Bkat nursing test


2023.10.09 17:53 NursSchool NursingTestBank


2012.12.09 12:39 Baconated_Kayos Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

Practically anything and everything related to nursing school.

2009.03.20 01:59 Ninoskaxx "I'm not homophobic, but..." I'm the student who received the email...


2024.05.20 05:31 IntelligentTry9443 Thyroiditis?

I was hoping to talk to people who have had thyroiditis to see if my symptoms match. I do have an appointment to see my nurse practitioner but that’s not for a couple of weeks and I want to ensure i ask the right questions and ask for the right tests.
I have been dealing with symptoms for over a month and I am driving myself mad not knowing what’s going on.
Background: Feb/March 2024: dealt with two stints of severe throat infections, one of which was treated with antibiotics and steroids (due to swelling in the neck)
Since March/ April 2024: developed symptoms: -feeling of fullness in neck, especially sides and front -constant swollen sublingual and cervical lymph nodes -front of neck (thyroid) feels swollen -fatigue -neck feels swollen after long period of speaking -neck and lymph nodes feel very swollen after exercising
Has anyone else experienced something similar? What has helped ease symptoms? How were you diagnosed? What tests should i request?
Many thanks!
submitted by IntelligentTry9443 to ThyroiditisSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:04 Civil-Owl-3245 Received ATT but no GN license showing

So basically exactly what the title says. I received my authorization to test (yay!) but my Graduate Nurse license is not showing on the BON’s verification site. Has anyone run into this? It’s making me nervous because I need my GN to show so I can start my ICU position in the next week.
submitted by Civil-Owl-3245 to PassNclex [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:06 sour-cream_ghost Passed the NCLEX RN at 85 Questions

I have been lurking through this subreddit for the past months and wishing good luck to people but I can finally speak for myself: I PASSED!
I tested on the Friday 05/17 and got my quick results today and I passed at 85 questions!
I was really afraid because I thought the exam was too easy and I had a lot of stand alone questions, barely any SATAs and only 3 case studies with 1 stand alone NGN question. I had a mix of everything which made me doubt my performance even more as people say that they walked out feeling like they just guessed the entire test, which for my case I can safely say that I guessed in only 10 questions, and I felt generally safe in my other answers. I walked out of the NCLEX feeling like I did a good job, which I barely hear anyone say that. I used UWorld and I can say that for MY EXPRIENCE, the NCLEX was way easier than UWorld, you can clearly narrow your options to 2 and just choose what makes more sense/is more safe to the patient.
For UWorld I did 11 CATs with scores ranging from 70% to 76%, took 2 self assessment with a High (73%) and Very High (79%) chance of passing, and only got to finish 47% of the QBank with an average score of 76%.
I’m a international trained nurse and to all my fellow foreigners nurses going through this process: you got it! The NCLEX is not as hard as people make it seem.
Best luck to all of you!
submitted by sour-cream_ghost to PassNclex [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:52 andie_em Honest vent- working as a nurse 3rd trimester

Just started my 3rd trimester and have been newly diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Testing 4x a day, the whole thing. I’m just posting to vent a bit because I’m a nurse and my gawd, working pregnant while increasingly exhausted, nauseous again, and getting bigger by the day is too much. Adding trying to get coverage or away from the floor to test is giving me anxiety. How does anyone work pregnant as a nurse? I honestly wish I could stay home for the remainder of the pregnancy and just take care of my body and baby. 🥺
submitted by andie_em to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:43 Gloomy_Cat9434 I wasn’t sure if I had it 7yrs ago

Hi! I am 32(F). I wasn’t sure what happened to me back in 2016/2017(I can’t remember the year anymore).
I was at work. I worked in construction. It was a stressful day, and I ate a lot of shrimp paste that day. I couldn’t move my tongue, it feels like it was stuck and my face was getting numb. And I couldn’t speak. My blood pressure were so high, but they couldn’t give me meds bec the site nurse said that I was too young, and my blood pressure could drop.
They didn’t send me to an ER and just sent me home so I could rest. I wasn’t able to do lab tests before because I didn’t have money.
I just rested for 2 days and got back to work immediately. I want to know if I could be having a stroke that day?
I am ok now, but I am scared that it could happen again.
submitted by Gloomy_Cat9434 to stroke [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:32 Tinfoiltheories2030 Should I stay no contact with my 18 year old?

I’ll try to keep this to the point but my life is kinda a mess right now. I (38f), am a mom to 3 children, all teenagers. My oldest is in college (1st yr) but still lives at home, (19m). I have a (14f) daughter that is a student still and my middle daughter is just turned 18 and doesn’t live at home. About 8 months ago in the middle of the night my middle child, we will call her Kelsey, left our home through the window and proceeded to go to her boyfriend’s house. We had an argument the night before telling her she had a curfew until she was 18, because she was not being considerate or communicating. She was pissed and huffed upstairs to bed, like any teen that gets reprimanded. Needless to say in the morning I was shocked and upset, the laws in my state dictate that Kelsey, who was 17 at the time could come and go as she pleases and did not have to stay home or abide by a curfew. Also under the law she can legally move out while still making me responsible for her until she is 21 financially. This was a lot to take in and the law didn’t make sense, my husband and I were extremely frustrated with the law and got absolutely no help and Kelsey’s boyfriend whom was 19, didn’t offer any help and either did his parents. We were emotionally hurting and felt helpless as this was shocking and lawyers, children services etc were no help at all. She still Lives with them today and has cut all contact with us, unless she wants something. Earlier this spring she surprisingly called me in tears, I was still hurt but I am a mom and did the whole mom thing, and answered/ came to her rescue. She said she was pregnant and the boyfriend and his family wanted her to get an abortion or move out. Trying to keep it short, over the next 48 hrs my husband and I, along with my children at home were nothing but supportive and didn’t bring up the past. I took her to the doctor and bought dinner, made up her old bed, we watched tv, etc and it was like old times. Oh and if you are wondering, the reason she left in the first place is because she had a curfew of 11pm even though she was graduated, until she was 18. ( might sound stupid but my house my rules) anyway, it turns out the nurse called to inform me that not only was Kelsey not pregnant but, she was NEVER pregnant! and in fact was menstruating currently or had been, they were able to tell by her blood work. Kelsey had shown me 3 pregnancy tests that she took that were positive. She was hysterical when she initially called and had already been picking out baby names. I had no real reason to doubt her, also with her not living at home I didn’t know if she was still taking her birth control or not. After further sleuthing on my part, I found bloodied underwear and used pads and wrappers in the garbage can. I also found out that you can fake a pregnancy test by dipping it into cola/coke. ( I’m not saying she definitely did this but it sounds like that’s probably how she got the positive tests) She was never pregnant. She lied to me and my entire family, her boyfriend and his family, etc. but why? For what? None of it made sense, in fact e her boyfriend called crying on the phone while she was at my house for her to please get an abortion because he was in college and this would “ ruin their lives”. His parents said they wanted her to get an abortion as well or she would need to move out as they didn’t want a baby in their home. When I confronted her with the medical evidence and physical evidence as well she didn’t even flinch. She didn’t get mad or yell or cry. Just, sat there and eventually yelled at me and accused me of calling her a liar. I asked her calmly to leave the house. It turned out she had her boyfriend’s mom on the way to get her anyway. I was so confused and hurt. Why would she do this? Attention? Surely everyone would find out she was lying. I don’t understand. I would like to also say that Kelsey has been treated for depression and borderline personality disorder since 2020. She also has had issues with manipulation/lying, and all around sketchy behavior. My husband and I have given her all we can, we have supported her and given her as much love, care and attention as possible. I know this is long, but this kills me as a mother. She lives 3 miles away from me and just turned 18. I had to block her phone number recently because she has a habit of calling and just starting shit for no reason. I always answer because I fear the one time I don’t could be important. I’m in therapy and have contemplated where I went wrong, what did I do? What could I have done differently? Etc. I feel so empty and I miss her so much that I cry often when no one is around. It has affected my mental health and my marriage as well. I feel like I lost a child. I miss my daughter but I also feel like she is dangerous and has underlying problems that will cause major issues in the future for her. Should I keep the no contact with her? AITA mom? Has anyone else ever experienced this?
submitted by Tinfoiltheories2030 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:27 luckysnackcreations what questions do i need to be asking my doctor? (looong post, lots of context)

prefacing this by saying i am not yet diagnosed with epilepsy, but my neurologist and doctors agree that it seems like i am having focal aware seizures. i am on gabapentin 300mg 3x daily for pain and tingling, with the added bonus of it being an anticonvulsant.
time for long context: i am a 22 year old trans man, who about 8 months ago, started having these strange “seizure like episodes” alongside other neurological symptoms. these episodes generally start as a tingling in my face and head and a rising feeling in my stomach, followed by intense fear, raised heart rate, a feeling of low blood sugar when my blood sugar is normal or even high, and a change in awareness (everything looking fake, feeling like i just took a massive dab for the first time, floaty and dizzy.) sometimes i will feel a bit dizzy and wobbly beforehand or see bright colors in my vision. afterwards, i usually have full body shakes that can last a very long time, but we think that part is just adrenaline.
i saw a neurologist, who immediately thought i may have chiari malformation due to these episodes and my other symptoms, so i had an eeg and brain mri done. she told me that i am almost certainly having seizures, but that she didnt know yet if they were focal aware or non epileptic.
results came in, aaand mri and eeg were normal. my neurologist basically told me “you have many worrying symptoms, but the tests were normal and i cant tie them to anything. you do not need to see me again.” at the time i had these tests done i had not been having episodes frequently in a while, and the ones i did have were brief and felt more like warnings. she said that would not affect anything and the eeg still would have shown something.
now, 3 days after my neurologist basically gave up on me, things are getting bad again. yesterday i guess i was too stressed or did not sleep enough. i was so exhausted all day, and felt very off. around 6pm, i had several episodes in close succession. i felt it coming while i was starting dinner and immediately ran to bed thinking it was going to be like usual, but instead was greeted with almost an hour of hell. it was a feeling of “oh god its coming,” followed by a short episode, followed by feeling strange and unnerved, and then “oh god its coming” again. i called a nurses line and they suggested i go to the er, but i did not have a ride and didnt feel an ambulance was necessary so i stuck it out. i felt awful and scared the rest of the night, but had to finish dinner after a short recovery nap, then went to bed around 11pm. .
i got 10 solid hours of sleep, but today i feel just as bad. i am so incredibly fatigued even after an afternoon nap. no episodes today thus far, but i feel uneasy and strange, like i could have one at any moment. i am so lucky i have my fiancé who has tonic clonics here to watch me, because i think i’d be absolutely terrified without them.
because of this, i am making an appointment with my pcp asap. i want to ask for a referral to a new neurologist and see if there is anything else they can do for me.
now, finally, the question. i felt detailed context was necessary for this.
what do i need to ask my doctor? should i pursue only a neurologist, or are there other specialists that could help me? should i ask about a sleep study? anything else? i am so lost on this as my doctors have been very unhelpful and have not given me much information as to what is going on.
thank you all, and apologies for the crazy long post.
submitted by luckysnackcreations to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:09 Strict-Dinner-2031 Oral Cancer?

Hi, everyone. I don't really know where to turn right now. I can't talk to my family because I'm not supposed to know and my dad and grandma are in a tail spin.
I found out tonight that my grandfather has oral cancer. He's late 80s, has dementia and lives in a nursing home. They are doing tests to figure out if it's spread and how far.
What can I expect going forward?
I love my grandfather. He and my grandmother helped raise me when my parents couldn't. I'm sitting here remembering cuddling with him on the couch as a child. Watching him pretending to be Santa with a real Santa sack and all. He loved to cook when I was younger, even taught me how to make chocolate mousse. He's already survived cancer once.
Sorry... I want insight in what to expect, but also, I just don't have anyone to talk to right now. I always knew I'd lose him one day, but the thought of it happening soon is breaking my heart.
submitted by Strict-Dinner-2031 to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:46 nanylop Test Bank for Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Skills A Nursing Process Approach 5th Edition By Pamela

Test Bank for Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Skills A Nursing Process Approach 5th Edition By Pamela submitted by nanylop to examsperlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:45 nanylop Test Bank For Success in Practical Vocational Nursing 10th Edition Carrol Collier

Test Bank For Success in Practical Vocational Nursing 10th Edition Carrol Collier submitted by nanylop to examsperlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:44 nanylop test bank for Success in Practical Vocational Nursing 8th Edition Knecht

test bank for Success in Practical Vocational Nursing 8th Edition Knecht submitted by nanylop to examsperlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:41 nanylop Test Bank For Success in Practical Vocational Nursing From Student to Leader 9th Edition Patricia Knecht

Test Bank For Success in Practical Vocational Nursing From Student to Leader 9th Edition Patricia Knecht submitted by nanylop to examsperlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:25 jojo-l Wrongly accused of abusing medication

My (28F) mental health nurse practitioner (for med management) was out for maternity leave. While she was away, I saw a different NP for one session. That NP has some (untrue) sneaking suspicions about me. She accused me of being manic (which I’m not, we could get into that another time). When my regular NP came back, she said “Carrie (substitute NP, whom I had only met that one instance) seems to think you have not been taking your mood stabilizer.” This mood stabilizer is for diagnosed bipolar disorder. This is untrue, I would be fully manic, absolutely unhinged. I have been taking this medication religiously, and as prescribed, for 10 years. It was very weird that she didn’t stick up for me, as I have been seeing her a year and a half, and have never indicated that I wouldn’t take my medications as prescribed.
Due to the claim of being manic and a substance abuser, they are refusing to prescribe me a medication I was previously on, as they think this will increase symptoms of mania and be taken not as prescribed as well. This medication they are restricting is for a diagnosis that I received at 12 years old, ADHD, and due to the absence of this medication, which was previously prescribed to me, I am unable to go to work as I am supposed to. I have been seeing fewer clients, making less money, and am going through financial hardship.
My therapist is able to support, by saying that she has not seen any symptoms of mania and does not have any suspicion of me taking medications not as prescribed. She is able to substantiate that I do need the ADHD medication and I have been struggling without it, mentally and financially.
I am going to find a different nurse practitioner, as per recommendation of my therapist, her supervisor, and another psychiatrist at the same location.
NOW. I am wondering if I can sue. The nurse practitioner and the substitute nurse practitioner cannot substantiate their claims that I have not been taking medications as prescribed, but I would like to substantiate my claims. I am thinking about taking a blood test if that’s even possible.
In general, can I sue? What would I sue for? Malpractice? Negligence? Slander? What should I do now?
submitted by jojo-l to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:20 chat234567 queens and western nursing 2024

Queens and Western are the only schools I have not heard back from. I applied to Nursing with a 91 average and 3rd quartile Casper test… am I cooked😅 and has anybody else heard back?!
submitted by chat234567 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:14 Ambitious_Try_8169 what is it with these schools? Are all schools the same?

Hey, guys first-time poster here. the majority of posts I've read have given out really good advice so I want to ask something also. I've had trouble with nursing school in the past because, for the most part, it feels like instructors and professors have no idea how to teach/ and sometimes straight up don't. It's very frustrating because it feels like I had to teach myself basically and I also wasn't allowed to view the test for mistakes either. based on another post apparently, this is something that happens at a lot of schools. I've left the program due to failure and debt honestly. I'm thinking of doing an ADN program for a fraction of the price so I can save on student loans. Is it worth finding another BSN program and seeing if another school is better or opting for an ADN program to save money? For reference, my loans are about 30k so far and an adn program would net me 8k in additional loans, or should i hit the nuke button and join the army?
submitted by Ambitious_Try_8169 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:09 radulfthegrey Am I INFJ? Previously tested as INTP and INTJ

Hello everyone. I have been down a little rabbit hole today trying to find myself. Aren't we all at some point? Up till today, I thought I was an INTJ. So I posted on INTJ and some said I could be, most said I sounded more INTP. So I then posted virtually the same thing over at INTP. I mostly took the 16 personalty tests and fruity tests. I do not want to spam the the same post, (that's dull) so I need help from the fellow INFJ community helping me help myself find myself. ha
I took the keys 2 test recommended on the Post Guide and scored INFJ. A good start. Right before, I took this Michael Caloz test, pretty neat and I like the colors. https://www.michaelcaloz.com/personality/index.html?screen=last&Ti=7&Te=0&Fi=0&Fe=15&Si=0&Se=3&Ni=13&Ne=6&SJ=0&NF=1.5&NT=1.5&SP=0&iFi=0&iTi=1&iSi=0&iNi=0&iFe=0&iTe=1&iSe=1&iNe=0&E=0&I=2&N=2&S=0&T=2&F=0&J=0&P=2
Also scored INFJ.
So about me. I am a 35 yo male, married with a 2 year old and another kiddo on the way.
I have, for as long as I can remember, been obsessed with ancient history, ancient cultures, anthropology, archaeology and the hidden mysteries. Secret, forgotten knowledge of the world. I wanted to be an archaeologist for the longest time. Okay, paleontologist since I saw Jurassic Park at age 5 in 1994. lol. I was never good at sports, pretty lazy growing up. I loved to play with friends as a kid but had a hard time with getting bullied. I hated confrontation growing up. Now, I handle confrontation tactfully and sooner rather than later as I know It can develop into something potentially worse if I don't do something about it.
I want to get along with everyone. I hate when people are taking advantage of others, especially my loved ones. Sometimes I run thru scenarios in my head when I feel someone is going to be taken advantage and how I can stand up for them. Im not that charitable though in the traditional sense. I do not like the thought of volunteering because I want time to be with my family and my hobbies. Mostly my hobbies are researching my favorite subjects. Ancient history, anthropology, psychology, science, engineering, economics, urban planning. I am into investing now because I dream of being able to have money in 30 years and focus on traveling the world more with my wife.
I enjoy traveling as often as I can. Even if it is just to go to the beach. 25 minutes away. Get out with my thoughts and enjoy the waves. Im big into people watching. I don't go out of my way to meet or talk with people. But if people talk with me, I open up. I smile a lot to let them know I am receptive and keep the conversation going. If it's heading in a bad direction, I try to make the conversation pleasing to keep it harmonious. I like to be polite because they came up to me and started talking. I feel the pressure and responsibility to socialize even when I feel I might not want to sometimes because it feels like the right thing to do. Example, if its been 2-3 weeks and we haven't reached out to our neighbor who watches our baby every now and then, I reach out to her just to say hi or invite her over for grilling on the weekend. So she doesn't think we are ignored her too long. lol
I have flipped flopped majors for so long. I have the hardest time finding my true passion. I did the Air Force for 8 years and I am out of the military now pursuing Engineering. Either Mechanical or Biomedical Engineering. Biomedical engineering would be sweet because I can help others without being a Doctor or Nurse. That would just be too much for me, I feel.
I always know something is going to happen before it does. My wife is constantly annoyed by it. I get upset inside when people don't listen to my advice. But I have been told I am a good listener and I do like to listen to peoples problems and make them feel heard and safe. I'm pretty physically affectionate with my loved ones. My favorite dates with my wife are to a nice restaurant (Italian mostly) lol and to the movies when we get a sitter available. Sometimes, axe throwing or bowling is cool.
I don't have any friends right now because I feel that there are sensor types everywhere that I do not relate to. I also am skeptical and have trust issues. I can sense people when they have bad intentions instinctively even before they make their move. I really want to have a a real, true friend or two. In the past, I have made friends by pretending to be more "extraverted, spontaneous, physical, drinking, partying, etc." But it's left me heartbroken because it was not my true self and I feel I only attracted people by being someone else. Even know I know that it would work I hate that it did.
I have been told I can walk into a room and light it up or I can bring it down if I am having a bad day. Does this sound like INFJ or some other type?
I’m a 35-year-old married man, father to a 2-year-old and another child on the way, with a lifelong fascination for ancient history, cultures, and hidden mysteries. I’ve always been more inclined towards intellectual pursuits over sports, and I now handle confrontations tactfully, a skill I’ve developed over time. My hobbies include researching various subjects, and I dream of financial freedom to travel the world with my wife. I’m currently pursuing Engineering after serving in the Air Force for 8 years, and I have a knack for sensing what’s about to happen. I’ve been told I can either light up a room or bring it down if I’m having a bad day. Does this sound like INFJ or some other type?
submitted by radulfthegrey to infj [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:49 Logical-Ad8348 To tell or not to tell

I really don't know where to start..many moving parts to this story. My MIL is currently in palliative care and her sister (we'll call D) is in a nursing home and not doing great either. They are both in their late 70s.
It recently was revealed that D had a child as a teenager that she gave up for adoption. She then later married a different man and they had a daughter. He has since passed away.
About 3 years ago it was revealed that she had another daughter as a teenager because the daughter had done a DNA test and she eventually found her birth mother. While we live in a different city than my MIL and her sister, turns out her long lost daughter lives a few blocks from us. It was a lot to take in. We have met her, we'll call her A. It's truly a small world. Turns out I work with one of her daughters...yep real small world.
She has met her birth Mom. Birth Mom was not forthcoming with information regarding her birth father.
Over time, I am told who her biological father is. Now this comes as a complete shock to me as I knew him very well. We'll call him B. His oldest daughter and I were best friends all thru school. Different life choices has separated us. He passed away a while ago. He had 4 kids with his wife. I don't think his wife ever knew about the child he had... I'm not sure that he knew either.
I know his family extremely well. Here is my dilemma. I have contact with everyone, including his 4 kids. They do not know they have an older sister. The relationship between my MIL and her sister is extremely bad because of her sister's 'boyfriend'. He is a douchbag. He has a known MO for getting together with women, taking everything they have and then bailing. He has done it again, unfortunately.
I can only speak for myself in that if I had an unknown sibling out there, I would want to know. Do I tell the others? I have shown A pictures of them and have told her who her father was and that I remember him as a kind and loving man. That is how I knew him. MIL and her sister have a different opinion.
I really don't want to upset their mother as she is still living and she is quite religious. This would be extremely hard on her. But I also don't believe it is fair that they are all being kept in the dark. I'm at the point that I wish I didn't know the truth.
What do I do? My mother, god love her, would tell me to keep quiet and it's not my place. But no one is ever going to tell the truth.
What would you do? AITAH for wanting to tell the truth?
submitted by Logical-Ad8348 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:14 chicogrlinmass Sister's Dr office denied testing

I was diagnosed a few months ago with Celiac and per my Dr instructions suggested immediate family get the blood test. My younger sister tested negative. My older sister who had stage 3 colon cancer 5 years ago asked her Dr's office. The Nurse Practitioner she saw said with no symptoms she doesn't need testing.
Has anyone heard this before? I encouraged my sister to message the Dr directly and have someone note in the file they refused testing.
submitted by chicogrlinmass to Celiac [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:58 Professional-2023 What is the future of jobs?

Hey, sorry for this long rant; I’m in some turmoil regarding my future.
My fear, of course, is the rise of artificial intelligence, and the takeover of the job market. I’ve been following OpenAi’s GPT 4-o and Google’s new io. These Ai systems look very promising. I understand it is only a demo – and I should not really be trusting a demo. But with the rapid speed of machine learning, Ai is only going to get better with time.
I suppose in the foreseeable future Ai will be taking over jobs, changing jobs, and creating new jobs. Administrative jobs and minimum wage are soon to be gone, but I believe new tech jobs will emerge. Right now, Ai is not taking over humans jobs – but instead, we work as team – at least for now.
I currently work in law. People say not to worry about my future, but I’m scared Ai will cause me to be unemployed. I’m not talking about Chatgpt, which spits out made up stuff, but industry specific Ai. Like what Thomson Reuters is working on in the legal industry.
I know lawyers have undergone technological changes before – for example. lawyers would spend hours in a library researching, now we use boolean search to assist with legal research. Soon they will be able to do legal research using large language model. This may not get rid of them completely but would allow more lay people to do most of our work themselves; hence, getting rid of a large majority of us.
I understand Ai only knows what it’s been taught, and the cost of what I’m talking about will be crazy expensive to achieve – maybe not even worth it as it may create a diminishing point of return for most businesses. Like the dairy industry where it’s plausible to be fully automated, but unless you have enough cows and revenue, it makes more sense to be semi automated.
In the medical industry, robots perform surgery, of course, with surgeons in the room in case something goes south. So surgeons may be fine, but I think with a large language model, Ai will be able to become your physician taking your symptoms and running it in their database to find possible diagnoses and then give orders to the nurses to perform tests – ending with the prescription.
I keep trying to tell myself it will be fine, but with how rapidly Ai is developing and changing. I watched a video on YouTube of a graphic designer losing their job to Ai and that scares me.
Ergo, I want to be able to protect myself from the future. It reminds me of when I worked in an automated factory. But even with parts being built by robots, we still needed techs to fix them every time they broke down.
That’s what I’m thinking, Ai will create jobs for people to run them, build them, and fix them. I know we can not predict the future, but what jobs do you think I should be looking into?
Thanks for reading; I know it was long.
submitted by Professional-2023 to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:39 Plane-Strength722 Covid

I’m slowing getting through Covid season and gosh! It’s a hard watch. My theory: the biggest miscommunication or arguing is Kody is the only one allowed to go from house to house. Everyone was expected to not work, not see the other grown kids and parents or even have major surgery, even see each other. This was the unacceptable law. The kids did not want to only see Kody! That’s the big ego shot and reality Kody faced. Everyone else was more important then him. He has Robyn in his ear they should respect your authority period and the rest of the family is like we have never had to be like this before. They knew this wasn’t Kody and his thinking to be so scared of a virus was abnormal for him. I do believe Robyn was fearful and believe if they got it they would die. But what got my attention was two things.
One: right before Covid they showed and discussed aurora and her panic attacks. Showing her “having one” and having to be carried to her room. This was brought up for a reason and I believe was going to be or will be the excuse they gave the family why Kody couldn’t be away from Robin house for more than three days. If u listen to aurora talking about it, she describes what causes them, high stress situations, being upset, being around people that are fighting arguing stuff like that and then also says that she has them three or four times a week. Now my question is what the hell is going on in that house to cause her such high anxiety that she has three or four panic attacks a week, I believe this is the reason Kody cannot be away for more than three days, “medical issues” with Aurora and Kody needing to be there to carry her and help her deal. The needs of the whole family was more important then Isabel alone.
Second thing was a huge one for me. When Hunter came home for the summer all the adults and hunter meet at the land to talk about what to do about getting together and catch up with him. Now mind you he is going for his masters degree in nursing at John Hopkins hospital so he has 100% top-notch medical knowledge and access to medical knowledge and he stated he was not that concerned about Covid to the extent Kody was. He also stated that he knew he was good because he tested and was negative. Now this was before Janelle‘s mom passed away and then all of a sudden they heard about the rapid testing so I don’t know if this was something only he had access to and nobody else did, but why wasn’t that a question? well, if you got tested and is negative what do we need to do to get tested as well, that wasn’t brought up until after Janelle‘s mom passed away and then all of a sudden they can get these rapid Covid test done for Kody to be able to go home to Robin for Christmas. This was even before Isabelle surgery. How did Hunter get tested and knew he was negative, but nobody else had access to any testing??
Sorry for the long post this is the only place I can talk this out with other ppl 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏼‍♀️
submitted by Plane-Strength722 to SisterWivesFans [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:32 Ok-Pianist-9729 How do I get over this pneumonia that's a burden????

(20F) on Friday I started feeling sick and then on Saturday I woke up gasping for air and I could only sleep for an hour. Walking and getting up or even moving an inch renders me gasping for air. I spent the last of my digital money in my bank account which was $40 (I only have cash in a piggy bank now) to uber myself back and forth from the ER and they did tests on me and I came back for pneumonia. They gave me antibiotics.
It hurts to breath, I cant sleep, my chest, back, throat, and head hurt and my chest is so tight that I'm afraid to sleep because I'm breathing “manually” and it hurts to much to breathe to sleep and I'm afraid I'll stop breathing in my sleep. I can't eat and I've been throwing up and every time I move AN INCH my heart rate shoots over 200 and I'm gasping for air. Doctor just told me to take ibuprofen and they just told me basically I just have to deal with it even if I can't sleep. I've been using my moms inhaler, sudafed, mucinex, ibuprofen, Tylenol, and vaporub and nothing really helps.
Anyway I have been throwing up and heavily panting every time I walk and my dad keeps coming into my room to scream at me. “I'm so sick and tired of your shit you need to get out.” “I can't sleep because of you” and he's been drinking and now he's not going to work today because of me.
If I make any noise he will come into my room to cuss me out to which I apologized for being sick, and he laughs at me every time he walks by my room and if my door is open he scoffs at me.
This is top 3 of the worst pain I've ever felt before I used to get beat and bruised on the head.
I feel so disgusting and like a worthless pos because I know I am, I asked my sister if I could come stay in her back room but she said no because she doesn't want to get sick. Or if I ask for any help she ignores me. I don't have anywhere else to go and I don't want to go to a shelter until I get better because then I will make others sick!
I tried going back to the ER but I don't have a ride so I was about to call an ambulance but my mom doesn't want me to.
I have another sister that I was texting but she was asleep whenever I messaged but I don't want to go there and make them sick again or be a burden. I don't have any doctor or nurse I can contact because its the weekend.
What do I do??? Nothing helps the tight feeling in my chest! I can't breathe!!!!
submitted by Ok-Pianist-9729 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:54 AlgaeConnect641 Confused and need opinions 🥲

Hi I’m new here, I live in Indiana, may 3rd my family and I went on a hike in a marsh area, and we walked into a giant tick mess. I’ve never seen a tick in my life before this, even being an outdoors person. We had hundreds on us, from head to toe, and we were miles away from our car. We stripped down and got as many off of us as we could find, when we got home, I had two attached to me, one deep enough that it stung when we got it off. But no rashes or anything followed. Except days later, I started getting more tired, didn’t put two and two together and honestly completely forgot about the whole situation. It was harder for me to wake in the morning, and I was just more fatigued during the day, I workout 6 days a week and found it harder to workout. About 2 weeks go by, and my fatigue is out of this world. I can fall asleep any second, I struggle to even move. A few days ago, I started getting severe muscle fatigue, like my arms feel like I’m carrying weights, definitely something I’ve never experienced before, I decided to see my dr and bring up the ticks, she immediately thought I have Lyme, she said this is too much of a coincidence to not be. I’m waiting blood tests but I’m feeling worse each day, now my body aches, and my neck is stiff and hurts, my stomach is constantly hurting. I feel like I have motion sickness 24/7, like that weakness and nausea that comes with motion sickness, that exact feeling. I’m just questioning everything though, what are the odds that a tick on me probably less than 2 hours gave me Lyme? Unless I missed one and it stayed attached longer than that, which could be a possibly having so many on us. I’m hoping this is just a bug of some sort, and so does my dr. My other blood work looks great, so no signs of infection or anything. My ast has doubled (still in normal range though) than what it was 6 months ago, it went from 15 to 32, which is the highest it’s ever been for me personally. That’s the only thing that stuck out to me that’s different on my blood work. I was prescribed doxycycline on Friday, went to pick it up and was informed that it’s not safe to take while breastfeeding and I nurse my son. I’m calling tomorrow to ask to be put on something safe, because it would take to long to wean and I want to be treated asap. Thank you for taking the time to read.
submitted by AlgaeConnect641 to Lyme [link] [comments]
