Blocked games at school and work

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2024.05.20 04:28 hawkspace00 PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+ won’t launch

I just downloaded this game and it doesn’t launch at all even tho it’s verified. tried uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times and changing proton versions and nothing works. this has happened a couple times recently every time i install a new game too but eventually they work if i restart my steam deck. tried that too and it hasn’t worked. any help would be greatly appreciated
submitted by hawkspace00 to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:28 ThreePercentM1lk Rengar 4th Stack Bug

Bug: Rengar sometimes generates a free 4th stack on his jump.
Recreation: Get 3 stacks on Rengar, then jump on a jungle minion. (33% of the time it works, Krugs and Raptors have a higher probability ~50%).
When has this been a thing: Since last split (I recall seeing it in 14.5 onward). I did not report it because I was not sure it was a bug, and Rengar already has a great clear speed that can allow for a gank before crab.
Proof: I have trouble converting and editing replays, but it has happened at least once every other game, and I am certain if you go into practice tool, you can recreate it too. Do Blue, Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, Red, Krugs. On Raptor and Krugs, try to leap at 3 stacks to get an extra one for free,
Urgency: The extra time gained from the clear is 3-5 seconds, and Raptors and Krugs have a speed that can be hindered rather than helped by an early 4th stack. The bug has happened before once on a champion in my recollection, which I hope gets addressed. Otherwise, I am sure others have noticed. It's a nice quality of life bug that saves clear speed sometimes.
TL;DR When jungle clearing on Rengar, try and jump aa at 3 stacks to get a free stack (bugged). It probably is not going away for a while...

submitted by ThreePercentM1lk to Rengarmains [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:27 ResponsibleFarmer663 What major will lead to a career that utilizes my interests?

Hi all, I'm currently choosing which university program to commit to and have narrowed my options down to a Medical Science degree (think pre-med with specializations such as pathology, neuroscience, pharmacology) or a business degree from a prestigious university. I've always been extremely intrigued in branding, neuromarketing, and the idea of coming up with my own product and speaking to it to a room of people.
Now, being pragmatic, it's not as if a regular business degree will immediately make me a CEO. However, consulting and creating better strategies and marketing schemes for other companies seems like work I can thrive in and do well in. Perhaps I can even start a company that provides marketing strategies for other companies.
On the other hand, if I choose a pre-medical pathway and eventually end up in medical school, I can continue to hone my interest in marketing and business on the side; with the hopes of eventually starting a health-technology company or any other type of company. That way I really wouldn't have to work under anyone, as I'd go from residency to my own firm, while working on health-tech through medical school and then on the side of my job.
I'm naturally better at public speaking and group work; it is what I do best and what I enjoy. Medical Science is more exam-based which turns me off; however I figure I can just find clubs that are project based and require public speaking.
I'm unclear on what path to choose, and although I know that none of the greats were stopped by a college major, I really want to choose well. I really really want to thrive. I know this sounds naive, but I would appreciate any help I could get.
submitted by ResponsibleFarmer663 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:27 Rhaynebow I reached my Stopping Point in Winds of Anthos! Here are my final thoughts! (Long read and language warning)

I reached my Stopping Point in Winds of Anthos! Here are my final thoughts! (Long read and language warning)
I overall had a fine time with this game. I've gotten my kid fully-grown, did the family outing event and grew everything but the giant crops because I don't have the patience to grow those. Every Harvest Fruit has been eaten and most of my tools upgraded.
Forging for stuff was probably my favorite thing to do because it felt great to run around on my horse (or dinosaur), picking up truffles, stopping to pick fruits and nuts off trees and fishing. I felt like a genuine explorer!
That said, I didn't like being responsible for all of bitch work in the villages. The word "materials" has been cursed by this game. Most of these towns are surrounded by trees and have mines a few feet away, why can't they just cut down their own trees?
And don't get me STARTED on the high quality lumber. You would assume you could obtain that stuff through an upgraded axe, but NNNNNNOPE, you can only occasionally get that stuff by winning contests, otherwise you'll have to buy it from the shop in Herbstburg for like, 2700g A PIECE. Yes, you can ALSO craft it, but you need to grow the rarer flowers as part of their recipe (a recipe you have to unlock the option to buy). And most of the time, any building or storyline quest that needs the high quality lumber needs quite a bit of it.
The clothing options are sadly quite limited, as cute as they are. And unlike One World, there's no all-weather clothing, so if I wanted to go to the desert, I'd have to ditch my winter outfit, which sucks because I love the winter clothes. (You can also just go to the desert at night because it becomes a cold weather climate at night).
Getting feed is a pain in the ass because only high quality fodder corn gets you the best crop-fodder ratio. It's easier to just cut the obnoxious pasture of weeds in Lectenbury to get you 29 bushels of fodder.
A few of the contests in the game felt straight up broken or at least rigged. The Advanced Equestrian Challenge race could easily be lost by your opponents pushing you out of the way as your character gets shoved around so easily. Each race has these stupidly narrow checkpoint fences that you HAVE to run through, but the game is so slippery, I've lost races thanks to Judy pushing me outside of them (She's lucky she was practically my son's wet nurse). The carrots are pointless too because they just make you risk missing the checkpoint even more.
Both of the "Rush" contests; the Fish Frenzy and Mining Meet give you too little time to get to the spots where you can actually do the thing you're trying to win the most points at. For the Fish Frenzy, you can only fish from certain spots in Lilikila, so you'll lose time just running to a dock. Most of your time in the Mining Meet will be spent trying to avoid pitfalls, smashing boulders to reach gem nodes and digging for the stairs.
The Anthos Expo is a legitimate challenge though, as you have to make sure your crops get as many nutrients as possible. Every 8th day of the month, which is 2 days before the Expo, there's a special moon that shines, giving a boost to your crops. The Tiny Goddess will tell you the theme for the Expo a few days before the 8th, so you'll have to calculate which crops to grow and when so their quality can be boosted by the moon. This is especially important with fast growing crops like turnips as they tend to not take fertilizer well thanks to how fast they grow. Unfortunately, winning the Anthos Expo is based on the star rank of your crops, dishes and animals. I've submitted giant crops and still lost because it only had 1 star. The only way to get 2 star crops is by growing a shit ton of them until you've reached the highest rank for that crop. And even then, a 2 star isn't guaranteed, moonlight and all of that magic crap. I gave up on winning the Advanced Expo, the rewards for the contests tend to be extremely weak if they're not the high quality lumber, typically a single gem or a bag of strawberry seeds.
As is the case for Natsume, their marriage candidates look great, but have the personalities of cardboard. What they're introduced doing is basically all that they are and what they'll talk about. Judy only talks about animals, Neil only talks about cooking, Kaimana only talks about fishing tackle, Aolani only talks about fish. And they tend to suffer from Spot the Main Character Syndrome as the NPCS are painfully under-designed compared to them. Your introduction to Nikolai is particularly hilarious because you walk into the clinic and see the plain Dolph in his gray sweater and behind him is this Emo Gakupo reading a book behind him.
Sometimes it's the opposite and they look TOO plain. Westley and Jacques look virtually the same and although I married Arnold, he looks more like the younger brother of a marriage candidate than a candidate himself. But he seemed like the type of overworking guy that could only be stopped by a kiss, so I picked him over Nikolai, Kaimana, and Judy.
Raising our kid Legato (because music) was a struggle, although it makes having kids in a farm sim actually feel like a challenge. The baby will be wolfing down milk for 3 seasons straight, so do Judy's requests often as she'll give you milk as a reward. Feed the little blob around 3-4 times a day and hopefully Tiny won't pester you.
WARNING: I encountered a glitch where while I was in the middle of charging my sickle to cut some weeds, Tiny alerted me that my baby needed me. I ended up stuck with my charging circle still around me, but I was no longer holding my sickle. I was unable to move nor pause the game to warp around, so I had to close the game entirely.
One really interesting thing I noticed though is that aside from two instances, your kid is referred to with gender neutral pronouns. At no point in the game was Legato called our son, not even in his character bio. He's simply our child and even the family outing events have the NPCs call him a child.
The game may have been rough around the edges, but I had a lot of fun with what worked. The world was huge, with lots of nooks and crannies to fish, forage, farm and tame. Sunsets were glowing and I was genuinely impressed by the night sky, the northern lights appearing every time. New seasons meant tides changing, which meant more areas to explore. Mining just a bit longer could lead you to underground ponds with rare fish. Storylines asking for hard-to-find materials were annoying, but also made the game last longer. Your stamina would deplete as you walked, but it was all the more reason to pace yourself. Explore a bit more everyday so you could find Harvest Fruit and boost your energy. Learn to cook for more replenishing meals, meaning learning how to grow better crops. Experimenting with crop locations so you can collect all of the mutations.
The length and size of the game leaves you with a sense of accomplishment. Things like crop mutations, forging, taming animals, fishing and mining take just long enough that you feel great when it's done.
Wrap up time.
FAVORITE VILLAGE: Lectenbury. Easy to navigate.
LEAST FAVORITE VILLAGE: Tie between Herbstburg and Lilikila. Both were hard to remember the location of certain stores.
FAVORITE FARM LOCATION: Herbstberg. Far from town, but the land is just big enough for crops and animals.(I'm currently at the Goddess Farm though because I'm the Supreme Leader fite me)
FAVORITE BACHELOR: Kaimana for his looks. But he was all about that (sea)bass, so I ultimately dumped him
submitted by Rhaynebow to harvestmoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 Est_ninefour If You're Reading This, Keep Going

Just hit 36 days of sr and let me tell you, this is no placebo.
Are you going to gain strength like Goku, levitate like Ohnoki, or attract women like Magic Don Juan? Not happening.
In my opinion, the main benefit you get from SR is self-control. This translates into better interactions with people, making smarter decisions, completing tasks consistently, and to develop discipline in all areas of life. To control this urge to express your sexuality is to control the most potent urge instilled in us biologically. If you can overcome this, you can overcome anything.
This has possibly been the most challenging journey I have ever attempted. I have a gf, and we have amazing chemistry from a sexual aspect. Luckily for me, she has always been supportive of me attempting to do this challenge, but I was never able to succeed for longer than a few days. I tried to practice tantra, but to be honest I don't think I'm on that level yet fellas. When I say she got the yams, I'm talking yams. It wasn't until we had a small break up that I really decided to lock in and take this practice seriously. I knew there was something to it because even when I would do measly 7 day streaks I would notice a difference in my energy.
The benefits for me have been profound.
-Waking up early, I used to NEVER want to wake up early. It was unheard of for me unless it was a requirement. I constantly wake up before my alarm and I like to get up to hit the gym.
-Steady energy - The mid-day fatigue used to be too real for me. Now it's a thing of the past. I never want to take naps unless I get sick or don't sleep well at all the previous night. I kicked the energy drinks/pre-workout out completely. I do still like to consume a light amount of caffeine so I will have some matcha in the mornings.
-Magnetism/Attraction - This is just undeniable. I have experienced women in my class touching me for no reason, not even during group work or anything. A woman complimenting my appearance that I know for a fact has a boyfriend. My gf saying I have the notorious "glow" that everyone talks about (she knows I do SR but has no knowledge of it or the benefits). The other day I noticed a baby girl in her mother's arms, and as I walked by she smiles, and points at me. I began to wave at her and she waves back. I don't know what it is about this journey, but when you're able to retain that seed you just walk different, you talk different, and you look different. Nothing drastic, but a nice boost.
-Sexual Control - This is essential for all men if you desire to reach your full potential. If you're serious about this journey, that means you're trying to truly live life to the fullest. You can't live life to the fullest constantly releasing your essence. Aside from retaining, you are able to overcome any foolishness from women because you can not fall victim to their persuasive tendencies, if you get what I'm saying. Men seem to have this proclivity to inflict harm upon themselves due to their lack of sexual discipline. Think about this. Ime Udoka was a rookie Head Coach in the top basketball league on the planet. His first year in the NBA, and he is able to take his team all the way to the NBA finals. Even though they lost to Golden State, that is still a big accomplishment for him. The potential was clearly there. Most of us know how this story ends. He sacrificed all that because he could not control himself. He is a good coach so I am not surprised that he got another job in the NBA, but I feel that Boston was the perfect situation for him and he threw it all away for a temporary pleasure.
This journey is hard. Good things seem to come from doing hard tasks though. It feels that every time I overcome an urge my mind levels up by 1%. The urges will always be there, but this does get easier. Once you establish why you want to do this journey, and you are able to effectively redirect this energy towards your goals, you will succeed. Keep going boys. Lay off the sites, delete IG, tik tok, dating apps, just for a month. See how you feel. Hit the gym, hit the books, get to the bag, start a business, learn a skill, get an education, do whatever you have to do to keep yourself busy. We all know what they say about an idle mind. God Bless
submitted by Est_ninefour to Semenretention [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Adam seeking Eve

I need to preface this by saying that I am not interested in having a back-and-forth in the comment section. If you are interested in speaking with me, kindly message me in DMs.
I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
Age gap is not mandatory. Don't be put off contacting me if you are closer to my age.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to be a virgin.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings, or have undergone any kind of surgery that affects your reproductive organs (reassignment, colpocleisis, FGM, tubal ligation, etc). I am not a doctor, so I don't know every situation that could require surgery. If you've had to undergo surgery or medication because of circumstances beyond your control, please let me know; I'm willing to hear your side of things.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you treat me as the head of the house. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to defer to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to Christianr4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 theeleventhowl Christianity and other religions

Help me understand please.
This is a humble request to explain in as much as detail as you possibly can, from a Christians’ perspective what does it mean if your ‘potential’ partner does not follow your beliefs. If you would like to cite quotes straight from the Bible or so, I will sure look those up too and would greatly appreciate it.
A bit of context, I met someone online through a common interest (i.e. not dating apps). We started a friendship which grew into an online relationship. There is a large distance between us, I live in Europe and she lives in South America. Due to the economic situation of both we haven’t been able to meet physically. We are 10 months into knowing each other and all of a sudden we are facing the topic of religion.
Without going into too much detail, she suffered bad experiences in her teenage years and found in Evangelism her path to God. She congregated often and found peace in the Bible and the group of people. Since then life has gotten in her way and she hasn’t been able to attend those meetings. She is in her early twenties. Despite this, her faith is very solid and plans to return at some stage of her life to this practice.
In my case, I was born in Hindu family, but mainly Catholic country (Europe), and in fact attended a Catholic school. I moved abroad for my studies. I don’t identify myself with any religion although i do have minor spiritual practices which are common. I do believe there are many ways to God. For me the best example of a believer is a good human being, one that represents a high moral standard, shows kindness and respect to others and himself, keeps a balanced schedule and works to improve oneself.
I never like to discuss religion with anyone as I truly believe it is a very personal topic, but in this case if we are planning on meeting and forming a family this topic needs to be discussed.
The issue we are facing is that according to her, Christians only believe that their path is the only one to Salvation. I personally have no issue in respecting Jesus, the Bible, the Church or the Christians. In fact, I would be more than happy to encourage her to attend her meetings and I stay home with the kids. I would be happy to attend, read, or even chant… but deep in my heart I don’t see myself being an Evangelist.
I cannot express how difficult it is for me to understand her in this regard that’s why i am seeking your help. The example i can put is: if someone asks me how to go from A to B, i would say you can take a plane, you can take a boat, you can take a car, a bus or a bicycle or a combination of these. For her, you can only go by plane.
Please advice?
submitted by theeleventhowl to religion [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:25 WRWEQ California University of Sciences and Medicine (CUSM) vs Creighton Phoenix

Greetings, Reddit pre-med community. I have the privilege of choosing between two exceptional programs emphasizing health equity and underserved medicine, but I need help deciding. I recently got accepted to CUSM from the waitlist. A bit about me: I am passionate about pediatrics but very open to exploring other specialties. I'd love to pursue my residency in northern CA so that I can stay close to my support system. I intend to head into medical school with as much of an open mindset as possible. The COA for each school is very similar, but I received a $10k discount from Creighton (Magis Scholarship). I tried my best to gather as much info as possible from current students from each school to create this pros, neutrals, and cons list roughly ranked by personal importance. If some of you are students at either of these schools, please share your thoughts, too! My main question is how much does name recognition matter? Thank you for your assistance, and have a wonderful day!
  1. More research emphasis with the opportunity for graduating with distinction (MD Scholars program)
  2. NBME exams after each block and in-house tests for labs
  3. Integrated holistic curriculum with case-based learning facilitated closely by faculty (student-driven)
  4. Medical Spanish weekly seminars that follow the same case learned the week prior (I want to become fluent)
  5. Student bodies and faculty are very supportive, mainly due to the open office policy and regular 1-1 meetings
  6. Option for early clerkships in Year 2. It can be used as a flexible professional development period after year three if I want.
  7. Grading system pre-clerkship: P/F
  1. Less known with a lower reputation nationally
  2. Clinical grading is H/HP/P/F
Creighton Phoenix:
  1. More well-known
  2. Integrated holistic curriculum with green and gold tracks and case-based learning
  3. Proximity to Phoenix Children’s Hospital
  4. Finding community outreach opportunities are no issue (100% of students participate)
  5. Magis Scholarship Recipient (one-time $10k award)
  1. Primarily in-house quizzes (NBME quizzes for a few units + exams)
  2. Research is not much of an emphasis here
  3. Scorching summers (I do very poorly with heat)
  4. Far from my support system
  5. Grading system pre-clerkship: H/P/F
submitted by WRWEQ to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:25 1-800-no-one-asked Green screen while gaming

Hi all, I was gifted a custom built PC about 4 years ago and it worked great at the time with mostly refurbished parts, until about a year and a half ago my ex boyfriend downloaded a virus (and effectively destroyed) my PC. We boiled it down to a corrupted hard drive and a shorted motherboard. I replaced the motherboard and hard drive and still was facing crashes, namely during Valorant. When playing the game, it would show a muted green screen with no error messsages or text like a blue screen would.
It happened repeatedly and I figured it was the graphics card. I upgraded to a Radeon 6650 xt, nothing special, and when I played Val it would say the drivers timed out (amd crash reporter would pull up). So my next logical step was to upgrade the power supply from a 500W to a 750W. I know this all seems ridiculous, but I know so little about computers and was never told the specs of the original state of the PC. Now, I'm having the same exact issue still, except it's happening later into playing the game. The only other game this happened during was Pico Park, but everything went smooth for The Binding Of Isaac and for Apex Legends. It functions for Internet related work, just struggling in the gaming aspect. To confirm, it still sometimes does the green screen as well as the regular driver crash. Drivers are up to date. Is all hope lost?
Here's my current specs:
GPU: Radeon 6650 xt CPU: Ryzen 5 2600 PSU: Corsair 750W
If I left anything out let me know. Thanks for any and all help in advanced :)
submitted by 1-800-no-one-asked to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:25 VenceArgent Advice

This is a blurb for my book that I am working on. I have not finished or even began to upload chapters but I just wanted some feedback on any way I can improve on. Any help is appreciated.
Title: The Hunted
It's never easy leaving everything you know behind in order to find potential help. But it will be necessary if I want to survive.
Who knows what they will do if they get their hands on me and I am not willing to find out.
A wolf cannot last long without a pack. Why me, out of all the wolves? What did I do?
My only hope is Kelpher.
Ryan just graduated high school. Now most people would be stressing about college or what they want to be in life. He has something far worse to worry about, something he never thought he'd be going against. Something that might have him tortured, or worse killed.
He is being hunted by them.
Three strong species want Ryan for reasons he's unsure of. Ryan is not a warrior or an alpha, he doesn't even belong to a pack. But he does have something the three species want. And they will stop at nothing to get it.
Running and hiding will only get you so far.
"How did the wolf survive?"
"We don't know, but we have some theories."
"Well we have to get to him, he is the key to turning the tide.”
submitted by VenceArgent to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:25 Fuzz_Frequency_96 What Older Games Would You Recommend?

As someone who plays older and more obscure games, I have a few recommendations.
Fist off, Binary Domain for the Xbox 360. It's a third-person shooter from Sage and made by the same team who made the Yakuza games. The single player is great involving a war to keep robots from being "human" and the invasion mode (horde mode) is so much fun and sometimes I still play now.
Driver: San Francisco is another game I'd recommend from the Xbox 360. An interesting driving sandbox game where you can take control of other drivers at will and use them in your officer duties. So much fun and with a fantastic 70's feel all over it.
Finally, Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge for the original Xbox. A wonderful flying arcade game that has planes with different effects from shooting fireballs to lighting. The story is such campy fun and the local multiplayer is cool too.
All these games are compatible for the Xbox One and Series consoles and work really when when played on them.
submitted by Fuzz_Frequency_96 to xbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:25 Adsmule $1500, USA, College Architecture

submitted by Adsmule to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:25 correctalexam Son’s friend “had to quit going to school to work”

I only hear what I hear from my son…. I don’t know this boy’s situation from his own mouth. My son says he lives with older friends and walks to work at a fast food place, apparently his family needs the money, and/or he’s on his own due to a mother that is terrible. My son has been friends with him for over a year. I’ve met him three times when he’s come over to our place. I have let my son know he’s welcome here as much as he feels comfortable with. Tonight I told the friend while he was here to please let me know if he thinks of anything an adult/mom can help him out with and to tell me directly or pass it through my son. I also confirmed that he’s not going to school anymore, since my son just told me that today, it’s a new development. He said yes he’s not “right now.” I was careful not to pry or make him feel like coming over here means the third degree. I figured being here without worries and as much free food and drink as he can stand was good for him. But now I think I wasn’t enough of an “I know what to do” adult for him, I just mainly let him be and fed him and said that one thing. But I don’t know what to do. Should I have said more? Done more? What should I do or say next time he comes over? He’s 16 or 17.
submitted by correctalexam to parentingteenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 cluelessgirl127 Healing is fucking SLOW

I thought because my life is in pretty much every aspect nearly perfect that i’d bounce back from a break up easy peasy right? NOPE.
This shit sucks. At this point we’ve been broken up longer than we were officially together and I still cry. But it’s a lot less now.
No contact works. I’m feeling way better than I would have if I hadn’t blocked him on everything and I’m proud of it. I’m gonna be radiant and magnetic and glowing.
The build up there tho is rough but it’s gonna be worth it
submitted by cluelessgirl127 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 AnyaGoblessed Unknown 關於未知的我們, aTaiwanese Series: Discovering Family and Love Through Self-Sacrifice — (Part 1)

Unknown 關於未知的我們, aTaiwanese Series: Discovering Family and Love Through Self-Sacrifice — (Part 1)
Over the last few weeks, I have been watching the Taiwanese series "Unknown,", based on Priest’s famous work, "Big Brother." Throughout its twelve episodes, this series has captivated my attention, challenged my viewpoints, encouraged me to reevaluate some deeply-held beliefs, and left me eagerly hoping for a second season that delves further into the saga of Zhiyuan and Qian. However, I am also grateful for the opportunity to experience even a single season of this thought-provoking series.
"Unknown," features Chris Chiu as the main character Wei Qian, telling the story of a young man who, at the age of 14–16, resorts to working for a gangster. Driven by the death of his abusive, drug-addicted mother and a desire to support his sister, Qian accepts various jobs including cleaning toilets and billiard equipment, eventually working his way up to become a bouncer at the hall.
During the first episode, Qian’s altruistic nature expands beyond his immediate family when he encounters a homeless boy a few years younger than him. Moved by the boy’s plight, Qian takes him in, names him Zhiyuan, and gives him his last name, Wei.
At a live fan meet for the show, actor Kurt Huang, who portrays Zhiyuan, mentions an ongoing debate on social media regarding who is the “better” character in the series: Zhiyuan or Qian. Displaying humility and admiration for his co-star, Yuan encourages fans to pick Chris Chiu’s portrayal of Qian, acknowledging Chiu’s remarkable performance and personal difficulties he has faced.
This moment during the fan meet serves as a testament to the genuine nature and selflessness that is so characteristic of Taiwanese people and their culture. Although it is true that exceptions exist, the willingness of Taiwanese people to help friends and even strangers, often at their own expense, is a quality that continues to astonish and inspire me.
Chris Chiu and Kurt Huang share a long-standing friendship that dates back to their childhood. Despite a seven-year age gap, which is often significant in Asian cultures, the two actors have maintained a strong bond, spending time together as kids and frequently gaming at each other’s houses.
Reflecting on their unique relationship, Chris has mentioned that he does not perceive any sense of seniority over Kurt, despite the age difference. Instead, he values their friendship and regards Kurt as an equal, highlighting the genuine connection and mutual respect that has developed between them over the years as well as just the hilarious antics they can get into.
Age gaps in friendships often fade into insignificance when shared interests, experiences, and mutual understanding take center stage. A prime example of this is my friendship with Mr. R., who, despite being a decade younger than me, has become one of my closest friends. The age difference rarely comes into focus, except for the occasional moment of lighthearted teasing when Mr. R. laments his advancing age. In these instances, I jokingly remind him that I will be sure to bring up his concerns in ten years’ time, when he will have a different perspective on the matter.
The friendships between Chris Chiu and Kurt Huang and myself and Mr. R. serve as a testament to the power of friendship to bridge gaps in age and of the potential for enduring bonds to form based on common ground.
Returning to "Unknown," it’s evident that this series subverts the conventional notion of a “better man,” presenting instead a balanced narrative that showcases the strengths and qualities of both Qian and Zhiyuan. In this context, the question of who is the better character becomes redundant, as each individual brings their own unique set of attributes that make them indispensable to the story and to the people they cherish.
The multifaceted nature of the characters in "Unknown" contributes to the series’ appeal, as it challenges viewers to appreciate the diverse qualities that make each character “best” in their own right. This refreshing approach to character development encourages a deeper understanding of the complexities that make up human relationships and the ways in which individuals can complement one another.
Despite the flaws and setbacks faced by Qian and Zhiyuan in Unknown, their characters remain endearing and worthy of admiration. While confusion, misunderstanding, and passion occasionally lead them astray, their enduring care and love for each other, their family, — their unwavering commitment to those they hold dear, even in the face of adversity, resonates deeply with viewers and embodies the spirit of the One Republic song “Nobody.” As such, it becomes difficult not to root for both characters and to acknowledge their efforts with an internal standing ovation.
As the first episode of "Unknown" progresses, Qian’s dedication to his family and friends is further demonstrated as he takes on multiple responsibilities. In addition to caring for his sister and Zhiyuan, whom he considers as a brother, Qian becomes a professional gamer to supplement his income with livestreams.
The turning point in the first episode of "Unknown" arrives when Qian decides to break free from the gang’s control, but his attempt to leave is met with resistance. Hu, a member of the gang, retaliates by kidnapping Zhiyuan. This then forces Qian to participate in three critical matches as a means to secure Zhiyuan’s release.
The high stakes of these matches take a toll on Qian’s physical well-being, as he sustains a punctured lung and a head injury. The consequences of these injuries are severe, leaving Qian with a blood clot on his optic nerves and debilitating migraines. This intense and emotionally charged sequence of events showcases Qian’s unwavering determination to protect his loved ones, even at great personal cost.
In a touching display of brotherly devotion and sacrifice, Qian manages to win the matches despite his injuries, securing Zhiyuan’s freedom. Overwhelmed with emotion, the 11-year-old Zhiyuan breaks down in tears, expressing his belief that Qian should have prioritized his own safety.
Qian, however, reassures Zhiyuan that leaving him behind was never an option, emphasizing that without Zhiyuan, he has nothing. Qian’s heartfelt admission, declaring that without Zhiyuan and his sister Lily, he would have nothing in this world, reveals the depth of his love and commitment to his family.
With the support of his friend Sang Pang, whose parents offer him affordable housing, Qian also joins a startup gaming company and finishes a four-year college degree in three years. Alongside Sang Pang, Qian works with Xiong, an individual whose life experiences have shaped him into a resilient and driven person. After facing the adversity of his wife leaving him, Xiong sought refuge in a monastery but was encouraged by the monks to reintegrate into society. The diverse backgrounds and journeys of these characters, brought together by their shared passion for gaming, add depth and richness to the narrative of Unknown.
The poignant mantras uttered by Qian and Zhiyuan in the first episode of “Unknown” encapsulate the essence of their individual journeys and the heart of the series itself. Qian’s powerful statement, “Stay alive. . . live on. . . so you can find your home,” highlights his unwavering determination to create a better life for his family, even in the face of adversity.
Zhiyuan’s words, “In the end, life comes down to just a few things. . . where you come from, where you linger, what you want, and what’s left,” resonate with a deep understanding of the complexities of life and the importance of staying true to oneself and one’s loved ones.
"Unknown" explores the ways in which Qian and Zhiyuan navigate these mantras, grappling with the notion that sometimes, prioritizing the safety and well-being of one’s family may require the willingness to lose or give up personal ambitions. The characters’ growth and resilience in the face of these challenges ultimately culminate in their ability to overcome obstacles and emerge victorious, all while protecting the people they hold most dear and gaining what they most want/need in their lives, one another.
This series has had a profound emotional impact on me, offering a powerful exploration of themes such as love, family, and self-discovery. Its ability to connect with viewers on a personal level is a testament to the depth and authenticity of its storytelling.
This intense emotional engagement has been both cathartic and demanding, requiring introspection and self-reflection to fully appreciate the complex themes that Unknown presents. The delay in writing this series of posts is a result of this necessary process, allowing me to fully absorb and understand the impact of the show on a personal level.
"Unknown" has provided me with a newfound understanding and appreciation for the complexities of interpersonal connections and the transformative power of love and resilience. I am forever grateful to the creators for crafting such a powerful story that has not only captivated my attention; but also, aided in my personal growth and emotional healing.

#Unknown #TaiwaneseBL #關於未知的我們 #ChrisChiu #KurtHuang

submitted by AnyaGoblessed to u/AnyaGoblessed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 DarthMatu52 Finally had a moment that's making me walk away

Be me. Find a great spot for a second camp. Spend hours building said camp. Decide that moving 100 yards uphill will be better after getting it mostly set. Move my CAMP. Lose literally everything I just built. Didn't go to storage, didn't get the materials back, just gone. All that fucking concrete. All that work to gather, find the right spot, and build. Gone.
Yeah, taking a break for a while. Game is fun, but that was a fucking gut punch, took me at least a week IRL to gather enough materials for this. Not doing that again anytime soon
submitted by DarthMatu52 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 DueReporter6824 I'm currently a Rising Sophomore/Junior in a weird predicament, looking for advice moving forward.

At the very beginning of my Freshman year, my mother and grandpa passed away. [sorry for the dramatic cold open!] I was struggling a lot that first semester, and while I was getting through the classes, I wasn't doing great at them. Not as great as I know I could.
By second semester, I ended up transferring into online classes, where I basically gave up, and dropped all of them. After that, I applied to a tiny private College-Prep liberal arts school and that's where I'm at now. It's nice, they lean heavily into having everyone do focused college-like Humanities classes and Arts. The summer before I started attending, my father also passed away. I hadn't been living with him, my parents were divorced and he wasn't in a position to take me in, but that still sucked.
Now obviously, having an entire semester of Fs on my transcript is problematic. Another issue is the fact that the school I currently go to doesn't actually do GPAs. All our grades are basically written as narrative evaluations, and since very few schools do that, it's hard to find resources outside of the web of my own school. If a College were to request a GPA, our school would be able to provide one, but that's basically a matter of the Principal reading through my evaluations, and determining roughly what they would be roughly equivalent to if I was at the nearby public school.
All of my evaluations have been absolutely solid, I'm fairly certain I would have straight As. In addition, while attending I did take a virtual French II class over the summer, Japanese 101 and Biology 101 at nearby Colleges; I have an A in all of them. I'm sure if I requested a GPA for my regular classes, I would have mostly As. I have taken Calculus I [AB], but I'm awaiting my AP score. Calculus AB/BC are the only AP classes my school offers. For what it's worth, I got a 1350 on my PSAT 11.
My goal is to go into Math. I plan to take Calculus II/BC and Engineering next year, and also Linear Algebra in the fall off-campus [which I will likely be eligible for, just need my AP score]. When it comes to colleges, I really don't know what is reasonable for me to even shoot for.
I'm in a weird nebulous position where I was supposed to graduate next year, but failed so I'm behind a year, but also have enough credits to graduate next year anyways as a Junior, if I wanted to. I've thought about it, but I don't know if that's what I should do.
I have had conversations with my principal, and I think they recommend I take the extra year simply to offset the Fs from those online classes from before I transferred. My principal jokes that now is pretty much the only time in my life where it will be beneficial to be an orphan, and I think that's probably kinda true. I had to pick myself up and take initiative for a lot of the things I'm doing, and I have constantly excelled since moving schools. I have been living semi-independently, juggling between houses [I haven't lived with my legal guardians in ~2 years, but they're still present]
When my principal was in High School, he attended Telluride for the summer, and now has the opportunity to 'nominate' students for it, and he plans to do so for me in the Fall. I'm thinking of doing that, it sounds great.
This Spring I applied for PROMYS, and although I think I did well on the application, I unfortunately, got rejected. Of course, I knew that was a reach program so I didn't expect much, but now my summer's free! There's always next time.
I also thought about simply applying to a few absurd reach schools in my Junior year (Hail Mary), since technically I could be eligible, and if I end up getting rejected from them, then I would still be fine. I could just go ahead and do my Senior year, after having gained experience with the College admissions process.
I'm also somewhat aware of QuestBridge, and that could be a good option if I went that route this Fall; if I'm eligible for the match, apply for what looks good, and if I match, then free money! If not, then try again next year with a stronger background. From my understanding, finalists for that tend to be high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds. I'm certain I fall under that umbrella. Only one of my parents graduated High School and went to College, however, given that my mom's culinary degree probably hasn't impacted my life much in about 3 years, I've been told there may be room to argue I'm a "first gen" -- No idea if that's true.
All of this is to say, I don't really know what I should do. I hope I described my situation well enough for you to get a gist of my predicament, if anyone has advice, I would appreciate it. Although I feel like I'm in a very unique situation, I'm sure there's someone else who's been in a similarly-shaped boat on here.
In the meantime, I need some rest. I have to move out soon, I'll be taking French again online this summer, and I'll be starting two independent studies in Game Design and Novel Writing; I would like to get a job with my city's public library soon, because I've been an intern for my school's library this year and that seems like a nice transition. Probably try and take the SAT in August... also need to learn how to drive.... well, I have a busy summer.
submitted by DueReporter6824 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 Helpful_Cookie_9234 Leaving corporate to be a hairdresser? Open to other ideas as well!!! Please help!

I (25F) have a bachelors in communications and marketing and have been working in the corporate world as a recruiter. I am currently experiencing what some would call my “quarter life crisis”. I absolutely hate my job and struggle to be working behind a desk all day.
To give context I am a very creative person and have been complimented all my life for my sense of creativity and individuality (cringe of me to say Ik) and working desk jobs being in my corporate outfit all day I feel like I’m wasting my life away and have no purpose and I don’t feel like I can be myself. I know work is work but I feel like I need to do something that brings me at least a little joy?
I have considered other roles like nonprofit work and going to school to be a teacher but now I am super interested in going back to school to be a hairdresser.
What drew me in is the creativity aspect and being hands on with the role and making a direct impact on people’s lives. I love talking and interacting with others and feeling like I’m making a difference. (that is why I initially considered working for a non profit or in teaching) i like that you can kind of be your own boss have a more flexible schedule and I’m also good at video editing and content creation. I would love to do cuts, dye, extensions and event/wedding hair and Ik it sounds like a stretch but I do have a small dream to open my own salon/thrift store one day.
I will be living at home so financially I could make it work but I am still concerned to be spending the money and potentially hate it down the line. I am also super worried about how long it will take to make the money back as a hairdresser. (I live in a city/suburban area with some affluent parts for context)
Has anyone else gone from corporate jobs to hairdressing? Part of me says I’m young I should say fuck it and go for it but the other half of me is worried I’ll end up hating it or having no money down the line in life and essentially screwing myself over. I know I have my degree I can fall back on but I know if I ever did that I would have to start at an entry level. I have been applying to countless jobs I don’t even like and haven’t gotten a single interview in months which leads me to the other fear of the recession we are in. Is this horrible time to go into hairdressing with the recession?
This was very long but would love any advice!!!
submitted by Helpful_Cookie_9234 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 The_Navage_killer He is not the last. There is another.

Ever wished there was an LOK magazine? Here's a scenario.
The hylden seer, assuming she was already a thing in earlier timelines, remains as the last vampire after Raziel kills Kain with the reaver, races to the silenced cathedral to rid the world of any remaining Kain spawn, and then politely folds himself away into the blade for safekeeping. Ahh, Timeline 2.
Elder god seemed to believe this was the end, that the worldwide vampire count would be brought to zero after the time loop completed its work.
So Elder missed one. The fun is in figuring out what made The Seer invisible to the many eyed god. Because that's a trick Kain could benefit greatly from learning. Could be she carries a magic artifact that cloaks her similar to Elder's own ability to go Unseen, or powerful magics went in to crafting her unique hybrid status with the result that she's a cosmic exception to the rules, not only escaping Banishment but also escaping detection by the true enemy the hylden knew they were fighting? A truly invisible person would probably be trying not to have any impact on history, to avoid drawing the god's many eyes to themself, and she failed that test as soon as we met her. Hmmm.
Does one Timestreamer have difficulty spying another??? The "prophet's camouflage." Or she may be hiding in plain sight by making sure her fate line reads as harmless when scanned by other Powers. For example, Elder may "know" she's a sterile mule, incapable of spreading the vampire curse to others. This could cause him to overlook her as a non-factor. And if she's discovered a way to overcome this sterility she knows not to reveal this until a moment comes when Elder can be blindsided by a new era of vampirism, her hybrid species brood.
Siring hylden vampires would be a way for the Seer to make friends and influence people, creating a pathway for her ascendence to the hylden throne, etc. Creating an army would make her an interesting mirror image of Vorador, perhaps ultimately tracing back to whatever passed between them that left her owing Vorador a favor. What if Vorador only unlocked her ability to sire vampires in the most recent BO2 timeline, after vampire paradoxes caused Elder to lose control of the timeline?
As paradoxes improve Kain's fate, the Seer watches. She's watched Kain go from dead to an increasingly relevant player in Nosgoth's endgame, whatever that might be. Yet she still claims her fate lies along a different path than his. What? How is this town big enough for the both of them? How is her plan for the future not even going to run into his? I listen to her on this because she said it with more current timeline knowledge than Kain who's been winging it ever since SoulReaver2. She's seen something he knows not. His fade? Time is vast. He could grab the center and hold on for another 2000 years with a hylden return happening on the far side of Kain's eventual retirement from history. Maybe Kain tires of one planet and hylden science makes it possible for him to take off for the stars. Or he and Elder knock one another out of existence, leaving the world to the hybrid hylden and humans.
If the forever war is ever to end, the hybridizing of vampire and hylden into one species is a serious attempt at smoothing out their differences, is it not? Kind of a sad concession to have to make. Yet it's a Nosgoth style solution. And Kain would fight it, then maybe come to see the wisdom of it. Once it was clear he was an outdated old world remnant, would he let the species go in a new direction and step aside as a warrior the world no longer needs? The Seer takes the reins to usher in the long peace now that Balance has been restored?
There's lots of permutations of how it might play out, giving both Kain and Seer their wins vs fate, each for their own species, whether their efforts are separate or coordinated. That's why I favor a game format where we could play through numerous conclusions. Like a chronoplast that lets you dive in to the various future visions and join the action.
submitted by The_Navage_killer to LegacyOfKain [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 LethargicAdventurer Seeking: southern accented charming scoundrel and a tough/ funny or takes no crap heroine. He falls first

Is there something like this?
I don’t want him to be an alpha hole per se. Just charming and flirting BUT maybe he’s damaged or needs help. He can be southern in any way not regionally picky. Basically anything from Louisiana to Texas to Georgia to
(Places non southern people think of without knowing much 😂 about places and proper terms) you know where I’m going.
She has to be fun or sassy but mostly capable. A takes no shit type woman who can handle him and beat him at his game
Would love if he falls first.
Would be cool if they have good banter and sexy times.
Maybe work together on a case or whatever
Also NO big age gaps. And NO 20 something or college babies. No monsters or vampire lol
No pregnancy tropes either
All the rest is fair game. Contemporary would be great but open to others.
submitted by LethargicAdventurer to RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 Global_Tear561 Giving up a decent situation and security in my 40s to try something new. Quite anxious and questioning my choice.

I have been teaching at a private high school in Japan for 8 years now. While I do not get all the bells and whistles (and my wage has peaked) it is a permanent job. Despite some complaints, it's a good job, and actually one that is not that easy to come by.
As an MA graduate, it was always my intention to try my luck at university work. I also traveled to Turkey many years ago, and thought it would be a country that I might like to work in someday. Well, I came across what looks like an paper to be a good opportunity, and have accepted a job from September at a well-known university in the country (which offers accommodation and a chunk of the salary in USD).
While there is excitement, I'm also questioning my decision. I'm at an age where I still have a bit of adventure, though security has also become more important. I worry that I might not be able to find a similar position should I want to come back to Japan. I also had to cut my current contract early by accepting this position, which I feel bad about.
Maybe this is just venting. Just trying to feel more enthused about my choice I suppose : )
submitted by Global_Tear561 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:22 Gullible_Special2023 Completely new to PC gaming and I could really use some help 😞

Please forgive my ignorance, I am struggling here. I usually play my Xbox X series and honestly am not tech savvy at ALL with PC/laptops. I love the Far Cry series and wanted to experience playing FC5 with mods. I bought another copy of FC5 on my laptop through Xbox but I couldn't get it to work with my Bluetooth controller. (Don't even get me started on my keyboard abilities.) Someone suggested I download Steam and add FC5 as a non-steam game, but when I tried just now it said "catastrophic failure". Out of frustration I just bought it again through Steam, (which they had a special for so it was super cheap) and it's downloading now. I wondering if I will be able to use the resistance mods that I downloaded earlier? And then, more importantly, how do I make it work?? Again, I'm sorry if I sound like a complete moron, I'm just REALLY bad at these things.
submitted by Gullible_Special2023 to AskGames [link] [comments]