Dnepropetrovsk maniacs, aka 3 guys one hammer


2014.06.30 16:48 Sherlock_House r/MTVChallenge

Welcome to MTVChallenge! The unofficial home for the world's greatest reality TV competition show, The Challenge, and all its spinoffs. We are spoiler free--please take a look at our rules before posting. Join us for live and post-episode discussions, weekly megathreads, and great original content! Threads with the 💣🌋 emojis are open to spoilers from yet-to-be aired episodes, including season winners. If you are Unspoiled, avoid those threads and the mods will play defense everywhere else.

2017.02.18 05:38 vault114 Lobotomy Corporation

Welcome to the Lobotomy Corporation subreddit, manager. Monster management simulator, your job is to ensure energy production from creatures known as "abnormalities". We'd like you to concentrate on these so if you're ready to accompany us, join us.

2022.09.15 02:24 RatDontPanic Healthy Dating Strategies For Men

Rational dating strategies for men. Not MensLib or Redpill affiliated. Not Rational Male or Dr. Nerdlove. Real talk about the dangers of male thirst, tactics for proper vetting, and what it really means to be a man of value.

2024.06.02 21:00 Equivalent-Safe8456 Shrieker swarm solution

Well I don't know about You guys, but after couple runs I've finally came up with the most bs thing to survive the shrieker invasion on meridia.
It can be done either solo or even as full party, but I found it that in party it's much easier to redo this trick.
Of course at the start it has to be clear that You don't lose most lives. Also takes a little bit of skill in using strata.
Strategy goes as follows: At start 3 person should take total of 6 turrets if in party, if solo just take 2 urself 1. Get 2 drills done 2. Throw a marker for the third drill 3. Before inserting the fluid You have on your back make sure every party member has another on their back and send down another one 4. One person inserts the fluid and immediately takes back another fluid 5. Finish off the third drill and sprint asap to the excavation using fluid hops. 5.1 if in party, 1 person which can trigger the pelican the fastest does that before shriekers get to touch him, 2 another throws turrets down 5.2 if solo, activate pelican as fast as possible 6. manage turrets well just for the ground adds, don't try to deal with shriekers just focus on stuff that runs and hopefully turrets will do most work 7. While you have no ground mobs around you run sprint in a big circle sidestepping, if you hit it just right, 4 stim should be enough to keep you alive for 2 minutes
This strat worked for me both on trivial with a fresh friend and solo on hell. It resolves around shrieker ai being dumb enough to miss 95% of the time when your characters sidesteps When you get a catch of telegraphing their dives you can even go nohit on this as long as there are no ground stuff to kill you. Remember, if you stop to aim on a ground mob, you're dead, if the hitbox bugs out, you're dead, but good strata friends fan net you down during small break of shrieker dive or you get stim reset after ur own death and in all case scenarios you will always land on time before the timer of pelican goes off.
My friend said it can also be done with good timing on proning, but I feel better with just running dumb doing sidesteps.
submitted by Equivalent-Safe8456 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:00 Reasonable_Smell_854 I’m not THAT f-ing old…

…but thank you random stranger.
The county has set up storm debris drop-off so I cleaned up 3 yards (mine, neighbors, and an older guy from church) into a U-Haul trailer and headed to the nearest one. It’s 90 degrees, 70% humidity, and I am pouring sweat when I pull up.
Guy that was unloading before me jumps into my trailer and “lemme give you a hand” while clearing it out way faster than I ever could have. “Yeah, just helping out some of my older neighbors”
I mean I’m thankful as fuck I didn’t have to unload that mess by myself, but i guess it’s time i accepted I'm in that demographic now.
submitted by Reasonable_Smell_854 to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:58 TheAnomalousStranger 2011 Audi A4 B8 Avant Engine Replacement.

2011 Audi A4 B8 Avant Engine Replacement.
Hey guys and gals, I’m in a bit of pickle and could use some advice. Ive been in the Marine Corps for 6 years(4 active 2 reserves) and recently moved back to my home state of Georgia because California got a little too expensive after being stationed there while active and continuing to live there while in the reserves.
We shipped our apartment to GA and decided to drive the Audi to GA. About an hour into our cross country journey the car began to have a major misfire which prompted us to pull over at a gas station in San Bernardino. Luckily a Marine who I work with at my unit who is a mobile mechanic happened to live 20 minutes away and he ran some diagnostics which found low compression in cylinder 3 and oil on the spark plugs.
Without hesitation he offered to tow our car from California to Georgia with his truck thankfully and now that we are here we have to figure out what to do about the car. Im currently borrowing a car from family but I can’t do this for long and need to figure out what to do about the engine. Our only option is to fix the car.
What are some reliable engines to replace the current one with? What are some recommendations on how to handle this situation? Thank you in advance for your replies.
TLDR: Car had a major misfire due to low compression in cylinder 3 causing high oil consumption and car needs a new engine.
submitted by TheAnomalousStranger to Audi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:58 wow_its_kenji Just beat Bonetail for the first time, AMA

Hi folks, as the title says I just beat Bonetail for the first time yesterday! It felt awesome to pull off something that I was never able to do as a kid :)
Here are some stats:
I used the Nintendo Switch remake, playing docked with a Pro Controller and using a 23-inch monitor as a TV (my controller died on floor 99 so i did floors 99-100 in portable mode)
I went from level 23 to 29. Ending stats were HP 25, FP 15, BP 72.
I didn't use the Movers at all because I wanted to fill the tattle log.
I didn't buy any items beforehand (STUPID). I had roughly 4 Super Mushrooms, 2 Life Mushrooms, an Ultra Mushroom, a Maple Syrup, a Fire Flower, a Thunder Rage, a Boo Sheet, a Courage Shell, and an Inn Coupon. I bought another Thunder Rage from Charlieton but that was it.
I gained roughly 2800 coins
For most of the run my badges were: Quick Change, Power Plus/P, Flower SaveP, Lucky Start, Damage Dodge/P, Powerbounce, Multibounce, Hammer Throw, Piercing Blow, Power Smash, and Quake Hammer. I also used 3 HP Ups and 4 FP ups.
I finished the fight against Bonetail with most of my companions (even Ms. Mowz!) at around half to a third HP with Mario himself on 2 HP. No Life Shrooms remaining. It would have been over sooner but I was frozen for 3 turns at the very end.
So, yeah. One of the most teeth-clenching gaming experiences I've had lol. AMA!
submitted by wow_its_kenji to papermario [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:58 xRandom066x Choosing my family over everything and I kind of hate it

My parents had me late in life. My mom had me in her late 40s and my dad was in his late 30s (he's 10 years younger than her). When I was 13 my dad's health problems started, when he was going in for surgery he pulled me aside and said I was the one responsible for pulling the plug if anything went wrong, not my mom or 18 year old brother but 13 year old me, because I'm less likely to make am emotional decision. Luckily he pulled through just fine.
When I was 19 and in college, I began taking care of my parents. My dad had more health problems so I'd drive home every night for 3 hours to help with the business and do whatever care they needed, then I spent all weekend with them. I literally had 0 friends in college, and this continued through both grad school programs. I even made the 12 hour drive each way every Friday to care for them on the weekends when I moved to a different state. Both my mothers parents had dementia or alzheimers during this time.
I began to notice similarities in my mom to how my grandma's diagnosis started, it began with small memory issues, but kept growing. When I was 26 in 2016, I moved back home and a month later my dad had a heart attack, he survived. Since then I lived with them and was a 24hr live in carer essentially. I was never allowed to leave the house and again, had literally no one to talk to except them. I did some contract work for companies and one was so impressed with my research skills they offered me first Crack at a job that would be $200k a year, but I'd have to move. My dad essentially told me, I'd never be allowed contact with the family if I moved, so I turned it down. My mom began progressing in her disease and the doctor still refuses to diagnose her. I eventually, at 32, found an amazing job 3 states away that my parents support. I still drive home every weekend to care for them since it's been one health crisis after another. Even when I had a health crisis, I still had to drive to care for them. My mom was sympathetic but never remembered a conversation after 5 minutes. She's easily confused and will repeat herself 7 times in an hour long conversation, it gets annoying for me. I try to be understanding but I feel my nerves are frayed. I feel bad for her, because she is aware of the problem, but she can't do anything about it.
I have a friend here that I made recently, though I've began to drift away from him. He's handsome, kind, friendly, has a great career he worked hard to progress in and is just an all around great guy. He asked me out and I turned him down. After a few days he respectfully wanted to know why, mainly if he was too pushy or coming on too strong. I told him that I fully expect my parents health to decline so badly in the next 5 years that I'd have to move home to care for them. I don't want to start anything knowing there was a time limit on it. He said what if he'd move with me, and I replied that there was a chance he'd have to start from the bottom again at his new job and I don't want to be responsible for that sacrifice. That's how I left it and began to pull away. I've always had issues making friends because I'm so shy, we just clicked when I had to work with him for work. However, he said that I can't live my life like this letting my parents situation control everything and alienating myself from everyone around me. I'm 34, I've been doing this since I was 19. I don't know how to be otherwise. I've never gone to a bar with a friend, I've never gone to the movies, or a sports game, or even a concert when I was past the age of 14. We lived in the middle of nowhere, so far away from everything that my parents never wanted to go anywhere. I don't know how to behave otherwise.
I guess I'm asking, am I in the wrong for being like this? What do I do? How do I live my life knowing what's coming and knowing my brother can't care for my parents? Also, we can't get a new doctor because there is only 1 within an hour of my parents home, but he said he refuses to diagnose people with dementia/alzheimers? What do I do for that?
submitted by xRandom066x to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 ihatebottlegourd AITA for unintentionally calling out my friends boyfriend a lower caste?

I might called racist for this but anyways. I really wanna know if I am in the wrong. I understand I might have hurt my friend but I think I did right thing by alerting her. So I 22 F and my friend 22 F let's call her Tomato and her boyfriend 29M let's call him Apple. And there's one more person who plays a part here , a 24-M, who was a mutual friend but i didn't knew and he kept me in dark,so let's call him Snake. Story starts this way, 7 months back in November, we girl group including Tomato had a plan of a trip. She said that her friend group also wanna join us. And it'll be great help for us since we're only females and a long journey , my guy friends can help us, precisely Apple's friend group. By that time I was unaware of their relationship. I took it as normal friend group. So before the trip we sat for a meeting as for duties of everyone. We were talking good. Suddenly, Tomatoes friend Apple starts controlling her and decides everything for her. She can't dance, she has to be with him, she can't be with us. And blah blah all that shit. He also pointed his finger and talked rudely with one of our another friend. It pissed me off. And something that pissed me more was that tomato wasn't talking our side . Since she was the one who introduced us and she let him control her. In my eyes it was shit, why a random friend is controlling her. She can't decide on her own. Why is she not saying anything while he's raising his finger at us. And many things . I held my friends hand and took her out and in a text message with 3 of us as members. Tomato, me and other friend . I said , how dare he make a decision for you? Why didn't you said anything? Are you blind or deaf? He acts like lower caste people who are illiterate and tries to control their women's. Are you his woman or what? She said that he's her boyfriend than . And let me make something clear here, I didn't knew he really was a lower caste , I was just telling her, he was behaving that way. But she got angry at me as I insulted her boyfriend. But in my eyes he is a piece of shit.
So, I came home and my sister knew about the incident, she is younger than me. when I told her this happened today, i didn't knew he was her boyfriend and a lower caste too. I didn't mean it but I said it anyways. She asked me to show her the picture of Apple. I showed it to her and she gasped . She said this guy is too jerk. He was a teacher in her school previously and was suspended because he was a horrible teacher. He was suspended from almost 3 school and he can't teach now in any school because of his horrible nature. His family is also same. They want woman of their family to be under their feet. They would allow a intercaste marriage anyways. I gasped . I was more worried for her. But I didn't said anything after that since he felt bad.
Now, after 7 months, I fucked it. I made a new friend atleast I considered close friend, the snake🐍. I should make this clear since it matters. So one day I was talking about fund raising with him. And in the flow of conversation I got flown away in emotions and started sharing my frustrations to him . Before sharing frustration about my girls group organisation I asked him if he's friend with anyone here . Since if he is I don't wanna talk about anyone , I'll only continue sharing if he doesn't. He assured me he doesn't know anyone from our organisation and I can easily share with him . So I shared every concern I had , including concern regarding my friend Tomato. I know I shouldn't have talked about third person with him. But trust me on this i didn't said anything more .I just said "although we are in modern age and society but people from our place will make it harder for her to marry him. since she's the top upper class and only daughter of her parents. I'm worried if she won't be able to make it happen.Intercaste Marriage is hard. On top of that he's too controlling idk what did she liked about him". This much. Actually I don't have any problem with his caste, if he's ugly or beautiful or anything. I am just worried because he's not good human. Too much ruly and all. So apparently that snake is apple's friend and he didn't tell me and kept listening and told him everything I said.
Than that apple said it to my friend Tomato and she got mad and called me out in the group chat. Since according to her, I told about her to the world so she should disgrace me in the group chat. While I haven't told anyone except for that snake.
We had arguments. At the end of argument I came to know it was snake who sold me off. I felt betrayed but I understand how she felt so I apologised anyways in the group chat. But what about me? Why did he did that to me ? Was I wrong and a bad person?
I can't seem to understand anything. Ask me anything or any extra info you want on this. So am I the asshole?
submitted by ihatebottlegourd to u/ihatebottlegourd [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:55 HRMRKdH World Series by Renault 3.5

Hi guys,
Recently I’ve become a lot more interested in the World Series by Renault. Especially the 3.5 V8 era. Now my question is: since it was a one make series which used the same cars, is there somewhere i can look which teams used which chassis nr? Were they swapped around during the season or were they allocated for each start of the season? I would really like to know which chassis was most or least succesful for instance.
If anyone could point me in the right direction where i could find this data would be awesome.
submitted by HRMRKdH to racing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:55 BigTuffGuy99 User inputs not allowed?

I was following a YouTube tutorial for beginners and ran into an error screen. I am using PyCharm with Python 3.12 for anyone wondering.
name = input(“Enter your name: “) print(“Hello, “ + name + “!”)
I tried to type my name in the console like the guy did in the tutorial but the error screen says:
“(File name) is not allowed to run in parallel. Would you like to stop the running one?”
The given options are “Stop and Return” or “Cancel”.
Any help or advice would be hugely appreciated.
submitted by BigTuffGuy99 to pythonhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:55 ENHYPENmodteam EN-vision April & May 2024

Hi Engenes~
EN-vision - our monthly recap thread - is making a return with a double feature for April & May!
April and May were packed with releases and content, to highlight some of the most important ones:


‘Memorabilia’ Enhypen’s first special Album for their webtoon Dark Moon released on May 13 with physical copies and 4 new songs, inlcuding the title track Fatal Trouble. See the album details and discussion thread. You can find all the teasers, promo material and performances in the release megathread.
Jay released a collab single with legendary J-Rock band Glay: ‘whodunit’ – Jay participated in writing the lyrics in English and Japanese, check out the MV featuring Jay here.


It has been announced pretty early that Enhypen will be having a comeback on July 12th and it was spoiled on en-o’clock that it will be their second full album after Dimension:Dilemma in 2021!
Enhypen announced Fate Plus in Jakarta, Indonesia with 2 shows!
A Documentary following Enhypen on tour including the POV of a group of Engenes producing content for them is in the works by Hello Sunshine.


Enhypen wrapped up their US encore tour with 5 shows in 5 cities including one at Tacoma Dome close to Jay’s hometown which was a special event! They also had a special Galaxy fan event in a smaller venue in Dallas to close of the US leg. You can find tour related shorts here including short covers by the members!
Ni-ki was selected as Studio Choom’s Artist of the month - he is the first artist after 2.5 years for the return of 'Artist of the Month' for May, check out his performance!
On the variety show Ssulply Heeseung and Jay sang new covers!
Heeseung’s second song cover: this is what falling in love feels like (OG: JVKE) has been release with a lot of Heeseung’s input including the selection of instruments and props+set.
Enhypen performed a special stage for Fatal Trouble on M Countdown, you can find all the related content on the Memorabilia megathread.

Guestings and Interviews

Heeseung and Jay guested on Ssulply – did interviews with highschool students, shared old stories and sang covers.
Jungwon, Heeseung and Sunoo guested on Seri’s restaurant (unfortunately no official upload or subtitle available) and on Jaefriends.

CF, Magazine and Events

DICON Enhypen magazine ‘tw(EN-)ty years old has been released with 7 member and 3 unit versions
Jake & Sunghoon for W Korea with Tiffany
Jungwon & Ni-ki for L’Officiel Singapore with Bulgari
Sunghoon has been selected as the new model for cosmetics brand Hince with special collab events for Korea and Japan.
While in Seattle for the US tour Jay, Heeseung and Ni-ki threw the first pitch at the Mariner’s game! Mariners posted a lot of content with the guys but this special edit for Jay is a must watch!
The members have released new promotional content with DrJart+, Bench, Peach John, and attended brand events for Lancome, Tiffany and Tamburins in different units!

Youtube (Highlights)

En-o’clock is ongoing with some great episodes:
¡ Throwback Variety eps 88-90
¡ Roller skating on ep 91
¡ Golden dragon suitcase game being James Bonds on a cruise shipf or ep 92-93
¡ A fun game-house afternoon in ep 94
· Healing trip similar to So so fun and Enhypen&Hi from ep 95 – still ongoing for part 4
We got 2 unit vlogs: Heeseung, Jay, Jake & Sunoo went Glamping and Jungwon, Sunghoon and Ni-ki picked Strawberries and had a barbecue.
2 Tour vlogs from their time in the US has been posted: Part 1 & Part 2.
The members' personal en-notes during the tour have also been released, as well as behind the scenes videos from the tour, various shoots, events and performances.


Dark Moon: Children of Vamfield is ongoing, with 12 chapters out as of May 31st. You can find the related posts with episode recaps here.
The Webnovel Dark Moon: Blood of Vargr has also been released on Naver with all 14 chapters simultaniously (only in korean currently).

Other SNS

Browse through Enhypen’s most recent socmed posts on Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter and Weverse. See what the members were up to on Weverse live recently here%22&restrict_sr=1&t=month). (Note: links will take you to the list of posts in order from the current date, not specific months!)


We held a Birthday event for Jay, you can check our final best of list here.
This recap is more of a highlights list and doesn’t contain everything Enhypen did and shared these months. Feel free to leave your memorable events and content from these months in the comments!
We hope this will help you keep updated with Enhypen!
submitted by ENHYPENmodteam to enhypen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:53 Hugao_H I D '23M' likes B '22F' who works as cashier in a mini market near my house, ia am being delusional?(sorry for any error)

For context, it started about 6 months ago, when i fall with my motorcycle (its was just a bruise with some blood, and she asked about) in this particular day we talked for about 3 hours, before that it was only the usual "hi, how are you?" And this tipe of stuff, the thing is, after that day, every time i go there we talk alot and flirt sometimes, and she asks if i fall again as a joke i think, in easter i got a chocolate for her, and leave at home and someone ate it, so i go there and buy one for her and asks the other cashier A '2?F' to give to B, after that for about 2 weeks B was a litle distant and jus greet me, so i think i was being a creppy and weird, i dont ask for her contact or simple ask her out for the same reason, but after some time i go there again and everything was back to normal betwen us, when i told this history to my friend/aunt '53F' she said one thing that cross my mind but i put aside thinking i was paranoid, my aunt said " what if A said to B i give the chocolate to A? Because no ones get mad for getting chocolate", the last time i went there i talk with B normally and a some point i said something and she laughed like usually and as joke says shes gonna hit, and i asks "like a dog?" And she responds "only thing missing is tho bark"(where i live when you call a man a dog, is a guy who flirt with a lot girls, im shy ASF and A is literally the only girl i talk to outside of the civil manner), and i dint get what she is meaning with that, so i just go there and simply asks if she receive the chocolate and clarify things?
And the central question, i have some chance or she is just being nice? I dont want to look like a weird ou creepy.
submitted by Hugao_H to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:52 HorologyDoctor What is a fair price for a WOC Pink Camellia?

My fiance really really really wants a WOC Pink Camellia that was sold last year but for some reason I can't find it anywhere because it's already sold out. I asked an SA and she said that I would only be able to find it used.
But because I can't find a lot of listings for it, I'm wondering what is a good price for a used one. I was able to find one but it is for $3,999. What do you guys think of the price as it is used?
Any help/input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by HorologyDoctor to chanel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:52 DyeDuoGames Hotkey Menu Explanation

I did something pretty silly to make this screen in particular work. Normally for the hitboxes of the buttons I would use individual objects and use the hitboxes of the objects to check if the player is hovering over them, buuuut because this is a menu in the level editor that can be brought up and down multiple times I didn't want to have to create and delete 10s of objects, potentially two for each hotkey.
So all the code for detecting the mouse and drawing the hotkeys are within the same draw event.
First, I start with the basic setup so that I can draw to the hotkey surface: For ease of access, I store the box's dimensions in two temporary variables. Then if the surface doesn't exist, I create it. This has the double effect of creating the surface when the room starts and re-creating the surface if it gets destroyed for any reason (which happens if the game window gets resized). Next I set the surface drawing target to the hotkey surface, I use draw_clear_alpha to clear the surface (This is just something recommended in the GameMaker manual), then for the text I'm going to draw, I set the draw color to white and the text vertical alignment to middle.
var boxW = 500; var boxH = 400; if !surface_exists(hotkeySurface) hotkeySurface = surface_create(boxW, boxH); surface_set_target(hotkeySurface); draw_clear_alpha(c_black, 0); draw_set_color(c_white); draw_set_valign(fa_middle); 
That concludes most of the set-up, and the rest of the code is going to be drawing/handling the hotkey menu.
First I draw the gray background that you see. Note that I draw the box at the position 0, 0. This is because I am now targeting the hotkey surface as a drawing target. This means that all X and Y positions from now on will be made relative to the new surface. Then later, when I draw the hotkey surface to the application surface, I'll draw it at an offset to make it centered on the screen.
draw_rectangle_color(0, 0, boxW, boxH, c_gray, c_gray, c_gray, c_gray, false);
First I'll start with the code for the "Left Sidebar" section at the top of the menu. The other sections are pretty much copy and pastes, but with the details changed.
First, for convenience, I create a temporary variable called baseY which stores where I first draw text on the Y axis. Then I set the horizontal alignment of the text to center. I draw the header text of the section, in this case it's "Left Sidebar". Notice how the X position is boxW/2. Remember boxW was a variable which stored the width of the surface. This means that if we take boxW/2, then that is the middle of the surface on the horizontal axis. Also take note that I have a variable called scrollOffset added to every single y value in sight. That's because scrollOffset is a variable which gets added to or subtracted from when the player scrolls. That's what causes the contents of the menu to scroll. After drawing the header text, I draw the dark gray rectangle in the center which separates the name of the hotkey and the key it's associated with.
var baseY = 40; draw_set_halign(fa_center); draw_text_transformed(boxW/2, baseY + scrollOffset, "Left Sidebar", 0.5, 0.5, 0); draw_rectangle_color(boxW/2 - 2, baseY + 40 + scrollOffset, boxW/2 + 2, baseY + 230 + scrollOffset, #4C4C4C, #4C4C4C, #4C4C4C, #4C4C4C, false); 
Next I set the text's horizontal alignment to right and draw the text on the left side of the bar.
draw_set_halign(fa_right); draw_text_transformed(boxW/2 - 10, baseY + 60 + scrollOffset, "Play Level", 0.35, 0.35, 0); draw_text_transformed(boxW/2 - 10, baseY + 110 + scrollOffset, "Save Level", 0.35, 0.35, 0); draw_text_transformed(boxW/2 - 10, baseY + 160 + scrollOffset, "Upload", 0.35, 0.35, 0); draw_text_transformed(boxW/2 - 10, baseY + 210 + scrollOffset, "Exit", 0.35, 0.35, 0); 
Now is where things get pretty silly so hang on for the ride. I have a big for loop that handles the drawing and functionality of the shortcut buttons on the right side of the line. I start by changing the horizontal alignment of the change to left. Then I start the loop to run 4 times. My goal is to handle and draw a different one of the four hotkeys in every loop. I make a variable called newBaseY which is just going to store where the hotkey draws, then a variable called sectionID which is used for some logic later. A keys temp variable stores which hotkeys are used in this section (Note that it pulls the hotkeys from a variable called tempHotkeys. This is a variable which copys all the hotkeys when you enter the menu, then all changes you make while in the hotkey editor will be made to the tempHotkeys variable. This is because there is an option to discard changes. If the player discards changes, then I simply delete the tempHotkeys variable and its like nothing ever happened, but if the player saves changes, then I copy the tempHotkeys variable back over the variable which stores the real hotkeys). Then last but not least before getting into any real functional handing, I create a temporary function which I use to commit hotkey changes later.
Now we get into some actual functionality. A temporary variable hotkeyHovering stores whether or not the mouse is hovering over this specific hotkey. The first two checks are to make sure the mouse is inside the hotkey menu box, then the last check is to check if the mouse's Y position is inside the box of this specific hotkey (Note that I minus all of the mouse x's and y's by 130 and 85. This is because I wanted to use variables like boxW and boxH like I used in the past, but those variables are within the context of the surface starting at the position 0, 0. In the actual game the surface is drawn at 130, 85 to center it to the screen, which is why I have to minus these values from the mouse position to bring the mouse position into the context of the other variables). Now I check whether or not this hotkey is being edited right now. This information is stored within a variable called hotkeyEditing. This variable stores both the sectionID and individual id of the hotkey which, in conjunction, can be used to identify which exact hotkey is being edited. If the hotkey is being edited I change the key's text to "...", then check if any new key is pressed. If a keyboard key is pressed, then I store the new key as the last pressed keyboard key. Similarly, if a mouse button is pressed, I store the new key as the last pressed mouse button. Then I conduct a check to ensure that the new key is not taken by any other shortcuts already. If it's found that the hotkey IS taken, then it sets a variable called errorTimer to 3 * 60, which causes an error message to pop up notifying the player that that key is taken already. Buuuut, if the key isn't taken, then it commits that key to the appropriate hotkey variable, and resets the hotkeyEditing variable so that no hotkey is being currently edited. Finally, there is an else statement that sets the keyText variable to the appropriate text for the current hotkey. This is done through a custom function I made called button_to_string which converts a keyboard or mouse button code to the text name.
Next, I check if the player is hovering over the hotkey and that it isn't currently being edited. If that's the case, I set the drawing color of the rectangle to light gray, and if they click, I set the hotkey being edited to this hotkey. I also have a check in the else statement to keep the rectangle light gray if the hotkey is being edited and the hotkey is not being hovered over. Keep in mind that it was a deliberate decision to put this section of code AFTER the previous section of code because if their positions were swapped, in the event that you clicked to edit this hotkey, that click would then immediately be taken as the new key.
Next I draw the rectangles and text for the hotkey, making sure to draw the rectangles width to the width of the text.
Next is the functionality of the little X to the side of the hotkeys. This X can be clicked to reset that specific hotkey to no set button. I start by making sure that this hotkey isn't already set to no button because there's no reason to draw the X if the hotkey isn't set in the first place. I create a temporary variable which stores whether or not the player is hovering over the X in a very similar fashion as before and conduct a simple check that checks if they are hovering over the X and click. If they do, it resets the hotkey to no key using the same commitKey function, and just setting the key to 0 (aka no key at all). Then I draw the X, which is a sprite I made. The reason I set the frame of the X sprite to XHovering is because the sprite has a second frame where it is highlighted. This gives it the effect of highlighting when you hover over it.
draw_set_halign(fa_left); for (var i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { var newBaseY = baseY + (10 + (50 * (i + 1))); var sectionID = 1; var keys = [tempHotkeys.playtest, , tempHotkeys.upload, tempHotkeys.exitEditor]; var commitKey = function(commitID, keyToCommit) { if (commitID == 0) tempHotkeys.playtest = keyToCommit; else if (commitID == 1) = keyToCommit; else if (commitID == 2) tempHotkeys.upload = keyToCommit; else if (commitID == 3) tempHotkeys.exitEditor = keyToCommit; } var hotkeyHovering = (mouse_y - 85 > 0) and (mouse_y - 85 < boxH + 3) and (point_in_rectangle(mouse_x - 130, mouse_y - 85, boxW/2 + 10, newBaseY + scrollOffset - 18, boxW/2 + (string_width(button_to_string(keys[i])) * 0.35) + 33, newBaseY + scrollOffset + 19)); if (hotkeyEditing[0] == sectionID) and (hotkeyEditing[1] == i) { var keyText = "..."; if (keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey)) or (mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_any)) { if (keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey)) var newKey = keyboard_lastkey; else if (mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_any)) var newKey = mouse_lastbutton; var keyTaken = false; var names = struct_get_names(tempHotkeys); for (var n = 0; n < array_length(names); n++) { if (struct_get(tempHotkeys, names[n]) == newKey) { keyTaken = true; errorTimer = 3 * 60; break; } } if (keyTaken == false) { commitKey(i, newKey); } hotkeyEditing = [0, 0]; } } else var keyText = button_to_string(keys[i]); if (hotkeyHovering) and (keyText != "...") { if (mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) { hotkeyEditing = [sectionID, i]; errorTimer = 0; } var color = c_ltgray; } else { if (keyText == "...") var color = c_ltgray; else var color = c_gray; } draw_rectangle_color(boxW/2 + 10, newBaseY + scrollOffset - 18, boxW/2 + (string_width(keyText) * 0.35) + 28, newBaseY + scrollOffset + 14, color, color, color, color, false); draw_rectangle_color(boxW/2 + 10, newBaseY + scrollOffset - 18, boxW/2 + (string_width(keyText) * 0.35) + 28, newBaseY + scrollOffset + 14, c_dkgray, c_dkgray, c_dkgray, c_dkgray, true); draw_text_transformed(boxW/2 + 20, newBaseY + scrollOffset, keyText, 0.35, 0.35, 0); if (keys[i] != 0) { var XHovering = (mouse_y - 85 > 0) and (mouse_y - 85 < boxH + 3) and (point_in_rectangle(mouse_x - 130, mouse_y - 85, boxW/2 + (string_width(keyText) * 0.35) + 40, newBaseY + scrollOffset, boxW/2 + (string_width(keyText) * 0.35) + 40 + 8, newBaseY + scrollOffset + 8)); if (XHovering) and (mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) { commitKey(i, 0); errorTimer = 0; } draw_sprite(sprHotkeyX, XHovering, boxW/2 + (string_width(keyText) * 0.35) + 40, newBaseY + scrollOffset); } } 
And that's about it for drawing to the surface. All I do is then repeat this block of code and change the details such as the baseY it's drawing from, the text in the header, the section ID, the keys referenced by the section, and the keys changed in the commitKey function.
After all this drawing is done, I reset the drawing surface target, which is something you always have to do when changing the drawing target to a custom surface.
Then, somewhere else, I finally draw the whole surface to the application surface, offset to be drawn in the middle of the screen. (transitionProgress is a variable related to the transition done when the menu moves on and off screen).
draw_surface(hotkeySurface, room_width/2 - 250, room_height/2 - 200 + (500 * (1 - transitionProgress))); 
That's pretty much all! If you have any questions or want any clarification I would be absolutely happy to answer!
submitted by DyeDuoGames to u/DyeDuoGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:51 Narrow-Pumpkin-8890 No friends or girls

Lost my GF of 3 years and now I'm alone in a shitty mountain town with no friends and no girls to talk to all my coworkers are guy who have kids and wives so they don't hangout on the weekends, I'm 24 and have zero actual friends it blows I moved here for her and now I'm alone and have no one but myself
submitted by Narrow-Pumpkin-8890 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:51 tiredandstressed87 I got called pick me by a girl who was recently brought into my gaming group for the stupidest reason

So I play games with 4 guys I acquired them mainly from my husband and other people who we gamed with knew. We mainly play wow together and when we group up can make a full mythic plus group me healing my husband and another guy switch tank and dps and the other 2 support and dps when they want.
That being said with remix coming out myself and my husband went our respective sides alliance and they went horde claimed they would join us on a toon and never did so we decided to make a horde toon to join them and do our weekly retail binge last night. While gaming we haven't seen each other in awhile when it came to gaming minus my husband doing raids with them while I slept and us playing with the other tank and us talking to everyone in discord on and off.
You could say we have grown a bit apart during this event but we try to all make time for each other. Recently the 2 guys dps and support who play only horde acquired a new member . They invited them to my discord we communicate in and have been talking to them in others my husband ran with her one time and said she was a bit to much. She was invited to our weekly mog runs and and such . I was being friendly enough as a person who's autistic and not good with new people and crippling social anxiety tried talking to her but she seemed to not like me.
While we were discussing what we were wanting to run I mentioned a few things toward my husband about what I wanted to run . When we got into a raid one of the dps support wanted to run my husband kept giving me gear he didn't need for mogs and I kept giving him gear and we kept joking around she made a comment towards me in whispers telling me to stop being so pick me because he's not going to choose me because no guy wants to go after a needy girl who plays dumb . I assume no one informed her I was married to my husband and I guess she also wasn't informed I am autistic as hell and not the cool autistic who's smart and is the one who's obsessed with cats and Taylor swift and squishmallows and has a bad memory.
I ended up leaving discord because I wanted nothing to do with that where my husband took his headset off to check on me and saw . He was about to lay it out on her after he saw the message but she had left the group and discord when he had came back the other 3 members stated to him that after I left she had made some cruel jokes in discord how I was pick me and how I was really trying to get at my husband and my husband seems like the guy who I have no shot with (he's super good at games and charismatic and nice) . He said they told him she got offended when they called her dumb and laughed at her informed her I was actually married to my husband and that in this case he did pick me told her that what she did was not cool and if that's how she acts introducing her to a girl in a video game they wanted nothing to do with her as they play with multiple girls.
I hate that a introduction to a new player ended up that bad but at least I know my friends have my back.
submitted by tiredandstressed87 to GirlGamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:51 haloryder My roommate has a psychotic laugh and I can’t get it out of my head (part 1)

About 3 months ago, my former roommate and his girlfriend decided they were going to move in together. On the surface I couldn’t have been happier for the two of them, though I’ll admit I felt a pang of jealousy deep down because I was nowhere near doing that with a partner. Especially since I didn’t even have a partner.
After the hangover from the goodbye party had been tamed, I decided to do some budgeting. I calculated that I didn’t really need a roommate, but I knew I wouldn’t be happy living alone, and thought it could be fun to meet some new people.
I don’t remember how many dud interviews I went through. They all felt like the human equivalents of the colour beige; boring, and dull beyond belief. It had to have been dozens because it was the 15th of the month by the time I met Jack, and we got on like a house on fire.
As he was touring the apartment, he saw some posters I had in my room of bands that I like, he said he also loved their music, and named a few deep cuts from the bands that I absolutely gushed over, he also saw a collection of Star Wars merch I had and showed me pictures of some of his own that he had set up in his current place. All of his merch was still in its original packaging and I praised his restraint because I always had to open and pose all my figures as soon as I got home.
This prompted me to ask why he was leaving his current place.
“The landlord is selling the place. ‘Hot market’ or whatever. Only gave me a month’s notice, can you believe that?”
“Fuckin’ landlords.” I said in affirmation.
He then mentioned he liked watching stand-up comedy which was yet another interest we shared. He said he likes to watch it before bed because it helps with his mood when he wakes up in the morning. In hindsight this probably should’ve raised some red flags for me, but I was so caught up in the elation of finding what felt like a kindred spirit that I didn’t think much of it.
I didn’t want to seem too eager so I said that I’d message him tomorrow, to let him know what I decided either way.
“See ya tomorrow.” He said with a wink as he left.
After he left I took a look at the “roommate resume” I asked him to put together, just a list of previous addresses with contact info for the landlords, and a credit report. Jack had lived in 3 different apartments in as many years, and had a perfect credit rating, with the only recurring charges being his cell phone, and the rent for a storage unit across town. Always paid in full, and on time.
I had already made my mind up at this point, but in the spirit of doing my due diligence I called Jack’s most recent landlord.
“Hi, Sandy? My name’s Mason, I’m calling in reference to your current tenant Jack Kerninski.”
I wasn’t really finished my sentence but for some reason I paused.
“Is this the police?” She said to fill the void.
“What? Uh, no. I’m just calling to ask about what sort of tenant Jack is, or if you have any insights into him as a person that I should know about before making him my roommate.”
“Oh! Okay, sure!” She perked up and almost sounded giddy.
“Jack’s great! Very friendly and pleasant. Quiet as a mouse except for when he would get into his shows, but a quick text or knock and he’d quiet right down. And he’s a great cook! Such amazing smells coming from his suite. He’d often even share with me, as he frequently bought large cuts of meat and couldn’t eat it all himself. Exotic stuff, too. Pork, lamb, even sometimes the organs! Things like liver that before him I’d always gagged at the thought of! I had started to feel like I was living at a five-star hotel! He’s such a gourmand, you’re lucky.”
There was something in the back of my head that said it seemed like she was trying too hard to sell Jack to me, but because him and I got on so well, and because I was a crap cook, I ignored that thought.
“He’s also quite the ladies man! Revolving door of women, I don’t think I ever saw the same girl twice!”
“Thanks for all the info, Sandy. This has been very helpful.”
“No, thank you!” She said, and I almost ended the call when I remembered what she said at the start of the call.
“Uh, one more thing, before I let you go. Why’d you think I was the police?”
“Oh…” she paused for an awkwardly long moment “…you sounded so official when you introduced yourself! Jack doesn’t have any family here, so I’m his emergency contact. I was worried he might have been robbed or something!”
“I didn’t realize I came off that way over the phone!” I said, but it felt like I didn’t believe either her words or mine.
“Thanks, Sandy. Have a good night.” I said and hung up without listening to her farewell. My mind was preoccupied with questions I was doing my best to ignore, and replace with my daydreams of having a new best friend that would cook elegant meals for us as we listened to our favourite bands and talked about what the lyrics in the songs meant to us.
I decided I’d message Jack in the morning with the good news. My still booze binge recovering thirty-year-old body and brain needed more sleep.
The next morning I sent Jack the confirmation text.
“Jack! It’s Mason. If you haven’t found any other place yet, I’d love for you to move in here!”
“Awesome! Super happy to hear that! Thanks!”
“When are you available for the move in? I could help you move out of your old place.”
“Moving van’s already packed. I could be at your place later today! Say around noon?”
“Sounds good. See you then.”
Jack arrived precisely at Noon. The second the clock shifted from 11:59am to 12:00pm I heard the honk from the moving van, and I got up to greet him outside.
“Told you I’d see you today!” Jack said as he walked to the rear of the van to open it and reveal his belongings.
Moving his stuff only took about an hour. He only had a bed and about 8 boxes of belongings consisting of clothes, books, collectibles, and CD’s, but we still acted like it was a great physical effort and that we needed pizza and beers afterwards.
The rest of that day was normal. Jack spent it unpacking, and I spent it writing, the anxiety of looming deadlines hanging over my head.
Around the time I usually ate dinner, Jack popped his head out of his room.
“Hey, you hungry?” He asked
I paused to think and as if in reply, my stomach grumbled.
“Starved. I didn’t realize what time it was.”
“Great! I’ll be back in a bit, gotta go get some ingredients.”
Jack returned about an hour later with a plethora of fresh herbs, vegetables, and meat wrapped in brown deli paper that I didn’t recognize when he unwrapped it.
“It’s fois gras. Fattened duck liver.” He said as if reading my mind.
“It’s incredibly hard to find,” he continued as he prepared the ingredients “a lot of places consider the process animal cruelty because the ducks are force-fed until their livers become diseased and swell up to ten times their normal size. But I know a guy.” He looked up from what he was doing and winked at me with a smirk, without even stopping his swift knife work. With the way Jack glided around the kitchen, you could’ve told me I was watching a Michelin Star chef at work and I would’ve believed you.
As he cooked he uncorked a bottle of vintage red wine, poured a small amount into a glass for a smell and taste test, then poured two glasses.
“A perfect pairing, don’t you think?” He asked as he watched me take a sip.
“It’s…superb, but I gotta say, Jack, I think this might be a little…rich, for my blood. A fancy bottle of wine for me is the $50 bottles that I grab when they go on sale at the local liquor store. I don’t know if I can really appreciate this fully.”
“Nonsense!” Jack exclaimed as he turned back to the sizzling pans.
“You know enough to appreciate it, just not enough to identify every aspect and enjoy its deeper layers. You’ll get there.”
I was completely enamoured by this man. His every movement in the kitchen was measured, and as silky smooth as the surface of a still lake. He spoke with a reassuring tone that could melt all your fears and worries away, as he bathed you in affirmation and encouragement. He was charisma personified.
That is what made what happened later that night all the more strange.
“Alright man, I’m exhausted.” He said as he finished cleaning the dishes from dinner (I said I would but he insisted that he do it).
I looked at the clock and noticed it was past midnight by then.
“Oh shit it’s late. Yeah, time for bed!”
“Goodnight, Mason.” He said, patting my shoulder once.
“G‘Night, Jack.”
About half an hour later, I heard a laugh coming from Jack’s room.
“Heh heh hehehehehe.”
I tried to ignore it, but it got louder.
“Heh heh…HA HA HA HA HA HA HA”
If I didn’t know it was Jack in there, I would’ve thought that Mark Hamill had come over to record some audio as Joker in my apartment, Jack’s laugh sounded identical. It was uncanny. Every “ha” was pronounced but also sounded like it was all the same word, with a slight wheeze between each. I wouldn’t be able to sleep with it though so I got up to go knock on Jack’s door.
“Come in.” Jack said after a short pause.
I opened the door to see Jack sat on his bed, on top of the covers. I hadn’t actually seen his room until this moment. It looked somehow both lived-in and sterile. The collectibles on his shelves were arranged spaced exactly the same distance apart, lined up perfectly with each other, the wires of his electronic devices were neatly tucked away, and everything was arranged in perfect right angles. Jack was sitting perpendicular on his bed, facing his tv across the room. The screen was paused on a frame of Kevin Hart, on top of which the title “stand-up compilation #21” hung.
“Hey man, you mind keeping it down a little?”
“Sorry, was I being loud? No problem, Mason, I’ll keep it down. Sleep well.”
“Thanks Jack. ‘Night.”
After I had gone back to bed I heard him leave. Clearly making every effort to be quiet.
This pattern went on for 2 months.
Because of the massive amount of benefits there were to having Jack around, I didn’t really mind having to ask him to quiet down every night. It seemed superfluous. Every night he would cook these decadent five-star meals, exotic meats always paired with bottles of wine, champagne, or scotch that couldn’t have cost less than $500. He didn’t even flinch one night when I had a few friends over, and insisted that he cook for all 5 of us, he was almost excited by it, and the idea that I was going to order us pizza was simply unfathomable to him. He even talked and joked around with my friends, and whenever he’d laugh it was the same Joker-like laugh I heard every night. On hearing his laugh one of my friends shot me a look and I shrugged in reply, they raised an eyebrow at me then went back to the conversation.
Eventually the laughing just became white noise to me. I had purchased noise-cancelling headphones but didn’t even take them out of the packaging because by the time they arrived, I could fall asleep to;
I stopped thinking much of it. “It’s just how he laughs” I rationalized.
Two weeks after Jack moved in, I started to feel like I was always being watched. Even when I was alone, when Jack had gone to work for the day. I couldn’t really explain why, or come up with any ideas how. My apartment window overlooked a park, with no other residential windows in line-of-sight of my window. I didn’t have interior security cameras, and Jack hadn’t set any up that I could see.
The feeling was much more intense when Jack was around, and I still couldn’t figure out why. Sure, his gaze was intense, but he was sort of an intense person. In a fit of paranoia one night, when Jack was in his room, door closed, I wrote on a mini white board “I know you’re watching me, I found the cameras” held it up and faced my bedroom door. I waited two minutes for some kind of response before moving to the living room still holding the sign to my chest. Still nothing.
I pushed the feeling to the back of my mind. Surely, if I was being surveilled, the move with the sign would have brought my spy out, I thought.
“Or maybe they just called your bluff” a voice in the back of my mind said. Another thought I pushed away.
submitted by haloryder to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:50 i_cant_think_of-Name Out of Specsavers, Asda and Vision Express, who would you recommend for prescription sunglasses?

Hi everyone, i've worn glasses since around year 5 but i'm wanting to get some prescription sunglasses as i'm going on holiday this summer and also if last summer is anything to go by it should hopefully be quite sunny, although UK weather is quite unpredictable. Anyways, the only local opticians to me are Asda, Vision Express and Specsavers. I've looked into getting some online but with how terrible my eyesight is (-7.25 in both eyes) I don't think that would be a safe option. I've seen Asda include sunglasses and thin lenses in their standard price but have also read that the eye test quality may not be the best. My current optician for normal glasses is Vision Express however for sunglasses they seem to be a bit pricey. I haven't looked into specsavers yet. Who would you guys recommend out of my 3 local ones?
submitted by i_cant_think_of-Name to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:50 StraightGolf7773 Post apocalyptic space sci-fi

Post apocalyptic space sci-fi
Hello guys, I'm about to create my first universe, and want you to check it out and add some things to the lore, I want to make it "community" based, where all people could write and add something new, like new planets, ships, bioms, threats and factions. I will read all your comments and add the best ideas into the lore!
First of all there are some basic principles of the universe: -It's year 2450, 100 years after Armageddon.
-No intelligent aliens found in this universe, only flora and fauna, so no xenos allowed to be added to the lore. If they were intelligent aliens their civilizations died millions years ago.
-Humanity destroyed itself in an armageddon scaled interestellar warfare, all possible convencinal weapons and weapons of mass destruction were used: chemical, biologically, nuclear, artificial womb soldiers, battle robots, drone swarms, meteor bombings and etc.
-Humanity is scattered among the stars, many capital worlds and hundreds of colonies are cut off from civilization and supplies, slowly dying out or sliding into techno-barbarian tribes(aka mad max style). At the time of the war, more than 500 worlds were inhabited, now much less...
-Level of technology: 1)hyperdrives of course 2)no artificial gravity on ships 3)during the war soldiers mostly used firearms, only some special units were armed with plasma and laser weapons. 4) High tech robotic units including nuclear batteries for them.
State of super powers: all of them of them collapsed, but some of them are still fighting for their existence, slowly rising from the ashes of nuclear fire, you can create your own and describe it.
submitted by StraightGolf7773 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:50 shank1093 Tri Mage Tournament Idea(s) and Strategy

SO, as the end this challenge approaches it's final hours, Sir Name sits upon 10 wins...bashing his head into the nearest wall trying to get through the droves of Poison, MK, Firecrackers, and Princesses...this challenge seems to offer a lot of stalemating and the poison has been a big win factor for many.
I'm a practical person, I play upon my own innovation as I'm playing for the fun of it and can see flaws and will correct them as I can. I try not to just take amazing decks built by Tag or Juice or whomever as they were the engineers and testers. Hats off to these guys and their patience all these years...Tag is new to me but Juice?...that's the Goat. Anyway, I tweak what they did and make it work for my deck and what I have available.
That said, I want to break the meta this afternoon. Lots of variation in support units I've seen in countless matches at this point, but it all comes down to how the Mage Trio is placed/used. Most the time I've seen it as a defensive move on their side...I have found success in the split myself to make them split defenses and make a mistake...it works even late at night against the Asian Syndicate (affectionately naming, I play late at night at that wedge of players are GOOD). Shocker goes right, Fire and Ice goes left---add a fastish support with the Shocker Mage (I like NW for this, but Phoenix goes well too if they don't have a building esp. May void one side or the other that I can see taking one piece away will make their Jenga defense fall...
But over time I succumb to their more steady play and poisoning me while I hold them off with Tesla, Musketeer, and the aforementioned...I have remained steadfast in the deck I played up to 10 with:
3Wiz, Musketeer, Arrows, Void, Tesla, Phoenix, Giant, Night Witch
Unfortunately, in this challenge, Night Witch standing up to the mages is laughable...even when paired with your own, she walks through fire...and she's not in the Hunger Games...she dead. Lots of distance attackers have shown success but I've yet to see much on buildings beyond Tesla, Bomb, and Inferno to be honest...
I posit a strategy. I need better minds than mine here to fine tune as my play experienced a near 7 year hiatus...I've been playing again and ready to continue breaking metas. That was my favorite and still is, because there are (I say this as softly as I can) too many players just following the meta and making it like it's a populist strategy game...and I'm finding that as balanced as this is all supposed to be and WAS, it just isn't fully. And it's up to us to find those broken flaps on the cards to break the meta when combined with other broken flaps.
Thinking along the lines of Mortar and or X-Bow Elixir Golem deck....save the golem until AFTER they cycle Mage...I've gotten good at defending with Void and if needed arrows...I use DD so it takes them down after a void just fine. And Tesla if more is needed...but in this case I may use these other buildings. My thoughts are, most of the hardest fighting is on the offense in this one and very heavily mage group fighting...similar to the MK wall stopper to a push, the Mage Trio effects a similar result. Ruin. I feel like I need more range...safe range.
Sidenote, effective split decks could be utilized but I'm just intermediate enough to not have a good answer there but for Goblin barrel and a fast unit...esp against those silly enough to leave Princess Towers in place of DD.
This is where I'm at so far:
Tri Wizards, MORTAR &/or Xbow...cross river offensives,
VOID, Arrows, Generator?...2-3 stopper aid troops resistant to poison (mid HP), however a Princess would be appropriate here I think as well...but OUT of the classic poison zones for deployment...basically in towards the middle where the buildings will be and maybe help 2 lanes...and one win condition?
Thoughts? Sorry for how winded this is, but you guys are who I can discuss all this...no one cares here LOL!
submitted by shank1093 to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:49 Pie_Slayer What Are 3 Things You Guys Dislike About One Piece?

One Piece is my favorite series of all time but I can't deny it is full of flaws so I was wondering what were some things you guys dislike about it.
Here are my 3
Sanji Perv Gag (became insufferable after timeskip)
Fan Service (I dont dislike all of it but they just go overboard way to often)
Pacing (I never noticed this to be honest, not until I caught up. I've been caught up a couple years now and gosh Is it bad at times)
submitted by Pie_Slayer to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:49 Sea-Transition1049 The Mysterious Case of Trafficked Lovers: A Crack Theory

The Mysterious Case of Trafficked Lovers: A Crack Theory
Thank you u/PikaBooSquirrel for inspiring me to make my first ever post in this subreddit :)
So in the discussion thread of this chapter (35th), I commented something like "Why is everyone in this manga selling off their gfs?"
And Pika replied with something along the lines of, "What if it's the same guy on a mission to impregnate lots of women with special abilities and then sell to gain profit?"
On top of being a funny comment, it also piqued my interest. After all, who in their right mind would sell off pretty women with regeneration or ice powers? You could always just wear warm clothes and sit your ass down like a normal person. But no, these poor women were sold off to horrible people and forced to live through horrifying ends. So, does this mean that everyone in the Kaguraverse is fucked in the head and after profit? But these events are just too suspicious to repeat! Could there really be a certain man dedicated to plant seeds of hopelessness in young women's hearts and harvest them?
John Hishaku, the handsome troublemaker
That's right ladies and gentlemen, I accuse John Hishaku the Farmer of being a serial girlfriend trafficker, and here are my reasons:
  1. He totally has the looks of a suave psycho heartbreaker. You've gotta make use of that somehow. See picture above for proof.
  2. His lines scream "I want to cover the entire world with despair and to do so, I will ruin a lot of people's lives so that the victims get angry enough to continue the chaos I've started to build up"
One of the seeds the farmer has planted. Sorry to remind you of this panel 😔
3) "Seeds" are a very well known euphemism for sperm. (Sorry) According to this crack theory, which seeds other than Chihiro could the Farmer harvest? That's right, Char, both due to her regeneration powers and due to her possibly being this guy's daughter. (Poor girl, her life is hard enough as it is.)
And finally, my last and most serious reason: To achieve his evil goals, he needs allies (Sojo & the Sazanami) and to gain allies, he needs offers.
Who is John Hishaku currently helping? Kyora Sazanami Why? Because he wants to own Shinuchi, which is currently being auctioned by him What is his offer to him? Sojo's legacy, the temporarily stable datenseki stone What did Sojo use to create this legacy? Char and her mother's regenerating ability
The Farmer, plotting
John Hishaku must have known about Sojo's obsession with the enchanted blades and his scientific genius, somehow. To utilize this, he pointed Sojo to the material he'd require the most to create the closest thing to the revered doomsday weapons: the remaining members of the Kyonagi clan.
But what does ice girl have anything to do with this? Well, if the Sazanamis are such a prestigious clan, they won't allow a mere edgelord farmer to just approach and strike a deal with them. First, he has to prove to them that he's worth their time. And to do that, he has to aid their business first, by finding merchandise to sell.
But why use such convoluted ways in the first place? Because a true master villain has to cover his tracks and use the most fucked up ways possible. Otherwise, the story would be boring :D
That was all from me. Thank you for reading my messy crafting of a crack theory, and if you have any other clues to add, please do so :DD
submitted by Sea-Transition1049 to Kagurabachi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:48 Dreary_Libido Holy shit I need some friends

Ever since I started manmoding again everybody's fucking disappeared. Can't hang out trans women because weird half man, can't hang out with cis women because weird half man, can't hang out with cis men because weird half man. Can't girlmode again because now I just look like a fucking hon and even trying to do makeup makes me hit myself in the head.
The few people I do know, I'm barely in touch with. My girlfriend is back in her country, and when we talk she only wants to talk about herself and her interests. Even my really old guy friends I'm barely in touch with. Half the reason I spend all day on here is that I've got nobody else to talk to. The only friend I talk to honestly is a depressed alcoholic who only calls when he's hammered. Shit's gotten so bad I get tempted to leave my girlfriend and start sleeping with guys just to get a moment of comfort. I need some genuine human connection. I need some miniscule part of me to be seen.
Something has to be done. I'm going to have to join a fucking book club or something, or a writing class. That's what I'm going to be reduced to - to one of those oddballs who turns up cap in hand to events meant for people who have just moved to the city. I just need something that puts me in a room with people roughly my age with whom I share some minor interests, after that I'm gucci. I can be funny, I can feign being something more than a traumatised sperg tranny freak for an evening a week. I'm going to go the better part of my life pretending to be a dozen things I'm not, I might as well get to talk with someone honestly about something. There have to be people out there who will like me, and who I'll like in turn. I've got to believe that. This has got to get better.
submitted by Dreary_Libido to 4tran4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:47 Zestyclose-Ad6726 Just played against the father of all pushers

For the context, in our league we play 6 singles and 3 doubles and i play as the number 1 seed in my team. In the last 4 years i only encountered 1 real pusher and i lost but that was fine.
Today i played against a guy who hit every single damn ball at least 5 meters above the net with zero pace for 3h 05m. At first i thought well no problem for me cause i have patience and i can hit quite safe winners when a ball drops before the T.
Man was i wrong. He moved so freaking well i had to hit 3,4,5 really good shots to get a winner ar every point.
I barely won the first set in a tiebreak and changed my tactic from flat hard shots to deep top spin shots and only hit a winner when theres a really short ball.
In the end i won 7:6 6:2 but holy hell i felt like shit even tho i won and i'm still angry 8 hours later.
In the doubles i played him again and also his brother and the "fun" went on for another 1h 30m... a day i want to never experience again.
Thx for reading my rant, habe a nice one fellas.
submitted by Zestyclose-Ad6726 to 10s [link] [comments]
