Poems for your nephew

Poets & Poetries: that which gives rhythm to our life

2009.02.15 16:29 Poets & Poetries: that which gives rhythm to our life


2017.03.23 18:51 Hasnep i lik the bred

Poems based on this one about a cow licking bread by Poem_for_your_sprog: my name is Cow, and wen its nite, or wen the moon is shiyning brite, and all the men haf gon to bed - i stay up late. i lik the bred.

2008.03.15 19:41 Poetry - spoken word, literature code, less is more

A place for sharing published poetry. For sharing orignal content, please visit OCPoetry

2024.06.02 04:20 zaddar1 human beauty/ i have none of/ its not sadness that leads one to grasp it

chinese history can’t be separated from the problem of eunuchs, a political class, that was in theory supposed to be loyal to the emperor but turned out to be as self-interested as any other clique
a particularly messy rebellion against them
as a matter of interest, they also had the penis as well as the testicles removed giving rise to urinary tract problems that were highly unpleasant and even so, the imperial concubines usually took eunuchs as lovers
i think on balance they probably did facilitate many centuries of highly centralised rule, a role today filled by communications and surveillance technology
the bottom line of any addiction is what is it excluding ?
what is the opportunity cost ?
usually its so high because you have recognised it as an addiction
human beauty
i have none of
its not sadness that leads one to grasp it
too fragile to be held
but a deep melancholy
death is too close
the female world
sorta isolated
its own bubble
sorta tangential
to reality
propaganda and dictatorships work by controlling information and hence beliefs and opinions and it is amazing how easily we driven by these into various insanities
from the control point of view, any creativity is a threat or poison and is dealt with by the force of suppression or aversion
in delusian terms "creativity is an act of resistance"
when on reddit and you get downvoted, just repeat to yourself "a downvote is an upvote" which it really is since you have distressed an idiot !
the freedom
of good health
in old age
the burden of ovaries
an entire life
seeker and sought
the religious parlance
"zen" is a wrapped up box with some writing on it saying "i promise the answer’s inside" and when you open it up, its empty
i would guess the royal family has been boosted to the gills for covid and king charles and princess catherine both getting cancer makes me wonder
the precipice’s edge
dangerous to be there
on the other hand
is an illusion
st. isaac the syrian
quotes I
quotes II
“ for it is more expedient to be bruised than dead ”
he’s very underappreciated
han china
umpteen million
grain of sand
amongst many
must alter your perspective
existential angst
when tears roll from a baby’s eyes
its a bit early to be thinking about these matters
pillars of salt
we are always looking behind
but at least we can see
what has gone behind
what we can’t see
what is behind
other pillars
plucked from life
unto death
another state of being
the former from the latter
distinctive is
but how the latter
views the former
we can never know
ed. a poem i wrote on looking at a photo of emily dickinson’s nephew, gilbert dickinson who died of typhoid aged eight, the rhythms and semantics of the poem make it seem like it could have been written by emily ?
a non traumatic demonstration of how a caesarean delivery is done
its not a trivial procedure, i’ll say that
something i had never thought about
not surviving an operation
it happens
the unwanted
something i had never thought about
surviving an operation
it happens
the unwanted
the travesty
of how ill it fits
with the way this world works
the thought of nothing squared
halve it
then triple it again
is still nothing squared
travelling and living in a new place you like for a while and then leaving again
its like falling in love and then breaking up, what can you do ?
stitching together
what is discontinuous
interior stresses rend
what is held together
for a while
all rivers run
as coleridge said
to oblivion
ed. these lines below from coleridge’s most famous poem have always puzzled me, now i think about it, my poem is an alternative, more abstract version of his full poem which has always puzzled me and now it has sort of solved itself, i can’t believe it has sat in my brain for thirty or forty years as a puzzle looking for a solution
where alph, the sacred river, ran
through caverns measureless to man
down to a sunless sea
i give credit to coleridge claiming the poem is unfinished, but i am not sure that level of intense creativity can be sustained and even in terms of the existing poem it was starting to fall apart by the end
this is such a zen/religious thing, taking other’s words and paintings, not a single thing is their own
this is because the moment they say something or draw something of their own its laughable
you can’t tell 'em, diet and exercise are extremely important in keeping good mental health “ recent research published in the journal clinical nutrition reveals a significant link between high consumption of ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of developing depression
this study, conducted in brazil, indicates that individuals adhering to diets rich in ultra-processed foods are more likely to experience depressive symptoms over time these findings underscore the potential mental health risks associated with dietary patterns characterized by processed and convenience foods ”
i nearly ran into a cyclist a week ago on a windy back road because neither of us was keeping far enough to the left, then a little later nearly hit a car because, again i was not keeping far enough to the left
hopefully i have learnt, i think i was driving like i drive at night when you can assume you will see any oncoming traffic well ahead because of their headlights
daylight gives no such clues and cutting blind corners seems to be a local habit
“ taken together, our data highlight the profound impact of exercise in rejuvenating aged microglia (ed. reverting their gene expression signature to that of young microglia), associated pro-neurogenic effects and on peripheral immune cell presence in the ageing female mouse brain ”
clone factory
assembly line
when OP’s bleed
their writers
in denial
about their injury
a portion
ed. certified GPT-free
the double edged sword
its holder
as one brought up on a very patriarchal version of english history its interesting to see that william the conquerer’s success was in part due to having a very politically competent wife
ed. video has 3 parts
also interesting is that due to harold godwinson having been captured in normandy and kept there for a while, he knew both mitilda (possibly even having an affair with her) and william very well and should have been more au fait with norman battle tactics and strengths i have a theory that the middle ages and somewhat later had in effect a breeding program through intermarriage within the nobility/aristocracy creating a politically competent class, because politics is not a natural skill to the species, same thing for ancient egypt, in fact today’s international politics suffers a lot from people lacking any sort of the rationality and largeness of mind required
submitted by zaddar1 to zen_mystical [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 22:54 Outrageous-Light9743 Just reached out to the only family I have and was told they don't have the mental capacity to deal with me, I'm on my own, and to leave them alone. I asked for $2 to $3 eat with.

I try to stay positive. I try to maintain my determination, my will power and perseverance etc. but that just broke me.
I rarely ask him for anything. I think the last time I did, I might have been a minor. I'm there for him when he needs me.
I'm just struggling because of this recent beginning of my back to college journey. Right now, I have nothing and no one. I'm going to paste what I wrote earlier but if anyone can spare $2 to $3 so I can eat today, please let me know.
I'm heartbroken.
Help please! What can I help you with in exchange for $2-$10 or food?
I haven't really eaten in a few days and I was wondering if there was any work I can provide or anything (not sexual) I can do for anyone in exchange for a couple of bucks or food?
I know I said $5 or $10 but honestly, even $2 to $3 bucks would be great. At least I could eat.
Can I write, organize, tutor, help you write, or help you with anything?
Long time lurker, first time poster here.
I'm achieving a long time dream of going back to college and I could use help with some things, especially food. But this is not a typical request, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I know this is a new account and you all might be skeptical. So, since I'm a writer and a genuinely helpful person or at least as I intend to be, I would like to offer something in exchange for any help!
Do you need help with any short (or even long!) papers, essays, or summaries of your own? Or maybe your school aged children, nieces, nephews, or cousins do?
Would you like me to write a short story or poem for your younger kids?
Do you need anything organized in writing that I might be able to help with?
Is there anything else at all you might need help with?
I'm not expecting anything requested of me or any donations to be more than $5 to $10. Maybe $15. Again, even $2 to $3 is okay right now.
So, could you use help with anything that you can spare between $5 to $15 or $2-$3 to help a young woman trying to realize a dream deferred and is willing to offer some form of work or service in exchange?
I hope so!
Please let me know! Any amount offered will more than likely be acceptable.
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from somebody, anybody hopefully.
submitted by Outrageous-Light9743 to donationrequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:00 Outrageous-Light9743 Help please! What can I help you with in exchange for $2-$10 or food?

I haven't really eaten in a few days and I was wondering if there was any work I can provide or anything (not sexual) I can do for anyone in exchange for a couple of bucks or food?
I know I said $5 or $10 but honestly, even $2 to $3 bucks would be great. At least I could eat.
Can I write, organize, tutor, help you write, or help you with anything?
Long time lurker, first time poster here.
I'm achieving a long time dream of going back to college and I could use help with some things, especially food. But this is not a typical request, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I know this is a new account and you all might be skeptical. So, since I'm a writer and a genuinely helpful person or at least as I intend to be, I would like to offer something in exchange for any help!
Do you need help with any short (or even long!) papers, essays, or summaries of your own? Or maybe your school aged children, nieces, nephews, or cousins do?
Would you like me to write a short story or poem for your younger kids?
Do you need anything organized in writing that I might be able to help with?
Is there anything else at all you might need help with?
I'm not expecting anything requested of me or any donations to be more than $5 to $10. Maybe $15. Again, even $2 to $3 is okay right now.
So, could you use help with anything that you can spare between $5 to $15 or $2-$3 to help a young woman trying to realize a dream deferred and is willing to offer some form of work or service in exchange?
I hope so!
Please let me know! Any amount offered will more than likely be acceptable.
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from somebody, anybody hopefully.
submitted by Outrageous-Light9743 to donationrequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:00 Outrageous-Light9743 Help please! What can I help you with in exchange for $2-$10 or food?

I haven't really eaten in a few days and I was wondering if there was any work I can provide or anything (not sexual) I can do for anyone in exchange for a couple of bucks or food?
I know I said $5 or $10 but honestly, even $2 to $3 bucks would be great. At least I could eat.
Can I write, organize, tutor, help you write, or help you with anything?
Long time lurker, first time poster here.
I'm achieving a long time dream of going back to college and I could use help with some things, especially food. But this is not a typical request, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I know this is a new account and you all might be skeptical. So, since I'm a writer and a genuinely helpful person or at least as I intend to be, I would like to offer something in exchange for any help!
Do you need help with any short (or even long!) papers, essays, or summaries of your own? Or maybe your school aged children, nieces, nephews, or cousins do?
Would you like me to write a short story or poem for your younger kids?
Do you need anything organized in writing that I might be able to help with?
Is there anything else at all you might need help with?
I'm not expecting anything requested of me or any donations to be more than $5 to $10. Maybe $15. Again, even $2 to $3 is okay right now.
So, could you use help with anything that you can spare between $5 to $15 or $2-$3 to help a young woman trying to realize a dream deferred and is willing to offer some form of work or service in exchange?
I hope so!
Please let me know! Any amount offered will more than likely be acceptable.
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from somebody, anybody hopefully.
submitted by Outrageous-Light9743 to PaypalDonations [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 19:59 Outrageous-Light9743 Help please! What can I help you with in exchange for $2-$10 or food?

I haven't really eaten in a few days and I was wondering if there was any work I can provide or anything (not sexual) I can do for anyone in exchange for a couple of bucks or food?
I know I said $5 or $10 but honestly, even $2 to $3 bucks would be great. At least I could eat.
Can I write, organize, tutor, help you write, or help you with anything?
Long time lurker, first time poster here.
I'm achieving a long time dream of going back to college and I could use help with some things, especially food. But this is not a typical request, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I know this is a new account and you all might be skeptical. So, since I'm a writer and a genuinely helpful person or at least as I intend to be, I would like to offer something in exchange for any help!
Do you need help with any short (or even long!) papers, essays, or summaries of your own? Or maybe your school aged children, nieces, nephews, or cousins do?
Would you like me to write a short story or poem for your younger kids?
Do you need anything organized in writing that I might be able to help with?
Is there anything else at all you might need help with?
I'm not expecting anything requested of me or any donations to be more than $5 to $10. Maybe $15. Again, even $2 to $3 is okay right now.
So, could you use help with anything that you can spare between $5 to $15 or $2-$3 to help a young woman trying to realize a dream deferred and is willing to offer some form of work or service in exchange?
I hope so!
Please let me know! Any amount offered will more than likely be acceptable.
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from somebody, anybody hopefully.
submitted by Outrageous-Light9743 to u/Outrageous-Light9743 [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 01:23 Outrageous-Light9743 Can I write, organize, tutor, help you write, or help you with anything?

Long time lurker, first time poster here.
I'm achieving a long time dream of going back to college and I could use help with some things, especially food. But this is not a typical request, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I know this is a new account and you all might be skeptical. So, since I'm a writer and a genuinely helpful person or at least as I intend to be, I would like to offer something in exchange for any help!
Do you need help with any short (or even long!) papers, essays, or summaries of your own? Or maybe your school aged children, nieces, nephews, or cousins do?
Would you like me to write a short story or poem for your younger kids?
Do you need anything organized in writing that I might be able to help with?
Is there anything else at all you might need help with?
I'm not expecting anything requested of me or any donations to be more than $5 to $10. Maybe $15.
So, could you use help with anything that you can spare between $5 to $15 to help a young woman trying to realize a dream deferred and is willing to offer some form of work or service in exchange?
I hope so!
Please let me know! Any amount offered will more than likely be acceptable.
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from somebody, anybody hopefully.
submitted by Outrageous-Light9743 to PaypalDonations [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 00:11 Outrageous-Light9743 Can I write, organize, tutor, help you write, or help you with anything?

Long time lurker, first time poster here.
I'm achieving a long time dream of going back to college and I could use help with some things, especially food. But this is not a typical request, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I know this is a new account and you all might be skeptical. So, since I'm a writer and a genuinely helpful person or at least as I intend to be, I would like to offer something in exchange for any help!
Do you need help with any short (or even long!) papers, essays, or summaries of your own? Or maybe your school aged children, nieces, nephews, or cousins do?
Would you like me to write a short story or poem for your younger kids?
Do you need anything organized in writing that I might be able to help with?
Is there anything else at all you might need help with?
I'm not expecting anything requested of me or any donations to be more than $5 to $10. Maybe $15.
So, could you use help with anything that you can spare between $5 to $15 to help a young woman trying to realize a dream deferred and is willing to offer some form of work or service in exchange?
I hope so!
Please let me know! Any amount offered will more than likely be acceptable.
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from somebody, anybody hopefully.
submitted by Outrageous-Light9743 to donationrequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:23 Filler-Dmon Not sure if abusive father and enabling mother, or just a screwed up family.

I don't know why I had trouble finding this sub earlier. With Abuse locked, and AITA excluding violence, I wasn't sure where to go for more perspective and advice. I swear I still remember calling the Domestic Abuse hotline and being told how their services and advice are more geared towards Spousal situations... but I also remember the first time I called them, after being recommended them by my work ERP, and how all of the symptoms of what I'm going through point directly point towards an abusive situation.
This is hard to work through, so I'm gonna just repost something I already posted in /AITAH. But I'd be happy to post any additional information; I'd do just about anything to get through what I'm currently dealing with.
I'm about to be 33 years old, male. I'm adopted since birth, and I've lived my whole life with my family so far. I have clinical depression and chronic anxiety, to the point of extreme intrusive thoughts and That kind of ideation.
My parents both come from horrible families themselves. Going into the military was a blessed relief for each of them from what I know of their pasts. They met each other, got married, and eventually adopted my siblings and then me.
Mom is a fixer. And regardless of everything that happens, I love her. She has always had my back, always been in my corner, always bent over backwards or fought for me. When I was younger, we used to struggle a bit here and there in regards to some moments, but once we realized how badly the entire family had been ignorant in regards to mental health, and started trying to be willing to talk about our different perspectives while being civil, our connection has never been stronger. Or at least I'd like to say that, and I'd like to keep it that way.
The man who I will keep calling Dad, for lack of a better term... is not the worst man in the world. He paid for things growing up. He's present for a decent amount. We had some bonds over video games and dragon ball and godzilla. There was love there. And Mom has made it clear that love is still there, at least from her point of view. She says he's gotten better, and the problems aren't as frequent, true.
But for me, the negatives have started eclipsing the positives in my memory. Particularly as my problems started manifesting while I struggled with life, and my opinions stopped being so simple. Particularly politically, where they come from a different time, and I couldn't be more opposed to them.
With Mom, we can still talk and honor each other's right to have differences.
With Dad, because of his past and mind, he doesn't do well with opinions that don't match his own. Even when he's being civil, he'll give politician type answers to yes or no questions while never addressing the point. It makes him insufferable to talk to. And he hates being challenged. He gets shouty. He gets angry. He gets threatening.
I'm 6'2, 260lbs of mix between fat and muscle, with 2 permanent injuries and struggling with fitness. He's taller than me, a veteran, a former prison guard, and can still weight lift like double his weight in his old age.
When we've had disagreements, he gets terrifying. Looming over me while yelling with his deep voice; that's his go-to, but sometimes there's violence. Folk needing to wrestle him off me. Him punching me in the face. Chasing me down a hill while I was in crutches and on the phone. Busting down my barricaded door and screaming at me, then holding my dog (18 long years, RIP) by her neck when she (a rescue in and of herself) got between me and him and started barking at him.
The last time Mom and I talked, she mentioned that I shouldn't still be holding these against him, both that it's not good for me and because the relationships would never mend, particularly that I'm not blameless in regards to family drama. But I've never hit anyone. I've never threatened to kill anyone, regardless of the invasive voices. I've never said "I"M GONNA SQUEEZE THE LIFE OUT OF YOU" while pressing my elbow into someone's neck, over a literal quarter.
I sincerely could be being too sensitive about this. It could be me not remembering enough of the good, and still being too bothered by the bad. Mom mentioned me hurting folk as well, so it's not like my emotional outbursts are that much better than his, even if I'm actively trying to deal with mine with antidepressants and trying to acknowledge and understand my behavior, and trying to avoid touchy subjects in general to help keep the peace.
Mother's day 2024; I come downstairs, read Mom a poem I came up with, and small talk is made. Eventually Mom jokes to me and my sister (who I also find troubling to talk with because she can be bitchy at times, though never to the point of intimidation and violence) that we should have married for money, not love, so that we'd have an easy life. I reply that I could never do so, particularly because I'm too ugly to do so, and the conversation shifts to recent therapy and my mental health, to which I say I have to battle with my lack of confidence every day.
To which Dad says "[my] problems are [my] choice". To which I start getting heated in the moment, and tell him "No, you're wrong." We both repeat, louder. He assumes his 'rearing Grizzly' stance, yelling "I'M NOT GOING TO ARGUE WITH YOU!", and after Mom tries to use Mother's day to coo him down, makes another scathing comment from the kitchen that I could hear.
I go upstairs, and when Mom follows me, I try to talk about other things. But she's determined to ask me if I hate him. I keep trying to dodge, and beg her not to push me into answering, to which she just confirms the unspoken and walks off.
Fully triggered, I try to leave before I make things worse, but when Dad tries to ask me not to go, I tell him to Fuck Off before just driving. Apparently while I was gone, he punched and broke a door in his rage that he still can't connect to me. And when Mom went to buy a new door, their truck hit a pole. And then when I come back, and she tries to talk to me, I scream at her. (I couldn't handle being told "Oh, it's okay. I don't deserve a mother's day because I didn't birth any of you.") Best. Mother's. Day. Ever.
While I was gone, the family called me almost 30 times. I wanted to leave, to de-stress, to get this venom in my arms to settle, to not lash out. I ended up calling multiple emergency phone numbers to try to vent. And I tried to go to the arcade to vent. Invasive thoughts about stabbing a family member? Terrible. Thoughts of shooting zombies for a few hours? Much better. But I couldn't at all relax and distract myself as Mom and sister wouldn't stop calling me.
Next day, Mom and I try to talk again. With her wanting me to find forgiveness and peace, even as I both despise him for these lows, and myself for this guilt I feel about the family dynamics. And we fail to reach a resolution, with her depression and my own only making each other worse. Thinking I wouldn't be allowed to leave the house to cool-down, I go upstairs, max out my music, and scream. A bit of floor slamming, but largely screaming as much as I can, to try force out the venom I can feel inside me. Understandably, Mom came up to stop the noise. Unfortunately, that noise was the only think suppressing my worst thoughts, and the feel of venom in my arms. Fortunately, Mom came back quick enough that my first (and hopefully only) scars are largely scratches that will fade. If anything, her pulling the work knife out of my hand nicked those fingers even worse. And understandably, even as her former Marine tried to force more conversation that day, I just remember feeling defeated inside. I contact as much of my support group as I can muster, take a sick day, and go to sleep.
Next morning, my therapist calls me, and we talk. And I share all of my feelings. All of this. Unfortunately, the appointment was later in the morning than normal, family were up and about in the living room, and I didn't realize they were basically all just listening. And they heard. Every. Word. Everything of this. Apparently I reduced Dad to tears, let alone offending everyone else.
For the second time in multiple days, I thought I was going to get kicked out. Mom did offer me my own place, but being trapped with my mixed feelings would make that a complete waste of money and effort. I'm basically just not on speaking terms with the family, and I feel like a Pariah.
To the point where after crying about it for an hour at work, I eventually sucked it up, called Mom, asked Dad to be on speaker, and suggested family counseling, at an attempt at an olive branch.
But isolated in my room away from everyone else (to the point of not even showering, eating, and largely not even touching my computer), and then at my next day of work, I've had time to think. Think about how these lows still keep happening. About how the schism between me and the family has always been growing politically. How previous therapists, emergency numbers, friends, coworkers, and the domestic abuse hotline, all say it's a cycle of (unintentional) abuse. How as is, I wouldn't take back like 90% of what I expressed because it feels true. How he also used to blow up on other people as well. How his senselessness can lead him to yelling at a 2nd Rescue Dog that barks too much. Or sending pictures of Tarantulas to a cousin with extreme mental illness (think drugs in the womb type mental troubles) as just casual texting.
But I also still feel guilty. Even with personality, interest, and political opinions differing, they do still try to care. I've been with them all my life. And it makes me feel horrible when they help by trying to cook or clean or anything, when the interpersonal relationships are so low.
And as much as I reflect on the lows being so unbearably low with him, I can't pretend they've been not as frequent, nor that I grew up 1000x better than how they did. My problems are first world as all hell, and plenty would kill to be as privileged as I am. This can not be understated. I don't think it justifies his behavior, but to say that it makes sense is at least fair.
And I want to stay connected, at least to Mom. And even if my sister and I don't have a really personal feeling relationship, I like being the cool uncle to one of my nephews. Teaching him about video games and sonic and dragon ball has been great. I don't want to let that go.
And as bad as his worsts have been... others don't even have their families. And others still have been hurt even worse by family, or outright thrown out by now, and similar...
I keep having these crying episodes. I'm struggling with mixed feelings of love and hate, indignation and guilt, and I don't know how to proceed from here.
submitted by Filler-Dmon to domesticviolence [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:39 Calm-Accident9480 AITAH for Going off on my Best Friend for Getting Back with her Ex

I a (29F) have been friends with my what I thought was my best friend (25F) for about 2 and a half years. We met on hinge as dating prospects and after a little over a month of talking she called it off romantically and tried to pull away (little did I know she was still talking to her ex and hoping they’d get back together.) She had told me that her ex had cheated on her previously but never divulged any deeper into the past.
(For context: they met in high school and have been on and off for 9 years. He is extremely possessive and starts fights and is very controlling of her. She never told him about me because, “he would not like that you had feelings for me and would blow up.” So every time he came to visit her she would tell me and I would not be allowed to speak to her until he left. I had confronted her about that being stupid before and she just said, “I do this to everyone when he’s here I just turn my phone off and ignore everyone to spend time with him.” I found this incredibly weird and controlling of him. Before I met her on hinge she was living with him and a few of his friends in an apartment when she found out he was talking to some girl and he was being sexual with her over the phone. He let her read all the messages and she slapped him across the face. Months later he told her he and his friends were basically pushing her out of the apartment and made her leave. They broke up where she had to live with her mom before she found a cute new apartment she loved and put her soul into. )
Back to now.
I of course told her she deserved better because she truly is a wonderful person or so I thought. Fast forward to now and in between me getting over my feelings for her and now being in a very loving relationship with another person her and I remained very close friends. She ultimately got back with her ex after me and he broke up with her again right before Christmas claiming he loved her but was not in love with her. She was completely crushed. She would tell me basically everything going on her life including what has been going on her ex. He lives in AZ while she lives in CA. She started to date other people but most of them never stuck. She ended up meeting a really amazing guy. Let’s call him Rob. Rob and my best friend hit it off on shared interests and soon became boyfriend and girlfriend. I told her that she should rush too into things because she was still recovering from her ex and it seemed like things with this guy were progressing super fast. (They were already talking about moving in together, marriage and children) They were only together less than a month. But she has this pattern where she talks to men and once one bores her she moves on to the next. This was the first that actually stuck as a boyfriend. Things seemed good with them for a bit and he even flew them both to Vegas. He spoiled her with dinners and drinks at 5 celebrity restaurants and even stayed in a fancy hotel. Upon their return she mentioned to me about how happy she was and how good of a guy Rob was. I agreed and said this was a super healthy relationship and I was happy for us both being with people we deserved. A day later she told me her ex had found her second account on instagram where she posted poems about her life as a coping mechanism. She had before blocked him on everything when she found out he was clubbing and picking up strange women. She had ripped him a new one and told him she was really disappointed in him before blocking him on all social media and phone. I told her to block him on that account as well and move on. She was with a really great guy that was treating her very well and was healthy for her. Her ex had caused her PTSD from the serve mental abusing he put her through. Claiming he was the reason for her success in life. He also hinted as resenting her a bit for stunting his growth in life because he put all his love and support into her.
Apparently they kept talking behind everyone’s back because she had called me at work balling her eyes out that she told her ex about Rob and he was losing his shit. He was begging to know who it was and was blaming her for not waiting for him to get his life together. She said it was confusing her and causing issues with Rob because she liked Rob but she felt like she would always love her ex too. After I calmed her down she texted me that night that she may need to take a break with Rob in order to resolve this issue with her ex. I told her it was a good idea because it wasn’t fair to Rob she was talking to her ex and her feelings were becoming clouded. She told me that the weekend of mother’s days she already made plans with her family and Rob and she couldn’t bail because she didn’t want her family to know something was up with her and Rob. (Her family also HATES her ex for everything he put her through.) I thought I was a terrible idea and she should just make an excuse that Rob couldn’t attend. But she told me no because her mom wanted to get to know Rob better so he would be spending the night with her at her mom’s. I told her ok but he needed to go home to his mom on Mother’s Day and she needed to be with her own. She needed a break and a day to just let her hair down with her mom. On Mother’s Day she told me her and Rob woke up and she broke up with him. She sobbed for an hour because he was a really great guy. After that she told me she was going to reach out to her ex to resolve the issue. I thought this was also terrible but bit my tongue and supported her because she needed someone. Later that day she told me that her ex was on the way and driving to her place from Az. I told her “DONT TELL HIM YOU ARE SINGLE.” It was already too late he knew everything. I also told her don’t let him stay at your house. Last time he broke up with her she had booked a non refundable hotel room for $300 as she wasn’t allowed to stay with him because his mom HATES HER. So she lost $300. I told her make him go waste $300. Alas she didn’t listen to me. He arrived they got back together immediately and he slept in her bed that night. When I found out the next day I was LIVID. To me it felt like she went back to her abuser. He said just the right things to draw her back in. When I confronted her she feed me typical lines of: He’s changed It’s different this time I love him He was always trying to come back to me I wish you could see him like I do.
She brushed all this off as I tried to break her rose colored glasses and told me to stop being a jerk and rude. They were both attending therapy in the next 20 minutes. I couldn’t help but think the only reason he is on his best behavior is because he knew she was with another person and was finally trying to be happy. I chose my words carefully no cursing, no name calling just told her I was disappointed. I told her how hard this was for me as her best friend to see her enter this abusive relationship again. I told her this was wrong. I told her I was morally not ok with her having one man in her bed in that she pretend with and broke up with and then her ex in her bed that night. At this point I was DONE. She told me they will be moving to AZ together and renting a new house once her last day of teaching was done at the end of May.
My heart broke for that apartment she loved so much and finally made it the way she loved as an individual. I told her my heart broke for her family. For her nieces and nephew that love her so much. I told her dear god I hope this guy is the right answer to all her life’s issues and hope that he is worth it. I took old screen shots of old conversations where she told me how much she was glad she moved on from him and that she felt like she wasted her time with him and ultimately hurt herself. My last ditch effort to try and get her to see the light. She never responded. I blocked her on all social media and silenced her motivations on my phone. I still leave them open just in case things blow up Again and if she may need me.
submitted by Calm-Accident9480 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:35 Filler-Dmon AITAH for being all but done with my father?

TW Self Harm, TW Abuse.
There is a lot to unpack here.
I'm in my low mid 30s. I'm adopted since birth, and I've lived my whole life with my family so far. I have clinical depression and chronic anxiety, to the point of extreme intrusive thoughts and That kind of ideation.
My parents both come from horrible families themselves. Going into the military was a blessed relief for each of them from what I know of their pasts. They met each other, got married, and eventually adopted my siblings and then me.
Mom is a fixer. And regardless of everything that happens, I love her. She has always had my back, always been in my corner, always bent over backwards or fought for me. When I was younger, we used to struggle a bit here and there in regards to some moments, but once we realized how badly the entire family had been ignorant in regards to mental health, and started trying to be willing to talk about our different perspectives while being civil, our connection has never been stronger. Or at least I'd like to say that, and I'd like to keep it that way.
The man who I will keep calling Dad, for lack of a better term... is not the worst man in the world. He paid for things growing up. He's present for a decent amount. We had some bonds over video games and dragon ball and godzilla. There was love there. And Mom has made it clear that love is still there, at least from her point of view. She says he's gotten better, and the problems aren't as frequent, true.
But for me, the negatives have started eclipsing the positives in my memory. Particularly as my problems started manifesting while I struggled with life, and my opinions stopped being so simple. Particularly politically, where they come from a different time, and I couldn't be more opposed to them.
With Mom, we can still talk and honor each other's right to have differences.
With Dad, because of his past and mind, he doesn't do well with opinions that don't match his own. Even when he's being civil, he'll give politician type answers to yes or no questions while never addressing the point. It makes him insufferable to talk to. And he hates being challenged. He gets shouty. He gets angry. He gets threatening.
I'm 6'2, 260lbs of mix between fat and muscle, with 2 permanent injuries and struggling with fitness. He's taller than me, a veteran, a former prison guard, and can still weight lift like double his weight in his old age.
When we've had disagreements, he gets terrifying. Looming over me while yelling with his deep voice; that's his go-to, but sometimes there's violence. Folk needing to wrestle him off me. Him punching me in the face. Chasing me down a hill while I was in crutches and on the phone. Busting down my barricaded door and screaming at me, then holding my dog (18 long years, RIP) by her neck when she (a rescue in and of herself) got between me and him and started barking at him.
The last time Mom and I talked, she mentioned that I shouldn't still be holding these against him, both that it's not good for me and because the relationships would never mend, particularly that I'm not blameless in regards to family drama. But I've never hit anyone. I've never threatened to kill anyone, regardless of the invasive voices. I've never said "I"M GONNA SQUEEZE THE LIFE OUT OF YOU" while pressing my elbow into someone's neck, over a literal quarter.
I sincerely could be being too sensitive about this. It could be me not remembering enough of the good, and still being too bothered by the bad. Mom mentioned me hurting folk as well, so it's not like my emotional outbursts are that much better than his, even if I'm actively trying to deal with mine with antidepressants and trying to acknowledge and understand my behavior, and trying to avoid touchy subjects in general to help keep the peace.
This where I ask AITAH.
Mother's day 2024; I come downstairs, read Mom a poem I came up with, and small talk is made. Eventually Mom jokes to me and my sister (who I also find troubling to talk with because she can be bitchy at times, though never to the point of intimidation and violence) that we should have married for money, not love, so that we'd have an easy life. I reply that I could never do so, particularly because I'm too ugly to do so, and the conversation shifts to recent therapy and my mental health, to which I say I have to battle with my lack of confidence every day.
To which Dad says "[my] problems are [my] choice". To which I start getting heated in the moment, and tell him "No, you're wrong." We both repeat, louder. He assumes his 'rearing Grizzly' stance, yelling "I'M NOT GOING TO ARGUE WITH YOU!", and after Mom tries to use Mother's day to coo him down, makes another scathing comment from the kitchen that I could hear.
I go upstairs, and when Mom follows me, I try to talk about other things. But she's determined to ask me if I hate him. I keep trying to dodge, and beg her not to push me into answering, to which she just confirms the unspoken and walks off.
Fully triggered, I try to leave before I make things worse, but when Dad tries to ask me not to go, I tell him to Fuck Off before just driving. Apparently while I was gone, he punched and broke a door in his rage that he still can't connect to me. And when Mom went to buy a new door, their truck hit a pole. And then when I come back, and she tries to talk to me, I scream at her. (I couldn't handle being told "Oh, it's okay. I don't deserve a mother's day because I didn't birth any of you.") Best. Mother's. Day. Ever.
While I was gone, the family called me almost 30 times. I wanted to leave, to destress, to get this venom in my arms to settle, to not lash out. I ended up calling multiple emergency phone numbers to try to vent. And I tried to go to the arcade to vent. Invasive thoughts about stabbing a family member? Terrible. Thoughts of shooting zombies for a few hours? Much better. But I couldn't at all relax and distract myself as Mom and sister wouldn't stop calling me.
Next day, Mom and I try to talk again. With her wanting me to find forgiveness and peace, even as I both despise him for these lows, and myself for this guilt I feel about the family dynamics. And we fail to reach a resolution, with her depression and my own only making each other worse. Thinking I wouldn't be allowed to leave the house to cooldown, I go upstairs, max out my music, and scream. A bit of floor slamming, but largely screaming as much as I can, to try force out the venom I can feel inside me. Understandably, Mom came up to stop the noise. Unfortunately, that noise was the only think surpressing my worst thoughts, and the feel of venom in my arms. Fortunately, Mom came back quick enough that my first (and hopefully only) scars are largely scratches that will fade. If anything, her pulling the work knife out of my hand knicked those fingers even worse. And understandably, even as her former Marine tried to force more conversation that day, I just remember feeling defeated inside. I contact as much of my support group as I can muster, take a sick day, and go to sleep.
Next morning, my therapist calls me, and we talk. And I share all of my feelings. All of this. Unfortunately, the appointment was later in the morning than normal, family were up and about in the living room, and I didn't realize they were basically all just listening. And they heard. Every. Word. Everything of this. Apparently I reduced Dad to tears, let alone offending everyone else.
For the second time in multiple days, I thought I was going to get kicked out. Mom did offer me my own place, but being trapped with my mixed feelings would make that a complete waste of money and effort. I'm basically just not on speaking terms with the family, and I feel like a Pariah.
To the point where after crying about it for an hour at work, I eventually sucked it up, called Mom, asked Dad to be on speaker, and suggested family counseling, at an attempt at an olive branch.
But isolated in my room away from everyone else (to the point of not even showering, eating, and largely not even touching my computer), and then at my next day of work, I've had time to think. Think about how these lows still keep happening. About how the schism between me and the family has always been growing politically. How previous therapists, emergency numbers, friends, coworkers, and the domestic abuse hotline, all say it's a cycle of (unintentional) abuse. How as is, I wouldn't take back like 90% of what I expressed because it feels true. How he also used to blow up on other people as well. How his senelessness can lead him to yelling at a 2nd Rescue Dog that barks too much. Or sending pictures of Tarantulas to a cousin with extreme mental illness (think drugs in the womb type mental troubles) as just casual texting.
But I also still feel guilty. Even with personality, interest, and political opinions differing, they do still try to care. I've been with them all my life. And it makes me feel horrible when they help by trying to cook or clean or anything, when the interpersonal relationships are so low.
And as much as I reflect on the lows being so unbearably low with him, I can't pretend they've been not as frequent, nor that I grew up 1000x better than how they did. My problems are first world as all hell, and plenty would kill to be as privileged as I am. This can not be understated. I don't think it justifies his behavior, but to say that it makes sense is at least fair.
And I want to stay connected, at least to Mom. And even if my sister and I don't have a really personal feeling relationship, I like being the cool uncle to one of my nephews. Teaching him about video games and sonic and dragon ball has been great. I don't want to let that go.
And as bad as his worsts have been... others don't even have their families. And others still have been hurt even worse by family, or outright thrown out by now, and similar...
So yeah; I know that's a lot to unpack, but I'm so mixed up inside I honestly don't know. AITAH for overreacting to a potentially acceptable level of family drama/not letting go of my lingering grudges and feelings in regards to my father? Or have I noticed a slowing, but still present, cycle of abuse?
submitted by Filler-Dmon to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:51 YezenIRL (Spoilers Extended) The second dance of the dragons is about god and divorce

Ok here's what I've got today:
  1. Dany is indeed the final "threat" of the story. That does not make her mad or evil.
  2. The second dance is a global endgame conflict along lines or race, class, and religion.
  3. The rise of R'hllor is about western anxieties around the rise of the Islamic empire and the perceived threat jihad posed to Christendom during the Middle Ages. Hence why the Faith of the Seven is a clear allegory for Catholicism and western monotheism, while R'hllor is a clear mashup of Zoroastrianism and eastern monotheism.
Even for me, this is going to be a pretty elaborate theory. But if you can get over the alternate timeline stuff I think I can provide an explanation of how the last three episodes of the show were D&D's attempt at depicting the second dance of the dragons.
The first dance of the dragons was a Targaryen war of succession fought with dragons on both sides, and George has said that a second dance will be a subject of a future book. The prevailing view in the fandom is that the Essos story will wrap up in Winds, and Dream will open with a quick dance between Dany and Aegon spanning the time it takes the Others to march from the Wall to the Trident.
My problem with that view is that Aegon doesn't have a dragon, the Essos story cannot resolve by the end of Winds, and you cannot fit a race war between Duskendale and King's Landing.

I. Some say the world will end in fire

The title of A Song of Ice and Fire is based on the Robert Frost poem 'Fire and Ice' which proposes the world can end in either fire or ice. In the poem ice is hatred and vengeance, and fire is love and desire. In the story, ice and fire manifest as the two threats looming over the Seven Kingdoms, being the Others to the north and Daenerys and her dragons to the east.
George is very upfront about this:
Well of course the two outlying ones, the things going on north at the wall, and Daenerys Targaryen on the other continent with her dragons, are of course the ice and fire of the title, a song of ice and fire. The central stuff, the stuff that's happening in the middle in King's Landing, is much more based on historical events, historical fiction, it's loosely drawn from the war of the roses and some of the other conflicts around the hundred years war, although of course with a fantasy twist.
One of the dynamics I started with there was the sense of people being so consumed by their petty struggles for power within King's Landing that they're blind to the much greater threats happening far away on the periphery of their kingdoms. And of course you can see that all through history...
Yet the way the story has developed, the ice is coming before the fire. Once the Long Night comes, Dany can no longer be perceived as a threat because the Others pose a common enemy. This is why I believe the story will show us a split timeline.
Like the poem, one ends in ice and the other ends in fire.
In the first timeline the threat is the Long Night, where ice comes to end the world and fire wages a war for the dawn. In the second timeline the invasion from the north is prevented, so the threat is the from the east. It's Azor Ahai. It's the Stallion Who Mounts the World. With no ice apocalypse to fight, a holy war in the name of a fire god becomes a threat to the people of Westeros.
"People say I was influenced by Robert Ford’s poem, and of course I was, I mean... Fire is love, fire is passion, fire is sexual ardor and all of these things. Ice is betrayal, ice is revenge, ice is… you know, that kind of cold inhumanity and all that stuff is being played out in the books." ~ GRRM
Like in the poem, the threat of the Others is about hatred. The Others are the revenge of the Children of the Forest. Also like the poem, the threat of dragons will be about love and desire. Dragons are a manifestation of Dany's desire to liberate and conquer, but also her quest for love and belonging.
"Fire is a cruel way to die. Dalla died to give this child life, but you have nourished him, cherished him. You saved your own boy from the ice. Now save hers from the fire." ~ Jon II, ADWD
The kingdom is saved from ice and then it must be saved from fire. From love, desire, and dragons.

II. Under the banner of House Targaryen

I believe that in the second timeline Tyrion doesn't sabotage the Aegon cause out of spite, and so Aegon actually does go meet Dany in Essos. He is accepted by Rhaegal due to his Valyrian blood, so Dany accepts his legitimacy and the two are betrothed. Thus House Targaryen will proceed to conquer the world, with an empire stretching from Vaes Dothrak to Casterly Rock.
That may sound ambitious given the size of Dany's dragons, but consider the alliance forming under the banner of House Targaryen.
  1. Dany has already established a foothold in Slaver's Bay.
  2. Dany is headed for Vaes Dothrak where she will no doubt raise a Dothraki army.
  3. Victarion has brought the Iron Fleet and is fighting Dany's enemies from Astapor and Yunkai.
  4. The Red Temple is preaching Dany as the messiah and want her to lead a slave revolt in Volantis.
  5. Red Priests are leading religious uprisings in Qohor.
  6. Barristan has promised Pentos to the Tattered Prince.
  7. Dorne already seeks to align themselves with House Targaryen.
  8. Tyrion has promised the gold of Casterly Rock to the Second Sons.
  9. The Golden Company originally broke their contract with Myr to join Dany.
Dany's dragons may be young, but people are flocking to her just as Quaithe said they would. Everyone wants a piece of the miracle, and that desire has inspired the messianic prophecies that now surround her. Dany's story is even more powerful than her dragons.
Tyrion considered saying something, then thought better. It seemed to him that the prophecy that drove the red priests had room for just one hero. A second Targaryen would only serve to confuse them. ~ Tyrion VIII, ADWD
People often speculate that Aegon will steal Dany's thunder in Westeros and drive her to jealousy and madness, but currently Aegon is the one who is insecure about being less accomplished. For people in Essos, Daenerys Targaryen is the messiah, but Aegon is just a boy.
Remember how the show framed Jon and Dany's first encounter. Jon show is also Aegon IV.
In the west this dynamic will be inverted. The mummer's dragon was raised to adhere to the norms of Westeros, so Aegon VI will be perceived as the rightful king coming to restore peace and stability after a corrupt Lannister regime. Meanwhile Dany will be perceived as the queen of savages, bringing with her a foreign fire religion. This plays out on the show as well.
"No." The eunuch's voice seemed deeper. "He is here. Aegon has been shaped for rule since before he could walk. He has been trained in arms, as befits a knight to be, but that was not the end of his education. He reads and writes, he speaks several tongues, he has studied history and law and poetry. A septa has instructed him in the mysteries of the Faith since he was old enough to understand them. He has lived with fisherfolk, worked with his hands, swum in rivers and mended nets and learned to wash his own clothes at need. He can fish and cook and bind up a wound, he knows what it is like to be hungry, to be hunted, to be afraid. Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right. Aegon knows that kingship is his duty, that a king must put his people first, and live and rule for them." ~ Epilogue, ADWD
I know that the dynamic I'm putting forward here isn't new, but this doesn't work in the middle of the Long Night, nor does it make sense after. A dragonless Aegon Targaryen cannot prove his legitimacy, nor survive the Others, nor call himself protector of the realm.
Symbols matter. Wyman Manderly makes this clear.
To thwart him White Harbor must have Ned's son … and the direwolf. The wolf will prove the boy is who we say he is, should the Dreadfort attempt to deny him. ~ Davos IV, ADWD
But in another timeline where he brings a (green) dragon, Aegon will have the proof he needs to pull off a Targaryen restoration.
While Aegon has been raised to adhere to Westerosi norms so he can appeal to the church and aristocracy, Dany's following in Essos is being built through slave revolts and the rise of R'hllor. The only way to hold this global empire together would be a Dany and Aegon marriage. Yet Aegon is not Dany's type nor is Dany Aegon's. Rather, the two are setup to be mostly jealous and resentful of each other. And what happens when two married people resent each other?
They get divorced.

III. World War D

To explain how this ignites, I have to use everyone's least favorite scene from season 8.
Let's talk about Dany's speech:
You are liberators! You have freed the people of King's Landing from the grip of a tyrant. But the war is not over. We will not lay down our spears until we have liberated all the people of the world. From Winterfell to Dorne, from Lannisport to Qarth, from the Summer Isles to the Jade Sea! Men, women, and children have suffered too long beneath the wheel. Will you break the wheel with me?
~Shownerys Targaryen
I understand that D&D treat Dany's ending without much nuance, aiming to paint her in the most fascist light possible. And I understand that for many, this scene is simply a reflection of D&D's fear of women and brown people (I'm Palestinian, I get it). However, I think it's cope to argue D&D pulled this out of nowhere. A global jihad to liberate the world is very much setup in the books.
"Benerro has sent forth the word from Volantis. Her coming is the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. From smoke and salt was she born to make the world anew. She is Azor Ahai returned … and her triumph over darkness will bring a summer that will never end … death itself will bend its knee, and all those who die fighting in her cause shall be reborn …" ~ Tyrion VI, ADWD
The Red Temple are gearing up for a holy war across Essos. After Dany helps them topple slavery and take control of Volantis, the Red Priests will seek to take control of the neighboring Free Cities. Dany doesn't need to become a R'hllor fundamentalist to allow this (and she won't), she simply needs to accept it as part of the anti-slavery crusade. After all...
Most of the Free Cities still allow slavery.
So the uprisings won't end in Volantis. Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh, all practice slavery. The Red Priests are already instigating riots in Qohor, where slavery is illegal but still practiced by the wealthy. Next is Norvos, a theocracy where slavery is also practiced. After Norvos is Pentos, again where slavery is forbidden but still practiced by the rich. Most notably Illyrio Mopatis, a wealthy backer of the slave trade who has been the puppet master behind the Targaryen restoration plot from the beginning. Whether Daenerys makes good on Barristan's promise to the Tattered Prince, Pentos is where her story began and the story is pulling her back.
Tyrion pondered all he knew of Volantis, oldest and proudest of the Nine Free Cities. Something was awry here. Even with half a nose, he could smell it. "It's said there are five slaves for every free man in Volantis. Why would the triarchs assist a queen who smashed the slave trade?" He pointed at Illyrio. "For that matter, why would you? Slavery may be forbidden by the laws of Pentos, yet you have a finger in that trade as well, and maybe a whole hand. And yet you conspire for the dragon queen, and not against her. Why? What do you hope to gain from Queen Daenerys?" ~ Tyrion III, ADWD
While Aegon proceeds to conquer Westeros by appealing to the ruling class, Dany's forces will carry out an anti-slavery crusade across the Free Cities. This crusade will not only abolish slavery, but will topple the ruling class and spread R'hllor, threatening both the aristocracy and the church, who fear the same in Westeros. Aegon might demand that she stop, but he'd have no power in Essos, where people are loyal to the black dragon, not the green.
This sets up the core political basis for a second dance. It won't really be over the question of legitimacy (it never is), but rather conflicting approaches and interests. Just like in the first dance, the dispute is between a progressive monarchy (the blacks) and a traditionalist aristocracy (the greens). It's a dispute that threatens to spin out into a global conflict along lines of race, class, and religion.
Once again, Tyrion is the saboteur. Tyrion will fall for Dany and act upon his unrequited love by instigating the conflict. This could involve anything from planting the seed that Aegon might be a Blackfyre to insinuating that Aegon is having an affair and plans to have her set aside (perhaps over her alleged infertility). But Tyrion can't invent a conflict, he can only instigate what already exists.
My guess is that this all comes to a head when Dany goes against Aegon's wishes and burns Illyrio alive for treason. This will be true. He is after all guilty of funding the Triarchs against her. You may feel this is justified, but it will still invite comparisons to Aerys. Then Aegon will have Missandei taken into custody for spying on behalf of Daenerys. This will also be true. Finally, Aegon will seek to have Dany deposed, she will declare him a pretender, the Aegon loyalists will turn on the Dany loyalists, she will mount Drogon, he will mount Rhaegal, and the dragons will dance.
Black vs Green
Teora gave a tiny nod, chin trembling. "They were dancing. In my dream. And everywhere the dragons danced the people died." ~ Arianne I, TWOW
When the dance is done, Dany will be victorious. But the collateral damage will be catastrophic, with countless civilian casualties as well as the death of Rhaegal. The quest will have turned her into the villain of the story she was raised on. The tragedy of the mother of dragons is that she becomes the usurper and kills her own child.
This is pretty much where I see the end of the Dany story. If you disbelieve her death on the show, then Dany can fly away to Asshai never to return. Otherwise Dany will be assassinated by someone close to her (probably Jorah Mormont). In the new timeline she and Jon never meet.
The twist is that the Dothraki, Unsullied and Fiery Hand never invade.
The holy war never comes to Westeros.

IV. Dany's Landing

George has said the second dance doesn't have to mean Dany's invasion.
The second Dance of Dragons does not have to mean Dany's invasion. George stopped himself short and said he shouldn't say anymore. ~ SSM
I think he said that because it doesn't. Daenerys will come to Westeros, but we're not getting two consecutive Targaryen invasions, because why on earth would we need that?
I know that is controversial, but really look at the story. There isn't space for a full scale Daenerys invasion. People kind of see this already. When most fans describe what they expect a Dany invasion would be, it's typically just two battles between Duskendale and King's Landing.
But a true Dany invasion is practically a race war. It's a massive story that would bring tens of thousands of people who are ethnically, culturally, and religiously alien to the continent. Really ask yourself, who will lead the Dothraki after Daenerys? How do the Unsullied fit into Westerosi society? What will the Fiery Hand hand think about King Bran? These groups don't share the same customs or language, they can't establish new houses, and they don't even want to live in Westeros. Without Dany becoming queen to help them assimilate, the only options they have are to fight to the death or leave.
And no, George won't resolve the Essos story by having all the foreigners die in the Long Night.
I believe that as the Essos plot expanded to be about ending slavery, George decided he'd rather not have the freed slaves show up to Westeros as a hoard that gets massacred and then leaves. Instead it seems that the Dany invasion from the original outline was scrapped in favor of a more fleshed out Essos campaign, and the Aegon invasion was created as a replacement in the west.
Even with this change, the overall Dany arc is as originally intended. It's queen, conqueror, messiah, then downfall.
The whispers became a swirling song. . . . three fires must you light . . . one for life and one for death and one to love ~ Daenerys IV, ACOK
The second fire is not King's Landing. It's in Volantis. The fire for death will be Dany burning the Old Blood behind their Black Walls. The show depicts this as the burning of the khals, which is followed by people worshiping her as the messiah (also adapted from Volantis). In addition to being proclaimed Azor Ahai in Volantis, Daenerys will also take up the mantle of the Stallion Who Mounts the World in Vaes Dothrak. This is a clear historical parallel to Genghis Khan, who's ambition to conquer the world was also justified as being the will of god. Just like the show, the books are building up to a situation where all of Dany's loyalists are from Essos, her destiny is perceived as being divinely ordained, and her downfall prevents a crusade to "remake the world."
Yet Daenerys still lands in Westeros in both timelines. In one she will reconstruct the messiah narrative, and in the other she will deconstruct it.
That night she dreamt that she was Rhaegar, riding to the Trident. But she was mounted on a dragon, not a horse. When she saw the Usurper's rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and they melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent. Some small part of her knew that she was dreaming, but another part exulted. This is how it was meant to be. The other was a nightmare, and I have only now awakened. ~ Daenerys III, ASOS
In the Long Night, the Daenerys story will be close to fantasy. She'll come to Westeros as a messiah, and characters will perceive her as a light in the darkness that gives humanity a fighting chance. She doesn't need to bring her army for this, she just needs to use her fire to empower the people of the Seven Kingdoms to fight for their own lives.
I don't expect her to have a literal war council with every major character, but she will likely face Euron and fight alongside Jon.
"When I went to the Hall of a Thousand Thrones to beg the Pureborn for your life, I said that you were no more than a child," Xaro went on, "but Egon Emeros the Exquisite rose and said, 'She is a foolish child, mad and heedless and too dangerous to live.' When your dragons were small they were a wonder. Grown, they are death and devastation, a flaming sword above the world." He wiped away the tears. "I should have slain you in Qarth." ~ Daenerys III, ADWD
In the second timeline, the Daenerys story will be political. She'll come to Westeros as a "messiah", and characters will perceive her as a destroyer of worlds. A tyrant queen bringing foreign savages to topple their way of life. For Dany the challenge will be political, not military. It will revolve around dealing with a nobility that refuse to bend to her will.
I don't expect her to have an irrational beef with the Stark girls, but she will likely seem antagonistic to the other protagonists.
Yet she is the same character in both timelines. What changes is the story.
"I am no maester to quote history at you, Your Grace. Swords have been my life, not books. But every child knows that the Targaryens have always danced too close to madness. Your father was not the first. King Jaehaerys once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, he said, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land." (...)
"So I am a coin in the hands of some god, is that what you are saying, ser?" ~ Daenerys VI, ASOS
Whether Dany's landing is greatness or madness actually is in the hands of some god, and that god is the storyteller. Whether that storyteller is Bran or Sam or George, or even you the reader, the point is to reconcile the duality. Great figures like Daenerys Targaryen are heroes to some and villains to others, and ultimately they are defined by the story we choose to tell about them.

V. Summary

George has stated that the dual threats of ice and fire are from the north and the east, and that Dany is the threat from the east (essentially Genghis Khan with a dragon).
The second dance of the dragons does not refer to Dany's invasion. It refers to a global succession dispute between Daenerys and Aegon which takes place at the end of the story. Much like the Dany and Aegon of the show, the two will have irreconcilable differences that make marriage impossible and thus divide the Targaryen empire.
Once again it's blacks vs greens. While the female claimant rides the black dragon (Drogon), the male claimant will ride the green dragon (Rhaegal). While the people of Essos favor Daenerys, the people of Westeros will favor Aegon. While Dany builds her coalition through slave revolts that replace the ruling class, Aegon will build his coalition by winning the ruling class over to his side. While the Red Temple of R'hllor proclaims Dany to be their messiah, the Faith of the Seven will anoint Aegon VI as the one true king (religious uprisings are already underway in both continents). If Daenerys brings her army from Essos, it will be race war, class war, and holy war.
However neither Dany nor Aegon will be religious. As in history, the religions will mostly be used as competing stories to justify who should rule. Yet the stories used to consolidate support behind the black and green dragons will also push them to conflict. Thus the mother of dragons will be forced to kill not only her alleged nephew, but also her own child.
In the end the holy war will be averted, but that's another story.
submitted by YezenIRL to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 13:53 Vir-victus What were the activities of the VOC in South Sulawesi at the end of the 16th century? How much of an impact did it have on everyday life in the region? (PART I)

What was life like in the decades before this point? Did the average person have much to fear from the VOC/Dutch, or were their actions more directed toward political entities?
- this question once asked on AskHistorians got a very long and detailed answer by a user, whose account sadly doesnt exist anymore. So in a way, we are paying tribute to their brilliant response! Since the answer consists of several, very detailed and elaborate comments, this post will be split in two parts!
Now lets start enjoying the answer:
The VOC had no activities and no impact anywhere at all at the end of the 15th or even 16th centuries, mainly because it didn't exist until 1602. But I get the gist of your question, so here goes: the turbulent relationship between the VOC and Gowa/Makassar, the empire ruling all South Sulawesi, up to 1656, and its effect on everyday life. The VOC had no relations with any other S. Sulawesi state until 1660, so I will discuss only Gowa.
Oh, and a nice Dutch poem to start us off:
Gentlemen, there follows now something of the malevolent Makassar,
In the island of Sulawesi; in the entire East Indies there was
No more villainous race than this, rascally, perjured, malign,
murderous, malignant, savage, perfidious.
In short, they were scoundrels
spawned by Lucifer, the most desperate ruffians...
But war and hatred were not the only facets of the VOC-Gowa relationship.

South Sulawesi and the Arrival of the Dutch

In 1607, the representatives of the five-year-old Dutch East India Company (VOC) received an invitation from the king of Gowa, the dominant state of South Sulawesi, to trade in his country. Little did either sides understand the transformative century of immense change that both Europe and South Sulawesi had just undergone.
In the first decade of the 16th century the peninsula of South Sulawesi was fragmented into a number of small complex chiefdoms, of which the most prominent included Gowa, Bone, Wajoq, and Luwuq.1 This geopolitical situation would begin to shift in the early 16th century, when Gowa emerged as the peninsula's first state. It began with Tumapaqrisiq Kallonna (r. c. 1511-1546) of Gowa, who subjugated his immediate neighbors, created the first bureaucratic posts, and generally set the stage for expansion across the entire peninsula. This rapid expansion was accomplished by his son Tunipalangga (r. c. 1545-1565), who conquered the entire peninsula save Gowa's archrival Bone, vastly expanded the bureaucracy, and - perhaps most importantly - oversaw the establishment of the first permanent Malay community in Gowa's port capital of Makassar.2
With the establishment of the Malays3 - by far the most important merchant diaspora in 16th-century Southeast Asia - in Makassar, trade expanded greatly. Tunipalangga had conquered the main competitors of Makassar in his great conquests and allowed Makassar to emerge as the natural entrepot for produces from across eastern Indonesia, especially the fine spices from Maluku. Gowa's expanding empire itself provided a source of commercial wealth, for instance by selling tribute from its newly acquired vassals.4
By 1600, after a brief interlude in the early 1690s when a tyrant discouraged trade, Makassar had emerged as the preeminent commercial center of all of eastern Indonesia. Just one year after the VOC was founded, the Dutch reported that their Portuguese enemies were annually sailing from Melaka, their base of power in Southeast Asia, to Makassar to load their ships with spices. In 1605 Malay merchants may have suggested the tumabicara-butta (chancelloprime minister) of Gowa to convert to Islam, who was soon followed by the young king himself. But Muslim or not, Gowa-Talloq5 (see note 5 for why I'm calling it Gowa-Talloq now) committed itself to a general policy of free trade, at least in the port of Makassar itself.
The Dutch, of course, wanted to join the game. After an invitation from the king of Gowa the Dutch arrived, hoping to convince Gowa-Talloq to surrender its support for Portuguese Melaka... and were very disappointed to learn that the king believed that
My country stands open to all nations, and what I have is for you people [the Dutch] as well as for the Portuguese.
The VOC sought to establish monopolies on key Southeast Asian produces, especially the fine spices of clove, nutmeg, and mace. They could then control prices and raise artificial profits. The continual of Makassar's trade of spices made such a monopoly impossible. Furthermore, Makassar was providing safe haven for enemies and competitors of the Dutch, such as the English (who established a factory in 1613) and the Spaniards (whose agent first arrived in 1615). Already, by 1614, a Dutch commissioner was recommending that the Company attack Makassar shipping in Maluku, the Spice Islands.
In 1615 the Dutch informed Gowa-Talloq that there was now a Dutch monopoly in Maluku and that Makassar ships should refrain from heading there. The king of Gowa's response was simple:
God made the land and the sea; the land he divided among men and the sea he gave in common. It has never been heard that anyone should be forbidden to sail the seas. If you seek to do that, you will take the bread from the mouths of the people. I am a poor King.6
As for daily life, not much would have changed - just a new group of merchants on the scene, just like the Malays had arrived in the late 1400s and the Portuguese in the early 1500s. The Dutch had not yet established a definitive monopoly on any of the fine spices and hadn't even acquired Batavia.

The First War

War began a few months later, when the VOC factor Abraham Sterck got frustrated about the king of Gowa not paying some debts. Claiming the government in Makassar had failed to protect him from the insults of the Spaniards (with whom the Dutch were still at war), Sterck left abruptly with a number of Gowa-Talloq nobles. The nobles resisted and seven were killed, including a nephew of Gowa's king. The harbormaster of Makassar and another royal relative was taken as prisoner of the Dutch. This incident infuriated Gowa-Talloq and almost resulted in the ousting of the English as well, since the English factor had for some reason left with the Dutch. The English managed to stay, but the Dutch did not.
And... I hate to end on a cliffhanger, but I'm not even half done, but I've hit 9988 characters and it's 22:52 here. I'll finish tomorrow, promise.
1 Map of the current regencies of South Sulawesi, many of which retain the old kingdoms' borders. Note that these are in Indonesian; Luwu here is Luwuq, Wajo is Wajoq, etc.
There is an emerging consensus that there were no genuine states in South Sulawesi in 1500, insofar as it matters to distinguish an archaic state from a complex chiefdom. This is best presented in Tale of Two Kingdoms: The Historical Archaeology of Gowa and Tallok, archaeologist David Bulbeck's thesis, which most archaeologists cite. But on chiefdom vs state in South Sulawesi, also see The Lands West of the Lakes: A History of the Ajattappareng Kingdoms of South Sulawesi, 1200 to 1600 CE by Stephen C. Druce and Land of Iron: The historical archaeology of Luwu and the Cenrana valley by Bulbeck and Ian Caldwell, both by archaeologists.
2 On 16th-century Gowa, a lot of sources. If you want the pure, undistilled facts, I refer you to William Cumming's 2007 translation A Chain of Kings: The Makassarese Chronicles of Gowa and Talloq. But check the notes, because Cumming's translation often differs from other historians'. The simplest narrative secondary source, if a bit dated on the archaeological aspect, is the first chapter of Leonard Andaya's The Heritage of Arung Palakka: A History of South Sulawesi in the Seventeenth Century. A lot of articles mention the 16th-century as well, but few exclusively so.
3 Itself a catch-all term for merchants from the Western Archipelago generally. Anakoda Borang, the first leader of the community that would later be known as the Makassar Malays, said that anyone who wears a sarong - from a Cham in central Vietnam to a Minangkabau from southwestern Sumatra - is Malay. See Heather Sutherland's chapter "The Makassar Malays" in Contesting Malayness: Malay Identity Across Boundaries. Also note that in Makassar usage, the word 'Java' (jawa) just means anyone who comes from the Central or Western Archipelago, including Malays. So the Makassar didn't really differentiate different groups of foreign Southeast Asians in language.
4 For the rise of Makassar and its trading networks in the late 1500s, there is good information in Leonard Andaya's chapters "Applying the Seas Perspective to Indonesia" in Early Modern Southeast Asia, 1350-1800 and "Eastern Indonesia: A Study of the Intersection of Global, Regional, and Local Networks in the 'Extended' Indian Ocean" in Reinterpreting Indian Ocean Worlds: Essays in Honour of Kirti N. Chaudhuri.
5 Talloq was a small maritime kingdom that was founded during a succession dispute in Gowa around 1500. It was conquered by Tumapaqrisiq Kallonna and brought into Gowa's fold. But when King Tunipasuluq, who apparently did so many horrible things that the Gowa Chronicle applies damnatio memoriae on him and refuses to mention what he actually did, was kicked out, it was Karaeng Matoaya - king of Talloq - who was at the head. As tumabicara-butta and regent for the new boy king of Gowa, Karaeng Matoaya became the most influential man in South Sulawesi. Archaeologist David Bulbeck's research shows that during the reign of Kng. Matoaya, Matoaya's kingdom Talloq was actually considered more powerful than Gowa, at least as far as we can infer from dynastic marriage trends. During Matoaya's reign Talloq also controlled the port of Makassar. See Bulbeck's chapter "The Politics of Marriage and the Marriage of Polities in Gowa, South Sulawesi, During the 16th and 17th Centuries" in Origins, Ancestry and Alliance: Explorations in Austronesian Ethnography. So I refer to the kingdom as Gowa-Talloq to better reflect this change in the latter's status.
6 Primarily from Anthony Reid's narrative account "A Greet Seventeenth Century Indonesian Family: Matoaya and Pattingalloang of Makasar," one of few English-language narrative sources on the relations between the VOC and Gowa-Talloq.

The First War (cont.)

Sterck's murder and kidnapping of high-ranking Gowa-Talloq nobles did not go forgiven. The English East India Company's archives has this intriguing letter from the English factor in Makassar (letter from George Cokayne to John Jourdain at Banten, August 17 1615):
The king [probably Tumamenang ri Gaukanna, king of Gowa, often referred to by his Arabic name Sultan Ala'uddin] is much grieved in mind and maketh much preparation for war; all the whole land is making of bricks for two castles this summer to be finished; in the armoury is laid ten thousand lances, ten thousand cresses [kris, type of sword] with bucklers to them, spaces [javelins or darts] as many, pieces 2,422; 800 quoyanes [app. 2 tons] of rice for store; all this is to entertain the Flemings [people from Flanders, e.g. the Dutch], for he will not be persuaded but that they will come to offer him some disgrace this next monsoon. [...] Here is news of a Dutch ship that will be here within this six days. The King says that at her arrival here he will send them their house and pagarr [from Malay pagar, 'factory'] upon rafts to them, but not a man to come on land. He will do them all the good he can, but the commonalty will not be pacified but would willingly have them to come on land and put them all to the sword. [...] Yesterday in my sight the King, to see his force and how many men he could make, at an instant were mustered 36,000 men; all these in the kingdom of Macassar [Gowa-Talloq], which will be called together in 24 hours, besides the island [sic, probably mistake for 'inland'] countries as Bugies, Mandar and Tollova.
In other words, the king would still barely tolerate the presence of Dutch ships, but they would be banned from landing. In any case the Dutch presence was not restored. As Cokayne reports, fortresses were built, weapons were readied, and tens of thousands of troops were gathered.
Thus began the first and longest war between Gowa-Talloq and the VOC, but it was an inconsistent war. There was no single campaign, really, like during the Makassar War of the 1660s. The VOC could not afford such a campaign because it was still beset by enemies east and west and its authority in Indonesia was still quite weak outside of Maluku. Instead there were irregular skirmishes as the VOC sought to enforce its proclaimed monopolies on spices.
One of the most important events in the history of the VOC in Indonesia was the genocide of the Bandanese. The Banda Islands, inhabited by 15,000 people in 1620, were the only habitat of Myristica fragrans, the plant that yields the valuable spices nutmeg and mace. Besides trading in nutmeg and mace, Bandanese ships also carried cloves from further north to western markets. This made the Bandanese "the principal local carriers of spices." But the Banda Islands were ruled not by a king, but by an almost 'republican' oligarchy headed by the 'rich men' (orang kaya). The VOC found it difficult to keep a monopoly in Myristica because of this decentralization - the Company would need to defeat the orang kaya individually, and in any case their power was limited. Ultimately, in 1621, the Dutch launched a massive invasion, killed all the orang kaya and the vast majority of the Bandanese, and enslaved hundreds of the survivors. By 1681 the Bandanese population had fallen by more than 99%, and by the next century they were extinct in their homeland.7
However, about a thousand Bandanese - some 7% of the population - managed to escape. In 1624 many settled under the protection of Gowa-Talloq. The Bandanese, well-acquainted with the spice-producing islands, resumed their commercial activities allowed Makassar to become the new focal point of the indigenous spice trade. They were aided in this by the great local hostility for the VOC, which in its ruthless pursuit for profit had ruined the livelihoods of many, to the point that some people from the spice-producing region of Hitu would sell their nutmeg eight times cheaper to traders from Makassar than to the Dutch. Another advantage for Makassar-based merchants was, paradoxically, usually one of the greatest assets of the East India Company; the VOC, as a highly bureaucratic entity, wanted to make locals trade only in specific centers held by the Dutch, while Makassar traders were willing to sail directly to the scattered villages of the spice-producing islands.
While the VOC's monopolies and genocides inadvertently greatly aided Makassar's commercial fortunes, Gowa-Talloq was also bolstered by other internal and external factors (for the former, the rule of Karaeng Matoaya, a highly competent tumabicara-butta or chancellor; for the latter, the campaigns of Sultan Agung in Java which ravaged Javanese ports and redirected their trade to Makassar). By the late 1620s traders from Makassar had grown so much in influence that the VOC's spice monopoly was greatly undermined. In December 1632 alone, 37 tons of cloves were sold from Makassar to England in open defiance of the Dutch.
Indonesian merchants based in Makassar - at this point primarily Makassar Malays and Bandanese - pioneered new routes to avoid the Dutch fleets and posts. The main center of Dutch authority in North Maluku was the island of Ternate, off the western coast of the main Malukan island of Halmahera. Traditionally, ships would sail directly eastwards from South Sulawesi, which lies west of Maluku, to North Maluku. But now there were often Dutch fleets off the western coast, so merchant fleets would sail in an extremely roundabout way around Halmahera, arriving at Halmahera's western coast from the east. And when the Dutch chased the 'smugglers,' as they called all merchants based in Makassar, they were often befuddled by their enemies' small ships; they would go up a creek or hide in a narrow strait between two islets, and the Dutch would find it very difficult to pursue the enemy. And even if the Dutch did destroy ships from Makassar, annually there were 150 to 200 ships that sailed east from South Sulawesi; with the limited resources of the VOC, these were far too many ships to deal with entirely. The sultan of Ternate's recruitment of Malukan canoes to help his ally the VOC maintain its monopoly was also not very successful. So, says historian of Indonesian trade Leonard Andaya, "the Makassarese were therefore able to fill their limited cargo space with desired products from the east with only occasional interference from the Dutch."8
The VOC grew increasingly frustrated. This is what the Royal Diaries of Gowa report for the years 1634-1635 (William Cumming's 2010 translation, published under the title The Makassar Annals):
February 13, 1634: Dutch ships arrived, twelve in number including the small ones.
By February 1634 the Dutch had chosen to blockade the port of Makassar. It was the first time in history that the great city had been attacked, and must certainly have caused consternation among the ruling elite.
February 19: The [Dutch] ships that neared Paqnakukkang [major fort in Makassar city] were fired upon
March 9: A manuscript arrived from Buton [one of the vassals of Gowa-Talloq] commemorating their oath [of loyalty] at Bau-Bau
May 23: People worked on an earthen wall from Ujung Pandang to Somba Opu [these are two of the greatest forts in Makassar city]
May 28: Lae-Lae destroyed
July 17: The karaeng [king, here Sultan Ala'uddin] went up to Popoq to take the burned galley
July 29: [Ala'uddin] went over to Paqnakukkang to dwell as its stonework was rebuilt
August 9: Ujung Pandang first fortified with stone
November 15: Banner ritually blooded (naniceraq batea) at Ujung Pandang
Throughout the year of 1634 we have a frenzy of military activity. The Dutch are destroying settlements near Makassar and even attacking stone castles defended with cannons like Paqnakukkang; correspondingly, the fortifications of the port of Makassar are being strengthened. The loyalty of Gowa-Talloq's vassals, including Buton (the most rebellious of Makassar's vassals), is reaffirmed. The royal banners are smeared with buffalo blood as part of a pre-Islamic ceremony performed before major wars to imbue special power to the banner (blood was a sacred liquid, and by applying it to royal banners the peoples of South Sulawesi invoked their ancestors to help them in battle).9 The government in Makassar must have been seriously concerned, faced with a strong attack from a foe of similar power for the first time since several decades.
The war continued in 1635, as I will recount in Part III.
7 For Banda and its history, see R. F. Ellen's On the Edge of the Banda Zone: Past and Present in the Social Organization of a Moluccan Trading Network
8 For Makassar's economy in the early 17th century I relied especially on the following, but also check out articles by Heather Sutherland:
9 See Leonard Andaya's "Nature of war and peace among the Bugis–Makassar people" for an extended treatise on tactics, weapons, and ideology in warfare in South Sulawesi.

The First War (cont. cont.)

So, yeah, the war continued in 1635. To follow the narrative presented in the Gowa royal diaries again:
January 6: Karaeng ri Suli [a tumailalang, or Minister of the Interior, of Gowa] entered Darombo because it is said that Luwuq [traditional ally of Gowa] is hostile
April 30: Stonework at Barombong [on the southern end of the lines of fortification around Makassar] strengthened; the number of people [defending] Somba Opu total 855
June 13: The Dutch fired up at Galesong [a coastal quarter of Makassar city]
June 23: The people at Somba Opu laid stones at the gate
August 25: The people of Bone [vassal of Gowa] ask permission to strengthen Pallatte
Into 1635, Gowa-Talloq sought to ensure the loyalty of its allies and vassals such as Luwuq. It continued to strengthen its fortifications, even as the Dutch bombarded areas of the coastline. The final entry, about Bone wanting to fortify Pallatte, is also intriguing. Pallatte is on the eastern coast of Sulawesi's South Peninsula, on the opposite side as Makassar. So it is possible that the Dutch were not only attacking Makassar, but also its vassals in other areas in South Sulawesi. Of course, this remains conjecture.1
But despite this impressive display of naval power, on land Gowa-Talloq's legitimacy remained supreme. Hence an entry in the Diaries from 1636:
February 29, 1636: The Dutch hoped to turn the people of Bulo-Bulo [near Gowa, to rebel against Gowa and Talloq] and pledged that in 300 days and nights we would be attacked [by the VOC, but instead the Dutchmen] were killed by the people of Bulo-Bulo
Now, what did this mean to "everyday life"? Did the "average person have much to fear from the VOC/Dutch"? This is an interesting question that is much more difficult to answer than the political history of the Gowa-VOC war I have just recounted, since local sources are largely silent to the affairs of commoners while the VOC, although somewhat better in this respect, still devotes more attention to the more commercially influential nobility. Still, we can divide the VOC's potential influences on the common man and woman into direct and indirect (and largely inadvertent) influences.

Direct influences

As discussed above, in the early 17th century the Dutch were largely unable to curb the hundreds of ships sailing east from Makassar to collect cloves, nutmeg, mace, and other expensive spices. But here's the catch - especially in this early period, those involved in shipping were generally the Makassar Malays, Indian Muslims, and Europeans. So the Dutch blockades or attacks on shipping did not directly harm a Makassar or Bugis (and as stated, the Dutch monopoly was not very effectively maintained by 1630).
The Dutch blockade of 1634-1635 and its attacks on areas of the city would have posed a direct threat to the locals. However, consider where most of the population lived. Here are the archaeological estimates of population distribution and density near Makassar city in the few first decades after 1600, from David Bulbeck's surveys around 1990:

Coast Immediate hinterland Inland
32% of total population 22.1% 45.9%
1369/km2 1232/km2 782km2
Even in the Gowa-Talloq area, by far the most urbanized area of South Sulawesi, the majority of the population did not live immediately by the sea. And Makassar was an extraordinarily large city. A more typical port town in South Sulawesi might have been Bantaeng, on the southern coast of the peninsula, which probably had less than 10,000 people.12 Dutch coastal raids could not have directly affected the majority of the population.
So in the early 17th century the VOC could not have been going around killing large numbers of people in South Sulawesi. The Company probably did cause hardship for locals - but not because of the Company's depredations per se, but because of Gowa and other kingdoms' reaction to Dutch incursions.
In South Sulawesi, mass labor is generally recruited and managed by a corvee system in which each noble brought his dependents (ata, serfs or slaves) to work on the project. The ata were not payed, but did the work as part of their obligation for their lord. And while modern studies of this system generally show great genuine loyalty to their lord on the part of the ata, Gowa-Talloq also coerced their conquered vassals to send their own people to work on Gowa's projects. In 1660, for example, 10,000 Bugis from Bone were employed to dig a canal. These corvee labors imposed on the conquered by the conqueror were expected but disliked - especially since it involved forced deportation of thousands from their homelands - and could be a cause for rebellion. The VOC's threat to average livelihoods, insofar as it existed, was forcing Gowa-Talloq to employ corvee labor.13

Indirect influences

As I said above, the VOC's activities in Maluku, along with other external events such as Sultan Agung's Javanese wars, contributed to Makassar's astonishing affluence up to the 1640s. So the greatest indirect influence of the VOC on South Sulawesi in the first third of the 17th century must be its contribution to local urbanization. With non-Dutch centers of the spice trade eliminated, Makassar stood firm as the only great entrepot where competitors of the Dutch could acquire cheaper spices.
This trade - often summarized as the 'textile for spices' trade, in which foreign merchants sold Indian textiles and other luxury goods to Makassar and bought spices, while Makassar-based traders distributed textiles in both Sulawesi and overseas in spice producing areas in return for purchasing spices and other commodities - provided South Sulawesi with unprecedented numbers of foreign luxury goods, such as sugar, tobacco, horses, and (especially Indian) textiles. The city of Makassar at its height may have had a population of 160,000. This urbanized and commercialized population - which may have represented more than 10% of the population of the entire island of Sulawesi14 - became ever more cosmopolitan, more 'civilized' in the eyes of outsiders. So a Spanish missionary said:
The nearer we drew to Makassar [...] the more civilized we found the people.
And for a Muslim observer the differences might be even more striking. In 1607 Makassar was described thus:
The various fruits of India abound there, also goats, buffaloes, and pigs [...] men carry usually one, two, or more balls in their penis, of the same size as those of Siam, but not hollow or clinking, rather of ivory or solid fishbone [...] the female slaves whom one sees carrying water in the back streets have their upper body with the breasts completely naked, and wear trousers which come up to the navel. When they wash they stand mother-naked, the men as well as women.
Forty years later it was reported:
There are [...] no hogs at all because the natives, who are Mohammedans, have exterminated them entirely from the country [...] the women are entirely covered from head to foot, in such fashion that not even their faces can be seen.
Even accounting for orientalism and common European generalizations of Muslims, the urban civilization of Makassar (if not Gowa-Talloq, or South Sulawesi, as a whole) had evolved rapidly from an animist society to a Muslim one, to the point of being the birthplace of major Muslim scholars such as Muhammad Yusuf al-Maqassari (1626-1699).15
This transformation dues much to the VOC. But while the Dutch were a major factor in Makassar's rise, it was not the major factor. We must not forget the internal policies implemented by Gowa-Talloq's government, especially its declaration of free trade in the port of Makassar, drawing all non-Dutch trade, and its military reforms which created an army that could stand toe-to-toe with the Company's forces. While recognizing the importance of the Dutch, we must not disregard how people in South Sulawesi made their own history.
Part 4, probably the final post, will discuss the Dutch-Gowa relationship from 1637 to 1655 and the Dutch-associated commercial downturn of the early 1650s.
10 Unfortunately, Bone did not begin keeping royal diaries until after the Makassar War, during the reign of La Tenritatta Arung Palakka (r.1672-1696).
11 p.462 in Tale of Two Kingdoms: The Historical Archaeology of Gowa and Tallok
12 Per Andaya in his history of South Sulawesi in the late 17th century (The Heritage of Arung Palakka: South Sulawesi in the Seventeenth Century), when the city of Bantaeng was laid waste by Arung Palakka and his Dutch allies in 1667, a thousand houses were destroyed. This suggests that the number of houses in Bantaeng did not greatly exceed one thousand. Wayne Bougas in his article "Bantayan: An Early Makassarese Kingdom, 1200 AD-1600 AD" argues that the population was between 5,000-7,500.
13 See description in "Pluralism and Progress in Seventeenth-Century Makassar" by Reid. The ata system was the most common, but not the only, means of mobilizing labor in 17th-century South Sulawesi. There were a number of craftsmen's guilds in Makassar, each obliged to perform specific duties relating to their craft for the court. The guilds were under state control through the state-appointed post of guildmaster.
14 Anthony Reid, in his Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce, estimates that Sulawesi had 1.2 million people around 1600.
15 Both quotes from Anthony Reid's article "The Islamization of Southeast Asia." The Spanish missionary referred to is Domingo Fernández Navarrete. Yusuf al-Maqassari is discussed extensively in Azyumardi Azra's The Origins of Islamic Reformism in Southeast Asia, p. 87-108.

The thread's comments 4 and 5 will follow shortly in Part II!
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2024.04.18 23:40 tomesandtea [Discussion] Bonus Read Anne of Ingleside by Lucy Maud Montgomery Chapters 17-30

Welcome back, dear friends! We are happy to have you here with us for the second discussion of Anne of Ingleside. This week, we will reminisce about Chapters 17-30.
The Marginalia post is here.
You can find the Schedule here.
Below is a recap of the story from this section. I hope you enjoy the discussion questions, but feel free to also add your own thoughts! Please mark spoilers not related to this book using the format > ! Spoiler text here !< (without any spaces between the characters themselves or between the characters and the first and last words).
Chapter Summaries:
Chapter 17: Anne continues to work on the project of getting Alden and Stella paired up. She calls on Alden’s mother for a church donation, who insists that Alden can marry any girl he wants. Then Anne tags along with Miss Cornelia to get a donation from Stella’s father. They debate the theory of evolution (Miss Cornelia disapproves) and discuss whether Stella is really cut out for marriage (Mr. Chase insists she will be… if the right fellow comes along). A month later, Stella comes to tell Anne that she and Alden have been secretly engaged since the prior Christmas, with both their parents’ approval, and that they will be married the following month. Anne controlls her own emotions and offers her blessing. Later, she reflects with embarrassment on how the families must have been laughing at her as she tried to arrange a marriage that was already set. She vows to give up matchmaking, and turns her attention to Walter and bedtime.
Chapter 18: The Blythe family wants a dog, and Jem comes home one day with one! The yellow dog with black ears is a gift from Joe Reese. Though others make fun of the dog as an odd-looking mutt, the Blythes love their “Gyp”, and so does Susan. A foggy fall gives way to snowy winter, and Gyp is a constant companion. Then one day, Gyp won’t eat or play. The vet thinks he may have eaten something poisonous in the forest. Although Jem prays for Gyp’s recovery, the beloved dog passes away. The family mourns, and Anne reassures Jem that the pain of Gyp’s loss will not always be so strong. Jem declares that he never wants another dog, and Susan agrees because, as Kipling’s poem “The Power of the Dog” evokes, losing a dog hurts too much. Jem is so comforted by Anne’s love that he decides to get Anne the pearl necklace she has been wanting. Her birthday is coming in six weeks, and he vows to earn the money to buy it - fifty cents! (This is about $25 in today’s money.)
Chapter 19: Gilbert has a bad case of the flu, which almost turns to pneumonia, and the family is worried for several days. When he pulls through, Anne shudders to think what would become of everyone without him - not only their family, but the whole community that Gilbert serves as doctor. They have come to believe that Gilbert is about as close to God as a man could be, and some think he even brought a dead man back to life. Many people have named their sons (and one daughter) after him! Then, Jem discovers that his piggy bank, holding all his savings for Anne’s pearl necklace, is missing. After much investigating and playground teasing, including that classic childhood taunt of “transubstantiationalist”, Jem finds out that Mac Reese broke the pig and hid it in Jem’s closet in a panic. The money is recovered, the pearl necklace is purchased, and Jem cannot wait for Anne’s birthday! The night before, he stays up in fear that he’ll sleep in and miss being first to give Anne her gift. His imagination runs wild and he scares himself, but eventually sleeps a little. When Anne receives her necklace, she is touched and declares it a very “birthdayish” gift, but doesn’t seem overcome with delight.
Chapter 20: Anne wears Jem’s pearls to a dinner with friends, and Jem is so proud to contribute to her beautiful outfit. He goes to Mr. Flagg’s store in the village on an errand for Susan and overhears customers commenting on how pretty the fake pearls are! Jem is crushed, because he had no idea he’d purchased Anne a string of beads instead of real pearls. He determines to confess this to her because he assumes Anne also believes them to be real. When Jem tells her, Anne explains that while she knew they were not real in one sense, in another sense they are the most real thing to her because they represent Jem’s love and hardwork and selflessness. Jem is relieved, and also vows to get her a real million-dollar necklace one day! (Let’s hope Jem discovers the stock market.) Anne kisses Jem goodnight, laughing that she will do this despite recently reading about the Jocasta complex - she knows a dumb man must have come up with that nonsense. Side note - when Anne comforts Jem and says, “I wouldn’t exchange my pretty beads for the necklace I read of … which cost half a million” it reminded me of how Matthew gave her the string of pearls in Anne of Green Gables for the White Sands concert. She said then, “I'm quite content to be Anne of Green Gables, with my string of pearl beads. I know Matthew gave me as much love with them as ever went with Madame the Pink Lady's jewels." I thought this was such a lovely tribute to Matthew’s role in Anne’s life! (This happened in the book, too, but please enjoy this clip from the miniseries).
Chapter 21: Mrs. Bessy Mitchell calls on Anne to ask her to write her husband’s obituary. Mr. Anthony Mitchell hadn’t gotten along well with the usual obituary writer of their town, and Mrs. Mitchell knows Anne’s reputation as a writer. She also wants a beautiful, poetic obituary rather than the usual type, and thinks Anne speaks so well that she’d be able to do a good job. Mrs. Mitchell talks away while Anne tries to keep up. She shares tidbits about their courtship and marriage as well as bragging a bit about her coffin plate collection. Anne agrees to write the obituary.
Chapter 22: Susan says Anne doesn’t know what she’s gotten herself into by agreeing to the obituary. But Anne says she is happy to do it, since she remembers Anthony Mitchell so fondly from the few times they’d met. Anne writes a lovely poem honoring his love for the land and his last wishes for his final resting spot. But when she gives it to Bessy, Mrs. Mitchell is somewhat critical and just says that she is sure Anne did her best. She offers dandelion wine as payment, which Anne accepts, as well as homemade medicinal yarb (herb) tea, which Anne declines. Despite her insulting notes on the obituary, Anne invites Mrs. Mitchell to stay for dinner. When the obituary is published, Anne is astonished to see that there is a fifth verse added by Bessy’s nephew, who Mrs. Mitchell declares to be just as good at poetry as Anne.
Chapter 23: The children are having a hard time keeping pets. A puppy goes missing, a barn cat dies, a rabbit is (possibly) poisoned with patent medicine administered by Jem, and two toads are let out of the basement to Walter’s dismay. They have better luck keeping a robin, which is even respected by the Shrimp, and loved by Susan. The children play with him in the Hollow, and he always returns. Walter decides to rename the Hollow “Rainbow Valley", which is a more romantic name, after Rilla sees a rainbow hanging over the glen. Walter’s romantic notions are getting him bullied and called “Sissy Walter” but Jem, who is growing up a bit, stands up for him at school and puts an end to the name-calling. Jem’s idea of romance involves pirates and the sea, and he enjoys listening to the stories of the old sea captains at the Harbour Mouth, especially Captain Malachi. (He is less interested in Captain Malachi’s story mentioning a woman, so he isn’t all grown up just yet.) Jem has finally healed from the loss of Gyp and, when he sees an ad in the paper, he knows he is ready to love a new dog. It turns out that the boy selling it has recently been orphaned and his aunt will not let him keep his beloved Bruno, so he reluctantly gives it up to Jem. Jem hopes Bruno will soon forget his old master and come to love him.
Chapter 24: The pet robin is thriving, but Bruno is not. At first, Bruno just mopes around. Then, he runs away during a storm, making it back to his old home six miles away. Gilbert figures out where Bruno must have gone, and takes Jem to collect the dog. After that night, Bruno stops eating and the only thing to be done is to bring his old owner, Roddy, to see him. It turns out Roddy’s aunt doesn’t mind having a dog (he’d been lied to about that), and Roddy can reclaim Bruno. Although he doesn’t want to give up Bruno, Jem quickly sees he would be selfish to do anything but reunite the dog with his original owner. Bruno and Roddy are deliriously happy, but Jem is crushed. He wishes he was a girl so he could cry, and he fears he is the kind of boy that no dog will love. Anne explains the dog’s loyalty to Roddy, but we are told it will be many years before Jem can ever love a dog again. Upcoming book - very minor spoiler: We will meet this dog, “Little Dog Monday,” in the last book of the series, Rilla of Ingleside.
Chapter 25: Nan and Di, the twins who look nothing alike, start school and love it. Di is red-headed like her mother and practical like her father. Nan is dark-haired like her father and imaginative like her mother. She seems to take after Davey with her confusion around God and faith. Nan has taken to bargaining with God since a Sunday School teacher told her that God would not do certain things for them if they weren’t good girls. Nan figures it works the other way, too, and bargains that if God will do something for her then she’ll promise to do certain things she dislikes, almost as a kind of penance. At first Nan’s bargains are rather frivolous, like accepting medicine or chipped plates without complaint if God will help her find a button or grow her new tooth before a party. Then, one day Anne contracts pneumonia (the leading cause of death back then) and the children can sense how serious it is. Both the nurse and Gilbert seem to feel that Anne’s health is at a crisis point, and Susan is terrified that she might be lying when she reassures the children that Anne will recover. Nan makes her most serious bargain yet: she promises that if God heals her mother, she will walk through the graveyard at night and not bother Him again for a long time.
Chapter 26: Anne is past the danger of dying and the house is full of joy, thankfulness, and Susan’s desserts! She is still very weak and pale, though, and Nan thinks she knows why: she has not kept her bargain with God. She resolves to walk through the graveyard on Saturday night, and sneaks out to try it despite a blood moon and a dark, cloudy sky. Nan climbs the fence, tearing her dress and scraping her knee on the way over. She gets as far as the gate before she is overcome with fear, then turns and runs back home in a panic. Susan takes care of her and puts her to bed, wondering what could be wrong, but Nan won’t give up her secret with God. Now Nan knows that she has cheated God and expects Anne will die. Eventually, she confesses this to her mother, but Anne assures her that God does not make bargains. Nan wonders if she still shouldn’t follow through, since she has been taught to always keep her word, so Anne promises to walk to the graveyard with her one night when she is fully recovered. Nan promises not to make more bargains with God.
Chapter 27: The family is enjoying fall and preparing for winter. The children play their imaginative games (including one involving a burning at the stake that results in slightly singed boys!) and it is said in town that the family might be a bit too romantic. Although there is plenty of laughter in Ingleside, everyone worries about Cock Robin. They try to keep him captive so he will not migrate for the winter, but he stops eating and becomes frantic, so they eventually free him and he flies south. Anne feels sure he will return in the spring, but the children are despondent, especially little Rilla. Susan writes letters to Rebecca Dew bragging about Walter’s writing abilities and Jem’s brilliance. Miss Cornelia stops by on one of the first snowy nights to gossip with Anne and Susan, which the children delight to hear because they can recall the stories when these people are all looking pious in church! Di asks Susan some innocently intrusive questions about her status as an old maid and offers to get her a baby from her friend’s house since their large family of eight has just added a new baby. Walter wishes they had ghosts to make their lovely house more interesting, but Anne says they aren’t “ghostable” since only happy people have lived at Ingleside.
Chapter 28: A new girl named Jenny Penny starts at the Glen school and immediately becomes the most popular pupil. Jenny tells exaggerated stories about her family and home, impressing all the children including Di (but not Nan, who has no time for this girl’s obvious nonsense). She also proves that gaslighting and Mean Girls have always existed. It seems everyone wishes to be part of Jenny Penny’s inner circle, and one day Jenny names Di as her best friend! She invites Di to stay the night at her house, but Anne says no firmly, given the reputation of the Penny family. They are known to let their children run wild, question the existence of God, and live a generally “unkempt” lifestyle. Di tries every argument she can think of to change Anne’s mind, including insisting that Jenny may soon die from tonsil surgery, but her mother remains firm. When Anne and Gilbert take an overnight trip to Green Gables, Jenny tells Di it is her chance to sneak over to the Penny house, and that if she doesn’t, Jenny will no longer favor her. Despite knowing she shouldn’t, Di goes along with Jenny’s plan. When she arrives at the Penny household, she quickly realizes that Jenny’s stories have all been lies or wild exaggerations. There are a litter of new puppies, which Nan thinks are canine Vere de Veres (a Tennyson poem that is not about dogs but about a woman of noble birth, and which 19th- and early 20th-century authors used as shorthand for aristocracy). But the visit turns into a nightmare quickly. Jenny’s grandmother forces her to show her petticoat and underwear as proof of her acceptable upbringing. Also, there is no mansion, no fancy parlour full of stuffed owls, no beautiful birch grove … and perhaps worst of all to a child of Anne’s, Jenny scoffs at the beautiful view of the landscape as they walk. Worst, that is, until dinner. The Penny family members are dirty and rude, shocking Di with their spitting and screaming at the table, and their intense fighting. It is straight out of the dinner scene from Freaks and Geeks (and, please, go watch this show right away if you haven’t seen this American treasure)! It becomes clear to Di that: a) Jenny is a little embarrassed by her family, and b) Anne was 100% right to not allow Di to visit them. When Mr. Penny explains his fight with the minister over how God doesn’t exist, Di just about faints in her chair. She wishes she could go home, but doesn’t know how to accomplish it.
Chapter 29: Di is mistreated by the Penny children who drag her through the mud, threaten to put a mouse in her mouth, call Walter names because of his poetry, and try to get her to hunt kittens in the barn. At bedtime, she is dreading having to sleep in the shabby, dirty bed when the older Penny boys come in with scary masks on. They demand that Di kiss them or they will lock her in the closet with the rats. She is so terrified that she falls over and hits her head on the sharp corner of the bed, feeling dazed. As she lays there, she listens to the Penny children plotting what to do with her. They want to put worms on her and prick her with pins to see if she is dead, but they are afraid they will be beaten by their father if she screams. They decide they’d better get rid of her by carrying her home, and plan to dump her off alone in the dark if she wakes up part way there. Di wants to go home so badly that she plays dead all the way home while the Penny children carry her by the arms and legs. They leave her on the verandah and run away. Di is locked out of the house, but she is just happy to have escaped. Gilbert and Anne come home early from their trip due to a local medical emergency, and Anne listens to Di’s story. Instead of punishing her, they decide she has learned her lesson. Jenny Penny never returns to the Glen school, and it is heard around her new school that she has concocted an epic story of Di’s visit in which she is the hero and Dr. Blythe is indebted to her for life.
Chapter 30: Nan gets her own bully that summer when Dovie Johnson comes to stay with relatives. Although Dovie is several years older than Nan, they become very close. Dovie appears to be the very picture of a well-behaved girl, so no one thinks twice about letting Nan spend most of her time with Dovie…except Susan, who can’t put her finger on why she has a bad feeling about the girl. (Note to self: Susan is always right. Listen to Susan.) One day, Nan and Dovie are playing at the wharf and Dovie declares she knows a secret about Nan. We gather from Dovie’s thoughts and behavior that she is making this up as she goes along, but Nan is too trusting and admiring of her older friend to suspect anything. Dovie requires a promise from Nan to never tell another soul, as well as payment in the form of Nan’s new red parasol. When Nan produces the parasol, much to Dovie’s surprise, Dovie tells her a tale of how Nan was supposedly switched at birth. This is why she and Di look nothing alike, Dovie declares, and she makes Nan feel worse by describing the poor and abusive life being lived by the “real” Nan. Of course, Nan believes her, but she has promised not to tell anyone, so she sits alone with her fears that the Blythe family will love this other girl instead of her if they ever find out.
submitted by tomesandtea to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 00:42 Little-Monster1000 Dangerous Love 4

Nathan adored Megan. But did he love her with the patience of a saint or the passion of the devil? Perhaps, it didn’t make a difference. She wasn’t there with him to be loved or hated, she ran away, and he still loved her, as if she were there with him and craved for her kisses, as if they were part of his respiratory system and her lips were the source of carbohydrate. Not just any carbohydrate but pure sugar, and he wanted to kiss her till his heart absorbed every sweetness in her essence, kiss her French till his blood sugar was high, and his liver stored the sugar as glycogen, and converted it to glucose as the muscles in his tongue and lips continued to burn calories before he even parted his lips from her sweet lips, kiss her, and kiss her and kiss her till his soul caught fire. Nathan didn’t believe in the past life, but if there were one, he thought that they invented kiss, it was him and her, who started it all, they sat under the tree, and bill and coo, and kissed for the very first time in the history of humankind, it must have been around 15000 BC, they were love hero and heroine, he was half god and half man, she was a nymph, they changed how people looked at romance. They kissed till their heart turned into roses, covered with due droplets. The gods and goddesses got jealous and made them mortals. It didn’t stop there. He was a warrior in the kingdom of Egypt around 3100 BC, he won many battles, riding a chariot and shooting arrows with a bow and all; she was the beautiful daughter of a pharaoh Tutankhamun. Nathan saw her when he came to have few words with her father and fell in love with her. Meanwhile, she had a dream about walking in the desert barefoot and she stumbled upon a red rose, picked the flower up, and smell it before Sandstrom twirled around her, out of nowhere came a Bedouin in a winged unicorn, picked her up, placed her on the unicorn, and rescued her, they escaped flying in the sky. The pharaoh brought an oracle to interpret the dream, the oracle said that her heart belonged to a warrior, but her life was in great danger; the rose was love and sandstorm meant trouble. Megan admitted that she was in love with Nathan, she wanted to marry him. Upon hearing that news, her uncle Ramses, who desired his son Djoser to rule Egypt, conspired against them, saying that Nathan wasn’t a royal blood, so he couldn’t marry her, his son Djoser was chosen by gods to marry his brother’s daughter and together they should rule Egypt. At the same time, Moses wanted to free the Israelites, there were too many things going on back then, Pharaoh’s relatives were hungry for power, law makers wanted to increase tax in order to build government buildings and conflicts between political parties fighting for the throne.
Djoser hired an assassin after Megan refused to marry him. She came to Nathan’s house to visit him. The assassin, who had followed her, flashed a knife and stopped her dead in her tracks, and when he was about to stab her in the stomach, out of nowhere came Nathan and held his hand. In the ensuing straggle, Nathan stabbed him in the liver with the same knife and killed him. The officials arrested Nathan. Djoser ordered for his execution, but Megan told him that she would marry him if Djoser pardoned Nathan. Djoser pardoned Nathan but made him a slave; he was forced to build a pyramid. Megan, who was now a queen, visited him every chance she got despite the fact Djoser had warned her not to get involved with him, she also refused to sleep with her nephew, she didn’t love him, Djoser, who was only interested in power, didn’t mind at all; he didn’t have feelings for Megan either and chose to have a son with another woman after an oracle told him a child with Megan might potentially result in a Hemophilia and the death of the offspring. And during the plagues, even though the bible said that God killed firstborn of children, he didn’t kill the pharaoh’s son; in fact, he didn’t kill children at all, they only got sick, it was a deadly disease (similar to smallpox) that might have been responsible for the death of those, who had a weak immune system, without discriminating first, second or third born and so on. But Megan, who was a doctor, got it under control, and in the height of political turmoil, finally, the Pharaoh (Djoser) allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt. Megan freed Nathan, they put normal clothes, joined the Israelites, left Egypt through red sea, rested in Sinai Desert, and later discovered Jerusalem.
Nathan then became a sculptor around 440 BC in Athens and Megan was the beautiful daughter of a merchant - Lysias. He caught a glimpse of her, did a sculpture of her, and kissed it every day. Her father wanted her to marry a young business man named Thucydides, who was making name for himself. Aeschylus, Thucydides’ father, was a good friend of Lysias (her father). Thucydides had a thing for her, she told her father that she was in love with a sculptor named Nathan, whom she secretly saw doing her sculpture and kissing it on the lips while visiting her friend (Diana), whom happened to be his neighbor, she wanted to be with him. Her father respected her wish. Megan met Nathan in a garden, they spent quality time, as a matter of fact, they hit it off; kissing, caressing, and making love like the gods and goddesses in the Garden of Eternal love. Thucydides, who fancied her, confronted Nathan, they had a duel, Nathan killed him in self-defense. The officials charged him for murder, Megan, who served as his lawyer, defended him; it was Thucydides, who started the fight, Nathan was standing up to a bully, the juries found him not guilty, he was acquitted of all charges, the judge sent him home. Nathan and Megan got married, but Euripides (Thucydides’ brother), who wanted to avenge his brother and had vowed to kill both Nathan and Megan, came to their house in the middle of the night with a couple of hoodlums, they beat them mercilessly, tied them with ropes, rinsed the house with gas. Euripides said, eye for an eye, and set the house on fire while they were still in the house knotted. The Greek might have invented tragedy and death seemed inevitable, but luckily, Nathan freed himself, untied Megan, and they exited right before the house was about to be engulfed with flames. Eventually, Nathan confronted Euripides, they got in a sword fight, Nathan stabbed him in the lungs and killed him. Unfortunately, Euripides’ wife Tara was the daughter of an important politician named Hippias, Hippias was upset that Nathan left his daughter without a husband, used his influence, the Greek court persecuted him to the fullest extent of the law, the judge gave him a death penalty, he was executed in public. Megan died of grief as well. Later, Nathan returned as a poet in 10 BC in the golden age of Rome, Megan was a princess. Nathan fell in love with her and wrote a million of poems, but she was engaged to a powerful emperor named Caesar. Caesar ordered his troops to burn the poems and crucify him on the cross and stone her to death for infidelity even though she wasn’t his wife yet; it was her parents, who arranged the marriage against her wish; she chose to run away with Nathan, and they hit it off, making love day and night… till they captured them; they crucified him like a thief and they stoned her to death like a prostitute; even though it was a time of prosperity, some paid the price when they gave their hearts to each other, as though it were a sin to worship mortals.
Later, Nathan became a renewed painter in High Renaissance period in Florence, Megan was a young Queen, she was married to King Lorenzo. The king paid Nathan to do his wife portrait. Nathan came to the palace to do her painting, the queen removed her clothes and requested him to do her nude portrait. Nathan was smitten with her despite the fact the king, who was so envious, had warned him nether to look at her in the eyes nor be deceived by her charm; he couldn’t help falling in love with her, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. And since he couldn’t do the portrait at the palace, he invited her to his chateau and did her nude portrait before they got involved in a passionate love affair under the king’s nose. Megan told her friends that Nathan was the best lover that she’d ever had. Eventually, the king found out about it, and upon contemplating on the punishment that he believed was appropriate for the misconduct and feeling rage, he gave the order to burn every painting that was painted by Nathan and destroy all his records, as if he had never existed. The king also instructed the court Legislators to burn the queen at the stake for adultery, and whoever mentioned their names would be subjected to torture and death, so they would be no accounts of their existence.
Later, Nathan became an aspiring composer during Belle Époque in France and she was a ballerina but quit after she suffered from an ankle injury and became a performer at a cabaret where he played a piano to make ends meet. Megan was involved with a man named Paul, who owned the club, and Nathan was married to a stage actress named Camille, whom he despised, because he suspected that she was fooling around with stage actors that she worked with; she always got caught in a method acting, but that didn’t bother him, he was head over heels in love with Megan, he carried a torch for her; however, she was up to no good, even though she was dating Paul, she wasn’t in love with him. Megan was also aware of that Nathan was smitten with her, she liked him too, one thing led to another, they seduced each other and had an affair. Megan then told Nathan that the owner had a lot of money in his safe, she wanted him to help her steal the money and ran away with her to America. Nathan helped her steal the money, she took the money from Paul at gun point. Paul tried to take the gun from her hand, she shot him in the heart and killed him by accident. Nathan and Megan took the money, got rid of the body, and came to New Orleans. They lay low in New Orleans, later, they opened a blues bar in Baton Rouge. She became a singer and he played piano. They ran a successful business. One night, Nathan and Megan danced slow as a young African American girl named Rachel (an aspiring singer), who worked as a busgirl, played piano; it was Nathan, who thought her how to played piano in his spare time, and she picked up very fast. She was also a part time singer. She sang once in a while when Megan felt drained or bored. She lived with them at the bar. Anyhow, they sent Rachel to her room and began to make love on the piano. A man named Robert, who was secretly obsessed with Megan, entered through the window, came to the main bar, shot them in cold blood, and walked away. He knew that it was gloomy. But he wanted to end it with a sad note in order to move on to the next phase.
Later, Nathan became an aspiring writer in New York City in the roaring twenties and Megan was a flapper. They met at an art party, hosted by Nathan’s friend Rachel, who was a surrealist. Megan came to the party with her husband Jim, who was an art collector. Nathan was smitten with her and she was attracted to him as well. Later, he ran into her at a market accidentally on purpose. She was happy to see him. They shopped together, she bought a dress, he bought groceries before he invited her to his house. They cooked together… but she couldn’t stay for dinner, she had to be home, her husband would be there soon, she had to prepare dinner for him before he showed up. Nathan and Megan kissed goodbye, promised to meet again, he was left with ache in her heart, he had dinner by himself. Nathan wished that she stayed a little longer. Anyhow, later that week, they met at a museum, this time, they purchased groceries earlier, cooked together, they could have supper but instead, chose to dance slow with “You're the top” by Cole Porter; love had filled their souls with joy, one thing led to another, kissed like the angels in the garden of Eden and made love till they were covered with sweats. It was a steamy sex. Megan told Nathan that she was in love with him but couldn’t divorce her husband, Jim wouldn’t grant her no matter what, he was Catholic. The Catholic Church prohibited divorce, “What God had joined together let no man put asunder.” Marriage was holy, and people should think twice before they broke apart a marriage, or got divorce.
It didn’t matter to them. Nathan and Megan became lovers, got involved in a passionate love affair, spent quality time, read poetry, went to jazz club, she danced till her knees trembled, they made love every romantic place they could think of, he wrote her poems, it was one of the happiest days of her life. Nathan had a blast, too. He couldn’t get enough of her. She inspired him to write a new novel. It marked a high point in his life. Love changed Megan’s life as well. They went out and associated with artistic people. Megan had a lot of fun, painted the town red, and became the life of the party. However, she had to deal with her husband, who treated her like she was nothing, Jim was unpredictable, he was a jealous type, he once spited on her face for looking at a man with smile in her eyes after he paid her a thoughtful compliment, she didn’t have a choice but to forgive him, because he was drunk. Now, she had a sun in her heart, she was always smiling. And luckily, Jim didn’t suspect, he usually traveled to Europe to buy and sell paintings. Then one day, Megan forgot her ring at Nathan’s house, she did her best to hide her fingers from her husband, it seemed she succeeded, they went to bed without quarrel, but Jim waked up in the middle of the night to take a leak and noticed that his wife wasn’t wearing the ring. He was taken aback but said nothing for the time being. Later, Jim hired a private investigator named Vaughn, who was expert at catching a cheating wife.
Vaughn photographed them kissing and gave Jim the photos. Jim lied to Megan that he was going to Paris for business. Megan spent the night at Nathan’s house, cooking, dancing… etc. They made love and sat in a bathtub surrounded by candles. Nathan read her few pages of his novel (the first draft), she really liked it, he asked her to leave everything behind and go to Hollywood with him. Kevin (his friend) had already found him a screenwriting job in California. Megan agreed to go to Hollywood with him. They kissed passionately. Jim and his four friends (Randel, Terry, Tyler and Rubin) stormed into the house. Jim grabbed Megan’s hair and pulled her out of the bathtub. Randel, Terry, Tyler and Rubin beat Nathan, so did Jim before they took them away. Jim burned Nathan’s novel and made Megan watch as Jim and his friend beat the daylights out of him. Rubin was holding Megan. She wanted to intervene. But Rubin held her firmly. Megan begged them to stop hurting him. They ignored her, as if she was a ghost that had no business there, they continued to beat him within an inch of his life and threw him in a river. Jim then flagellated Megan with a whip till her skin peeled off from her back, cut her face with a knife, disfiguring her look, and threw her at a hospital without a single drop of cloth.
The paramedics rushed her to emergency room, the doctors stopped the bleed, cleaned her cuts, stitched them, patched up her wounds and safe her life. Meanwhile, a good Samaritan fetched Nathan out of the water, took him to his house, and restored him to health. On the other hand, Megan, who was disfigured badly, recovered from her injury but fell into depression and killed herself, thinking that Nathan wouldn’t love her like how he used to. Nathan, who was grief-stricken by her death, killed her husband and his friends (one by one). But the police shot and killed him as he tried to escape. Nathan was the first American’s most wanted for a wrong reason but the right cause. The police thought that he was a serial killer. He came to their houses in the middle of the night, cut their chests, removed their hearts and roasted their hearts with fire till it was black. He then put their hearts back in their chests and stitched the skins back; it was how he felt, they took his light away and his heart became dark, and they paid dearly. The police didn’t know the cause of their deaths till they did autopsies. It became a big news. Every law enforcement agent in New York City came after him. It was what it was. Their lives must have been filled with romance, passion, love, longing, violent, sex, crime and scandal.
Love was one of the basic necessities of life, but at the same time, it was full of mystery. Nathan knew that he had no control over it but hoped he gained some knowledge of his heart before it was too late - the source of joy and pain, euphoria and heartache, and pleasure and melancholy. Love had taken him to a place, where even fools feared to tread, "with nothing underfoot, with nothing around, without pandemonium, without much belief in his own right, and still less in that of his adversary" like Heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad... except it had a blissful atmosphere. The stars were spectators. There was glory, there was the great desire of victory, there was fear of losing control, but he had a strong faith; he believed "When we wanted it bad, all the universe conspires in helping us achieving it." Nathan was willing to die for her; he loved her from the bottom of his heart and he did not understand why a girl wanted to run away from a heart that wanted to nurture her day and night. She was the love of his life. He thought that he could have placed his trust on her forever and ever. She would never let me down, would she? It didn’t matter at all. Nathan still had a beautiful opinion of her. He wanted to make her happy with no string attached. She was his queen. He wouldn’t betray her trust. But the demons in his head told him Why would anyone want to give their heart to a girl who was no-good? As an artist, he had to ask himself how he would be remembered. But as a man, he should always strive for respect. If they didn't respect him, they wouldn't fear him. And if they didn't fear him, they would take him for granted. And if they took him for granted, they would destroy him. He didn’t want that, did he? They wanted him to imagine giving his heart and soul to a girl that he thought that she needed him. And he then discovered that he meant nothing to her. Megan was nothing but trouble. If he forgot her, he would do his heart a great service. But Nathan knew Megan was his Sunshine. He didn’t care about respect. Respect had nothing to do with love. His heart needed her. It would stop beating if anything happened to her. He thought the demons in his head liked to talk nonsense. Megan was a treasure, which his heart sought restlessly the moment he laid eyes on her. Nathan thought that they could take the world by storm; together they would have become legends. And in the future, the world would look up to them like Romeo and Juliet or Cleopatra and Mark Antony or Tristan and Iseult. The truth was there was nothing like Megan in the history of creation, she was out of this world, if she came from any era, she must have come from the future millions of light years away.
Nathan didn't think that it was fair. Her eyes were sparkling like stars that the angels collected from the most celestial part of heaven and sprinkled them in two mysterious seas that dwelled in the air, which in themselves were belonged to the goddess of love, beauty, desire, and all aspects of sexuality, who granted anyone's wish in the count of seven. Megan, worrying about what was going on in the world and things that might put her life in danger, slept with ache in her heart and dreamed of dancing with a stranger. She woke up in the morning with butterflies in her belly. She took a sip from a coffee with brown sugar, hazelnut, and cinnamon concoction while it was still steaming. She didn’t put it down like an item that she purchased at the auction. She had one sip after another till love filled her irises with maple syrup, chocolate, honey, gold and diamonds; beaming. He could see his soul dilating in her eyes and hear his heart screaming. Nathan worshipped her like how the ancient Egyptians idolized the sun, having confidence in its heat and light, which it bestowed upon the world, and believing that it would deliver them from darkness as long as they continued to pray sincerely and honor it with gifts or make sacrifices... such as killing animals in a religious ceremony; they depended on it even though it was only 1 star out of the countless bright objects in the universe... except Nathan believes that she was 1 in an infinity. There were nothing like her in the universe...
submitted by Little-Monster1000 to romance [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 15:46 KittenBraden Happy easter! We have witches and bunnies walking around here this weekend.

Happy easter! We have witches and bunnies walking around here this weekend.
Costume lore: My mom made this for one of my older siblings, its a bunny costume out of an old overall. I used it for years as a kid and my nieces and nephews used it. I also giggle at the thought of a heirloom bunny costume.
Finnish easter lore (during a brainfog sorry): On one of the easter days, kids dress up as witches, bunnies, princesses etc. But it’s also early spring here so 98% of the country is still under snow, kids are well packed up in warm clothing and on top of that the costume must fit. Kids make either branches with colourful feathers in them or thank you/greeting cards which they give out. The kids then go house to house and wish a happy easter (there is also a poem/song that goes with it) then they give the branch/card and get candy. A copper coffee pan was a traditional way to carry your candy, at least in my region growing up.
submitted by KittenBraden to WitchesVsPatriarchy [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 21:23 Lucky_Initiative7328 Sunday School Classroom Management

I teach the 14 to 17-year-old youth Sunday school. I enjoy my calling and the teens in my class are smart, kind, and overall just good kids!
I do have some interesting dynamics in my class. About half of the class members are cousins and or siblings and my nephew is in my class. I also have a 12-month-old who is happiest waking the hallways at church. My husband is currently working Sundays and cannot help me at church.
Classes have always been about what you would expect from a group of teens, but the last time I taught Sunday school it was exceptionally chaotic. The cousin group loves to tease each other but is spending more time arguing with each other about who should answer a question or read a scripture than focusing on class material. The oldest cousin who is 17 has a good friendship with all of the young men and they look up to him, but since he is a teenage boy he doesn’t like the worksheets or Jeopardy games I make for class and refuses to participate. The 14-year-old boys (including my nephew follow his lead) worksheets become paper airplanes or are used to write mocking poems about their cousin) my co-teacher tries to help but is mostly focused on keeping my child happy so that I can teach, but sometimes my baby only wants me. I ended up trying to teach while comforting a crying baby last Sunday School.
I’m terrible with classroom management. I don't know what to say! I don’t want to be strict with my class, but I also need to have some control so it’s not chaotic. I don't want my nephew to think that am singling him out when he needs redirection. What tools do you use to help your class stay on track? How do I parent and teach?
submitted by Lucky_Initiative7328 to latterdaysaints [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 08:27 braveheartt101 Dangerous Love 5 (Bonus) Happy International Women's Month

Nathan adored Megan. But did he love her with the patience of a saint or the passion of the devil? Perhaps, it didn’t make a difference. She wasn’t there with him to be loved or hated, she ran away, and he still loved her, as if she were there with him and craved for her kisses, as if they were part of his respiratory system and her lips were the source of carbohydrate. Not just any carbohydrate but pure sugar, and he wanted to kiss her till his heart absorbed every sweetness in her essence, kiss her French till his blood sugar was high, and his liver stored the sugar as glycogen, and converted it to glucose as the muscles in his tongue and lips continued to burn calories before he even parted his lips from her sweet lips, kiss her, and kiss her and kiss her till his soul caught fire. Nathan didn’t believe in the past life, but if there were one, he thought that they invented kiss, it was him and her, who started it all, they sat under the tree, and bill and coo, and kissed for the very first time in the history of humankind, it must have been around 15000 BC, they were love hero and heroine, he was half god and half man, she was a nymph, they changed how people looked at romance. They kissed till their heart turned into roses, covered with due droplets. The gods and goddesses got jealous and made them mortals. It didn’t stop there. He was a warrior in the kingdom of Egypt around 3100 BC, he won many battles, riding a chariot and shooting arrows with a bow and all; she was the beautiful daughter of a pharaoh Tutankhamun. Nathan saw her when he came to have few words with her father and fell in love with her. Meanwhile, she had a dream about walking in the desert barefoot and she stumbled upon a red rose, picked the flower up, and smell it before Sandstrom twirled around her, out of nowhere came a Bedouin in a winged unicorn, picked her up, placed her on the unicorn, and rescued her, they escaped flying in the sky. The pharaoh brought an oracle to interpret the dream, the oracle said that her heart belonged to a warrior, but her life was in great danger; the rose was love and sandstorm meant trouble. Megan admitted that she was in love with Nathan, she wanted to marry him. Upon hearing that news, her uncle Ramses, who desired his son Djoser to rule Egypt, conspired against them, saying that Nathan wasn’t a royal blood, so he couldn’t marry her, his son Djoser was chosen by gods to marry his brother’s daughter and together they should rule Egypt. At the same time, Moses wanted to free the Israelites, there were too many things going on back then, Pharaoh’s relatives were hungry for power, law makers wanted to increase tax in order to build government buildings and conflicts between political parties fighting for the throne.
Djoser hired an assassin after Megan refused to marry him. She came to Nathan’s house to visit him. The assassin, who had followed her, flashed a knife and stopped her dead in her tracks, and when he was about to stab her in the stomach, out of nowhere came Nathan and held his hand. In the ensuing straggle, Nathan stabbed him in the liver with the same knife and killed him. The officials arrested Nathan. Djoser ordered for his execution, but Megan told him that she would marry him if Djoser pardoned Nathan. Djoser pardoned Nathan but made him a slave; he was forced to build a pyramid. Megan, who was now a queen, visited him every chance she got despite the fact Djoser had warned her not to get involved with him, she also refused to sleep with her nephew, she didn’t love him, Djoser, who was only interested in power, didn’t mind at all; he didn’t have feelings for Megan either and chose to have a son with another woman after an oracle told him a child with Megan might potentially result in a Hemophilia and the death of the offspring. And during the plagues, even though the bible said that God killed firstborn of children, he didn’t kill the pharaoh’s son; in fact, he didn’t kill children at all, they only got sick, it was a deadly disease (similar to smallpox) that might have been responsible for the death of those, who had a weak immune system, without discriminating first, second or third born and so on. But Megan, who was a doctor, got it under control, and in the height of political turmoil, finally, the Pharaoh (Djoser) allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt. Megan freed Nathan, they put normal clothes, joined the Israelites, left Egypt through red sea, rested in Sinai Desert, and later discovered Jerusalem.
Nathan then became a sculptor around 440 BC in Athens and Megan was the beautiful daughter of a merchant - Lysias. He caught a glimpse of her, did a sculpture of her, and kissed it every day. Her father wanted her to marry a young business man named Thucydides, who was making name for himself. Aeschylus, Thucydides’ father, was a good friend of Lysias (her father). Thucydides had a thing for her, she told her father that she was in love with a sculptor named Nathan, whom she secretly saw doing her sculpture and kissing it on the lips while visiting her friend (Diana), whom happened to be his neighbor, she wanted to be with him. Her father respected her wish. Megan met Nathan in a garden, they spent quality time, as a matter of fact, they hit it off; kissing, caressing, and making love like the gods and goddesses in the Garden of Eternal love. Thucydides, who fancied her, confronted Nathan, they had a duel, Nathan killed him in self-defense. The officials charged him for murder, Megan, who served as his lawyer, defended him; it was Thucydides, who started the fight, Nathan was standing up to a bully, the juries found him not guilty, he was acquitted of all charges, the judge sent him home. Nathan and Megan got married, but Euripides (Thucydides’ brother), who wanted to avenge his brother and had vowed to kill both Nathan and Megan, came to their house in the middle of the night with a couple of hoodlums, they beat them mercilessly, tied them with ropes, rinsed the house with gas. Euripides said, eye for an eye, and set the house on fire while they were still in the house knotted. The Greek might have invented tragedy and death seemed inevitable, but luckily, Nathan freed himself, untied Megan, and they exited right before the house was about to be engulfed with flames. Eventually, Nathan confronted Euripides, they got in a sword fight, Nathan stabbed him in the lungs and killed him. Unfortunately, Euripides’ wife Tara was the daughter of an important politician named Hippias, Hippias was upset that Nathan left his daughter without a husband, used his influence, the Greek court persecuted him to the fullest extent of the law, the judge gave him a death penalty, he was executed in public. Megan died of grief as well. Later, Nathan returned as a poet in 10 BC in the golden age of Rome, Megan was a princess. Nathan fell in love with her and wrote a million of poems, but she was engaged to a powerful emperor named Caesar. Caesar ordered his troops to burn the poems and crucify him on the cross and stone her to death for infidelity even though she wasn’t his wife yet; it was her parents, who arranged the marriage against her wish; she chose to run away with Nathan, and they hit it off, making love day and night… till they captured them; they crucified him like a thief and they stoned her to death like a prostitute; even though it was a time of prosperity, some paid the price when they gave their hearts to each other, as though it were a sin to worship mortals.
Later, Nathan became a renewed painter in High Renaissance period in Florence, Megan was a young Queen, she was married to King Lorenzo. The king paid Nathan to do his wife portrait. Nathan came to the palace to do her painting, the queen removed her clothes and requested him to do her nude portrait. Nathan was smitten with her despite the fact the king, who was so envious, had warned him nether to look at her in the eyes nor be deceived by her charm; he couldn’t help falling in love with her, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. And since he couldn’t do the portrait at the palace, he invited her to his chateau and did her nude portrait before they got involved in a passionate love affair under the king’s nose. Megan told her friends that Nathan was the best lover that she’d ever had. Eventually, the king found out about it, and upon contemplating on the punishment that he believed was appropriate for the misconduct and feeling rage, he gave the order to burn every painting that was painted by Nathan and destroy all his records, as if he had never existed. The king also instructed the court Legislators to burn the queen at the stake for adultery, and whoever mentioned their names would be subjected to torture and death, so they would be no accounts of their existence.
Later, Nathan became an aspiring composer during Belle Époque in France and she was a ballerina but quit after she suffered from an ankle injury and became a performer at a cabaret where he played a piano to make ends meet. Megan was involved with a man named Paul, who owned the club, and Nathan was married to a stage actress named Camille, whom he despised, because he suspected that she was fooling around with stage actors that she worked with; she always got caught in a method acting, but that didn’t bother him, he was head over heels in love with Megan, he carried a torch for her; however, she was up to no good, even though she was dating Paul, she wasn’t in love with him. Megan was also aware of that Nathan was smitten with her, she liked him too, one thing led to another, they seduced each other and had an affair. Megan then told Nathan that the owner had a lot of money in his safe, she wanted him to help her steal the money and ran away with her to America. Nathan helped her steal the money, she took the money from Paul at gun point. Paul tried to take the gun from her hand, she shot him in the heart and killed him by accident. Nathan and Megan took the money, got rid of the body, and came to New Orleans. They lay low in New Orleans, later, they opened a blues bar in Baton Rouge. She became a singer and he played piano. They ran a successful business. One night, Nathan and Megan danced slow as a young African American girl named Rachel (an aspiring singer), who worked as a busgirl, played piano; it was Nathan, who thought her how to played piano in his spare time, and she picked up very fast. She was also a part time singer. She sang once in a while when Megan felt drained or bored. She lived with them at the bar. Anyhow, they sent Rachel to her room and began to make love on the piano. A man named Robert, who was secretly obsessed with Megan, entered through the window, came to the main bar, shot them in cold blood, and walked away. He knew that it was gloomy. But he wanted to end it with a sad note in order to move on to the next phase.
Later, Nathan became an aspiring writer in New York City in the roaring twenties and Megan was a flapper. They met at an art party, hosted by Nathan’s friend Rachel, who was a surrealist. Megan came to the party with her husband Jim, who was an art collector. Nathan was smitten with her and she was attracted to him as well. Later, he ran into her at a market accidentally on purpose. She was happy to see him. They shopped together, she bought a dress, he bought groceries before he invited her to his house. They cooked together… but she couldn’t stay for dinner, she had to be home, her husband would be there soon, she had to prepare dinner for him before he showed up. Nathan and Megan kissed goodbye, promised to meet again, he was left with ache in her heart, he had dinner by himself. Nathan wished that she stayed a little longer. Anyhow, later that week, they met at a museum, this time, they purchased groceries earlier, cooked together, they could have supper but instead, chose to dance slow with “You're the top” by Cole Porter; love had filled their souls with joy, one thing led to another, kissed like the angels in the garden of Eden and made love till they were covered with sweats. It was a steamy sex. Megan told Nathan that she was in love with him but couldn’t divorce her husband, Jim wouldn’t grant her no matter what, he was Catholic. The Catholic Church prohibited divorce, “What God had joined together let no man put asunder.” Marriage was holy, and people should think twice before they broke apart a marriage, or got divorce.
It didn’t matter to them. Nathan and Megan became lovers, got involved in a passionate love affair, spent quality time, read poetry, went to jazz club, she danced till her knees trembled, they made love every romantic place they could think of, he wrote her poems, it was one of the happiest days of her life. Nathan had a blast, too. He couldn’t get enough of her. She inspired him to write a new novel. It marked a high point in his life. Love changed Megan’s life as well. They went out and associated with artistic people. Megan had a lot of fun, painted the town red, and became the life of the party. However, she had to deal with her husband, who treated her like she was nothing, Jim was unpredictable, he was a jealous type, he once spited on her face for looking at a man with smile in her eyes after he paid her a thoughtful compliment, she didn’t have a choice but to forgive him, because he was drunk. Now, she had a sun in her heart, she was always smiling. And luckily, Jim didn’t suspect, he usually traveled to Europe to buy and sell paintings. Then one day, Megan forgot her ring at Nathan’s house, she did her best to hide her fingers from her husband, it seemed she succeeded, they went to bed without quarrel, but Jim waked up in the middle of the night to take a leak and noticed that his wife wasn’t wearing the ring. He was taken aback but said nothing for the time being. Later, Jim hired a private investigator named Vaughn, who was expert at catching a cheating wife.
Vaughn photographed them kissing and gave Jim the photos. Jim lied to Megan that he was going to Paris for business. Megan spent the night at Nathan’s house, cooking, dancing… etc. They made love and sat in a bathtub surrounded by candles. Nathan read her few pages of his novel (the first draft), she really liked it, he asked her to leave everything behind and go to Hollywood with him. Kevin (his friend) had already found him a screenwriting job in California. Megan agreed to go to Hollywood with him. They kissed passionately. Jim and his four friends (Randel, Terry, Tyler and Rubin) stormed into the house. Jim grabbed Megan’s hair and pulled her out of the bathtub. Randel, Terry, Tyler and Rubin beat Nathan, so did Jim before they took them away. Jim burned Nathan’s novel and made Megan watch as Jim and his friend beat the daylights out of him. Rubin was holding Megan. She wanted to intervene. But Rubin held her firmly. Megan begged them to stop hurting him. They ignored her, as if she was a ghost that had no business there, they continued to beat him within an inch of his life and threw him in a river. Jim then flagellated Megan with a whip till her skin peeled off from her back, cut her face with a knife, disfiguring her look, and threw her at a hospital without a single drop of cloth.
The paramedics rushed her to emergency room, the doctors stopped the bleed, cleaned her cuts, stitched them, patched up her wounds and safe her life. Meanwhile, a good Samaritan fetched Nathan out of the water, took him to his house, and restored him to health. On the other hand, Megan, who was disfigured badly, recovered from her injury but fell into depression and killed herself, thinking that Nathan wouldn’t love her like how he used to. Nathan, who was grief-stricken by her death, killed her husband and his friends (one by one). But the police shot and killed him as he tried to escape. Nathan was the first American’s most wanted for a wrong reason but the right cause. The police thought that he was a serial killer. He came to their houses in the middle of the night, cut their chests, removed their hearts and roasted their hearts with fire till it was black. He then put their hearts back in their chests and stitched the skins back; it was how he felt, they took his light away and his heart became dark, and they paid dearly. The police didn’t know the cause of their deaths till they did autopsies. It became a big news. Every law enforcement agent in New York City came after him. It was what it was. Their lives must have been filled with romance, passion, love, longing, violent, sex, crime and scandal.
Love was one of the basic necessities of life, but at the same time, it was full of mystery. Nathan knew that he had no control over it but hoped he gained some knowledge of his heart before it was too late - the source of joy and pain, euphoria and heartache, and pleasure and melancholy. Love had taken him to a place, where even fools feared to tread, "with nothing underfoot, with nothing around, without pandemonium, without much belief in his own right, and still less in that of his adversary" like Heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad... except it had a blissful atmosphere. The stars were spectators. There was glory, there was the great desire of victory, there was fear of losing control, but he had a strong faith; he believed "When we wanted it bad, all the universe conspires in helping us achieving it." Nathan was willing to die for her; he loved her from the bottom of his heart and he did not understand why a girl wanted to run away from a heart that wanted to nurture her day and night. She was the love of his life. He thought that he could have placed his trust on her forever and ever. She would never let me down, would she? It didn’t matter at all. Nathan still had a beautiful opinion of her. He wanted to make her happy with no string attached. She was his queen. He wouldn’t betray her trust. But the demons in his head told him Why would anyone want to give their heart to a girl who was no-good? As an artist, he had to ask himself how he would be remembered. But as a man, he should always strive for respect. If they didn't respect him, they wouldn't fear him. And if they didn't fear him, they would take him for granted. And if they took him for granted, they would destroy him. He didn’t want that, did he? They wanted him to imagine giving his heart and soul to a girl that he thought that she needed him. And he then discovered that he meant nothing to her. Megan was nothing but trouble. If he forgot her, he would do his heart a great service. But Nathan knew Megan was his Sunshine. He didn’t care about respect. Respect had nothing to do with love. His heart needed her. It would stop beating if anything happened to her. He thought the demons in his head liked to talk nonsense. Megan was a treasure, which his heart sought restlessly the moment he laid eyes on her. Nathan thought that they could take the world by storm; together they would have become legends. And in the future, the world would look up to them like Romeo and Juliet or Cleopatra and Mark Antony or Tristan and Iseult. The truth was there was nothing like Megan in the history of creation, she was out of this world, if she came from any era, she must have come from the future millions of light years away.
Nathan didn't think that it was fair. Her eyes were sparkling like stars that the angels collected from the most celestial part of heaven and sprinkled them in two mysterious seas that dwelled in the air, which in themselves were belonged to the goddess of love, beauty, desire, and all aspects of sexuality, who granted anyone's wish in the count of seven. Megan, worrying about what was going on in the world and things that might put her life in danger, slept with ache in her heart and dreamed of dancing with a stranger. She woke up in the morning with butterflies in her belly. She took a sip from a coffee with brown sugar, hazelnut, and cinnamon concoction while it was still steaming. She didn’t put it down like an item that she purchased at the auction. She had one sip after another till love filled her irises with maple syrup, chocolate, honey, gold and diamonds; beaming. He could see his soul dilating in her eyes and hear his heart screaming. Nathan worshipped her like how the ancient Egyptians idolized the sun, having confidence in its heat and light, which it bestowed upon the world, and believing that it would deliver them from darkness as long as they continued to pray sincerely and honor it with gifts or make sacrifices... such as killing animals in a religious ceremony; they depended on it even though it was only 1 star out of the countless bright objects in the universe... except Nathan believes that she was 1 in an infinity. There were nothing like her in the universe...
submitted by braveheartt101 to Eritrea2 [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 14:32 MatthewInChrist Tchaikovsky may be Ukrainian

A lot of people say that Tchaikovsky is Russian, but theres also an opinion that he might actually be Ukrainian. Not only its an opinion, its also a kind of fact based on his life and things that were said by his family members. Here is some info from one site "Суспульне: Культура" (Social: Culture):
"Pyotr Tchaikovsky rested in Ukraine for 28 years, until his death, where he wrote approximately 40 works, among which, in particular, Symphony No. 2 in C minor, also called "Ukrainian". Tchaikovsky's itinerary in Ukraine was as follows: first tours in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, then visits by composer friends, for example, Mykola Lysenko. Tchaikovsky rested for several months every year in Trostyanka, Kamianka, in the villages of Verbivka, Nyza, Brailiv, Syomaky, and Kopylov. In Brailov (Vinnytsia), Tchaikovsky wrote the first orchestral suite, the opera "The Maid of Orleans", pieces for violin, seven romances, including "It was early spring", "In the middle of a noisy ball", Don Juan's serenade to the words of Alexei Tolstoy "Pilipinella" . However, he was most often in Kamianka in Cherkasy region - visiting his sister Oleksandra, where he created a lot. For example, it was here that Tchaikovsky wrote the ballet "Swan Lake", which he dedicated to his nephews. The operas "Eugene Onegin" and "Mazepa" were also written in Ukraine. Romances based on Taras Shevchenko's poem and the first piano concertо, one of the tunes of which features a chant of lyres, and the finale of the concert is the melody of the song "Come out, come out, Ivanka". The first to talk about Pyotr Tchaikovsky's Ukrainian origins was his own brother, Modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who in 1900 published his family memories, including the fact that he had a great-grandfather, Fyodor Opanasovich Tchaikovsky, originally from the Poltava region. Modest speaks for the first time about the Poltava region and the fact that his brother Petro Ilyich never flaunted any origin, but was proud of the fact that he came from a simple family, and this family - from his great-great-grandfather, Opanas Chaika. There was a village of Chayki in Poltava Oblast. Chayki, Chaikovsky, Chaitsky - these were the people who led this settlement."
Thats what i found so far about this topic and i find this interesting, and i hope that i will find some more about this for you all, classical music lovers. Let me know your opinion that Tchaikovsky (Tchaika) might be Ukrainian. God Bless yall!
submitted by MatthewInChrist to lingling40hrs [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 14:15 LornaMaximoff1991 Please help, caught between ENFJ and ENTP :/

Hey! I don’t know if this place is still active, but I am having a HELL OF A TIME trying to figure out if I’m an ENJ or an ENP. I am hoping y’all can help me out here :)
  1. How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
I am 32 yo, and a cis-woman who is married :)
Idk how I’m being asked to describe myself, so I’ll do the best I can: Though I love my family, I am easily carried away with work due to hyper focus. I am a planner, though I don’t always follow through about 30% of the time. I HATE SURPRISES, but love to party and hang out with folks in social settings. Physically, I am in shape, especially for a PhD student since I run to bust stress. I am 5’6” and weigh about 115 lbs—I’ve always had trouble keeping weight on because I forget to eat all the time, ever since I was a small child. I prefer my hair to be long because it connects me with my culture (Choctaw nation), and my fashion sense can be described as contradictory yet still put together? For example, I wear a three piece pantsuit with pinstripes—love the mafia look! But pair it with nude heels and red lipstick, these are my go-tos ;) I only wear a full face of makeup on days I teach or have my own classes.
I have black hair and almost black eyes and pale olive skin
  1. Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
ADHD (combined), dyslexia, insomnia, and C-PTSD
  1. Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
Oh dear, where to begin with my dysfunctional g family of origin?e. Other than C-PTSD and ADHD (and insomnia in my case) my sister and I turned out fairly normal. My parents were also Bible thumpers, but did not actually read it beyond the age of 10, but I did when I was 8, 15, and 23. And wow, there were some nasty arguments when I realized how much they gaslit and lied to my sister and me.
I suppose I responded well to my mother’s structure, she was a highly successful career woman, and I always made A’s despite the fact that I was always lost in class and never knew what was going on until the teacher yelled at me.
Being put on adderall made me cry because I realized how much of my life was spent in a state of constant confusion.
  1. What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
I am a professor of English with my research focus on fan studies I LOVE my job because I get to do what I love most; read fanfiction, read literary theory, sometimes I work with Disney, and most of all, I get to hang out with other nerds 🤓
  1. If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
It depends on the week I’ve had…
If I’ve been hitting the books really hard, then I’d feel lonely; however, if I spent the week socializing, I’d probably feel refreshed
  1. What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
I love to run for stress and for fun, I fence competitively, and I love playing team games with random people I meet at the park.
I mostly enjoy outdoor sports, but I also love to ice skate.
Many folks and coaches have commented that I am naturally athletic and good at sports with excellent hand eye coordination, however, my spatial awareness is absolutely atrocious to the point I constantly injure myself.
As for indoor stuff, I LOVE JIGSAW PUZZLES and have quite the collection :) I also play a lot of video games (FF, RE, KH, and Pal world) and write fanfiction! Currently, I have 4 long stories going (been working on them for years in bursts) and 3 short stories. I’m trying to finish the long stories before I start any new ones, but it’s soooo hard to wait so I have been brainstorming the new stories while writing to finish the old ones :)
  1. How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
Omg, my parents favorite line when they were frustrated with me was, “YOU’RE ALL TALK AND NO ACTION!” 🤣🤣🤣 the looks on their faces still make me chuckle warmly; you’ve got to laugh when you’re an alien to your own parents. I have a lot of ideas, and most (75%) get executed once I synthesize my many ideas down to one or two big ideas.
Though my ideas mostly revolve around humanity; why are humans so evil? What makes them good? Why are we a mix of good and bad? Why can’t people act rationally? I am always looking for flaws in all systems, from computers to human societies, nothing is safe from my criticism, especially when people act from their pasts or act solely on emotions.
I daydream A LOT, in fact, it’s so bad I have been diagnosed with maladaptive daydreaming! I daydream so many what ifs for art, films, stories, people, and myself. Most of the time though, I'm daydreaming to understand emotions and humanity better by pretending to be others and mimicking their emotional states through playing out the day dream
  1. Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
Yes, leadership has a tendency to fall unto me, which I don’t mind at all because I can actually do and get something accomplished in higher education. I am a goal oriented leader who doesn’t quit until our goal is met and I get my hands dirty with those to whom I delegate tasks.
  1. Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
No, I have very poor coordination, in fact, I injure myself quite often bumping into tables and such. However, if I can get enough sleep, I can be quite coordinated
I am not going to answer the last two questions in this section because they are redundant and I already answered them in section 6.
  1. Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
I am artistic with poetry, singing, and sewing costumes. My poetry tends to be a little dark and violent, yet empowering to those who have been victimized and refuse to be victims any longer. I also like to add a visual element to the poem, for example, I wrote a poem about Boudicca, a Celtic queen who gathered the oppressed Celtic clans and almost drove out the Roman invaders. Boudicca tends to be fiery, she had red hair, a temper, a badass Queen who refused to stay down when she and her daughters were brutally beaten and raped by Roman soldiers, and most of all, she gathered the courage for the Celts and became the backbone of the revolution to drive out the Roman invaders. To drive this point home to readers, I designed the stanzas to look like flames 🔥
  1. What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
I hate my past, but thankfully, I have a bad memory, so, I don’t remember much of my childhood aside from really traumatic or really great experiences.
My childhood was not a happy one, I was violently bullied from 6 until I was 20 for being neurodivergent and not masking like a “proper lady”
The present? I’d rather be in my head pondering various theories and entertaining certain thoughts, but I can definitely be present when I need to be. I have even snapped back to reality just in time to stop my mom, dad, or sister from doing something dangerous or getting themselves (or me) killed…
The future is where I’m at, and it is often the subject of my daydreaming. I am always trying to optimize myself and/or plan my future to reach these goals perfectly and within a time range I find acceptable.
  1. How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
I get up and help, and sadly, I’m usually leading the “help” to accomplish the task we were asked to do.
? I don’t naturally think about why I do something since I have already intended to do it. I think this is lack of Fi?
  1. Do you need logical consistency in your life?
Absolutely!!! A common line from me in therapy is “I need to stop trying to apply rationality to irrational things like feelings.”
In addition, though I often act like a cartoon character, I find it easy to put my own feelings aside. TBH I wish others were more like this, then we could actually accomplish the thing we originally set out to do instead of getting caught up in human drama.
  1. How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
Extremely important! However, this doesn’t mean I’m all work and no play!
  1. Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
Sadly, yes, and I don’t even mean to because in my eyes, I’m just arguing my point/stance. I am working through this in therapy.
However, most people say I’m just “charismatic”, not manipulative—though I’d argue they’re the same thing
  1. What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
Another redundant question that has already been answered.
  1. What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
I have trouble learning in a quiet classroom, but benefit the most from collaborating—so long as I’m leading it of course ;)
Jk, jk..or am I?
I think I need to bounce ideas off folks in order to get a sense for what I think. Then I go off on my own and drop the subject from my consciousness only to come back to class the next day with a tone of insights on the topic.
  1. How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
I am very poor with tactics but amazingly good at strategy! If anything, I panic and turn in papers and projects a couple of days before they’re due
Time-blindness is real!
  1. What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
Life: to destroy the inter generational trauma and abuse that plagues both sides of my family. …I cannot help them not heal them, but I can save myself and my future children from their dysfunction.
  1. What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
I will not answer this question; it is unwise to give out this information
  1. What do the "highs" in your life look like?
  1. What do the "lows" in your life look like?
  1. How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
Again, redundant, but I will elaborate my previous answer here: I spend more time in my head than in”reality”, which is nothing more than a subjective construct. However, I am able to pay attention to my surroundings very well, more so than those who do not daydream. I’ve saved my nephew from being hurt by my inattentive husband who was walking way too fast without looking…and I saved my sisters hamster from being eaten by her cat on Christmas Day. I even said to my parents and sister, “is that the cat with the hamster in her jaws?!” They didn’t believe me until I was wrenching the poor girl from the cats jaws :(
  1. Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
I don’t have an answer but I do have a question: does this room have bright overhead lights? Or is the lighting actually reasonable? Like having a lamp is read of an overhead light?
  1. How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
Maybe a day at most? I pretty much know what I want right away, and no, I don’t usually change my mind. I’ve done that maybe 5x in my life.
However, I will admit, my MBTI type is the most recent exception.
  1. How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
I am still processing emotions that I guess I had 10 years ago. I hate it, it’s painful, but I also understand suppressing them is unhealthy, so, I do the work…albeit a bit later than most.
Emotions just muddy my processes and distract me from my goals, however, this is to the detriment of my social life. I’ve had friendships end because I chose work and deadlines over smoothing over problems in friendships.
  1. Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
lol no, like, HECK NO. If one person isn’t feeling the conversation, it’s wrong to force it. Also I find it abusive/manipulative NOT TO CORRECT someone who is blatantly wrong.
  1. Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
I don’t break rules often, unless they just exist to make some power hungry jerk happy OR if it’s a rule that exists because it’s always existed. Really? Of course authority NEEDS TO BE CHALLENGED. Most people in positions of power have done nothing to actually merit their power, which is why so many fold immediately when someone asks a critical question. When people have authority, they become too comfortable and too confident to the point of arrogance. I would rather go at it alone than to be “allied” with these people…
THIS ASPECT OF HUMANITY—the need to follow—FRIGHTENS ME more than groupthink. And frankly, I just don’t get it…why would anyone follow an incompetent who likely know less than their followers do?
So bizarre…
submitted by LornaMaximoff1991 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 17:09 phlonx Chogyam's Strange Bedfellows

No, this isn't a post about Chogyam Trungpa's notorious sexual promiscuity.
This is related to the discussion we have been having about Trungpa's involvement at Oxford University. The claim that he attended St. Anthony's College at Oxford and there studied comparative religion and psychology (and Japanese flower arranging, amongst other disciplines) is a keystone of his credential as a scholar who was well-versed in the Western literary, historical, and cultural canon. I won't rehash the important research that other members of this group have been doing to deconstruct that myth; you can read their work here:
The Absent Oxonian
and here:
Trungpa at Oxford University? Really?
I wanted to focus on the photograph that is frequently displayed to "prove" that Trungpa attended Oxford: the famous Trungpa Oxford class photo.
The photo is owned by the Shambhala Archives so I won't post it here (so as not to run afoul of DMCA rules), but you can find it all over the Internet. Here it is on the Konchok Foundation's website (that's the organization that is named after Sakyong Mipham's late mother, Konchok Palden). Here it is captioned, The Vidyadhara’s [i.e.Chogyam Trungpa's] class at Oxford.
Here is a slightly better-quality version of the photo, taken from The Library of Chogyam Trungpa, which captions it Trungpa Rinpoche, second row, second from the right, with classmates at St. Antony’s [sic] College, Oxford, 1963. I'd suggest that you open it in a new window so that you can refer to it as I discuss it.
Here's why I'm super-interested in this photo: Apart from Trungpa and Akong, I think I recognize some of the people here. I'm going to argue that this is not, in fact, a photo of students at St. Anthony's College, but a gathering of a very different nature. I suspect that anyone who has a connection to Trungpa or his Shambhala meditation brand will be surprised by my findings.
First, locate Trungpa in the photo. If you're not familiar with his pre-Joke-shop-crash look (that is, prior to May 6, 1969, when he had a catastrophic car accident-- driving drunk and without a license-- maiming himself for life and injuring his young female passenger), look for the guy in robes with round glasses, 2nd row up, 2nd from the right.
The man standing on the far right edge of the photo is, I believe, Rowland Denys Guy Winn, the Fourth Baron Saint Oswald. I base this identification on his similarity to several grainy photos I have seen of the baron in the U.K. newspapers in the early 1960s when he was a government official. The Fourth Lord St. Oswald (1916-1984) was a veteran of World War II and the Korean War. A Conservative, he served as government whip in the House of Lords and later was a Member of the European Parliament. He was also a member of the Foreign Affairs Circle, of which more in a moment.
I think that the man sitting on Trungpa's right is a younger member of the Winn family (possibly the 5th Baron, but he seems a little young for that). I base this upon this photo of the 6th and current Lord St. Oswald, Charles Rowland Andrew Winn, who is the 4th baron's nephew. The resemblance is striking.
The man standing next to Lord St. Oswald appears to be Geoffrey Stewart-Smith (1933-2004), a Conservative Member of Parliament who was a leading figure in the British far-right. A fierce anti-communist, he lobbied for British involvement in the Vietnam War and other regional conflicts that had socialist or Soviet involvement. He went so far as to call his Parliamentary colleagues "traitorous" because of their ignorance of the Communist threat. Interesting chap, you can read his obituary here.
Stewart-Smith was the founder of the Foreign Affairs Circle, the British arm of the World Anti-Communist League, a Cold War disseminator of propaganda to counter Soviet and Chinese Communist expansion, that had the support and involvement of controversial figures like Japanese crime lords, Nazis, brutal South American dictators, and (curiously) Reverend Sun Myung Moon. The WACL (and its successor organization the World League for Freedom and Democracy) eventually fell into disrepute because of their tendency towards anti-Semitism.
The most fascinating figure in this picture is the lady with the lap-dog, seated, third from the left (next to Akong). This, I think, is Jane Birdwood, Baroness Birdwood (1913-2000). Born in Manitoba, she married into the British aristocracy and eventually became an outspoken opponent of racial integration, immigration, and Jews. She was a member of the openly fascist British National Party. She enthusiastically supported South Africa's apartheid system and associated with war criminals. She was also an important member of the Foreign Affairs Circle.
If my assumptions are correct, then this is probably not a photo of Trungpa's Oxford classmates. And I think the stated date of 1963 is wrong too. I think that this is a photo of refugees from Communist-dominated countries who were invited to take part in a "memorial service" that took place at the Royal Albert Hall in London on October 31, 1967. The theme of the event was to commemorate the (supposedly) 80 million people who had died due to global Communism.
The keynote speaker at the service was a Tibetan monk named Chogyam Trungpa.
I could be wrong about the picture, but Trungpa's hob-nobbing with icons of the British far-right is a documented historical fact. This casts Trungpa's later project of "Creating Enlightened Society" in a somewhat new light, doesn't it?
Below is the text of a news item that ran in the Guardian newpaper on October 26, 1967, announcing the event. You can also read the newspaper clipping here.

Anti-Communist service to remember '80M dead'
The representatives of 20 "captive or divided nations" will hold a service at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on Tuesday evening [October 31, 1967] to commemorate "the estimated 80 million people who have died as a result of the Communist political experiment between 1917-67".
This is the estimate of Geoffrey Stewart-Smith, secretary of the Foreign Affairs Circle, which is running the meeting.
The nations taking part are Albania, Bulgaria, Byelorussia, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Cuba, China, Korea, Tibet, Vietnam, and Zanzibar. The non-Communist flags of all these nations will be flown, and says Mr. Stuart-Smith, they had quite a time finding some of them, particularly those of Tibet and, strangely, Imperial Russia.
The Foreign Affairs Circle is, says Mr. Stewart-Smith, an organization which is unfashionable in believing in self-determination for white skinned as well as black skinned people: and then he explains that is a joke. The two principal members are Lord St. Oswald and the Dowager Lady Birdwood, there are 2,000 members in all, and the organization is not religious, not denominational, not political, just anti-Communist.
The Russian Orthodox, Polish Roman Catholic, and Estonian Lutheran Churches will take part, a Byelorussian choir will sing "Almighty God," a Latvian mixed-choir will sing a warrior's lament, Pasternak's poems will be read, and the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa of Tibet will give an address.
submitted by phlonx to ShambhalaBuddhism [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 04:30 ThrowAway7s2 "Washington Island Unique Spot on Door Peninsula" from the March 22, 1962 Door County Advocate (part 2)

Thordarson's $250,000 boathouse, Rock Island.
The men who have served as chairman of the Town of Washington have all been extremely busy men. For instance, Bo L. Anderson (brother of the late Mrs. Nor Shellswick) owned and operated a hotel and general store on the property now owned by Alfred Stelter. He was an amateur poet and actor, and wrote a song, praising the Island, to the tune of "Home, Sweet Home." He was also postmaster of the Detroit Harbor post office in 1895.
William Jess was referred to as the "Mayor" of Washington Island, although not a mayor. At the time that he was Town Chairman he was also Clerk of the School Board, Treasurer and general manager of the telephone company, and secretary of the local insurance company. He held some of these jobs from the time they were created, and for many years. He was appointed postmaster in 1907 and served until 1921. These jobs, plus his private enterprise, made him one of the busiest men on the Island.
Other chairmen have been Chas. O. Hansen, who served eight years, and who was a successful dairy farmer and had a milk delivery route for years, as well as serving on various civic boards. Then came Conrad Anderson, Roger Gunnerson (President of the Telephone Company at present), Dr. E. C. Farmer, and now Jack Hagen is serving his third term of two years.
Being the general practitioner on Washington Island is a full-time job, but Dr. Farmer took on the job of Chairman of the Town as well, which kept him hopping almost day and night, since many of his sick calls came in the middle of the night, and practically all babies were ushered into the world in the wee small hours. Also, Dr. Farmer played the saxophone in the Island orchestra back in the 1930's.
Jack Hagen is a dairy farmer, and President of the Washington Island Cooperative Dairy, Inc., as well as being Town Chairman.
The succession of postmasters on the Island began with Mr. Ranney in his store at Washington Harbor. Later the post office was located in the old home on the H. J. Leasum property with Robert Severs as postmaster. About 1895 another post office was established at Detroit Harbor, with Bo L. Anderson as postmaster.
In 1901 Mr. Severs died, and L. P. Ottosen (Carrie Jorgenson's father) became postmaster in a building which stood where Clifford Young's house now stands. Mr. Ottosen held this job until 1912, when he retired due to ill health, and that post office was discontinued.
In 1907 William Jess was appointed postmaster at Detroit Harbor, and served until 1921, when John Gudmundsen (brother of Haldor Gudmundsen) was appointed and served until 1924, when Mack Magnusson was appointed. Mack served for 34 years, the first two of which the post office was located in the basement of the John Malloch house, and the next 32 years in the present location. Mack retired in 1958 at the age of 70 years. In 1940 the post office came under the Civil Service, and Mack was required to take a Civil Service examination to hold his job. There were two other Islanders, women, who took the examination, but Mack was successful in holding the job.
Mrs. Robert (Theresa) Rainsford, daughter of Christine and Haldor Gudmundsen, was then appointed postmaster, and is still serving in that capacity. Her assistant is Mrs. Clifford (Betty) Young. Carrie Jorgenson serves as substitute when one of them is ill. Carrie also served as substitute for Cecelia and Mack Magnusson.
In 1926 the name of the post office was changed from Detroit Harbor to Washington Island. The post office will in the near future be located in the new post office building under construction on the corner next to the Clover Farm store, and owned by Roger Gunnerson.
The first rural mail route was established in 1902, with. John Malloch as carrier. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 1928. Ernest Boucsein was then the rural carrier for some years until his death. Then followed Elden Hettiger (who moved to Milwaukee, Wis.), and now Harley Hanson.

Mail to Washington Island once crossed frozen Death's Door.
The life of the mail carrier, transporting the mail to and from the mainland in the late 1800's was adventurous, particularly in the wintertime. Back around the turn of the century the mail was carried by sailboat, and Pete Anderson (brother of John O. Anderson and the late Clara Boyce) was the carrier from Washington Island to Ellison Bay, Wis. He had many harrowing experiences when the ice began to break up in the spring. There was one time when he and his horse and sleigh were almost lost, because the ice broke loose and left them stranded on an ice cake, floating around helplessly. The horse was very frightened, and kept falling down every time he tried to stand. Finally, some kind soul was able to throw a rope to Pete, which he made fast and pulled that ice cake over to firm ice where he could walk off.
The mail has been carried with the small mail boat (also named Welcome) from the East Channel between Washington and Detroit Islands; it has been hauled on a sleigh by hand within a mile of Plum Island, then on the Coast Guard boat (when all boats were frozen in tight at the ferry dock).
During the depression some farmers shipped cream to Fairmont, so it had to be hauled along with the mail. (The Richters had the mail-carrying contract only at that time.) One time Arni Richter and Ray Andersen were pulling the sleigh with the mail and two 10-gallon cans of cream, walking out to where they could get close to the Coast Guard boat (about a mile from Plum Island). There was a stiff southwest wind in their faces, and the ice was very rough and frozen up in peaks. Then men had to wear creepers on their shoes in order to walk. I happened to be the only passenger going to the mainland that day, and had been injured in a fall ice skating. The men kindly told me to sit on the sleigh, although they were already straining at pulling the heavy load. They said they could not feel any difference when I got on the sleigh.
The mail was carried by snowmobile a few years later (when the "Door" was frozen over). Everybody drove back and forth across the "Door" then. It was just about this time that the most awful tragedy occurred in the memory of island people, when the Washington Island basketball team went down through thin ice to their death on Mar. 10, 1935. They were returning to the Island on Sunday morning after playing a basketball game at Sister Bay Saturday night. It was foggy; they lost their way, and drove on ice too thin to hold them in the "Door." Their names were: Leroy Einarsen (son of Anne), Roy Stover (brother of the late Marie McCormick), Norman Nelson (son of Olga Nelson, and nephew of all the members of the Ottosen family), Raymond Richter (son of Minnie Richter), Ralph Wade (son-in-law of William Jepson), and "Bub" Cornell (brother of Mary Richter). There has never been another Washington Island basketball team.

At Washington Island. Sleighs with sails attached.
There has been no necessity for the people to drive across the "Door" for the past few years because the ferry goes across almost every day in the year. Arni Richter's crew keep the ferry cut loose all the time. It does happen occasionally in the spring that a strong wind will pile ice cakes so high that the ferry cannot get out, but as soon as the wind shifts, it is all cleared. It is not like in the old days when L. P. Ottosen recalled that there were seven weeks when no word was received from the outside world. This situation could not occur today, because if the boats could not run, and the telephone lines across the "Door" were down (which has happened many times in years gone by), there is a police radio located in the home of Ann and Victor Cornell, which can be used in case of emergency to call Sturgeon Bay.
Up to 1904 there had been no telephones on Washington Island. In that year the government extended telephone service to the lighthouses on Plum, Pilot, Rock, St. Martin's, Poverty, and to Washington Island. Phones were then installed in Bo L. Anderson's, Koyen's store, Washington Harbor Dock, and at the Rasmus Hansen home. In 1910 the Washington Island Telephone Company was organized, and now there is a telephone in almost every Island home.

Josie Jepson, telephone operator.
There have been many different telephone operators over the years, but the first people to operate a telephone office were the Carl Hansens, who lived in the house now owned by John Jessen. When the switchboard was installed in its present location Mae (Ottosen) Sorensen became the Chief Operator. She had been working for the Carl Hansens. Mae had different helpers in the time that she was Chief Operator, and Lena (Einarsen) Pickert was one, and Josie Jepson was another. Mae Sorensen recalls that there were 14 local telephone lines when she was the operator, as compared to 41 lines today. There are five long distance circuits at present, and 307 telephones on the Island, including those of summer residents. The telephone office has been located in its present building for all these years. Mrs. Harry (Reggie) Hansen, Gladys Boshka, Florence and Orville Jess, and others have been the Chief Operators and have had many helpers. Two of my children, Kent and Rosalie, have worked there a couple of years each after school and on Saturdays and Sundays while attending high school. For the past four years Mrs. L. A. Davison has been saying, "Number, please," and Alvin Cornell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cornell, is her helper. Mrs. Davidson knows the voice of every Islander, and can usually locate anybody in a few seconds if they are visiting where there is a phone.
The storekeepers have played an important part in the history of Washington Island also. One of the oldest stores was Koyen's, owned and operated by A. A. Koyen. Later on it was Jesse and Floris Koyen who kept the store. This store was a hang-out for old-timers, who sat around the pot-bellied stove and reminisced about pioneer days. In more modern days after the high school was moved to the Washington Harbor school, the store became a hang-out for high school pupils at noon hour. They could buy candy, gum and pop, and learn early history of the Island from Jesse and Floris. Jesse would also sew up a torn shoe for them while they waited. Koyen's store has ceased to operate since the death of Floris.
Ted Thorarinson was the first owner of the store now known as the Harbor Grocery. The main part of this store building had been the old Detroit Harbor school (the picture of which was taken in 1887), and was moved to the present location when the new school was built. Sigrid and Ted Gudmundsen next owned and operated Ted's store for many years. Ted and Sigrid had the custom of holding open house at Christmas time each year, and for all who attended, there was fresh homemade Christmas bread and coffee. The recipe for this bread was brought to this country from Norway by Mr. Hagen (Sigrid's father), and many Islanders use it every year, as it appears in the Island Cook Book, put out by the women of Trinity Lutheran church.
The store has changed hands several times since then, and is now owned by Ruth (Young) and Fred Boniface.
Mann's store has the longest history in one family. George O. Mann came to the Island as a young school teacher, and taught the Lucke school (now Roger Gunnerson's store), at a salary of $16 a month. After a few years he and his brother opened a general store. After a time he bought out his brother's interest. His first store was two stories high, with furniture kept in the upper story. This store burned down in April 1932, in spite of the gallant efforts of the bucket-brigade. This occurred before the Island owned any fire-fighting equipment. He carried on his business in Harry Hansen's hall across the road temporarily, and rebuilt his store on the same spot, which is the present Mann's store. There had been a garage adjoining the south side of the old store, but it was thought unwise to have it so close again, so it became a separate building. Fred Mann's house was moved from next door to the store to its present location.
George O. Mann acquired several farms, went into the fish brokerage business find other business enterprises. He was president of the telephone company, a member of the board of education, an officer of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company, the R.E.A. cooperative, and other organizations; one of the busiest men on the Island. In July 1953 he celebrated 50 years in his general store, and served coffee and lunch to everyone who attended. Since his death four years ago, the store has been operated by his son, Fred, with the help of Fred's son, Jerome.
Milton Cornell and his son, Kirby, operate the Clover Farm store, which is of more recent vintage. Milton was a clerk and delivery boy in Mann's store from the time he was 14 years old, and boarded next door with the Jim Boyce family. After he grew up and married, he started a store of his own where Gordy's Tap is located on the Main Road. Before long he decided to build a store in its present location across from the post office. He has added more space and changed the face of the building in the past few years.
Roger Gunnerson bought the Lucke school building when the four grade schools were consolidated, and opened a store called "Gunnerson's Hardware." However, he has expanded until you can get practically everything except groceries there.
All cooperative organizations on the Island, such as the Telephone company, the R.E.A., the Fire Insurance Company, and the Washington Island Cooperative Dairy (formerly called Island Creamery and privately owned then, have sprung up of a necessity. As the need for these organizations occurred, the business men met and elected officers and started the ball rolling.
One of the most unique facts about Washington Island is that there is no jail, and there has never been any need for one. In early times the people did not even elect any constables. Later on, when constables were elected, they didn't even bother to qualify for the job, because they felt themselves unnecessary. It is only in these past few years that constables have been necessary, mostly to check on traffic violations, since there are so many cars. Most bad infractions of the law have been traced to outsiders, like the vandalism in the cemetery. When the constables do find it necessary to arrest someone, they just call the sheriff on the police radio and have him meet them across the "Door." It is not easy to get away from the Island, so culprits think twice before attempting anything.

BEGINNING OF THE END for the old hitching rail, right foreground. Tom Nelson is pictured in shirtsleeves and vest. These are the first cars on Washington Island. Antique car buffs say there's a 1916 Buick at left, a 1914 Hupmobile or Overland at right.
One of the strangest incidents that ever happened on Washington Island occurred back in 1937, when Islanders at a town election had voted the Island dry, in spite of the fact that the rest of the country had repealed the Volstead Act. The tavernkeepers were hard up, so they started selling "bitters," and other drinks containing alcohol. It had always been a custom for people on the mainland to warn Islanders of the approach of game wardens, revenue men, etc. It seems that someone reported the tavernkeepers for their illicit business, so four or five state revenue men, disguised as sport fishermen (because it was the bass season in October), travelled to Washington Island unsuspected, and raided all of the taverns simultaneously. Where they made their mistake was drinking up the evidence before the case came to trial, so the tavernkeepers all got off with suspended sentences.
The Washington Island Maternity Home; or Pearl's Baby Center, as it is called, had its beginning in the 1940's, after Pearl Haglund graduated from a nursing school in Evanston, Ill. in 1942.
Prior to this time all babies were delivered either at home, or if there was any fear, an occasional woman would travel to a hospital. There had been a number of mid-wives who went with the different doctors to the homes. Mrs. Clara Boyce, Pearl's mother, could point to dozens of children and say, "That's one of my babies." She not only cared for the baby and mother, but also did all the work for the rest of the family in the home. Mrs. Lizzie Hansen, Chas. O. Hansen's mother, was another woman who helped with nursing.
Pearl was prevailed upon to open her home on the McDonald Road as a maternity home. She has had as many as three babies and mothers in her home at one time. When she needs help, she calls on Esther Wylie, who is also a nurse. Pearl's home is well-equipped with hospital beds, etc. Pearl also cares for other sick people in her home, when there are no babies around.
In off seasons, when no babies are expected, Pearl goes on private nursing cases down in Illinois.
The Icelandic family with the most members living here is the off-spring of Magnina and Peter Gunnlaugsson (original Icelandic settlers), who are: Steve, Peter, Magnus, Louis, Bjorn, Mrs. Haldon Johnson (Magnina) and Mrs. Maurice Andersen (Dagmar). The first four of the men are 80 to 85 years of age.
Steve, the oldest member of this family, was born Feb. 22, 1877, in a house on top of the hill quite near Bjorn Gunnlaugsson's present home. Right here it is interesting to note that two houses burned at different times almost on the same spot. Steve attended school at the Schoolhouse Beach school.
As a young man he says he "sailed on the Northland, one of the finest passenger boats on the Great Lakes." He then went sailing on different sailing schooners, namely, the "Madonna" whose bones were burned just a few years ago) with Ole Christiansen, and then with Capt. John C. Jessen (grandfather of the late John Jessen).
Steve was engaged in commercial fishing with Fred Richter (brother of Carl G. Richter), then with John W. Cornell (father of William Cornell and Mary Richter).
After his marriage to Bertha Andersen in 1907, he started farming, and has continued to the present time (now just helping his son, Raymond). In the absence of a veterinarian, Steve acted as midwife to hundreds of cows. He says they are just as inconsiderate as humans as to the time of birth, and most cases came in the middle of the night.
Steve's brothers been farmers on Washington Island up to the time of their retirement.
Ben Johnson, who formerly owned the Washington Hotel, came to Washington Island with his parents and his brothers and sister from Iceland in 1887, when he was 12 years of age. He attended school at the Schoolhouse School.
In 1912 he built the Washington Hotel down in Detroit Harbor. He was the owner, operator and cook until 1946, when he sold it to William Jepson, the present owner of the Washington Island Boat Works. The hotel has changed hands several times, but has been known as Wrasse's Washington Hotel for the past 10 years.
Ben did the cooking, and kept his guests entertained with his unlimited store of funny stories. Then in the evenings he often played cards with them, if they needed another player, so versatile he was. He had the first hotel on the Island with indoor plumbing, and there was an occasional summer resident who would pay him 25 cents to let them take a bath. Ben was a cook on steamboats on the Great Lakes for many years. He now resides with his children in California, although Washington Island is very dear to his heart. It is too difficult to travel back and forth spring and fall.
Thomas Johnson, brother of Ben, age 89, cut cordwood for a few years after the family came to Washington Island, then became engaged in commercial fishing for the next 45 years until his retirement. He lives here with his daughter and husband, Lettie and Fred Mann.

Jens Jacobsen, who started Jacobsen's museum on Washington Island.
One of the most interesting men who helped make Island history was Jens Jacobsen, a Danish immigrant, who came to Washington Island shortly after 1900. He fell in love with the Island because it reminded him so much of his homeland and the stormy Baltic Sea.
Jens farmed and fished, and studied the early history of the Island and the Indians who inhabited it. He bought the land around Little Lake, and in clearing parts of it, dug up rocks, two skeletons of unknown Indians, arrow-heads, mortar and pestle, and many other items. Jens wove a wonderful story around his collection of museum pieces, which attracted many of the same people to return again and again. He included in his narrative the "cross" in the ground, which is a hallowed spot on the property at Little Lake.
In 1931 Jens and his son, Ralph (who now carries the burden of repeating his father's stories) built the museum to house the collection of relics. The museum attracts about 3,000 visitors every summer, some of whom have come from Singapore, India, Australia, Chile and Iceland, as well as many of our states.
The prize pieces in the collection are several fossil rocks, which geologists say date back several millions of years to a time when a tropical sea covered Washington Island. Peace pipes, old stone dishes, Indian beads and other items are on display in glass cases or on open tables. Ralph believes he has many relics here that perhaps are not duplicated in any other state museum.
Also on display in the museum is a large collection of wooden ships with birch bark sails, which were expertly carved by Jens Jacobsen on long winter evenings. He learned carving at a vocational school in Denmark at the age of 9, and since there was no radio or television for diversion (and Jens was not a card-player), he spent his evenings carving. Each ship is named after a famous Great Lakes vessel.
"The Griffin, a many-sailed flagship of Robert LaSalle, the famous French explorer, anchored just off Washington Island in 1679 and traded with the Indians," Ralph said.
Jens Jacobsen was a versatile man, who was as much at home writing poetry as carving ships. One poem, which he wrote concerning the Michigan-Wisconsin boundary dispute (in 1926), was entitled, "The Pearl of the Lake," and is as follows:
"Oh, Wolverine State, 'am amazed at thy course, Did Washington Island e'er sue for divorce? Ne'er courting the mermaid would straightway take This Washington Island, the Pearl of the Lake. This bone of contention to which I allude Some cities and mines of the state might include; The Badger, however, will never forsake Her Washington Island, the Pearl of the Lake. And now they have gone to establish a line, Directing our fisher in setting his twine. And woe to the fisher who makes a mistake Near Washington Island, the Pearl of the Lake. These beautiful shores again and again, Our father preferred for your favorite main. Your favorite mainland, the place could not take Of Washington Island, the Pearl of the Lake."
Jens and Ralph built a number of cabins around Little Lake to rent to summer residents. These have now been sold to visitors, who return here year after year.
George Nelson, one of the Island's last remaining pioneers, passed away during 1961 at the age of 91. At age 18 he left Norway and came to Wisconsin. For six years he worked as cook or mate on the lake schooners. On Washington Island he sailed with Captain Pedersen (Chester and Hazel's father).
Before his marriage to Martha Anderson, he made his home with the Jacob Richter family, and had the companionship of Carl G. Richter.
He bought the farm where his daughter, Virginia Bjarnarson now lives and farmed for some years, fishing thru the ice in the winter months.
George eventually set up a commercial fishing business in Jackson Harbor, and his sons, Russell and Spencer, fished with him.
The Washington Island baseball team will miss him and his loyal support. One dollar from him went to each player who hit a home run, and he seldom missed a game.
George never learned to drive the new fangled cars, and a Model T Ford even proved too much, since it wouldn't stop when he hollered, "Whoa!"

CLASSIC PIONEER PHOTO — The subject is Bo Anderson and Aurora Shellswick's mother. The cabin is now in ruins. Clarence Koyen took the picture.
Islanders have felt the need of a local newspaper at different times, and back about 1930 Jacob and Eugene Gunnlaugsson (cousins) set up a print shop, where Mrs. Tillie Ellefson lives now. They printed a small sized newspaper called, "Island Reporter," which was a credit to their integrity but a liability to their pocketbooks. After a time Jacob sold out to Eugene, and he continued alone for a few years, until July 1936, when he printed a larger issue advertising the Washington Island Centennial (which was 100 years since some Danish people had settled on what is known as the John Larson place). Eugene finally left the Island and went to work in a printing plant in Chicago.
Since that time different people have put out an Island newspaper (mimeographed) called the "Islander." The Girl Scouts and their leader, Mrs. Hans Baasch (Synnove) were the editors of the "Islander" before the days of electricity 1941-1944. When they tired of the job, Martha Stelter and Margaret Smith assumed the task. They continued publishing the paper through 1947, but since both of them were involved in their own businesses, it became too much work and ceased. They had a staff of typists and reporters, but the burden was too heavy. This staff did a good job of collecting all the news, as existing copies of the paper will verify. Since that time Island news has been published only in the Advocate and the Bethel Tidings, put out by the church and containing community news in brief as well as Bethel church news. This is a non-profit paper, and donations are made by interested people to defray the expense of paper, postage, and other supplies. Rev. C. H. Lundberg and his family started this publication, and it is now kept up by women in the church.

POTATO SHIPPERS waiting to be weighed in at Koyen's store, after which the wagon-loads were driven down the hill to the waiting schooner.
Potatoes, now the main crop on Washington island, held the same place to a much lesser degree 50 years ago. In those days there was no "potato king." Every farmer raised potatoes, hauled them by wagonloads to Washington Harbor dock, where they were loaded on schooners and taken to Chicago to be sold. Wagons were weighed at Koyen's store and would be lined up past Bethel church waiting in line to go down to the dock.
There were many years in between when the lowly potato was simply raised for home consumption until Edward H. Anderson, a former Islander, saw the possibility of raising, first, certified seed potatoes, then great quantities for market. He had long been one of the largest carlot potato merchants in the country.
The unique feature about Ed Anderson's operation, is the way he gets his potatoes to market. He bought twofold automobile ferries from the State of Michigan, converted each into a massive storage bin by building bulkheads on both ends and adding insulation. One held 100,000 bushels, the other 70,000 — then towed them across Lake Michigan to Benton Harbor, Mich. Enroute the potatoes were sorted, graded and packaged, so they were ready for customers' trucks waiting at dockside.

Steam threshing rig at Washington Island.
Courtesy of the Door County Library Newspaper Archive

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2024.02.06 02:04 CorsairCrepe Working Title: From Divinities' Ash (Mythology/Xianxia/Cultivation)(7,766 Words)

I'd greatly appreciate a general peer review of the first chapter of my novel. Othemore specific feedback I'd also be thankful for help with include:
This story takes place in a xianxia/cultivation setting inspired by the history and mythology of northern Europe with a focus on Arthurian Britannia and well as the Iron Age Celtic and Norse. I've done my best to research the mythology, religion, and history of the cultures from which the setting is inspired, though the presence of cultivation has resulted in many aspects being altered. That being said, I would appreciate feedback on any portrayals that are felt to be insensitive or egregiously inaccurate.
Eyes closed and legs kicked up, Vander draws his flute from his belt and brings it to his lips, idly playing a tune in time with the pull of the oars. After letting the music drift over us for a few moments, Thyra opens her mouth and begins to sing, her voice beautiful enough to make any skald weep in envy.
A smile of contentment settles onto my face as we glide through the river: the autumn sun on my face, the lingering taste of honey on my tongue, the pleasant burn of exertion in my arms, listening to my shield brother play and Thyra sing the poem Thrymskvitha.
This is what life was meant to be.
Alas, even death itself dies eventually. Vander and Thyra have barely reached the part where Frigg makes Thor’s wedding dress when they are rudely interrupted.
“Silence that racket, you’re going to scare the game!”
The whisper shouted order comes from the prow of the faering that pulls up beside us, and the tall figure maintaining his balance with a spear as he stands in the prow.
Discerning authority amongst Clan Thurisaz is typically a simple affair: the strongest rules. Those with higher levels of cultivation have power other those with lesser, with the obvious exception of thralls who are below all. It is a system that makes establishing command extraordinarily easy: until it doesn’t.
On a journey such as this to a Thing of Proving with every karl– or freedman– in attendance standing at nine roots we should all in theory be equals. Operative term there being in theory. In practice authority is as simple as it has always been: the strongest rules.
The strength of the man who stands in the prow of the faering beside us is evident for all to see: runic talismans braided into his hair, seven foot spear wrought from the finest of dwarven steel just under a foot taller than him, tines of yellow electricity crackling through his red beard. Leif Thorson: nephew to the Lightning Jarl and favourite cousin of Ingrid the Sunderer.
Amongst the drengir of Clan Thurisaz few can contest his word, so at his call for silence thralls and karls alike scramble to obey. Thyra ceases her singing, Sigrid studiously looks at the bottom of her faering, and the occupants of every boat behind us stop their idle chatter. In the silence that falls the only sounds that remain are the rushing of the river, the splash of oars through water, and the jaunty notes of Vander’s bone flute.
“I called for quiet, Erikson,” Leif repeats to my shield brother, the slightest hint of frustration slipping into his voice.
Vander for his part lazily opens one eye, observes Leif for a few seconds, and then closes it again.
Thank you for your time!
submitted by CorsairCrepe to fantasywriters [link] [comments]
