump (who has been charged SEVERAL TIMES, and is on trial) as a presumptive nominee. I think we all need to learn that we shouldn't take democracy for granted, but now we live in a time where we are so dangerously close to fascism, where everyone (especially marginalized groups) will face oppression. as Trump is trying to be a dictator (With even more authoritarian rhetoric than ever before. He even said he wanted to be a dictator "only on day one", but history tells us that they last far longer than just a day.) and unfortunately I think he's going to succeed, especially after SCOTUS gives him full immunity and renders him above the law. The worst part about all this is that so many Americans are sleepwalking into it, and some even embracing it. I am heavily believing now that no matter who legitimately wins the election, Trump is going to be in office, and our freedoms will go away (being EXACTLY what the Founders, the real ones and not the MAGA versions, didn't want.). Back in the late 2010s, it would have been considered a partisan hyperbolic statement by Democrats , but after 01/06/21, and the further radicalization of the GOP (to the point it's mostly just the Trump party), his increasingly authoritarian and violent rhetoric (that sounds an awful lot like Hitler) plus the extreme polarization, its safe to say that it's possible that our democracy won't survive the 2024 election, and here's why a dictatorship is very likely (or inevitable).
  1. Apathetic Voters and Protest votes. If you look at almost all of the polls, Biden and Trump are either tied, or Trump is in the lead by a small margin. In case you haven't noticed, Biden doesn't really have much of a loyal fanbase, meanwhile, Trump has a literal cult who will follow him NO MATTER WHAT. Biden's approval rating has sunken over the years, partially due to inflation (Even though things have been getting better recently), and of course the support of Israel (even though the situation is very complex and not only that, there's also Trump probably being even worse when its this, as he will absolutely NOT sympathize with the Palestinians.), he signed the bill that will likely Ban TikTok (Even though Trump called for that first, then flip flopped, even though he doesn't care about tiktok) and there is yet another issue than can never be fixed, HIS AGE (though Trump really isn't much younger.) As a result, he has lost the young vote, and many people would either vote for a 3rd party candidate or for Trump as a protest vote, or vote for Trump due his time in office being more "peaceful" and having better "economy" (Even though Trump sides with PUTIN in invading Ukraine, and the fact that the covid recession started under Trump, and lets not forget the George Floyd protests and Trump trying to stop even the PEACEFUL ones, he even threatened to use the MILITARY to do it.) Either that, or they'd refuse to vote for anyone thinking that all the options suck or that Trump will for sure lose so them voting is unnecessary. But, that's one of the reasons why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election and Trump won (only by the electoral vote), and why we are all in this mess in the first place.
  2. Voter suppression: Even if there were a lot of people who would actually want Biden to win, Ever since the 2020 election, republican lawmakers across states have passed several voter suppression laws to make it harder for those who are most likely to vote against Trump or other republican candidates. More people would also be disenfranchised. Even worse than that, is that some of it could even be done by force, such as Maga people guarding the polls, and even Poll workers not working fairly either.
  3. Overturning an election could happen. Even if Biden won the election legitimately, there is still a chance that the election could be overturned, and not only that, there's a HIGHER CHANCE of it being successful than in 2020 (Especially considering that most of the congress REPUBLICANS that put country over party are GONE now). In fact people are already planning the election denial just in case Biden wins, which will ensure that it will be more likely to be a success, so it's very likely that even if Biden legitimately wins, Trump will be in office.
  4. January 6 could happen again. Even if the election doesn't get overturned, there is another way Trump could get in office, BY FORCE! When January 6 happened, it was very violent and scary, but it didn't prevent Biden from getting in office. However, things are likely to be different in 2025, and as such January 6 may be more likely to be successful than last time. They may use some tactics that are UNTHINKABLE, and of course, Trump could power grab and be in office, and thus become a dictator.

Now I know a lot of people would say that "dude relax, we survived a Trump term before, and we will survive the next one, it won't be as bad." Yeah, people said it "won't be that bad" in 2016, but even with the guardrails, checks and balances, and Trump's inexperience, that term resulted in several preventable covid deaths, a supermajority far right supreme court that overturned several things including abortion (which Trump TAKES CREDIT FOR) and of course, the January 6 attack (which he still PRAISES and will pardon all the attackers when in office). Those guardrails won't even exist anymore next time, as now Trump will pick only loyalists in his cabinet (and purge the “deep state” aka people who won’t go along with Trump), many of the moderate Republicans are leaving or are radicalizing (most of the ones that stood up to Trump are NO LONGER IN CONGRESS, and even HALEY has seemingly flip flopped as well.), and now Trump knows well what he's doing (and knows more about how the government works and how to exploit it), and let's not forget about Project 2025 (And Republicans are ALREADY implementing some of it). People also said similar things about Hitler back in the 1930s as well, such as saying that it was "hyperbolic", laughing at him, or even saying that he "wouldn't be that bad", but we all know how that ended up. Yet ANOTHER world war and genocide towards targeted groups (such as Jews, the disabled, and LGBT). The same thing happened with other dictators as well.

One of the worst things about this is that many people are sleepwalking into it, or don't even care. The mass media isn't covering enough of this, but instead "Biden is old" or stuff like that, which isn't helping one bit (especially when owned by billionaires), and what's even worse is that many of these people won't even realize the danger that's coming until it's way too late (as has happened NUMEROUS times throughout history, including in Germany). Even worse than that is that many people (Especially MAGA) are saying they'd prefer a dictatorship (though maybe not outright, though the fact that they support Putin is telling), and are saying that it's what America needs, and they (wrongly) believe that they will benefit from it. Not only that, a survey has revealed that Gen Z is actually leaning towards dictatorship as well. and not only that, Corporate America is starting to embrace the upcoming dictatorship. They believe they will benefit from it (they won't), being one of the reasons why the mass media won't report this enough. And not only that, it seems like NOTHING can stop him, not even his convictions (instead of opening the eyes of Maga, they will see him as being persecuted, meaning there is absolutely NOTHING that could open their eyes, they will never see him as someone who ONLY cares about himself, but as a savior, and i'm frightened by that.).

All of this will result in Trump winning the election (Which will be even more likely once he gets full immunity), and of course our democracy falling apart, the only belief system allowed being (their version of) Christianity, us losing our rights and freedoms, our education system being MAGA propaganda, Ukraine being taken over by Putin, and a possible Civil War II (or even worse, WWIII, and a possible nuclear apocalypse). Even worse than that, Putin could take over the US and betray Trump as well (and we will be totally fucked), but if not then Trump may try to take over the world. History tells is that usually the only way to get rid of a dictator is by violence (either a war or a coup), and we don't want to get to that point, but unfortunately, it looks like its inevitable, especially with the decaying of the guardrails and increased polariziation. Soon we may have to say goodbye to our rights and freedoms, and we will accept that we may lose some of our friends along the way, we may no longer be able to do whatever activities we enjoyed doing, we may no longer even be able to criticize the government anymore (even if its constructive criticism) as well as living in fear for a very long time. They also say that a loss of hope for our democracy could contribute to it, and admittedly, it's very hard to feel hopeful right now considering all of the factors, but there is still a little bit of hope. We can prepare for this, and make it so this is less likely,
  1. Everyone should vote: Everyone who is allowed to vote should vote. The two party system sucks, and I'm not the biggest Biden fan, but I'm voting for him anyway, because he's the lesser of the two evils, especially when the only other major choice is trying to overthrow the government. I think a vote for a 3rd party candidate or someone else who isn't on the ballot is a vote for trump (Especially since we have a TWO PARTY SYSTEM, other parties are UNLIKELY TO WIN), please let's not repeat 2016.
  2. Fight Voter suppression by supporting some non profit pro democracy groups, especially non partisan ones.
  3. Fighting against the overturning, again by supporting the same organizations.
  4. The people at the Capitol should be prepared for what will happen the next attack, and let’s NOT normalize such attacks.

However, there is still only a slim chance that saving democracy by these methods will happen, but the best we can do right now is enjoy the time we have right now. We should enjoy the time we can enjoy the media we want, go to the places we want, be friends with who we want, and spend time with our family members (Especially if they are in the LGBT community or other marginalized communities, because the time we have with them may be numbered), and of course live our lives to the fullest, by doing the things that we take for granted (As long as it doesn't hurt anyone). And soon, it's very likely to go away, and it's a very hard lesson, that in order to keep freedom or even improve it, we have to work hard to protect it, because it CAN happen here. If all the preparation that us and some government officials can do fails, then what should we do. Accept what will happen to us or flee to another country and live in exile, don't say that you weren't warned. We don't want this to happen, we want to live in a country without always living in fear. So please try to help us. Especially if you actually care about your rights and freedom, or that of your friends and family (especially those who are in marginalized groups). This election isn’t just Biden vs. Trump, it’s Democracy vs Dictatorship, and I think it would be hyperbolic if it weren’t for Trump’s Hitler like speeches, his praise of autocrats, the January 6 attacks in 2021, and Project 2025.
submitted by Acrobatic_Event_2552 to PoliticalOpinions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:48 Karmadilla Lessons from building an ERP system

I was bored and wrote this at Burger King in Alabama.
Most actions in an ERP system are the types which affect the ledger. The thing that has credit/debit columns.

User accounts

In my opinion, every ERP system needs to be built as a multi-tenant system. This means that you can have multiple organizations in one tenancy. This is important because it allows you to easily create consolidated reports and benchmark against other organizations in your tenancy. At the very least, this will give you the ability to switch organization without having to log out and log back in.
Creating multi-tenant architecture does not add too much complexity. It requires 4 tables instead of just one. User, Organization, Tenant, UserOrganizationTenant.
So, if you're making an "ERP as a service", when a user completes the registration, a tenant, first organization, and first user are created. Each organization will have it's own ledger. This is convenient for companies that manage multiple organizations, such as land developers, they usually have multiple properties on different ledgers because they are different legal entities.
This gives your accountant easy access to multiple organization and allows for consolidated reports and benchmarking against other organizations in your tenancy.


See if you can get away with the simplest authentication method, such as email/password and cookies instead of JWT. What I like most about cookies is they have expiration that's enforced by the browser, instead of depending on some library to manage the expiration of the JWT token.
People hate remembering passwords, so give them an option to log in with one time auth links sent to their email.

The ledger

You need to implement a forward-only double-entry accounting method.
Forward-only means that once something was recorded in the ledger, it can only be updated by first reversing the credit/debit entries and then appending the new ones. Ledger entries cannot be updated or deleted.
Double-entry means it affects two or more accounts for a particular transaction.
If you are creating an invoice there could be two or more entries in the ledger. An invoice with two entries is simple to think of but you might have to track revenue for each line-item on an invoice.
An invoice with three or more entries is, for example… one that contains sales tax. For example...
Account Type Entry Type Amount
Accounts Receivable Asset Debit $106
Revenue Revenue Credit $100
Sales Tax Payable Liabilities Credit $6.00
Notice that debits == credits (total) but key point here is that number of entries doesn’t matter as long as it’s > 2.
So the database will contain two tables to start. A table for the ledger and one for accounts.
You then need to define one table to glue the entries together into one transaction for each action, such as creating invoice, receiving payment, adding inventory, etc.
Here's a SQL script to help you understand the ledger, accounts, and transactions...
Note the TransactionGuid column. This allows you to find all the entries including the last transaction for a particular action.

Removing line-items from an invoice

There's no removing or deleting items from an invoice in a traditional sense of removing the record from the database because the ledger is forward-only. Instead, you would reverse the last transaction without appending a new one. Then, to determine if a line-item should be calculated in that invoice, you would simply check if the last transaction was reversed or not. You can cache this for faster querying.

Revenue recognition

Recognize revenue per line-item and not the entire invoice amount. This allows for detailed reporting later as most invoices have multiple line-items made up of different services, products, discounts, fees, and taxes.


When you walk around with your barcode scanner, you're going to be generating transactions that affect the assets account. I've not gotten this far because I have no inventory, but I imagine that inventory will need it's own ledger.
When you make inventory adjustments, you will need to know which items went missing and know the value of the missing items. You'll want to know the quantity of bolts that went missing during the year, or the VIN number of the vehicle that went missing.
Some items need to be treated specifically, like a vehicle with a VIN number. Others can be treated as a group, like a box of screws, and others have expiration date and have to follow FIFO method.

Complex assemblies

Raw materials > sub components > final assembly.
That vehicle can have a very detailed report generated to show a breakdown.
Lot's of ledger entries both in the inventory and financial.


This is a whole mess. You have different ways transactions can enter your system and you'll have to link thigs together. You might get a check payment or a wire transfer.
If you get a check, you're going to enter it first and then deposit the check. If you get a wire transfer, it will show up in your bank statement and has to be linked with the invoice.
So the check has an extra step before transaction is considered "complete". This is where you enter the payment into the system but have to later match it with the bank statement. I consider the check as in "transit" during this period and it's not considered "received" until it's matched with the bank statement.

Cash vs Accrual

If you record everything as it happens, you can pick the accounting method at the time of reporting instead of locking the system into a particular method.
Make the system method agnostic.
To generate cash repots you'd simply find the payment transactions instead of when revenue was recognized.
There's a question here, does invoice exist under cash method? I'd say it does, but it's created in the same transaction as the payment. Cause it would be weird to create an invoice, then wait for payment while you accrue the accounts receivable.
I think that cash transactions just skip accounts-receivable and just record revenue directly. But that doesn't strictly prevent you from pretending someone owes you money.
Also, you can't just switch accounting methods without filing some form with the IRS.


Most transactions will be recognition of revenue, followed by expenses and liabilities, then by assets and equity.
It's not hard to imagine an entity that doesn't have revenue, like an aircraft carrier, just expense and maybe some liability transactions.
ERP systems are not complex and you can make an ERP system for a laundromat and an aircraft carrier using the same codebase.

Personal thoughts

If accounting was some RFC standard, we could all easily migrate from one system to another. There's GAAP and IFRS but some of their definitions are more like guidelines instead of strict rules, especially IFRS.
Intuit ended support for QB desktop on May 31. Good luck to you all.
Hey Intuit, since you won't be using that anymore can you release the source code? No? Oh, I see what's going on here. You want to sell us the online version. I get it now.
So it's just a bunch of numbers in, and a few numbers out. You just need to know how much in taxes you need to pay and to whom, and be able to prove your deductions in those IRS publications (I think what they call them).
Then just implement PUBLICATION 5718 (for each state) and you've put Intuit out of business.
I don't even know why they call it an "Enterprise Resource Planning", it's a "Business Management System". An aircraft carrier is not a business and a laundromat is not an enterprise, yet it's not too difficult to imagine a system that can manage both. I can argue about definitions all day long.
Or just play Eve Online, it’s a great ERP game.
submitted by Karmadilla to ERP [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:48 love_is_a_superpower The price of purity

This isn't a message on the price of organic food, or maybe it is? Spiritual food is free, but the good stuff will cost you.
This isn't a complaint for the lessons I've learned from the sins committed against me. God didn't ask people to disobey His covenant. He explicitly told us all to do right by one another.
I want to share what it costs to shed the "old garment" and put on the new. The old garment is our old way of covering our assets. The new garment is God's renewable resource. It only materializes when we trust Him with our future. We can't just take a patch of truth here and there and hope to be transformed into His likeness. (Matthew 9:16, Romans 12:2) Yes, God's grace is free, but we've each only got one body to submit to Him. We can't wear both garments at the same time. God has freely given us the "garment of salvation." Still, we have to be willing to leave behind our old, self-seeking ways to put it on. (Isaiah 61:10, Job 29:14, Matthew 22:10-14, Psalm 119:9)
Luke 14:27-29
Whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple. 28 Which of you, wishing to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost to see if he has the resources to complete it? 29 Otherwise, if he lays the foundation and is unable to finish the work, everyone who sees it will ridicule him.
I've noticed a big difference in what people learn from evil. Some come away scarred and distrustful of people. Some blame God. Some see a new tactic for their playbook and purposefully become the thing they hate. Some use worldly things to try and heal the damage others have done to them. They accidentally become the thing they hate.
God shows us the best possible way to extract ourselves from the old garment that so desperately clings to us when we'd like to be pure before Him.
Jeremiah 15:19
Therefore, the LORD says this; “If you will return to Me, then I will restore you, and you will stand before Me. And if you extract the precious from the worthless, You will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you, but as for you, you must not turn to them.
Father in heaven, your authority is over all of creation. We ask that you would help us to trust you enough to come to you for the healing we need so desperately today. Help us to distrust those who cannot be trusted, yet set us free from fear of them. May we trust in your sovereign power and infinite love. May the trials you allow into our lives refine us, and make us worthy of eternity. May we be found worthy of your Son when He returns for His bride. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Scripture references:
Matthew 9:16 NKJV
16 "No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse.
Romans 12:2 NKJV
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Isaiah 61:10 NKJV
10 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
Job 29:14 NKJV
14 I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; My justice was like a robe and a turban.
Matthew 22:10-14 NKJV
10 "So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests. 11 "But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. 12 "So he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless. 13 "Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' 14 "For many are called, but few are chosen."
Psalm 119:9 9 How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking care to conduct himself according to Your word.
submitted by love_is_a_superpower to GateToSalvationJESUS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:47 psychokitty22 AITAH for not texting my aunt back after she kicked out my brother?

I’m the oldest (22), was kicked out of one of my mom units with only a weeks notice after graduating college. Within a month or two I was able to move states, get a full time job and get my own place. I literally only own a bed and futon since it’ll be my third week here now.
My brother (17) dropped out of high school his freshman year, and bounced between my divorced parents homes for years. My dad drives a semi, and when his lease was up couldn’t afford to keep his place so my brother ended up back with my mom. My mom had threatened to send my brother to live with me through the years, and I told her doing that would just mean I’d move states and live with my friend until I got my own place. After taking care of my 7 younger siblings at home until I went off to college, I couldn’t take not being on my own anymore. Well, she kicked him out, and very luckily for both him and I, my aunt stepped up and said she’d extend her home to him.
That lasted not even 3 months. Imo they were both kind of at fault. She took it upon herself to inspect his room daily, make appointments for him without asking, expected him to walk their dog, hang out with both her and her husband daily, etc. Me and him both grew up taking care of our younger siblings with no real parenting so it was a lot. He was culpable too of course, with no other places to stay he really should have been on top of each and every rule she had. Ultimately, the straw that broke the camels back was ordering and eating a calzone in his room, when she didn’t permit any food being eaten in the bedrooms.
What bothers me is she only gave him 2 days to leave, and of course when his car was in the shop too. My dad had to shell out money for a hotel until it was able to get done. And of course, him staying with me was something that was pretty much forced upon me. It was this or homelessness as we both haven’t spoken to our mom in months now. I’m extremely angry about it as I feel barricaded in my own bedroom, after getting my first real place all to myself. I haven’t even gotten a month to myself to enjoy it.
My aunt didn’t say a word to me about any of this until 2 days ago, when she texted me saying she’s hoping I’m doing well and that my brother made it to me safely. She apparently called my dad yesterday too to say how upset she was I didn’t respond, which further angered me.
On the other hand, she’s been there for me a lot these past few years. She offered to pay for half my college tuition when my mom dropped the ball. My last semester, when I had to do a full course load, she sent me money each month so I could focus on school instead of working weekends. If I go to grad school, she offered me her home while she moves out of state to look after it and so I wouldn’t have to worry about rent during school. But honestly.. after seeing how nit picky she was with my brother I’m wondering if it’ll be worth it. Within only 2 weeks she went from it being “his room” to him being a “guest in her home”.
Another minor note that might be important, I never knew her until I turned 18. I’ve always been estranged from his family, but she reached out wanting to establish a relationship. So, I’ve never seen this part of her until now.
I’m honestly in a really bad mental place because of all of this, and while I’m certainly more than angry at my brother, I can’t help but put some blame on her too. She knew kicking him out would just mean he’d be staying with me. And I barely had a place to call “home” myself before having to house him, too. Sorry for this being so long. I just don’t know where to go in terms of my relationship with her now, and I barely have any extended family as is.
So, WITBAH for not giving her a response?
submitted by psychokitty22 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:47 love_is_a_superpower The price of purity

This isn't a message on the price of organic food, or maybe it is? Spiritual food is free, but the good stuff will cost you.
This isn't a complaint for the lessons I've learned from the sins committed against me. God didn't ask people to disobey His covenant. He explicitly told us all to do right by one another.
I want to share what it costs to shed the "old garment" and put on the new. The old garment is our old way of covering our assets. The new garment is God's renewable resource. It only materializes when we trust Him with our future. We can't just take a patch of truth here and there and hope to be transformed into His likeness. (Matthew 9:16, Romans 12:2) Yes, God's grace is free, but we've each only got one body to submit to Him. We can't wear both garments at the same time. God has freely given us the "garment of salvation." Still, we have to be willing to leave behind our old, self-seeking ways to put it on. (Isaiah 61:10, Job 29:14, Matthew 22:10-14, Psalm 119:9)
Luke 14:27-29
Whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple. 28 Which of you, wishing to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost to see if he has the resources to complete it? 29 Otherwise, if he lays the foundation and is unable to finish the work, everyone who sees it will ridicule him.
I've noticed a big difference in what people learn from evil. Some come away scarred and distrustful of people. Some blame God. Some see a new tactic for their playbook and purposefully become the thing they hate. Some use worldly things to try and heal the damage others have done to them. They accidentally become the thing they hate.
God shows us the best possible way to extract ourselves from the old garment that so desperately clings to us when we'd like to be pure before Him.
Jeremiah 15:19
Therefore, the LORD says this; “If you will return to Me, then I will restore you, and you will stand before Me. And if you extract the precious from the worthless, You will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you, but as for you, you must not turn to them.
Father in heaven, your authority is over all of creation. We ask that you would help us to trust you enough to come to you for the healing we need so desperately today. Help us to distrust those who cannot be trusted, yet set us free from fear of them. May we trust in your sovereign power and infinite love. May the trials you allow into our lives refine us, and make us worthy of eternity. May we be found worthy of your Son when He returns for His bride. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Scripture references:
Matthew 9:16 NKJV
16 "No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse.
Romans 12:2 NKJV
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Isaiah 61:10 NKJV
10 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
Job 29:14 NKJV
14 I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; My justice was like a robe and a turban.
Matthew 22:10-14 NKJV
10 "So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests. 11 "But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. 12 "So he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless. 13 "Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' 14 "For many are called, but few are chosen."
Psalm 119:9 9 How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking care to conduct himself according to Your word.
submitted by love_is_a_superpower to encounteredjesus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:46 Brilliantmind1997 26[F4M] #Atlanta, Georgia - Seeking a long term monogamous relationship (serious inquiries only)

If you're the type to be inpatient then don't bother messaging me! It's a waste of time if you do!
Greetings future partner ❤️ I'm still searching for you. I have to be honest and say that I am losing hope trying to find you.Please be somewhere. I want my search for a partner to be over. I'm seeking adventure in my life with someone I can call a forever partner. I'm tired of the loneliness and the sheltered lifestyle that I've lived. It would mean a lot of you could read through this post so that I could make sure we are compatible. Even if we start off as friends that would be fine.
Here's to new beginnings and new connections. PLEASE make sure you READ through the WHOLE POST also please be respectful when messaging me * *If you're the type to be impatient, block, or ghost easily, then save both of us the trouble and DO NOT message me! I'm not trying to come off as mean but I'd much rather you not message me if you're the type of person to do that. If something isn't working just let me know. We're all adults.
Greetings, I am seeking a long term relationship monogamous with the end goal being matrimony. I am not one for playing around and being used casually as it doesn’t suit me personally. Ideally I'd prefer a man that has his life already in place so that I can be able to share life with him and for him to take care of me. I would expect my future man to have a financially stable job and be able to support me and our future family. I wouldn’t be opposed to being a housewife. There are few reasons why I would like to work or work part time: 1) Being abandoned with nothing, 2) I want to feel fulfilled and not bored. Happy to discuss possible dynamics, I'm flexible. I would love a synergistic partnership where we are both able to mold our minds and fill our hearts with warm affection. I will be there to support you throughout your journey and celebrate every moment with you. I want you to be proud of you just as you are with me. I want to show you that you are truly cared for and appreciated by gestures of love such as massages and other forms of entertainment. I would expect the same from you as well. Even if we are both working adults we can still make our relationship work in the best way possible. I have seen this come out well for people who are dedicated and willing to make their relationships work. For a strong relationship to occur I would expect effective (transparent) communication from you. If you are going to be busy just be honest and let me know you won’t be able to talk to me.Also, if you need your space both mentally and physically let me know. I understand that we all have our lives to attend to but it is incredibly important for people in a relationship to be transparent when circumstances arise in a timely manner in order to avoid future conflict. If this relationship isn’t going to work I would expect you to tell me and not ghost or block me before giving me a reason why. We are all adults so I would expect nothing but maturity. Starting out I don’t want the pressure of sex to be pushed onto me. I’d rather let time tell in all of its glory.
Now onto my true introduction
My name is Angie and I'm from Georgia in the United States. I've been lonely for quite some time and find it hard to find a soulmate in IRL. What I'm looking for is someone who I can connect with and have wholesome conversations with. I want to be able to treat my future soulmate well just as much as they do me. The biggest part of a long lasting relationship is the ability to communicate openly without worry. I'd love it if my significant other has a dark sense of humor and continues to crack me up non-stop. As cheesy as it may sound I long for those late night calls and cute texts. I want for us to drive out the very best in each other; become our support system. A little bit about me is that I grew up in Florida and not too long ago moved to Georgia. I'm currently in college to become an RN but I'm also passionate about cosmetic chemistry and nutrition so I may seek to build my own business in the future. I'm passionate about science and theoretical applications especially within the medical field. I'd appreciate it if my partner is open minded about varying topics and welcomes healthy conversations. Appearance wise I'm open to seeing if we have a connection and feel as long as you are well groomed and practice basic hygiene you are good. Although, I must say that attraction is key in a relationship so I will have to go off on that as well. To add on, I enjoy playing video games, exercising (I've been slacking off lately), cooking and baking (vegan), playing board games, reading, exploring nature, playing sports (basketball and soccer) for fun, and trying new experiences. I love heavy metal and rock music, but also listen to other genres too. I love RPGs, FPS, and simulation games. I hope to save up and travel someday. It would be nice for my partner to be able to set up our travel itinerary.
My Physical Description:
I am a black woman who’s twenty five years old (almost 26 in December) with Afro-Carribean, Japanese and Swedish ancestry. I’d still consider myself black presenting since that’s more along the lines of what I appear as phenotypically. I have dark brown curly hair (Mainly 3c type curls) and brown eyes. I am 5 '4 on the thicker spectrum (not at all obese but thick boned and have thunder thighs). I am trying to exercise more to become fit. I used to weight lift when I was younger but since then have lost lean muscle mass. Having a partner that is willing to work out together sometimes is rather rewarding. A man who has drive and appeal is incredibly sexy. I would also like to point out that I am curvy and noticeable in certain aspects (I’ll leave it up to you to decide).
*You have to be MINIMUM 21 to date me *
If distance is an issue and you aren't willing to commit then DON'T MESSAGE ME!!
If you will be too busy to pursue a relationship then DO NOT contact me!! * *Again, No ghosters or blockers!! Seeking a person who seeks a relationship with God and/or is open to one MUST be free from venerial diseases (must be willing to get tested) Bonus points if you're vegan Ideally I would like someone that is taller than me (I’m 5’4) I prefer a man that is fit or trying to be. I'd prefer someone who is fiscally stable and able to support the both of us* A big red flag for me is smokers. It isn't good for your health nor is it sexy to me.* It's important for me to point out that I want children in the future and need someone who may want that as well. If you're interested in how I look and want to know more about me, message me. Although I don’t make it a huge deal, I do prefer White and East Asian men. But I do love all types of men and welcome them. As stated before I emphasize communication and would prefer you to be honest and say if something is wrong instead of ghosting or blocking without stating the reason. Fair warning if I can be socially awkward sometimes and don't know what to talk about so please be patient with me as I'm learning to be better conversation wise.
submitted by Brilliantmind1997 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:46 lady873919 Mom’s HOA Lawsuit(s) and Missed Court Dates - State of Virginia

My mom is being sued by a law firm representing the HOA for a condo she owns that is being rented out. It appears she missed 3-4 previous court dates for what seems to be two different cases. However, my mom doesn't recall receiving any notifications about these cases. I currently live with my mom (temporarily) and I didn’t see anything either. Due to the missed court dates, there is now a warrant out for her.
For context, all condo-related communications have historically gone to my sister, who manages everything regarding the condo. We believe the HOA might have been sending notices to the condo itself, where the tenant lives, and that the tenant didn't pass them along. It also could’ve been sent to my sister’s house and thrown away (not by my sister). Additionally, my brother-in-law (an accountant) thinks the HOA might have accounting errors, leading them to believe we haven’t paid the HOA fees. We have proof of all payments ready for court.
We’ve tried contacting the law firm suing my mom multiple times, but they haven’t responded. The court date is this week, so we're running out of time to fully understand why we’re being sued.
Any suggestions on what we should do here? My mom had no knowledge of the court dates, and we want to avoid any negative impact on her record. Our family has owned this condo for 15+ years without any issues or missed payments.
Additional info: My mom and dad co-signed with my sister on the condo many years ago. Due to my dad’s early-onset Alzheimer’s, we moved assets into a trust, including the condo. The trust became invalid, so we moved the condo out of the trust, and it’s now solely in my mom’s name until it can transfer to my sister. Our elder law care attorney that we have on retainer told us they couldn’t help us with this situation (even just contacting to see what the fine is for).
Questions: 1. Given that my mom missed several court dates without knowing about them, what are her options to address the warrant and the missed dates? 2. How should we approach the court about the lack of notification and our proof of payment? If it happens to be about something else such as fine for the tenant having X on their porch or something else, should we ask for a continuance? 3. What steps can we take if the law firm continues to be unresponsive? 5. Would it be beneficial to bring up the historical handling of condo-related communications by my sister and the possibility of tenant interference in court?
Any advice or in insights (even outside of the specific questions that maybe I didn’t think of) would be greatly appreciated. I looked up the law firm and the reviews (yes I know they may not be true) make me a bit worried that we are dealing with a nightmare of a firm when it comes to responding and being reasonable. Please please help! Thank you!
submitted by lady873919 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:44 Brilliantmind1997 26 [F4M] Georgia,USA -Seeking a long term monogamous relationship (serious inquiries only)

Do Not message or add me just to unfriend me or ghost me. That will not be tolerated so DON'T WASTE MY TIME Greetings future partner ❤️ I'm still searching for you. I have to be honest and say that I am losing hope trying to find you.Please be somewhere. I want my search for a partner to be over. I'm seeking adventure in my life with someone I can call a forever partner. I'm tired of the loneliness and the sheltered lifestyle that I've lived. It would mean a lot of you could read through this post so that I could make sure we are compatible. Even if we start off as friends that would be fine.
Here's to new beginnings and new connections. PLEASE make sure you READ through the WHOLE POST also please be respectful when messaging me * *If you're the type to be impatient, block, or ghost easily, then save both of us the trouble and DO NOT message me! I'm not trying to come off as mean but I'd much rather you not message me if you're the type of person to do that. If something isn't working just let me know. We're all adults.
Greetings, I am seeking a long term relationship monogamous with the end goal being matrimony. I am not one for playing around and being used casually as it doesn’t suit me personally. Ideally I'd prefer a man that has his life already in place so that I can be able to share life with him and for him to take care of me. I would expect my future man to have a financially stable job and be able to support me and our future family. I wouldn’t be opposed to being a housewife. There are few reasons why I would like to work or work part time: 1) Being abandoned with nothing, 2) I want to feel fulfilled and not bored. Happy to discuss possible dynamics, I'm flexible. I would love a synergistic partnership where we are both able to mold our minds and fill our hearts with warm affection. I will be there to support you throughout your journey and celebrate every moment with you. I want you to be proud of you just as you are with me. I want to show you that you are truly cared for and appreciated by gestures of love such as massages and other forms of entertainment. I would expect the same from you as well. Even if we are both working adults we can still make our relationship work in the best way possible. I have seen this come out well for people who are dedicated and willing to make their relationships work. For a strong relationship to occur I would expect effective (transparent) communication from you. If you are going to be busy just be honest and let me know you won’t be able to talk to me.Also, if you need your space both mentally and physically let me know. I understand that we all have our lives to attend to but it is incredibly important for people in a relationship to be transparent when circumstances arise in a timely manner in order to avoid future conflict. If this relationship isn’t going to work I would expect you to tell me and not ghost or block me before giving me a reason why. We are all adults so I would expect nothing but maturity. Starting out I don’t want the pressure of sex to be pushed onto me. I’d rather let time tell in all of its glory.
Now onto my true introduction
My name is Angie and I'm from Georgia in the United States. I've been lonely for quite some time and find it hard to find a soulmate in IRL. What I'm looking for is someone who I can connect with and have wholesome conversations with. I want to be able to treat my future soulmate well just as much as they do me. The biggest part of a long lasting relationship is the ability to communicate openly without worry. I'd love it if my significant other has a dark sense of humor and continues to crack me up non-stop. As cheesy as it may sound I long for those late night calls and cute texts. I want for us to drive out the very best in each other; become our support system. A little bit about me is that I grew up in Florida and not too long ago moved to Georgia. I'm currently in college to become an RN but I'm also passionate about cosmetic chemistry and nutrition so I may seek to build my own business in the future. I'm passionate about science and theoretical applications especially within the medical field. I'd appreciate it if my partner is open minded about varying topics and welcomes healthy conversations. Appearance wise I'm open to seeing if we have a connection and feel as long as you are well groomed and practice basic hygiene you are good. Although, I must say that attraction is key in a relationship so I will have to go off on that as well. To add on, I enjoy playing video games, exercising (I've been slacking off lately), cooking and baking (vegan), playing board games, reading, exploring nature, playing sports (basketball and soccer) for fun, and trying new experiences. I hope to save up and travel someday. It would be nice for my partner to be able to set up our travel itinerary.
My Physical Description:
I am a black woman who’s twenty five years old (almost 26 in December) with Afro-Carribean, Japanese and Swedish ancestry. I’d still consider myself black presenting since that’s more along the lines of what I appear as phenotypically. I have dark brown curly hair (Mainly 3c type curls) and brown eyes. I am 5 '4 on the thicker spectrum (not at all obese but thick boned and have thunder thighs). I am trying to exercise more to become fit. I used to weight lift when I was younger but since then have lost lean muscle mass. Having a partner that is willing to work out together sometimes is rather rewarding. A man who has drive and appeal is incredibly sexy. I would also like to point out that I am curvy and noticeable in certain aspects (I’ll leave it up to you to decide).
*You have to be MINIMUM 21 to date me *
If distance will be a problem and you aren't willing to make it work then DON'T MESSAGE ME!!
If you will be too busy to pursue a relationship then DO NOT contact me!! * *Again, No ghosters or blockers!! Seeking a person who seeks a relationship with God and/or is open to one Must be free from venerial diseases and must be willing to get tested(will discuss) Bonus points if you're vegan Ideally I would like someone that is taller than me (I’m 5’4) I prefer a man that is fit or trying to be. I'd prefer someone who is fiscally stable and able to support the both of us* A big red flag for me is smokers. It isn't good for your health nor is it sexy to me.* It's important for me to point out that I want children in the future and need someone who may want that as well. If you're interested in how I look and want to know more about me, message me. Although I don’t make it a huge deal, I do prefer White and East Asian men. But I do love all types of men and welcome them. As stated before I emphasize communication and would prefer you to be honest and say if something is wrong instead of ghosting or blocking without stating the reason. Fair warning if I can be socially awkward sometimes and don't know what to talk about so please be patient with me as I'm learning to be better conversation wise
submitted by Brilliantmind1997 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:44 love_is_a_superpower The price of purity

This isn't a message on the price of organic food, or maybe it is? Spiritual food is free, but the good stuff will cost you.
This isn't a complaint for the lessons I've learned from the sins committed against me. God didn't ask people to disobey His covenant. He explicitly told us all to do right by one another.
I want to share what it costs to shed the "old garment" and put on the new. The old garment is our old way of covering our assets. The new garment is God's renewable resource. It only materializes when we trust Him with our future. We can't just take a patch of truth here and there and hope to be transformed into His likeness. (Matthew 9:16, Romans 12:2) Yes, God's grace is free, but we've each only got one body to submit to Him. We can't wear both garments at the same time. God has freely given us the "garment of salvation." Still, we have to be willing to leave behind our old, self-seeking ways to put it on. (Isaiah 61:10, Job 29:14, Matthew 22:10-14, Psalm 119:9)
Luke 14:27-29
Whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple. 28 Which of you, wishing to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost to see if he has the resources to complete it? 29 Otherwise, if he lays the foundation and is unable to finish the work, everyone who sees it will ridicule him.
I've noticed a big difference in what people learn from evil. Some come away scarred and distrustful of people. Some blame God. Some see a new tactic for their playbook and purposefully become the thing they hate. Some use worldly things to try and heal the damage others have done to them. They accidentally become the thing they hate.
God shows us the best possible way to extract ourselves from the old garment that so desperately clings to us when we'd like to be pure before Him.
Jeremiah 15:19
Therefore, the LORD says this; “If you will return to Me, then I will restore you, and you will stand before Me. And if you extract the precious from the worthless, You will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you, but as for you, you must not turn to them.
Father in heaven, your authority is over all of creation. We ask that you would help us to trust you enough to come to you for the healing we need so desperately today. Help us to distrust those who cannot be trusted, yet set us free from fear of them. May we trust in your sovereign power and infinite love. May the trials you allow into our lives refine us, and make us worthy of eternity. May we be found worthy of your Son when He returns for His bride. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Scripture references:
Matthew 9:16 NKJV
16 "No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse.
Romans 12:2 NKJV
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Isaiah 61:10 NKJV
10 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
Job 29:14 NKJV
14 I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; My justice was like a robe and a turban.
Matthew 22:10-14 NKJV
10 "So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests. 11 "But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. 12 "So he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless. 13 "Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' 14 "For many are called, but few are chosen."
Psalm 119:9 9 How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking care to conduct himself according to Your word.
submitted by love_is_a_superpower to Testimony4Christ [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:42 love_is_a_superpower The price of purity

This isn't a message on the price of organic food, or maybe it is? Spiritual food is free, but the good stuff will cost you.
This isn't a complaint for the lessons I've learned from the sins committed against me. God didn't ask people to disobey His covenant. He explicitly told us all to do right by one another.
I want to share what it costs to shed the "old garment" and put on the new. The old garment is our old way of covering our assets. The new garment is God's renewable resource. It only materializes when we trust Him with our future. We can't just take a patch of truth here and there and hope to be transformed into His likeness. (Matthew 9:16, Romans 12:2) Yes, God's grace is free, but we've each only got one body to submit to Him. We can't wear both garments at the same time. God has freely given us the "garment of salvation." Still, we have to be willing to leave behind our old, self-seeking ways to put it on. (Isaiah 61:10, Job 29:14, Matthew 22:10-14, Psalm 119:9)
Luke 14:27-29
Whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple. 28 Which of you, wishing to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost to see if he has the resources to complete it? 29 Otherwise, if he lays the foundation and is unable to finish the work, everyone who sees it will ridicule him.
I've noticed a big difference in what people learn from evil. Some come away scarred and distrustful of people. Some blame God. Some see a new tactic for their playbook and purposefully become the thing they hate. Some use worldly things to try and heal the damage others have done to them. They accidentally become the thing they hate.
God shows us the best possible way to extract ourselves from the old garment that so desperately clings to us when we'd like to be pure before Him.
Jeremiah 15:19
Therefore, the LORD says this; “If you will return to Me, then I will restore you, and you will stand before Me. And if you extract the precious from the worthless, You will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you, but as for you, you must not turn to them.
Father in heaven, your authority is over all of creation. We ask that you would help us to trust you enough to come to you for the healing we need so desperately today. Help us to distrust those who cannot be trusted, yet set us free from fear of them. May we trust in your sovereign power and infinite love. May the trials you allow into our lives refine us, and make us worthy of eternity. May we be found worthy of your Son when He returns for His bride. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Scripture references:
Matthew 9:16 NKJV
16 "No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse.
Romans 12:2 NKJV
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Isaiah 61:10 NKJV
10 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
Job 29:14 NKJV
14 I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; My justice was like a robe and a turban.
Matthew 22:10-14 NKJV
10 "So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests. 11 "But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. 12 "So he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless. 13 "Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' 14 "For many are called, but few are chosen."
Psalm 119:9 9 How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking care to conduct himself according to Your word.
submitted by love_is_a_superpower to Devotion_Today [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:38 Plague_of_Ice Crossfire and Cimexa having ZERO effect

First noticed signs of a minor infestation in March (bites and casings). Exterminator came out and confirmed the infestation, then treated with Crossfire after I'd washed/dried/bagged everything I own. First few days were bite free, then they gradually started coming back. Exterminator told me to wait, so I did.
After a month, I was getting even more bites, so I contacted him again. Landlord was very resistant to sending him out a second time but finally acquiesced. This time, for some reason, he decided to use an older, non-Crossfire pesticide that did absolutely nothing and caused no noticeable decrease in the number of bites (by this point about 5-10 per day). I waited another month just in case, but the bites kept coming.
Landlord now refuses to send the exterminator again because I can't produce a live bug as evidence of infestation, so I took matters into my own hands and bought Crossfire and a garden sprayer. Mixed it properly and according to label (I know this is where most people go wrong so I was very careful). Sprayed my mattress, metal bed frame, couch, all around the baseboards of every room and six inches out from every baseboard. The next day, I lightly dusted around the baseboards and my bedframe with Cimexa.
That was two weeks ago. I'm still receiving ~5 bites every single day with absolutely no change whatsoever. Textbook bed bug bites: 3-4 in a line, itchy and red. I'm preparing to re-treat, but this seems abnormal based on everything I've read. I know new bugs continue hatching, hence the additional treatments, but that doesn't explain the steady bite frequency. I have never seen a case where the first round of Crossfire had absolutely ZERO effect.
The bed is isolated. I run the bedding and pillow through the dryer on high heat once a week. I am not being re-infested because a) I work remote and have been largely quarantining myself since the infestation began and b) there's no fluctuation in the bite frequency, it is steady and constant and unchanging. I have yet to find evidence of bed bugs, but the bites are exactly the same as I have been receiving since this nightmare began, so I'm nearly certain they're not caused by something else. For additional context, I react to almost all bites within ~12 hours (I know this based on a couple work trips I had to take, during which I received zero bites for the duration of the trip but immediately saw bites again after my first night back at home).
What's going on here? Has anyone else experienced something similar? Is it possible the survivors of the first Crossfire round developed resistance? I've been trawling this sub for weeks and have not seen a single experience like mine.
submitted by Plague_of_Ice to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:35 Visual-Meeting-7303 Is this an allergic reaction or infection?

Is this an allergic reaction or infection?
Hey all. I got this tattoo on Wednesday, 5/29. On the 30th, I noticed some mild redness near the tattoo but did not think too much of it due to the natural healing process. On the 31st, I noted these red bumps appear near the tattoo. I asked my artist if this was problematic and she stated it wasn't a concern unless it was oozing. These bumps have gotten worse since then. There is no oozing or bumps apparent on the tattoo itself. It is itchy. For context, I have been following aftercare instructions to a tee. Washing with mild antibacterial soap and moisturizing with non-scented white lotion twice a day. She shaved me prior to the tattoo and then placed a sterile bandage over afterwards. Does anyone know what this could be?
submitted by Visual-Meeting-7303 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:34 agentarianna How would you transition Kepler to 7?

With the announcement that 7 of the Kepler girls renewed their contracts and the first play of their disbandment song at a concert today (drops tomorrow) it made me think that as we head into unprecedented survival show group territory, how would you manage the transition of kepler from 9 to 7 and from true survival group to something likely a bit more permanent. Below are some of my thoughts (this will be long lol I have thoughts) and I would love to hear yours. I posted this on kpopthoughts first but then I thought a discussion here might be interesting as well given it would probably be a bit less generalist :)
submitted by agentarianna to kep1er [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:32 smlptx How do I tell my bestfriend that her long time boyfriend lowkey hates her.

TW: brief mention of self harm, verbal abuse?
Hi, not sure if this is the right sub to come to. I already know people are gonna say “just tell her” but I’m asking HOW. Here’s what were dealing with (gonna be a longer one but I need help):
My bestfriend 25F of over two decades now, is dating this guy who I gave a lot of grace because I havent met yet. (first red flag) I’m biased but she has always been the sweetest, smartest, and just kind type of person. The type of person youre almost envious of because they are just that good of a person, that is her. Shes also a cute girl so there is no struggle in that department.
For a while, me and her would text/talk about our relationship struggles with our bfs (now my ex bf). They have been dating for around 5 years off and on and the things she has told me personally concern me and our friends greatly. Here are some of the things ive heard from her:
**The below I’ve learned from slowly asking each friend in my group who has met him, what they think of him. **
Now. To me and our whole friend group, we’ve all decided that he clearly doesn’t like her based on things said and his actions. She even once said to me she wasnt sure if he would want her there (as in the city he wanted to move there) which is so sad and telling to me. We have also realized that she has stopped talking about him to literally all of us (we think bc were honest about his actions and she might be indenial??) But we’re scared bc we cant understand why she refuses to leave him.
LET ME BE CLEAR: This relationship will not end on her own accord. She will not leave him. Hes always been the one to break up with her.
She doesn’t know that we all don’t like him. How the fuck do I/ we tell her in a way in which she wont feel attacked or embarrassed. She really doesn’t deserve this and it truly truly makes me sad. It’s bad to the point where if for whatever reason she got enaged to him, I would rhabe to sit her doen and be like bro listen. Anything just to stop the marriage, and if she hated me for that, at least I tried.
I’ve already tried when she told me she was considering moving across the country with him. gave her the whole “ I love you and I trust you but I want you to realize that this is your choice. its your life and YOU get to choose whats best for you” talk.
Please please help. We’re all unsure of what to do. This guy is not a good person.
* * *
TLDR: My bestfriend of all time is in a 5 year toxic relationship where the guy treats her worse than garbage and she will not leave. I dont believe physical abuse has happened, but my close friends I share with her are also extremely worried. All of us. I know some girlies on her have either been her in the situation or have been me. Need your brain here. Thanks.
submitted by smlptx to relationships [link] [comments]
