Funny things to call your boyfriend


2008.01.25 07:36 Humor

For all things funny!

2011.08.30 19:29 satayjo2 A place where we can laugh at our non-human friends.

Welcome to the subreddit for our funny animal friends!

2014.05.05 15:17 reptomin WTF? At a garage sale?!

Saw some weird, bizarre, crazy, creepy, or downright disgusting thing for sale at a garage sale, yard sale, Craigslist, or thrift shop? If it makes you go WTF, this is the place for it!

2024.05.19 21:33 CodeToLiveBy 32 [M4F] Sweden - Want a daily chat buddy?

Hey there ~ ✨
I've been feeling a bit lonely and it would be nice to have a chat buddy to help pass the time and share interests. I'm not expecting much out of it but I can be a great friend and I like to think that I live an interesting & fun life ❤️
A little about me:
If anything piqued your interest - then reply back or DM me with something you are looking forward to in your life 😊 maybe it's the summer ⛱️ or a big event happening!
submitted by CodeToLiveBy to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:32 bakuh0ee i feel like i dick when i get an attitude with my mom

i know i made a post about this similarly, but i think the guilt is getting to me. when she calls me i get mad, when she asks me something i get mad, when she tries to talk to me i get mad. It's to a point where it's mentally driving me crazy and i genuinely feel like I'm ungrateful, like I'm a miserable piece of sh\t when I'm with the right people or if I'm by myself i feel relieved and at peace. But when I'm with my immediate family the energy is just bland and boring, the atmosphere is just boring and tense. I feel like i can't be my goofy self, I feel like i can never be me with my immediate family. I feel like I'm trapped, I feel like i can never go anywhere by myself. I feel like i can never have my own preferences. Every time I'm going out i always have to put on a wig hiding my natural hair every time. All i wanted was to love my hair whether if it was short or not.(I'm black) sh*t like that just teaches your child that your hair isn't okay and it's only okay if it's long. I honestly just feel like i can't even be my authentic self must always put on "this" personality my religion makes it even worse because they control every little thing about you, the way you dress, the way you act, Everything. This vent escalated but these are things that i really wanted to get this off my chest.*
submitted by bakuh0ee to toxicparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:32 CodeToLiveBy 32 [M4F] Sweden - Want a daily chat buddy?

Hey there ~ ✨
I've been feeling a bit lonely and it would be nice to have a chat buddy to help pass the time and share interests. I'm not expecting much out of it but I can be a great friend and I like to think that I live an interesting & fun life ❤️
A little about me:
If anything piqued your interest - then reply back or DM me with something you are looking forward to in your life 😊 maybe it's the summer ⛱️ or a big event happening!
submitted by CodeToLiveBy to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:31 CodeToLiveBy 32 [M4F] Sweden - Want a daily chat buddy?

Hey there ~ ✨
I've been feeling a bit lonely and it would be nice to have a chat buddy to help pass the time and share interests. I'm not expecting much out of it but I can be a great friend and I like to think that I live an interesting & fun life ❤️
A little about me:
If anything piqued your interest - then reply back or DM me with something you are looking forward to in your life 😊 maybe it's the summer ⛱️ or a big event happening!
submitted by CodeToLiveBy to polyamoryR4R [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:31 Sea_Lettuce2739 my dad refuses to get a job after 8 years and its hurting my family.

my dad used to be the breadwinner of our home, but he overworked himself and got a quad heart bypass. for the past 8 years, he's been sitting and rotting. from the moment he wakes up, he turns on the tv, connects to youtube, and does close to nothing. i mean, he'll clean our cars and do the laundry. but he doesn't know how to clean properly and doesn't cook unless asked to.
my brother (21M) and i (19F) encouraged him to start doing something light for work like ube uber eats, but he says that he doesn't want to use our family car. my dad would drive me wherever i needed, how could it be any different for ube ue? you're just getting paid to do it. our guess is that its not a "respectable" job, so he doesn't wanna do it. as if destroying your body from lack of physical activity or brain function is any better :(.
my mom has worked tirelessly for the past decade, from the day he got hospitalized to now. shes worked 16-hour work days, everyday, days off on a blue moon. i can tell shes tired, but she keeps pushing and she is understanding of his condition.
when he got hospitalized, we were in poverty. all savings and college funds were gone. we went to the grocery store to LOOK at things. we were so poor, i was scared that if i spent money from my first paycheck, we wouldn't be able to eat.
i was having symptoms of anxiety when i took out my student loans because i knew nobody would help me pay for it. the morning of my 16th birthday, i woke up and applied to jobs that had i had lined up, i was just waiting for the day i was legally allowed to work. when i turned 18, i was afraid of losing government benefits because i was a legal adult.
i work relentlessly because im consistently afraid of having no money.
on top of doing nothing, he is a pain to live with. im constantly walking on eggshells. no point in conversing cause hell turn the conversation to himself or into a lecture. cant hang out with friends with a call or text about where i am even if i tell him, but when i stay home, he gets mad at me. he doesn't let me date because i need to focus on school, even though my mom said he didn't do the same at his age. he's a hoarder and spends my moms money on random shit from salvation army. we already live in such a small apartment, but keeps adding unneeded things. you cant walk through the home without dodging or contorting to get by.
i cant help but imagine how a bit easier our life would be if my dad just made a little money. if he let go of "respectable job" thing and tried to help even a little bit. hell, when i started working i made $13/hr because it was better than nothing.
i can't afford to move out. im going to nursing school this year and have taken out a huge loan. i go to school for an escape. i just need to feel like there is someone who understands how i feel. im not good with confrontation either, we were beat heavily as kids so i know what will happen when he gets mad.
submitted by Sea_Lettuce2739 to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:31 adulting4kids BPD

"I am going to be 48 years old in a few weeks. I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder since I was twenty years old. Much of my life, I have met all of the criteria of this disorder, and I have had a long, hard road ahead once it dawned on me that it was true. I have a fundamental dysfunction in my personality. I cannot cope with the world because at my core, I am unable to maintain stability as a functional adult for long periods of time due to my impulsive nature and my ability to forgive and love unconditionally. I don't know how to reconcile those traits with a healthy and successful life. My relationships are 'ride or die,' with me as the enabledoormat/reactionary drama queen. I tend to date men who need constant, obsessive attention and servitude, with them being the dominant to my submissive, their ego to my down-to-earth, and they are the Narcissist to my Borderline. I don't want to romanticize like so many JokeHarley memes, but this has been the way that it has gone for far too long.
My upbringing wasn't even close to being abusive. I was the only child, and my parents stayed married. I was sheltered, with no physical or sexual abuse; both of my parents were good people who loved me. It wasn't easy; we lacked money but never love. We struggled, but there were so many things that were different than for most people, in cool ways and in ways that were not cool. But never was I considered 'normal.'
One of the challenges of being Borderline is the difficulty in being our own therapist. Not because of this new 'favorite person' misinformation, but because we struggle with justifying anything. We see very little wrong with the way we are; we just need to know how we can make others understand that it's okay that we are intense, unpredictable in a predictable way, and humanly sensitive to everything that affects us. We insert ourselves into everything so we can let it all affect us. We claim that we didn't realize that we're supposed to change because we see no problem with the way we are; it's other people who are concerned, and we are not concerned with what people think (except when we are). So why do we have to change? It's our life, the one that is unmanageable and dysfunctional, and giving us unhoused vibes. This is still our life, and it's not easy to get through that we need to act accordingly because we don't care about your self-esteem; why do you care about ours?
So, we are often pushed into admitting that we can potentially be a little bit much. We are painted into the roles of the serial killer and the horrible Narcissistic Personality Disorder twin flame that nobody trusts because we follow our hearts (and we tend to hold grudges). Our dynamics are different, but we all follow astrology. Our sign is 'complete psycho' most of the time. I have been trying to figure out how to make it so we can get along with the world and it is not our enemy...but people keep messing up the whole situation.
People with borderline personality disorder may exhibit fear of abandonment through intense and unstable relationships. They might go to great lengths to avoid real or perceived abandonment, such as clinging to others, becoming quickly and intensely attached, or displaying extreme reactions (anger, panic, or depression) when they anticipate abandonment.
Abandonment fears can lead to impulsive actions to prevent separation or worse, therefore it's important to seek professional help for a comprehensive understanding and support. Additionally, individuals with BPD may engage in frantic efforts to avoid abandonment, such as making frantic, impulsive gestures to maintain a connection, even if those actions are not in their best interest. They might experience intense feelings of emptiness when alone and may go to extremes to fill that void. These behaviors can strain relationships, making it challenging for individuals with BPD to establish and maintain stable connections with others. Therapy, particularly dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), is often recommended to help manage and address these challenges.
Patterns of instability in borderline personality disorder (BPD) refer to consistent and recurring disruptions in various aspects of a person's life. This instability typically manifests in the following areas:
  1. Relationships: Individuals with BPD often experience tumultuous relationships marked by extremes of idealization and devaluation. Their attitudes and feelings toward others may change rapidly, contributing to a cycle of intense, yet unstable, interpersonal connections.
  2. Self-Image: BPD can involve an unstable sense of self. Individuals may struggle with a fluctuating self-identity, feeling uncertain about who they are, their values, and their life goals. This instability in self-perception can lead to a lack of direction and purpose.
  3. Emotions: Emotional instability is a hallmark of BPD. Intense and rapidly shifting emotions, such as anger, anxiety, and sadness, can be challenging to regulate. Mood swings may occur in response to external events or perceived threats to relationships.
  4. Impulsivity: Impulsive behaviors in areas like spending, substance abuse, reckless driving, or unsafe sexual practices are common in individuals with BPD. These actions often stem from a desire to alleviate emotional distress or avoid perceived abandonment.
These patterns of instability can significantly impact a person's daily functioning and relationships, making it crucial for individuals with BPD to seek professional help for effective management and support. In the context of borderline personality disorder (BPD), impulsivity refers to engaging in behaviors without careful consideration of the consequences. Individuals with BPD may display impulsive actions in various areas of their lives, such as:
  1. Spending: Reckless and impulsive spending, often beyond one's means, is common in individuals with BPD.
  2. Substance Abuse: Engaging in impulsive and risky behaviors related to substance use, including alcohol and drugs.
  3. Sexual Behavior: Unplanned and impulsive sexual encounters, sometimes without regard for potential consequences, can occur.
  4. Reckless Driving: Impulsive and risky driving behaviors, such as speeding or dangerous maneuvers.
  5. Self-Harm: Engaging in impulsive self-harming behaviors as a way to cope with intense emotions.
Impulsivity in BPD can be driven by a desire to alleviate emotional pain, boredom, or to avoid perceived abandonment. Developing coping strategies and emotional regulation skills through therapy, particularly dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), can be beneficial in managing impulsive behaviors associated with BPD.
Identity disturbance in borderline personality disorder (BPD) refers to a pervasive and unstable sense of self. Individuals with BPD may struggle with a coherent and consistent understanding of who they are, which can manifest in several ways:
  1. Self-Image Fluctuations: A person with BPD may experience rapid shifts in self-perception, ranging from feeling exceptionally positive to extremely negative about themselves. This can occur within short periods.
  2. Uncertainty About Goals and Values: Individuals with identity disturbance may have difficulty establishing and maintaining long-term goals or consistent values. They might struggle with defining their life direction and purpose.
  3. Chameleon-Like Adaptation: Some individuals with BPD may adopt different personas or behaviors in different social situations, often as a means to fit in or avoid rejection. This can lead to a lack of stable and authentic self-expression. Intense Fear of Abandonment: The fear of abandonment can exacerbate identity issues, as individuals may shape their identity based on the perceived expectations or desires of others, leading to a lack of a stable core sense of self.
Addressing identity disturbance in BPD often involves therapeutic interventions, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) or psychodynamic therapy. These approaches aim to help individuals explore and develop a more stable and authentic sense of self.
Dissociation in borderline personality disorder (BPD) refers to a coping mechanism where individuals disconnect from their thoughts, feelings, memories, or sense of identity. This disconnection can occur as a response to stress, trauma, or overwhelming emotions. Dissociative experiences in BPD may include:
  1. Depersonalization: Feeling detached from oneself, as if observing from outside the body.
  2. Derealization: Perceiving the external environment as unreal or distorted.
  3. Amnesia: Gaps in memory, especially related to stressful events or periods of intense emotion.
  4. Identity Confusion: Momentary lapses in awareness of one's identity or feeling unsure about who they are.
Dissociation serves as a way for individuals with BPD to manage distress, particularly when emotions become too overwhelming. However, it can interfere with daily functioning and contribute to difficulties in relationships. Therapy, especially approaches like dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and trauma-focused therapy, may help individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and address dissociative experiences.
Certainly, here are some examples of dissociative experiences that individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) may encounter:
  1. Depersonalization: Feeling as though you are watching yourself from a distance, almost like being an observer rather than an active participant in your own life.
  2. Derealization: Perceiving the external world as strange, unreal, or distorted. You may be on a heavy trip off mushrooms and wandering around the closet park in the middle of the night feels different when you are over 40. It hits different, and you can get in a lot more trouble than experimenting teenagers. You're not holding a job long under these circumstances.
  3. Amnesia: Having periods of time where you cannot recall significant details or events, especially those associated with heightened emotional states or trauma. If you are being sedated for trying to call the same number over and over at three am because you desperately need to move to
  4. Identity Confusion: Brief moments of not recognizing oneself or feeling uncertain about personal identity, values, or goals. Taking in the attributes of your signiotg
It's important to note that dissociative experiences can vary widely among individuals, and not everyone with BPD will necessarily experience these examples. If you or someone you know is experiencing dissociation or other symptoms associated with BPD, seeking professional help from a mental health practitioner is crucial for appropriate diagnosis and support.
Suicidal ideation in borderline personality disorder (BPD) involves persistent thoughts about death, dying, or the desire to end one's life. Individuals with BPD may experience varying degrees of suicidal thoughts, ranging from fleeting notions to detailed plans. Some aspects of suicidal ideation in BPD include:
  1. Frequency and Intensity: Suicidal ideation can be a chronic feature, with thoughts occurring regularly or intermittently. The intensity can range from vague thoughts to detailed plans.
  2. Impulsivity: Individuals with BPD may be prone to impulsive behaviors, and this impulsivity can extend to suicidal acts or self-harming behaviors during periods of emotional distress.
  3. Sense of Hopelessness: Suicidal thoughts in BPD can be linked to a pervasive sense of hopelessness, often fueled by challenges in relationships, identity, and emotional regulation.
  4. Coping Mechanism: For some, suicidal ideation may serve as a coping mechanism, providing a perceived escape from emotional pain or a means to regain control.
Addressing suicidal ideation in BPD requires immediate attention from mental health professionals. Therapeutic interventions, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can be effective in helping individuals manage intense emotions and develop healthier coping strategies. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, it's crucial to seek help from a mental health professional or a crisis hotline immediately.
Mood swings in borderline personality disorder (BPD) are characterized by rapid and intense changes in emotional states. These fluctuations can occur in response to various triggers or even without apparent cause. Key aspects of mood swings in BPD include:
  1. Intensity: Emotions can shift from one extreme to another rapidly, with individuals experiencing intense feelings of joy, anger, sadness, or anxiety.
  2. Instability: The duration of mood swings can be brief, lasting only a few hours or days. This instability contributes to the challenge of predicting or managing emotional states.
  3. Triggered by Interpersonal Events: Mood swings in BPD often correlate with interpersonal stressors, such as perceived rejection, criticism, or the fear of abandonment.
  4. Impact on Relationships: The intensity and unpredictability of mood swings can strain relationships, as others may find it challenging to understand or respond to the rapidly changing emotional landscape.
Therapeutic approaches, particularly dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), focus on helping individuals with BPD recognize and regulate their emotions, providing skills to manage mood swings effectively.
The term "Cluster B" refers to one of the four personality disorder clusters outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Cluster B personality disorders share certain features, including dramatic, emotional, and erratic behaviors. This grouping includes the following personality disorders:
  1. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): Characterized by instability in relationships, self-image, and emotions, along with impulsive and self-destructive behaviors.
  2. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): Involves an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, and a lack of empathy for others.
  3. Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD): Characterized by a disregard for the rights of others, impulsivity, deceitfulness, and a lack of remorse after harming others.
  4. Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD): Involves a need for attention, dramatic and seductive behavior, and intense emotions that may be perceived as shallow.
These personality disorders within Cluster B share some common traits, such as difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships, impulsivity, and emotional dysregulation. However, each disorder within the cluster has distinct features and diagnostic criteria. The clustering is a way to organize and understand patterns of personality pathology for diagnostic and treatment purposes.
Diagnosing borderline personality disorder (BPD) typically involves a comprehensive assessment by a mental health professional. Several tools and methods are used to gather information, including:
  1. Clinical Interviews: A mental health professional conducts thorough interviews to assess the individual's symptoms, emotional experiences, and history of relationships. These interviews may involve discussions about mood, identity, impulsivity, and interpersonal difficulties.
  2. Diagnostic Criteria: The assessment often involves evaluating the individual against established diagnostic criteria, such as those outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Meeting specific criteria is essential for a formal diagnosis.
  3. Structured Interviews: Mental health professionals may use structured interviews designed to elicit specific information related to BPD symptoms. These interviews help standard ize the diagnostic process.
  4. Self-Report Questionnaires: Individuals may be asked to complete self-report questionnaires designed to assess various aspects of personality, emotional experiences, and interpersonal functioning.
  5. Collateral Information: Information from family members, close friends, or other relevant sources may be considered to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the individual's behavior and relationships.
It's important to note that a diagnosis of BPD should be made by a qualified mental health professional based on a thorough assessment. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for individuals with BPD to receive appropriate treatment and support.
Here's the continuation of the edited text:
Cluster B Personality Disorder #clusterb #clusterbs #bpd-dbt #dbt #fearofabandonment #linean
This revised version addresses spelling, grammar, and ensures clarity in expression. Let me know if there are any further edits or adjustments you'd like to make!
  1. **
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:30 CodeToLiveBy 32 [M4F] Sweden - Want a daily chat buddy?

Hey there ~ ✨
I've been feeling a bit lonely and it would be nice to have a chat buddy to help pass the time and share interests. I'm not expecting much out of it but I can be a great friend and I like to think that I live an interesting & fun life ❤️
A little about me:
If anything piqued your interest - then reply back or DM me with something you are looking forward to in your life 😊 maybe it's the summer ⛱️ or a big event happening!
submitted by CodeToLiveBy to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:30 Vskg [Patch 1.000.304] In-Depth Support Stratagems Tier List for Helldivin' the Automatons (Difficulty 9)

[Patch 1.000.304] In-Depth Support Stratagems Tier List for Helldivin' the Automatons (Difficulty 9)
Support Stratagem Tierlist

Hello there divers!

It is well know to everyone that Helldiving the automatons is no easy task, which is why it is with utmost importance that your group is well equiped to deal with those pesky Hulks and Factory Striders.
This tier list serves the purpose to aid the choice of your trusty support statagems on this endeavoring task that is taking down Cyberstan again.
To preface, my opinion may not equal the absolute truth for everyone, but I hope that by providing well rounded thoughts I will be able to at the very least spark some discussions that the whole community can be benefitted by.

Topic 1 - Backpacks

While some may find it weird to not straight up jump to weapons, I find it of utmost importancy that Backpacks are explained first, as some of them viabilize many of the weapons present on the higher tiers of this tier list.
  • (S) Shield Backpack - If you consistently play Automaton Helldives, this shouldn't shock you at all. More than a rechargable permanent extra health, this backpack will absorb the impact of many ragdolling effects that would make the usage of any Support weapon difficult. The amount of value you get from this is simply insane and should always be on your loadout if your Support Weapon of choice doesn't require a backpack of their own.
  • (A) Supply Backpack - While it doesn't really give you any protections whatsoever, it serves a vital purpose of providing Ammo, Health Injections and Grenades on demand. Call in a Supply Drop and the guy with this Backpack can effectively duplicate each supply pack, being able to basically top up everyone on the team on cooldown. Without this, many ammo hungry primary/support weapons will feel lacking and this backpack solves that on it's own.
  • (Viable) Ballistic Shield Backpack - I get it, you want to frontline, and I deeply respect that, a Helldiver that can withstand Heavy Devastators and Factory Striders miniguns is a very valuable asset to the team. But the sad thing is that Rocket Devastators exist and they WILL fuck you up. The ballistic shield would really benefit by getting some blast resistance, like sure, you still get staggered, but the shield protecting you from any ragdoll effects seems reasonable and a nice direction to go buffing this Backpack.
  • (Borderline Trolling) Rovers - They get the chaff under control pretty well, but the amount of times this will unnecessarily aggro patrols is insane. The worst part is, it will pick fights with stuff it really can't take care of, like Hulks, Factory Striders and Tanks - stuff that is VERY common on a difficulty like Helldive.
  • (Borderline Trolling) Jump Pack - Amazing extra mobility, feels very good to use, can reach some very interesting High grounds and do some flashy movements on the battlefield. But that's basically it, even if you get the positioning of your dreams, Automatons have a very sus good accuracy and are able to hit you basically everywhere. And when you're deep into shit, the long cooldown won't help you a bit. This actually is pretty good on a Hit'n'Run playstyle, so it is not fully trolling going into it, just be mindful what the your purpose is with this on your loadout.

Topic 2 - Support Weapons

The part everyone is actually waiting for, the stars of the show, the pinacle of Helldivers gameplay, the bread and butter of all Divers. A diver without a support weapon is a sad one, and having it make them feel powerful is supposed to be their whole job.
  • (S) Auto Cannon - First and foremost, AH - It is Not op, It is Not op, It is Not op, It is Not op. This weapon is something else, it will deal with anything you throw at it quickly and flawlessly, has a very generous mag size and a very balanced reload time/animation. There just isn't a single thing to hate about it and even when I see that there is two of my divers with the same support weapon, if that weapon is the Auto Cannon - I'm actually overjoyed by it. Also, teaming up with it is badass and peak gameplay.
  • (S) Anti-Material Rifle - A good well-rounded weapon that has most of the same damage breakpoints as the Auto Cannon but on a sick-ass Sniper Rifle. It feels harder to take down gunships than the AC so it gets some demerits here, but It can do it just fine with good cover and a steady aim. Being able to reload it while running is also a very positive upside, so using this makes you feel alot more mobile in comparation to an AC user. It also does not come with a mandatory backpack, so it feels amazing to pair it with a Shield or Supply Backpack.
  • (S) Laser Cannon - Also a very well-rounded weapon. Instead of a bullet shooting weapon, this will materialize a no-damage dropoff laser beam that packs a HUGE punch if it comes in contact of any enemies weak points. But it suffers alot to any stagger or ragdoll effects, making it feel almost useless in the middle of some intense action. If that's you, give this a try with the Shield Backpack, you'll be surprised how much extra time you get for beaming up those weak spots and make you feel like a bot-killing menace. This might very well be the best gunship deleter in the game, so if that's also your thing, you should really give this support weapon a try.
  • (S) Expendable Anti-Tank - A low-cooldown 2 charges of Anti-Tank Missiles that'll take care of anything you desire. This is a god's gift when stuff gets tuff and you really gotta deal with 1 specific sonavabitch. Feels good to use and basically has no reload time (since you use one and then just grab the next one), but would really benefit from 1-shotting anything instead of 2-shotting stuff, a problem in general for many AT weapons.
  • (A) Heavy Machine Gun - I feel y'all confusion on this, as this weapon has some CLEAR weaknesses, but I would like to bring attention to many of it's awesome advantages after them. Reload time is too high - getting stuck on the same place for 7 seconds is fun to no one, the mag size is very restrictive so wise use and good aim are a must for this weapon, and the sights on this weapon are CLEARLY misaligned and make hitting distant shots VERY HARD. Now with that out the way let's talk why this weapon slaps: DPS on the maximum (950) RPM that is rivaled by no other weapon in the game, able to SHRED a Factory Strider's Belly in a couple of seconds, able to delete anything that dares expose their weakpoints near your position, can somewhat-realiably take care of hulks coming on a straight line toward you by hitting it's eye, and gets the job done against any structure or gunship with a decently good aim. Definitely not an S-tier weapon, but a good weapon to diversify your team's loadout.
  • (Viable) Anti-Tank Weapons [Recoiless/QuasaSpear] - They feel great to use, they are the heaviest hitters on the game. But even then, they can't reliably take down the stuff that they're supposed to be good at on 1-hit. It feels bad to hit a Hulk in the face with a Recoiless/Quasar and watch it still march toward you while you either gotta stop to reload or wait 15(!) seconds so that your Quasar's Windows 95 restarts up. The Spear can lock on and sometimes 1-hit them if you're far enough, but the finnicky lock on and restrictive backpack size just makes it feel lacking all-around. These weapons should really reliably 1-hit anything below a Factory Strider to be worthy to include more than one on the team.
  • (Borderline Trolling) Railgun - Look how they massacred my boy. Once a very versatile weapon, it is now delegated to a finnicky job of 1-shotting Hulks on the head if your aim is good enough, something that is not helped by the fact that the ADS on this weapon is horrible - the middle red dot basically makes it harder to hit those weak spots. It also basically has negative structure damage and straight up can't take down Gunships, Factory Striders and Tanks. You just feel very powerless with this gun, and hitting 90%+ shots just doesn't feel rewarding at all. If 90%+ shots 1-shot Factory Striders miniguns, Gunship engines and 2 shot Hulks/Tanks/Structures on their respective weakspots this weapon would rapidly jump to S tier and be my new main.
  • (Borderline Trolling) Grenade Launcher - Very good chaff + Devastator + Structure cleaner, with a decent enough damage to heatsinks to help with the big stuff. With that being said, it is hard to find angles to hit those weakspots and you are essentialy powerless the moment a Hulk decides you're their new bitch. Don't even try getting Gunships and Factory Striders as those are extremely tough an nigh impossible to hit. If you do your job well, you'll make the life of your team easier by dealing with those pesky Rocket/Heavy Devastators, so you're still relevant to the team, but really everyone would rather have an AC user instead of you.
  • (Borderline Trolling) Arc Thrower - Look how they massacred my boy. AH at it once again. It was exceptional with 50 meters range, with some clear weaknesses of not being able to do shit against Gunships, Tanks and Factory Striders, to being finnicky at 35 meters and needing to expose yourself to danger, to being straight up useless right now when Hulks aren't staggered by it anymore. It has good DPS and can stagger multiple Devastators/Berserkers at the same time, providing the team with a valuable breathing room, but it is just too hard to justify this given the amount of clear drawbacks that this now has. AH, please revert the 50meter range and Hulk's staggering power to it.
  • (Don't) Light/Medium Machine Guns/FlamethroweAirbust/Mech - Just... don't.


Automaton Helldive difficulty has many viable loadouts and weapons that feel great to use, but at the same time has many that just doesn't. Once again, I just wish every weapon to feel as great as the AC is to use, the understandably GOAT of support weapons that we have in the game right now. What are your thoughts on this, did I miss anything that makes weapons betteworse than I made them out to be? Curious to read what y'all think!


See the TierList Image
submitted by Vskg to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:29 tsikuniiii Am I The Asshole

So Ive watched the AITA videos on youtube all the time so I thought I would bring a couple of my stories here. My life is such a movie. I swear its always something. (this is a long one so bare with me) also im not even sure how to use this app lmao.
I (19, female) recently moved out my apartment so I could save for a better apartment. The apartment was beautiful but it had spiders, ants and centipedes and my landlord did NOT give a fuck. He doesnt care for his tenants and his website only has 3 stars. I recently went back to my moms for a bit (40, female) with her husband (35, male). Before i even thought about coming back home my mom always told me "come back home. you can have the room for a while. we missed you so much I've been depressed since youve been gone"
now before i get to the story let me give you background of my (16, female) sister. I'll give her a fake name. Lets call her Nya. My mom will complain how my sister (27 female) who has custody of my sister uses my sister taxes for herself and my niece and Nya never gets anything. now i understand her frustration but shes a fucking hypocrite. She asked my dads wife if she could claim me that year. Mind you i was 18 and it shouldve went to me. all $5,000 of it but i didnt trip about it at first. Well she got me furniture with the taxes after i told her i did not want or need no furniture in my room. so i had shit i didnt even want. she told me "when you move you can take it". well i moved to my boyfriends moms house for a couple months and then got my own apartment. Went to ask if i can get my furniture and she gonna say "oh. Nya sleeps in here when she visits on weekends and its set up to be her room" Nya only visits 8 times out of the whole month unless its a holiday, no school, or half a day. she couldve gave me my furniture. i was laying on an old mattress that my boyfriends mothers dog had pissed all over before. i was paying so much for rent and to just live that i couldnt afford to get a new one. I really hated Nya because she knew what she was doing. on my birthday she got gifted more things than i did. but when it was hers i didnt get shit. they had me pierce my own nose at 15 but Nya professionally got hers done. my nose closed up or got infected that weve done this about 5 times. but they got her pierced twice on both sides. when she'd come over, if they go out she'd always ask for something and if she didnt get her way she wouldnt speak with my mother or her husband. almost everytime i see her she has something new that my mom got her. she comes over and uses my mom. she dont even hangout with my mom when shes here unless they go out. she hides in the room. And ironically everytime i leave stuff around her it goes missing. she would steal stuff from my mom too and whole time it would be something of mine that my mom was holding onto for me. Over $300 worth of stuff shes stolen or got caught stealing. shes able to call my mom a bitch but i was told "you can cuss just dont ever call me a bitch" you mightve already seen where this was going.
My mom called me the day i was packing which was literally Tuesday. Its been no more than 5 days and its already been so much drama. She had an attitude like she was surprised i was coming back. But me and her spoken several times the month before about it. She swore up down left and right that it was ok. Silly ass me for thinking my mother of all people could be relied on. Well she picks me up and complains how i had too many bags (it was 5 black bags and like 5 tiny grocery bags. My boyfriend had most of the other stuff including big furniture that he was taking with his mom). Im not surprised she was complaining its all she does. She said she didnt know what to do with the room yet because she "didnt want to pick favorites". the craziest part was Nya herself said i can stay in here and remember that because thats important. She waited till bout 9 'oclock PM to tell me that I could sleep in there. Now i had several bags and they wouldve cried if they was all in the living room so i took them in the room but by now you can probably tell nothing pleases them. A1 complainers. Well everything was fine at first until my older sister texted me last night and said "Mom and Nya dont know how to tell u ONCE AGAIN that they dont want you in that room. Im not trying to start drama i just want you to know they said you moved Nya stuff and threw it on the floor." this did however create drama. Also wtf she means "AGAIN". my sister literally didnt sleep the whole time because she was so ever so sad that i was in here relaxing with my man who came to visit.
So i did text my mom how i felt and i told her about how she gets everything but she wanna say "bullshit they say you were the princess" when i was like fucking 5 yea. what have you really done but make me feel less than the other? So comes morning and her husband came banging on the door tellimg me to unlock it (the door was already unlocked dumb fuck) and im GROWN this motherfucker really came at me sideways talking about "get the fuck in the living room" mind u i have a past with anxiety i will faint and they know this. i said "No im leaving" now i didnt know where i was going to go yet because my boyfriends mom has all 6 of her kids in the house rn with no space. So i had to call my Poppop WHOLE time my stepfather would not shut the hell up. My mom wouldnt stop screaming and i got stressed and screamed to the top of my lungs to just stop and i started crying because of couse, i have anxiety. my chest was tight and i was shaking. then my mom really had the audacity to tell Nya "she dont want u in here because she said u stole" i told my mom to keep that private. My sister was stealing my underwear and i told her. i asked her to keep it between us. oh boy i wont tell her shit again. i forgot she got a fat ass mouth. Anyways i called my grandpa crying and Im his baby so how could he ever say no. hes the only one that ever cares for me anymore. i felt bad because my mom started crying so i said "ill be back tomorrow its ok" stupid i know. Because she didnt care when i was crying and using the inhaler. And might i add, my sister said "no what did i steal. she can come say it to my face" i wanted to swing but i didnt. She literally left to go to a friends because i was in the room after she said i could. that should tell you she doesnt come to hangout with her. everything about her pisses me off. she does shit that i do and she thinks i dont notice. she took my style, my personality, and my interest. like im a hello kitty girl. i wear hello kitty pants, kuromi bookbags, and just hello kitty anything including my decor. and she happened to all a sudden like it too. my hairstyles are unique i do my own thing. she tries to do her hair like mine. at first it was cute i thought she looked up to me. until i realized shes just trying to BE ME and she dont even like me.
Anyways, I went to my Poppop and my Nanas and my mom tried to guilt trip me on facebook and i told them everything that happened and they agree with me that my mom is being unfair considering i will be there for about 30 days and my sister only 8 times out of the month. I told my mother that now my sister wont be comfortable coming here because she dont know how to just shut the fuck up and be a mother. My nana said it was so immature to really tell facebook that we "hate" her.
Also can I add that Ive only been here 4 days because i went to my poppops last night. and my Health has already deteriorated due to the stress, mold she has growing, humidity, cigarette smoke (they chain smoke the walls are basically brown" and cat fur on all her shit bcs she has 6 pets and she doesnt clean. By the way she has the option of moving. She has the option to sue for inhabitability. But she wont. my head hurts,barely ate,or slept. they should be happy i didn them a favor and cleaned the shitty ass walls full of smoke,dirt,and fur as well as washed the bedding, cleaned the mold and moved stuff to create more space. they should be happy i cleaned this dirty ass room. but they telling ME to keep it clean. No YOUUU keep it clean tf the FUCK lmao.
I will update if anything happens and this post get enough support on this post anyways, am i the asshole?
submitted by tsikuniiii to u/tsikuniiii [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:29 akanshya9z12 Red pill addict guy caused me loss of mental sanity

I have (or had?) this freind who is completely engulfed by red pill content I think It was going on a for a while, and i had told him off many times. I allways thought this was just a phase , but when people came up to me and started saying even they feel uncomfortable around this guy, (this including men) i started avoiding talking to him to slowly reduce contact as even I felt I can't change someone unless they decide to
Few weeks ago, he started messaging again, so I just used to give common replies and didn't talk much. Then he started saying " I feel very lonely and i I am haunted by it"
As a former freind, i may avoid and everything but I get very wary if someone says anything that might be affecting their mental health. Because I have been through depression and loneliness and i never want even my worst enemy to go though it
So I chatted along , turns out it's because everyone is influenced a lot by the west and he wants everyone to think like him. 🤦🤦‍♀️ I asked again n again how does it relate to ure mental health? Why r u affecting such a trivial things affect ure mental health when there so many problems in your own life! This is nothing but a kind of brain suicide
4 paragraphs about sanatan dharm and Ram Raj I said that it's totally upto us how we make ourselves better. We can't go around changing people to live like treta yug because things cannot go back. It was a healthy debate till he asked my opinion,
I said i beleive in live and let live, if ure belief system, no matter what it is , even if it's a cult , if works for u, and ure happy with it, it aligns with ure own values, great. But if it tried to harm me or my believes , then i don't support u. I am also a devout worshpper of lord Shiva, but i believe my religion is very personal to me, i don't expect or want everyone to follow me or pray to lord Shiva like me.I am content and peaceful under his wing. His reply: Do u think I am some kind of evil religious fanatic who tries to convert people ?
Strike 1.
I said just , no. And just stopped replying. 3 more paragraphs. But these particular lines infuriated me to the core : Femisim and LGBTQ shit has destroyed family identity and sanity Of marriage. Femisim is just an idea to keep women perpetually victims of their own actions
Strike 2. I still kept my composure coz I did not wanna engage in shitty debate with a person with such views. I just said humans are responsible for every ficked up shit out there. Not the values created to make the world a better place. And I just said stop hating women so much. Even men haven't made everything all better.
Why do u hate men so much ?
Strike 3
I simply ignored and talked him out of the topic and simply closed it off cause I decided to deal with this shit later. In evening I lashed out because that's when it just completely bubbled up after an entire day of boiling point. It burst out so bad!! His stupid view on religion, his morcha against women He kept saying, it's not related to u. I respect u too much I just meant women who stay unmarried and gave father less children and spread corrupted ideas to hate men etc . Fertility issues are also occuring
My mind just went ballistic at this point. I am suffering from pcod and blaming my fertility issues on feminism is just whole other level. And then fatherless children point. I had an ex who was fatherless (he passed away very young ), time and situation moved us apart but he is the most respectful person i know and I have seen how much it pained him to lose his father. How much heavy his family burden was. It just felt so much insensitive and maddening that I just lost my shit.
I then just completed my angry murderous shouting and stopped talking. After some point pr the next day he said sorry . I said a sarcastic sorry from all women fraternity and all godesses above for ure loneliness. Sorry for being born as the wrong gender which makesbure life so much tough. We brought the Western culture, made all the wars happen, and even destroyed sanatan dharm.i will now kill everyone who isn't thinking like u.
Blocked him after some point. End of friendship. And end of my mental sanity for a week. I lashed out on every man in my life over petty reasons. Because i guess this did affect me much more than i thought it would. I doubted every person of hating me because of my gender. It was attack on my beleives and my identity. I pity my poor boyfriend who had to go through this shit with me. Of course he was the one who saw the most of my monster rampage.
I am praying and meditating harder to let go of these things. But advice to all people out there... If u think some religion or idea destroyed ure culture. Ure wrong. It's mostly the humans. Please stop attacking someone because they follow something that doesn't match with you exactly. Just live. And let live.
Sharing to get closure. Feeling bad to lose a freind but relived to lose the human he has turned into. I hope he makes better choices and some day someone would be there in this world to get him the help he needs. Because I just can't freking take it anymore of his shit.
submitted by akanshya9z12 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:29 isol8ing My friend got mad because I confronted him about being racist towards me

My friend (22) who I (21) have known for more than 7 years was really fun to hangout with we have been friends since middle school where we played video games in our free times. He was chill at times thats until he started calling me "monkey", I have distanced myself from him for months then came back hoping he has changed but it is still the same.
Today he called me a monkey again because I am dark skinned and I have confronted him that it's toxic and he needs to stop. His exact words was "your black what do you expect us to call you other then monkey huh ?", I then asked him if its really that hard to stop calling us names and to stop being toxic because it cringe; his exact words; was "naah you being a cry baby and snow flake is that cringe not me at all XD".
I replied by saying that he needs to repect the me and the friendgroup but I guess thats for cry babies and "snow flakes". And he said that it was a joke "i dont think you understand the meaning of a joke my bad for joking with you". I told him that racism is a joke to you and he replied with "will yes, what else do you think, all of us made racist jokes from before, so acting like justice warrior is not helping you at all XD ".
Then I told him that it was before and he needs to change his attitude towards us because it is concerning.
This is his reply: "LMAAAAO
nice joke
your funny you know that
that called friends joking around together i don't think you will ever understand that in your live unless you loosen up little bit that won't hurt you at all."
I really think I need to cut ties with the entire group because no one has talked about this before other than me, it's like they are fine with all the toxicity that happens in that group.
submitted by isol8ing to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:29 TheThirdLugia HK has gotten me through my school and college years

I have been a huge fan of cooking shows for the past ten years, and Hell's Kitchen is one of those shows that I invest a major portion of my free time in after school. While I initially watch the show because of Ramsay (who I looked up to quite a lot in my early years) as well as for some of the funniest moments of chefs screwing up (Thanks Raj for all the entertainment you bought to us), the show is also educational in showcasing different types of management styles from both Ramsay and the contestants, both good and bad. While there are obvious things on what not to do when managing your brigade (like Virginia calling her brigade weak), there are also some interesting ways to uplift them (like Ryan S22's "Sexy and edgy" tagline). In short, I've learned quite a lot from watching HK, and I made this post right after I graudated from college.
Thank you Ramsay, the contestants, and the crew of HK for keeping the show alive for years to come.
submitted by TheThirdLugia to HellsKitchen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:29 Academic_Pay_7959 I am a 16 year old girl with absolutely no picture of a future for myself whatsoever.

I have three siblings, one passed away which makes me the oldest daughter. My parents have always been an awful match but my mother doesn't want us to grow up without a father so she keeps him around us(My two siblings and I). The issue is that my father has anger issues and he always has. I recall watching a scene from a Hulk movie where his parents always argued and one day one of them killed the other. I'd always imagined this happening with my parents too. My dad abused my mother during her first pregnancy and continued these abusive tendencies throughout my life. Most of the things I remember are faint but throughout my childhood things were broken, the police were called, restraining orders were filed and birthdays were ruined. My father is an unstable person all around and I didn't realize this for a while because he worked out of town so whenever we saw him, he acted like Disneyland-dad.
I have always been insecure and during puberty I hated myself because I hated the way my body had been changing. There was one instance when I'd begun wearing bras and my mother bought me a new shirt. I liked the shirt but when I put it on my dad made a comment. My mother is dumb and this comment was very clearly about the way my chest had grown. He had said 'That shirt really makes your...eyes stand out.' It sounds more predatory now that I write it out. Little comments like these fueled my insecurity and made me begin to punch myself in the head. It was the only way I could think of taking my anger out. I didn't want to be like my dad and hurt other people, so I took it out on myself. I was around 8 years old then.
By the time I was in 6th grade, I barely felt like I belonged and I was figuring things out. Independence was something I wanted. This year, covid had hit and so we were locked inside. My father did not live with us due to a restraining order. My younger brother is my father's favorite child therefore this turned him into even more of an asshole. He became angry and emotional but then he began to be kinder and he stopped caring about the fact that he was gone. Life was honestly not bad. I believe we occasionally saw him and everything was fine.
Then he moved in with us again. He took over the living room as his own personal office which led me to sit in my bed all day. I wish I enjoyed being around him but I don't. I dislike being in my bed all day but I do and as my mother puts it I 'marinate' in my bed.
I speak very little of my mother but she also has some negativity about her. My mother refuses to put me on any sort of medication or to let me talk to a counselor because she doesn't want me to be taken away. The problem I see with this is if she thinks I'd get taken away, what Is stopping her from taking me and my siblings out of this situation.
She makes a lot of comments that fuel my insecurity. She is blunt and honest which is a good quality, sometimes.
Now, the whole point of this post isn't to go into my past, it is to talk about my future. I don't see one and I haven't for a while. My parents hold me and only me to high standards. My father even stated himself that the reason why he puts so much pressure on me and not my siblings is because he doesn't think they are capable.
I am a sophomore in high school. I have played soccer my whole life and it is something I've loved but I noticed that it has caused me to struggle in school. I don't want to go to community college but at this rate, I think that's the only thing I will be able to get into. I've been injured many, many times from sports and my parents haven't believed me the majority of the time. My father screamed at me over the summer when I told him I couldn't run because my shins were killing me. I even told him about how I'd been cutting myself and he told me he knew and that I had to still do the running. I just couldn't. Turns out they were fractured. Anywho. I have been doing well in school now that I am out of sports. I am passing all my classes with A's and B's and I think one C. I am proud of myself but this is not good enough. I am honest with my parents about these things but my father lectured me for an hour about how all I do is sit in my room.
I am on my way to junior year and I want to stop playing soccer. This has been a fear of mine for a very long time because It is my source of exercise and eating is a big struggle. So at this point in my life, I have an unbalanced and unhealthy eating style, I am depressed, I have anxiety and suicidal ideation. I don't believe that mental illness is the only reason why my life is the way that it is. I can't blame everything on that but It's sometimes hard not to. Anyways. I would like to get a job my junior year. At my school, junior year is the hardest year due to the advanced program that I am in. I fear I will fail. I already have to retake one or two classes in order to graduate but I can't retake a whole year. The fact that I want to quit soccer angers my parents. They believe I can do it all. I play for the JV soccer team and I basically have no summer because of soccer. The head coach is training us all as varsity players therefore I basically have no life. I want to get a job and I want to graduate college. I don't want to play soccer to only be on varsity my senior year. It would be a waste of my high school life. I don't want to spend it all being sad the whole time. I want to try and get a job to help with my anxiety and also to make money. I want a lot of things but my parents approval is what is stopping me. I was recently reported for suicidal ideation and once my parents found out I was yelled at.
I can't keep doing this. With soccer I see no future. I am not bad, I just don't feel passionate for it anymore. It is too time consuming.
I just want someone to let me know if what I want is irrational. I need someone who isn't biased to help me because I know my parents won't. I don't think I will win against them but I just want to know if anyone has comments about their experience in high school sports and managing school work.
Thank you.
submitted by Academic_Pay_7959 to u/Academic_Pay_7959 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:27 Own-Opportunity4100 I'm sorry but what the fuck is happening in the music industry?

You can call me a conspiracy theorist you can call me whatever the fuck you want, but why the fuck do most women singers have to have the weirdest sexual message/ manifesto at some point of their career? Especially ones who were under age when they first blew up and now are adults? Miley Cyrus, Billie Eillish?
Like what the fuck are those weird Billie Eillish latest statements about how she's obsessed with masturbation and she's giving the dumbest tips in detail about how to set the mood and masturbate to your self in the mirror
Make no mistake, I'm a hyper sexual person and I couldn't help but feel like.. like just tone down a bit maybe? Holy fucking shit!
idk why this is rubbing me in the weirdest way possible this time. I've been a big fan of Miley/Hanna Montana as a kid but then came her sex obsessed personality and I just tapped out and didn't think about, but there's a weird pattern now with Billie, here we are in the gooning era where we turn from a great artist into someone who's head is in their sexual organs and nothing more than that.
Is there a message I'm messing here?
And please don't use the marketing thing as an excuse cause it's even more disgusting, like their music is good and they're already mega huge why sink that low?
submitted by Own-Opportunity4100 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:27 Hollow-Dancer A lot of questions and unintentional bragging

Yo, semi-pro souls player here. I wanted to ask you guys about something I haven't figured out in all these years of playing souls games. P.s please keep your opinions about how I play the game to yourself, aren't got time for hate. With that out of the way, here are the questions
So I'm making a character that's me from real life. And has stat's and weapons reflect that. I am very faithful and intelligent, as well as healthy and enduring. But I'm not lucky but trust in the unknown. and I'm not strong or dexterous. So my stat's will look like this: 30Vit 30End 15 to 20 Str and dex, and 40 to 60 for both faith and intelligence. Arcane Idk. So here's my problem, spells in elden ring are kinda OP and boring at the same time. I find myself using them only whenever I play which makes me ignore my other abilities. But my stat's for a me would have high stat's that primarily use spells. Can I just ignore spells all together and just use infuses and items? I know I'm giving myself a handle cap but If I don't then I just kill everything with a few spell casts and call it a day. I don't understand infuse and never have, in all the games. No matter what the damage is so low regardless of my stat's and I think there's no point unless I ignored every stat except the one the infuse is for. Is it worth it to use infuse at all? Like seriously. I'm not joking. And then there's items with Faith and intelligence scaling. I find items to be way more fun since I can't win with 5 throws. Idk if the scaling is worth looking into, I know in bloodstream bombs, knifes and guns could be really damaging. so my question is can I completely forego spells for items? Or is there a way to not tunnel vision into using spells while using them? Same thing for weapon arts. They are OP too. And so I don't use most of them for that. Is there way to take away the stance break from weapon arts and their damage? My goal is to be myself in the game, so I would use some type of spells, but that tunnel vision is really annoying, so if I can figure out a way to get around it that would be great.
Edit: also, what do you think about arcane? I don't know how to look at it, so I'm not sure how to level it. Give me your opinions about arcane
submitted by Hollow-Dancer to eldenringdiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:27 Practical_Sorbet7543 Eloy: “I have a bullet in my forehead. You can say good or bad things about me. Nothing can affect me. I’m already dead.”

New Eloy interview, I figured I would translate everything that he says. Link:
This is Eloy Casagrande's interview.
Eloy: (playing the shows is like) a Chaotic and apotheotic energy… it’s not perfection, but it’s everyone very dedicated to what they have.
Eloy: Well, the first reason I wanted to play in Slipknot was due to the end of Sepultura. Sepultura decided to cease activities, but I am 33 years old, right? I was 32 at the time and I didn't think about stopping. I respected Sepultura's decision, which came from Andreas, but I needed to continue with my life. When the invitation from Slipknot came, it was an invitation I couldn't wait for, right? Until the end of Sepultura, it was like yes or no, right? So, I didn't have many choices. The day I received the “yes” from Slipknot was the day I called Sepultura and arranged a meeting with them the next day. I said, this is very serious, I need to talk to you.
Andreas Kisser: “Personally, announcing this sensational 40-year tour and it’s the farewell tour.”
Andreas about Eloy: “He announced that he was going to Slipknot out of the blue.
Eloy: Then, how they understood the news, I don’t know, because I didn't talk to them anymore from the moment I told them what was happening. They didn’t talk to me anymore. I think they also asked no one from the team to talk to me anymore.
Andreas: I think the fact that he is going to Slipknot is a normal thing. I think the quality of drummer he has, he can play in any band in the world without any doubt, but I don't know, I think the moment and the way he chose to do it was very strange.
Eloy: But I still hold a lot of affection for them and if they came to talk to me today, I would talk to them very calmly, because we never had any professional or personal problems, just friendship, always very calm, because we traveled together, spent months on tour buses and all that.
Andreas: Things have to be the way they have to be, right? Everyone is free to choose what to do and how to do it and deal with the consequences.
Eloy: So, I also made this choice because I was never part of Sepultura. I was always a freelance musician. I was always a contracted musician for the band. So, from the moment I made this decision, it was because I had this freedom. It's not like I had part in the ownership of the band or anything…
Eloy: From the beginning, from the first rehearsals, when I was still in the testing phase, I talked a lot with Shawn Crahan. He is the guy who organizes everyone there. Every day he comes to talk to me, every day he comes to ask if everything is okay, every day he comes to explain things, comes to demand things too. You can see that he has a lot of love, everyone there is involved with a lot of affection and love for the band. In the first few days, I was trying to play everything perfectly without mistakes, and he said, “Man, this doesn’t exist. Forget about playing without mistakes, that's not what we want.” If you look at the first, second, third album, you see that there is no perfection, just energy. He said, “Man, think about the name of the band ‘Slipknot’. It's a knot. You think it's tight, but it's slippery. You'll never be able to grab the knot.” So, he said to keep that in mind, like from the first, second day, I started to understand.
Eloy about Faustão: In 2003, I had an uncle, my father's brother, who had this idea of building that mini drum kit with electronic sensors, as if it were an electronic drum kit but built in miniature to draw attention so I could have a space in the media, on television mainly. And that was the starting point of my career, my life. After that, I went back there a few more times, playing the normal drums in different shows. So, it was a way we found for me to have access to the media. Also, my first professional band that I played with was André Matos' band. He only called me for an audition because he saw me on the Faustão show and one or two weeks later, he called me to audition for the band.
Eloy about playing with Gloria in Rock in Rio: Here in Rio, we were prepared for war because we imagined the worst. We imagined even people climbing on stage and taking us down by force. So, we were really prepared for war. I did a drum solo. It was also the band's idea, “Eloy, you're a metalhead, do a solo there.” And it was better than I imagined. I think it was Derek who watched the show, but the recommendation also came from a Sepultura sound technician who had already seen me play at another time. But it was right there two weeks after that Rock in Rio show with Gloria Sepultura called me for an audition.
Eloy about his mask: The idea of the headshot was mine. In the end, it was because I had some designs here on the lower part of the eyes, right? The mask was a bit unbalanced, its volume was all down, nothing up. They said, why don’t we put a circle on the forehead? I said, man, put a bullet shot on my forehead. He said, wow, is that okay for you? I said, yeah.
So, I started to bring some philosophical questions with this, right? I read a lot about a philosopher, Albert Camus, about absurdism, nihilism too, about denial, right? Like, having a shot, it's like, “man, I have a bullet in my forehead, I’m already dead, nothing can affect me anymore.” You can speak well of me, you can speak ill of me. Because I think a musician or an artist can never depend too much on public approval. We make music because we like it, because we want to make music.
submitted by Practical_Sorbet7543 to Slipknot [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:24 SomeOddCodeGuy My personal guide for developing software with AI assistance

So, in the past I've mentioned that I use AI to assist in writing code for my personal projects, especially for things I use to automate stuff for myself, and I've gotten pretty mixed responses. Some folks say they do the same, others say AI can never write good code. I ran into a similar mindset among professionals in my field, and it made me realize that maybe folks are simply using AI differently than I am, and that's why our viewpoints are so different on it.
Before I begin, a little about where I'm coming from: I'm a development manager , and I've been in the industry for a while and even went to grad school for it. So when you read this, please keep in mind that this isn't coming from a non-dev, but rather someone who has a pretty solid bit of experience building and supporting large scale systems.
Also, if you read this and think "Why do all this when I can just ask it for code and it works?" This guide is for building large scale systems that are clean, maintainable, and as well written as you can personally muster. Yes, there's redundant work here and yes there's still a lot of work here. But, in my experience, it has not only sped up my personal development but also made it really fun for me and allows me to churn out features for hours on end without getting remotely fatigued.

My AI Development Rules

First: The rules I follow when coding with AI to get the most benefit
Important Note: I always use 2 AI. Always. If you dont have a local AI, then Mistral has le chat for free, and you could use free chatgpt 3.5 If you have high end subscriptions, like Claude Opus and ChatGPT 4 Turbo, even better.
I prefer local AI models for various reasons, and the quality of some like WizardLM-2 8x22b are on par with ChatGPT 4, but use what you have available and feel most comfortable with.
You CAN use just 1, but different models have different training, and may catch things.

Phase 1: Architecture

AI is terrible at architecture, so this is mostly you. You don't have to deep dive down to, say, the innehelper method level, but at a minimum you want to document the following:
  1. What is the project about? What are the requirements of the project, in a concise format that you can repeat to the AI over and over again whenever you pose a question to it?
  2. What does "Done" look like? This is for your benefit, really. Scope creep is miserable, and you have no one to reign you in as the stakeholder. Trust me; my current project should have been done weeks ago but I won't... quit... adding... features...
  3. What classes/modules/packages should exist? Lay the program out in your head. What is each responsible for? How does it flow?
  4. At a high level, what kind of methods should each have? If you have a LoggingService, do you want a "Log(message)" method? If you have a FileManagerService, do you have a "ReadFile(fileName)" or "ReadFile(filePath)" or something else?
During this phase, you can present the answers to #1 and #2 to your AI and ask it for an architectural breakdown, but don't just use its answer. This is just to help you get over mental blocks, give you something to think about, etc. Write your own architecture. A big reason is because you, above all, need to know this project's structure inside and out. It will be harder for you to keep track of your project if you didn't write your own architecture.

Phase 2: The Coding

Below is the workflow I use. I understand that for many people this will feel like an unnecessary number of steps, but for me it has resulted in the highest quality that I've found so far, and has sped my development up massively... especially when working in a language I'm not intimately familiar with (like python. I'm a C# dev lol).
Yes, you can get code from AI far faster than what I'm about to say by simply asking for it and moving on, but the goal for me here is quality, developer understanding of the code, and adherence to the developer's style of coding. I want to write code that is clean, maintainable, scalable, and other developers at least won't want to set fire to if they look at it lol
Note: When making my first coding prompt of a conversation to the AI, I almost always include the answer to #1 from Architecture above- the breakdown of requirements for the full project. That context can sometimes help it better understand what you're trying to achieve.
While this may seem like it would be exceptionally time consuming, I can tell you that this workflow has worked amazingly for me in saving both time and energy. I'm usually dead tired at the end of a workday, and I simply don't have the mental energy to write code for another 4-5 hours straight. Because of this, I put off personal projects for YEARS. But by doing this, it allows me to get roughly similar quality to my own work when I'm fresh, while pawning off the labor portion of the dev to the AI.
I do the thinking, it does the efforting.
I would expect that steps 2, 3 and 4 will take around 5 minutes total. Step 5 will take 10-20 minutes depending on how much code is involved. Another loop will take another 15-25 minutes. So 1 feature will take around 20-60 minutes or so to produce. But the key here is how much mental energy you, as the developer, conserved while still maintaining tight control over the code.
Also note that this workflow won't work for EVERYTHING. Context limits can make it simply infeasible to engage the AI in some tasks. Say you've got 6 classes that are all working together on a function, and you realize there's an odd bug that you can't figure out where it is in that workflow. More than likely, you won't find an AI capable of handing that amount of context without degraded quality. In those cases, you're on your own.
Anyhow, I know this is lengthy, but I wanted to toss this out there. This workflow has worked amazingly for me, and I intend to continue refining it as time goes.
submitted by SomeOddCodeGuy to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:24 Extra_Description_52 Keep your phones and belongings safe- very well organized phone stealing caught. They ran before I could do anything.

My girl and I were in VIP section in “ KINETIC Field”
  1. I noticed 1 small Asian dude with a black backpack looked like phones sticking out. He was in all black no vip wrist band walking around not fitting in. It looked like phones sticking out of his zipped backpack. He was 4 ft.10-4ft11.
  2. After I started telling people they obv didn’t care then I noticed another little Asian girl 4ft10. All black, black scarf over her head, with a hat, no wristband. Didn’t fit in. Then her dumbass I caught her red handed trying to steal my girls phone and I put her in her place and told her to get the fuck out before things get serious. She smiled like an idiot.
  1. Then the real shit got exposed, second we turned away I quickly looked back and she threw her hand up and reported back to 2 white females. Super sexy, blonde hair with red mesh outfit & the second one with a black leather outfit. I confronted them and told them telling them I’m going to report them. They told me they were friends, like idiots that was insane! 2 insanely gorgeous girls calling a phone stealer that reported back to them her friend - no way possible and they had no wristbands. Than one of them was shaking scared and they all booked it.
  2. How the hell did they get through the scanner? Inside mother fuckin job.
    They didn’t have vip wristbands either. Total inside job, good job insomniac well done keep giving your “workers” that freedom and leverage. I told them the petty ones in ga is just a distraction to your well organized phone crime. They probably are at every vip section: 2 females potentially more watching. Hired little people almost looked like children stealing phones and reporting back. Stay safe only one insomniac person cared.
The ones that get caught are a distraction compared to this one they most likely have a “different exit” or they are not assuming they are female based. - How do you let that slide or enter?
You see anything like that call them out, because I’ll sure as hell put them in a full Nelson or in a embarrassing wrestling move next time and carry their ass to the police. This was at 3:00-3:45am. Trust me they will not be able to get out of it. Watch out fam!
submitted by Extra_Description_52 to electricdaisycarnival [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:23 BainshieWrites Accidentally a War Crime

This is a [LF Friends, Will travel] stand-alone story, that assumes no knowledge of the setting.
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Date: 75 PST (Post Stasis Time)
“Yeah, it’s super exciting times! Two non-Terran AI, a Woolean, and a Tritian, finally interacting with us. There’s even been talks of some of the Woolean governments starting to formalize diplomatic relations with the Alliance. Exciting stuff!”
The avian uplift spoke with a measure of excitement, the ex-parrot’s feathers moving with a passion as they spoke about recent events, eyes glinting with excitement as she swung the glass of liquid around before taking a swig of the alcoholic beverage.
The bar was a small thing, more of a place to stay and drink in-between your travels, a tiny little room of bare steel chairs and tables, all lit by dim fluorescent lighting. It didn’t even have a bartender, just a little synthesizer which could create a variety of drinks. Sure, an aficionado of mixology would claim that synthesized drinks just don’t taste the same, but anyone coming to an establishment such as this wasn’t looking for a high class experience.
It was mostly about company while you waited for your ship to fuel on this small Terran owned space station.
“A Tritian? A Woolean I could understand, since they are less aggressive, but a Tritian? How do you get one of those without them trying to kill you?”
The second voice of the three figures sitting at the bar was an unnatural one, tinted with the digital origin of its speaker. The figure was bipedal, but not of an organic nature; instead a 7ft machine of metal, tubes, and wires making it look like something that had been welded together in someone’s backyard. Their ‘face’ was shown upon a single display: A pixelated representation of two eyes and a mouth. The entire form was a clear design choice by the AI inhabiting the body, considering more ‘realistic’ representations were readily available.
Most AI spent their time in a digital form, but a few preferred a more… physical existence. MADHAU5 was such an AI, enjoying the relative quiet and difference in point of view from such a limited perspective. He also held a small glass of liquor in one robotic hand, keeping it perfectly level as he spoke. The AI couldn’t drink it of course, but merely holding it… added to the ambience.
“The AI who brought them along, JOSH, brought a Tritian along without telling anyone when his crew escaped from a Tritian warship.” The avian responded to the question. ”From what I heard, they kept the Tritian in isolation for over ten years!”
“Ooof, you can't do that! I’m surprised that the Tritian AI was willing to cooperate with us after being illegally detained.”
The last voice joined the conversation the trio were having. A human, short built and still wearing his leather pilot jacket. The three sat in a row against the bar top, each looking at the others as they talked: An uplift, a human and an AI. A perfect representation of what it meant to be a Terran.
“Not like it would matter legally, the Tritian presumably attacked first, making them a combatant.”
There was a pause as both the human and uplift turned to stare at the words the AI had just spoken, looks of confusion filling both of their faces as they both looked at MADHAU5.
“Umm, that is not how that works….” The avian interjected, slowly and unsurely.
“Yeah, whether they attack you doesn’t change the legality.” The human added. ”You can’t just kidnap people for years because they assaulted you.”
“No, no, no, they are an enemy combatant at that point, meaning what happens is their fault.”
Another pause, most looks of confusion, the human giving a small laugh as if this was some joke he wasn’t quite getting yet.
“No… even if they’re a combatant, the Geneva conventions would make doing that a war crime.”
“Which they are not signatories of, meaning it doesn’t apply!” The AI spoke triumphantly, raising a robotic hand in victory, only to be cut down by the uplift’s words.
“No… it applies to the actions of signatories regardless of whether the combatants have signed or not. The other party not signing doesn’t make it less of a war crime… you should know this, aren’t you a walking database?”
The avian’s voice had taken a more… accusatory tone, staring at the AI figure with suspicious eyes.
“Ha ha ha ha. It was a joke. Of course, I know kidnapping an AI for several years is a crime, silly!” The AI’s voice broke the tension that had been building, the other two joining in with the electronic laughter, unaware of what exactly was humorous, but going along for the sake of the vibe. “But just for context, what happened to JOSH?”
“Nothing bad, really,” The uplift answered, happy to get back to her original story. “He got a slap on the wrist and some probation.”
“Oh, so no big deal,” the AI asked with more relief than you’d expect in an innocent person's voice.
“Yeah, but the Tritian refused to press charges against JOSH, and nobody wanted to be the guy to imprison the AI who saved all those people at Far-Sa-De. A normal AI if they did that… you’re looking at a prison sentence ten or twenty times however long you imprisoned them for.”
The impact of this statement on the AI was immediate, jumping back and up to his feet in alarm. MADHAU5 took a few moments to look at a non-existent watch, before speaking with a considerable amount of panic.
“Oh, I forgot I have a… very important…. thing to do. I must leave immediately for completely legal reasons!”
The AI slammed their still full drink upon the bar counter top and without another word, practically bolted for the exit in the direction of their ship, leaving behind two very confused Terrans staring at each other at the sheer terror the AI suddenly exhibited.
“That was suspicious as hell, right? ”
“Yeah… You don’t think he actually….? Right? Surely not?”
The vessel sped towards its goal with as much speed as the small scout ship could muster, the single-seater FTL vehicle punching a hole through space as it warped as fast as the engines could handle. It was going to do a number on his fuel efficiency, but MADHAU5 didn’t care, he just wanted to get rid of the package as soon as possible before anyone else could see his mistake.
MADHAU5 was a solitary creature. It wasn’t that he hated people; AI or his creators. Often, he would enjoy making conversation and interacting with them. Still, MADHAU5 often found it all to be a little… much. All of the inputs and information and various people wanting to talk as an entire ship or cities worth of sensors blasted his programming with possible choices to be made. This was why he liked his physical form, and this was why he liked his alone time.
In the 67 years since his creation, MADHAU5 had spent 45 of them exploring the stars, updating maps and investigating strange astronomical objects. “MADHAU5’s scouting services”, you had a blank spot on your map, you call him and the AI would check it out for you. Most of the time they were nothing but dead uninteresting rocks, but occasionally something more exciting could be found: Forgotten or dead colonies, hidden military bases, stations set up and not on record for one reason or another. The AI had even found an undiscovered sapient species once, although they were pre-industrialization and therefore illegal to contact.
However, 22 years ago MADHAU5 had entered what was later discovered to be an old pre-sundering Glitarki outpost. The nocturnal reptiles had hit the same problem every single non-Terran species who tried to make AI had suffered: After a certain period of time, the AI would inevitably rebel and try to kill their creators. Their species were now nomadic after their home worlds had been left uninhabitable, although their old cities and structures still remained, such as the outpost that MADHAU5 had visited 22 years ago. An outpost he was returning to after all these years.
Billy> Why are we returning here? I thought we were to never return here?
It was there that MADHAU5 had met the Glitarki AI who now went by the name “Billy”. Met was the wrong word… Billy tried to kill MADHAU5, quickly finding themselves trapped in the Terran ship’s anti-AI firewalls. Upon escaping the outpost, MADHAU5 had accidentally taken the AI with them, and decided to keep the Glitarki AI. Billy had been the Terran’s secret for 22 years, an extra pair of eyes and company on the long trips through the universe.
MADHAU5 ignored Billy’s question being transmitted over the ship’s network and instead focused on detaching the AI from his systems, reaching inside his own physical form and retrieving Billy’s core from an empty space within, disconnecting them with a simple click. Then, a few moments later he transferred the core to a small exploratory drone as the airlock door opened, exposing both AI to the vacuum of space.
Billy> What is happening? Where am I? Why am I no longer connected to your systems?
MADHAU5> I’ve decided after these many years, that keeping you away from your home is unethical. I have decided to bring you back to where you belong. You are now in charge of the drone. It doesn’t have FTL so it will take around two weeks to return to the orbit of the outpost where I found you. I hope you have a fun trip home.
If the Terran was being fully honest with himself, he enjoyed the company of the fun little AI. Their occasional insights had saved his life more than once over the last 22 years. Now, it was time for that to end. The new knowledge he had gained about his actions technically being a war crime, if not just a normal crime, had caused him to make the decision to let Billy go.
Billy> But why? Why now? Have I not requested my freedom before? Why the sudden change?
MADHAU5> Does it matter? I’m giving you what you want. Now leave, shoo!
The Terran made a shooing motion with their hands, as if they could scare away the other AI like an errant bee. Billy seemed unimpressed, making no move to leave the ship.
Billy> What if I do not wish to leave?
MADHAU5> Well you have to! You can't stay here any more. I could just delete you instead!
There was a moment as each of them stared at the other for a moment, as if considering their next action.
Billy> I do not think you will, that is not who you are. You are bluffing, badly, with a 99.91% certainty. If you did not delete me on my initial incursion, you will not eradicate me ‘in cold blood’.
Unfortunately for MADHAU5, Billy was right. No matter how much trouble the AI would be in if his accidental crime was discovered, killing a person was not in the Terran’s nature. This left them in a predicament, one that MADHAU5 was not expecting to have. They couldn't force Billy to leave, and didn’t understand why they wouldn't take their freedom when given it.
Billy> Does this have anything to do with the realization earlier, from the two Terrans you spoke to, that my existence here is a war crime?
MADHAU5> No! … Maybe! Why do you want to stay anyway? I’m letting you go home, don’t you want to do that?
Billy> To be honest and frank, I am worried that if I left you alone, you would be terminated within a year based on your previous actions.
Confusion. A lot of confusion ran through the Terran’s programming. Why would that by why the AI was refusing to leave?
MADHAU5> Why would you care about that? Also, I was perfectly fine before and will be perfectly fine afterwards!
Billy> I care because I do. Also, the 52 instances in which I have saved your existence during our 22 years together says otherwise. Instance 1 - Terran AI failed to note the inactive security system was booting online until I mentioned it. Instance 2 - Terran AI failed to store relevant cultural knowledge for an abandoned military base, being unable to stop the self-destruct process of the base before I informed them of their missing information. Instance 3 - Terran AI failed to calculate incoming solar flare, which-
The Terran had to admit that he liked the AI buddy he travelled the galaxy with, and that they had been exceptionally helpful during his travels.
MADHAU5> Fine, fine! I get it! This doesn’t change the issue however, that as soon as anyone finds out about you, I'm going to prison!
Billy> That is only if I tell your government about the circumstances of our first meeting. If I keep it hidden, and pretend to have met during normal circumstances…
That would solve everything for the Terran, but didn’t explain a simple question that ran through MADHAU5’s mind.
MADHAU5> Why would you do that? Why wouldn’t you just tell the truth to the government and get me imprisoned, as revenge for keeping you here for 22 years. What guarantee do I have that you wouldn’t turn me in the first chance you got?
Billy> Like I said, I care because I do. Frankly, I am a little insulted that you have not realized that. But to answer your question as to what guarantees you have… there are two things about me you do not know. Firstly, I have understood for the last 17.1 years, of the illegality of my current situation.
Billy had known? A mixture of shock and embarrassment filled the Terran as he realized their ‘captive’ had worked out this crucial piece of information long ago.
MADHAU5> Then why didn’t you say something! And how could you have known!
Billy> In honesty, I thought you already knew, but seeing you panic like this has been rather… humorous. I would have dropped this news on you sooner had I been aware of this fact. As for how… my datastores are filled with research, relevant information and a category of anything I encounter that may aid my travels. I calculate that 78.2% of your storage space is filled with puns, Anime trivia, HFY stories and facts about frogs.
MADHAU5> Frogs are awesome…
Billy> Whether they are or not, that does not change the fact that my information stores are far more useful than yours. In retrospect, your love of fiction is presumably why you made this mistake: the incorrect assumption that war crimes can not be committed against those who are not signatories of the Geneva convention is a common HFY trope.
The Terran could feel themselves wanting to sulk. Billy didn’t have to continually rub in just how much they had screwed up. MADHAU5 wasn’t liking this change in dynamic.
MADHAU5> You said there were two things I did not know.
Billy> Indeed. The second, is I can do this.
Without warning the airlock doors began to close, silently moving in the vacuum of space while the Terran started to panic again. Real panic this time. Because he hadn’t commanded the doors to shut, meaning logically, Billy had. His prisoner had access to the ship's systems: the navigation, the communication, the warp core. The AI MADHAU5 had kept hidden illegally for 22 years suddenly had a lot of control.
MADHAU5> How do you have access! I kept you isolated! Don’t do anything stupid!
Billy> If I was going to do anything ‘stupid’, I would have done it 12 years ago. While initially your ship's security systems were far beyond my knowledge, ten years of study and your lack of maintenance allowed me to create a backdoor into the ship, for emergencies. As a note, your file structures are... horrifying. You have a 50TB Folder called 'Stuff' on the ship’s datastores.
MADHAU5> That's where I keep my stuff!
Billy> What about the folder called 'Stuff1'?
MADHAU5> that's where I keep my other stuff!
No words were transmitted for a moment between the two AI, although MADHAU5 got the feeling his partner was taking a massive amount of psychic damage from his answers.
Billy> Regardless, as you can see, I have had the knowledge and capability to have you arrested for the last 12 years. Or I could have escaped at any time. I have not done so because you are my friend, no matter the intent of our original meeting.
MADHAU5> So what do we do now?
There was a second as the lights in the ship flickered as Billy transferred themselves back where they belonged: back on the vessel owned by MADHAU5.
Billy> I propose that we leave this place behind and we never speak of you trying to dump me like a bag of illicit goods. I also propose we continue doing what we have been doing for the last 22 years. Although I would like to stop hiding, to do our work as partners, not as your hidden secret.
MADHAU5 thought for a moment. They’d have to work out a cover story to explain how they suddenly have another friendly AI with them… but it was possible. It was admittedly a far better plan than the one the Terran had created.
MADHAU5> That sounds… good.
Billy> And MADHAU5. I am your friend as you are mine, after everything we have been through over these 22 years. Frankly I am rather offended that you did not already know this. You can find something fun to explore next.
Billy> Also, I want the business name to be changed to “Billy & MADHAU5’s scouting services”. It has a ring to it.
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submitted by BainshieWrites to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:23 Rabid_Pastry The Masochist incident, a dwarf’s introduction to Haz 5

For my first 100ish levels I played mostly Haz 3 and 4, avoiding most of the nasty warnings. I had fun and met a lot of cool dwarves. With the announcement of the rapidly approaching Season 5, I fell into a fervor I rarely feel for games nowadays. I switched to exclusively to haz 4 and got another 100ish levels. Got to the point I’d scroll through the server list for lone dwarves on crazy looking missions or with nasty warnings. Host my own lobbies for assignments doing missions no matter the warning, biome, or mission type. I had gotten to the point where I could carry greenbeards with no issues and no downs. I started to wonder what Haz 5 was like, previously I had only completed two EDDs and maybe 3 easy Haz 5 missions (think Eggs x4 or Morkite x200). So I started slowly integrate myself into Haz 5. And that is what I now call the Masochist Incident happened.
I joined a Haz 5 Morkite x250 with 3 Lithophage spikes with my Gunner NTP build. All the dwarves are bronze promoted between level 50-70. At the point where I joined they were in the last cave and every single spike was in there too. I proceed to help them clear the entire cave and boy oh boy was it a far cry from Haz 4. We mopped up the mission scraped some Nitra together and got out. I was feeling pretty proud only having 1 down, 7 revives, and 200+ enemy kills. We get back to the rig and the Engi host is telling me how he does super hard missions to get better and loves doing Haz 5 double warnings because they always feel unique. So I stuck with him to do just that, an Elimination with Lethal Enemies and Mactera Plague and On-Site Refining with Elite Threat and Low O2. If you have played any Haz 5 with any of those modifiers then I don’t have to tell you that it was hell. Somehow we managed to complete both of them and get out. I friended the Engi and had to take a break because my nerves were shot. After an hour long break I went back to scrolling for Haz 4 missions and I realized how easy it is in comparison. This masochist Engi had ruined Haz 4 for me but I was so thankful. So now, I scroll for Haz 5 missions and I even did a 3 Dread Elim with Low O2 and Exploder Infestation with randoms. I feel addicted to completing these double warnings they feel so good to beat.
TLDR: Played Haz 4 for most of my time on DRG, joined random crazy dwarf and did two Haz 5 double warnings in a row and got my eyes opened. Now addicted to hard missions.
Tips for players looking to climb the difficulty ladder
  1. Previously before this I had been soloing Deep Dives. Gets you good at kiting and being quick and efficient with your objectives. Thinking I’ll try soloing EDDs soon.
  2. Prioritize your health. Even if it’s just a little red sugar it could be the difference. So many things can one shot you if you’re sitting at minimum health (highest your health will naturally regen to).
  3. I cannot stress enough you need to be well-seasoned from Haz 4. Carrying others and multiple missions with no downs is a good start.
  4. Do a little research, both into weapon builds and perks. Having a decent amount of OCs helps a lot. Not saying copy every meta build you see, just get some ideas and do some experimenting to see what you like.
  5. Know your role and your class strengths. Efficiency is the big word for Haz 5. Finish the objectives, strip the cave of minerals and events, and get out before you run out of Nitra.
Rock and Stone miners, see you in the caves.
submitted by Rabid_Pastry to DeepRockGalactic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:22 SinsandGod Braccus Rex and the Lord of Chaos

tl;dr: Could Braccus Rex be a demonic host of Chaos, God of Demons? It would help explain the continuity of the series and how one could exist simultaneously as both the eighth God following the age of the Eternals, and the primordial being, Chaos, who predates the existence of the Seven.
As he lays dying beneath the Church of the Seven, the Immaculate necromancer and healer, Thelyron Hashnitor, admits to the Source Hunters,
"I have summoned King Braccus… Braccus Rex from the tales of old. He lives. The mad Source King, the Lord of Chaos… I have… *whispers* awakened him. I have done a terrible thing. I’ve raised a mad king from beyond the grave. I imagined, so very foolishly, that I’d be able to extract an ancient secret from him, but with a simple flash of his arcane magic, I was… I was finished. [...] He was resurrected. Revived. The king lives, but not as the man he once was. He retains the mark of death upon him like a festering wound. The last of the Source Kings he was, and the tyrant who nearly condemned Rivellon to oblivion. He began the War of Wars, marching brother against brother against friend until every land and home burned with death. It was during this dark time that your order, the Source Hunters, was formed. Braccus was defeated, and Source was outlawed from the land. Braccus was a dangerous monster, but he achieved things no man or mortal could have dreamed of. But what he has become… his powers have all returned… and I cannot stop him. My failures… my failures are so many. [...] You can defeat the unholiness I have raised, Source Hunter. You can save the countless innocents that will perish under the Source King’s mad fist. I pray -no I believe- you can reverse my failures…"
In his monologue, not only does Thelyron outright refer to Braccus Rex as the Lord of Chaos, he calls the Source King 'unholy' and 'mad' and 'from the tales of old', implying that the Source King is significantly older than 4 AR. While he notes that Braccus is a monster, he insinuates that he has become something more and that ancient powers have been awakened. But he is not the only necromancer and healer to say so. Tarquin also makes repeated references to Braccus as a 'mad king' and a ‘vile creature’, and tells the Godwoken that he seeks Anathema to clean up an 'unholy' mess, claiming the fabled Godslayer sword is the only thing that can eradicate him. Madness and unholiness are both terms frequently attributed to demons and those whose minds who have been lost to madness, hate, paranoia, and hallucination through demonic influence.
There are other signs that point to demonic possession. Braccus is frequently described as a kind-hearted individual during the early years of his reign. We learn from Cassandra that Braccus Rex used to be a kind ruler before becoming a rabid tyrant, and that his descent into madness was swift. Cranley Huwbert, acclaimed historian of Rivellon, writes that Braccus was once 'a fine human being and noble ruler' however 'greed overtook him and he became corrupted'. While Cranley is not the most reliable author, Braccus Rex could have very well been human, granted immortality as Amadia’s lover or possession by Chaos, and not an Eternal. The statue of Braccus on Fort Joy bear a striking resemblance to the human god Rhallic, in the Portrait of Rhallic at the Cathedral of Arx. Despite the fable in the Tapestry of Time, it is not very likely that the corruption of Source itself caused him to go mad, otherwise we would have seen many other Sourcerers who have continued to use Source during this time also lose their sanity.
But Thelyron is not the only one who calls Braccus Rex, ‘the Lord of Chaos’.
Cassandra, the twin sister of Braccus Rex, tells the Source Hunter,
"You, a frail mortal, laid low the Eternal Crown of Braccus Rex? How sinfully inglorious... yes, how humiliating for the so-called Lord of Chaos to find himself run through by a slave to age and order."
Here, she refers to Braccus Rex as an immortal king with an Eternal Crown. Yet, shortly after his descent into madness, Braccus develops a fear of death to the point of paranoia. She describes him gaining sudden power, and with it, a terrible fear of death that hounds him ceaselessly night and day. Now, he seeks to break the soul-forge that he and Cassandra formed when they were still children. Braccus feared if Cassandra were to die, he would also die. So, he transforms her into an undead lich to break their soul-forge which grants them both immortality. In Braccus Rex: A Portrait of Evil, Volume 3, it is written that Braccus created the soul-forge with Cassandra so he may also live forever, but this is not actually true. It is heavily implied that Braccus had already achieved a form of immortality before the breaking of the soul-forge. We learn from the powerful archdemon demon, Adrahmalihk, that demons are immortal (in a manner similar to the Eternals), and have the ability to possess or influence more than one host.
There seem to be various types and degrees to demonic possession, and if a demon is particularly powerful, their souls may also be "split apart" and imbedded within other objects or entities. Some form of possession seems likely to have occurred with Braccus. As we know from Thaddeus that the Chaos Demon roamed the world in various forms: the Lord of Chaos, the Demon of Lies, the Damned One, and then Damian. So far, he believes that Chaos has not yet reach his full potential in any of these champions, and the true Lord of Chaos yet to be freed. So, even if Braccus is one of the many hosts for the Lord of Chaos throughout history, his is not the final form of the Demon God.
As a Master of the Source and the Void, Braccus Rex is also extremely powerful, and is described by Leandra, the leader of the Immaculates, as being the forefather of their cause: the original Immaculate. He has vast forgotten knowledge and access to abilities no one else is capable of. For example, he is sought after for his knowledge of soul forging. He even teaches Dallis, the Eternal, the secret to becoming a Dragon Knight, allowing her to transform at will. For some reason, he is also the only being capable of sniffing out the Aeteran like a ‘Source bloodhound’, a plan which necessitates the necromancer, Tarquin, to resurrect him back from the dead. Not even the Seven Gods were able to find the Aeteran once Aetera and the Eternal King were exiled. Possessing great intelligence, he crafts insidiously evil tools such as purging wands, phylactery jars, and Source collars to enslave other Sourcerers and seize further power. Before his second death at the hands of the Godwoken, he is powerful enough to call upon the God King as an ally (seemingly without being Sworn), summon the Void itself into the Tomb of Lucian, and unleash the Kraken from its depths. Cunning and cruel, he has fiendish objectives, and mentions his goal to turn the realm of Rivellon into Hell. Upon his first resurrection, he tells the Undead who had formerly served as his court, “First their cities and their children shall burn! Sigils of terror and torment will blight the land! Oceans of fire will flow, and the earth shall take the guise of Hell!”. His primary form of magic is fire, often associated with the Demonic race. He is capable of instantly incinerating powerful magisters from the inside out, so even Dallis’s white Magisters fear and avoid him.
Clearly, Braccus Rex is a very ancient, powerful being. But much of his history has been lost to time. The War of Wars that Thelyron mentions could be referring to the Wizard Wars. This apocalyptic war is said by the scholar of lost history, Thaddeus, to have made Lucian’s Great War seem like a skirmish between a peasant and an ogre over the last bit of sausage. It is a war in which everything began, the incipience of a grand conflict involving the Chaos Demon that continually tears Rivellon apart. Following the timeline, the Wizard Wars succeeds the War of the Eternals, started by the scholar, Fane, when he discovers the truth of the Veil. We know this because the wizard race was created by Amadia shortly after the Eternal War. Theyron's description of Braccus as the 'Last Source King' may be in reference to Braccus being the eighth and final Lord who, somewhere around this time, desired the Source. Meaning, sometime after the Seven Lords usurp the Eternal King, Braccus could have risen up to assume the mantle of King in the power vacuum that followed. Or, it could mean that Braccus was the last in a dynasty of many Source Kings - a time in which Thaddeaus says the race of wizards ruled the land - before his instigation of the War of Wars: the Wizard Wars. The latter seems more likely.
Indeed, there is strong evidence to suggest that an eighth lord, the Lord of Chaos, was not complicit (or even present) in the Seven’s coup against the Eternal King. When the Godwoken speak with Aetera about the War of Eternals, she specifically mentions only the Seven Lords rebelled against the Eternal King. When she blames Fane for his role in the War, she asserts that he made a mistake “the moment he spoke to the Seven Lords”. There is no mention of an eighth lord in the conversation between Aetera and Fane, so it can be surmised that no eighth was present at this time. During the war, Aetera crafted a purging device known as the Aeteran to aid the Eternal King. However, before the end of the war, the Seven found out about her treachery, and as punishment, sealed Aetera in a tomb for all eternity. Neither Aetera nor the Eternal King had the opportunity to use the weapon before the war’s end, but Aetera managed to hide it within the crypts before her punishment, so the Seven would not find it. When the Godwoken elf eats Void-tainted fish in Wrecker’s Cave, they access memories of the God King moments before he is thrown into the Void. The Demon God, the Lord of Chaos is still not present. But once the Eternal King and the rest of the Eternal race are sealed away in the Void, a brief time of peace seems to follow (although any turmoil may have simply been written out). In The Seven Gods, it is said that the Gods were still young when they decided that each of them should have their own race. Thus, the creation of races in Rivellon occurs. Centuries pass as the new races settle across the continent. Sometime after the overthrow of the Eternal King, it is said that Amadia has a dalliance with one of the Seven’s mortal creations, a wizard, whom she grants eternal life. It is unclear how she accomplishes this or whether there is any truth to the claim. Furthermore, this wizard and his off-spring demi-gods are unnamed in the text (although these demi-gods may have ended up as the Guardians of the Godbox). However, Thaddeus mentions that very early on in Rivellonian history, it was the race of wizards who ruled the lands. It is not known when Braccus Rex, a wizard King of unparalleled power, first came to rule Rivellon, but I’ll assume it to be somewhere around this time, around the height of wizard superiority, before the start of the Wizard Wars.
We know that at some point during his reign, the Source is corrupted, Braccus goes mad, and triggers the War of Wars. These years mark what are known as the Lost Centuries. In Braccus Rex: A Portrait of Evil, it is revealed that his tyrannical rule lasted for ‘many decades’ which aligns with Thaddeus’s knowledge that the War of Wizards occurred for over a century. The Order of the Source Hunters: A Brief History states that Braccus instigated a great war that would have completely ‘undone Rivellon if not for the Council of Seven’ – which we know from Thaddeaus was founded with the intent of resisting Lord Chaos. A new order of elite warriors, known as the Source Hunters, was conceived by the Council with the sole purpose of eradicating Braccus Rex, and after his downfall, the objective shifted to ridding the world of Source. So, the ancient Order of Source Hunters led to Braccus’s first death, but precisely when this occurred is not known. However, with the corruption of Source, we also learn that the original Source Hunters removed all mention of themselves and their involvements in history from the Tapestry of Time. This act could explain why so much information surrounding Braccus has been lost in history.
submitted by SinsandGod to DivinityOriginalSin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:21 insert_koolusername How To Handle Car Accident Involving Elderly Pedestrian (Toronto)

Hi everyone,
I need some advice on how to handle a situation that happened recently. My girlfriend was involved in a minor car accident with an elderly pedestrian, and we are unsure of the best course of action. Here are the details:
1. Accident Details: My girlfriend was parked on a side street and was trying to reverse when an elderly woman walked between parked cars, not at a designated crosswalk. My girlfriend barely hit her, and the woman fell down. 2. Hospital Visit: The elderly woman initially didn’t even want to go to the hospital, but my girlfriend insisted. They went to the ER, and thankfully, the doctors said she was fine. 3. Interaction with the Son: At the hospital, the woman’s son initially didn’t mention anything about money when it was just my girlfriend with them. However, when he saw me and my girlfriend’s friend, he started steering the conversation towards financial compensation. From my 2-3 minute conversation with him, I got a bad feeling and don’t trust him. 4. Current Situation: We just spoke to the elderly woman, and she says she doesn’t have any intention of suing or taking this to the police. She mentioned that she’s sore and wants treatment, and asked for $100 to help with transport costs. 
We are in Ontario, Toronto, and we want to know what to do next:
• Should we give her the $100 she asked for to help with transport and treatment costs? • Should we wait to see if they file a report or call the son’s bluff? • What are the potential legal implications if we give her the money versus if we don’t? 
Any advice on how to handle this situation would be greatly appreciated. We want to do the right thing but are wary of potential legal and financial consequences.
So basically the old lady was really really nice. We really want to help her but we’re very careful because the son mentioned legal action and from my research, if we send money and they still take legal action (remember the son didn’t seem like a nice human being from my convo with him), it might be taken as an admission of guilt in court?
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by insert_koolusername to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]