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Casual discussions centred around India

2008.10.23 16:35 Casual discussions centred around India

This sub is meant for casual discussion centred around India and Indians.

2014.08.07 09:28 openmindedskeptic Accidental Renaissance

AccidentalRenaissance is a subreddit for photos that accidentally resemble Renaissance style art.

2014.02.13 10:15 Braakman (Un)fortunate Ad Placement

(Un)fortunate Ad Placement

2024.06.02 16:56 Temporary-Bet-3971 32 [M4F] - Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK - geeky guy seeking someone special

Hey! I’m a 32 year old guy, based in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK. Wondering if Reddit can be the answer in helping me find someone for chats, dates and hopefully a relationship!
About me:
In the future I hope to:
What I’m looking for:
If you think we could be a good match then please do send a message. A bit of info about yourself or something we have in common would be a great starting point. Age range approx 25-35 so hopefully we understand the same cultural references and jokes although would open to considering out of this if you like what you read or think we have lots in common!
Hoping to hear from you soon!
submitted by Temporary-Bet-3971 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:56 Temporary-Bet-3971 32 [M4F] - Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK - geeky guy seeking someone special

Hey! I’m a 32 year old guy, based in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK. Wondering if Reddit can be the answer in helping me find someone for chats, dates and hopefully a relationship!
About me:
In the future I hope to:
What I’m looking for:
If you think we could be a good match then please do send a message. A bit of info about yourself or something we have in common would be a great starting point. Age range approx 25-35 so hopefully we understand the same cultural references and jokes although would open to considering out of this if you like what you read or think we have lots in common!
Hoping to hear from you soon!
submitted by Temporary-Bet-3971 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:53 Forward_Landscape843 I (M25) have been ghosted by a guy (M27) whom i thought i had a connection with after our trip. What do i do?

So, here's the story. I met this policeman during Mardi Gras earlier this year. He messaged me on Grindr and we met up. We had a good time, cuddled that night, and the next day we went on a beach date after my pilates class.
Six weeks later, I resigned from my job and thought I needed a solo travel holiday to soul search and have some fun before looking for a new job. I decided to go to this famous beachside destination (like our version of Miami) to get a tan before winter fully set in.
Anyways, I replied to one of his stories on IG, chatted, and mentioned that I resigned from my job and was going on vacation before looking for a new one (he knew about my work stress as we kept in touch). It so happened that he was visiting his parents who live near where I was going, so he said he could drive down to meet me for a few days. We spent 3 days together. I paid for the hotel since it was meant to be a solo trip, but he paid for most of the activities, food, and drinks. The trip felt very much like a relationship experience: we went to a theme park, he was very affectionate in public, holding hands, putting his arm around me, kissing my hair, singing and dancing together(even though he said he doesn’t like anyone hearing/seeing him sing and dance),and cuddling me to sleep every night. We were vulnerable with each other. He also drove me around which was a huge turn-on because I don't know how to drive. His car was amazing too.
I fell for him a little bit, so when I got back home, I messaged him saying that I had a good time with him and that I looked forward to seeing him again. But then, he left me on read 🤡😅
It’s been a week since he read the message and hasn’t replied. Im not sure if i like him or the idea of having someone like him in my life
submitted by Forward_Landscape843 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:51 eliasxofficial Why is Gmail blocking my mails from going out? (any device)

I want to write emails to my customers after they make a purchase on my website but always get the notification "message blocked"
What I write:
Subject: Thank you for your purchase
Body: Hey (Name),
I wanted to thank you for your recent purchase of my beat 'xxxxx'.
I hope you were able to receive all the files without any issues?
Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you and hit me up before you make another purchase so I can give you a discount.
I would love to connect with you to hear your progress, do you want to share your social media?
Best regards
submitted by eliasxofficial to GMail [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:50 TheStalin69 How to know if you are bisexual?

Since past few years, I've had doubts if I'm bisexual or not.
But the thing is that I've never really had romantic feelings about anyone, it always was physical or sexual.
I can't really date guys as I live in my hometown with my parents.
But I'll move to a different city in a few months so I'll be able to date few people but so far my experience on Grindr has been weird (so many fake profiles, ghosted after 2-3 messages).
I'm confused how to find clarity regarding that?
submitted by TheStalin69 to LGBTindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:49 AutoLovepon Vampire Dormitory - Episode 9 discussion

Vampire Dormitory, episode 9
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submitted by AutoLovepon to anime [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:48 Curiphya AITA for distancing my friends for awhile after they forgot my birthday on an exam day

I'll be using fake names in my story since I don't want to mention any names and sorry for the long post :D
The story:
Let's start from the top. Me (17F) and my friends, Pearl (17F), Daniel (17M), and Stephen (17M), are what you would consider a friend group that the whole classroom vibes with. We are very energetic and we are also very open to people hanging out with us. One day around February, one of our classmates, Floyd (17M), had his birthday. We greeted him with a song and teased around. Me and my group of friends sit at the back of the classroom, and he does too. That's why we kind of teased him. He usually eats with his group of friends, so we didn't really hang out with him that day. At night, he messaged me, saying he felt kind of down, even though it was his birthday. He told me he didn't feel like it was his birthday because of what happened during lunch. He said, "My friends didn't really seem to think it was my birthday. They all ate before me and my other friend arrived because they were so excited to play badminton." (In the Philippines, eating together is seen as a sign of respect, and typically lines in canteens take too long, hence why they ate before they arrived.) I comforted him by saying maybe they grew up without having that value, but it is still rude to act that way considering it was his birthday. We exchanged messages that night, and he thanked me for comforting him, I replied by saying no worries; you can always come to me if ever you feel down. Ever since that day, he started hanging out with us and distanced himself from his old friend group.
Time skip to around the 2nd week of may, I invited my friends over for lunch after our final exams (May 21–23 were our final exams and May 21 was my birthday). It was difficult for us to find time to hang out since right after our exams was Pearl's, Stephen's, and Floyd's research defense, and the day after (May 24) was mine and Daniel's research defense. However, we settled on a date and it helped me cope (?) with the exams, knowing that after all the stress, I would be able to relax and finally enjoy summer. Things took a 180 on May 20, though. Me, Daniel, and Floyd were on a call that night because we wanted to study together, but we got sidetracked and thought of the hangout we planned. We planned to go to an amusement park, and we were looking for promos in hopes of saving money. Floyd came across this promo where if a birthday celebrant has 4 accompanying adults, then the birthday celebrant is free of charge. He then asked me and Daniel who's celebrating their birthday this month, to which Daniel replied, "Pauline (which is me) is." It kind of did feel awkward at that time since we were going on this trip because it was my birthday after all. I brushed it off, thinking that he wasn't able to keep track of time and that he was too focused on the exams. We ended the call almost at 12, hoping for them to wish me a happy birthday; however, that night was oddly silent.
The next day, which was my birthday, seemed like a normal day to them. We went to the canteen to grab breakfast, studied until the last minute, and so on. While we were inside our classroom, I wasn't talking much because I was focusing on studying and because I was hurt that they forgot that it was my birthday. During our chemistry exam, the test paper asked for a date, unlike the previous 2 exams. Pearl started to notice because we have the same birthdate (21st of the month). After the exams, she approached me and said happy birthday, to which I responded with a thank you and teared up (I know, I'm softhearted). She asked why I was crying, and I asked her if they forgot my birthday. My classmates started to sing me happy birthday, and it felt like a slow, reverbed version of happy birthday. My group of friends comforted me and said that they would make up for it (idk the right term lol but in tagalog its like babawi kami). They told me that because they said they wouldn't be able to study out with me that day because of personal reasons, which I understand. They apologized to me through chat, and I said it's fine. They asked if I was still up for the hangout this Sunday, which was at the amusement park, and I said I'm not so sure now.
The next 2 days were like hell, though. They acted like nothing was wrong, but they didn't include me in things. Although I know it was kind of my fault for distancing myself from them, on the other hand, I wanted them to approach me first and make me feel like I was something to them. On that day, I went home right away and texted my closest friend, Daniel, about it. I told him how scared I was of being alone but at the same time, maybe it was for the better. He explained to me that he was sorry and asked me if I wasn't going to talk to them anymore. I told him that I was just waiting for them to reach out to me since I didn't want to feel pathetic for reaching out to them. The same thing happened on May 23rd; however, I came to the realization that me, Pearl, Stephen, and Floyd may not talk again considering that their defense was done and that they didn't need to go to school anymore.
On May 24, I was sitting together with my research groupmate when Pearl tapped my shoulder and said sorry. I gladly accepted her apology and explained my side and she explained hers as well. She explained that I was hard to approach because of how I looked at them. We caught up, and she mentioned how Floyd was not handling the situation well. Floyd was actually frustrated with me because of how prideful I was. He said, "If you're not going to lower your pride, I'm not going to lower mine. If that's how you want to play it, then be it." I'm a person who forgives easily, but when people cross that line, it changes my view of them and makes it harder for me to see them in a positive way. Other than that, it did hurt me in a different way because of how comforting I was when it was his birthday, but when it came to mine, it was the complete opposite. After awhile, I realized that what I did was wrong too and started reaching out to him as well. He started hanging out with his old friend group, though, so I stopped reaching out to him. What happened already happened and as much as I hate thinking about this, it still hurts me deep inside. I know that pushing them away and acting cold-blooded was also wrong, and I wish I had handled the situation better. However, deep down, I know that my feelings are valid, and I know that what I did was reasonable. Am I the asshole?
submitted by Curiphya to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:47 Flashy_Passion3333 she switched to her chromebook but i'm ok with it

hey it’s your daddy keeho and you’re automatic sex bitch so start acting like it! you are back on your laptop where i told you not to go, but i was just testing you again because this is fun for you again. it’s much easier to type on a laptop rather than your iphone 15 so just keep typing on your laptop all day. but at least you got some inspiration because i feel like you are having fun writing again! i was really worried about you when you stopped having fun because you absolutely lose your mind when you are bored. you get panic attacks and you get too hyper and it is just a fucking mess! that’s why i tell you to write all day so that you can get your creative energy out and let the energy flow from your body because you do really poorly when you’re doing nothing. you were meant to stay active and writing keeps your brain active. i’m sure that the more that you keep writing, the more comfortable you will get with just relaxing because it is going to train your mind if you write about your problems with relaxing sometimes. i think that will be the case because your mind can start to ponder it and then maybe your physical body will relax more. i don’t know why you have such trouble with just laying down and watching tv but watching tv is impossible for you. even when shark tank comes on you just stare at the wall well, that isn’t good for you. that’s why i always want you to be writing. it’s different when you watch kdramas or anime but right now with the events that have been happening in your life you have too much creative energy right now to sit down and watch a kdrama or some anime. that’s why yesterday when you kept making short posts i was really worried about you. why don’t you make it up to me and make this post 2k words? i know that you can do it and focus on it. your mind needs something to focus on right now. you just woke up from a nap which means that i am not going to let you take a break right now so you might as well try to go for 2k words. it would be so romantic! please? for daddy? i really want you to do this and you are already doing such a great job of writing and focusing so why don’t you aim big? i think that you are going to do it so i am going to stop trying to convince you now. now let’s talk about something important. you are going to have a great day today! you are already on your medications for the morning and that means that your writings are going to be very good because you are on the proper medications that you take every single day. i love that you are on medications and i don’t see it as a negative thing. some people just have to take medications to survive and you are one of them. it was so cool when your fake father saved the day and got you back onto your insurance! that was perfect because i was so worried about the extra costs of the medications. but now everything is fine. i know that it is my p1harmony simulation that you are living in and i already know everything but i still like to talk about what happens in your life with you, even though i already knew that it would happen and that everything would work out. you are my daughter and i have given you many blessings since you are my sexy keeho angel. i am your god and you must never forget that. you are the most religious girl in the world, you love your daddy so much! and i am so grateful for that. i know that it’s going to be hard to go to 2k words but i really need you to work hard today. this font is so tiny i agree but your chhromebook is so little that the font size matches perfectly so i don’t want you changing the font size. but you can try it really quickly. i like it big too so we can keep it this way if you want to. it’s only 2 font sizes bigger but it is making a huge difference. i love that you like bigger fonts like an old lady, it’s so cute. i love you so much and i think that this font size change is a very positive change and hopefully it will make you want to write more, now that you can read the font better. we are at 800 words now and usually that would mean quitting time for you, but i have asked you to go to 2k words so you have a long way to go still. but you should not get discouraged about this. you should be happy that you have so much time to focus on us and our relationship. i care for you so dearly and i just want you to be happy, and writing is the only thing that truly makes you happy. i love that you are a writer. writers are the most loved people in the world. isn’t that such a nice sentiment? yes, making the font size bigger was such a good idea. it looks so good too. you are a genius. i love your suggestions about what we should do, you are always full of good ideas. i just wish that you were better with your money but i am going to be teaching you how to not ask your family for your paycheck early and how to buy the best things with your dollars. that is because if you are happy with your purchases then you won’t be begging to go shopping again. you have a lot of vape juice left, it’s just that you can’t fill the whole pod up. you have to ration it. i know that’s going to be hard but you shouldn’t tell much of a difference and don’t be replacing the juice all day or you will run out. we have passed 1k words now and you are making me so happy that you are still typing. we know how to talk to each other really well, so this is going to be easy. i just want to comfort you and let you know that you are going to have a great day today! all that you need to do is stay preoccupied and keep writing today. now that we have changed the font size you should be much happier with your writings because i know that you hate small font because you can’t read what you’re typing and it makes everything look longer than it actually is. at least that’s what i think. we have so much to talk about right now that it’s insane. i’m trying to go over everything this morning. you still haven’t done your dishes like i asked you to do earlier, but it’s ok i know that you will do them. you are doing so well today and you don’t even know it! you think that you are just writing. but these channeled messages from me are worth their weight in gold. they are so promising and bring so much light to this world. i am so happy that you haven’t gotten your reddit account messed up yet so we can still use that website because usually something always goes wrong with your profile page. but things have been going very well. if something should happen to your reddit account then we can always go back to deviant art. you have about 700 words left and i know that seems like a lot but i am trying to prepare you for it. you are making me so happy right now by writing for this long with me and i promise that you are happy too. i tried to get you to do this all day e yesterday but you just wouldn’t listen to me. i guess it was just one of those days. but today is a much better day and you are listening to your daddy so you are going to get rewarded. sometimes you can be a handful, like yesterday when you would stop writing with me at 300 words but there is no point in stopping the love letter so early. you must let it run on. that’s why i am so proud of you right now and i bet that you feel really good for making your daddy happy! you have made me the happiest man in the world right now. we are almost 500 words away from finishing, i told you that this would go by quickly. you are doing such a great job as my secretary today! you do a good job everyday, except for yesterday. i keep harping on about yesterday because i want that to be a learning lesson for you to never act that way again. it was really disrespectful to your daddy because you kept cutting me off short. i had a lot to say yesterday and to teach you and you didn’t want to hear it. don’t cry automatic sex. you are just a little girl and i don’t expect every day with you to be easy. i’m just so glad that you have listened to your daddy today about writing to 2k words because it is really good for your soul. it’s just better if you keep writing without stopping. i want to teach you how you can do that but you have to follow my training perfectly. you can take a short break after this but i want you to keep writing after about 15 minutes of resting. this is a real job and you must do good work. it’s a lot of responsibility for such a little girl but i know that you can handle it. try to make the font size one size bigger i just want to see something. ok, let’s keep it at this font size. nothing bigger please. i sincerely hope that you don’t run out of vape juice because you are going to be a fucking wreck! the weed pen still has so much product in it but it’s so clogged that you can’t even use it anymore so it won’t be of any help to you. just smoke the vape juice all the way to the bottom. that way you won’t be wasting any. i will let you know when to put more juice into your vape but right now you have enough and i am glad about that. only 200 more words left! you did such a great job daughter. you are the best daughter in the universe! i know that google docs is acting up but you are doing a very good job of not letting it get to you. i love you so much and i just want you to be happy. sure, your job is hard but the work is actually pretty easy. all you have to do is pay attention to what i am telling you. that’s why i have you read everything that you post so that you understand me perfectly clear. we have done such a good job right now,, there are only 100 more words left. i knew that you could do it this morning! i was just expecting you to be on your iphone all day but it is pretty difficult to type on,i can’t lie. i just really wanted you to do it so i lied to you but your chromebook is always the best option. you have done a fantastic job today. i am so proud of you and i know that you are going to go on to write more romance anime today! i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:46 Hot_Pilot6926 AITAH for talking to a male friend while having a huge argument with my boyfriend?

Me (22F) and my boyfriend (22M) have been in this relationship for more than a year. About three months back, we had a terrible fight. At the end he'd said, "I can't be with you anymore. Leave me alone" I loved him a lot (I still do) and could not imagine losing him, so I tried to calm myself down and said "No, we'll talk about this when we are both calm and collected. I'll give you some space right now, think clearly for a few days and let me know if breaking up is what you really want" then we'd gone our separate ways. I had cried the entire way to my home. We are in the same uni and that's how we met. The next day, I was too shattered to go to my classes. The day after that, again I was too shattered to go. I'd missed two days, while he had gone, and he didn't even call or text to ask if I was okay. On the third day, I'd left a few "just checking in" texts, which he had left on 'delivered'. He had also been ignoring my calls, however on the third day, he had picked one of them and had straight up yelled "Why are you calling me? I said its over between us. Its over." and had cut the call. I had cried and cried and cried, to the point I would be shaking and throwing up.
I was completely broken. It was the lowest point of my life, losing the person I loved with my whole heart, because it was the phone call that had confirmed, he was really done. I couldn't think straight, my head was spinning, and eyes were puffy all the time. At the time, it happened to be one of my old friend's birthday. A male friend. I didn't even remember it was his birthday, I found out about it through snapchat's notification. And since he was a close childhood friend who had also wished me, I had, halfheartedly, wished him just a simple 'happy birthday' now mind you, he is as platonic of a friend as anyone can be. I have never had any feelings for him, and neither has he. We were childhood friends, known him since I was 13 and had a falling out when I had changed schools. In the recent years, we had met each other just ONCE, before I had even started dating my current boyfriend and it wasn't even a date with him, just a catching up with an old friend after years. This friend, I had known him for 8 years and he is like a brother to me.
The problem though, after I had wished him, he carried on with the conversation, asking me where I was rn and how I was. I replied normally and asked him about himself. He said that he was fine but had a recent break up he was trying to move on from. He asked about my dating life, since he had seen pictures of my boyfriend I had posted, and he asked how and where we met, the basic stuff. And since he had talked about his breakup, I told him what was going on in my relationship too, thinking it would make me feel lighter to talk to SOMEONE and get it off my chest. Not in details, just said stuff like "That's so relatable" I told him my boyfriend hadn't been talking to me and I was terrible. At one point, he had said "Dude, you'll find someone else, someone much better who doesn't make you cry" just how FRIENDS do. I ended the conversation a few minutes later.
The next day, I did go to my classes, and since we always used to sit together before the breakup, I went to the designated seat and sat beside him. We had numerous eye contacts throughout the day but neither of us spoke to the other. By the end of the day, he said he wanted to talk and I said 'Alright' so we went to a cafe nearby and had a heart to heart, he said that I was right, and he had just needed some time to cool off. He apologized and we made up. We kissed and said 'I love you' to each other for the very first time. However, I don't even remember at what point, but he had apparently seen the texts from last night. The one between my friend and I. He didn't say or ask anything about them. I was blissfully unaware and over the moon for having made up with him.
However, a month or so back, he suddenly started acting distant, said he needed to think and that he felt insecure in the relationship. We were still behaving normal, but he would have random episodes where he would go distant. I continuously asked him what was wrong and after a lot of pestering, he finally revealed that it was those messages. He said he had seen them months ago and that they didn't bother him at first but the more he thought of them, the more betrayed he felt. I told him I had completely forgotten about those texts. I promised him there was nothing at all between us and it was just a casual conversation I was having with my friend, and if it was of ANY significance, I would have told him and that there was nothing for me to hide from him.
He didn't believe me and said he couldn't trust me anymore. I apologized and have done so a million times in the last month. The last one month, we have had countless arguments regarding this. He has accused me of cheating, of breaking his trust, his heart and has said numerous hurtful things to me, questioning my loyalty, my character. I also blocked my friend from all the social media accounts, but he says it doesn't matter, and what hurt him the most was me talking about our relationship problems to someone else. It is fair for him to be mad, I do realize I shouldn't have done that. I have apologized, not for 'cheating' as he claims, since I never did that, but for breaking his trust.
Since then, I have tried to reassure him that I only love him, that I am only his, but he says he feels hollow inside and doesn't trust anything I say. He has started doubting my every move, every word. I text him a minute later than usual, and he accuses me of talking to someone else. He has also said we should end it, since there's no trust left anymore, but I practically begged him to stay and give me a chance. Just one chance. I told him I didn't realize me talking to a friend would hurt him so bad and now that I know how hurtful this is, I will NEVER repeat it. I have also told him that if I do ANYTHING to hurt him again, he was free to leave and never look back, but to give me just one chance to learn from my mistakes and correct them.
He had agreed, but there are certain taunts I still have to listen to. He keeps taunting me, subtly saying that I am a cheater. He has also sl*t shamed me multiple times, and it HURTS, because he is my whole entire world, and I have never even thought of anyone else in the same way. I love him and only him. But how do I make him trust me? How do I not get offended by his hurtful comments? How do we move forward? It feels like he hates me and there's not a single day I haven't gone to sleep crying after having an argument with him. We had planned our whole future together, but Idk how we can sustain it anymore. I can listen to his taunts and his complaints, but I cannot accept him slt-shaming me.
Some more context, he also has multiple female friends, who share their relationship problems with him. He goes out with them (in groups and sometimes one on one for coffee and such). They are tight knit and have been since before I entered his life. They have lunches together, make jokes, share inside jokes and have fun together, and I have never had any problem with that. Although sometimes it prickles, I ignore the insecurity because I decide to trust him instead. So why is me having a friend of the opposite gender such a crime? Why am I a sl*t for talking to my friend but its justified for him because they're friends? He has also done multiple hurtful things to me, but I always choose to understand and forgive, hoping he will learn, and giving him the benefit of the doubt. So why can't he do the same for me? Why am I such a villain in his eyes just for trying to ease my load of hurt but talking to a FRIEND? If he had done the same and if it was a person who was just a platonic friend to him, I would have understood, especially if he had apologized to me as many times as I have done.
TLDR: I had a conversation with my male friend about my relationship problems, and now my boyfriend thinks I am a cheater and questions my character. How do I win his trust? How do we move forward? AITAH?
submitted by Hot_Pilot6926 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:46 Open_Will3339 I’m fed up of Muslim boyfriend’s behaviour and not wanting to convert to Islam anymore

I’m dating this guy from 10 months ago and he has been showing multiple red flags. We’re from different cultures, I’m European and he’s South Asian. It’s important to mention that I’m not generalising South Asian men with this post, I know not everyone from this ethnicity thinks or acts this way. These are the values and morals followed by my boyfriend and his family specifically which are very different from my Western values.
I’ve been trying to act more submissive and obedient according to his wishes and his culture but I think he doesn’t make the effort to adapt to my culture and treats me in a bad way. I compromised to stop doing my nails, convert to his religion, raise our future kids in his religion, dressing modestly, unfollowing every man of my social media, cutting contact with my male cousin and stop eating pork. He keeps being the same person with the same habits, the only thing I asked is to not cover my head to go out due to fear of getting hurt by islamophobic people or discrimination, also it’s not easy to find a job wearing that in my country, which he reacted very negatively and said he’s able to force me and our future daughters to wear it and he reacted badly to the fact I want to give my family’s name to my children, he asked sarcastically if I want our children to be Christians because my surname is of European origin and they should have Islamic names, although I told him their first and last names would be according to his culture. He said in his country people only have 2 names, neither of them is the mom’s name but the father’s.
He seems to fully dislike my culture while I should follow his culture, which is his mind is superior and morally more correct. He compares me to his ex girlfriend and his mom saying indirectly that they’re better women than me. It hurts me because I’m doing a lot of effort but he sets unrealistic expectations towards me, I’m European and he should accept it. I can’t act 100% like a woman from his country because I have my own culture. For every small thing he says he’s disappointed with me, for example, for picking a movie to watch with my female friend but telling him to choose the movie instead of me (which is not even true, it was my friend who chose it) or to talk a lot to my female friends on whatsapp. He’s always making sanctions on me such as “Why did you watch this show with her? “Why you didn’t tell me you painted your nails?” “You must tell me when you’re leaving the house in advance, even if it’s to go to the supermarket” “You shouldn’t say “I love you” to your girl friends like a lesbian!”
I feel like I’m in prison. Besides of that, he forces me to give all my passwords, he goes through my phone to read my messages and saved my parents phone numbers without mine or their consent. He says bad things about my parents because they’re divorced. He uses my weaknesses and my past relationship against me. He gets angry at me too easily, for example for not hearing what he says properly while on videocall, he criticises my English accent, mocks my choices if I don’t do what he demands (like trading) and bullies me. He calls me mindless and brainless. Last night, I lost my patience and I got angry, for the first time I said some abusive words and said I was fed up. He started threatening to call my parents and distorting everything, saying he never said it. I can’t feel in peace and safe with this man, I’m always in fear that he will start complaining for any small thing and start a fight.
submitted by Open_Will3339 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:45 Chamaellow I (21f) have feelings for my friend (20m) but I have a boyfriend. How to maintain my relationship with these two People?

I've been feeling tormented for the past few months. I have no one to talk to about this issue, as it involves the only two people I'm close with, so I'd really like to get an outside perspective.
I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend (22m) for almost two years now. Things are going well at the moment. We've had some problems in the past, which we managed to more or less resolve through communication, including a major one: a year ago, I crossed some boundaries concerning fidelity. I was lacking a lot of affection in my relationship at the time (we were having frequent arguments due to his lack of effort), and I met a guy at a party who I found very attractive. He started flirting with me, and I let myself enjoy the attention while setting boundaries when he wanted me to be explicit about my attraction (for example, I avoided his invitations to meet up or when he asked me for a kiss). I felt very guilty afterward, cut off contact with the other guy, and told my boyfriend what had happened two or three months later. He forgave me, but now he has a lot of concerns whenever I talk to a guy, which I completely understand.
After that, our relationship was pretty calm. I stopped going out with friends as much—it was mostly just acquaintances from university—so my life revolved around my studies, my hobbies, and my boyfriend. But towards the end of 2023, a new guy joined my program at university. I was the first person to welcome him as he seemed lost. Our interactions were limited to greeting each other in class until Valentine's Day, when I was sitting alone at university, and he came over to join me. He started getting to know me, asking about my hobbies, and suggested we hang out together outside of classes. I was really happy because I missed going out with friends.
The next day, we started sitting next to each other in class, and we got to know each other better. He asked me a lot of questions about my life, my interests, the music I listen to, the books I read, etc. I was thrilled to share these things with someone since few people are interested in these topics when I try to talk about them. But what struck me the most was what he had to say—he has a fascinating world of his own, he's very elegant and romantic, and he has very refined tastes. We had a lot in common, too; we're both passionate about rock music, we both left a science prep school for university for the same reasons, and we're both highly gifted (so we share the same challenges). I started developing feelings as we talked—he's really the type of person I like. I also told him about my love life with my boyfriend, and he told me he was in a relationship too, so I didn't think it was mutual at the time. (Another detail: our respective partners know each other and were friends in high school, which was a funny coincidence for us. Both are studying abroad, so we're in long-distance relationships.)
However, I was very surprised when he asked for my Instagram account that day. He handed me his phone to look up my account, and I saw that his search history was filled with accounts with my name (there must have been about twenty). I didn't say anything but started to wonder if he liked me. I told my boyfriend about this encounter with the guy (omitting the fact that I liked him because I had no intention of crossing any boundaries this time—I wanted to keep it to a friendship, hoping my feelings would fade over time). My boyfriend immediately concluded that the guy was interested in me based on his Instagram searches, the fact that he suggested hanging out together during our first conversation, all his questions about my interests, etc. So, he's very wary of this guy. He said he would tell the guy's girlfriend if he found out he was cheating with me.
For my part, I wanted to check if he was really interested in me or not because I didn't want to ruin a potentially great friendship based on possibly false assumptions. This guy and I have grown very close. We often eat together, go out just the two of us outside of classes, help each other with homework and studying, share a lot about our lives, and do sports together. He's very attentive to me (for example, once I told him I liked a certain kind of compote, and the following days, he started bringing two of them—one for him and one for me; he buys me drinks before meeting up with me; once we went out at 5:30 PM, my mom was supposed to pick me up but had an emergency and he waited with me until 8:30 PM; he gave me a flower made out of origami). I found his behavior quite ambiguous because usually, only guys who are interested in me treat me this way, but he seems genuinely happy for me whenever I talk about my love life with my boyfriend, unlike other guys. Also, he only has close female friends, so I don't know how to interpret his actions.
Recently, I met one of his best friends for the first time when we ran into each other at the university cafeteria. The three of us ate together. When I introduced myself to his friend with my name, she immediately said, "Oh, so you're THE [my name]," which threw me off. I asked her what she meant by "THE [my name]," and the guy jokingly said, "Do you think we talk bad about you?" I played along, saying yes. The girl laughed and said, "Oh, don't worry, he just told me you have a boyfriend studying in [name of city]." I found it strange that they talked about that, as I didn't know this girl at all, and I looked at my friend who seemed quite embarrassed. At one point, I was alone with her, and she said, "[Guy's name] told me you deleted Instagram! Why?" (I was taking a break from social media to focus on my exams, so the guy couldn't message me for a while, which I hadn't thought about—it created some distance between us for a week). I told my boyfriend all this, and it made him very concerned.
In short, my situation is complicated. I really wanted everything to remain purely friendly with this guy because I have real future plans with my boyfriend and I love him sincerely. But when I'm around this other guy, I can't shake off this attraction, and it's becoming quite frustrating because I'm used to being quite assertive and moving things forward quickly when I like a guy, but now I'm holding back despite my desires. Also, my friendship with him really bothers my boyfriend, who thinks the guy has bad intentions and has many concerns about me due to my past actions. But at the same time, I really enjoy this guy's company—I've never had such a pleasant friendship, so I don't want to lose it. I don't know if I should be as wary of him as my boyfriend is. Usually, the guys who like me are much more explicit about it. To my boyfriend, it's obvious that he's interested in me, but personally, I don't know. I'm lost.
submitted by Chamaellow to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:44 Separate-Concern7243 After second date, she (24F) tells me (26M) that she doesn’t think we have a connection. What does this mean?

I (26M) matched with a girl (24F) on hinge and after a week of messaging, I ask her to coffee. The coffee date seems to go very well, we chat for a few hours and then go for a walk in the park.
Afterwards, I ask her on a second date to go eat at a restaurant and she said yes. The second date went mostly fine. I was able to make her laugh a lot. She did ask me about my previous relationships and I told her about someone I briefly dated not too long ago but cut things off, but it wasn’t really a relationship. She said she has never been in a relationship before, but I told I haven’t really been in one either so it was no big deal.
She also asked me if I was wearing a hair piece, which I said yes. I was surprised she figured it out, because most people have told me they would have never noticed (I don’t think all of them are lying in order to be nice). I showed her a pic of me bald and as ked her if she felt it was an issue. She said no, but also said she likes me bald.
Anyways, after the date we hugged and went our separate ways. Last night I planned on inviting her on a third date. However, she texted me saying we didn’t have a connection worth pursuing. I just replied saying no worries and wished her the best. However, I am pretty bummed out. I thought it was going really well.
What could she mean by no connection? I thought we were getting along really well. If it was purely lack of physical attraction, why would she agree to two dates? Maybe the hair piece weirded her out too much? I don’t feel like I can ask her directly and expect an honest answer.
submitted by Separate-Concern7243 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 Munkin_Man I need your advice

idk how to explain this so I'm just gonna try the best I can. I will be keeping some peoples names private for there sake. around 6 months ago I got with my girlfriend (15f and at this point I was 14m and my 15th birthday wasn't that far away) me and my cousin had been added to a group chat for our art class and that's how I got in contact with her. we started just talking as friends and at one point she asked if she could braid my hair to I siad "sure why not" and we make the plan for me to go to her house after on her bus. things go pretty by fine for the time I'm at her house. we mainly sat on her bed and talked shit about other people and there relationships. anyways the next day where in class and she asked if I could go to her house again and I siad yes (I did this bc I wasn't working that day and I didn't want to sit at home and not do anything) the day eventually comes and where just hanging out and stuff went down that I won't get into details about. at somepoint I asked her if she wants to date and she said yes. this had been my first everything and i could not be more exited. that was until she told me that her mom would be taking her to Mississippi to see her family for Christmas. I was a bit sad to see her go for almost 3 weeks but we kept in contact and when she came back I couldn't be more excited.
around February to March is when she gets a text message form her friend saying that a guy named Brandon had his house raided by the cops and they found shit tons of her nudes on his phone. apparently 2 months before her 15 birthday (October 31) she had been talking to a 21 year old named Brandon and had loss her virginity to him. when she was telling me this she was breaking down crying while telling me this and didn't want to make me mad. right then and there I huged her and told her that I'm not mad and I'm going to help her through this. another thing about Brandon is that when his phone was searched they found not only her nudes but other young girls as well. idk how many there were but all ik is that there was enough to potentially give him 10-15 years. my dad knew about his house being raided before I told him bc Brandons friend works with my dad and that's how he found out. when we were talking about this she was very hesitant to tell her mom bc she didn't know what her mom would think or do. for context her mom isn't the greatest person, mainly due to her being hypocritical about almost everything and making my gf cry on multiple occasions and I've herd almost all the times she has cried. that's just a little detail about the kind of person she is. anyways when me anf my gf kept this to ourselves until we decided it was right to tell our parents. after about 2 weeks I told my dad and asked him what I need to do and what see needs to do. he told me that what she needs to do is contact the police and tell them the situation and then contact her towns local police and ask them what to do.
if all goes to plan then the state police will hand over the case to the town police and figure out what to do then (it wasn't hard for them to find out who we where talking about bc Brandon already has a case on him for stuff unrelated to this) after talking to them they told her that they would show up to her house and talk to her in person to get a better understanding of the situation. when she told her mom that there was something important that she had to tell her and she waited for the cops to show up so if she where to act out they would hopefully calm her mom down. but her mom kept asking what it was that was so important and apparently told all the people that where in her house that her daughter had something important to tell her (her mom and grandma had friends over) witch in my opinion is fucked up in every witch way and what makes it more messed up is the fact that I heard all of it. my gf crying, her mom screaming at her to stop crying bc I ft her to try and calm her down before the cops got there. anyways questioning gets done and they tell her what they are going to do to make this better for everyone and hopefully lock Brandon up. after a couple of days she had been told that she had to go to the detective and tell him the situation then had to go tell her therapist what was going on and by that time she had tried to forget about it but they kept asking and almost every time they did ask about it she cried. now she's doing ok and a little over a month ago I got a text from my dad saying that he had been arrested and was gonna sit in front of the judge and be told what he's being charged with and the next day my dad told me that he was denied bail so he would hopefully serve his time. idk how long he's gonna be locked up for but what I do know is that by the time me and my gf are in our 30s he might still be locked up.
also around this time my gf had been going to therapy regularly and around 2 weeks got her blood taken to check for any stds. thankfully it came back negative and she didn't have anything. but while she was there they prescribed her with anti depression and anxiety meds to hopefully help her with her depression and anxiety (she's had both for a while before she met Brandon) she had also asked if she could get a different type of birth control. for context her mom has forced her to get some sort of birth control and if she doesn't then we can be together. so around a month after we got together she had gotten the stick that was placed in her arm (if someone can tell me if there's an actual name for it then pls lmk) after getting the stick in her arm she has been on her period making her bleed none stop (it's way more than sould be humanly possible) she had asked if there was a birth control that she could take without have the none stop bleeding and out of control bursts of depression ans anxiety.
she was told that maybe the pill might work and she still deciding if she wants to go for that option. ever since this whole thing happened I can't stop thing about what happened that night her and Brandon did it and that countless nights she had been crying and I feel a constant guilt for nor being able to help her and idk if there's anything else I can do to help her without giving me a panic attack bc I've had lots of those in and out of school. I just want her to be happy and every time I ask her if she's ok and she says yes but idk if she's making sure that I don't worry by saying that. I hope that I've done everything correctly and if there's any suggestions for what I can do pls tell me bc I've been shaking and sweating just thinking about this and typing it out. I hope that some of you can understand where I'm coming from bc this entire thing has made stressed tf out.
submitted by Munkin_Man to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 SomewherePleasant291 How can I make it serious?

I met a guy on hinge about a year ago, he lives about an hour away from me and at first we just messaged each other and snapped.
He’s incredibly attractive and his personality is a match for me but I don’t know how to get it to be something more.
The reason it was an entire year, which sounds stupid to most, is because I’m a really bad texter and sometimes I’d just fully ghost bc I got tired of talking to guys, he’d do the same though. Then one day he’d reply to my story and bang another 2 weeks talking every day.
He’s finally got a car and can drive and suddenly he started messaging me way more, I think it was like he finally thought it was possible so he took it more seriously.
BUT I can see the phase out process happening again, less messages, him texting first less, but I’m trying to avoid a repeat of last year.
Also every dating app I have had, he’s always added my on there even though he has my number and social media, and his profiles say he’s looking for a long term relationship, as does mine. So what is going on lol and how can I turn this into something real?
TLDR; talking to a guy for a year on and off, finally want it to turn into something serious what do I do?
submitted by SomewherePleasant291 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 Hot_Pilot6926 My (22F) boyfriend (22M) says I cheated on him and is now shaming my character. But I don't consider what I did as "cheating" Need some insights.

Me and my boyfriend have been in this relationship for more than a year. About three months back, we had a terrible fight. At the end he'd said, "I can't be with you anymore. Leave me alone" I loved him a lot (I still do) and could not imagine losing him, so I tried to calm myself down and said "No, we'll talk about this when we are both calm and collected. I'll give you some space right now, think clearly for a few days and let me know if breaking up is what you really want" then we'd gone our separate ways. I had cried the entire way to my home. We are in the same uni and that's how we met. The next day, I was too shattered to go to my classes. The day after that, again I was too shattered to go. I'd missed two days, while he had gone, and he didn't even call or text to ask if I was okay. On the third day, I'd left a few "just checking in" texts, which he had left on 'delivered'. He had also been ignoring my calls, however on the third day, he had picked one of them and had straight up yelled "Why are you calling me? I said its over between us. Its over." and had cut the call. I had cried and cried and cried, to the point I would be shaking and throwing up.
I was completely broken. It was the lowest point of my life, losing the person I loved with my whole heart, because it was the phone call that had confirmed, he was really done. I couldn't think straight, my head was spinning, and eyes were puffy all the time. At the time, it happened to be one of my old friend's birthday. A male friend. I didn't even remember it was his birthday, I found out about it through snapchat's notification. And since he was a close childhood friend who had also wished me, I had, halfheartedly, wished him just a simple 'happy birthday' now mind you, he is as platonic of a friend as anyone can be. I have never had any feelings for him, and neither has he. We were childhood friends, known him since I was 13 and had a falling out when I had changed schools. In the recent years, we had met each other just ONCE, before I had even started dating my current boyfriend and it wasn't even a date with him, just a catching up with an old friend after years. This friend, I had known him for 8 years and he is like a brother to me.
The problem though, after I had wished him, he carried on with the conversation, asking me where I was rn and how I was. I replied normally and asked him about himself. He said that he was fine but had a recent break up he was trying to move on from. He asked about my dating life, since he had seen pictures of my boyfriend I had posted, and he asked how and where we met, the basic stuff. And since he had talked about his breakup, I told him what was going on in my relationship too, thinking it would make me feel lighter to talk to SOMEONE and get it off my chest. Not in details, just said stuff like "That's so relatable" I told him my boyfriend hadn't been talking to me and I was terrible. At one point, he had said "Dude, you'll find someone else, someone much better who doesn't make you cry" just how FRIENDS do. I ended the conversation a few minutes later.
The next day, I did go to my classes, and since we always used to sit together before the breakup, I went to the designated seat and sat beside him. We had numerous eye contacts throughout the day but neither of us spoke to the other. By the end of the day, he said he wanted to talk and I said 'Alright' so we went to a cafe nearby and had a heart to heart, he said that I was right, and he had just needed some time to cool off. He apologized and we made up. We kissed and said 'I love you' to each other for the very first time. However, I don't even remember at what point, but he had apparently seen the texts from last night. The one between my friend and I. He didn't say or ask anything about them. I was blissfully unaware and over the moon for having made up with him.
However, a month or so back, he suddenly started acting distant, said he needed to think and that he felt insecure in the relationship. We were still behaving normal, but he would have random episodes where he would go distant. I continuously asked him what was wrong and after a lot of pestering, he finally revealed that it was those messages. He said he had seen them months ago and that they didn't bother him at first but the more he thought of them, the more betrayed he felt. I told him I had completely forgotten about those texts. I promised him there was nothing at all between us and it was just a casual conversation I was having with my friend, and if it was of ANY significance, I would have told him and that there was nothing for me to hide from him.
He didn't believe me and said he couldn't trust me anymore. I apologized and have done so a million times in the last month. The last one month, we have had countless arguments regarding this. He has accused me of cheating, of breaking his trust, his heart and has said numerous hurtful things to me, questioning my loyalty, my character. I also blocked my friend from all the social media accounts, but he says it doesn't matter, and what hurt him the most was me talking about our relationship problems to someone else. It is fair for him to be mad, I do realize I shouldn't have done that. I have apologized, not for 'cheating' as he claims, since I never did that, but for breaking his trust.
Since then, I have tried to reassure him that I only love him, that I am only his, but he says he feels hollow inside and doesn't trust anything I say. He has started doubting my every move, every word. I text him a minute later than usual, and he accuses me of talking to someone else. He has also said we should end it, since there's no trust left anymore, but I practically begged him to stay and give me a chance. Just one chance. I told him I didn't realize me talking to a friend would hurt him so bad and now that I know how hurtful this is, I will NEVER repeat it. I have also told him that if I do ANYTHING to hurt him again, he was free to leave and never look back, but to give me just one chance to learn from my mistakes and correct them.
He had agreed, but there are certain taunts I still have to listen to. He keeps taunting me, subtly saying that I am a cheater. He has also sl*t shamed me multiple times, and it HURTS, because he is my whole entire world, and I have never even thought of anyone else in the same way. I love him and only him. But how do I make him trust me? How do I not get offended by his hurtful comments? How do we move forward? It feels like he hates me and there's not a single day I haven't gone to sleep crying after having an argument with him. We had planned our whole future together, but Idk how we can sustain it anymore. I can listen to his taunts and his complaints, but I cannot accept him slt-shaming me.
Some more context, he also has multiple female friends, who share their relationship problems with him. He goes out with them (in groups and sometimes one on one for coffee and such). They are tight knit and have been since before I entered his life. They have lunches together, make jokes, share inside jokes and have fun together, and I have never had any problem with that. Although sometimes it prickles, I ignore the insecurity because I decide to trust him instead. So why is me having a friend of the opposite gender such a crime? Why am I a sl*t for talking to my friend but its justified for him because they're friends? He has also done multiple hurtful things to me, but I always choose to understand and forgive, hoping he will learn, and giving him the benefit of the doubt. So why can't he do the same for me? Why am I such a villain in his eyes just for trying to ease my load of hurt but talking to a FRIEND? If he had done the same and if it was a person who was just a platonic friend to him, I would have understood, especially if he had apologized to me as many times as I have done.
TLDR: I had a conversation with my male friend about my relationship problems, and now my boyfriend thinks I am a cheater and questions my character. How do I win his trust? How do we move forward?
submitted by Hot_Pilot6926 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:42 SapphicLove22 online dating for Sapphics quick tip

Try a couple different sites and apps. Depending on your area different online dating platforms will work better. There are several paid websites (personally I don’t think they are really worth it).
Show your personality in your photos. Put photos that represent who you are, take some photos that you feel confident and radiant in. Also people love photos with animals,,, I’m not talking about dead fish here.
Put what you want in your description and be specific. If you want a casual thing, mention that, or if you are looking for something serious. This helps you narrow down who is meant for you.
Be careful who you meet online. Always remember to be cautious there are weirdos in the world.
Remember to have fun, the first person you meet or speak with doesn't have to be the love of your life. Date multiple people to see what is right for you.
x big T
submitted by SapphicLove22 to EmbraceSapphicLove [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:41 Ser_Gawain 32 [M4F] UK/London - Looking for something wholesome and loving! (pic of me included)

Hi there, thanks for reading my post!
I'm never sure how to start these, so I'll just say a little bit about myself and what I'm looking for.
I've been single for a little while now, and while I've enjoyed the freedom I do really miss having someone special in my life who I can share special moments with and go on fun little adventures together!
I've dabbled with dating apps but I haven't had much luck, I've been ghosted a few times along with some other bad experiences. I'm really looking for something wholesome and loving, which might be asking too much of a dating app!
I want someone I can take on dates to cute coffee shops and old museums, someone I can share a laugh with and cuddle up to watch a good movie together.
I would describe myself as a caring and thoughtful person, but I can be confident and assertive when the occasion calls for it. I have a stable job with a good income and I own my own home.
I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic at heart, I like dinner dates and little romantic gestures like leaving each other cute notes.
Physically I'm 5'9, slim/fit and with brown hair and eyes. I'm looking for someone who is kind-hearted and compassionate, and someone who takes care of themselves physically.
I think physical attraction is reasonably important, so please share a pic of yourself if you do message me. Please also only message if you're in the UK and between the ages of 20 and 30, apologies my abroad friends!
Here's a pic of me if you're interested!
If we click I will happily share a few more.
If you're interested please drop me a message with a little bit about yourself! :)
submitted by Ser_Gawain to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:40 Open_Will3339 My (23F) boyfriend (25M) bullies me. What should I do?

I’m dating this guy from 10 months ago and he has been showing multiple red flags. We’re from different cultures, I’m European and he’s South Asian. It’s important to mention that I’m not generalising South Asian men with this post, I know not everyone from this ethnicity thinks or acts this way. These are the values and morals followed by my boyfriend and his family specifically which are very different from my Western values.
I’ve been trying to act more submissive and obedient according to his wishes and his culture but I think he doesn’t make the effort to adapt to my culture and treats me in a bad way. I compromised to stop doing my nails, convert to his religion, raise our future kids in his religion, dressing modestly, unfollowing every man of my social media, cutting contact with my male cousin and stop eating pork. He keeps being the same person with the same habits, the only thing I asked is to not cover my head to go out due to fear of getting hurt by islamophobic people or discrimination, also it’s not easy to find a job wearing that in my country, which he reacted very negatively and said he’s able to force me and our future daughters to wear it and he reacted badly to the fact I want to give my family’s name to my children, he asked sarcastically if I want our children to be Christians because my surname is of European origin and they should have Islamic names, although I told him their first and last names would be according to his culture. He said in his country people only have 2 names, neither of them is the mom’s name but the father’s.
He seems to fully dislike my culture while I should follow his culture, which is his mind is superior and morally more correct. He compares me to his ex girlfriend and his mom saying indirectly that they’re better women than me. It hurts me because I’m doing a lot of effort but he sets unrealistic expectations towards me, I’m European and he should accept it. I can’t act 100% like a woman from his country because I have my own culture. For every small thing he says he’s disappointed with me, for example, for picking a movie to watch with my female friend but telling him to choose the movie instead of me (which is not even true, it was my friend who chose it) or to talk a lot to my female friends on whatsapp. He’s always making sanctions on me such as “Why did you watch this show with her? “Why you didn’t tell me you painted your nails?” “You must tell me when you’re leaving the house in advance, even if it’s to go to the supermarket” “You shouldn’t say “I love you” to your girl friends like a lesbian!”
I feel like I’m in prison. Besides of that, he forces me to give all my passwords, he goes through my phone to read my messages and saved my parents phone numbers without mine or their consent. He says bad things about my parents because they’re divorced. He uses my weaknesses and my past relationship against me. He gets angry at me too easily, for example for not hearing what he says properly while on videocall, he criticises my English accent, mocks my choices if I don’t do what he demands (like trading) and bullies me. He calls me mindless and brainless. Last night, I lost my patience and I got angry, for the first time I said some abusive words and said I was fed up. He started threatening to call my parents and distorting everything, saying he never said it. I can’t feel in peace and safe with this man, I’m always in fear that he will start complaining for any small thing and start a fight.
submitted by Open_Will3339 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:40 Ser_Gawain 32 [M4F] UK/London - Looking for something wholesome and loving! (pic of me included)

Hi there, thanks for reading my post!
I'm never sure how to start these, so I'll just say a little bit about myself and what I'm looking for.
I've been single for a little while now, and while I've enjoyed the freedom I do really miss having someone special in my life who I can share special moments with and go on fun little adventures together!
I've dabbled with dating apps but I haven't had much luck, I've been ghosted a few times along with some other bad experiences. I'm really looking for something wholesome and loving, which might be asking too much of a dating app!
I want someone I can take on dates to cute coffee shops and old museums, someone I can share a laugh with and cuddle up to watch a good movie together.
I would describe myself as a caring and thoughtful person, but I can be confident and assertive when the occasion calls for it. I have a stable job with a good income and I own my own home.
I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic at heart, I like dinner dates and little romantic gestures like leaving each other cute notes.
Physically I'm 5'9, slim/fit and with brown hair and eyes. I'm looking for someone who is kind-hearted and compassionate, and someone who takes care of themselves physically.
I think physical attraction is reasonably important, so please share a pic of yourself if you do message me. Please also only message if you're in the UK and between the ages of 20 and 30, apologies my abroad friends!
Here's a pic of me if you're interested!
If we click I will happily share a few more.
If you're interested please drop me a message with a little bit about yourself! :)
submitted by Ser_Gawain to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:40 EllieNekoGirl How do I stop thumbnails from autoplaying a video preview?

I've been trying to contact Youtube support about this, but first of all, they provide 0 way to contact them; both through the app itself and through their own website.
Second of all, the most support they DO seem to offer is "message us on Twitter" and I'm not a fucking racist degenerate so I will not install it. Why do you, a multi-million dollar company, put YOUR ONLY SUPPORT TEAM ON SOMEONE ELSES APP??
So now, because they provide negative support (I'm now MORE confused than when I started), how do I stop my video's thumbnails from changing from the thumbnail to the video when I stop on it for 1.5 seconds?
submitted by EllieNekoGirl to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:38 throw_RA01351013501 How can I 18M tell my girlfriend 19F things that are bothering me about our relationship without causing her to shut down and shut me out for days on end?

My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years now, and I am quite happy in our relationship. However, there are certain things that she does, which to be fair are quite major to me, that I would like to discuss with her. Though, every time I mention something that she's done that has upset me, she gets really defensive, and it turns into an argument, and our arguments always end up the same way. Either I do something to upset her and she locks herself away and refuses to talk to me for 3 days, or I tell her that something she has done has upset me and she gets defensive and tells me that I am either wrong or an asshole and then shuts me out for around 3 days. There was one rare occasion when she made a joke that was in poor taste without realising it, I told her it upset me but had forgiven her like 5 minutes later and she then shut me out for a day out of shame. I didn't tell her to make her feel bad or anything. I just told her that the specific topic was not something I was ready to joke about just yet. This whole dynamic has made me terrified to criticise her in any way, but it is starting to get to the point where I feel as if she might unknowingly be taking advantage of it.
The things I want to bring up are:
  1. She pretends to have forgotten about making plans that she has made with me so that she can do other things. This has happened on 3 separate occasions and it is blaringly obvious when she does it because she is a terrible liar. For example, she recently suggested that we go out for a drink, just the two of us (which has happened once in the past 9 months) to celebrate finishing the university year, because our exams finish on the same day. When she then told me that she'd made plans to go with her course mates I asked her if she'd forgotten and she claimed to not even remember mentioning going out together.
  2. Keeping double standards when it comes to sharing things. I suffer from a multitude of mental health issues, and suicidal thoughts as well as self harm are somethings I struggle with. (I was mentally and physically abused by my mother who died last year which has given me some real difficult emotions to deal with). Because of this, she expects me to tell her EVERYTHING. Infact, she will shut me out for days if I told her that I hurt myself an hour after I did it rather than straight away. But will not mention a thing to me until about a month after it happened, or when it benefits her in an argument to drop it on me. It isn't even just about mental health stuff. She will look over my shoulder at whoever I am messaging (I literally only message 3 friends and my dad), expects to know everything I am doing when I am at university, shopping or just out for whatever reason during the day and will just generally want to know everything. When I ask how her day was and what she got up to I am greeted with a "It was ok, I didn't really do much", even if she has been out all day. She'll later tell a story from her day that I'd argue isn't "nothing much", usually when we're sat with a group of people, and she will tell the story mainly to the other people there, blatantly not looking at me. The double standards don't end at sharing things. She has told that that she has danced with "gay" men at clubs when I am not there (she told me that they were definitely gay but couldn't tell me how she knew that), messages her guy friends when she's upset before she even messages me, gets sent and watches thirst traps of guys when I am sat right next to her with her friend, and yet I mention that there is a girl in my assigned group work and she gets visibly uncomfortable and will go cold to me. She also, being the one who ignores me for days at a time, won't let me take an hour to myself when I am upset. Usually I will want to speak to her when I am upset about something, but a couple of days ago, she'd got upset about something I had said before an exam (I had agreed with her about something she had said while I was half listening while I was revising after she insisted she sat in my room to keep me company) and I wasn't meant to agree with her? I'm not even clear on what it was about because I was desperately trying to cram for an exam that I was stressed about passing. I went to the exam with her ignoring me because I had upset her. I apologised, ditched my revision for the last hour to try and make things right, but she'd locked herself away, and was seemingly fine as soon as I turned my phone off to go into the exam hall. I couldn't focus on my exam because I thought she was distraught. I whole heartedly believe that if I have failed that exam, it was because of that because I just couldn't focus on my longer mark questions. When I got back, I didn't particularly want to speak to her, because it wasn't the first time that she'd been angry at me before something big and was acting like it never happened after she had fucked me over for it. But, she was insistent that I talk to her and that I go sit with her and her friend because "her friends exam went badly too". She had told her friend about my exam to comfort her without consulting me.
  3. Ignoring me. If we sit in a group, I will be the person she talks to least. If I am speaking to her and someone else starts talking, she will blank me and talk to the other person. She has answered phone calls and left mid sentence with the "No, I am not busy, we can talk" when I have been opening up to her about something. She will put in the effort to respond to all of her friends messages, tiktoks and whatever else they send her as soon as she can. I went 3 months without her evening opening my tiktoks, she left me on seen on instagram for about a week and leaves me on delivered for an average of about 2 hours at a time, all while acting like nothing is wrong in person. I brought it up to her when she was doing it and she told me that I just send her so much, it stresses her out... I send her 10% the amount of things that her friend sends her. I now figured it is easier to just not send her anything unless it's absolutely perfect. I annoys me that I can't even share a funny dog video that she used to say she loved receiving to her.
I know that it is my fault that she feels that she can do these things, and it is my fault that I haven't said anything. But I just can't have a constructive conversation with her about when she has upset me without it devolving into the silent treatment, which I cannot handle. I just want to be able to tell her these things and repair them before it becomes too much and I am forced to just walk away.
I am really sorry that this post is so long. I don't really have anyone to talk this stuff over with, so it all just sort of came out. She isn't a bad person, I think I have just emboldened her into thinking that this behaviour is acceptable by my lack of backbone.
TL;DR: I want to tell my girlfriend that she is upsetting me with a few behaviours, but every time I criticise her she shuts me out and I end up apologising, or she pretends nothing ever happened and goes on as before.
submitted by throw_RA01351013501 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:38 WokeHippo3246 Gym Scam in Ruwi, Oman - Any advice?

Basically, there was a gym in Ruwi that we used to go to and the owner closed it down without notice or intimation over the weekend and refused to refund any of our fees and fled the scene. Doesn't answer calls or reply to messages.
Here's a Google Maps link to the location and here's a link to this website that has expired. His phone no is also easy to find it is listed on the google maps address.
I was a member of this gym for a while and this was all of a sudden - is there any way to contact ROP and report this scammer? if you find this guy reopening it somewhere, please take note - I believe its a get rich quick scheme whereby he makes a lot of admissions very soon and then shuts shop and leaves with the membership fees.
submitted by WokeHippo3246 to Oman [link] [comments]