Itchy nose throat

Otolaryngology: Ear Nose & Throat

2012.02.11 00:11 Snouts Otolaryngology: Ear Nose & Throat

We are a community of physicians, residents, and medical students dedicated to the discussion of topics pertinent to the medical field of otolaryngology. These include: * Research * Treatment * Clinical practice NO MEDICAL ADVICE ALLOWED. THEY WILL BE REMOVED WITHOUT WARNING IF YOU ARE WONDERING IF YOU SHOULD SEE A DOCTOR, THE ANSWER IS YES! Why do we have this policy? It's because without seeing you, we can't understand your illness.

2012.02.24 00:31 TransVoice: Share, Constructively Criticize, and Have fun!

A place to share your transgender vocal training related recordings for constructive criticism by the community

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.20 05:34 ermagawd Eczema?

I have a doc appointment but earliest I could get is in June so I'm hoping I can start healing whatever this is. It's on one side of my nose, a dry itchy patch that isn't going away with regular moisturizing. I started using a new sunscreen (la Roche posey ultra fluid) a few weeks ago, as well as a new moisturizer (CeraVe AM). it's driving me crazy because it won't go away. Any ideas? Or tips to get rid of it?
submitted by ermagawd to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:31 ermagawd [Sun Care] Allergies to sunscreen?

[Sun Care] Allergies to sunscreen?
I have a doc appointment but earliest I could get is in June so I'm hoping I can start healing whatever this is. It's on one side of my nose, a dry itchy patch that isn't going away with regular moisturizing. I started using a new sunscreen (la Roche posey ultra fluid) a few weeks ago, as well as a new moisturizer (CeraVe AM). it's driving me crazy because it won't go away. Any ideas? Or tips to get rid of it?
submitted by ermagawd to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:20 EmployExpensive683 30f viral respiratory infection from child

Respiratory infection from a child
Well I was around a sick child For about four hours straight they were coughing every fifteen minutes, I offered them water and ibuprofen for children,they didn’t want either,just wanted to sleep (it was their bedtime) I was perplexed because they didn’t have a fever and breathing seemed fine so nothing “serious”
Eventually four hours later the coughing completely stopped and they slept through the night normally and the next day were fine as well other then maybe coughing once or twice an hour
Which progressed to a stuffy nose so I thought ok virus/cold
About a week later I got what I thought was a common cold,stuffy nose no coughing
But a week after I started coughing
But at a normal rate one or two times an hour
I had about four days of this and thought ok just the normal ending to the common cold
Then on day five around the afternoon I would say from 7-12 pm I was coughing every 15 minutes just like the child I mentioned at first was to begin with
I tried everything Neti pot nasal spray saline spray cough drops gargling tea honey
I could not stop the coughing
It felt like the back of my throat was tickling
Like if someone put a feather in your nose like the urge to sneeze I had that but replace it with cough
So suddenly at 1am I stopped coughing completely until I woke up at 11am
From then on I would cough maybe every thirty minutes and it progressed to going an hour without coughing to three hours without coughing
I slept good the following night but woke up with clogged nose and urge to cough every three to four hours
Today I think my coughing has decreased substantially but I was lying down today and I got one of those dripping nose urge to get up and cough and it was annoying
I sat up and coughed three times in a row
To be fair I wasn’t propping myself up or using a pillow
Anyway I just wanted a doctors opinion because I know this is from a child, not a physical thing,viral infection
But without fever and coughing up very LITTLE mucus and no trouble breathing
I don’t know what virus causes this
submitted by EmployExpensive683 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:05 ebrandrew I'm 18, but I've had chronic sinusitis since I was 9. If you're feeling hopeless, here is my story and advice. I may even have a solution.

When I was 9 years old, I came down with a bad cold during a ski trip, and after recovering, I was left with chronic sinusitis. For the second half of elementary school I was clearing my throat and blowing my nose excessively every day.
Then when I was 14 I got an adenoidectomy, a turbinate reduction, and clarifix, which basically eliminated my post-nasal drip, congestion, and excess mucus that caused me to blow my nose 20+ a day. Then after a year, the clarifix stopped working (it only works for around a year), and my congestion and excess mucus would slowly creep up again, although no where near as bad pre-surgery.
The surgeon also told me that I had acid-reflux that trigged my sinuses and recommended a diet change as well as these acid-reflux pills to take before every meal. My then 15 year old self didn't have the discipline to follow his suggestions and my sinus problems were only 50% eliminated because of it.
I'm currently 18, and following a recent cold that really spiked my sinusitis symptoms, I've been motivated into taking action again to resolve my sinus issues. After having changed my diet (cutting out everything sweet, spicy, sticky, oily, sour, and acidic, and I mean EVERYTHING), as well as eating no later than 4 hours before bed, and at least 8 hours of sleep, I would say that all of my mucus-related problems are now about 75% less than before my surgery, but the congestion is still there. Everything counts. And nothing alleviates/aggravates your symptoms more than your diet. My diet entirely revolves around soups, rice, veggies, and clean meats.
I've also met with an ENT during my recent sinusitis spike following the cold, and after taking a look in my sinuses, she found that everything was structurally fine with no abnormalities, except that my sinus passages were smaller than average. A balloon sinuplasty to enlarge them is on my mind.
I've also began meeting with a Chinese acupuncturist. I used to meet with her several years back, before my surgery, and although she could somewhat alleviate my symptoms, it was never significant. She had also never met with a patient with chronic sinusitis. She told my mother after my latest appointment (5/14/2024) that after dealing with my symptoms, she began looking into more acupuncture points for the sinuses. After her research, she says she began to use this point on a lot of other patients (I had stopped meeting with her at this point), which she says has revealed a ton of positive results. She does this one spot, on the upper left and right sides of my nose, and she inserts the needle from above and into the area of congestion. Apparently it also activates the tear gland connected to the sinuses or something like that. Hurt like hell the first time, but in acupuncture, if a pressure point hurts a lot, that means the part of the body it's connected to is not functioning properly. That's why they insert needles into the pressure points that hurt you, specifically, the most. In the past 5 days, my mucus-related problems have been 95% - 100% resolved. Congestion is still there, but I am hopeful that further treatments will help, as I've only had 2 appointments since the 5 or so year-ish break. If not, I'll see an ENT for a balloon sinuplasty. The acupuncture has also significantly helped with my sleep quality and energy levels, which I believe have been severely negatively affected because of my chronic sinusitis.
Basically, the acupuncture only REALLY works after you've resolved the structural sinus issues. Also acupuncture may take 2+ sessions for results to kick in. Results will become permanent over time as your body adjusts to the temporary post-treatment improvements.
oh and lower your body-fat levels because that will reduce your overall inflammation, which is what sinusitis is: the inflammation of sinus tissues. Exercise regularly and incorperate cardio. A little cardio goes a long way.
TLDR : Fix your diet & sleep, meet with an ENT to fix structural issues, and meet with an experienced acupuncturist (preferably highly-rated and Chinese) if you think your issues are immune-system related.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in comments or dms.
submitted by ebrandrew to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:49 Key_Story2521 Worried

Hi all, I am very new to sinus issues. About 2 months ago I had a very minor cold where I ended up coughing up green phlegm for weeks after, but the phlegm was definitely coming from post nasal drip. I went to the doctor thinking maybe I have a sinus infection as I was getting headaches as well and she gave me reactin and looked in my nose/throat and told me it didn’t look bacterial so to proceed with antihistamines and netti pot rinses. Then about a week after this appointment, I got a horrible cold again with fever, sore throat, congestion the whole 9 yards. This was 2 weeks ago now, and I’m left with the worst post nasal drip i’ve ever had, horcking up loads of green phlegm and sinus pressure in my forehead and behind my eyes. Not much actual congestion though or any runny nose. Horrible fatigue though. I just got some Xlear nasal spray today and am going to try some oil of oregano steam inhalation in the next few days.. I really want to avoid antibiotics if I can, but how long can I try these natural remedies safely? I’ve heard of infection spreading to your brain and becoming life threatening and i’m terrified. How long can you safely see if you can ride out an infection with at home remedies? Is two weeks after a cold too long? Please help if you have any other advise for flushing this thing out of my system.
submitted by Key_Story2521 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:46 Coldaita AITA for raising the temp in my apartment?

I live with my roomate in a fairly large apt w/ 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Heat and AC is apart of our rent cost, and does not fluxiate per unit. My room is next to the a/c and has a vent while my roomate's is on the opposite side and does not have a vent. I typically like the apartment between 68-72F.
Now that it's getting warmer my roomate and her boyf have been waiting until I go to sleep to lower the temperature from anywhere between 58-65 F. I've asked both of them repeatedly to stop doing this. I did say if it's really hot to and they want to lower it to, 65/66 that could be okay but anything lower than that is to cold for me. My roomate said that's not fair since she don't have a vent, the apt needs to be colder so air can go into her room.
I have suggested leaving the door open, she said no. Then I offered both my fan and air purfier (which has a fan) for them to use. She said that she hate fans, that they dry out her eyes and mouth. So, then I offered my humidifer that way she wouldn't get too dry but she said no to all of it. Please keep in mind I'm not using any of these things atm and wear sweatpants, a sweatshirt, use a comfoter and multiple blankets when I go to sleep.
Since this has not stopped, I've been getting sick, I wake up freezing with a runnny nose and sore throat constantly. While I understand it sucks to be too hot, I thought I offered them enough solutions to try fix this problem.
Before I went to bed tonight I realizsed how cold it was, and saeit was set to 64. I pointed this out and she said her room was too hot. I offered up my fans again and and suggessted her to leave her door open so the air could go into her room and remined her I was sick. She of course said no to fans and door but finally said fine in after me begging to raise it to 68. My roomate sounds pissed at me though and has been extremely passive aggressive about this issue.
TBH i am the the worst when i feel slighting hot/uncomfy so i understand that, but AITA for insisting that we raise the temp?
Note: the boyf's house is 2 minutes away and has a/c but they prefer sleeping at my apt
submitted by Coldaita to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:26 Lakusta_Kustik Is this Post-Nasal Drip?

I'm a 26M, 170cm, 83kg, Southeast Asian (living in Indonesia).
Yesterday when I woke up, the area inside my nose felt sore and dry. Inside my nose it felt like there are snot but I couldn't blow it out, but had to suck it in and throw it out from my mouth. Sometimes later my throat area then felt dry and hurting a little bit. I dont know if this will help but my snot is mostly white, but there are yellowish in color and sometimes mixed with a little blood. I googled up my simptoms and is what happened to me really post-nasal drip?
It's been two days ive felt this. Also in previous years, ive never felt sick this often before, but since January it has been the 5th/6th times ive felt like this. Should i be worried?
currently im not in any medication, i'm not drinking alcohol, or smoke, or consuming any drugs.
please help me out and thank you! :D
submitted by Lakusta_Kustik to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:40 Ill-Bicycle-8610 ISO : things that helped you /success stories! (In the process of getting diagnosed)

ISO : things that helped you /success stories! (In the process of getting diagnosed)
Hi! ISO advice: warning medical photos
My doc hasn’t “decided” on MCAS or idiopathic anaphylaxis yet but I’m getting a second opinion.
My tryptase, crp, wbc, neutrophils & other things -I can check if it helps- were elevated in three diff labs over two months so I really feel it’s some kind of mast cell issue. We’re waiting on HATs genetic test to come back as well. My IGE blood tests ve back with previously unknown triggers too which I’m doing my best to avoid (food and environmental).If all else fails, time for the bone marrow biopsy to rule out mastocytosis… I guess?
Doc is treating me like it’s MCAS finally now though thankfully. I’ve had some improvement overall 10% — but I’m having a significantly increased issue regarding smells. 🙃
These were my hives when I first started having issues. They’ve backed off a fair amount but come back in waves. My most debilitating symptom is literally every single smell (cooking food is a HUGE trigger… didn’t used to be all foods now it is but especially garlic and onions almost sent me to the er… perfume, smell of regular scented things like hand soap is a no go. It causes my face, throat and tongue to swell, chest hurts, HR goes up, oxygen bottoms out (all the usual stuff. I can’t blame anxiety since it will happen when I am naturally calm or medicated lol.
Besides just avoiding triggers (I hardly leave the house except for doc appts)…. I’ve been doing n95 masks but I ordered a VOG mask that I saw recommended in an older thread….and nasal cromulyn has been ordered now. I’m on cromulyn, Zyrtec 2 pills morning, 2 pills night, 2pepcid, twice a day, clonazapam and epi as needed, just started Xolaire about to have shot 2. I have slowly added in a vitamin d and probiotic. I’m pretty much on eating meat and green veggies once a day to reduce reactions. I was able to tolerate much more when I first got sick. It’s been a 4.5 month process and I’ve lost 30 lbs for far.
I have basically been in a very small (hepa filtered) bubble for months and I’m desperately trying to keep hope. I have no safe smell or I would out that under my nose and try to l trick it/block out the others. lol 😂 I already use all the hypoallergenic soap, detergent, deodorant, etc. Don’t wear makeup anymore or body lotion. We removed anything extra from my room and clean with only vinegar, water and baking soda.
  1. Is there absolutely anything else I can do to lessen the swelling that’s multiple times a day and severe smell reactions?
  2. Is there any other environmental thing you can think to remove?
  3. Any advice or things that helped you?
Sorry this was a long read!!Thank you so much in advance. So thankful for this group of warriors! 🩷😷🙌
submitted by Ill-Bicycle-8610 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:37 RocketUnit This can't regenerate a chronic fatigue or maybe something will?

Over the last 10 years, I have gotten very slowly better and better from the most shitty state you can imagine. After 10 years I can at least work full-time, but still, I can't exercise, and eat a lot, so I could gain proper weight.
I'm experimenting with myself with everything I can find and the next in the line is dental probiotics with a lot of S. salivarius because my chronic fatigue and easily becoming throat sick comes from immunity overload located in my neck, probably tonsils (incl. stones). It's every time a breathing system problem. Starts every time in the throat.
Since I started to get some good money now, I'm not waiting for anything and I already ordered AHCC. I hope this will have some observational effect to extremely boost my immunity to kill and overpower the shit I'm fighting with.
Since the immunity system is the most energy-demanding system in our body, then immunity overload can cause chronic fatigue and lack of defenses against more immunity challenges like colds. I consider this as a huge problem which I've been trying to slowly solved last 10 years.
I feel my body fighting every day with it and I learned that quality sleep and a healthy gut are significant things for health.
So circadian rhythm and leaky gut protocols were a huge help in the past, which gave me a baseline to keep mysefl healthy. At least if I didn't overload myself. I still had very low energy but at least I had some and I can do little physical activities and I will not get sick after one normal physical sport or game. I still get sick after one and half months of light gym exercise. And then I'm like half sick for months. So it's still bad.
Because I realized that regeneration is a countermeasure to my illness I need to increase regeneration. I found that the liver is responsible, so NAC was really, really, really good help as well. And I'm not leaving it. Moreover, I still need more regeneration. If the AHCC immunity boost will not work to kill even ATB resistance bacteria which I think are the problem causing inflammation in my body. Then I'm going to increase regeneration with peptides.
When I discovered BPC157, it was a no brainer for me to not test it. It was pretty solid!
My regeneration drastically improved and I was able to 1) work the same with less sleep or 2) work more with the same sleep. Now I'm going to test even more of regeneration boost, because the BPC157 pills didn't solve the problem, It was just a another boost or help.
I ordered BPC157+BP500 aka Wolverine regeneration peptide combo. I ordered two packages. First, just for a normal injection and second for a tonsile injection. I think there may be a solution, tonsile regeneration. Maybe it can heal the gabs/holes in my tonsiles where are the tonsile stones created. Maybe the ATB resisntent bacterias having cap there.
I pull out a small number of tonsile stones every month or two. As a first immunity battlefield of our body, most of the infections start in the tonsile. So if the bacteria are stuck there, it is also weakened by normal body function (internal system against environment) in this case breathing.
I breathe through my mouth a lot. Nose breathing is just not enough oxygen for me. Also, 10y ago i had stones a lot, every week I need to pull some out otherwise I would become sick. Pulling stones out was also a big pressure on my immunityso many times I got sick just from that too.
And I can share with you some other things that helped me fucking a lot and I will be buying them in the future for sure.
-> More supplements for the liver. It can be milk thistle (standardized to 80%) which is good on paper, but currently testing the Kalmegh herb pills. I had something similar in the past. It was call Kalamegha tea and it was very helpful. Very slow but it was helping every two months. I got a bit better overall energy with that. It took like a half year to see significant progress. So I could start doing university homeworks and didn't need to sleep every afternoon to gain a bit more energy for a day.
-> HCL, so I can eat a lot without draining my body of too much energy from digestion.
-> Trace mineral drops. I was probably very drained from minerals. Because it was soooo energetic for me to drink it before sleep. Every morning I got a lot of energy. I mean compared to how bad I was feeling.
-> Ginseng because if you are like me you live on hormones. You can be addicted to hormones and maybe you drain your body out of adrenaline too. So Korean Ginseng extracts 6 years old, may be a good option for a supplement too.
There was also one magic happening last year. I found these bonbons called Mentolina with Tirotricina. It's a substance produced by bacteria and it behaves as a surface antibiotic. At the beginning, it was wonderful. I even thought I would be so healthy that I would exercise. After a few months of experimenting, it seems that the effect is over. It's not as powerful anymore. I even bought tirotricina in a bottle from Spain so I can put it on my tonsils and in my nose too. Because I expect I have bacteria in my nouse too. Will test it a bit longer because It's almost newly arrived. One of idea is to put tirotricina into difuser and difuse it during the night when I sleep with open mouth. And my throat illness mostly startingafter sleep. Mostly I wake up and I just feel that immunity wokring too much or I'm became sick.
After Tirotrine bonbons I became able to drink milk in bulk. Even 1l of milk per day without diarrhea. It helped me to gain a little bit of weight finally.
Also, I would like to mention some basic supplements for those who are at the beginning, like bis-glycinate Zink, bis-glycinate Magnesium, D3, and omega-3 in liquid fish oil form. The capsules oxidize too fast. Not worth it.
If anyone experienced read it till this point. If you can add some more value and recommendation... I'm also looking for what next I can do.
submitted by RocketUnit to chronicfatigue [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:30 Temporary_Fall_8930 Dry heave

Does anyone get a itchy feeling in the throat that is persistent and makes them gag quite often ? I began to get This new symptom and is driving me crazy . Whenever I try to bend down to Tie my shoes I feel like I need to gag and even talking. I’m not sure if it’s related to the gerd or allergies or even anxiety.
submitted by Temporary_Fall_8930 to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:17 Artistic_Seesaw2534 best dog for allergies? Poodles?

I am a complete animal lover and have had animals all my life.The problem is that I have developed allergies to both dogs/cats, which started suddenly near the end of my past dogs life. When he would lick me I would itch a get small bumps but that’s about it. No other issues. Still slept with him and was able to be all over him no problem. My brother has a cat which used to live with us. I also never had problems unless he would rub against me. I would get itchy and a slightly itchy throat sometimes. He would be able to lay w me in bed as long as he didn’t rub on me. With both dog and cat which lived together at the same time, I never had issues with watery eyes, constant itchy skin, etc. After about two years of not living with animals we decided to adopt a GS puppy in which we rehomed due to 1) me developing allergies (itchy-asthmatic) and 2) personal issues arising in the family. Recently, we decided to try another pitbull, this time a female. We read that females can produce less allergens which could make a world of a difference for a good amount of people. When picking her out from the litter I wore as little clothing as possible and let them all over me. No allergies, so we moved forward. Once we picked her up she layed on me for an hour before I started to get slight bumps and itchyness. I invested in a purifier and vacuumed the whole house which seemed to have helped a bit. Unfortunately she passed away from an unknown health problem two days after adopting her, but overall I was a bit itchy and had watery eyes sometimes, but other times I was completely fine (I spent all day with her).
Now, we are looking into poodles as they are the least allergenic dogs. We have an air purifier to help, but I cannot take any allergy medicine due to a chronic health condition. I’m looking for a dog that will be best for my situation. I know poodles are not hypoallergenic and everyone’s allergic reactions are different even with the specific animal. How is everyone with poodles and would this be the best bet to try? We might go do a meet and greet with a poodle at the shelter tomorrow to see how I react. My only hesitation is that it takes a while for my body to react it seems. Please any advice or success with poodles would be great.
submitted by Artistic_Seesaw2534 to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:12 FlimsyCockroach8881 Forced to work

I am currently sick, constantly coughing, sneezing, running nose, sore throat, all the usual sickness. But I am at work because if I don’t have a doctors note AND someone to cover my shift I get written up. I feel like this is a blatant health code violation. But here I am serving customers after coughing
submitted by FlimsyCockroach8881 to subway [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:44 Ok-Dare4977 [Acne] pustules that appear and disappear very quickly?

Hi - my dermatologists have said I have sebderm on my face! Does anyone have itchy pustules that appear and disappear fairly quickly? I get them mostly around my nose and chin and they are itchy and then pop within maybe like 12h-24h and disappear without leaving a mark, but they’re quite uncomfortable for those few hours and not small. Doctors don’t seem to care about it but I find it so weird? And can’t seem to find anything about it online.
submitted by Ok-Dare4977 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 Tea7ay_ Character Design Discussion: Balmond

Character Design Discussion: Balmond
This post aims to facilitate discussions around the lore and design aspects of Heros in MLBB
Balmond’s lore is pretty lengthy and I know people don’t like to read so I’ll simplify it to the point even an Orc can understand.
Balmond come from Orc tribe. Orc tribe used to be powerful. War with humans made Orc tribes weak. Abyss see weak Orcs. Abyss plunder Orcs. Balmond get mad. Balmond fight back. Balmond kill demon general. Balmond happy. Thamuz mad. Thamuz send more demons. Balmond mad. Balmond fight back. Balmond BITES A FUCKEN DEMON THROAT AND DRINKS ITS BLOOD. Balmond goes beast mode. Orcs win, but still weak Alice find Balmond Alice say “u help me kill humans, I won’t destroy ur race.” Balmond agrees. Balmond doesn’t actually agree. Balmond just doesn’t wanna get smoked. Balmond mad.
On a design front Balmond is a stereotypical Orc. Tusks in mouth, flat nose, muscular build, tattered clothes and large hands and feet. So pretty basic…
Is what I thought until I started looking at him more and more.
There’s a surprising amount of story telling going on in his design. From the chains signalling his servitude to the abyss and maybe even his servitude to his ideas of revenge to his scars haphazardly stitched together showing his attempt to reunite the Orc tribes.
Even his armour, the elaborate headpiece almost depicting a maw while also looking like shackles. Showing us his all consuming mindset of revenge and how it owns him to perhaps maybe how he feels working under Alice, like one wrong move could have him lose his head?
But the face on his belt. That’s rly stood out to me. Why the face? But then I saw the tusks on the side and the blazing inferno beneath it, and it brought to mind monsters you see in video games like DMC5. The mouth in the stomach symbolises hunger, gluttony and consumption. The way I see it, figuratively speaking, Balmond is hollow. He has nothing inside but a scorching furnace kept alight by his hunger for revenge and power and his motivation to restore the Orc race to what it was. And he will feed this furnace that just incinerates everything on contact, he will consume all that he deems opposition. It symbolises his relentlessness and maybe even the hopelessness of it all. But will he find enough to satiate his hunger? Or better yet, when all is finished and done, will he ever feel “full”?
In a rather poetic way, maybe the “abyss” was inside him from the start. And perhaps, chillingly, Alice knew that all along.
Balmond is good design. 7/10
Curious to see what u guys think! Anything you would like to add/correct?
submitted by Tea7ay_ to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:40 Ok-Dare4977 Itchy pustules that appear and disappear quickly?

Hi - my dermatologists have said I have sebderm on my face! Does anyone have itchy pustules that appear and disappear fairly quickly? I get them mostly around my nose and chin and they are itchy and then pop within maybe like 12h-24h and disappear without leaving a mark, but they’re quite uncomfortable for those few hours and not small. Doctors don’t seem to care about it but I find it so weird? And can’t seem to find anything about it online.
submitted by Ok-Dare4977 to SebDerm [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:54 FoxMulder4077 Been having ear issues for years now.

Fluid in the ears, behind the ear drum and always on antibiotics. Then it would leave for awhile and come back, samething. I was diagnosed with tinnitus by an ears, nose, and throat doctor last year. I figured it was nothing. Last week, i had an ear infection, so I went into the doctors to get antibiotics and ear drops, and yesterday, I was in the store, thank God, I had my service dog with me. She doesn’t know how to alert to that but she was there to grab when I had a sudden dizzy spell right after some hot flashes, which I thought the hot flashes were just it being warm in the store. That’s embarrassing. Especially when you have no idea what caused it. I’m not diagnosed with Ménière’s disease but I suspect that’s what I have. I’m considering making an appointment to see a specialist about it.
submitted by FoxMulder4077 to Menieres [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:45 Canned_Anne Mothra in GxK

Mothra in GxK submitted by Canned_Anne to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:43 Notofthisworld90 Baby has allergies… I think?

First time Dad.
I get seasonal allergies.. basically all spring and sometimes it feels like all year haha.
My now 9 month old baby has developed a little what to me seems like a season allergy bout.
Basically he yesterday had a decently runny nose, all day and at night he kept rubbing his little nose. Sneezing and whatever comes out of his nose is just clear. Watery eyes as well.
As someone who very frequently deals with this I instantly noticed it was allergies.
However he is SOOOOO upset about it. He is basically crying easily, only wants to be with mom (for the most part yesterday was only mom. Today he likes me a lot more) he can’t hardly sleep well at all.. the poor boy got like maybe a total of 5-7 hours of sleep last night and he has since had some pretty hefty naps today. It seems like he’s getting better but I just hate seeing him so uncomfortable. I know exactly what it feels like and he sometimes basically gets angry because his nose is itchy and nothing really fixes it.
I read online there’s not much we can do besides saline, humidifier ETC.
I’m not necessarily looking for hard medical advice but I guess just a little reassurance of anyone else who’s been through this. I want to take all of his discomfort away so he can sleep well.. instead of being upset all night and day. Help! Advice?
submitted by Notofthisworld90 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:22 Cape1Codder Long time sufferer

I’ve had sinus infection for over 15 years. I had my deviated septum surgery two summer ago. I am teacher (grade 1) and so far this school year I’ve had three sinus infections (September, February, and now in May) and the only thing that helps it is dyxocyine but I’m worried I keep take it I’ll grow immunity to it. When I get sick I get a sore throat then an immediate sinus infection that won’t go away. I am so frustrated and I don’t know what else to do. Does anyone have any advise? When I saw my ENT in February for being sick he looked up my nose and said things were looking good but to come back when I’m sick so I’ll be calling him tomorrow. I have done nasal sprays, taken allergy pills, and have seen a natural doctor and got vitamins but it is just all so unsustainable. Please help!
submitted by Cape1Codder to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:00 Fun-Ad3002 (I have Kendricks cock so far down my throat that my nose is pressed up against his pubic bone)

(I have Kendricks cock so far down my throat that my nose is pressed up against his pubic bone) submitted by Fun-Ad3002 to Hiphopcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:39 TRMerc The cost of ending war

Princess Rolaea fell into a seated position on the floor as her Steward was positioned next to her. The other soldiers who were captured from the team she had been leading were behind. “I demand to speak to your leader.” Growled the Karvrithak princess as the humans walked about, almost gloating at their catch.
“You’ll get your chance. I gotta make some calls first.” Came a voice from behind view. The older Karvrithak next to her fake cleared his throat to get the princess’ attention. “You know, princess. Now that we are captured.” To which Rolaea interjected, “I wouldn’t have been if you had done your duty.” Making the older Karvrithak pause in annoyance. “There were too many between me and you for me to have carried out that duty; I have to now follow the rules for… that.” The princess froze for a moment. “You can’t be serious, Sarvik.”
Sarvik nods without looking at the princess, instead looking for the man he saw fighting with her. “Our culture is built upon tradition, even ones you might not wish to be a part of. You were beaten in single combat by a male.” The princess interjects, “Not true. Two of our solders were fighting with me.” To which Sarvik nods, “Which makes it an even more impressive feat.” He gets a growl of annoyance in return.
A human woman walked over, hearing them talk, “What is going on over here?” sitting down on a crate in front of the prisoners. Sarvik looked at the human. “Ah, maybe you can help. Who was the one by himself during the fight.” Sitting up, the human smiled. “That would be our fearless leader. Didn’t want anyone to risk their life as our formation required four in front of you.” Rolaea sneered. “You mean your trap.”
The human gasped at the accusation, placing a hand on her chest in mock surprise. “Just because your senses were not keen enough to notice us doesn’t mean it was a trap. We even called out for you to surrender as you’re surrounded, and you chose to fight.” Getting a nod of agreement from the Steward, who got an elbow for agreeing with the human, causing a grunt of pain. “That spot is a little tender from the fight.” Which got another one from the princess: “That is for your failure in duty.”
The human woman pointed a finger at the pair as if they were children. “Don’t make me separate you two. So, you were speaking earlier.” And Sarvik nods, “Does your leader come from a noble bloodline.” Which made the human smirk. “He would say he does.” Before taking a moment to pose and take a mock tone of the rag-tag group's leader, “My grandfather would tell me stories of how we were descendants of Spartan kings of over 4,000 years.” Getting a laugh from the woman and a nod from Sarvik, “Is there any possibility that is true?” and the human shrug, “Could be. It was a long time ago, and I remember hearing something about how everyone is related to royalty in some way or another because of mixing.”
Rolaea smiles. “See, his bloodline is too diluted. Also, I never heard of the Spartans so how much of a warrior family could they be?” Getting another laugh from the woman “They weren’t a family. They were an entire culture who just became part of a country known as Greece. They never died out or went extinct, they just started calling themselves Greeks instead of Spartans.” Looking back and forth between the two, Sarah started to smile more as she realized what the conversation had been about.
Sarvik nodded in understanding. “I see. What were the beliefs of these Spartans?” Causing the human to think for a while, “Well, I remember hearing the only way to get your name on a grave is for men to have died in combat or women to have died during childbirth. Both were seen as a way of supporting Sparta. They were fierce warriors; often, just a single word could keep an army out of the country. Oh, and marriage was some kind of ritualistic combat, I think.” By this time, Nick walked over. “What is all this commotion.”
He looked around at a giggling Sarah, a stoic-looking male Karvrithak, and what he could only assume to be a blushing female Karvrithak. Sarah looked up. “Oh, just talking about Spartian marriage fighting.” To which Nick sighed, “It wasn’t combat. Spartan men would meet up with the women they found attractive during the night and take them back to their barracks or someplace else.” Sarvik tilted his head some. “Do you believe Rolaea to be attractive?” Getting a wide-eyed look from the princess, “Sarvik, you stop this right now.” The human male looked confused and looked over. “To be honest, I never really thought of a Karvrithak as beautiful or not, but… I mean, if we weren’t at war… maybe, kinda.”
Sarvik nodded once more. “Then it is settled, the combat took place at night, and it seems all the conditions for both cultures are met, or at least enough to be considered valid under the mixed cultures doctrine.” Nick looked even more confused as he looked at the male Karvrithak, then the female who looked ready to die from embarrassment, and his second in command Sarah, who looked ready to burst from laughter and when he remembered what they were talking about, marriage, got his own look of shock and horror “No no no no no no.”
Sarvik nods. “You are to be paired with Princess Rolaea.” Which was what Sarah needed to hear to burst out laughing finally and almost fell off the crate. The whole thing caused everyone to look over, prisoner and non-alike. Rolaea: “We are in agreement there, human. There is no way this is going to happen.” Sarvik took a deep breath. “I’m afraid, as Stewart of the royal family, it is my duty to inform your father.” Nick shook his head. “No, there is no way I can marry a furball.” Sarah, for her part, finally fell to the floor before managing to get something out that wasn’t laughter: “Bum bum bum bum.” To the tune of Here Comes the Bride getting a kick from Nick, which only returned her to her crazed laughing state, which by now, more people started figuring out what was going on, and some more laughter started, only one from the Karvrithak.
Rolaea turned to look at which one of her soldiers was laughing. “Whoever is laughing is going to have their tongue cut out.” Before turning to Nick, “If we kill Sarvik, no one will tell.” To which Sarah’s hand shot up, “I will.” And Sarvik nods. “We have a second in agreement from the groom’s side. We just have to contact your father. He will agree to the cease-fire the humans have been asking for.” Nick looks down. “We would have to kill more than Sarvak.” When a cough from behind caught his attention, causing Nick to look back. “Command finally answered.”
Nick took a deep breath and pointed a finger at the Karvrithaks. “No speaking.” And then pointed at Sarah, “Pull it together.” As the now out-of-breath woman took deep breaths to get it back, “Ok, ok. I’m done now.” Nick walked over and answered the line, talking about the success at capturing the high-value target in their area and how it was the princess.
After a few minutes of talking, Nick returned with a different look on his face, and Sarah wiped her eyes, having cried from laughing so hard. “Oh, I don’t think I can survive another laughing fit like that. It was too funny.” Nick took a deep breath, causing Sarah to look up in amused horror as Nick spoke, “Command told me to contact the Karvrithaks and use any means necessary to get them to agree to the cease-fire.” And Sarah smirked while holding in her laughter and got slapped upside the head for it.
She screamed in pain, “What was that for?” and Nick smiled. “You said if you started laughing, you were going to die. I just saved your life.” Taking a deep breath, Sarah nods. “I guess, but you could have held back.” Rolaea’s embarrassment died down enough that she started to glare at Nick. “If you think for a second, I will marry you. I would rather die!” Nick held a finger up and bopped Rolaea on the nose to silence her. “Not getting married.” Turned to Sarvik, “Going to get Tony to agree to a cease-fire anyway.” And then turned to Sarah, “Someone is getting a demotion.” To which she replied, “Worth it.”
Nick sighed and walked away to a secluded area he and Sarah would talk, and Sarah started to follow. “Though, I’m in agreement with killing the princess; it will be a nice revenge for everything the furballs have done to us since the war started.” A hand going to her sidearm. Nick turned to her “Put it away, I don’t like the idea either. It could at least be enough of a distraction to get the upper hand or get some end to this war.” Sarah looked at him seriously for the first time since starting the conversation with the aliens. Nick nods. “You have a weird way of grieving, you know that. Your humor was bad before, but this is twisted. No, we are not going to plan a red wedding. We’ll use it as a cover to regroup and.”
Sarah groaned out of frustration. “Why are we even listening to the human collation? They abandoned us, and then when our resistance group got good enough, they contacted us and started demanding we follow their orders.” Nick nods. “Ya, not like they started giving us intel, equipment, trained soldiers,” causing Sarah to stop him. “Ok, ok, you made your point… still… marriage?”
Nick shrugs at that. “When we started fighting, I thought about how men used to throw themselves on grenades to save others… I’ve always been ready to do that…. I guess to save lives, I’ll have to take an arrow to the knee.” Before starting to walk back in, a smile returned to Sarah’s face; without turning, Nick simply said, “Knew that would get that cursed smile back.”
The two Karvrithaks had been arguing again, with the princess drowning out the stewart whenever he tried to give the transmission frequency to contact the king. Nick picked up a clean… ish rag and shoved it into the princess’ mouth. “Alright, fine I accept.” Getting a muffled scream of anger from the princess followed by what was surely an obscenity-filled tongue lashing, defeated by a rag. Sarvick looked at Nick, angry for the first time. “We might be your prisoners, but that is no way to treat the princess or your future wife.” Nick nods some. “Would you like me to remove it and risk going deaf in that ear?” Pointing to the one that was on the side of the princess. A momentary glance from Sarvik at the princess who was still trying to yell between attempts to remove the rag stuck on her sharp teeth, got a “For now. The signal frequency is 195.2515.234.202. Also, I would refrain from using your human slur for our leader. He doesn’t much like being compared to a human breakfast cereal mascot.”
Nick nods, then helps Sarvik to his feet and turns to Sarah. “I could use my second in command.” Gets a sigh of annoyance as she rebuttons the strap holding her sidearm while standing. “OK.” After approaching the coms the operator puts in the frequency and releasing Sarvick’s hands he types in a code as the image of the king of the Karvrithaks comes on with a roar of a statement “How dare you lay a hand on my daughter if she is not returned to me within one earth hour I will glass the planet as I would rather see her dead than at the mercy of you lowly.” As Nick decided to throw him off his game, “Calm down, Dad.” Causing the king to stop. “What did you call me, and why is Sarvik standing next to you?”
Sarvik coughed to grab the attention of the group and to make this more noble than commoner “It is with much honor and regret that I have to inform you that this human has successfully completed the right of binding.” This information caused the King’s lower Jaw to drop, and Sarah chimed in, “Funny you mentioned hand earlier because he’s taking your daughter’s hand in marriage.” The king looked outraged. “You’re going to cut her hand off for marriage!?” and Sarvik raised a hand. “It is a figure of speech, Your Majesty. Humans call grabbing another’s hand with your own taking. Often done before the rings are placed on the hand of the one being wed.” Nick and Sarah both turn to look at Sarvik, who doesn’t turn his head. “A steward must be informed on all relevant information.”
Nick turns back to the king. “As your future son-in-law, I ask that you have your forces stand down. Don’t want to accidentally kill a relative of mine, do you?” The king let out a low growl of annoyance as a spitting sound was heard behind the group. The princess finally worked the rag out of her mouth. “I object to this wedding.” only getting a yell in response: “I can’t stop it. If Sarvik has said the terms have been met, I would have to break years of tradition and condemn our bloodline to death to break it.”
The two humans went wide-eyed as they didn’t realize how seriously the Karvrithaks took their tradition. Turning his head, the king spoke solemnly, “Tell our generals to stand down and to return fire if fired upon.” The coms operator relayed the message to the human command, which quickly ordered a similar command. Turning back, the King looked like he was about ready to reach through the screen and strangle him. “Know this, human, if you have lied about your intent. I was originally planning on subjugating the humans, but I will exterminate your species if you are lying.” And Nick swallowed hard at the sudden realization that his plan of using this as a cover for the human forces to regroup was a bigger gamble than he first thought. Sarah smirked and turned to look up at Nick. “No pressure.”
submitted by TRMerc to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:38 FlowerSweaty4070 How did you get a positive test?

How long did it take to test positive with thus variant? Did you get false negatives? Self test or pcr? Any swabbing tricks ??
I was with my partner for many hours close on Wednesday and they tested positive today. I've been feeling extremely usually fatigued since Friday, and today can barely keep eyes open despite sleeping 11 hours. Been sneezy and itchy throat, muscle weakness, headache. Extreme fatigue is main symptom.
Two rapids I've done so far are negative though.. (one I accidently touched swab so mightve messed it up). I want to know if I have it asap so I can get on pax. I already have long covid and pots and I'm just so scared. This would be 4th infection if so.
submitted by FlowerSweaty4070 to COVID19positive [link] [comments]