Electric cigarette thousand oaks

Need advice on how to support a friend in an awful relationship she can’t seem to give up

2024.05.20 04:09 throwaway22121_ty Need advice on how to support a friend in an awful relationship she can’t seem to give up

I (38f) have a friend (28f) who is in a bad relationship. I would label it abusive, not physically, but emotionally and mentally. A little over a year ago, my husband and I helped her escape a physically abusive relationship by providing her with a safe place to live (we have a guest house no one was using, so we set it up for her). She lives there still and loves it. Our only ask/rule was that no one else is allowed to move in - it’s single occupancy. She pays minimal rent, well below market for our area, and we’ve continued to pay electric, water, and internet.
Last summer was wonderful, we saw her begin to rediscover herself and her interests, make new friends, prioritize her health, etc. She expressed how happy she was and said repeatedly how she never wanted to lose her identify in a relationship again. Fast forward to the fall and she met someone. Immediately it all changed and she quit doing all that she had been doing for herself. She was late to work every day for weeks. By Christmas we began to hear what we thought were red flags. Being told she was too much, being told what she could and couldn’t say or do, that she couldn’t ask questions or expect her new partner to let her know what was happening in their life, etc, etc. When we finally met her new love interest, we heard for ourselves the disrespect and negging. Constant put downs.
Cut to now. She is over at our house two to three nights a week agonizing over this relationship and alternating between anger and hurt. Every conversation we have with her centers around her relationship. We’ve tried to be supportive and listen, only giving advice when asked. At this point she’s out near a thousand dollars that have been loaned/taken, she’s been screamed at, told she’s not allowed to talk to their parent’s alone, told that she should go have a hot girl summer, and then told that she’s the most important person, the answer to prayers, the love of their life. If she doesn’t answer her phone or text message immediately, she gets awful passive aggressive texts, but then if she sends texts, she’s left on read for a day or so. At this point, her parents, cousins, aunts, and all friends have expressed their concerns and dismay over this relationship. They go a week or two without seeing each other, then they hole up in the guest house for 3,4,5 days at a time.
Last week she told us that she was going to break it off today and asked if we could have dinner and drinks after as she would, understandingly so, be upset. We said of course! Then today I got a text saying not to be alarmed as they were going to be at her place. It’s clear now that they aren’t breaking up and I’m at a loss.
I want to be supportive, but I hate to see my friend being mistreated and so miserable on a daily basis. Selfishly, I miss my friend and my husband and I are exhausted from the two or three late night talks and rants and vents she needs weekly. She’s also drinking heavily and tends to get black out drunk. How can we continue to be supportive of her, when she’s so miserable in this new relationship but cannot seem to let it go? I want to be a safe place for her, but I am also tired and frustrated of the hours and hours each week hearing the latest awfulness and how upset she is. Both my husband and I have expressed to each other that we feel that we haven’t gotten to spend as much quality time with each other lately. How can I be a good friend, but also protect my time, and my husband’s time?
submitted by throwaway22121_ty to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:49 thebigdirty Any recommendations for a reliable fridge and oven for a 1-2 person rental?

Building out my shop as a nice higher-mid end rental. Its in a nice neighborhood, radiant floor heat, bosch 800 dishwasher so i want to keep with nice things and not just throw in a $250 white electric stove and fridge.
Both the fridge and oven are stand alone (limited options in the kitchen, one side of the fridge will be visible and one side of the oven.
I'd like to keep the ice and water out of the door but preferably have an ice maker at least in the freezer section. With it being for only 1-2 people, i dont want a giant full size fridge.
Thinking maybe even induction for the stove, could even drop down to 24". but they seem almost more expensive.
dont want to spend thousands of course on a rental.
submitted by thebigdirty to Appliances [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:32 Much-Marsupial6874 Why is gold better than Bitcoin?

I was having an argument about that topic.
My main arguments were:
submitted by Much-Marsupial6874 to Gold [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:53 Honest-Examination89 Hatred

My ex and I got divorced back in December and he completely hates me because I ran up credit card debt helping my family members just to note they were paying me back on what was owed I chose not to tell the spouse and here we are. After 17 years he treats me so awful even in front of our two daughters! We are thousands of miles away and have no family here and my power is out because of a tornado so the kids and I are in a hotel but have to return back to a hot house tomorrow with no electricity and refuses to help us after all the help I gave him with his car repair and his car got towed so am I wrong to want a friendship where we can lean on eachother when shit hits the fan? I’m at a loss I do love him so much and him punting me out and not have a single care for me at all
submitted by Honest-Examination89 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:45 dankmoody04 I never thought I’d actually become a fan of A.I or any kind of EV.. #FFIE

Faraday (FFIE) has patented over 600 patents for A.I and EV tech. They were new so had to spend a ton to develop and get inventory. They now have the 300k luxury A.I EV…. Versaces nephew bought one of the first just recently!! This tech and company isn’t going anywhere. They are doing bigs things in Middle East and Asia on top of America. This is the bullish I’ve ever seen a squeeze and then on top of it a new company that’s primed to be a leader in A.I smart tech and A.I Electric Vehicles. This is primed for a MOASS and then a great long term investment. I bought in around .19 and sold close to 4$ I smashed my options and I’m crazy bullish for Monday. I really really like the stock. At first I was only about the major squeeze potential until I started doing deep DD and wow. I may diamond hands a couple thousand shares for several years.....
 Not financial advice 
submitted by dankmoody04 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:55 Bobert858668 Looking for critique on my Arthurian legend based tv show pilot!

(The castle of Camelot stands over grassy hills and crystal clear rolling rivers and seas. Gray clouds cover the sky and hundreds of soldiers and knights can be seen riding toward the castle. Text appears on the screen reading “CAMELOT” and then “CENTURIES AGO”.)
(MORGANA LE FAY (Centuries-Old), a beautiful middle aged appearing woman with sharp features and long flowing black hair, sits on the throne and holds Excalibur, the Crown of Camelot sits upon her head. Knights and soldiers march in linear motions through the hall. DEWIN (30s), a scruffily charming magician, enters in handcuffs, with guards behind him. Dewin marches up and presents himself to Morgana. Everyone in the room halts.)
MORGANA: State your name.
DEWIN: You know my name, Morgana.
MORGANA: State your name.
DEWIN: Dewinson of Merlin.
MORGANA: You are being tried with treason and conspiracy against the crown. Do you plead guilty to these crimes?
DEWIN: That depends.
MORGANA: On what?
DEWIN: Who you consider the crown to be.
(Dewin slips his handcuffs off and as he does three Blue Jays come flying out of his sleeve and begin to fly around the room.)
MORGANA: Enough foolishness. I find you guilty of the accusations placed upon you.
DEWIN: Then kill me.
DEWIN: Let’s skip past the chatter and get my head on a platter. You see what I did there? Chatter platter.
MORGANA: Silence! Death is far too good for you.
DEWIN: Do your worst, no matter what Camelot will fall.
MORGANA: Is that a threat?
DEWIN: A threat would be something I plan on doing to you myself, the fall of Camelot, well that will be purely your doing.
(Morgana gets off the throne and draws a glowing circle around Dewin with Excalibur, as she does so Dewin lets out a small laugh.)
DEWIN: Binding me? My imprisonment shall not halter the winds of time.
MORGANA: I banish you.
DEWIN: What?
MORGANA: From this plane of time and place I banish you.
DEWIN: Not even you have the power to do that. Banishment spells have been hidden away for ages.
MORGANA: Hidden away in scrolls buried in this very castle. Dilflannu o’r awyren hon.
MORGANA: Dilflannu o’r amser hwn.
DEWIN: No, no, stop.
MORGANA: Dilflannu o’r meddwl. Rwy’n eich gwahardd!
(Morgana’s eyes turn purple and electricity sparks all around Dewin and seems to be sucking the energy out of him.)
(A plain and put together autumnal forest. Text appears over the screen reading “LONDON” and then “EIGHTEEN EIGHTY FIVE”. Electricity sparks and Dewin appears in the forest dazed and confused. He is covered in scars and almost immediately passes out face forward into the ground.)
(As night begins to dawn Dewin is still incapacitated. A carriage led by a horse named, Sally, comes through the forest and halts at Dewin. ALDEN SMITH (Early 40s), a plump and posh man with a defining bushy mustache, cautiously hops out of the carriage. Alden looks around for a moment before spotting Dewin. Alden approaches Dewin and checks his pulse through his arm. Alden’s eyes linger on Dewin for a moment before looking up.)
ALDEN: Hello!? Is anybody there!?
(Alden waits for a moment before looking back down at Dewin. Alden sighs and then lifts Dewin up and into the carriage before hopping in himself. Alden pulls on the horse’s reins and it begins to march forward.)
(Alden drives his carriage down Wicing Drive and parks in front of a townhome, Twenty Six Wicing Drive. Alden gets out of the carriage, carrying Dewin, and walks up the steps. MINERVA SMITH (Early 40s), a stern yet radiant woman, opens the door in shock.)
ALDEN: It’s a long story.
(A stereotypical Victorian living room made primarily of oak and illuminated by two small oil lamps and a burning fireplace. Dewin is still incapacitated and lies on the table covered in bandages, Alden and Minerva hover over him. Bottles of ointment sit next to Dewin.)
MINERVA: What were you doing in the woods?
ALDEN: It’s the fastest cut home.
MINERVA: And you just-
(Minerva is interrupted by Dewin’s sighing as he wakes up.)
DEWIN: Ah! Where am I? Who are you?
MINERVA: My name is Minnie, and this is my husband, Alden.
DEWIN: What’s happening?
ALDEN: I found you all bruised in the middle of the forest. Do you know what happened to you?
DEWIN: Morgana le Fay banished me.
(Alden and Minerva glance at each other.)
MINERVA: Oh lord, I think you're a bit confused.
DEWIN: I am not confused. I am Dewin, son of Merlin. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to ask if you could take me to a sage or healer?
MINERVA: Of course, Alden can take you tomorrow morning, but for the night you can stay here.
DEWIN: Why, thank you.
ALDEN: Minnie, may I speak to you in the other room?
MINERVA: Of course.
(Alden and Minerva step into the kitchen.)
ALDEN: We can not keep this man in our home. He is mentally insane.
MINERVA: Which means we must watch over him.
ALDEN: I am looking out for our safety.
MINERVA: And where would we take him?
ALDEN: I don’t know. He is as mad as the Doeth man!
MINERVA: Then that’s where we’ll take him.
ALDEN: Stick to nuts together?
MINERVA: The man has some common sense and he’s very compassionate.
ALDEN: Perfect.
(Alden and Minerva Dewin sit in their carriage with Dewin outside of a small house that is slightly separated from the other homes on the street.)
DEWIN: So this is the home of a healer?
ALDEN: According to him. I will go to the door alone, I do not want to scare him.
(Alden gets out of the carriage and starts heading towards the home.)
MINERVA: So you really do believe that you are the son of Merlin.
DEWIN: I know who my father was. Why is this such a puzzle for you and your husband to wrap your heads around?
MINERVA: Why I’ve only heard stories of Camelot, myths of ancient pasts.
DEWIN: So Morgana not only shifted my place but also the time.
(Alden knocks on the home's door and is greeted by ALDRICH DOETH (Hundreds Of Years Old), an older looking man with crystals strapped around his neck.)
ALDRICH: Doctor Smith, have they finally sent someone to take me away to a nuthouse?
ALDEN: On the exact contrary, I’ve found a wounded man who claims to have been sent here by Morgana le Fay.
ALDRICH: That’s what the shift was!
ALDEN: What? You know what it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re willing to take this man.
ALDRICH: Yes, yes, bring him to me.
ALDEN: Minerva, send him up!
(Dewin comes up to the door.)
DEWIN: Hello.
ALDRICH: My goodness, the energy pulsates off of you.
DEWIN (TO ALDEN): This is the healer?
ALDEN: Yes. Now if you two don’t mind I think I will be headed back on my way.
ALDRICH: Are you sure, Doctor? It’s getting rather late, you and your wife are welcome to stay here.
ALDEN: Thank you, but there’s no need.
(Rain starts pouring out of the sky out of nowhere and thunder and lighting begin.)
ALDRICH: What about now, Doctor?
ALDEN: Minnie! We’re staying here tonight!
(A cluttered mess of books, candles, and potions. Aldrich, Alden, Minerva, and Dewin sit on Aldrich’s circular array of couches and chairs.)
ALDRICH: Before we dive in I suggest you go wash off, Dewin. The washroom is that small one to your left.
DEWIN: Thank you, Aldrich.
(Dewin gets up and goes into the washroom.)
ALDRICH: I know what you two think of me, the neighborhood’s resident crazy.
MINERVA: Not at all, Mister Doeth.
ALDRICH: Don’t lie, Minerva, our actions all come back to bite us.
ALDEN: So we think you're mental, what of it?
ALDRICH: There are dark forces amongst us, Mister and Misses Smith. I believe that Dewin is here to save us.
ALDEN: I appreciate you letting us stay here, but I think it’s time we leave.
ALDRICH: I will change this storm into an earthquake to keep you here if I must.
ALDEN: Come on, Minnie.
(Alden and Minerva get up and go to leave when the whole room begins to shake.)
ALDEN: What’s happening!?
ALDRICH: I warned you.
(Aldrich makes silencing symbols with his hands and the storm and the shaking stops.)
ALDRICH: Now will you listen to me?
(Alden and Minerva both sit back down.)
ALDEN: What are you?
AlDRICH: A magician, a clairvoyant, a healer, I am all of those things and more.
ALDEN: Why do you want us here so badly?
ALDRICH: I don’t think it’s a coincidence that you are the one who found Dewin, Doctor Smith. He needs a guide in this vast new world. Prophecy states that when the second coming of the Camelot war comes, the savior will have a protector.
ALDEN: And why me?
ALDRICH: There are questions that only we can answer ourselves.
(Dewin comes out of the washroom and sits back down.)
ALDRICH: Dewin, please tell me exactly how you arrived here.
DEWIN: Morgana le Fay used an ancient banishing spell on me.
ALDRICH: The fall of Camelot.
(Suddenly a wind sweeps through the room that blows out all the candles.)
MINERVA: Mister Doeth, are you doing this?
(A match is lit in the center of the room to reveal GWENWYN LIGHTWOOD (Centuries-Old), a green draconic humanoid woman in black robes and a hood.)
GWENWYN: Aldrich.
ALDRICH: Lady Lightwood.
GWENWYN: I’ve tracked a shift in magic to your home.
ALDRICH: It is this boy, he was banished here from Camelot.
(Gwenwyn goes up to Dewin and takes her hood off to reveal her scaly appearance. Alden gasps in disbelief. Gwenwyn runs her finger down Dewin’s cheek.)
GWENWYN (TO ALDRICH): Hm. I presume you wish to let him roam freely?
ALDRICH: With guidance, yes.
GWENWYN: If one thing goes wrong you will be punished.
ALDRICH: I know.
DEWIN (TO GWENWYN): Who are you?
GWENWYN: The last of the dragons. Just as Aldrich is the last descendent of the Family Merlin.
DEWIN (TO ALDRICH): You're a descendant of my father?
ALDRICH: Of his sister, I have many of her poems and spell tombs still intact here.
GWENWYN: Magic is rare these days, endangered, most people don’t even know it exists. So are we under agreement on the boy, Aldrich?
ALDRICH: Yes, but something is still troubling. If you and I both felt Dewin’s presence then-
GWENWYN: Benjamin did too.
DEWIN: Who is Benjamin?
ALDRICH: A descendant of Morgana who wishes to rule the earth under her ideals.
GWENWYN: A very very dangerous man who will certainly kill me if he finds me here.
(Gwenwyn’s match extinguishes and after a moment the candles all reignite but Gwenwyn is gone.)
ALDEN: By Jove!
ALDRICH: So do you all accept this challenge?
DEWIN: What challenge?
ALDRICH: Defeating Benjamin Fayle.
DEWIN: Of course!
ALDEN: Absolutely not.
ALDRICH: Are you that repulsed by compassion?
ALDEN: I can’t risk Minerva of I’s life on what could all be me hallucinating.
ALDRICH: You're risking the world for a craven excuse.
ALDEN: Goodbye.
(Alden gets up.)
ALDEN: Let’s leave, Minnie.
MINERVA: Thank you for your hospitality, Mister Doeth, and good luck.
(Alden leaves, followed by Minerva.)
(Alden and Minerva ride through the street in their carriage.)
MINERVA: We were definitely drugged.
ALDEN: Absolutely.
(Alden and Minerva hop out of their carriage.)
ALDEN: I’m going to bring Sally back to the stables.
MINERVA: Goodnight, love you.
ALDEN: I love you most.
(Minerva goes up and enters Twenty Six Wicing Drive as Alden detaches Sally from the carriage and begins to guide her down the cobbled sidewalk with one of his hands on her reins.)
(Alden guides Sally through the forest to a set of stables. Sally suddenly rears up and neighs in terror.)
ALDEN: What is it Sally?
(Sally suddenly breaks off her reins and runs towards the stables. A figure in a dark purple hood and robe sweeps past Alden and their eyes glow purple. Alden screams.)
(Alden and Minerva lay next to each other asleep in bed. Alden wakes up screaming which awakens Minerva.)
MINERVA: What’s the matter?
ALDEN: Just a night terror.
MINERVA: We did the right thing with Dewin, he’s with someone like him now.
ALDEN: Is that really a good thing? I think I’m going to go to the pub.
MINERVA: This early in the morning?
ALDEN: I need to clear my head after yesterday.
(A traditional Victorian pub. Dewin sits at the bar and is served by BRYNN CROWING (Early 30s), a charming bartender.)
BRYNN: What can I get you, Mate?
DEWIN: Just a pint of mead, please.
(Brynn goes and pours Dewin a pint of mead that she brings back to him and he begins drinking.)
BRYNN: I like your outfit, it’s very medieval.
DEWIN: It was made by the tailor of Sir Gawain.
(Brynn gives a light chuckle.)
BRYNN: What’s your name?
DEWIN: Dewin, and yours?
BRYNN: Brynn.
(Alden enters and sees Dewin. Alden leaves, but as he does he spots another person in a dark purple robe and hood with glowing purple eyes.)
DEWIN: You're very beautiful.
BRYNN: Why, thank you.
DEWIN: Would you like to go for a stroll?
BRYNN: My shift here doesn’t end till six.
DEWIN: Then I’ll see you then.
BRYNN: I guess you will.
(Dewin finishes his mead and drops two silver coins with dragons etched into them on the bar before swiftly leaving. Brynn picks up the coins and looks at them with confusion and yearning.)
(Alden knocks on the door and Aldrich opens it.)
ALDRICH: I’ve been expecting you, come in.
(Alden follows Aldrich into the home.)
(Alden and Aldrich sit across from each other.)
ALDRICH: Can I offer you some tea?
ALDEN: No thank you, I want to be in the clearest state of mind possible here.
ALDRICH: So what ignited your appearance here?
ALDEN: I’ve been seeing these people.
ALDRICH: Who are “these people”?
ALDEN: They wear these dark robes and their eyes glow purple.
ALDRICH: Faley’s society.
ALDEN: What?
ALDRICH: Benjamin Faley, the evil man I mentioned last night. Is this what caused you to believe?
ALDEN: What are you saying?
ALDRICH: That you believe in magic.
ALDEN: You're mad.
ALDRICH: Exactly, so the fact that you came to me shows that there’s at least one lingering thought in your mind that magic is reality and reality is magic.
(There’s a moment of silence between Alden and Aldrich.)
ALDRICH: Where have you been seeing the people you mentioned?
ALDEN: Everywhere that Dewin has been.
ALDRICH: Oh no, oh no, no, no.
ALDEN: What is it?
ALDRICH: Dewin is going out with a woman tonight.
ALDEN: Already? He’s only been here for a day.
ALDRICH: He's charming but also so foolish. You must watch them, in case Faley strikes or even worse this woman is working for him.
ALDEN: What could I even do to stop that?
ALDRICH: You are destined to protect Dewin, and at this point your logic for denying all of this is purely irrational. You're not hesitating because you think it’s not real, you're hesitating because you know it is. He is meeting her at six outside of the “Griffin’s Tail”.
ALDEN: I’m not going.
ALDRICH: We both know that you will.
ALDEN: Farewell, Mister Doeth.
ALDRICH: May the spirit of Merlin be with you, Doctor Smith.
(Alden gets up and leaves.)
(Dewin stands outside of the pub when Brynn comes out of the side door and walks towards him.)
BRYNN: I wasn’t expecting you to show.
DEWIN: Why wouldn’t I?
BRYNN: Most men flirt and then leave, half of them are married.
DEWIN: They are not true gentlemen then.
BRYNN: I suppose not.
DEWIN: Shall we begin walking?
BRYNN: Sure.
(Dewin and Brynn stroll down the streets of London. Alden follows them from a distance.)
DEWIN: This world is so beautiful.
BRYNN: Compared to all the other worlds you’ve been to?
DEWIN: Well Camelot obviously has a better scenic view.
BRYNN: Camelot?
DEWIN: My home land.
BRYNN: You're full of jokes.
DEWIN: I’m not joking.
BRYNN: What?
(Suddenly someone grabs Brynn into an alleyway and she screams. Dewin quickly turns to see no one beside him and runs after her, followed by Alden.)
(The clear skies suddenly turn gray and ominous as Dewin arrives on the roof of a building to see three people with glowing purple eyes in the dark purple robes and hoods with one standing in the center holding Brynn with a dagger to her neck. Alden arrives on the rooftop.)
ALDEN: Bloody hell!
DEWIN: Let go of her!
(The three people take off their hoods and their eyes go to normal shades. The person holding Brynn is revealed to be DABRIA (30s), a menacing looking woman.)
DABRIA: Dim mynd i mewn dim dianc.
(A purple hazy force field appears around the edges of the rooftop.)
DABRIA: So you are the one sent to stop us.
DEWIN: What do you connote?
DABRIA: We are the Citadel of le Fay.
DEWIN: Oh no.
DABRIA: Who are you?
DEWIN: My name is Dewin, I am the son of Merlin, and I demand that you let Brynn go.
DABRIA: Why? Is she your protector?
BRYNN: Dewin, what are they talking about!?
(Dewin starts to move his hands around and a wispy blue energy begins to come out of them.)
DABRIA: Get him!
(The two other people with Dabria rush towards Dewin to attack him, but he uses the energy he created to push them around and drop them both to the ground. Dabria drops Brynn and her dagger and Alden rushes to pick up the dagger and succeeds.)
DABRIA: You are foolish, Dewin.
(Dabria pulls a gun out of her robes and shoots it at Dewin but he turns the bullet into a flower. Dabria shoots more but each time Dewin does the same thing until Dabria is out of bullets. Alden sneaks up behind Dabria and stabs her in the back. Dabria shrieks in pain and then disappears in a cloud of black smoke. Brynn gets up off of the ground.)
BRYNN: What the hell just happened?
DEWIN: Are you okay?
BRYNN: Not mentally. What in the world is going on here? How did you turn bullets into flowers!?
DEWIN: I told you I’m from Camelot.
(Alden drops the dagger.)
ALDEN: Did I just kill that woman?
DEWIN: Most likely not, you didn’t stab deep enough to hit any organs.
BRYNN: What do we do now?
DEWIN: Go home and call it a night.
BRYNN: I can’t forget about this.
DEWIN: I’m not asking you to.
ALDEN: If any of us speak of this people think we’re insane.
DEWIN: Then don’t speak of it.
BRYNN: Will I see you again, Dewin?
DEWIN: Did you enjoy tonight?
BRYNN: I was almost killed.
DEWIN: That doesn’t answer my question.
BRYNN: Meet at the pub on Friday after my shift.
(Alden and Minerva lay next to each other.)
MINERVA: Do you think the Citadel will return?
ALDEN: Unequivocally.
MINERVA: What have we gotten into?
(A cavern full of crystals and magical runes. BENJAMIN FALEY (30s or 40s), an attractive but uptight looking man, sits on his throne. Dabria enters and walks to face the throne, she bows and then gets back up.)
BENJAMIN: Did you find him?
DABRIA: Yes, Master Faley.
BENJAMIN: And did you find his protector?
DABRIA: Yes, but it’s not the girl.
BENJAMIN: Then who?
DABRIA: A Doctor Alden Smith.
BENJAMIN: Did you kill the doctor?
DABRIA: He deeply wounded me.
BENJAMIN: Then the battle goes on.
DABRIA: For Morgana.
BENJAMIN: For Morgana.
(Aldrich and Dewin sit across from each other drinking tea.)
ALDRICH: There are many things in this world, Dewin…
(Gwenwyn stands in the middle of a circle of candles. She stretches out her hands and forms magic blue charts and graphs with a picture of Dewin.)
ALDRICH (VOICE OVER): Forces we can’t explain…
(Brynn wears only her undergarments and takes a few coins from a man.)
ALDRICH (VOICE OVER): Secrets we hide…
(Benjamin sits on his throne.)
ALDRICH (VOICE OVER): And villains we must defeat.
ALDRICH: You are the key to this all, Dewin, you are the son of Merlin.
submitted by Bobert858668 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:47 Ok-Comedian-4571 What I learned from a 72-hour power outage

So darling girl (we'll call her Amy) had a taste of life when SHTF this week after the power was cut off to our rural cabin for 3 days straight.
Sadly, I'm more of an armchair prepper than a hands-on guy, plus I was away on business so wasn't much help. Lack of electricity also meant the electric pump to our artesian well didn't run so Amy had no power AND no running water.
Most of the lessons we've learned will be pretty obvious to you guys as experienced Preppers but I wanted to share what I've learned so you can show this to anyone who says that prepping is only for the paranoid.
I'm also immensely indebted to the TheSensiblePrepper for his awesome 'Power Out Kit List'. You saved our lives, man!
Check your UPS
Living out in the country we're used to temporary power cuts, so I use a laptop with a UPS for work. We also have a Starlink satellite dish for internet. When the power first went down I suggested to Amy that she plug the Starlink router into the UPS to get online, only to find it needed way more juice (1000 VA) than my budget UPS could supply. Naturally I'd have known this if I'd troubled to test the UPS myself with the Starlink system.
Power Banks : Go Big or Go Home
TheSensiblePrepper's recommended Golabs R300 Power Station couldn't be delivered to our cabin, so we went with a Jackery 1000 with a 200W Solar Panel. This is a classic case in point for why prepping is so important as we had to arrange daily deliveries of mini battery packs for Amy's cellphone each day from a local grocery store just so she could charge her cellphone.
Lay in your Logs
It's great having a log fire as we do. We even have a ton of logs out in the shed. Still Amy's health problems prevented her from fetching them to keep the place warm. Naturally I felt terrible as I was thousands of miles away and couldn't do it for her. Lesson learned: If you're going away and your family have mobility issues, make sure they have everything they need to hand!
Network with Neighbors
Some kind neighbors did invite Amy over a meal, shower and to charge her cellphone the first night of the power cut. Still, Amy didn't feel right about asking for more help as she didn't know them well. If we'd taken the time to visit with the neighbors and maybe help out with a few chores we'd have a much better support network around us. Needless to say, we're going to do that in future!
Water Worries
The lack of running water was a huge obstacle for Amy - the poor girl went without a shower for 3 days! The aforementioned kindly neighbors dropped off a few bottles for drinking and some 'gray' water to flush the toilets.
Still, I've since been researching solar pumps for the artesian well which include a backup battery. It's going to be costly to replace the pump altogether but it's better that than be stuck without water.
Currently I'm leaning towards TheSensiblePrepper's suggestion of laying in some stackable water bricks.
Grab some Gas
Although our house is plumbed for gas, it's only used for heating. In a SHTF scenario, it's also unlikely they'll keep pumping. Amazon came to the rescue here once again with the Grill Boss Portable Propane Stove.
I've no idea if this is the best value for money or most efficient stove out there. I do know in future Amy won't have to eat cold beans out of a tin, even if the gas/power goes down.
As I said, I'm sure this will seem very obvious to experienced users but if we'd followed the steps in this subreddit sooner, we'd have had a much easier time of it. Perhaps something to share with non-preppers next time they say you worry too much. :-)

submitted by Ok-Comedian-4571 to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:23 Big_House_7836 Fired to make room for the bosses brother in law

Hi there! Several years ago, I was hired at one of the biggest sign companies in the world as head of the electrical department at the local branch. The previous lead had left to head up the maintenance department at a big, local commercial electrical company.
I was brought in as a temp to hire and was hired in a little over a week. I started to tackle the very large backlog they had, doing field work AND paperwork back at the office after hours. I was doing estimates in the mornings and then going out on job sites in the afternoon. I was on call 24/7 for emergencies.
Everything was working out great. I was turning in estimates that were right on target and all of them ended as signed contracts with customers for new work. I brought in many thousands of dollars in revenue. The gen manager even told me I was killing it and that he was stoked that I was on the team.
Fast forward three months. I now had an apprentice I was training who had gotten to the point of taking his own truck out on calls. I streamlined the estimation process to the point where I was cranking out 2 or 3 every day. I even had customers requesting me by name for service and new construction work. I managed some very big jobs at some high profile sites with great success. The salesmen were bringing me with them to help sell, etc...
I came in one day and this new guy was in my office, sitting at my desk. I introduced myself. He said he was the previous lead electrician, nice to meet you and so forth. I was kind of taken aback at that point. The gen manager called me into his office and told me what the new situation was.
I was now going to be the field supervisor and this guy was in my position as the lead. I had a nice truck to drive around doing estimates. That truck was his now. I had a great office, that was his now. They told me I had to drive a giant service/boom truck. I was no longer doing estimates. I no longer had an office and had to get all my shit out asap.
I told them I didn't want to drive a service truck and that I was not happy with the new situation. He said OK, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out! Let me know if you would like a reference for your new job search! Have a good day!
I was so shocked I didn't even say anything and just walked out, got my tools and left. I forgot my friggin ladder too. Turns out the scab was the bosses brother in law and he couldn't cut it as the lead at the other company. He came back to take my job away from me.
I was able to obtain a job later on that afternoon. If you don't burn bridges in construction, it's usually very easy to find work. So I wasn't super angry or anything. I know that guy was messing stuff up before I got there, so I am assuming he continued messing stuff up after. This state is "at will" so no recourse really, just to move on...
submitted by Big_House_7836 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:07 Late-Law7437 Child Support and paternity fraud

Where do I begin. For the purpose of this post, I will use fictious names and locations as it is ongoing, and out of respect (even though she doesn't deserve any)
My name is Daniel. I am 35 years old, and i am dying. I have a disease called systemic sclerosis. I am currently on a supplemental disability plan, until I get approved for SSI (social Security). Until then, my income is about 4K a month. I own a home but after child support and bills, NOT INCLUDING gas, food, haircuts, medical appointments, and or emergencies like my fridge just broke. (which i never go out) I am left with $260 that has to last me a month. I also have three children who I have to take care of half the time per the 50/50 agreement.
Recently, I found out my oldest, (who is 13) is not biologically mine. I decided to look into it as I had concerns for a while since my divorce as her cheating was very rampant. I also had caught her in 2017 with a man in my house, which is what prompted the divorce. But FL being a no fault state, doesn't matter. I also had to pay child support since the beginning and WHILE LEGALLY Married since 2010 because she had applied for financial support like food stamps and government assistance then. I know what your thinking. Why didnt you stop it then? I tried. You cant take yourself off child support. I also never grew up with a father and wanted that two-parent household. I don't run from responsibilities, like he did. Its how I was raised. Anyways, I married her, tried to do the right thing, she lied numerous times. she never worked, and I worked 90 plus hours a week. To look into her cheating, was impossible at the time as I was never home. and to busy providing for my family.
fast forward to now. My disease started to become worse and over three years; it didn't reveal itself until last year fully to actually pinpoint what this was. for instance, I had in 2019 pain behind my eyes and horrible headaches to the point that I thought I had MS. following year, I had trouble swallowing for 3 months. next year itching in the skin for three months. But prior, I had visited various doctors to see what was going on, each time a flare up then would last 3 to four months, which again, when you don't understand what's going on, you need to take time off to go see doctors, run tests, but this illness was and still is very elusive. with that being said I had 5 jobs since its first flare up till last year to continue to support my family and to pay child support. as of last year. I'm having trouble moving on certain days, breathing and acid reflux and muscle atrophy. (disease progression) especially when this is going on, it worsens everything as this is flared up. I was working under the table to try and make ends meet as I was paying child support still. I should add that the child support with 50/50 custody was $1029 for three kids cause I was making six figures at the time of divorce in 2018. Last year however, I couldn't work anymore, and filed for disability.
In june of last year, I had asked Susan, to get the children school supplies, (which she never does) as I was still paying at the time $1029 in child support. She said she didnt have the money despite now making 70k and her new BF living with her and is working whom she cheated on me with. With me working under the table, I bought them clothes, haircuts, school supplies (ive done every year) but then, I noticed she went on vacation to puerto rico and got a giant leg tattoo. At the time, I had already known what I had, and I asked myself why the heck am I doing this? So i turned to an attorney to get it modified. Again, this is June 20th to be exact of last year. My lawyer, stated that this was only going to be a 90 day turn around for the temporary modification then we will go for the final.
Since then, I have gone for a DNA test. I had to know. I am dying. I wanted to know. And you may judge me for this. but i have filed for disablement for paternity, meaning I am removing myself from the birth certificate. However, in the state of Florida, a mother can deny this and so can the courts. before you judge me, I have many reasons none of which have to do with him other then his mental disability (Aspergers) This illness, as days go by takes more and more from me. As previously aforementioned, I am left with 250 a month. I cannot go get a drs appointment pay for groceries or start planning my funeral which I will start making payments on soon. He also eats three times the amount that we all collectively do (Not his fault) but I have paid enough both mentally and financially. He also has trouble communicating as my suspicions is, that he was born of incest (gross) which is why I was 'chosen' to be his father at the time. Before you ask how do you know? Lets just say she had an uncle 'leave' during that time.
anyways, in February, I had the temporary modification hearing for child support and needless to say it was a circus. My doctor was subpoenaed to be there by my attorneys request to better my argument, even though I felt we didn't need her, she advised me to have my doctor there. Well, he attorney attacked my doctor and me for an hour and 40 mins when the court case was only supposed to go for an hour. He said "you saw another dr Max so and so and they said it was all in your head" (again I had flare ups on a illness that hadnt revealed itself correctly since last year). So there argument was that I was doctor seeking to avoid child support. After I have paid for 13 years never missing a payment. Her lawyer also targeted people who are living with me. Now I'll admit that I said they were friends which is true but how else can I pay for my attorney? Cant work, cant sell drugs, cant rob a bank? So they want to take there income into consideration. BS. She also hired a private investigator to watch me exercise outside and stated that because I can exercise, I can work..... Ok. Where's the 23 hours of the rest of the day watching me in pain. or when do you have me on video of a flare up from this terminal illness? (that's what I wanted to say)
Although I was granted the temporary modification, of $209, I left the court thinking wow, this woman can cheat, commit paternity fraud, not give two craps about our children, live with her mom in a section 8 home, and here I am doing whatever I can and I've done nothing wrong but be lied to and this is how my government, my country treats me? No wonder men my age dont have children this is insane. The paternity issue wasn't even brought up they said that this isnt the place for this and that the disestablishment will be another trial for those wondering. My lawyer only spoke for 5 mins. Asking her about her income cause thats the only thing that has changed since 2018 since she didnt work at the time. Other than that, it was an attack on me and my disease arguing my ability to work.
after leaving that, I didnt eat for 96 hours. I have since been crying nonstop. Compilating suicide. I am already heart broken about my son not being mine. Sure does a terminal illness make me said, no question everyday. But a life wasted on another? Cause I decided to be a man and take up responsibility? thats soul crushing. And to say "well, there is a big chance the courts will deny your request' thats BS. If i go to prison because I was accused of a robbery for 13 years, and DNA evidence proves I wasnt there, I get out of jail and can sue. This is no different. If anything, DNA evidence needs to be more of a factor in family law than in almost every court of law if not as equally important. My bad for not investigating her infidelity not only in the beginning but also in the end. How about not being a POS. sorry rant over
gets better. Her mom and dad smoke in the section 8 house, kids reek of cigarette smoke and marijuana, all day. they dont take showers there, they were hand me down clothes, they live in the garage shared with there mother, that isn't air conditioned. and he makes only a few thousand less than I do a month. She stated in court that she pays her mom $500 in rent which is BS, she is only doing that now so that she makes herself look bad. I know she is doing pills, like oxy and what not. Id love to prove it.
after the temp hearing, in april, I had to go to court to contest my drivers license suspension as I hadn't paid child support since, august of last year. again, there is no way, I can pay my bills, feed my children, go to the doctor, pay my lawyer to end all of this BS and pay the current child support amount. and again, this final hearing is still not set yet. So they intercepted my tax return, even though the temporary modification was approved, the final is what gets it retro backed to the date of filing, so they took, a much needed 5500 tax return from me. I needed that cause one of the issues I failed to mention as well, hurricane Ian has destroyed my home and I'm still going through that process too. not to mention I am on payment plans with Mayo clinic and other various medical facilities. (no one cares) but the interest that accrues, makes it impossible to catch up. also, Florida department of rev is overstepping I feel, and asking for medical info to be sent to them as well as updated doctors letters to be sent saying that I am still on disability.
a few weeks ago, I got an email from my lawyer having a withdrawal notice from her lawyer. in the withdrawal, he stated that he cannot represent her, due to something she may have withheld or lied about (more or less wasn't worded like that but you can tell). In feb court appearance they never produced the PI report, or videos, they had medical info they shouldn't have had, and they had very outlandish comments about my lifestyle. So my lawyer filed immediately a motion to compel. meaning, we want to see everything you have on my client. this was filed almost immediately after court appearance on feb 20th. Susan has failed to provide any updated info requested by my attorney so on june 18th, we have that upcoming hearing.
in the mean time, I have sent my lawyer, a very heavily requested topics, such as "where did they get my medical records, if those were lies, what are the consequences if any"? What did exercising have to do with any of this despite various drs saying he has to or he will get worse.
I know wat you must be thinking, what about your oldest, how can you do that to him. Please listen. This woman has taken everything from me. And i mean everything but the roof over my head. I am seeing a therapist to help with the suicidal thoughts. it isnt enough. the reality of it is, I chose to be loyal and it bit me in the butt. This disease will rob me of everything, my teeth will fall out ( I had 5 cavities last time I went to the dentist) I haven't had a cavity since I was 30 and even then I was suspicious. And I am brushing 5 time s a day to save them. My skin is tightening, and my arms and muscles are wasting. I will literally be left with nothing. My organs will also start to harden, and I will have to start getting around the clock care.
I forgot to mention they (child support) recently, sent a letter to SSI (social security) saying that they would garnish my SSI before I even got it, totaling $1029. the incorrect amount. I sent this to my lawyer and she is looking into it. But it shows that child support will overstep and breaks every law or freedom you may think you have. I DO take care of my children. if they need a haircut i do it, school supplies clothes, anything I do it. And I do it, cause she wont. What I want to leave you with, is that woman can be dead beats too. Child support was designed to have woman off of government subsidized programs like section 8 food stamps and what not. Also to make the man pay for their children man or woman I should say, I know this. I am not running from my obligation. I just want Susan, to have to pay for what's she's done to me and the kids.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this, please comment and share, all names are fake, but everything else is unfortunately real. I know it was wordy, but I wanted to provide as much backstory as possible. And please. Respect my descions. When you are end of life, I hope someone would be kind enough to respect yours. You may not agree and that's ok, but I am asking you to respect them. Thank you for reading.
submitted by Late-Law7437 to Paternity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:35 ThorstiBoi Heist rework suggestions

Ive heard quite a few times that heists on payday 3 don't have the same impact as previous games. I believe it's a problem of the "get out ASAP" game design and just some boring objectives. While I can't suggest anything for the former, the latter goes like this from me!
This heist being the first one excuses the more simplistic design and I agree with it. Only gripes I got are these
I find it a bit stupid that solo players are the only ones that can't defuse all packs without an ECM. I think that making non 4 player teams (1-3) either risk it or have a dedicated ECM carrier is more interesting. Maybe a voice line from Shade hinting that it's a feature too. It's completely hidden as it is now.
The push past everyone to the escape zone has more cops than the "locked down perimeter" a bit beyond it. Nuff said
Road Rage
This heist mostly suffers from being boring on repeat play thrus. The fix is complex to execute but simple as an idea.
Add a swat van driving into the path of the van, cops breaking a scaffold etc. The only time players gets caught out is in the very first playthrough, really boring.
Dirty Ice
This is one of the best heists in the game in terms of player choice and freedom. The only problem of the diamond cleaning being useless is also being fixed in the next update too. I honestly don't have any gripes. You stay for as long as you want and do it your own way.
Rock The Cradle
Honestly, this heist needs some sort of restructure. Or item placement changes.
Since the game launched people have been exploiting this to skip 50+% of the heist. It's a stupid oversight to stick to.
Yea real smart. But I'm not sure what to suggest with the locked RNG being in the game. New objective, diffrent way of them working, not sure ngl.
Under The Suprhaze
This heist overall is pretty cool but it can be a bit fatiguing on failed attempts. It's really long in some aspects (both stealth and loud) and if I need to replay it I just groan, seeing how much progress I lost.
Please there's 7 and each takes a small eternity to grab. I'm not wasting a skill to do that.
This is a first person shooter, parkour is not the games strongsuit. Mantling or jumping is a gamble, bouncing off of walls on jumps is common, it's not really fun to sweat over it. Maybe it's a skill isue :shrug:
I honestly cannot play this stealth without a zipline asset. The secure point is a block away from the building, across a very populated park. Is this me being punished for "not planning it out"?
Just...why. You can litterally just not pick up the usb painting or pick it up last and circumvent the huge obstacle. Not a fan
Gold And Sharke
This heist for the most part is fine, just not as epic as I would have wanted it to be but that's subjective. Anywho-
The starting objective needs QR codes to get into manager rooms but it just feels like padding. Scavenging thru the intire bank for random phones to guess what's behind door number 3...or just use tricks/glitches/oversights to basically skip it. Just leave it as locked doors, no need for QRs.
I've had countless runs where I just get distracted for a minute and the drill breaks due to no oxygen. It's a simple QOL feature. Also Shade says the drill needs oxygen but waits for it to break before saying WHERE it is. Just spawn it when it's red at least.
99 Boxes
Hoo boy. The more I play this the less I want to do it again. This intire heist is just a really long holdout and kinda just needs a full remake imo, let's see if I can think of something. Where to begin...
Again, the game is not made for parkour. I lose more health breaking my legs than the cops. I'm not even sure I'm getting to some containers the way the devs intended lol.
Change them into a minigame or perhaps rerouting the signal of a recently arrived FBI van to get a location signal to spoof instead of damn circles. Maybe have players rotate the dish manually until a signal is caught and then grab the chip before the FBI interupts the hi-jack.
The whole objective is just nothing, grab a consistant spawn object, place it, NOW you can leave. It takes 10s at most. You could change it into players having to move cop cars Brooklyn 10-10 style into a blockade, dissable the cars (shoot tires, break engines etc) and THEN leave. That's way more interactive.
Touch The Sky
This heist is a cool premise but it felt like devs really ran out of steam on the objectives on here ngl. Even Shade knows with the safe in a vault comment.
This is getting tiresome. This could be maybe a rewire objective, follow wires from the console to trick it's current status (door locked or not). Heck, blow it open in loud or something, it's a wooden door with metal lining.
We're breaking into an office of a gun runner and its key is just in a random paper room? Cmon. It could be hidden in the bedroom, maybe even booby trapped so snoopers wouldn't get away with such a steal.
It's padding. Remove it
Add timed checks to like flick an accept Hoxton breakout style when the ssd asks for one, find a required hash in Masons notes for it etc. Its the last mission of this first chapter but the end goal is a simple hack. Spice it up
Turbid station
This heist is mostly good. Only real problem is the damn security room cart.
If you didn't know, if you kill the executive guy you get a secondary way to open the train cart. It's way safer and it opens the cart PWLERMENANTLY. Why is the """punishment"""" for not following the plan is an easier route???
This one I'm honestly not sure is the case but I THINK it's completely silent. It wasn't so in 2.
Cook off
This heist is another perfecto, no real problems other than some bugs that may or may not be patched. So only problem from me is this
The doors feel commically wide. Staircase feels commically wide. It's silly.
Syntax error
This one's a doozy. Some things done well, some not so.
In all loud lobbies I've done, everyone knows to stealth the first bit to get the code for the door due to it being faster. A bit silly ngl.
There are dozens of clips of players running for an hour, not finding the red keycard. The red shelves are not that obvious and are low on the floor. Hang em on the wall atleast!!
The techie so far has had two states. So stupidly OP that leaving her alive or running out to kill her is virtually the same in terms of resource drain. And how she is now, a mosquito with no real threat. Going out to kill her takes more resources than tanking it. The design is stupid with her hiding out. It's never worth hunting her during an assault. More so if you got drone hack skills.
If you kill cops in the park (as the objevtive says) you won't progress. You need to be in the field and kill park enemies. Bruh-
It's silly planning wise to buy thousands of dollars worth of explosive equipment to...cross the street. It's anti climatic imo
PHEW...Let me know your thoughts!
submitted by ThorstiBoi to paydaytheheist [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:07 officialfbomb My lineup so far

My lineup so far
Picked up this Mini Moto 80 from my neighbor it had been sitting for a good min, he wanted 300 what he paid for it, it has a bad rear tire that goes flat, had to replace the carb, brake cable and brakes system itself, throttle and grips, and still need the seat redone.. All in all I gave him the 300..
Then saw a Colman 200 not far for 350 So I hit the guy up and it went the very next morning to go pick it up. It's got a stage one kit, It runs great. It wasn't taking care of the best but it works...
And then about a week later I saw another Coleman 200 kind of all beat to hell. They said it had a 212 but I knew it didn't and they were wanting 350, So I went down to see it. The price was really negotiable so I gave him $240 for it.. have a before picture but it was definitely tweakerized We are currently stripping the paint and buying new everything to throw on it for the wife..
All in all going to have a few thousand in the end but will have two bigger trail speed bikes and one smaller slower one for the kids (Even though they already have an electric one, we'll have both for them now)
submitted by officialfbomb to minibikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:57 violetredfilter Scattershot Reviews (BHT, Osmo, Sorce)

Hey I ordered a ton of perfume during a mental breakdown. Here are my thoughts on some of them.
— Black-Hearted Tart —
We Fell In Love In October (Fluffy, hot off the griddle pancakes topped with butter and smothered in golden maple syrup. Accompanied by a side of spiced baked apples with notes of nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger): Buttercream, cinnamon yankee candle, nothing. That’s the extent of my journey. Honestly, it’s fine, it’s a very inoffensive fall scent, if you want to smell like you’ve crushed a craft store on your wrist it’s great, but a lot is missing. If notes are a choir, the cinnamon has a megaphone. Honestly, I’ve been looking for a good pancake or waffle scent for a while, and this misses the mark. 3/5, not bad at all, but not was I was looking for and definitely not fit to wear yet in the Hell Summer I have coming up.
Potential Practical Uses:
Boys Wanna Be Her (Uplifting basil and bergamot add freshness. Enhanced with an earthy blend of buddha wood and oak moss. Tonka bean and white patchouli evoke a bohemian vibe): Boys Wanna Be Clean too, apparently, because the crux of this frag is SOAP, lots of it, and nothing but it. I have no clue where it’s coming from based on the notes, but it’s undeniably suds. It smells like those industrial strength white bars. Like “I just worked a twelve hour shift and the first thing I did when I got home was scrub myself down so hard my nose forgot what work smelled like.” This would probably be great for layering, come to think of it, but I like “violently clean” scents and will probably wear it on its own anyway. 3.5/5 if you’re like me and soap is a comfort scent, or if you’re some kind of Patron Saint of Laundry Detergent, you’d probably like this too.
Potential Practical Uses:
Finally A Star (The glitz of cardamom and sparkling grapefruit stars, outer space ozone, dreamy tuberose, searing gunpowder, and a ham hock for a head): I’m so mad that this is good. The joke with my IRL friends regarding this order was “you know I wasn’t in a good place when I made this purchase because I got ham perfume.” And I'm the joke now, because I ended up liking it a lot. Like, this is currently the only Osmo frag that has ever worked on me, and I’ve tried a sizable chunk of their library. (Seriously, I was going to include another perfume of theirs to compare and contrast, but everything I said felt too mean.) To make matters worse, you can definitely smell the ham and the gunpowder in the beginning! It’s in the background behind a really juicy grapefruit note, but it’s present. Part of the way this perfume was sold to me were reviews that assured me the ham was more of a bacon note, but no. This is honey baked ham. Deli-core. But the grapefruit note is so juicy that it takes over and makes it manageable. It’s pretty and weird and vaguely delicious and I’m worried someone will try to take a bite out of my facemeat when I wear this, but I will wear it. 3.5/5, I guess?
Potential Practical Uses:
— Sorcellerie Apothecary—
Cake For Breakfast (Birthday cake, ripe mango, pineapple, coffee, maple syrup, and a hint of cardamom): Okay, I get it, coffee doesn’t like my skin. This is a bitter burnt caramel on me, though according to my friends with working noses, it reads more vanilla to them. I wish I could get what they got: as the day goes on, it started pulling borderline savory on me. It’s like… okay, you know when you make pancakes and little drops of batter get stuck to the pan? And then they stay there and slowly burn into little balls of ash? It smells like the process of that happening, but someone is chugging coffee syrup. I can’t say I got the mango or pineapple, which I was kinda pulling for; there’s a possibility it was there in the opening, but I also could have been hallucinating considering how fast it vanished. I’m giving it a 2/5, I can’t fully say it’s bad, especially because the drydown is okay if you like your caramel overdone, but I don’t think I’ll be keeping this.
Potential Practical Uses:
Your Girlfriend Is A Badass (Yellow cake with fudge icing, oakmoss, Himalayan cedar, forest floor): By all accounts, this shouldn’t have worked. I hate chocolate as a perfume note, because it tends to go tootsie roll on me, and I’m not the biggest fan of yellow cake because vanilla is a death note, and “forest floor” implies dirt, which I’m also not an enjoyer of. This is all to say I honestly don’t know what possessed me to buy this, but I’m extremely glad it did because I’m in love. When they say fudge icing, they mean it: it didn’t go cheap or artificial on me, it was honest to god chocolate the whole time. I know “I wanted to lick my wrist” is a cliche in reviews, but it did smell like my arm was edible. That dirt note is prominent, but it works in harmony with the chocolate and gives the whole thing depth. As it dries down, an unexpected party joins: incense. I can’t name which exactly, but it has undeniable headshop vibes to it. It sounds weird, especially because it’s not in the notes (unless this is just Sorce’s base), but it works. It’s like… a joint retirement cake between Joni Mitchell and Walt Whitman. Or like you’re making s'mores in a log cabin with a bunch of your stoner friends who super aren’t going to die to a slasher later. It’s definitely greater than the sum of its parts, and pretty much seals the deal on me crawling back to Sorcellerie for another order. 4.5/5, easy, would annoy the Haunted Forest No One Should Step Foot In for cake again.
Potential Practical Uses:
submitted by violetredfilter to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:54 AxstromVinoven Jumper Axstrom - #28A - The Fountain + Biosphere Supplement - Builds

28 - The Fountain Build

Point Summary

Point Total: 1000 CP 1000 (Base)

Jump Details

Document name: 28 - The Fountain Version: 1.1 Author: SJ-Chan Source: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J9PF3AIk-7AcY8Gd2R7CJXaqDZPdxgeO/view

Jump Duration

Years: 10 Months: 0 Days: 0


Noble Thought (Free)
A noble is a creature of excess, and excess has a way of blinding one to reality. Well, not you. No matter how much you have, you will never forget the value of things, the realities of the lives of people who aren’t you, and truth that the world does not, in fact, revolve around you. You will not forget to treat people with the respect due them, nor will you disregard their suffering simply because it doesn’t affect you.
Noble Deed (Free)
Things you do echo further, have greater impact, are remembered longer. History books never leave you out and, when you visit places you once tread, you will find relics and signs of your passage no matter how much time has passed. You will not be forgotten. But you might not be remembered fondly.
Inventor's Vision (Free)
When you look upon a problem or issue that you understand even a bit, you instantly get a sense for how you might solve that problem, upgrade that item, or improve that situation. The longer you study some situation or item, the greater the insight will be and the more far reaching the solution. You might look at the state of education in your society and within a week have a dozen workable plans for small ways to improve the situation, and within a year of study have a comprehensive and feasible plan for a complete overhaul of the system. While not guaranteed that all your ideas will be good ones, improvement becomes far more likely with time and effort. Unforeseen side effects might still crop up though.
Inventor's Intent (Free)
One of the worst things an inventor can experience is discovering that someone has used their invention in a way they would not approve of... or even worse, that their invention has some horrible side-effect. Now this is much less likely to happen to you. Processes, techniques, and tools invented by you are much harder to abuse in ways you would not approve of, and you’re much better at foreseeing potential problems ahead of time and figuring out ways to head them off or, at least, lessen the fallout that will result from them.
Improved POV (Free)
Somehow, wherever you go, you always seem to be in five closely related locations at the same time. Well, that’s not quite right. Let me try again. When you are anywhere, four versions of you that aren’t quite really there, but could be there if you weren’t there... are there. Does that make any sense? Probably not. But what it boils down to is that for every event you experience, you have not one but five points of view on the event. Maybe one of you was right in the middle of a bar-fight, while another you was in the corner watching, and a third was working a pick-up shift behind the bar, and a fourth was an EMT who responded to the event and the fifth was a bum on the sidewalk outside listening. Only the primary you is the one who was really in the moment, but you can freely remember what all the four... let’s call them shadows... would have seen and experienced from their own unique POVs. You can’t really choose what they were doing, as they are more like echoes of potential you’s, but their experiences will be close enough to what you’d have experienced to be easily internalized and all the details will be as true as anything you actually experienced.
Bystander (Free)
When you don’t want to be involved in the events unfolding around you, be that a war, a fight, or a natural disaster, you may remove yourself from the flow of events almost entirely. As long as no individual or entity involved wants to target you specifically, you may become an all but intangible, unperceivable, untargetable observer. Even area effect things like, say, atomic bomb blasts, will pass harmlessly through you, though you might want to get out of there before the radiation gets to you. All Together Now (Free)
You have grown tired of casting off the memories and emotions each Jump layers over your basic identity. You may now choose to absorb the personality of any self you gain or have ever been into a gestalten whole. While this may dilute your basic youness, it also makes it much harder for anyone but you to make sense of your memories or to use any specific traumatic experience against you. Although there is now more of you, your essential sense of self only grows stronger the more times you do this, as all these facets of yourself serve to reinforce your fundamental identity, and you realize that the more you appear to change, the more you explore the limits of who you are. In layman’s terms, each apparent change is more akin to uncovering further digits of pi. Pi itself never changes even as it grows more complex.
500 Years of Practice - Teaching [100/900 CP]
You have spent five centuries mastering (and beyond mastering) any singular skill or artform. Sure, you might be a bit obsessed with that subject, but that obsession will fade as the jump comes to an end. Your compulsive delving into the limits of this singular area of study has granted you insights that no other living being has ever reached, allowing you to casually compose masterpieces which can profoundly move those who witness them, or create stunning refinements undreamt of by mere masters. A painter could trace a perfect circle in black on a white background and viewers would stare for hours. A dancer could reduce the audience to tears simply by standing still. A sculptor could carve hard stone until it was all but impossible to tell the sculpture from a living being. A poet’s words could touch the hardest heart or sway public opinion like a gale-force wind.
Soothing Presence [200/700 CP]
You have achieved inner calm and can project it at others as long as you are not currently experiencing any strong emotion yourself. Merely being in someone’s presence is enough to calm them dramatically, but physical contact, oratory or song, or simply allowing them to see you can all boost the effect by orders of magnitude. This can sooth mental, emotional, or spiritual suffering, or simply induce a sense of lassitude over the target or targets. This can work on any number of people as long as you can reach them with your presence.
Absolution [300/400 CP]
If you can convince someone to willingly pour out their deepest fears, regrets, or sins to you, you can grant them true absolution, allowing them to forgive themselves and move on. This does absolutely nothing for you as it does not work if you make it conditional. Their repentance must be genuine for this to work and they cannot desire gaining absolution for any immoral or unethical purpose.

Items Stipend: [+200/600 CP]

Meditation Garden (Free)
The Body. The Mind. The Soul. A perfect trinity, working in harmony to reflect the Self. But when one of these is disrupted, balance can be at risk. Balance must be maintained. Upon purchase, your Warehouse gains a small Meditation Garden attachment, that while it cannot be used for storage, it will always fit whatever form you are wearing. Its aesthetics will always change to represent what you interpret as an environment of perfect serenity and 'oneness', and a significant time meditating in this space will help you reach an intrinsic understanding of the self and how your experiences can define you. The past cannot always be changed, but the present can forever be gleaned on... so that the future is always one of your design. You can, if you like, plant a few small plants in your Garden as well. Any plant inside the garden will always be in the full flush of life.
Biosphere [200/400 CP]
The body is but a vessel of the mind, with one changing as the other does, constantly learning from what it experiences and accomplishes. It is only natural then, that the experiences of those around the body will likewise help shape it. To gain the perspective and change you desire, your environment must reflect that. For this meager price, your Warehouse has gained the properties of a Biosphere; self-contained, but controlled. The walls and ceiling can be made 'open', to make it appear as though you were in the middle of an open field in the summer, or a cliffside as the night sky illuminated the plains. While you cannot store anything outside of the Warehouse boundaries, and you will always be aware of these boundaries... the weather and the environment around you shall be in your control, with even simulacrums of wildlife that may fly around. Perhaps by expressing your mind in here, you can begin to understand it. The higher price unlocks the Biosphere Supplement and grants you 800 BP to spend there instead of the default 600.
Tree of Life Sapling [400/0 CP]
You have managed to obtain a fully viable, albeit fairly young Tree of Life. It produces both bark and, once a decade, six fully viable fruits that will (if left on the tree) mature to seeds. Each takes a hundred years to become a sapling, and a thousand years to reach full maturity. The sap is incredibly deadly, so it’s a good thing the flesh of the tree is all but impenetrable to anything short of divine weapons. If you purchased the Meditation Garden, the Sapling will initially be planted there. If you did not, it will be planted in a small reflecting pool attached to your Warehouse. Those who eat the fruit of the tree of life can live forever in the prime of life and free of all disease, gaining the effects of the Perfect Health Perk above.
Note - Perfect Health [Free in the Future, 400 to Keep]: Thanks to the wonders of modern medicine, you have gained perfect health, immunity to all diseases, the ability to heal from any non-lethal wound, and to live, essentially, forever.

28A - Biosphere Supplement Build

Point Summary

Point Total: 800 CP 800 (Base)

Jump Details

Document name: 28A - Biosphere Supplement Version: 1.7 Author: SJ-Chan Source: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XhaR5HSde1GKV_kbfp2u_YQEYFGqOg2a1GIBOgp8FfQ/edit


Biosphere Basic and Freebies (Free)
Note: Main island is 64km diameter (3217 sqkm area - basically the same size as the county I live in) , 2 islands are 16km diameter, 3 islands are 4km diameter, etc. "World" zone is 25,736 sqkm area (181km diameter)
The Sphere is divided into an inner “Land Space” World and an outer “Air Space” Shell. If the World expands, it does not increase the thickness of the Shell and vis versa. The sphere is always a perfect sphere.
The initial World is 1 km from edge to edge and contains your base island. The Island is 1 km in diameter. It is mostly circular, with an area of 0.785 km2. It is 200-250 meters thick and all jagged on the bottom. The World is a sphere, though the half above “sea level” is likely to be largely full of air. It is exactly as tall as it is wide. Your warehouse is always at the exact center of the World’s horizontal axes, though it can be raised or lowered vertically if you have the means.
The initial Shell is also 1 km. This means it is ½ km give or take, from the edge of your initial island. If you fall off the edge of the island, you will fall to the bottom of the sphere and need to get someone to come and get you if you cannot fly. Building within ½ km of the outer edge of the Shell is prohibited.
Gravity is Earth normal.
Biosphere Day Cycler [Free] - Now you can run your Biosphere through a day night system.
Utilities [Free if you have them from the Warehouse or Housing] - Electricity, Intranet with wifi (will only connect to outside data net if you have that upgrade), Running Water (Fluoridated or not, your choice), Sewage System, AC & Heating to all buildings.
Basic Pollution Scrubber [Free] - This pulls all incidental contamination out of the atmosphere of your Sphere.
Rope Ladders [Free] - Extends off the bottom of all your islands so you can climb up.
Biosphere - The Huge Island [90/710 CP]
Your Island is now 64km in diameter / 3,217 km2 in area. The thickness increases to 1600-2000 meters. Your World expands to contain this respectably sized landmass.
Biosphere - Double Archipeligo [150/560 CP]
You really like land, don’t you? Okay, just for you. You now have 2 Secondary Islands, 3 Tertiary Islands, 4 Quaternary Islands, and so on. You may also have up to 200 smaller islands that may not exceed 4 m across. This doubles the size of your World one last time.
note: each island is 1/4th the diameter of the last. If your main island is 256 km across, your other islands will be 64 km, 16 km, 4 km, 1 km, 250 m, 62.5 m, 15.6 m.
Biosphere - Snowball in Hell [20/540 CP]
The thickness of your Shell is now 4 km in all directions.
Biosphere - The Ocean Not So Deep [50/490 CP]
Instead of just being surrounded by air, your Island is surrounded by water. This water is freshwater and drops down to the bottom of your island, but only has a seafloor for the first 100 meters in all directions. It does not have tides or waves and has no flora or fauna. This ocean extends out to within 1km of the walls of your sphere, including down. Requires at least Snowball in Hell.
Biosphere - The Seafloor [20/470 CP]
The ocean around your islands now has a seafloor that extends out as far as your ocean does. It gets progressively deeper the further from land it is, down to within 200 meters of the bottom of your thickest island. Requires The Ocean Not So Deep.
Biosphere - Ocean Life [20/450 CP]
Your ocean now teams with freshwater plants and fish, shellfish, and bivalves. Nothing poisonous or dangerous exists in this environment naturally, but you could import it if you like. There are no marine mammals, but you could bring those in too if you like. The native species are self replicating, even if fished to extinction. Requires The Seafloor.
Biosphere - Weatherworks [15/435 CP]
Want to do a spot of sailing or just like a breeze? This machine makes the wind blow. There are now heavy updrafts for you hang-gliders. There are now big white fluffy clouds floating around inside your Biosphere. You have complete control over weather if you have the Observation Deck.
Biosphere - Season Simulator [10/425 CP]
Like variation? Now you can set the seasons to cycle anywhere from once a day to once a century. Don’t like Winter? Skip it! Want to make up your own seasons? Cool! Requires Weatherworks & Day Cycler.
Biosphere - Climatology [10/415 CP]
Now you can designate latitudes inside your sphere where the climate varies, either arctic at the center and tropical at the edges or vis versa. Need not be that extreme. Requires Season Simulator.
Biosphere - Terrain Modification Engine [40/375 CP]
All the flat getting to you? This machine can raise hills or create valleys or rivers or any other terrain features you might want within your Biosphere. You could even make mountains that tower up to 30 km high if your Sphere is big enough. Terrain features rise or fall no more than 1 meter per 24 hours. High mountains will develope snow caps if you have the Weatherworks and Oceans.
Biosphere - Floral Universe Creation Kit [20/355 CP]
All the endless grass getting to you? This machine can create forests, jungles, savannahs… you name it. Plants grown with this machine grow 1 meter per day and each machine can create up to 5,000 cubic meters of living plant matter every day. This system can generate 10,000 different species of plant and adding a new one simply requires a genetic sample. Only natural plants can be generated. The machine can be removed from your Biosphere for up to 7 days before needing 28 to recharge.
Biosphere - Small Fauna Generator [25/330 CP]
Want some chipmunks, birds, butterflies, bees? Nothing this machine generates is overly dangerous or a pest species, and the system automatically keeps everything in check, even if you’re a dick to nature. Each Generator can produce and maintain up to 500 species of small (5kg or smaller) animal life, both terrestrial and aquatic. Each machine can create up to 5,000 kg of animal life per day. To add a species to this machine’s databank, you must have at least 50 different genetic samples of that species. Only natural animals can be generated.
Biosphere - Big Fauna Generator [50/280 CP]
Want some more… aggressive or majestic species? Or just some sheep or cows or piggies? This is for you. Each machine can generate and maintain up to 50 species of large (500kg or smaller) animal life, both terrestrial and aquatic. Animals made by this machine will not be hostile, but can be dangerous if provoked. Each machine can create up to 5,000 kg of animal life per day. You will need to acquire at least 50 different genetic samples from the same species for this machine to add it to its databank. Only natural animals can be generated.
Biosphere - Celestial Bodies [5/275 CP]
Suns, Moons, Stars, Rings, Comets, Meteor Showers, Other Planets? You name it, all of them can progress across your fake sky. They’re just images, but comforting ones. You have full control of them.
Biosphere - Transport Disks [20/255 CP]
These disk platforms are all over your Biosphere. Each one can carry a person at 10km/h to anywhere within the sphere and each can carry up to 750kg. THey can be programmed to follow you around and there is even a Transport Disk launch station at the very bottom of the sphere in case someone gets stuck down there. Biosphere - Industrial Disks [10/245 CP]
Removes the weight limits from Transport Disks.
Biosphere - Airport & Marina [20/225 CP]
Not only does this give you a place to store, maintenance, and launch all your watercraft and aircraft, it also allows you to generate a world rift that allows you to bring them into or out of whatever world you happen to be visiting.
Biosphere - Observation Deck [25/200 CP]
This structure is at the top of the Sphere and allows you to look down upon all your creation, like some kind of god. If you have controls, they can be accessed from here instead of from the warehouse. You can even move your bedroom up here. Only you and those you invite can enter.
Biosphere - Restricted Zones [25/175 CP]
You get to set areas of the Biosphere (like the warehouse) off limits to some people. Like keeping kids out of the arsenal… or your friend who’s on a diet out of the fridge.
Biosphere - Hydrogeology [20/155 CP]
Your islands now have a complete hydrogeological cycle, meaning that water, in the form of cold, freshwater springs, will form on all your islands, providing rivers and ponds as appropriate.
Biosphere - Farming Zone x6 [30/125 CP]
Farms for your Farming Needs. Covers 20 hectares initially, but can be purchased multiple times, doubling the farming area each time. The soil is always perfect for whatever crops you plant in it. (total 640 hectares: 1581 acres / 6.4 sqkm)
Biosphere - Freestanding Buildings [10/115 CP]
Each of the various add-ons to your Warehouse now are freestanding, forming a nice compound, or spread out across your entire domain.
Biosphere - Industrial Plant [100/15 CP]
Your Biosphere includes a complete factory system, including advanced Atmospheric and Hydrological Pollution Scrubbing. You'll have to find someone to do the actual production, or find robots. It is the size of Detroit and automatically up to whatever tech-level your science has reached.
Biosphere - X - Spaceport [15/0 CP]
I just made this up, it's not in the doc, but this seems reasonable. Requires Airport & Marina and sufficient space
submitted by AxstromVinoven to u/AxstromVinoven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:54 Quaternary23 OTD in 2016, Egyptair Flight 804 (SU-GCC) an Airbus A320-200, crashes into the Mediterranean Sea after a fire starts and goes out of control in the cockpit. All 66 occupants on board perished.

OTD in 2016, Egyptair Flight 804 (SU-GCC) an Airbus A320-200, crashes into the Mediterranean Sea after a fire starts and goes out of control in the cockpit. All 66 occupants on board perished.
The cause of the cockpit fire has not been determined but the two most likely candidates are either an electrical fire or by one of the pilots smoking a cigarette, which could have burned out of control when exposed to oxygen leaking from a cockpit oxygen mask. https://aviation-safety.net/asndb/320075
submitted by Quaternary23 to aircrashinvestigation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:10 MrDetermination Factorio SE 0.6 Victory, Highlights, and so many [SPOILERS!]

Comments on the images.
This was a two man operation in conjunction with u/MobileOak . We'd done very elaborate vanilla and deathworld runs together, and we played this entirely on FactorioZone. FZ is limited, so we had to do a lot of trimming and optimization as we went to make it work on that service. Mobile and I had both also played hundreds of hours of Satisfactory together before we started playing Factorio.
Overall, I'm blown away with this mod. It's insane how much additional content is here and how smartly it is put together. I finally understand circuits in a practical way. And the challenges were such that it always felt like the next step would be difficult but never "impossible" or "too much". Like vanilla, it leaves you a lot of ways you can tackle any given next step. It also drove us to curse Earendel's name at least a thousand times - 80% of those in good fun ;)
submitted by MrDetermination to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:59 139andlenoxave [For Sale] Huge Selection Of Rare Records! 160+ Titles!! Jazz, Funk, Prog, Rock, Soul, Gospel, Etc!!

Hey everyone, hope all is well! It's my first time selling here! Tried to put together some really dope stuff so I hope y'all enjoy! Get at me for more info or if looking for something specific!
All Records Individually Priced And Graded Below. Please Message Or Comment To Purchase.
$6 Unlimited Shipping USPS Media Mail
-Graded Vinyl/Cover-
Cannonball Adderley And His Orchestra - African Waltz 1961 OG Sealed M/NM $40
Dorothy Ashby - Afro-Harping 2022 RE Sealed M/M $65
Louis Armstrong - Louis Armstrong Meets Oscar Peterson 1960 OG NM/NM $80
Azymuth - Telecommunication 2022 RE Sealed M/M $28
Ron Carter - All Blues 1974 OG Sealed M/M $48
Bobby Caldwell - Bobby Caldwell 1978 OG EX/SVG $42
Miles Davis - Porgy And Bess 1977 RE NM/NM $16
Miles Davis - In Person, At The Blackhawk 1973 RE VG+/NM $16
Miles Davis Sextet - Someday My Prince Will Come 1961 OG VG+/NM $100
Miles Davis - Seven Steps To Heaven 1963 OG SVG/VG+ $28
Alain Goraguer - La Planète Sauvage (Fantastic Planet OST) 2014 EX/NM $48
Johnny Hammond - The Prophet 1973 OG NM/VG+ $10
Al Hirt - Soul In The Horn 1967 OG $22
Steve Marshall - Do What You Will 1978 VG+/VG- $850
Jimmy McGriff - Black And Blues 1972 OG Sealed M/M $48
The Randy Weston Trio - Get Happy With The Randy Weston Trio 1956 VG-/G+ $10
Chet Baker - Baker's Holiday 1965 OG Looks VG- Plays VG/VG+ Cover $45
Chet BakeChristopher Mason - Silent Nights 1986 OG VG+/VG $58
Tony Bennett - The Tony Bennett Bill Evans Album 1975 OG EX/VG+ $16
Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue 2017 EU Blue Vinyl Sealed M/M $18
Paul Desmond - Summertime 1969 OG NM/VG+ $12
The Gil Evans Orchestra - Into The Hot 1974 RE VG+/VG+ $15
Gil Evans And His Orchestra - America's #1 Arranger 1961 RE NM/G+ $7
The Gil Evans Orchestra - Little Wing (Live In Germany) 1982 RE VG+/SVG $5
Buddy DeFranco Quintet - Cooking The Blues 1958 OG VG+/VG $20
Grant Green - Easy 1978 OG VG/SVG $5
Bobby Hutcherson - Now! 1970 OG Looks G+ Plays VG-/VG+ Cover $36
Thelonious Monk - Monk's Moods 2016 EU Sealed M/M $18
Gary McFarland /Gabor Szabo - Simpático G+/VG+ $8
Joe Pass - Virtuoso #2 1977 OG G+/VG+ $5
Lonnie Smith - Think! 1968 OG G+/SVG $10
Gabor Szabo - The Best Of Gabor Szabo 1968 OG EX/EX $12
B.B. King - The Electric B.B. King 1968 OG VG+/VG+ $15
B.B. King - B.B. King In London 1971 OG EX/EX $20
Lil Green - Romance In The Dark 1971 OG VG/G+ $3
John Lee Hooker - The Best Of John Lee Hooker 1962 RE VG+/VG+ $20
Taj Mahal - The Natch'l Blues 1970 RE NM/NM $18
Taj Mahal - Recycling The Blues & Other Related Stuff 1972 OG EX/EX $15
Taj Mahal - Mo' Roots 1974 OG VG+/VG+ $10
Taj Mahal - Music Keeps Me Together 1975 Canada OG NM/EX $15
Various - The Mike Raven Blues Show 1966 UK OG NM/EX $10
Jimmy Reed - T'aint No Big Thing But He Is... 1963 OG G+/VG+ $4
Johnny Guitar Watson - A Real Mother For Ya 1977 OG VG/VG+ $5
Muddy Waters - The Best Of Muddy Waters 2015 RE Europe VG+/NM $18
Muddy Waters - The London Muddy Waters Sessions 2016 RE NM/NM $24
The Bluesmen Of The Muddy Waters Chicago Blues Band - Volume 2 1968 OG VG/G $15
Muddy Waters - Muddy Mississippi Waters Live 1979 OG Looks VG Plays SVG/VG+ Cover $12
Muddy Waters - Hard Again 1977 OG NM/EX $25
Brian Auger's Oblivion Express - Second Wind 1972 Germany VG/VG+ $12
David Buckland & Blackjack Davey - This One's For You 1981 OG EX/NM $28
The Dean Davis Company - IInd Time Around 1969 OG SVG/SVG (Signed) $90
Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade - Live Frogs Set 1 & 2 2020 RE Green Splatter Vinyl NM/NM $45
Faces - Ohh La La 1973 OG SVG/VG+ $15
Phil Flowers - Alpha And Omega 1973 OG VG+/VG+ $80
Franciscan Sisters - Joy 1962 VG+/VG+ $24
Harumi - Harumi 1968 OG VG/VG+ $50
José José - Vive 1974 OG VG+/VG+ $20
Elias Rahbani - Mosaic Of The Orient (Näi, Buzuk & Guitar) 1972 Lebanon OG VG+/NM $150
Middle Tennessee State University- Rimusic III NM/NM 1983 $78
Peanut Butter Conspiracy - For Children Of All Ages 1969 OG VG+/NM $29
Primus - Sailing The Seas Of Cheese 2013 RE M/NM $38
Primus - Pork Soda 2009 RE NM/NM $48
Primus - Antipop 2019 RE Clear Blue Vinyl NM/NM $58
Primus - Primus & The Chocolate Factory With The Fungi Ensemble 2014 Brown Vinyl EX/NM $20
Big L - The Big Picture 2019 2LP RE Clear w White Smoke NM/NM $90
D.I.T.C. - The Official Version 2000 Sealed OG M/M $42
De La Soul - 3 Feet High And Rising 2023 RE Magenta Vinyl Sealed $22
Ben Harper - Fight For Your Mind 2015 RE Red/Green 2LP EX/NM $45
Evelyn "Champagne" King - Smooth Talk 1977 RE VG+/VG+ $5
Kool And The Gang - The Force 1977 OG NM/VG $8
Kool & The Gang - Celebrate! 1980 VG+/EX $6
Kool & The Gang - Emergency 1984 OG EX/VG+ $4
Gloria Jones - Windstorm 1978 OG NM/SVG Signed $28
Al Kooper / Shuggie Otis - Kooper Session 1969 OG VG/VG $14
Method Man/Redman - Blackout! 1999 Europe OG Disc 1: VG+ Disc 2: VG / VG+ Cover $45
The New York Community Choir - Reachin' Out 1982 OG EX/NM $20
Malo - Malo 1972 OG VG/VG+ $10
Malo - Evolution 1973 OG Looks VG- Plays VG / VG+ Cover $6
Malo - Dos 1972 OG VG+/VG+ $7
Sun Ra - Astro Black 1973 OG VG+/VG+ SOLD
Anita Baker - Rapture 1986 OG NM/VG+ $20
D. J. Rogers - It's Good To Be Alive 1975 OG VG-/VG+ $5
Al Gee - Rap N' Rhythm (Programs #233 - 236) 1975 OG VG+/VG+ $15
The Hesitations - The New Born Free 1968 OG NM/NM $12
Syl Johnson - Back For A Taste Of Your Love 1973 OG SVG/SVG $14
Syl Johnson - Total Explosion 1975 OG VG+/VG+ $14
Various - Rosko's Evergreens Back On The Scene 1964 VG/VG+ $4
The Stylistics - Round 2 1972 OG VG+/NM $8
Johnnie Taylor - Super Taylor 1974 OG EX/VG+ $7
Johnnie Taylor - Rated Extraordinaire 1977 OG VG+/NM $6
Johnnie Taylor - Ever Ready 1978 OG EX/NM $7
The Temptations - Live At The Copa 1968 OG VG/VG+ $4
The Temptations - Wish It Would Rain 1968 OG VG+/VG+ $10
Stevie Wonder - Talking Book 1981 Spain RE NM/VG+ $15
Stevie Wonder - Talking Book 1973 OG EX/VG+ $24
Stevie Wonder - Original Musiquarium 1982 White Label Promo VG/SVG $18
Clarence Carter - The Dynamic Clarence Carter 1969 Sealed M/EX $20
Ray Charles - From The Pages Of My Mind 1986 OG VG+/NM $6
Sammy Davis Jr. - Sings What Kind Of Fool Am I And Other Show-Stoppers 1962 RE M/NM $12
Sammy Davis Jr. - Salutes The Stars Of The London Palladium 1964 OG VG/EX $4
Cat Anderson - Ellingtonia 1962 VG-/VG $2
Duke Ellington - Ellington Indigos 1989 RE NM/NM $12
Duke Ellington - The Early Duke Ellington 1968 OG Sealed M/NM $6
Duke Ellington - This Is Duke Ellington 1971 OG Sealed M/NM $8
Duke Ellington & Teresa Brewer - It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing 1981 RE NM/VG+ $5
Louis Armstrong - Louis Armstrong & Duke Ellington 1965 RE VG+/VG+ $8
Dizzy Gillespie - 16 Rare Performances 1966 RE VG+/EX $8
Billie Holiday - The Billie Holiday Story 1972 2LP VG+/VG+ $14
Baby Ray - Where Soul Lives 1967 OG Sealed M/NM $10
Django Reinhardt - Django Reinhardt 1967 OG VG+/VG $7
Don Redman And His Orchestra - For Europeans Only 1983 Denmark NM/NM $12
Charlie Parker And His Orchestra - Night And Day 1960 RE VG/VG $8
Ernestine Anderson - When The Sun Goes Down 1985 OG NM/EX $8
George Benson - Breezin' 1976 VG+/VG+ $5
Art Blakey - Gretsch Drum Night At Birdland 1960 OG VG/VG $10
The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Bossa Nova U.S.A. 1963 OG SVG/VG+ $7
Kenny Burrell - Handcrafted 1978 OG VG/VG+ SOLD
The Eddie Costa Quartet - Guys And Dolls Like Vibes 1958 OG VG/VG+ $5
Keith Jarrett - The Köln Concert 1975 OG VG/VG+ $10
John Klemmer - All The Children Cried VG+/VG+ $8
Les McCann Ltd. - Live At Shelly's Manne-Hole RE NM/VG+ $5
The Modern Jazz Quartet - The Last Concert 1975 OG EX/VG+ $6
The Modern Jazz Quartet - The Atlantic Years 1973 VG+/VG+ $6
Johnny Smith - Phase II 1968 OG Sealed M/M $20
Carlos Santana / Alice Coltrane - Illuminations 1974 OG NM/EX $12
Weather Report - Mr. Gone 1978 OG VG+/VG+ $9
Weather Report - Heavy Weather 1977 OG EX/EX $12
Weather Report - Night Passage 1980 OG EX/VG+ $6
AC/DC - Back In Black 1980 OG VG/VG $14
The Beatles - The Beatles (White Album) 2018 RE New $25
Alice Cooper - Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits 2018 EU New $16
The Doors - The Doors 2009 RE New $20
Eagles - Hotel California 2017 EU RE New $18
Eagles - One Of These Nights 1975 OG VG/G+ $4
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced? 1980s RE VG+/VG- $15
Jimi Hendrix - The Cry Of Love 2014 RE New $16
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Smash Hits 2016 RE New $16
Led Zeppelin - Untitled IV 2023 RE New Clear Vinyl New $19
Led Zeppelin - Houses Of The Holy 1977 RE VG+/G+ $16
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti 2015 RE New $24
The Rolling Stones - Flowers 1967 Taiwan Unofficial Red Vinyl VG/VG $20
The Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request 1968 Taiwan Unofficial Red Vinyl G+/VG $8
The Rolling Stones - Some Girls 1978 OG VG/VG+ $10
The Rolling Stones - Emotional Rescue 1980 OG SVG/VG- $5
The Rolling Stones - Aftermath Taiwan Unofficial Red Vinyl VG/VG $20
Depeche Mode - Memento Mori 2023 New $22
Bob Dylan - New Morning 1970 OG VG+/VG+ $8
Molly Hatchet - Flirtin' With Disaster 1979 OG VG+/VG+ $6
Heart - Bad Animals 1987 OG NM/NM $8
Jerry Lee Lewis - Southern Roots 1973 OG Sealed M/M $10
The Oak Ridge Boys - Fancy Free Signed 1981 OG VG+/VG+ $8
Dolly Parton - Heartbreaker 1978 OG Sealed M/NM $14
Dolly Parton - Just Because I'm A Woman 1976 OG Sealed M/NM $12
Iron Butterfly - Sun And Steel 1975 OG EX/VG+ $7
Uriah Heep - Salisbury 1971 Germany RE VG/VG+ $7
Jefferson Airplane - The Worst Of Jefferson Airplane 1970 OG VG/VG+ $3
Steely Dan - Can't Buy A Thrill 1972 White Label Promo VG/G $50
The Smashing Pumpkins - Cyr 2020 OG Purple Vinyl New $20
Bruce Springsteen - Chapter And Verse 2016 OG New M/NM $12
Robin Trower - Caravan To Midnight 1978 OG SVG/SVG $5
(Not Pictured)
Obituary - Slowly We Rot 2019 RE France Red Vinyl NM/NM $18
Showbiz & A.G. - Soul Clap EP Promo VG/GEN $28
Earth, Wind & Fire - The Best Of Earth, Wind & Fire Vol. 1 2017 EX/EX $12
Le Pamplemousse - Le Spank 1977 OG (Signed) VG+/VG $18
Ultimate Spinach - Ultimate Spinach 1968 Taiwan Red Vinyl VG/VG+ $16
100 Proof Aged In Soul - 100 Proof VG/VG $12
Peter Brown - Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With Me? 1977 RE EX/EX $8
Lamont Dozier - Black Bach 1974 OG SVG/NM $9
Lonnie Liston Smith - Love Is The Answer 1980 OG VG+/VG+ $18
Lonnie Liston Smith - A Song For The Children 1979 OG VG+/VG+ $8
Stan Getz - Captain Marvel 1975 OG White Label Promo EX/SVG $14
Stan Getz - The Melodic Stan Getz 1965 OG NM/VG+ $5
Stan Getz - What The World Needs Now - Plays Bacharach And David 1968 OG EX/NM $8
Stan Getz - Another World 1978 OG NM/VG+ $10
Wes Montgomery - The Best Of Wes Montgomery 1967 OG VG/VG+ $5
Charli Persip And Superband - In Case You Missed It 1985 Italy OG NM/NM $8
Oscar Peterson - Oscar Peterson 1965 OG SVG/NM $4
Oscar Peterson - Stéphane Grappelli Quartet Vol. 1 1973 France OG NM/EX $8
Don Shirley - Tonal Expressions 1955 OG SVG/VG+ $8
submitted by 139andlenoxave to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:30 BabyImafool A moment of silence in the studio

I’m sitting in my studio at 3pm on a Sunday. I glance left and see my studio walls covered in old prints, source inspiration, and stickers. To my right is 7 foot tall windows with sunlight streaming through the blinds. I can hear the birds chirping in the oak trees in my yard. Bird gossip after church. Through the studio wall I can hear the hum of the washer and dryers rhythmic mantra. Behind my writing desk are shelves of art supplies; paints, brushes, palettes, worn down rags, power tools, sandpaper scraps, and half finished paintings. Above my desk are dozens of yellow post-it notes with reminders, deadlines, thumbnail sketches, and passwords I often forget.
It’s a quiet day in the studio. In four days I will travel 800 miles for an art show I have never attended or shown. I sip my tea and hope that I have enough inventory for the event. I have found myself in this situation a thousand times. The quiet moment, the artist in the studio, the sound of traffic and the railroad bells ring in the distance.
I just wanted to share this moment with someone. These quiet moments in reflection are one of the few joys that have been my constant companion on this art journey. Even after a 20+ year career, I crave these quiet moments. I hope you find your quiet moments in the studio. Happy creating and good luck.
submitted by BabyImafool to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:32 noops8251 Hi! What bird is this? Located in SoCal, approx. Thousand Oaks, California

Hi! What bird is this? Located in SoCal, approx. Thousand Oaks, California submitted by noops8251 to birding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:30 FunnyWay4369 Why are we born only to Die?

These are the questions we have been trying to answer ever since we as a species first evolved the ability to ask such questions.
Let us first briefly consider our ability to voice those questions and how is it we can formulate any questions at all. There has been some discussion recently on how we in essence 'hallucinate' our reality. While this is true to a large degree, it would be more accurate to say that we 'read' our reality. We process the stimulus we receive from external world and then transform it into language through the neural dynamics found in our cortical thalamic complex.
As we develop and mature our cortical/thalamic complex gradually creates a VR type experience for our consciousness, so gradually we no longer see what arrives at our eyes but rather is what is constructed from the direct sensory experience in the occipital lobe of the cortex - our visual center. By the time we are adults our awareness can no longer directly perceive the external world. It can only see and hear the reprocessed reality as it is reconstructed from direct sensory stimulus, in our cortex. As adults we never see the outside world. We don't see the mountain. We only see the image of a mountain created in our visual cortex. Only when we encounter something that cannot be fit into any existing linguistic category do we see it before filtering and reconstruction within cortical visual centers.
We linguistically interpret and assign meaning to raw stimulus within our cortex which determines our subsequent response and behaviors. Under normal conditions if what we are experiencing cannot be translated into our existing vocabulary then we cannot act coherently and we will either freeze up or become completely uninhibited and out of control. The parsing of external reality into language is a reflex and it is normally beyond our ability to perceive this neurological process as it is occurring.
The answers to the nature of life, why we are born and die and how we can ask such things all lead to the same place and if one question is answered then all of them will be. Therefore I will begin with the nature of life itself. I will use one of the tools that western science adopted early in its history and that is dissection. Lets first dissect life and look at it in the detail that has been revealed throughout the hundreds of years we have been using this tool.
The first medical dissections were performed at the University of Salerno in about the 12 century. Now all these years later we have dissected much and we now have little pieces of everything lying around everywhere. Now we are dissecting some very large things and some very small things. Dissection reveals information contained or hidden beneath the perceptual paywall of physical boundaries like the biological membrane of the cell, or an organ like our skin or the boundaries of the earths gravity. What we see in the modern world is the result of centuries of dissection and reassembly.
Now after all the thousands of years of humans history there is one item that has been produced more times than any other single thing made by humans and their ancestors...transistors. Most people have no idea what this item is or how it works yet humans have made more of it than anything else by orders of magnitude. These things also require more electrical energy than anything else ever mass produced by humans to perform their function as intended. This is a result of a history of dissection and reassembly without any underlying worldview or morality to guide the technological exploitation of the discoveries uncovered through the process of dissection and analysis.
Now at the pinnacle of our evolution we have completely remade ourselves and the world and the results appear to be anything but enlightening and emancipating. We have server farms that are using the energy of a small city and space tourism is well on its way. Unfortunately during our history of dissection we have ignored certain things discovered that do not support the underlying ideology motivating our technological innovations. The problem hasn't been in the scientific process but in what aspects of what we have discovered that have been followed up and not relegated to the the dark shelves of history and ignored. Our cultures idea of progress and evolution as a driving force of nature may be entirely misplaced and as 'superstitious' as any of the other antiquated views our culture has abandoned and transcended along the way.
The long delay in accepting the evidence of developmental neuronal death has been regarded as an historical enigma. Here is how the puzzle may now be solved.
Nineteenth-century biologists saw that development has an overriding telos, a direction and a gradual approach to completion of the embryo, and also saw a terminal regression and final dissolution of the adult; but a fallacy arose when the progression and regression, which coexist from early development, were separated in their minds.
Development was conceived in terms of progressive construction, of an epigenetic program—from simple to more complex. For every event in development they attempted to find prior conditions such that, given them, nothing else could happen.
The connections and interdependencies of events assure that the outcome is always the same. Such deterministic theories of development made it difficult to conceive of demolition of structures as part of normal development, and it was inconceivable that construction and destruction can occur simultaneously. It became necessary to regard regressive developmental processes as entirely purposeful and determined. For example, elimination of organs that play a role during development but are not required in the adult or regression of vestigial structures such as the tail in humans were viewed as part of the ontogenetic recapitulation of phylogeny. Regression in those cases is determined and is merely one of several fates: cellular determination may be either progressive or regressive.
The idea of progress in all spheres, perhaps most of all in the evolution and development of the vertebrate nervous system, has appealed to many thinkers since the 18th century. Such ideas change more slowly than the means of scientific production; thus new facts are made to serve old ideas. That is why the history of ideas, even if it does not exactly repeat itself, does such a good job of imitation.
In the realm of ideas held by neuroscientists, the idea of progressive construction, of hierarchically ordered programs of development, has always been dominant over the idea of a plenitude of possibilities, from which orderly structure develops from disorderly initial conditions by a process of selective attrition.
How revolutionary could be the idea that there is a plenitude of possibilities, from which orderly structure develops from disorderly initial conditions by a process of selective attrition. The universe is not learning, experimenting, progressing, evolving and neither are we. The universe is already full of a 'plentitude of possibilities' and it already is what it is and is already all it will ever be... as are we. Whatever it is we think we are observing it is not progress or evolution in any sense of the word but is rather the processes of 'selective attrition'. The universe is something else much more and we are a part of it and need to look no further than within our selves since we are also part of that 'fabric' of the universe. Humans are not standing atop the pyramid of life but we are only one of many different morphological manifestations of the natural processes of 'selective attrition' which find us only different and in no way better than the other morphological and metabolic forms and components of the earths biosystem and its holobionts.
The processes of attrition affects 2 vectors in the realization of a particular existence from a plentitude of possibilities. In order for life and consciousness to exist in the earths biosystem 2 vectors must work together to maintain a fragile stasis between reoccurring periods of geological and cosmic instability. These vectors influence morphology and metabolism. Morphology is influenced and regulated by viruses and that still ill defined aspect of our biological reality they represent. Multicellular metabolism is regulated and influenced by chromosomal and nucleic genetics. When the environment changes then the viral component of the tree of life induces morphological changes in the life forms currently inhabiting the biosphere. Within the nucleus of the cell the genetic code is changed now producing biological forms that after development have the metabolism to exist in the new environment. Life consciousness has within it already all the plentitude of possibilities needed to exist in many different potential worlds and it doesn't need to evolve as it is already capable of arising in almost any conditions. Look at the many amazing ways that nature is already incorporating plastics into its ecology.
Unfortunately for us, our ill fated venture into space has triggered processes of attrition between these 2 vectors that are now adapting the morphology and metabolism of the earths biome in response to the time many of its lifeforms have already spent living in a gravity free environment. The different forms of life we have have brought too and from a gravity free environment are also changing. Switching from a model based on evolution and progress to one based on a preexisting plenitude of possibilities may affect the statistical significance of our predictive models. If we are not progressing and evolving towards something then what exactly is it we are doing with all our technologies but creating the conditions for our own morphological extinction?
The human species is an embodiment of the force of attrition in nature. As a species we have introduced a plentitude of possibilities into the biosphere by reshaping ourselves and our environment through our behaviors and in doing so we have fulfilled our biological function. The model is no longer based on the idea of progress so our behavior as a species need no longer be seen as progressive but as simply transformative. The organisms with the largest genomes are creatures like amoebas and lungfish which could be considered as very important gatekeepers and librarians of the biological information accumulated from eons of harvesting 'information' from an ever changing plentitude of biological possibilities. This information is stored within many levels of biosystem and are all connected by the viral ocean in which the overall biosystem is immersed.
It is creatures like these along with long living organisms like trees and fungi that are at the heart of the biosystem while the human species seems doomed to be little more than a brief biological storm arising and passing away in but a few minutes of geological time. We are no longer talking about a universe born from simplicity and its slow progression towards consciousness of which we are the ultimate manifestation.
Consciousness is the fundamental universal force that gives rise to the biological reality we inhabit. Most everything around us has consciousness and it flows through the underlying fabric of our existence via 'fields' generated by metabolic life, much like how electricity moves along a wire...flowing via the field surrounding the wire and not really within the wire itself. It is what is perceiving the perceptual experience created within the cartesian theatre of our human mind. It is the cortical thalamic complex that creates the unique type of perceptual experience that humans have. There is nothing unique about human consciousness only our perceptual experience. The human experience does not represent any type of progression or evolution of consciousness along an evolutionary timeline.
The only thing modern humans bring to the table is their own unique type of perceptual experience which is initiating behaviors that results in biological information that will find its way throughout the biome and will be stored for eons to come and long after we as a species are gone. The introduction of plastics into the ecology represents a new type of information that the natural biological world is already starting to use in many creative and unexpected ways.
The study of the basic philosophies or ideologies of scientists is very difficult because they are rarely articulated. They largely consist of silent assumptions that are taken so completely for granted that they are never mentioned. The historian of biology encounters some of his greatest difficulties when trying to ferret out such silent assumptions; and anyone who attempts to question these "eternal truths" encounters formidable resistance.
In biology, for hundreds of years, a belief in the inheritance of acquired characters, a belief in irresistible progress and in a scala naturae, a belief in a fundamental difference between organic beings and the inanimate world, and a belief in an essentialistic structure of the world of phenomena are only a few of the silent assumptions that influenced the progress of science. Basic ideological polarities were involved in all of the great controversies in the history of biology, indicated by such alternatives as quantity vs. quality, reduction vs. emergence, essentialism vs. population thinking, monism vs. dualism, discontinuity vs. continuity, mechanism vs. vitalism, mechanism vs. teleology, statism vs. evolutionism, and others. Lyell's resistance to evolutionism was due not only to his natural theology but also to his essentialism, which simply did not allow for a variation of species "beyond the limits of their type." Coleman (1970) has shown to what large extent Bateson's resistance to the chromosome theory of inheritance was based on ideological reasons.
One can go so far as to claim that the resistance of a scientist to a new theory almost invariably is based on ideological reasons rather than on logical reasons or objections to the evidence on which the theory is based.
The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance ERNST MAYR(Page 835).
What do we see when we look at a lion feeding on a fresh kill that is still alive while being eaten? Or a grizzly bear keeping its prey alive for days as it eats it? How about a herd of orca's slowly killing a blue whale? We look away in horror and disgust because we have no idea what it is we are actually observing. Our everyday perceptual experience provides no insight into what is actually happening as this untamed savagery unfolds before us. We have no words for the world as it really is since we very rarely ever perceive it as it really is before being processed and recreated in the cortical thalamic complex. That is what we see and we do not see the outside world as it really is.
A lion consuming a deer is not unlike 2 galaxies colliding. When one animal eats another 2 very large populations of trillions of separate and specialized cellular organisms merge together combining all their biological information as it is being generated in real time. This biological material is processed within the lion and then the viral components and other transgenic organisms move this information between different creatures picking up bits of information and moving it around the biome to be integrated into existing info and/or stored for later retrieval and integration. Very little information is lost when the biosystem is working correctly. When it is not working properly then much information can be permanently lost very quickly. We see this as viruses mutate as they pick up new pieces as the processes of recombination unfold. In times of biological instability plagues are common as insects and rodents are very effective means of consuming this biological information before it is lost due to factors such as changing climatic conditions producing famine. The goal is not evolution or progress but the maintenance of a repository of biological information that allows the biosystem to self regulate its morphology and metabolism. If the organisms that act as gatekeepers, storehouses and librarians are lost then the whole biosystem will collapse.
It is the fundamental energy of consciousness as it 'flows' through metabolic life that powers the biosphere. Earths metabolism and morphology may not look like anything resembling how morphology and metabolism may arise elsewhere in the universe. Unusual organic molecules are being found in the atmosphere of Titan. One such molecule has only been previously found in interstellar clouds. As these molecules break down fairly quickly something must be producing or metabolizing them to maintain their presence in atmosphere. Like electromagnetism if consciousness is also a fundamental force then we can expect it to be active in many different environments.
The nature of consciousness as I am describing it gives rise to one quality that would make space travel somewhat irrelevant. This quality is also behind much of the fuss and importance that humans have made about different types of 'spiritual' experience from their earliest beginnings. Our consciousness is not attached to our own perceptual experience but can move freely between all the perceptual experiences arising anywhere in the universe right now. Every point on the torus is connected to every other point. The perceptual experience of the lion and the deer can be experienced and perceived through the shared dynamics of our own metabolic entanglements as we are all made from the same stuff. It is the 'one topology' suggested to exist in Velinde's and Hooft's model of entropic gravity and the cellular automaton. Morphology is the universal vector for perceptual experience. Metabolism is the universal vector for consciousness.
Biological organisms produce heat/entropy. Think about how significant it is that life can live in external temps well below its own internal heat. Metabolic cellular processes are producing this heat. Biological organisms are not unlike little suns with their ability to produce internal heat. Our bodies are literally made up of trillions of little suns. From metabolism/consciousness arises morphology/perceptual experience. The positive energy generated by the activities of morphological organisms, each with their own spectrum of perceptual experience, counters the negative heat energy of the many metabolic states of consciousness which permeate the universe. When an organism is producing more entropy than the system can absorb that organism is removed or reabsorbed and replaced with one whose metabolism is in balance with rest of biome. When there is too much entropy things like the 'time-reversal of a phenomenon occurring naturally' are no longer available as part of our perceptual experience or vocabulary. Invariably most spiritual practices inadvertently result in the production of less entropy or in the balancing and stabilization of existing entropic forces.
The shamans of old may of been much more in tune with things then we give them credit for. It is a shame that most of their languages and way of life are gone. Like the American Indian I hold the view that the animals and plants around us are our older brothers and sisters and we should learn from them, take our place beside them and not seek to dominate and control but to share the world with them. We have become a species of attrition and seem incapable anymore of transcending our own nature. We cannot help but destroy what we cannot dominate and now we have turned on each other as there is very little left in the natural world for us to conquer. We are no more aware of what we are doing than the couple of meteorites that changed life forever for the dinosaurs. Maybe as Emerson suggested we have learned to ride in a carriage and lost the use of our legs while our giant follows us everywhere.
submitted by FunnyWay4369 to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:27 UpvoteBeast SKYX Q1 2024 Earnings: Modest Revenue Growth with Continued Losses

SKYX reported a slight revenue increase to $19.0 million in Q1 2024 but faced a net loss of $9.7 million, with EPS at -$0.1, underperforming against analysts' expectations.

Key Metrics

Revenue $19.0M 2.2%
Operating Expenses $6.5M
Operating Expenses Growth 14.0%
Net Income $-9.7M
Earnings Per Share $-0.1
Cash and Cash Equivalents $19.8M
Business Highlights
Future Business Drivers:
Expectations: MISS
submitted by UpvoteBeast to SmallCapStocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:06 kingadrenaline Starting a Job after college with a lot of travel.

I recently graduated college as a Civil Engineer. I've accepted a job offer as a Geotechnical Engineer. The job requires me too drive to different construction sites within the Philadelphia/NJ area from King Of Prussia doing inspections and testing.
I would also need a car capable enough to drive around on this construction sites. I will also be transporting testing equipment and samples and need good cargo space.
I'm looking for a car with good mileage because of the extra travel, we recently got a electric car charger installed at the house and was thinking about getting a PHEV.
The job pays higher range in the 60 thousands and I have about 28k in debt, I'm striving to pay that off in a year and half. I'm living at home with the parents until I do and don't have any other payments.
What car would be feasible for me capabilities and budget wise.
Edit: Additional information, I will be reimbursed 0.68 a mile and might drive around 500 miles a week I'm not totally sure
submitted by kingadrenaline to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:14 alexnapierholland Pump recommendations - why not mains-powered?

Hey, we live next to the beach in Portugal and just ordered SUPs.
We plan to inflate our SUPs in our apartment and walk them downstairs.
We got an electric pump bundled in - but it's cigarette-lighter powered.
I looked for a converter on Amazon but most are <10 amps.
This pump claims to require 15 amps?
Almost all the pumps on the market seem to be car-powered too.
Why is this?
Should I get a converter - or a mains-powered pump?
submitted by alexnapierholland to Sup [link] [comments]
