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2024.06.01 15:21 ImM3llow 26 [M4F] USA / Anywhere / Online. Free Golden Retriever energy BF, let me love you❤️

Edit: DO NOT message me a simple hi or hello, with no information about you, Put some effort in to your message like i have, come on. Day+Attempt#200
Hello everyone, Thank you for taking the time to read, I know its long, I know - I know. But its worth the read, Trust me. I appreciate you immensely.
Here's a bit about me,
My name is Jay, I live on the East coast of the US. I'm looking for love - like everyone else on here.., but you may not believe or even be doubtful that I've never had a GF before with me being 26, but its true. I'm simply just not willing to "be with" just anyone and I'm very picky. I want us to be a match, more than just have similar things in common.
One thing I have always been told is that I'm a "Real Catch, I'd be extremely lucky to have someone like you" - WELL THEN TAKE ME. I'M FREE. LOL.
About me:
Physically -
~I'm a semi-tall guy, around 5'10.
~I'm thin but muscular.
~I have dirty blonde/ brown hair.
~Changing colored eyes.
~A voice nice enough to melt all your safeguards and get right into your heart and weak spots.
~I do not have any tattoos or piercings. Though I would like to get some eventually.
If you'd like to see a picture of me just ask and I'll show you - IF I may see you as well, I simply just don't want a picture of me out there for anyone to see.
-If there's anything else you'd like to know just ask.
Otherwise -
~I do have 3 pet bunnies I would be more than happy to show you, they are extremely cute.
~I'm a very honest and down to earth guy.
~I'm very patient and easy going.
~I'm very curious and inquisitive. I will try to ask everything I can to learn all about you haha.
~I'm Very VERY Kind & Caring, I will probably ask how you are feeling a bajillion times a day, simply out of care for you.
~I can get pretty clingy, and will always want your attention and to be talking with you. If i have someone im interested in i wont want to talk to anyone else🤷‍♂️
~I'm very trustworthy - you can confide in me, and entrust your deepest secrets and I wont tell a soul.
~I'm a HUGE hopeless romantic, im old fashioned and will always try to impress you.
- I'm, a BIG softie even though I may look a smol bit intimidating, but I'd do just about anything to see you smile or laugh. And yes.., I do mean anything.
~I'm a big goof - I will get up to some silly shenanigans ALL the time, I will crack dumb jokes and send you memes and tik toks just to make you happy, even if its from across the room I'd wait to see your reaction lol.
~I'm extremely loyal, and would never even think of cheating.
~I will cook for you, and clean up too, even around the house, I'm very self productive and don't ask for much. Just don't forget to kiss the cook.
~I'd also love to just cuddle up and watch a movie or read a book together, anything to get us closer. Id try to take you out on dates whenever possible haha. I have a million SUPER romantic date ideas I have but have never had anyone interested enough in me to take out. Here's your chance ;)
~I will always want to share stuff I find interesting with you, and try to share every moment of every day with you. I'm not looking for someone who can only talk for a small amount of time, I want someone who's willing to put in all the effort I put into them back into me, it goes both ways. If I'm "with" someone you are my TOP priority nobody and nothing else would be. You would be the only person I'd truly want to talk to, so rest assured I would NEVER cheat, even more so because no one is interested in me - Hence why I'm here hahaha.
I'm sure there is more to me than this snippet but I cant think of more at the moment haha, so get to know me and find out more about me.
Some of my interests are: Engineering- I'm a nerd. I admit it. I love being technical and hands on, I love building things. All kinds of things, from furniture, machinery, and reverse engineering anything I find. I love learning how things work and trying to improve things.
Music - I prefer music with a very fast pace, or with some very meaningful lyrics I can relate to. I love to sing along to music and songs that have a deep meaning behind it I can sympathize with makes it all the better. Some bands I like are: Bad Omens, Beartooth, Demon Hunter, MIW, I9K - The list goes on. I'm a bit of a metalhead unfortunately.
TV Shows & Movies - I love watching shows, and I'd love to stream some shows and have some E-dates with you, to get to know you, or if you are close to me, maybe we could do it in person. Some shows I like or more of the Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Comedy, Action, stuff like: National Treasure, Halo, BattleBots, Rick and Morty, AHS, Anything Marvel or DC, The Witcher, Wednesday, The Sandman, The Magicians, The Umbrella Academy, ETC.
Gaming - Yes yes I know, Basic guy likes basic stuff. But gaming has been a thing for me since forever. I know most of you wont care or want to hear that, but I'll leave out the specifics on this part unless you are interested in that, MEGA Bonus points if you are.
Here's a lists of Cons to dating me-
~I'm not Ryan Reynolds. Disappointing, I know.
~I will fight you on what goes on pizza lol.
~I'm not rich.., Yet.
~I can't pronounce Worcestershire.
~I'm slightly forgetful, but with good reasoning.
~(Not really a con but- some might disagree) I still have ALL of my firsts, Do with that what you will c:
~I've got an endless pile of love and affection and no one to give it to! What a dilemma! Help me fix it?
Other than that I'll save the rest for a bit more of getting to know each other.
Here's a bit of what I'm looking in you:
~Preferably someone with lots of free time, and loves to chit chat. I'm seriously not interested in getting 1 message a day. Though I understand people get busy, I personally am not willing to try to learn about you and form something with 7 responses a week. Effort gets reciprocated and I appreciate the time you put in me.
~Physically: -I’m not personally attracted to anyone who’s “curvy/ chubby”, I apologize. Not a shallow thing, I just dont have the attraction chemical in my brain for that, I’m sorry. -If you’re shorter than me, thats a plus to me. -I love dimples, if you have those when you smile, bonus points 😊 - I’m not sure what else to put.., but as for nsfw wise find out😂
~I'm a sucker for a different accent other than American, and if you have an Posh English accent you have already won my heart.
~I'm also only really looking for someone within the ages of 18-35. I don't want anyone old enough to be my mom lol.
~I'd prefer (But not a must) people NOT on the other side of the world, as other time zones SUCK. I don't expect to find anyone who also has never had a boyfriend either, but that would be a real plus. I also don't mind a LDR, but I don't want that forever. But it gives us time to get to know each other.
But as for attributes I'm looking for in you:
~Someone who is above all else very very Loyal and would never cheat.
~Someone who is Honest, and will tell me the truth over a little white lie.
~Someone who is Kind & Caring, who'd constantly check on me, and accept me for who I am & help me improve day to day.
~Someone who is trustworthy, and I can count on to keep my secrets safe, or even just help me remember things.., I do tend to be somewhat forgetful.
~Someone who is very Patient and wants to see me succeed and will help me do so, just like I would help you. Even if its small day to day things, I would appreciate your company ANY time.
~I want a partner who is Affectionate, can reciprocate, and loves to snuggle and talk about their day, and what their interests are, and what makes them happy.
~Someone who can admit they get clingy or overprotective is a bonus.
~A partner with good communication is key, if something wrong we have to be able to talk about it.
~A partner who likes to game with me or at least watch me play would be a plus but not a requirement.
~Someone with a good sense of humor and like to joke around, I am a big goof after all and I love to joke around. Sending memes is always appreciated and good to cheer people up too!
~I'd prefer someone with the same music taste, but not a requirement, Plus if you wouldn't mind if I send you love songs occasionally that's a bonus, or sending me some back haha.
~Being willing to voice call is a must, Texting forever is not the way to go. I have to know what your voice is like haha, later on we can video call if you are comfortable with that. I prefer chatting on Discord because Reddit messages of any kind I'm sure you know are unreliable and sucky in general. So please send me your discord if you have one :)
~I would LOVE to see picture of your pets if you have any. Bonus points if it includes your beautiful self haha.
I'm sure there is more I'm looking for but I cant think of it right now haha, I will have to edit this when I think of it.
Please tell me about you as an opener! I told you a good bit about me, now its your turn haha.
Tell me some things like -
~What's your name?
~Where are you from?
~How old are you?
~What are your hobbies / interests?
~What about my post interested you?
~Where is my TV Remote?!
~Selfie? Pet pics?
~Hit me with your best joke or meme :)
~What's your favorite candy?
I'd LOVE to get to know you, and see where things go.
But yeah, I know it was long I'm sorry haha. Send me a message and lets get to know each other! :)
submitted by ImM3llow to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:20 Prisomax [19M] - From Sydney Australia, Looking for people to talk to more often :)

Just got home from a month long holiday in America over my university break, let me know what you've been up to :) Feel free to DM me and lets talk! Bit about me: A bit about me: 19 M from Ireland, Lived in the UK aswell, now living in Sydney Australia In university, studying Computer Science + Artificial Intelligence Been getting more into my fitness, going to the gym as much as possible 6'4 Fav genre for a lot of things is like anything scifi related Music interests are mainly hip-hop, pop, some alt/indie stuff and then sometimes i get into classical for a while lol I like to play a ton of games, mostly first person shooters, CS, Val etc but also play a lot of like Minecraft, Pokemon stuff, Genshin, Stardew Valley Anything else feel free to ask here or you can DM me if youre interested in talking some more :D
submitted by Prisomax to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:20 Prisomax [19M] - From Sydney Australia, Looking for people to talk to more often :)

Just got home from a month long holiday in America over my university break, let me know what you've been up to :) Feel free to DM me and lets talk! Bit about me: A bit about me: 19 M from Ireland, Lived in the UK aswell, now living in Sydney Australia In university, studying Computer Science + Artificial Intelligence Been getting more into my fitness, going to the gym as much as possible 6'4 Fav genre for a lot of things is like anything scifi related Music interests are mainly hip-hop, pop, some alt/indie stuff and then sometimes i get into classical for a while lol I like to play a ton of games, mostly first person shooters, CS, Val etc but also play a lot of like Minecraft, Pokemon stuff, Genshin, Stardew Valley Anything else feel free to ask here or you can DM me if youre interested in talking some more :D
submitted by Prisomax to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:20 Prisomax [19M] - From Sydney Australia, Looking for people to talk to more often :)

Just got home from a month long holiday in America over my university break, let me know what you've been up to :) Feel free to DM me and lets talk! Bit about me: A bit about me: 19 M from Ireland, Lived in the UK aswell, now living in Sydney Australia In university, studying Computer Science + Artificial Intelligence Been getting more into my fitness, going to the gym as much as possible 6'4 Fav genre for a lot of things is like anything scifi related Music interests are mainly hip-hop, pop, some alt/indie stuff and then sometimes i get into classical for a while lol I like to play a ton of games, mostly first person shooters, CS, Val etc but also play a lot of like Minecraft, Pokemon stuff, Genshin, Stardew Valley Anything else feel free to ask here or you can DM me if youre interested in talking some more :D
submitted by Prisomax to chat [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:20 Prisomax [19M] - From Sydney Australia, Looking for people to talk to more often :)

Just got home from a month long holiday in America over my university break, let me know what you've been up to :) Feel free to DM me and lets talk! Bit about me: A bit about me: 19 M from Ireland, Lived in the UK aswell, now living in Sydney Australia In university, studying Computer Science + Artificial Intelligence Been getting more into my fitness, going to the gym as much as possible 6'4 Fav genre for a lot of things is like anything scifi related Music interests are mainly hip-hop, pop, some alt/indie stuff and then sometimes i get into classical for a while lol I like to play a ton of games, mostly first person shooters, CS, Val etc but also play a lot of like Minecraft, Pokemon stuff, Genshin, Stardew Valley Anything else feel free to ask here or you can DM me if youre interested in talking some more :D
submitted by Prisomax to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:20 Prisomax [19M] - From Sydney Australia, Looking for people to talk to more often :)

Just got home from a month long holiday in America over my university break, let me know what you've been up to :) Feel free to DM me and lets talk! Bit about me: A bit about me: 19 M from Ireland, Lived in the UK aswell, now living in Sydney Australia In university, studying Computer Science + Artificial Intelligence Been getting more into my fitness, going to the gym as much as possible 6'4 Fav genre for a lot of things is like anything scifi related Music interests are mainly hip-hop, pop, some alt/indie stuff and then sometimes i get into classical for a while lol I like to play a ton of games, mostly first person shooters, CS, Val etc but also play a lot of like Minecraft, Pokemon stuff, Genshin, Stardew Valley Anything else feel free to ask here or you can DM me if youre interested in talking some more :D
submitted by Prisomax to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:19 Prisomax [19M] - From Sydney Australia, Looking for people to talk to more often :)

Just got home from a month long holiday in America over my university break, let me know what you've been up to :) Feel free to DM me and lets talk! Bit about me: A bit about me: 19 M from Ireland, Lived in the UK aswell, now living in Sydney Australia In university, studying Computer Science + Artificial Intelligence Been getting more into my fitness, going to the gym as much as possible 6'4 Fav genre for a lot of things is like anything scifi related Music interests are mainly hip-hop, pop, some alt/indie stuff and then sometimes i get into classical for a while lol I like to play a ton of games, mostly first person shooters, CS, Val etc but also play a lot of like Minecraft, Pokemon stuff, Genshin, Stardew Valley Anything else feel free to ask here or you can DM me if youre interested in talking some more :D
submitted by Prisomax to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:19 Prisomax [19M] - From Sydney Australia, Looking for people to talk to more often :)

Just got home from a month long holiday in America over my university break, let me know what you've been up to :) Feel free to DM me and lets talk! Bit about me: A bit about me: 19 M from Ireland, Lived in the UK aswell, now living in Sydney Australia In university, studying Computer Science + Artificial Intelligence Been getting more into my fitness, going to the gym as much as possible 6'4 Fav genre for a lot of things is like anything scifi related Music interests are mainly hip-hop, pop, some alt/indie stuff and then sometimes i get into classical for a while lol I like to play a ton of games, mostly first person shooters, CS, Val etc but also play a lot of like Minecraft, Pokemon stuff, Genshin, Stardew Valley Anything else feel free to ask here or you can DM me if youre interested in talking some more :D
submitted by Prisomax to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:18 VittorioDio98 BannerKings mod list tailored for companion only playthrough

  1. Harmony
  2. BetterExceptionWindow
  3. ButterLib
  4. UIExtenderEx
  5. Mod Configuration Menu
  6. Realistic Battle Mod
  7. Open Source Armory/Saddlery/Weaponry 1.17.0/1.6.0/1.7.0+
  8. Ancient Civilization 1.3+
  9. Warbandlord
  10. Children Grow Faster
  11. Better Core
  12. Better Executions
  13. Better Attributes
  14. Better Skills
  15. Better Combat
  16. Better Marriage
  17. Better Health
  18. Better HUD
  19. Better Smithing Continued
  20. Better Time
  21. Butter Equipped
  22. I Don't Care - Campaign Log Filter
  23. Auto Resolve Rebalanced (later versions have no hero protections, which makes companion only weaker)
  24. Copanions Limit Unlocked
  25. Tier 7 Troop Unlocker Harmony
  26. True Controller
  27. True Town Gold
  28. True Noble Opinion
  29. Banner Kings
  30. Banner Kings - Cultures Expanded
  31. True Battle Loot
  32. Custom Spawn API + Calradia at War
  33. Historical Banner Icons
  34. Trade Agent
  35. Mav's Expand Your Clan
  36. Improved NPC Attribute Distribution
  37. Kingdom Politics Expanded
  38. Piercing Projectiles
  39. Succession Crises
  40. Orbis Terrae Armarium
  41. Arena Overhaul
  42. Bloodlust
  43. Useful Companions
  44. Governors Handle Issues
  45. Distinguished Service
  46. Diplomacy
  47. Scum And Villainy
  48. Improved Garrisons
Known Issues:
I'd like some feedback on my mod list, if you think i've missed something essential or if you enjoy it as is. I've played it for a while and it was great, because of the bloodlust both companions and troops get stronger the longer you play, so even with op companions there might still be challenge for you yet.
I've been checking newly updated mods for bannerlord for a while and i think i got everything i wanted in my game.
submitted by VittorioDio98 to Bannerlord [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:18 Rad-Sunshine722 Come Hang out!

Come Hang out!
Safe Haven is open!! My island is still a work in progress, but still pretty!
It’s October, Kicks is here, and Hugh is making a Spooky Fence!
Shops are all open, turnip prices are 72!
There are Gyroids, DIYs, Cooking recipes, and fossils (appraised and not) lying on the group above the shops.
Feel free to take fruit (top of island between my house and museum), talk to my villagers, and explore museum and island!
My only rule is please don’t run through or pick my flowers!
To get the code, comment your in game name and an item you wish you had but don’t (in game obvi) and if I have it it’s yours!!
submitted by Rad-Sunshine722 to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:17 AwkwardFig7069 (COMMENT⬇️) Ass Furries Onlyfans OnlyFans Charlibxby OnlyFans more Booty on videos Ass Deepthroat Tits Big on Huge Furrys Tattoos

Lia Marie Johnson Lilbabysasha Lilchiipmunk Lilmochidoll lilsummerhoe Liquidpyro Lisa ASMR Livstixs Lizzy Wurst Liz Katz Lucifersexdoll Luxury Girl Mackenzie Jones mackzjoness Madison Beer Main Categories Maitland Ward Makoshake Malu Trevejo Mangomay Maria Bella Mari Grace matildem Mati Marroni Mayana Katherine Megan Guthrie Megan McCarthy Megan Rain Megan Samperi meggyeggo Megnutt02 Meg Turney Mekkk Melina Goransson MeowVicka Meowycake Meryl Sama Mia Khalifa Mia Malkova Micaela Schafer Michelle Rabbit Mikaela Pascal Mikaela Testa Miley Cyrus MissBuscemi MissSykeology MissyPwns Miss Alice Miss Bo MizzyCyn Molly Eskam Momokun Momotama Monica Corgan Moon Maison Morgan Vera Morgpie Moriah Mills MsFiiire Mspuiyi mutanastasia Nadia Jay Nadya Tolokonnikova Nagisake Naked Bakers Nala Ray Narduchita Natalie Gibson Natalie Roush Neiva Mara Neonpuddles Nicki Minaj Nicole Lawson Nicolle Off Grid Nikki Eliot Nipple Slips Noel Leon Novaruu Nylalueeth Thorne Hot4Lexi Katiana Kay Christina Khalil Mackenzie Jones victoryaxo mati marroni megnut corinnakopf sarii sariixo matildem belledelphine Amanda Cerny Sommer Ray Amouranth Belle Delphine Mikaelatesta Megnutt Breckie Hill Riley Reid Melimtx Katiana Kay Realskybri Corinna Kopf Jadebabii Noelle Leyva Blahgigi Liliana Hearts Sonya Blaze Caroline Zalog Jenni Neidhart Trippie Bri Pamibaby Belle nude kkvsh sextape japanese adult video first time anal videos free ass this will make you cum big dick bitch full naked sex best porn squirting pussy girls sucking teen xxx hd leaks corinna kopf addison erin andrews ver pornos hot ball sexy de belle delphine emma watson homemade games sexo shaking gay eating black older how to eat cock en español zendaya nelly store near me worship spring twerk shaved suck blowjob paris hilton on huge wife Mei Sierra Skye Siew Pui Yi Silkyvinyl Skye Blue skylarmaexo Skylar Mae Skylar Rae Sky Bri Slim Whispers Snapchat Sommer Ray Sophie Mudd rittfit Tia Judd TikTok Tinslee Reagan Touki00 Trisha Paytas Tropicgun Tru Kait Twitch Tyga Youtube Yuuie Zoella Zoe Heiler Zoe Maguire Zoie Burgher Savannah Bond Indigo White Riley Reid Sofia Gomez Abigaiil Morris TEEN LEAK PACK teen young Abigail Mandler Abigail Ratchford Abigale Mandler Acidblue Adison Briana Adriana Chechik aestheticallyhannah Alena Witch Alexandra emilina astridwett nickiibaby victoryaxo leak vids leaks photos School girl naked Belle Delphine nude Snapchat MEGA Young Snapchat leaks Celeb leaks sextape Snapchat Boobs Hannahowo real Slut twitch streamer Erica Jasmin Omegle leak Telegram twerking ebony pyt pics hardcore porn link Snapchat MEGA Telegram Leaks hannahowo belle delphine corinna kopf amouranth of free leaks nikacadoavocado wettmelons realskybri kendrakarter fwtina tina_042 emilina astridwett nickiibaby victoryaxo leak vids leaks photos School girl naked Belle Delphine nude Snapchat MEGA Young Snapchat leaks Celeb leaks sextape Snapchat Boobs Hannahowo real Slut twitch streamer Erica Jasmin Omegle leak Telegram twerking ebony pyt pics hardcore porn link Snapchat MEGA Telegram Leaks hannahowo belle delphine corinna kopf amouranth of free leaks nikacadoavocado wettmelons realskybri smoneyordie veronica perasso toni storm sweetie fox cecilia rose skylar blue rae lil black hannah jo jenni neidhart kristen hancher misswarmj mikafans jessica nigri lauren alexi Addison Ivy Belinda Nohemy Amanda Cerny Realskybri Missbo Bella Rayee Trippie Bri Breckie Hill Katiana Kay Caroline Zalog Daisykeech Sonya Blaze Waifumia Megnutt Urfavbellabby Utahjazz Hannahowo Jadebabii Mackenzie Jones Elle Brooke Belle Delphine Riley Reid Melimtx Katie Sigmond Morgan Jadebabii
submitted by AwkwardFig7069 to bake_listen7630971 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:16 TheFlyDeluxe Troops going to isolated area through enemy terretory

Troops going to isolated area through enemy terretory
France (Me) going to war for Luxenbourg
There is no way for either the Netherlands or GB to reach it
Walking through my terretory to reach it
So ive been playing Vic 3 for a while now and i have realized that armu movements often dont make any logical sense. Its not possible to encircle troops or really cut them off, as when the pocket is closed they are free to move back to a reachable front line and continue the fight. I find it weird that its possible to reach these pockets as there are already mechanics that deal with isolation. Luxenbourg starts cut off from the Dutch market so it cant access it, i would think this would also affect army units, but alas here we are. I guess it doesnt break the game in this example as i have to fight them anyway, but it would be fun if you werent able to defend these areas. I mean, it makes sense for France to do with Luxenbourg as they please as they are sourounded, idk.
submitted by TheFlyDeluxe to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:15 No-Marionberry-6769 DJI Osmo Pocket 3, Vlogging Camera Video Fast Focusing Face Object Track...

Unleash Your Creativity with the DJI Osmo Pocket 3 - Your Ultimate Compact 4K Camera
Meet the DJI Osmo Pocket 3, the ultimate compact 4K camera designed to take your vlogging, filmmaking, and photography to the next level. Whether you're a professional content creator or an enthusiastic hobbyist, the Osmo Pocket 3 offers exceptional video quality, advanced stabilization, and intuitive features that make capturing stunning footage effortless.
Why Choose the DJI Osmo Pocket 3?
Key Features:
Customer Reviews:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "The DJI Osmo Pocket 3 is a game-changer for my vlogs. The video quality is outstanding, and the stabilization is top-notch. It's also super compact, making it easy to carry around." - Emily R.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "This camera is perfect for my travel adventures. The ActiveTrack feature is amazing, and the 4K footage is crystal clear. Highly recommend it!" - Jake M.
Capture Your World with the DJI Osmo Pocket 3!
Ready to elevate your content creation? The DJI Osmo Pocket 3 is your perfect companion for capturing stunning videos and photos with ease. Click here to purchase your DJI Osmo Pocket 3 today and start creating like a pro!

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submitted by No-Marionberry-6769 to BestToBuyUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:14 EastCoastLimousine San Francisco 49er's at Miami Dolphins Bus Charter

On Sunday, September 22nd, 2024, the San Francisco 49er's are coming to Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens to play the Miami Dolphins. Our affordable charter buses will take you to the game comfortably and stress-free. Get in touch with us for more information.
submitted by EastCoastLimousine to u/EastCoastLimousine [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:14 Exp0sedeezh0es At what point do some of you...

Just stop complaining and just play or quit? Lol
The constant bitching about this game...fuck......
Some of you need other hobbies lol
I'm a FTP player who does JUST THAT. Plays for free.....and I'm gone. That FOMO really has some of you constantly lol
submitted by Exp0sedeezh0es to MarvelStrikeForce [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:14 itslucam 19M, looking for good conversation before work

I’m a 19m from Europe, I work as a lifeguard. I’m into all sorts like raving, electronic music, art history, anime, gaming, working out and lots more. Feel free to dm me about anything, hopefully this post doesn’t flop 😅
submitted by itslucam to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:13 littlelordboy Bumble founder in support of AI dating

I was at a private event in LA yesterday, and Bumble founder Whitney Herd is apparently supporting this new AI startup founded by two ex-Bumble engineers called Instadate AI, saying it's the future of online dating.
She noted that AI will help with being more authentic, as it removes certain emotions such as "desperation, neediness, and power-plays", citing AI will be better at playing the numbers game since they can "represent" their users without emotions, especially as emotions can't transcend text communication.
The most controversial thing she said though was that women tend to be more against the use of AI by men, since the usage of AI in dating would remove the women's only tool of getting free attention, as it's known that modern dating apps – were women are unfairly favored in numbers and algorithmically – essentially use men as cash-cows.
This reddit post nails it
submitted by littlelordboy to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:12 braybray170 24 wanting to meet some genuine people and form a long term friendship

Hellooo! My name is Bray and I have been struggling to find someone that I can truly connect with. You ever hate just trying to refill the hole that another person left? It always seems like no matter how great these online friendships are, they always end up leaving and idk why?? But I'll keep trying!
I like anime, gaming, working out, and anything tech related. I've been playing fortnite, genshin, and final fantasy 14 but I also love co-op horror as well!
I'll leave it brief so there is still much we can talk about! Feel free to comment or dm me!
submitted by braybray170 to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:11 IntelligentShift7411 purge game

i am thinking of making a purge game if any devs (needs to be free cause i am broke a f )want to help me
submitted by IntelligentShift7411 to u/IntelligentShift7411 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:11 Sweet-Count2557 Roxy Bar Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States

Roxy Bar Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States
Roxy Bar Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States
Roxy Bar: Where Cool Kids Go in TriBeCa for Fresh American Fare and Hand-Crafted Cocktails New York City, NY
Price Level: $$ - $$$
A place for cocktail shakers, music makers & bite takers. Now playing: fresh, seasonal American fare paired with hand-crafted cocktails in the place where all the cool kids go in TriBeCa.At Roxy Bar, our stage hosts live entertainment during the evenings and weekend brunch service, featuring a rotating cast of top NYC jazz performers.We’re where the downtown denizens duck in for sunset cocktails (with specially priced oysters and drinks to commemorate the big star’s descent) as Michael Garin delights on the piano.And for those with the competitive spirit (read: everyone, because this is New York) there is also a pool table and game area.At Roxy Bar, we want guests and locals alike to eat comfortably. That means plush seating in a stylish room, friendly, knowledgeable servers, and a well-balanced menu with a variety of vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options.
Cuisines of Roxy Bar in New York City,NY,United States
Roxy Bar Restaurant is a culinary haven for those seeking a taste of American cuisine with a twist. With a menu that caters to both meat lovers and vegetarians alike, this restaurant offers a diverse range of options that are sure to satisfy any palate. From classic American dishes like juicy burgers and crispy fries to innovative vegetarian creations, Roxy Bar Restaurant has something for everyone. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty meal or simply looking to unwind with a refreshing drink at the bar, this establishment promises a memorable dining experience. With its friendly atmosphere and dedication to serving quality food, Roxy Bar Restaurant is a must-visit for those craving a taste of American comfort food.
Features of Roxy Bar in New York City,NY,United States
SeatingParking AvailableWheelchair AccessibleServes AlcoholFull BarTable ServiceReservationsFree WifiLive MusicJazz Bar
Menu of Roxy Bar in New York City,NY,United States
Location of Roxy Bar in New York City,NY,United States
Contact of Roxy Bar in New York City,NY,United States
+1 212-519-6661
2 Avenue of the Americas, New York City, NY 10013-2401
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:11 braybray170 24 wanting to meet genuine people and form a long term friendship

Hellooo! My name is Bray and I have been struggling to find someone that I can truly connect with. You ever hate just trying to refill the hole that another person left? It always seems like no matter how great these online friendships are, they always end up leaving and idk why?? But I'll keep trying!
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