Main idea worksheets for 5th graders

Post a Picture, get a Dungeon

2015.02.25 07:08 1TrueScotsman Post a Picture, get a Dungeon

Post a picture and the community will build a story which you can then base an adventure on for your campaign.

2008.08.21 21:58 Entrepreneur

A community of individuals who seek to solve problems, network professionally, collaborate on projects, and make the world a better place. Be professional, humble, and open to new ideas. Our community supports side hustles, small businesses, venture-backed startups, lemonade stands, 1-person-grinds, and most forms of revenue generation! However, no one cares about your blog. Please do not come here to self-promote your consulting, book, podcast, MLM, website, dropshipping guide, or $$$ scheme.

2016.05.26 07:15 WeHateSand Hindsight In 2020

Welcome to Hindsight in 2020! We're here to fix the Republican party. This sub has seven interests whose definitions can viewed in our sidebar. They are: Liberty; Balanced Federal Budget; Accountability in Government; Protection from Monopolies; Compromise in Government; Religious Freedom; Campaign Funding Please see the following post for what that means:

2024.06.01 16:07 mansplanar 7 Expert Profile Tips For Hinge [Get More Messages & Dates!]

Hinge has positioned itself as a long-term relationship app, so that means your profile needs to convince her you’re true Boyfriend Material!
Sound like a tall order? Don't worry. We use Hinge on a daily basis, and have been since the app launched in 2012. You're about to benefit from our thousands of hours of direct user experience!
You see, we represent our clients on Hinge - optimizing their profiles, selecting their photo lineups, and sending messages on their behalf. We analyze everything, so we know what approaches work, what to avoid, and which strategies attract the best matches.
Thanks to our evidence-based approached, these 7 Hinge profile tips for men will make your profile irresistible! You’ll also get 11 examples of the best Hinge answers.
Let’s start with the main attraction…
Hinge Profile Tip #1: Aim For Perfection With Your Primary Photo
Don’t worry - it’s easier than it sounds! A team of European neuroscientists identified a checklist of what attributes combine to make the most attractive profile picture:
Eye contact is particularly important, as lack of it has a negative effect on her first impression of you. When she can look you straight in the eyes, you seem inherently more trustworthy and genuinely likeable.
That means sunglasses are not ideal for dating photos, and you don’t want to hide your eyes behind your hair or a Snapchat filter either.
Hinge Profile Tip #2: Embrace Quality Control
You know who gets excited about low-quality graphics? No one.
So when choosing your other 5 Hinge photos or videos, make sure they’re all high-quality images. You want your Hinge lineup to look intentional and curated, not like you pulled random images off your Facebook or phone.
Here’s the thing - when looking at images, human brains are wired to prefer simplicity and clarity.
When a picture has a high cognitive workload, it means your brain has to work harder to interpret what’s going on in the frame. The subject matter becomes less attractive the more complex it is.
Simple = attractive.
If your picture is blurry, has harsh highlights and dark shadows, or “artistic” effects that obscure your face, the odds she’s going to “like” or comment on it are drastically reduced - and that means you probably won’t match with her.
While artistic effects that complicate your photos are not good, using a black and white filter can increase the odds you’ll get some “likes” - by 106%. Try applying one to a photo or two in your lineup!
Hinge Profile Tip #3: Put Down The Selfie Stick
Selfies are problematic on Hinge for several reasons:

1. Selfies are a whopping 40% less likely to get “likes.” That number rockets up to 90% if it’s a bathroom selfie. Don’t go there.

2. Selfies are less attractive than non-selfies. A recent study compared two photos - a selfie, and a photo of that same person taken by someone else. The selfie version was perceived as less attractive and more narcissistic. Don’t cultivate that vibe on Hinge!

3. They don’t inspire comments. Which photo do you think will entice more comments and “likes”:

Dalmatians for the win!
Photos where you’re doing something are especially effective on Hinge, as it makes it easy for your match to start a conversation by asking about whatever is going on in the image.
Per their internal data, sports photos are the most popular when it comes to “likes,” and activity photos in general ranked highly.
Coming in dead last were pics where you’re posing with someone who could be an ex. A full 98% of singles said that was a turn off.
Hinge Profile Tip #4: Stay On The Bright Side
Now let’s talk about your profile text. The best Hinge prompts to answer let you highlight on an attractive trait or two in a positive way.
Remember, she’s looking for Boyfriend Material, so why waste space with negativity?
Take, for instance, the “Pet Peeves” prompt. It’s challenging to make your answer sound anything other than whiny, pessimistic, and overly bothered by the minutiae of daily life.
Plus, if it’s a shared pet peeve, chances are she’ll feel a flash of annoyance when she reads it - and guess who she’s going to associate that feeling with? (Spoiler alert: you).
You also want to avoid describing what she may perceive as a negative character trait or flaw:
With over 80 prompts to choose from and only 3 available slots, she’s going to wonder why you took up valuable space with what’s essentially a reason not to “like” you.
To decide which are the best Hinge profile questions for you to answer, take a minute and write down a list of things you bring to the table that you think your ideal woman would be looking for in a guy.
Stable career, physically fit, interesting hobbies, family oriented, able to afford vacations, responsible enough to care for a dog… things of that nature that illustrate why you’d be a particularly good catch.
Then compare that list to the available prompts, and choose the ones that best let you highlight a few of those traits. Simple!
Here are 4 great Hinge profile examples, plus insight into why they work:
If you’re still stuck on what to write in your Hinge profile, try using one of these creative Hinge answers that are general enough to fit anyone:
A blast-from-the-past fashion trend makes for a great conversation starter since most women can relate to it.
While these examples don’t necessarily highlight a desirable personality trait or hobby, they will bring a smile to her face.
Humor is a great strategy in a dating profile, if you can pull it off. Women can’t help but be drawn to funny guys - it’s the way her brain is wired.
Hinge Profile Tip #5: Make One Of The Prompts About Her
Marketing yourself in an appealing, intriguing way is the goal of your Hinge profile.
But including a tidbit about her is an effective strategy.
According to research, 70% of your dating profile should describe you, but 30% of it should describe what type of person you’re looking for. That’s the most attractive combination.
As you’ve already learned, keep your answer positive.
Describing what you don’t want could have the opposite effect, as you may end up sounding picky and judgemental. Or worse, bitter from your last relationship imploding.
Hinge don'ts
Instead, focus on hobbies you’d like to have in common with your perfect match, or attributes that are important to you in a relationship.
Here are 3 great ways to answer the Hinge profile questions:
Describing non-physical attributes implies you're looking for a non-superficial relationship, and mentioning a hobby you'd like to have in common gives her some insight into your personality.
These good prompt answers give her some insight into what dating you might be like, and also imply that keeping in shape is important to you (which is always an attractive quality).
Mentioning a great first date idea in your Hinge answer is a subtle way to make her envision what an hour or two with you might include.
In fact, it’s so effective that according to founder Justin McCleod, answering this prompt got the most dates for users in London:
What works in London will probably work wherever you are as well, making “I know the best spot in town for” one of the best Hinge prompts for guys to answer if it's one of the available options for you.
Hinge Profile Tip #6: Make Every Word Count
The shorter a dating app profile is, the more impact each individual word has. To create the best possible first impression, you want every word in your profile to evoke positive vibes.
Stay away from words that cause a strong negative reaction, like violence, swearing, drugs and weapons. Those can have a ripple effect that will diminish your overall attractiveness.
And since this is Hinge, not Tinder, you’ll definitely want to keep it classy.
don't do this on Hinge
Even if you’re on Hinge just to hook up, don’t advertise your intentions in your profile. And consider switching to another dating app - Hinge really isn’t the app for that.
Here a few more Hinge “Don’ts” to keep in mind:
Repeat yourself. She’s reading a max of 450 characters, which is even less than a Tinder bio. Repetition is really going to stand out. If you talk about how much you love hiking in every Hinge answer, she’s apt to think you’re a one note kind of guy.
Make grammapunctuation/spelling errors. There’s not a lot of written material feeding into that all-important first impression, so little mistakes can have a big effect. Plus, surveyed singles said bad sex was preferable to bad grammar (if they had to choose), so it’s important to get it right.
Give “non” answers. You may think it’s the height of wit to answer Hinge prompts with statements like “I’m looking for… a better answer to this question,” but that’s likely to backfire on you. If she thinks you’re not taking online dating seriously, she probably won’t invest any time in getting to know you.
Reference past relationships. If you’re in your late 20s or 30s, odds are high you’ve got at least one significant relationship in your past. Whether the breakup was good or bad, your Hinge profile is not the place to rehash it.
Hinge Profile Tip #7: Reconsider Your “Dealbreakers”
When you set up your Hinge profile, you have the option to designate match preferences as “dealbreakers.”
That's a great feature for singles seeking long-term relationships, as it eliminates the need to ask those personal questions during the first few dates.
When you specify something as a dealbreaker, you won’t see profiles of people who don’t fit that category, regardless of how many other categories they do fit. (If you don't specify something as a dealbreaker, you may see profiles of singles who fall slightly outside of your ideal preferences.)
Free members have the usual filters like age range, distance and height. If you’re a Hinge+ or HingeX member, you have access to additional filters like children, family plans, education, and politics.
Take a look at any categories you deemed a “Dealbreaker” and make sure they truly are.
For instance, if your match is 5’7” instead of 5’8” or taller, is that truly important in the grand scheme of things? Or if she’s 41 instead of under 40?
If you’re too exclusive with your filtering, you may miss out on a great match you would have really clicked with, despite a small divergence from your “ideal type.”
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 JessCostanza1507 I know this question has probably been asked a million times here, but I just wanted to know if I'm asexual.

I don't think I've ever experienced sexual attraction. For the longest time, I thought romantic attraction equaled sexual attraction. When people talked about sex I just thought that maybe this is something that you start getting interested in once you fall in love with someone.
I've never looked at someone and thought about wanting to have sex with them. However, I've definitely felt a strong desire to get to know someone, to spend time with them etc. I can say I've experienced romantic attraction, so I don’t think I’m aromantic.
I like the idea of love, romance, kissing and cuddling but I don't think I can say the same for sex. I find sex kinda gross, though I still get aroused by sexual scenes. It's a bit confusing and I'm still trying to understand how it all works. For example, I can watch porn, but the idea of having sex myself is unappealing.
I used to believe that when you're in love with someone, you might want to have sex then. If I find someone I love, I suppose I might be okay with having sex occasionally. Then I discovered that people often want to have sex without any romantic feelings and also want to have it quite frequently, sometimes even more than once a day. That seemed so absurd to me. Why is sex so important to people? Maybe it is fun, I don't know, but multiple times a week sounds excessive to me.
It's such a non-negotiable requirement that some people are ready to divorce if they're in a sexless marriage. I don't get it. Why would someone end their marriage over sex? That sounds so bizarre to me. Sex doesn't seem that important to me at all. Isn't love, affection, trust, and compatibility supposed to be the main pillars of a relationship?
submitted by JessCostanza1507 to actualasexuals [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:06 wedding-hijacker-412 Update: My wedding may be off part 2 - Final

It’s been two weeks since I posted about my wedding situation. I apologize for not answering very many of your comments on the first post. The post was intended to just talk about the situation, but it quickly turned into a mini AITA discussion, which was absolutely the farthest thing that I wanted to happen. Due to the stress and severity of everything, I had to unplug. The comments and private messages were getting to me and the messages from friends and family who caught word of the situation became overwhelming.
That being said, I got around to reading the comments after a week or so, but didn’t have the effort to say anything until now. A lot of you said I was controlling, manipulative, selfish, and racist. I can understand being called the first three, but racist genuinely hurt. I didn’t realize my actions came across as racist, but I see now how that could be assumed of me. I don’t know what to say to prove that I’m not racist, but I know that even if I did it probably wouldn’t change any minds. I’ve begun to research more on the wedding ceremonies, and just Cambodian culture as a whole, something I realize I should have done years ago.
I promise you that the decisions I made and the unfortunately “vetoed” decisions from my boyfriend all came from a place that thought it was going to be best for both of us. But like a lot of you said, it was still wrong of me to completely dismiss him and his ideas. I admit I was being stubborn about a lot of things that would have been easy to compromise on. I guess I was looking at everything through rose tinted glasses and thought that everything would just fall into place in my favor because I wanted it to. I should have heard him out more and taken his words seriously.
Additionally, a few of you called me and my fiancé out for being rage baiters and even being the same person just using different accounts. I can see how that would seem like the case, since I made this account a day after his throwaway was deleted, but I promise it was just a coincidence. I created a throwaway since my main account has content that can be traced to my other socials, and I didn’t want anyone harassing me in my DM’s or other comment sections. I think someone also brought up the fact that this account is linked to another one that has posts about being divorced? I’m not sure what that’s about.
I read the AITA post that he created and, if I can be honest, I thought it was terribly done. He made his initial post about my best friend and how he wasn’t “comfortable” with him being in the wedding, indicating that even on a minuscule level, he was uncomfortable with my friend. In the 6 years they’ve known each other he has never once voiced or shown any discomfort for him. I don’t know if he was using him as a scapegoat or what. His comments started to change the tune of the post and it started to become a “I’m not comfortable with the guy best friend” vs. “Actually, I’m being taken advantage of” type of thing. It was all so weirdly done, and his comments seemed rude and argumentative. People were judging him based on the initial question as the forum intended, but then he started to tell the rest of the story to try and gain favor or something.
But, I digress. Moving onto the actual update, my boyfriend and I had a talk a few days ago. He was home when I came back from work and it looked like he was packing some of his stuff. I asked if this meant that we were officially over, and he said he didn’t know. I asked if we could talk about it, and he said sure. I apologized to him for how I was acting and that I shouldn’t have been so controlling with the planning. I also apologized for rejecting his culture and said that I didn’t do it with malice. He asked why I really rejected the ceremonies and I told him how I wasn’t comfortable with his parents, since there was still tension between us.
He explained that they were trying to be okay with me, but what I did just made it harder. I told him I read his post and asked if he really didn’t feel comfortable around my best friend. He was kind of iffy on that, saying yes and no before saying he didn’t mind him as a person, but he was still someone he didn’t know. He offered to apologize to him since he figured I told him about what he said when I left to my parent’s house, which I did, and I said I would appreciate that. We got quiet and I asked again if he wanted to officially break up. He said he wanted to cancel the wedding, but that he didn’t want to break up permanently yet. I felt the same way, so we talked some more, and eventually agreed to go back to dating.
This may not be the outcome a lot of you wanted, since it seemed like you were all rooting for him to kick me to the curb, but I still love him and he still loves me. We’re cancelling all of the wedding plans and looking into couples counseling. And, as a promise to each other that we’re going to change, he’s going to make an effort in befriending my best friend, and I’m going to be seeing his family more and participating in/observing more cultural events. This is the last post I will make from this account. I just want to move forward and rebuild with him.
TL;DR: We broke off the engagement, but we’re still together.
submitted by wedding-hijacker-412 to weddingdrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:06 RoadToFC Bad breath gone finally! (2 months clear)

Just wanted to share my success story with you all as I used to read this sub daily and even filled my phone with screenshots of posted ideas that sounded promising but nothing ever worked for me.
To start with, my BB was never room filling but I would get reactions from a lot of people I was within a couple of meters to and the one that hurt me the most was my own children commenting on it and asking me to brush my teeth literally 5 minutes after I had thoroughly brushed. It was heartbreaking!
Some days were worse than others and I would try and avoid talking to anyone or move my head to the side slightly so they don't get a face full of the odour. Other days it was barely noticeable but it never went away.
I had tried hydrogen peroxide, corsodyl medicated mouthwash, kefir / high fibre low sugar diet, tongue scraping, leaving tongue alone, regular flossing, scraping plaque with a dentist kit I bought and increasing hydration but nothing ever worked long term...
I went on holiday to Turkey and it was quite a nice hotel so didn't need to take any toiletries or even my old toothbrush as it was all provided and replenished daily.
After the first night, I woke up noticing that my breath wasn't absolutely stinking which it usually was first thing in the morning and after using the Marvis classic strong mint toothpaste and having a shower with their body gel and shampoo, I felt very fresh ready for breakfast.
The food every day was a very high standard. Turkey grows most of its fruit and vegetables rather than importing and you could tell it wasn't the genetically modified crap you get back home. I made sure to get at least 15 portions of fruit and veg every single day and I had zero added sugar.
Usually back home I had 1 sugar in my coffee, always had a sugary sweet dessert after main meal and snacked quite a lot on cakes, chocolate biscuits etc. I know my diet was not amazing but in Turkey I had no excuse and really enjoyed eating as healthily as possible.
This shift is what I mainly attribute my cure to. I had read about the micro biome in the mouth and heard that bacteria thrives on sugar but if it is starved of sugar and instead is given lots of good fibre, it can cause a breakdown of the existing bacteria.
Since returning home in February, I have not gone back to the sugar. My diet is completely changed and I make sure that I get lots of golf sources of organic fruit and vegetables. A treat for me now is a few medjool dates which taste like toffee to my taste buds now!
I no longer have sugar in coffee and very rarely have sweets or chocolate. I am not completely sugar free but it is a substantial change!
The other thing that may have attributed to my cure is changing my toothpaste form colgate to sensodyne which is Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) free and switching from SLS body washes and shampoos to SLS free ones - I use the Faith in Nature brand.
I cannot say for sure which or what combination of actions has cured me but 3 months after the holiday I am able to talk face to face with my children, my wife has told me the bad breath is finally gone and I feel so much more confident at work now.
It is quite frankly.. Life changing!
I hope this helps someone make the necessary changes to their diet and beauty regime and be able to share a similar success story of their own!
submitted by RoadToFC to badbreath [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:01 normie_hai_kya Best Laptop under 50k or max 60k

wanted to buy a laptop
budget: under 50k or max 60k
since I've no idea about laptop stuff so I am asking out here for help
purpose: would mainly be for college stuff and also gaming
also it should last long
(hope so I'm not asking too much :') )
submitted by normie_hai_kya to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 OldMan_is_wise How to reduce Temu ads

I was being crushed by Temu adverts. A Temu advert popped up in YouTube and I'd never heard of it, so I installed the Temu app.
Then I immediately started getting drowned in Temu adverts.
Like most people, I uninstalled the Temu app and deleted the connection to my Google account. Which did nothing.
After months of frustration, I got the idea to install the Temu app and make an account again, then tell Temu to delete my account & data. (Which according to Temu takes up to 7 days). I think I got the email around 6 days later.
Plus I reset my advertising ID on my Android phone, turned off all Google advertising preferences, turned off Youtube search & history, and finally started using IP tunneling. (Duckduckgo to be exact, not that it matters).
Although it would be impossible to get rid of all Temu adverts, I did manage to get them down to random background chatter.
I'm not advocating Duckduckgo as a very good private IP tunneling service, but if your main goal is to just reign in targeted adverts, it helps. Also, I use Norton's on my desktop, and it's no better or worse than Duckduckgo. Which is pretty limited for Private IP tunneling.
-Both are adaquete to at least help lower the hellscape of targeting cookies and general tracking. But I wouldn't recommend either if you need true privacy. You'd be far better off with a service with a paid subscription.
submitted by OldMan_is_wise to degoogle [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:52 CozyCraving Cozy Craving [Semi-Vanilla] {Survival} {Java 1.20.6} {Geyser Bedrock} {No Whitelist} {Diamond Economy} {Expanding Perma Map} {CoreProtect} {Dedicated Server} {Dynmap} {USA}

🌐 「 Our Server in a Nutshell 」 🌐

We are a new server - our community and buildings are all since mid February of 2024. Our current map is 14k by 14k, and will continue expanding to make new vanilla content accessible as it is released and accommodate more players as the server grows. Our vision is to have a server that is as vanilla as possible, while also addressing various QoL issues that come along with a large playerbase on an unwhitelisted server. As such, we have implemented a handful of plugins including renewable elytra (via the ender dragon fight), a simple chest shop system using currency that is interconvertible with diamonds, and night skip with just one player sleeping.
We have an outstanding community of builders! From skyscrapers and cozy villages to high-efficiency iron and raid farms, we have it all. We also have a nether roof transportation hub easily accessible from spawn and with blue ice boat paths. Want to see more? Our photo galleries linked below. There are plenty of active players who are happy to help you get started and fill in the gaps for you!
We have no land claims plugin, but rest assured your builds and items are safe. We use CoreProtect, a plugin which keeps detailed logs of blocks, items, entities, and more. It allows for custom, precision rollbacks of specific players, time ranges, locations, and more. This allows for convenient grief reversal in real time. The CoreProtect inspect command is enabled for all players which allows you to check the logs of containers and blocks; you can see if alterations have been made by someone who does or does not have your permission without needing staff assistance.

🧭 「 Our Principles 」 🧭

Community First: Our primary goal is to foster a fun, cooperative, supportive community on our server. Profit from the server is not a short or long-term goal. We want to scale and develop our community, but at a pace that is reasonable and sustainable.
Long-Term Map: We plan to never reset the map. We want builds, farms, and communities made on the server to be permanent, and this is why we have opted for an expanding map to incorporate content from new releases.
Golden Rule: Respect. Other. Players. You can see a more precise list of rules on our spawn board or Discord server, but in general all rules follow from the simple principles of respecting others and using common sense.
Work Hard, Play Hard: The server is on hard difficulty. There is no keepinventory, no /tp, no /back, no warps other than /spawn and /home, and staff will not use tools to roll back legitimate deaths or mistakes that do not violate the rules. We hope in our community you will become a pro gamer, and this means learning to navigate all the difficulties of the Minecraft world, even if they are sometimes frustrating or inconvenient. We aim to preserve the minimalism and realism of Minecraft, as we believe these features are essential for maximizing players' sense of immersion in our world and community. We hope you will feel the same way if you give it a try!
No P2W: We do not and will not even remotely resemble a Pay to Win server. We do accept donations. There are currently no perks for donors, but if any future perks are added they will be purely cosmetic (e.g. colored names or tags in game or on Discord).

📀 「 Discord Overview 」 📀

On our Discord you can:
  • Submit help tickets to notify staff of problems
  • Submit suggestion tickets with your ideas about how to improve the server
  • Read our FAQ and Info sections for additional information
  • Check out photos of many of the server's coolest builds
  • Share pet photos and memes
  • Voice chat and listen to music
  • Ask any questions and engage with our awesome community!

🔗 「 Server Details 」 🔗

  • Server Name: Cozy Craving
  • IP Address:
  • Hardware: Dedicated server
  • Discord: Join Here!
  • Photos: Builds Art
  • Version: Java 1.20.6 with ViaVersion and Geyser Bedrock - Will Update to 1.21 ASAP When Paper Updates!
  • Activity: 20+ players online during peak hours
  • PVP: Enabled, PVP looting not allowed
  • Difficulty: Hard

👏 「 Thanks 」 👏

Thank you for taking the time to read through our server description. Even if our server is not the one for you or not your final destination, we wish you the best of luck on your server-finding journey! Feel free to share our server and this post with others you think may enjoy it. An upvote if you like our server or found the post easy to navigate would be much appreciated as well. And wherever you end up, don't forget that the main point is to enjoy yourself and have fun!
submitted by CozyCraving to MCVanillaServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:50 rheannahh Therapist falsified information in clinical documentation after destroying the last of my sanity (long)

I had an abusive therapist in 2021 whom I recently, and so kindly, made a review page for on RateMDs (Canada); turns out a lot of people feel the exact same way about her, and one person claimed they are reporting her to the ethics board due to her verbal attacks.
My next therapist in 2022 was abusive, even worst than the last. It was so bad I ended up reporting to the ethics board, and the therapist is now doing coaching for the time being. If I had recorded the sessions it would have been game over for that therapist. It killed me for a long time that I didn't record the sessions.
I later sought out a new therapist; my friend warned me that the one I chose had "crazy eyes" and it was red flags all over (based on their PP profile). I should have listened.
This new therapist, Alex, almost killed me, again. He was awful. The second I walked in the room, I warily mentioned my past experience with the abusive therapist. In response, Alex started accusing me of having "destructive" behaviours - despite that I didn't tell him anything about my behaviours yet. I hadn't told him anything at all, just that I was anxious due to a past experience. I think he has issues with younger women.
I saw Alex from August 2023 - April 2024. In this time, he was immediately convinced of his own assumptions - never asked me to explain my experiences or thoughts or anything like that - confronted me constantly for things he pulled out of thin air (he would twist anything I said and then confront me for some alleged bad behaviour or cognitive distortion), and was entirely unwilling to try a different approach despite my (at first) gentle attempts to communicate that his approach wasn't working and was making me very unwell. I can gladly provide examples but it'd end up being a long ass post if I do that, so bear with me. He couldn't handle me even trying to talk about my past therapy abuse, because it was assumed to be my fault. Any dissent was "resistance" or rigidity. He refused to do trauma work despite that being the foundational problem.
He refused to let me "free associate" (psychodynamic therapy) because he was convinced it would cause me some wild regression (as if his current approach wasn't fucking me up). That is, he refused to let me speak my mind.
There was nothing for me to work with in the therapy. It wasn't grounded in reality; it was just all about how awful I am, yet not even in a way that was tangible - he could never explain himself. I was already hanging on a thread from my past abusive therapists, and I pretty quickly developed a substance use disorder (prescription) to try to cope. Began to vape nicotine constantly to try to stabilize myself. I began to isolate myself. By December 2023 I stopped going out at all - again. You know, almost died from the therapist in 2022, my life was almost ruined, and couldn't go out at all, and there I was basically back in the same place.
I never missed a single session. I even opted to increase to twice a week session in an attempt to resolve whatever was going amiss. I continuously tried to establish a working relationship with him. My self-confidence and sense of reality and self were devastated.
Anyway, March 2024 comes around and it comes out Alex diagnosed me with BPD and that was why he was so confrontational (and frankly pulling horrible things out of thin air). Now, I'm pretty darn sure I have either schizotypal or a psychotic disorder. I was under the impression he was treating me for this, as he himself said he dx'd me with schizotypal. But I was also very confused because being confrontational with the kinds of populations I fit into is exactly not what you're supposed to do and has been proven to fuck them up. It's one of the reasons I stayed so long; I just dissociated into oblivion. Not to mention the CPTSD.
I end up sending Alex an email detailing my experiences, which was hard to do. He never asked me about my experiences before (it was all about his assumptions of me), and I thought I needed to try to put an end to this, to again try to establish a working relationship.
The next session, Alex immediately begins to apologize, tells me how he misdiagnosed me, that he's been treating me for a Cluster B disorder when he should have been treating me for a Cluster A, that the "treatment" not working wasn't my fault. He also was convinced that this is what went wrong in my past therapies; that they misdiagnosed me with BPD when the issue was schizotypal, and that it just so happens that applying the confrontational treatment for BPD to schizotypal can basically end the schizotype. (TBH he was way too generous to these past therapists; all him saying that proved to me was that he never believed me in the first place.) He told me he "failed me" and that I "humbled him." He was almost crying he seemed so sorry.
I was already looking for a new therapist, but I was grateful that at least it seemed like things were set straight with Alex. I mean, I now had a substance use disorder and all the more therapy trauma, but I'm pretty happy with little. It was mutually agreed upon that the termination was due to the ways in which the misdiagnosis made the treatment inhospitable for me. It was ended amicably but I noticed he began to act weird around me, very distant, etc. I didn't think much of it, figured maybe he was more emotionally involved when he thought I had BPD for whatever reason.
Found a new therapist at the beginning of April - a formally trained, international psychoanalyst who lives in Prague out of all things (was getting desperate) - and things are going well, finally. No therapy abuse; no issues that even closely resemble the issues I've had with the abusive therapists, etc. Things are finally "easy" with a therapist; the sailing is as smooth as it can be. Also it's entirely free association and it hasn't caused me any issues, contrary to Alex's conviction that letting me speak freely would be devestating to my wellbeing.
Well, two days ago I contacted Alex as I wanted to go to a boutique treatment centre for my prescription substance use issue and they were requesting recent past therapist notes. I thought what a better option than to have Alex send his notes with an explanation that he misdiagnosed me, that he thinks I have been misdiagnosed continuously in past therapies and that's why I've been "treatment resistant," and so on and so forth. Also, given that I developed the issue because of the stress from Alex, this way my story would be corroborated.
Alex was adamant sending his notes was a bad idea, and that the ethics board actually recommends that psychologists write summary letters of the treatment instead. I thought that was nice that Alex was looking out for me. I explained to Alex what I'm looking for in the letter (with the central focus being on the misdiagnosis issue), and that my main goal is to help prove my eligibility for the program (they only take "highly motivated" clients; it's more relaxed in terms of restrictions and what not). I agreed to pay Alex around $400 for his time. I really thought Alex and I were making further amends and that it was so nice he could have my back on this.
Alex gets back to me with the worst letter imaginable. All about how the treatment failed because of ME, how we never made any progress because of ME, that the "lack of consensus on treatment goals and methods" was a massive barrier, and that this all happened despite that the frequency was increased to twice a week (which he failed to mentioned only occurred because I requested it, in an effort to save the therapy!). He made no mention of the fact that I never missed a single therapy session or any fact that would make me sound good, not to mention that he didn't even so much as touch on the fact that the therapy failed because of HIS misdiagnosis. He made it sound like the termination occurred because of how treatment resistant I was.
He also downplayed my trauma (I asked him to speak out this in the letter), saying only how I have a family history of "neglect" and being "scapegoated." My mother would scream at me, like to the point her lungs were going to burst, as a small child until I blacked out, this continued up until I was kicked out at 18, and I have serious CPTSD. I was even diagnosed with PTSD at one point. Like? Alex is supposed to be a specialist in trauma.
So I read the letter and was confused. Got back to him assuring that I'd still pay him, but suggested maybe he remove some parts of it if he can't revise them. Told him I disagree with the reasons for termination and why the treatment didn't work out, and reminded him of the fact he misdiagnosed me. I was honestly very confused and thought maybe he forgot. Told him it's probably not helpful to minimize my trauma.
Cue a minute after I send that email, and it suddenly dawns on me. The pathetic excuse of a therapist never recorded his fuck up in my clinical file. He obviously maintained his delusional narrative within his notes, presumably to cover his ass in case I reported him or sued him for malpractice (unlikely anyway), given that his misshapen and misapplied "treatment" caused me a ton of harm due to his incompetence.
I was seeing red and sent him another email informing him that I actually recorded our final sessions in light of what happened with my previous therapist (and Alex knew about my regret of not recording those sessions, and I'd often leave my phone out during our sessions). It's one-party consent in Canada, and Alex at the very beginning told me he was fine if I recorded the sessions anyway. So yeah, I emailed Alex whilst appalled telling him all about how I recorded him stating he misdiagnosed me, was treating me for the wrong disorder, that therapy not working wasn't my fault, and so on.
Told him he can either write me a letter based on facts - facts I can corroborate given my session recordings - or I'm not paying him for shit. Told him to not even bother replying if he isn't willing to write me a letter grounded in reality. Shockingly, he never got back to me.
And now he'll never know if I was bluffing and he gets to spend the next few months in terror that I'm going to use session recordings to report him for knowingly putting false information in clinical documentation.
What the hell. He could have at least TRIED to make me sound decent in the letter given that he knew what he was saying was bullshit. I guess dissonance is a real bitch. I also don't for a second buy that if I had BPD, his shit-tier "treatment" would have magically worked. It was gaslighting and abusive. You can't just make horrible assumptions about people or create a false reality, shove that in the person's face, then gaslight them all the more when the person is fucking confused and, eventually, distraught.
What a gaslighting loser. I should legitimately report him. Leaving him a bad review as we speak.
(I have had many legitimate delusions myself and don't find the term "delusional" as a pejorative to be offensive. LMK if I should edit it out though.)
submitted by rheannahh to therapycritical [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:49 Exizero_95 Gwimbly (PSX) Review

With the recent Gwimbly episode out, I decided to review one of the classic platformers to see the light of Sun in the mid 90's. Everyone remembers the legacy of this game, but boy oh boy, nostalgia glasses sure compensate for some of the glaring issues that plague this title.
Precedents and Development:
"The magic Adventures of Gwimbly in Corn Land" is one of those Megadrive publicity games, such as M&Ms or The Noid video-game, this time from the Monsanto company. And the least said about this, the better. Left-to-right side scrolling, awful controls, repetitive and boring, it was deemed to be a forgotten artifact. But, by good fortune, it was one of the (allegedly) two games that series albanian creator Petulla Pulle had as a kid.
Petulla deserves an aside. Learning to code intuitively and implementing Risk on his Casio FX-81 at the age of 6, he is not the poor boy that media wanted us to belive. Coming from a well off family, when he arrived in the US he co-created Sweet Games (now Insane Groundbreaking Games) with his friend Zachary Taylor, and they started development on Gwimbly after acquiring the Licence from a gambling bet in a pub in New York. Although his reputation being ripped apart now by the abuse accusations and toxic working enviroment, Pulle was a popular figure among gamers in the late 90's and 00's, and his advancements in the field should be recognised.
So, basically a one man job, Gwimbly finished its development in just under 2 years and came out for the PSX in August 1996, just one month before Mario 64, which eclipsed the relevance of the first game in sales. Even so, it was the alternative for the Sony owners at the time looking for a collectathon platformer in the, then, new 3rd dimension. But growing pains show all over the game, as we'll see.
While not being bad, a lot of the 5th generation of consoles problems are present. Textures warp and wabble, popping is noticible even in small areas, and glitches are all over the place, specially after acquiring the triple jump.
What, then, has made that Gwimbly sticks to our memories? The character designs and animations, of course. All of them, from the little Cheddar Gobblin enemies of the first level until Count Groxya, without forgetting Mr. Millipede. Even little details, like Gwimbly's iddle animations, reflect care and dedication (unlike its sequels, but we'll talk about that later).
Sound and FX:
This must be the aspect of the game that stincks the most. The constant crackling and stuttering stuck into my ears as a kid, and it certainly has not gotten better as an adult. The howling made for some funny misunderstandings (the classic line "If I had my Gwimbly gun" was supposed to say "If I had some Sweet Corn", but it made for a good meme in the episode), but it was not good even for that time. And, worst of all, while not being at Gex levels, the constant repetition of lines and screams from Gwimbly got annoying real quick.
Music is nothing to write home about. The Corn Hills theme was catchy, but after the 100th time you got tired of it. The use of Theremin and Erhu instruments was more innovative than effective in the latter levels. Only the Menu Music has had some lasting effects, even musically referenced in the Celeste Soundtrack.
Gwimbly is a short game, and I think that's a positive. With only 50 Corn Cans to collect, with four main levels, a central Hub and the last Can Count Castle, it didn't worn out its welcome with its 8-10 hour average run.
Nowadays, Gwimbly feels cluncky to control. The comitment you had to endure with some of the jumps is incredible, and the run and jump distance seems inconsistent. But, worst offender of all, the camera was not good. And who ever thought that recentering the camera with the X button was a good idea.
- Silly-corn Valley: Everybody remembers the central Hub and tutorial level. Mr Millipede serves as our side kick, and the one who teach us how to jump, roll and make the Gwimbly Stimbly, all while staring us with his glassy eyes. You could skip its advices, and if you did not talk to him once it was recognised in the access to the final level, where he would ask you who you were.
- Icy Corn Flakes: a little fun snow level, the developers made the wise decission to not have icey controls (EDIT: it seems that it was programmed into the level, but it was badly implemented so you walked normally). The 10 Corn Cans here are not very difficult, and the Uni-Corn boss was cute.
- Corncob swamp: The swim level. Enough said.
- The Corn Maze: I still have nightmares from this level. Not by the theming or "spooky" music, but from the level design. The constant back-tracking, the Ghosts of Cornstmass Past and specially the, not one, but 2 Corn Cans that made you speedrun the maze almost made me quit the game more than once. In the second run of the maze, Pulle admitted that he put the least amount of time possible WITHOUT CONSIDERING the animation of the door opening, so it was literally no possible to get it unless you glitched through the invisible wall at the beginning.
- Corn Field of Lava: the amazing thing about this level is that, after activating the volcanoe, the entire level was transformed and filled with pop-corn. Be sure to grab the Can at the beginning of the level, after the jumping rocks, because it will not be possible to grab it after the level remodelling (probably by mistake).
- Can Count Castle: I wish I could say the best was reserved for last, but the tight platforming of this level was a frustration factory from start to finish. The only positive is the Final Boss, and the secret animation if you collected all Corn Cans (and the reason why it was made a PG 13+).
Conclusion and Legacy:
Gwimbly in its original state is a game that lives best in our memories, rather than our current consoles. Luckily, its amazing fandom has corrected many of the graphical glitches and performance issues via patches and ROMs that enhance the expirience. But the level design, even with its good moments, is not something you can easily fix.
The inmediate sequel (Gwimbly 2 on Corny Land // Gwimbly 2: The Adventure of Gwimble and Millipede in PAL regions), that came out just a year after the 1rst game release, pullished some aspects of the original while inexplicably substracting from others. The most glaring example is the introduction of fall damage.
Gwimbly 3 Revengance, which came out in late 2003, was a terrible disappointment. It mutted the sparckly colors of the first two entries, and the introduction of Gwimbly Guns and the absence of Mr.Millipede (who was going through some stuff at the time) left a sour taste for the fans of the franchise for what was its final entry. The development hell that Gwimbly 4 went through, and the aforementioned Pulle accusations, put Gwimbly in a weird spot for the next 15 years.
Let's just hope Insane Groundbreaking Games make something with the face of the company. I do not want a fighting game from Gwimbly. I want a new platformer, and, if one can dream, the first truly good game of the saga.
submitted by Exizero_95 to OneyPlays [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:46 Remarkable_Sir4431 JEE is not the end - My Story

I'm not an active member of this community, in fact I finished college few years back and i am working now, I frequently use reddit and saw few recommended posts in this sub where some people were feeling bad because of their JEE scores or ranks and were feeling suicidal. I was in the same path as you guys and want to tell how I dealed with the same situations in my life. I was living abroad from my childhood, and after 8th grade my parents decided to make me prepare for JEE, I had minimal idea abnout it, I left my happy life with parents abroad and came to India and joined a integrated classroom program for 4 years, During 9th and 10th i was a good student, I was scoring decent in Coaching tests and Great marks in NCERT exams. After 11th my life went to shit, Everything suddenly became hard, I couldnt score marks in anything, I was thrown to the last bath in my coaching with the ones that have no hope in life, I knew i was not going to crack JEE in the last 6 months of my 12th grade, as predicted I flunked JEE, my rank in mains was some 200,000+ I cried so bad that day because I just lost 4 years of my life where i was not with my parents and lived in a hellhole hostel for nothing. After this I got my second biggest blow, my board scores were 59%, I was super passionate about coding and wanted to sutudy computer science in some college, my dad had booked seat in VIT under NRI quota and even they rejected me due to my scores, This was the worst day in my life, my whole life shattered in front of me, I had no forseeable future.
I was feeling like shit only because i dissapointed my parents but i had some hope in myself for some wierd reason which did not let me kms, I got into an electronics course in some college because that is all i gotr for my marks, I couldnt follow my passion of copmputers, but i started putting the efforts to follow my passion, i did anything and everything that came my way, i used every resources that was avaliable to study coding, participated in hackathons, learnt so many random skills, dropshipping, trading, etc. Nothing made me a million dollars but i had the unquenchable thirst for knowledge because i wanted to prove myself, all my friends were in IITs and NITs but i was the loser.
I wanted to change this, so i started consuming random knowledge, upskill myself, but did not care about my actual course and had 15 backlogs in 3rd year, during covid my only source of entetainment was coursera and udemy, i have over 50+ certifications at this point. In my final year i cleared al my backlogs, came out of college, I had so much confidence in me and my skills that I chose not to sit for placements and started my own startup with 0 capital, scaled it to multiple users, met amazing people with it and then shut it down due to some issues, and then was offered admissions into world's top 10 universities in UK and US for my masters, deferred the admissions and chose to accept an offer from a Investment firm in India and joined them having no knowledge in finance, but i knew i could learn anything, and in a very short span of time i became the youngest VP in the company. was invited to give talks in multiple IITs, NITs, and the same VIT that rejected me. Today I can say that I am technically the most successful out of the whole batch of students in my school and college combined all because i did not give a fuck about marks and focussed on my skills.
This is a short version of my life, Im sure your life is not as bad as my life at this point, marks and college is not everything and it wont be shit in the next few years with how AI is growing so please dont take stupid decisons and focus on yourself instead of trying to make others happy.
submitted by Remarkable_Sir4431 to JEE [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:45 coasttocoastgenetics {UPDATED} Rare Heirloom Cannabis Seeds for Sale - NY

{UPDATED} Rare Heirloom Cannabis Seeds for Sale - NY
Hey everyone! I was pleased by the overwhelming interest I got in my collection, as someone who has a passion for building soil and hunting beans for unique phenos the last 15 years. I am glad how many people appreciate true one of kind heirloom genetics!
Why am I getting rid of them? Simply put - I am trying to go the legit route and this state is making it beyond difficult. I need to recoup and regroup. Any support is much appreciated. I’ve waited my whole life for this.
Pricing - I updated below. Much of my collection is very hard to find one of kind stuff that is highly sought after. No random pollen chucking, true bred stabilized genomes. There’s a lot of history in that list as well if you’re someone who understands the genomics of the plant. You’ll see breeder, where they’re out of, the strain name, the cross and a little bit of history / description on some of it. Some very very special stuff. Pricing is either what I paid for it or a little more if it’s something special that’s not easy to find or not being bred anymore.
*Each strain is in original packaging stored in a curidor at a steady 52 degrees, no light, no humidity. I find this is the best way to store beans for long term storage and guaranteed high germination rates. I usually get 97-100% germ rate with my germination method which I will include on a printed out sheet for anyone who grabs any of my offerings. I want you to succeed and find something special - I cherish my collection and sad to see a lot of it go but you gotta do what you gotta do. I’d really like to see this stuff go to growers who care about the plant and preserving the uniqueness to it for years to come. Hope all of this helps
Here is the full list: (get in touch)
~ Oni Seed Co (Maine) ~ 
Tropicanna Cookies F2 - Girl Scout Cookies x Tangie (multiple award winner) [R] 250 ~ Elev8 Seeds (Seattle, Washington) Tangerine Cookies - Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies x Tangie [R] 120
~ Mountain Organics ~ 
Cosmic Lotus - Gonzo x TOVR (Thai, Afghan, Haze, Northern Lights) [R] 120 Maya - Acapulco Gold x Lotus [R] 120 Gold Rush - Colombian Gold x Lotus [R] 120 The One BC1 - 1976 Highland Thai x 1971 Kandahar Afghani [R] {Clackamus Coot} 150 {See Mountain Organics Genetics PDF (now MOB seeds) for more info on genetic lineages.} ~ MOB seeds (Mountain Organics) ~ Psyche - The One BC1 x The One BC1 (Afghani Hybrid) [R] 120 Eros - The One BC1 x The One BC1 (Thai Hybrid) [R] 120 The One BC2 - The One x The One BC1 [R] 120 Morpho (Blue Lotus F2) - Blue Gonzo x Lotus [R] 120 Blue Gonzo BC1 - Blue Gonzo x Blue Lotus [R] 120 {Blue Gonzo - The One x (Nevilles Haze x NL5) (blue pheno)}
~ Symbiotic Genetics / The Village (Sacramento, California) ~ 
Mimosa - Clementine x Purple Punch F2 [R] (multiple award winner) 200 Banana Punch - Banana OG x Purple Punch F2 [R] 200 Cherry Punch - Cherry AK47 x Purple Punch F2 [R] 200 Wedding Crashers - Wedding Cake x Purple Punch F2 [R] 200 Orangeade - Tangie x Purple Punch F2 [R] 200 Big Block - Motorbreath 15 x Purple Punch F2 [R] 200 {Purple Punch lineage - Larry OG x Granddaddy Purple}
~ Exotic Genetix - EG Mike (Washington) ~ 
{Over 50x Cannabis Cup Awards since 2008} Tina F2 - (Tina x Tina) Constantine x Triple OG [R] (multiple award winner) 200 Paradise Circus - Tropicanna Cookies x Tina [R] 200 Cookies & Creme - Mystery Cookies x Starfighter F2 [R] (multiple award winner) 250 Big Smooth - OG Blueberry x Cookies & Creme [R] 200 Scoops - (Gelato x Tina) x Cookies & Creme F2 [R] 200 Strawberries & Creme F2 - Strawberry x Cookies & Creme F2 [R] 250
~ Dying Breed Seeds - Shiloh Massive (Mendocino, California) ~ 
California Black Rozé - Rozé x OG eddy [R] 350 Red Rozé - Rozé x Adonai [R] 350 Sour Zkittlez - Zkittlez x Candy Zkittlez #3 x Adonai [R] 400 Watermelon Zkittlez - Watermelon Zum Zum #3 x OG Eddy [R] 400 {Zkittlez - Grape Ape x Grapefruit} {Adonai - (Russian Kush (LA Cut) x Silver Tooth (Super Silver Haze x Train Wreck)) x Sweet Tooth}
~ Humboldt Seed Company (Humboldt County, California) ~ 
Blueberry Muffin F5 - Purple Panty Dropper x Razzle Berry [R] 100 Purple Mountain Majesty F3 - Purple Train Wreck x Train Wreck x Blueberry Muffin [R] 100 Amethyst F3 - Purple Panty Dropper x Blueberry Muffin [R] 100 Mango Sherbert F3 - Mango Trees x Mango Kush x Sherbert [R] 100 {2018/2019 HSC Phenotype mega hunt - Best 0.1% selected out of 10k plants} Mango Trees F5 - Mango Kush x Humboldt OG x Jack Herer [R] 100 Banana Mango F3 - Mango Trees x Banana OG x Blueberry Muffin [R] 100 Magic Melon F3 - Mango Trees x Honeydew Melon x Mango Sherbert [R] 100 Pineapple Upside Down Cake F3 - PUDC BX3 x Pineapple Train Wreck x Cookie Monster [R] 100 {2019/2020 HSC Phenotype mega hunt - Best 0.1% selected out of 10k plants} Very Cherry - Old Timer Seed x Lemon Kush Bx3 [R] 100 Vanilla Frosting - Humboldt Frost OG x Humboldt Gelato Bx3 [R] 100
~ Gage Green Group (Detroit, Michigan) ~ 
Grateful Breath F2 - OGKB (OG Kush Breath) x Joseph OG [R] 400 5th Dimension - Out Of Body Experience x Synchronicity [R] 300 Guiding Light - Out Of Body Experience x Breathwork [R] 300 Luna Golden - High School Sweetheart 2 x Synchronicity [R] 300 Mo Lune Day - Motorbreath 15 x Breathwork [R] 300 {Out of Body Experience - (Skywalker OG x Grateful Breath) x Grateful Breath F2} {Synchronicity - Irene x Grateful Breath} {Breathwork - Mendobreath x Grateful Breath} {High School Sweet Heart - Cherry Pie Kush x Grateful Breath}
~ Dominion Seed Co - Duke Diamond (Virginia) ~ 
Stash Plant - The Puck (Skelly Hashplant) x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 Munson - Northern Lights #5 x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 Kough Drop - Strawberry Afghani x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 Free Bird - Headband x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 Shine Apple - Virginia Beach Afghani x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 Pine Bomb - Sensi Durban Poison x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 {Screaming Eagle lineage - Airborne g13 x (88 g13 Hashplant x Kandahar Afghani)} Granny Skunk - Virginia Beach Afghani x (Skelly Hashplant x SSSC Skunk #1) [R] 200 Local Skunk - Original Diesel x (Cuddlefish HP x Sour Diesel IBL) x (Skelly Hashplant x SSSC Skunk1) [R] 200 Sis Skunk - Chem Sister x (Skelly Hashplant x SSSC Skunk1) [R] 200
~ Lucky Dog Seed Co - SkunkVA (Virginia) ~ 
{Holder, Preserver, Sharer of the most elite / influential Chemdog cuts in existence.} Dog Patch - Chemdog 91 Bx2 x Chemdog D [R] 150 Hunza Valley 91 - Skelly Hashplant x Chemdog 91 Bx3 [R] 150 Road D.O.G. - Crossroad Chem x Chemdog 91 Bx2 [R] 150 Chem Fuego - Sour Band (Sour Diesel x Headband) x Chemdog 91 Bx3 [R] 150 Double Krush - Chem Krush x Chemdog 91 Bx2 [R] 150 Guerilla Fume - Silver Chem (Silverback OG x Chemdog 91) x Chemdog 91 Bx3 [R] 150 Bohemian Highway - Occidental Kush x Chemdog 91 Bx3 [R] 150 SkunkVA Chemdog 91 S1 - Chemdog 91 x Chemdog 91 [F] {Crossroad Chem - Chemdog 91 x SFV OG Kush Bx2 (Chem pheno)} {Chem Krush - Chemdog 91 x SFV OG Kush Bx2 (Kush pheno)} {Chemdog 91 lineage - Nepalese x Thai Landraces} Chemdog 91 is considered to be “the godfather” in cannabis genetics and has paved the way for some of the most popular strains in history such as Sour Diesel and OG Kush. Chemdog lineage can be found in most modern day hybrid genetics and these crosses are from there original seed stock - Original Skunk VA Chemdog 91 S1 gifted to me by Headies Gardens. Friend & Distributor of Skunk VA genetics Lucky Dog Seed Co.}
~ Green Bodhi (Eugene, Oregon) ~ 
{Intentional Horticultural ~ Mexican ~ Thai ~ Afghani} Hazy Kush - Hazy Kush x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] (extremely unique genotype in Phylos Galaxy) 120 Hazy Dog - Dog Walker OG x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] 120 Hazy Star - Stardawg x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] 120 Hazy Sour - Sour OG x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] 120 Hazy OG - OG Kush x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] 120 Hazy Ghost - Ghost OG x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] 120 Sour 78 (Tenzin Kush) - Sour OG x 78 LA Affie OG [R] (extremely unique genotype) 200 Dog Walker 78 - Dog Walker OG x (Sour OG x 78 LA Affie OG) [R] 150 Kosher 78 - Kosher Kush x (Sour OG x 78 LA Affie OG) [R] 150 SBSE 78 - Sour Best Shit Ever x (Sour OG x 78 LA Affie OG) [R] 150 Ancient Tenzin #2 - Tenzin Kush #2 x Ancient OG (72 Iranian x Snow Lotus) [R] 200 Ancient Tenzin #4 - Tenzin Kush #4 x Ancient OG (72 Iranian x Snow Lotus) [R] 200 {Hazy Kush lineage - Golden Pineapple x ((Trainwreck x Purple Affie) x (OG Kush x SAGE))}
~ Old World Genetics - DJ Short (Eugene, Oregon) ~ 
Newberry F5 - Blue Heaven F4 x DJ Short Blueberry F4 Male [R] 300 Velvet Krush F5 - FXW #4 Mother x DJ Short Blueberry F4 Male [R] 300 Blueberry F5 - Highland Thai x Afghani Indica [R] (first place indica cannabis cup 2000) 150 {Blueberry seeds are F4-F5 selectively bred from pure Landrace P1s since the 1970s. The mother for DJ Shorts Blueberry is over 20 years old - Selected in 1998 and rereleased in 2004.}
~ Dynasty Genetics - Professor P (Portland, Oregon) ~ 
Oregon Huckleberry IBL - Oregon Huckleberry F4 x Oregon Huckleberry Bx3 [R] 150 Mt. Hood Huckleberry F4 - Mt. Hood Huckleberry F3 x Mt. Hood Huckleberry F3 [R] 150 Huckleberry Kush V5 - Oregon Afghani x Oregon Huckleberry [R] 150 Crater Lake V6 - Super Silver Haze F2 x Oregon Huckleberry [R] 120 Alpenglow - Cherry Vanilla Cookies x Oregon Huckleberry 2017 #5 [R] 120 Blue Magoo Bx2 - Blue Magoo x Blue Heron #111 [R] 120 Salmon River OG - Pre 98 Bubba x Blue Heron #111 [R] 120 Birds Of Paradise - Kali Snapple x Blue Heron #111 [R] 120 Starduster - Pre-99 East Coast Sour Diesel x Ms. Universe (clone) [R] 120 {Kali Snapple - (Snowbud x Pineapple) x Kali Mist (Pre 2000)} {Ms. Universe - Dess*tar (Starship x Kali Mist) Mother x Space Queen F3 Farther} {Oregon Huckleberry - Oregon Blueberry (Blueberry X Temple Flo) X Morning Glory (Hawaiian x Afghani x Shiva Skunk)} {Blue Magoo - Oregon Blueberry F4 x Williams Wonder F2} {Blue Heron - Blue Magoo x Blue Magoo / Huckleberry}
~ Relic Seeds - Professor P (Portland, Oregon) ~ 
{Preservation of Rare Heirloom ~ Landrace ~ Unique CBD Varieties} Relic Grapefruit - Grapefruit IBL x Grapefruit F2 [R] 140 Durban Grapefruit - Durban Poison x Grapefruit F2 [R] 140
~ Massive Seeds (Rogue Valley Terroir, Southern Oregon) ~ 
{Bred, Grown and Harvested outdoor at 42.0 Latitude (Same Latitude as mid Hudson Valley) Some of the largest growing / biggest yielding plants on record with massive uniform nugs.} Pineapple Pomegranate F3 - Pomegranate x Applegate Hornblower [R] 140 Durban Pomegranate F2 - Durban Poison x Pineapple Pomegranate F3 [R] 140 Black Pomegranate - Pineapple Pomegranate F3 x South African Landrace [R] 140 Rogue Valley Wreck - Big Wreck x Blueberry Snow [R] 120 Summer Sunset OG - Purple Hindu Kush x Lemon Larry OG [R] 120 Mint Sunset - Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies x Summer Sunset OG [R] 120 Purple Lemon Chem - Chem 91 x Summer Sunset OG [R] 120 Snow Skunk - Yuki Dog x Purple Lemon Chem [R] 120 Chem541 - Chem91 Bx1 x (Chem91 x Session Sour Diesel BX1) [R] 120 {Pomegranate - Shishkaberry x Blueberry x Oregon Snow x Lemon Pineapple} {Applegate Hornblower (Pineapple Trainwreck) - Mexican x Thai x Afghani}
~ Freeborn Selections - Mene Gene (Mendacino, California) ~ 
Piña F4 - Super Silver Haze x ((Dirt x Bigbud) x (Dirt x Purp) [R] 300 Sky Cuddler Kush F3 - PK x (Skywalker OG x (PK x (Hindu x Big Red) [R] 300 Lime Pop Kush F3 - OG x (PK x Black Lime) [R] 300 Cherry West Bx - Cherry West x (Cherry West x Cherry Limeade) [R] 300 {Thoroughly worked lines over at least 3-4 generations before released to the public.} {(Dirt x Bigbud) x (Dirt x Purp) and (Big Red) are 80s Afghani lines from Santa Cruz.} Black Lime Reserve F2 {Eclectic Elegance Preservation} - Northern Lights x Purple Kush x Chemdog Special Reserve [R]
~ Emerald Mountain Legacy - Mandelbrot Brothers Family Heirlooms {Ras Truth} ~ 
Royal Kush IX (Bx10) - (Sour Diesel x Highland Afghani) x Southern Humboldt Purple Kush [R] 350 Oil Spill (Bx5) - XXX OG x Royal Kush 7 [R] 300 Royal Spill - (XXX OG x Royal Kush 7) x Royal Kush 8 [R] 300 The Real Rozé - (Zkittlez x Royal Kush 7) x Royal Kush 8 [R] 300 Royal Limez - (Zkittlez x Black Lime Reserve) x Royal Kush 8 [R] 300 Royal Maui Berry - Diesel Maui Dawg x Blackberry Kush x Royal Kush 9 [R] 250 {Royal Kush genome is one of the most sought after stabilized / homogenized IBLs in existence from the heart of the Emerald Triangle in Northern California.}
~ Karma Genetics (Holland) ~ 
Biker Kush (Ha-OG Bx2) - Ha OG x Biker Kush V1 [R] 150 Sour Power OG - Sour Power (cup winning cut) x Biker Kush V1 [R] 150 Tha Melon - Melon x Biker Kush V1 [R] 150 Karma Sour Diesel Bx2 - Rez Sour D x (Rez Sour D x (Rez Sour D x Biker Kush v2)) [R] 350 Headbanger - Rez Sour D (KG cut) x Biker Kush V1 [R] {2013 Amsterdam Cannabis Cup 1st} 300 Josh D OG - SFV OG x Triangle Kush x Hells Angels OG [R] 300 {Real OG Kush Story - Josh D & Matt “Bubba” Berger began developing these genetics in Orlando, Florida back in 1991.} {Biker Kush v2 - Ha OG x (Ha OG x (Ha OG x SFV OG Bx2))} (cup winning genetics) {Sour Power - Starbud x East Coast Sour Diesel} (cup winning genetics) {Sour Diesel used in Karma Sour crosses is a KG cut of a Rez Sour D IBL selected in 2007}
~ Surfr Seeds (Pacific Northwest) 
Citrus Tsunami - Tropicana Cookies x Orange Zkittlez [R] 100 Island Zkittlez - Sour Strawberry x Orange Zkittlez [R] 100 North Shore - Mendo Purps x Orange Zkittlez [R] 100 Endless Summer - Purple Punch x Orange Zkittlez [R] 100 So Pitted - MAC1 x Orange Zkittlez [R] 100
~ Pacific North West Roots - Ras Kaya Paul (Washington) ~ 
Koffee F5 - Alien OG x Alien Kush {Rare Pacific Northwest Roots Hierloom IBL} [R] 300 Black Koffee - Black Dog Kush Bx4 x Koffee F5 [R] 300 Koffee & Donuts - Glazed Cherries F4 x Koffee F5 [R] 300
~ Green Source Gardens (Southern Oregon Heirlooms) ~ 
Pinkleberry Kush F5 {Mendacino Blackberry Kush Hierloom IBL} [R]
~ HBK Genetics ~ 
Chile Verde - Key Lime Pie x Lavender [R] 300 {Emerald Cup 2018 Winner - Best Personal Use} {Key Lime Pie - Durban Poison x Cherry OG x OG Kush} {Lavender - Super Skunk x Big Skunk Korean x Afghani Hawaiian}
~ Alien Genetics ~ 
Sour Apple IX (IBL) - Sour Apple IBL x Sour Apple IBL [R] 350
~ Mos_Cutty ~ 
Cherry AK 47 IBL (Original Serious Seeds stock) 250 {AK47 - Colombian x Mexican x Thai x Afghani} [R]
~ Motherlode Gardens (Yosemite, California) ~ 
Ancient OG F5 - 1972 Iranian Landrace x Snow Lotus {Bodhi Seeds Hierloom IBL} [R] 200
~ Twenty20 Genetics (Mendacino, California) ~ 
SFV OG Bx5 (SFV OG IBL) - San Fernando Valley OG Kush [R] 150
~ Elev8 Seeds (Seattle, Washington) 
Bruce Banner OG - OG Kush (Ghost Cut) x Strawberry Diesel [R] 140
~ Jaws Genetics ~ 
Fruity Pebbles OG IC1 - Fruity Pebbles OG F2 x Fruity Pebbles OG F1 [R] 200
~ OrgnKid / Zoolander ~ 
Banana OG F3 - OG Kush x Sagmartha strain [R] {Original Seed Stock} 200
~ GG Strains (Las Vegas, Nevada - RIP Joesy Whales) ~ 
Gorilla Glue #4 IBL (Original Glue) - GG4 x GG4 Bx6 [R] 300 {Original Seed Stock of Michigan / Los Angeles High Times Cannabis Cup Winner 2014 and High Times Jamaican World Cup Winner.}
~ FYG Tree (Santa Cruz, CA) ~ 
Black Rose F13 (Heath Robinson IBL) - Black Russian x Shiva Skunk (purple pheno) [R] 200 Shiva Skunk Bx - Shiva Skunk x Black Rose F12 [R]
~ AK Bean Brains (Anchorage, Alaska breeder and old school genetic preservationist holding beans & cuts for over 30 years from original Dutch Seedbank stocks.) ~ 
N L #1 x N L #5 [R] 100 TK/NL5 Haze - Triangle Kush x Northern Lights #5 [R] 100 (Northern Lights #1 x Big Skunk) x Northern Lights #1 [R] 100 (Big Skunk x Northern Lights #1) x Super Skunk [R] 100 95 Black Domina - Northern Lights x Ortega x Hash Plant x Afghani [R] 100 Black Domina Bx (Black Domina x Pacific Northwest Hash Plant) x Northern Lights #1 [R] 100 (Black Domina x Matanuska Thunder Fuck) x Northern Lights #1 [R] 100 Matanuska Thunder Fuck Bx3 - Alaska Thunder Grape x Dutch Thunder Fuck [R] 100 {Northern Lights was brought to Neville Schoenmakers in the Netherlands in 1985, where he worked the line before releasing it under “The Seed Bank of Holland” ~ NL #5 became the High Times Cannabis Cup Winner in 1989, 1990 and 1992 and is considered one of the most influential strains of all time. These seeds have been preserved in Alaska since the late 80s.}
~ The Nature Farm (Real NorCal Culture) ~ 
Cheddar Skunk V2 - 89’ UK Cheese (Exodus Cut) x Uncle Festers Skunk #18 IBL [R] 100 Hidden Hills Skunk - 94’ SFV OG x Uncle Festers Skunk #18 IBL [R] 100 Uncle Festers Skunk #18 IBL aka Skunkbud - Afghani Indica x Mexican Sativa (64’ Brick Weed) x Colombian Gold & Red [R] 100 {Original Hells Angels strain bred in 1964 by “Uncle Fester” an early 60’s psychologist turned outlaw. Authentic Original Skunk #1 lineage that is pre Skunkman. Preserved / held by family in Northern California over 3 generations.}
~ Doc D Seeds ~ 
Bandaid Haze ix 3.0 (Piff) - Cuban Black Haze x A5/Thai [R] 200 (2 packs) {These seeds originally came from a Spanish grower in the “A5 crew” out of Southern Holland. “A5” was short for their NL#5 x Haze A open Thai pollination project. These seeds were shared with legendary grower Bodhi, who found one male and used it to pollinate a cut of “Cuban Black Haze” that he had. The strain was referred to as “Piff” and the seeds were shared almost exclusively with Doc D. After running the seeds, Doc selected “Piff #7” and shared the cut back with Bodhi who further worked the line. The cut was a significantly better long flowering haze variety with a shorter flowering time than the Cuban Black Haze mother or A5 father. Bodhi then later referred to the strain as “Bandaid Haze” coining the term because he said “it heals all wounds” This genome has direct lineage to the New York Hazes (NYC Piff / Uptown Piff / Washington Heights Haze) of the 2000s without any of the paranoia/anxiety that came from many of the hazes from that era. Many world renowned breeders agree that most of the “New York Haze” and “New York City Piff” varieties are all just different cuts of the same strain, that most likely comes from an early selection of Neville Schoenmakers (NL#5 x Haze) which is often referred to as the “pinnacle of cannabis breeding” that has dominated cannabis scene from the 1980s in Holland to the present day.}
~ Mass Medical Strains (Massachusetts) ~ 
Star Pupil - Purple Thai x Afghan/Pakistan [F] 150 {High Times Flower of Month - Jan. 2017} Pu Tang - Star Pupil x Tangie [F] {High Times Top 10 Strains of 2019} 150 Grape Pupil - Pu Tang x Star Pupil [F] 150 Triangle Pupil - Triangle Kush x Star Pupil [F] 150 Bubba Pupil - Pre-98 Bubba Kush (Katsu Bluebird) x Star Pupil [F] 150 Nepali Blue - Nepalese White Mountain Charas Sativa Heirloom x Blue Magoo Bx2 [R] 200
~ Compound Genetics (Portland, Oregon) ~ 
Gelateria - Acai Berry Gelato x Jet Fuel Gelato [F] 150 Liquid Imagination - Blue Zkittlez x Jet Fuel Gelato [F] 150 Icicles - White Sherbet x Jet Fuel Gelato [F] 150 Petrol Rainbows - Sour Gelato 5 x Jet Fuel Gelato [F] 150 The Menthol S1 - The Menthol x The Menthol [F] 150 {Jet Fuel Gelato - Gelato 45 x (High Octane OG x Jet Fuel G6)} {The Menthol - Gelato 45 x (White Diesel x (High Octane x Jet Fuel G6))}
~ Phinest Cannabis (Sacramento, California) x Cannarado (Colorado) ~ 
PB Souffle - Dosidos x Lava Cake [F] 150 Lava Breath - Mendobreath F3 x Lava Cake [F] 150 Magma Cookies - Cuvee Cookies x Lava Cake [F] 150 {Lava Cake - Grape Pie x Thin Min Girl Scout Cookies} {First major genetic line released to public that was created from tissue culture / micropropagation - RIP Jai Malloy (founder of Phinest Cannabis)}
submitted by coasttocoastgenetics to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:43 Alameda_crag2569 Red Corsair Tester No2

Red Corsair Tester No2
Hi all. Gotten back to my Chaos project. Recently finished a 2nd test model which I am quite happy with. The idea was to have the red be the main focus with the black trim using a darker grey edge highlight and the rest of the colours being a bit more subtle. Still not 100% on how I'll be painting the base, was either thinking of going for a brownish wasteland base or possibly an arid desert. Been teying out pigment powders but still not sure.
What do you all think? Any advice, pointers or suggestions wilm be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Alameda_crag2569 to Chaos40k [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:40 GhostfulWonders I am a vivid dreamer and it gets worse with stress

I’ve always been a super light sleeper, super reactive to sounds around me but in that same retrospect, I’ve always been a super vivid dreamer and reactive to stress, having sleep paralysis and looping dreams on multiple occasions. (You can skip to the bold part cause the first part was mainly regular dream turned intense, if you’re uninterested)
The dream I just had was like me and my sister going out to run an errand at like 11:30pm and going with the kids I’m babysitting cause it was on their list of errands cause we should’ve done it earlier but forgot so we go out and I’m looking around for a place to get a drink cause most of the shops are closed this late and I tell the kids to go ahead to the place we’re going for our errand cause I’ll be there real fast while I’m getting this soda from the Chinese spot and I have some cash on me.
I go up to the guy and ask how much are the soda and he’s like 1.25 USD so I’m like okay cool let me get 4 cause I had four quarters and some singles and I pick mine (a coke, 2 sprite and an orange) and I’m giving him the money and bro starts laughing cause my cash is counterfeit and he thinks I think he’s stupid and I’m like O.O cause I had no idea it was counterfeit and try looking at my others bills (mind you I had like 27 dollars on me, and turns out all of it is counterfeit and I start freaking out
The boss comes up like what’s the issues, and I’m like I didn’t know this was fake my mom gave me some of these and he starts feeling bad and I’m like I’m gonna go get the bills from my sister cause she’s literally at the bank rn, and he’s like okay I’ll hold it and give you an extra sweet tea- and I rush over to where the kids I’m babysitting and my sister and my male friend I didn’t realize was there is at (I don’t have male friends- this was like some sort of faceless look a like to someone I knew in hs)
I’m like can I get some singles, I’ll give it back when I can (I knew my quarters were good but I needs cash) and my male friend is like I have the perfect thing and pulls out this super old 5 dollar bill cause it’s superrrr old cause it’s from the first time he went to the bank and put money away and for some reason even tho it was senstimental he was okay with it and we quickly go tg to get my sodas and he’s about to pay but the worker guy thinks it’s a joke cause it’s an old dollar and looks fake cause it’s an old print with no boarders and I’m like “it’s real!! We just got it from over there!!” And he’s like whatever this is where it’s confusing and stressing me out
We leave before the boss man returns but things get kind of crazy when boss starts chasing us down to get the dollar cause it’s worth thousands apparently??? And he wants to get us but I’m scared and whatever and at some point I end up in a big body of water and I’m panicking and having dual visuals of me stuck in bed so I’m like “open your eyes. Wake up.” While making a little noises from my body there like my usually humming or something and unlike usually, I open my eyes from that dream easily and end up in a room where all the floor is wet and cold and my head hurts cause I’m tired from that dream where I was being chased and I just woke up from it but I’m still asleep cause it’s a dream in a dream.
Mind you, It was like super bright where I woke up btw, like in the dream where the floor was wet/stained, it was like a dream equivalent to where squidward was when he saw the future but I didn’t see my reflection anywhere.
I walk through the floor thinking about how I’m gonna clean it cause I think it’s a mess from the ac leaking, and I go to find my mom to tell her about that dream but I keep like zapping back to the bed and looking at the water and it’s cold and I end up waking up pretty soon after just crouching down and looking at the floor and realizing it’s not water on the floor but it is stained and looks like it was wet and dried out which is more annoying to clean and mop.
But yeah I woke up and forgot the details for a while but just went to the bathroom and turned my ac to fan mode and typed it out.
I can give more context in my home situation if anyone is interested, but I’m super interested in any interpretations!! <3
submitted by GhostfulWonders to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:40 medium_wall Who needs garbage trucks? [removed from r/climatechange]

A year and a half ago I was discussing climate change with my sister who's pretty conspiratorial and science-denier adjacent. She told me that she used to recycle until she saw the garbage truck pick up her trash one day and they dumped the sorted recycling right into the truck along with the main trash.
I agreed with her that was bullshit.
So that month, without any real plan, and not being one to miss an opportunity to make myself even more morally superior, I decided to cancel my garbage subscription just to see what happens. I figured worst case scenario I could just sign up again. I was already composting all my food scraps so it wasn't like the extra garbage would stink anything up.
Loosely I had the idea of sorting it and storing it into a compact form. So that's what I did for a year and a half; I sorted all the plastic and cardboard packagings and compacted everything as neat and orderly as I could for storage.
What did I get from this? Well, for one, I save $330/yr which is nice. For two, I have an abundance of plastic and cardboard material for all kinds of little macguyver projects and scenarios. It's like having a really big and more organized junk drawer. It's nice too knowing that nothing is ever accidentally thrown away anymore; I now have complete confidence that every single thing I can't find is indeed somewhere in my house, and was likely lost due to my own negligence.
The other big thing I got from this was a greater awareness of the amount of trash I was generating and bringing into my house on a regular basis. It was a sober realization to be honest. Now when I shop, the way a thing is packaged (or ideally not packaged!) is much more important to me since I have to deal with the consequences. I have an extra reason to favor the produce section at the supermarket now, and you can be damn sure I put those veggies directly in the cart; none of that tissue-paper plastic bag nonsense.
Overall it's been a good experience. It wasn't nearly as burdensome as I feared it might be at the start before I got a basic system going. And although I'm just one person and not putting much of a dent in garbage truck miles, I like knowing I'm not contributing to those giant 30-ton vehicles putting stupid amounts of stress on our roads and causing them to need maintenance (paid for with tax dollars) much sooner than they otherwise would.
Oh and for the the other 1-5% of stuff that can't be reused or repurposed (single-use plastics and such), I've been snipping them up into smaller pieces into an indoor garbage can. I plan to fill 4-5 of them up over the course of 5-10 years and then dump them at a landfill for a $90 charge (the landfills around me have a minimum 2-ton fee).
submitted by medium_wall to climatecringe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:39 Ddog10132 Looking for an RP Partner

Hey ya’ll. Looking to start another RP. I do fantasy RP’s mainly but I can also do fandom RP’s (not replacing any RP partners) The ones with astricks * means I have a plot idea for the fandom RP.
Some fandoms Im into
-Attack on titan
-Digimon (I can do either canon characters or OCs regarding humans and their partners)
-MHA (sort of have an idea for the time this takes place in)
-Miss Kobyashi’s dragon maid* (I have a slight idea for this)
-Spider-Man* (also a slight idea)
-Lilo and Stitch* (another slight idea)
There are more I just can’t think of any currently. I also have some plot ideas for specific fandoms I listed (not for all of them but some)
Im up to either winging it or trying to come up with a plot either way works. I only do SFW however. I also don’t mind slight romance in the RP. I am also not super literate and have trouble giving details sometimes so I am in no way shape or form a novelist.
Now some info about me. Im 21 years and I am off from college for the summer, however I do have a part time job Monday-Friday so I may not be as active during the week, but I am more active during the weekends. If anything ever comes up that may effect me being active I’ll let you know. I’m also in EST and I am a morning person and tend to sleep early in the night. Also feel free to talk to me OOC. I don’t mind making new friends! It’s pretty fun! Plus I think it’s more fun to RP if you know each other.
Now I will say this. Do NOT ghost me please. I don’t see the point in this. If you aren’t interested then just tell me. I would rather you tell me straight up and know what’s going on and know you aren’t enjoying it then just get no response. It does get frustrating.
Im available on Discord! DM me if interested!
submitted by Ddog10132 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:39 LumosNox99 DE Architecture - Dagster + DBT + Columnar database (Redshift)

I've got a new role as a Data Engineer in a small/mid (less than 100 people) scale-up company.
In the next months, I'll be responsible for designing the Data Engineering architecture for the company.
At the moment, some statistics are computed and provided to users through a custom frontend, but the computation is done in a non-optimal way and there are a lot of limitations.
Even if it is still premature, I've started to think about the technologies that I could introduce and I've thought of this stack:
It'll be mainly me and myself to manage all of this, with the help of some backend guys when needed.
At the moment, the most important data is modeled as events about the users. My idea is to ingest these events and the corresponding dimension tables into Redshift (bronze), denormalize/transform data (silver), aggrand gate data for consumption (gold).
Now, all of these technologies are new to me and I'll be doing some experimentation before putting them into production.
So, I want to ask you:
1) What do you think about this stack in general? Does it make sense?
2) Could introducing these 3 new technologies be too much overhead for me to manage? In general, how is their learning curve?
3) Are there any caveat that I should be aware of? Things that might not be possible to do with these tools (mainly concerned about Redshift) that might be a big limitation or induce big costs in the future?
submitted by LumosNox99 to dataengineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:37 Lukidoo678 What do you do when you get intimidated by how GOOD the writers are in your fandom?

So I've been writing for a while, but for some reason I never really joined the fanfic community until recently. And until now, I didn't read much, I was mostly focused on my own writing. But today I started researching more on AO3, and I read a few fics in my main fandom. One author in particular, was good. But like, GOOD. Their writing made me squirm with joy and jump with excitement and carried my heart away. Of course I showered them with enthusiastic comments and I've been gushing over different fics they made, which are equally good in different genres and atmospheres.
But now I feel small and incompetent. I can barely dare to look at my WIP, which I love, because I can never hope to get anywhere close to their level of skill in a nearly identical ship (they are writing for a MC/a very obscure canon character which is basically a blank slate, I am writing MC/OC, with most side characters being the same). There are even some ideas I came up on my own in the past few days (independently from the canon), that they also developed but in such a livelier way, I don't know how to move forward without it seeming like a pale copy of what they did. My own writing feels so basic, it falls flat and lacks flair. I don't know why someone would choose to read my work over theirs, given the choice.
TL;DR I found an excellent author in my fandom and now I'm paralyzed, help.
submitted by Lukidoo678 to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:37 CozyCraving Cozy Craving [Semi-Vanilla] {Survival} {Java 1.20.6} {Geyser Bedrock} {No Whitelist} {Diamond Economy} {Expanding Perma Map} {CoreProtect} {Dedicated Server} {Dynmap} {USA}

🌐 「 Our Server in a Nutshell 」 🌐

We are a new server - our community and buildings are all since mid February of 2024. Our current map is 14k by 14k, and will continue expanding to make new vanilla content accessible as it is released and accommodate more players as the server grows. Our vision is to have a server that is as vanilla as possible, while also addressing various QoL issues that come along with a large playerbase on an unwhitelisted server. As such, we have implemented a handful of plugins including renewable elytra (via the ender dragon fight), a simple chest shop system using currency that is interconvertible with diamonds, and night skip with just one player sleeping.
We have an outstanding community of builders! From skyscrapers and cozy villages to high-efficiency iron and raid farms, we have it all. We also have a nether roof transportation hub easily accessible from spawn and with blue ice boat paths. Want to see more? Our photo galleries linked below. There are plenty of active players who are happy to help you get started and fill in the gaps for you!
We have no land claims plugin, but rest assured your builds and items are safe. We use CoreProtect, a plugin which keeps detailed logs of blocks, items, entities, and more. It allows for custom, precision rollbacks of specific players, time ranges, locations, and more. This allows for convenient grief reversal in real time. The CoreProtect inspect command is enabled for all players which allows you to check the logs of containers and blocks; you can see if alterations have been made by someone who does or does not have your permission without needing staff assistance.

🧭 「 Our Principles 」 🧭

Community First: Our primary goal is to foster a fun, cooperative, supportive community on our server. Profit from the server is not a short or long-term goal. We want to scale and develop our community, but at a pace that is reasonable and sustainable.
Long-Term Map: We plan to never reset the map. We want builds, farms, and communities made on the server to be permanent, and this is why we have opted for an expanding map to incorporate content from new releases.
Golden Rule: Respect. Other. Players. You can see a more precise list of rules on our spawn board or Discord server, but in general all rules follow from the simple principles of respecting others and using common sense.
Work Hard, Play Hard: The server is on hard difficulty. There is no keepinventory, no /tp, no /back, no warps other than /spawn and /home, and staff will not use tools to roll back legitimate deaths or mistakes that do not violate the rules. We hope in our community you will become a pro gamer, and this means learning to navigate all the difficulties of the Minecraft world, even if they are sometimes frustrating or inconvenient. We aim to preserve the minimalism and realism of Minecraft, as we believe these features are essential for maximizing players' sense of immersion in our world and community. We hope you will feel the same way if you give it a try!
No P2W: We do not and will not even remotely resemble a Pay to Win server. We do accept donations. There are currently no perks for donors, but if any future perks are added they will be purely cosmetic (e.g. colored names or tags in game or on Discord).

📀 「 Discord Overview 」 📀

On our Discord you can:
  • Submit help tickets to notify staff of problems
  • Submit suggestion tickets with your ideas about how to improve the server
  • Read our FAQ and Info sections for additional information
  • Check out photos of many of the server's coolest builds
  • Share pet photos and memes
  • Voice chat and listen to music
  • Ask any questions and engage with our awesome community!

🔗 「 Server Details 」 🔗

  • Server Name: Cozy Craving
  • IP Address:
  • Hardware: Dedicated server
  • Discord: Join Here!
  • Photos: Builds Art
  • Version: Java 1.20.6 with ViaVersion and Geyser Bedrock - Will Update to 1.21 ASAP When Paper Updates!
  • Activity: 20+ players online during peak hours
  • PVP: Enabled, PVP looting not allowed
  • Difficulty: Hard

👏 「 Thanks 」 👏

Thank you for taking the time to read through our server description. Even if our server is not the one for you or not your final destination, we wish you the best of luck on your server-finding journey! Feel free to share our server and this post with others you think may enjoy it. An upvote if you like our server or found the post easy to navigate would be much appreciated as well. And wherever you end up, don't forget that the main point is to enjoy yourself and have fun!
submitted by CozyCraving to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:30 Thanah85 Dev Blog #9 - May 2024

Dev Blog #9 - May 2024
May was another abbreviated month of development due to the same Irish/Greek/Italian adventure that stymied April upgrades, sorry not sorry!
Greetings from Rome!
All things considered, though, as far as AFoG is concerned it was a productive month and the highlight without question was the BCH Bliss conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia!
This event was absolutely incredible. It was amazing to shake hands with (and in some cases be recognized by) genuine legends in the Bitcoin Cash community. The presentations were exciting, the hallway conversations were stimulating, and it was a great encouragement to see so many smart people working on interesting projects elsewhere in the BCH ecosystem.
During the Builders Open House I was surprise-interviewed by The Bitcoin Cash Podcast!
I was also delighted to have been asked by the conference organizers to use the AFoG platform to orchestrate a Street Fighter II tournament during the builders and VIPs social event! The conference itself sponsored the event, tossing a cool 50,000,000 satoshis into the event prize pool, and 17 challengers stepped into the ring!
To see how your favorite BCH celebrity stacks up in Street Fighter II, see the bracket and final standings here!
BCH Bliss was also an occasion to celebrate the successful deployment of the Adaptive Blocksize Limit Algorithm to BCH main net. As a weary veteran who lived through the blocksize wars, watching this upgrade go live was just amazing.
As an engineer building tools (BitcoinCashClient) and services (AFoG) on top of BCH, I can now have confidence that my efforts will never be retroactively rendered useless by an artificially crippled base layer!
Anyway, enough about the conference, let's talk about AFoG!
As promised last month, the big deliverable during the month of May was Sponsors!
Sponsors have existed in AFoG since pretty much the beginning of the tournament era, but only in a very manual and informal way. Generous donors would see my enthusiasm for the project and throw some money into event prize pools to show support and in return I would manually put their logo on the page so participants could see (and click through to the websites for) the organizations funding the events.
The overarching goal for the set of stories delivered this month was to fully automate and decentralize that process while also defining and codifying the basic rules and subsystems for sponsorships.
So how does it work?
Anyone with an AFoG account can create a Sponsor by simply providing a name, url, and logo. They can then create Sponsorships (a link between a given sponsor and a given guild) for any number of guilds. The act of creating a sponsorship will generate a BCH address and any funds sent to that address will be treated by AFoG as sponsorship money being sent from the given Sponsor to the Guild they're supporting.
For any given tournament event page, the logos of the sponsors who have supported this guild will be displayed in the top right corner, with the size of the logos determined by their sponsorship tier.
There are five tiers of Sponsorship that a Sponsor can earn for each guild, with those tiers being awarded based on what percentage of the guilds recent (past 12 months, with payments weighted by age) support has come from the Sponsor. The percentages and tiers are:
Tier Percentage
Emerald >50%
Diamond 25-50%
Gold 10-25%
Silver 5-10%
Bronze 1-5%
To put it simply, the more money a sponsor contributes to a guild, the bigger their logo will be on the event pages.
The more sponsorship money a guild attracts for itself, the more expensive it becomes to secure the (one available) Emerald spot at the top of that guild's sponsorship tree, but also since payments are weighted by their age, the more time passes since a given contribution, the more potent new donations become for pushing older ones down the list.
How exactly is Sponsorship money used?
To be clear straight away, guild administrators and tournament organizers have no control of any kind over this money at any point.
When BCH is sent into a Sponsorship wallet, AFoG checks the subscription of the guild. If it has less than 3 months remaining, a portion of the received BCH goes into their guild fund to push their subscription end date out into the future.
The rest of the money (or all of the money if the subscription was already in good shape) goes into the guild vault, which is used to automatically seed the prize pools for newly created tournament events.
So the more sponsorship money a guild receives, the larger and more exciting its events will be, and the more players will be incentivized to sign up and participate!
What's the vision here?
My hope is that Sponsorships will become another of the feedback loops driving adoption of AFoG. Organizations who want their logo and url to have eyeballs of AFoG players on them put money into the prize pools, which attracts more players to the events, which in turn drives the demand for sponsor logo space, which entices more sponsorship money.
This mechanism also gives guild administrators a more formal system for soliciting support from external organizations in a way that is beneficial to everyone. They will no longer be begging for handouts, they will be offering a trade ("your logo on our high-traffic tournament page in exchange for your money in our prize pools").
So there you have it! Let's have a look through the formal change log for the month of May!
  • A Sponsors list is now accessible from the top bar of the site. This list shows all current sponsors ordered by their total contributions to support guilds across the entire platform. Any Sponsor can be clicked on to navigate to their detail page.
  • The Sponsors page allows any user with an AFoG account to create a new Sponsor by simply providing the name of the person/organization, a logo for the sponsor, and a URL that users should be redirected to when they click on the logo.
  • A Sponsor detail page has been created which shows all of its sponsorships along with the current tier of each sponsorship. Clicking the logo here will redirect to the sponsors website.
  • Sponsorships (links between a specific sponsor and a specific guild) can be created from the Sponsor detail page by simply clicking the 'create' button and selecting the desired guild from a dropdown. Any Sponsor administrator (currently just the user who created the Sponsor) can perform this action.
  • A Sponsorship detail page has been created which displays the wallet address for this sponsorship, the history of BCH transactions of this sponsorship, and how much BCH needs to be sent to the address to advance the sponsorship from its current tier to all higher tiers.
  • The Events page now displays a list of the 10 largest (by player count) tournaments that have been hosted on AFoG over the last 12 months. Each event row can be clicked through to see the details of that event, including all payouts, the brackets, and the sponsors of the guild (at the time the event took place).
  • The Sponsor logos on the event pages are now sized based on their sponsorship tier for this guild. The Emerald sponsor (if there is one) gets the largest front-and-center spot, and all lower tiers have progressively smaller logos as you go farther down the list.
  • The tournament page will now automatically refresh whenever something relevant changes (such as the tournament officially starting or a match result being formally finalized), so players will no longer need to manually refresh the page to see their matchups.
  • When somebody tries and fails to register on the site, a list of possible reasons for the failure (all of them username/password validation checks) are now displayed on the page to help the user. Previously the page would just refresh with no explanation or error of any kind and I saw with my own eyes many users at Bliss being confused and frustrated by this. Should hopefully be a smoother experience now!
  • When a user joins a guild, they will now be automatically redirected to the next upcoming tournament page, since registering for that event is almost certainly why they are joining the guild in the first place. Previously we would just redirect them to the guild detail page and (especially for a new user of the site), there was no simple or clear way to get back to the event page they were just looking again. Again I saw this annoying problem happen in-person at Bliss, and I want the initial join-up routine to be as simple and painless as possible!
  • The calculation used to count the number of Active players in a guild has been changed to decrease the size of the window being considered from "last 6 months" to "last 3 months" - Although this will make the guild sizes less impressive on the global Guilds list, it will also provide a more accurate and more fair representation of how large the guild actually is which is important for the calculation of subscription costs.
  • The referral payments and admin tips would fail to broadcast if the send amount was miniscule. This resulted in events with tiny initial prize pools getting stuck in the "Payout" phase. Fixed by restricting the referral and admin tips such that they will only be broadcast if there is at least 10 cents available to distribute.
  • The forgot password page was not working. Fixed.
June 2024
There is SOOOO much work to do! June is going to be incredibly busy!
My primary focus is going to be supporting tournament organizers on the site. I will be doing this in two very specific ways:
First, I will be organizing a sponsorship drive with a view towards attracting organizations to utilize our newly deployed Sponsors features to financially support the guilds that are actively running events. For them to be successful, they need players and they need prizes. With the Sponsors system now in place, we can spin up the feedback loop of prizes attracting players and players attracting prizes!
Second, I will be building out a long list of administrative features that have been much-requested by the existing admins. These will give tournament organizers more control and more options for running events that are both smooth and customized to their preferences. Highlights of the list include new tournament formats (like Swiss, round-robin, single elimination), controls for cadence (how often events should happen) and entry fees, and a text editor for controlling the content of the "tournament rules" section of the event pages!
Get Involved
It means the world to me that you've read my dev blog! Thank you for your interest in this project and for your kind attention! If you want take your support to the next level, here are four very specific things you can do to help in a huge way!
  • Play in a tournament! There are always events coming up within the next day or so, and the more people that show up for tournaments, the more exciting the events are and the more likely other people are to hop in themselves! If you're not a fan of the games currently being played, create your own guild for free and start hosting your own events! It's easy!
  • Become a Sponsor! If you're not a player but still love the vibe of and idea behind AFoG and want to help support these tournament organizers, create your own Sponsorships and throw some money into their prize pools!
  • Follow us on social media! All our links are in the footer of the page, and we are especially active on Twitter and Discord.
  • Send me money! I love working on AFoG and I will continue doing it regardless, but the time and money I have poured into it have FAR exceeded my returns. Obviously there are the expenses of running a site and the cost of my time as a top-shelf engineer, but I have also been by-far the largest Sponsor of guilds over the lifetime of AFoG (which you can see here: I believe I will be in the black someday when AFoG becomes self-sustaining, but for now I dig deeper into my own pocket every month to make this dream a reality. Any financial support you can send my way would be amazing! My dev wallet for AFoG is here: bitcoincash:qz5hccuhr036drq7m3mah3qf5x3f5phv05v5rtu5z2
Items continue to be added to the todo list faster than they're being checked off! Back to the grind!
submitted by Thanah85 to afog [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:28 RedstoneEnjoyer Institutional capture

(This idea is isnpired by power sharing mechanic from Crusader Kings 3, so check that to have another details)
Institutional capture is situation where interest group gains control over public insitutions.


But why?

Better political system:
In current system, you can easily remove landowners from government and they are chill for it. Their only way to stop laws or exercise influence is throught political movement, which really doesn't feel right.
In my proposed system, removing landowners from government is not enough on its own - you also need to remove their influence from captured institutions.
You have multiple ways of doing it:
  • anti-corruption campaign: you are doing reverse capture, slowly replacing members of IG to decrease its influence
  • law reform: you can change your law to break the neck of IG in institution - for example, switching from hereditary to appointed destroys power base of aristocratis bureaucrats
  • revolution: pretty straigforward - revolution gives your government an excuse to purge institutions from supporters of revolting IGs
More interesting revolutions and coups:
In current system, revolutions are always the same - revolting IG takes chunk of country and fights against unified governemnt. Coups are even simplier - they are just journal entry
In my proposed systems, revolutions/coups and institutional capture go hand in hand:
  • angry IG will decide between coup and revolt based on importance of institutions it has captured (why would IG do revolt when it has captured military?)
  • during revolt, revolting IG can leverage abilities of institutions it capture - for example, if IG captured bureaucracy, it can use it to wreck havoc upon state administration
  • during coup, angry IG is instead trying to capture more institutions and reach critical mass where it will be able to owerthrow government
Authoritarianism and corruption:
Currently, authoritarian systems have nothing going on on them. This is especialy visible with autocracy which is just worse version of oligarchy for all purposes
In my proposed systems, more authoritarian systems would make capturing easier for government IGs and player could even leverage it to give benefits and powers to specific IGs in long term.
In contrast, more democratic regimes are more resilent to institution capture - but when it happends to important institutions, it can easily destroy democracy and lead to dictatorship.
submitted by RedstoneEnjoyer to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:26 coasttocoastgenetics {UPDATED} Rare Heirloom Cannabis Seeds for Sale - NY

Hey everyone! I was pleased by the overwhelming interest I got in my collection, as someone who has a passion for building soil and hunting beans for unique phenos the last 15 years. I am glad how many people appreciate true one of kind heirloom genetics!
Why am I getting rid of them? Simply put - I am trying to go the legit route and this state is making it beyond difficult. I need to recoup and regroup. Any support is much appreciated. I’ve waited my whole life for this.
Pricing - I updated below. Much of my collection is very hard to find one of kind stuff that is highly sought after. No random pollen chucking, true bred stabilized genomes. There’s a lot of history in that list as well if you’re someone who understands the genomics of the plant. You’ll see breeder, where they’re out of, the strain name, the cross and a little bit of history / description on some of it. Some very very special stuff. Pricing is either what I paid for it or a little more if it’s something special that’s not easy to find or not being bred anymore.
*Each strain is in original packaging stored in a curidor at a steady 52 degrees, no light, no humidity. I find this is the best way to store beans for long term storage and guaranteed high germination rates. I usually get 97-100% germ rate with my germination method which I will include on a printed out sheet for anyone who grabs any of my offerings. I want you to succeed and find something special - I cherish my collection and sad to see a lot of it go but you gotta do what you gotta do. I’d really like to see this stuff go to growers who care about the plant and preserving the uniqueness to it for years to come. Hope all of this helps
Here is the full list: (get in touch)
~ Oni Seed Co (Maine) ~ 
Tropicanna Cookies F2 - Girl Scout Cookies x Tangie (multiple award winner) [R] 250 ~ Elev8 Seeds (Seattle, Washington) Tangerine Cookies - Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies x Tangie [R] 120
~ Mountain Organics ~ 
Cosmic Lotus - Gonzo x TOVR (Thai, Afghan, Haze, Northern Lights) [R] 120 Maya - Acapulco Gold x Lotus [R] 120 Gold Rush - Colombian Gold x Lotus [R] 120 The One BC1 - 1976 Highland Thai x 1971 Kandahar Afghani [R] {Clackamus Coot} 150 {See Mountain Organics Genetics PDF (now MOB seeds) for more info on genetic lineages.} ~ MOB seeds (Mountain Organics) ~ Psyche - The One BC1 x The One BC1 (Afghani Hybrid) [R] 120 Eros - The One BC1 x The One BC1 (Thai Hybrid) [R] 120 The One BC2 - The One x The One BC1 [R] 120 Morpho (Blue Lotus F2) - Blue Gonzo x Lotus [R] 120 Blue Gonzo BC1 - Blue Gonzo x Blue Lotus [R] 120 {Blue Gonzo - The One x (Nevilles Haze x NL5) (blue pheno)}
~ Symbiotic Genetics / The Village (Sacramento, California) ~ 
Mimosa - Clementine x Purple Punch F2 [R] (multiple award winner) 200 Banana Punch - Banana OG x Purple Punch F2 [R] 200 Cherry Punch - Cherry AK47 x Purple Punch F2 [R] 200 Wedding Crashers - Wedding Cake x Purple Punch F2 [R] 200 Orangeade - Tangie x Purple Punch F2 [R] 200 Big Block - Motorbreath 15 x Purple Punch F2 [R] 200 {Purple Punch lineage - Larry OG x Granddaddy Purple}
~ Exotic Genetix - EG Mike (Washington) ~ 
{Over 50x Cannabis Cup Awards since 2008} Tina F2 - (Tina x Tina) Constantine x Triple OG [R] (multiple award winner) 200 Paradise Circus - Tropicanna Cookies x Tina [R] 200 Cookies & Creme - Mystery Cookies x Starfighter F2 [R] (multiple award winner) 250 Big Smooth - OG Blueberry x Cookies & Creme [R] 200 Scoops - (Gelato x Tina) x Cookies & Creme F2 [R] 200 Strawberries & Creme F2 - Strawberry x Cookies & Creme F2 [R] 250
~ Dying Breed Seeds - Shiloh Massive (Mendocino, California) ~ 
California Black Rozé - Rozé x OG eddy [R] 350 Red Rozé - Rozé x Adonai [R] 350 Sour Zkittlez - Zkittlez x Candy Zkittlez #3 x Adonai [R] 400 Watermelon Zkittlez - Watermelon Zum Zum #3 x OG Eddy [R] 400 {Zkittlez - Grape Ape x Grapefruit} {Adonai - (Russian Kush (LA Cut) x Silver Tooth (Super Silver Haze x Train Wreck)) x Sweet Tooth}
~ Humboldt Seed Company (Humboldt County, California) ~ 
Blueberry Muffin F5 - Purple Panty Dropper x Razzle Berry [R] 100 Purple Mountain Majesty F3 - Purple Train Wreck x Train Wreck x Blueberry Muffin [R] 100 Amethyst F3 - Purple Panty Dropper x Blueberry Muffin [R] 100 Mango Sherbert F3 - Mango Trees x Mango Kush x Sherbert [R] 100 {2018/2019 HSC Phenotype mega hunt - Best 0.1% selected out of 10k plants} Mango Trees F5 - Mango Kush x Humboldt OG x Jack Herer [R] 100 Banana Mango F3 - Mango Trees x Banana OG x Blueberry Muffin [R] 100 Magic Melon F3 - Mango Trees x Honeydew Melon x Mango Sherbert [R] 100 Pineapple Upside Down Cake F3 - PUDC BX3 x Pineapple Train Wreck x Cookie Monster [R] 100 {2019/2020 HSC Phenotype mega hunt - Best 0.1% selected out of 10k plants} Very Cherry - Old Timer Seed x Lemon Kush Bx3 [R] 100 Vanilla Frosting - Humboldt Frost OG x Humboldt Gelato Bx3 [R] 100
~ Gage Green Group (Detroit, Michigan) ~ 
Grateful Breath F2 - OGKB (OG Kush Breath) x Joseph OG [R] 400 5th Dimension - Out Of Body Experience x Synchronicity [R] 300 Guiding Light - Out Of Body Experience x Breathwork [R] 300 Luna Golden - High School Sweetheart 2 x Synchronicity [R] 300 Mo Lune Day - Motorbreath 15 x Breathwork [R] 300 {Out of Body Experience - (Skywalker OG x Grateful Breath) x Grateful Breath F2} {Synchronicity - Irene x Grateful Breath} {Breathwork - Mendobreath x Grateful Breath} {High School Sweet Heart - Cherry Pie Kush x Grateful Breath}
~ Dominion Seed Co - Duke Diamond (Virginia) ~ 
Stash Plant - The Puck (Skelly Hashplant) x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 Munson - Northern Lights #5 x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 Kough Drop - Strawberry Afghani x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 Free Bird - Headband x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 Shine Apple - Virginia Beach Afghani x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 Pine Bomb - Sensi Durban Poison x Screaming Eagle [R] 140 {Screaming Eagle lineage - Airborne g13 x (88 g13 Hashplant x Kandahar Afghani)} Granny Skunk - Virginia Beach Afghani x (Skelly Hashplant x SSSC Skunk #1) [R] 200 Local Skunk - Original Diesel x (Cuddlefish HP x Sour Diesel IBL) x (Skelly Hashplant x SSSC Skunk1) [R] 200 Sis Skunk - Chem Sister x (Skelly Hashplant x SSSC Skunk1) [R] 200
~ Lucky Dog Seed Co - SkunkVA (Virginia) ~ 
{Holder, Preserver, Sharer of the most elite / influential Chemdog cuts in existence.} Dog Patch - Chemdog 91 Bx2 x Chemdog D [R] 150 Hunza Valley 91 - Skelly Hashplant x Chemdog 91 Bx3 [R] 150 Road D.O.G. - Crossroad Chem x Chemdog 91 Bx2 [R] 150 Chem Fuego - Sour Band (Sour Diesel x Headband) x Chemdog 91 Bx3 [R] 150 Double Krush - Chem Krush x Chemdog 91 Bx2 [R] 150 Guerilla Fume - Silver Chem (Silverback OG x Chemdog 91) x Chemdog 91 Bx3 [R] 150 Bohemian Highway - Occidental Kush x Chemdog 91 Bx3 [R] 150 SkunkVA Chemdog 91 S1 - Chemdog 91 x Chemdog 91 [F] {Crossroad Chem - Chemdog 91 x SFV OG Kush Bx2 (Chem pheno)} {Chem Krush - Chemdog 91 x SFV OG Kush Bx2 (Kush pheno)} {Chemdog 91 lineage - Nepalese x Thai Landraces} Chemdog 91 is considered to be “the godfather” in cannabis genetics and has paved the way for some of the most popular strains in history such as Sour Diesel and OG Kush. Chemdog lineage can be found in most modern day hybrid genetics and these crosses are from there original seed stock - Original Skunk VA Chemdog 91 S1 gifted to me by Headies Gardens. Friend & Distributor of Skunk VA genetics Lucky Dog Seed Co.}
~ Green Bodhi (Eugene, Oregon) ~ 
{Intentional Horticultural ~ Mexican ~ Thai ~ Afghani} Hazy Kush - Hazy Kush x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] (extremely unique genotype in Phylos Galaxy) 120 Hazy Dog - Dog Walker OG x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] 120 Hazy Star - Stardawg x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] 120 Hazy Sour - Sour OG x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] 120 Hazy OG - OG Kush x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] 120 Hazy Ghost - Ghost OG x Hazy Kush Bx2 [R] 120 Sour 78 (Tenzin Kush) - Sour OG x 78 LA Affie OG [R] (extremely unique genotype) 200 Dog Walker 78 - Dog Walker OG x (Sour OG x 78 LA Affie OG) [R] 150 Kosher 78 - Kosher Kush x (Sour OG x 78 LA Affie OG) [R] 150 SBSE 78 - Sour Best Shit Ever x (Sour OG x 78 LA Affie OG) [R] 150 Ancient Tenzin #2 - Tenzin Kush #2 x Ancient OG (72 Iranian x Snow Lotus) [R] 200 Ancient Tenzin #4 - Tenzin Kush #4 x Ancient OG (72 Iranian x Snow Lotus) [R] 200 {Hazy Kush lineage - Golden Pineapple x ((Trainwreck x Purple Affie) x (OG Kush x SAGE))}
~ Old World Genetics - DJ Short (Eugene, Oregon) ~ 
Newberry F5 - Blue Heaven F4 x DJ Short Blueberry F4 Male [R] 300 Velvet Krush F5 - FXW #4 Mother x DJ Short Blueberry F4 Male [R] 300 Blueberry F5 - Highland Thai x Afghani Indica [R] (first place indica cannabis cup 2000) 150 {Blueberry seeds are F4-F5 selectively bred from pure Landrace P1s since the 1970s. The mother for DJ Shorts Blueberry is over 20 years old - Selected in 1998 and rereleased in 2004.}
~ Dynasty Genetics - Professor P (Portland, Oregon) ~ 
Oregon Huckleberry IBL - Oregon Huckleberry F4 x Oregon Huckleberry Bx3 [R] 150 Mt. Hood Huckleberry F4 - Mt. Hood Huckleberry F3 x Mt. Hood Huckleberry F3 [R] 150 Huckleberry Kush V5 - Oregon Afghani x Oregon Huckleberry [R] 150 Crater Lake V6 - Super Silver Haze F2 x Oregon Huckleberry [R] 120 Alpenglow - Cherry Vanilla Cookies x Oregon Huckleberry 2017 #5 [R] 120 Blue Magoo Bx2 - Blue Magoo x Blue Heron #111 [R] 120 Salmon River OG - Pre 98 Bubba x Blue Heron #111 [R] 120 Birds Of Paradise - Kali Snapple x Blue Heron #111 [R] 120 Starduster - Pre-99 East Coast Sour Diesel x Ms. Universe (clone) [R] 120 {Kali Snapple - (Snowbud x Pineapple) x Kali Mist (Pre 2000)} {Ms. Universe - Dess*tar (Starship x Kali Mist) Mother x Space Queen F3 Farther} {Oregon Huckleberry - Oregon Blueberry (Blueberry X Temple Flo) X Morning Glory (Hawaiian x Afghani x Shiva Skunk)} {Blue Magoo - Oregon Blueberry F4 x Williams Wonder F2} {Blue Heron - Blue Magoo x Blue Magoo / Huckleberry}
~ Relic Seeds - Professor P (Portland, Oregon) ~ 
{Preservation of Rare Heirloom ~ Landrace ~ Unique CBD Varieties} Relic Grapefruit - Grapefruit IBL x Grapefruit F2 [R] 140 Durban Grapefruit - Durban Poison x Grapefruit F2 [R] 140
~ Massive Seeds (Rogue Valley Terroir, Southern Oregon) ~ 
{Bred, Grown and Harvested outdoor at 42.0 Latitude (Same Latitude as mid Hudson Valley) Some of the largest growing / biggest yielding plants on record with massive uniform nugs.} Pineapple Pomegranate F3 - Pomegranate x Applegate Hornblower [R] 140 Durban Pomegranate F2 - Durban Poison x Pineapple Pomegranate F3 [R] 140 Black Pomegranate - Pineapple Pomegranate F3 x South African Landrace [R] 140 Rogue Valley Wreck - Big Wreck x Blueberry Snow [R] 120 Summer Sunset OG - Purple Hindu Kush x Lemon Larry OG [R] 120 Mint Sunset - Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies x Summer Sunset OG [R] 120 Purple Lemon Chem - Chem 91 x Summer Sunset OG [R] 120 Snow Skunk - Yuki Dog x Purple Lemon Chem [R] 120 Chem541 - Chem91 Bx1 x (Chem91 x Session Sour Diesel BX1) [R] 120 {Pomegranate - Shishkaberry x Blueberry x Oregon Snow x Lemon Pineapple} {Applegate Hornblower (Pineapple Trainwreck) - Mexican x Thai x Afghani}
~ Freeborn Selections - Mene Gene (Mendacino, California) ~ 
Piña F4 - Super Silver Haze x ((Dirt x Bigbud) x (Dirt x Purp) [R] 300 Sky Cuddler Kush F3 - PK x (Skywalker OG x (PK x (Hindu x Big Red) [R] 300 Lime Pop Kush F3 - OG x (PK x Black Lime) [R] 300 Cherry West Bx - Cherry West x (Cherry West x Cherry Limeade) [R] 300 {Thoroughly worked lines over at least 3-4 generations before released to the public.} {(Dirt x Bigbud) x (Dirt x Purp) and (Big Red) are 80s Afghani lines from Santa Cruz.} Black Lime Reserve F2 {Eclectic Elegance Preservation} - Northern Lights x Purple Kush x Chemdog Special Reserve [R]
~ Emerald Mountain Legacy - Mandelbrot Brothers Family Heirlooms {Ras Truth} ~ 
Royal Kush IX (Bx10) - (Sour Diesel x Highland Afghani) x Southern Humboldt Purple Kush [R] 350 Oil Spill (Bx5) - XXX OG x Royal Kush 7 [R] 300 Royal Spill - (XXX OG x Royal Kush 7) x Royal Kush 8 [R] 300 The Real Rozé - (Zkittlez x Royal Kush 7) x Royal Kush 8 [R] 300 Royal Limez - (Zkittlez x Black Lime Reserve) x Royal Kush 8 [R] 300 Royal Maui Berry - Diesel Maui Dawg x Blackberry Kush x Royal Kush 9 [R] 250 {Royal Kush genome is one of the most sought after stabilized / homogenized IBLs in existence from the heart of the Emerald Triangle in Northern California.}
~ Karma Genetics (Holland) ~ 
Biker Kush (Ha-OG Bx2) - Ha OG x Biker Kush V1 [R] 150 Sour Power OG - Sour Power (cup winning cut) x Biker Kush V1 [R] 150 Tha Melon - Melon x Biker Kush V1 [R] 150 Karma Sour Diesel Bx2 - Rez Sour D x (Rez Sour D x (Rez Sour D x Biker Kush v2)) [R] 350 Headbanger - Rez Sour D (KG cut) x Biker Kush V1 [R] {2013 Amsterdam Cannabis Cup 1st} 300 Josh D OG - SFV OG x Triangle Kush x Hells Angels OG [R] 300 {Real OG Kush Story - Josh D & Matt “Bubba” Berger began developing these genetics in Orlando, Florida back in 1991.} {Biker Kush v2 - Ha OG x (Ha OG x (Ha OG x SFV OG Bx2))} (cup winning genetics) {Sour Power - Starbud x East Coast Sour Diesel} (cup winning genetics) {Sour Diesel used in Karma Sour crosses is a KG cut of a Rez Sour D IBL selected in 2007}
~ Surfr Seeds (Pacific Northwest) 
Citrus Tsunami - Tropicana Cookies x Orange Zkittlez [R] 100 Island Zkittlez - Sour Strawberry x Orange Zkittlez [R] 100 North Shore - Mendo Purps x Orange Zkittlez [R] 100 Endless Summer - Purple Punch x Orange Zkittlez [R] 100 So Pitted - MAC1 x Orange Zkittlez [R] 100
~ Pacific North West Roots - Ras Kaya Paul (Washington) ~ 
Koffee F5 - Alien OG x Alien Kush {Rare Pacific Northwest Roots Hierloom IBL} [R] 300 Black Koffee - Black Dog Kush Bx4 x Koffee F5 [R] 300 Koffee & Donuts - Glazed Cherries F4 x Koffee F5 [R] 300
~ Green Source Gardens (Southern Oregon Heirlooms) ~ 
Pinkleberry Kush F5 {Mendacino Blackberry Kush Hierloom IBL} [R]
~ HBK Genetics ~ 
Chile Verde - Key Lime Pie x Lavender [R] 300 {Emerald Cup 2018 Winner - Best Personal Use} {Key Lime Pie - Durban Poison x Cherry OG x OG Kush} {Lavender - Super Skunk x Big Skunk Korean x Afghani Hawaiian}
~ Alien Genetics ~ 
Sour Apple IX (IBL) - Sour Apple IBL x Sour Apple IBL [R] 350
~ Mos_Cutty ~ 
Cherry AK 47 IBL (Original Serious Seeds stock) 250 {AK47 - Colombian x Mexican x Thai x Afghani} [R]
~ Motherlode Gardens (Yosemite, California) ~ 
Ancient OG F5 - 1972 Iranian Landrace x Snow Lotus {Bodhi Seeds Hierloom IBL} [R] 200
~ Twenty20 Genetics (Mendacino, California) ~ 
SFV OG Bx5 (SFV OG IBL) - San Fernando Valley OG Kush [R] 150
~ Elev8 Seeds (Seattle, Washington) 
Bruce Banner OG - OG Kush (Ghost Cut) x Strawberry Diesel [R] 140
~ Jaws Genetics ~ 
Fruity Pebbles OG IC1 - Fruity Pebbles OG F2 x Fruity Pebbles OG F1 [R] 200
~ OrgnKid / Zoolander ~ 
Banana OG F3 - OG Kush x Sagmartha strain [R] {Original Seed Stock} 200
~ GG Strains (Las Vegas, Nevada - RIP Joesy Whales) ~ 
Gorilla Glue #4 IBL (Original Glue) - GG4 x GG4 Bx6 [R] 300 {Original Seed Stock of Michigan / Los Angeles High Times Cannabis Cup Winner 2014 and High Times Jamaican World Cup Winner.}
~ FYG Tree (Santa Cruz, CA) ~ 
Black Rose F13 (Heath Robinson IBL) - Black Russian x Shiva Skunk (purple pheno) [R] 200 Shiva Skunk Bx - Shiva Skunk x Black Rose F12 [R]
~ AK Bean Brains (Anchorage, Alaska breeder and old school genetic preservationist holding beans & cuts for over 30 years from original Dutch Seedbank stocks.) ~ 
N L #1 x N L #5 [R] 100 TK/NL5 Haze - Triangle Kush x Northern Lights #5 [R] 100 (Northern Lights #1 x Big Skunk) x Northern Lights #1 [R] 100 (Big Skunk x Northern Lights #1) x Super Skunk [R] 100 95 Black Domina - Northern Lights x Ortega x Hash Plant x Afghani [R] 100 Black Domina Bx (Black Domina x Pacific Northwest Hash Plant) x Northern Lights #1 [R] 100 (Black Domina x Matanuska Thunder Fuck) x Northern Lights #1 [R] 100 Matanuska Thunder Fuck Bx3 - Alaska Thunder Grape x Dutch Thunder Fuck [R] 100 {Northern Lights was brought to Neville Schoenmakers in the Netherlands in 1985, where he worked the line before releasing it under “The Seed Bank of Holland” ~ NL #5 became the High Times Cannabis Cup Winner in 1989, 1990 and 1992 and is considered one of the most influential strains of all time. These seeds have been preserved in Alaska since the late 80s.}
~ The Nature Farm (Real NorCal Culture) ~ 
Cheddar Skunk V2 - 89’ UK Cheese (Exodus Cut) x Uncle Festers Skunk #18 IBL [R] 100 Hidden Hills Skunk - 94’ SFV OG x Uncle Festers Skunk #18 IBL [R] 100 Uncle Festers Skunk #18 IBL aka Skunkbud - Afghani Indica x Mexican Sativa (64’ Brick Weed) x Colombian Gold & Red [R] 100 {Original Hells Angels strain bred in 1964 by “Uncle Fester” an early 60’s psychologist turned outlaw. Authentic Original Skunk #1 lineage that is pre Skunkman. Preserved / held by family in Northern California over 3 generations.}
~ Doc D Seeds ~ 
Bandaid Haze ix 3.0 (Piff) - Cuban Black Haze x A5/Thai [R] 200 (2 packs) {These seeds originally came from a Spanish grower in the “A5 crew” out of Southern Holland. “A5” was short for their NL#5 x Haze A open Thai pollination project. These seeds were shared with legendary grower Bodhi, who found one male and used it to pollinate a cut of “Cuban Black Haze” that he had. The strain was referred to as “Piff” and the seeds were shared almost exclusively with Doc D. After running the seeds, Doc selected “Piff #7” and shared the cut back with Bodhi who further worked the line. The cut was a significantly better long flowering haze variety with a shorter flowering time than the Cuban Black Haze mother or A5 father. Bodhi then later referred to the strain as “Bandaid Haze” coining the term because he said “it heals all wounds” This genome has direct lineage to the New York Hazes (NYC Piff / Uptown Piff / Washington Heights Haze) of the 2000s without any of the paranoia/anxiety that came from many of the hazes from that era. Many world renowned breeders agree that most of the “New York Haze” and “New York City Piff” varieties are all just different cuts of the same strain, that most likely comes from an early selection of Neville Schoenmakers (NL#5 x Haze) which is often referred to as the “pinnacle of cannabis breeding” that has dominated cannabis scene from the 1980s in Holland to the present day.}
~ Mass Medical Strains (Massachusetts) ~ 
Star Pupil - Purple Thai x Afghan/Pakistan [F] 150 {High Times Flower of Month - Jan. 2017} Pu Tang - Star Pupil x Tangie [F] {High Times Top 10 Strains of 2019} 150 Grape Pupil - Pu Tang x Star Pupil [F] 150 Triangle Pupil - Triangle Kush x Star Pupil [F] 150 Bubba Pupil - Pre-98 Bubba Kush (Katsu Bluebird) x Star Pupil [F] 150 Nepali Blue - Nepalese White Mountain Charas Sativa Heirloom x Blue Magoo Bx2 [R] 200
~ Compound Genetics (Portland, Oregon) ~ 
Gelateria - Acai Berry Gelato x Jet Fuel Gelato [F] 150 Liquid Imagination - Blue Zkittlez x Jet Fuel Gelato [F] 150 Icicles - White Sherbet x Jet Fuel Gelato [F] 150 Petrol Rainbows - Sour Gelato 5 x Jet Fuel Gelato [F] 150 The Menthol S1 - The Menthol x The Menthol [F] 150 {Jet Fuel Gelato - Gelato 45 x (High Octane OG x Jet Fuel G6)} {The Menthol - Gelato 45 x (White Diesel x (High Octane x Jet Fuel G6))}
~ Phinest Cannabis (Sacramento, California) x Cannarado (Colorado) ~ 
PB Souffle - Dosidos x Lava Cake [F] 150 Lava Breath - Mendobreath F3 x Lava Cake [F] 150 Magma Cookies - Cuvee Cookies x Lava Cake [F] 150 {Lava Cake - Grape Pie x Thin Min Girl Scout Cookies} {First major genetic line released to public that was created from tissue culture / micropropagation - RIP Jai Malloy (founder of Phinest Cannabis)}
submitted by coasttocoastgenetics to exotic_cannabis_seeds [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:25 pauseglitched 5e homebrewed advanced alchemical items, looking for feedback.

I am starting work putting together a DnD 5e campaign for level 5 adventurers that would go up to level 11. The main hook will be Rogue (not the PC class) alchemists and performance drug dealers in conflict with the guilds of the 6 Nation's Unified Guilds and local law enforcement.
With alchemy being a major theme, I brainstormed a bunch of things for more advanced versions of adventuring gear for the guilds or criminals to sell, or the party to loot off their corpses. Elemental resistance and vulnerabilities will play a part in the homebrew enemies.
I am looking for feedback on
•how much to charge for the items. •Any recommendations on changes to damage or DCs. •wording changes for clarity.
(Some Ideas are more thought out than others)
Here we go.
Alchemist's Fire (flask)
This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action, or replacing an attack as part of the attack action you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist's fire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.
War Fire (flask)
This alchemically enhanced adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. A vial held in hand may be thrown up to 20 ft. replacing an attack made as part of the attack action on your turn shattering on impact. Make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist's fire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 12 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames. Hit or miss, the liquid ignites a square 15 ft on a side of the ground centered on the target. Creatures who enter an ignited area for the first time on a turn or start their turn there take 2d4 fire damage. A square 5 foot section of ignited area can be extinguished as an action.
Dragons breath (Canister) This volatile concoction is illegal to carry into most cities. Typically stored in a magically reinforced container, militaries and criminal master alchemists are the only source, neither of which are likely to give up their secrets. As an action you can speak the command word and throw the canister up to 30 ft where it shatters in a conflagration. Everyone in a 15 ft radius must make a DC 16 Dex save taking 6d4 fire damage on a failure and are ignited. Objects not worn or carried automatically fail this save. Ignited creatures take 6d4 fire damage at the start of each of their turns. A creature may use an action to attempt to put out the fire on themselves or others with a DC 16 Dexterity Check. Creatures who succeed on their saving throw take half damage and are not ignited.
caltrops As an action, you can spread a single bag of caltrops to cover a 5-foot-square area. Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving and take 1 piercing damage. Until the creature regains at least 1 hit point, its walking speed is reduced by 10 feet. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the saving throw.
Barbed Caltrops
As with caltrops, but the damage is 1d4 piercing and the caltrops stick to those who fail their saving throw dealing 1 point of piercing damage for every 5 feet of movement spent. The caltrops can be removed as an action and they must be removed before recovering HP in order to regain movement speed.
Footbane caltrop bag
This magic bag contains 20 caltrops. When the command word is spoken, the caltops spring out of the bag to a location within 15 ft of the caster and spread themselves out over a 10-ft square area. They continue to move around that area until another command word is spoken to return them to the bag, an hour passes, or five creatures fail their saving throw against them as they become too spread out to be effective. Any caltrops not returned to the bag within 1 hour become non-magical. The constant movement of the caltrops make them impossible to hide, however, it also means that moving at half speed does not let a creature avoid having to make the save. If caltrops are lost or left behind they can be replaced by filling the bag with 20 non-magical caltrops and leaving them in the bag for 8 hours.
Acid Vial
As an action, or replacing an attack as part of the attack action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.
Elemental vial As with acid Vial, but dealing fire, frost, poison, lightning, or thunder damage.
Clinging acid As an action, or replacing an attack as part of the attack action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 acid damage. At the end of each of the creatures' turns it takes a number of D6s of acid damage one less than the previous instance. (If it took 3d6 last time it takes 2d6 this time.) A creature may take the use an object action to reduce the next instance of this damage on themselves or an ally within 5 ft by 1d6. A creature proficient with alchemy tools may use the tools as part of the use an object action to reduce the next instance of damage damage by 2d6 instead.
Dragon's Bile [Flavor text] As with clinging acid but the starting damage is 5d6, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws to maintain concentration and while taking the ongoing damage, and the action now requires a DC 15 dexterity check to succeed. (alchemy tool proficiency applies)
Holy water
As an action, or replacing an attack as part of the attack action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a target creature, treating the holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is a fiend or undead, it takes 2d6 radiant damage.
Sacred oil As an action you can apply this oil to a melee or ranged weapon. For 1 minute, attacks made with the weapon are considered magical and deal an additional 1d6 radiant damage to fiends or undead. This oil smells abhorrent to fiends. Once opened, and for one hour after it is applied to a weapon, fiends within 100 feet of the open vial or weapon will not suffer the surprised condition.
Tears of the Saints/Blood of the Martyrs [Flavor text] As an action, you speak a command phrase (usually a prayer of censure) and throw the reliquary up to 30 feet away from you. The souls of the wronged cry out for vengeance and each undead (for tears) or Fiend (for blood) within 30 feet of the target location, that can see or hear, takes 2d6 radiant damage and must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, and its CR is 1 or less it is destroyed (undead) or banished to its home plane (fiends). A creature above CR 1 that fails it's save is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from the target location as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of it. The creature also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
Healing potion You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion. Drinking or administering a potion takes an action.
Bloodmush! "For people who don't have enough blood in them, so that they can have more blood in them!" -NoRefunds, wandering kobold trader
"Usually made by those who are not serviced by the guilds and do not have the necessary expertise or available raw materials to make healing potions, satchets of this dark red paste are far more likely to be found in orc, goblinoid, and kobold tribes than civilized areas." Archaic Alchemy of the Six Nations, chapter 7
You regain 1d4+1 hit points when you eat this paste or apply it directly to a wound. This takes an action.
Salve "There has been a great deal of arguments regarding Salve. Some claim it is merely another means of applying a healing potion, but be wary. Salve is not regulated by the guild, so there are no laws protecting its quality. Use at your own risk." -Archaic Alchemy of the Six Nations, chapter 2
As an action, one dose of Salve can be swallowed or applied to the skin. The creature that receives it gains benefits according to the following list.
Fake Salve: pain is relieved, but receive no actual benefits.
Fowl Salve: gain 2d4+2 temporary HP. At the end of 1 minute take 2d4 poison damage and lose any remaining temporary HP.
Mediocre salve: regain 1 HP and 2d4 temp HP. At the end of 1 minute if any temp HP from this salve remains, lose the temp HP and regain the same amount of HP.
Quality salve: regain 2d4+2 HP.
Exquisite salve: regain 2d8 + 2 hit points, cease to be poisoned, and becured of up to one non-magical disease.
Unidentified salve: can be identified by using it, or by a creature proficient in alchemist's supplies making a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Alchemist's tools) check as part of a short rest. When identified, roll a D20 and compare it to the following table. 1 fake Salve 2-3 fowl Salve 4-10 mediocre salve 11-19 quality Salve 20 exquisite Salve
DM note: the range of Salve quality in the setting is worse than indicated by the table. The fact that most sellers will not intentionally sell fake or fowl Salve to the heavily armed, notoriously violent adventurers skews the table in their favor.
submitted by pauseglitched to DnD [link] [comments]